#Request Fullfilled
raichu-stimmy · 9 months
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Stimboard request: @cute-bath-toy 's self insert & Iris stimboard (creds to all gif owners)
[GIF 1: A camera panning around to some pastel coloured plush bunnies (END ID)]
[GIF 2: A camera panning to show some dice which are pastel pink,blue & yellow coloured (END ID)]
[GIF 3: A person hitting some keys on a pastel coloured keyboard with light up keycaps (END ID)]
[GIF 4: A camera panning to show off a decoden phonecase themed to the Sanrio character Cinnamoroll (END ID)]
[CENTER IMAGE ID: A cutecore edit of @cute-bath-toy 's self insert oc & Iris from Megaman X4 that's made by me (psd colouring used)(END ID)] [GIF 5: A person shaking a summer themed Hello Kitty decoden phonecase to show off that's its also somewhat a resin shaker (END ID)]
[GIF 6: A person holding a sparkly painting of a white rabbit (END ID)]
[GIF 7: A camera panning to show off various resin shakers, one of themed is green & themed to the Sanrio character Keroppi (END ID)]
[GIF 8: A person playing with white,pink,blue & yellow pastel coloured slime (END ID)]
[IMAGE: A DNI banner of the Pokémon Raichu on a light orange background with white text reading "RAICHU PROTECTS THIS BLOG!" in a very cartoony font, under it is white text reading "Please read my full DNI list before interacting!" in a handwritten-esque font & there's white text in a banner-like font reading "@RAICHU-STIMMY ON TUMBLR! (END ID)]
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chenfordsrollisi · 7 months
Lucy and Tim are caught under the mistletoe and Lucy panics the kiss didn't mean anything to him but it did.
This request came in on Christmas 2023. (12/25/2023.) Here's my response to your request, hon! Enjoy! Sorry that it took me so long. All My Walls Came Tumbling Down.
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ghostlylinks · 4 months
Miniroth and Little Cloud,,
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seneitut · 1 year
PT (1) PT (2) 
[Gekko/Reader] [Cypher/Reader]
Words: 2.8K
Warnings: Mentions of murder, obsessive behaviour, sense of ownership, insane(?), yandere-ish(?)
How do they show their love? [Is it the epitome of extreme, or just dumb fools?]
Cypher: Family.
In his culture, family is the most important aspect in their lives. The ones to trust unconditionally and love infinitely, and those who will reciprocate his feelings throughout their whole lives with no regrets.
To Amir, his grandfather was his world.
An angry old cranky man was he, beating the crap out of intruders who dared disrespect the La Amari family and protecting what little land they still held against Kingdom's agents.
His grandfather had no powers nor weapons for the enemy to fear him—but it was of no need for this battle. La Amari's grandfather was a well-respected person that his own people feared him sometimes; because he gave what no one else could: hope, enough of a little spark to inspire others into being active in the fight against Kingdom and their thirst for power.
That alone was dangerous, and it kept Kingdom's agents on a tight leash to not cause a riot.
“Think about what will make you lose, instead of what will make you win”, is a piece of advice Amir will never forget.
And it was the last thing his grandfather taught him.
It was devastating losing him at such a young age when he had a future to hold onto, people to take and many to guide. But Amir accepted its fate, because no one can defy death and its destiny; continuing living his life by those beliefs and advice and not disregarding everything he’s learnt.
Then he met Nora, he fell deeply in love, and had his first child—every decision made, every move he took on life was calculated and thought before accomplishing it. Amir believed he had everything solved and paved until his very end, but nothing went according to his plan.
He was never able to figure out the plays of death, always one step ahead of him, and once again taking away everything that was important to him in one swift move.
Death wasn’t the culprit to his many misfortunes, though.
Imagine his surprise when he found out the same people who took Nora’s life were the same gang who murdered his grandfather many years ago. And later on, destroyed the rest of the lineage of La Amari.
The whole crimescene reeked from their trademark, unable to hold back and destroying everything on their way. It was a bloody mess, and the images of his family mangled and dead will remain grafted inside his brain for the rest of his life.
Amir believes that’s the moment where everything changed for him.
