#Remember yall are loved💜❤️
aego-philautia · 3 months
Ppl who get overstimulated from loud environments.
F/o bringing you to a quiet spot, maybe their room or a quieter corner of the room.
They sit with you and hold you(if you’ll let them) while you calm down.
They make you tea, hold your head to their chest because they know that their scent is calming to you. They gently ask you to focus on the sound of their heartbeat.
They’ll stay there as long as you need to. Even if you end up falling asleep, they’re still holding you, and when you wake up they give you a smile and a kiss on the forehead.
“Is there anything you need from me, love? I’ll get you whatever you want, just ask and it’s yours.”
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 1 month
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Hey everyone. I am back for a little bit to let yall know im working on making a divination discord server. I have some other things i need to set up before i open it up to the public but im very excited to see yall there! Remember to take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences. 🩵
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Crystal: Amethyst
Astrology: ♈️♌️♐️♒️
Vibes: 💛📝🔑💰🚧🎷🏆⚜️🔆🍻🍯🧀🍋🌦️🌻🐝🐣🐱🤲🫨🥱🍰🎾🎗️🏵️🚜🏜️🎁☢️☣️⚠️🚸🔱
Hi there, pile one! So this one is pretty dang straight forward. I see you embracing motherhood. This could be literal motherhood and you could be participating in raising a child but I also see it could be a pet. It definitely looks like it is a little bit of a surprise to everyone involved. I do need to warn you. I can see someone who says they’re on your corner trying to sabotage the situation. It could be purposeful but it also could be accidental. They could just be scared of such a big commitment. Make sure you are equally spreading out the work and everyone is carrying some of the weight of this commitment. There will be chaos if things are not equally distributed. Have everyone research how to help and read up on important information so everyone is on the same page. A village is needed to raise a child but if the village isn’t in harmony. All must be in tandem when raising a little one. If someone isn’t following along with everyone else make sure you are strict about how things are meant to be done. Do not let your village stray from the path. Keep nasty people away from this baby.
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Crystal: Black Tourmaline
Astrology: ♉️♏️♓️♊️
Vibes: 🏳️‍🌈🌺🌈🦄💐🥗🍭🛼🎡🚦🎉🎊❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🛍️🌄🏩🏕️🎭🍎🍊🍋🍏🫐🍆🍇🍡🍬
Hellooo, pile 2! Your new journey is a self help adventure. You have been gaslit a lot in your life and I see you learning how to use discernment and seeing right through people's lies and straight to the truth. Your presence is becoming a truth serum for all that surrounds you. Your way more powerful than others have coerced you into believing. You have been polishing your skills in private and now you get to shine like the diamond in the rough you are. This journey might not even be something you notice as it comes and goes. You have proved yourself enough already. Allow yourself to stop filling the cups of others and take time to fill your own. If you do not you will eventually dull that shine and become just like those who coerced you. You have the choice to choose a different fate than the one they chose.
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Crystal: Rainbow Moonstone
Astrology: ♎️♊️♏️♉️
Vibes: 💜💖🏳️‍⚧️🎀🫐🔮❄️🍆💠🍧🌸🐬🌷🪻🩵☂️🐙👙🚺👛💎🫦🦋😈💦☯️🩻💞🧷
Hi, pile 3! Your new adventure is a gender expression journey. You will be exploring femininity to its core. Femininity might not be something you are very familiar with but you are learning about using your charm and charisma to get what you desire. You are realizing how much your appearance means to you and how to use it in manifestation. It might be kind of scary to you due to some kind of trauma. I see you could be trans-feminine but i also see you being a cis woman and just afraid of what might happen if you use your appearance like that. The patriarchy is definitely terrifying so I understand the apprehension. Use your appearance for justice. Use your feminine charm for your desires. Do not fear because you are protected by spirit. I see Gaia looking after you while you explore your Empress energy.
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Crystal: Flower Agate
Astrology: ♋️♓️♑️♒️
Vibes: 🖤❤️💯🕹️🎸♟️🎳🍉🎮🎹🍒🍓🔌🍎🚬🔥🪨👹🔪🥵🥊🛞🕷️🕸️🐞🦊👠♦️🧣🕶️💋💄♣️
Heyooo, pile 4! Oh my goodness this is exciting. Your new adventure is steeped in love. Romantic, platonic and familial love surround your lonely heart. You were a very lonely kid but now love is filling your life. Suitors are at every turn and you get to hand pick who gets to love you. Make sure you are using good discernment when choosing. Look into the future at what heart longs for and aim for it using that criteria. Your values should align with those you love and they should respect you. Don’t go for those who don't make you feel sparks. Don’t bet on boring or mean people because you deserve to be adored.
