#Republicans have sold their souls to the Devil
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RepubliKKKlan scum Elise Stefanik and JD Vance.
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dankusner · 6 months
‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ singer Oliver Anthony panders to sold-out Fort Worth crowd
Oliver Anthony may not be “religious” in the traditional sense of the word. But he’s making a career out of preaching to the choir.
As he took the stage for his sold-out Billy Bob’s Texas show Thursday night, the “Rich Men North of Richmond” viral sensation said that he doesn’t go to church and that he swears a little bit.
He joked about how everyone assumes when you make it big in music you have to sell your soul to the devil, but he “kind of sold his soul to God” after a video of him singing “Rich Men” in a field went viral last year and skyrocketed him to fame.
Anthony said he’s not religious, but he opened his set with a joke about “those sick freaks running our country” and then opened a Bible to perform a reading — a normal beginning for his shows. Thursday night’s passage was from Psalms 37:12-20, which includes the verse “The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright.”
He then led America’s largest honky tonk in a rendition of “Amazing Grace.”
For someone who says he’s not very religious, his performance felt like going to a church service.
That interspersing of Bible verses is an extension of Anthony’s first full-length album, which he surprise-released on Easter Sunday.
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“Hymnal of a Troubled Man’s Mind” features one new song — “Momma’s Been Hurting” — and polished-up versions of nine other songs Oliver previously released online.
In between, he reads selections from the Bible, mostly passages from the book of Ecclesiastes that focus on eschewing the trappings of wealth.
Anthony, née Chris Anthony Lunsford (his stage name is his grandfather’s name), says he released the album independently.
None other than producer Dave Cobb — who has helmed albums by Jason Isbell, Chris Stapeton John Prine and Brandi Carlile, among many others — helped out at the controls.
‘Rich Men North of Richmond’
“Rich Men North of Richmond,” a sparse song about Washington elites who have lost touch with the people they represent, sparked controversy for two reasons.
One was because of its lyrics, notably this one about people on welfare:
“If you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of Fudge Rounds.”
The other reason was the nature of the song’s success.
It went viral so fast, people accused Anthony of being an industry plant.
The song debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, making Anthony the first artist to debut at the top of that chart with no prior Billboard chart history.
Conservatives latched onto him as a potential country music savior; liberals disdained him as a fat-shaming libertarian.
“Rich Men” was discussed at the first Republican primary debate.
Anthony rejected any attempts by politicians to “weaponize” his song.
“I wrote that song about those people,” he said in a 10-minute
It was no surprise that most of the crowd Thursday night was there to hear a live version of “Rich Men North of Richmond” (the Bible verse preceding that was a selection from Matthew 10: “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”)
That and two Lynyrd Skynyrd covers is what got everyone singing along.
But there were several songs that many people knew word-for-word, like “90 Some Chevy,” “Doggonit” and “I Want to Go Home.”
In addition to the Bible readings and the hymn singing, the night felt a bit like a church service in other ways.
Most of Anthony’s songs revolve around fights with the devil and facing your demons.
His band, Joey Davis on guitar and Caleb Dillard on upright bass, created some wonderful arrangements around Anthony’s earlier songs that considerably expanded the material.
Davis improvised some solos when the moment was right, to the delight of the crowd.
Anthony even invited up another fellow musician whom he met in Kentucky years ago to share one of his own songs on stage. It all had the feeling of a singing night at a country church.
But singing nights also have preaching. And, whether he admits it or not, Anthony is preaching.
“Rich Men” went viral because it tapped into a universal feeling: Your money doesn’t go as far anymore, it feels like the government doesn’t care, and nobody looks out for the regular people anymore.
But it endures because it’s exactly what Anthony’s audience wants to hear.
Most of his songs lament government, eschew wealth, and promote a simple, country life.
“You weren’t born to just pay bills and die/All you need is a dog, a shack, a creek in the back/And a good woman to hold,” he sings in “Rich Man’s Gold.”
No, we weren’t born to just pay bills and die, but what were we born to do instead?
Anyone can complain about the government; that’s why everybody does it.
Anthony has a distinct, commanding and vibrant singing voice, a real musical talent, and an even better understanding of his audience. But he has no distinct point of view other than saying the same “simple life is better” ethos that country musicians have said for decades.
But his audience loves it. “I Want To Go Home” and “Rich Men” were greeted with chants of “U-S-A!” from the crowd.
A line in “Doggonit” about how both Republicans and Democrats are “full of crap” got almost as many cheers as “Rich Men.”
It’s not a new observation.
So, politicians are full of crap.
What else?
A few songs Anthony played Thursday night, like “Cobwebs and Cocaine” and “VCR Kid,” start to move away from his typical themes to something more personal.
