#Republican lgbt hatred
The old dude with his finger pointing to the air is Rafael Cruz (Sr), wait for it…..Ted’s father.
He’s been a major player in the RepubliKKKlan party since working to get Reagan elected. He’s been a liaison between the Republicans and the evangelical community. He’s highly paid and popular on the right-wing speaking circuit.
Ok atheists, wait for it….he’s one of the leading DOMINIONISTS in the country.
He openly lies to his audiences telling them fantasies about forced transgender conversion surgeries in public schools and other similar anti-LGBT propaganda. Much of his hateful rhetoric on the subject is disseminated through various MAGA Congressmen, most notably Marjorie Trailer Queen.
It’s a brief article and well worth the read. Here’s a snippet;
“Nevertheless, when Rafael Cruz — a pastor and the father of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas — preached on the subject in April at a church-based rally for conservative school board candidates in McKinney, Texas, he falsely claimed that students were being forced to change genders and being “mutilated” inside public schools. (The elder Cruz did not respond to interview requests.)The moral downturn began six decades ago, Cruz told his followers, when the U.S. Supreme Court banned mandatory prayer and Bible readings from schools. To do that, Cruz said, “we need to make sure that we have strong, committed Christians in every position in every school board in America.”
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felixcloud6288 · 5 months
If you can vote, you need to get out and vote. You cannot boycott an election. Refusing to vote does not send the message you think it does. In fact, it sends the exact opposite message. If you refuse to vote, you're telling politicians that you are a demographic not worth appealing to.
If you care about reproductive rights and don't vote, politicians will not try to appeal to you.
If you care about LGBT protections and don't vote, politicians will not try to appeal to you.
If you care about a free Palestine and don't vote, politicians will not try to appeal to you.
If you care about police and prison reform and don't vote, politicians will not try to appeal to you.
If you care about immigrants and don't vote, politicians will not try to appeal to you.
Politicians will act to appeal to the greatest number of voters. If you do not vote, they will appeal to the people who will. And the people who want to take away birth control, and criminalize trans people, and support Israel's genocidal campaign, and want to militarize the police, and want to exile every non-white person WILL VOTE.
In November, there are only two choices that matter. You either vote for Joe Biden or you do not. Any vote not cast for him or a vote withheld is support for Donald Trump.
Joe Biden is a politician and an imperialist. He may support Israel, but as we've been seeing, he can be made to back down. If you are loud and you put pressure on him, he can be made to do what is right. And he knows that if he wins, it will be because the people didn't want Trump. So he will be more inclined to listen to the people.
Donald Trump is a dictator and a fascist. He does not respect the rule of law. He does not respect the will of the people. He does not respect anyone or anything. If he comes into power again, he plans on seizing permanent power, deporting people en-masse and stripping away everyone's rights.
And we have seen his response to protests. He has had protestors shot at. He will never yield to any amount of force. He will only respond with violence.
Fascism doesn't use tanks and armed forces to seize power. It seizes power through deception. Fascism uses the tanks and armed forces to keep its power after seizing it.
The majority of people DO NOT want what the Republicans are offering. The Republicans only have power because they have lied and cheated and manipulated everything. And we need to come out in a force great enough that no amount of foul-play can overcome.
All the Republicans have to offer is hatred. All they can do is divide us against each other. And they can only win by stripping the rights from the people they dehumanize.
No amount of moral conviction matters if you will not commit even the barest minimum effort.
No amount of protest or demonstration or internet posting matters if you do not vote.
If you refuse to vote because no candidate is the purest morally right choice that would solve everything, then you can take your WORTHLESS moral superiority and FUCK OFF!
Taking no sides is siding with whoever DOESN'T NEED YOUR HELP. And Trump and his fascist cronies DO NOT need your help.
I meanwhile am going to add what little strength I can to moving the US in the right direction.
