tenebrare · 2 years
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Assassins Creed -Ratonhnaké:ton // Connor Kenway sketch
It has been one year to the day, when evil reminded of its existence in Europe again. But this is not going to be remembered as day of terror, but day of freedom as it is a day, when another neighbor of the evil gained its independence. Just like evil failed then, it is going to fail again We have to believe in victory. Darkness cannot win. Happy independence day tiny Estonia. Being so close to the evil and war has changed me, people around me. Here we suddenly have less time for pseudo problems, real world did catch up with us. Universe indeed has a grim sense of humor.
I am not sad today ... Evil is not going to win. Not in this saga. - Connor sketch and variants. I had this mental image of where instead killing his father. They go for boozing and sort out their issues outside the "masters" of their factions and find blood is thicker than water and some old geezers opinions.
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paragonrobits · 5 years
Ratonhnhaketon, pointing at the surname Kenway: I don't know what that is and I know that it has nothing to do with me.
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simonamatteocosplay · 7 years
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Un nuovo destino - Capitolo 9 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/tSzelVdy1G La memoria genetica dell'Assassina Anne contiene i ricordi della sua antenata Aveline De Grandpré. Il suo compito sarà quello di entrare nell'Animus per scoprire la collocazione di alcuni manufatti che non devono assolutamente cadere nelle mani dell'Abstergo. Nel corso del suo viaggio nei ricordi di Aveline, Anne verrà a conoscenza di fatti accaduti durante la vita della sua antenata da un certo momento in poi: quello che scoprirà la porterà a conoscenza di una verità gelosamente nascosta e alterata dai Templari. Disclaimer: i personaggi dei videogiochi "Assassin's Creed 3" e "Assassin's Creed Liberation" appartengono a Ubisoft. Gli autori scrivono senza alcuno scopo di lucro e non intendono violare alcun Copyright
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Earthborn Coalition - Basics
The Coalition is a fairly young government, and is effectively forming something of a triumvirate among the Endowed Fleet’s chaotic brood-worlds and the domains of the Stingers, acting as a more levelheaded contrast to the two and with greater intentions to intervene in other worlds, though they lack the sheer power and worlds of the other two.
As a whole, the Coalition is just what it says; it is a union of many systems of government that follow the same broad legal system and ethical framework, dedicated to mutual prosperity. The individual worlds of the Coalition are largely left to their own devices and can operate any ethical system of government, with roaming sheriffs going from planet to planet to see that they are doing it morally. Monarchies, feudal systems, small empires, direct electronic democracies, and other such nations have all been seen with frequency.
At a top government level, each world selects a representative to participate in a massive coalition senate, which is housed upon a massive colony ship that was the site of the rebellion that sparked the birth of the Coalition, and serves as a reminder of their heroism in fighting their way to freedom. This ship is large enough to qualify as an inhabited world by accepted multiversal law.
These representatives are drawn from the main governing body of each region on a given planet; even a single planet can have hundreds of representatives, so deliberations can take a long time; the Coalition’s people, in order to steer public opinion one way or another, has taken to dramatic gestures and feats to win over hearts and minds, and so they may embark on televised adventures or perform incredible stunts in public in order to make a point. Thus, while the Coalition as a whole is pigeonholed as ‘the sensible ones’ they are VERY performative to each other when it comes to diplomacy and public opinion; few nations basically require its politicians to be a mixture of stunt show specialist, talk show host, comedian AND war hero just to have some basic skills needed for the job!
The Senate is presided over by a major figure that is elected by common consent; this is not really a leader, exactly, in the sense of someone who makes decisions or has an exceptional amount of power, but is a well-respected person everyone can look up to and admire; they must have impeccable moral character, as they have the power to veto resolutions, and their votes count for a lot. Even disregarding that, they carry enormous influence and have a great deal of leeway, so they effectively control entire planets’ worth of military power. The title of this figure is currently the Mentor, indicating the general attitude towards them as a leader, first and foremost. The current mentor is Ratonhnaketon, the greatest living hero and super soldier of the Coalition.
The Coalition Senate meets infrequently, at least one every two months, but can be convened on important matters; getting the help of the Coalition on a large scale usually requires a petitioner to find a way to get their attention and then successfully make their case once that attention is there.
As a result, the Coalition has a reputation of being comprised of nations of incredibly bored media consumers who pay little attention to their own affairs unless it's somewhat entertaining; they’re not as weird about it as the Fleet or as obsessive for glory as the Stingers, but this has developed a curious culture of showmanship and high-octane action where the rule of Cool is the biggest draw, and their technology, weaponry, and battles often emphasize spectacle to make some kind of point. Considering that they are often considered a bit stuffy by their neighbors, this can be a surprising attitude to see in them!
Additionally, the Coalition was largely formed by the efforts of the benevolent Hidden Ones, a secret society dedicated towards freedom and the latest incarnation of similar legacies throughout the universe. They tend to examine the heroes and major figures of their societies closely, examining them to see if they should be approached to be brought into the Hidden Ones.
