#Reina x reader
fieldsofwriting · 20 days
You don’t have to do it alone.
Summary: Based off this request. The farmer doesn’t know the meaning of a break- and everyone else in town starts to see that they need a break.
Warnings: General depictions of exhaustion and slight injuries
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When you answered the call for a Farmer in Mistria, you didn’t think it be like this. You were constantly busy, running around the water your crops, clear your farm, help repair a bridge, general store, mill, streets, and more. But everyone here, they were so kind. They were so nice. You couldn’t help it, you had to help. You had to do it. Even if you didn’t want too.
And that’s how you ended up with Ryis today. He needed help fixing up some of the fencing around Mistria, so hammer in hand you two were cranking it out. But you couldn’t help but slow as more time wore on, the ache in your muscles starting to become more and more apparent. The sun beating down on your back, you could feel it just sucking the life out of you. And by the time you noticed the trajectory of the hammer- it was too late to move your hand. The tool slammed into your hand with a mighty wack- your might wack.
“Shit! Y/N, are you okay?” Ryis calls, rushing forward and kneeling down to take your hand and look it over. “It’s gonna been to be iced. But the swelling shouldn’t be too bad.” He smiles up at you gratefully.
You give him a weak smile back, trying to ignore the throbbing. “Ah, it should be fine. I’ll have Valen check it out later. Let’s finish these fences.” You nod at him. Ryis frowns, watching as you pick up the hammer again. He wants to protest, it looked pretty nasty…but if you’re fine…?
He sighs, but kept a watchful eye on you. Making sure there was no other mishaps. And as you were walking home, Reina saw you.
“Y/N!” She calls, rushing over. “Hey! I was wondering if you have any veggies for a soup I wanna try making!” She asks, ever so cheerie.
“Uh, yeah. I think so.” You nod, giving her a smile.
“Sweet! You wanna help me make it?” She asks, linking her arm through yours. Walking down to your farm with you.
In truth. No. No you did not. But here she was looking at you with those big ole eyes, and sweet smile. You couldn’t say no to her! Even if you just wanted to melt into bed. “Sure thing.” You say.
And so, you got her the crops she needed. And she chopped. You stirred the pot, that was until you put your hand down- hissing in pain as you looked at the opposite hand from what you just smashed with a hammer.
“Oh!” Reina gasps, quickly setting down her knife before taking you to the sink and rinising your hand under cold water. “Are you alright? Do you need Valen?”
You shake your head, “No, no. I’ll be okay.” You brush off her concern. “Just scared me more than anything.” You give her a smile to help ease the worries. Reina frowns, she wanted to make sure you were okay… but if you said you were fine…
And so, after leaving the Inn after some delicious soup, you headed up to the forge. You needed to fix a chip in your axe- as annoying as it was. You had already worked yourself to the bone, why not a little more?
As you approached the forge, March took you in. You looked wrecked, exhausting and he can see where you have a bandage on your hand from the burn, one of your fingernails starting to bruise. “No.” He says quickly, grabbing your axe.
“What- March stop I need to fix it!” You protest trying to grab it back from him.
“No, you need to go home and take a fucking nap. You look exhausted and the others might be dumb enough to ignore it but if you go near molten metal there is no way you’d walk out of here with your stupid cherrie smile.” He snaps at you, looking at the axe and frowning. “A chip this small isn’t worth your life.”
You blink. Was March- did he actually care? But before you can continue to protest, he looks behind him. “Yo, Ryis! Take Y/N home and do not let them leave.” He says shoving you toward him.
Ryis awkwardly catches your shoulders, frowning at March’s roughness. “You okay?”
And finally, you let out a defeated sigh. Leaning into Ryis, “I need a nap.”
Ryis chuckles, patting your back. “Okay, come on.” He says gently, helping you back home. The whole time he was surprisingly gentle. “Feel better in the morning yeah?”
You give him a sleepy smile. “Yeah.”
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A/N: I’m so sorry this took me so long!! I kept trying to get it done but then I started working on an animation and i forgot 😔 but I hope you enjoyed!!
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terabyteturtle · 5 months
Hii! Could I request a Reina SFW alphabet? If not thats ok!! I know there isn’t much to know about her 😓
💜 Reina SFW Alphabet 💜
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I'll probably have to rewrite this eventually as we get more information about her, but I did my best with what we have so far! I tried my best not to assume much of anything, but I feel like Reina would be a bit of a loner type, especially after the death of Heihachi (whom we assume she was close with). Hope you enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Reina shows a regular amount of affection towards you; it’s neither constant nor rare. She’s very casual and doesn’t make a big deal over it. Being as clever as she is, Reina is very smooth and sly with most of her gestures. For example, you guys will just be having a conversation, and she’ll just slip an arm around your shoulders without you noticing. The only displays of affection she won’t be subtle with, though, are punches and shoulder bumps. Despite having a penchant for being smooth, Reina also enjoys playfighting as a sign of affection. If she punches you in the arm or rams into you with her shoulder, then you know she’s into you. She’ll do all of this no matter where you are. However, when it comes to hugs and kisses, those are saved for private interactions only.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Honestly, being her best friend isn’t that much different from being in a relationship with her (minus the kissing). Be prepared for tons of sarcasm and teasing galore, and anyone who talks bad about you will get a Mishima-style beatdown. Oftentimes, you’ll have to be her voice of reason and hold her back from fighting people who piss her off. This makes her mad initially, but she always ends up thanking you later. Reina doesn’t really interact with anyone aside from you; for a long time, she’s danced to the beat of her own drum and kept herself company. You’re one of the few people she actually cares about, so she always tries to take your thoughts into account and listen to what you have to say. The friendship would probably start at the Mishima Polytechnical School, with you both being students there. As mentioned before, Reina’s typically a loner, but something about you just catches her eye. One day, she’ll just start talking to you, and you’re kinda stuck with her from that point on.
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
If you need comfort, Reina will hug you from behind and sit there for a little while, allowing you to vent if you need to. When you’re finished speaking, or you just have nothing you want to say, she’ll launch into a pep talk. Well, sort of. In these specialty speeches, Reina hypes you up but also throws in slight digs to tease you at various times. She doesn’t mean to upset you further; rather, she’s trying to make the situation more lighthearted. She wants to see you smile and build up your confidence more. Are you really gonna let those negative feelings show you who’s boss? Not on her watch, you aren’t. Is this comfort method typical? No, but it has a surprisingly high success rate, and through it, Reina shows you how awesome of a person you are. As for herself, all she needs is a great big hug. If you find that she’s feeling low, just embrace her and tell her that it will all be okay. As cliche as it sounds, it works.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Reina hasn’t really thought about settling down much. She recalls her father saying something about continuing the bloodline and passing on the legacy, but right now, she has several things on her plate that she’d rather attend to first (getting good grades and acquiring the Mishima Zaibatsu). In terms of housekeeping, Reina will help out with whatever she can, but chances are you’re gonna have to be the one to do most of it. She has a lot on her mind, so she’ll only think about keeping her little corner of the place clean, meaning everything else will be left to you unless you ask her to lend a hand. When it comes to cooking, Reina can make herself a sandwich, but she doesn’t really know how to do much else. Somehow, she’s managed to collect a ton of coupons for various local restaurants, so she’s pretty much survived off of those. If you’d like to make her food, great! If not, she’s happy to share some coupons with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
If Reina had to end it with you, the encounter is either gonna be snarky or angry. There’s no nice way to do it with her. If she’s snarky, she’ll act like it doesn’t affect her and tease you ruthlessly, saying really harsh things that’ll destroy any self-confidence that you might’ve had. Reina’s an expert on getting inside people’s heads and getting on their nerves, and by the end of the conversation, she will make you hate her. If she ends up being angry, then prepare yourself—things are gonna get ugly real quick. She’ll yell at you, insult you, and is not afraid to get up, close, and personal. Depending on how things go, she might even punch you in the face. Either way, breaking up with Reina is gonna suck.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She hasn’t really thought much about commitment, as she has a lot of other things on her mind. Reina knows she wants to avenge her father and inherit his conglomerate, but she hasn’t really thought past that. She’s young and still has a long way to go in life, so she doesn’t see any point in rushing to make a commitment. Reina definitely wants to marry you eventually (because how on Earth could she not, you’re amazing), but right now, she just wants to take things one step at a time and wait until she’s older.
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, Reina’s pretty rough. She doesn’t mean to half the time—it’s just her default setting. She’ll playfully punch you sometimes, but it just means that she cares. If she didn’t, those punches would be far more brutal. If she’s feeling lazy and wants to cuddle, she’ll just kinda flop on top of you. Emotionally, she’s also rough around the edges. Since she was raised by Heihachi of all people, Reina’s inherited some of the old-school, stone-cold mentality. On top of that, she’s naturally spunky and sarcastic, always ready to make a wisecrack out of anything. If something serious is going on, however, she’ll lose her typical spunkiness and be gentler.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
She loves them! Reina will hug you from anywhere—from the front, from the side, from behind, she’ll give you hugs of any kind. As for cuddles, those just consist of her flopping on top of you and you dealing with it. She might shuffle a bit to make herself more comfortable, but for the most part, wherever she flops is wherever she ends up staying. Both of these happen regularly, and they happen way more in private than in public. Once in a while, she might give you a side hug while you’re out somewhere, but typically, Reina prefers to hug you while you’re alone together.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
It takes her a while for her to say it like a normal person would. Reina loves being sarcastic and teasing you, and when it comes to her feelings, she’d rather voice them indirectly than saying them outright. “Life would be boring without you” and “If I didn’t have you, who else would I waste my restaurant coupons with?” are the two closest things she’s said to “I love you” thus far. Eventually, when Reina does say it, she’ll slip it in casually and you almost don’t catch it right away. She says “I love you” the same way one would say “Yo, dude”. Once you realize what Reina’s said to you, she’ll give you a smirk and a wink before pulling you into a side hug.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Reina doesn’t get jealous. Compared to herself, she doesn’t see anyone else as a threat. Could anyone spoil you with free ramen like she does? She doesn’t think so. If anything, she’ll make them jealous instead. If any brave soul tries to charm you, Reina will just tell them you’re taken. If her arm isn’t around your shoulders already, it’s going to be there now. She’ll show you off and indirectly rub it in their face that you belong to her. Reina has what they want, and she’s not going to let them take what’s hers. However, if the person persists after she’s made her point clear, that’s when she gets fired up. She’ll lose her temper and become borderline territorial, challenging the person and getting in their face. You’ll have to distract her quickly if you want to avoid a fight. If the person continues harassing you, then there’s no hope left for them, and no chance left for you to intervene; Reina’s already got her mind set on putting this person in their place.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Reina’s kisses vary depending on her mood. If she’s feeling pleasant and just hanging out, she’ll give you quick pecks. If she’s feeling tired or lazy, kisses will be slow and sloppy. Sometimes, she’ll miss her initial target and wind up kissing some other random spot. She doesn’t mind though; as long as she gets to kiss you, she’s content. If Reina’s trying to comfort you or show her love for you, they’ll be sweet and deep. Often, she enjoys tricking you into believing that she’s going to kiss your lips, only to peck your nose instead. She also loves kissing your neck, as it feels soft and sensitive. Reina loves being kissed on the cheek, as it allows her to focus her attention on multiple things while still receiving much-loved affection.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
She thinks they can be annoying sometimes, but she doesn’t have any particular grudge against them. If the kid’s a brat, she’ll get pissed off, but if they’re nice, she might talk to them and play along with whatever they’re saying and doing for a little while. Reina’s not perfect with kids, as she has a quick temper, but if she spent more time around them, she’d become better with them. She hasn’t thought about having kids herself, since she’s still a student and has other priorities. However, she might consider it eventually, especially if you’d like to have kids in the future as well.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Most mornings typically involve the two of you getting ready for school together. She’ll wake up begrudgingly to get ready and will act grumpy throughout the early hours of the day. Reina doesn’t mean to offend you; it’s just that she’s not a morning person. It’s best not to say much until she’s started to perk up a bit, unless you want to get hit with a sharp remark that she doesn’t truly mean. Reina doesn’t mind getting the school lunch, but if you’d like to pack lunches for both of you, she’d greatly appreciate it. She only has the energy to do the bare minimum, so anything extra is beyond her reach by herself. Occasionally, you’ll go out to eat breakfast somewhere local, and from there, you guys usually take the train to school and walk from the station to the front gates together.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Reina is typically much happier and more sociable at night. You guys often study together and help each other with homework, with some nice lo-fi music playing in the background. After all of that’s done, you guys will just chill out, watch TV, cuddle, and talk about whatever comes to mind. She’ll often gossip about people she hates or vent about her least favorite classes while you sit there and listen. If you’d like to talk about something, then she’s all ears. There’s a large chance that she’ll want to go out somewhere, even if it’s a school night. This usually contributes to why she’s so tired in the morning, and you tell her this constantly, but Reina doesn’t care. Ultimately, she wants to live life to the fullest and see what the world has to offer. Since she’s been living on her own, she’s had more freedom to do what she wants with her time. Reina might mean business when it comes to certain things, but she won’t ignore a good time if presented with one.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
Reina enjoys being mysterious and cryptic, which mainly stems from how much she likes to mess with people. As much as she likes to toy with you, she’ll eventually start sharing things after a while. She understands that it’s annoying to keep dodging questions, especially in the manner that she does, so she’ll gradually open up about things as time passes. Reina will take her time and share secrets on her own terms and in her own way. Due to her sly, mischievous nature, it’s rare that you actually get a solemn moment with her. Usually, she ends up talking about things either matter-of-factly or sarcastically, even if it's a serious topic. If she opens up about something deeply personal, she’ll downplay it as though it weren’t incredibly important. It’ll take a bit of time, but when Reina starts talking, it’d be in your best interest to listen.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
Generally, Reina’s got a quick temper, and it doesn’t take much to set it off. People who are quick to judge her or count her out don’t earn much patience from her. If she’s dealing with someone she’s cool with (which is rare given her loner tendencies), she’ll be more patient with them. With you, Reina tries her best, but you can tell when she gets impatient because she’ll get a little snarkier than usual, which is saying a lot referring to her.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Reina remembers a lot about you. She’s inherited that sharp Mishima memory, which is made sharper by the fact that she still attends school and has to retain a lot of information across various subjects. Considering you’re one of the few people she deeply cares about, she’ll soak up every detail about you like a sponge.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
One of the most important moments in your relationship was when she told you she loved you the first time. You were so used to her sarcastic comments that whatever nice thing she did say caught you off guard, so hearing her tell you those three words, especially in such a casual manner, almost gave you whiplash. You stared at her for a moment and debated asking her to say them again. But she must’ve read your mind, because she said them again, that time a little more solemnly. You smiled, which made her heart flutter, which was a feeling that she’d never experienced before. She smirked and winked at you, pulling you into a side hug. It was a simple moment but still super sweet, and you’ll look back on it for the rest of your life.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Reina gets very protective, especially when you’re in an unsafe area. She’s always on her guard, keeping her eyes peeled for folks who might cause trouble for the both of you. Consider her your personal bodyguard. She doesn’t mind getting into fights if it means keeping you safe. Reina feels protected whenever you’re around her. Your presence never fails to make her feel safe. It’s gotten to the point where she can’t fully relax unless you’re there with her. Unless you’re around, she doesn’t let her walls come down.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
Since Reina enjoys going with the flow, dates are often impulsive. You guys just go to your favorite places without thinking twice. Meanwhile, gifts have way more thought put behind them, since Reina wants to make you feel special. She wants any gift that she gives you to reflect something personal. Initially, she never really thought much about anniversaries, but as time goes on and you’re nearing your first one, Reina will start thinking of a ton of random ideas, each one grand and extravagant. She always tells you that once the Mishima Zaibatsu becomes hers, you two are going somewhere nice and getting away from it all.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Her hot-blooded temper and cold-blooded arrogance make a deadly combo, especially for those brave enough to cross her. It can make her difficult to deal with at times, and on some days, it's like her anger is on a hair trigger. She's never taken it out on you, but you've seen her take it out on other people, and it's not pretty.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
Reina values someone she can be herself around. She understands that there are a lot of people who hate her, and to them she gives a big middle finger, but it sucks not having many people to hang around. She had her dad, but he's been dead for a year now and, until you showed up, she didn't really have anyone to talk to. Reina’s had to be a loner for a while, and she's had enough of just keeping to herself. As much as she'd like to deny it, she's a human being, just like anyone else. She needs someone to vent to, to share secrets with, to love. If she just starts to hate everyone, life won't be fun. But with someone like you, it is.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Reina would want to make it a spectacle. She wants to show off her lover and display their beautiful love for each other. By this time, she'll probably have the Mishima Zaibatsu in the palm of her hands, so she can make that happen. She's excited; there’s no doubt about that. She claims it’s not a big deal, but you can see the pleased gleam in her eyes as she helps you plan everything out. She has a hand in every aspect of the wedding—catering, decorations, themes, you name it. While you’re standing on the altar, Reina gives you this big smile that just screams with pride. She could not be more proud to have you by her side, and she can't wait for you both to rule the world together.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Reina likes flicking your forehead every so often just to tease you. She loves teasing you in general, but your reaction to this gesture in particular is priceless.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
Reina doesn't like anyone who's entitled or believes that they have a right to everything. She's also not one to take to sensitive people. If you don't have a backbone, you're considered a weakling in her eyes.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Reina will snore a bit, but it's never too loud and you don't have any trouble falling asleep to it. She’ll hug you as you guys fall asleep, but since she often moves in her sleep, she won't stay there throughout the night. Reina will move around, but she's never been too disruptive. There have been times however when her arm will just randomly flop on top of you, and one time, she even smacked you in the face by accident. Aside from that, though, she's not too bad. Reina typically has a lot of crazy dreams as well, so expect to hear all about them during lunch the next day.
