h0bg0blin-meat · 4 months
So we know our LLS trio (Love, Lust and Spring) most of the times travels together on a parrot. Which people interpret as Suka that parrot being just giant af.
But... What if it's not the parrot that's giant, but rather our trio that's just smol? Like those Tinkerbell or Barbie fairies if you know..
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To support my headcanon,
Also won't this be interesting? Seeing as the arrival of spring is often noticed by butterflies flying around. Which are also smol insects.. so Vasant with butterfly wings maybe 👀 not necessarily though.
And it would also be easier for Kamdev to just shoot at anyone, if he's tiny.
Not that they have to be tiny forever, because from what we know atleast all the Hindu Devi Devtas can change appearance.. (atleast that's how it should be) so just when they are travelling.
It would also go with that other headcanon, that Vasant's vahan is a insect (mostly a butterfly) or rather just a flower (a red lotus maybe)
What do you think?
Like yeahhh what if they were fairy-sized and shapeshifting all the time to be sneaky af
Like I imagined, for example, Shiva to be like Aurora and these three just flying around him like those three fairies.
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Green - Rati
Red - Kama
Blue - Vasant
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blue-lotus333 · 4 months
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Love, desire and spring
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facinaoris · 2 years
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Faithful consort to the god of love Kamadeva.
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marine-indie-gal · 8 months
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The Hindu Goddess of Love, Lust, Sexual Pleasure, Carnal Desire, Lust, and Passion. Both the Female Counterpart and Wife of Kamadeva "Kama". The Mother of Harsha and Yashas.
She is usually depicted as a Maiden with the Power of Enchanted Love and is usually seen with her Husband in Paintings. She is also known as "Mayavati" when her Husband is Reborn as "Pradyumma". The Name "Rati" comes from a root word, "Ram" or "Sanskrit" meaning either "Joy" or "Delight" (but it's more usually referred to sexual love as she represents the lustful pleasure of Women that does not refer to Motherhood). She also rides a Horse that is very Beautiful as she is and like her Husband, she is associated with Parrots.
After the creation of the 10 Prajapatis, Creation Deity (Brahma) creates Kamadeva from his mind as Kama was given the task to spread love in the world by his own Flower Arrows. When Kama shoot one of his arrows against Brahma and the Prajapatis to fall in love with Brahma's Daughter (Sandhya) which made Shiva laugh so hard but it also embarrassed Brahma and the Prajapatis with tremble and sweat that causes one of the Prajapatis (Daksha) to drip a drop of his sweat (thus, Rati) was born, giving Kama his own Bride/Wife. However, seeing on how Brahma was instantly humiliated by one of Kama's tricks, he cursed him into being turned into Ashes by Shiva until that He and his Wife would soon be Reincarnated.  
In a second version of her birth, The Brahma Vaivarta Purana tells that Sandhya took her own life and became Rati when Vishnu resurrects her into Rati and became Kama's wife, after when Bruma lusted Sandhya. Though some versions do keep the Sweat birth thing. However, Another version states that Shiva is Rati's Father.
In the Myth of Rati and Kamadeva's reincarnation, when Shiva's prophecy was said that he was going to have a child in order to stop the Demon (Tarakasura) from destroying the universe, Kama was given the task to make Shiva fall in love with someone to have an Heir. As The Two Love Gods went up to Shiva (who was in his own meditation), Kama took the form of a Breeze and shot Shiva with one of his Arrows which caused Shiva to burn Rati's Beloved Husband into Ashes by his Third Eye which caused Rati to have a mental heartbreak of her Husband's death. 
When her Husband was reborn as Pradyumma as the Son of Krishna, the Demon King found out that Rati's Husband was reborn, he threw the Child Pradyumma into the ocean where the Newborn would be swallowed as a fish but when a Couple found Baby Pradyumma under the fish's belly, they decide to raise the Rebirth Kama. Rati then took the form of a Woman under the name, "Mayavati" who would then serve as both a Nanny and later Wife to Pradyumma. After when Pradyumma slayed the Demon King, Kama and Rati return their own previous forms and return back to Dwarka.
