#gekko yandere
seneitut · 9 months
PT (1) PT (2) 
[Gekko/Reader] [Cypher/Reader]
Words: 2.8K
Warnings: Mentions of murder, obsessive behaviour, sense of ownership, insane(?), yandere-ish(?)
How do they show their love? [Is it the epitome of extreme, or just dumb fools?]
Cypher: Family.
In his culture, family is the most important aspect in their lives. The ones to trust unconditionally and love infinitely, and those who will reciprocate his feelings throughout their whole lives with no regrets.
To Amir, his grandfather was his world.
An angry old cranky man was he, beating the crap out of intruders who dared disrespect the La Amari family and protecting what little land they still held against Kingdom's agents.
His grandfather had no powers nor weapons for the enemy to fear him—but it was of no need for this battle. La Amari's grandfather was a well-respected person that his own people feared him sometimes; because he gave what no one else could: hope, enough of a little spark to inspire others into being active in the fight against Kingdom and their thirst for power.
That alone was dangerous, and it kept Kingdom's agents on a tight leash to not cause a riot.
“Think about what will make you lose, instead of what will make you win”, is a piece of advice Amir will never forget.
And it was the last thing his grandfather taught him.
It was devastating losing him at such a young age when he had a future to hold onto, people to take and many to guide. But Amir accepted its fate, because no one can defy death and its destiny; continuing living his life by those beliefs and advice and not disregarding everything he’s learnt.
Then he met Nora, he fell deeply in love, and had his first child—every decision made, every move he took on life was calculated and thought before accomplishing it. Amir believed he had everything solved and paved until his very end, but nothing went according to his plan.
He was never able to figure out the plays of death, always one step ahead of him, and once again taking away everything that was important to him in one swift move.
Death wasn’t the culprit to his many misfortunes, though.
Imagine his surprise when he found out the same people who took Nora’s life were the same gang who murdered his grandfather many years ago. And later on, destroyed the rest of the lineage of La Amari.
The whole crimescene reeked from their trademark, unable to hold back and destroying everything on their way. It was a bloody mess, and the images of his family mangled and dead will remain grafted inside his brain for the rest of his life.
Amir believes that’s the moment where everything changed for him.
La Amari disappeared from the earth, he made sure of that, his family name was dead now and scrubbed from life. The only thing that will carry the memory is him, Cypher, in search of vengeance and answers.
But with time, everything changes its course of action and now Cypher is involved in what could be considered some sort of organization to save the world.
Funny how things evolve.
He meets new people, he learns a few things here and there, he gets fond of some kids, genius fellas they are, a techie and a walking bomb—Cypher takes everything in with open arms, but never without the advice resonating throughout his brain like an echo.
Think about what will make you lose.
Like a chant, he repeats the same sentence when meeting new agents or when deployed to missions. Cypher is the first to come up with solutions, the first to come with counterplans and always a step ahead of the enemy.
And then, like a rock thrown into a well, a disturbance is found.
You are a weird one, he thinks when meeting you for the first time, all smiles and sparky soul.
Jumping and talking non-stop, always a little sunshine to the youngsters but annoying to the core for the seniors.
It always seems to go on tangents when speaking with you, and Cypher likes things concise and straight to the point, so it is obvious to him that he doesn't find you amusing in the slightless.
Cypher doesn't care for you at first, treating you with less than affection and little patience when dealing with you. You are nothing in his life, just another agent and someone else he needs to keep his eye on.
And then, you matter, in more ways than he anticipated.
Because the moment the anniversary of his wife and kid's death comes around, Cypher spirals into a pit of depression he hasn't felt since the incident, digging himself into his own tomb inch by inch as punishment  and blaming himself for everything that hurted his loved ones.
And like a star shining in the dark room, beckoning him with the warmth and gentle touch, is when everything went to shit.
Because you, being the smart cookie you are, sympathized with him the moment you saw him break down and closed off to the world in panic.
You are not Nora, you don’t even resemble her in any aspect whatsoever, but his frivolous and conflicted brain twists your actions, your pure intentions, into something that he desperately thinks he needs.
Cypher sees in you an anchor for him and take advantage of, and you are so unaware of his intentions, so innocent and flustered so easily by his words, that you simply follow whatever he needs you to do.
An obedient little fella, a sweet young adult ready to help whoever needs it without regarding their own self. You follow him like a puppy inside the protocol, you shine brighter when he compliments you, you are so thirsty for his attention he never leaves you hanging with anticipation.
Cypher accepts then that you are what he needs now to fill his own wish and hole in his heart until he takes care of the bigger matters.
But to have you, he needs to think clearly; to own you, he needs to make his moves smartly.
Finding information about your background, your life, the people you mingle with and the lover you have is easy. Is like you're leaving this all for him to find on purpose, is like you know he's doing this to get you, and you're helping him.
And damn him! A surprise is what he finds amongst your files! A family member of the gang who destroyed his life, the gang who were hired by Kingdom to erase La Amari's lineage and conquer the little lands of Morocco. You! You were the key to everything to finally finish what his grandfather started many years ago!
Cypher is joyful, ecstatic, and so eager to take everything from them and, as a prize, keep you to himself.
And when he has everything he needs, he begins his game.
Is so easy. Breaking down their walls, breaking their security and their lackeys, is like a child's game when he realizes this is not a challenge.
Like chess, his moves are smart and calculated, and everything crumbles in front of their eyes.
Think about what will make you lose.
He makes the first move, killing the white's pawn.
Your friends are the first to fall. One by one, they die by his hands and his own methodological mind games to gain information regarding you and your family.
They plead for forgiveness, they ask him to leave you alone, but Cypher is quick to silence them forever.
Humming to himself, he moves his bishop to kill the white's knight.
That little partner of yours put up a struggle when he tried to kidnap them. It was not an easy task to have them under control, nor make them give you up to let them live another day.
Cypher was taken aback by their loyalty, surprised but eager that this might turn bloodier than he anticipated. 
Is funny, too, that despite having someone who loves you this deeply, you always look for Cypher. As if this person isn't enough to satisfy you. 
Cornering the white's queen was easy. 
Every obstacle was eliminated. Anything and anyone he considered might cross his path or make the situation difficult for his plans to move forward is no longer a threat to him, nor his objective.
Cypher fixes the pieces to their positions once he's finished, and in turn, clicks on a button of his surveillance set-up. 
The many screens light up with views from the cameras he has around the base and hidden away by simple eyes.
In one of them, he sees you walking down the hallway with quick steps, hurriedly making your way to Cypher's room.
He sees the determination in your expression, the fast pacing of your steps and in less than a minute you are at his door, huffing to catch your breath and eyes wandering around his room.
Your body language says everything he needs to know—from your shuffle in feet and avoidance to look him into his eyes. You are nervous, if not a little shy to confront him about something.
But he is patient, hands resting on his lap and legs crossed, awaiting for your words with eagerness.
“I like you,” you say, approaching him slowly and nervously rubbing your arms. “I like you a lot, Cypher.”
Unaware of his affairs, you inch closer and kneel in front of him, hands holding onto his and looking into his eerie blue eyes.
“Will you take me?” you ask.
Cypher smiles under his mask, a finger under your chin and gently caressing your lower lips with his thumb.
“But of course, my dear. You are mine now.”
He has won.
Gekko: Freedom.
Throughout his life, Mateo has always been considered a friendly person. 
Conversations here and there, making friends down the street, enamouring the grandladies next door who always gush over his cuteness and kindness as a little kid.
He's always been popular amongst the people surrounding him; a star shining brightly amongst others, a leader, a role model. Mateo is everything and all mothers wish for their kids to be when they grow up, for people to have as a friend, and for girls to want in their boyfriends.
But for him, none of it is of importance. Is irrelevant and pointless to praise him non-stop when he believes nothing of what they say.
Mateo only wishes he could be freed from all of this pressure and simply live his life as a normal teenage boy.
Having been born and raised by a single mother has been tough, with the many expectations put onto his shoulders and many accomplishments he felt the need to fulfill, Mateo never had the time to discover himself in this world but to wear the shoes of someone who is predetermined to succeed.
They expected him to be smart; so he would study non-stop, missing hours of sleep and time to be playing outside just to focus on his grades and reach the top results. They expected him to be kinder; to always share his things, to share his food, to share his money until he was broke just to please the rest of the world. 
They expected many things he despised, but Mateo never said no.
It was like a curse he self-inflicted and didn’t know how to get rid of, and as much as he tries to lash out or simply think to rebel and live like he wants, the nagging feeling of guilt eats him alive before he acts.
Giving up and accepting the façade he's created is the easiest path. He will stop struggling, he will come to terms with what he's chosen and just bear with it.
Mateo will have to live chained to this fate.
But then, he met his little crew. 
The one time he decides to do something for himself, he gets wrapped into the biggest catastrophe that has ever been; affecting everything and everyone in the world until there is nothing but himself and his new friends.
The shift they cause is what makes him decide to start being selfish.