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Reina: you good?
Y/N: you cheated
Reina: did not
Y/N: yeah you did. I was not expecting that kiss
Reina: oh really?
Reina grabs Y/N and kisses him again…
Y/N: you’re forgiven
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For @ma1egamer
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A Vampire, A Devil, And Lycoris
Some random idea that I came up with to try and get back to form
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Reina stood behind you, her cold gaze boring into your back like lasers as you held the red flower aloft in your hand and held it to the light of the moon, the starry sky, and the city below.
“Lycoris radiata.” you stated as you gazed at the flower in your hand.
Reina didn’t see what was so special about the flower you were holding.
“I wasn’t aware Vampires like flowers, perhaps I should get you a bouquet for your next birthday?” Reina taunted with a solid edge in her voice.
She was irritated.
No, that wasn’t quite right.
She was… jealous?
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that, though, I should tell you that I am not particularly fond of Sun Flowers.” you responded to the cold woman with a half joke as Sun Flowers were not called that entirely without merit.
“Do you think you're funny?” Reina asked, trying and failing to hide the amused smile on her face and the laughter that was bubbling up inside her chest.
“My dear Reina, I am a comedian.” you responded as you turned to face her, and away from the horizon which were already showing the faintest traces of the sun's light which were already beginning to cause you great headache.
“Now then, I do believe it is time to call this night to a close. I thank you for your company tonight, love.” you told Reina with a bow, flower still in hand.
Reina let out a soft hum, still glaring at the flower that had taken your attention away from her.
You chuckled slightly at the pout on her face before raising your hand and placing it on the side of Reina’s face, threading the flower into her hair in the process.
“Reina, do you know what the meaning behind Lycoris is?” you asked her, your cool hand burning at the warmth of her skin.
“I can’t say that I do, I was never much of a flowery girl.” Reina responded as your frigid touch spread throughout her body.
“Lycoris Radiata means many things, but the most common meanings of them are love, passion, and loyalty.”
“Then wouldn't a rose serve the same purpose?” Reina asked.
“Yes, but other meanings include death, rebirth, and immortality.” you responded with a smile.
“So, us the flower? How romantic.” Reina told you with a smirk dancing at her lips.
“Of course, you are always in my thoughts my dear.” you told her with a bright smile.
For the moment the two of you stood just like that.
Simply standing there.
Enjoying the warmth between the two of you.
Enjoying the company the both of you gave to one another.
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marchofmistria · 6 days
Fields of Mistria headcanon/fic masterlist
Masterlist for all my writing about Fields of Mistria! Updated continuously.
Bachelor/Bachelorette x Reader
All Bachelors/Bachelorettes
Age headcanons
[Tags: All bachelors/bachelorettes, general]
A Nice Contrast
[One shot, 2,127 words]
[Tags: March x Reader, gender-neutral reader (2nd person), hurt/comfort, fluff]
Other Ships
Valen x Juniper (Vaniper)
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yyxandere · 10 months
It's time for the Yakuza women, let's go!
Reina is one of the main beauties in all of Kamurocho. The God of Luck himself must have kissed you if you were able to draw her attention to you! I'm betting that you met at her place of work in Serena, intending to down a few glasses of alcohol or stopped by out of interest. Reina always gives you a charming smile and greeting, sincerely rejoicing at your every arrival at her bar, and may even introduce you to Nishikiyama, Yumi and Kiryu if you know her enough to do this. She will encourage you every time you sing karaoke, no matter how that awkwardly and embarrassing it is, the main thing is that you try, don’t be shy, darling! In Kiwami, she will be so assertive that she will even enlist the help of Nishikiyama to keep an eye on you and tell you all the information he finds out about you. This will give Reyna a lot of leverage over you, where she will "subtly" tell you this or that, confusing you, but due to your trust in her, you decide not to pay attention. This carelessness about details stops as soon as you finally see the ring on your finger, indicating that you belong to her, successfully wrapping around your finger. Reyna will never be able to lay a hand on you, but will raise her voice if you argue with her or try to escape from him, but instantly compensates for this by successfully powdering your head with her sweet voice. She, of course, can kidnap you, but if some guys from other clans threaten your life. Reina is well aware from Nishiki of what exactly they do with those who the yakuza do not like or cross the road. How can she allow you to die? No, no, no.
Oh, Makoto Makimura... A rather wounded and tormented flower in this world, completely alone and defenseless: this is approximately the impression this girl made on you. It will take a lot of patience and time to gain her trust due to the hell she has been through. After this, Makoto will dare to tell you about all her experiences and pain, but these will not be just words, no... It will be a real emotional confession, where she will tightly hold you by the sleeve, as if she child seeking protection from a mother who will always accept her as she is. And here it is – as soon as she understands that you never judged, but, on the contrary, supported you, then know that now she will not be able to let you go. If not physically, then mentally. In fact, Makoto doesn’t even realize that with her sincerity and concern, she successfully keeps you with her, where you don’t even dare to admit a single thought about leaving her alone. She always walks next to you, gently holding your hand or the edge of your clothes, wherever you go, but now she is not afraid to fight back to anyone if some scoundrel dares to bother both of you. Makoto loves it when you pamper her or try to do everything for her comfort, but wait! Why are you trying to keep your distance? Don't you understand that your coldness and detachment hurt me? – These words literally torn your mind, making you the perfect prisoner of her desires in an endless sense of guilt and determination to make her happy. Makoto won't kidnap you... It's you'll be the one with her. And this suits her completely... Her reliable protector and the human of her heart.
Yumi is a very gentle woman with a sensitive heart. Before the events of Kiwami, she will be very sweet and naive that you will have to always remind her to remain vigilant, and at this time she looks at you with bewilderment, continuing to chat sweetly with you, ignoring your warnings. She always carefreely dragged you on dates or to work at Serena's to meet the hostess and her best friends, regulars of this bar. But during the events of Kiwami, after many disturbing events, Yumi becomes tougher and more bitter, now being more careful with everyone. Now she has a little daughter in her arms and doesn’t know what to do with herself after the betrayal of her ex-husband, who without hesitation left her for a bigger money fish, which is why she now has huge trust problems. But since you were her acquaintance, Yumi will be able to trust you even by entrusting you with communication with Haruka, which involuntarily warms her heart. It's been quite rare to care since the beginning of the chain of misfortunes, and she has no intention of stopping this warm. Haruka is the perfect reason to keep you around, you wouldn't think of leaving her after everything that poor thing has been through, right? Of course not, that's impossible. There was never a moment when you ignored her child, always giving her attention and protection during her career as an idol. There is already an inevitable chance to contact Kiryu, who also became attached to Haruka as a daughter. And at this point you can insert a painful but interesting trope: there is a possible development of such thoughts in you that Yumi no longer needs you, she already has an old love of hers, since what is the point of bothering her with your presence... This will make her worry a lot , frantically wondering why you suddenly became cold. Did someone offend you? Are you having troubles at work? Is there something wrong with your health? Or you find someone else? And when, after a while, when Yumi finally finds out the real reason for your detachment, all she can do is mentally slap herself in the head. How could she not notice that close contact with Kiryu would affect you so much that you considered yourself unnecessary for her!? She needed to act quickly and decisively burst into your house, reprimand you for such stupidity, already confessing her feelings and that she does not intend to leave you for Kiryu (at that time you stood stunned in your pajamas and embarrassedly listened to her in silence, still shocked by her sudden arrival at night). But it doesn’t matter, one way or another you are already in her hands, hardly having the opportunity to escape. She is yours and this time Yumi intends to prove it with determination, no matter how much you want it.
Since you have problems with such phenomena breaking the law, then Kaoru is here! She is literally one of the most empathetic police officers who always protects you and listens to you no matter what. Mrs. Policewoman also likes to drag you around to many places, especially food service buildings (which suddenly made a date sign for you, for her this is just part of the plan). If you are cold towards her, then “suddenly” it turns out that you are suspected of several serious criminal cases! How so! You don’t want everyone to know about your “crime,” do you? Then listen to your good Mrs. Policeman: she will always listen and help you. It's a completely different story if you actually have problems with the law, such as theft or vandalism. Oh, this is the sweet candy for her, which she will wave in front of your pale face in fear of a face indicating that she has power over you. But if the enemy is much more serious than murder or mercenaryism... Well, be prepared when at one moment suddenly your neck is tightened by the Patriarch of the Omi Alliance with collar of power, her brother. It's not hard for Ryuuji to keep a brash wolf cub like you in line, and even if you fight, he'll quickly "break" the bratty teeth you dared to show him, all in the name of protecting her little sister. So neither the police, nor even the other yakuza will help you, there is no limit to the outcome of the luck of your dangerous and sly Policewoman mission...
(Thank you for all the answers and for taking some time to answer our questions. It's my last images in this time and I won’t burden you until you decide to be active again. Although I'd be lying if I said I'll wait for your next question box opening without tears, haha. Good luck in school 😉)
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The Serena bartender- Reina, her personality is as pretty as her face, her glamorous long black lashes show as she bats her eyes towards you, her cherry colored lipstick pops her beauty, her voice sweet yet mature, a fine lady for the night. Lady Luck’s golden hand must have touched you when night beauty Reina took a deep interest in you and as a move kissed you on your cheek leaving a lingering kiss that left a red mark on your skin which you couldn’t stop touching.
Reina would cherish every moment you visit/are with her, she would make time to be with you if there are many customers, it’s quite obvious that you are a favorite of hers, she would let you taste the newest alcohol or wine she bought, and even decrease your tab, she won’t say it though, she would be very flustered if you ever found out. You might try to convince her not to do such things. She is the kind of person who never misses an opportunity to be close to you, subtle hand holding or she’s too close for your comfort, she would stroke your hand as you talk about your day with your redden booze face. She will heavily encourage you to sing even once, no matter how awkward your voice might be, she will hype you up!
She wouldn’t do anything horrible to you when you’re knocked out on the bar’s coach, she would just be very touchy with you, stroking your hair away from your face and giving light bunny kisses on your hand and nape, causing some lipstick stains on your collar. She would also ask Kiryu or Nishiki to help you carry her to her house because “she doesn’t know where you live” even though that’s completely false, after arriving at her house, she would thank whoever carried you, and bring you to her bed and wipe your body with a clean towel as you sleep, she would treasure each moment she does, she would find many scars from your past or maybe new one if you were a yakuza like Kiryu and Nishiki. She would then watch you sleep then sleep while sitting beside you.
She would also let you taste all of the wine and alcohol she has, so she can find what your ideal liking after she would keep the glass you were using a keep it hidden so at the end of the night she will pour herself a glass with the one you liked the most and put her cherry lips on the same place as where your lips were.
Now at Kiwami, Reina would be the same but more rough and tense when it comes to you, assertive even like you said anon. She would ask Nishiki or hell Nishiki would ask Reina if she needs help keeping you on a leash, if you are a Yakuza she would ask Nishiki to let you be a part of his family, Nishiki would agree after having a long talk with her, Nishiki would agree because he feels like Reina I now the only person he can protect, you know the drill with Kiwami Nishiki. She would isolate you from a lot of people too, she’s way paranoid, scared even, she worries over you like a mother, she would feed lies and rumors to you around the people she seems like they would put you in danger, a snowball effect to be exact.
She will make sure that you live a comfortable life and she’s also very determined to put a ring on your finger. She may never raise her hand on you but will use her voice to put some “logic” on your head, many years of being a bartender let her know many people and buttery words to convince people. She will kidnap you with the help of Nishiki or she will put a heavy sleeping drug on your drink so she will carry you to her house or ask one of Nishiki’s goons to help if you even try to leave married or not, just one dial from Nishiki then you’ll see them at your hiding spot and bring you back to Reina’s warm “embrace”. . .
If a wilting and broken flower because of the horrors of this world-Makoto would be the personification of it. The eyes are the window to the soul so no wonder why her eyes are as clear as the tears she weep like the ocean. Her skin is still soft yet rough after many years of abuse, Makoto flinches whenever someone even tries to touch her, memories from the past hunt her, and her voice weak from the constant scream for help. But after all the hell she went through, the universe finally gave her something. You are her saving grace, you are there when she needs a hand to hold, yes it took time for her to open up, or in other words, open up the wound she is trying to heal just for you. Opening such a bloody wound would make anyone cry, so that's why she was sobbing and clinging to you when she opened up to you, even though you kept on telling her that she didn't need to tell you, but she insisted on telling you that "you deserve to know it after being with me." So after that, she opened her heart to you. You can't refuse Makoto when after all of that she confessed her love for you.
Makoto doesn't know the growing obsessiveness or heck the intense dependency for you, the reason she cries every night when she thinks about how you're going to leave her someday you have to comfort her that you wouldn't even THINK of such thing as you've promised that you'll never leave her! But make sure that you keep your promise, after all, two people look after her-Tetsu and Majima they both deeply care for Makoto and if they even see a single frown even worse, tears forming on the corners of her eyes, they aren't going to hesitate to talk to you. Tetsu would blackmail you to stay with her and treat her like she's the only important thing in the world, while Majima will say quite the same thing but he won't hesitate to punch you if you even say a single mean thing about her. Both deeply care for her so make sure that you are not an "all bark" but "no bite" kinda person.
Makoto (like you said won't kidnap you) but will keep you with her by unconsciously guilt-tripping you, making you feel guilty and uncomfortable about wanting to leave her side even without realizing it. She likes to spend her time walking with you as you both hold hands as you feed Makoto newly bought takoyaki (which you blew first, you don't want to hurt her the slightest) as you both enjoy the food after that making a promise to Makoto that you will never leave her no matter what, be a person of your word dear (Y/N). . .
