#Reddit emigre
parttimepunner · 11 months
Please do this Reddit. Google is so much bigger than you it’s funny you think you can survive without it.
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nanlifter · 1 year
Hey um is it normal to use tumblr by essentially scrolling through your dashboard and reblogging absolutely everything? It's just I kind of like it all
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rossstheboss · 1 year
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Day 1. (day)Dream
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sprucedarkstache · 1 year
I get that some people will be like “oh here are my tagged fandoms, come follow me if you like” and that’s completely fine. But I keep seeing unrelated bullshit on the tags I follow, and guess what? — No one cares about that.
On tumblr, people will spend HOURS scrolling through tags, and to find unrelated stuff specifically tagged on that is incredibly annoying. (Maybe I’m projecting here, but who cares)
Here are my recommendations for the new people coming in.
Make a post tagging yourself in the fandoms you’re in / interests you have
Through those tags, go follow some blogs. Some of them will follow you back.
If you have unrelated things to post, make an unrelated tag (such as “____ speaks”, “not *fandom* related”)
That being said - use asks. Talk to people. Please.
Don’t be mean. I feel like a parent having to say this, but if you’re trying to fit in here, then don’t mock us for using tumblr. You’re part of this site now too.
if anyone has any related fandoms to me, here they are in the tags, feel free to follow, thank you, have a safe tumblr experience
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unlikelysaintdelele · 2 months
I was rifling through Reddit for posts on Dragon Age: The Veilguard and stumbled across a comment mentioning that DA2 also had a name change like DATV in which the original title was much cooler. Would you like to know what Dragon Age 2 was originally called?
Dragon Age: Exodus
Exodus: noun. a going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people.
All of the main cast are technically foreigners to Kirkwall. All or most of those immigrants are there because of the Blight. Merrill's clan was from Fereldan. Aveline and the Hawke family? Fereldan. Hawke and Aveline get a lot of flack for being Fereldans in positions of power. Fenris? He's from Tevinter. Isabela? She's from the first game and we meet her in Fereldan but I believe she's of Rivaini ancestry if not originally from there. Anders literally got his name based on where he's from, the Anderfels. Based on his accent though (I remember nothing about the Anderfels), he's grown up mostly in Fereldan. Iirc, he was brought to a mage circle in Fereldan as a young child before joining the Grey Wardens and then became an apostate (he just runs away from everything). Varric? As far as I know, Orzammar is the only location Dwarves are from, though Orzammar runs wide and deep. A big theme in Kirkwall is some locals hate how foreigners keep coming in and "taking their jobs" or just ruining Kirkwall's existence with their presence. Immigration was a big theme. Being a foreigner was a big theme.
Damnit Bioware. Why did you have to change such a cool and fitting title?
Also, please remove The from the upcoming game. Dragon Age: Veilguard sounds much better than Dragon Age: The Veilgaurd. You didn't do Dragon Age: The Inquisition.
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Hi this is my first post I have no idea how this site works, I emigrated to here because I got banned of reddit 4 life and now I can no longer be a r/196 microcelebrity anymore and that makes me sad.
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max1461 · 1 year
Here is a reddit post by a speaker of Gan, a Sinitic language of Jiangxi province in China, on his experiences with the language's decline. It's anecdotal, of course, but it lines up with a lot of what I've been saying about language decline as it relates to economic incentives and emigration. Some interesting discussion in the comments as well.
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Greetings, 196ers! Welcome to our humble site and make yourself at home. Enjoy all the queer shit, be careful about discourse holes, reblog art, and post memes! As a fellow Reddit emigrant from a couple years back, this place is awesome once you figure it out.