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dragonsdomain · 5 months
Let's not joke about hate crimes
I've seen a number of posts here on Tumblr joking about acts of violence against people whose opinions OP disagrees with. Often these posts are made towards Conservatives who misgender or otherwise disrespect LGBT people or characters.
These posts are made with the noble intention of protecting vulnerable individuals, but let me draw to your attention the fact that they use the exact same language as some radical Republicans use against gay or trans people. This is horrific behavior which we want to stop, which throughout history has been a gateway to discrimination and dehumanization. By pointing this same behavior back at them, we become hypocrites, perpetuating the cycle of hatred.
We want this world to be a better place. We want to spread love and understanding. We want to teach people how to act with understanding and kindness. We want to make Allies, not enemies. But before this world can be better we have to be better.
Let's not joke about hate crimes.
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A gay Republican politician in Colorado was apparently shocked by a recent email sent out by state party head Dave Williams, which called LGBTQ+ people “evil” and “woke creeps,” Westword reports. Now the gay conservative is rejecting any endorsements from the state GOP following this incident.
Valdamar Archuleta, president of LGBTQ+ conservative group Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado and current candidate for the state’s First Congressional District, said, “It’s alienating a large group of people within the party. Not just LGBT people, but our friends, our allies, our families. This was a massive mistake. We need to work on unifying the party and growing the party, not isolating people with divisive messages like this.”
Archuleta said on X how he rejects the Colorado GOP endorsement following this email and posted a three-minute long video where he called the state GOP email “troubling” and said he has asked to be removed from their list of endorsees.
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Archuleta himself, though, has a history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. He previously blamed LGBTQ+ individuals for the Club Q shooting and said that queer people are “groomers” – or child sex abusers – a negative stereotype that has been used to justify hatred and discrimination.
“If you’re really upset about being called a #groomer maybe you should step back and reevaluate your activity around children,” Archuleta wrote on Facebook just a week after the mass shooting. “At the very least for appearances sake.”
“The biggest threat to increasing violence towards the LGBT community are LBGT Activists and Organizations who make LGBT people look insane, unreasonable, and menacing,” he wrote several weeks later. “We will face more hate in the future directly due to these activists and organizations.”
Now, though, he’s saying that the state GOP went too far.
“That email was blatantly hateful,” he says now. “There’s really no condoning it in any way. We need new leadership, and we need to start looking for new leadership now.”
While Archuleta is shocked by the email – which had the subject “God Hates Pride” – this isn’t even the first time that the state party used this kind of rhetoric. Williams sent out a similar email last year that characterized the community as demons and degenerates, a word associated with the Third Reich. In 2020, he tried to push for a bill that would ban marriage equality in the state.
“We make no apologies for saying God hates Pride or Pride flags, as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority,” Williams said.
“Messages of hate, bigotry, and government control over people’s lives are not Republican or Christian,” Republican Douglas County Commissioner Abe Laydon said.
“Colorado Republicans who care about public safety, property taxes, reducing homelessness, and supporting the constitution have kids, grandkids, friends, neighbors, or they themselves are part of the LGBTQ+ community. How do messages of hate serve them and our communities?”
Laydon concludes, “If you want to support kids, quit telling them that they’re worthless for how God created them and encouraging them to kill themselves. Thanks, Dave Williams, for the reminder to actually study God’s incredible love for all people and for Coloradans, especially Republicans, to get huge Pride flags.”
The email continues by parroting the infamous “groomer” line, alleging that queer people want to hurt children. This has been widely debunked.
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It concludes by sharing a video with a thumbnail saying “God Hates Flags” – a name riffing on the infamous Westboro Baptist Church slogan “God Hates Fags.” The video consists of Pastor Mark Driscoll saying that the pride flag represents “the demonic realm” and “human indecency.”
It is unknown what demonic realm he is referring to.
The party doubled down on social media, making a post on X where they call for all Pride flags to be burned.
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They have also retweeted several other posts that call the LGBTQ+ community abominations and demonic.