Yumi WAS a sensitive-hearted woman, she was soft and energetic. If you are having a bad day you can just see her and immediately have fun, you will be extremely at ease when you are with her, she will cling to your arm as she asks about today while she gives you your drink. You always try your best to tell her that she needs to be safer after all, two hotshot Yakuzas Kiryu and Nishiki have their eyes on her, but she will only shrug it off, hey how about you sing in the karaoke! Yumi will always ask to take her out on a date, just imagine how romantic it will be! You give her ice cream as you both watch the fireworks release in the night sky and both of you kiss- such daydreaming will stop if Reina shakes her to do her job. Yumi is also delusional about every single thing you do, she will consider it as a romantic gesture mixed with her being a daydreamer. Do you open up the door for her? Is this your first move on her?! Are you telling the old creep who was touching her way too weirdly to buzz off? Then you must be jealous, don’t worry she’s all yours! She would also spread some rumors that both of you guys are dating and if you guys are in public she will give you subtle kisses on your cheek, she's just a girl in love.
After blood was spilled because of her, Yumi became on her guard protecting herself from Haruka no matter what, like you said anon, she won't be the same girl as ten years ago, she's not the naive young woman she was, her ex-husband's betrayal was the nail on the coffin for the huge trust issues that are going to grow even bigger, but if you both met again pre-Kiwami, she will first make sure that you aren't going to betray her in any way for her sake as well as yours. But once she knows that you weren't here to betray her, she will bawl in your arms, several years of bottled-up emotion bursting, which made you cry too. After all, it's been years since you met Yumi, your friend.
She will tell you about Haruka and the fact that she has to pretend that she's her aunt and not her mother, and it was harsh to hear that so then visit Haruka to spend time with your "niece", you will tell her many stories about her "mom" without telling the name, you tell Haruka how much her mom misses her and if they were in a different circumstance then she will give Haruka all of the love that she needed and with that you and Haruka became close, heck whenever Yumi visits Haruka, Haruka will ramble about you to her, melting her heart that you said many good things to her and that Haruka took a liking towards you, she would even tell you what Haruka said about you to be with her.
After that, she will ask or even beg Kazama to let her monitor you or even let her keep you, especially when you were also a part of the Serena squad, and since Kazama sees how miserable Yumi is, he will agree giving Yumi any kind of information about you, on the palm of her hands, but if there are many people or Nishiki's goons are on her tail, she will forcefully drag you out of your house saying that "you too are in danger" and that if something happens to you she won't forgive herself, she will not be able to rest until you are safe. Even if it's just an empty threat, she believes with all her might that anything that happens to you will be her fault. Yumi is the definition of overprotective.
But AFTER the event of Kiwami and her finally reuniting with Kazuma, you will slowly drift away from her radars, maybe you moved to the next city or any city because you might think that Yumi wouldn't need you anymore since Kiryu is now her, a real strong person that can protect Yumi, so even as bittersweet it is, you left Kamurocho and didn't even say goodbye to Yumi, scared that you might distract her from her bonding with the man she loved (in your eyes you thought that Yumi was in love with Kazuma) and her daughter. If you were lucky and didn't get caught by her leaving Kamurocho then say hello to your short-lived paradise before she captures you. But when she noticed and heard about your friends talking about you leaving and hearing the information, she would overthink so many scenarios. Were you leaving because you found out that Nishiki's goons weren't coming after you? Or were you leaving because you found the things that she will do to keep you with her? No, no, NO. Each day trying to contact you makes her go insane. Are you safe? Are you eating well? Or worse, maybe you're in the streets right now bloodied up?! She doesn't understand why you would ever be in these conditions, you are the one who saved her life, who gave her hope, she loves you so much, please come back, come back to me, come back… In the end, she was left alone, abandoned, completely forgotten, and unable to sleep. The purple eye bags under her eyes showed it all.
But when she somehow finds out the reason for your leaving, she will just scream at herself for being so…so… darn ignorant! Of course, you will feel that way. So after finding you after blackmailing your friends, she will immediately hurry to your apartment and open your door by using a spare key, (she knows where you keep your spare keys, like under your rug or your pot) and in the middle of the night she'll make you spit the water you were drinking as she comes towards you in usain bolt style, as she rambles of how stupid she was as your dumbfounded while in your pajamas, how the hell did she even find you? HECK EVEN OPEN YOU DOOR? You must hear her out, she only has eyes for you, so please don't drive her insane like a madman.
The beauty and brain herself knows the power imbalance she has on you, the golden badge she has on her chest shows it all. Maybe you made her take an interest in you if you were related to any of her cases and one of her tasks was to keep a keen eye on you, at first when denied harshly wanting to go to the bigger and more interesting parts of the case, but her boss made her do it, so now there she was practically spying on you, it was such lame job, but slowly she is attracted to you, she notice your small and big habits, like how you feed the nearby stray cats and dogs when you have your salary or whenever your nervous your voice becomes more serious, she doesn't know what it was yet she knew that it was bad for her position, especially you might be related to the criminal, but at the end she found nothing and when the case was over and they found the criminal, her boss told Kaoru to stop her job yet she felt well…nothing…
She would play with her food as she day-dreams of what you are doing at this hour, you were probably with your co-workers hanging out as you laugh at their horrible jokes, yet she likes the way you laugh but feels a certain disdain feeling that you were laughing with someone other than her..wait. What?! What the hell was she thinking and why did she order and buy the same food you always buy at the convenience store as her lunch today? Something's wrong with her!
Kaoru lay motionless on her bed as she deeply thought about what was happening to her, and before she even knew it she took the cellphone she had that she tapped your cell phone with so she couldn't listen to your previous calls today and Kaoru then feels it again when she heard your voice her face burns and melted with a soft smile as you told you friends about your day and were you are going tomorrow as a weekend rest. Kaoru is a fast thinker so she knew that this was her chance to meet up with you and introduce herself and let you know her (she already KNOWS a lot about you alright). She may be a fast thinker but she's an overthinker as well, she will wear clothes that you mentioned to your friends that made "anyone gorgeous, and that night she made many scenarios of what to talk to you about.
Skip to a few months and both you and Kaoru are close, she will come to you and ask you to hangout, while you will reply yes and she will feel her heart beat fast, her mouth is dry due to excitement, and she starts to think of possible ways to bring you together, she may be a bad-ass woman but she when you enter the room all people can see is a woman who has no wooing skills many of her co-workers will hype both of you guys!
But Kaoru is a police officer who has the power to keep track of you, and wherever you go, she will see you interact with your friends as she listens to your guys' conversation on the hidden mic on your coat. Kaoru would also put CCTV in your own house. Kaoru knows that what she's feeling isn't normal and the power imbalance you both have is unhealthy yet if she feels like she needs control over you. If you were a delinquent she would use that as blackmail for the new paying job you were hired for, but if you did something much worse things like murder or some kind of accomplice to a crime, then she has more power over you. But if your record is straight then you free to go but not your close ones, what happens if you're brother is a young gangster who had a reckless history or your closest friend is selling drugs, your family and your close ones are at stake you know, just one show of her badge or a piece of forced evidence then it's (ever) over for them and you.
The only way for that to not happen? For you to stay with her but if you agree then she would call her brother to take care of an "untrained pup" of her. If your family was untouchable in her status she could always depend on her brother to bring them down, you will spend many hours with Ryuji as he screams at you like a military commander of your personality, her sister should only deserve the best of attitude!
As you walk robotically with Kaoru clinging to your side, you see in the corner of your eyes, fellow Omi alliance badges watching you carefully waiting for you to fuck up so they can tell their boss. Kaoru drags you to a food stall, and after you finish your food, Kaoru cups your hand with her soft hands as she kisses you on your cheek, Kaoru knows that she will have you and will keep you on a leash no matter what you do….
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helen-with-an-a · 14 days
sucker for angst can I please request one where putellas!reader is the youngest and gets a heart attack on the field and mapi is the first one to do cpr (alexia is almost inconsolable) very angsty with comforting end
Hiiii - thank you so much for this, I loved writing it. I tried to keep the details of CPR to a minimum, but also I was a lifeguard for over 5 years, and being trained in CPR was essential in our work, so the CPR instructions are true and accurate. I hope that this might stick in someone's mind and should the worst ever happen, you mind be able to remember what to do.
Barça Femeni x Reader ; Alexia Putellas x sister!Reader
Description: Memory is a blessing and a curse when the Reader falls unconscious during a match
Content Warning: CPR, Medical issues, Illness
Word Count: 6.7k
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Alexia prided herself on her memory. It was something she was exceptionally confident in, a skill that had always set her apart. Every little detail, from the exact dates of events to the clothes people were wearing, and even who said what, was meticulously catalogued in her mind.
She could never forget the day her world began to change, the day she first learned about you. Eleven-year-old Alexia was sitting cross-legged on the living room floor beside Alba both of them barely able to contain their excitement as Mami and Papi called them over. The room had an air of something important, something life-altering. And then, with a smile that Alexia could still see in her mind's eye, her mother gently placed a hand on her growing belly and told them the news. Frijolita, they said. A little bean. That’s what they called you before you even had a name. You were the baby who would soon complete their family, the littlest sister who would turn their duo into a trio. Alexia had felt a surge of excitement and responsibility all at once. The idea of having a new sibling was thrilling, but there was something deeper, an unspoken promise she made to herself to always look out for you.
The memory of your actual arrival was just as vivid. Alexia had just turned twelve, the birthday balloons still clinging to the walls of her room. It was the early hours of the morning when her Tío gently shook her awake, his voice hushed but full of excitement. "She's here," he whispered. She had leaped out of bed, her heart racing, and hurried to the hospital, the world outside still dark and quiet. The moment she saw you, bundled up and sleeping peacefully, she felt a connection so strong it was as if she had known you her entire life. You were tiny, fragile, yet perfect. She cried when she met you – the tears slipping down her cheeks as she pressed the gentlest of kisses to your forehead, promising that she would do anything to protect you.
As the years passed, you grew, and so did Alexia's collection of memories. She remembered a three-year-old you, all curiosity and energy, those wide hazel eyes – so much like hers – looking up at her with an innocent plea. You wanted to join her in the backyard as she practiced her skills, your small hands tugging at her shirt, your voice insistent. Despite your age, your determination was unwavering, and Alexia couldn’t resist. She let you chase after the ball, your laughter ringing through the air, a sound that still echoed in her heart.
Then there was the memory of a five-year-old you, stubborn as ever, refusing to be left out. You had clambered onto her lap with surprising force, your small arms wrapping around her as if you were afraid to let go. It was a day she could never forget – your mother sitting on the couch, tears streaming down her face, her heart breaking over your father. The room was heavy with grief, but you, in your innocent determination, had climbed into Alexia's lap as if she could shield you from the sadness, as if being close to her would make everything better. And in that moment, Alexia held you tightly, whispering reassurances she wasn’t even sure of herself. You had looked up at her with those same hazel eyes, filled with trust, and she had made another silent promise – to be the strongest she could, to be strong for you, even when the world around them seemed to be falling apart.
You were ten when you nearly broke her front door down one Saturday afternoon, bursting into the house with a flurry of excitement and noise that filled every corner. The commotion you caused was so overwhelming that it convincingly distracted her from the anger and confusion that had first crossed her mind. She had been startled by the loud banging, wondering who could be causing such a ruckus, but all of that was forgotten the moment she saw you.
"They want me! They want me!" you shouted, your voice echoing through the house as you ran from room to room, barely able to contain your excitement. Nala  was just as caught up in the moment, barking and dancing around your feet as if she, too, understood the magnitude of what was happening. You were like a whirlwind, full of energy and joy, and it took a full thirty minutes before you could calm down enough to finally show her the papers you had been clutching so tightly.
When she saw the bold lettering at the top – FC Barcelona La Masia – her heart skipped a beat. Barcelona wanted you. Her little sister, the one she had watched grow and develop her skills with relentless passion, had been noticed by one of the most prestigious football institutions in the world. It was more than a dream come true; it was a validation of all the hard work, all the sacrifices, and all the moments of doubt you had overcome.
As you stood there, beaming with pride, she felt a rush of emotions – pride, joy, and an overwhelming sense of love. This wasn’t just about football; this was about you stepping into a world that would shape your future. And it wasn’t just you – both of you were going to be a part of this journey. The Putellas sisters, together, taking on Barcelona one football game at a time. The thought of the two of you, side by side, wearing the Blaugrana that meant so much to both of you, filled her with an unshakable sense of pride.
But that was just the beginning.
You were sixteen when the next milestone came, a moment that felt like a leap forward in your already impressive journey. You were asked to join the First Team for training. The First Team – the very thought of it was overwhelming. These were players you had idolised, professionals whose skills you had studied and admired. Your sister and all her friends. And now, at just sixteen, you were being invited to train alongside them, to learn from them, to be a part of the team you had dreamed of since you were a little girl kicking a ball around in the backyard.
She remembered how nervous you were that day, how you had paced around the house, trying to hide the anxiety that had crept up alongside your excitement. But she knew you better than anyone, and she could see it in your eyes—the mix of fear and determination that drove you. You were stepping into a new world, one where the stakes were higher, the expectations greater. But she also knew that if anyone was ready for this challenge, it was you.
Then, at seventeen, the dream became even more real. You signed your official first-team contract, a moment that felt both surreal and inevitable. She could still picture the moment when you put pen to paper, your hands steady despite the weight of the moment. This was what you had worked for, what you had sacrificed so much for. It was a culmination of years of dedication, of early mornings and late nights, of triumphs and setbacks. And as you looked up at her, holding that contract in your hands, she saw the same determination in your eyes that had always been there, but now there was something more – confidence, pride, and the knowledge that this was only the beginning.
Mapi also prides herself on her memories. While she might not hold onto every detail with the same intensity as Alexia, she has a knack for remembering the important things, the moments that matter most. And among those cherished memories, the first time she met you stands out vividly, a snapshot in time that she can recall with remarkable clarity.
You were eleven, full of youthful energy and wide-eyed excitement, attending one of Alexia's international matches. It was a big day for your sister, but it was just as important for you. You had always looked up to Alexia, admiring her talent and determination, and now you were there to witness her shine on an international stage, surrounded by the vibrant atmosphere of the stadium.
Mapi remembers seeing you for the first time as you stood by your Mami in the crowd, almost bouncing on your toes with anticipation. Your Mami was talking to someone behind you – another mother of one of the players probably. But your eyes were glued to the pitch. Even at that young age, there was something about you that caught her attention. Maybe it was the way your eyes sparkled with excitement, or the way you clung to every word and action as if trying to absorb everything at once. Or perhaps it was the unmistakable resemblance to Alexia, not just in your features but in the determination and passion that radiated from you. There was a quiet intensity in your gaze, a seriousness beyond your years, as if you understood the gravity of the moment.
As the match played on, Mapi found herself glancing over at you more than once. She was struck by how engaged you were, how you seemed to be analysing every play, every movement on the field, as if you were learning from it, storing it away for future use. It wasn’t just a game to you; it was a lesson, an opportunity to understand what it took to play at the highest level. And even though you were just a kid, Mapi could see that same spark in you that had driven Alexia to greatness.
After the match, when the excitement had calmed down and the players were mingling with friends and family, Mapi finally had the chance to meet you. She remembers how you were practically glowing with pride as you stood beside your sister, your eyes wide with admiration, her name emblazoned across your back. When Alexia introduced you, Mapi couldn’t help but smile at the way you looked up at her, a mix of shyness and awe in your expression. You were polite, a little reserved, but there was no mistaking the respect and admiration you held for her as one of your sister's teammates.
That first meeting was brief, just a few words exchanged, but it left a lasting impression on Mapi. She saw the potential in you, the same drive that had made Alexia a star. There was no doubt in her mind that you were destined for something great, that you would follow in your sister’s footsteps and make your own mark in the world of football. Even then, at just eleven years old, it was clear that you had the heart of a champion.
She also remembered the shy, yet quietly determined 16-year-old who showed up to training for the first time. You had arrived at the training grounds with an air of nervous excitement. You kept glancing across to Alexia, like a child looking back to their mother, for reassurance and support.