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arcanistvysoren · 1 year
now for a normal post o/ hello i think i'm back on tumblr this is unrelated to reddit or twitter or anything 'cause i never used those just real life stuff under cut for some medical unpleasantness
my chronic illness decided that life wasn't fun enough and fucked up my internal organs. i had severe internal bleeding and had to have a D&C about it. fun fact: D&C is the most commonly used method for first-trimester abortion. so it's like a super fun procedure when you've never even touched a penis. love being gay / single / voluntarily childless, and still somehow require an abortion. my uterus was like: oh you don't enjoy having me and plan to never use me for anything? i'm rioting bitch and then because i lost so much blood i was basically anemic and 5 seconds away from fainting at any given moment for a few weeks while they were pumping me full of iron and stuff. which was also an incredibly fun and cool experience /sarcasm
anyway (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
also things are obviously pretty grim in russia politically so i just spiraled back into my depressive state for a hot second and couldn't be bothered to use tumblr or even scroll it without posting
oh, and AO3 got banned. which might seem like small potatoes but speaks to the overall anti-gay wave happening here and it's just incredibly miserable to still be here
long-term plan is still to fix up my health and emigrate the fuck out of here (ง •̀_•́)ง
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newenglandfaerie · 1 year
recent emigre from reddit here, and one thing i've found interesting is the pace at which posts gain traction. due to how algorithmic reddit is, within the first hour, i could reasonably predict about how many upvotes a post would get total, and by the end of the first day, it had >90% of all the upvotes and comments it would ever get. i had my first semi-successful tumblr post a few days ago, and while it only got a few notes that first day, it's been increasingly gathering more as people reblog it. in hindsight it makes sense that notes would build over time since that's how tumblr posts spread, but it's just something i found unexpectedly interesting
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Meghan and Harry squandered a golden chance to make things better for millions by u/Mickleborough
‘Meghan and Harry squandered a golden chance to make things better for millions’ Sir Trevor Philips, the British writer, broadcaster, and former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, was born in London; his parents had emigrated from British Guiana.On the 75th anniversary of Windrush Day - when 800 immigrants from the Caribbean arrived in the U.K. on the HMT Empire Windrush - Sir Trevor spoke about race in Britain. He feels that Britain‘s not perfect, but isn’t a racist society. Of course, things can be improved.Fair point.Meghan and Harry received a lot of popular press. People genuinely were excited about a biracial member of the Royal Family - yes, there were also detractors, but they fell in the nutter category. They could have done a lot of good just by being. And setting a good example, of course.The bulk of the linked article is about race in Britain.Daily Telegraph archived / unarchived post link: https://ift.tt/zej3RvJ author: Mickleborough submitted: June 22, 2023 at 01:38AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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parttimepunner · 11 months
Tumblr has entirely replaced the role that Reddit once had for me. I used Reddit for quite a while so I still think of reblogging as upvoting. And I’m reblogging all over the place.
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introspectivity · 2 days
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Warning: Intrusive thoughts.
In the middle of the week, intrusive thoughts began to consume me. It was a combination of me being alone and me being horny (plus I have my freedom since my estranged partner who left the country just told me "I can do whatever I want now" and blocked me everywhere after a heated argument of me not getting back to her and just wanting live our lives separately. Like I expected, she'll more likely stop bothering me after I told her to emigrate to live out her dreams. She even abandoned her financial obligations here. I'll manage as long as I am free).
God damn. So this how hookup scene welcomes me back with my newfound freedom. Just one Reddit post, I got tons of messages. That's a surprise as a guy. It's been a while. I heard you're lucky to get even one message. Makes me think that tons of guys there are just subpar or average dudes wanting to fuck and that ladies want something with more substance. I really dont bother checking F4M posts since hungry and horny degenerates just devour those. With tons of choices now, I can be picky since I am trying to dip my toes here and be cautious. not that they can do something horrible to me (it's usually the girls who should be very worried about that). I wont get pregnant either but I just dont want to sleep around mindlessly.
I think the last time I did it before this was during my last domestric trip. That last hookup from the pink app was, in her own words, her revenge fuck. She told me that after the deed. God damn, what a turn of events. She's angry about her LIP for letting his male friends go to their room which invaded their privacy and she sneaked out of their house to fuck. What an excuse. hope that made her feel much better. lol. I asked her, why not breakup with him. She said, she cant. I still dont get it but hey, I get to easily benefit on the other side but it didnt feel good. Still I wish nobody has to do that. I was still processing and thinking hard of getting back with my ex then. Nothing and no one could erase her from my mind.
So anyway, after posting, there's another girl who messaged me (in the image) but tapped out of fatigue after some hard fucking while I was still hard and havent cummed yet. That reminded me that gloves really decrease pleasure, but I have to be careful and safe about all of this. I suddenly lost all interest to continue and we just talked for an hour about my situation which I also included in my post for transparency reasons so she knows she's just a sad NSA fuck. After talking, she wanted to make me feel good before going so she let me fuck her mouth which I prefer so it's safer and I can still get my release. Literally "parausan" emotionally and sexually. Thank god for horny ladies. lol. Am I too bad for saying that? Maybe they dont care naman. For me, hopefully for her, it's just plain consensual sex.