The state GOP made headlines last month after telling constituents to take their kids out of public schools lest they be turned transgender.
The X account shared several posts from hate influencer Chaya Raichik, who goes by “Libs of TikTok” online. Her posts have resulted in death threats sent to LGBTQ+ individuals and bomb threats sent to schools across the country.
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longwindedbore · 6 months
Today’s question: Do Conserve-a-turd & Fundamentalist Evangelicalism require CONFORMITY to a narrow spectrum of SURFACE APPEARANCES or at her than actual BELIEF?
Is that why they can ignore the obvious signs of ‘differences’ in a Senator Graham or Speaker Johnson or George Santos but are enraged over Secretary Buttgieg?
Are the ‘good’ Republicans NOT seen as ‘hypocrites’.? Are they seen as expressing self-loathing and extending that hatred to a larger community?
Is Public Self-acceptance the unforgivable sin of noncompliance?
Is what a Libertard dictionary calls ‘belief’ radically different from what the secret code book of conservatism describes as ‘belief’?
That would explain…
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I adore how Republicans and conservatives are arguing with Ye like most of you don't share the exact same beliefs.
Y'all complained about "globalists" for years before Kanye West even wore a MAGA hat.
Y'all constantly equated white supremacists and the people who fight them because "punching Nazis is bad." I didn't forget how many people spoke out when Richard Spencer got punched...but never had anything to say about his rhetoric.
Y'all let organizations like Turning Point USA, which I can personally say is a trash organization, attract youth on college campuses...even though Nick Fuentes' supporters were dragging their organization YEARS AGO for not being far-right enough.
Y'all whined about identity politics for the longest until it comes time to use anybody black, any LGBT+ person who spews your BS to say "Look, we're not racist!"
Y'all praised Kanye West for hating abortion as if pro-lifers on and off this app have not been comparing pro-choice people to Nazis for a while now.
Y'all allowed people like Candace Owens to grow in popularity even after she made antisemitic comments YEARS AGO. She was only associating with Kanye to get him to but Parler, which is why she's silent right now.
Y'all still watch Tucker Carlson after his TOP WRITER resigned when his comments became public. He sat down with Kanye and platformed him after his antisemitic comments.
Y'all defended Alex Jones after he bullied parents who lost their kids AND lost the defamation lawsuit, but he ALSO gives Kanye West a platform.
Y'all supported Ben "Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage" Shapiro while he praised Kanye West UNTIL he started pointing hatred in his direction and at his people.
Y'all still demonize transgender people and call LGBT people groomers in general even though the books burned by Nazis related to homosexuality and gender science.
Y'all call yourselves free speech warriors but you have been silent as conservative groups have been getting books they don't like banned across the United States.
Y'all voted for the SAME PRESIDENT he did and made excuses over and over again for every scandal that came out of the White House - from Charlottesville to the January 6 Capitol Riots.
Y'all hate immigration, think Black Lives Matter is unnecessary, believe feminism is the reason why nuclear families are going away, think women should be locked up for getting abortions...just like Nazis.
It is very fair to say that most of the things that overt Nazis believe has been embraced by the everyday conservative, right-wingers, pro-lifers and the GOP at large FOR YEARS.
So, to conservatives, right-wingers, Republicans and pro-lifers...how are you all any better?
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
You said you're busy, so feel free not to reply now (or ever lol), but what's the difference between supporting that wizard transmisogynistic antisemite and supporting something like, say, Disney? Genuine question. Aren't both bad because it's been proven their profits go straight to anti-LGBT laws? Or is it different? I hate both either way lol. Thanks!
I think the main difference is JKR is singularly making her entire platform about hating trans women, vocally encouraging others to do the same, and has boiled down her career to that one thing. Passively, she is doing OTHER egregious hateful things (mostly antisemitism but also homophobia and racism and more).