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Crystal: Dragons Blood Jasper
Astrology: ♏️♍️♋️♌️
Vibes: 🖤🩵❤️🤍✒️⚗️📌🎹🎼💎🧲🎲🎱🧊🍷🫖🦨❄️🔥☁️🐧🦋🎒👟🕶️🪢🥼🫀🥶♠️
Pile 5, welcome to your reading. You are opening doors that you can not close. You are beginning a spiritual journey. It also looks like you are nearing the end of another journey. This journey is meant to take a lot of self reflection. You must stare into your shadow until you love it as much as you love your light. You must look at the part of you that disgust you with love and acceptance. Which believe me I am aware that is much easier said than done but you are ready! You can do this! Seek out a spiritual teacher or a therapist to show you the ropes of shadow work. Facing this alone is scary and it is much easier when you have someone to help guide you through the dark. The universe loves you and wants you to love you as much as it does.
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femslashfeb · 4 months
No reblogging from the blog this year - posting prompts tomorrow the 31st
For the past few years I've very much struggled with reblogging everyone's activity in the tag. So this year I will not be doing so.
(OR maybe I will? I just don't want to commit)
Even if I knew how to make a bot that reblogs - a lot of people still use the unique tag to tag outside challenges. So I've always had to hand submit. However it became too stressful for me and for the past few years I ended up avoiding it until later weeks or even months.
If you noticed I didn't finish reblogging last year so- I've just given up on that.
Honestly I've struggled a lot with depression for the last 7 years or so. It's been harder and harder to find my way back to tumblr. It doesn't help that my phone can barely handle the amount of apps it already has.
My main account @puff-pink hardly ever updates because of my big sad. And I don't know if I'll ever get back on the horse in the same way I did before.
Some of you know me as an artist, and tho I still churn out subpar art for my day-job I've struggled a lot to make art for myself during my depression. Partially because one year I overworked my hand - and still deal in continual wrist aches. Even the weeks I don't pick up a drawing tool.
I intended this challenge for myself and maybe the small fandoms I was in at the time. But it took off among writers and creators of all types across all fandoms.
One year I even tried to tally the most popular fandoms but there were honestly too many to keep track of- and I stopped after the first three pages of submissions.
I don't claim to have invented the concept of FemSlash February. Before I started the prompts I swear I had heard the phrase somewhere. Tho not sure where. Perhaps it had been amongst my friends on Skype. Back when I had online friends and Skype(I'm still not sold on Discord🤷‍♀️).
However that January I thought it would be fun to partake in a challenge of some kind. But scouring tumblr and the general internet. I could only find half hearted efforts on fanfiction sites from years past.
I'm so proud of all my Sapphic creators on here that have partaken every year. Even if I've never shown favoritism or awarded anyone. I do notice those that actually complete the challenge AND those that keep coming back each year(looking at you H20 writer(I don't remember your username but there's a mermaid writer that's a writing machine)). I truly am proud of you especially in my shriveled state of creativity. Thank you for your efforts. For your hype. And for your love of women of all kinds across all the universes.
Each year I'm surprised to find even more categories I never thought to include. From mood boards, to doll photography, to ofc the classic art and writing. May your pencils forever be in union with your sister mediums.
On that note. There is a strict NO AI GENERATED ART or writing this year.
Not that I could physically stop anyone who does use AI. But I do not want that sort of thing associated with this challenge. It's become scarily good in 2023 to the point it can't always be identified. So I simply ask for the honor system when it comes to AI generated creations.
That being said. If you've made it to the end of this post:
Prompts will be posted tomorrow.
I usually prefer to give yall more of a buffer, but I've been busy. Both with Big Sad, rescuing some feral cats, my own life, errands, chores and work.
If you're still here- here is a preview of the first three days.
FEB 1 - black
FEB 2 - spring
FEB 3 - cake
The 14th as usual will be some sort of Valentine romance type theme(haven't decided specifically yet) and as always there will be a Rest Day.
Expect some repeat prompts. In the past I tried to avoid them but idc anymore.
It's also a Leap Year this year so expect one extra prompt to throw off the symmetry of what's normally 28 days.
