#Replace it? Or keep Percy and Annabeth along for that part of the quest?
Nico and Reyna should have been a part of the seven. Not Percy and Annabeth.
I am long past the point of being upset about this, but it’s still something I feel is worth talking about.
Percy and Annabeth had their story. They had five books of that story in fact. Their arcs were pretty much completed by that point. Sure, there was room to expand the scraps that were left untouched, and I definitely think they should do that, but to do that there was no need for them to be parts of the seven.
I am aware that this would completely change the narrative of the story, but they can still be parts of the Argo crew
Now, when I say that, I mean that they'd function in a similar way that Nico and Reyna did in the original books
Reyna is a new character and Nico is one that’s far from having been developed to his fullest. Making them parts of the seven would give them more time to shine. Especially Reyna. The dynamics of the characters on this shp would need to shift and change from the beginning!
Like- Think of how this would effect the politics of Camp Jupiter? The fall into Tartarus? The blood of Olympus!?
And honestly I’d love for Percy and Annabeth to be tagging along to the quest, just not as part of the seven.
But of course, the people wanted Percy and Annabeth, and Percy and Annabeth was given too the people. They were even thrown into Tartarus for the people.
Judging from the reaction people had to Jason in The Lost Hero, the reason why Percy and Annabeth were a part of the seven is, of course, very clear, but that doesn’t mean I think a more interesting story could have been told if it had been Reyna and Nico.
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kaleidoscopiccc · 3 months
@june-doe-2024 day 2 (alternate universe)
Lightening Thief AU!!!
Cyclone character (pjo role they replace: how they do it) - godly parent
Penny (Percy: main character) - hades
Ezra (Sally: mcs human family member who dies) - none
Ricky (Grover: satyr undercover and pennys best friend, second quest member) - pan
Ocean (Annabeth: love interest, third quest member) - athena
Noel (Luke: traitor, pennys first friend at camp) - aphrodite
Mischa - ares
Constance - demeter
Astrid (Clarisse: may or may not attempt to kill penny during capture the flag) - ares
Tammy (Silena) - aphrodite
Savannah (Thalia: almost dies and becomes a tree under Ricky’s protection… rip her) - zeus
Talia - (camp Jupiter camper) - ceres
after the drug bust penny and ezra start moving schools a lot because they keep getting in trouble (poor Ms peachery is fighting for her life out here), og pjo shenanigans ensue, ezra has no idea what’s going on but gets dragged along with ricky and penny on the way to chb because they assume he’s a halfblood too, he “dies” at the hands of the minator pissing penny the HELL off and making her kill it, penny goes to the underworld to try to get the lightning bolt back from her dad and save ezra instead of her mom
ricky is still disabled as a satyr and doesn’t just use his crutches as a human diguise
penny has a very brief intense crush on Tammy when they first meet (Tammy just sort of has that effect)
Noel and Mr d are sworn enemies
Savannah, ricky, and penny are different people
On that note ricky names pennys doll Savannah when they go to school together and just says it’s a special name he’s been saving up
maybe her doll plays a part in her powers?? idk
when she’s knocked out after the minator fight she has these weird dreams about a jane doe she can’t quite make out the face of but who’s body looks easily similar to a more grown version of hers… I’m sure there’s nothing weird or foreshadowy about that)
mischa and Talia are in a long distance relationship, neither of their fellow campers in both camps believe the other exists
Tamara sends mischa off to canda for him to go to chb so he can be safe after she dies
oh did I mention chb is now in canda
not in uranium though just Saskatchewan
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demons-and-demigods · 6 months
Demons and Demigods Part Three: The Interim
Alright, timelines really start to get fucky here because I felt like, yknow? Also, fair warning here: not only do I start playing fast and loose with the timelines, this is also a John Winchester Hate Account if you hadn't guessed from part 1: the beginning, and in this part Sally does in fact murder him. So. Be prepared for that, I guess.
Insert the events of The Lost Hero blah blah blah and edited events of season one. Namely John doesn’t meet back up with the boys (Dean left him a voicemail after they left Sally’s telling him that they found out Aunt Sally was alive and that he and Sam needed some space so they didn’t want to see him, but would still appreciate it if he reached out to let them know he was alive. He does neither. Instead, he headed to Sally’s apartment and practically broke down the door, all ‘how dare you turn my boys against me’ and ‘what right do you have’ and etc etc. Sally just gave him the middle finger and stabbed him. She cleaned up at the blood, then Paul helped her get the body out to the car and they drove out to CHB where Thalia and the hunters were staying after sending an IM and explaining that she needed help getting rid of the body of her nephews’ piece of shit father and the hunters are more than happy to oblige and Paul stays in the car to help the hunters feel more comfortable while Sally, Thalia, and the rest of the hunters have a wonderful little bonfire in a clearing just outside of camp.)  