They say when you meet death face-on you can never become the person you used to be. In his case, it meant leaving behind the cocoon of someone who pleased everyone in his surroundings and was finally feeling the metaphorical chains break him free.
Mateo breathes deeply when he comes to that realization, and it almost feels like the first time doing it.
And it gets better.
Because through Reyna is how he meets you.
You are stunning, amazing, funny, gorgeous—he’s running out of words to describe you!
Shaking his hand for the first time, he knows it has to be you. The one to complete his puzzle, the one to fill that empty space of his new life.
Mateo falls in love with you right there and then.
He never believed to have strong feelings for anything in life nor desires that he deeply wanted for himself except freedom— but you made him change his perspective as soon as you came into his life.
It was as if a door had been unlocked and all the suppressed emotions bursted without control, clouding his mind and getting overwhelmed with what he was feeling until there were no other thoughts but you.
You were the contender of his affections and desires now, and Mateo, in his sick twisted way of thinking, thought that you will have to belong to him as well.
Just like he claimed his crew to be his, despite them being sentient, just like he claimed back his life, and just like he got the courage to toss away everyone who crossed his path and denied him the opportunity to evolve into someone better—he is now going to claim you as his.
Nevermind that partner you had, nevermind Reyna eyeing him carefully after the exchange of pleasantries, dubious and concerned because of his unstable emotions; his focus was you, and you alone.
Blame it on the world, blame it on Kingdom, fuck, blame it on him for going to this lengths to make sure he had a chance.
Mateo has killed people before, the Valorant protocol trains them to have impeccable aim and be smart about their actions, so it is no wonder he could kill your partner in one clean shot the next day and hide the body for no one to find.
Many secrets bloomed from his action, but no regrets were found on his eerie smile nor empty hazel eyes when Reyna confronted him about it. Mateo had the upper hand, because he knew she wouldn't say a word—because despite being a cold-hearted person and having her judgment intact, she has a soft spot for him, and Mateo plans to abuse that for his goal.
It comes in handy with everything he taught himself when you look for someone to hold onto, crying and sobbing when your partner goes missing. 
Mateo acts empathetic, soothing your cries and assuring you he would never leave your side until you feel better. 
And it takes you a long time to move on. Deciding whether your partner abandoned you or simply decided to disappear from the world, Mateo's words bring a smile to your face every time he tries to soothe you, and your reactions are either flustered and nervous by the time he ends.
Flirting, teasing, and keeping you on your toes with his actions is his way to test the waters.
Mateo is eloquent when it comes to words and his ways of convincing, to make you trust him slowly and not only by baseless talking—is a long process, a tedious one where he needs to make sure everything is going according to what he needs.
He compliments everything you do, from what you wear to what you do.
He hovers over your mouth inches apart, breaths intermingling and lips barely touching until he suddenly pulls away, flustered and nervous, and makes excuses to promptly escape—and then you are left alone with a hammering heart and warm face, wondering whether Gekko has feelings for you or is he just simply shy.
Is like he’s toying with you, with purpose, with the need to see if you are going to break under the pressure he’s making you go through, or will he break first in desperation to have you for himself.
Because there is so much a man like him can tolerate.
But it doesn’t take long to know the answer.
When you breach the first barrier, and the second on the way, kissing him with fervor and passion, he knows he’s won.
Mateo reciprocates with the same sentiment, drowning in your lips and taste, with his heart full and desires fulfilled. He holds you tightly and without restrain, swinging you around with laughter and giddiness, deepening the kiss until you both are breathless in each other's arms.
When you confess you are in love with him, Gekko smiles, happy, and dips to claim your lips again.
This is what it means to have freedom.
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leeneir · 5 months
Look At Me Please 2.0; Possesive Yandere!Iso x Reader
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To those that have given me reqs, I'm terribly sorry for not getting them out yet. My writer's block is such a pain💔 I promise I'm constantly thinking abt them tho and tryna brainstorm but my creative well is nonexistent dibdjs
Anywho, this is a continuation of the last Yandere Iso hc post! Highly recommend that you read the first! :]
Iso didn’t go through with his plans against Yoru that day because he was too happy about going on that date, but that doesn’t mean he forgot. Around a week after your boba date with him, you found Yoru with a serious injury being nursed back to health by Sage, when you asked what happened, he told you to leave. Perhaps a matter of pride?
You bring up the concern with your new boyfriend, Iso. When he responds, he doesn’t sound sympathetic. It wasn’t strange, he barely showed expressive emotion, and he didn’t have the best interactions with Yoru, so you assumed he didn’t really care because they weren’t the greatest friends.
In reality, Iso was fuming that you were concerned about that stupid cocky bastard and how he snapped at you like that. How dare that shit head take your emotions for granted? Sure, he’s the reason Yoru was injured in the first place, but the audacity Yoru had to brush you off. He’ll have to do more damage later.
The day you told Iso you loved him for the first time, something about him changed. He wasn’t shy anymore, he was always initiating intimacy, trying to give you kisses, holding your hand, and overall just a lot more doting and servicing you.
Oh, you’re tired? How could he let this happen! Iso shuts the rest of the world out with both of you in either his or your room, he already put both of your requests for a day off.
Very insistent about sleeping in the same room, you won’t do anything too intimate, he just wants to be with you for the rest of your life night.
At some point, everything becomes a reminder of you. The bare walls of the HQ, the houseplants put around the facility by Skye and Sage, the air that he breaths, he couldn’t get enough of anything.
ALWAYS holding you somewhere. Whether it be on the shoulder while youre talking to someone, the arm, your back, your leg while you're sitting, etc. Iso likes having a hand on you as a way to say “Mine.” to the others.
Every day has a new gift. Your room is starting to get crowded with all of the things he gets for you, Iso has already requested Brimstone to extend your room to make some space.
Man’s is rich and just loves spoiling you. Even if it’s just your favorite snack, or a new piece of clothing, he will literally get anything you want. If you mentioned something you even hinted you’d like, expect to receive it in the following hours to a day. He ordered it with overnight shipping.
Your assigned on a mission and he isn’t sent with you? Oh no!! Someone on the strike team got injured from training, what will we ever do? Everyone else happens to be unavailable for some unknown reasons, except Iso.
During the mission when you request a gun, he’ll immediately get it for you and snap at anyone else who even tries to get it first. Iso kisses you on the forehead before going to his position.
You had to apologize to Reyna for his behavior, she told you that his heart revealed that he wasn’t the good person you thought he was. Which was strange. How was the admiring and loving Iso not who he appeared to be?
One day, have an argument with Iso about going to training with Gekko and the others. He said that there was no need for you to go with them when the two of you could train together later.
You didn’t understand why Iso was so upset, you were just gonna do a few mock battles with other people, what's so wrong with that? You could train with him later too if he wanted to. You brushed him off anyway, finding his attitude very childish right now. Suddenly, he grabs your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him.
“Don’t look at them.” He ordered.
Before you could get a word out, your eyes met his, and you could see the intensity and possession in his eyes which glowed brighter than they normally did. It was terrifying.
You say his name, and suddenly he snaps out of it, letting you go and apologizing profusely. He starts tearing up a bit and saying that he shouldn’t have done that and keeps apologizing, stepping away from you and not letting himself hold you.
You feel guilty when he looks down at his hands, as if there was fresh blood on them, as if he’d just destroyed something precious. You couldn’t help but pull him in for a hug and apologize too. He tries to pull away, saying that he was a horrible person, but you don’t let that happen. So, he embraces you back, burying his face in your neck.
You could tell he was genuinely upset, and reassured him that he wasn’t bad and that you’ll be with him. He doesn’t need to worry about anything, you’ll put off training with the others for another time and stay with him for the rest of the day. He sniffles, pulling you in closer.
What you couldn’t see since his face was on your shoulder was the malicious expression at his successful attempt at keeping you to himself. Hook, line, and sinker.
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miyaur · 1 year
ㅤㅤ ❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)ㅤㅤ⁓ ㅤreq rules + byf/dni (updated 6/27/23 :P)
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⟢ byf/dni. basic dni criteria, i have NSFW/SFW content here, please be careful with what you read, minors please refrain from intereacting, in the end i dont rly care tho
⟢ will write. n/sfw content, yandere related, dark themes, tbh i dont rly mind anyth ⟢ will not write. character x character, eating disorders, footjobs — keep reading for my chrcter list!