I don't have self-worth/esteem issues so I don't need validation. I just want my release. I don't know if the other person I met needs validation or connection. Maybe? I dont fucking care. It's convenient to be an asshole.Better stop caring. Easier that way. Wham, bam, thank you very much. I don't have to be myself. I can just suppress my true self and shroud myself in this dark cape. Also, who tf falls in love with assholes? lol. Just pretend to be one and give them great sex. Self preservation is self love.
What astonishes me is that you fuck them then ignore or ghost them for few days and will still let you use them for nothing. Does that makes them empowered? You give them the illusion of power for your benefit. Well, it's quick to just lose all interest this way. This is just too easy.
I dont need to go down this hole again but hey, who cares. free fuck is free fuck. I still prefer exclusivity over tons of choices. tbh. I wish I could really do it with her whom I really love and care for. I wish we are still doing it with much passion and intensity right now. It's also much safer that way as well but what can I do? this revolving door of sex doesnt feel right while new fubus will usually end up taking the unwanted development especially if the chemistry is great. while bad chemistry usually lead to bad sex. this lottery is just risky business. big sigh
I am writing this as I finished sending sending the late response to that girl in the picture whom Im not keen on seeing again. I used not to care about those kind of people you meet in that set-up. They're just there to help me get my fix. I just replied so she wont feel that bad. I only fell in love in this set-up once (maybe never again with somebody else) and my heart is closed for repairs now. my heart still beats for my ex and only she can have it but I am moving on. I am writing this post just to make my mind preoccupied before I go to sleep.
In the back of my mind, I still wish to stop myself getting caught in this downward spiral. I really felt I'm going to get depressed and lose my mind. So I asked my mom yesterday to meet me to tell her what recently happened and update her of my plans. I wanted her to stay in my condo last night to lessen my urge, keep intrusive thoughts at bay and make it harder for me to do it. I fetched her in her condo last night since she work remotely every Friday and will stay here over the weekend before I go to our hometown to celebrate my brother's birthday. My mom helped me process things. Im glad she's always around during my darkest times. She even asked about my ex because she knew that I love her so much and how happy she made me feel. She was sad that we broke up altho she told me to stop talking to her for the meantime after the incident while there was so much heat to let things cool down. She said, do it only when the other party doesnt care anymore like how's their situation right now. My mom wanted me to be happy. I told her everything. but alas, my ex wanted to let our relationship go, and I have to give her that. It feels nice to have my mom around. Help repels some dark and intrusive thoughts. Today, I drove with her for a grocery run and did some errands. I was also able to focus more, especially on myself, and slowly get back to who I really am and seek what I really want.
I wish I dont have to write about this again but damn, I just wanna numb my pain. Sex is a painkiller drug and I could compartmentalize to guard myself.
I've been really wanting to post another thing. My letter for her is already several pages long since I wrote it after our breakup but Im still stumped on that one esp. I don't even know if she still cares about it but whatever, I'll post it still since I want a repository of my feelings and state of mind. Heck, I even posted this even without a care in the world. I said things because of my state, right now. Keep your judgment to yourselves. I dont need it.
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altenabergfeld · 12 days
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Il 2 ottobre 2001, a Cavaria, comune in provincia di Varese, un bambino fece una macabra scoperta. Mentre giocava in un prato vicino ad una scuola elementare trovò uno stivale in cui c'erano ossa umane: un perone e un piede. Era uno stivale "anfibio" nero da donna, numero 37, con una spessa suola corazzata. Circa un mese prima, per l'inizio dell'anno scolastico, il giardiniere del paese aveva pulito il prato, e lo stivale non era presente.
Il resto del corpo fu ritrovato nei giorni successivi, nascosto in una buca, nel boschetto vicino alla scuola. Il modello del reggiseno indossato dalla vittima è stato prodotto solo dopo la metà del 1995. Per recuperare lo scheletro gli inquirenti hanno deciso di rivolgersi all'Istituto di medicina legale di Milano. "È stata utilizzata una tecnica molto particolare", spiega Cristina Cattaneo, medico dell'Istituto, "chiamata 'archeologia forense', che permette di evitare danni alle ossa". 
