vermillionsketcher · 7 years
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day 6 - the hunt day 7 - grooming
ahhh very late again but at least i got it done! the “comic” is mmmmmmmmbad but grooming was very fun to do! ((even though it’s just an old sketch that i cleaned up and colored lolol))
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vaatil · 7 years
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Day 2: (Old) Era
I went for the 30s which isnt that old heh
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speench · 7 years
Last entry for Reinzo week, aaaaHHHHHH, I’ve loved all of this tbh. And I’m already super excited for next year. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop writing these two, they’re adorable tbqh.
It wasn’t often that anyone saw Hanzo look anything less than put together. So when the archer returned from a mission looking like he had been hit by a bus, everyone was shocked. Hanzo wasted no time on making conversation though, or even being seen very much before he was slipping into the room he shared with Reinhardt. The crusader was expecting him though, and he had heard how the mission had gone for him. So he was expecting Hanzo to be in bad shape anyways.
Reinhardt, for once, had waited to meet Hanzo in their room when he returned. So he was lounging in bed reading a book when he heard the door slide open. He wasn’t expecting Hanzo to look like such a mess though, half of his hair had slipped from the usual ponytail, and his clothing was torn in places, streaked with dirt and drying blood.
The sight had him frowning, sitting up properly and moving to set his book aside.
“I will be with you in a moment, I need a shower.” Hanzo cut him off quietly, lifting a hand to ask for quiet as he dropped his bow and quiver carelessly by the door. Reinhardt wanted to get up and make sure Hanzo was alright, but he knew the other man probably needed a second before he was asked about what happened. So instead Reinhardt just nodded quietly, lifting a hand to pull his reading glasses off. He watched Hanzo walk over to the dresser and grab some clothes before he moved off once more.
Hanzo had a habit of being blunt when he wasn’t in a good mood, or in general. Reinhardt had come to respect that over time. He didn’t blame Hanzo after all, the other man had grown up knowing that typically things wouldn’t go his way without him being harsh and straightforward. So he watched Hanzo duck into the bathroom before he rose, stretching and glancing around their room.
It was instinct to move over to the door, and get Hanzo’s things from the floor. Reinhardt ended up stooping to scoop up Hanzo’s bow and quiver, carrying them over to the desk to set them up where they wouldn’t be stepped on. He heard the sound of water running in the next room as he snagged Hanzo’s hair brush off the top of the dresser and moved back to the bed.
He didn’t have to wait long for Hanzo to return from the shower, as the other man made it quick. It was rare for Hanzo to take insanely long showers, and if he’d lingered longer than usual, it probably would have worried Reinhardt. But in the usual time, Hanzo had returned. He still looked insanely tired. And there were painful looking scrapes up his arms, made obvious by the tank top he’d chosen for the night.
“Feeling better?” Reinhardt asked calmly as he shifted to sit against the head of their bed, gesturing for Hanzo to come join him. Hanzo’s eyes fell on him and the archer mustered a tired shrug.
“Sore.” He muttered, moving to sit in front of Reinhardt. It was typical practice for them after rough missions. Quiet contact was a huge comfort for both of them. So Reinhardt ended up reaching out to hook an arm around Hanzo, pulling the other man back into his lap. Hanzo gave a tired groan at that, shifting to turn towards Reinhardt and wrap his arms around the crusader, wincing in the process.
“Do you want me to have Angela look at your arms?” Reinhardt frowned, gaze flickering to the arm Hanzo hooked over his shoulder. Hanzo just shook his head silently against Reinhardt’s chest. He could feel Hanzo slowly relaxing though. It often took him a bit to completely wind down when things went badly. Especially when it came to solo missions, but Reinhardt was patient. He just took a moment to rub a hand over Hanzo’s shoulders. Though when he moved to brush a hand through Hanzo’s hair, he was met with damp tangles and a noise of discomfort from the man who’d settled against him.
It was a good thing that he’d had the mind to grab the brush before Hanzo settled against him, because he had a feeling that getting the other man to let him go would have been a challenge. Especially when Hanzo was gripping his shirt so hard.
“You worry me sometimes Hanzo, you should let people take care of you more.” Reinhardt huffed softly, giving Hanzo a light squeeze around the waist. Hanzo just grumbled softly, wiggling further into his arms and hunkering down against his chest.
“I do not need to be taken care of.” Hanzo muttered, a slight growl to his voice. Reinhardt rolled his eyes, shifting to rest his cheek against Hanzo’s hair. He had very similar ideas most of his life, and even to that day, he’d be the first to admit he was a hypocrite. But he cared about Hanzo, he wanted his companion to be comfortable.
“You may not need it, but it can be nice every now and then.” Reinhardt shrugged. He moved to sit up a bit more, nudging Hanzo to sit up a bit too. Hanzo stifled a low sound of distaste, but moved to draw himself up. It took a second for them to get situated, but Reinhardt eventually got Hanzo to turn back around, picking up the brush from where he’d set it on the bed.
“May I?” He indicated the brush, Hanzo took a glance at it, before giving a quiet nod. Reinhardt offered a faint smile in response, leaning in to press a kiss to Hanzo’s cheek. Hanzo huffed softly, feigning annoyance, but the crusader could see the edge of a smile tugging at his lips.
Instead of pointing it out, Reinhardt shifted his attention from gently brushing the snarls out of Hanzo’s hair. They both remained quiet as he did so, only interrupted by Hanzo wincing every now and then if Reinhardt hit a particularly bad snag. It took a while since Reinhardt was taking his time to make sure he didn’t cause any real pain. But it was calming, and when he was done he lifted a hand to run through Hanzo’s hair easily, humming in approval before he just dropped his arms to wrap around Hanzo again.
“There, much better.” He rumbled, giving Hanzo a light squeeze. Hanzo was quick to lean back against him, legs pulling up so he could properly curl up in Reinhardt’s lap. The archer gave a slight nod in agreement though, tipping his head back to rest against Reinhardt’s shoulder. It was a comfortable quiet at that point, and was only broken by the sound of Hanzo wriggling again. He turned once more to snake his arms around Reinhardt, looped around the crusader’s neck that time.
Reinhardt adjusted his grip as Hanzo melted into his chest, huffing and nosing into his collar. When they had first gotten together, Hanzo was almost adverse to physical contact, but over time he’d warmed considerably, and was almost clingy when he really wanted to be at that point. Reinhardt was content either way, he enjoyed having Hanzo close to him, but respected the other man’s wishes when he didn’t want to be touched for one reason or another.
As it was, he could tell Hanzo needed someone close at that point, feeling the other man’s hands thread up into his hair. It wasn’t often that Hanzo got excessively clingy, but when he did there was usually a reason. So Reinhardt wasn’t protesting whatsoever as he settled in, ready to just stay there with Hanzo for the rest of the night if needed.
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hoodie-two-shoes · 7 years
Reinhardt was hunting down a beast terrorizing villages when he had an unusual encounter with a peculiar dragon: an extraordinary creature of great beauty with glowing, sorrowful eyes, and a spike up its arm. Many years later destiny brought him to its crossroads, where his fate intertwined with that of a mysterious man named Hanzo.