Disney is different because... Disney is buying every single thing. Lots of works that exist and were created outside of the Disney "mindset" (whatever that is) have been purchased by Disney. There are things streaming on Disney+ by people who would probably roll around in their graves if they knew who owned their work now.
Disney is harder to avoid in that way but it's also not one singular issue. It is a multiple of projects, some of which are affirming, some of which... are hateful and awful.
I personally do not consume much Disney branded content.
And I think people who worship at the altar of Disney often CAN end up identical (in behaviour and in harm) to HP-defenders.
But... idk... when it becomes less about actual creators and more about the people who end up owning their shit, it's harder. Like... most chain stores are donating to Republicans. I'm sure most streaming services are too. This does get closer to the "no ethical consumption under capitalism" thing where like... you can do the best you can to shop "well" but... corporations are all donating to whoever will protect their profit margins the most and will fund any law possible to get that going.
Corporations have such overwhelming nets they've thrown over hteir industries that it's hard to find anything that has escaped their grasp untainted. It's like... if someone selling their book lets it be distributed through amazon, do we immediately accuse them of supporting amazon exploiting and even killing employees?
It's more nebulous and I'm more willing to handwave (especially the more and more outside of the "Disney" brand Disney owned things get) but JKR isn't so nebulous. She is the creator of HP--the DIRECT creative mind of the entire IP. She is a bigot. The bigotry exists inside the work. The bigotry exists OUTSIDE the work. She specifically uses her platform to spread hate. Uses HP as part of her platform to do that, directly trying to indoctrinate fans into her mindset.
There is no sort of absolving quality to HP left. It isn't detached enough from her hatred to attempt any mental hoops to justify it.
It's not quite comparable to Disney which is a conglomeration of a lot of people who just have the same financier essentially.
If we're talking about specific Disney works that have hateful/prejudiced content in it, yeah it's a more similar comparison.
But also, even with that, I do recommend people do try to consume less Disney branded and even just Disney owned shit. There's more room for lenience in there--I don't think a parent letting their kid watch Moana is doing the same harm as the parent who reads their kid HP every night--but at the end of the dya aI will always say... look for more media on the margins.
Media produced by more independent workers strugglign to make ends meet. Media produced by people who have shit to say. Media with less direct connections to megacorporations who are all donating to the worst peopel on the fucking planet just so they can get more blood from the stones of society's creative soul
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Non-resident with no educational education or experience. For the record Libs of Tik Tok is a misnomer, it is about as far right as you can get. It not the least bit liberal or democratic, and is an alt-right account that mainly persecutes the lgbt community in very harsh terms. This woman is a stochastic terrorist.
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solarbird · 2 years
Is there any point to maintaining separate Fascism Watch and Culture War Update categories?
Straight up question: is there even a point to maintaining a line between the Fascism Watch and the Cultural Warfare Updates in this environment? I honestly don't know. The old dividing line was pretty clear - you had authoritarians doing authoritarian things, and you had the fundamentalist movement doing its things, and while there was overlap, and while the fundamentalists were very authoritarian, it was in a different style, and the relationship often didn't go the other way. They were still distinguishable, overall, and didn't necessarily buy into each other's bullshit - the authoritarians often held the fundamentalists in varying degrees of open contempt, and the fundamentalists would go at the authoritarians as inadequately godly and all that kind of bullshit. And that's basically over. They aren't yet all the same impulses. You've got the Republicans whose main focus, still, is turning their states and the entire country into single-party Orban-like mini-dictatorships. First and foremost of these is Florida, where Republicans are literally introducing bills banning the Democratic Party, and other bills requiring people who write about the government to register with the state. Those aren't historically Cultural Warfare issues - they really aren't. Particularly not the latter. As much as I loathe and despise them, they weren't those kinds of authoritarians. At the same time, you've got - more broadly - Republicans trying to legislate LGBT people out of existence, mostly starting with trans people. But not always; see again Florida expanding its "Don't Say Gay" bills and other Republican states queuing up to implement their own versions. And while the non-fundamentalist authoritarians would've been genuinely okay with that, it was distinct and frankly less of interest to their general hatred for and despising of all women. And while they didn't actually believe it, despite - or more likely, because of - their segregationist origins, the fundamentalist right leadership spent a lot of time pretending they weren't about racism. I mean, they were, but they tried real hard to pretend they weren't. The fash, by contrast, revel in it. But that line is getting harder and harder to find - much less navigate - as the fundamentalists have become more overt in their racism over the last few years, and I'm wondering if there's anything really separating it anymore other than how big the posts get and the tradition I've maintained of having both, one usually more active than the other at any given time. Hence some items appearing in both updates - they can't be separated out. And I'm presuming that - as I've been saying for some years now - it'll get worse until it can't. I don't expect to have a good answer, and for the moment, I'm keeping separate categories. But if it gets too much more difficult to figure out... I'm afraid it'll end up all rolled into one. Read the full article
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aizenat · 2 years
When I decide someone or something is canceled, I straight up don’t partake and move on.