Interestingly, the Fleet, the Stingers and the Coalition have all made in-roads towards expanding across the multiverse as a whole, their military achievements and cultural influence all powerful enough that many other nations respect them and listen to them. As the three are at worst cordial with one another, they are gradually forming a true interversal council that will inevitably determine galactic law across many universes, and may one day become a true council of many worlds; something analogous to the sci fi notion of a council that determined intergalactic law and acts as a federation of all planets.
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paragonrobits · 4 years
concept: Ratonhnhaketon does not consider himself a Welshman in any way, and does not identify with them. however he is intrigued by the lands that his grandfather came from and at some point in the future opts to head down to Wales to learn of them
he comes back having become reasonably fluent in Welsh (Having not found it particularly difficult, as it is as foreign to his native language as English is), has picked up the history from the Welsh side of things, and has a fresh perspective into the notions he fights against given the history of English action against the Welsh.
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paragonrobits · 5 years
headcanon, Ratonhnaketon’s life only got harder after the events of Assassin’s Creed 3; within his life time, the confederacy of his people had all its land seized by the United States, and everything that he knew was no more. The nation he helped create became a slave-taking expansionist nation blind to its hypocrisies. The Templars would seem to have won ideologically, even if they had been bested in battle.
The rest of his life would have been an uphill battle.
But even so, even as his life was unending misery and torment, every battle a hard-fought zero-sum game...
He never gave in.
He kept fighting, no matter how hard things got.
No matter what the Templars and those like them did, he never despaired.
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paragonrobits · 4 years
at the very beginning of the first sequence where you play as an adult (or at least young adult) Ratonhnaketon, he has a conversation with his friend, where he darkly ponders the rapid expansion of the colonists and the threat they pose to their people.
His friend is unconcerned because they are far away for the moment, and Ratonhnhaketon notes that they are, but soon there will be more. He then says that they must think of something, because this has happened before, and if they don’t do something, it will happen again.
This has parallels to his endgame ‘Why do i fight? Because no one else will!” speech and i think its a major key to understanding his character.
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paragonrobits · 4 years
assassin’s creed modern AU where all the main game protagonists like in a wandering commune and the primary focus is on low-stakes action, comedic character banter and interaction, Ratonhnaketon and Aveline and Adewale getting more damn screentime already, and interesting thoughts about side characters and supporting cast interacting (such as Ziio being a figure of terror and authority such that none dare to oppose her)
they are still embroiled in an internal conflict between the human desire for freedom and self-determination against repression and tyranny; this is only obliquely mentioned in what seems to be a metatextual running gag. for example:
Ziio: Where were you last night??
Ratonhnhkaeton and Bayek: We were stabbing the Grand Master of our eternal foes in the neck, to break his hold over the region and foil a thousand year scheme.
Ziio: Ah, all right then. Leave a message next time, will you?
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paragonrobits · 5 years
the judgement of history, probably: You know you will fail, Ratonhnaketon. You know you cannot possibly win. You will see all you know and love fade away. All your works undone. Your allies will cast you away and tear down your civilization, even the assassins who you mentor will forget your very name. Everything you do will amount to nothing.
Ratonhnhaketon: I know.
Ratonhnhaketon: But I must try, regardless.
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paragonrobits · 5 years
if my extremely intense love for Aang ‘refuses to compromise his people’s ideals by killing Ozai and thus confirming his social darwinist views’ and Ratonhnaketon ‘I will never give up hope or despair, no matter how dark my life becomes, THAT is my comrpomise’, it is that I absolutely love heroes who stay bright in a dark world and absolutely will not compromise their convictions
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paragonrobits · 5 years
my two cents on the sudden rise in Haytham discourse: he’s a templar.
everything else aside, he. is. a TEMPLAR.
this is a man in power from an organization which stated purpose is to force all humanity to think and believe the way the Templars believe they must. the templar ethos is explicitly paternalistic and elitist, and their entire motivation is to strip the power of choice and self-determination from everyone
you can talk all you like about him being ‘the least evil templar’ or ‘he had good intentions’ or ‘he was the first templar we got to see the POV of’, the fact remains is that this is a man who was totally cool with his subordinates threatening indigenous civilizations at gun point to hand their land over to him, spent all his time with his son insulting and patronizing him even before it became obvious he was manipulating him, and, again
is a templar.
the series has spent a considerable amount of time demonstrating that the Templar’s entire ethos is just the concept of distilled tyranny, and in 3 they act as a face for colonizers.