He said he has much more material to come, so hopefully he can make music that’s more interior and not just repeating tired talking points.
Until then, he’s just pandering.
OLIVER ANTHONY SETLIST, BILLY BOB’S TEXAS, FORT WORTH TEXAS (APRIL 4, 2024)Amazing Grace (Hymn cover) [solo] Hell on Earth (solo) Rich Man’s Gold Cobwebs and Cocaine Ain’t Gotta Dollar Always Love You Like a Good Ole Dog Guest song with Kentucky musician Will the Circle Be Unbroken (Hymn cover) 90 Some Chevy Virginia Between You & Me VCR Kid Simple Man (Lynyrd Skynyrd cover) I’ve Got to Get Sober Doggonit I Want to Go Home Rich Men North of Richmond Momma’s Been Hurting Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd cover).
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megankoumori · 3 years
Was having a conversation about Janet Jackson with Mom today. This led to me having to explain that the reason that black women in this country are perceived as over sexed dates back to white slave owners raping their slave women and justifying it as black women being more sexual beings. Since white men held all the power this became the cultural narrative.
"Oh. I didn't know that."
Maybe she would know that if Critical Race Theory was taught in schools, instead of Republicans being all...
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Personally, I think CRT should start being taught in seventh grade and progress every year. There's obviously some sick shit in there that should be worked up to, stuff that young kids aren't going to be ready for. It's hard enough to get through the history of lynching when you're an adult in university. It needs to be addressed, but probably not until junior or senior year of high school.
The Republicans narrative is basically, "Black people were slaves, then there was the Civil War, then blacks couldn't drink from water fountains, then Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks were nonviolent, and then no one was ever racist again!"
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And if you suggest anything outside of that narrative, like say, how white people in the South used to pack picnic baskets and take their kids to watch lynchings*, they suddenly blow their bowties. "Why can't we just move beyond the past?" They snivel.
One: Because I'm a history major and the past is my life.
Two: We can't get beyond a past that Republicans won't even acknowledge happened, and that many other people don't even know happened, because Republicans have spent decades sweeping it under the rug.
Three: To play See No Evil, Hear No Evil with the victims of America's racist past is a fucking slap in the face. They deserve to acknowledged. They deserve to be remembered.
Four: So we can teach the next generation to be better. It's too late for Boomers like my Mom. But maybe there's hope for the children and grandchildren of Millennials and Gen Z. We just have to wait for the entire Republican party to grow old and die off first. And unfortunately I think Mitch McConnell sold his withered little husk of a soul for a Senate seat and eternal life. The Devil went down to Kentucky and got ripped off.
*I told you this shit was sick.
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feely-touchy · 4 years
Even if the devil takes a sick day
The chain of succession is still kicking
9 kings
23 dukes
7 princes
Mitch McConnell
15 marquises
52 other senators
198 republican representatives
An image of spitting
With an army of lobbyists shoveling coal
Mobs of zealot loyalists stoking the fire
Burning up souls
A voter base bringing their own gasoline
With their ballots pre-lit
For the demonic gathering
Ready to put their backs into it
Always ready to pick up the slack
When it comes to hurting
They're going to keep that hellfire burning
Over our dead bodies
Not noticing that their machine kills fascists just like anyone
By surrounding them with the smoke and flames of neo-nazi fascism
Force feeding them
White-hot embers
Commanded to do as they're told
As the inverted seraphim whisper
"You're going to make us rich"
Doing the cost/benefit on human sacrifices
Having sold their halos some decades ago
Now what sits between their horns
Permanently affixed
Are soot-stained ideas and pyrite abacuses
Cruel and callous
The death of righteousness
Not indiscriminate
They just don't give a shit
About you
Or how the billygoats and rams butt heads
Over gored kids and lambs well-bled
Arguing which hill is best to die on
And they're not offering Zion
So we'll beat our plowshares back to flaming swords
We'll pray for peace by the ballot but be ready for war
There's going to be a lot of hell to pay
Come judgement day
Come, judgement day
We're waiting
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thetruthfactoryblog · 4 years
On the Precipice of Calamity
Rockett's Landing
16 January 2021
The evil Democrats are coming for our Liberty. They are preparing for a massive assault on Christianity, freedom of speech, and our 2nd Amendment right to protect ourselves, our families, our homes, and our friends. They are out to silence our conservative representatives. They are dead set on villainizing any and all white people for nothing more than being white. If you do not believe it, click on the link from Breitbart and read the interview that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow conducted with New York Democrat Representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is by the way, less than smart.
Even the Wicked Witch of the West, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is calling for investigations into whether or not members of Congress may have been part of some conspiracy to lay siege to the Capitol Building. What she is saying is that if you are conservative, if you believe in the Word of God, if you support the Constitution of the United States of America, and if you support President Donald J. Trump, you must be part of some conspiracy. Here again, if you don’t believe me just read the following article in Newsmax.