I’ve been boycotting chik fil a for years after it came out they were actively finding anti-gay organizations. If I’m out with people and we’re looking for somewhere to eat, I simply roll my face up and give a hard no if they come up. No one asks questions; just makes another suggestion. Sometimes my job will buy lunch and it’s chik fil a and I’ll eat it because it’s not my money buying it and the food is already bought. I don’t gush over it or encourage them to order there again (they actually don’t anymore after I voiced some complaints lol, but again I made it a “they suck” issue and people don’t really push back on that). I have not personally spent a cent there. If people ask, I mostly say the food is trash (it is; I judge you hard if you think chik fil a is good chicken) and then I’ll say “also the owners are homophobic, so i have even less reason to go there” and most people just nod and move on. Occasionally someone will ask for details and I’ll tell them. And from there, they’ll go forward with the knowledge and do whatever they want.
I don’t get sanctimonious about it. I don’t look at anyone buying it and make it known I’m frowning at their choices (again, at most, I’ll just turn my noise up like “wow you have shitty taste”). I don’t lament on how anyone buying it should die or feel miserable and bad or whatever. I just refrain and move on. Chik fil a does not live on my head rent free, nor do I believe I’m doing anything to advance lgbt rights by my personal boycott. It’s a conversation starter when needed and that’s about it.
Y’all claim to hate jkr and shit, but y’all let that woman with all her wealth live in your heads without paying rent thee first, and you harass ppl you think doesn’t harbor intense hatred for her. The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy. Y’all look just like homophobes who are secretly gay and obsessed with being loud with their homophobia. Or a girl who’s boyfriend just broke up with her and now she’s stalking his whole life, obsessed because she wants him back. Y’all making jkr and hp relevant as fuck with all this noise.
I saw a post where someone was like “I wish jkr would fade into irrelevancy, and I’m just thinking “then stop talking about her, dumbass!” Remember how trump literally became president because the media hyper fixated on him making conservatives think he was a bigger deal than he was, and getting the republican nomination despite more republicans not wanting him to run? You want something to die, you starve it of attention. You don’t have meltdowns over every little thing it does.
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golden-heart-beats · 11 days
polyamory hatred within the greater lgbt community is already really funny as a concept because people immediately regress to puritanical republicans using 5th grade level insults when "critiquing" it, but my fave thing is acting its either a showy flash of annoying liberalism trying too hard to be ""woke"" or its just some cishet shit.
like yeah some people try to talk up the strengths of polyamory and can be lame about it, weve all read a ohjoysextoy comic before. but really most of the time theyre really just using polyamory as a vehicle to deconstruct the nuclear family dynamic and questioning the patriarchal conditions that dominates most relationships. at times its fully focused on relationship anarchy. so its really a part of a larger convo.
and finally. people underestimate how the polyamory scene is just stuffed to the brim with queers, lesbians, gay men, t4t relationships of all kinds, etc. like yeah theres gonna be cishet couples but even then, 9/10 the two girls involved are fucking each other hardcore sloppy bisexual style.