Thanks for coming back this year. And thank you to those that still check on this blog.
Keep loving girls
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dejadoodles-101 · 4 months
Hey yall! I’m gonna go ahead and finally introduce myself on here since a lot of you don’t really know who I am. So allow me to introduce myself! 💕
🪷My real name is Rhiannon, but that’s not a very good name so just call me Deja :)) (I have other nicknames too such as Rhi, Rhia, Jade and etc)
🪐I am an Aries ♈️ My bday is March 27 and I’m currently 22 years young but turning 23 soon!
🍄My pronouns are she/her/hers
❤️My sexuality is heterosexual (straight) as of for right now. Having some thoughts about becoming bisexual
🪻Introvert (INFJ-T)
🎨I am an artist. I sketch, digitally draw and paint on canvases sometimes.
🇺🇸 I live somewhere in America.
☘️ I’m also Irish-American.
💜 My favorite color is purple, but I also love blue, green, pink, black, red, gold and silver. And other variants of those colors
🖤I am considered as a goth, emo, and scene person. I’m also an aesthetic kind of person. (I’m into a lot of things lmao)
🧁 I really like sweets~ <3 (and other foods too)
🌴 I love the warm weather
😎 I guess I’m also considered to be cool lol
What I’ll mostly be posting on here is art, memes, fanfics, incorrect quotes and etc. The fandoms I’m in are The Owl House, Amphibia, Helluva Boss, Inside Out, Futurama, Big Hero 6 and etc. Expect a ton of TOH and IO art cuz that’s what I’m really into right now lmao 😂
Here’s a list of other things I’m also into:
•Goth/emo/scene stuff
•Jewelry/crystals/rocks/gems and such
•Dream/weird core
•Witchy stuff
•Rock music as well as pop, heavy metal, punk, dubstep and etc
•Creepy things
•Aesthetic stuff
-Do I do art requests, commissions, trades or whatever? All of those are currently closed. I DO NOT do art commissions because I don’t have access to do any of that. I probably will open art requests at some point as well as trades, but I’m just SUPER busy with art that I still need to get done.
-Am I LGBTQ+ friendly? HELL YEAH 🏳️‍🌈⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ I am an ally and I don’t care if you’re bisexual, pan, lesbian, gay or whatever! Just be yourself and don’t give a shit abt what anyone else says!
-Can minors interact with me? That really depends on the age. I am an adult and still a stranger here so I think I really prefer if ppl around 16+ can talk to me. I’m just kinda uncomfortable with the fact that there are 13-14 year olds on here and I’m like 10 years over those ages. If you are under 16 and wanna be my friend, I guess I’m okay with that but please just remember that I am an adult and just please be careful :) I am a nice person though!
-Other socials? I have 2 Instagram accounts. One of them is MissBigHero6 (my private account; the username will be changing soon tho) and the other is DejaDoodles101 (my art account). I have a DeviantArt (DejaDoodles101). I also have a discord account and that is under the name of Ariezthetic.
-I am obsessed with a ton of characters such as Emperor Belos and The Collector (TOH), Loona and Verosika Mayday (Helluva Boss), Anxiety and Envy (Inside Out), and many more lmao. Btw I’m a HUGE Belos simp 🤭
-My favorite ships are Lumity, Raeda, Huntlow, Gustholomule, Veesha and Belrin (my OC Erin x Belos, (TOH) Joy x Sadness, Disgust x Anger and Anxiety x Ennui (Inside Out) Millie x Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
-I have a ton of OCs and I can’t wait for you guys to meet them! Both original characters and from shows and movies I watch!
Kinda running low on other things to say abt myself so I’ll probably just stop here for now. I’ll try to add more at some point!
Go ahead and follow me if you’d like! Def need more followers and friends on here cuz I’m such a loner lmao 😅 Also looking forward to meeting you all! 🩷
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trippy-dejun · 2 years
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2021 Recap+my moots. 🌈✨
So, idk if any of yall remember when my account had a very soft purple theme to it. I made this blog when I was 17, following a pretty bad breakup in February because I found that writing helped me a lot. My blog changed as soon as I turned 18 because the soft theme wasnt really the right vibe and I wanted to try my hand at writing more smut (obviously I like writing angst and more fluffy stuff now and shitposr constantly). I started my blog back in March (dont remember the date) and since then, I never thought I would have as many moots and close friends like I do now. My lovely moots generally hear from me more and I’m so glad that I have them. I’m so thankful to have all you lovely amazing beautiful, and talented people in my life. I also am SO SO sorry if I forgot someone and if I remember tomorrow I will add whoever I forget. Thank you to every single one of you for making my first year on tumblr amazing!