Democrats are mean and vindictive. There is no good in them. They have sold their souls to the Devil. They are here to kill, steal, and destroy.
What do we do now? How do we extricate ourselves from this precarious mess that we find ourselves in? I believe that we need to draw near to God. If we do, He will draw near to us. A perfect example of this is God’s second appearance to Solomon in 2 Chronicles Chapter 7 beginning with verse 12 and ending with verse 22.
Then the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him:  “I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. As for you, if you walk before me and your father David walked, and do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom, as I covenanted with David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man as ruler in Israel.’ “But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods, and worship them, then I will uproot them from My land which I have given; and this house which I have sanctified for My name I will cast out of My sight, and will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples. “And as for this house, which is exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, ‘Why has the Lord done thus to this land and this house?’ Then they will answer, ‘Because they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and embraced other gods, and worshiped them and served them; therefore He has brought all this calamity on them.’”
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kali-tmblr · 4 years
Dominionists Say Crises​ and Trump’s Reelection​ Will Set Stage for Church to Take Greater Authority
By Peter Montgomery | June 8, 2020 10:48 am
Lance Wallnau talked about the "seven mountains" at the 2018 Values Voter Summit (Photo by Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)
Lance Wallnau, a proponent of Seven Mountains Dominionism and a prominent “prophetic” supporter of President Donald Trump, used a Pentecost Sunday webcast May 31 to urge Christian leaders to work ​to reelect Trump and to prepare to take greater governing authority in the world.
Wallnau and other dominionists argue that the “shaking” that the United States has experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout—in addition to the the unrest in many cities following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police—are being used by God as a divine “reset,” setting the stage for conservative Christians to take new levels of power and authority in government, business, and other spheres of influence in society.
Before the 2016 election, Wallnau declared that Trump was divinely anointed as “God’s Chaos Candidate.” Since then​, he has been a vocal defender of Trump and has been rewarded with insider access at the White House. Wallnau is part of the leadership of POTUS Shield, a network of dominionists organized to support Trump’s presidency and help bring about the “prophetic order of the United States.”
While many conservative Christian leaders said in recent weeks that Pentecost Sunday this year would spark a global spiritual revival and an End Times “billion-soul harvest”—along with new power—Wallnau said Sunday that the church’s focus at this moment should not be winning individual conversions but fulfilling a biblical mandate to “disciple nations.”
Wallnau said Christians focus on winning souls because they aren’t used to having governmental authority​ and think, for example, that it’s a big deal to get invited to the​ president’s inauguration or the White House. “That’s a big deal for the average Christian, but from Heaven’s perspective​—the kingdom of God and the king of the universe—we should be administrating. Jesus was promised nations for his inheritance​,” ​he said.
Government and the church are “both receiving a prophetic infusion and visitation right now,” because “governments ​in​ the ​Earth are supposed to be under of government of Jesus,” Wallnau told the 20,000 people he said were listening online.
Trump’s reelection is essential,  Wallnau and other speakers said. Trump is “taking on the devil everywhere he meets him,” often fighting battles that preachers should have been leading, Wallnau said.
California-based evangelist Mario Murillo​ also described the upcoming election in terms of spiritual warfare, saying, “I believe that one thing that Satan needs is for Trump not to be reelected,” he said. “I think that’s the game changer.”
Trump is “a disruptive force that God has sent at this hour,” Murillo ​said. He added that “the tipping point of all of this is when pastors are in the American pulpit openly telling their people to vote for Donald Trump.”
Dominionist author Robert Henderson​ repeated his claim that God told him to be Trump’s spiritual running mate “because I need for him to be president for eight years to accomplish what I’ve set him to do.”​
Wallnau talked about how the 2016 election hinged on a tiny percentage of people in battleground states shifting the electoral college and putting “a reforming wrecking ball into office.” And he said this year’s election is a battle over the future of America and whether or not the U.S. can “maintain a global order” and defend the freedom of the church worldwide.
And it’s not just about getting Trump reelected. Wallnau said local churches have to “step up into the apostolic dimension” of their authority. “You can’t just pray for, you know, pray for a mayor to rise up now.” People have to understand that “those mayors are working for or against the kingdom of God,” Wallnau said. “From this day forward, politicians are either aligned for or against the kingdom of God.”
Wallnau said God is telling his people to make United States their “project” and warned that religious freedom is at stake in November’s election:
Because you could have people that get saved, and you can have a whole move of God with a bunch of people getting saved—I don’t think Christians think this thing through—and then if they’re politically agnostic, if they are uninformed, you can have Nero come to power or the Third Reich for that matter, and your revival becomes a very short-lived fantasy. Because following that move of the Spirit, you’re going to have a crushing suppression of everybody’s religious liberty. That is so close. We’re only months away from it … The church must rise up and be a governing force.
