#Redra Bit was a good boy
vennyriz22 · 1 year
(What Redra Bit was doing)
2021/8/6 Off Camera. (Kinoko)
I run. I run. I'm shocked at my vigor, even as the world crumbles all around me.
"Take care of the Prophesied Child, _ . Protect her at all times. And, if you would, tell me at the end of each day how her journey has been. I can't join you, given my position… But if anything happens, I'd like to at least be there with you in spirit."
I was proud to do it, at first. But over time, I began to vaguely understand the consequence of her request. Still, I kept sending the reports, and was ordered to avoid joining the battlefield. Then…
One day, while I was far away at Oxford, I saw flames rising over Londinium.
"Ahhhh…" There was nothing I could do to atone. I wasn't responsible to begin with. The queen's army might really have attacked. That's what I told myself.
"If only we had a chance to teach Londinium its place!" "The Round Table Liberation Army? Please! As if those defects from the factory could ever stand beside us, the chosen humans!"
Try as I might, I couldn't forget the voices of the humans in Salisbury, nor those of the fairies egging them on.
When I saw the embers of Londinium, my hind legs went numb. I would never run freely again. Silently, I accepted that fact.
To begin with, the state of the Fairydom was too difficult for me. I should have been born in a world where I could exercise my talents, more purely, as I pleased. A life without words, without prejudice, without conflict. I wished I had been a creature of the wild, racing through the meadows. Dashing, like the wind. Galloping, like a beast. That was all I ever wanted. But that humble goal was dashed to cinders, when I saw the fire.
Yet, I gained one last chance. They told me it was do or die, so I trampled the earth with all my might. It hurt. My flesh and spirit screamed at me, "what's the point after all this?" I had no words to give. I didn't deserve to mourn that brave, gallant girl knight. All I could do was smile bitterly. There wasn't a point. If there was no point, then all I had to think about was what to do next.
I ran, and ran. The pain was fierce. But so was my joy. While the world crumbled around me, I was freer then I'd ever been in my life.
A faehorse's life is over if it breaks a leg. The pain was so intense it tore my soul apart. For a day and a half, I pulled that carriage like there was no tomorrow. I knew my legs would give out soon, anyway. I turned my pain into joy, and ran. I ran, just to deliver them to the coast. I ran, not to hide hope, but to create it. No matter how corrupt it was, this world had given birth to me, raised me, and taught me joy. I sprinted across the land of Britain I so loved.
When the carriage collapsed, I cut loose the harness and dashed for the woods, alone. As I ran, I could hear my body being mangled. What a blessing this is! What grace I was given! To be happy, until my final moment.
To be like the wind, until the very end.
The horse we needed but didn’t deserve
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
Blu hello =) i your stories they are so interesting, love to read them all! oh can i request a story were the batfamily + some redrae/raex moment + friends are playing baseball + plus everybody surprised that bruce gives raven a high five (this sounds like a fun scene haha) please =) of course, if not to bother you in anything, oh and thank you
So sorry for the delay in posting your request. My shift at work is brutal, so I’m exhausted. I did try for the high five between Bruce and Raven, it just would not cooperate, but I hope you still enjoy the story! =)
Gotham Knights Vs Metropolis Meteors
“Raven, we talked about this,” Jason sighed as he and hisgirlfriend arrived.
“Yes, but as I am not from Gotham I refuse to abandon my NewYork Mets, besides, they’re winning for a change,” Raven smiled looking at herphone.
“Not the point, we’re here to see the Knights, and the Meteors,why the fuck would you walk around in essentially a neon sign saying ‘Mug Me!’?”Jason demanded.
“I will have you know I am perfectly capable of defendingmyself,” Raven snapped.
“Without powers?” Bruce inquired as his second son and Ravenapproached the group.
“While that’s a bit more challenging, I live with him, and I’ma New Yorker!” she defended flatly as she jabbed her thumb at Jason. Jason rolledhis eyes.
Bruce had been roped into this by Clark who was bringing Jonand Lois to Gotham for a weekend of baseball, and Clark insisted that the wholefamily come. Dick was more than eager to volunteer himself and his siblings forthe weekend outing, Raven and Jason on the other hand had taken Alfred levelbribery. And even now, Bruce could not figure out what had driven the pair downhere for the weekend.
Slowly Jason was coming into the folds of the family again;however, it appeared his second son and the demon were a package deal. Whichmeant Raven was being dragged into the family as well, and Bruce was not certainhow to feel about that. Jason was very attached to his demon girlfriend, andRaven seemed to be very attached to his second son; which concerned Brucegreatly.