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GENSHIN IMPACT ♡ will write. alhaitham, albedo, amber, arataki itto, beidou, candace, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, faruzan, ganyu, gorou, hu tao, kaedehara kazuha, kaeya, kamisato ayato & ayaka, keqing, kujou sara, kuki shinobu, layla, lisa, mika, mona, nilou, ningguang, noelle, raiden shogun / ei, rosaria, kokomi, shenhe, shikanoin heizou, sucrose, tartaglia, thoma, tighnari, traveler (aether/lumine), venti, scaramouche/wanderer, xiangling, xiao, xinyan, yae miko, yanfei, yelan, yoimiya, yunjin, zhongli, baizhu, dainsleif, kaveh, pantalone, arlecchino, columbina, signora, capitano, pierro, il dottore, etc. ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. qiqi, yaoyao, klee, diona, dori, nahida, sayu ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic intereaction only/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. bennett, fischl, razor, xingqiu, chongyun, barbara ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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BUNGOU STRAY DOGS ♡ will write. dazai osamu, chuuya, akutagawa, tecchou, ranpo, fukuzawa, kunikida, fyodor, (i dont remember anyone else i watched like 2 seasons) ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above
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VALORANT Protocol ♡ will write. jett, gekko, yoru, reyna, viper, brimstone, neon, pheonix, killjoy, astra, kay/o, cypher, omen, raze, sage, skye, sova, harbor, chamber, fade ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above (no im not gonna write for breach sorry lmao)
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Hunter x Hunter ♡ will write. kurapika, chrollo, feitan, hisoka, illumi, phinks, nobunaga, machi, uvogin, shalnark, kite, mereum, mr wing, most adult characters are fine with me ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. leorio, gon, killua ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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Saiki K ♡ will write. saiki, toritsuka, kaido, hairo, kuboyasu ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. teruhashi, nendo, etc. ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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Honkai: Star Rail ♡ will write. dan heng, march 7th, seele, bronya, sampo, welt, himeko, gepard, tingyun, natasha, sushang, jing yuan, blade, luocha, caelus, serval, stelle, yukong, pela, etc. ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. herta, arlan, qingque, fu xuan, yanqing ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic intereaction/etc. for characters listed above ♡ will write. bailu, hook, clara ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic intereaction only/etc. for the characters listed above
(specifically wont write for svarog, sorry!)
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Blue Lock
♡ will write. isagi yoichi, meguru bachira, hyoma chigiri, seishiro nagi, asahi naruhaya, ikki niko, jyubei aryu, michael kaiser, noel noa, rensuke kunigami, reo mikage, rin itoshi, sae itoshi, ryusei shido, wataru kuon, zantetsu tsurugi, gagamaru ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above
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wisteriaiswriting · 5 days
Hope you're doing fine. Could you please do something with a Yandere Jett finally getting a team building vacation with malereader but is constantly interrupted from making her move by other agents present?
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Words: 158
“Where’s Y/N?”
“Oh, he’s over there with Phoenix.”
Turning her head to follow where Neon was pointing, finding you and Phoenix playing volleyball. Throwing yourselves onto the hot sand to not lose, soon enough you hit something other than sand. When you didn’t get up this time Phoenix rushed over, clearly able to see the object you hit, causing you to start bleeding.
As Jett was going over, intending to bring you to Sage said healer was already called over. So she just hovered around until you got back up, deciding to get something to eat now. Taking her chance, grabbing your arm to pull you away from the others.
“That looked rough Handsome, how about I treat you to something of your choice?”
“Thanks, but I’ve already told Gekko I’d eat with him and his buddies.”
“How about I join you then?”
Okay maybe today didn’t go as she planned, but soon enough it’ll work.
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h8ani · 9 months
Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, follow me or interact with me as you will be blocked. thank you.
I also write both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, abusive relationships, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
Wind Breaker - to be determined
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Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for but please try to keep the number of characters under 10 unless it’s like konoha 11
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basalt-deltas · 9 months
Requests are OPEN!
Fandoms I write for — Spiderverse, Valorant, Life Series, Hermitcraft, Critical Role, Hazbin Hotel
Spiderverse — Miguel O’Hara, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Gwen Stacy, any of the live action Spidermen, Peter B. Parker, Spiderman Noir, MJ (Zendaya version only SORRY), Miles Morales (both of em) Valorant — Phoenix, Yoru, Cypher, Jett, Gekko, Omen, Skye, Nanobomb, KAY/O Vox Machina — Percy De Rolo, Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Grog Mighty Nein — Caleb Widogast, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Jester Lavorre, Yasha Nydoorin, Beauregard Lionett, Fjord, Nott the Brave, Caduceus Clay, etc Hermitcraft — Just ask, I'm too tired to put all the sillies in here Life series — Again, just ask :thumbs up: Hazbin Hotel — Angel Dust, Alastor, Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, Adam, basically the whole cast
Reader — I’m best at male!reader, but I’ll also do fem!reader, gnc!reader, and trans!reader! Fear not, I am trans also!
Usual Genres — Angst, fluff, idk what does genres even mean. Punk Rock???
What I will write!!
⇨ character x reader (2nd person, you/yours, no y/n) ⇨ character x character (I won’t do certain ships, ask me first!!) ⇨ canon or canon-divergent ⇨ headcanon scenarios ⇨ character headcanons ⇨ oneshots ⇨ platonic, romantic, or familial ⇨ multiple requests from the same person ⇨ poly relationships ⇨ make canon cis/het characters queer ! ⇨ reader/characters with mental illness as long as it’s not romanticising or Weird about it (??) ⇨ Suggestive / 16+
What I will NOT write!!
⇨ NSFW / 18+ ⇨ other people’s ocs (SORRY) ⇨ yandere or other kinds of abusive/toxic relationships ⇨ anything with substance abuse as the main theme ⇨ child!reader in fics, mentioning it in familial fics/hcs is okay though ⇨ suicide, self/harm. severe depression, or similar topics as the main focus ⇨ anything proship or illegal ⇨ anything disregarding canon LGBTQ identities (making a gay character straight, a trans character cis, etc)
When requesting…
PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!! Tell me everything you want, specify if you want me to take some creative liberties, please I am so bad with unspecific directions!!! I will not dm to clarify if you’re not on anon
You can specify if you want me to post your request anonymously or with your ask attached !! If you don’t specify, I’ll just assume yes and I’ll attach your ask
I will answer whatever question you have!! About pretty much anything :D
PLEASE just. Don’t be a dick. I am not being paid to write for you!!! And I do this on my own time!!!
To check if your request is being written/worked on, check my works in progress!!
Everything above applies to requests!! If I write something by myself that breaks the rules, it’s because I want to and I can
masterlist (none yet) | pinned post | works in progress (none yet)
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minxiiwrites · 7 months
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Harro!! I'm Minxii but you can call me minx♡
Welcome to my WRITING BLOG!! my main blog is a secret~
Fandoms I write for:
🩷 Valorant
🩷 Twisted wonderland
🩷 Tears of Themis (main fandom for now)
🩷 Genshin impact
🩷 ...more will be added!
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🩷 Fluff
🩷 Angst
🩷 Smut (reader can be top/switch/bottom)
🩷 Poly
🩷 Yandere!!
🩷 Headcanons
🩷 Imagines
🩷 Thrists
🩷 Gore
🩷 ...more will be added!
🩷 Oc x canon
🩷 Dubcon (non consented sex)
🩷 Rape
🩷 Controversial topics
🩷 ...more will be added!
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🩷 Be specific in requesting for better results.
"Hello, I would like a Gekko x reader" you didn't specify on what you want giving me nothing to work with.
"Hello, I would like a Gekko x reader where they go on a picnic date, one shot" it gives me enough info on what you expect your fic to be and helps me deliver it up to your standards.
🩷 requests can be long or short, just please specify what do you want in the fic :3
🩷 Requesting me when my requests are closed will get your request ignored.
🩷 I accept any amount of characters
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chartreuxhue · 4 months
Hi Hi!!! - Request: CLOSED
I'm Iana(Eye-ana) or Char, I'm a 20 year old female writer. I write for valorant and Jujustu Kaisen! I enjoy talking to ppl, reading, writting(obvi) and hope that this account can be a safe space for all!
I write x readers and headcannons for these characters: (those not on the list I can write for it'll just take longer to get out)
Phoenix Sage Sova Viper Cyber Yoru Chamber Fade Harbor Gekko Deadlock Iso
Three characters per request Please specify if you want a Fem or GN reader, if not specified it will automatically be Fem!Reader Allowed: SFW and NSFW Allowed: Yandere and Dud-con Allowed: AU's as long as there is a slight or small description of it
I write x reader and Headcannons for these characters: (I can be convinced to write for other characters as well)
Yuji Itadori Megumi Fushiguro Nobara Kugisaki Gojo Saturo Geto Suguru Kento Nanami
No limit on characters per request Please specify if reader is Fem or GN, if not specified it will automatically be a Fem!Reader For Headcannons: Please no specific traits or stories, if sent I will be generalized it. Allowed: SFW and NSFW Allowed: Yandere CNC Allowed: Kinks with NSFW requests, please keep to one or two Not Allowed: Pregnancy
The listed tags are how things will be tagged if youre trying to look for a only sfw or nsfw works
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starmakerphantom · 2 years
OCs! Woo
Hi im Phantom and my hyperfixation is making ocs. These are my ensemble stars ones i have drawn already and some infos about them!
Akio Nijihara
-Part of a unit whose theme was that they are RPG charackters. Hes the healer
-His whole gimmik is that hes a nurse. Modeled after my sister who is very low empathy
-I gave him sister related trauma
-i need to make his other unit members.