Now for my precious lil moots 💜
@junjungsunwoo My precious little nana counterpart or better known by my I love our facetimes, especially when we call when I’m sketched out about driving places at night or me bugging both you and your sister on facetime. I dont think you know this but you are seriously someone that makes me feel really safe. Safe unless I try to steal sunwoo (and I wont). I am so freaking glad I joined the crackerz discord and joined so many collabs when I first started. I seriously love you so much and deadass you are one of my closest friends online and offline. Deadass a ride or die. Ps- you’re literally gorgeous 💕
@yuta-senpai sweet and slightly cursed sierra 💜 anothwr super gorgeous and amazing personnnn I miss talking to you so much. You are the only moot to know e x a c t l y where I live. I’m so glad we became friends and I still have a lot of screenshots from our cursed kkt conversations. I seriously cant thank you enough for getting me into oneus and dongkiz. I love you so much. I miss hearing about your fansigns and clowning you about minhyuk. I remember joining the frat boi nct collab and being super excited. I think we got closer in crackerz too but i have the memory of a goldfish so I dont particularly rememvsr how long ago it was. But I love how many inside jokes we have and you’re like another big sister to me. I cant wait to talk to you again!!
@symoneismeh MY CHILD ❤️❤️ PROTECT THIS ONE AT ALL COSTS. I remember when this sweet little baby first followed me and was interacting a lit with my posts. Sy’mone, you are literally the sweetest most wholesome person I have ever met. I love the writing sessions we have on discord and talking about anything and everything. Absolute sweetheart.
@daegalfangirl hello my beloved kaydence ❤️❤️ Absolute sweetheart. Idk why but something about kaydence randomly appearing on discord makes my day and I love showing her how genuinely happy I am to see her. Again total sweetheart and I just love her to pieces
@taemin-jaemin/ @babycheese-6v6 : Sarah babyyyy hiii. Sweet baby sarah. Another one I think I randomly joined a collab from that ended up being a fun person to pester. Seriously, this kid puts up with so many antics between me and @jimineos. I never tell you this much but I love talking to you and wish we talked more. I’m so grateful to have you as one of my sweet little moots. You’re so adorable and sweet.
@yeongwvnhi / @chxngyunie : YUGIYUGIIIIII loml ❤️ absolute sweetheart but like where the fuck did they go. yugi is also pretty dear to me because they were one of the first friends I made here. They are super chill and fun and I love making gay jokes with them.
@jimineos my cursed queen, jules ❤️❤️ I met this absolute baddie through baby sarah and we both found our love for writing completely cursed shit while annoying sarah. I love you babyyyyy I wish we talked moreeee!! Maybe we could make a sideblog of cursed writings one day? Highkey love this bitch so much and every time I talk to her she makes me smile and laugh.
@jeontaeil oh my fucking god. I looked up to Charlie so much when I first started writing again. I am so glad that we’re moots and I love the small convos we have and love simping over jake with her. Literally one of the coolest moots ever!! She was one of the first people I ever followed on tumblr and was lowkey one of the blogs that made me want to start writing again. I can’t thank her enough and I can see us being pretty good friends. Charlie is insanely talented and I’d love to get to know her more. Literal queen.
@jaesspresso another one that I first followed here. I have some of the best conversations with Camellia. She’s a beautiful person inside and out and so so talented. She’s one that is like another sister to me and I’m so grateful to have her.
@teailtime has been here for me for some time and puts up with my bullshit. I appreciate her so much and I’m so glad we are moots. I never proper thanked her so now is a really good time to and I did send her an ask and maybe going to slide in dms and say hi. I miss you!!
@intokook another one I would absolutely love to talk to more. Ivy seems so cool!! I have only talked to her a handful of times but her blog is so cool!! I wanna say she was the first or second person I ever followed here but I dont remember haha
@127-mile was one of the first moots. I wanna say I followed her back when my account was a less problematic soft stan account. Emi was so so nice to me when I started out and I’m so so grateful to have been in collabs with her!
@jenossslut Billie!! Hey I always want to reach out to you and say hi but never know what to say. Youre so chill and sweet and I wanna be friends with you.
