#Reich x Soviet
belowinch · 1 year
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Hehe have a taste of SovRei stuff I made in paint Tumblr :]
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susanmeki · 2 years
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Somebody help me...my Pinterest shows me this..Take this away from me😭😭😭
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primeofprimes115 · 22 days
A Long Awaited Dance - (Bombshell) Supergirl x Male Reader
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Note: Fluff 🥰
Based from the DC Bombshells Universe - Earth-24
Second of September 1945... The War had officially ended on all fronts, while the war between Germany and Britain ended in May fourth of the same year... The war on the rest of the countries officially ended on the second of September.
The Bombshells played a big part on the front, starting from 1940 during the war, the Bombshells were created and put together by Amanda Waller, an expert pilot, leader and the best at military protocol.
The Bombshells went all around the world at each time, Wonder Woman went to Berlin to make the Reich surrender, with all the events that transpired before hand, the world being invaded by strange forces on that other hand, it was all stopped in the end.
Though it came with a cost of Power Girl's and Superman's life, cloned from Supergirl's DNA in 1942, their sacrifices brought a victory that brought peace finally after six years. A victory sweeter than strawberries.
Kara Starikov had lost a lot during this war, Kortni; her sister, her family, and deemed a traitor by her own country; Soviet Russia. She vowed to protect the Motherland regardless, a promise she still kept when it was attacked eventually, she was raised in Soviet Russia, she grieved the loss of Power Girl and Superman but their memory would live on through her, she vowed it so.
Her sister Kortni aka Stargirl had sacrificed herself in 1941 within London, Britain where the bombings were taking place, a creature of pure power had threatened the entire city and world, the Bombshells soon responded to this threat. Kara wanted to sacrifice herself after she thought she was a danger to the world were she still alive, now deemed a traitor to Soviet Russia, her homeland, the only home and country she grew up in.
She knew she was special, her parents told her she came from the stars one night, within a strange mechanism like vehicle, she was their biological daughter, but they were her parents, they raised her alongside Kortni.
Returning from Russia, she flew all the way back to the US, to meet someone she had fallen in love with back in 1942, a special unit soldier that took unprecedented risks in his missions against the Axis Powers, a young man who travelled far and wide to assist the Allies, his name was Y/N L/N, his father served in WWII as a Sergeant, who unfortunately died in 1944 during the Allied Retaking of France, months after D-Day.
Kara was there for him when he grieved for the loss of his father, as he did when she lost her parents in 1942, during a altercation which they sacrificed their lives with the help of Swamp Thing to contain a threat that is still contained to this day, the Bombshells would answer to this Doomsday aka Faora-Ul if she were to escape one day and finish what was started in Leningrad.
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Y/N was injured in March 6th, 1945, when a covert mission went wrong, resulted in him getting caught and captured by the Reich.
When word got out of Y/N's mission gone wrong, Supergirl went out of jurisdiction to find and bring the love of her life back from the front, alive. Flying out with a blaze of fury and determination to rescue him from the Germans, before eventually finding him, dismantling the Germans that had captured and tortured him for information, Y/N had bruises, cuts and had dried up blood all over him. He was malnourished too.
He remembered being relieved when Kara came to rescue him, she hadn't killed the Germans holding him prisoner but he swore she might've, based on how in bad shape he was, it was surprising he hadn't broke just yet. All he heard was shouting, shooting and screaming, Germans being thrown and punched while bullets bounced off her.
He remembered looking into the dark, seeing a pair of red glowing eyes approaching him before shutting off, returning to normal once Supergirl came into view, her red cape-like-scarf bundled-in-two flowing behind her like her skirt as she rushed up to him. Her soothing worried voice soon cutting him free and flying him out that day... All the way back to the US where he could be treated for his injuries.
He mumbled one word that day during the flight back to his country for medical care. And again said it once he awoke on the date, eighth of July, 1945 after being in a coma for months. Kara would make frequent visits to check on him and tell him about everything that was going on.
"Printessa" a word in Russian which meant Princess to her, it was a word he'd usually call her, other than "Solnyshko" for when they first met. Y/N was fluent in Russian and a few other languages, useful for infiltration and so fourth. The moment was tear-jerking for her, hearing his first word after being in a coma for months, his eyes had began to open following this while she hugged and cried happily in his shoulder, all that happened next was her sleeping with her head resting on his chest in the medical bay.
As of currently however, Supergirl flown herself back to see Y/N, the young man she fell in love with back in 1942. It had been a day since the war ended, Y/N was almost back to full health but still recovering, he wasn't clear for field work during the final days of the war like he hoped he would, which was nothing but unfortunate for himself.
In the home he was driven back to, his mother's home, Y/N sat on the chair, writing a letter to his friends who were still in the army, a newspaper on the table beside him, the big obvious title claiming that "THE WAR IS OVER", published from the Daily Planet in Metropolis.
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Kara Starikov, Supergirl, thought about potentially being Metropolis's protector, it was a mere mention that sprang across his mind once his eyes laid upon the newspaper that was labelled by the Daily Planet. She had been thinking very hard about it since then, knowing she can't ever fully return to Soviet Russia, to Moscow, but she'd protect it as a watchful angel.
Soon enough after placing down his fountain pen and finishing writing the letter, he looked out to his window to see Supergirl landing just a few steps away from the door, before her eyes drifted to the window itself.
A big toothy smile grew upon her face while his came out as a smirk, she soon approached the door and knocked on it, knowing Y/N's mother was inside.
Kara couldn't keep her eyes off him after knocking on the door gently, the wind picking up her long, wavy blonde hair, the double sided scarf that acted as a cape billowing behind her along with her skirt, her big teething smile teasing him through the window.
Y/N couldn't either, her smile always seemed to distract him, let alone her face and beauty, she was the prettiest girl he had ever met, he hadn't known how pretty Russian girls really were until his eyes fell upon her in 1942, when he was given orders by the British to eliminate Dr. Hugo Strange who was in Leningrad at the time.
He ran into a few misfits during his mission, most notably Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Reaper aka Andrea Gruenwald and a Newspaper Girl named Eloisa Lane aka Lois Lane for short, who worked for the Daily Planet.
It turned out that Reaper wanted revenge on Hugo Strange for what he's done to her and Y/N's covert mission was to kill Strange, so the two worked together, with Lois tagging along, though Y/N had tried to convince her not to come with, since she was a civilian, however... Lois was pretty helpful and smart, convincing him to allow her to tag along... For now,
Eventually, he'd meet Kara Starikov aka Supergirl after he sabotaged Strange's security with Reaper's help, with Kara convincing Power Girl to turn against Strange, rescuing Steve Trevor next who was also captured besides Kara.
At a moments notice? When Y/N made himself known with helping Lois Lane out of the hidden window within the wall they climbed through, mentioning they were responsible for the power shortage in Strange's security. 
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He fell in love...
Butterflies went through his stomach at a moments notice of her making eye contact with him, he felt his face heat up in that moment, he had heard about the Soviet's having a 'Superweapon' to be used for the War... But he didn't expect it to be a person, let alone... A beautiful young woman.
Y/N solely remembered that day... Where his life soon changed forever afterwards.
[Flashback |Soviet Russia, Leningrad, 1942 | Strange's Laboratory]
"I.. Wow... Uh" Y/N looked at her speechless, while helping Lois out of the hidden window in the wall, noticing him looking at the 'Superweapon'. "Well... Originally we weren't meant to rescue you, I had no idea the weapon would be... A you" he rubbed the back of his neck, Lois helped Andrea out from the window in response, smirking away at the covert soldier's awkwardness. "I suppose it was a change of plans".