-his glasses are fake, he wears them for aestatic
he will get a drawing with a plague goctor outfit and he will get a drawing with a labcoat where just....candy drops out. Im just bad at art
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-insecure little bitch, copes via means of fashion and being not nice
-mainly sensitive about his looks and being small (basically "if people want to stare at least give them a goo reason)
-blooms on stage, his worksona is very pleasant to work with
-will always choose the sluttiest costume available
-actually used in an rp!! Gay gay homosexuall gay
-His unit is named Chronostasis, their theme is Gay Lasertag
-he wears a facemask and froggy hat. Used to wear a hoodie but the hat was a gift from his units leader
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Secret Garden
Oh damn a whole unit but i dont have their costumes
Leader- Sai Himawari
A poet, an artist. If words fail, sing. If singing fails, dance
-Logical conclusion? Become idol
-(obv. a valkyrie mega fan. He would never admit that. We know its true)
A romantic soul
dense fucker, Aji could be stabing someone in the background and hes like "what did we say about using our words"
Hes a wip
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Aji Kengai
-oh boy
-a gardener
-"yeah thats safe to eat, trust me bro"
-is an idol because hes BIG GAY for Sei, and with big gay i mean hes a yandere because im cringe
-bad at words
-i loaded all my body image issues into him
-if he smiles with his eyes closed, run
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If you put their names together (Ajisei) supposed to spell the japanese word for hydragena :,)
Kokoro Cafe
WHAAAT, Another Unit? YES! Main boys. Their gimmik is that they cute cafe staff/ a host club
Leader- Gekko Amina
-looks and talks a bit sus, but actually a good boy
-got scouted, formerly know as the karaoke king
-loooots of confidence, a bit cringe
-shark teef, has to wear braces.
His jacket is so big it has room for another guy
-ironically, he has stae frigth
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-movie fan, but like only old hollywood stuff because he likes the divas so much
-has adapted the personality....is aware he currently lacks the talent to justify it
-friends with Gekko so thats how he ended up here
-has trouble taking no for an answer
-i just think hes cute
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Hayato Mikimura
-"Haha great plan guys, anyways wheres my paycheck"
-In need of money. Does this for the money
-scam artist. And not ashamed to rope the other 3 in
-has a twin sister who used to medel
-gets cold fast
-at least he provides brains
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Yani Hanabe
-"Wait this is an idol school?" Didnt you go trough the entrance and performance exams? "yeah-" AND THAT DIDNT RAISE QUESTIONS??
-Anxiety on legs
-needs a haircut
-and better clothes
-actually the one who had the idea of the cafe theme after a job brougth them all together
-he is their SON but they also bully him the most
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All 4 of them have crossdress designs. Take a guess why
The one i havent drawn yet but is the worst/ best idea
-he has (animu)amnesia
-but is convinced becomming an idol will help that
-im working on it once my hand is doing better, i work better AFTER i drew a vague concept
I can make a shuffle with that many boy. Theres already a temporary unit in story
I love ocs so much. I want more
I want to use them more
Im just very shy about showing my writting
If ur lucky i manage to do more idol costimes
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seneitut · 10 months
i know that most of your fics are more with sub gekko but.. do u also have some dom gekko fics? i wanna see how u would write him in that position hehe
[Gekko x F!Reader]
Words: 3.1K
Tags: NSFW +18, fully smut, fluff , touching, vaginal sex, service top!Gekko, Sub!Reader, Missionary, Cowgirl, Consent (bcs is sexy), mentions of obsession, couple in love so much love.
Gekko’s hands are cold to the touch when he roams your thighs with a slow caress, trembling slightly when you part your legs so he can settle between them easily. 
His breathing gets uneven when his hazel eyes travel up your naked body, splaying beautifully under him, and he gulps down his nervousness when you direct him a soft smile. 
From the tips of your toes, to your knees and above, he devours the sight with hunger and dripping with lust.
Flustered, his cock twitches in between his legs watching your glistening folds and how moist it has gotten, that he licks his lips unconsciously. 
Gods, he wants to eat you up, dive in and drown between your legs if possible. 
This carnal passion has been burning him from the inside the moment your clothes began to fall to the floor; piece by piece, layer by layer, he unraveled you until you were bare and ready to give yourselves to each other in this dance of love.
To hear your screams, moaning his name and chasing after the good feeling without reprieve. For you to hold his head in place, pushing him against your sex while he sucks and licks you up, thrusting his tongue and feeling your walls clamp on him from the pleasure he can only provide to you.
This all will stop being the fantasies he's created throughout the time he's known you. All the images and possible scenarios where you both make frenzied love, collecting them in his brain for his every night routine when he jacks off to the thought of you, this is all gonna be real for him.
But for that, he has to take the first step, even if he is dying with anxiety.
“May I?” he asks, both of his thumbs are massaging your navel. There is a tinge of shyness in his voice that melts your heart with tenderness. 
You are unable to deny him anything.
“Of course, love.”
Grinning softly, he moves his hand up your chest, caressing your skin with carefulness and hovering under your breasts, massaging the mounds with timidness.
He rolls your nipples between his fingertips in a brave attempt to pleasure you, pinching them until he has you gasping and has the time to go down and kiss you between the valley of your breasts softly.
Whining, you raise your hips, searching desperately for some friction and for Mateo to stop teasing you so endearly. He smiles, the blush on his face intensifies when you pout at him and he winks playfully; you cannot help but go wild with love for this silly man.
Reaching for his face, you encourage him to lean on, enticing and tempting as you look, it is impossible for him to not obey your silent requests. Slotting your mouths together, Gekko drowns in the feeling, sighing in pleasure when your nails racks down his back in a possessive hold and your legs cages him against your body.
His arms find purchase next to your head when you bite his lip softly, tongue making its way into his mouth, making him lightheaded and almost lose his composure. 
Kissing him feels like a fever dream, an experience out of this world with how giddy and enamored you fall under his charm and taste. He reciprocates the kiss with the same fervor and passion, tongue toying with yours, fighting for a dominance he knows he can easily get but letting you take the lead. 
Your hips fit one upon the other, grinding with slow movements until his member slides in between your lower lips, covering it in your juices, and making pressure against your clit that sends shivers down your spine. Gekko’s hips stutter at one specific thrust, gasping into your mouth and weight wavering on top of you. 
Your hands caress his arms, toned and muscled, covered in beautiful tattoos framing it way up to his neck until you have your whole world in your palms.
Despite burning with desire and lust clouding your mind, you take your time to look into his eyes, gazing lovingly and longing, trying to get him back from the clouds and attention on you.
“I love you.” you whisper, thumbs soothing his skin with tenderness. “I'm so in love with you, Teo.”
Mateo’s eyes water at your words, smiling brightly and kissing your lips with eagerness. Your words bring a sense of accomplishment that has his heart bursting with so much love that he cannot help but let a tear roll by his cheek.
He laughs then, peppering your face with tiny kisses to avoid being so emotional over some significant words to him—he goes for your cheeks, mouth and temple, smooching them with the same amount of affection till he has you giggling with delight.
“I love you too.”
Hovering over your lips, he kisses you with gentleness. Your hands go around his shoulder, chest against chest, hot skin pressed against your hot skin, mouths slothing together and hips sliding the bare minimum to get the stimulation going.
Getting a spike of boldness, Gekko thrusts his hips against yours, the underside of his cock stimulating your clit with the harsh movement you groan against his lips.
Moaning loudly, you raise your pelvis, chasing after the pleasurable feeling and making circular motions with your hips. Mateo's half-lidded eyes watches you with desire dripping from every ounce of his body, getting back to his kneeling position and holding your hips still.
“Chica mala,” he whispers. The pet name makes you feel unspeakable things, surprisingly. “Stop moving so much, you're making this harder.”
His broad hands squeezes your sides affectionately, moving upwards until he's cupping your breasts firmly against his palms this time. Thumbs run over the hardened nipples, enticing more beautiful sounds from your mouth that has his cock twitching in anticipation; he decides to tease you further, sucking one of your breasts inside his mouth. 
His tongue circles around the areola, sucking softly and pulling the nipple with his teeth. His right hand rolls the other nipple between his fingertips, pinching softly and grabbing the mound to ground himself. He repeats the motions once, twice, until you are squirming under his weight and dripping wet.
You thrash under his ministrations, chanting his name softly while he abuses your chest as much as he wants and marks every inch of skin with his love bites and hickeys.
The skin is his canvas, and he's never felt more like an artist decorating every part with his watermark, watching his marks bloom into existence against your tender skin—bruising a shade darker than your color skin; from your neck down your chest and, maybe, if you'd let him, between your thighs.
He's in love, he feels so much love and passion and want and desire; Gekko never thought it was possible to be this infatuated with someone, this desperate and melting from the inside seeing your pleading face look up at him, as if he could hang the moon and stars for you.
Gekko has never been the one to be this obsessed with anybody, but there's always a first time for everything.
Kissing your temple, he rests his forehead against yours, pants intermingling and his hazel eyes boring deep into your eyes.