SBSP Universe
Rati is very well pleasant, sweet, kind-hearted, a bit sly, and devoted with such desires of love as She and her Husband (Kama) are Partners who help each other out to spread the love throughout the world. Although despite the fact that she does look very seductive compare to Aphrodite and Venus, she can understand others' love for her but she would never cheat on her Beloved Husband. She's also a well caring and gentle Mother to their Sons (Harsha and Yashas).
However, if she saw that one lover turn out to be either abusive or selfish to their own significant other, she would tend to curse the live of a Toxic Partner for being so cruel towards their own partner if one must ever dare to tick her off with Anti-Love. She also happens to have her own Two Pets (A Parrot and even a Mare).
Given on how that Brahma saw that Kama felt so lonely that he desired a consort for himself, Rati was sent by Brahma to meet Kamadeva in a Beautiful Forest. Curious as she was around in the forest searching for him, they accidentality bump into each other and had a warm feeling of Love. Thus, it was Love at first sight for how the Love God admired the Love Goddess' Beauty for Rati seemed as although he started to like him after introducing themselves to each other. Rati seduced Kama with all of her might and beauty as she teased him with such love to get his own attention and then later Wed themselves where they were blessed with Two Sons.
During the day when Kama tricked Shiva into falling in love with Parvati through one of his arrows, Rati was curious on what was going on so she decided to help her Husband out to convince Parvati about Shiva that he's not a bad man and that he can be very a Faithful Loving Husband towards her as Parvati trusted the Two Love Gods as she married Shiva.
Although during the Days of Shiva and Parvati's family, Rati was given the task to become both a Nanny and an Aunt Figure to Shiva and Parvati's Sons (Kartikeya & Ganesha) as she would often tend to spoil the Young Gods. Not only that, she's also like as if she's almost a Mother Figure to everyone who treats her with respect.
She's also BFFs with both Aphrodite and Venus as they do love to chat about things that Goddesses would usually brag about as she's part of the Love Goddess Squad (alongside with Freya and Hathor). She also doesn't mind either King Neptune nor King Poseidon.
SpongeBob SquarePants (c) Stephen Hillenburg Rati (c) Hindu Mythology
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pozimek · 2 months
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rati-majorova · 4 months
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cuwbstomp · 7 months
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arjuna-vallabha · 2 years
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Kama and Rati by Yande Zetia, Bali
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feral-ballad · 6 months
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Rati Saxena, ed. by Kate Rogers and Viki Holmes, from Not a Muse: The Inner Lives of Women: A World Poetry Anthology; "Mountain nights"
[Text ID: “Last night / there was a dream / And / In the dream? You / You / You / And / Only you”]
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Bargain Rati Kas, 2023
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h0bg0blin-meat · 3 months
Ok I propose a new old idea
The type of voices the Dieties have...
Vishnu: As sweet as honey yet regal as fuck.. like when he speaks even if he speaks things you don't understand you'll feel like “wah kya samjhaya hai”
Shiva: DEEP AF voice but also as soft as the cottons. If you just play music, all his words will automatically feel like lyrics
Brahma: Naturally low toned, calm voice and sounds mature.... Like more than normal typa mature... As if your father have pulled you aside to tell you how he had experienced life.
Varuna: When normal sounds like ocean waves dancing but kinda high pitched... But when angry and he speaks to you, it's as if you are struck in a tsunami or a tornado
Indra: His voice is actually very very sweet and jiggly like the rain... The kind of rain people enjoy listening to. But when angry it's rumbling like thunder, an word is enough to scare the shit out of you
Mitra: Deep voice but it also gives you a sense of home, a feeling you get when someone understands you, someone puts an hand around your shoulder and smiles at you... A feeling of having a friend.
Parvati: Soft sweet voice. The one your mother uses when she's happy with you. If she speaks, you will just want to curl up in a ball and ask for food. You'll feel like a child if she speaks to you. But her ferocious forms speak so different you'll feel like someone is painfully tearing you up into pieces just from words..