Si è così scoperto che il corpo apparteneva a una donna tra i 20 ei 25 anni, di razza caucasica, alta circa 1,60-1,65 metri, corporatura normale, capelli castani di media lunghezza con un taglio scalato. Partendo dal cranio è stata effettuata la ricostruzione del volto della donna. "I lineamenti potrebbero somigliare a quelli della vittima, ma non essere identici, mentre i denti corrispondono perfettamente." La donna aveva spazi molto visibili tra i denti anteriori superiori, i suoi incisivi laterali superiori mancavano sin da prima della sua morte, aveva varie carie e nessun trattamento dentale. Portava un orologio da polso rotondo con un cinturino di caucciù e aveva tre orecchini color oro all'orecchio destro, due a forma di fiore e l'altro a forma di anello.
La giovane, che si crede essere una prostituta e uccisa con una coltellata al basso ventre, è stata probabilmente sepolta nel bosco tra il 1995 e il 1998.
Secondo alcuni degli intervistati dalla polizia, la donna potrebbe essere una giovane prostituta che si faceva chiamare Viola e che sarebbe scomparsa intorno al 1995, periodo che coinciderebbe con la data dell'omicidio (considerando che potrebbe essere morta intorno al 1995 e il 1998). All'epoca Viola, una giovane prostituta albanese, aveva ventitré anni. Era stata arrestata durante un blitz della polizia a Milano, e probabilmente si era recata anche in Toscana e in Emilia, prima di ritornare in Lombardia. A Milano la si trovava spesso in Piazza Duca D'Aosta, in Via Vittor Pisani e al caffè "Gran Bar" della stazione ferroviaria. Non è noto se esistano documenti del suo arresto. Diversi utenti su internet concordano sul fatto che, se Viola fosse davvero albanese, la sua situazione di mancata identificazione non sarebbe anomala. Durante gli anni della sua scomparsa, date le innumerevoli rivolte e la complessa situazione politica in Albania, molte sparizioni non furono mai denunciate o furono denunciate con lunghissimi ritardi (a volte fino a dieci anni dopo l'effettiva sparizione). Inoltre, la maggior parte delle donne emigrate in Italia finivano per diventare prostitute e quando scomparivano, poiché l'Italia non aveva molti contatti con l'Albania, i loro cari non avevano più notizie di loro.
Su Reddit e Websleuths gli utenti hanno proposto vari match per Viola;
Miranda Bajrami, Nata:10-02-1977, Ultime notizie:15-12-1994 dall'Italia.
Shqiponja Muça, Nata:18-07-1979, Ultime notizie:22-03-1995 dall'Italia.
Albana Onuzi, Nata:27-06-1975, Ultime notizie: May of 1994 dall'Italia.
Brunilda Alla, Ultime notizie nel 1995 dall'Italia.
Lirije Pjeci, Nata:08-08-1965, Ultime notizie:1995 dall'Italia.
Una possibile corrispondenza è Violeta Skender Dudia. Violeta lasciò la sua casa a Lushnje il 30 luglio 1994, aveva circa 22/23 anni. Dopo un paio di giorni ha contattato la sua famiglia confermando che era finalmente in Italia. In una telefonata, ha detto alla madre che lavorava per una famiglia italiana (probabilmente come donna delle pulizie o badante, considerando che questi lavori sono molto comuni per le donne immigrate in Italia) e che stava progettando il suo ritorno presto in Albania. Lì, era conosciuta come Xhuljeta. Fino all'ottobre dello stesso anno Violeta rimase in contatto con i suoi parenti per poi scomparire senza lasciare traccia.
Un'altra possibile corrispondenza, suggerita dall'utente Reddit u/elania_c, è Luljeta Hyseni. Ha perso i contatti con la sua famiglia nel 1997, la sua famiglia ha aspettato che Luljeta li richiamasse per poter comunicare con lei. Luljeta era originaria della città di Korçë, nel sud-est dell'Albania. Ha sposato Arbe Xhanbaz all'età di 15 anni. La prima figlia, Rudina, è nata nel 1989, poi il figlio Festimi nel 1992. I rapporti tra loro erano buoni. Cominciarono i conflitti poiché Arbe aveva relazioni extraconiugali e Luljeta non poteva più sopportare la situazione che si era venuta a creare in famiglia. C'erano continue discussioni tra la coppia che si trasformavano in violenza fisica. Luljeta ha deciso di divorziare da Arbe quando sua figlia aveva 4 anni e Festimi aveva 1 anno. Luljeta ha chiesto il divorzio e il tribunale le ha assegnato una stanza nella casa in cui viveva con il suo ex marito. Arbe si decise di riposarsi dalla paternità, mentre Demira (la madre di Luljeta) aiutò sua figlia, crescendo con lei i suoi nipoti. Poco dopo, Luljeta conobbe una vicina di nome Kozeta Murati e divennero amiche. Luljeta è andata a Tirana nell'ottobre 1996 e rimase con la zia per 2 notti, poi se ne andò. Dopo 6 mesi, nel 1997, chiamò la sua famiglia e disse loro che era a Milano, in Italia, e voleva tornare a casa. La sua famiglia aspettava che Luljeta li chiamasse di nuovo per poter comunicare con lei, ma lei non lo ha mai fatto.