“Jay! Rae! You’re here! come on!” Dick shouted, Raven evadedDick’s grasp, and waved Jason off as he was dragged into the herd of kids.
“So, Raven… the Mets?” Clark asked.
“Victor and Jason forbade me from rooting for the Yankees,”Raven answered as she walked with them.
“Why?” Bruce asked.
“Because the Yankees are the Gods of Baseball, and it’s notsporting if your team doesn’t have a chance of losing, or winning,” Raven said.
“Why not the Dodgers?” Clark asked. Raven snortedindignantly.
“Do I look like a Cali girl to you?” she asked in herperfectly flat monotone. “I’m a New Yorker, I’m rooting for the Mets, and rightnow, we’re kicking Arizona’s ass!”
“Then why not go to that game instead?” Clark offered.
“After the last time Jay and I went to Arizona it might bebest if we never go back,” Raven said cryptically. Bruce and Clark shot eachother a look of confusion but Bruce honestly didn’t know what Raven was talkingabout.
“So, do you at least like baseball?” Bruce asked cautiously.He had no idea how he was supposed to talk to the young woman, the one dinnerthey had shared to straighten out her intentions with Jason had also beenawkward. Bruce hated to admit it, but he didn’t know much about the empath otherthan what was in her file and what his sons had told him about.
“I love it, you can blame Victor and Jason, they dragged meinto this,” she stated firmly. “And Hockey, they dragged me into hockey too.Victor likes hockey a lot, accused Jason of hiding it from him.”
“Hockey?” Bruce blinked.
“Yeah, it’s really cool!” Raven said with a faint smile.
“Anything else?” Clark asked her.
“No, I don’t like football, but I root for the Patriots; Vicand Jay do too,” she said thoughtfully as she went through security.
“Raven!” Jason shouted for her.
“You’re on your own! Good luck keeping him Dick!” Ravenshouted back.
“You’ll pay for this treachery!” Jason avowed.
“I doubt it,” she shrugged.
“Why is that?” Bruce asked her dryly, slightly amused at hisson’s antics to try to escape his brothers.
“He likes sex with an empath too much,” she answered as shewalked to her seat. Clark and Bruce just stared after the young woman.
“She did just…?” Clark started.
“Yes, yes she did, Clark.”
“She’s… forward,” Clark snorted. Bruce pinched the bridge ofhis nose as he prayed for patience. Jon and Damian were bickering already. Dickand Tim were dragging Jason into bets, Raven sat beside Jason with her phone inhand checking the updates. “Perhaps she’s not all bad Bruce.”
“She’s a demon, Clark.”
“Diana’s an Amazon, I’m an Alien, Jon’s a hybrid, Conner’s aclone, come on, Bruce, a demon is not even close to the weirdest thing tobefriend your sons,” Clark sighed.
“That’s not the point,” Bruce muttered as he sat besideRaven.
“The point is that I can destroy the cosmos on a whim, isn’tit?” Raven asked with a cold smile as she looked over at him and Clark. “Noneed to worry boys, I’ve heard it all before. And we’re here to watch theKnights get their asses kicked by the Meteors.”
“Excuse me little bird but the Knights are going to win!” Jasoncountered.
“Jay, I love you, I do, but your baseball team sucks morethan mine; which is saying something since I’m a masochist and root for theMets,” she sighed.
“Could have rooted for the Cubs,” Bruce pointed out.
Raven chuckled. “You raise a valid point; except you canblame the Cubs winning the World Series for me and your lunatic son to bedating.”
“I’m not insane.”
“Depending on the day of the week,” Raven replied sweetly.
“Rae, I know where that book you need is…” Jason trailed offand smiled deviously.
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would, I really would.”
“I’ll send you to hell.”
“Pretty sure I still have a restraining order from Satanbanning me from there until my final death,” Jason smiled.
“Jason, you shouldn’t pick on women,” Bruce sighed.
I’m not picking on her,” Jason started.
“He is, and he does it all the time,” Raven sighed turningon him. Bruce managed to keep his lips from quirking in amusement; just barely.
“I thought I raised him better,” Bruce sighed inexasperation.
“It’s horrible, dreadful, he’s always so mean, and ooo! Jason!the teams,” Raven’s attention was gone.
“So now you like me,” he rolled his eyes.
“Shush you, it’s the Anthem,” she stated as the all rose forthe anthem. Bruce softened a bit then. Maybe Raven would fit into his oddfamily.
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