#Reverienne is talking
reverienne · 1 year
baczla, hir aj kom!!!
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aylaaescar · 1 year
23-30 for Zevran/Perry?
welp this is almost a month late skdfjgsg ty Karolina!! someday I will answer things quicker
23. What was their first impression of each other?
"The Grey Warden dies here!" vs the Grey Warden who's supposed to die here and is thoroughly unimpressed by how clumsy the bait is, and mostly just wants to get this latest attack on her life over with already. she's got other stuff to do, guys.
conversationally, though, Perry thought that Zevran was friggin suspicious haha, but she still let him live and join her anyway because it's a Blight, they need all the help they can get. on Zevran's end, I imagine he thought of her as formidable and beautiful, but also pretty haughty from her demeanor.
24. How did they fall for each other?
I'm gonna interpret this as "when did they first realize" bc all my answers would be boring otherwise ("it happened over time") skdfgjsg. Zev first realized he was in love with her after the Landsmeet was called, when they were discussing plans for the future in their shared room in Eamon's manor, and Perry was excitedly talking about changes to the Circle she'd like to make if she went back. Perry just kind of... came to the conclusion one night on the road? just a sudden spark of clarity. "oh. I love him."
25. Who said "I love you" first?
who first said the actual three words themself? Perry. who didn't say the three words exactly but still poured out their heart anyway and also proposed? Zevran.
26. How are they with PDA?
I think they're pretty average about it?? whatever that might look like?? Perry greatly enjoys grossing Sidane out by acting all lovey-dovey with Zev in their presence (sweet vengeance for all the years of them being her annoying older sibling, you see), but on their own, I feel like they just do normal couple stuff. holding hands, kisses, hugs, stuff like that. they're not shy about their relationship, but both of them prefer to keep the bigger stuff and more tender displays in private.
27. What interests do they share? For interests they don't share, do they ever participate anyway?
being judgmental of other people and people watching. fashion. sparring. potion/poison brewing. Zev doesn't share Perry's passion for architecture, but he'll still listen attentively to her talk about it anyway.
28. How are they with money? Does one do more of the financial supporting?
okay so a couple years outside the Circle? Perry is great with finances. she's a fast learner and good at math, it'll be easy for her. initially coming out of the Circle, though? Perry is not clever with finances at all since she'd literally never had to pay for anything before. Alistair had to do some coaching for her. so at the very beginning, I'd say Zev is the one who has the better head with finances (though Perry is the one earning that money, what with a hard day's work of looting money off of darkspawn corpses. do you think the darkspawn have capitalism?)
29. Where is their relationship lacking? What could they do to improve it?
time spent together, maybe? out of my three Wardens who romance Zev, Perry is the one who's away from him the most, I think; she's the Commander of the Grey in addition to being the court's Chancellor, and Zevran has his own fight against the Crows. that said, though, they still spend plenty of time with each other and live together. they just have periods where they're apart for a few months and have to communicate by letter. this improves over the years, and ofc they're still together while Perry is off searching for a cure to the Blight.
30. Where is their relationship the strongest?
their faith and confidence in each other, I think. Perry and Zevran just get each other and firmly love and trust each other. for her part, Perry trusts that Zev is honest with her, that he's loyal and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. on Zevran's end, he knows that Perry is a brilliant and determined person who's been held back in the Circle and hates being underestimated. they believe in each other more than most people have believed in them separately before.
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that yesterday I had a dream that I baked a cake for you as a way of showing my appreciation for your creating Briony! It was a cake with hazelnut cream, I think, pretty experimental for me but ended up being really tasty. Unfortunately, it got squished right after I finished decorating it - I was quite devastated by that, but there was no way I would consider gifting you a squished cake so I baked another one, a perfect copy, and kept the squished one for myself and my family. Why Briony only? I'm still puzzled. Yes, I adore Briony - she strikes me as an absolute darling based on your answers, I trust the result of your quiz (it was so right with Red so...) and once I subscribe to the alpha after my graduation, I'll 100% try to romance her - but, I'm sorry to say, there's a bit more to ShoH than just Briony! So, wide awake this time, thank you so much for sharing ShoH with us, Lena! You pour so much work into this game and it really shows. I spent so many hours either playing ShoH, talking about it with friends or thinking about it myself. ShoH truly claimed me and I doubt I'll be leaving it anytime soon. Thank you so much for all your hard work! 💕 And here's a virtual cake for you: 🎂
@reverienne, this is so amazingly sweet! 🥺💖💖💖 (I love hazelnut cream and am so honored that you would have made two just for my sake--I would have loved the squished one too, lol!) Thank you so much for all of your incredible support, kindness, and love for the game, I truly appreciate everything you do, including your awesome posts about ShoH! It's readers like you who make all of the hard work 10000% worth it! :) And thank you for sharing this absolutely lovely message, it made my whole month! 😭 You're the best--thank you for the dream cake, and here's one right back atcha! 🎂✨
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bitchesofostwick · 4 years
5, 7, 24 and 4 or 9 for song asks. ❤
thank you :)
4. A song that hypes you the fuck up. “whatever” by the frights (my sister and i loooove the frights and we always yell the part of this song that goes “and i’m still messed up from when you said you didn’t love me!” because we’re emo like that)
