#Revalink Social Media AU
senchee · 2 years
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Here are a few WIPs and doodles! So I’ve been super duper burned out for many months now and have been slowly recovering recently so I hope I can finish some of these someday~
image 1: some cuddle time (WIP) hehehe
image 2: Magnet Cover Art for my Revalink Idol AU. The lyrics are so spicy and I think it fits them well (WIP)
image 3: silly little doodle comic about a certain bird man being very pretty
image 4: A Link I drew a while ago for my Revalink Okami AU THAT I WANNA FULLY DEVELOP SO BAD, I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS. Both LoZ and Okami are very near and dear to my heart
image 5: A little test image I did for my Revalink Social Media AU where Revali is his usual self in his public twitter but gushes about his undying love and thirst for Link in his privtwit (Revali’s public reply to Link’s tweet: “there’s nothing good about the morning” - Revali’s private tweet: “Good morning to you too, my love <3″)
image 6: A cute Link in a dress chosen by my lovely homie @avenin (WIP) 
image 7: A Link I doodled in MS Paint with a mouse during the period when I was so burned out that I couldn’t stomach holding a pen
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noraiir-arts · 11 months
does anyone have a botw au/ revalink au that they want to talk about in extreme detail to me because I’m so bored and have zero inspiration rn
like please like it can be something so simple and/or niche or something extremely complicated and would take a while to explain but I don’t care because anything would be nice right now. If there is something that you have been wanting to share for a while now, now’s the time PLEASEE like it doesn’t even have to be an au it can just be a bunch of head cannons PLEASE
like just message me or @ me in a post or anything PLEA🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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revalinkcommentfest · 2 months
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April 9: Alternate Universe
Happy third day of Revalink Comment Fest!!
We've spent the last 2 days reading and commenting on Revalink fics of all genres. But for now, let's focus on some fics that don't take place within the Breath of the Wild canon-verse.
Today, let's give lots of support and comments to Revalink fics that take place in alternate universes! Search for whatever aus float your boat; modern aus, historical fantasies, and social media crack fics are just a few of the many options you have.
Keep track of how many comments you leave; you'll post your final count of comments at the end of the week (only if you want!). If you'd like to post your total for the day, use the hashtag #Revalink Comment Fest 2024 to share your progress with us.
Of course, don't let these prompts restrict you from commenting all you want! Feel free to comment on any Revalink fics you like to earn those daily points.
Gor any questions? Comment it, send an ask, or dm this blog!
Happy commenting!
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amiharana · 1 year
UHMM do you have anything for a YouTubers revalink au?? I adore modern aus
lowkey if revalink were youtubers they would beef so hard like it would be worse than the j*mes ch*rles beauty community controversy of 2019. like i need someone to make that one meme of the tati westbrook 'breaking my silence' meme but it's zelda and the video would be her complaining about how annoying link and revali are on the internet like she has nothing to do with the drama she just is sick of them 😭
i have some ideas for more specific youtuber aus with revalink like the kpop stans to lovers au and the recent hip hop dancers au ask with lovely oomf @cryiling, but outside those aus, i kinda enjoy the idea of link doing dance covers vs revali doing singing covers but that might just be my inner choir kid speaking LMFAO
imagining them both starting to gain traction, and someone jokingly tweeting about how revalink babies would be the most musically talented people alive, only for revali to qrt with "As if I'd ever have a child with someone like him." and it causes The Drama Ever. just revalink constantly subtweeting each other and feeding the flames of the controversy and their friends being fucking tired of them complaining about each other irl. revalink subtweet so viciously about each other to the point where people start qrting like "you guys fight like a married couple" or "i just Know the hatesex go crazy" 😭😭
the drama just keeps getting worse until both revali and link have the same idea at the same exact time to post a video of them performing the other's talent, e.g. link will do a song cover and revali will do a dance cover, to prove that they're better than their respective peer. link does a cover to 'stay here' by gaho and revali does a cover to the orchestral version of 'black swan' by bts and it's genuinely. incredible, show stopping, amazing like. everyone knew link was a good dancer and revali was a good singer, but now they're good at each other's thing?????
it doesn't just stop at each other's fanbases. of course revalink watch each other's video in secret LMAO and the look on each other's faces when they watch each other's videos... link is blushing open-mouthed because goddamn revali has an insane amount of body control to be pulling this choreography off..... revali starting entranced at his computer screen with link's song cover on loop, unable to turn away from the screen like he's a sailor to a siren, link hits those high notes beautifully..... you know what, maybe having kids with each other wouldn't be a bad idea......... 😊
bonus fake tweets i made because i love social media aus:
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avenin7 · 5 months
I hate being one of those people that goes on social media and begs for attention; but I'm also at my wits end. I'm so exhausted with posting art and feeling like it's overlooked. Especially my modern au.
I feel like I get zero engagement on my posts. A few likes here or there but rarely reblogs and never asks.
It's so disheartening to have three years of thought into a story and the expressions of it that do come out are overlooked or treated as "content" to consume and move on.
Maybe I'm just having a hard day. Idk. But it's so difficult to see other people within the fandom get so much attention on their art and then getting hardly any on my own. (No hatred towards other revalink artists or anything like that. I literally fucking love every one of them.) I just don't understand what's different between their stuff and mine, why I see others get hundreds or thousands of notes and I get two or ten.
I'm just really worn out and tired of trying to share something deeply with others only for it to collect dust.
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