The first thing Mapi noticed was your outfit – specifically, the training top you were wearing. It was unmistakably Alexia’s, and it was about three sizes too big for you. The sleeves fell well past your elbows, and the hem completely covered your shorts, but there was something endearing about the way you wore it. It was as if you were carrying a piece of your sister’s legacy with you, a tangible connection to the one who had inspired you to reach this point. It spoke of the bond between you and Alexia, a silent acknowledgment of the footsteps you were following.
Despite the oversized top and the nerves that were probably churning in your stomach, there was a quiet determination in your eyes. Mapi could see it the moment you stepped onto the pitch – a hair tie securing the loose fabric behind you – your focus laser-sharp, your mind set on one thing: proving yourself. There was no hesitation in your movements, no sign of the intimidation that so often accompanies a young player stepping into a world filled with seasoned professionals. You might have been shy off the field, but on it, you were something else entirely.
As the drills began, it quickly became apparent that you were no ordinary 16-year-old. The way you passed the ball, with skill and precision that belied your age, caught everyone’s attention. Each touch was deliberate, controlled, executed with an almost instinctual understanding of the game. Your technique was flawless, the kind that only comes from years of practice and a deep, innate love for the sport. Mapi watched as you moved through the drills with ease, your focus unbroken, your determination shining through with every pass, every turn, every sprint.
Mapi couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride as she watched you. She had always known you had talent, but seeing you in action, seeing the way you handled yourself on the pitch, was something else entirely. You weren’t just Alexia’s little sister anymore; you were a force in your own right, a player who was ready to carve out her own path, to make her own name in the world of football.
That first day of training was a glimpse into your future, a future that was clearly bright and full of promise. Mapi knew, as did everyone who watched you that day, that you were destined for greatness. You had the skill, the determination, and the heart of a champion. And even in that oversized training top, you stood tall, a young player on the brink of something extraordinary.
You stood behind your sister in the tunnel. the familiar hum of the stadium echoing around you, the distant roar of the crowd growing louder with each passing second. It was a ritual at this point—Alexia, Cata, you. The three of you always lined up in that order, a reassuring familiarity that helped ease the anxiety before every match. The tunnel was a place of anticipation, where the nerves were almost palpable, but this small routine gave you a sense of calm, a reminder that you were exactly where you were meant to be.
As you stood there, your heart thumping with adrenaline, you glanced down at the back of your shirt. Alexia’s name, which had once been proudly emblazoned there during your younger years, was now replaced with your own. It was a symbol of how far you’d come, a marker of your journey from being the little sister who idolised her sibling to becoming a player in your own right. Seeing your name, bold and unmistakable, brought a swell of pride. It was a reminder of the hard work, the sacrifices, and the countless hours of training that had brought you to this moment.
The tunnel, though dimly lit, was alive with energy. Your teammates around you were focused, their faces set with determination. You could hear the steady breathing of Cata in front of you, the way she subtly bounced on the balls of her feet, ready to charge onto the field. And just ahead of her was Alexia, your constant source of inspiration. Even without seeing her face, you could sense her confidence, her leadership. She was the captain, not just in title but in every action, every word. Knowing she was right there, just a step ahead, gave you the reassurance you needed.
It was a typical day in Barcelona—the sun was shining, casting a warm golden glow over everything, and the familiar smell of the sea lingered on the breeze. The city was alive with its usual rhythm, but for you, time seemed to slow as you stepped onto the pitch, crossing yourself in a ritual that had become second nature. Your movements were perfectly synchronised with Alexia’s, a mirror image of the routine you both had followed for years. It was more than just a habit; it was a connection, a shared moment of focus, reminding yourselves of who you were doing this for as the game began.
There had always been a running joke among your friends, family, and even the fans that you, Alexia, and Alba were practically identical – three sisters, a true copy and paste of your parents. From your mother’s eyes to your father’s smile, the resemblance was uncanny. Growing up, it was something you’d heard often, especially whenever the three of you were together. But now, as you stood on the pitch, it was even more apparent.
You had begun to shed the baby fat in your cheeks, your features sharpening into a striking reflection of your sister’s. Your jawline had become more defined, your cheekbones more pronounced, and the athletic build you had worked so hard to develop was now unmistakable. With every passing day, the similarities between you and Alexia grew more evident, not just in appearance but in the way you carried yourself – your poise, your determination, and your unyielding focus on the game.
It was at halftime when you started to feel a little funny, a subtle sensation that crept up on you without warning. You hadn’t really noticed anything was off until Jana, always quick with a joke, pointed it out. “Hey, you look like you just ran a marathon,” she teased, nudging you playfully. “Might need a change of shirt during the break, unless you’re trying to start a new trend.”
You laughed it off, brushing her comment aside with a grin. But as you walked off the pitch and toward the locker room, you couldn’t ignore the nagging discomfort that was beginning to settle in. Your shirt clung to your skin, drenched with sweat in a way that felt excessive, even for the intensity of the match. The usual rush of adrenaline that kept you focused seemed to be fading, replaced by a heavy, sluggish feeling that you couldn’t quite shake.
Inside the locker room, the atmosphere was buzzing with the usual energy. Teammates were talking strategy, rehydrating, and catching their breath, but you found yourself moving slower than usual, your head feeling slightly foggy. You tried to shake it off, chalking it up to nerves or maybe just the heat of the day, but there was a small voice in the back of your mind that told you something wasn’t quite right.
As you sat down on the bench, you reached for your water bottle, hoping that a good drink would clear the haze. The plastic felt cool against your palm, but your grip was looser than it should have been, as if your fingers weren’t quite responding the way you wanted them to. You took a long sip, letting the water flow down your throat, but it didn’t do much to shake the growing sense of unease that was settling in your chest.
Alexia, always in tune with your every move, noticed the slight frown on your face as you lowered the bottle. She had been watching you closely, her instincts kicking in the moment she saw the unusual look in your eyes. She knew you better than anyone—better than you sometimes knew yourself—and it didn’t take much for her to sense that something wasn’t right.
“Everything okay, Frijolita?” she asked, her voice soft, casual, but with that unmistakable undertone of concern. She wasn’t asking as your captain, with the authority and responsibility that title carried. No, this was your big sister speaking, the one who had looked out for you from the moment you were born, who had always been there to protect you, guide you, and make sure you were okay. The nickname, a tender reminder of your childhood, held a warmth that made you feel safe, even in moments like this when you didn’t feel quite yourself.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Malvavisco,” you replied quickly, forcing a smile that you hoped would reassure her. The nickname you used for her – a playful nod to her sweet and soft side, despite her tough exterior – was meant to lighten the mood, to show her that you were okay, that you could handle this. “Just a bit more tired than usual, I guess.”
But even as the words left your mouth, you knew they didn’t quite fit. “Tired” wasn’t the right description for what you were feeling. It was something deeper, more unsettling. There was a heaviness in your limbs that didn’t belong there, a dull ache that seemed to radiate from your muscles, as if they were protesting against some unseen force. And then there was that strange warmth, an unnatural heat that didn’t seem to come from the usual exertion of the game. It was like your body was trying to tell you something, sending signals that you didn’t fully understand yet.
Alexia didn’t miss a beat. “Mm hm, keep drinking, little and often, okay?” she said, her tone gentle but firm. It was clear she wasn’t entirely convinced by your reassurances, and she wasn’t about to let you brush this off. She knew you too well for that. Her words carried a quiet insistence, a way of saying that she was watching you, that she was here for you no matter what.
You nodded, taking another sip of water, the cool liquid doing little to soothe the unease that was gnawing at you. You wanted to push through it, to tell yourself that it was just a momentary blip, that you’d be fine once the second half started. But the truth was, you weren’t sure. The heaviness in your limbs, the trembling in your hands, the warmth that didn’t seem to belong—they were all telling you that this wasn’t something you could just ignore. You would get it checked after the match.
Alexia and Mapi both curse their memories now, those sharp, unforgiving recollections that refuse to fade with time. What once had been a source of pride – a keen sense of recall that allowed them to remember every crucial play, every victory, every shared moment of joy on and off the pitch – had turned into something they wished they could escape. Now, their memories played on a relentless loop, like an unwanted movie they couldn’t pause, rewind, or fast-forward through. It was always there, lurking in the quiet moments, ready to spring to life when they least expected it.
For Alexia, her memory was a double-edged sword. She had always relied on it to guide her through matches, to anticipate her opponent’s next move, to recall every piece of advice from her coaches. But now, it betrayed her, forcing her to relive that day over and over again. She could see it all so clearly – the way the sunlight had filtered through the stadium, the way your face had looked so determined, so focused. And then, the way it had changed, how you had suddenly seemed smaller, paler, as if the very life was draining out of you in front of her eyes. She cursed her memory for making her relive that moment when she first realised something was wrong, the gnawing sense of dread that had settled in her gut, the helplessness that had gripped her as she watched you struggle.
Mapi, too, was haunted by the vividness of her recollections. She had always prided herself on her ability to remember the important things – the strategies, the nuances of her teammates’ styles, the camaraderie they shared. But now, her memory was a tormentor, dragging her back to that moment when everything had shifted. She could still hear the way the crowd’s cheers had faded into a dull roar in her ears, the way the world had seemed to narrow down to the sight of you, struggling to stand, your hands trembling, your breath laboured. It was as if time had slowed, trapping her in that scene, unable to do anything but watch in horror.
They both cursed the vividness of those memories, the way they intruded on their thoughts without warning. It wasn’t just the images that haunted them – the sight of you unsteady on your feet, the trainer rushing to your side, the way the game had suddenly become unimportant in the face of what was happening – it was the emotions that came flooding back with them. The fear, the panic, the desperate hope that you would be okay, and the crushing reality that followed. Those feelings were as raw now as they were then, refusing to dull with time.
You dropped like a bag of bricks. Like a marionette with its strings cut. Like a stack of Jenga blocks being knocked to the ground. One moment you were standing, the next, you were a heap on the floor. You were lucky in some sense. You had no memory of that moment. You felt unwell, your heart was racing too fast, an uncomfortable pressure sitting on your chest. And then nothing. Blackness. Emptiness.
In that blackness, time seemed to lose its meaning. Seconds could have stretched into hours, or minutes might have slipped by in the blink of an eye. The blackness was absolute, a quiet, oppressive void that seemed to hold its breath along with you. It was an eerie calm; it was peaceful but unsettling. It shouldn’t be this calm. It was game day – game days were never this calm.
Outside of the blackness, it was anything but calm. Mapi had been the closest to you. She heard your sharp intake of breath. She had seen the way you crumpled like a house of cards. She tasted the iron in her mouth as she dropped beside you.
Mapi had never been more grateful for her memory in that moment. She hadn’t wanted to attend the optional first aid course that Barça was putting on for the players. Captain’s had to attend, she did not. It was Ingrid who had insisted, her rationale simple and persuasive: “It won’t do any harm to know first aid. You never know when it might come in handy.” At the time, Mapi had seen it as a minor inconvenience, a waste of a perfectly good free afternoon.
Are they responsive?: She gently shook your shoulder and called out softly, “Frijolita, can you hear me?” There was no response. Her heart raced, but she forced herself to remain calm.
Ear to their mouth and look at their chest – are they breathing?: Mapi leaned in closer, her ear near your mouth, her eyes fixed on your chest. She waited and waited. Nothing. No movement. Nothing on her cheek either.
Hands together in the middle of their chest – aim for between the nipples: She positioned her hands, interlocking her fingers and placing them on the centre of your chest, just above the lower half of your sternum.
Down at least 5cm and all the way up: With a deep breath, she began chest compressions, pressing down with firm, deliberate force. She counted each compression, focusing on the depth and rhythm, making sure to allow full recoil between compressions.
Up and down 30 times: Mapi kept a steady rhythm, performing the compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute. She counted aloud, her voice steady despite her nerves, her focus entirely on the task.
Tilt the head back, pinch the nose, create an airtight seal with your mouth: After completing the cycle of compressions, Mapi tilted your head back slightly, pinched your nose shut, and positioned her mouth over yours, forming a tight seal.
Breathe twice: She administered two rescue breaths, each one deliberate and controlled, watching for any signs of chest rise. She repeated the process, her breaths firm but gentle.
Back to the chest: Returning to chest compressions, she resumed her rhythm, the pattern of her actions becoming a practiced dance of urgency and hope.
Staying Alive by the Bee Gees
Wannabe by the Spice Girls
Dancing Queen by ABBA
Respect by Aretha Franklin
Say So by Doja Cat
The SpongeBob Square Pants theme
Each song felt like a lifeline, a rhythmic mantra that guided her actions as she worked. The beats and lyrics looped in her head, a surreal juxtaposition to the gravity of the situation. Tears were streaming down her face and plopping onto your t-shirt.
With each compression, her resolve hardened. She pushed through the exhaustion and anxiety, her hands moving with determined precision. The repetition of her actions became a mantra, each push and breath a testament to her will to keep you safe. The songs in her head were a rhythm to her actions, a strange but effective way to keep her focus sharp and her movements steady.
The sounds of the stadium outside – the murmurs of the crowd, the collective gasp of concern – seemed muted, almost like they were a world away. Her world had narrowed to the urgent task of keeping you alive.
She couldn’t look up. Her body wouldn’t let her. She could hear Alexia. She could hear the sobs, raw and heart-wrenching, punctuated by the occasional choked sob or whispered plea. The sounds were a painful contrast to the clinical efficiency of the medics around her, their voices calm and professional as they continued their work.
Mapi’s vision was a blur, her gaze fixed on the ground, the grass beneath her scuffed and muddied. Her hands were still trembling, and the adrenaline that had fuelled her actions now seemed to drain away, leaving her feeling hollow and emotionally exhausted.
The medics had gently pulled her off you, their movements firm but compassionate. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, which had been a distant background noise, now seemed to echo in her ears with an almost rhythmic insistence. Beeps were good. Beeps meant there was a rhythm to trace. They were a lifeline
Ingrid’s hand appeared in front of her – a guiding light in the dimness of Mapi’s world. The familiar touch was a lifeline of its own, grounding her in a moment when everything felt as though it was spiralling out of control.
“María, min kjærlighet,” Ingrid’s voice was gentle, like talking to a wounded animal. The Norwegian words, though soothing and foreign, carried a warmth and familiarity that Mapi desperately needed. Ingrid’s presence was a comforting constant in the storm of emotions swirling around her.
Mapi looked up, her vision still blurred by tears and exhaustion. Ingrid’s face was a beacon of calm amid the chaos, her eyes filled with concern and empathy. She took a deep, shuddering breath, her fingers reaching out to grasp Ingrid’s hand, seeking solace in the shared strength of their bond.
“I… I didn’t know what to do,” Mapi whispered, her voice trembling. “I thought I was losing her.”
Ingrid squeezed her hand gently, her touch a reassuring anchor. “You did everything you could, María. You were incredible. They’ve got her now, and that’s what matters.”
Alexia had never felt fear quite like that. The pure, unadulterated terror that coursed through her veins was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It was a raw, gnawing fear that twisted and turned inside her, threatening to overtake her entirely. She had seen her Papi die, felt the crushing weight of grief as it had changed their lives forever. The memories of that loss were seared into her heart, an enduring ache she carried with her. Now, faced with the possibility of losing you, the fear was even more intense.
The stadium, usually a place of joy and celebration, had become an arena of anguish. The sound of the crowd had faded into a distant murmur, replaced by the frantic shuffling of medical staff and the stifling, heavy silence of the waiting room. Alexia’s heart pounded in her chest; each beat a reminder of how quickly everything could be taken away
She paced back and forth, the hard tile of the hospital floor cold beneath her feet. The familiar surroundings of the waiting area – chairs arranged neatly, the hum of fluorescent lights overhead – were now a blur of sterile emptiness. She barely registered the passing time, her thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of memories and fears.
She was glad though, that this was a home game. The first one after the Christmas holidays. Your Mami and Alba were in the crowd. She couldn’t imagine having to make that phone call.
“Ale, mija, come sit.” Eli’s voice was rough with suppressed tears.
