#Redux II Samantha Was Real
randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Redux II Samantha Was Real
My own personal belief is: Redux II Samantha was the real deal. Of course, I have to be blind to the events in Closure... which is just fine by me, as it was a mess and a half. HOWEVER: for those of the Closure-minded, these fics are the best I’ve read-- thus far-- that deals with the “what if” alternatives: tenderly, angrily, or mixtures in-between. 
**Edit: I forgot the one Samantha story that started this all (Susanne Barringer’s Thicker than Blood and Jenna’s IOU)-- it’s now listed below.**  
xraelynn/Rachel Nobel’s Given - Chapter 3 
““Scully smiled back at him. “See, you and Bill might be able to find common ground after all,” she said. 
After I’m gone, her mind supplied, and something in Mulder’s smile faded as if he knew what she was thinking.
“What was she like, Mulder?” she asked impulsively, and she felt Mulder’s thumb grow still atop her hand. “Samantha. You…” She faltered. “You never talk about her.””
A little precursor to Samantha’s POVs-- Everyone is waiting for the prognosis of Scully’s new chip, and Mulder is trying not to react to Bill. Scully asks for stories of Samantha in an impulsive need to connect to her.
Vickie Moseley’s The Visit (Goss) 
“"Sweetheart, he wants to meet you.  Tonight." 
I couldn't believe my ears.  "Daddy!  Not tonight!  I can't possibly go tonight.”” 
Samantha is as we’ve never seen her: kowtowed, subdued, completely dependent on CSM. She is forced into meeting her brother; and doesn’t have the spine to resist. 
Dawn/sunrize’s Heart’s Desire (Goss) 
“"Tell me, Mulder."
So much conflict within him, it was nearly tangible. He wanted to tell her, but didn't want to burden her.”“
In the immediate aftermath of Redux II, Mulder rejoins Scully and breaks down over his destroyed quest and lost (again) sister. She uplifts and helps pierce his swirling confusion. 
shannono’s Meeting 
“"You took her!" Mulder cried out. "You held her for twenty- four years! You lied to her, you told her Mom was dead, that you didn't know where I was. If she's really your daughter, how could you do that to her?" The smile faded. "I am not proud of all my actions, Mr. Mulder. But you may be assured that I have always done what I thought best for my daughter."” 
This doesn’t have Samantha in it, but it is a conversation between CSM and Mulder about Sam’s visit. CSM explains his reasons for keeping her, his secrecy, and why he’s letting Mulder see her now. 
Jennifer-Oksana’s Going Home Again
““To Whom It May–
To My–
Dear Mr. Mulder–
Dear Fox. “”
Samantha contemplates sending her brother a letter... but just can’t.
Livia Balaban’s Samantha’s Fate - Version 04
“”She wept, she missed me.  She was ordered to stay away.  If she got close they would have killed us.  Me, Mom, her.  Later, when she married and Scully entered my life, the threats expanded to include them as well. 
Five lives bound up in one lie.”“
Samantha shows up, trying to reconnect. Mulder doesn’t believe her and insists she leave. A dessert helps to prove who she is.  
Jenna’s IOU 
""Oh, it's complicated, Samantha. We work together and I just think it wouldn't work." 
"There's your problem, Fox. You think too much. Don't think, just make it happen. I can tell you're obviously crazy about her."” 
Mulder is rooting through his parent’s attic with Samantha. She questions his closeness to Scully; and encourages him to go make a move with her now. 
Mish’s Contact 
"”I raise the binoculars again to find Samantha nuzzling Michael's sandy curls.  James is patiently holding a dripping cone of chocolate ice cream for the child to eat when Mom is finished with the toddler's dust- off. 
"They're beautiful," I whisper, grasping Mulder's hand.  He fits his palm to mine and brings our clasped hands to my chest. “”
Post Redux II, Mulder takes Scully to a kids’ baseball game. It’s his nephew’s; and Scully is further surprised to meet Samantha.  
AUs (of an AU) 
Jennifer Maurer’s Perfect Gifts 
““The man's slow, poisonous smile chilled Mulder more than the winter wind blowing around him. 
"You will give up the search for your sister Samantha and accept the fact that her fate is entirely out of your hands.  It always has been, actually, you just refused to believe that.  You may keep the X-Files open as you wish, but I will not tolerate any further interference in the Project."“
An AU before Redux II: On Christmas Eve, Mulder is offered a deal for Scully’s cure; however, it is for naught as Scully takes up a trade deal for Samantha. 
Susanne Barringer’s Thicker Than Blood
“"We have to try," piped up Samantha.  Scully resented her, although she didn't want to.  This woman had just walked into Mulder's life today, after breaking his heart for six months by not having any contact with him.  She'd been in his life for all of eighteen hours and already asked him to put his life on the line for her.  Like he hadn't already done that a million times.  Yes, she knew that Mulder had to find the answers someday, but to walk right into it without any investigation first, without finding out exactly what he was dealing with, and without the Bureau's resources was too much to ask. Even of a brother.””
Mulder is overjoyed that Samantha has contacted him; and overlooks all the manipulative and gaslighting behavior she exhibits. Even though Scully suspects, she can’t deter Mulder from the lethal mission Sam sends him on.  
Susan Proto’s Familiar Faces 
“"There was no doubt in his mind it was Samantha. 
Or a clone. 
"Scully__?" he choked out.
"Could it be the same woman you'd met at the diner?" Scully asked....”” 
Post FTF-- Mulder and Scully are openly dating. While leisurely walking in the park, they stumble upon a little girl that looks exactly like Samantha-- until they realize her mother IS Samantha. Scully professionally handles questioning; and Mulder is gut-punched that Sam doesn’t want to remember her past. 
This is a cherry-pick pick, I must admit. I only read the initial interaction between Mulder, Scully, and Sam’s family before I dropped off (as it, admittedly, gets too dramatic and seems to shift into sliiiight absurdity. Just my own thoughts.) 
finisterre’s The Tunnel at the End of the Light
""Scully? You're Scully, aren't you? I'm sorry, I don't know your first name.
"Then, I see the gleam of something metallic. A gun in her hand, rising. "Who are you?" she snaps.
"I'm ... uh, a friend of the Mulder family," I said.
The visible eye thins to a suspicious slit. "Friends of Mulder's family aren't usually friends of his. So who are you?"”
This takes place during Season 8: Samantha hasn’t reached out since Redux II-- but that changes when she realizes her life, her friends, and her husband were a fabrication CSM used to keep her dependent. She flees, ending up at a very hostile Scully’s (who softens when Sam is devastated at the news of her brother’s abduction.) She is awed when Scully hands over the only false identity The Lone Gunmen had set up as emergency; and hopes to meet again soon.
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you know what another weird/sucky part of being a fic writer is? coming up with AUs for your own damn story and not being able to stop thinking about them
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alright you get three different WIP discussions bc you gave three different emojis and also I love you (/p) shdhdhsjw
✨- "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," a joke that mayhaps I don't need to make but it's literally a joke that Mulder and Scully have canonically made with each other (referring to working theories on a case shdjsjsks). in this case, it's referring to uh... literally checking each other for mind-controlling alien parasites. basically, I'm rewriting part of the episode "Ice," which is very early on in the series and the first real test of their tentative trust. I also like to refer to it as "the Alaskan Bull Worms" episode, so the dark vibe of this fic may end up having more humor than it has any right to shsjsnsk.
basically I'm just like... what if instead of walking away and going their separate ways after the first sign that something is Wrong, Scully and Mulder instead stuck together and talked through their emotions (*gasp* communication?!). like, how would that change the events of the episode and also their relationship in that early stage. they're both SO scared in Ice, and it both pushes them apart and ties them together. idk, I just like exploring very early MSR lol
🧣- I'm working on another TXF fic also, based around the idea of Mulder's sister Samantha actually surviving and growing up way differently than what's established in canon. I made a post about it a couple months ago on a whim bc I was thinking about it, and how much I like the actress who plays the idea of an adult Samantha in a few episodes (Colony, End Game, Redux II, and Amor Fati), and it turned into this whole fic concept. I was just trying to write her based off of that actress in the show but I think I ended up developing her in a way that reads as like.. probably autistic, tbh. the entire fic is based around some metaphors involving fae and changelings, just because... a child is taken, a child is returned, but Different, ya know?? Samantha is so lost and searching and not exactly who she once was. she has questions and she wants them answered.