5. A song you like to daydream to. “400 lux” by lorde (it’s just about driving in the ‘burbs!!)
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like. “summerboy” by lady gaga (i don’t usually listen to pop, but i loooove gaga and every album she’s ever done, and you can’t go wrong with the fame)
24. A song to listen to on a long drive when you have the really strong urge to keep driving until you find somewhere to start a new life (preferably a europian city whose language you don’t speak) i’ve got two choices for this and they’re both tom waits covers: “down there by the train” covered by johnny cash or “take it with me” covered by angie mcmahon. both of these impart such a huge sense of wistfulness and longing, and they’re my two favorite tom waits songs, but i think these covers are better than the originals whoops
song asks
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lotrificationer · 4 years
Yellow but also teal because I love reading your Barbie opinions! 💕
AHhhhhhh thank you Karolina 💖💖💖💕💕💕💕
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For "Get to know Vanyla" questions nr 4, 6, 32, 46, 13, 49.
thanks, Karolina!! 💜
4. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
Aesthetically speaking, Vanyla loves everything about Leliana’s appearance but especially loves her eyes. Gorgeous shade of blue, and Van privately thought that they were captivating from the start. (See also: meeting Leliana was absolutely the moment Vanyla started to realize that maybe she isn’t straight.) But also worth mentioning; Leliana’s hands. The way they’ll always move to hold her own when they’re walking together, or wrap around her when the nightmares wake them both up. Very cheesy, but Vanyla associates them with comfort and feeling cherished in the midst of chaos.
As for psychological, that would be Leliana’s heart in general. The way she cares so much, advocates for doing the right thing, worries that maybe she’s not good after all and tries so hard to be. Vanyla loves how much Leliana wants and tries to be a good person.
6. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
Does letting her mabari Yeralt sleep in the tent with them count? I’m not sure she would, lol. Both are very much in-sync with hobbies that they enjoy (archery, stories, singing, shopping, etc), so I can’t imagine there’s much. Maybe the closest would be Vanyla’s habit of writing her journal entrances as though they’re letters addressed to her brothers, but I think Leliana would understand why she does that.
32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?
Something incredibly romantic and dreamy. :D Vanyla wants to be swept off her feet in pure fairy tale fashion, so I imagine that a dream date for her would be similar to Cassandra’s date? Moonlit picnic with wine, flowers, poetry, some lute music. She wants to be thoroughly wooed.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
Spoiling her. She’s constantly on the lookout for things that Leliana would like, but especially on the lookout for Andraste’s Grace after finding out that it was her mother’s flower. She’s definitely stopped what she’s doing before just to reach some because she knows that Leliana would like it.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
Prior to the Blight, she was a heavy sleeper who was prone to cocooning herself up in her blankets without a care in the world. She becomes a much lighter sleeper after becoming a Grey Warden, though she still likes wrapping herself up in her blankets. Ferelden gets cold.
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
She gets haunted by both the attack on her family and the darkspawn nightmares, unfortunately. :( They’re definitely frequent, and they’ve majorly affected her mood from the start. She puts more effort into hiding it as time goes on, but it never really went away.
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bluekaddis · 5 years
2020–20 facts!
Quick questions tag post (thank you @bitchesofostwick for tagging me :3 :3) before I get back on track with art content again. 
Tagging @reverienne, @lethendralis-paints, @the-upper-shelf and @gingerbreton if you want of course :)
1. do you make your bed? no, and it makes my parents grunt in disapproval every time I sleep in my family house XD I make my bed when I have guests though.
2. what’s your favorite number? don’t know, really.
3. what’s your job? currently I have a full time job as a junior financial specialist (at least that’s what I’ve been told lol) in one of those big, international companies; in the meantime, I’m trying to finish my PhD biology studies.
4. if you could, would you go back to school? hmm, which school? Primary education – not really. But I was a really happy person in high school, my stress level was really low back then and I miss that. I would gladly go back for few weeks.
5. can you parallel park? I used to when I was making my driving license (like 12 years ago o_O) but I haven’t been driving a car since I’ve moved to Krakow so...
6. a job you had which would surprise people? One month of pretending to be an outgoing extrovert, asking students to sign for a health care plan. Me, who starts sweating when I have to order food over phone. What the f*ck was I thinking?
7. do you think aliens are real? I cannot prove there are no aliens, I cannot prove they are real.