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frosted-buns · 10 months
brooo there's so much fucking hatred in the tumblr lgbt community on this site its fucking insane and I hate when I get subjected to that shit its like fucking whiplash.
I hate seeing people in the lgbt community literally using fucking conservative republican anti lgbt stereotypes and hate speech that the conservatives use to undermine lgbt movements. can we just not be hateful for one fucking second and exist and human beings.
People joke I hate gay people when I say don't hang around or get along with lgbt communities and the reason is the fucking hatred and vitriol constantly spewed in it at each other is so fucking draining. every community I've been a part of is just full of hate
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venusastro152023 · 11 months
DEBATEHomophobia and lgbtq+, Which is worse?
By Jaylyne Thompson
Homophobia vs lgbtq. It has been a debate for as long as there have been gay people. Some people debate that lgbtq+ children and adults are mentally ill, however, people also believe the conservative driven hate crimes put the homophobes in a bad light. Which is worse?
Lgbtq people have been around since the times of the romans. In many cultures from the past, it was celebrated, in others it was scrutinized. One of these notable cultures was natives in the US and Canada. They would respect ceremonial and social roles for homosexuals, bisexual, and gender non-comforming individuals in their communities. In these communities, these roles still exist. While each culture has their own name for these individuals, a pan-Indian term that was adopted in the 1990’s is called, two spirits (link 6). While many have adopted this term, some communities dislike it due to there being additional identities to define nonbinary identities. (link 7).
Transgender people have been around since ancient greece. In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and Rome, there were galli priests that some scholars believe to have been trans women. Nowadays, Some people try to argue against genetics that transgender men and women are real women and men, while others have debunked such with genetics. They try to justify that despite genetics, they are indeed real women and men, many people have debunked such beliefs whether they are republican or democratic (link 3), and some people try to stereotype what they call, “cis” women (link 4). Some people try to justify that nonbinary/gender fluid is a real gender due to the existence of intersex people (people that are born with genetic medical conditions resulting in different chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that according to The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights, “do not fit the typical binary notions of male or female bodies, link 5), while others believe it is a mental illness (link 2).
Homophobic people
Homophobic people believe that same sex relationships are disgusting. Homophobia is a term used to describe a person, or group of people who describe gay, lesbian, and transgender people as distasteful, horrid, against god’s wishes, or mental.
Negative attitudes toward identifiable LGBT groups have similar yet specific names: lesbophobia is a term of homophobia and sexism directed against lesbians, gayphobia is the hatred or dislike of gay men, biphobia targets bisexuality and bisexual people, and transphobia targets transgender and transsexual people and gender role or gender variance nonconformity (link 8).
Crimes against the lgbtq
There has been many acts of hate among the lgbtqi+ community. These are just a few (link-9).
In Argentina, on October 16, 2016, in Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, lesbian football player Eva Analia De Jesus, known by her nickname, “Higui”, was surrounded by a group of what was likely homophobic men who threatened to rape her. Higui pulled out a knife and killed one of them. She was incarcerated for homicide (link 11), causing protests in Argentina. Higui was absolved of the crime on March 17th, 2022.
(link 12) In Australia, George Duncan and Rodger Jones were thrown into a river in 1972, by people they had believed to be police officers, resulting in the tragic death of George Duncan. Roger Jones refused to identify his attacker due to fearing for his life. Two police officers were initially charged for the murder, but acquitted of the charges, the case in question was said to have been a police cover up. In an independent police report, the incident was described as, “a high-spirited frolic’, gone wrong. Because it was still the 70’s I think we can assume it was a cover up.