Y/N soon applauded the young woman's words toward the clone she was fighting, the things she made her realize, the woman soon softly smiled in his direction as he approached her, standing just slightly taller than her
"I'm... Uh..." Y/N found himself hesitant to even say his own name, though he went under the alias; Cobra, his name was mostly classified amongst all military personnel, knowing this... 'Superweapon' came from the Soviet Union, he felt... Sick about the fact the Soviets were wanting to use this young woman as a weapon due to her power.
"Have you forgotten your name?" the young woman giggled softly, still keeping her eyes on him, a light tint of pink rushed across his cheeks as he laughed softly. Steve Trevor took notice of this and stayed back for now, watching as this went down.
"No, no. It's Y/N... Y/N L/N" he brought his hand out and soon... She took it to shake it.
"And my name is Kara Starikov" she announced to him in her Russian accent, smiling at him as she shook his hand gently and respectively.
"But they call her..." Steve Trevor stepped into the conversation. "'Supergirl'" he announced to him, Kara still couldn't keep her eyes off him as he did the same, her warm smile taking shape as she blinked softly and slowly.
"Supergirl?" he questioned, a tinted smile appearing on the young man's face towards Kara.
"The Motherland originally called me that" her Russian nature explained it all, making him nod at her answer.
Y/N soon thought to himself, liking the name they had for her, though she admitted she never came up with the name. It was Russia that named her that "So... You're apart of the Bombshells, right? I heard about that group making a lot of moves recently, helping out with the war effort".
"{Yes}, I'm apart of the Bombshells, I defected the Communist Party, along with..." pain arose in her voice, before Power Girl came crashing in, ending the conversation... For now that was.
[Present Day | US, West Virginia, 1945 | L/N American Household]
Y/N daydreamed on that day of being carried out by Kara when they first met, after she was able to fly again, dealing with the fact she lost her sister and as much as it pained her, she pushed on... In Kortni's name and love. Eventually telling him of the loss she recently suffered, about the fact the Communist Party deemed her a traitor since she wouldn't kill innocent lives in the name of the Soviet Union.
She felt her country was corrupt, she may love Russia as a country, but not the people in charge.
Soon enough, he could hear the front door opening with Kara joining her hands together in front of her.
"Hello Mrs. L/N, I... I'm here to see your son, Y/N" she hadn't met his mother yet, but he could see she was being awkward a little, not expecting to meet his mother without a proper introduction.
"Oh, you're the girl he told me about. Come in, come in!" his mother invited her in, happy to finally meet her. "Y/N!! Your woman is here!" the older woman shouted for her son in her London accent. As much as it felt embarrassing to hear her tell him about Kara's arrival. He felt his face heating up with embarrassment from the announcement alone.
His mother was told about Kara Starikov after he came home, though he was supposed to come back to check on her the year father was killed in the line of duty, they had grieved their loses after he came home to recover from being off the field.
"Might I say that you look absolutely gorgeous, young woman. My son must be lucky to have met you" Helen L/N's voice bloomed through the house, with the door in Y/N's room slightly opened, the music playing on his phonograph at a lower level as he was writing earlier.
"Oh, [thank you], but I thought I was lucky to have met him?" Kara replied, Helen looked at her funny however, not knowing what word she meant earlier as Kara realized what she said. "Oh, sorry! My mistake on that part, I-I said thank you in Russian. I'm sure he told you I was raised in the Motherland" her voice was closer to the door than it was earlier after being invited in.
"The Russian accent says it all, it's okay, Ms. Starikov" Helen nodded with a smile. "He's in there, writing. I'm sure he probably expected you".
"Oh, I'm sure he does" the Russian Bombshell smirked before Helen walked off back into the living room, to continue knitting. Kara on the other hand soon pushed the door open, seeing Y/N already stood up and his eyes falling on her.
"Kara, my Printessa" he smiled brightly, calling her by his many nicknames for her. the Bombshell that had rescued him on multiple occasions, especially the one where he was on the verge of death months back.
"Dorogoy!" a nickname (means Sweetheart in English) she'd call him time to time, she sped into his arms and planted her lips on his, with papers flying all about from his desk after she super sped up to him with a hug and kiss in mind.
Soon his arms wrapped around her waist as hers sprang around his upper back, her sleeve-gloved hands feeling and stroking the back of his head, her fingers running against his hair as he brings his arms up to her curly, long, blonde hair that drove down behind her and parted to the right hand side of her face, where his hands now felt the curls of her hair as their kiss continued.
"Mmm" a soft moan escaped Supergirl's throat after she felt Y/N tapped where her skin was showing from the shoulders and upper back twice, since she wore a corset for her overall attire as she's been wearing since 1940. "I missed you" her Russian accent whispered softly to him, an accent he missed hearing from the last few weeks since she last came to visit, now within the home where he mostly grew up in after moving her when he was young.
"So did I, Supergirl... So did I" he smiled as their foreheads gently collided, with their smiles brighter as the sun shining in the morning. "I heard the war is over, we won" Y/N soon brought up, Kara nodded with a hum before kissing him again for a few seconds, then both parties looked toward the newspaper lying on the floor, no thanks to Kara super speeding into the man's arms.
Kara unwrapped her arms from Y/N as he did the same, the Bombshell knelt down and picked up the newspaper with a 'oops' expression on her face, noticing the papers that had been flown around the place. Soon placing the newspaper on the table Y/N was working on earlier.
"I think I caused this?" she made it known to him as he chuckled about it, seeing the expression on her face.
"It's alright, Kara" he grabbed her by the hand gently with a consoling touch. "It's adorable when you... Do that fast speeding thing" he looked into her eyes, smiling right at her.
"If you say so" she batted her eyes toward him before floating off the ground to be a little taller than him, making him look up at her just a little which made him chuckle.
"For some reason my dear? I like it when you do that" he smiled right up at her before being pulled into a loving kiss that lasted for as long as he could take it, tapping her shoulder lightly when he needed some air after their lips continued to smack softly off each other for a minute.
"And for some reason, my Sakharok" the Bombshell pulled her lips back from his just slightly, whispering to him. "I knew you did, you would've said something already if you hadn't liked it" Kara's English sounded so surprisingly perfect still, for someone who was raised in Russia, she sure knew how to speak English fluently, even when she met him for the first time in 1942, though she's spoken English before hand, she was a quick learner.
Only Russian thing there when speaking English was her Russian accent, which Y/N found attractive at best. The two continued locking eyes as Y/N attentionally rocked side to side slightly to the sound of the music playing on the phonograph, the volume lowered down still. 
"I... Heard what happened, the invaders and all that" Y/N then brought up after the two exchanged looks and smiles. The Kryptonian woman's expression soon turned serious a little, knowing what he was going to ask.
"They died..." Kara interrupted abruptly, as Y/N's expression soon turned into shock.
"Kara..." he called her by name, as she looked away in a little bit of pain. "Power Girl and...".
"[Yes, they did]" she answered in Russian. "I brought their bodies back from space. Before she left, she told me not to grieve much, it was hers and Kal-El's choice, they did it for the Motherland" she then continued with her word, before thinking to herself, wanting to correct herself from what she said. "No, for the world, for Earth... For us".
"They were... A good bunch of people, great in the Circus as well" he noted, and Kara hummed in agreement.
"I'm going to miss their acts" Supergirl slightly smiled, looking into Y/N's eyes next before her boots made contact with the ground. "Their memory will live through me, as does Kortni's and my family's" she smiled at that fact.
"And mine? When my time eventually comes?" Y/N smirked as the Russian Bombshell looked at him with a frown.
"Don't say that you {Idiot!}" Supergirl pouted as Y/N smiled and laughed softly. "I don't get your humor sometimes, that's something very serious".