She moved robotically, dropping heavily onto the open chair and letting her head rest on her mother’s shoulder – mirroring Alba on the other side.
Her mind danced with memories. Your first proper laugh, a bubbly, infectious sound that had filled the room with a joy so pure it was impossible not to smile. She could still picture the way your eyes had sparkled with delight, a tiny beacon of happiness that had made her heart swell with love. She squeezed you a little tighter as she rested on the couch, your back propped against her thighs as she tickled your tummy.
Your first steps, a wobbly but determined series of movements that had marked the beginning of your journey toward independence. Alexia remembered how she had clapped and cheered, her heart swelling with pride as you took those tentative steps towards her, each one a testament to your growing strength and confidence.
Your first birthday had been a celebration of milestones and new beginnings. The cake, with its bright, colourful frosting, had been a highlight of the day. The way you had looked at the cake, your tiny hands reaching out with curiosity and delight, was a moment she treasured before you stuck a sticky, messy fistful towards her as she sat in a seat next to you. The room had been filled with laughter, presents, and the warmth of family gathered to celebrate your first year of life.
She couldn’t do this without you. The very thought of continuing without your presence was unbearable. She would retire, leave behind the game she had devoted her life to. The idea of walking away from everything she had worked for, of going into hiding and never showing her face again, seemed like a small price to pay if it meant keeping you by her side.
As she sat there, the weight of the situation pressing down on her, she didn’t notice the tears trailing steadily down her cheeks. They fell in silent tracks. Her hands trembled slightly, the fingers gripping the edge of her chair as if they could somehow anchor her to reality.
The room was filled with a heavy silence, punctuated only by the occasional footsteps of hospital staff and the muffled conversations of other waiting families. It was a surreal, almost dreamlike atmosphere, where time seemed to stretch endlessly. Alexia's eyes remained fixed on the door leading to the treatment area, her gaze unwavering as if willing it to open with news of recovery.
“Putellas Segura?” a young man—barely twenty-five with slight stubble and unkempt hair—appeared in front of them. His face was tense, a mixture of youthful anxiety and professional seriousness.
“Sí, sí.” Eli’s voice was a desperate whisper, her eyes searching his face for any sign of good news. She rose from her seat, her heart pounding, her breath shallow.
The young man glanced around the waiting area, his gaze landing on Alexia. “I’m Dr. Ruiz, one of the attending physicians. I have an update.”
Alexia’s heart leaped into her throat, and she squeezed her mother’s hand for support. The tension in the room seemed to coalesce around Dr. Ruiz, his presence a focal point of hope and fear.
“Is she…?” Alexia started, her voice trembling with the weight of the question she needed answered.
Dr. Ruiz took a deep breath, his expression softening slightly as he continued. “She’s stable now. We’ve managed to get her heart rate under control, and she’s responsive. We’re continuing to monitor her closely, but for the moment, she’s out of immediate danger.”
Relief washed over Alexia like a tide, the knot of worry in her chest beginning to unravel. Her knees felt weak, and she leaned heavily back on her chair The room’s oppressive silence seemed to lift, replaced by a collective exhale of relief.
“Can we see her?” Eli’s voice cut through the stillness, urgent and pleading.
Dr. Ruiz nodded. “Yes, you can. I’ll take you to her. She’s in recovery now, and we’ll need to keep monitoring her, but you can see her for a few minutes. Follow me, please.”
The room was dimly lit, with the soft beeping of medical equipment providing a steady, comforting rhythm. Alexia stepped inside, her heart in her throat as she finally saw you lying in the hospital bed.
You were pale but alive, your chest rising and falling with each breath. The sight of you – though still connected to various monitors and IV drips – was a balm to Alexia’s frayed nerves. She approached the bedside, her steps tentative but determined.
“Frijolita,” she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. She reached out to gently take your hand, her tears falling freely now. The sight of you, still and vulnerable, made her heart ache. But seeing you breathing, with the beeping of the monitor steady and rhythmic, filled her with a profound sense of relief.
Mapi and Ingrid stood nearby, their faces reflecting the same mixture of concern and hope. Ingrid’s eyes were wet with tears, and she looked at Alexia with a look of shared gratitude.
Dr. Ruiz cleared his throat softly, drawing Alexia’s attention back to him. “She’s been through a lot, and we’ll need to monitor her closely for the next few hours. But the immediate danger has passed, and she’s responding well.”
Alexia nodded, unable to tear her gaze away from you. She gently squeezed your hand, whispering softly, “You’re going to be okay. We’re all here for you. We’ll get through this together.”
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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mapis-putellas · 8 days
Jealousy jealousy
Pairing: Alexia x Reader
Words: 2817
Warnings: none
Summary: No one told Alexia that when you got a dog, she’d drop down to the second most important thing in your life. Based on this request.
Notes: this came our way longer than expected, and also way more angsty. Enjoy!
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In retrospect, getting a dog may not have been Alexia’s best idea. Sure, it was cute little thing with brown fur, ocean blue eyes and tiny little legs. And sure, it kept you comply whilst she was at training. But she had no idea that somehow, she'd end up becoming second best to it.
It didn't quite click at first, honestly. The missed dinner dates and matches were all something she hoped would pass as soon as the novelty of having a new puppy wore off.
But that unfortunately that hadn't been the case.
It had been two weeks, and Alexia had probably spent an hour alone with you total. Any time she tries and gets you by yourself, that pesky puppy would appear and you'd do nothing but encourage him to stay. At first, it was just mild annoyance on Alexia's part. She knew you were excited and the last thing she wants was to discourage it.
But the dog was around all the damn time.
In the kitchen cooking dinner; you'd wonder in with him in your arms. You'd no longer wrap your arms around her waist and murmur sweet things into her ear.
In bed trying to sleep; you'd beg and plead with her to let the dog sleep with you too and if she said no -which more often than not she did because she did not want dog hair in the bed- you'd abandon her and go sleep on the couch despite her own pleads and protests for you to come back.
Alexia didn't sleep well without you. You knew that and having to call you back with that stupid crack in her voice was humiliating. Especially when you'd either ignore or not hear her. It had happened almost every single night since she’d brought you the puppy, and now she’s slowly given up hope in getting you to stay.
You didn't seem to notice the constant irritation or the bags beneath her eyes which was normally something you were smart enough to catch on to before she did.
All in all, just wanted you, but apparently all you wanted was the stupid damn dog. It was obvious that her annoyance would slowly transform into pure hurt and irritation. Not just at the dog now, but you too.
She didn't mean to be jealous. She didn't want to be jealous either, but it was hard not to be when it seemed as though you no longer cared about her.
"Good morning.” you greet cheerfully as you walk into the kitchen, kissing the dog tenderly before easing him down onto the floor to start preparing his breakfast.
Alexia simply grunts from where she was sat at the kitchen island, arms folded on the marble with her head resting on top of them. She'd been here since four after yet another sleepless night without you in the bed.
"Did you sleep well?" You don't even look at her as you ask, eyes diligently reading something on the of a box that held the dogs treats.
Alexia shrugs.
"Such a good boy! Eat up little man and then you can have a treat." Alexia feels her throat constrict and the tone of your voice, the softness and warmth of it normally reserved for just her. Feeling more pathetic than she's felt in a long time, she stands up with the intention of trying to find somewhere to hide until she has to leave for training.
"Ale? Where are you going?" She hears you call as she makes it to the kitchen threshold, and though she pauses, she doesn't turn around.
"Shower." She forces out, ignoring the way her voice unmistakably trembles as she tries and holds herself together.
You don't respond verbally, but she feels your loose grasp on the materiel of her shirt, lightly tugging to encourage her to turn round. She shakes her head, knowing deep down she wouldn't be able to do so without inevitably crying.
"Ale. Look at me." You place a hand on either of her hips to physically turn her when she yet again refuses to do so herself, immediately alarmed at the shiny eyes and trembling bottom lip that greets you.
"Baby? What- hey, it's okay." You loop an arm around her waist to tug her body into your arms. She immediately falls limp against you, her body shuddering almost violently as her hands desperately cling to the back of your shirt.
At this moment, you long to be the taller one between the two of you. You would love nothing more than to just scoop her up into your arms and hold her just like she did with you. But that was physically impossible.
Instead, you tighten your hold around her as much as you were physically capable of doing, tucking your face into her neck and pressing a gentle kiss to the warm skin.
"Shh, I've got you baby. You're okay." You murmur, lightly swaying her side to side.
Suddenly, a quiet yap fills the room, and both you and Alexia startle at the unexpected sound. The blonde immediately tenses in your hold, arms tightening around your shoulders to a point where it becomes slightly uncomfortable. Another yap from the puppy tightens it further, and you wince as you place a hand on each of her hips in a futile attempt at loosening it.
"Ale, let me just-" You try.
"Baby, the dog-"
"I said, no." Her voice breaks.
Your heart breaks at the sound, and you wish desperately she would let you go so you could let the puppy outside and focus all of your attention on her.
"Alexia, just give me a sec to let the puppy out."
No response.
"The dog needs-"
"I need you!" She cuts you off, the unmistakable sound of a sob slipping from her lips.
"What? Baby I-"
"I need you."
"Ale, please-”
"Fine!" She chokes out, ripping herself out of your arms and storming down the hall to your bedroom. You wince as the bathroom door slams loudly, echoing loudly throughout your shared apartment, and you take a few steps towards the door before retreating and turning back to the puppy.
"Okay, I need to go see mama so you need to go in here for a while." You place him into his play pen, ignoring his little barks as he jumps up and rests his front paws on the side. "I know. It's okay. I'll be right back."
You're reluctant to leave him by himself, but Alexia was your main concern right now.
Your shared bedroom was empty as you push against the partially open door and step inside, the sound of the shower water splattering against the tiled floor filling your ears. Knowing she'll be in there for a while due to the fact the shower was normally her escape from everyone and everything, you perch on the end of the bed and let out a quiet sigh.
You didn't quite know just what was wrong, if you were being honest. Sure, you'd been quite distracted with the puppy these past few days, but Alexia hadn't seemed to bothered. In fact, the numerous times you'd tried to check on her, she'd been busy with whatever was keeping her occupied.
Did something happen at training? You were doubtful she'd tell you if that was the case. What ever happens at training usually seems to stay there. Usually, if something does happen that you needed to know about, Mapi was the one who usually reaches out, and you'd not heard from her in days.
You were stumped.
Alexia felt much the same. Stood beneath the hot stream of water, she contemplates just how she was going to get out of this without having to talk. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but she was embarrassed. Embarrassed at herself for being so jealous. Embarrassed at herself for freaking out.
Embarrassed for being so needy.
In the end, eighty percent of her shower was spent stifling her sobs whilst the other twenty was spent actually getting clean. With no other option than to face the music, she stops the water and steps out onto the bath mat before bundling herself up in a towel.
With a soft sniffle, she roughly wipes the tears off of her cheeks and blows out a deep breath before unlocking the door and pushing it open. She see's you immediately on the edge of the bed and purposefully avoids eye contact as she passes you to get to the closet.
Once clad in her training gear, hair brushed and put up in its usual ponytail, she stops at the threshold of the closet door not quite sure what to do with herself. You end up deciding for her, sending her a smile as you hold out your hand.
"C'mere." You encourage, Alexia sighing softly as she complies and makes her way over to you, stopping just in front your legs. You pat your thighs to encourage her to sit, but Alexia shakes her head.
"No, amor. You are too sm-"
"Baby, please. Let me hold you." You plead, reaching forward and gently grasping her shirt before giving it gentle tug. Alexia visibly hesitates, and you tug again, this time a little harder. "Sit, ale. Let's talk."
Alexia hesitates before giving in and allowing you to pull her onto your lap. This position wasn't one you sat in often, or, ever, if Alexia really thinks about it. More often than not, she was the one to hold you, especially in this sort of circumstance. She'd always feared she'd be too big. But you take her weight with ease, looping your arms around her midsection and pulling her chest against your own.
She moves with you, arms settling around your shoulders as she lowers her head and rests her chin on your shoulder.
"What happened, mhh?"
Alexia couldn't help but scoff, but she couldn't find it in herself to pull away. This was the first piece of attention she's had in weeks and she'll be damned if she gives it up.
You hear her loud and clear, letting out a quiet sigh as you burrow your nose into her neck.
"Right. Stupid question. Can you tell me?" You plead.
Alexia shakes her head. "It does not matter." She murmurs, and you immediately frown.
"Yes, it does. Especially if you're this upset."
She pushes herself away from you, hands resting on your shoulders as she gives you a look of exasperation. "You seriously do not know?"
"No." You shake your head. "Is it something at training?"
"No, it is nothing at training. It is the dog." She grumbles, purposefully avoiding eye contact as the feeling of embarrassment creeps back in.
"What did the dog do?" You don't seem mad as you tenderly cup her cheek to encourage her to face you, just confused.
“What did the dog do? Are you kidding?” She gets off of your lap before turning to face you with a glare, your hand falling to your lap.
“No! I am tired of this. I am tired, amor. I got you this dog to keep you company when I go away. But now he is all you care about. All of your attention is always on him! You do not even sleep in the same bed anymore because I won’t let him in the bed and you refuse to leave him alone. I know he is just a puppy, amor, and that is why I bought him a playpen!”
“And I do not even know how many date nights you have missed because you cannot leave him alone for an hour. An hour, amor! I am not asking for much!”
“I have not slept in weeks! Because I cannot sleep without you, and you know this! I am tired. I am angry, and I am frustrated because you do not care about me anymore!’ She finally finishes her rant, and you stare at her, mouth agape at eyes wide.
You had no idea she felt this way. Sure, as you’ve said before, you knew you’d being paying more attention to the dog, but you’d assumed Alexia was okay with that. She was the most stubborn and independent person you knew, often preferring to be by herself after spending the majority of her day surrounded by people at training. You occasionally sat with her, you would never talk or touch. It was simply just existing together in one another’s company. Perhaps that had made you naive enough to believe she’d be alright without you around because she hadn’t said otherwise. But then again, Alexia never willingly tells you anything so maybe assuming had been the wrong thing to do.
When you don’t say anything, Alexia seems to take that as her answer.
“But it does not matter. Go see the dog, I have training.” She murmurs, picking up her kitbag and hooking it over her shoulder before making her way out of the room.
“Hey, no! Come back!”
Feeling a little desperate now, you rise to your feet and rush after her, wrapping your arms around her waist and holding her in place just as she nears the front door.
“Amor, I need to-”
“No, you’ve had your turn to talk. Now it’s mine.”
“Amor-” she attempts to pry your hands away from her stomach.
“I’m so, so sorry that I haven’t been a good girlfriend ale. And I’m so sorry that I haven’t picked up on how upset you’ve been.” When she stills in your arms, you loosen your hold around her waist and slowly turn her to face you. Her eyes were shiny, and you pout softly as you yet again pull her into a hug. She falls into you for the third time this morning, and the only way you could tell she was crying was by the tears that drop onto your neck.
“Having a puppy, especially as young as ours, is a big commitment. I knew you didn’t want a dog, especially this far into the season so I was trying to do everything to save you a job. That’s no excuse, baby, and I’m so sorry I’ve pushed you away. It wasn’t on purpose, i swear to you. And I know you bought the play pen for him, and I fully intend to use it but he’s only a baby, ale, and I don’t want to leave him by himself.”
“But…but you are okay with leaving me by myself?” Alexia pulls away from you, her voice sounding absolutely miserable.
“What? No! Of course not.” You reach up and wipe her tears away, leaning up onto your tiptoes and kissing her forehead. “I absolutely did not want to leave you by yourself and neither am I okay with it, but you understand why I can’t be there and he can’t. It won’t be forever, just until he’s old enough to understand, and he will, because he’s been doing so good with his training. I know I didn’t talk to you about any of this and it was stupid of me to assume you’d be okay with it and I am so, so sorry, Alexia. I’m so sorry.”
“It is okay. I am sorry.”