(Its finally up aaaaaaaaaaaa)
My (long overdue) project for the Day 3 prompt of Reinzo Week 2017: Mythology! A fantasy romance between our two sappy old men, inspired and adapted (with a different ending!) from the Japanese folklore of the Crane Wife.
Complete with 2 parts and an epilogue.
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vermillionsketcher · 7 years
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day 4 - travel day 5 - ocean
long rides and long talks
((hopefully i get day 6 prompt out later today))
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vermillionsketcher · 7 years
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day 3 - mythology
the story behind what makes people kiss under mistletoe, or a version of it at least
haha, can you tell i rushed this lmao i spent more time researching than drawing ((also i was trying to find a way to mix it w the season lol)) still late anywayyyy
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vermillionsketcher · 7 years
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day 2 - (old) era
15th century boyfriends probably talking ab their adventures (also forgot to draw their weapons but too late now lol)
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vermillionsketcher · 7 years
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day 1 - role swap
tried to design a tank hanzo and give reinhardt a “lighter kit” (make him look faster moving i guess??) but,, uh, yeah, they’re ready to get in there!
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vaatil · 7 years
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Day 1: Role Reversal 
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speench · 7 years
Old Wounds
I heard it was Reinzo week and I had to jump on that, this is a little vague but it’s supposed to be a roleswap for day 1. I ended up just making it short and angsty/comfort based, idk. Here you go though:
“Reinhardt, where did you get this?”
Hanzo was flopped across his partner’s chest, one arm draped against Reinhardt’s shoulder, the other hand tracing the scar that had taken the giant’s eye. Gentle fingers ran over scar tissue on Reinhardt’s cheek as Hanzo lifted his other hand to rest his chin on.
They’d been together for a while, but so much of Reinhardt’s past was still a mystery to him, and he was starting to itch to know how Reinhardt had gotten the recognizable scar.
However, the question had one blue eye flickering open to look at him. Hanzo didn’t balk, but he wondered if maybe his question was too blunt. He could feel the atmosphere begin to change though. The easy, relaxed, feeling that had settled over them was slowly melting away as Hanzo watched Reinhardt’s features pull into a slight frown.
That had him more worried as Reinhardt glanced away, not meeting his eyes and lifting a hand to run down his face. They’d been working on being more open with each other, and it had been an uphill battle, but they’d been doing their best. Either way, Hanzo could tell he had struck a nerve with the question, and was about to apologize for being blunt when Reinhardt finally spoke up.
“It is… A long story. And not one I like thinking back on.” Reinhardt sighed, brows pitching into a more obvious scowl as he dropped his hand back to where it had been, resting against the curve of Hanzo’s back. The archer blinked at him for a moment before he settled to fold his arm across Reinhardt’s chest, resting his cheek in the crook of his elbow.
“Well, if you wish to talk about it, I’m here to listen.” Hanzo pointed out, fingertips trailing down to catch against Reinhardt’s beard. That earned him a warm hum rumbling from Reinhardt’s chest, making him sigh in response and snuggle down closer to his partner.
“It was a very long time ago… But, it is alright, simply a situation I wish I could have handled differently.” Hanzo watched Reinhardt as the other man spoke, the giant tipping his head back again and letting his eyes fall shut. Figuring he’d give Reinhardt time to continue if he wasn’t done, Hanzo raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He could understand a feeling like that, thinking back to his brother… And how he had lost Genji.
“I was forced into a situation where I had to fight someone I cared greatly for-” Reinhardt’s voice was quiet, words carefully lined up one after the other. Anyone who knew the crusader would know he was thinking hard about what he was saying, even just from his tone.
“Given the choice, I never would have, but I didn’t have a choice, and he ended up dying at my hands.” Hanzo could hear the waver in his companion’s voice and decided it was time to actually speak up again. So he shifted to properly straddle Reinhardt’s waist as he felt his partner’s grip on him tighten. Hanzo leaned over him to cup Reinhardt’s face in his hands, pushing a soft kiss against his forehead.
It sounded awful, and even without knowing the full story, Hanzo could see how much the memory still hurt Reinhardt. The thought of the other man being in any sort of pain hurt him almost physically. Especially when he noticed that Reinhardt’s eyes had gotten watery. Hanzo moved to nudge his forehead against Reinhardt’s, still holding his face.
“You said you didn’t have a choice.” Hanzo murmured, he kept his voice down, doing his best to sound gentle. Gentle had never been his forte, he had never been good with people. But he was getting better, especially with Reinhardt’s help. It didn’t hurt that the other man didn’t really need pep talks when he was upset. Most of the time he just needed someone there to be quiet with, some company to keep his mind off of things. It made everything a hell of a lot easier for both of them.
“I am sure he would forgive you, if given the chance.” Hanzo knew what kind of people Reinhardt surrounded himself with, and from what he’d heard, it had been Reinhardt’s life or the other guy’s.
“That is the problem. He would have, without hesitation. It was either we fight, or we were both dispatched.” The fact that Reinhardt had ever been in such a situation was a hard thing for Hanzo to wrap his head around, but he wasn’t going to question it. He figured it was a story for another time, another quiet session to be saved for when the memories weren’t so raw.
“I am sure it was an honorable death then.” It sounded like it. If given the chance to go out fighting, Hanzo would have chosen the same thing. Not only that but he knew how Reinhardt felt about the whole thing, and he’d heard the older man mention many times that he would fight until his last breath for those he swore to protect. He figured it was something that would ease his companion’s obvious guilt just a little.
Reinhardt gave a low hum, but said no more beyond that. Hanzo figured that the other man didn’t want a pity party, and ended up falling silent as well. Instead he just focused on the feeling of Reinhardt’s hands framing his waist and the other man’s chest rising and falling slowly under him. It was nice to just be able to be there for each other, to know when to push and when to let a situation go. Hanzo took the hint for the moment, tracing absent patterns over Reinhardt’s chest with his fingers as he rested his head against his other arm. Every now and then one of Reinhard’s hands would slide up his back to press between his shoulders, gently kneading over tense muscle. Reinhardt always said that Hanzo carried too much tension in his shoulders, and Hanzo couldn’t really argue, but at least Reinhardt offered help when he could.
Even if they both carried a lot of weight from their pasts, it was easy to be at peace together, whether it was a long night spent sitting up together when they both couldn’t sleep, or a lazy afternoon spent playing chess. Hanzo had already told his partner about when he’d lost Genji, the day he’d seen his brother’s life taken by invading omnics. That had been a night for the books, and it was also the first time Reinhardt had seen Hanzo shed any sort of tears.
“You know I love you right?” The low rumble from Reinhardt had Hanzo blinking his eyes open again, looking up at the other man affectionately. It was always startling to hear that. Over the years he’d been conditioned to believe he wasn’t worth caring about, nor was he supposed to care for other people. So whenever Reinhardt mentioned it, Hanzo couldn’t help but squirm just a little. It made him feel special at least, whenever his partner looked at him that way, like he was the most valuable thing on the planet. “Oh hush.” Hanzo grumbled, snorting softly and moving to press his face into Reinhardt’s chest, hiding. He had a bad habit of hiding against the other man whenever he was embarrassed.
