#Ravioli ship
layraket · 7 months
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late but yeah.... it is still 14 i swear....
gay rabits yes sirr
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gia-d · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day 💕
This is sort of a continuation of this comic
(Does it count as an engagement if they were already married for tax purposes?)
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sweeteastart · 5 months
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Ravioli day 5 four days later for raviolishipweek by @breannasfluff
I finished this 25 panel hell of a comic. It's resolution is a bit quick but i don't think I'm impartial after spending days on it
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amanitacurses · 1 month
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ikaishere · 7 months
happy (early) valentines day!
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kaite--s · 6 months
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I saw the template and I did it in fast
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twink-between-worlds · 7 months
Legend gets a letter from Ravio every time the mailman finds them. Every single time, without fail, there will be a letter penned in purple ink, with a big ‘Mr. Hero’ written on the front, with a small scribble of a rabbit. Legend always rolls his eyes at the letters, but never wastes time opening them. He seems to look forward to them. He writes back every time. They notice him scribbling down into some paper after they’re done travelling for the day, staying close enough to the fire for some light and far enough away that nobody else can see what he writes. Sometimes, they exchange gifts. One time, Ravio gave Legend a pair of emerald earrings, so Legend sent him a ruby necklace in return. When asked about it, Legend just rolled his eyes and said that they always do it. He wears those earrings all the time, now. Ravio’s letters always have something attached to them. Dried flowers, small ribbons, sometimes even just little stones that he thinks ‘look pretty’, according to Legend. They never think anything of it. It’s nice to see Legend look forward to something. “Ledge, you got another letter!”Wind yells, waving the aforementioned letter in the air as he waits for Legend to come and get it. “It’s in the purple ink again!” “Course it is,”Legend mumbles, blinking sleep out of his eyes and making a waving motion, beckoning Wind over to bring it to him. He just woke up, and hasn’t attached his leg yet, so Wind doesn’t complain this time as he takes the letter to him. He opens it with a hum, using his teeth to tear the envelope open. Rolls his eyes at the disgusted noise Warriors let out as he dumps the contents out. Alongside the letter, there was a ribbon. A lot of ribbon actually, bunched up. It’s purple. Legend pays it no mind. He lets the ribbon-pile rest beside him on his bedroll as he reads the letter. It takes a minute for them to realise he’s being too quiet. Usually, he tells them how dramatic and stupid Ravio is as he reads the letters. This time, he isn’t saying anything. “Legend?” “Ravio is so stupid.”Legend whispers, faint and barely audible. That’s weird. Wind wouldn’t have even heard it if he wasn’t right next to him. “Why’d you whisper that?”Wind pouts. “We live for the commentary, Ledge.” “Ravio is so fucking stupid.”Legend repeats, still quiet. His eyes dart to the ribbon, and he runs his spare hand through it to break it up. Underneath all the ribbon is a ring.
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breannasfluff · 9 months
Reblog if you like the ravioli ship; I’m trying to see something.
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ok-pop-1 · 6 months
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eepy boys
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mango0o0o0os · 4 months
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chilling at the pool
I've been picking at this all month and now it's done. I would've gotten it done way sooner if I actually made time to sit down and work on it, like I usually do with my drawings.
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layraket · 5 months
Day 1 - Love (Platonic/Romantic/Friend)
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The trope of this day is Favorite AU! picked my Creatures AU cuz it is a crime that i don't draw them often!
They're sleepy bunnies and wanted to rest, and what better way to take a nap than some cuddles??
thank you @breannasfluff for this fantastic event! im excited to participate :D
(this one is free to interpretation, you can have them as friends, queerplatonic or romatic, whatever you want!)
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lennsart · 2 months
I crave reading a fic about Ravioli, but it's illegal in their era.
Warriors teases Legend and Ravio for being "roommates", but then they both stop everything and shoot everyone down and explain how they "can't mention this sort of thing here" and how "Fable's done with it, but she can't do anything about the law until she's queen" and Legend tries to really hammer in the severity of the punishment for being caught acting gay.
Does this fic exist?? No one I ask can think of any about this even remotely. If it doesn't, anyone can take this idea. I can't write, but I crave this fic.
Ok so this ask is a little funny to me in the sense that anon is like "I crave.... ✨️homophobia✨️"
I don't know if a fic similar to your idea already exists ? People of Tumblr, do you have recs ?