There’s a major global component to the effort of dominionists to “disciple” and “transform” nations. Mario Bramnick, who travels the world as head of the Latino Coalition for Israel, also spoke on Sunday night’s webcast. He said that Latin American presidents are scared​ but that God is using the “shaking” to bring government leaders “to their knees.” He said that he, Wallnau, and Cindy Jacobs would be meeting soon with 70 legislators from various nations to “tell them the prophetic word of the Lord.” Jacobs is a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation, a network of modern-day “apostles” and “prophets” who seek to “transform” Christianity and nations.
Wallnau said he has heads of state and legislators from multiple countries calling to ask what God is saying in these times. “Could it be that God is calling us into a greater kingdom expression of the power of the age to come than we thought?”​ he added.
Bramnick said his greatest fear at the moment is not a rebound in the coronavirus​ but that the church would go back to business as usual rather than seizing the moment. He called the consequences of the pandemic an “End Time birth pain for the coming of the Messiah” and said “it’s time for the church to arise and focus on the reformation of nations.”
Wallnau also used the webcast to promote “As One,” a gathering his ministry will host at Trump’s hotel in Washington, D.C.​, the weekend before the November elections. “If Republicans lose the 2020 election, the gains we have made over the last 4 years under President Trump will be in jeopardy – the Supreme Court, the sanctity of life, religious liberty, strong economic growth, record low unemployment, a secure border, and much more hang in the balance,” the event’s website claims. “The 2020 election will determine what it means to be an American. It will be a public referendum on the ideas that govern this country… and the enemies of America will stop at nothing to steal this election and overthrow the will of the people.”
The $250 ticket for the ​”As One” rally​ does not include a Friday night gala, which has already sold out.
© 2020 Right Wing Watch, a project of People For the American Way.
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liberalsarecool · 6 years
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A: zero. Trump nativism is pure political poison. Republican cowards in Congress have sold their souls to the devil. They refuse to bring immigration bills up for a vote.
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ssaalexblake · 6 years
okay but m/adam satan is like the white women voting republican in the midterms, and that’s on purpose??? she’s not a woke feminist dream??? 
like, i mean i’m not gonna claim c/aos was a mastery of On Purpose bad feminism (cuz not all of it was purposeful) but that single plot actually was on purpose and she was just highjacking feminist language to gain Sabrina’s trust as an Older Female Mentor (and with her aunts, that’s exactly the persona sabrina would trust) and guided her into the arms of a dude, like literally, Sabrina ended up practically cradled by goat satan and sold her soul, not because lilith is trying to help women, she just wants to be satan’s second hand woman and is willing to sell other women out for the priviledge. 
it’s not something i’ve seen a lot of in media, but her diatribes were to gain sabrina’s trust while her actions say the exact opposite, and actions speak way louder than words.
in general i found the show’s woman power(tm) messages to be all over the place, but that plot was consistent. The only woman on the show actually honest about what the deal is in their world is Prudence when she tells sabrina she can’t have both freedom and power bc the devil is a man and he says she can either have one or the other, while all the rest of the coven is acting like theirs is the woke feminist religion. Literally, just Prudence, who, while the only character that is open and honest as to what the actual status quo is, has no desire to alter it more in her favour... Yet, we saw it start but not quite yet.  
and honestly while i expect lilith to dramatically swap sides at some point in the future, as of S1 she is out only for herself, anybody else be damned, and any woke language and phrasing used meant in an ‘i hate men’ way, wasn’t feminist, it was manipulative. 
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pdwsolutions · 3 years
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21 states currently have some form of Permitless or Constitutional Carry These four so-called Republican Senators literally sold their souls to the devil and betrayed their constituents and their oath of office Stay tuned for more as we roast and skewer these career politicians into retirement https://www.instagram.com/p/CRkjq_GFgb2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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go-redgirl · 4 years
President Trump appeared in the East Room at around three a.m. on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning to express his disgust over how the votes just stopped being counted after it looked like he was winning in a number of swing states and on his way to securing a second term. Standing before a group of supporters in the White House, Trump listed the states he needs to win, how well he was doing in them, and said, “We won states and all of a sudden, what happened to the election? It’s off. … All of a sudden everything just stopped. This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country.” “Were up 690,000 votes in Pennsylvania … with 64 percent of the vote in,” the president said. “It would be almost impossible for [Democrats] to catch up and we’re coming into good Pennsylvania areas where they happen to like your president, so we’ll probably expand that.” “We’re winning Michigan by … almost 300,000 votes and 65 percent of the vote is in,” he continued.