Saraswati: She sounds like that one teacher you were sure would clear all your doubts with a calmness you never understand how it was everlasting. She just doesn't know how to speak angrily. Even when she's angry she'll speak in such a manner you'll feel guilty for making her angry (this method is tested and proven on Brahma)
Lakshmi: She just calls you poor in all the existing languages lol.... Ok no but she speaks so regal it sounds like if you pour a ton of coins on the ground. Really. But also you'll just keep wanting to listen to her.
Ganga: Soft like the river flow when she's really really nice. But also wild, unstoppable, and sharp like the cutting sharp streams of the river Ganga.
Vayu: Whispery, windy tone like the air. Softly speaking to make you feel safe and happy. But it also changea according to his mood. Like when he's angry it's storm it gives you no corner to hide, if he's sad it's monsoon wind.. cold and you don't really like ot much..
Surya: His voice is...umm Bright. Like literally. When he speaks it's as if the window was open and the sun rays smacked you across your face waking you up from sleep. But also his voice is warm and gives a feeling of safety.
Chandra: Cold. His voice is cold. But not in a bad ignoring manner cold. It's the cooling effect you get on summer nights, the peace you get when you look at the night sky ans spot the moon. It's soft and melodious and beautiful just like the moon. But if you look closely it got some spots in it. And sometimes his voice cracks... Not because he's in pain or sadness, it's just a natural thing for him.
Varuni: She just sounds drunk. No I mean she definitely speaks normal but also her voice makes YOU drunk. Maybe take it in a romantic way or whatever but it's true (it works, Varuna agrees)
Vasant: Deep voice like the tree trunk but also soft like the flowers he wears around his neck. He makes you remember home, gives you a longing for home, but alao makes you feel at home.
Kama: He speaks to you in a way that makes you feel loved. No not necessarily romantic love but all kinds of love. You just feel loved. Also he used terms like “love” “sweetheart” “dear” in regular conversations so yeah...
Rati: Contrary to popular opinion no she doesn't sound lusty 24/7. Well... Maybe a little... But she actually sounds really sweet and soft like a childhood friend or neighborhood sister
Aranyani: She sounds when gentle breezes blow and makes the forest trees dance, like the animals that makes sound in a forest... Can be scary sometimes but you'll also love listening to her.
Pushan: Like marriages bells, happy wishes, as if a letter came from someone you love. Don't know how to elaborate it but his voice gives a kind of joy, that you get when you know “haa ab life mein sab sahi hoga”
Kartik: Soft but somehow a bit awkward voice... like he's sure what he's speaking of but is he speaking the correct way? But if he's angry its War Cry. He'll tear you apart with words just like his mother.
Ganesh: Sounds like that topper backbencher kid. Knowledged asf but also mischievous but you'll like listening to him thou, it's like having a cousin at a boring family function.
Devsena/Shashthi: She also sounds like a mother but she sounds like she's coddling and pampering you, spoiling you with all kinds of foods and stuffs, she not just sounds like a mom but she'll make you feel like a smol baby too.
Lmao it's long sorry and I know I didn't cover most... Whom should I add next?
The way you explained all of these 😭
No words.
Next you can add Shukra, Budh, Ila/Sudyumna, Yama, Agni, Ayyappan, Ashvins, Aryaman, Vac, Dyaus, Alakshmi, Yami, Rudra, Savitr and more if ya want! :D
Im so glad with what you did with Indra, Mitra, Vasant and Varuni's voice HSJSKSKDJD SUITS SO WELL
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enden-k · 5 months
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good recommendation, thank u
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roxirinart · 15 days
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Dr. Ratio? More like Dr. Rati-CROW, amirite? 😜
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alkiores · 1 year
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Book cover for the russian edition of «Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove» by Rati Mehrotra✨
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the girlies together ୨୧
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khaopybara · 3 months
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It's almost lunchtime. Are you free?
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