La Amari disappeared from the earth, he made sure of that, his family name was dead now and scrubbed from life. The only thing that will carry the memory is him, Cypher, in search of vengeance and answers.
But with time, everything changes its course of action and now Cypher is involved in what could be considered some sort of organization to save the world.
Funny how things evolve.
He meets new people, he learns a few things here and there, he gets fond of some kids, genius fellas they are, a techie and a walking bomb—Cypher takes everything in with open arms, but never without the advice resonating throughout his brain like an echo.
Think about what will make you lose.
Like a chant, he repeats the same sentence when meeting new agents or when deployed to missions. Cypher is the first to come up with solutions, the first to come with counterplans and always a step ahead of the enemy.
And then, like a rock thrown into a well, a disturbance is found.
You are a weird one, he thinks when meeting you for the first time, all smiles and sparky soul.
Jumping and talking non-stop, always a little sunshine to the youngsters but annoying to the core for the seniors.
It always seems to go on tangents when speaking with you, and Cypher likes things concise and straight to the point, so it is obvious to him that he doesn't find you amusing in the slightless.
Cypher doesn't care for you at first, treating you with less than affection and little patience when dealing with you. You are nothing in his life, just another agent and someone else he needs to keep his eye on.
And then, you matter, in more ways than he anticipated.
Because the moment the anniversary of his wife and kid's death comes around, Cypher spirals into a pit of depression he hasn't felt since the incident, digging himself into his own tomb inch by inch as punishment  and blaming himself for everything that hurted his loved ones.
And like a star shining in the dark room, beckoning him with the warmth and gentle touch, is when everything went to shit.
Because you, being the smart cookie you are, sympathized with him the moment you saw him break down and closed off to the world in panic.
You are not Nora, you don’t even resemble her in any aspect whatsoever, but his frivolous and conflicted brain twists your actions, your pure intentions, into something that he desperately thinks he needs.
Cypher sees in you an anchor for him and take advantage of, and you are so unaware of his intentions, so innocent and flustered so easily by his words, that you simply follow whatever he needs you to do.
An obedient little fella, a sweet young adult ready to help whoever needs it without regarding their own self. You follow him like a puppy inside the protocol, you shine brighter when he compliments you, you are so thirsty for his attention he never leaves you hanging with anticipation.
Cypher accepts then that you are what he needs now to fill his own wish and hole in his heart until he takes care of the bigger matters.
But to have you, he needs to think clearly; to own you, he needs to make his moves smartly.
Finding information about your background, your life, the people you mingle with and the lover you have is easy. Is like you're leaving this all for him to find on purpose, is like you know he's doing this to get you, and you're helping him.
And damn him! A surprise is what he finds amongst your files! A family member of the gang who destroyed his life, the gang who were hired by Kingdom to erase La Amari's lineage and conquer the little lands of Morocco. You! You were the key to everything to finally finish what his grandfather started many years ago!
Cypher is joyful, ecstatic, and so eager to take everything from them and, as a prize, keep you to himself.
And when he has everything he needs, he begins his game.
Is so easy. Breaking down their walls, breaking their security and their lackeys, is like a child's game when he realizes this is not a challenge.
Like chess, his moves are smart and calculated, and everything crumbles in front of their eyes.
Think about what will make you lose.
He makes the first move, killing the white's pawn.
Your friends are the first to fall. One by one, they die by his hands and his own methodological mind games to gain information regarding you and your family.
They plead for forgiveness, they ask him to leave you alone, but Cypher is quick to silence them forever.
Humming to himself, he moves his bishop to kill the white's knight.
That little partner of yours put up a struggle when he tried to kidnap them. It was not an easy task to have them under control, nor make them give you up to let them live another day.
Cypher was taken aback by their loyalty, surprised but eager that this might turn bloodier than he anticipated. 
Is funny, too, that despite having someone who loves you this deeply, you always look for Cypher. As if this person isn't enough to satisfy you. 
Cornering the white's queen was easy. 
Every obstacle was eliminated. Anything and anyone he considered might cross his path or make the situation difficult for his plans to move forward is no longer a threat to him, nor his objective.
Cypher fixes the pieces to their positions once he's finished, and in turn, clicks on a button of his surveillance set-up. 