“We were getting ready to win the election, frankly,  we did win this election.”
Trump spoke specifically about swing states where he enjoys a sizable margin with much of the vote already counted. This includes Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, where it was announced the vote counting would cease, in at least a few of these states, until tomorrow.
In some cases, the counting continues but the media refuse to call the race.
But there have been reports about cities such as Philadelphia and Atlanta giving up their counting for the night. They intend to resume in the morning.
“And we’re winning Wisconsin … we won by 107,000 votes with 81 percent of the vote,” Trump added.
As of this writing, Trump is up by about 110,000 votes in Wisconsin with anywhere from 87.5 to 99 percent counted, according to the Decision Desk HQ.
Trump is up by 715,000 voted in Pennsylvania with 73.7 to 87.2 percent counted.
Trump is up 80,000 with 70 to 81 percent of the Michigan vote in.
He is up in Georgia by a little over two points and 102,000 voted with 99 percent or more of the votes counted.
He’s up by about 80,000 votes in North Carolina with 98 percent of the vote in.
None of these states have been called for him and some up and went home for the night.
So Trump is not asking, as some of his critics in the media are alleging, for the vote counting to stop. On the contrary, he’s angry the counting stopped, and now he’s worried the voting will continue in bad faith as Democrat-run cities game the system to find the votes to overcome his leads.
OPINION:  Remember you are dealing with the ‘Devil’ Democrats that have already sold their ‘SOULS’ to Satan. 
But, in the end Almighty God will turn that ‘crooked stick’ into a ‘Straight’ Arrow and the Republicans will come out on top.
Thus saith the Lord.
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omfgtrump · 4 years
A Tale of Two Viruses: Part 34
OMFG, do you see what I see? Republicans starting to peel away from The Don because they think he is going to lose? Don Who? Never heard of him.
Maybe lying Lindsey Graham will complete the holy trinity and disavow The Don, calling him once again what he really is: “a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot.”
Graham suddenly finds himself in a battle for his Senate seat with a black man named Jamie Harrison. His strategists are thinking of releasing this new ad:
I really did mean what I said the first time, please, please, please believe me! And you know me. I am not a race-baiter, but if you don’t vote for me you’ll have two black guys as your senators. So think twice as its better to vote white.
And then there is slimy Mitch McConnell, who is nuanced in his disavowal by avoiding the White House like the plague because he knows the lack of mask wearing promoted by The Don is unsafe.
Rumor has it that McConnell told a staff member; “Shit, for God’s sake, I’m the Grim Reaper. I know when death is nearby and no way am I going to put myself at the mercy of those super spreaders. And no way am I going to support a bill to give any money to those in need. Ha! Ha! Ha!”
That’s showing them Mitch. Take care of yourself and let others die. If I was Amy McGrath I would create an ad like this:
Mitch McConnell laughs when he calls himself the Grim Reaper. Some joke. He knows the virus is deadly but says nothing. He doesn’t care if you live or die. He knows you have no money for food, can’t pay your rent, have no health insurance but doesn’t want to help you. It’s time for the Grim Reaper to meet his fate! Ha! Ha! Ha!
And what about the ass, Ben Sasse, who finally decided to tell his voters what he thinks of The Don after saying nothing for four years.
“What the heck were any of us thinking, that selling a TV-obsessed, narcissistic individual to the American people was a good idea?’’
He went on to say that The Don was “flirting” with dictators and white supremacists and alienating voters so broadly that he might cause a “Republican blood bath.”
Isn’t it extraordinary that this man has the audacity to utter these words? Your silence these four years was you flirting with the devil thinking he could get you what you wanted. You don’t get to suddenly tell the devil that you suffered from faulty thinking. It would be like the character in the movie “Damn Yankees,” who sold himself to the devil to win the World Series, trying to convince the devil he wasn’t serious when he made the deal.
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It’s like someone who has been an avowed atheist their entire life suddenly turning to God and saying please, pretty please, please spare me. God chuckles and says, “Um, a little too late for repentance my child”.
Ted Cruz also used the words “blood bath” to describe his fear of the looming debacle of the approaching election.
Whose blood are we speaking about? Are we speaking about the spilled blood of the 218,000 who died because of the gross negligence and misinformation campaign that none of the Republicans said a word about?
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Here we are two weeks from the election and barely a peep about the needless deaths of so many because you were afraid of a tweet, the wrath of The Don? Not one of you have had the courage to stand with Dr. Fauci and say: “I’m with him!” The blood is on your hands; your complicity is responsible for tens of thousands who have died unnecessarily. It’s not their blood you care one iota about: it is the fear of your party losing elections. If The Don was ahead, you would have said nothing. That makes you more ignoble and heinous than him because he is a psychologically disturbed person who is acting out his sickness on the American people; but you have joined him in this demented, dangerous journey to derail democracy, inflicting pain and death on so many, knowing who he was all along. Your soul is forever tainted.