In the meantime, I liked the idea, so there’s a little snippet under the cut for you ! It's not exactly what you suggested, I re-read your ask after I started, but the main idea is here.
(I have a specific headcanon that I haven't been able to post something about yet which goes pretty well with this : Wars met Ravio during the war of eras, yes... But an older Ravio ! And maybe he was already married to Legend, y'know, maybe he couldn't stop talking about his husband...
So it would make sense for Wars to tease Lege until he snaps, because he literally can't imagine there's a problem.)
Of course, TW homophobia & TW internalized homophobia (not much, but just in case)
“ - Look at that smile ! ” Warriors teased, poking Legend's cheek (and nearly avoiding having his finger bitten off).
“ Someone's waiting at home ? ”
Legend sighed. They had just landed in his era, and had a bit of a walk before they got to his house.
He may have been a little giddier than usual, happy to go home. It had been a while, alright ? And no matter how nice Miss Malon was, seeing her all lovey-dovey with their resident old man made him miss his own lover.
He just... Couldn't say it to the others, of course.
“ - Just my roommate, Ravio, ” he informed with a shrug.
Warriors blinked. The veteran thought that he had managed to shut him up somehow...
But after a minute, he came back with a grin that Legend didn't like at all.
“ - Roommate ? " he repeated. " You look pretty happy for just seeing a pal. ”
Legend frowned. Alright, he may have been cheerful, but he hadn't been reckless, had he ?
“ - I don't know what you mean, ” he said, neutral.
“ - Ah, you know, just saying, we've never seen you so excited, and then I learn that you have a little housemate... I can't wait to meet him, that's it. ”
Legend stopped abruptly.
" - I don't like what you're implying, cap, " he warned, scowling.
Warriors missed the murderous aura sent his way, and shrugged with a smile.
“ - Just saying, if you have a crush—
- Shut up ! ”
Maybe the screech was a little much, but Legend couldn't shake the fear that someone might hear Warriors. He already got enough shit for his lifestyle, a rumor like that could send the guards to his head again.
Worse, to Ravio's head.
He shuddered.
The rest of the chain had stopped as well, all looking at the argument.
Warriors seemed shocked, and a little insulted, too.
It was getting overwhelming, being stared at like that.
Legend sighed and grabbed the captain by the sleeve.
“ - A minute ! ” he barked to the others, dragging Warriors behind him, away from anyone who might hear.
When he esteemed that they were far enough, he checked around them to be sure that no unwelcome ear was close.
“ - Damn, vet, I'm sorry for teasing, but that seems a little excessive, don't you think ? ” Warriors declared, rubbing his wrist.
The word made Legend frown. Excessive ? He turned around to glare at the captain.
“ - I don't know if it's funny to you, ” he prefaced with, " but I'm not exactly liked by the castle guards. Saying those types of things can send me straight to execution, alright ? ”
Warriors paled at the word, visibly not expecting such a heavy topic.
“ - What ? What do you mean ? ”
Legend took a deep breath.
“ - They already find excuses to get me when I behave, ” he explained slowly, intelligibly. “ If there's a word on the street that I'm committing a crime, that won't go well for me. ”
Legend didn't know how to explain it better than that but the captain didn't look like he got it. He was frowning and blinking in utter confusion.
“ - What crime ? ” he asked, weirded out.
...That wasn't the thing Legend expected him to be confused about.
“ - Loving a man, ” he said, frowning.
Another silence.
“ - You know, loving a man when you’re a man ? ” he clarified, just in case.
" - Are you saying that homosexuality is a crime ?! " Warriors exclaimed in revolt, way too loud.
Legend shushed him hurriedly.
" - Yes, cap, I do mean that ! ” He hissed. “ What, does that sound normal to you ?
- Yes ?! ” he blurted out. “ Why wouldn't it be ? ”
That shut the veteran up, who definitely didn’t think that the conversation would go that way.
Legend stared and stared, trying to find the lie in Warriors’ face, to catch any sign that the man would smile and joke, “gotcha !”
But he only found profound honesty.
He couldn’t help a small nervous chuckle.
“ - That’s… ”
That was great, right ? They had established that it was probable Warriors’ time came after Legend’s.
It meant that things had changed. It was good.
Right ?
Why didn’t Legend feel as happy as he should ?