8. can you drive a manual car? these are US-coded questions, aren’t they XD yes, I can (though as I said, I haven’t driven a car for many years).
9. what’s your guilty pleasure? watching really bad movies with my BFF.
10. tattoos? I don’t have tattoos and I am not planning to get one any time soon. I appreciate the well done, artistic tattoos on others but it’s just not my personal way of expression.
11. favorite color? wine red and sapphire.
12. things people do that drive you crazy? Too many too choose coughing in my face in public transport.
13. any phobias? Big spiders freak me out.
14. favorite childhood sport? I liked skiing and I was pretty good at it. I still go into mountains from time to time. I also liked table tennis.
15. do you talk to yourself? yes, but mostly when I’m alone. Sometimes I forget to shut up at work and it can be weird XD.
16. what movie do you adore? ONE MOVIE?? not a chance 
17. do you like doing puzzles? sure. I like logic riddles.
18. favorite kind of music? movie and games OSTs, folk, rock.
19. tea or coffee? Coffee, but I love tea too.
20. the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? to have a farm with like million different animals on it :,)
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lady--revan · 5 years
OC Profile Meme
Tagged by @reverienne​ and @etoilebinaire​!!!! I love talking about my gremlin daughter, thank you!!!!
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Name: Revan Kestrel Varik
Nickname: She was pretty much always known as Revan, her other names were simply on papers stored away in the Jedi Temple. When she lost her memory, she became the soldier Kestrel.
Age: 28 (KOTOR 1)
Species: Human
Morality: Chaotic good. But she’s like, one dark side point away from being chaotic neutral. During her time as a Sith she was Neutral Evil.
Religion: Um, does Jedi-turned-Sith-turned-Jedi-turned Gray Jedi count?
Sins: greed/gluttony/sloth/lust/pride/envy/wrath
Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
Known languages: Galactic Basic, and some alien languages she drew out of people’s heads using Force Comprehension
Build: scrawny/bony/slender/fit/athletic/curvy/herculean/pudgy/plus size/average
Height: She’s like 5’5
Scars/Birthmarks: some scarring on her back from when Malak tried to kill her
Telekinesis is her favorite thing ever. It’s like having as many arms as you want, and she frequently uses it without having to think about it. Like she’ll be talking with Carth in their apartment and then the caf maker will start by itself, making drinks for both of them. (He thinks she’s showing off and well, he’s not completely wrong) After many years of memorizing the correct switches on the Ebon Hawk, Revan can turn it on using only her mind. (She still prefers doing it manually in case she misses something)
No one can sneak up on her. She always knows if someone is behind her, though she sometimes can’t tell who it is
Force lightning can sometimes prove useful in desperate situations. When a ship loses power due to deactivation, a pulse from her fingertip can spark it on again. She keeps getting lectured about it bc it’s a Dark Side power
She can be reckless, and always takes the difficult part of missions, sometimes alone. During the attack on the Star Forge, she slipped away from the others because she thought they would only slow her down. Even though she’s pretty much a one-woman army, this sometimes blows up in her face. She thought she could face the threat in the Unknown Regions alone, but quickly learned she would need help. (That help eventually turned out to be the Exile.)
This also ties in with the last part- She’s biased and keeps the ones she loves the most in the safest parts of the battle when she can. Revan would rather risk a random soldier’s life than Carth’s, for example.
Revan, unfortunately, takes after Kreia. She often has a master plan, and isn’t above subtly manipulating people with the Force. She wouldn’t dare try it with her loved ones, but she doesn’t see anything wrong with giving someone a little “suggestion” through the Force
Food: eating emergency rations at 3 AM (gone wrong) Revan isn’t very picky. She’s even eaten questionable food before, mainly because of the resistance to poison that comes with Jedi training.
Pizza topping: She doesn’t have a favorite? As I said before she’ll eat pretty much anything.
Colour: Maroon
Music genre: Rock, but she has a soft spot for upbeat jazz.
Movie genre: Action/Adventure
Curse words: Just some Mando’a words, and never in front of Mission or Bastila
Scents: She doesn’t really smell like anything. 
Bottom or top: this question makes me uncomfortable so I won’t answer it
Sings in the shower: yes and it’s this song (epilepsy warning!!!) for 30 minutes straight
Likes puns: She despises them much more than she should lol
tagging ummmm @lesbianvisas​ @theebonhawke​ @jediisapphic​ (if you want to of course)
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etoilebinaire · 5 years
2020- 20 facts!