“I love you too.” He murmured, voice muffled by Reinhardt’s shirt as he shifted to wind his arms around Reinhardt’s neck. The reply earned him a light squeeze before he was shifted so they could lay on their sides. It had Hanzo snuggling even closer, his arms falling to wrap around Reinhardt’s ribcage instead.
He was content to spend the rest of the night right there with Reinhardt, if he was needed for more comfort, he would be happy to offer some. But for the moment he was happy to relax, the weight of Reinhardt’s arms keeping him safe against his companion’s chest, and the sound of Reinhardt’s heartbeat through his shirt, lulling him into a sense of peace.
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speench · 7 years
Like The Ocean
So, while I’m nearly incapable of writing things without some tiny dash of angst somewhere, here’s a thing that’s like, 90% fluff and two old men being sappy with each other, for your entertainment and for day 5 of Reinzo Week
It wasn’t often that Hanzo woke in the middle of the night any more. With Reinhardt by his side, even when he did wake, he had someone to pull him close as soon as his eyes were open. But he’d grown so used to the feeling of Reinhardt’s weight and warmth on the mattress next to him that when the sheets got cold it woke him. Slowly but surely he was dragged into the waking world, grumbling as he rolled over, instinctively reaching to touch where Reinhardt should have bed. His hand fell on the empty mattress instead, gripping sheets that had been empty for a long time.
Hanzo could only frown at that. Whenever Reinhardt got up, it woke him too. How the crusader had slipped out without warning was beyond Hanzo, but it worried him. So instead of waiting to see if his partner would return, Hanzo rose himself, pulling one of the blankets with him as he stood. The base was frigid most of the time, especially at night. And Hanzo didn’t feel like putting on an actual jacket or sweater.
Before they had gotten together, Hanzo and Reinhardt had often met each other up at night, and both of them shared common spots they would go when they were troubled. So Hanzo figured that if Reinhardt had left, he would be in one of those places.
After checking the kitchen and the training range, he wandered outside. The base was near silent at night, though anyone who was around long enough would know that most people didn’t sleep well. Whether it was catching snippets of quiet conversations from dark rooms passing by, footsteps down the hallway in the middle of the night, it was normal practice. But Hanzo was only concerned about Reinhardt at that point, everyone had their unofficial companion for when they couldn’t sleep. Whether they were drinking companions (like Jesse and Jack, oftentimes) or just people who sought platonic comfort in each other.
Hanzo was looking for Reinhardt though, and as he crossed the courtyard to the edge of the cliffs, he spotted his companion’s silhouette in the dark. He softened a bit at the sight, a faint frown tugging at his features as he approached quietly. Usually if Reinhardt was troubled, he sought Hanzo, or sometimes those that had fought beside him during the crisis, but Hanzo hadn’t often seen the knight recede far enough into himself that he sought isolation.
“Our room gets very cold at night.” Hanzo spoke up quietly as he got closer, it was one way to break the ice, he wanted to test the atmosphere before figuring out what was wrong. He got his partner’s attention though. And even if it was hard to discern Reinhardt’s features in the dark, he saw the other man’s head turn and he could feel Reinhardt’s eyes on him.
“My apologies, I didn’t want to wake you.” The low rumble of Reinhardt’s voice was both reassuring and concerning at the very same moment. On one hand it didn’t sound like he was cold, but there was the hint of a broken rasp in his tone that had worry worming its way into Hanzo’s mind.
“Relax, I don’t mind.” Hanzo scoffed, shaking his head as he moved over to sit beside his companion. Reinhardt had found a place on a large rock overlooking the water, and it was nice to hear the waves hitting the cliffs below.
“Is there something troubling you?” Hanzo figured he’d ask at least. He was a blunt person, and didn’t hint at things very well, he knew that Reinhardt was aware of that, since they’d been together for so long.
“Only mildly.” Reinhardt shrugged. “I simply could not sleep.” That was more reassuring than anything Hanzo had heard from his partner so far. It was rare for them to lie to each other, even when they were upset. It had taken Hanzo especially, a very long time to be honest about when he was upset or doubting himself. But they had worked it out eventually.
“May I ask what it is?” Hanzo shifted and let the blanket drop a bit around his shoulders, it was warmer outside, and especially when he could leech heat off of Reinhardt by leaning against his side. The other man shifted an arm to rest his hand behind Hanzo, giving the archer a place to properly lean.
“Nothing significant.” The edge of a laugh tugged at Reinhardt’s tone, Hanzo could hear the shift of the other man’s hair against the collar of his shirt as he shook his head.
“I just wish you had seen me in my prime. It’s silly.” Reinhardt huffed, ducking his head a bit. Hanzo glanced up to see the older man run a hand over the back of his neck, before shifting to rub down over his face with a weary sigh. Hanzo could agree that it was a bit silly, but he’d caught the moments when Reinhardt began to doubt himself, he figured the other man was still perfectly cut out for what he was doing though.
“Is that not right now?” He hummed, leaning his head more against Reinhardt’s chest as he pulled his legs up so his knees bumped against Reinhardt’s thigh. The crusader snorted loudly at that, a short laugh following.
“You flatter me.” Hanzo was satisfied with hearing the smile in Reinhardt’s voice, he’d done part of his job at least. He just needed to follow up with making sure his point stuck.
“I only seek to flatter you when I want to get laid.” That was a lie, and both of them knew it, but it was a bit of a tease on his part. Hanzo enjoyed complimenting Reinhardt whenever he felt the other man deserved it. Which was, of course, all the time. But any time he made a comment, it was nothing short of genuine.
“That is good to know.” The mood was obviously shifting, lightening exponentially as they enjoyed each other’s company and watched the starlight dance over the waves.
“Good, perhaps I will have to be less obvious about it in the future.” Hanzo snorted, shifting so he could take Reinhardt’s other hand between his own, pulling it to his lap so he could curl up properly against his companion, tracing over Reinhardt’s knuckles with gentle fingers.
“I mean what I said though, you are the most steadfast person I have ever met, through everything. A true marvel.” He hummed, not looking up at Reinhardt as he laced their fingers together and settled with his other hand against the back of Reinhardt’s. The silence stretched out for a moment before Reinhardt spoke again, Hanzo could hear the protest in his voice.
“Truly, Reinhardt. You may not be the youngest of us but that makes you all the more impressive, if you keep doubting yourself I may have to fight you. I did make a vow to fight anyone who doubts you after all.” Hanzo’s tone was matter-of-fact as he spoke, gaze moving up to Reinhardt’s face again. Reinhardt heaved an embarrassed huff, glancing away from Hanzo. The archer was satisfied with his point after that, just settling for the time being unless Reinhardt decided to protest again.
More protests didn’t come. Instead they quietly enjoyed the night with each other for awhile. Hanzo happily playing with Reinhardt’s hand in his lap, tracing over small scars flecked over weathered skin. It was Reinhardt that broke the silence though.
“The others do not give you enough credit.” Reinhardt’s voice startled Hanzo out of his half-dazed state of staring blankly into the distance. He raised an eyebrow up at the other man as he turned to look at Reinhardt again.