"Oh you're so pretty when you're all serious" he flirted. "It's such a gas" he smiled soon after again, making her roll her eyes and smiling back at him.
"And your mother said you were lucky to have me, I think I now see why" Kara soon replied, not thinking twice to break eye contact.
"I heard, and she's right in a way" Y/N nodded, agreeing with that statement. "I'm extremely lucky to have you, you've saved me plenty of times, helped me, rescued me months ago, and in return I've done the same. I'm lucky to have met a woman like you, and even luckier to be romantically involved with you for the last three years since we met. On that topic..." he stopped for a moment to smile at himself, it's been three years since they've been in a relationship. "I love you, Kara Starikov, Supergirl" 
"I love you too, Y/N L/N, {Cobra}" she said back to him with a teething smile, before the next song played on the Phonograph while the two kept their smiles toward each other and their hands intertwined. The fabric of Kara's sleeved-gloves caressing his hands gently and soothingly.
A jazz type of song, one that a dance worked best with, a song that felt perfect for the two of them, at least that's what Y/N thought soon as it came on. He began to rock side to side again slightly, with Kara taking notice again, laughing softly at his movements as Kara let go of his hands so he could walk over to the phonograph.
The young man decided to turn up the volume a little, so it's at a optimal sound, enough to hear it properly.
"Remember when I promised you a dance?" he asked her, turning around to face her while leaning on the table where the phonograph was. 
"Two years ago" she remembered. "I remember clear as day" she began to smile, she had the idea of dancing, the time she was dancing at the Ball Event in the train from Istanbul to Leningrad back in 1942 with Steve Trevor.
"Well... Since the war is over... And I'm able to move again..." he began to smirk. Hinting at the promise he gave her in 1943, which they never got the chance to do so. "May I have this dance?" he asked politely with Kara outstretching her arms and hands out to him.
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"I'd be happy to dance with you!" she smiled, her hands out, reaching for his. She had waited so long to hear him ask the question. "I've been wondering when you'd ask" she exclaimed, laughing softly at him as he approached and took both her hands.
The next thing, she brought him toward her completely in a space where they could move more freely in his room, embracing one another with Kara's left arm wrapped around his back, the other holding his hand, his fingers intertwined with her sleeved-gloves that were fingerless.
Y/N's arm wrapped around her waist while the other was around her back, his fingers locked with her own other hand. The Supergirl and the Cobra slowly dancing to the rhythm of the music.
"How long I've waited for this" Y/N cooed to his lover, seeing a big smile grow on her face soon after he whispered to her, their eyes blinking slowly with a love behind it.
"All you had to do was ask, and I waited patiently... For you" she whispered back, her Russian thick Russian accent making her sound more attractive by the minute, every time he heard her speak, it was like he fell in love all over and over again, especially when she whispered.
Silence fell between them as they danced in the one spot slowly to the rhythm of the song, their eyes locked onto each other as they found themselves lost in their worlds together, a kiss soon followed up with it deepening like that one night back in 1944 when the two done the deed on a quiet night after seeing each other once again. Kara remembered that moment very well, the night she lost her virginity, and she felt good after it.
And so did Y/N...
"And who thought an American and a Russian couldn't go well together?" he whispered back to her, making her lightly giggle at his question. Her ocean like eyes not daring to look away from his eyes.
"That's such a stupid question" she giggled a little more as Y/N then twirled her around, spinning her in a slow, smooth moment. Kara began to delight herself in this dance with the woman in the song singing. Let alone... Delighting herself more with Y/N taking the lead. 
"Yeah, I guess it is" he rolled his eyes playfully, spinning her around again in the same smooth manner, slow and gentle, Kara's scarf-like-cape and skirt billowed around with the smooth turn as Y/N caught her next.
Supergirl then began to smirk, intertwining her hand with his free hand once again and pulled him close to her body with a little kiss on his lips. The little kiss ended with Y/N giving Kara a surprised look before he smiled. Impressed by the sudden move.
"Good move, very romantic".
"That was good?"
"Yeah, it was a good move, the kiss made it way better" he praised her again.
Kara's blue eyes glistened toward his, like the ocean on a beach, swaying and moving. Her smile bright as the sun, her face prettier than a garden of flowers, her hair that would wave like a golden cape, she was perfect in his eyes. Though she'd highly disagree on that.
The music had drawn the attention of Helen L/N, wondering why the sudden music being turned up earlier, only to see both her son and his woman, Kara Starikov, Supergirl, dancing slowly.
Helen soon smiled at the two through the gap in the door after Kara slightly closed it earlier after entering, Helen wished Y/N's dad were still here to see this, Y/N had his father's looks after all, him dancing with Kara.
The older woman soon left the two alone without interruption, letting them delight in the dance as Y/N thought of something to talk about while their dance continued.
"Y'know... I do wonder what's next in store for us, what's next for us in the future" he brought up to her attention. "I've always wondered about it".
"I don't know, but whatever it is... We'll face it together" she said with a smile.
"Aren't you... Kinda scared?" he asks her with a curious look.
"I mean, it's okay to be scared, you never know what's going to happen" she said wisely. "Steve told me that... Before he...".
Y/N nodded his head, knowing what happened to Steve Trevor, how he died a hero. It was a hard-struck blow to the Allies and Bombshells alike.
"Yeah... I get where you're coming from" he smiled through the pain of loss, Steve Trevor was a good soul, a wise man, one that would be honored as time goes by. "A lot of good people gone, price of war".
"How long do you think that will last?" Kara brought up. "The Great War was only... Twenty-seven years ago, I came to know about the Great War when I learned how the Motherland is today, how it was born" Kara expressed her worries, showing concern for the world itself. "How long until peace is no more?".
"I... Don't think we should worry about that right now" he expressed, freeing his hand from her to caress her face, feeling how soft it was. "Whatever happens, my dear Solnyshko, I will always stick by your side, no matter what happens, nothing is going to tear us apart from each other" he vowed, soon making her smile softly once again.
"{Good}" she said in Russian, before pulling her face closer to his. "As long as we're together" she whispered in his ear, giving him a little wink after pulling back. Their dancing continued slowly with the rhythm.
"On that note..." he spun her around slowly and smoothly again, catching her before spinning her around, she stepped in and lightly pressed herself against his body, dancing to the song slowly with a delighted demeanor. "You still thinking on returning to Moscow?" he asked a good question, one he's still waiting for her answer on as she thought about it.
"Yes... I think it could be for the best... For now at least, but... I don't know if..." she was about to mention the tension between the US and USSR that could happen, regarding the end of the war, she had overheard talks about it all with her super hearing.
A part of herself did not want to be propaganda again, or to be used as a weapon against anyone for that matter alone, she still hasn't forgotten what the Russian leadership tried to make her and Kortni do to innocent Russians back in 1940, leading to them fleeing the country with their mother but failed to rescue their father in time, since he got captured and placed into the Gulag afterwards, 
But again... Russia was her country, it was her homeland, perhaps she could be a watchful angel over Russia, protecting it from any form of criminals or something else entirely, to keep the citizens safe.
"If something were to happen... Then... They'd want to use me as a weapon like they tried to do to me and Kortni, they could even-".
"If it does happen, Kara? We can just... Leave" he interrupted her, trying to keep her from worrying too much. "We don't have to get involved... Unless it's a very, very serious matter, like another destructive war from happening" he then made a mental note to himself and her.
"Maybe..." she said with a worried look still. "But run or fly away again?" she asked.
"I know it sounds... Discreet and dumb, I get that. But... I want to build a life with you also, it's an idea to have backups if things turn... Sour, if you understand what I mean" Kara soon nodded her head, turning slowly and rocking side to side with him slowly as they danced in the one spot together.