(Sally does call Dean and Sam and tell them what happened. She admits that she killed him and doesn’t feel bad about it, but she knows that he was their father even if he was a shitty one and they deserve to know what happened to him.) (Dean has pretty mixed feelings about it. He thanked Sally for telling him, and for telling the truth instead of making up a story or something, and then said that he needed some time to get his head back on straight. Sam keeps Sally updated on what they’re up to and how Dean’s doing and if they’ve heard or seen anything about Percy and she keeps him updated in turn about the Percy Situation.)  
John is replaced by Bobby <3 
Episode rewrite info and more lore below the cut
Faith goes a little differently because Bobby actually shows up because he’s the best, and Sam calls Sally to ask if she knows anything that could help Dean and she says that she’ll ask Chiron and the Apollo kids if they know anything/would be willing to help. Sam and Bobby haul Dean over to NY and Will swings by Sally’s apartment to take a look at Dean and does what he can to help. Bobby and Sally get along wonderfully, by the way. Sam told him that she killed John and when he asks her about she’s just like yeah and I’d do it again he was a dick and I never liked him anyway and after learning what he did to Dean I feel no remorse for what I did. And Bobby’s just like damn I like this woman. Anyway, he gets filled in on the Greek stuff and the Percy Stuff (at this point, Piper, Jason, and Leo’s quest is done and they’re working on building the Argo II and Sam and Dean offered to head to California to see if they could find Percy, but Sally and Annabeth told them it would be better to let it play out, especially since Percy didn’t know them and likely had amnesia) and then the boys head out for the Nebraska and Roy and the rest of the episode pretty much goes down like normal only Bobby is there and helping them because I love him and he loves his boys.  
They find the colt and yadda yadda yadda. Instead of John getting possessed by Azazel and being too nice in the cabin and shit, Bobby is possessed and he’s too mean and so that shit plays out how it did just with Bobby replacing John. Also Bobby doesn’t sell his soul or the colt. Instead, Tessa and Dean are having their thing and then something boots Tessa and Dean is like what the fuck because she just disappeared and then he sees three old ladies knitting and they tell him that it’s not his time yet and he’s part of their world now so his life is theirs to end and they have need of him still. So the Fates intervened and plopped Dean back in his body and fixed him up and shit because I say so.  
Since John wasn’t around to tell Dean to ‘save Sam or kill him,’ they find out about the demon blood and yellow eyes’ plan some other way idk and Sam doesn’t run away to IN or run off and get possessed by a demon later because whatever fuck it. However, around the episode Croatoan is when Percy gets sent on his quest to Alaska and then around Night Shifter is when Percy leaves Sally that voicemail having done the whole thing with Phineas and the gorgon’s blood and is starting to get his memories back.  
After the shifter thing and getting on the news and stuff, Sally calls to let them know that she’s heard from Percy (after she messages Annabeth) and to tell them that they can lay low with her and Paul until the media calms down about the bank robberies and shit. She helps them research what might be going on with Sam and his visions.  
Annabeth tells Sally that the Argo II is finally complete and her, Jason, Piper, and Leo are leaving for CA to get Percy and also there’s prophecy shit they have to do so she doesn’t know when they’ll be back but she’ll do her best to keep Sally updated and make sure Percy IMs her.  
Sam and Dean have left at this point so Sally calls them to fill them in on that.  
The next day, All Hell Breaks Loose shit goes down. Sam has poofed, Dean and Bobby are trying to find him, etc etc. Sam dies, Dean makes his deal, the Fates don’t intervene because they know that the angels will bring him back and whatnot and he has a year and the Gaea thing will be over by then anyway .
Percabeth reunion!!!! There has been a criminal lack of Percy content in this so far, but we have finally arrived!!! He’s here!!!  My boy!! Son of Neptune happened behind the scenes because nothing changed on Percy’s end lmao.  
Mark of Athena starts, Percabeth reunion my beloved. Leo is possessed and fires on Rome, they haul ass, Percy is pissed, shit gets sorted, etc. When they stop for the supply run to fix the Argo II, Annabeth and Percy stay on the ship and call Sally.  
Sally and Percy have a tearful remote reunion and Sally tells him to stay safe and get home to her as soon as possible. And then she tells him about Mary, Dean, and Sam. Percy is kinda reeling but he’s excited to meet his cousins once the Gaea and Giants shit is over. They say goodbye and Annabeth tells Percy about Sam and Dean from her short time meeting them. Percy tells her about his time at the wolf house and his quest to Alaska to free Thanatos.  