@oddlittlefandomist my other partner in crime ❤️ I see you in my notifs all the time and never know how to say hello lmao. I believe we bonded over being theatre nerds at some point. You’re a really cool and funny and I love that you encourage my chaos. Sometimes seeing what you put in the tags of posts makes me smile a lot
@hachanbaecon anna ❤️ love her so much!! She’s another one I met through crackerz and I feel like we have chaotic chats anytime we talk. She is also not only super talented but DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
@trashlord-007 MY BELOVED TANAAAAAAA OMFG 💗💗 She tags me in tag games a lot and fun fact: I have A LOT of tag games in my drafts that I somehow forgot to post :’). I really appreciate it because I like being included in getting to know more people. I love and respect tana so so much
@jaxminskale emoLYYYY oh my god where did you GO I miss youuuuu! Okay but absolute sweetheart again. I miss talking to her on discord and she is absolutely amazing.
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urhexgirls · 2 years
Happy Holidays Post
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merry christmas my dears!! I hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays!! 🥺❤️ if you don’t celebrate christmas, still feel free to accept some extra positive energy today!! I always love Christmas evenings, specifically once you’re back in your bed after the day and just riding down the nerves from the day, it’s always a favorite sensation of mine!! but anyways my point is to relax and enjoy yourselves!! ❤️
mERRY CHRISTMAS YOU HO HO HOES 🤬🤬 YALL THOUGHT MY ASS WOULD FORGET?? 🤔🤔 NAH MAN, I WROTE IT ON MY MF FOREHEAD SO ID HAVE TO REMEMBER IT 🤩🤩 BUT N E WAYZE MY MAIN PURPOSE IS TO SAY happy holidays motherfuckers!!! ☺️☺️ feel free to let loose a little today, y’all deserve it 🤧🤧
Ah, happy holidays everyone. I hope you’re enjoying your time however it’s spent. I know the holidays can be rough for some people, whether it’s seeing estranged family or dealing with loss around the time, just know that regardless you are valid and loved. It may seem like just words coming out of my mouth, but it’s true and I mean it. I don’t lie on holidays. But… yeah. Love you guys I guess?
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“You guess?”
Luna turned to send Dusk a glare, while the latter responded with a shit-eating grin. Dusk kept the eye contact as she attempted to fit an entire sugar cookie in her mouth before coughing and turning away to try and swallow it whole like some strange snake. Thorn walked in with a tray of hot chocolate and paused seeing the scene of Dusk victoriously swallowing the pastry.
“That was something,” Thorn chuckled as she brought the tray to the coffee table Luna was writing on. Luna grabbed a mug and sipped, letting out an appreciative hum a moment later. Her way of letting Thorn know she did well. Dusk plopped down on one side of Luna, and Thorn on the other. Luna stared at her words and took a moments pause before speaking.
“I love you both.”
A second passed, then two, the girls exchanging looks with each other before all grinning.
“I love you guys too!” Thorn cooed and threw her arms around Luna and Dusk, somewhat leaning over Luna’s lap. Dusk’s smug grin from demolishing the cookie transformed into a sheepish smile.
“You guys are losers,” Dusk joked, “but you’re my losers. I love you guys.” Dusk reciprocated the hug Thorn initiated and Luna sighed before joining, a soft smile still on her face.
And they stayed that way. In each other’s embrace and knowing that they have one another to count on. They weren’t just The Hex Girls, nor friends. They were sisters. They all knew they were destined to meet each other, and by some miracle they did. And isn’t that what Christmas reminds us life is all about? Some little miracles? Times like these remind everyone that there is such hope and optimism in the world, and perhaps even a little magic. Christmas magic? Vampire magic? Regardless, let yourself experience a little magic tonight and take care of yourself.