“You’re so pretty.” he whispers, smiling softly. You whine embarrassed, it only fuels him to keep going. “Tan bella, dulce, mi amor, mi vida.” 
You’ve heard him say those things to you before with different layers of meaning. Each time he would explain, with an embarrassed smile and cheeks flushed, what it means to him when he calls you by those pet names. It is endearing when he fumbles with his words and actions.
But this time, his slurred voice, deeply whispering promises of love without a single layer of shyness, only lust clouding his eyes and desire pouring from his voice while his hand touches every inch of your skin—it sets you on fire.
“I can’t believe this is happening.” He raises up, hovering over your body menacingly. His eyes never leave yours. “Finalmente eres mía.”
Sobbing, your hands lay against his pecs, massaging the muscle with tenderness, “Mateo—I can't wait anymore.”
Huffing a laugh, his big hands roam your legs to your thighs, up to the curves in your stomach and squeezing. You whine, embarrassed, but he reassures you with a soft smile and a whisper of: beautiful, while he touches you shamelessly.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asks, his thumb reaches your lower lip, caressing it softly. 
Nodding your head, you kiss the digit, holding onto his hand and letting it roam down to your chest until he grabs the mounds with desire. 
“I can wait a little longer.” He continues, watching the moment desperation hits your eyes.
He’s bluffing, of course, because he can no longer contain his need to make love to you. The head of his cock is oozing of pre-cum, hard as rock and wanting to be engulfed in your warm walls. His hips are still, his heavy member resting against your outer lips and coating itself with your own desire; it is tempting to go for it when you’re this wide open for him, so vulnerable, so eager.
Is like having a pretty present he isn’t allowed to have yet. It heighnes his want, the tension in the air and how appetizing you’re starting to look the longer he holds back.
“I need it, please.” You’re begging him at this point, grinding against his member. But is not enough, “Fuck me, use me, do whatever you want, but please, give me some relief.”
Sighing, Mateo squeezes your breast before freeing his hand to grip onto your hip and guides the tip of his cock to your entrance, testing the waters and only applying certain pressure to keep you on your toes.
Groaning, you hold onto his wrist, desperation swimming in your eyes, "Mateo, now, please.”
The tension leaves your body when he finally shelters inside your warm cunt, inserting himself slowly and enjoying every little reaction he gets from you. The tightness in which you’re gripping his cock is enough to send his eyes rolling back, mouth open and soft groans of pleasure flowing from his mouth. 
Gekko can’t help it, hips stuttering when he’s fully in, he moans your name, completely entranced in the way you’re locked together in this intimate way. 
This isn't the first time for you, and he's known that. You've had sex before, you have the experience he lacks, but that doesn’t deter the pride swallowing him from the inside when he sees the mess you’re in right now. And all because of him.
Your eyes are glazed over, watching him through blurry eyes and every single touch or feeling heightened to its limits. Face warm, nipples perked up and your cunt trying to suck him in, you wonder what the fuck did Mateo do to reduce you to this puddle of lust under him.
Having had sex before, you know how it is to be fucked or simply used for other’s pleasure.
But then why, why does being penetrated by Mateo felt so fucking good and different when he’s never done this before?
His hips have started moving in and out, slowly, to get a feel of this new sensation and experience. Dragging his heavy cock out of your pussy, and inserting himself with a quick slap against your pelvis sends jolts of pleasure to the both of you.
“Oh!” You whine, eyes wide open this time. 
Mateo reaches for your hands, clasping them together on top of your head while his other hand raises your leg above his shoulder to have a better position. He starts a fast rhythm, smacking his hips against yours on a deafening slaps of skins.
With the new position, his cock inside of you reaches your insides in ways you’ve never felt before; it makes you see stars every time the head of his member hits your g-spot in every thrust and Mateo groans in tandem with that deep voice of his.
His face warms heavily watching your breasts bounce with his movements, feeling like a pervert with just observing them and switching his focus from your face, the erotic expressions you're making to your cunt drooling out.
Gasping, Mateo buries his head in your neck, mouthing the skin and biting down more marks to decorate the already purpling bruises. 
“Teo, teo! Harder!” You break free from his hold, and your hands fly to the back of his head and aim his mouth to yours to kiss him passionately. Your right hand holds onto his broad shoulder, racking down your nails as he slows down his movements to make his thrusts deeper and harder.
Mateo is enjoying himself a lot. 
Tasting your lips against his mouth, hands pawing all over his body in need and want, and one of your legs holding him in place; Gekko has never felt more desired in his entire life than now, and is such an ego boost because it's you who wants him in the bed, sharing this passionate moment and vulnerability.
The woman of his dreams, the one he’s been pining for so long, the one to reciprocate his feelings; he can almost feel the tears gathering on his eyes with the overwhelming sensations of love and pleasure clouding his mind.
“I love you so much.” he whispers against your lips, groaning your name in gasps. The hold on your leg in his shoulder is wavering at the same time his snapping hips are losing the constant rhythm in which he fucks you. “I want you to ride me, can you do that for me, love? I want you bouncing on my cock.”
You nod desperately, letting him manhandle you while changing positions.
Letting go of your leg, Mateo makes some distance to help you sit up properly before laying down himself.
You climb on top of him fast, already guiding his still hard cock to your entrance and not giving him a chance to say anything but moan in surprise when you slam down your hips against his.
Bouncing as fast as you can, you open your legs to give him the full view of your pussy being penetrated over and over again by him and holding your weight against his thighs.
His reaction is such a price, face beet red and hands pawing over your legs to your hips and stomach, he doesn't know where to grab you from nor do with his actions. Mateo never expected you to be this wild when it comes to pleasuring; but refuses to reject the full experience if it's with you.
The tightening coil inside his lower belly is approaching fastly. The head of his cock brushes once again against your core, making you moan his name and ride his dick with wild abandon to help him chase his first climax with you.
You don't mind waiting once again, you don't mind letting him cum inside of you if it means he's going to be happy and satisfied. You love Gekko deeply, you love him so much you would do anything for this man.
And he proves, once again, that he loves you with the same fervor and passion. 
One of his hands helps you steady the rhythm of your snapping hips, with him timing his thrusts against your pussy to make it harder and deeper. His right hand goes straight to your clitoris and begins masturbating you alongside the smacking of skins.
Giving yourself up, you scream his name to the gods above, your own climax approaching rapidly with how skillful Mateo is with his fingers rolling on your little nub of pleasure and how good his cock is drilling inside of you.
“Mateo! More, more, I'm close!” You whine loudly when the thrusts become only grinding against his pelvis, too tired to keep jumping. 
This new position gives you all the stimulation you need to reach your first orgasm of the night, though, screeching his name and holding onto his chest for leverage while riding the climax rocking your body and its core.
Closing your eyes, stars burst under your eyelids while riding the sensation of breaking apart and being so full at the same time.
Mateo is not far behind, both of his hands helping your movements until he bursts inside your warm walls, coating the insides with his seed and groaning your name in a soft whisper.
The both of you grind against each other with soft movements until overstimulation runs down your systems, and only then, you stop completely to slump on top of him; his softened cock still buried inside you.
Panting heavily, Gekko kisses the top of your head, a silly smile adorning his features and hands massaging your sweaty back for some comfort. Cheek against his chest, your hands run up to his neck so your finger toys with his pretty earring hanging from the earlobe.
“That was amazing, love.” He mutters, voice completely honeyed with satisfaction and loaded with affection. “You felt amazing.”
“Hmm, did you have fun?” you ask. He nods eagerly. 
“I've been wanting to do this with you for a long time.” Confessing his deepest secret doesn't embarrass him as much, the deed has been done, what is there to hold back? “You are so gorgeous, how could I even resist you?”
“How filthy, pretty boy.” Biting your lower lip, you hum to yourself. “I wonder what else goes through that head of yours.
Laughing gravely, his eyelids drop slightly, the corner of his lips tugs in a teasing smirk. “Want to find out, gorgeous?”
“So eager for another round?” 
“I'm eager for you.”
Flustered, you warm at his words. “Is that so?”
Mateo doesn't waste a second to lock eyes with you and for his hands to start roaming your naked body on top of his. If it weren't for the post-orgasmic experience, you would have bet anything to confirm his irises looked like hearts watching your every move, too entranced, too enamored.
“Why don't you jump right here and test the waters, hm?” He asks, licking his lips. “I bet it is uncomfortable having my cum buried deep inside your pussy. Let me help you with that.” 
Spent but interested, you let him help you kneel on top of his mouth, wide open and pierced tongue peeking out playfully when your cunt hovers closer to his wanting lips.
“You're gonna need to hold onto something if you wanna stay up there.” He warns, you raise a brow at that. “You're not leaving until I milk you dry, mi amor.”