(fonti: https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Viola
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automatismoateo · 2 months
Muslims are the biggest hypocrites via /r/atheism
Muslims are the biggest hypocrites First of all, their book has countless scientific mistakes that contradict the whole "allah is god", if allah is god and knows EVERYTHING, how does he not know what the sun or moon is? why does he think the planet is flat and on the back of a whale? Why does allah say "the sun glides till it reaches its resting place under the Throne. Then it falls prostrate and remains there until it is asked to rise up and go to the place you came from" why does he demand the death of ex-muslims and all people that don't belive in allah? And why the fu*k is every "counter argument" against these delusional quotes always "your taking it outa context man!" What exactly is the right context to "4:89: They wish you would disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so you may all be alike. So do not take them as allies unless they emigrate in the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and do not take any of them as allies or helpers,1" Could it be possibly that this was a very mentally ill man who wanted to feel a god complex to feel important? How the F*CK am i supposed to accept these people into my country when European values contradict 100% of all Islamic values? Islamic values is NOT based on peace and tolerance. Why does majority of muslims who live in goddamn Europe want trans and gay people to be punished? They are hypocrites because they say idiotic things in europe such as "women have a CHOICE to wear the hijab" no you don't, in muslims countries you are killed for not wearing hijab because that's following the religion/cult. Majority want people who draw cartoons of mohammed punished, and majority of them don't belive in protection of freedom of speech, how can those same people say islam has a place in europe? it shares no values with us. https://i.imgur.com/OFvOKj6.png Muslim immigrants are literally minus netto on the economy, and they bring in immense crime such as 86% of active criminals in norway is from middle-eastern origins, along with north africa muslims, 70% of prisoners in france are muslims etc. So why are we letting these islamic people in by mass when they bring nothing but pain and trying to erase our culture? It's not all muslims, because alot of them are born into a muslim family and just considered "muslim" but don't do anything that is considered islamic. But why should we let our countries decline just because we don't want to offend people on the other side of the world? it's funny, because over there you are immensively more discriminated against just for being christian, atheist and especially a jew. I've yet to meet a muslim who can answer questions directly instead of barking like a dog trying to display dominance by raising their voices like soyboys like mohammed hijab, who can't even answer questions without resorting to the usual backup quotes like "it's out of context, no your taking it too literally" yeah, "kill all those who are disbelivers" wow i shouldn't overreact about a quote stating to murder me, right? Submitted July 18, 2024 at 02:50PM by gonnaenditthx197 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/K3D7ext)
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ambasingresident · 5 months
while I understand you want to surprise the creator with your art, it's still a good idea to ask for permission beforehand. Some people may dislike war themes and while you seem like a cool person, your description can give people a very bad first impression of you. I'll admit, I may have judged you off of that, but seeing how you quickly complied with the artist's wishes, my opinion on you has changed.
I just ask you to please ask the other artists before doing this again.
Yeah. For the description part, tbh I'm more of a shitpost artist who originally came from a community of pure brainrot and irony in Reddit (More specifically, a TNO shitpost community, a community of non-credible takes on war related stuff, and a certain Filipino satirical and parody subreddit) before I emigrated all my content making stuff to Tumblr after getting wrongfully banned in there. My initial goal when I started the blog is to "spread the brianrot" (putting TNO or HOI4/Filipino related content in a community) through art and to import certain elements of r/DSRFunny/NPPFunny and r/2phililpines4u (the aforementioned TNO and Filipino shitpost community). Thus the "ironic" description that was influenced by those two (r/NonCredibleDefense is included too).
And for the permission part, I may have to ask permission to do my funny stuff. I'm not that familiar with the process, I see other artist draw without permission (I guess?) and I assumed that it's fine as long as you credit the artist n stuff.
Thank you for bringing up the concern, really.
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