“I wish they could see you as I do, strong, kind, brave.” Reinhardt shook his head, lifting his hand a bit to rest against Hanzo’s arm, giving him a light squeeze. Hanzo rolled his eyes slightly, a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck. He was used to Reinhardt commenting on his abilities, but rarely who he was in general.
“They don’t see the same person as you do, Reinhardt. For one, none of them happen to be my partner, as you are.” He scoffed. Hanzo had long since stopped caring what other people thought of him. It usually resulted in people thinking he was humorless and strictly disciplined. Which wasn’t entirely untrue, but it didn’t make up his entire character. It was just hard for people Hanzo wasn’t close with to see that.
“Well, it is their loss then.” Reinhardt shook his head. It was Hanzo’s turn to huff as he shifted to properly sit up and look at Reinhardt.
“It would make this mean less if I shared myself with everyone.” Hanzo pointed out, prodding Reinhardt lightly in the ribs with his elbow. It pulled a grumble from the older man, signaling to Hanzo that, as usual, he was right again.
“You are a complicated person, Hanzo Shimada.” Reinhardt shook his head, and Hanzo yelped slightly as he was suddenly scooped up, and he felt the giant get to his feet. Hanzo muttered as he was lifted, gripping onto Reinhardt’s shirt and glancing down to make sure they were a good distance from the cliff.
“Learning all of you is like learning of all the creatures in the sea.” Hanzo struggled to hold back a laugh as Reinhardt ducked down to kiss his face, beard tickling his cheeks.
“Damn near impossible?” Hanzo offered, shifting to push one hand into Reinhardt’s hair so he could pull him closer into a proper kiss.
“No, not for the faint of heart, because some parts are scary as hell.” Reinhardt teased, it pulled a laugh from Hanzo as he pushed his own hair back from his face, loose strands falling over his shoulders as he rested his head against his companion’s shoulder, content to stay there for as long as Reinhardt wanted him there.
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speench · 7 years
The Road Together
Reinzo day 2 here we go, guess who got carried away again. Ooops, sorry not sorry. Here’s some... Really long winded Reinzo for any and all of you. This one doesn’t have much blatant romance until the end but I didn’t know exactly what to do so have this behemoth.
It had been a feat to get where he was at that point. Hanzo had been disowned, disgraced, and left Japan far behind him in favor of more welcoming shores. Though those were hard to find when one carried a sword and bow over their back and held the air of someone who knew how to kill. He was nothing like the knights he’d been told about, with their heavy armor and clumsy swords. But Hanzo had nowhere else to go, so he’d avoid being killed or hunted by those who didn’t favor his appearance or attitude, and he’d get by.
Until he had a chance to meet one of those very knights, the ones that he’d heard about, in person. He doubted the mountain of a man was considered the norm though. Hell, the first time Hanzo had seen him, he struggled to believe that he wasn’t some wrathful god or mountain spirit come to rain fury on the tiny mountain town he’d been staying in.
It turned out that Reinhardt was quite the opposite. He was actually friendly enough, that when he heard where Hanzo was going, he offered to travel with him. Of course, figuring that out was harder than it sounded, as they both had to find common ground between languages. Reinhardt spoke a guttural tongue that Hanzo had never heard before, and Hanzo was still learning the language of the land. But with their shared, yet limited knowledge of the local dialect, they got by.
Communication got easier from then on though, using shared knowledge to learn and teach each other. Hanzo could tell that the way they spoke to each other confused other people, and as time went on and he grew closer to the large knight, he was glad for it. It was something only he and Reinhardt shared.
Whenever they settled for the night though, there was never much need for vocal communication. They got by well with looks, gestures and even just typical routine. That night was no different as they broke away from the road to a clearing to settle for the night, Reinhardt pulled the packs and saddles from the horses as Hanzo set up camp. Hanzo’s gaze would flick to the giant every now and then as he started a fire, watching Reinhardt’s back as he picketed the horses so they could graze.
From there it was simply a point of setting up bed rolls and settling down to make something to eat. Cooking was usually left to Reinhardt, as Hanzo wasn’t great at it, but he could appreciate the companionable silence as he watched the three horses wander about and graze. The giant of a horse was easier to see, a massive beast that could actually carry Reinhardt, it was a good few inches taller than Hanzo himself at the shoulder, and the biggest horse he’d ever laid eyes on. Reinhardt seemed fond of it though, and it was a gentle animal, so Hanzo was comfortable having his back to the mare as he turned back to the fire and Reinhardt.
The night wore on quietly, broken only by the horses crunching on drying grass, hooves stomping and the crackling of the fire. Reinhardt and Hanzo ate in silence as well, it wasn’t awkward, they’d gotten used to it after so long, they’d been riding together for about a month or more. Reinhardt was apparently doing a circuit of some variety, and while Hanzo had meant to see what the land had to offer at a city they’d passed two weeks prior… He’d opted to stay with his newfound companion instead. Reinhardt had a warm, welcoming personality, and Hanzo had kind of stuck to that, as opposed to the cold demeanor people usually had towards him.
Either way, once they had cleaned up for the evening, and the sun had dipped down between the trees and darkened the sky, it was easy enough to turn in. Hanzo took a moment to bank the fire and strip off his weapons, before climbing into his bedroll. Reinhardt did the same on the other side of the fire, and Hanzo watched the other man settle before turning his back to the fire and hunkering down to sleep.
The nights had started to get colder though, and as Hanzo tried to get to sleep, he found himself shivering. Japan got cold in the winter, and it certainly snowed, but he hadn’t realized it would get cold so early in other places. The air stung, and he grumbled as he sunk down and pulled the top of the bedroll up to his nose.
Sleep was bitten back by the teeth of the cold, and Hanzo was about to give up on being any semblance of comfortable for the night when Reinhart spoke up.
“Alright over there?” The low rumble of the knight’s voice startled Hanzo, earning Reinhardt a faint glare over Hanzo’s shoulder.
“Yes.” Hanzo huffed. He didn’t want to admit that he was freezing, flexing his fingers to get more blood running through them. A low snort came from Reinhardt, and Hanzo had to resist the urge to glare at him again.
“Cold?” The knight wasn’t done talking apparently, and it had Hanzo huffing indignantly as he rolled over to look across the fire at Reinhardt properly. He narrowed his eyes at the other man a bit, wrapping his arms around himself.
“Yes.” He finally huffed out, dropping his eyes and shrugging. Hanzo hated seeming weak. He could take down a man Reinhardt’s size with ease, and he was sure the knight knew that. And yet something as small as a bit of a chill was causing him to lose sleep.
“I will be fine.” He huffed, not looking back to Reinhardt as he settled to try to sleep at least, thankfully the warmth from the fire still warmed one side of his bedroll. He could hear Reinhardt shifting, and did his best to ignore the other man. The knight was probably amused at how little it took to bother Hanzo when it came to temperature. But he did look up when Reinhardt caught his attention again.
“Here, join me, it’s...” He paused for a second, making a face, presumably trying to find the right word. Hanzo had his moments too sometimes, and gave the knight a moment to orient himself.