Percy and Jason, possessed, have their death match in that Kansas cornfield, and Sam and Dean and been nearby and, upon hearing about the weird disturbance, show up just in time to watch the end of the fight and see Piper knock Jason and Percy out lmao. They are Quaking. They’d managed to go unnoticed by everyone on the Argo, but they spot Annabeth and grab her attention to be like hey what the fuck just happened/what is going on?????  
And Annabeth is like oh shit hey yeah so we’re on a quest to Greece to stop Mother Earth from waking up and whatever but that right there was Percy and Jason fighting. They were possessed by spirit servants of Gaea so it wasn’t really their fault that they were fighting but it’s a good thing that Piper was out there with them otherwise Jason probably would have died.  
Sam and Dean are lowkey still freaking out because that is a lot of information to take in all at once and also it’s one thing to hear that Percy is powerful and another to see him fight with their own eyes. 
Note that will be relevant in the next part: the Winchester boys are so entrenched in the supernatural that celestial bronze recognizes them as something more than mortal and works on them.
Now, this part was shorter but that's because I got excited and have a scene written directly following this that I'm gonna post next.
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uniasus · 3 years
Ice Above The Clouds
It’s day on of Summer of Whump! Today’s prompt is freezing, filled for you with Percy Jackson, Blackjack, and a Nico so ready to tell Percy “I told you so”.
Read here, or on Ao3.
“Are you sure about this?”
Percy shot Nico a bland look, making a show of lifting his backpack higher. “Am I sure about surprising my girlfriend for the holidays? Yes.”
“No, that I get-“
“Giving Will a surprise, eh?”
“Shut up, Percy! No, I just mean. You have your license. Why not just…drive?”
“And miss out on the chance to bond with my best bud Blackjack?” Percy gasped.
Blackjack, in the stall behind them, threw back his head and neighed. I’m offended. Does he doubt me?
“Blackjack also resents the fact that you’re implying he can’t take me there,” Percy shared.
“What, no! Blackjack, you’re a very strong flier. It’s just, have you seen the weather? It’s gonna be a cold flight.”
Percy pointed to his wool hat, double-wrapped scarf, and poofy jacket. “Also got warmers in my shoes and look! Gloves!” He wiggled his fingers. “I’m sweating right now, but I’ll be great in the air.”
Nico still looked unsure.
“It’s always cold when you fly,” Percy continued. “Winter or not. And I did look at the weather – it’ll be sunny. No storms between here and California.”
“Fine,” Nico huffed. “But if you lose a finger to frost bite-“
“You can tell me ‘I told you so’”. Percy unlatched the stall door. “Ready, Blackjack?”
You bet, boss. I’m eager to stretch my wings. The pegasus stretched out his black wings, then shook his body before trotting outside. California, here we come!
Nico watched him mount up. “Tell Annabeth hi. And IM when you get there.”
“Yes, mom.” Percy rolled his eyes and mounted Blackjack. With a whinny, the pegasus took three running steps before lifting into the air. Percy whooped with joy.
Percy wasn’t stupid. He had checked the weather and put on all the layers he thought he’d needed. It’s not like he’d be up in the air long – Blackjack was fast and estimated one long day of flying to get to San Francisco. Percy had had long days before. And honestly, after the events of the Giant War and all that quest encompassed, he preferred the cold to heat anyway.
That said, he might have underestimated how cold the trip would be. They’d left camp at dawn to maximize the light, and on-the-ground temperatures had been 35F. Cold, but not too cold. Especially with the right gear. Things would get warmer as they traveled west.
Unfortunately, he had underestimated the drop in temperature at the heights Blackjack flew. The pegasus had gone slightly higher than normal to start, avoiding a slew of small planes flying over New York state, and stayed there. Faster winds up here, boss. We could get there faster, maybe.
“Let’s do it!” Percy could barely hear his own shout over the wind, but Blackjack’s more sensitive hearing had picked it up. Still, at that height, with the winds sending cold air down his throat, Percy couldn’t talk much. Instead, he listened to Blackjack ramble in his head and responded with leg and arms taps. It was a system they’d worked out before.
Percy had brought along sunglasses, the sun might be rising behind them but it was still bright in the sky, but he was wishing he brought other things too. A pair of stretch gloves, to wear under his current ones. Extra toe warmers to put all over his body, like each shoulder. He wished he had a balaclava to protect his face – the wind they flew into was harsh. He kept his eyes closed for stretches at a time to prevent them from drying out.
He wondered how cold it was, ignoring Blackjack’s declaration of a personal quest to sample the grass from every San Francisco park. Below freezing, that’s for sure. What about the windchill? Had they hit negative numbers?