The Supergirl then began to smile at one part she picked out from Y/N's wording. That he wants to build a life with her, and in her vision? So did she, she wanted this to happen, she was the first to kiss him after all back in December of 1942
"I also want to build a life with you too" she drew her face closer to his once more, batting her eyes toward him. "I remember Faora mentioning something about the crystal necklace I came to Earth with, mentioning it would do something incredible when it contacted ice, like the ice in the North Pole, the Arctic you called it" Kara brought up a previous encounter with Faora back in 1942 before she turned herself into Doomsday, a hybrid at least. "I've always wondered what it would do".
"Hmm" the Cobra hummed a thought, thinking of a potential idea what they could do together, to discover if what Faora said was true back in 42. "How about we discover that... Tomorrow? You and I" he offered as she smiled funnily.
"I thought you weren't cleared for duty?" she asked with a curious smile.
"Who says I need to be cleared for duty? It's not like we're going on a covert mission, right?" the pair still rocked side to side, slowly turning in the same spot still as Y/N's question repeated in Kara's head as she thought for the minute, her eyes off of him to think so she couldn't get too distracted.
"{You're right}" she smiles after thinking, taking up on his offer. "On one condition" she locked eyes with him next.
"What would that be, my dear?" he smirked.
"Can I stay over? It's... Been a while since I last awakened beside you... In a more comfortable spot" she eyed the bed for a moment's notice before looking back at him.
"I'm sure my mother would be fine with that, I'll ask her, highly doubt she'd say no, think she already likes you" he nodded in agreement with a smile still on his face. "But... Let's enjoy the dance, I've been wanting this for a long time".
"I agree" she nodded. Before kissing him softly, her lips were soft like a cushion, pressing against his gently, with Y/N deepening the kiss by melting into her lips, the soft, smacking sounds overlapped by the music still playing as they slowly danced.
"I love you, Kara Starikov" Y/N pulled back slightly to communicate, both smiling softly.
"I love you too, Y/N L/N".
🎵 It's Been a Long, Long Time...🎵
Word Count: 5434
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chaoticprussia · 21 days
does. looks away. does anyone know any good soviet x reich fanfics. cough.
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xdextrarx34x · 5 months
Bro I REALLY want to see how Reich and Soviet kiss in your art style like, it is so amazing and wonderfull
It could be just a light kiss in a cheek. I will be the happiest person in the world
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here ya go cheek kiss sweetie x)
one time it maybe will be more than a cheek kiss
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caramelakaramel · 2 months
According to the Oxford dictionary, a country is defined as "a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory." But what happens when countries are humanized by a bunch of ignorant preteens who failed world history?
Some of the countries are supposed to be the children of their colonizers. I guess that means the countryhumans reproduce with each other like real humans, which prompts too many logistical errors.
The fandom headcannons that the United States is the child of Britain and France, because those are the two countries who played the largest role in colonizing the US. New Netherland, founded by the Dutch, later became New York after the British assumed control in 1664. Spain didn't cede Florida until the Adams-Onis treaty of 1819. So, did Britian have an affair with Spain and the Netherlands or some shit? And then France discovered he was keeping side hoes and that's what started the French and Indian war, or something?
What about the territory the United States acquired from Mexico in the Mexican-American war? I guess the US just forcefully amputated one of Mexico's limbs. Russia sold his arm (Alaska) in 1867. Or maybe, since "state-humans" also exist, it was human (anthropomorphic state??) trafficking.
What's the deal with countries splitting? Czechoslovakia ripped himself (herself? itself?? No idea how they decide the genders.) in half to form Czechia and Slovakia?
What happens when one country isn't universally recognized because of land disputes? Ex. Israel considers itself a country. Some other countries consider Israel a country. Some countries don't. Does Israel just not exist to some of the countryhumans? Do they give him the silent treatment?
Why do people treat the Third Reich and Germany like two separate countries when they're just Germany in different time periods under different systems of government? Same thing with the Soviet Union and Russia. Did all the former Soviet satellite states morph into Russia during Soviet occupation?
The Red Cross is an international aid organization. Not a country. NATO is an alliance. Not a country. The European Union is a... European Union. Not a country. Why do they have sentience?
Then there are the ships. Lord God Almighty, have mercy on our souls. Ukraine x Russia. Israel x the Third Reich. The Third Reich x Poland x the Soviet Union. Enemies to lovers should not include a country who has fallen victim to crimes against humanity at the other's hands.
This is my life now. Stating things that should be obvious in Tumblr posts. Yesterday, it was "adults who engage in sexually inappropriate behavior around children are bad." Today, it is to not ship the victims of the Holocaust with Nazi Germany.
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pisupsala · 2 years
Of All The Stars in The Sky | 3 | Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Summary | War looks different from high above in the sky. But when Bradley finds himself on the ground, far behind enemy lines, it becomes a race against the clock to get out. And try not to look back at what he’s leaving behind.
Pairing | Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!reader / Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!oc (no use of y/n)
Warnings | Mature content | 18+ only [WWII AU] swearing, war, violence, death, explicit smut
Words | 5.2k
Index | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
Chapter 3 - Only My Loyal Shadow Goes With Me
A soft voice floats through Bradley’s head. He’s so tired, the pillow is the fluffiest he’s felt in years, and his eyes feel too heavy to open.
“Wake up, Rooster.”
The words are slipping through his fingers like dandelion seeds on a gust of wind. It reminds him of the summer sun on the coast—a blue sky, a gentle breeze, and not a worry in the world. He doesn’t want to wake up. When he’s asleep, nothing hurts.
He likes that gentle voice, so close to him, so sweet—it’s with him in that comfortable spot between waking and dreaming. Everything feels like it’s warmed by the sun. He hears more words, but they are so far away, like they’re being pulled out by the tide.
He can hear the soft swash of waves, the cool gentle droplets of water from the breaking waves landing on his face. With it, the voice comes back to him.
“Please wake up.”
He doesn’t want to open his eyes, but the warm comfort of his dream-like state is melting away rapidly now. The droplets are cool fingers brushing a cloth over his flushed skin, and the soft words are finally landing in his consciousness.
Bradley cracks his eyes open a fraction, all he can muster. 
“You are burning up.” Your face moves through his line of sight for a moment. “You need to drink something.”
“So tired…” He mumbles.
“I know,” Your voice is still so close. “But this will help.” 
Bradley rubs his eyes, brushing the sleep from them. Your hands are moving over his shoulders now, helping him sit up. Fuck, the pain is coming back in full force now. As his senses are finally returning to him, spurred on by the pain, he realizes the room is a lot darker than it was before. He must have slept through the majority of the day. A chill has settled in the air of the room, the wind outside still howling. He can smell soup. Oh, he could do with some food.
“Drink slowly, or you’ll make yourself sick.” You instruct as you hand him a glass of water.
“Yes ma’am.” 
Your eyelids flutter for a moment like you want to roll your eyes, but you’re stopping yourself from giving him that satisfaction. 
So serious.
You bring him soup after—it’s a simple broth with potatoes. You seem apologetic, mumbling something about rationing.
Actually, you are not sure why you feel awkward about it. Rooster can have hardly missed it’s war, and with the tides turning on the Eastern Front at Stalingrad in favor of the Soviets, it’s hardly a surprise everything and more in the Reich is getting diverted to the war effort. The majority of the continent is struggling with food shortages.
“Did you already eat?” Bradley asks before you walk out again.
“A bit.” You reply, eyeing him curiously.
“Why don’t you sit with me?” He smiles at you. “We can talk, build trust, all that jazz.”