“ - Oh, ” he just said, and decided that he needed to sit down, actually.
His eyes found a convenient stump a few feet away from them. He walked to it and let himself fall sitting there.
Warriors stared at him, still with this shocked expression.
“ - Lege ? ”
“ - I’m fine, ” he answered, voice neutral. “ It’s good if it’s been decriminalized, ” he added not to look like this was the problem.
He was, in fact, actively trying to make things change in his time. Fable already promised him that revising this law was one of her biggest priorities as soon as she’d get properly crowned, but she’d probably face disapproval from most of the stuck-up nobles and so it’ll take time, and...
In the meantime, Legend was stuck with pretending his lover was a roommate, being scared to even hold his hand in public, abruptly changing his behavior everytime someone knocked at the door.
And that was the problem, wasn’t it ? He really was glad for the future to not have to deal with this fear.
He was just bitter that that was what he got.
(He was just tired of only being allowed forbidden love.)
“ - Wait, I don’t, I don’t get it, ” Warriors stuttered, still looking so puzzled. “ I’ve met… I mean, wait. ”
He stopped, joining his two hands in front of his lips, visibly trying to phrase his thoughts a certain way.
“ You know the war of eras involved a lot of time-traveling fighters, right ? Well, one of my allies came from your time, and he was definitely married to a man. ”
Legend arched a brow at him, reluctant to believe him.
“ - How can you be sure he came from this time in particular ? Maybe he came from a few decades in the future, who can tell. ”
Warriors looked like he had bitten inside a lemon for a second, and then he closed his eyes, struggling to find his words.
“ - Listen, I just, I know, ok ? He mentioned... People you know. And before you ask, ” he quickly added as Legend opened his mouth with a frown, “ I’m not going to tell you more than that. But trust me, alright, vet ? Things will get better sooner than you think. ”
Legend shrugged, but it did feel good to hear. He tried a smile.
“ - Well, that’s great, then, ” he declared. He finally got up, dusting up his tunic. “ But it doesn’t actually change anything. The type of comments you made earlier ? You keep them to yourself, here. ”
Warriors nodded slowly, something like stifled revolt and sadness in the movement. Legend didn’t feel like addressing it.
It was great that the captain felt so strongly about the subject, in this direction at least. It was also not the place… And definitely not the time.
“ Good, then, ” he commented. “ I still want to go home quick, so if we could get moving… ”
Warriors’ nod was way more sympathetic.
“ - Of course, ” he said. “ I still want to meet this Ravio. He looks like he makes you happy. ”
Legend jerked his head towards him, his warning expression not entirely devoid of amusement. Warriors raised both his hands in peace.
“ He sounds like a great friend, is all I’m saying ! ”
And it did get a little chuckle out of Legend.
“ - Oh, he is, ” he declared with a smile. “ I’m afraid you two will get along swimmingly. ”
Warriors laughed, clapping him on the shoulder as he passed by.
When they got back to the rest of the group, the curious gazes sent their way were soothed by the fact that they were both smiling.
Legend’s smile was actually getting wider and wider, as they were getting close to his house.
When he saw it on its little hill, he rushed to the door, trying not to bounce on his feet as he waited for his partner to open.
And if Warriors observed from afar as they fell in each other’s arms, he waited until they were all in the privacy of Legend’s house to wink teasingly at their veteran. After all, he never denied having a crush, which was telling for 'mister I'll never confirm what I don't want you to know'.
It was easy to feel lighter about this story when he knew it'll end well for the couple.
They just had to wait a little longer.
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sweeteastart · 5 months
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Day 5, Rabbit !
Something nice and simple today with Bunny Lege and Binturong Ravio.
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amanitacurses · 4 months
requesting ravio holding bunny link? 🙏
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This was the first one I did - RavioLink, Ravio-V1, and Sacred from my Lost Woods AU
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And then I realized you probably meant the more popular set-up for the Links with Ravio's Link covering ALttP -> ALBW, so here's a second version with Ravio and Oracle for a different, currently unnamed AU!
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kings-comic · 2 months
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I'm so happy!!! The colour palette turned out so nice 💕
Pages 77-81
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Someone- Ravio! Give poor Albi a hug!
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crazzberry · 2 months
modern/social media au Legend and Ravio would have matching bunny themed profile pics.
Legend claims he was pressured into it but we all know that’s a lie.
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