-35F was when they closed schools for fear of kids getting frostbite while waiting for the bus in Minnesota, he heard. Certainly it couldn’t be that cold. He could move all his fingers. He clutched at Blackjack’s mane tighter, trying to focus on his friend’s chatter. He didn’t want to think about the pull of the wind on his coat and backpack, the increasingly numb parts of his skin where the wind found gaps in his clothes, his scarf stiff with his frozen breath and the ice cube on his nose. The wind was loud, his eyelids heavy. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, the sharp peppermint bit of the icy wind with each inhale keeping him awake. But really, it would be so much better if he could just fall asleep. Sleep through the cold and wake up when Blackjack flew at lower heights into the warmer west…
An impact against his sternum jerked him away. He felt groggy, slow, and uncertain of his limbs.
Boss! Boss!  
“ ’ackjack?”
Are you okay? You fell! Why didn’t you tell me you needed a break?
Percy might have made a noise. He wasn’t sure. His lips felt too numb to move right. Gods, he was cold. He wanted to sleep, to bury himself in a blanket and bake in a bed oven. He tried to grab something, but only succeeded at swinging his dead weight of an arm through air. The warmth against his stomach slipped, someone shouted Boss! but he didn’t care who.
The wind in his ears sounded like a lullaby.
Percy woke, shivering and hungry and cocooned in a black hole that he slowly identified as a tight pocket created by Blackjack’s body. The pegasus was curled as tight as he could be around Percy, wing extended to surround Percy. As Percy shifted against Blackjack’s side, the pegasus woke up.
“Blackjack?” A shudder ran through Percy’s body and he huddled deeper into his coat. “What happened?”
Blackjack lipped at Percy’s knees, head halfway into the wing-cavern. You fell asleep and fell off. Twice. I caught you.
Percy rubbed his chest. No wonder it hurt, if he slammed into Blackjack’s back at the speed of gravity. Probably not worth nibbling on the emergency ambrosia he always carried though. “I’m getting you a whole box of donuts when we get there. Where are we?”
Not sure. But we haven’t hit the Rockies yet.
Iowa or Nebraska then. Unless the cold had gotten to him really early and they landed in rural Illinois.
“Nico’s gonna tell me ‘told you so’.”
Why didn’t you tell me you were cold? I could have flown lower.
“Didn’t think we’d be up that higher. Or that it would be that cold.” Percy stroked the part of Blackjack’s neck he could reach. “Don’t think I was thinking right for awhile. How long have we been here?”
An hour?
“I don’t have the supplies to stay here. I didn’t pack food. We’ll need to get going again.”
Once you stop shivering.
“I can handle a little cold.”
Blackjack shifted his wing so Percy could feel the full force of his stink eye. It wasn’t the best stink eye Percy had ever seen, but with the removal of the wing came full exposure to the outside air. They were in an empty field, didn’t help pinpoint where they were sadly, and the wind that cut across the ground had Percy instinctively pull back into Blackjack’s warmth.
Blackjack replaced his wing.
“It’s winter, I won’t not be cold,” Percy pouted.
Once you stop shivering under my wing, we’ll go.
Percy sighed, but he knew Blackjack was right. He nestled into Blackjack’s side, bringing his knees up close. Part of the reason for the trip was guy time anyway. “Do you think the grass at Land’s End will tasty salty?”
I hope so!
Smiling, Percy dived into a conversation way too deeply about a food he would never eat. He’d get to surprise Annabeth eventually.
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mvndrvke-archive · 5 years
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because i wanted them and no one can stop me
KEEP CAREFUL WATCH OF MY BROTHER’S  SOUL      annabeth joins luke au
following the events of percy’s quest in tlt, luke asks annabeth to come with him when he flees chb. she becomes part of kronos’ army and fights against the olympians in the second titan war. when luke becomes fully possessed by kronos, annabeth attempts to subtly break the hold on luke that kronos has unsuccessfully. during the final battle, annabeth accompanies luke throughout the fight. the realization of the true meaning of the prophecy and luke’s death remain the same. after the war, annabeth is permitted to return to chb. 
WHAT YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO THE DARKNESS     annabeth replaces luke as kronos’ host au
after luke’s supposed death in the titan’s curse, annabeth is given the role of host for kronos. she continues as host until the final battle, where thalia convinces her to use the  cursed blade to end the war and kill kronos. in this verse, annabeth does not survive the pjo series and dies at the end of tlo. 
FOR OUR FALLEN SISTER, WE FIGHT    annabeth joins the hunters of artemis au
annabeth chooses to join the hunters after the events of the titan’s curse along with thalia. the final battle still ends the same way with annabeth being present during kronos/luke and percy’s confrontation, and annabeth still gives luke the cursed dagger to destroy kronos. annabeth decides after this to quit the hunters so she can grieve for luke. 
STRONG AS MY LADY MOTHER     annabeth is raised by athena au
collaboration with @cncordia‘s  athena,  athena takes annabeth and raises her.
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