“No, it’s not okay, and you don’t have to be sorry. All of this is on me and I promise to make it up to you, okay? This weekend, it’ll be just us. My mum can watch the puppy.”
“Just us?” Alexia looks so hopeful it only amplifies your guilt by a thousand.
“Yes, baby, just us. I promise.” You assure, blinking back your own tears as you pull her back into your chest. Alexia sighs deeply as she falls against you, hand rising to cup the back of your head.
It was a couple minutes later that Alexia speaks again.
“I am late to training.” She whispers, and you sigh softly as you reluctantly pull her away from you.
“Go to training ale, I’ll see you later yeah? I love you.”
Alexia tightens her grasp around you for a moment, before kissing your neck and pulling away. Her hands cup your face, and you melt into the gentle kiss she places to your lips.
“Te amo, bebé.” She murmurs as she pulls away, bending down to pick up her kitbag. She makes her way to the door, hand lingering on the handle as she turns her head to face you. “See you later.”
“See you later, baby.”
@liloandstitchstan @simp4panos @goldenempyrean @codiemarin @girlgenius1111
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livebeforeyoulearn · 13 days
Room Number Three
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Warnings: Smut, 18+
Word count: 4.2k
Summary: You're a stripper who captivates Alexia during a performance, leading to an intense and unforgettable private encounter.
The club is packed tonight, bodies pressed together in the dim light, the scent of sweat and alcohol hanging thick in the air. Neon strobes flash across the stage, illuminating your form as you swing gracefully around the pole. The metal is cool against your palm as you grip it with confidence, your body moving with practised sensuality. Every movement is deliberate, every spin a testament to the control you have over your body, over this moment. You arch your back, allowing your skin to shimmer under the lights, makeup flawless and accentuating every contour, every glance you steal from the crowd.
Money flutters around you, like confetti, raining down as hands wave bills in the air, drawn to your allure. You feel the eyes on you, feel their hunger, and it fuels you. Your smirk widens, playful and seductive, as you toss your head back, hair falling like a cascade down your bare back. The crowd roars in appreciation, their voices a blur beneath the pulsing music. You own this stage, you own this night.
As you swing back, you catch sight of a new presence entering the club, a group strolling through the entrance. Among them, one figure immediately captures your attention. Alexia, one of the world’s best footballers. Her entrance is confident, commanding, her presence dominating the space even before she fully steps into the room. She’s dressed sharply, a leather jacket slung casually over her shoulders, her eyes already scanning the floor, and then they find you.
You can feel her gaze as soon as it locks on you. It’s intense, a heat that seems to focus entirely on you, setting your skin alight with awareness. Her lips curl into a smirk, her tongue sweeping across them as if she’s savouring something unseen. She moves toward the bar with the ease of someone who knows exactly what they want. When she takes her drink in hand, her eyes never leave you.
You keep dancing, though now there’s a different energy in your movements. You know she’s watching, and you let that knowledge fuel you. Your hips sway, rolling sensuously as you spin around the pole, your eyes half-lidded, confidence oozing from every pore. You’re playing the game, teasing the crowd, but now... now it feels like it’s for her. The smirk you wear is deliberate, almost a challenge, daring her to come closer.
When your performance ends, the applause is deafening. Champagne sprays into the air, glasses clinking, voices raised in excitement, but it all feels muted compared to the buzzing awareness of Alexia still watching you from across the room. You catch her gaze once more before disappearing backstage, your heart racing despite your outward calm.
You're wiping sweat from your brow when your manager approaches. He’s got that look – serious, with a hint of excitement – his eyes flicking down to the clipboard in his hands.
“You’ve got a private dance request,” he says, and your brows immediately furrow.
“What? I thought I didn’t have any tonight.”
He shrugs nonchalantly. “They specifically asked for you. Room number three.”
Your heart skips a beat. Private dances aren't your favourite. It's different when it's just you and one person, their eyes on you, watching your every move in that intimate space. The idea of it sets your nerves on edge, though you've done it countless times before. Tonight though, something feels different.
“Fine,” you mutter, shoving down the nerves that threaten to rise. You know the drill. You’ve got a routine for this, an outfit, and a look that sells it every time. This is just another dance.
You slip into the red lingerie set, the fabric tight against your skin, accentuating your curves perfectly. The colour pops against your complexion, the straps framing your body like a work of art. You roll your shoulders back, drawing in a steady breath. The routine is second nature, but that tension still hums beneath your skin. With a final glance in the mirror, you pull the robe over yourself, hiding the revealing outfit as you walk toward room number three.
You pause outside the door, hand hovering on the handle as you take a deep breath. The air feels thicker here, your pulse loud in your ears. You push the door open, the dim lighting casting a soft, sensual glow across the room. A bed, an armchair, and low, rhythmic music playing in the background set the mood. 
And there, sitting in the armchair, is Alexia. Her legs are spread wide, her posture relaxed but somehow predatory. Her eyes drink you in the moment you step through the threshold, her lips tugging into a smirk that’s equal parts dangerous and seductive. She bites down on her lower lip, a gleam in her eyes as they roam over your body.
You can feel the weight of her gaze, the way it lingers on your every movement. Her dominance is palpable, even without saying a word. It’s in the way she leans back, her fingers tapping against the arm of the chair as though she’s toying with the very idea of control.
Your heart races, but you pull on your mask – the confident, seductive persona you wear like a second skin in this line of work. You smirk back at her, meeting her gaze head-on, refusing to let her see the way she unnerves you. You step closer, slowly, teasingly, your hands sliding down your body as you undo the knot of your robe. The fabric slips from your shoulders, cascading to the floor in a silky pool, leaving you exposed beneath the dim lights.
Alexia’s eyes darken, and you catch the way her breath hitches slightly as you stand before her, your body on full display. Her lips part, and she leans forward slightly, her gaze burning into you.
Her fingers curl in a beckoning motion, silently commanding you to come closer.
You obey, moving with deliberate slowness, hips swaying as you step closer to her. You’re in control, or at least that’s what you tell yourself as you stand over her, your breasts tantalisingly close to her face. Her eyes don’t leave you for a second, and you can practically feel the heat radiating off her as she leans back, as if daring you to keep going.
Your fingers glide up her shoulders, tracing the leather of her jacket before slipping beneath it to feel the warm skin beneath. Her muscles tense under your touch, and you feel a small thrill at the power you hold in this moment. You walk around her chair, your hands never leaving her body, caressing her neck, her shoulders, letting your breath tickle her ear as you lean in close.
“Like what you see?” you whisper, your lips brushing against the shell of her ear.
Alexia’s shudder is almost imperceptible, but you feel it. She inhales sharply, and you smile against her skin before pulling back, nipping at her earlobe just hard enough to make her suck in a breath. You keep moving, your fingers ghosting over her arms, her chest, your hips swaying in time with the music. Every move you make is calculated, deliberate, designed to drive her mad.
And it’s working.
Her hands twitch, as if restraining themselves from grabbing you, her jaw clenched tight as she watches you with hunger in her eyes.
You drop into her lap, your thighs straddling her hips as you grind down with a slow, sensual roll. Her hands finally come to life, sliding up your thighs, feeling the heat radiating from your body. Her grip is firm, possessive, and you can feel the tension radiating from her.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” she murmurs, her voice low and filled with desire.
You smirk, your hips grinding down with more purpose now, feeling the intensity of her gaze and the way her hands explore your body. Her fingers brush against your breasts, her thumb tracing the curve of your cleavage, and she looks up at you with a silent question in her eyes.
You nod, giving her permission, and her hands cup your breasts, kneading them with a sense of urgency that makes you gasp. The sensation sends a spark of pleasure through you, your breath hitching as she squeezes tighter.
Your lips ghost over her jaw, your breath hot against her skin. “You like that?” you purr, feeling the way her body reacts beneath you.
Alexia groans, her fingers tightening their grip. “You have no idea.”
You grind down harder, your body responding to her touch, to the way she watches you like she’s about to devour you whole. Heat pools between your legs, and you know she can feel it too, the way your body is betraying your own desire.
“How wet are you?” she growls, her voice rough with want.
The words send a shiver down your spine, but you know the rules – no sex between workers and clients. Still, with her, it’s different. The tension is too thick, the temptation too strong.
“Why don’t you find out?” you challenge, your voice breathless.
Her eyes darken further, and you can feel the shift in the air between you. Alexia’s smirk deepens as she watches you, her dominant energy wrapping around you like a coil. The unspoken tension fills the air, thick with anticipation as her hands tighten on your hips. She’s taking her time, savouring every second of control. Her eyes flick down to your body, and you know she’s planning her next move, deliberately letting you feel the weight of her gaze.
Her hands glide down your sides, moving slowly, tantalisingly. Her fingers graze the edge of your panties, teasing the sensitive skin just above. You feel a jolt of pleasure at the contact, the electricity in her touch igniting the fire already burning between your legs.
She leans forward, her breath hot against your neck as she murmurs, “I think I’m going to enjoy this.”
Your pulse quickens. The moment stretches between you, your body buzzing with anticipation as her hand finally dips lower, sliding under the fabric of your panties. Her touch is slow at first, almost torturous in its teasing, but when her fingers slip between your folds, she groans.
You smirk, knowing exactly what she’s feeling. You’re soaked, slick with arousal, and she’s revelling in it.
“God, you’re so fucking wet for me,” she mutters, her voice rough and thick with desire. 
Your hips push forward into her touch, seeking more, the slow buildup becoming too much to handle. She watches you, her thumb now circling your clit in a lazy rhythm, drawing out a low moan from deep within your chest. The tension builds, heat pooling at your core, and you grind into her hand, silently begging for more.
Alexia’s gaze is locked on you, every movement, every breath you take fueling her desire. “Tell me you want it,” she demands, her fingers pressing harder, the pace increasing as her control tightens around you.
“I want it,” you gasp, your voice coming out breathy and filled with need.
Your lips hover over her jaw, your hot breath brushing her skin as you murmur, “I want you.”
The admission is a spark that lights the fire between you. Without hesitation, Alexia’s fingers slide deeper, two of them curling inside you as she pumps them with deliberate intensity. Her thumb remains pressed firmly against your clit, stroking in rhythm with her movements. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, and you can feel your body responding, tightening, clenching around her fingers.
A strangled moan escapes your lips, your body trembling under the intensity of her touch. You lean forward, pressing your lips to her neck, kissing and biting as you feel yourself edging closer to the brink. Your teeth scrape against her skin, eliciting a low growl from deep within her chest.
“Fuck,” she breathes, her free hand gripping your thigh with bruising force. “You’re so fucking hot.”
The words send a fresh wave of desire crashing over you, and you grind harder against her, your hips moving in time with the rhythm she’s set. It’s rough, urgent, and intoxicating. The room fades away, leaving only the two of you, wrapped in this intense, consuming moment.
Her lips find your ear again, her voice low and husky. “Are you close?”
You can only nod, your breath coming in short, sharp gasps as you teeter on the edge of release. Alexia knows it, and she doesn’t let up. Her fingers move faster, her thumb pressing harder against your clit, drawing out every ounce of pleasure from your body. You can feel the tension building, your muscles tightening, your entire body trembling as you approach the tipping point.
And then she leans in, her voice a whisper in your ear. “Come for me.”
Her words are the final push, and your body shudders as the orgasm rips through you. Your back arches, and a sharp cry escapes your lips as waves of pleasure crash over you, your muscles clenching around her fingers, your body shaking with the intensity of it. You’re completely lost in the sensation, your mind hazy, your vision blurring as you ride the high, every nerve alight with pleasure.
Alexia watches you, her eyes dark and hungry, her fingers still moving inside you as she draws out every last bit of your release. She doesn’t stop until your body goes limp, your breathing ragged, and your head falls back against her shoulder.
For a moment, there’s silence, the only sound is your heavy breathing and the soft music playing in the background. Alexia’s hand withdraws from your panties, and she brings her fingers to her lips, licking them clean with a satisfied smirk. She leans in, her breath hot against your ear.
“You taste as good as you look,” she murmurs, her voice dripping with lust.
Your body is still trembling, your mind trying to catch up to what just happened. But there’s no time to rest. Before you can fully process it, Alexia grips your hips, lifting you off her lap with ease. Her strength is undeniable, and it sends another thrill of excitement through you as she stands, carrying you over to the bed.
She lays you down, her eyes raking over your body with a predatory hunger that makes your pulse race again. You watch her as she steps back, peeling off her jacket, her movements slow and deliberate, giving you time to take in every inch of her. Her muscles flex under her shirt as she pulls it off, revealing a lean, toned body that only adds to her commanding presence.
She smirks down at you, her eyes filled with dark intent. “I’m not done with you yet.”
Your heart skips a beat as she reaches for your panties, her fingers curling around the waistband. She tugs them down slowly, letting them slide off your legs before tossing them aside. You’re completely exposed now, laid out before her, vulnerable and aching for more.
She kneels between your legs, her hands gliding up your thighs with deliberate slowness, teasing you, making you squirm beneath her touch. When she finally lowers her mouth to your core, the first swipe of her tongue sends a shock of pleasure through you.
You gasp, your fingers gripping the sheets as she licks you with a precision that borders on maddening. Her tongue flicks over your clit, alternating between soft, teasing licks and harder, more demanding movements. You can feel her lips wrap around the sensitive bundle of nerves, sucking gently before releasing, only to dive back in with renewed fervour.
Alexia is relentless, her mouth working you with an intensity that leaves you breathless. Your body arches off the bed, your thighs trembling as pleasure builds again, this time faster, harder. You’re already so sensitive from the first orgasm, but she doesn’t care. She’s determined to push you further, to break you.
Her fingers slip inside you again, curling just right, and you let out a strangled moan. The combination of her fingers pumping inside you and her tongue lashing at your clit is overwhelming, the pleasure too much to contain.
You can feel yourself unravelling, your body giving in to the relentless waves of ecstasy she’s forcing upon you. Your breathing quickens, and you know you’re close again, teetering on the edge, your muscles tightening as you hurtle toward another release.
Alexia doesn’t let up. If anything, she only increases the pace, her fingers moving faster, her tongue flicking harder. It’s too much, and yet you crave more.
“Alexia,” you gasp, your voice barely more than a whimper.
Her name on your lips seems to spur her on. She growls softly against your core, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body. You’re right there, on the brink, your entire body tense as you prepare to shatter beneath her touch.
And then it hits you.
Your orgasm crashes over you, your body convulsing as you cry out, your vision going white with the intensity of it. You’re trembling uncontrollably, your thighs clamping around her head as she continues to work you through it, her fingers still pumping inside you, her tongue relentless against your clit.
Your body is on fire, every nerve alive with sensation as the orgasm wracks through you. You’re completely undone, reduced to a moaning, trembling mess beneath her.
When you finally come down, gasping for air, Alexia pulls away, her lips and chin glistening with your release. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, smirking down at you, clearly satisfied with her work.
You’re barely able to catch your breath, your body still tingling from the aftershocks of pleasure. But the look in her eyes tells you she’s far from finished.
She climbs onto the bed, her body hovering over yours, her breath warm against your skin as she leans in to kiss you. The taste of yourself on her lips is intoxicating, and you melt into the kiss, your body still sensitive, still aching for more.
The night stretches on, a blur of passion and intensity as Alexia takes you again and again, using you in every way she desires. You lose track of time, lost in the haze of pleasure, your body responding to her every touch, her every command.
By the time the night finally ends, you’re spent, your body exhausted and trembling, your mind spinning with the intensity of it all.
Alexia dresses quickly, her movements efficient and calm, as if the heat between you didn’t leave you both in shambles. Without a word, she throws her jacket back over her shoulders, casting one last glance at your body lying on the bed, a satisfied smirk on her lips.
And then she leaves.
You’re left alone in the dimly lit room, your chest still rising and falling with uneven breaths as the reality of the night begins to sink in. The room is thick with the lingering scent of sweat, sex, and desire, the echo of Alexia’s touch still humming under your skin. You lie there, staring up at the ceiling, feeling the heat of the moment ebb away, replaced by the cool stillness of the aftermath.