You blink. That’s not actually a bad idea. Yeah, you should build trust. He might have information from London. He might be able to smuggle out messages. 
He could be a valuable asset. 
But for that, you need to trust each other.
You turn and pull up a chair from the other room, setting it by the bed. You swiped yourself a slice of the bread too, so Rooster doesn’t have to eat alone. It’s only polite. Right?
“So, what are you doing here in a cabin all by yourself, Anna?” Rooster asks before blowing on his hot soup.
You shrug. “I’m on holiday—the mountain air is good for my health.” 
“That’s it?”
“That’s all you need to know, Rooster.” You reply lightly, purposefully tacking on his stupid name to make sure there’s no room to argue. Information is best kept compartmentalized.  It’s a safety measure. Under enough pressure and pain from torture or threats, most people will confess to anything, but if they don’t have the information they can at least not sell anyone out. It’s been a costly lesson.
“Fair enough.” Bradley is not put out by your answer. He didn’t really expect you to give him a full answer anyway—if anything, it actually confirms for him that you are probably doing something for the resistance here.
He takes a few careful sips of the steaming soup. It’s giving him some much-needed energy. His body still hurts, the muscles stiff, and the wounds on his face pull at this skin with every move. His head is slowly feeling better, the constant pounding has subsided.
“Generally speaking, what is the situation here like?”
You sigh, averting your gaze, your fingers plucking at the crust of the bread you’re holding. “Generally speaking? Bad.”
“How bad?” Bradley looks at you, your eyes still trained on the slice in your hands.
“Tell me what you know first.” You counter boldly. “You’re stationed in Britain, right? What have you heard?” Just because he got the first question in, you’re not going to let him take the lead.
“Ah, you’ve been through my jacket, Anna?” Bradley grins. You shrug noncommittally, eyes only meeting his gaze for a moment. He didn’t really expect any differently, of course you would check out his ID and documents when you had the chance. It’s only smart.
“So?” You press him, pulling up an eyebrow.
“All I heard is that it’s gotten pretty quiet here after last year.” He starts, carefully studying your reaction. “After you guys assassinated the Reichsprotektor.”
“Pretty much.” You nod. “The home resistance helped the government in exile in London assassinated him, and the Nazi leadership killed hundreds of Czechs in retaliation.” 
You hesitate for a moment, gathering your thoughts before continuing. “They wiped complete villages off the map, killing or deporting everyone, based on mere rumors, and rounded up the families of everyone who they even just suspected of being part of the plot. They murdered so many people so quickly, they eradicated the infrastructure of the resistance, whether by dumb luck or ruthless efficiency. We lost a lot of good people.” 
Swallowing, your eyebrows knitting together in a small moment of vulnerability, you softly add: “I lost a lot of friends.”
You look up at Rooster, trying to push the memories away again. He’s looking at you with what you can only describe as understanding. He probably knows what it’s like to lose friends. 
If you’re in the war long enough, you either die or watch those around you perish. Your expression turns neutral again. “So, essentially, you’ve picked the worst time and worst place to crash.” You conclude humorlessly.
“I sure know how to pick ‘em.” He replies sardonically, before his voice turning serious again. “I heard from some Czechoslovak pilots in the RAF all communication with the home resistance was lost.”
“Yeah. We’re currently still without a long-distance radio—our only remaining station was captured during the raids late last year.” You admit. The situation is pretty bleak. Without a radio, there is no way to contact London, who could be sending you material support and more agents to re-establish a foothold. 
In a few days, that might change. But you’ll keep that to yourself right now.
“So, what’s the plan?” Bradley is kind of dreading the answer. But if there is no way for the resistance to contact the Allies, this might become a very long and very unpleasant experience. He’s seen the shape his fellow pilots were in after they came back from POW camps in Germany after prisoner exchanges. Skin over bones, dead eyes, marks of torture. 
“First, you need to get well enough to move.” You reply, mulling over how much more you should tell Rooster. Staying here is not an option—mostly because others will come, and the fewer people know you are harboring an American pilot, the better. Also, because there is no good cover story for you being here. You have a job that you need to get back to.
“That’s easy enough.” Rooster replies smoothly, again, with such an effortless confidence that you find yourself wanting to believe him. 
It will be anything but easy. Rooster will need to get transported to some other safe house. You spent the entire day almost pulling your hair out over your predicament. Getting him to another safe house is one thing, but then what? How are you supposed to get him out of the country?
What you are doing is treason.
If you get caught or someone rats you out, it’s the bullet for you. And your parents. And Your friend and roommate Eva. And most likely anyone who has been unlucky enough to associate with you. Ironically, Rooster has the best chance of survival as a bargaining chip.
You need to wait for Emil. He is the de facto leader of your group now, and he calls the shots these days when it comes to operations. He will decide what needs to be done. By late tomorrow or early the day after, he will arrive with the package, and you can make your way back to the capital and back to work before anyone misses you. It will be out of your hands then.
You sit in silence for a few moments, while Rooster eats his soup, and you tear small pieces off your bread, chewing slowly. 
“Why is your nickname Rooster?” You can’t help but ask. You should ask him for more information about Allied operations. Maybe he’s heard what the government in exile is planning. Maybe one of the Czechoslovak pilots told him something. But annoyingly, his stupid name is the thing you are really curious about right now.
“It’s a call sign.” Bradley replies, not looking up from his soup.
“But I suppose that’s kind of like a nickname,” Bradley admits. “All pilots get one.”
“Why is yours Rooster?” You press. Bradley looks over at you for a moment. You are sitting bent forward in the chair, elbow on your knee, hand on your chin as you nibble on a piece of bread. There is no hostility about you, only curiosity.
“I always had chicks around me.” Bradley chuckles dryly, turning back to his soup. He’s almost embarrassed to admit it now, while it never bothered him before. He takes another bite before his eyes travel over to you again.
You have that frown on your face, that small wrinkle between your eyebrows again as you pensively chew. He catches himself cringing at what you might be thinking. Of course, you didn’t laugh at his joke, but whatever little respect you might have had for him is probably gone now.
“So…,” You start tentatively. “You grew up on a farm?”
Bradley nearly chokes on his soup, but manages to swallow quickly. He coughs, trying to catch his breath as laughter bubbles up in him. 
“Really?” He turns to you with a big grin, ready to burst out laughing, but stops short when he sees the sincere confusion in your eyes. 
You are serious. 
He falters, coughing awkwardly. Shit. Now he kind of feels like an asshole. He doesn’t want to make fun of you like that. He realizes only too well how lucky he is he actually managed to crash into someone that speaks his language so well. If you actually stop speaking to him, he’ll be pretty fucked. But by god, now that it’s out in the open, he also does really not want to explain to you what it actually means.
“Yeah, sure, a farm.” Bradley agrees quickly. You nod, satisfied, leaning back in your chair. He averts his gaze awkwardly when he hears it. A giggle, soft like a chime. Your fingers are pressed against your lips, and if it weren’t for the mirth in your eyes, Bradley would swear he imagined the sound.
You are fucking with him.
“You’re making fun of me.” Bradley accuses you mockingly.
“What? No.” Your voice is high, as you dramatically feign innocence. “Why would I do that, farm boy?”
It’s bringing you a little bit too much joy that you actually got back at him. For a moment, his mask almost slipped and Rooster actually looked unsure of himself—something you didn’t think he’d be capable of. It’s nice to see he is capable of some humility.
You vaguely wonder how many girls he entertained to earn him that nickname, because it must have been impressive enough to stand out. All the girls in high school dreamily stared after the boys in their uniforms as they came to say goodbye before leaving to their mandatory service after final exams. When one of your classmates, Jakub, showed up to the high school graduation ball in his new air force uniform, he pretty much stole everyone’s date just by walking through the door. 