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sahesha · 3 years
The Puppet Master
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Finally, I was able to finish the request from my amazingly talented friend @callmedrafter! However, I've a bit changed the circumstances described in your request. Hugs, kisses and affectionate nicknames, as you requested, are present! But the result was a rather sad fic. I hope you still like it, my cutie <3
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Yandere!Donquixote Doflamingo x Male Reader
warnings: certain toxic man, kidnapping, sudden angst
word count: 3355
highlight: "After all, you were just a little porcelain doll in his eyes. Which, as he said, he might have accidentally broken."
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the puppet master
Today was an important day. It was your first time as a Marine guard at the Seven Warlords meeting. This was the most significant assignment you were given since you have not yet received an officer's rank and were a common soldier. Your mother would be proud. You were often ill as a child, and the neighborhood kids never played with a "weakling" like you. They called you the doll boy; you were almost always wrapped in your mother's down shawl. Thus she guarded you against catching the flu or cold. It looked like she was carrying a tiny porcelain doll with peachy-pink cheeks and huge glowing eyes with long thick eyelashes.
But now, you were wearing the Marine uniform and benefiting the people with your hard work. Your existence finally mattered, and you were rightfully proud of yourself because of overcoming the illness and becoming healthy enough to qualify as a recruit. Sometimes you thought about what those neighborhood kids would say. They were adults now. Probably, they would be surprised. But what difference did it make? The main thing is that you liked your new status. The only drawback to your current life was that your coworkers called you a little fellow.
You closed your eyes, trying to forget everything else.
You held your gun and stood at attention with other Marines along the stone bridge leading to the headquarters. Gekko Moriah, the Shadow Master, walked past, his heavy body swaying like raw dough. His incredibly pale, even a little bluish skin only added to this resemblance. It seemed to you that a cupcake in a checkered mold passed by, which will soon be sent to the oven.
Kuma, the Movement Master, followed Moriah onto the bridge, with an old, scuffed Bible resting in his huge bear paws, his stern face completely expressionless. You intently noted all these details, remaining outwardly emotionless.
Suddenly, Kuma turned his gaze on you; you couldn't tell for sure that he was looking at you because of his glasses with tinted lenses, but you could feel that with your skin. The giant man smiled slightly but approvingly. You thought sad that it was because of your short height, even among ordinary people. At the same time, you were pleased: Kuma didn't seem as cruel to you as the other Warlords. He went to the headquarter with no words said.
After a while, you saw Dracule Mihawk; he passed you all in a flash, his dark coat fluttering behind him like the wings of the hawk that he was. Golden eyes with large black pupils looked down on everyone as if their owner was floating in heaven, spreading his fast, graceful wings. You thought with deep respect that he really was the Sword Master.
Each of the Seven Warlords had their specific titles. Someone came up with the idea those pirates were supposed to be like the Knights of the Round Table or wise advisers of the royal person. How ironic. Actually, they were the purebred fighting dogs on a leash, deadly devils in the duty of justice. In your heart, you were curious to watch them because it was fascinating and even dark-mystical, somehow esoterical. However, here came fewer than seven of them now. Crocodile, the Sand Master, and Jinbei, the Sea Knight, were imprisoned in Impel Down. The Snake Lady still hadn't appeared. Besides, not all of them arrived at the call of the Fleet Admiral usually. For that reason, the presence of three Warlords was already extraordinary.
You heard how feet touchd the ground lightly, not far away, as if their owner weighed nothing and was as light as an air feather. You glanced sideways at the man. Judging by the sound, he seemed to be walking as if he was dancing. It wasn't allowed for guardians to turn heads, but you did it. And then you saw the last of the Warlords who arrived today.
Donquixote Doflamingo, the Puppet Master, was the most terrifying of all the others. He could make a death unbearably painful with just a slight movement of his long graceful fingers as if he was an amazingly talented but bored artist. If he was in a good mood, he would grant his opponents a light, inconspicuous death. People just might not have noticed how they died. Their heads would have fallen off like dry leaves in autumn, that's all. Doflamingo called it sacred punishment and mercy of the deity. Definitely, his ego was higher than all the other egos in the world combined. This man was actually a horror in the flesh, even if he dressed chaotically and looked frivolous.
Doflamingo had such a strange gait that you couldn't help but stare at him a little longer than you should. It seemed to you that he walks like tropicbirds on their thin, long legs. There was nothing funny about it: that pink feathered absurd could bite through your neck in one moment and drink your cerebrospinal fluid as if it was the nectar of the gods.
Unfortunately, Doflamingo noticed that you were looking at him. He turned to you fastly, and the strange thing was that he did it with incredible grace for the man who had such a huge and heavy body. As if he outlined a delicate dance pirouette on the floor, gentle as the scuff of a pigeon's tender pinky-grey wing on the slope of a red-tiled roof. Nevertheless, if he was famous as an excellent assassin, then he must move lightly and quickly. His exaggerated grace of movement was in keeping with his status as the king of Dressrosa and his very pretentious demeanor.
And Doflamingo must have been perfectly aware of being watched without any Observation Haki. He was deliberately making people around look at him, getting specific pleasure from that. The man was swimming in intensive attention and craving or frightened stares as if they were warm, sunlit through, and aquamarine seawater.
Only for a second, you imagined him naked, lying relaxed on his back in the calm, gentle waves. They were attentively caressing his healthily attractive body, but that was enough to embarrass you and make your soft round cheeks peachy-flushed. Perhaps Donquixote read your thoughts in your confused face and came up to you with a completely different, flirty, and easy gait, slightly swaying his muscular thighs. Similarly, large carnivores glide towards their prey in one easy, cohesive movement. The lenses of his glasses glittered like two plates of ice sprinkled with blood. You're all shrunken up, and it's like you're even smaller than you were. He shamelessly looked you up and down, then squatted down to be at eye level and smiled from ear to ear. His golden earrings glistened in the sun, but the glowing of his white teeth was brighter.
"What's a little, cute boy like you doing here?" Doflamingo asked playfully, almost purring. "Shouldn't such a fragile porcelain doll, wrapped in delicate silk and soft velvet, be in a little lacquer box decorated with fine lace and lush ribbons? Isn't it hurt to hold this heavy rifle, which is scratching the sensitive skin of your tiny hands?"
He touched the muzzle with the tip of his index finger as if it were something disgusting. Apparently, this weapon was too rough for him, who liked something lighter and more elegant. The sweet breath of death drifted from his thin lips, which looked as if they were nicely carved by nature from carmine marble.
His words about the fragile porcelain doll in the lacquer box made you remember pale faceless children in miniature coffins. You often had seen them in your worst nightmares, so you were frightened. Your cheeks blushed even more, but you couldn't say anything to him because your voice was stuck in your chest, where it became too hot and tight.
"Huh? Are you offended, baby boy?" the man asked affectionately and a little surprised. He was still towering over you, like a thousand-year-old tree, powerful but still graceful, with noisy glossy foliage. The foliage was rich pink as if the tree grew on another planet far away from here.
You wanted to say something just as hurtful to him, and then whatever happens. But all of a sudden, you were both distracted.
"Mr. Puppet Master, the meeting is about to begin." Apparently, The Fleet Admiral Sengoku was in a hurry and sent one of the secretaries to call Doflamingo. A man dressed in a shabby tweed suit, with bald patches on his top, sweated nervously. He was clearly well-informed about the reputation of the famous Heavenly Demon.
Donquixote twisted his face, perfectly beautiful, like an elegant theatrical mask made by a sculptor and, therefore, scary like hell. You've heard somewhere that the ancients believed that the perfect beauty of the gods can terrify mortals to death. The Celestial Dragons you saw before were ugly, but Doflamingo, the flesh of their flesh, was entirely different. Perhaps, for this, he was cast down from heaven as the arrogant favorite of God.
The man didn't even look at the secretary, as if he didn't exist at all. Doflamingo took the request to hurry as if it was whistled by a light sea breeze.
"I'll see you again, doll boy," Doflamingo purred to you and rose to his full height. He did it so that his fly was directly in front of your face. You recoiled. Doflamingo graced you with a contented smile, then just as beautifully as ever turned around and walked with the same pretentious gait to the headquarters. The secretary hurried after him, bounced funnily, trying to catch up with Doflamingo, which was moving pretty fast on his endless legs. But the bald one still kept a safe distance from Donquixote.
You let out a sigh of relief and tried to calm yourself down, even though your breath was still coming in short gasps. An hour later, your shift was relieved by other Marines, so you didn't see Doflamingo when he went back to his ship to arrive at the Marineford war.
You hoped very much to forget about that incident. But even more, you hoped that a busy man like the King of Dressrosa and the Warlord would forget about the little soldier he once met at one of the Fleet bases.
As it turned out, in vain.
You were enjoying your short vacation when it happened. Spring was in full bloom, and lilac branches were knocking at your window. Opening it, you let in a fresh breeze that blew the white curtains up like sails. You breathed in sweet and spicy odors emanating from the waking earth and smiled happily. Your mother was sitting on an old wood bench by a flowering tree, her thick long hair with silver streaks blowing in the tender wind. Even just looking at her was a joy.