“Warmer, yes.” Reinhardt nodded a bit, affirming the translation himself. It pulled an amused smirk to Hanzo’s face. From what he’d noticed the words were similar in German and in the local language, so he wasn’t surprised with Reinhardt’s confidence.
The offer though, that had him pausing. He quirked an eyebrow at the other man, as if silently asking if that was what he meant to say, things sometimes got skewed thanks to bad translations. But Reinhardt didn’t back down. It was a tempting offer though, and eventually Hanzo rose with a huff to go join the knight. Reinhardt shifted to make room for him, and Hanzo found himself hesitating for a moment before just deciding not to make it strange, and settling down with his back to Reinhardt’s.
“Thank you, I don’t like cold.” Hanzo muttered as he settled once more, letting his eyes fall shut. It was much better. Reinhardt gave off heat like the fire did, meaning that, between Reinhardt and the flames licking at the night air, Hanzo found a comfortable pocket of warmth. Reinhardt seemed satisfied with that, giving a nod before he just fell quiet so they could both sleep.
Hanzo woke with a heavy arm over his waist, a weight against his back, and a velvety nose pushed into his face. Reinhardt’s mount had pulled his picket from the ground, and decided to wake Hanzo by nuzzling at his face. The ronin was reluctant to wake though. He could feel Reinhardt’s chest pressed to his back, the knight’s even breathing stirring his hair. The closeness should have bothered him, he should have been perturbed with being so close to his companion, but he enjoyed it more than he would have liked.
Until the horse snorted directly into his face, waking Reinhardt and pulling a noise of disgust and horror from Hanzo.
From then on, whenever it was too cold for Hanzo, he always ended up climbing in with Reinhardt. That quickly became their nightly routine. To the point where Hanzo didn’t even bother with his own bedroll, he felt much safer in Reinhardt’s arms actually. As that was often how their nights together ended, and after a while, how they started. It was nice to end a day with Reinhardt’s arm over his waist and hearing the other man drop off to sleep behind him.
When they rose in the mornings, it didn’t take them long to eat before washing dishes up and breaking camp. Some days Hanzo woke first and lingered in Reinhardt’s arms, other days he woke to Reinhardt already awake and waiting on him to get up.
That day was the same as the rest, Hanzo woke first and enjoyed the closeness of the other man against his back before detangling himself. Once he moved, Reinhardt wasn’t far behind, a low rumble pulling from his chest. Hanzo glanced back at him as he heard that, he hadn’t moved far, still perched on the edge of their bedroll as he built the fire up.
He turned back to what he was doing before he heard Reinhardt sit up. Usually Reinhardt got up to tend the horses, but Hanzo heard him shifting before he felt Reinhardt’s arms wind around him from behind. It had the archer’s breath hitching, and he faltered a bit as he felt Reinhardt’s head fall against the back of his shoulder.
“Tired?” He blinked back at the other man, not sure what to make of the other man’s borderline… affectionate behavior. The question earned him a slow shrug, but he made no move to dislodge Reinhardt. The other man was comfortable, and Hanzo actually relaxed back into his chest as he poked at the fire. He would have wiggled back into Reinhardt’s lap, but figured that would be too much. He didn’t want to push it.
As time had stretched on, Hanzo had been realizing that maybe Reinhardt was more than just a safe person for him. He often found himself staring at the knight, especially if he heard Reinhardt laugh, or caught one of his bright smiles. It worried him, making him think that maybe he was developing feelings for the man. But he didn’t think on it too much for the moment, resting his hands over Reinhardt’s when he was done with the fire.
It was later that day that they ran into a problem.
Cutting through cities always made Hanzo nervous, especially when they couldn’t ride. They’d both dismounted at the city borders, and Hanzo found himself lurking in Reinhardt’s shadow as he gripped his horse’s reins. The larger man was confident, relaxed, but Hanzo’s gaze flickered about warily. He stuck close to the giant, and it was a good thing he did. He got some looks, but nobody approached like they would have, had Reinhardt not been by his side.
However, some people weren’t so intimidated by such a massive figure, and when they were approached by a small group, Hanzo found himself balking further into Reinhardt’s side, practically brushing his shoulder against Reinhardt’s arm as he dropped back a step. He wasn’t afraid, as he knew he could have taken on the group himself, but he didn’t want to cause a scene, and figured that Reinhardt would be better at diffusing the situation without violence.
It didn’t go well though, Hanzo did his best to figure out what the men were saying, but ended up giving up. It didn’t take long before Hanzo could practically feel Reinhardt’s mood change, the other man’s shoulders stiffened up and his horse started shifting nervously, as if the knight was gripping the reins too hard. Hanzo’s eyes flickered to his companion, and the look Reinhardt glanced back at the hammer loaded on the pack horse.
The knight’s voice had dropped, features creasing in a displeased scowl. It had Hanzo raising a hand to pull his sword from his back. The hiss of the blade slipping free from the sheath had eyes on him, but Reinhardt’s hand on his shoulder steadied him before he did anything stupid to get them out of a hostile situation.
Eventually they freed themselves from the group, and they were quick to get out of the city entirely in favor of an inn on the main road. After unloading their things and handing the horses over to the stablehand, it was nice to retreat to a proper room that wasn’t the outdoors. Or rooms, to be exact. Their rooms were separate, and it was the first time in a long time that Hanzo hadn’t been able to see Reinhardt in some way as he got settled for the night.
He didn’t like it, it unsettled him, and it was only after he’d changed to settle in for the night that he couldn’t stand being away from the other man. Usually they were only separated by a fire, or even less, not being able to see the other man was making Hanzo antsy.
After fighting with himself for a long moment, Hanzo stepped out into the hall to tap lightly on Reinhardt’s door, they were right next to him, but the idea of sleeping alone after sleeping together for so long put him off.
There was a low invitation for him to come in a second later, and Hanzo was quick to duck out of the hall into his companion’s room. There had been a bit of tension since their run-in with the other group, but still, Hanzo relaxed upon seeing Reinhardt sitting on the edge of his bed. Though he quirked an eyebrow when he saw that there was still something off about the way the knight held himself.
Hanzo wasted no time in crossing the room to stand in front of Reinhardt. He wasn’t expecting the other man to reach out for him though. It wasn’t unwelcome, hell, as Reinhardt’s hands settled against his sides, he shifted closer to drape an arm over Reinhardt’s shoulders as he was drawn closer. He hadn’t seen the other man look so down since he’d talked about the group he had traveled with before he met Hanzo.
“Something is wrong?” Hanzo frowned a bit at him, free hand lifting to push Reinhardt’s hair back from his face. The knight appeared to be staring blankly at his collar, but Hanzo could tell Reinhardt wasn’t looking at him. He managed to get a shrug out of his companion though.
“Can I help?” Hanzo kept his voice down, just wanting to preserve the quiet atmosphere the best he could. Instead of a reply he was simply encouraged a bit closer. He complied without protest, properly standing between Reinhardt’s knees as he brushed through Reinhardt’s hair idly. He wasn’t expecting Reinhardt just to lean forward and hug him, head resting against Hanzo’s shoulder. But he took it in stride, faltering for a moment before he wrapped both arms over Reinhardt’s broad shoulders, resting his cheek against his companion’s hair.