Bradley laughs, shaking his head. You really got him good. And he likes that you can still laugh—it melts the harshness out of your eyes for a moment. Eyes that have seen too much. He sees it in his fellow pilots, he saw in on the streets in London, and sometimes he sees it in the mirror. Everyone carries a heaviness beyond their years, like everyone has gone through several lifetimes over the span of a few years. God knows what you have seen. 
He tries not to think about every plane he’s seen plummet from the sky, engines screaming, engulfed in fire, only thanking whatever powers that be that it wasn’t him.
But he can see it in his reflection when he stares too long. 
“I have a question in return for you.” He starts, as he gently blows on his soup. “Where did you learn English?”
“I started studying it in high school and read English and international politics in university.” A small hint of pride creeps into your voice. There’s no harm in telling Rooster this. It feels like it happened a lifetime ago anyway. Almost like it was in a dream. “I had excellent teachers.”
You leave out how you would practice long hours in front of the mirror since your teens, talking to yourself, mimicking radio plays, and reading out loud from your books. Hours and hours you worked memorizing the cadence, getting a feel for the moving accents, and figuring how the hell articles worked. It drove your mother mad, complaining you’d forget how to speak your own language, but you had big plans.
“Impressive.” He nods. “When did you graduate?”
You still look so young. 
“I didn’t,” You chuckle humorlessly, as you study the slice of bread in your hand. “The Reichsprotektor ordered all universities to close in 1939. I was just starting my second year.”  
You are young. 
“I’m sorry.” Bradley is not much older than you—three, four years at most, he guesses. He was just about out of flight school when the U.S. entered the war. He heard some things and read some things about occupied Europe, but it always seemed so far away. “Will you go back?”
You shrug. “I hope to.”  A fleeting smile passes over your face like you’re thinking about a happy memory. In a blink, it’s gone again. “But who knows what tomorrow will bring.”
With that, you get up, popping the last piece of bread in your mouth. “You should get some more sleep. The sooner you’re healthy again, the better.”
Bradley nods, handing you his empty bowl, and settling back into his pillow, not feeling tired the slightest. 
“I don’t suppose you brought something to read?” He deadpans, fully expecting you to hand him something in Czech and telling him to knock himself out, literally.
“Well…” You shift on your feet awkwardly in the doorway. “I brought one English book, but I was planning on reading it myself.”
It would be only fair to lend it to Rooster, but you selfishly don’t want to.
“Want to take turns reading from it?” He offers. It reminds him of the long journey from the U.S. to Britain, when every sailor and aviator on the boat deeply underestimated how long it would take, and how boring it would be, so books were in short supply. It was not his favorite thing—he much prefers reading himself, if only because most of his fellow crewmen were objectively bad at reading out loud.
“Sure.” You are not smiling, but your eyes glint happily in the twilight of the room.
When you return, you bring more tea for you both, and a small worn book tucked under your arm. Wordlessly, you hand him the book as you sit down, and Bradley can’t help but to laugh.
“The Grapes of Wrath?” He teases. “Some light reading in difficult times, yeah?”
“Possibly.” You yawn, stretching in the chair. “But it’s portable. And unlike Hemingway, Fitzgerald or even Kafka, it won’t get me arrested, you know?” There is no cut to your words, only stating the obvious.
“I kind of expected you to pull out a romance novel.” He continues jauntily, as he flips through the yellowed pages of the book. You scoff.
“I’ll bring you one next time, okay?” Your voice is painfully neutral, and if Bradley hadn’t glanced over at you, he wouldn’t even be sure you are joking again. But in contrast to your words, your posture is relaxed, as you inspect your nails with feigned disinterest, lightly biting your lip again to keep yourself from smiling. “Is Gone With the Wind more your style, lieutenant Rooster?” 
“I was a great Scarlett when we read that book on our passage to Britain.” Bradley laughs, putting a hand on his chest dramatically. “I do a mean southern accent.” He adds haughtily.
“I’m sure you’re the star of every show.” You tease back. He seems like just that kind of person—not in a bad way, you concede—that has a certain magnetism and drive for showmanship. It’s probably a trait fighter pilots share. Every guy that you know (okay, you know a grand total of two) that joined the air force with the explicit goal to fly was more or less like that, a show-off.
Settling in, leaning your elbow on the mattress, you prop your head up on your hand. “Go on, put on a show then.” You needle Rooster. He rolls his eyes at you, almost indulgently, as he opens the book at the beginning.
Most of your records with radio plays got damaged or just destroyed in that Gestapo raid two years ago, so you’ve had nothing to listen to but yourself. You’re actually a little excited at the prospect of Rooster reading to you. 
As he starts reading, you hate to admit—he is actually good at it. Really good. Rooster’s voice is so pleasant to listen to, deep and rich, with a slight rasp. He reads clearly, not too slow, not too fast, and doesn’t stumble over any words. 
Maybe it’s not all so bad.
It’s the middle of the night. It’s pitch-black in the bedroom, but Bradley is wide awake, his mouth drier than a desert. You left him a glass of water before you went to sleep, but that has done nothing to quench his thirst. He’s been sweating, his fever breaking. He needs to re-hydrate.
As he quietly moves off the bed, the floorboards softly creaking under his socked feet. It’s cold. He feels more alert now, the fuzziness finally ebbing away. 
His body still hurts, ankle especially right now. He should really take a look at it tomorrow in daylight, although there’s probably nothing that really can be done, except wait for it to heal. He hobbles, as quietly as he can, to the door.
Bradley realizes he doesn’t actually know how big the cabin is—where do you sleep? He doesn’t really want to end up sneaking up on you, because something tells him you will be armed.
The room looks empty. He can only make out the vague outlines of the sparse furniture, moonlight reflection off the snow outside. You don’t seem to be here. Leaning against the wall, Bradley shuffles towards the small kitchen. There is a pitcher next to the wood stove, and he hopes it has water. He’s so thirsty it’s making his throat hurt.
He walks past the table, leaning heavily on it, before he finally reaches the pitcher and takes a sniff. Thank fuck, it’s water. Bradley doesn’t even bother with looking for a glass, just gulping the water down straight. Shit, that’s the best water he ever tasted. It’s like every mouthful is bringing his strength back.
A soft click brings him out of his reverie.
He knows it’s you without turning around, because that click was a gun. Putting the pitcher back, he lazily puts his hand up before turning around.
“Look, Anna-” His voice is gravelly from thirst, but the words die in his throat when he sees you. You are pointing a gun at him, annoyed and bleary-eyed, and absolutely drowning in his leather jacket. The fingertips of your free hand barely peek out of the sleeve, and the thick collar is flipped up, hiding the majority of your face. 
“What are you doing?” You grind out, voice shaking, eyes wide. The gun is moving with every tremor that courses through your body.
“Just getting a drink, Anna.” Bradley replies gently, not wanting to spook you further. “You can put away the gun now.”
You hold him under shot a moment longer, before lowering your gun suddenly. Softly swearing, you turn away, pinching the bridge of your nose and trying to get your heartbeat under control. Your whole body is quacking. 
Leaning your hands on the table to steady yourself, the gun clangs against the wood noisily in the otherwise silent room. 
“Are you okay?” Bradley ventures carefully, only hearing you mumble something in response. He pushes himself off the counter, taking an unsteady step towards you.
“Yeah, fine.” You bite out, not looking up. “You scared me.”
Terrified you, more like. People walking around at night are seldom a good thing, and in your sleepy confusion you forgot you were not alone anymore.