🍓- lol I'm halfway working on an actual essay on Heathers (like, the film mainly, which means I probably need to watch it... 😅) based around the concept of it being in a lot of ways a Shakesperean type of story. like, a lot of stuff parallels very closely with Macbeth — Veronica as Macbeth himself and the Heathers as the three witches (as well as Heather Chandler probably also filling the role of Duncan, but I need to read Macbeth again to really figure it all out). JD as Lady Macbeth, instigating and guiding the darkness Veronica/Macbeth falls into. if I remember right, though, Shakespere's Macbeth is a tragedy, while Heathers is technically a dark comedy??
idk I just have this thought in my head that won't let go, that it's still tragic (though mayhaps this is the little voice of Barrett Wilbert Weed in my head, singing that broken broken refrain of the Dead Girl Walking reprise, talking), that even though unlike Macbeth, Veronica doesn't die in the end, but maybe a part of her has. in the film, she winds up far closer to the cold person she calls JD than in the musical where she turns more into a blazing fire or raw open wound; she seems not to care as much in the film, which probably has to do with the semi-flippancy of the genre and the way musical adaptations tend to lean into deeper looks at humanity and angst (lol), but it does seem as if a part of her has either died or irrevocably changed.
send me an emoji and I'll ramble about one of my WIPs!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Real Martial Arts Behind Cobra Kai and The Karate Kid
When The Karate Kid premiered in 1984, new students rushed to enroll in Karate Dojos across the nation. However, for anyone aspiring to learn the true ways of Miyagi-Do—or Cobra Kai as the case may be—Dojos weren’t propounding deck sanding and fence painting as part of their curriculum. There are many different styles of Karate. Fans wondered which style Daniel and Johnny were really doing. Now that Netflix has picked up Cobra Kai from YouTube Red, a whole new crop of fans has discovered the show and the question has come up again: What type of Karate do they practice at Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai? The truth is it might not even be Karate.
In any movie or series, the filmmakers and showrunners aren’t beholden to a specific style. They are telling a story, not making a documentary. With most productions, a hodge-podge of movie-fu makes for better action than authentic martial arts. When The Karate Kid began production, Ralph Macchio (Daniel), William Zabka (Johnny), and Pat Morita (Mr. Miyagi) didn’t know any martial arts. Zabka had some background in wrestling but that was it. Like David Carradine in ‘70s TV show Kung Fu, they earned their roles with their acting skills, not their martial arts proficiency. In many ways, it’s Daniel’s inexperience and awkwardness with Karate that helps to sell the story. 
Only three of the original actors had studied martial arts prior to filming. Ron Thomas practiced Jujitsu, which had little application for his role as Cobra Kai’s Bobby in the film. Martin Kove (Kreese) studied Karate under the famous Grandmaster Takayuki Kubota.  Kubota was a noted celebrity trainer who cultivated many famous students including James Caan, Robert Conrad, Ron Ely, George Kennedy, Sam Peckinpah, Hilary Swank (who starred as The Next Karate Kid) to name a few.
He created his own style of Karate called Gosuku-Ryu. Gosuku means “hard fast.” Ryu literally means “flow” but is a suffix commonly used in Karate to denote a specific system or style. What’s more, Kubota patented a self-defense weapon, a rod-shaped keychain fob the size of a sharpie. He named it the Kubotan after himself, and it is still widely used by Police and Enforcement today. However, beyond training Kove, Kubota had little influence on The Karate Kid. In action films, actors play roles that require them to portray themselves as masters of different styles than they practice in real life. 
Cobra Kai – Strike Hard, Strike Fast, No Mercy
The martial arts depicted in The Karate Kid must be attributed to Grandmaster Pat E. Johnson. He was the martial arts choreographer for the original films and played the Referee. Johnson is a student of Chuck Norris and captained Norris’ Black Belt Competition team to win 33-consecutive national and international championships. And despite not disqualifying Daniel’s illegal winning crane kick, Johnson is a highly respected martial arts referee. Beyond The Karate Kid, he worked on other films including Enter the Dragon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Mortal Kombat. Johnson and Norris practice Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial art, but this is where translation of the terminology gets complicated. 
Tang Soo Do means “Way of the Tang Hand.” Do means “the Way,” same character as the Dao in Chinese. It’s the same word in Korean and Japanese and serves as a suffix for many martial arts like Karate-Do, Judo, and Taekwondo. Soo literally means “hand.” Tang refers to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) indicating the Chinese origins of the art. According to legend, all Asian martial arts trace back to China’s Shaolin Temple, the legendary cradle of Kung Fu. For simplicity, many English translators shortened “Way of the Tang Hand” to “Way of the Chinese Hand.” It’s a respectful nod to that origin tale. 
Korean and Japanese characters are derived from Chinese too. Translate the characters for Tang Soo Do into Japanese and it is Karate-Do. However in 1935, Japan changed the character for Kara (or Tang) to a homophonic character that means “empty” in order to distinguish its martial art from China. To complicate matters even more, Tang Soo Do was commonly dubbed “Korean Karate” in the United States. Nevertheless, Tang Soo Do and Karate are distinct disciplines. 
Cobra Kai is the name of the school, not the style. The Kai in Cobra Kai literally means “assembly” or “meeting” and within the Karate vernacular, it’s a suffix that denotes an organization or group. Cobra is just a name, the school mascot. While there are many snake styles of martial arts, particularly in Kung Fu, the Cobra is seldom commonly specified in Asian systems. More often, it is seen in American school logos, like the symbol of William’s Kenpo Karate Dojo in Enter the Dragon. There’s a nod to Kung Fu legend in the name. The rival of Snake Kung Fu is Crane style. In the Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith redux of The Karate Kid, the snake comes into play. 
Given Johnson’s choreography Tang Soo Do influences Cobra Kai more than Karate. Throughout the series, there are subtle clues alluding to this. From the first film to Cobra Kai, when Johnny spars, he deploys a lot of high kicks characteristic of Korean martial arts. After the first film, Zabka continued to study Tang Soo Do with Johnson for many years so it is his foundation style. Another big tell is in The Karate Kid Part III. When Kreese’s comrade Terry Silver (Thomas Ian Griffith) visits Miyagi’s Dojo to lie about Kreese’s death, he couches it in an apology from their mutual South Korean master. In real life, Griffith is a black belt in Kenpo Karate and Taekwondo. Cobra Kai perpetuated the Tang Soo Do influence very subtly in Season 1. In episode 7, Johnny barks out a command that sounds like “jun be” which means “get ready” in Korean. 
There’s some historical validity to Kreese teaching “Korean Karate.” Much of Tang Soo Do came to the U.S. via military veterans that served in Korea. Both Johnson and Norris first learned their martial art while stationed there. This makes a lot of sense for Kreese’s character. The photo of Kreese in military uniform that hung in Cobra Kai declares him as the U.S. Army 1970-72 Karate Champion and Silver is his old Army buddy. 
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Miyagi-Do – Karate Here. Karate Not Here.
But what about Miyagi-Do? What style teaches “wax on wax off?” Since Pat Morita wasn’t a martial artist, his body double was a distinguished Karate master named Fumio Demura. Demura espouses Shito-Ryu Karate, but that’s not evident in the movies. It is implied that Miyagi teaches a style of Karate called Goju-Ryu. Goju means “hard soft” (the Go is the same character as in Gosuku-Ryu and the Ju is the same as in Judo – “the Soft Way”). Although never overtly stated, there are many subtle references throughout the films and series.
In The Karate Kid Part II, Miyagi and Daniel visit Miyagi’s hometown in Okinawa. In the family dojo, Miyagi tells Daniel of the founder of Miyagi-Do, an ancestor of Mr. Miyagi who ended up in China by accident after getting drunk and falling asleep in his fishing boat in 1625. He returned to Okinawa 10 years later with a Chinese wife, two kids, and the basis for Miyagi-Do. This artistic liberty is a mishmash of Goju-Ryu history. Grandmaster Higaonna Kanryo (1853–1916) was an Okinawan martial artist and translator who spent many years studying martial arts in China, including Crane style. His top student, another native Okinawan, followed in his footsteps to train in China too. That student was another Miyagi – Grandmaster Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953), the founder of Goju-Ryu.
Two more Goju-Ryu Easter eggs imply that it is the inspiration for Miyagi-Do. In The Karate Kid Part II, a Goju-Ryu patch can be clearly seen on Chozen’s (Yuji Okumoto) gi. The Goju-Ryu symbol is a golden upraised fist, often with the characters for Karate written underneath and it is unmistakable. Chozen was trained by his uncle Sato (Danny Kamekona), a fellow student under Miyagi’s father (Charlie Tanimoto) so they all practice the same style. 
Another major tell lies in the Kata that Miyagi teaches Daniel in The Karate Kid Part III. It is based on Seiunchin, an original Goju-Ryu Kata created by Higaonna Kanryo and passed down to Chojun Miyagi. This is the same Kata that Daniel recites in Cobra Kai and teaches to his students, including his daughter Samantha (Mary Mouser) and Johnny’s son Robby (Tanner Buchanan). Real Goju-Ryu practitioners often comment that it is a weak rendition of Seiunchin, but again, it’s just a show, not a documentary.