And then there is the blood of the conspiracy group QAnon.
There has been barely a peep from you when The Don refused to condemn and disavow QAnon.
The idea that the Democrats are involved in a child pornography ring, abducting children and drinking their blood is so absurd that Savannah Guthrie of NBC News, who was the moderator for The Don’s Town Hall, became so exasperated and incredulous over his refusal to denounce them that she actually said: “You’re the president, not someone’s crazy uncle.”
To take one out of the Don’s play book, it’s time to “Lock this crazy uncle up!”
One more thing.
Here’s Trump at one of his rallies:
 “Running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics puts pressure on me. Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life, what am I going to do? I’m going to say I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics. I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country. I don’t know.”
Putin is waiting for you with open arms!
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jinae-escape · 4 years
If you dont see the wrong in canceling Gone With The Wind...than your as lost and confused as the next milleniums or genz blah blah fools ,because gone with the wind was the first movie to to win and give an oscar to the FIRST BLACK WOMAN !!!!!! like your canceling it for black lives matter organization ( do people even realize who funds and are behind black lives matter organization soros,clinton, and hey fact all your donation is going to the most racist president candidate ever joe biden funds for his presidency campaign but ima stop thats a whole different rant post) when it was a very first great achievement for black woman in film? great job you morons ,by the way all those white liberals screaming cancel gone with the wind are the real racist retards and isnt it funny everyone ignores the black voices saying NO WAIT we dont want this ....wasnt this the movie that got the first black woman an oscar ect.....YALL ARE BE PLAYED THE FOOLS AND YOUR GO RIGHT ALONG WITH IT SO EASILY
If people really care about history here the amazing woman that won the oscar for this movie: Hattie McDaniel
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dont you find it really odd theyre trying to destroy good images of black people( gwtw,syrup reallllly.....,uncle bens rice ect just completely blow over the good in black history like the elevator,microphone,carbon lightbulb,... funny how they dont teach the black inventors or all the good black people have done good for us and they focus on these sellout celebs and over payed sold theyre souls athletes “achievements” ) when I was in high school i had to look up black inventors myself in BLACK HISTORY MONTH....
...even negative or bad history good history.......ITS HISTORY we need to know this stuff so we can pass it on and learn and learn from it or know what really happened....its to wipe the black history clean....this is democrats plans since the beginning of the demoncratic party creation 
fun fact not alot of kids or adult know this fact cause it was a plan in the 70s to cover it up but....ima open your eyes
The south in the civil war who wanted to keep slaves and treat black people like less than humans started this party we know today as THE DEMOCRATS the democratic party and with hundreds years later THEY STARTED THE KKK organization
The North was well as we know people wanting to end slavery (black and white fighting side by side willing to fight for the thought we are equal and free) ..and the biggest fact they try to hide is 
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 NOW PUT THIS ALL TOGETHER you notice these democratic owned states and city are saying go destroy your cities and black communities (ever notice these poor black communities are democratic owned decades of poor and badly took care of community THATS THEYRE PLAN were democrats your black your have to vote for us were the answer gargabe lies repeated)  destroy statues with racists past (once again its history it wiping history clean away we wont know the sorrid past bad and the good ) cancel syrup with kind black woman as image bass ,cancel uncle ben rice its racist somehow ,ect major moments for black people lets tell easily led foolish youth to destroy black history  CAN YOU SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE NOW 
they got you destroy statues of good people who were for freedom and were for equality , you get 10 years now you get caught destroying the statues....they wont tell you this cause they dont care about you....DONT DESTROY PROPERTY dont waste your life away in prison IT AINT WORTH IT
FACTS FACTS FACTS ,should’nt lead with emotions ( its hard to do it yourself ) but always go on facts before you get riled up,it takes time for the full story to come out...or the full picture to be seen
all this from democratic cities oh and hey go destroy Abraham fu**in Lincoln the man who WAS FOR BLACK PEOPLES FREEDOM (was assassinated for that very belief)freed slaves...