“I’m sorry,” He takes another step towards you, brow knitted in worry. Finally, you turn to look at him, only your tired and angry eyes peeking out over the collar of his jacket. “My jacket looks good on you, though.” Bradley add lightly, attempting to add some levity to the situation.
Your eyes flutter in that way again, like you're diverting all your strength not roll your eyes at him.
“Well, it’s cold.” You reply tersely, but your words lack edge. The adrenaline is ebbing away, but you’re too wired—it’s like every muscle in your body is tense and the strange knot in your chest won’t go away. “Now that I’m taking your stuff anyway, mind if I take another cigarette?”
“How can I possibly say no to you?” The corner’s of his mouth quirk up as he approaches you slowly. Your eyes flash dangerously at him. “You’re still the one with a gun.” He adds, smirking lightly.
He hears you sigh and say something under your breath tiredly, by your tone he assumes you’re cursing him to hell. But you are merely asking for mercy as you bend down.
“Mind if I join you for one?” Bradley asks as he reaches you, leaning against the table now to keep the weight off his ankle, watching you with rising interest as you sit on your knees next to the table.
“They’re your cigarettes.” You say lightly. “But yeah, come here.”
Bradley frowns as he watches you disappear under the table. Why are you under the table? As he carefully squats down, he sees you made a little nest—a thin sleeping mat on the floor, your folded cardigan for a pillow, and your own coat as a blanket. No wonder you were cold. Your book, a mug and a neat pile of documents including his military ID that you pulled from his jacket lie next to your makeshift pillow.
“Why were you sleeping under the table?” He asks, incredulously, as he slides next to you onto the sleeping mat, wincing from pain. Is there not a second bed? He needs to keep his head bent down at a weird angle, as he’s too tall to sit up straight under the table.
“It’s the only place no once can see me from outside.” You reply easily, like it’s the most normal thing in the world, sitting down and pulling your knees up. “Just in case someone is passing by.”
“You think that’s likely to happen?” Bradley asks seriously.
You shrug, as you pull out a cigarette out of the carton and offer it to him. “Probably not,” He takes it from you, twirling it in his fingers for a moment, as he regards you while you focus on the pack of Lucky’s in your hands. Even in the darkness, sitting shoulder to shoulder under a table, he can see the emotions play out in your eyes. “But it’s the kind of mistake you only get to make once.” 
Bradley doesn’t reply. It resonates with him. Every time he takes off for another sortie, he never thinks about how it might be his last flight. The fact that he is still here means he so far never made the kind of mistake you only get to make once. He’s been close to it more often than he would like to admit. 
You put a cigarette between your lips, and meet his gaze. “But on the other hand, you suddenly showed up here, so there’s that.” You deadpan. Bradley chuckles. 
Your fingers are still shaking visibly as you try to light a match. You flex your wrist, that little wrinkle appearing between your eyebrows again. When at the third attempt you’re still hitting a dud, Bradley gently takes the matchbox from you. He says nothing, and neither do you. You don’t feel like arguing, and you are grateful he’s not actually needling you again.
It doesn’t escape your notice how warm his fingers are against yours. It’s like a small shock to the system.
Smoothly, he lights the match, leaning closer to you to light your cigarette. You can feel his breath brush on the side of your face. The moment is over before you know it, as he turns away to light his own cigarette.
You feel strangely flustered, like you’re only now realizing you are wearing his jacket, while sitting shoulder to shoulder, hidden under a table like teenagers smoking a sneaky cigarette. Now you are hyperaware of how his muscular arm rubs against yours with every move, how his broad shoulder would be so easy to lean your head on, how nice and warm it must be tucked against his side.
Your mind wanders. In different time, in a different life… 
But it’s not.
“They always come before daybreak.” The words escape you in a sudden urge to explain yourself, your voice wavering painfully at the end of the sentence. Objectively, it’s really weird to sleep under a table, but you know you are not crazy. Just prepared.  And somehow it matters to your ego that Rooster understands that you weren’t always like this—so on edge, so scared and paranoid. He turns to you with a sympathetic look on his face, as you stare ahead into the darkness.
“The police, followed closely by the Gestapo.” You clarify as you exhale, the smoke dissipating into the darkness. “They’ll sneak in, and when they find whom they’re looking for, they’ll make sure damn you know they are there. They stomp, they yell, they rampage through the building as warning.” You take another long drag from your cigarette to calm your nerves. “Just so you know you can be next.” 
Rooster is still looking at you intently, smoking quietly, waiting for you to continue. There are mercifully no smart quips. 
“They came for my neighbors like that one night. Dragged them out of their beds in their night clothes, screaming. Parents, children, grandmother. When my father went to look, they beat him and trashed our apartment for good measure. A Gestapo officer dragged me from my bed, down two flights of stone stairs and onto the street, laughing the whole time.”
“He aimed his gun at my head, and that’s the first time I thought: I’m going to die now.” You look finally at Rooster. He looks sad, but you also know he understands. There is no need to say out loud: he’s felt the same, under different circumstances probably, but the core experience is the same. That small moment, when time seems to stop and everything goes quiet in your head, and you feel it in your bones, your heart knows. You have no choice but to accept it. This is it. 
And then it’s not. You’re still here. Rooster is still here. How do you continue living after you’ve looked death in the eye?
You fight back. A little bit harder, a little bit more, each and every time. Until it’s truly the last time.
Neither of you has anything to say after that, so you just sit there together in your own small world under the table, lightly leaning into each other, ashing your cigarettes in the mug on the floor. With every exhale, the anxiety is leaving your body. 
Rooster suddenly shudders, goosebumps springing up over his arms. He quickly rubs his palm over his arm to warm up.
“Shit, take your jacket back, sorry.” You say hurriedly, starting to slip it off, planting your cigarette between your lips. Really, you should have offered it to him immediately, and put on your own coat, but really—the jacket is so comfortable, so warm, and it smells so nice.
Bradley stills for a moment as he watches you shrug the jacket off, exposing your bare shoulders. He cannot help but let sight roam over the skin of your arms, imagining how soft it would be. 
You look so disarmingly cute at that moment — the worried look on your face, your hair messy from sleeping, the cigarette carelessly hanging from your lips—and completely innocently and unabashedly pulling the jacket off. Regaining his senses just in time before you strip it off completely, leaving you just in your camisole, he leans over, grabbing the collar of the jacket and pulling it back over your arms. 
You sit rooted in place as Rooster’s face is suddenly so near yours again, cigarette in the corner of his mouth, his hands close to your throat as he wraps the jacket around you. He doesn’t move back immediately, but you can see his eyes crinkling as he smiles.  
“Keep it on.” He says simply. You nod, barely managing a whispered thank-you, afraid he might feel how hard your heart is suddenly beating again. Too soon, it grinds your gears you think it’s too soon, he moves back again, turning away from you, finishing his cigarette.
“I should probably be a gentleman, and offer you the bed...” He starts.
“Absolutely not.” You cut him off.
“Well, I wasn’t going to,” He continues levelly. You bristle—you walked right into that one. “But then it only seems fair you get to keep my jacket.”
“Besides,” The smirk is so evident in his voice, you almost dread to look at him. “It looks much better on you anyway.”
note | I'm prepping for my trip next week, so I might not update regularly for a bit. When I have something ready, you will of course be the first to know!
taglist | @ponyboys-sunsets | @thatchickwiththecamera | @littlewhiterose | @katieshook02 | @straightforwardly | @zazzysseoul | @rororo06 | @datingbtr | @notalxx | @fresh-new-yoik-watah | @gretagerwigsmuse  | @swthxrry | @joshkiskasbunion | @caelipartem | @blackbrownie | @yanak324 | @unluckymonaghan | @letusbewildflowers | @ticklish-leafy-plant | @alana4610 | @eg-dr3amer3 | @turningtoclown | @mell-bell | @mak-32 | @avis15 | @helplesslydevoted | @benhardysdrumstick | @chaoticversion | @cherrycola27 | @roosterschanelslut | @notroosterbradshaw | @eli2447 | @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog | @m-1234 | @phoenix1388
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countryhumans-mx · 1 year
What ships do you support?