The original writer of The Karate Kid, Robert Mark Kamen, claims that the idea of the story was loosely autobiographical. He says he was beaten up by bullies after the 1964 World’s Fair in New York. That experience led him to start martial arts. His first instructor was too violent and vengeful, so he began studying Goju-Ryu. Kamen says Miyagi was based on Grandmaster Meitoku Yagi (1912-2003), a direct disciple of Miyagi and a National Living Treasure of Japan.
The Crane Kick
Daniel’s All-Valley victory move isn’t from Goju-Ryu. It was made up for the film. However, the same one-legged posture exists within Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. The pose was featured on the cover of a Kung Fu book originally published in 1984, the same year that The Karate Kid premiered. Northern Sil Lum: Moi Fah No. 7 by Kwon W. Lam and Ted Mancuso is now out-of-print (Sil Lum is the Cantonese pronunciation of Shaolin). In the book, it’s not called a Crane technique. The actual name is “Lift stance, Black Crow splits wings.” 
When this book was published, there was a lot of debate about which came first within the martial arts community. The Karate Kid released in theaters on June 22, 1984. Since the book came out earlier that year, and given movie production and post-production time, the Crane kick scenes were probably filmed before the book was published. Most likely, it was an auspicious coincidence. 
The creation of the Crane Kick is colloquially attributed to Darry Vidal, although he has said that it was Kamen who initially described the move. Vidal was the stunt double for Miyagi in the beach Crane Kick scene and played the last semi-finalist to face Johnny before Daniel. He was an up-and-coming martial artist when the movie was shot and still teaches Karate at his school in California. 
What Style is Season 3?
Despite these authentic underpinnings, the hard truth is that the martial arts have never been that good throughout the Karate Kid franchise. The unusual training methods are absurd and there’s no way an 18-and-under tournament like the All Valley Karate Championships would be held without safety gear. It’s movie fiction. While the fight scenes were dramatic, the technical skills displayed have been mediocre for such an iconic martial arts franchise. 
This all changed with the Cobra Kai season 2 finale. The final fight was applauded by fans of the genre as an outstanding piece of fight choreography, worthy of the brand. It included an outstanding long take—the hallmark of good fight scenes—that was technically sophisticated, complex in its composition and cinematography. From a martial standpoint, this was the crowning achievement for the entire franchise. The stunt coordinators for Cobra Kai are Jahnel Curfman, a former gymnast and dancer turned stuntwoman, and Hiro Koda, a decorated Karate champion and longtime stuntman. Both are signed on for Season 3. 
Many martial artists began their martial journey because they were inspired by The Karate Kid. For them, that movie was life changing. These devotees are eager to see if Curfman and Koda can sustain that high level of fight choreography for Cobra Kai Season 3. And if the writers can continue to follow through on the authenticity of the martial arts backstories, that will be even better. 
As Mr. Miyagi would say, “Banzai!”
Season 1 and 2 of Cobra Kai are now available on Netflix. Cobra Kai Season 3 premieres on Netflix in 2021.
The post The Real Martial Arts Behind Cobra Kai and The Karate Kid appeared first on Den of Geek.
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kateyes224 · 5 years
Here is my myth arc question: what happened to not-actually-Samantha from Redux II? If real Samantha and Jeffrey grew up a while on a military base, was CSM running off to work AND to ...a third facility? Where he raised fake Samantha? Was she a brainwashed clone who never even met CSM before that day? Is she ever even MENTIONED again on the show? #justicefornotsamantha, basically
YOOOOOOOO that's a fantastic question! If we take Closure to be the canon truth about what happened to Samantha, i.e. that she was a walk-in or whathaveyou, then yes, Redux II Samantha had to have been a clone who had been outfitted with implanted memories to make Mulder believe she was the real Samantha.
The only other time that version of Samantha is seen again is when Mulder has his dream sequence in Amor Fati and we see the grown/clone version of Samantha, and once again we're kind of led to believe that CSM raised her and was her father. Again, she's just dangled in front of Mulder to toy with Mulder's emotions and to keep him compliant. Poor guy.
I always wanted Redux II Samantha to be the real one. I thought that the way the Samantha arc ended was...unfulfilling, I guess? Kind of a copout, and a little silly.
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gentlenina · 7 years
A Chronological List Of My Favourite X-Files
“What X-File I Watch?” you ask.  I curate list.  You watch.  You.  Watch.  Especially the Darin Morgan episodes.
Season 1 (Think Of It As A Really Long B-Movie)
1-1 Pilot When Mulder met Scully 1-2 Deep Throat Not porn 1-3 Squeeze Scary contortionist liver harvester 1-8 Ice Field trip to Alaska featuring ear worms 1-11 Eve Clones, clones, clones 1-13 Beyond the Sea Scully’s first big loss of MANY 1-17 E.B.E. Meet the Lone Gunmen 1-20 Darkness Falls Scary invisible bugs take over the North Shore 1-21 Tooms Return of the liver harvester 1-24 The Erlenmeyer Flask Look how pregnant Gillian Anderson is
Season 2 (When The Show Got Really Fucking Good)
2-1 Little Green Men Aliens!  Puerto Rico! 2-2 The Host Darin Morgan as… FLUKEMAN! 2-3 Blood Darin Morgan tells us about subliminal messaging 2-5 Duane Barry Mulder goes for a swim, meets Krycek 2-6 Ascension Red Speedo part 2: Scully’s alien abduction
2-8 One Breath Red Speedo part 3: Scully’s return 2-9 Firewalker It’s basically Alien, right down to the chest bursters 2-10 Red Museum Fucking vegans 2-11 Excelsis Dei Ghost rape 2-12 Aubrey “I’ve always had a thing for girls named BJ” 2-13 Irresistible Sometimes the monster of the week is just a serial killer 2-14 Die Hand die Verletzt Evil teachers 2-15 Fresh Bones Haitian zombies 2-20 Humbug Darin Morgan writes another gem, Scully eats bugs 2-21 The Calusari Evil twins 2-24 Our Town Mad chicken disease
Season 3 (The One Where Mulder Dies And Is Resurrected For The First Time)
3-3 D.P.O. Jack Black runs an arcade 3-4 Clyde Bruckman Psychics, Darin Morgan, need I say more? 3-6 2Shy Internet dating culture in 1995 3-8 Oubliette Jewel Staite gets kidnapped 3-9 Nisei Aliens on a Train 3-10 731 Aliens on a Train pt. 2 3-12 War of the Coprophages Darin Morgan’s cockroach friends 3-13 Syzygy “Hate him, wouldn’t wanna date him.” 3-17 Pusher Brain tumors = psychic abilities 3-18 Teso dos Bichos Attack of the kitties 3-19 Hell Money Lucy Liu-kemia 3-20 Jose Chung's Scully doesn’t swear, according to Darin Morgan 3-21 Avatar Skinner kills hookers 3-22 Quagmire Darin Morgan’s Ogopogo kills Scully’s dog 3-23 Wetwired Mulder is colour blind 3-24 Talitha Cumi Meet Jeremiah Smith and the alien bounty hunter
Season 4 (Don’t Worry, Scully Is Immortal)
4-1 Herrenvolk So many Samantha Mulders 4-2 Home Incest: too hot for TV 4-3 Teliko Delicious pituitary glands 4-4 Unruhe German dental torture 4-6 Sanguinarium Plastic surgery featuring Satan 4-7 Musings of a CSM CSM kills everyone important 4-12 Leonard Betts Nomnomnom, cancer 4-13 Never Again Your Jodie Foster tattoo is talking to me 4-14 Memento Mori Aliens give Scully the gift of brain cancer
4-15 Kaddish Hasidic Jews 4-20 Small Potatoes Darin Morgan fucks all the bitches 4-21 Zero Sum ‘Member killer bees?  I ‘member. 4-22 Elegy Mulder & Scully go bowling 4-23 Demons Mulder starts flipping his shit 4-24 Gethsemane Mulder dies, again
Season 5 (The Season Everyone Liked)
5-1 Redux Jokes, Mulder is alive; Scully might die 5-2 Redux II Jokes, Scully’s fine - probably immortal 5-3 Unusual Suspects Lone Gunmen origin story 5-4 Detour Scully sings to Mulder in the forest 5-5 Post-Modern Prometheus Frankenstein’s monster loves Cher 5-6 Christmas Carol Scully has a child? 5-7 Emily Let’s kill it off and do it again come season 8 5-10 Chinga Stephen King and the Lynn Valley Dairy Queen 5-11 Kill Switch Upload yourself to the internet 5-12 Bad Blood Pizza and vampires, can you dig it? 5-17 All Souls Polydactyl quadruplets vs. the Catholic church 5-18 The Pine Bluff Variant Biological weapons in the movie theater 5-19 Folie a Deux Everyone is insane and there are giant bugs 5-20 The End As in the end of filming in Vancouver
Season 6 (80% LOLs, 20% Bullshit, 100% California)
6-1 The Beginning Welcome to California. 6-2 Drive Before Breaking Bad, there was X-Files 6-3 Triangle Mulder and Scully do “Titanic” 6-4 Dreamland Mulder gets a water bed 6-5 Dreamland II Mulder gets his body back 6-6 How Ghosts Stole Xmas Haunted Christmas house with Miss Frizzle 6-7 Terms of Endearment Ash from Evil Dead wants children 6-13 Agua Mala Florida is fucking ghetto 6-14 Monday Groundhog Day starring David Duchovny 6-15 Arcadia “Woman, get in here and make me a sandwich” 6-18 Milagro A creep stalks Scully and writes her a fanfic 6-19 The Unnatural Ice cream, baseball, aliens, and the KKK 6-20 Three of a Kind The Lone Gunmen drag Scully to Vegas 6-21 Field Trip Mulder and Scully do shrooms
Season 7 (Enjoy Mulder While He’s Still Here)
7-3 Hungry Meat is murder, for reals 7-6 The Goldberg Variation Shia LaBeouf needs a lucky liver 7-7 Orison Donnie Pfaster returns 7-8 The Amazing Maleeni Twin magicians 7-9 Signs and Wonders Snakes for Jesus 7-12 X-Cops Probably the most 1999 crossover 7-13 First Person Shooter Mulder and Scully play very early, shitty VR 7-15 En Ami CSM is a gross fucking rapist 7-17 all things Scully meets some nice holistic lesbians 7-19 Hollywood A.D. X-Files starring Tea Leoni and Garry Shandling 7-22 Requiem Mulder gets abducted by aliens, Scully is pregnant
Season 8 (The One With The Baby)
8-4 Roadrunners The cult of the back slug 8-5 Invocation Time traveling ghost babies 8-10 Badlaa The little man that hides in your ass 8-12 Medusa Spooky tunnels 8-13 Per Manum Alien fetuses are the only reason I watched S8 8-14 This is Not Happening Mulder is dead!  Again. 8-15 DeadAlive Did I say dead?  Jokes.