Your body aches, a pleasant soreness spreading through your limbs, but it’s your mind that races, struggling to process everything that’s just happened. Every second of the encounter replays in vivid detail: the way Alexia commanded your body, the raw hunger in her eyes, the way she tore you apart and put you back together again with nothing more than her touch. 
The memory of her lips on yours, her fingers deep inside you, makes your stomach flutter all over again. You close your eyes, feeling a wave of warmth wash over you as your thighs squeeze together involuntarily. You can still taste her on your tongue, the faint hint of alcohol mixed with something darker, more primal.
The room feels too quiet now, too still. The sensual music that once filled the air has long since faded into the background, replaced by the low hum of distant voices and muffled laughter outside. The club is still alive beyond these walls, a world of chaos and pleasure continuing without you.
But here, in the intimacy of this private room, it feels like time has stopped.
You sit up slowly, your muscles protesting the movement, and pull the sheets around yourself. The cool fabric is a sharp contrast to the warmth of Alexia’s body that had been pressed against you just moments ago. The absence of her is almost startling. 
For a moment, you wonder what it all meant. Was it just a fleeting encounter for her? Just another conquest in a night of indulgence? The way she left, so effortlessly, without a word, makes you feel strangely hollow. It was as if she’d taken a part of you with her when she walked out the door. 
Your thoughts swirl as you drag a hand through your hair, the messy strands a reminder of how thoroughly undone she’d left you. You try to push the questions away, but they linger, dancing around the edges of your mind like a temptation you can’t resist.
You knew what this was supposed to be. It’s not your first night at the club, not the first time a customer has wanted more than a performance. But something about Alexia was different, more intense, more consuming. 
It wasn’t just the way she looked at you, though that was enough to make your heart race. It was the way she touched you, with purpose, like she knew exactly what she wanted and how to take it from you. There was something about the way she made you feel completely vulnerable and yet more alive than you’d ever felt before.
You shake your head, trying to clear the fog of lust still clouding your thoughts. This was just business, just another night at the club, another performance – right? But deep down, you can’t help but wonder if it was more than that, if Alexia felt the same fire you did.
The door to the room creaks open slightly, and you glance up, half-expecting to see her silhouette framed in the doorway. But it’s not her. It’s your manager, poking his head inside with an expression that’s half-curious, half-concerned.
“Everything good in here?” he asks, his voice cutting through the haze.
You swallow hard, forcing a smile as you nod. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
He raises an eyebrow, glancing around the room as if searching for some sign of what just transpired. You know he can’t possibly understand the storm of emotions swirling inside you, but still, there’s something in his gaze that makes you feel exposed.
“Good,” he says, with a casual shrug. “Client seemed satisfied. Paid well, too.”
Your stomach twists at the mention of Alexia, but you keep your expression neutral, nodding again. “That’s good,” you murmur, though the words feel hollow in your mouth.
He steps back, giving you a quick nod before turning to leave. The door clicks shut behind him, and once again, you’re alone.
Alone with your thoughts. Alone with the memory of Alexia’s hands on your skin, the taste of her still fresh in your mind.
You stand slowly, gathering the robe from where it had fallen earlier. Your legs are still shaky as you pull it around your body, the fabric soft against your sensitive skin. You take a deep breath, trying to ground yourself, trying to shake off the lingering effects of her touch.
But no matter how much you try to push it aside, you can’t stop thinking about her. The way she looked at you with that confident, almost arrogant smirk. The way her hands moved over your body like she owned you, like you were hers to command.
And the way you responded – without hesitation, without question. You let her take control, and it felt good. Too good.
You start to gather your things, preparing to leave the room, but the weight of the night clings to you. The low lighting, the scent of her on your skin, the feel of her fingers still ghosting over your body – it’s all too much.
As you make your way down the hallway, the sounds of the club grow louder, the energy more chaotic. But it feels distant, like you’re walking through a fog. Your mind is still trapped in that room, replaying every moment, every breath, every touch.
You reach the dressing room and collapse onto the bench, your heart still racing, your body still humming with the aftershocks of pleasure. The other dancers move around you, chatting, laughing, their voices blending into the background.
But all you can think about is her. Alexia.
A part of you wants to shake it off, to move on, to treat it like just another night at the club. But the truth is, you know something has shifted. Something inside you has changed. And you can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever see her again. If she’ll walk back through those doors, her confident swagger drawing every eye in the room, her gaze locking onto yours with that same hungry intensity.
And if she does – will you be ready for it?
You lean back against the wall, closing your eyes as you let out a long, shaky breath. Your heart still pounds in your chest, your body still tingling with the memory of her touch. It’s over. The night is done.
And as you sit there, lost in your thoughts, you can’t help but smile – because deep down, you know that if she ever comes back, you’ll be ready.
Ready to surrender to her all over again.
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okboomer17 · 4 months
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oh guys…if I speak
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fieldsofwriting · 16 days
Hi, in game i always found it very cute when our character spend all days running around/is always in a rush, but always stop to talk to our favorites npc
How would the love interest react to this ? If they realise the very busy farmer is always making time for them, even if they are in a rush, they will always stop to talk to the LI.
This is so cute, oh my gosh!! Here are the headcannons! :3 (under the cut)
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She watches everyday as you run out of your Farm and stop to greet her in the flower patch.
She thinks it’s so sweet how you make time to talk to everyone in the town.
She thinks it’s even sweeter when you’ve clearly been running around all day, but she hears your voice call her name and offer her a gift.
When she tells Adeline and Reina about it, they’re all giggly blushing messes.
She never wants to bother you as you’re running around, but she does always hope you’ll stop and talk to her.
Once you guys are in an established relationship, it’s her favorite part of the day. Mostly because you come up and kiss her cheek, ask her about her day and you always make time for her.
Similar to Celine, he sees you run up every morning. He can’t help but admire the way you wake up with a pep in your step- or at least it seems.
When you stop to talk to him, he appreciates that you try to make it brief. But in truth he would talk to you for hours.
He also adores how you run up to him after a day in the mines to pass off any jewels you got.
He wants to squish your cheeks and tell you to stop being so good.
After you’ve gotten into an established relationship, whenever you try and run off with a dismissive, “Sorry, sorry! Time is money!” He pulls you back into him and frowns. “Money can’t buy happiness.”
When he sees you running around, he can’t help but smile. Knowing that you’re doing your best to help Mistria. But then- you take time for him???
It makes his heart flutter, watching you skid to a stop to talk to him.
He will listen to you about anything and everything. He doesn’t care if it’s just about what you caught today, or saw in the mines.
After you guys are in a relationship, he’ll slowly start to guide you toward the Inn to get you something to eat. Mostly so you can keep talking to him.
And sometimes he’ll see you running around, call your name and when you turn around he’ll run up and give you a quick kiss. “Come find me later? I wanna hear about your day.”
We all know that he would pretend not to care.
But in truth? He cares. so. much.
He knows your footsteps and looks over before you say hello, letting out a sigh. “What.” “Just came to say hi!” “Well don’t waste your time.”
But you do, and he loves it. He eats it up.
He’s laying in bed, just thinking about you and how cute you look when you say hello and GAH HES GNAWING AT HIS PILLOW.
He would try so hard to ‘not care’ but the second you don’t say hi to him he is OFFENDED.
After an established relationship is formed, if you don’t say hi he will walk to your farm and demand a hello and a kiss.
If you don’t give him his kisses he will pout. I’m sorry I don’t make the rules.
“March, what are you doing here?” “You didn’t say hi today.” “March, we’re going on a date later?” “and? I need my kisses y/n.”
but you roll your eyes and oblige.
At first, she probably thinks it’s just cause you get free soup at the inn. which is a perk- but not the only reason you say hi.
It’s when you find her outside the inn that gets her heart fluttery.
You actually…don’t just want the soup? You wanna talk to her???
She would tell Celine and Adeline and they’d all giggle about it.
She loves when you bring in veggies for her to try to make stuff with though. Or anything really! Any of your foreageabples, fish, etc.
After an established relationship she would always have a meal ready for you, and make you sit to eat. She knows what you get up to in a day, and she will make sure you have enough food to eat for it.
But you’ll always drop by and give her a kiss, tell her you’ll see her later and drop by again after dinner.
It melts her heart every time.
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A/N: I didn’t do the everyone so just let me know if you want someone specific!! This has just been sitting in my drafts forever 💀 I just started school up so i’m probably gonna get slower with all of it
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
Profesora Alexia
Alexia Putellas x reader
Warnings: some fluff with some angst
Summary:Alexia teaching you catalan (well at least trying to)
I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes! English is not my first language so I tried my best!Same with Spanish and catalan! Also this is my first fic and I don’t know how to feel about it so constructive criticism is welcome!Enjoy or not
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Ever since moving to Barcelona and meeting Alexia I’ve always wanted to learned catalan.Alexia speaks often in catalan with her family, friends and our teammates and sometimes I would like to participate in their conversation but it’s hard to when you don’t understand a thing they are saying or don’t speak the language at all.
The only thing I can actually say is “Bon día”… I want to know a little bit more than just “hello” so who’s better person to teach me catalan than my catalan girlfriend.
“Ale?” I asked my girlfriend who is currently sitting on the sofa watching an old Barcelona match with a notepad and pencil in her hands looking extremely focused.
“Mmm?” She hummed her eyes not leaving the tv in front of her.
“Alexia” I repeat trying to get her attention by using her full name but she doesn’t answer and instead continues to write on her notepad.
So I make my way to her,take the notepad and pencil out of her hands putting them away, spotting the TV remote next to her I pause the game and straddle her hips.
“Ay! Qué estas haciendo?!” (Hey! What are you doing?!) she asks trying to reach for the tv remote but with one hand I place the remote on the coffee table behind me and place the other one on her chest pushing her back on the sofa.
“Te llamo pero no me escuchas!”(I called you but you were not listening) I tell her pulling on the strings of her hoodie.
“Lo sé, te escuchè pero estaba mirando el partido”(I know I heard you but I was watching the match) she answers pulling my hand away from her chest and sitting up a little bit more,one hand reaching once again for the remote behind me.I stop it and look at her with a frown on my face.
“I know you were but listen to me for one second”I tell her, she sighs and slouches back on the couch.
“Ok que quieres mi amor?”(okay,what do you want my love) she asks,her large hands settle on my hips rubbing up and down and she leans forward pecking my lips.
“I want you to teach me catalan” I answers once she pulls away.Alexia raises her eyebrows and look at me with amusement in her eyes.
“Quieres que te enseñe catalan?Porque?”she asks taking my hands and intertwining her fingers with mine her thumbs caressing the sides of mine.
“Because,Ale,I want to learn your language,I want to be able to communicate with your family and friends in your language and also for my personal knowledge I guess…” I answers looking at her in the eyes.
“Mi vida,you don’t need to…umm”she pauses trying to find the right word in english “my family can speak with you in spanish or in english that’s no a problem” she says.
“Lo sè but I still want to, you know learning a new language is always exciting and now that I live in Catalunya I want to learned the official language.No solo el español” I tell her with a pout knowing she can’t resists it.
She looks at me for a moment then cupped my cheeks and peck my lips repeatedly “ok mami te enseñere catalan”. (ok, I’ll teach you catalan) she mumbles again my lips. I cheer and kiss all over her face “gracias!gracias!”.(thank you,thank you!)
“De nada, ahora puedo terminar el partido?”(you’re welcome,now can I finish the match) She asks “ si, si claro que si”(yes,yes,of course) I tell her pulling away, kissing her deeply one last time and getting off of her lap.
“No,no,no mami that is not how you say it!”Alexia shouts at me getting frustrated.She’s been teaching me catalan for about a week now and I quickly find out that learning it was not as easy as I thought it will be ESPECIALLY with Alexia as a teacher.
We are currently sitting at the kitchen table,her in front of me, her hands running through her hair as a sign of frustration.
“Alexia,can you please stop shouting! I’m fucking trying!” I shout back at her getting also frustrated at her lack of patience.
“Has estado intentando pronunciar esa frase durante los últimos 30 minutos!Esfuérzate más!”(You’ve been trying to pronounce that sentence for the last 30 minutes!try harder) she yells once again. “Repite despues de mi : Em dic Y/N i vaig néixer a Anglaterra i sóc futbolista”(Repeat after me: My name is Y/N I was born in England and I’m a footballer) she orders me we with a glare.
I swallow the lump in my throat and try to push back my tears, I absolutely hate whenever someone yells at me, so with a deep sigh I try once again “Em dic Y/N… I um.. vaig.. naixe-”Alexia interrupts me “NO! Es NEIXER no NAI why?why do you say nai!????” She yells once again and this time I don’t even try to push back my tears and let them out, between the frustration,tiredness and Alexia’s yelling, I just could not take it anymore.
I got up and yell at her with tears streaming down my cheeks“I don’t know ok!?? I’m sorry,I’m trying my hardest but it’s hard when every time I make a mistake you yell at me!”. Alexia’s annoyance and frustration seems to fade away as she looks at my face, guilt written all over her face she gets up trying to reach out for me but I take a step back.
“Amor lo siento, por favor no llores” (love I’m sorry,please don’t cry” she says trying to wipe away my tears but once again I pull away.
“No! Don’t touch me! Forget about it, I don’t want to learn catalan anymore.That was a waste of time” I tell her walking away towards our bedroom and slamming the door, going straight to my bed.
After sometimes I decide to get up and take a warm shower to calm my nerves.I make my way to the bathroom , turn on the shower and getting in it.
After 20 minutes I turn off the water and get off the shower, I start to dry my body and my hair and once I changed into some comfortable clothes I went back to my bedroom laying on the bed and busying myself on my phone.
After a while I start to get hungry so I get up and make my way to the kitchen, there I see Alexia by the stove cooking what looks like pasta.I go straight to the fridge for some water,Alexia noticed my presence and try to talk to me.
“Mi vida por favor podemos hablar?”(Please can we talk) she asks looking at we with so much sadness, I can tell that she feels really bad.
“No sé me vas a gritar?” (I don’t know are you going to yell at me) she looks at me guiltily I know it was unfair of me to say that but at that moment she deserves it.
“No mami,no voy a gritar”(I won’t yell) she answers offering me her hand to take.I hesitate for a moment before taking it, she leads me to the kitchen table and pull one of the chairs out for me to sit and she sits right beside me not letting go of my hand and intertwining our fingers together.
“I am so sorry for yelling mi vida, I should not have done that. Sé que aprender un nuevo idioma es difícil y estás haciendo lo mejor que puedes y realmente te admiro por eso.(I know that learning a new language is difficult and you are doing your best and I really admire you for that.)she pauses for a second and cups my cheek“Please don’t stop learning it,I know that it means a lot for you to learn my language.Así que por favor no dejes de aprenderlo solo porque soy un idiota sin paciencia.(so please don't stop learning it just because I'm an idiot without patience)
I look at her for a moment and tell her “you’re right I should not stop learning it just because you’re an idiot who can’t teach and don’t have patience” she’s about to take back the hand that’s resting on my cheek when I stop her by placing my hand atop of her larger one.
“Thank you for apologizing and I forgive you but I think that for the sake of our relationship I should probably hire a REAL catalan professor” she smiles at that and says “Que?! no te gusta Professora Alexia ?!”(What?! You don’t like Professor Ale) She says wriggling her eyebrows, I let out a laugh “ABSOLUTAMENTE NO, prefiero futbolista Alexia”(absolutely no,I prefer footballer Alexia” she smiles and cups my other cheek leaning forwards and kissing me passionately.
After a moment she pulls aways and rest her forehead against mine her thumbs caressing my cheeks “Tal vez puedas pedirle a Alba que te enseñe, si ella puede enseñar a los niños, estoy segura de que ella también puede enseñarte” (maybe you can ask Alba to teach you,if she can teach kids I'm sure she can teach you too) she says with a smirk on her lips, I huffed and slap her on the shoulder but can’t help myself but laugh at her little joke especially since she looks so proud of it.