Lets see... (srry)
1- America x Mexico
2- Canada x Ukraine
3- Britain x France
4- Soviet x Third Reich
5- South Korea x Japan
6- North Korea x China
7- Germany x Poland
8- Russia x Vodka
9- Antarctica x Greenland
10- Costa Rica x Puerto Rico
11- Italy x Pizza
That's All... FOR NOW
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maurmaurii · 6 months
CH survival guide: Shipping
Hello fellow countryhumans fan!
Whether you’re a brand-new fan or a hardened veteran, you’ve most likely come across a “ship.”
(You probably already know this, but in case you don’t, here are quick definitions:
• a “ship” is a shorter way of saying “relationship”
• “shipping” refers to the practice of creating these relationships
• “shippers” is used to refer to people that indulge in shipping)
Now, with that out of the way, you might be wondering; what the hell does this have to do with anything? That’s what I’m here to discuss.
Countryhumans is a wacky fandom, this is no secret. The wackiness comes from the lack of “true canon”. CH is not based off any TV show, movie series, book, or anything of the matter. The only “canon” is history, and even then, history can change depending who you ask. Therefore, almost everything you see coming out of this fandom is essentially HEADCANONS, because there’s no such thing as canon in this hellhole.
However, the lack of canon doesn’t mean you can do whatever the hell you want, no. These are still countries, personified as they may be. So, here are a few rules/guidelines that I would recommend you to follow.
• It doesn’t make sense to ship two countries that have no connections whatsoever.
• This also includes tensions, rivalries, and conflicts, which I will go more in-depth on for number 2.
• This refers to tensions and conflicts of their time. With these situations, countries should NOT be shipped.
Some modern examples of ships that should not sail:
• Israel and Palestine
• Russia and America
• Romania and Hungary
Some historical examples of ships that should not sail:
• Soviet Union and America
• United Kingdom and Soviet Union
• Soviet Union and Third Reich*
(NOTE: It is possible at the start of wwii, BUT before you start celebrating, I need you to read number 3!)
No.3: DYNAMICS!!!!!!!!!
• This is one I don’t see talked about very often, so it’s especially important that you listen, because the dynamics of a ship can absolutely affect how good or bad it is.
• This means keeping things realistic to the characters and their situation, which ties in with no.1 AND no.2. Think to yourself: “Would these two ACTUALLY be an ‘uwu soft boy x big strong man’ type of relationship?” Because 99.998% of the time, the answer is “ABSOLUTELY NOT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU OH MY G-”
Well, here are some questions you can ask yourself that apply to these guidelines.
• “Would they know each other?”
• “Do they have a friendly/non-hostile relationship in this time period?”
• “Is their dynamic realistic?”
If you can say yes to all of these questions, then you’re probably good to go!
• Some people will not ship the same things you do; and that’s completely OK! Some people don’t like shipping AT ALL; and that’s also completely OK! Certain ships, or shipping as a whole, might not be for them.
• Remember to BE RESPECTFUL; don’t attack anyone if they have different opinions or preferences.
• Most of this stuff won’t affect you much IRL! Digital footprint might be real, but employers and colleges won’t really care if you post cringey art or fanfics. A LOT of other people have posted similar things, if not worse. So, unless you posted something REALLY depraved (I’m talking borderline/full on criminal shit), you’ll probably be just fine if you use another email or phone number for your school/work.
With all this being said, have a wonderful day/night!
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thebunnylord · 1 month
Why the heck did I just get a documentary on the sex life of Hitler on my youtube for you page!?!? AND WHY IS THERE A DOCUMENTARY WITH JURASSIC DINOSAURS AND HITLER IN THE THUMBNAIL ON MY FOR YOU PAGE!?
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myverynormalacc · 4 months
FUCK MEEEhhhhheeee,,,,
I NEED SOMEONE TO YAP THIS TO (sorry Sucheon therapist but thats you tomorrow)
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third-reich-is-cute · 11 months
Here are my favorite ships for countryhumans: Favorite Ships: (*) = Best Germany(M) x Poland(M) Poland(M) x Indonesia(M) (It was very reasonable) America(M) x Russia(M) (*) (I had to) Third Reich(M) x Soviet Union(M)(*) Russia(M) x Soviet Union(M)(*) (I know… I totally know…) Germany(M) x Third Reich(M)(*) (Yeah… about dat…) Belarus(F) x Russia(M)(*) (Ahem…) Third Reich(M) x Philippines(M) (Um… Yeah…) Canada(M) x Ukraine(F) Ukraine(F) x Belarus(F)(*) (Uhhhh…) Antarctica(M) x Russia(M)(*) (da cold bois) America(M) x Philippines(M) Belarus(F) x Third Reich(M)(*) (Yeeeaaahhh…about daaaat…)
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venturesomescout · 4 years
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New book cover uwu
Read ‘Afterlife’ here (if you want): wattpad.com/852307521 or archiveofourown.org/works/23235529
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chaoticprussia · 21 days
cracks knuckles. MY TIME HAS COME. may i introduce you to the two empires series written by rejectedcopy on ao3. it starts off centered around german empire & austria-hungary but it, its successor/sequel series, and the off-shoots of it all by the same author focus much more on soviet/reich (& soviet/weimar for a while).
two empires series (germany centric): https://archiveofourown.org/series/3441181
prophecy series (its successor, from soviet-centric): https://archiveofourown.org/series/3510541
monolith series (off-shoot, focus shifts between characters, reich and soviet are very important characters. best to read after the earlier two since they establish the dynamic): https://archiveofourown.org/series/3891088
off-shoot of empires/prophecy series (read after reading those): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50707621
unrelated, au off-shoot (still a great read): https://archiveofourown.org/works/58019812
i’ve been waiting to recommed these to someone, but my friends aren’t into countryhumans and probably wouldn’t immediately appreciate reich-centered content, but i’m really glad to share them with someone! :D
—(not so anymore) invisible anon.
this is the best thing to wake up too.
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lilcakeyramen · 4 years
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graceshadowwolf · 5 years
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So I've been working on this other thing along with making the first pic that I did in a previous post úwù
Some headcanons:
Britain and Nazi used to be best friends until Nazi betrayed him.
Poland has his scar cuz Nazi and Soviet ganged up on him and cracked his head.
The one grabbing France is Nazi.
The pic with France being taken from Britain is the Nazi Occupation in France.
Why tf is France's page a different shade of brown?
Soviet's frame is spicy.
Soviet and Nazi used to be in a relationship until Nazi betrayed him, hence the red side in Soviet's yellow silhouette.
Soviet has a lot of scars from the Russian Empire, the Revolution, and his first years as leader.
Nazi's silhouette in Soviet's frame is black, but there's his actual silhouette (the red one) behind the black one. This is a reference from my book, Stitches (on Wattpad uwu), that Nazi was actually sad about betraying Soviet.
I was about to give spoilers from that book, but I remembered I have Tumblr readers on Wattpad too oof--
The thing Soviet is holding in Poland's frame is a sickle that he has never used in my book because he lost it after the invasion oof--
I have two oofs and this third oof is dedicated to the fact that I was drawing Soviet's smut frame in school during my theology class and during recess and lunch, and at home in the living room where my siblings could easily pass me and look ove rmy shoulder to see what kind of sin I was doing oof--
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