The many screens light up with views from the cameras he has around the base and hidden away by simple eyes.
In one of them, he sees you walking down the hallway with quick steps, hurriedly making your way to Cypher's room.
He sees the determination in your expression, the fast pacing of your steps and in less than a minute you are at his door, huffing to catch your breath and eyes wandering around his room.
Your body language says everything he needs to know—from your shuffle in feet and avoidance to look him into his eyes. You are nervous, if not a little shy to confront him about something.
But he is patient, hands resting on his lap and legs crossed, awaiting for your words with eagerness.
“I like you,” you say, approaching him slowly and nervously rubbing your arms. “I like you a lot, Cypher.”
Unaware of his affairs, you inch closer and kneel in front of him, hands holding onto his and looking into his eerie blue eyes.
“Will you take me?” you ask.
Cypher smiles under his mask, a finger under your chin and gently caressing your lower lips with his thumb.
“But of course, my dear. You are mine now.”
He has won.
Gekko: Freedom.
Throughout his life, Mateo has always been considered a friendly person. 
Conversations here and there, making friends down the street, enamouring the grandladies next door who always gush over his cuteness and kindness as a little kid.
He's always been popular amongst the people surrounding him; a star shining brightly amongst others, a leader, a role model. Mateo is everything and all mothers wish for their kids to be when they grow up, for people to have as a friend, and for girls to want in their boyfriends.
But for him, none of it is of importance. Is irrelevant and pointless to praise him non-stop when he believes nothing of what they say.
Mateo only wishes he could be freed from all of this pressure and simply live his life as a normal teenage boy.
Having been born and raised by a single mother has been tough, with the many expectations put onto his shoulders and many accomplishments he felt the need to fulfill, Mateo never had the time to discover himself in this world but to wear the shoes of someone who is predetermined to succeed.
They expected him to be smart; so he would study non-stop, missing hours of sleep and time to be playing outside just to focus on his grades and reach the top results. They expected him to be kinder; to always share his things, to share his food, to share his money until he was broke just to please the rest of the world. 
They expected many things he despised, but Mateo never said no.
It was like a curse he self-inflicted and didn’t know how to get rid of, and as much as he tries to lash out or simply think to rebel and live like he wants, the nagging feeling of guilt eats him alive before he acts.
Giving up and accepting the façade he's created is the easiest path. He will stop struggling, he will come to terms with what he's chosen and just bear with it.
Mateo will have to live chained to this fate.
But then, he met his little crew. 
The one time he decides to do something for himself, he gets wrapped into the biggest catastrophe that has ever been; affecting everything and everyone in the world until there is nothing but himself and his new friends.
The shift they cause is what makes him decide to start being selfish.
They say when you meet death face-on you can never become the person you used to be. In his case, it meant leaving behind the cocoon of someone who pleased everyone in his surroundings and was finally feeling the metaphorical chains break him free.
Mateo breathes deeply when he comes to that realization, and it almost feels like the first time doing it.
And it gets better.
Because through Reyna is how he meets you.
You are stunning, amazing, funny, gorgeous—he’s running out of words to describe you!
Shaking his hand for the first time, he knows it has to be you. The one to complete his puzzle, the one to fill that empty space of his new life.
Mateo falls in love with you right there and then.
He never believed to have strong feelings for anything in life nor desires that he deeply wanted for himself except freedom— but you made him change his perspective as soon as you came into his life.
It was as if a door had been unlocked and all the suppressed emotions bursted without control, clouding his mind and getting overwhelmed with what he was feeling until there were no other thoughts but you.
You were the contender of his affections and desires now, and Mateo, in his sick twisted way of thinking, thought that you will have to belong to him as well.
Just like he claimed his crew to be his, despite them being sentient, just like he claimed back his life, and just like he got the courage to toss away everyone who crossed his path and denied him the opportunity to evolve into someone better—he is now going to claim you as his.
Nevermind that partner you had, nevermind Reyna eyeing him carefully after the exchange of pleasantries, dubious and concerned because of his unstable emotions; his focus was you, and you alone.
Blame it on the world, blame it on Kingdom, fuck, blame it on him for going to this lengths to make sure he had a chance.