I lean forward once again to kiss her but stop just millimeters away from her lips and look at her in the eyes “ t'estimo tant” (I love you) I tell her she looks at me proudly and smiles softly at me “jo també t'estimo amor meu”(I love you too my love) she responds connecting our lips.
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theesasssyunicorn · 4 months
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It may not be Wednesday, but I figured now might be a good time for some new wallpaper 👌🏻
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linamromero · 4 months
𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐚/𝐧: 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭. 𝐥𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐚 𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 - 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑.
it happened again.
the team won the la liga for the season again. It was even better because your girlfriend alexia made her comeback after being out for nearly 10 months from a nasty knee injury.
you and alexia were celebrating on the way back to the changing room, clinging on to the trophy her hand on one handle and yours on the other, "nosotras somos las campeonas!”
"mi amiga!" patri sang the next lyric so she played the queen song on the speaker.
alexia pulled your body close to hers swaying to the music, you buried your face into her neck placing light kisses every once in a while, "amor!”
"sí?" you hummed sending vibrations through her body.
"i don't want to stay out late tonight, we can celebrate at home." alexia whispered stroking your hair.
"how would you like to celebrate at home?" you smirked playing dumb.
"i think you know." she murmured in your ear.
"venga lovebirds, have a beer!” mapi handed you both a bottle of estrella from her cubby.
"valé valé valé!" alexia put her hands up before taking her sweaty match shirt off.
you could help but stare a little too long before taking your own shirt off. the team sang and danced for a while before you decide to go home and get dressed up to go to manuelas.
you both got into alexia’s car and managed to get out of the car park before being swarmed by fans. the both of you took photos and signed items before leaving the premises.
once you got home, alexia went straight upstairs into your shared bedroom changing for a shower, “y/n cariño are you showering with me?”
"sí claro, stupid question bonita but we can't be long i promised patri i would pick her and piña up." you called up stair well.
you rushed into the master bedroom taking your shorts and sports bra off as you were eager to get to alexia. she was in the shower facing the wall you thought she looked good from behind. her ass is incredible.
you opened the glass shower door, she didn't even turn around so you approached her holding her hips, grabbing her bum lightly, "hola bonita." she greeted you.
you hummed in response kissing over her neck and across her left shoulder, you brought her arm up kissing all the way down her arm and down her hand to her index finger. alexia tilted your chin up to look at her in the eyes, bringing you close to her face connecting her lips with yours.
no words were shared, just through actions.
you managed to wash each other without getting too carried away, "can you pass me my towel amor?"
the midfielder wrapped a towel around you and her own around herself walking back into the master bedroom. you decided to dry and straighten your hair, leaving your natural freckles to sprawl themselves across your face only applying a little bit of mascara.
finally you decided to wear some caramel dress trousers and a white vest top paired with your dior high tops, gold rolex, cartier bangle and chunky rings.
your girlfriend decided on a black crop top with extra ties and a matching black ruched skirt. she left her hair looking wet pushed back out of her face, alexia put light eyeshadow on with lashes and a red lip, "what jewellery shall i wear?"
"definitely gold so maybe your hoops and the gold rolex i got you." you suggested, which she agreed putting them on.
"and my shoes?"
"your red jordans 100%." you implied.
"you have such good taste, i know i can count on you." alexia smiled kissing your lips lightly.
"ale!" You groaned.
"you got your lipstick on me." she wiped your lips with her finger, "no kissing me all night."
"but y/n, that's gonna be so hard you look so good." alexia smirked.
“you’re just gonna have to behave."
"i will try my hardest ." alexia raised a brow grabbing her bag.
after the couple picked up patri and piña they drove to the open air restaurant, their head coach had invited the team out for a celebratory dinner.
of course they were the first of the players to arrive, alexia was always good with her timing, arriving first to everything.
"hola bona nit.” each of the greeted.
"sit, sit." he pointed at the rather long table.
you and alexia sat near the head of the table as the staff sat next to jonatan who was at the end with patri and piña sitting opposite you. once everyone arrived jonatan handed your girlfriend the trophy placing it in between you both.
"mi reina." You mumbled into alexia's ear, a smile appeared upon her lips.
"mi querida." she looked at you with loving eyes.
everyone had eaten and drinks were flowing, you were finishing third estrella whereas your girlfriend was finishing her fourth strawberry daiquiri. mapi danced over to the table with a large jug of sangria, "let's get this party started!"
you all cheered, mapi filling fresh wine glasses to the brim with the beverage. you placed your hand on alexia's bare thigh making her flinch at the coldness of your rings, "lo siento."
she brushed her thumb over your knuckle reassuring you that she was fine.
jonatan told everyone to grab a photo with the trophy in which you all did, "campeonas! campeonas !" cata and mapi started shouting dancing around with her flag that she bought with her.
eventually you all floated off to manuelas which you were looking forward to. As soon as you entered, you were stamped with a 'manuelas' tattoo and lots of stickers.
you got the love was playing a slowish song so you dragged your girlfriend to the dance floor slinging her arms around your neck. slowly dancing and singing the lyrics with your teammates.
she span her body around as antes de morirme started playing guiding your arms around her waist, you pulled her hips colliding them with yours. her skirt began to ride up as she grinded her backside into your crotch, “cariño."
she looked up at you with an innocent look on her face, "si mi amor?"
"i said behave." you bit your lip.
"i am not using my lips though am i?" alexia winked at you knowing that she was teasing you.
"bathroom. ahora." you grunted in her ear.
you got to the bathroom, other women were hooking up by the basins so alexia lead you into a cubical. you pushed her up against the door, exploring her exposed body in the limited space you had.
she returned the favour, flipping your body over onto the door, pulling your straps of your vest top down taking it off with your bra. alexia attached her lips to your neck, kissing and sucking at it moving down to your breasts, "ale."
she just looked at you innocently, "you want this right?"
you nodded in response and she set to work taking your nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it adding a light suction. At this point alexia's lipstick had smeared all over your body but you were too busy to care.
"ale! y/n!" a voice called from outside the cubicle, of course it was ana.
her voice pulled you out of the messy fog, "yes what?"
"if your gonna have sex, go home." she yelled as you quickly put your clothes on and opened the door.
“how did you know?" alexia furrowed her eyebrows.
"look at the state of y/n for a start!” your body was absolutely covered in alexia's lipstick.
"ah well i-."
"save it, just go home i've ordered you an uber and pick your car up in the morning." ana said leaving the bathroom.
"gracias ana!" you pulled a face as you left the club.
"we can continue this at home, mi reina." you smirked getting in the taxi.
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mysunshinetemptress · 8 months
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Not Strong Enough
Alexia Putellas x reader
Warnings: angst, relationship issues/breakdown
“Well I’m fucking sorry I’m not her Ale.”
“No you’re not your just a fucking disappointment.”
You stood frozen looking into the fridge cleaning up from a dinner you had made hours ago that Alexia hadn’t even bothered showing up for. You turn slowly looking at the clock behind her head “I don’t want to do this right now.” Alexia shook her head “no I’m so fed up with you, why honestly why can’t you just be like her.” You shook your head looking at the floor feeling your throat close “I don’t know why, I am the way I am I’m sorry I’m not her.” You couldn’t believe you where apologising, you had done nothing wrong but she was Alexia Putellas, La Reina she deserved someone who could match that she deserved Jenni Hermoso and no matter how hard you tried you never got close enough. You shook your head as Alexia just stared at you looking for a fight but you didn't have the energy instead looking up at the ceiling thinking of the ring that burnt a whole in your dresser wishing to be used, you had it all planned out but you saw that future slowly slipping away as Alexia began shouting again so loud you could barley here the song "Boys Don't Cry" playing from the speaker.
You turned to look at her as continued shouting about how much of a disappointment you where to hear, how you would never be enough and you wanted to look at her and hate her for her words but you found yourself believing them and therefore you couldn't hate her if you agreed with her. As the older girl continued to compare you to her ex you couldn't help but think of how you would never be able to be enough for her like Jenni was, you didn't play football, you weren't famous or an influencer you worked a desk job, a 9-5 week in and week out, you didn't have trophies or medals adorned with your name across them you simply had an office where you added up numbers how could an accountant from A Coruna.
You where simply an angel not a god like Jenni, no never a god
You couldn't move as Alexia shouted out all of the ways Jenni was better then you and you felt yourself suddenly begin to realise what was about to happen. This was it the ring in your dresser wasn't screaming at you to get out and be placed on Alexia fingers your mind wasn't telling you to fit the energy was gone.
"SAY SOMETHING" you looked up at Alexia as your eyes refocused and you where pulled back to present time "What do you want me to say Ale" you sighed heavily tired of it all "See this is what I mean at least Jenni would talk to me, communicate her feelings with me you shut off." you subbed your eyes god did they feel heavy. "Theres no point." you moved to the drawer taking out your car keys before heading upstairs to pack your bag.
Alexia stood shocked as you waled past her to the front door "At least Jenni would fight for us you are walking away such a disappointment." you turned shaking your head. "Yes Alexia such a disappointment like you already said, like you have said since this relationship started, I'm done I...I can't take the constant fights after you realise I'm not here and then feel the need to take it out on me its...its not fair.. and the sad part is I tried to be her but I'm sorry I failed at that because I can't....I am me and I thought you loved me for that but clearly I was wrong." Alexia shook her head "Don't make it out like I'm the bad guy you....you only got with me for my name for my status." You looked at her in disbelief how could she ever think that.
"I have loved you before your injury, I have loved you during your injury and the sad part is I will love you long after this injury is healed and you are back to La Reina but I won't be in the stands, who would want such a disappointment of a girlfriend screaming for their return no."
You chucked the keys at her as you walked out the door. Done with never being enough for her always being a disappointment and falling short for always only being an Angel and never a God, for never being Jenni Hermoso
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katiemccabeswife · 7 months
Illicit Affairs
Alexia Putellas x Reader|| Alexia is pulling away from you and thinking back on all the memories, good and bad, you finally snap.
T Swizzle because I saw her live yesterday 🤗 I feel bad doing Ale like this and it’s my first time doing something like this so please nice 🤍
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You sighed as Alexia pulled away, instantly reaching for a shirt to cover herself with. You turned away from her, not wanting her to see your crestfallen face after realising that this time was not unlike any others. Recently.
You hadn't noticed when it started happening, when Alexia seemed to detach and the possibility of the 2 of you going public seemed to vanish into thin air. You would come over and maybe watch a movie before the two of you would have sex and then she would dress herself and turn to face opposite you.
Make sure nobody sees you leave, hood over your head, keep your eyes down,
Sometimes she would remind you to make sure that no one saw you leave her apartment and to keep your hood over your head in case paparazzi or fans saw someone leaving her house and decided to take photos.
Tell your friends you're out for a run, you'll be flushed when you return,
If she didn't immediately turn away from you she would occasionally make a joke, asking you how your 'run' was. The joke stemmed from the time Mapi caught you leaving the bathrooms flushed and you had to come up with an excuse, claiming you had just finished running.
Take the road less travelled by,
Ona lived on the way to Ale's house and had noticed you driving past one too many times and questioned you about it, non-threateningly and unsuspecting of anything of course but Ale got angry at you claiming that you did it on purpose so you started travelling the back streets to and from her house to keep suspicions low.
Tell yourself you can always stop, what started in beautiful rooms,
You knew you weren't being treated the way you should be but you could stop if you wanted to, end the relationship and move on from Alexia and be happy. The only thing stopping you was hope, you used to catch her staring at you, dazed, from across the room and she used to make beautiful candle-lit dinners for every important date or milestone now, you were lucky if she offered left over takeout.
Ends with meetings in parking lots,
You wanted that Alexia back, you didn't want the one who drove you into a random car park to fuck you before driving you home.
And that's the thing about illicit affairs
If people knew Alexia was dating you people would definitely have some not-so-nice things to say. You were, what some would call, her controversially young girlfriend being 9 years younger than her which was the ‘whole’ reason your relationship was kept secret.
And clandestine meetings and longing stares, it's born from just one single glance,
Looking back on your relationship and how the two of you used to act was like looking at an entirely different couple. You used to enjoy sneaking around with Alexia, the adrenaline it used to bring you. It reminded you of when you first met her, it was your first day at Barca and Alexia took the time and effort to greet you out the front and guide you around the training centre. You knew once you saw her standing out in the cold with that stupid, awkward smile on her face that you liked her and you couldn't help it if you wanted to.
But it dies, and it dies, and it dies, a million little times,
The age gap became evident when Alexia would call you 'kid' in front of the team and your cheeks would burn red from embarrassment, knowing it was you girlfriend, who had sex with you, that was calling you ‘kid’. Every time the nickname slipped from her lips you could feel part of your relationship dying, and your heart breaking further, into a million little pieces.
Leave the perfume on the shelf, that you picked out just for him, so you leave no trace behind like you don't even exist,
You used to enjoy doing small things for Alexia, like buying a perfume you knew she would like when she burrowed her head into the crook of your neck but something that small would be insignificant and go unnoticed now. That perfume sat on your shelf staring at you teasingly, unopened, you didn't want to wear it anymore.
Take the words for what they are a dwindling, mercurial high a drug that only worked the first few hundred times
Alexia used to do the same sort of little things, buying you flowers randomly or bringing home a little treat for you every once in a while. She continued the tradition for a year before the unpredictability of the gifts that once filled you with the warmth of love started to slowly fade away every time she told you she couldn't go on a date with you or didn't want to spend time with you.
And that's the thing about illicit affairs and clandestine meetings and stolen stares, they show their truth one single time but they lie, and they lie, and they lie, a million little times
Alexia used to be the one to plan the secret meet-ups and dates, you used to be the one catching her staring at you and now she was the one standing you up and calling you out for 'acting like a child', while she would continue to fuck you like she loved you and lie to you like they were truths.
And you wanna scream 'Don't call me "kid"'
"And I fucking hate it when you call me 'kid', Alexia! I'm supposed to be your girlfriend!" You screamed at her as tears fell down your face.
"Baby-" She tried to reach out to you.
'Don't call me "baby"', look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
You took a step back and raised her pointer finger at her, "Don't fucking call me baby either," You wiped at your tears aggressively before giving up as they kept falling, "God Ale! Look at me," You sobbed, "Look at what you made me, I'm a fucking mess!" It was clear to anyone that you hadn't been sleeping or eating if someone were to walk in the room they would assume you had been punched in the eyes due to the smudged mascara surrounding your eyes.
You showed me colours you know I can't see with anyone else,
"I don't even know who you are anymore!" You could see Alexia trying to get a word in but you were filled with such sorrow it just kept flowing out of you, "You don't treat anyone in the team half as bad as you treat me and I'm your fucking girlfriend!"
"Baby-hey, we agreed that we would keep it private," She tried to reason.
'Don't call me "kid", don't call me "baby"', look at this idiotic fool that you made me, you taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else,
"I told you don't call me baby!" When you agreed to keep things private you thought that meant steering clear of PDA not keeping your entire existence a secret, "God, I am such a fucking idiot," You had learnt to dissect Ale's words after she started coding them, you could find the deeper meaning in 'compliments' and find the insult when no one else could, you could find hidden meanings behind sugar-coated words and it pained you that you were the only one who seemed to do so.
And you know damn well for you, I would ruin myself a million little times,
"I haven't slept, Ale," You looked back at her, "I haven't eaten, I've worked out more times than I can count, I have been ruining myself trying to be perfect for you. I'm trying to change myself just so you would like me again! And the saddest part is, is that I would do it a million times over because I love you!"
You had to pluck up the courage to leave as soon as the words slipped out of your mouth because you knew for the first time in almost a year, she had heard you when you told her you loved her, really heard you and you didn’t give her a chance to say it back.
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