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Fans: @fairykingdom-bot @azieville-institution (❤️) @cb-museclub (💚) @sirenscb (💜) @moonlightchn (🌙) @ppg-3ye (🔴🔵🟢) @mafia-chae (💕) @sanie-cb (🐰) @vitoria-oc @model-lucy @archangel-oc @vampiremomo @bloodlustbots @temptationcb @nana-n-nono @darkfaeskz @stealerbots @floristyujeong @blackdragons-cb @darklingjuyeon @celestialsirenscb @grishawitches @demigodnct @heartbroken-renjun @aristocratae @universe-of-superm @kpopcafe @uryeri @the-hellhounds-cb @slasherdoyeon @undeadbots @silverypurple-rosedlions @ahswitchescb @yourloveaddict @realitystar-joy @racersbot @chooseyourmingi @harddoms-playpen @pillowxtalk @jinju-oc @silvernightcb @badass-squad @lovesickofyou @soullessxbot @minja3e @butterflyyuna @thekims-cb
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mybiasisexo · 5 years
HELLO~! So this is my first ever mutual appreciation post. ive been wanting to make one for a long time bc whether you've been following me for years or weeks, I genuinely enjoy the connection that is a mutual following. most of yall ive never talked to before but thats not gonna stop me from showering you with affection!! I hope we can all stay like this for a while!! im giving you a virtual hug rn and its gonna be long so dont get uncomfortable!!! bless you all and hope you have a great 2019!!!!!  💓❣️💕💖💗💘💙💚💛💜💝💞🧡❤️🖤😍💟
@baekberrie - soft 😌. so so soft for bbh and I appreciate that and need more of it in my life. your stories always make me feign for him in the worst/best way! Keep up the good work!!! *standing ovation*
@baek-me-right - you say you're a suhoe I say where??? no but tbh you have a url I just know when I see it. a rare multi fandom blog I can obviously tolerate, its not too much. Well balanced like my diet lacks. Anyways, I hope that in the future we can get well acquainted 😊
@baekphia - tbh???? im still shooketh. You’re one of the most popular exo blogs and you follow lil ol me. I feel bad tho cause I'm always late to the party so you'll prob never reblog anything from me but aye hopefully my tags make up for it 😬! I hope that we can talk soon~🙃
@bitten-by-the-kai-lovebug - RIN! you were the first friend I made on here so you will always have a special place in my heart. you are also the only friend on here that has a tag name with me in it (if you ever want to revisit our convos its under rinjin). hope all is going well! I know you out there grinding! hit me up whenever you're on so we can catch up!!
@blvenight - a shinee mutual. You keep my heart full and I love your tags, especially ksoo ones cause SAME
@brokeandjetlagged - I want to be your friend sooooo bad 😭. you're not on much but your stories are a1. when I first found you I was reading one of your sehun stories and it was so similar to the one I had just posted and I remember hoping you didnt think I stole the idea from you cause I didnt!! I promise!!! anyways I look forward to more of your works and hope to see you on more!!
@byunfirstlady- you are one if not the biggest supporters of mine! Whenever I post any of my writings its def with you in mind!! I hope that you continue to enjoy my stories, cause I will always enjoy your feedback!! Thank you!
@cave-0 - lmaooo idk if I should actually be tagging you in this but since we are mutuals it is what it is. the only person I know irl that follows this god awful blog. I love you. I miss you. thanks for not reading my tags to me in person lmao
@certifiedtostaystrapped - well, you're me. I love you binch!!! lets get this bread!!!
@chaisoo - a cutie??? a cutie 😌. we love a stan. I’m happy you were able to be blessed by yixing’s presence and love watching you fangirl haha. 
@chanbaektiful - you're as multifandom as it gets and I respect that!!! Its odd bc I feel like I dont see you a lot on my dash :/. if you ever need to fangirl with someone over exo--particularly chanyeol, you know where to find me 👀
@g-exo - firstably you are so adorable. Your writing is adorable. the way you ‘talk’ is adorable and im sorry im a shit replier. take care of yourself girlie and hit me up whenever you need to vent about anything. I’m not that great with advice BUT im an awesome listener
@jeulgi - you're perfect. thats it!! haha but yeah I feel like you havent really been on here much this year. I miss seeing you on my dash! But I get it. You’ve introduced me to so many things and I appreciate the love you have for all of it but most importantly exo of course 
@jhopeismybutthole - GIRL!! we've been mutuals for awhile. we havent talked much if at all but I still consider you a close mutual lmao. See you're still doing the reactions, keep up the good work!!!!
@jodecicryforluna - live for the url live for the quality blog 🤷🏾‍♀️. you're right and you should say it!!!
@jongiinns - IVY!!!!! a long time mutual whom I love and adore. I see you popping in from time to time but I dont wanna harass you lmao. know that I miss you tho and am always thinking of you ❤️
@kais-ride-or-die - pretty sure you're inactive but still a mutual nonetheless. hope all is going well!!!!