8-19 Alone This is basically a self-insert fanfic 8-20 Essence Supersoldiers want Scully’s baby 8-21 Existence Scully has the baby, Reyes becomes her wife
Season 9 (X-Files With Doggett & Reyes)
9-5 Lord of the Flies Jackass featuring actual flies 9-11 Audrey Pauley Reyes’s coma adventure 9-13 Improbable If man is 5, then the devil is 6, and God is Burt Reynolds 9-14 Scary Monsters Children are awful 9-15 Jump the Shark The one where they murder the Lone Gunmen 9-16 William Mulder and Scully give up their not-so-alien baby 9-18 Sunshine Days This dude *really* loves the Brady Bunch 9-19 The Truth It’s not good, but it’s “the end” 9-20 The Truth II
Season 10 (Dear God, Why?)
10-2 Founder's Mutation Some X-Men shit 10-3 Were-Monster Welcome back, Darin Morgan 10-4 Home Again Tim Armstrong is the Trashman
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
My Encyclopedia of My X-Files Fic Lists, Analyses, Fan Vids, and Fan Fiction Resources
So, I pushed all my little anthills into one dust pile because I got sick and tired of having to manually search through my colonies to find that ONE drone. 
~~~X-Files Collector’s Edition~~~
The Fics That Started It All 
Meet the Mulders
Car Accidents, Injuries, and Fluff- Oh My!
Creepy and Cozy Cabins
Redux II Samantha Was Real
I Want To Be Leaves (Fall Fics) 
 Mulder’s Early or Late Birthdays (Season 1)
Mulder’s Early or Late Birthdays (Angst)
Amor Fati(gue) 
Amor Fati(gue) AUs
Time Travel, Time Loops, and Just Wrong Timing 
Happy Halloween with the Mulder-Scully Family  
Many Mondays and “The Creeps”
Ghostly Hauntings and Experiences- AUs 
Thanksgivings Are Better Twofold 
Flying for Christmas 
Christmas and Emily’s Fate 
New Year, New Relationship   
Canonical-Esque Crack Fic {Edited}
Off-The-Wall Crazy Crack Fic  
Coming Home to Their Unremarkable House 
Little Samantha’s Life in Capture 
Car Wrekt  
Friendship Fix (According to Various Authors) Part 1 
Friendship Fix (According to Various Authors) Part 2  
Valentine’s Day, the Platonic Way
MSR Kicks Platonic Valentine’s to the Curb
Mulder and Scully Fight Insomnia  
Scully’s Arcadian Birthday 
The X-File That Started It All 
Diana Fowl(ey) Play-- All Parts 
S9 Mulder Stays or Returns While the Mytharc Barrels On
Anasazi– Shot and Emotionally Fraught
Pranks and Other April Fics
Celebrating Passover and Easter 
Poll Results: Fic Niches and Polls 
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I) 
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part II)
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part III)
Fics that Deserve More Comments (Part IV)
Fic Moments That “Hit Different” 
Fics That Fit My Niche "Dad!Mulder" Likes
MORE Fics That Fit My Niche “Dad!Mulder” Likes
Dad!Mulder, His "Mini Me"s, and Sports 
Fight the Future Fics (Part I)
Fight the Future Fics (Part II) 
Crazy X-Cops (and Watching the Tragic Ep. Later)
S9, The Season of Secret Dad (Long Fics) 
MOTW but Rinse and Repeat 
The Field Where I Fix-It Fic-ed
Beefy Revival Mulder
S8 Mulder Resurrects to a Miracle 
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Mulder, Scully, and Scents
A Short Fic Tribute to Samantha's 50th Anniversary
Mulder, To Jew or Not to Jew
It’s the Most HTGSC Time of Year
Mulder and Scully and Dancing
Sins of the Eaten Flesh
Mulder, Scully, and Courthouse Weddings
Cars and Conversations (Part I)
Cars and Conversations (Part II)
Bill Scully, MSR, and Pain (Part I)
Reviving that Love
randomfoggytiger’s Comfort Fics
Unseasoned Agents-- Early Love and Miraculous Do-Overs
Mulder, Scully, and Childhood AUs
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part I)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part II)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part III)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part IV)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part V)
All IVF Arcs Must Come to Their End
~~~Curated Authors Collection / Short Entries~~~
randomfoggytiger’s Son of Egypt
randomfoggytiger's Fictober Wrap Up
randomfoggytiger’s Chariots of Fire 
Eight Nights of Mulder 2023 
randomfoggytiger’s “You Had Nothing” 
randomfoggytiger’s “The Next Chance”
randomfoggytiger’s “Mr. Mulder, I Know Something About You”
randomfoggytiger’s “You Up For Joining Us?” 
randomfoggytiger’s “Think He’ll Call You Tonight?”
randomfoggytiger’s ”You're Not Here, Dana-- You're a Million Miles Away"
randomfoggytiger’s "You're Only Going to End Up Hurting Yourself"
randomfoggytiger’s “Because the FBI Has Nothing to Hide"
randomfoggytiger’s "Creating This Whole Scenario to Fulfill a Dream"
randomfoggytiger’s "I've Already Lost One Sister to This Quest You're On"
randomfoggytiger’s The Hospital Where You Slept
randomfoggytiger’s "I Know You. It’s What I Do."
randomfoggytiger’s “Did You Really Have to Bring That Thing?” 
randomfoggytiger’s “You Just Have to Know Where to Look” 
randomfoggytiger’s “You Feeling Any Better?” 
randomfoggytiger’s “I’ve Never Met a Sweeter, More Courageous Little Girl”
randomfoggytiger’s “I Think It’s About Fate”
randomfoggytiger’s “I Had You Big Time” 
randomfoggytiger’s Grandmothers
randomfoggytiger’s “Tofutti Rice Dreamsicle”
randomfoggytiger’s The Little Things
randomfoggytiger’s "I Have a Life" 
randomfoggytiger’s "It's Not a Choice, but a Calling"  
randomfoggytiger’s "You Follow Your Heart, and It'll Take You Where You're Supposed to Go"
A Happy Family (Curated Baroness Blixen’s S9)
Curated Baroness Blixen’s Millennium Fics  
Curated Jamie Greco 
Alligator Moon by jordan  
Still Waters by XP1 
Everything But the Kitchen Sink by Amy Schatz
Morse Cody by grumpysimon 
Fox’s Den I/II/III by Thalia D’Muse 
Curated suitablyaggrieved/ScullyLovesQueequeg’s Cancer Arc Fics
Haze and necromance by astronaught 
fragility by homecomingserf 
Just Another Day on the Oil by Vickie Moseley  
Skyland Mountain (AU) by JenAndrews 
My Favorites Curated Fics and Quotes by suitablyaggrieved 
X-Files Fic That Irons Out the Mytharc... by touchstonea
Curated muldertxf Fics 
Curated melforbes Fics
Curated settle-down-frohike Fics
Curated Baroness Blixen’s Car Conversations
~~~X-Files Fan Fiction Resources~~~
Collected Resources
Mailboxes in Arcadia: Allegory, Leitmotif, and Chekhov’s Gun
Arcadia Analysis: Scully Was Enjoying Herself Immensely 
Arcadia Analysis: Mulder’s Struggle
 Arcadia Analysis: Their Worst Nightmares and Trauma Responses 
Babylon Dance: An Alternative
Mulder Did Not “Lose Himself” in His Early VCU Days 
Biogenesis’s BIG Problem with the Alien-Human Hybrid Virus 
One Son: An Intense, One-Shot Analysis of “You’re Making This Personal”  
Never Again: An Intensive Essay 
Mulder: Sick Fic Vs. Reality
MSR Communication Summed Up
Mulder and Scully’s Most Defining Moment-- “You. Help. Me.”