Mateo has killed people before, the Valorant protocol trains them to have impeccable aim and be smart about their actions, so it is no wonder he could kill your partner in one clean shot the next day and hide the body for no one to find.
Many secrets bloomed from his action, but no regrets were found on his eerie smile nor empty hazel eyes when Reyna confronted him about it. Mateo had the upper hand, because he knew she wouldn't say a word—because despite being a cold-hearted person and having her judgment intact, she has a soft spot for him, and Mateo plans to abuse that for his goal.
It comes in handy with everything he taught himself when you look for someone to hold onto, crying and sobbing when your partner goes missing. 
Mateo acts empathetic, soothing your cries and assuring you he would never leave your side until you feel better. 
And it takes you a long time to move on. Deciding whether your partner abandoned you or simply decided to disappear from the world, Mateo's words bring a smile to your face every time he tries to soothe you, and your reactions are either flustered and nervous by the time he ends.
Flirting, teasing, and keeping you on your toes with his actions is his way to test the waters.
Mateo is eloquent when it comes to words and his ways of convincing, to make you trust him slowly and not only by baseless talking—is a long process, a tedious one where he needs to make sure everything is going according to what he needs.
He compliments everything you do, from what you wear to what you do.
He hovers over your mouth inches apart, breaths intermingling and lips barely touching until he suddenly pulls away, flustered and nervous, and makes excuses to promptly escape—and then you are left alone with a hammering heart and warm face, wondering whether Gekko has feelings for you or is he just simply shy.
Is like he’s toying with you, with purpose, with the need to see if you are going to break under the pressure he’s making you go through, or will he break first in desperation to have you for himself.
Because there is so much a man like him can tolerate.
But it doesn’t take long to know the answer.
When you breach the first barrier, and the second on the way, kissing him with fervor and passion, he knows he’s won.
Mateo reciprocates with the same sentiment, drowning in your lips and taste, with his heart full and desires fulfilled. He holds you tightly and without restrain, swinging you around with laughter and giddiness, deepening the kiss until you both are breathless in each other's arms.
When you confess you are in love with him, Gekko smiles, happy, and dips to claim your lips again.
This is what it means to have freedom.
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bulgariandeficit · 8 days
I'm gonna go inactive for a while, all these personal issues are fucking with my head... Some I would rather not reveal (If you're on the RCP discord server i'm sure you'll get an idea of what kind of issues there are) I won't be chatting in the discord server as well, hope you guys will understand 💙❤️
-- Kalin
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parttime-creative · 3 months
ooh I like these romance prompts! can I request part 1 prompt 54?? and can it be wlw please and thank u 😭
There is another one... Oh lord, I am sorry! But I am having FUN with these again. Of course it shall be WLW <3 With this one my mind immediately jumped to "The Locked Tomb". But honestly, I have no idea where this is going.
"Prompt #54: We’re lying on a deserted parking level, watching the stars, but we’re in a big city with too much light so we just watch each other."