You wanted to invite her to dinner and opened your mouth, but a large hand clamped it shut, and another one pressed on your neck fastly, firmly, and accurately. You immediately lost consciousness.
You woke up in a completely unfamiliar place. Dark silk sheets caressed your relaxed body, clad in something soft and light. Your head was a little dizzy. Swaying, tender, pink curtains of the bed canopy seemed to you like the wings of four exotic birds that were carefully studying you with aquamarine eyes, bending over. You blinked, trying to break the delusion. The birds flew away in all directions, leaving you all alone. You started to think.
So. Someone's huge strong hands. Luxury silk sheets, tender dawn-tinted curtains. Aquamarine-encrusted carved bedposts. Sweet and at the same time spicy aroma, for some unknown reason very familiar, spreading around. You wore pajamas made of some insanely expensive fabric.
And the conversation with the Puppet Master month ago.
You tried to jump to your feet, but your body was weak and unruly, causing you to fall back on your back. Poison? Were you poisoned? What else could a man like Donquixote Doflamingo think of? Some kind of tranquilizer? Did he do something to you while you were sleeping? You crawled across the huge bed, then fell off it and hurried on all fours as fast as you could to the door. Your limbs were shaking and sliding on the parquet floor, so smooth that you could see your face in the reflection.
Oh, God.
A figure clad in a black silk robe appeared in the periphery of your vision. Doflamingo picked you up like a stupid fluffy kitten that went where it shouldn't have. Ironically, when his hand touched your stomach, you made an indistinct meowing sound out of fright and heard his chuckle. You hung helplessly in his arms as he carried you back to the bed. Then you were laid down carefully, like a tiny doll. Long, thin fingers stroked your thigh and gently gripped it. You stared at the man with your eyes wide with fear. He bent down and kissed you on the forehead. His lips smelled like some delicious cocktail. You tried to pull away from him, but you haven't succeeded. Your hands pressed against the bulging muscles of his chest and pushed, but he didn't move a millimeter.
"What did you do to me?" you asked weakly.
"I didn't do anything wrong with you, except kidnap you a little, put you to sleep, and change your clothes," he chuckled, looking down at you. The hem of his robe opened wide, and his thighs were exposed to you in all their glory. You turned your head away so you wouldn't look at them. They were sun-kissed, long, and muscular. Your cheeks flushed with confusion. After all, he was as beautiful as scary. The Celestial Dragon with coral scales descended from the heavens to feed on fresh, bleeding meat. His dish today was you.
Doflamingo put his hand on your cheekbone and turned you to face him. You squeezed your eyes shut. He touched your eyelids with his fingertips, gently, as if you would disappear if he treated you harshly. You sighed, and you thought it sounded like you were tired.
"Go to sleep if you want," he said softly, laying down beside you. "And I'll help you sleep."
"What do you mean?" you said with difficulty. The unknown substance that flowed through your veins made you weak and sleepy again. The fear slowly receded.
"It's for your own safety, my little boy," he said. "You must get used to me before I allow you to move freely around the palace. I don't want you to hurt your smooth skin and those beautiful peach-colored cheeks, elbows, and knees by resisting me. I might accidentally break you, like that porcelain statuette of my mother's... many years ago."
He kissed you on the lips, continuing to stroke your body with his giant warm palms. You moaned softly and squirmed, trying to free yourself, and he ignored it, continuing to cover your face and neck with soft kisses. You pushed as hard as you could, but his tender but insistent touches made you melt.
"N-no..." you said, staying to resist. "Let me go, please..."
"Sweet little doll," he whispered softly in your ear, snuggling up to you. "I won't let you go, no matter how much you ask."
You exhaled and started to think again. "Think, Y/N. Your life depends on whether you can find a way out of this situation. Think. You're in the Dressrosa Kingdom now. At least something is clear now."
You were the best in theoretical knowledge on the preparatory courses. Your results were impressive, and you were offered a desk job in the Fleet. But you turned it down, thinking you had to do regular military service first to overcome your complexes. And now your opponent was the Puppet Master, not the kids who bullied you, not heavy scientific folios, not your arrogant coworkers. The one who is much scarier than all of them.
Your mother was waiting for you.
Your life was waiting for you, too.
And that's why you needed to reflect on who he wanted you to be. You had to become as soft as wax in his hands, let him mold what he desired, but you had to remain yourself, in your essence, to be able to escape. The realization was as calm as an iceberg in a winter sea. You have reached icy transparency in your thoughts.
But your iceberg was slowly melting in the hands of the giant man who was clinging to you.
You moaned softly again, yielding to his caresses. Doflamingo stroked your chest, waist, and thighs. He put a hickey seal on your neck as if sending a message to your heart and closed his imaginary envelope with this spicy kiss. You pressed closer to him, feeling his skin grow hotter: his blood sped up in his veins. Perhaps he would have done more to you than that, but you gradually fell asleep, weakened by the warmth of his body.
"You will be the top of my collection, my precious little doll," you heard before falling into the soft blackness.
In the night, you woke up still feeling weak all over. Doflamingo was sleeping next to you, his broad chest heaving with rapid breathing. He frowned, and his eyelids quivered. It seemed he was asleep and saw something unpleasant in his dream. His thin lips curled as if in disgust and fear at the same time. This time Doflamingo wasn't wearing glasses, and it made him look even more attractive than before. You thought it was too much for you.
"Mom... Where are you?" suddenly, Doflamingo said softly. His expression was quite childish, innocent, his missing eyebrows were raised, and for some reason, all of this looked very sad. The clouds outside the window parted, and the moonlight caught the silver drops of tears that trembled on his long, pale lashes. You didn't think Donquixote would have forgiven you for seeing this.
You flinched. Even Doflamingo, the angel-faced monster, had a mother. She probably died a long time ago. Wow... a loving son. He must have been wrapped in a warm blanket when he caught a cold, too. Someone gave birth to him, brought him into the world, nursed him when he was a helpless infant, raised him on silks, helped him take his first steps... So that he could kill people later. And yet, he was loved. He missed her.
Those neighborhood kids, your coworkers who bullied you, now lost their meaning and became faded, like old photos. Even if one of the most powerful men of this world loved his mothers and missed her, you could be a weak mama's son, and there was nothing to be ashamed of.
For a moment, you wanted to stay close to him. You almost needed to learn the details of the story about the broken figurine of his mother's. You wanted to hear about what that mysterious woman was like. Why is he so obsessed with the porcelain dolls? What is the connection between those two points? You were curious to know more about his "collection."
But you needed to come back and live freely and calmly. So you put aside all doubts and made a final decision. It was tinged with regret. "No, you shouldn't stay with Doflamingo, Y/N. The Puppet Master can sooner or later be disappointed in a new toy." After all, you were just a little porcelain doll in his eyes. Which, as he said, he might have accidentally broken.
Years later, sitting on an old wood bench by your mother's grave under a flowering tree, you remembered Doflamingo's mystery that you didn't solve. And the truth was that you were both loving sons of your mothers, even though he was the embodiment of the night horrors, and you were an ordinary person. And you could have given Doflamingo your love but decided to escape from him. Unfortunately or fortunately, you will never know if you made the right choice then.
But you still saw in your dreams the Heavenly Demon who cried about his childhood.
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nfebriart · 7 years
Tumblr media
'Gekko shiyou, O-nii-san 😊🔪🔪❤ #fanart #traditionalart #watercolor #hetalia #hetaliafanart #aph #axispowerhetalia #aphbelarus #natalya #yandere
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ao3-onepiece · 7 years
My Property
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ur7D6W
by VeronicaVentro
Law and Zoro are in love with Luffy, a freshmen at their high school. Only when these two figure out the other's feelings for the straw hat boy, they begin to fight. They both fight for Luffy's favor, beginning to become violent. Can Luffy get out this love sick game alive or will the freedom he's longed for be gone forever?
Words: 998, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: One Piece
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Roronoa Zoro, Nami (One Piece), Sabo (One Piece), Portgas D. Ace, Gekko Moriah, Vinsmoke Sanji, Eustass Kid, Nico Robin, Franky (One Piece), Boa Hancock, Bartolomeo (One Piece)
Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law, Monkey D. Luffy/Roronoa Zoro, Eustass Kid/Monkey D. Luffy, Bartolomeo/Monkey D. Luffy, Boa Hancock/Monkey D. Luffy
Additional Tags: Yandere, Yandere Zoro, Yandere Law, Yaoi, force, Possessive Behavior, Rape, hard sex, use of drugs, Alternate Universe - High School
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ur7D6W
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seneitut · 1 year
PT (1) PT (2) 
[Yoru/Reader] [Omen/Reader]
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: Mentions of murder, obsession of sorts, suggestive sexual encounters, yandere-ish(?)
How do they show their love? [Is it the epitome of extreme, or just dumb fools?]
Yoru: Act. 
For him, words mean nothing if the actions don't back them up immediately; whether be in friendships or his intimate life—to which he shouldn't worry at all since he has none—, he won't heed to promises nor apologies if those are not fulfilled accordingly.