Charlie Scully in Beyond the Sea
Reasons Why John Doggett Is the Best
S8 Scully Would Not Have Let Essence and Existence Happen
Mulder Would Never Let Scully Walk Away with Words Left Unsaid 
Mulder’s Necessary Emotional Growth in One Breath 
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part I): Colony and End Game
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part II): The Past Is Important to the Present
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part III): Dissecting the Dynamics in Demons
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part IV-1): The Death and Redemption of the Man Who “Threw In”
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part IV-2): Bill Mulder’s Tainted Legacy
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part V): Tena Mulder’s Relationships Begin to Change
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VI): Talitha Cumi and Tena’s Lies
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VII): Childhood Damage in Herrenvolk
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VIII): Tena, Amor Fati, and Who’s the Daddy
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part IX): Tena Mulder’s Suicide and Saving Mulder from Himself
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part X): Samantha, Spitfire and Stardust
Mulder Was a Father, Even in the Desert 
S8 Scully Healing Before Deadalive
We Don’t Value Skinner Enough 
Scully’s Complete Change From One Breath to Herrenvolk
S5 Is a Pretty Dark Time for Mulder
The Glaring Ideological Difference Between Mulder and Scully
I Wish: Post Three Words and Mulder
Ascension: Mulder and Maggie’s Bond
Mulder Saw That Scully Was Alone in Redux II 
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part I): Childhood and The Pilot
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part II): The First Christmas Death
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part III): A Facade and a Funeral
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part IV): Luthor Lee Boggs, Love, and Letting Go
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part V): Miracles, Lyle Parker, and Psychic Charlie?
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VI): Maggie Scully and Mulder Meet
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VII): Mulder, Maggie, Melissa, and the Snake
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VIII): Maggie Calls Mulder "Fox"
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part IX): Mulder and the Two Scully Sisters
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part X): One Breath and the Scully Men
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XI): The Last Conversations of One Melissa Scully
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XII): Prophecy, Death, and the Question of Fate
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XIII): The Erosion of Scully’s Security, on Tape
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XIV): When Nature Turns So Cruel
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XV): "Other Fathers", Deleted Scenes, and "Things to Prove"
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XVI): Crouching Cancer, Hidden Motives
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XVII): The Doubting Thomas
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XVIII): Best-Laid Schemes Often Go Awry
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XIX): Eyes Averted, and Final Decisions
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XX): The Brotherhood of Miscommunication 
Spooky Jr. Was Born in a Ghost Town
Mulder Is a Brooder; and Scully Is His Concluder
Scully and Christmas Ghosts
I Love the Unanswered Questions of the X-Files
Mulder Respects Scully’s Medical Choices in the Most Baffling Ways
Scully’s Failures and Her Villains
Mulder Has Max Fenig’s Cap in Beyond the Sea
Scully Is the Conduit Conductor and Mulder Is the Dancer
Mulder Didn’t Use Scully’s Apartment Key Until He “Belonged”
Frohike is THE Man
Mulder and Scully Picked Exes With the Most Red Flag Names Possible
Mulder, the Arcadia Trophy Husband
Mulder Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?
Scully Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?   
Arcadia Mulder and His Pillows
How Scully Taught Mulder to Hug
Alpha In-Depth: All Parts
Mulder and Dreams
Milagro In-Depth: All Parts 
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas In-Depth: Full Analysis
Scully's Speech in HTGSC Proves Mulder Is Her Ouroboros
Mulder and Scully Didn’t Want a “Network” Outside of Each Other
All Souls, Lost Girls, and Grief
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part I): Waking Up to Miracles 
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part II): PTSD and Guilt
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part III): "Processing" How to Fit Back into a Healing World
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part IV): Passive Mulder Turns Passive-Aggressive
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part V): The Mutual Pain of Reconnection
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part VI): Bonds Once Forged Cannot Be Broken
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part VII): Trickery, Terror, and Tears
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part VIII) UPDATED!: Missing Conversations and Mulder Gettin’ His Groove On
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part IX): An Episode of Mad About You
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part X): The First Touch, and Unconscious Limbo 
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part XI): Sons and Shared Trauma
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part XII): A Campaign of Disinformation 
Movies Were Mulder's Comfort Placebo Pre-Scully
Mulder and "Killing" Scully
Scully, Snakes, and Reincarnation
CSM Inflicted Insanity On the Syndicate
Mulder’s Little Smile in the Paper Hearts Morgue
Mulder and Scully and the Graves of Many Little Girls
Elegy: A Lie Between Two Truths
Mulder and His Nests
Mulder’s Dichotomy in Three Words
Skinner’s Regrets
Fire and False Romance, Ice and Love
All IVF Roads Lead Away from The Unnatural and to Millennium
X-Cops and Vince Gilligan’s Mulder
The Cancer Arc and Scully's Reliance on Mulder's Strength
Tomboy Scully and Pretty Boy Mulder
Mulder and Scully's Love Story: Season 1
You’re a Magician, Scully
"Proving" Mulder Knew He Was the Father of Scully's Baby
Mulder and Scully Broke Each Other’s Patterns
AU Samantha and Schizogeny Thoughts
Explaining the Never Again Script
Dreams, Alternate Realities, and Agency
One Breath Walked So Firewalker (and Episodes Proceeding It) Could Run
The List: Setting the Stage for Scully’s Loneliness and Mulder’s Panic
Elegy Explanation (and Realization)
Scully and Matters of the Heart: S1-4
Gethsemane, Bill Scully Apologia, and Maggie the Emergency Contact
Mulder: Jewish or Religious References (and His S8 Funeral)
Little Green Men and Teliko Parallels
I Want to Believe: A Character Study in Disordered Writing
HTGSC: Old Tricks and New Lessons
Mulder and Vulnerability
Developed Psychic Ability and Death
Psychics Developed Their Abilities Through Alien DNA
Attractive Monsters and Mulder
Disproving CSM’s Conjecture in En Ami
An Evolution of Mulder and Scully’s Forehead Kisses
Bill Scully Kept Melissa Scully’s Photo in Baby Matthew’s Room
Update: The Therapist in The Red and the Black
Scully's Abduction, Emily Sim, and the Lost Scully Baby
Mulder’s a Big Wig in the Conspiracy Community (and Colonization Thoughts)
Mulder and Scully, Past Lives, and the White Buffalo Calf
Scully the Honest, Mulder the Relentless
The X-Files and Werewolves
Attachment Styles: An Avoidance Shared by Two
Scully and Emily Parallels
Scully and Relationships: Initial Commitment and Cyclical Self-Doubt
Scully’s Survival Broke The Field Where I Died’s Cycle
Diana Fowley, the Four-Poster Bed Instigator (Perhaps)
Dreamland II: Golf Clubs, Diana Fowley, and Mulder’s Father
Charlie Scully’s X-Files Relationship Status
Scully’s Lies and Self-Edits
Fight the Future Hallway: In-Depth
Shoulda Woulda Coulda: Create a Cohesive Canon by Eliminating the Mulder-Scully Baby
If Mulder and Doggett Were Partnered in Season 8
Mulder Reliving His Childhood Traumas
All Things: Fellig's Fate, Scully's Immortality, and Waterston's Healing
Mulder's Heart: Alluring Temptations, Denial, and the Slow Burn 
The X-Files: the Madonna-Whore Complex
Dying with Each Other's Wounds on Their Bodies
Revival Mulder Was Diagnosed with the Wrong Depression (+ actual-changeling’s Addition)
The Journey of Scully's Faith, in Brief
The Rules of Ghosts and Spooks
Unrest, Faulty Memories, and and Lost Sisters
“My Touchstone”: the Turning Point 
Diana Fowley: the Definition of Manipulative Comfort
How to "Type" Personality Types: An Ultimate Resource 
MULDER, The Spooky INTP 
{{Extraction: Proving Mulder Is Not an INFJ/INFP}} 
SCULLY, The Enigmatic ISTJ
Mulder and Scully: Love and Touch for INTPs/ISTJs 
Dissecting ‘One Son’ (Part I)   
Dissecting ‘One Son’ (Part II) 
‘Never Again’ and Fear 
KRYCEK, An Unstoppable Manipulator
INTPs In Their Own Words 
SKINmanNER, The Bald and the Beautiful 
MAGGIE, The Passionate Scully
BILL SCULLY, Junior and Senior (and Charlie?)