 people PEOPLE please tell me your not this stupid and lost come on
hillary clinton super racist white woman trash funded black lives matters ( and you have a black woman as the co founder yea right she just a fake image Patrisse Khan-Cullors and this rancid a@@ woman wants to segregate black and white people again) geroge soros (look this devil up) funds you to go destroy your communities and others oh and hey HE FUNDS ANTIFA (you know the terrorist group) and all the good intentions we had to send our(yes I was played too) money for donation to the cause right? black lives matter organization? right well guess what all that moneys been going to the democratic party evil slimy hands and TO JOE BIDENS PRESIDENCY CAMPAIGN so he can run for president ,he needs money to run for president which means ads,rallies,ect and he getting from the suffering of black people and well meaning people ...PEOPLE WAKE THE FU** UP
dose’nt even anyone realize hillary clinton is...was..is in court for her treason against the united states (emails evil against against humanity) and riots broke out and protests (ego THE BIGGEST DISTRACTION IN THE HISTORY OF DISTRACTIONS) and the mass media never not once covered her in court to the BIG NEWS TO HAPPEN TO THE U.S. since I dont know 911 and not one media outlet covered it???hmm obama was/is in court weird no americans know about it...hmmmm 
oh and perfect just perfect the evil snakes behind the curtains ACTUALLY are trying to actually convince you some lost sheep to defund our police or take them away YOUR TAKING AWAY OUR ONLY PROTECTION in our communities taking our real heros forget these fake movie heros these ARE OUR REAL HEROS (you signing away your life if you stay silent or not speaking out that you want to keep  your police or protect them) you take away the police in your city or whatever armageddon is and will be in your neighborhoods they have nothing to fear you sighing you and family lives way (these evil celebs and politicians saying defund your police ect they have theyre own personal security to protect them whenever they dont need to fear BUT YOU SURE AS HELL DO) WAKE * THE * F* UP
theres thousands and thousands upon thousands of GOOD COPS out there and the cops (3 4 shi**y cops out of those thousand of thousand upon thousands good cops) that were not cops or human in my mind were arrested and are going to jail for good 
dont attack the good cops who live day to day to protect us
look this up yourself if you dont wanna take my word for it always best for yourself to look up both sides of the story and come to your truth
dont be gas lighted dont fall for the lies ,the media and celebs and evil disgusting politicians them all scheming and lying and diverting out attentions to separate us and fight among st ourselves to ignore whats really happening in the background DONT LET THEM
black white asian mexican indians any race its true LISTEN TO YOUR HEART  ignore what celebs and mass media tells you WE CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER other we love each other , yea we sometimes get into fights or arguments in stores but you dont need to see their color theyre just an asshole not everyone in that color is that way jesus tells us to love one another were equal in his eyes ,believe what your taught since your little ,dont listens to the demons working for the devil to separate us DONT LET THEM
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wise words (and to the people misquoting or adding edited pictures of martin luther king jr to fit their agendas I wish you the worst possible out come in life) and to the people falling for it the rev was about peace and love if and any images or quotes comes off any other way against his life mottos ITS A FAKE look up his speeches theyre beautiful and youll know the fake from the truth 
we need a leader among our communities who for us all to be in this together (black,white,asians,mexican,indian,ect) we need someone like martin luther king jr not these leaders(black,white) for hate ,segregation,and violence its against everything right and YOU KNOW IT
delete later just cant take this outright lying and scheming anymore ,praying and praying I just gotta rant sometimes
JUST PRAY YOUR GOVERNORS HAVE A BACKBONE who dont give into the lies and plotting - 
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“There are Men Running Governments Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Play With Matches”
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Well our Senators didn't yesterday when decide not to impeach "TRUMP" of no criminals charges because they was fearful and frightened what the President would do to them How public humiliation that can be along with the disgraced for our country as the dishonor what the U.S. Constitutional Amendments stand for the American People. The Senators (Republicans) just prove to us that "TRUMP" is above the law by not impeaching him for all the crimes they have cover up the last 4 yrs. Ask yourself how can you respect the Constitutional Amendments if the people we put in the positions to protect us. I hope the people now will get out on election day and vote out all the Republican Senators that didn't protect the people from the "Oath" they promise to upheld but instead sold their soul to "Satan" to continue to destroy our country.  Remember, this the "Stain" will be washed away from what happen yesterday by the Senators. Thankfully, "the Son of God was revealed for this purpose:to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8). Our Lord Jesus Christ will come and deliver us, but the evil one tries to deceive our faith that Christ's deliverance can't apply to us to believe the truth for our freedom from Satan's tactics. Know that our faith is the victory. The Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us from the hand of our enemy for us to live in freedom and faith. 1 John 5;4 - "This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith."  Amen Reminder: Our faith and prayer is the most powerful then Satan and the Senators and the President Trump think they have won this battle but they wrong. Our Lord Jesus Christ will deliver the victory. Amen, Amen, Amen.🙏🙏🙏
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awabubbles · 7 years
twisted-and-sane replied to your post “Hillary and Bernie”
I mean it's an election. Votes for another candidate doesn't mean that they destroyed the chances for another..