In Brazil, September 2007, a gay man named Osvan Inacio dos Santos who was 19 years old was assaulted and murdered in September 2007, on a street near a bar where he had just won the local "Miss Gay" competition in the town of Batangas in northeast Brazil. Dos Santos' naked body was discovered on Sunday morning, and forensic examination found his skull had been badly fractured, and had also evidence that indicated sexual assault. Teddy Marques, the president of The Alagos Gay group was quoted to say to EFE news group, “Homophobia is one of the worst problems Brazil faces. It is unacceptable that every other day in our country a homosexual is brutally murdered", (link 13).
On April 7 2013, Wilfred de Bruijn was beaten while walking with his boyfriend in the 18 Arrondissement April 7, 2013. De Bruijn later posted a photograph of his badly injured face on Facebook to make more awareness of homophobic attacks attracting international media attention in the process. The attack was executed by Taieb K. and Abdelmalik M. I wasn't able to see if they were charged. On facebook he was quoted to say on his facebook page, “Sorry to show you this. It's the face of homophobia”, (link 14).
Have gay people attacked homophobic people?
I was unable to find any sort of search results regarding whether gay people have attacked homophobic people as a hate crime. If they did they likely were defending themselves as far as I know. I really tried (link 10).
Looking at all the evidence I have collected whether on www.Youtube.com
 or on www.Wikipedia.com, with my personal opinion, I have come to this conclusion:we all are. Everyone is fucked up. Lgbtqi+ people shouldn't do things for attention, homophobic people should just mind their business. We all need therapy. There are mistakes on all our parts. In the end, nobody will ever be in the right.
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anarcho-sexual · 1 year
It’s 0530 good morning, universe!
I’m on Quora a lot & enjoy answering questions on there for people when I’m knowledgeable on something. I answered some question last week that went something like “why do Republicans insist on controlling other people’s bodies?” And I guess I talked about trans youth in that answer.
A transphobe commented on it yesterday “if you don’t think children are being mutilated by their parents who brainwash them into thinking they’re in the wrong body you’re just an idiot or you refuse to see what’s happening!”
Homie YOU refuse to see what’s happening cause that’s not what’s happening! He blocked me right after leaving that comment though so I had no chance to either be an asshole or educate him. I just deleted the comment. Don’t leave a comment on my post & then block me so your misinformation can be spread without question ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway these transphobes are everywhere man. I certainly am part of online spaces that will attract them more like on Quora I’m part of several LGBT+ safe spaces for example. But they’re still everywhere dawg it’s wild. I’ve actually lost almost all empathy for these people because they refuse to be open to learning anything which tells me they only wish to spread hatred.
If you’re trans & by change reading this, I love you. None of this will last forever. You’re gonna get through it just like I am. Cause although I don’t know you, you’re probably a fuckin rock star.
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thoughtsbeewild · 1 year
this is a good call out for the haters still promoting hatred in our world
He a trump supporter...Shout out to handsomeliberal helping out a voice out to the hatred of black people who really want to continue to destroy our world..We dont need that negative shit. We got so much killing homicide around USA .. These people continue promote revenge against united states people to create division, toxicity..how can we stop this WAR USA against USA. Part of it, its the view, its the CNN, its NBC, fake news bullshit and its PUPPET celebritiese these milions of fucking followers listen to/ This is what people voted for in our world because of the hatred of the orange man. Orange man stood up to the DEMONCRATS. It like todays reality where you go into a girl group on instagram, yall follow eachother like besties, but if you dare disobey the million blue check mark, your done and finished. That what Joe Biden and the rest of demoncrat party are doing to orange man. They want revenge, they will not stop till they wfind some stupid shit to twist to media as he broken. We live in a corrupted evil soceity with evil leaders all around. This message of Hope to people out there who need reason to believe they didnt WIN.
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Expect more violence against the lgbt community as MAGAt propaganda becomes more extreme in its culture war and support of Trump.
This is why you have to pay attention to creeps like Marjorie Trailer Queen who drives LGBT hate.
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