~~~Musicals/Fan Vids/AMVs~~~
Fight Club (Finale)
Fight Club: Finale Redone with Less Kathy Griffiths
TINH: Scully’s Solo
S2 Abduction: Mulder’s Torment 
Drivin’ Right Along
Hungry: Everything Is Food
Our Town: Everything Is Food
Krycek and Marita: You’re My Little Choochie Face
Irresistible: I Whistle a Happy Tune
Syzygy: Everything You Can Do I Can Do Better
Mulder and Samantha: Miracle of Miracles
Amor Fati: If I Never Knew You 
Arcadia: People Will Say We’re in Love 
Scully, Far from the Home She Loves
CSM and Diana: The Riddle  
The Mulders: Sunrise, Sunset
HTGSC: Christmas Can Can
Melissa: Mother Earth and Father Time
Monday: There’s Always Tomorrow
Memento Mori: I Bring You a Song
Pilot: I Ride Alone
Milagro: Hellfire
Paper Hearts: Lovely, Lonely Man
Darkness Falls: Walk Outside
Emily: Come to Me
Talitha Cumi: Misty Mountains
Season 6: 9 to 5
Maggie and Dana: Everything's Alright
Samantha Mulder: God Help the Outcasts
React: "Return to Me" from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs
React: Watching I Want to Believe for the First Time (and Losing My Mind) 
What Happens Later: Misdirection and Miscommunication
Reverse the Curse: David Duchovny’s Heartfelt Period Piece 
Personality Typing: Return to Me
Personality Typing: Bringing Up Baby
Personality Typing: Hank Moody, Maggie Scully, and ESTPs
What Happens Later: ESTJs, ESFPs, and Building Back Love ‘N Trust 
David Duchovny’s Face: an Aesthetics Study
Seasonal Color Theory: a Reference Guide
Seasonal Color Analysis: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
Seasonal Color Analysis: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and Their Colors
Seasonal Color Analysis: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson-- Skin Tones and Tricky Fashion Tips
Kibbe Body Types: Gillian Anderson
Kibbe Body Types: David Duchovny 
Kitchener Essence: Gillian Anderson
Kitchener Essence: David Duchovny
Makeup Myths and Acne Realities 
Paparazzi, Celebrity Deals, and David Duchovny 
CHRIS CARTER'S MISCOMMUNICATION: "Platonic", "Cerebral and Sexy", and the Romantic Dynamic of The X-Files
245 notes · View notes
randomfoggytiger · 3 hours
Collector's Edition: Samantha Mulder's (Many) Returns
In honor of anon's request: "I was wondering if you had any fic recommendations in which Mulder found Samantha? I'm having a hard time with closure ahah."
(Here are some previous Samantha fic lists:
Meet the Mulders    
Redux II Samantha Was Real
Little Samantha’s Life in Capture
A Tribute to Samantha's 50th Anniversary)
Loose chronological order below~
Pequod's Way Beyond Blue
He summoned up all the courage he'd ever had, or ever needed and walked into his future.
Pre-Sein und Zeit Mulder has a prophetic dream.
"I'm supposed to believe you did him a *favor* when you killed a little girl and - what, paid some workmen - to plant her scoured bones in that basement?" demanded Scully.
Pre-Sein und Zeit Scully is commanded by CSM not to tell Mulder that Samantha is dead.
Searching in Vain
Fingers moving through disturbed earth over bone. He couldn't look and yet he had to. The right size. The right injuries. Including that final, horrible one.
AU-- Mulder is suppressing the true nature of Samantha's twisted death.
The hours dissolved as he sat entranced, watching himself on videotape in situations where he knew he'd never been. A wedding. To Scully, a beautiful bride. Surprisingly, the tears didn't come when he saw Samantha on the tape, alive and grown and lovely. The tears came when he saw the children on video.
AU-- Mulder is shot into a horrific alternate universe where he gained (and lost) a happy ending.
@agent-troi's This Heart That I Misplaced
She looked just like the others… but something was missing. Something essential had been taken from her, and somehow that convinced him beyond any last shred of doubt that this was in fact his Samantha.
AU-- Pre-Closure nurse died saving Samantha's life; and her sacrifice kicks off the finale of Mulder's journey.
Justin Glasser's (xphilefic) Orrery
I don't remember a lot about where I was before I was here. I remember someplace else. There was water there, and I wasn't too warm all the time. And I remember that I miss it, but I don't know why. Here is okay, when there are no tests. Jeffrey lets me pet his dog.
AU-- Post Closure Mulder's happy ending is torn from him after Harold's son is found alive.
amorfati3215's The 5 Ads for If Samantha Was Found Alive
“My name is Claire,” she replies softly. “But I used to be called Samantha.”
AU-- Closure Scully tracks down the nurse who rescued and raised Samantha.
@all-these-ghosts's (Ao3) happily ever after
“She was married for a few years, but her husband passed away. Georgie and Lauren moved back in with me after. Lauren was just a baby when it happened.”
AU-- Closure Mulder and Samantha reunite.
DaynaFox's The Return of Samantha Mulder
“Are you another cop?” she asked him. “Did you find my Mom and Dad yet? They only went next store, to visit the Galbrands. Did you ask the Galbrands where they went?”
Samantha, the Galbrands have both been dead for over 15 years… Mulder thought as he gazed at her. 
AU-- Post Closure Mulder is given a call from the authorities: his sister is not dead; and has been returned, not a day older, with no memory of her disappearance.
AU: The Mulders adopted Samantha instead of her being abducted.
Later on, he’s kind of glad he’s an only child.
What it says on the tin.
november 27, 1973
Her mother cries, pulls her into her lap and holds her tightly, says, “My baby, my baby,” over and over again. Samantha asks for cookies, and her mother takes her to the kitchen and pours her a glass of milk and stacks three cookies in front of her even though the rule is no more than 2 and not after bedtime. It’s past her bedtime, but she eats them anyway, has never remembered being this hungry.
Different endings to Samantha's abduction.
california winter
Fox gulped. He wanted to change his mind in that moment, but he heard Samantha and Jeffrey crying in the closet and he couldn't say a word. He had to be the brave big brother. He had to protect him.
Mulder and Samantha are both taken; and devise a plan of escape with little Jeffrey in tow.
X-Files Fictober: woman, socks, locker. setting: abandoned storage unit.
He turns and sees the girl, much younger than her with dark hair curling down her back, dressed in the same hospital gown as her. No shoes, just socks.
One Breath Scully escapes with Samantha.
Half-Light Universe
You have another chance to figure out what happened to Samantha. She may not be dead. All of it… you get another chance.
He wonders if it’s worth it.
Revival Mulder and Scully are shot back to those nine minutes they lost in the Pilot, with a chance to make everything-- or more things-- right.
@pilotinthestars's the holding-her-breath girl (Ao3)
It hit him then. She’d never been to this house, the one Teena had bought after the divorce in Connecticut.
Samantha is gone; Samantha is returned; and Samantha might not stay.
Erin M. Blair's
Turning Nine
"It's not your fault, Fox."
Samantha is returned from her abduction; and refuses to tell anyone except Mulder about her experiences.
Newfound Love
"I know," said Samantha as she took the photo from Scully. "I want to find him...."
Mulder, not Samantha, was abducted; and she and Scully (with the help of Deep Throat) help rescue him years later.
Discovery Of Samantha
"You look as though you had seen a ghost," Jennifer remarked, with a wry sense of humor.
Mulder and Scully are happily married (despite Diana's machinations); and find out one of their friends is Samantha.
@discordantwords's (Ao3) Lethe
She cannot remember the song, cannot remember her mother's name. But she remembers the sound of laughter, the red polka dots on her dress, bare toes in thick pile carpet.
Pre-One Breath Scully finds Samantha on the train car.
@i-gaze-at-scully's AU where the Samantha clone was actually the real Samatha
Mulder doesn’t attend the funeral. Can’t face his parents, can’t face the finality of two decades’ worth of his quest finally ending. Can’t face the 28 year old cold body of his 8 year old sister.