But what Hillary was pointing out in her book wasn’t that other people voted for Bernie. That’s not what she’s upset about, and PLEASE don’t let anybody else mischaracterize it like that. What she IS saying is that the bombastic, inflammatory accusations Bernie Sanders hurled against her (crooked, corrupt, in the pocket of wall street) when it was clear that his chances were dwindling to nothing, were not only UNTRUE, but that Donald Trump took those exact same untruths and repeated them, verbatim, to his rapid fans.
The only thing uniting Republicans in that campaign was that they hated Hillary Clinton. And once you start talking to people (on the left and right) about why, you find out pretty quickly none it is based in fact. It’s all based on innuendo and feelings. I mean, they think it’s based on facts, but those facts are inflated lies. Like....I don’t know...that anon that came into my inbox and repeated the lie about how Hillary Clinton laughed about defending a pedophile??....The kind of thing you could have easily debunked if you spent five seconds googling it?? But that’s the thing. No one wanted to examining their biases. Even SJW on this very site that are literally ALL. ABOUT. EXAMINING. BIASES.  did not want to do some serious digging into what they supposedly disliked and distrusted about Hillary Clinton. Because the one thing that everyone “knows” about Hillary Clinton, before you bother to do any research, is that you don’t like Hillary Clinton, right?
And Bernie Sanders KNEW THIS. and Bernie Sanders WEAPONIZED THIS (his campaign manager was live on air on MSNBC saying, verbatim, Hillary Clinton sold her soul to the devil, I mean SERIOUSLY? and it didn’t take Trump even a month to come out and just say Hillary WAS the devil). Bernie Sanders BARELY made an effort to campaign for her at the end (in contrast, Hillary was all in for Obama). And his supporters like Susan Sarandon were going around saying it was better if Trump was elected anyways because it would help the “revolution”, which I think people like Heather Heyer’s mother, and the mother of the eight year old who died because they couldn’t access a hospital because of the travel ban, would very much disagree with that.
Hillary Clinton is constantly being told to take responsibility for her part in losing the election. But no one is asking Bernie to do even barely acknowledge the lies that he spewed, and the divides that he deepened. And, imo, that is the height of sexism. HRC isn’t pointing fingers, she’s speaking truth. And goddamnit if the woman hasn’t earned, after years of having to change herself to adjust to other people’s opinions of what she should be, goddamn if she hasn’t earned a little bit of space to tell the truth. 
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The Democrats have been forthright and have let you get away with too much at this point. The hoax is portrayed by your corrupt players under the guise of Republicans. Your cult will disappear into the woodwork, and the Kremlin will sit and dine in celebration, laughing it up when you are outed. You sold out, our freedom and democracy, like selling your soul to the Devil. Do you not get this? You’re not part of their plan in the long run. You’re just a part of the scheme of things for their revenge. You're nothing to the Kremlin but a tool. Now, American lives are at risk. I don’t know how I can plead a case that will penetrate their hearts, but I’m trying, for the sake of the World. (No, you don’t understand and never will at this rate.)
Really, Kremlin? Putin, word on the streets...
“The dumb-ass irony is... In an effort to make him & Russia appear popular & great, Putin spends billions on propaganda. But, if he instead spent those propaganda billions on Russia & its people, they & the world would think he's a great leader. And yet some claim Putin's smart.”
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aulunthe · 5 years
It never ceases to amaze me at how many gullible people there are that actually believe anything Trump says. Like the one lady interviewed after a recent Trump Swamp Rally who said Trump is really honest and she really believes him; the press is dishonest. She was really sincere in her thinking. This probably isn’t nice to say but it takes an extreme level of dumb to actually believe that.
I can understand the wealthy supporting Trump because they knew he would do everything he could to benefit himself like cutting the tax rate for the rich and raising the lower limit on the capital gains tax, which only benefits multi-millionaires. Although Trump campaigned with the opposite. Yet there are those who are median and lower wage earners and pensioners who were gullible enough to believe Trump and the dishonest Republicans that they were benefiting.
I can understand the gullible folks who for decades have believed the NRA and the 2AM’rs and gun lobbyists, and dishonest politicians (mostly Republicans) when they were told all their guns including shotguns and hunting weapons were going to be taken away. I can see Trump joining in on the con in order to gain voters considering he and his family have financial interests with gun manufacturers. With Trump, it’s always what will financially benefit him and his family.
I can understand some anti-choicers falling for the disinformation and distortions fed to them by the zygote crusaders and Sunday morning flock fleecers, extremists, hate groups and cons like Trump who stated babies were being ripped from the vagina at 9 months. These are the same types of people who cheer on the Trump regime kidnapping children and putting people into cages and denying women necessary healthcare. Trump learned early who was easily manipulated and who he could con into following him. What amazes me is how quickly the so called religious folks sold their souls to the devil. They have sealed their own fate. My favorite proverb: He who courts the devil in life shall suffer his enchainment in the after life for eternity.
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