@kanye-hyung - first I am LIVING for your url. everytime I see it I just like get hyped yknow? we've been mutuals for a while which is wild bc idk if we've ever talked but thats ok! maybe some day in the future that'll change! keep up the quality content bb!!! 
@korean-ninja-penguin - everything about your blog is so nonchalant and like yeah and I adore it. you stick to your word on bringing us quality humor and Kpop even sometimes blending the two and I respect that ✊🏾
@ksoosheaux - you're so pretty! and you remind me a lot of myself cause we the same age and both have October bdays and are both from Florida and our lil sisters are the same age too!! You're another one I find really intimidating which is so lame cause I feel we have so much in common! 
@kyungsooskhakipants - I forgot we were mutuals cause I didn’t think you followed me :/. I live for your tags!! I’ll try to hit you up often to fangirl with haha
@kyungtoe - did you change your url recently 🤔??? imma be honest I have no idea who you are and ive been following you for a while. im sorry :/. hopefully we can change that tho!!!!
@kyungwhore - you're on hiatus rn but hopefully when you come back you'll see this 😊. You're lowkey intimidating haha you seem to have a great circle of friends on here which is nice! I hope all is well and that you come back better than ever!!!
@laysoo-l - imma be real with you rn... I love you. we barely talk but I love you and thats that on that!
@mininjas - JAS!!!! now im not gonna be mad that you left me for a real life man. I understand like thats the ultimate goal. but 2016 really bonded us and I mean we facetimed each other when I was drunk and tbh nothing will ever beat that for me 😭. I miss you so much and hope that we can meet in person some day!!!
@oh-ottoke - Hello??? I feel like we’ve been mutuals for a while. I KNOW your icon haha. You are one of the few bts stans I follow, which says a lot lmao. Glad you’re doing your thing. Hope to continue seeing you on my dash!!! 
@panic-hispanic-at-the-disco - you are my meme queen!!! whenever I need a good laugh your blog will never disappoint!!! thank you for your service lmao 
@park-chanyeezy - you're not on much but I think you mentioned something about changing that???? if so it will be great to see you on my dash again. if not, I understand, be free my lil birdie!!!
@puervy - I live for your aesthetic. Everything about your blog is so beautiful. We’ve never talked before, but I've been watching out for you. Glad everything seems to be going well!! Hit me up whenever you want to talk about life or just fangirl about exo!!!
@ravyeolii - another one of my writing supporters!! You’re awesome! and we def need to talk more outside of the writing realm! Hit me up whenever! Lets talk!!
@sehun-ist - I dont think you're on here anymore but there really isn't anyone that I know that loves sehun with as much passion as you and thats the tea on that!!!
@simplesunbeam - do you know what Kpop is?? lmao well either way you have a beautifully inspiring blog and thats why im still here!!!
@sleepytea5 - dimon.... you are literally the only person who I tried desperately to get to follow me lmao. I remember trying to impress you for so long cause I wanted to be your friend so bad!!! you are one of my og mutuals. its interesting to see how you've grown throughout the years. I know you've been going through it, but I believe in you and hope for your happiness. love you 💖
@stars-in-the-galaxy - now correct me if im wrong but you're kind of one of those silent bloggers. I see you. I appreciate you. lets make this bread!!
@the-pizza-lich - STEVIE!!! I feel like you're my older sister lmao. we need to fangirl over exo more thats a FACT ☝🏾. you always speak your truth and are so intellectual yet so funny. you always have me dying!!!! we've been mutuals for a long while and im so glad 💜
@timetohajima - the astrology queen! I want to get into astrology so bad ever since I found your blog! I really want to get my chart read also so I need to learn quickly. I’m glad you’re feeling better and pray your health stays on the good side! 
@tinypcy - no complaints here! awesome blog! we've been mutuals for a long time but havent ever really talked which is a shame 🚶🏾‍♀️
@xiuminsmygrandpa - your blog is a1. its quality content across the board!! Unfortunately thats all I got so we def need to talk and change that!!
@yeolaconda - you're not on as much but its ok bc that url will forever be #Iconic
@yourmajestyqueenchelseachels - jbs goddess!!! You are so funny and pretty and lovely. A breath of fresh air!! I know you out there rn grinding and im hoping for the best!! next time you go to Korea tho pls take me thanks!!! haha
@yubarikai - NIKKI WHERE ARE YOU?!!?!? I miss you :/. pls come back so we can fangirl over kai more pls thanks love you 😥
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