End Game Samantha wasn't a clone.
She watched them run test on her blood and her skin, they were exited by everything about her. She didn't understand.
X tells Mulder where to find Samantha... but, as always, nothing is ever clean-cut.
Secrets in the Forest
"Scully there's something you have to know about Kinnear. The night's are cold. I don't mean Washington D.C. cold, I mean cold." Samantha said accenting that last 'cold'.
Mulder and Scully inadvertently find Samantha while investigating a UFO case.
JLB's Lost and Found
"The test results determined that there is a match," she says quietly. "This is Samantha."
DNA confirms that one of Roche's victims was Samantha; and Scully tries to keep Mulder from falling completely apart.
@officialmulder/specialagentpao's broken hearts, paper hearts
It was going to be a snowy day. Mulder smiled to himself. Samantha liked snowy days. It was an excuse to stay in bed and drink hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows. They were allowed to do it once or twice a year.
Roche did kill Samantha; and Tena Mulder blames her son.
AU where Roche DID kill Samantha (Ao3)
In a photo in the lower right-hand corner, Samantha was posing with a brand new bike, dressed in a floral nightgown, the tree behind her covered in garish amounts of tinsel.
Post Memento Mori Mulder finds evidence that the last girl was Samantha, after all.
Livia Balaban's
180-Word Self-Imposed Challenge: Samantha's Fate - Version Four
And now a new lie. That she is my sister. I look into her unblinking Hazel gaze, and shake my head. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Redux II Samantha appears, again; but Mulder doesn't believe she's his sister.
Cunegund's Restoration I & II
Nine-year-old Samantha sits with us, another addition to our new family, and Krycek seems impossibly pleased with himself as he eats his own omelet with his right hand while he stirs his coffee with his left.
Post Requiem Mulder returns-- via the efforts of Krycek, TLG, and even Morris Fletcher-- with the abductees and his still young sister... right in time for his growing family to go into hiding.
Susanne Barringer's Thicker than Blood
Mulder stepped into the kitchen and immediately Samantha dropped Scully's hand. She shifted her position to put some distance between them, and her face turned hard.
Post Redux II Samantha appears again... and not for benevolent purposes.
Amy's Where Are You, China Blue?
"You're not listening."
"Yes, I am."
"Then stop it, Daddy. Just hear me out. I don't care anymore."
Post Redux II Samantha is sick and tired of CSM's games.
@writingwell/RocketMan's (xanadu) A Jerry Maguire Ending
"Why are you still here, Mulder? Your life long quest has ended. Samantha is back, and you know the reasons behind it, if not the purpose. What keeps you here?"
Post Redux II Samantha is incensed that her brother doesn't want to quit the files.
Susan Proto's
Familiar Faces
There was no doubt in his mind it was Samantha.
Or a clone.
Post Fight the Future Mulder and Scully see a Samantha lookalike; and Scully decides to do some investigating.
"Fox, you're wrong. He can help your partner," Christeena attempted to convince. "He cured me, and he can cure Dana. Fox, I swear. I swear on your sister's life."
Scully is pregnant and in a coma, Maggie doesn't consider Mulder 'family', and Tena has known all along her daughter is still alive.
Jennifer Maurer's Perfect Gifts
"Yes. I have Agent Mulder's sister Samantha."
Scully makes a Christmas monkey paw deal for Samantha's return.
Lauren's (MC) The Return
The side profile of the child looked vaguely familiar. Mulder squinted his eyes to look closer. He suddenly felt the strength drain from his body as recognition registered for a brief minute.
Samantha is briefly returned; and CSM tries to use that to his advantage, luring Mulder into a death trap.
Sarah Ellen Parsons's 180-Word Self-Imposed Challenge: Samantha's Fate - Version One
I look at them suspended in greenish liquid - my children.
Samantha is a co-conspirator in the clone project.
Mish's Contact
His eyes swim with unshed tears but his words are steady. "I had the Gunmen search for her. Actually, she seems to be leading a pretty normal, happy life." His lips curve in a watery smile.
Post The Unnatural Mulder brings Scully to watch a little league baseball game; and has one more surprise in store for her.
@cecilysass's The Boy on the Beach (Ao3)
He recounted it like it was an exciting action tale, like it was a comic book, and Samantha just stared at him, gimlet-eyed. Maybe it was right to trust him to handle his own sister. Then again, he had a well-documented tendency to make reckless moves, even when he was in his thirties.
Post Amor Fati Scully is whisked back in time, resigning herself to being trapped in the past forever if she can save Samantha from being abducted.
@o6666666's (Ao3) What's your headcanon for if Samantha was found?
“I’m fine,” Scully calls to her, eyes still beating down on Pfaster. “I’m fine, Samantha!” But she is shaking from head to toe, teeth chattering as if her apartment’s cold. 
Scully, Mulder, and Samantha adjust to the latter's return, riding the ups and downs of Season 7 together.
 finisterre's The Tunnel at the End of the Light
It's her, the woman from the video, peering out of the door. I can only see the right half of her face in the murk of the room. I relax a little; this has to be the right place.
Samantha and her two sons escape, looking for Mulder's help-- not knowing he'd recently been abducted.
Gillian Leigh's (MC) Visitor in the Desert (MC)
"Samantha?" The woman stared at him without recognition for a moment, and then her own hazel eyes widened behind the simple frames of her glasses.
Season 9 Mulder is visited by his daughter from the future-- who helps him prevent William's adoption and reunites him with his sister (and Scully's brothers) in an underground colony.
Donna's After the Future
The atmosphere was nothing like when he had been a child. He could remember hiding in the loft with Samantha watching their parents fight or their father conspire against humankind.
Part II to a Colonization timeline, Scully barters for Samatha's life so Mulder (and their biological and adopted children) can be at peace.
@mldrgrl's Some Other Me
There’s a Fox Mulder whose sister wasn’t taken from him by aliens.  Instead, she died in a drowning accident at their summer home when she was four.
A series of AUs for Mulder, Scully, and Samantha.
@wexleresque/hellsteeth's the holidays linger like bad perfume (Ao3)
“I grew up here, my parents both still live here, but they’re separated. My sister…isn’t well. They share the responsibility of caring for her, and as they’ve gotten older, I’ve been trying to come back more often and help out.”
Mulder and Scully briefly meet on the Vineyard, and swap some intriguing family history.
Leni's Partnership
It had taken a year of partnership to learn about Mulder's little sister. 
Mulder is an author, penning out the stories he'd told his late sister growing up.
@swinging-stars-from-satellites's no but the concept of Samantha Mulder being returned to the world at 14
she wants to know her own history and what Changed Her and it worries her, gets her deep enough into her head — Mulders, conscious of it or not, have depressive, obsessive tendencies — that she finally tries regression hypnotherapy....
Samantha, amnesic and happily adopted, works tirelessly to learn about her old life.
Keri Gontarek's Reunited II
"Yes. And she's fine. A little weak--apparently, Krycek was pumping her full of morphine and other drugs, but she's recovering."
Scully is an FBI Director when Mulder rejoins her life. In part one, it's revealed they have a son. In part two, they find and rescue Samantha.
Taverl's Notes II
But he took it even worse than I had imagined, shutting himself off from anyone and everyone. Especially me. After seventeen years of friendship and almost eleven of marriage, I know Mulder too well not to realize that he never held me responsible for the fact that he didn't find Samantha until it was too late. It was his own innate and well-honed sense of guilt that made him hurl accusations at me; that made him blame me for not finding her it time to save her. That didn't make it hurt any less, though.
Mulder's marriage falls apart after finding his dead sister; and Scully (and Skinner) finds him, half dead, in the tub.
@dreamingofscully's Surely, to the sea (Ao3)
She sighed, then stepped forward and took one of his hands. “Years ago. Samantha.”
Mulder’s eyes dropped to the floor and his hand went limp in hers. Silence draped over them as he processed her words. She knew what he was thinking, because the same ideas flitted around her own mind. 
Samantha's mysterious illness is mentioned as part of a larger casefile (featuring married paranormal investigators Mulder and Scully.)
Medusa's Sandcastles
She smiled at him. The most beautiful smile he'd ever seen, bar one.
Mulder wakes from a coma, having dreamt the X-files as an entire, false life.
Thanks for reading~
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randomfoggytiger · 10 months
X-Files Collector's Edition: A Short Fic Tribute to Samantha's 50th Anniversary
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Samantha's abduction, I scrounged around and found a fic here and there that might not have made it onto previous fic lists:
Loose chronological order below~
@o6666666's (Ao3) Untitled
Post Paper Clip Mulder commiserates with Scully over the loss of Melissa, sharing a moment from his past after Samantha's abduction.