“Am I…” Reinhardt made a sound of discontent.
“Too much?” Hanzo frowned at the question, he never would have said Reinhardt was too much, whether it was in the sense of physical contact or just his general presence. It didn’t take him long to shake his head, he enjoyed being around Reinhardt greatly. More than he probably should have.
Reinhardt fell silent at that, and Hanzo let the quiet stretch out, just gripping the rough fabric of Reinhardt’s shirt and eyeing the curve of the other man’s back. He fell to quietly tracing his fingers over the backs of Reinhardt’s shoulders, resting against him until Reinhardt pulled back. His hands dropped to Hanzo’s hips and Hanzo released the other man, hands still resting against Reinhardt’s shoulders. The fact that they were just barely level was messing with him. Whether it was the fact that he always had to look up at the giant of a man, or that Reinhardt was his height when he sat, Hanzo wasn’t sure. But he was sure that he didn’t know what to make of the look he was getting.
It wasn’t one he’d gotten before, and it had him quirking an eyebrow at Reinhardt as the other man lifted a hand to catch Hanzo’s chin.
Hanzo would never admit to the fact that he’d thought about kissing Reinhart more than once, especially when they curled up together for warmth. But he’d never wanted to do it more than in that moment. Both the feeling of safety that came with being wrapped in Reinhardt’s arm and the look he was getting, not to mention the hand under his chin, all of it had his instincts screaming at him.
So maybe it was a huge mistake, but Hanzo, without thinking, pressed in to lay a soft kiss against Reinhardt’s lips.
As soon as he’d pulled back, he realized that what he had done was a huge mistake. He hadn’t been thinking, he’d let instinct take over. And from the look on Reinhardt’s face, the other man hadn’t been expecting that at all. Hanzo would have backed up, and even started to take a step back, and make some excuse that he hadn’t been thinking. But before he could do anything of the sort, he was pulled closer again, the hand under his chin moving to the back of his neck. He was pulled back in and was startled when Reinhardt kissed him that time.
His mind seemed to lag for a moment, before Hanzo realized that he was actually being kissed by Reinhardt. The man he’d been thinking of for far too long. It took a second, but eventually the archer relaxed into Reinhardt’s arms and the kiss. His arms draped over the other man’s shoulders.
What the group had confronted them about was still a mystery to him, but Hanzo couldn’t have cared less if it got Reinhardt to kiss him. So instead of asking, he just let himself lean into Reinhardt’s arms and keep him close. They’d worry about the situation when they came up for air. Which seemed like it would be a while.
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speench · 7 years
Not Now
Reinzo week day 6, The Hunt! I took a bit of a different stance than I was originally planning for this and boy oh boy did I get carried away, hoo. Anyways. Enjoy some intense Rein-centric stuff (I meant it to be more blatantly Reinzo but there’s a bit in there I just got reallllllly carried away with intense things, you’ll see what I mean)
Often times a chance to get off base and go on a mission was a good thing for Reinhardt. He hated being cooped up. Even if he’d been tempered over the years, he still couldn’t stand being in one place for too long. It drove him more than crazy. It made him restless, and he’d be up at ungodly hours reading or finding something to do with his time.
Sometimes he was off his game even then though, he did his best, he always did. But even he had his off days. And some of his worst nightmares consisted of him falling and watching those he cared about fall thanks to his mistakes. He was lucky that when nights like that tormented him he usually had Hanzo nudging him awake, slender fingers buried in his hair as soon as he opened his eyes, and the other man gently murmuring to him. And on nights when Hanzo was out doing his own missions, Reinhardt managed. He’d managed his whole life.
Other times though, they did get sent on missions together. Reinhardt wished they were sent on more together, but he wasn’t complaining, he understood why they both weren’t suited for certain missions.
Though when it came down to some high-stakes missions, the cards were out of their hands, and unfortunately, Reinhardt and Hanzo were on a mission with a couple others when something like that happened.
A simple mission had turned into something akin to a battlefield. It hadn’t been too much to worry about at first, but after null sector omnics had started pouring from every window and door lining the city street, the panic had started to set in. The group had scattered to the wind, which did nothing good for Reinhardt’s sanity. He worried enough over their safety, let alone when he’d lost sight of most everyone and could do nothing to make sure they didn’t take a fatal hit before the transport could get there to allow a proper retreat.
The sound of the omnics bearing down didn’t help either. Reinhardt knew damn well that his armor was not built for stealth. So even if it bothered him immensely, he urged Hanzo to go off on his own. He knew the other man could take to the rooftops or something, get out of the way of direct fire. And even then, Hanzo seemed reluctant. But he’d eventually given in and left.
It left Reinhardt where he was at that moment, ducking down an alley as he pulled his helmet from his head. Every few seconds he glanced back over his shoulder, listening for the clatter of the massive metal bodies as they filled the streets. He felt like he was being hunted, and he could barely hear the coms over the calamity the omnics rattled up.
He could remember exactly the last time he’d been so hopelessly cornered. It had cost Balderich’s life, and Reinhardt doubted he’d be able to fight his way out of the storm of omnics bearing down on the team. He would have rather gone out fighting, and if he was truly with no other escape, he would. But for the moment he was going to try to fall back, there were people who needed him alive. He would retreat for their sake.
Until he turned a corner and nearly barreled right into a brick wall. The sounds of the different machines had changed, echoing off of narrow alley walls. It sent a shock of panic up the crusader’s spine as he wheeled, shouldering his hammer again and turning to duck off into another branch of the alleys. He had no idea where he was, but he knew that most of the old area of the city was deserted. So if all else failed he wouldn’t get anyone killed.
Being level-headed was something the crusader prided himself on. But with the sounds bearing down on him it was getting hard to think clearly beyond the fight or flight instinct clawing its way up his throat. It was gaining on him harder than the horde was. And it seemed to leap to the forefront of his mind as he was faced with yet another dead end.
By the time he had turned, he could see the lights from glowing weapons flickering against nearby walls. It made him falter, but instead of wavering, Reinhardt held his ground. He grit his teeth, squaring his shoulders and dropping his hammer to hold it in both hands. He wasn’t going to die cornered like a rat. If he was going to die, which, there was an impending feeling he was, he was going to fight until his last breath. He had made a vow after all, for those he cared about.
It was disheartening to round the corner and see the mass of omnics staring him down. The alley was too narrow for him to use his shield, but he still had a weapon, and he could still take some of them out.
It was futile, he was well aware. But he was taking a few of the fuckers with him if he was dying. So with a shout, Reinhardt lifted his hammer and brought it down hard, crushing a bastion unit as the gunfire began to rattle against his armor.
He didn’t last long. His armor was hefty but it wasn’t built to withstand a complete barrage for more than a few minutes. Not to mention that he got sore fast, between trying to keep moving so they didn’t get a grip on him, and taking as many down as he could, it was hard to keep up. He had no idea where so many omnics had come from, but he knew where they were going.
Before more than a few minutes had passed though, Reinhardt felt the sharp sting of a blade slip up through the blade of his armor, pushing effortlessly through his skin and deep into his shoulder. It made him cry out as muscle spasmed, his weapon dropping from his hands. It gave the window the omnics needed to swarm him, dragging the giant to the ground under a mass of metal.
