#Drink water hydrate or die straight
aego-philautia · 3 months
Ppl who get overstimulated from loud environments.
F/o bringing you to a quiet spot, maybe their room or a quieter corner of the room.
They sit with you and hold you(if you’ll let them) while you calm down.
They make you tea, hold your head to their chest because they know that their scent is calming to you. They gently ask you to focus on the sound of their heartbeat.
They’ll stay there as long as you need to. Even if you end up falling asleep, they’re still holding you, and when you wake up they give you a smile and a kiss on the forehead.
“Is there anything you need from me, love? I’ll get you whatever you want, just ask and it’s yours.”
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loubella77 · 8 months
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Good morning!!
1. Drink water today
2. Do some self care!
3. Hmu to buy content :)
DMs + pay apps / OnlyFans :)
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up-to-some-good · 1 year
Hydrate or diedrate
Take this as a reminder to drink some fucking water from your friendly neighbourhood fic writer. Written for @wolfstarmicrofic February 22 - thirst
At first, Sirius thought he was just being forgetful. He'd go to bed and there'd be a glass of water on his bedside table. He'd be working at home, catching up on some research, and there'd be a glass of water on his desk. He thought he was just forgetting that he'd poured himself a glass and downed it without thinking too much about it.
Then it started to get a bit strange. For example, one day he got too caught up with his research to actually drink the water and it seemed to follow him around the flat, appearing in whichever room he was in despite him never carrying it with him.
The next day, he spent the day baking and cooking various meals for him and Remus to share throughout the week, and glasses of water seems to appear every time he started a new dish. By the time he was finished, there were 8 glasses scattered around the room. It was baffling.
The last straw was one day at work. He was discussing a case with one of the nurses, walking through the halls of St Mungo's, when a glass of water appeared, floating in the air next to him. He quickly grabbed the glass, acting as if he had summoned it, and decided to try and figure it out that evening after his shift.
When Sirius got home, Remus was in the living room, relaxing and watching some muggle show.
"I think I'm being haunted by a well-meaning ghost," Sirius blurted.
Remus turned to him, muting the TV and gestured for him to sit down.
"I'm going to need more than that to understand what's going on, Pads."
"Well," Sirius started. "Glasses of water keep appearing. I thought it was just my own forgetfulness, but then they started increasing in number and following me around the flat. And then today, one was floating behind me at work. Just following me around!"
He pushed his hair back from his face and stared down at his hands for a moment before he continued.
"So either I'm going crazy, and summoning water by accident, or a very well-meaning ghost is following me and trying to keep me hydrated."
He looked up at his boyfriend, only to find Remus looking anywhere but him and blushing furiously. Immediately, Sirius narrowed his eyes.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing!" Remus exclaimed, somehow blushing even more.
"Remus Lupin, what did you do?"
"Fine, you caught me. I'm the well-meaning ghost."
Remus covered his face with his hands as Sirius burst out laughing.
"Can I ask why you've been charming water to follow me around, love?" Sirius asked. "I mean, it's definitely one of your more creative pranks."
Remus groaned and moved to press his forehead against his boyfriend's shoulder. Sirius immediately wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer.
"I was worried about you, because you never seem to drink any water..."
"I'm not thirsty," Sirius interrupted, before shutting up at Remus's glare.
"So," Remus continued. "I thought if I charmed glasses of water to appear, you'd at least get some water during the day."
"May I ask why they suddenly got out of hand?"
"I may have been slightly aggressive with my charms in order to encourage hydration," Remus mumbled.
Sirius chuckled and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead.
"As much as I appreciate how much you clearly care about me and my hydration, can I offer a different solution?"
Remus grumbled in what Sirius took to be agreement.
"Can we just buy me a water bottle and call it a day?"
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arthurbutus · 3 months
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Consider this a warning, you dehydrated bitch.
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if you struggle to drink enough water, consider:
using your hands to drink from the tap like you've just completed a great task for your liege in a barren wasteland and now you're offered a few moments of respite next to a lake of the freshest water you've ever tasted. this experienced will be heightened if you wash your face in big splashes with it, or perhaps get your horse to drink the water beside you
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khonshuscondemned · 2 years
MK hc ask - (kind of silly) Where *did* Steven's paperweight collection come from - "a paperweight shop" fr? (but like, is he collecting his knickknacks all himself? are marc and jake contributing on the sly?) Also pls stay hydrated and hope you feel better soon!!
oh my god silly asks are my favourite, please send me all of them fr. 
also heh. 
i think steven has no fucking idea where that little pyramid paperweight came from. i don’t even think he knows if it is a paperweight honestly- 
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i mean, look at his face??  the face of a man who has several other, bigger priorities (his wife (???) his currently hiding somewhere in his flat and he has two police officers poking their noses thru his stuff ((bite kill shred dont go through other people’s things pls)) and he’s seeing weird bird bone mummy monsters and there’s an angry bitchy american man living inside him-) being asked about something as inconsequential as what any of his given knickknacks are or why he has them... 
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‘mate do i look like i know what this is?? i don’t even know what day it is??’ <- steven grant, probably
(aside: the funny thing is, i bet steven would love to go into what exactly any one item in his flat is or why he has it or what it does, etc.  i think if layla had asked that question we would’ve gotten a vastly different response- i bet steven could’ve told us what all the markings meant, why he bought it and where and what other interesting stuff had caught his eye at the time, i mean. it’s steven.)
as for my own personal ideas... i think jake is big on collecting things. i’ll hafta do my little jake headcanons (someone ask me or @mrcspectr who hissyfit is) in another post bc there just. are way too many.... but i like to think jake picks out a lot of things when he’s on his daily nightly grind, whether it’s a collectable item for steven or marc’s preferred scentless shampoo doesn’t make a difference bc he ‘collects’ these items for his boys with the same intentions. <3
((send me mk asks!))
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khrused · 11 months
today i heard a dragqueen say "hydrate or die straight" on tiktok and its my new fav line so...
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Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates!!!
And if Christmas isn't happy this year, remember to take care of yourself. Drink water, eat some good food, and watch a comfort holiday special.
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chans-room · 1 year
It is my birthday, so pour one out for me babes 🖤✨
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loubella77 · 10 months
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Good morning! Drink a whole lotta water today!
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midwinterhunt · 9 months
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phoenixraven612 · 2 years
me during the marching season:
ah yes, nectar of the gods, that sweet sweet clear liquid, bless me with your healing properties, hydrate or die straight amirite
me outside the marching season:
what is this foreign liquid that comes out of the kitchen sink
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overlyhornysimp · 2 days
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Dearest darling gremlins, goblins, faeries, critters of the night, extraterrestrial beings, and fellow possums in their respective trenchcoats, I come to you all with a reminder to drink some fucking water.
I say this bc I had a dizzy spell in the last 5 minutes of my ethics class and I was struggling.
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thejadewolf369 · 5 months
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Have you been staying hydrated, hm ?
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hahanamegobrrrr · 11 months
It's been very hot lately, please remember to drink water
yes yes, this applies to anyone reading this post as well!!
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