@baronessblixen's (Ao3) 
Prompts & Drabbles - Chapter 60 (Tumblr)
Scully joins an injured Mulder in his remembrance of Samantha on the anniversary of her disappearance.
What I Wish For You (Tumblr)
Mulder invites Scully to celebrate Samantha's birthday.
@agent-troi/CaptainTroi’s The Scully Dimension
Synchrony Mulder realizes he forgot to include Samantha in his time travel wishes.
AU-- Samantha escapes from the CSM compound and lives. The nurse doesn't have a happy ending; but Mulder is able to sneak his way back into Samantha's life.
AU-- A better ending for the Samantha-mytharc storyline.
Grey Visions
Mulder thinks he saw Samantha in a stranger's attic.
155 Words - Santa Claus, North Pole
Post Closure Mulder finds an old letter of Samantha's.
@amplifyme/wonderland/Lydia Bower’s Roghnaíonn Mé Tú (Tumblr)
S7 Scully is thunderstruck, again, that Mulder chose her over Samantha in End Game.
Polly's (Ao3) Star Light, Star Bright
Post Closure Mulder remembers Samantha's childhood wish to be stardust.
Previous fic lists mentioned
Meet the Mulders    
Redux II Samantha Was Real
Little Samantha’s Life in Capture
Thank you for reading~
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randomfoggytiger · 21 days
Helloo!! For the writers ask game: 👻✍🏾🥳📗
Eyyy,welcome~ :DDDD
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
That Redux II Samantha was the real deal. That CSM isn't Mulder's father. That Mulder and Scully were outta the Diana Fowley funk by Arcadia. Take your pic. XD
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
SILENCE, absolute silence. With someone nearby to keep me company~
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
I've always been driven to write; but that dried up for four or five years because I had nothing to write about.... Well, now I do. ;)
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Um, I wrote a fake "thank you letter" pretending to be a celebrity one of my family members had a crush on. Had a neighbor write it out for the authenticity factor.
I write meta! And fashion posts. Do those count? ...THEY COUNT NOW!
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memento mori or redux ii
i'm gonna say redux ii because i still think that episode was a masterpiece. it has SO much awesome stuff going on, between the msr and the personal journies and the mulder family and the scully family... memento mori is excellent but i love redux ii so much. what happened cc. 
(with only two complaints-ish: we should've seen the scully telling mulder about her remission scene [i mentally insert the scene from isometry personally] and the samantha in that scene should've been the real one.)
send me 2 txf episodes and i’ll tell you which one i prefer
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One Breath or Redux II?
oh man, this is a tough one! i think i'm gonna have to say redux ii, just bc of all the tropey stuff we got (hurt/comfort, protective MSR, family drama, tense situations). one of the only good things cc ever did. that Samantha should've been the real one.
send me 2 txf episodes and i’ll tell you which one i prefer
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i wish the samantha in redux ii had been the real samantha. i mean, it was at a time in the show where fans had been faked out to the point of ridiculousness, and besides that, the mytharc kind of stopped being about samantha in s5 or so. her connection with csm was one that could've been further explored. her reluctance to stay in contact with mulder was done in a way so that they could've returned to it at any point in that season or the next. she could've played into the mythology perfectly. if only they'd expanded on that storyline instead of letting it drop. it could've been a good resolution
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14, 28 :)
14. Favorite episode(s)? Why?
beyond the sea: i love this episode because it's the first badass scully episode and it is fucking amazing. i love any episodes that switches m&s's roles, and this one does it beautifully. boggs is an excellent villain. the early msr is the fucking best (and upon rewatching, it mystifies me to think that they weren't actually writing towards a romance at that point in the show). it's a very great storyline/casefile, and everytime i rewatch it, i'm bowled over it with i can't believe how good this storyline is!!
but a lot of my love for beyond the sea comes from nostalgia. the first time i watched beyond the sea came with what remains my favorite experience of watching txf. i was mid-driver’s ed when i started the show - which is complete hell, i’m not even kidding - so i had a saturday to myself to clean, study, and watch tv. like i remember cleaning my guinea pig’s cage while i watched eve, making my bed while i watched fire. and then i started beyond the sea. and i was immediately hooked, which usually took me a while when watching an episode. i figured that something had happened to cap scully, which was why scully was seeing his ghost, but i was hoping he wouldn’t die. i think i squealed when mulder called scully dana. i had some heart palpitations when mulder got shot. if the first few episodes of the show were like gentle taps with a baseball bat, beyond the sea whacked me hard over the head and made me scream “i’m paying attention!” it hooked me good, and i was glued to the tv for the rest of the day. s1 was pretty much the only part of the show where i was completely unspoiled, an innocent and hopeful x files fan who was looking forward to the moment when mulder and scully would give in to their undying love, so i miss that part of my experience as an x files fan a lot and beyond the sea represents that for me.
bad blood: all the way, motherfuckers.
in all seriousness, i love how funny and FUN this episode is. like the case is kind of a one-of, but it’s so cool to see it from the different perspectives. like several of my other favorites, bad blood gives us insight into mulder and scully’s partnership - and it gives us their inner irritation with each other. it’s very telling, honestly, to see the bad sides of their opinions of each other, even if they’re over-exaggerated. i love how mulder manages to be subtly jealous of hartwell without it being too over-dramatic. i love all the little funny moments. it’s just a feel good episode, honestly, and the first one i ever watched for a second time.
pusher: it’s kind of an obvious one, if not THE obvious one, but i love everything about this episode. pusher/modell is an awesome villain and i wish his return had been better. (like, why not have had a bunch of unexplained crimes and then they figure out that modell can control people from his coma but it’s like a twist and then they can’t prove it?? like that would’ve been better than kitsunegari.) also all the little msr moments. the stakeout scene. (there’s a fic about that stakeout that is absolutely amazing.) the handhold scene. and of course, the russian roulette scene. i feel like that’s a very telling scene in terms of msr in general... which is kind of obvious but still. it’s kind of amazing. one of the most fucked up romantic scenes ever (because honestly, who knew i’d love a scene where someone almost kills the woman he loves so much?) it’s bizarre that it’s so good, and telling about the x files that it works so well. scully loves mulder so well that she follows him into a dangerous zone even though she knows she might not be able to save him and probably expects to find him dead. mulder loves scully so much that he can hold back from shooting her even though he can’t hold back from shooting himself, and scully loves mulder so much to not leave until she saves him. i mean, come on. 
redux ii: it should be explained that part of the reason i love this episode so much is because of what preceded it. i freaked at the gethsemane cliffhanger, because unlike every other plot point in the show (at this point i knew every damn thing that happened thanks to the mulder and scully tag on tumblr and some very compelling gifsets... thanks tumblr!!), i had NO IDEA IT WAS COMING. i mean, i obviously knew mulder wasn’t dead, but i thought scully didn’t know that. (i’d seen gifs of the scene from the truth where scully is hugging mulder and crying and saying “my god where have you been… where have you been hiding” and i thought that might be from the s5 premiere since i had absolutely no context past that [that would make a cool fic actually] but in retrospect i should’ve figured it out by the hair alone.) so i freaked, wrote a big philosophical piece in my s4 review about mulder’s fake death and scullys probable guilt over his fake death, and then watched redux i and felt very stupid. also i didn’t think much of redux i (it was so freaking boring!!). however, when i watched redux ii later that night, i spent the entire episode inwardly screaming at all the touching. like i kept expecting it to dial down on the plot points (because at this point i expected like two big things per episode) but it didn’t and i was so damn hooked! like i freaked at the fake samantha even though i knew it wasn’t real. i freaked at all the hand holding. i freaked at the bill scully scenes. it was such an experience and i love it to death.
field trip: this is actually a more recent find, although i tried to rewatch a couple times. i rewatched it over christmas break, during a period where i felt like i was “rediscovering the x files” and was like “goddamn how did i not remember how good this is?!” it’s basically another study of their partnership, but it’s like the alternate, angstier bad blood - it shows how mulder and scully need each other. more specifically in their set roles for each other - believer and skeptic, yada yada yada. they start the episode fighting about those roles, and then, like all good tear-your-heart out seshes, they’re “proved right” - in scully’s case, in the worst way possible. (i mean, think about it. in scully’s hallucination, she thinks the last thing she ever said to mulder was a fight.) and the most telling thing is that they get that something is wrong as soon as they’re told they are right. they want to be challenged! they want to be proven wrong! they’re yin-yang - they need the opposite of themselves for balance. they complete each other in the best way possible. (i have a lot of feelings about this okay.)
28. IWTB or FTF? Why?
ftf, because it’s 10x better than iwtb, because the msr is very on point (the kiss scene and antarctica scenes kill me every time), because rob bowman is an amazing director, because ftf had a cohesive storyline, because it manages to entertain me for the entirety of the movie.
(x files ask)
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