He was dead.
There was no way he wasn’t, Reinhardt could feel metal tearing at metal as he struggled under the pile. With the weight, his chestplate was starting to buckle, making it hard for him to breathe.
He didn’t particularly want to die, there were so many things he still had to stay alive for, but as his vision was crowded with various weapons and omnic bodies, Reinhardt could see no way out of the situation.
The eye of the storm came with a roar.
Blue light washed over the crowd of omnics, lights flickering out and bodies slumping lifelessly atop of the crusader, slipping off of him to the floor of the alley.
Reinhardt was startled by the sight, raising his uninjured arm to shield his eyes from the harsh blue light that had engulfed the entire alley. It filled the air with a kind of crackling energy that seemed to be an intensely bad thing for anything electronic.
And Reinhardt knew exactly what it was, especially as it was followed by the hurried patter of feet sliding down a wall and sprinting across asphalt. It was followed by several of the useless machines being roughly shoved off of him, and a familiar face coming into his view as he lowered his arm.
“You’re alive!” There was relief in Hanzo’s voice as Reinhardt felt the other man scramble to remove his helmet, he couldn’t offer much help with only one arm functioning at that moment, but he was grateful to have it off.
“I am, thanks to you-” He managed to wheeze as Hanzo bent over him, cradling the giant’s face in his hands and looking him over.
“You would be uninjured had I stayed with you…” Reinhardt frowned as he saw guilt shadow Hanzo’s face, stifling a grunt of pain as he tried to sit up at least a little.
“I will be fine.” He protested. But the adrenaline was wearing off, and he could feel the blood dripping from his armor where he had been stabbed.
“It is not your fault Hanzo, think nothing of it.” He didn’t sound good, he knew that, a pained rasp to his voice as Hanzo shoved him back down to the ground so he didn’t hurt himself.
“Hush, I don’t want to hear it.” Hanzo snapped, the worry was growing, Reinhardt could tell by the way Hanzo’s gaze kept flickering from the pool of blood that was surely growing under him.
“Lie still, we are waiting for the others, you are in no position to be running around.” Hanzo’s stern voice was shaking a bit, and Reinhardt was in no mood to protest. His vision was starting to swim, and a deep ache was settling into his bones as he reached up to run his uninjured hand down Hanzo’s spine, pulling him close.
“I will be alright, easy.” He murmured, brow creasing with concern as he encouraged Hanzo closer. Hanzo caved, letting himself hunch forward so he could bump their foreheads together.
“I thought I had lost you.” Hanzo rasped, the shake of his voice was growing more prominent as Reinhardt watched the archer’s eyes fall closed. He softened at that, shifting to lean up and press a sweet kiss to Hanzo’s lips. He lingered for a moment, feeling Hanzo grip hard at the collar of his armor.
“Of course not, not now, not for a long time.”
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speench · 7 years
Long Shadows
This one fits the theme so much better than my post for yesterday did??? Here have a sweet/slightly angsty travel-based thing with a couple of saps. 
Germany was much different than what Hanzo had expected. He wasn’t really too sure what he had expected though, just that he didn’t realize how much of it was still open spaces, lush forests and rolling mountains.
Not to mention that he could practically see the tension run out of Reinhardt when they stepped out of the airport. It wasn’t as cold as he was expecting, though there was still a bit of a bite to the air as the sun rose. He didn’t mind it though, instead shadowing by Reinhardt’s side as they made their way to the car they had rented. They were both set on some proper sleep in a real bed before they actually did anything after the trip, and it was obvious from the lack of conversation.
As soon as they were up and going though, Reinhardt seemed to be in an exponentially better mood than he had been with the stress of the crisis hanging over him. The worry that usually seemed to tug at the corner of the giant’s mouth seemed to slowly fade, and eventually, vanish altogether. It was nice to see his partner relax. Even if they still had the crisis to return to when they got back, he could see Reinhardt looking content for a while.
That was exactly what he planned to do as they started their week in Germany. There was a bit of driving, but also a lot of meeting people, Reinhardt’s friends, people he considered family. One red-haired woman who Hanzo was sure may have murdered him if he ever did anything to hurt his companion. But there was a lot of sightseeing too, Reinhardt bringing Hanzo to places that Hanzo never would have considered going to had he gone to Germany alone. They rose early some mornings so they could get up and watch the sun rise over the mountains, wrapped in each other’s arms.
It was a chance to relax, and it seemed contagious. There was no way Hanzo could remain tense when he had Reinhardt smiling and joking by his side. When if he so much as looked perturbed there were warm hands against his side and the other man kissing his forehead to ask what was wrong.
Eventually, their trip brought them to a place Hanzo had heard about. It looked to be a bombed out town, Hanzo couldn’t tell if people lived there any more, but he hoped they didn’t. There was rubble in the streets, dead omnics strewn about, rusting. It was a stark comparison from the rest of the peaceful scenery they’d seen, but Hanzo had a feeling he knew why they were there.
He had heard about it before, the town where Reinhardt’s close companion had fallen after saving his life. It was overgrown and run-down, but peaceful. So Hanzo just held Reinhardt’s hand, gripping his arm with his other hand as they moved through the ruins.
It was quiet, and Hanzo didn’t feel the need to speak as they wove their way between the buildings. Reinhardt wasn’t smiling any more, but he didn’t seem too upset either. At least until they came up on what appeared to be a castle. Well, what Hanzo assumed was a castle. It was then that Reinhardt faltered, eyes following the spires up, before dropping back to the massive doors that had rubble piled against them.
Hanzo could feel the tension push itself back into his companion’s mind, and he moved to step in front of Reinhardt, taking a moment to snake his arms around the knight’s middle. It took a moment, but Reinhardt softened quickly, one arm lifting to wrap around Hanzo’s shoulders, the other hand resting against the archer’s waist.
“I am alright.” Reinhardt sighed, Hanzo gave him a reassuring squeeze anyways, resting his cheek against the center of the other man’s chest and relaxing into his arms.
“There are a lot of memories here, is all.” Reinhardt sighed, giving Hanzo a gentle nudge so he could step back and they could keep moving. Hanzo nodded slightly, moving back to gripping Reinhardt’s arm as they set forward to enter the castle. There was light streaming in from huge stained-glass windows, cutting long streaks of light across the floor. Those mixed with where light pierced through a roof filled with holes. That made Hanzo antsy as they followed the line of deteriorating tiles. It was a magnificent structure, but it was marred by the destruction that had obviously taken place there.
It was their footsteps that broke the silence, the wind whispered through trees outside, but Hanzo ignored it as they rounded a corner and he saw exactly why they were there. A suit of armor very similar to Reinhardt’s in size and design, had crumpled in what had once been a king’s throne. He could only assume that the armor was what was left of the man Reinhardt had told him about, and judging by the look on Reinhardt’s face, it was.
He remained quiet for a long moment as they slowed to a stop, before chewing his bottom lip and stepping away from Reinhardt slightly, instead he moved to take the other man’s hands, drawing him slightly closer to the fallen crusader. Reinhardt gave him a confused look before Hanzo decided they’d found a good spot, and moved to kneel carefully in front of the dias the armor sat on, patting the ground next to him.