Ratonhnhaketon’s tragedy is that he tries to make peace with his father, but Haytham is the one that goes zealot and forces his hand, and that all along the colonists were every bit the enemy he believed them to be at the beginning. Haytham was a symptom of the evils he would go on to fight, not the cause.
but it says something about the fandom when they keep going out of their way to sympathize with the self-righteous, domineering colonizer over the native man who struggles all his life to never surrender to complacency or resignment.
and that’s probably the whole point of Haytham’s character: he is a warning to Ratonhnaketon to never take the easy way out. If Haytham was ever a good man, that was a LONG time ago, and he since gave into doing what was easy or convenient over what he honestly knew to be the right thing. He is an object lesson to Ratonhnhaketon; stay true to the path you have promised yourself to follow, because if you go astray, you may well end up like that.
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simonamatteocosplay · 7 years
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Un nuovo destino - Capitolo 8 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/ZlLfIY4QXG La memoria genetica dell'Assassina Anne contiene i ricordi della sua antenata Aveline De Grandpré. Il suo compito sarà quello di entrare nell'Animus per scoprire la collocazione di alcuni manufatti che non devono assolutamente cadere nelle mani dell'Abstergo. Nel corso del suo viaggio nei ricordi di Aveline, Anne verrà a conoscenza di fatti accaduti durante la vita della sua antenata da un certo momento in poi: quello che scoprirà la porterà a conoscenza di una verità gelosamente nascosta e alterata dai Templari. Disclaimer: i personaggi dei videogiochi "Assassin's Creed 3" e "Assassin's Creed Liberation" appartengono a Ubisoft. Gli autori scrivono senza alcuno scopo di lucro e non intendono violare alcun Copyright
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simonamatteocosplay · 7 years
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Un nuovo destino - Capitolo 7 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/myChguKzUG La memoria genetica dell'Assassina Anne contiene i ricordi della sua antenata Aveline De Grandpré. Il suo compito sarà quello di entrare nell'Animus per scoprire la collocazione di alcuni manufatti che non devono assolutamente cadere nelle mani dell'Abstergo. Nel corso del suo viaggio nei ricordi di Aveline, Anne verrà a conoscenza di fatti accaduti durante la vita della sua antenata da un certo momento in poi: quello che scoprirà la porterà a conoscenza di una verità gelosamente nascosta e alterata dai Templari. Disclaimer: i personaggi dei videogiochi "Assassin's Creed 3" e "Assassin's Creed Liberation" appartengono a Ubisoft. Gli autori scrivono senza alcuno scopo di lucro e non intendono violare alcun Copyright
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simonamatteocosplay · 7 years
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Un nuovo destino - Capitolo 5 (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/W6QUaVTxMG La memoria genetica dell'Assassina Anne contiene i ricordi della sua antenata Aveline De Grandpré. Il suo compito sarà quello di entrare nell'Animus per scoprire la collocazione di alcuni manufatti che non devono assolutamente cadere nelle mani dell'Abstergo. Nel corso del suo viaggio nei ricordi di Aveline, Anne verrà a conoscenza di fatti accaduti durante la vita della sua antenata da un certo momento in poi: quello che scoprirà la porterà a conoscenza di una verità gelosamente nascosta e alterata dai Templari. Disclaimer: i personaggi dei videogiochi "Assassin's Creed 3" e "Assassin's Creed Liberation" appartengono a Ubisoft. Gli autori scrivono senza alcuno scopo di lucro e non intendono violare alcun Copyright
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
the most important thing about the Coalition from a writing perspective is what to avoid as much as what they DO, actually, and one of those points is that I hate the whole concept of Humans Are Space Orcs with a raging, incoherent apocalyptic rage that awakens even at the slightest hint of exceptionalism.
this should affect what they do and their decisions; for example, the Coalition, as it is, cannot get into a knock out brawl with, say, the Ringer empires. If they tried to take them on one on one, they will lose. BADLY. they are simply too few, individually weak, and lacking in territory to make up the odds. Consequently they deal with smaller threats, or partner with other societies.
A point here is that everyone has to work together, or they will be destroyed. Thousands of societies before them tried to overpower the universe and win all on their own. And they are all gone. Every. Single. ONE. 
little remains of them, not even solitary survivors to remember what happened to them; their names and people are lost, to be forgotten forever.
only together, do people survive. Flowing together and growing into a larger whole, across the lie of faction boundaries and intergalactic states, is the inevitable and ideal end point for all beings, to become a single harmonious brotherhood for all intelligent beings.
but, rhetoric aside, the Coalition must absolutely not be characterized in a way that would appeal to the ‘yeah humans can kill ANYTHING’ crowd or the ‘humans should go into space and murder everything forever, that’s cool’ posters. That’s terrible. I hate that. FUCK THAT SIDEWAYS WITH A CHAINSAW.
The Coalition is expressly not the kind of society that endorses someone like, say, Miles Quartrich from Avatar, and he is the worst kind of human character. This society’s biggest champion is Ratonhnaketon from Assassin’s Creed, whose biggest statement (besides not allowing despair to compromise his ideals) is “I fight a notion, not a nation’. That’s the kind of tone I want to strike with them.
this AU may be largely around power fantasies, but not THAT kind of power fantasy as expression in Humanity Fuck Yeah threads.
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