This fact never changed, strengthening with time and polishing it through everything surrounding him despite clashing wildly with the rest. Deaf to complaints and blind to dirty stares, he continues to strive forward in life ignoring them; because if not even the first light made him change his mind, neither will the people who came after the disaster.
Even when he found himself falling in love, Yoru's morals and beliefs never warped nor misguided. 
Odd, in everyone's eyes. Meant to be yours, in his.
The loner wolf got someone to like him and tame his wild heart by simple actions, little by little, until Yoru stopped being the radiant with powerful abilities, to introduce himself to you as Ryo; a normal japanese man who enjoys the smells of coffee and reminisce the old times with a heavy heart.
You were completely fooled by his web of lies to keep you away from the mess his life is, to keep you on your toes whenever he desired to share bits of his past and made you feel like the only person special in his world; which is true, despite the many wrongs he's done, you are truly what he could consider his special someone and his treasure.
As the ways you managed to have him wrapped around your finger, Yoru didn't even know he was capable of trusting something so important and delicate as his heart to a stranger of sorts, blinding following what his emotions dictate and what your sweet words enchant him to do.
He was in love, completely and utterly head over heels for you it was almost ridiculous. Yoru would eat every word you’d have to say, watch your fingers work around your station, making his favorite beverage for the day while glancing his way every now and then. He would stay some days, where work was not important and you seemed thrilled to have him around, lounging in the coffee shop and watching you work with a gentle smile gracing his features.
For when the night falls, he would kiss every inch of your body that you allow him to reach and worship you as if you were a god, his god; preaching, marking and claiming you as his.
Every touch, every bite mark, everytime you gasp for air when he drowns himself into your body, taking and taking in tandem what you offer in a silver plate; he cannot get enough, going for it one at a time until he has you shattering with pleasure and he chases after you to join you, that’s how ridiculous this whole thing is.
Phoenix and Jett are the few who were witness to his affections towards another and made it out alive after being found out spying on the japanese man.
To say you saved them from the wrath of Yoru's anger despite the other having all the reasons to explode on them would be an understatement; they are more than thankful, if not curious about your history with the riftwalker and what it meant to have a partner outside his profession.
It was dangerous, in truth, to have his personal life disclosed this easily to everyone who was his comrade in battle; nothing good would come out of it and his lies would be found out if you were to interact further with them.
But at the end, he realized it could favor him immensely if the others knew, except for you.
Yoru is not someone who can trust others easily, as previously stated. Quite the opposite, through his tough persona, he evades people all the time to avoid being seen or cornered to socialize; insulting and pushing away whoever wants to approach him even from a friendly stance.
But when you entered his life, he knew he wouldn't be able to protect you alone, hence the lies, so he decided the best course of action would be roping up a few other members to ensure your safety, as dangerous as it might sound.
Cypher would be sure to erase every trace of your existence or interactions with the riftwalker after every meeting, all at the high cost of a price he won't disclose by contract with the Moroccan man. He is not proud of what he owes Cypher now, but to know you're well secured and protected, he would do it again and again.
He contacted Killjoy to hack into the system to find any correlation of your social circle to whoever worked or is currently working for Kingdom. Once the list was delivered into his hands, Yoru would make sure everyone on the list would be erased from existence, not a single soul would be able to escape him.
By what methods? That's for him to take to the grave, no witnesses.
You are his world, you are his everything, and he will make sure you are safe and sound or else hell will rise. 
Omen: Words.
The concentration poured into keeping himself together could be arguably the best quality he could offer. 
Not everyone can pride themselves about the determination of keeping oneself alive for longer than nature intended; since his due time was past the date and he’s now going against every little law of the universe, he wonders if this was some sort of punishment. 
He’s never asked to be revived into…a monster, despite having many people arguing that whatever he is now, is better than being dead.
A foolish thought.
Omen can definitely be naming the many reasons as to why it is not a miracle, but a penitence for his past mistakes when he was alive. Atoning for his sins in the form of smokes and dirty armor, from broken flesh and ignited bones, it pains him deeply being alive and despises whoever treats his hurt as if it were nothing.
Being reborn as a new being shifts something on his brain, unintentionally, whereas anyone who looks his way will treat him the way he looks: like a monster.
Is inevitable, really, a course of action not even he has the power to stop nor change. He goes along with whatever happens in his surroundings now, letting the flow of energies guide him to where he currently is at and accustomed to his comrades attitudes.
He is more than aware of their dirty looks and general avoidance whenever he is in the vicinity, oblivious of his capability of sensing emotions through wavelengths or the fact that he is witness to their change in demeanour— they know how to keep it professional enough so disturbances don't take place.
That is how his days go by, used to it, used to being an unsightly view and detriment to the morale of his comrades with his unsettling voice and mannerism. His turmoil means nothing if the rest is content with not having him around; so he absconds, hides himself most of the time and pretends he isn't alive for their sake.
There is nothing new in his everyday life.
Or so he thinks, before his curse tides the wave in his favor.
Imagine his surprise the first time someone didn't react negatively with his presence. 
It threw him off, confusion overtaking him and assuming he just read the cues wrong. It surprised him  more when you didn't react at all until he spoke out loud, scaring the living shit out of you.
When you looked at him, or more specifically, where you thought he was, Omen supposed this would go different.
Not being a sociable person, Omen finds it odd on him to have been convinced to come to Harajuku for materials he needed. Some of his knitting kits have gone missing, and trying to go by undetected and to not bother his comrades, he never spoke about the issue.
Yoru made some reassurance, in his own way, that no one would mind the way he looks since everyone there was already a freak. Omen didn't refute his saying, since his words had truth in there, despite feeling offended. 
“They won't even notice you at night,” he commented.
No fear, no screams, not even a glance nor terrified expression painting your features besides being startled; that's how your first meeting went: only a smile and the pleasure to assist him.
Kind and lovely, adjectives Omen would never think of being used in his vocabulary, but for this occasion, it was necessary, a must to describe you. Amusing, too, whenever he would ask you questions about certain things, voice deep and reverberating it sent shivers down your spine, it made you nervous.
One more worker, just like him, but missing a certain ability most had.
You were blind.
For better or worse, it doesn't change your way of treating him like a human being; despite him losing his humanity over and over again on the battlefield, taking life after another, you treat him with a kindness and warmness that he has forgotten long ago. 
You are quick to erase the awful thoughts running through his brain with little chats and adorable clumsiness, chasing after him at the shop to keep talking. It was flattering that someone was taking an interest in him this deeply, and inevitably, he finds himself chasing after you too.
Omen believes this is how liking someone feels, contrary to his initial thoughts on socializing, he finds it fulfilling and easy to navigate on with you with this newfound feeling.
His one time visit becomes a recurrent, always looking for you and ignoring everyone else in your surroundings to goad you into full attention and pretty smiles. Even when people visit the shop, even when people comment on his overall look with disgusted faces, one word from you eases his tension and doubts.
You are a sweetheart to a fault, letting everyone walk on you because of your calm demeanor and shy complex under stressful situations. He would watch people talk behind your back within your presence, ignoring completely the crestfallen expression on your face or the gathering tears in your eyes when you think he’s not there or no one notices.
They belittle you, doubt your work and decision making because of your lack of vision.
They doubt him too, for his appearance, he doesn’t know for sure. But their words begin to target him as well, stronger than before, with the full intention of seeing him fall and break under the pressure of the masses and therefore, you would fall too.
Omen decides he wants them gone.
Aim is another quality of his, you know?
A little secret whispered in your ear one night. With a promise to return and barrel of the gun cold, he goes off into the dark and blends in within the shadows surrounding the city to fulfill his wishes.
Whatever he does outside the sliding doors of the little shop should be none of your concern, but his alone. If you hear crying, muffled sounds at the end of the street, or just the minimum rustle at the entrance, he’s warned you to not chase after it.
Being covered in dry blood is not a pretty sight, and he wonders then, watching the life fading from another monster who dared disrespect you, if you would accept it for who he really is.
So when he reaches the threshold in the shop, startling you and freezing on the spot, he asks you if you would ever consider loving someone who doesn't belong in this world anymore.
When you kiss for the first time, Omen doesn't think, he can't, too overwhelmed to process what's going on.
Is odd, but somehow, warming. Your face is warm with how embarrassed and nervous you feel, lips reaching into thin air, but at the same time, colliding against a surface you believe could be his mouth.
Your hands hold his head in place through the fabric of his hood, and he can feel your thumbs rubbing softly against what could be considered his cheeks in a soothing motion when you press further and then back away, smiling softly at him.
There are no words to say, it's unnecessary at this moment when the question has been answered.
Omen caresses your face with his claws, and he feels you shiver and sigh, closing your eyes and leaning into his touch. 
Leaning in, he decides to take what he wants from you, and you gladly let him have his way with you, whispering his name the moment his hands disappear under your clothes and air embraces your whole body.
Inside the closed shop, no one is witness of the way Omen loves you that night, with his whole being and emotions only he dreamed of being real and is now a reality.
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