Reinhardt hesitated for a long moment before he followed suit. Hanzo never really knew how to handle grief himself, but he knew that with Reinhardt, pushing things never helped, neither did coddling him. Hanzo figured he could offer at least one way to help, just taking one of Reinhardt’s hands in his lap when the other man knelt, and bowing his head quietly to let the silence draw out. He could feel Reinhardt’s eyes on him before the other man did the same.
They stayed there for a while, the silence was comfortable, and Hanzo offered Reinhardt’s hand a reassuring squeeze every now and then, but otherwise let it be. He wanted to give Reinhardt time.
By the time they rose, the shadows had stretched further across the huge room. Reinhardt took one last look at the suit of armor before he turned to go, offering Hanzo his hand. Hanzo took it without hesitation and followed Reinhardt out of the castle. Had he been with anyone else, he may have stayed to look around more at the architecture, but, because it had become a tomb of sorts, the idea of poking around in the castle, felt wrong.
When they stepped back out into the dying sun though, Hanzo tugged Reinhardt over to a pile of rubble so he could step up on it and get a bit more level with his partner. He was still surprised that Reinhardt had taken him to a place that he felt was so important. And Hanzo couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so honored to be trusted with anything.
Reinhardt stepped close to him as the archer balanced on a pile of stones, draping his arms over the knight’s shoulders. Hanzo leaned in to press a brief kiss against Reinhardt’s lips, keeping it sweet for the moment. “Thank you.” He murmured as he drew back, lifting a hand to brush Reinhardt’s hair back away from his face again as the other man raised an eyebrow at him, hands falling to Hanzo’s hips.
“For what?” Reinhardt seemed a bit confused. And Hanzo wondered if Reinhardt was still just a bit lost in thought.
“For sharing this with me, I am sure that all of this-” He gestured to the castle behind them and the rest of the town.
“I am sure it means a lot to you. I am honored you would share that kind of thing with me, even your grief.” Hanzo murmured. He really was. He’d seen Reinhardt look vulnerable before, the crusader had bared his soul to the archer more than once. And Hanzo had offered Reinhardt the same kind of trust. But he had only thought of taking Reinhardt to Hanamura a couple times. And even then, never to the palace. (For many reasons, actually)
Reinhardt looked taken aback by Hanzo’s words though, a faint smile tugging at his features. That was reassuring to see.
“I should thank you for being here with me Hanzo.” Reinhardt hummed, leaning in to press a soft kiss to Hanzo’s cheek. It had the archer humming faintly, eyes falling half-shut in content.
“Not many want to put up with an old man’s memories.” He shook his head a bit, and the comment made Hanzo scoff.
“They are fools then, I appreciate you inviting me here.” Hanzo hummed, moving to rest his cheek on Reinhardt’s shoulder.
“I’ll have to take you to Hanamura some day, it is… Less wild, but I am sure you would like it.” He mused, eyes falling on the curve of Reinhardt’s throat as he felt the other man’s arms wind around him properly.
“I am sure I would too, from what you have told me.”
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speench · 7 years
Wherever You Go
I’m not good at mythology? And I did, some research for this? I don’t know, I needed some angst to spice up the usual fluff that I churn out. So here we go, I don’t even know if this fits the mythology theme beyond like, mentions of the afterlife, heck if I know. 
Reinhardt could feel the blood pooling from his wounds. Half of his armor had been ripped away, and he couldn’t lift himself. Everything hurt, but slowly, it was starting to go numb. The only thing that kept him rooted in reality was the labored rasp of Hanzo’s breath against his ear where the other man had collapsed by his shoulder.
“Reinhardt?” A shaking hand reached for him, blood smeared down Hanzo’s wrist where his arm had been torn open by buckshot. The crusader turned his head, wincing as it pulled the gaping wound that cut across his collar. Hanzo had curled in on himself, an arm pressed against his stomach where red was slowly staining the delicate silk that remained somewhat intact.
The knight managed to lift a hand, realizing his gauntlet had been ripped off slowly as he moved to take Hanzo’s trembling hand in his own. Reinhardt knew that Overwatch would be part of the reason for his death eventually, but didn’t think he’d be dying next to the man he loved. He was more afraid for Hanzo than himself. Reinhardt had lived a long life, there were still things he wanted to do, still places he wanted to take Hanzo, things he wanted to see. But he did
n’t panic, greeting his inevitable death with quiet resignation instead of the fear he saw in Hanzo’s eyes as he shifted onto his side with a pained groan.
“Yes, my love?” Reinhardt nearly winced, upon hearing how strained he sounded, reaching out with his other hand to rest against Hanzo’s waist, drawing him closer. He swore he heard Hanzo choke down a whimper when he was moved, opening his mouth to offer an apology, before Hanzo shifted to push himself closer, avoiding use of one of his damaged prosthetics.
“Do you know what happens?” He paused to draw a shaking breath, brown eyes flickering up to Reinhardt as he reached out to grip the crusader’s armor, smearing more blood over the already stained metal. Reinhardt couldn’t tell what was his and what was Hanzo’s any more. The question made him think though, as hard as that was becoming.
“I do not, nor do I have any idea.” Reinhardt shook his head slightly, immediately regretting the choice as it sent more blood spilling over his chest. That garnered a panicked look from Hanzo as the archer wormed forward to press against broken armor.
“My mother… Told me stories when I was young.” Hanzo mumbled, Reinhardt let his arm fall over his companion as he felt Hanzo’s head bump against his chest.
“Of our ancestors, we had festivals-” A coughing fit shook Hanzo’s body, it had Reinhardt gripping the other man’s hand tighter, eyes falling closed as he tried not to think about the fact that Hanzo was slowly bleeding out in his arms. He’d lost feeling in his own legs, but he was still just coherent enough to listen to Hanzo. It was at least a little comforting, to hear the other man’s voice.
“Hopefully, our spirits can find each other again…” Hanzo mumbled, his voice had grown weaker, and when Reinhardt glanced down again at the man in his arms, he could see blood running from the corner of Hanzo’s mouth, staining his lips and teeth red as the archer struggled to breathe through the blood rattling in his lungs.
“Assuming we find the same place.” Hanzo’s tone bordered on bitter, and Reinhardt wound an arm tighter around him, head tipping back against the stone of the street as he struggled to keep his eyes open.
“We will find each other, I am sure.” Reinhardt murmured. Hanzo made a soft sound of agreement, before rattling into coughs once more. The coughing didn’t stop though, and Reinhardt squeezed his eyes shut as he felt Hanzo shaking under his arm. It wasn’t long before the other man went still against him, hand going slack in the crusader’s, and weight slowly going limp against Reinhardt’s chest.
“And I will follow you…” He rasped out, the heat of tears pricking at his eyes as he curled further around Hanzo’s body.
“No matter where we end up…” He could feel the eight of darkness creeping across his mind, letting his body go slack. He wasn’t going to fight death, he had escaped it too many times to expect it to let him go easily. And with the weight of Hanzo still in his arms, it was the same as when they went to bed at night, easy as falling asleep.
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