Back in Drearburh the nights had been so dark, barely any stars had dared to illuminate the bone fields. I had liked the dark of drearburh nights. I know for a fact, you did too. Your robes had always turned you into a goblin like bat, fluttering down the corridors like some sort of wet rag that mist its clothing line. You probably felt so cool. I liked the dark, because no one saw me sneak out. I also liked it because in the dark the rare instance of a shuttle coming or leaving was a true spectacle. Its jets looked like tiny stars burning up in the atmosphere. I liked to imagine being on that shuttle, on my way to the cohort. You didn't like to imagine that. The shuttle starting from the Mithraeum's port also didn't look like tiny starts. Not even the night looked like night. It all was bright. Full of artificial space station light. The nights here weren't quiet and full of dark silence either. They were bustling. Buzzing like a life animal, overflowing with necromantic energy as cohort troupes walked about, organizing their leave or a new battalions arrival. I would have LOVED to watch that, I was screaming at you to get up from the metal floor and watch the first house. But no, you kept laying on the floor face down, arms sprawled out, your cheek pressed to the cold floor. You looked positively pathetic. I screamed at you, shoveling more of my thalergenic energy into your insatiable oven of a body so you wouldn't freeze to death. I didn't die for you to act like the wet rag hat finally hit the floor after all. But you, you, Harrowhark Nonnagessimus, you just kept laying there staring ahead into the reflecting surface of a metal barrel, and watches your eyes. No my eyes. My golden eyes, that were screaming at you, to get up. Reverent daughter my ass. Reverberate dimwit, more like it! You're not the necrohag of the ninth house, that fucking slaughtered a fucking lyctor! This wet puddle of a necromancer is not my Harrowhak! GET UP. GetupgetupgetupGETUP! Finally you blinked. A life sign. Not that I didn't know you were alive. To busted my ass right there to keep you warm. But your short-circuited brain finally sparked again. I didn't like the thought the spark produced. Not at all. You had seen a small hole in the barrel. Right in the middle of your reflecting forehead. I had no idea, what the word meant, you had just thought of. But I didn't like it. It sounded like something the third would do, and definitely not something from the hot twin! You blinked again and I felt your thanergetic deluge of your body press me back into the corner of your mind where you had me caged in. I AM STILL SCREAMING AT YOU, HARROWHARK NONNAGESSIMUS! But your eye had already durned brown, then black, and finally as dark as the drearburh night and you got up (REALLY? NOW?). I rattled my cage, willing you to not run to the skeletal bitch from the third. But you didn't hear me. You didn't listen. You never listen...
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doomed-prophetess · 3 months
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lynnlovesthestars · 10 months
Hello! Noticed you got requests open!
Could we get a Karlach x GN!Tiefling!Durge?
(Durge on Redemption Path)
I'm curious to see how'd she handle someone who's cold and stoic at first. I figure her sunshine personality would be able to melt their heart after awhile and show a more tender side to ultimately help them overcome their urges for her and everyone else's safety. :3
So, i wanna write this so bad, so instead of keeping your request in the asks, i will post this and when I'll be far enough my durge run I'll come back to this and write it (cause ngl i just know a lil abt it and i would feel bad if i did a poor job at this ahah) anyways hang on tight cause as soon as i finish act 2 i'll work on this<3 sorry again for the waiting but i can't help but want to do a good job rather than improvising<33
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spacecatdet · 2 years
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As 2022 comes to a close, I give you my final piece of the year. Reindeer Scar Hope you all have a good new years and I look forward to what we will all bring in the new year! Returning to this fandom was one of the best things I could do
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togetherhearted · 1 year
Trying my best to not write/draw about Venigni and Bea-
But I want to explore their relationship so much!
Or the friendship she has with Polendina because in my mind they are cute together
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anamelessfool · 5 months
Comments suggesting I end my fic with love, happiness, understanding and a full sense of self for the characters only double down on my efforts to make Reader an absolute doomed mess in this narrative, let's fucking goooo
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macawritesupdates · 5 months
hiiii, first off i wanna say how much I ADORE YOU. you're literally one of my top 5 writers ever. your style, characterization, world building, pacing are all *chefs kiss* i would like to request a sukuita yakuza/no curses au where boss sukuna who rarely get his hands dirty march into a fight because his lover yuji got kidnapped (if it's not too much to ask 👉👈) thank you for all your hark work, have a nice weekend 🩷
Thank you for the kind words! : w ; always makes my heart melty and I blush when people tell me they like how I write! Tis very high praise!!
I hope this Yaukuza boss Sukuna one-shot meets expectations! Not angsty, but a bit violent. More just Sukuna being himself!
>>Chapter Nine: A Mistake Was Made<<
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chenfordsrollisi · 10 months
Chenford + 2x11 Lucy recovers from the caleb ordeal and they fall in love ❤️
Next request is now up! Always There When I Need You.
Hope you like it, and have a great day!
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rachelsquill · 7 months
anyone feel like doing an art trade? it could srsly just be a doodle trade idk i just need smth to motivate me to draw
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geddyqueer · 2 years
i love when i do hotfixes for people whose names would be like obviously fake names in pornos but incredibly are real
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
Hi! Do you take request?
Requests? No.
If someone sends a Prompt or just shared an Idea? Maybe. Can't promise I will draw it tho. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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