Tagged by @reverienne !! thank you 💖 I’m tagging anyone who wants to do it :))
1. Do you make your bed? I gotta, I live on my own :D. Also since I have a loft bed at my parents’ too, I have to make it myself lol. 2. What’s your favourite number? 🤔..... I’ve got a few but my all time fav is the square root of 8 which is 2,8284271247 something. 11, 8 and 5 deserve a special mention. 3. What’s your job? I’m a student. 4. If you could, would you go back to school? I’m procrastinating going into the business world by doing a double masters, so yeah.. If I could turn 12 again and re-live highschool I kinda would? It wasn’t great but it would be better now. 5. Can you parallel park? Theoretically, yes.  6. A job you had which would surprise people? I... used to ‘babysit’ kids and all we did was watch Bee movie. 7. Do you think aliens are real? Aliens being any extra terrestrial life? Yeah, cause the universe is too large for earth to be the only one that developed life. 8. Can you drive a manual car? Yes! Never drove an automatic one, actually. 9. What’s your guilty pleasure? Not really guilty but showing people things like games, series, books, movies... Also bad emo/country/rap music. 10. Tattoos? Don’t have any (yet) 11. Favourite colour? Blue 12. Things people do that drive you crazy? I can tolerate a lot but inconsiderate people are the worst. Also people being really impatient like... chill. 13. Any phobias? W*sps. 14. Favourite childhood sport? Karate!! 15. Do you talk to yourself? Not regularly lol my housemates would hear. I do sometimes try out accents. Quietly. 16. What movie do you adore? Adore...... hm...... Ace Attorney the movie and the force awakens mostly for the good memories and the mummy (first one). ALSO spirited away which I haven’t seen in years 17. Do you like doing puzzles? Only when I’m in a puzzle mood.  18. Favourite kind of music? Oh dear. My spotify rewind said pop and rap but that’s definitely not true. It used to be emo and soulpunk but now it’s kinda rock? As most people I cycle through artists, I guess. 19. Tea or coffee? Coffee but I can’t drink a lot of it so I drink way more tea (: 20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? Uhhhh I wrote a lot when I was younger so probably writer? But the first thing I remember actually telling my parents was dolphin trainer.
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lavampira · 5 years
also Koren for WBW! would love to hear more about them
sure! I really do need to talk more about them 😔 also tagging @reverienne for asking about them too!
send an oc for a wbw profile
full name: koren brosca
gender: nonbinary
sexuality: demisexual
pronouns: they/them
family: rica brosca (their sister), rica’s son with bhelen, their mother
birthplace: dust town, orzammar
job: enforcer in beraht’s carta (formerly); veteran of the fifth blight (aids the wardens in finding the anvil and joins their group); grey warden (completes the joining ritual during DA awakening)
phobias: not being able to take care of their family, getting trapped without an escape, open water
guilty pleasures: bold of you to assume they feel guilty about any of their interests, which include instigating drinking contests, dragger-throwing contests with zevran, and anything that they can turn into a competition in general
morality alignment?: true neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: not necessarily anxious but definitely wary
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unempathetic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: leans a little more optimistic than they would ever admit
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: I don’t really have a ship for them? but koren/sigrun would be cute!
ot3: none
brotp: koren and nalah, koren and sigrun
notp: koren/leske
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gingerbreton · 5 years
10 favourite fictional characters
Tagged by @dickeybbqpit thank you! Tagging @laurelsofhighever @magpiesandmabari @weirdnproudofit @bluekaddis @reverienne
This is going to be so hard to pick (turns out descended into characters that just make me laugh by the end)! I’ve avoided DA because I could literally just fill the list so easily.
1. Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
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she is just so perfectly ordinary, but in a way that shows that none of us are just ordinary. She’s also a great ‘every man’ perspective on all these space and time shenanigans. I adore her.
2. Marianne Dashwood (Sense & Sensibilty)
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Such a dramatic, romantic, heart on her sleeve, occasionally ridiculous girl. She is emotion personified with almost no filter, and while she does grow up, I still thoroughly enjoy those incidents of drama queen.
3. Jessica Day (New Girl)
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She just cheers me up. Dignity is no issue
4. Grace (Waking the Dead)
I can’t find a gif for her. She is a forensic psychologist played by Sue Johnston and she is fantastic. Sensible, dedicated, calm, realistic and one of the few characters who can get Boyd to wind his neck in. She was the first and best portrayal of a forensic psychologist I ever saw growing up and actually got me interested in the subject.
5. Sam Vimes (Discworld)
Again, no gif. He’s by no means perfect, especially in those early books, but his development as a character as the series goes on is brilliant, and the city watch books are generally my favourite in the series. Night Watch is a masterpiece.
6. Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)
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Caleb is such an interesting character and tbh I cannot resist disaster cat mages.
7. Magrat Garlick (Discworld)
I started reading Discworld young and always had a soft spot for Magrat as the youngest of the witches, tending to get overlooked or talked over. If you ever doubt her strength though let me remind you of the time she turned a door into an oak tree by reminding it of what it used to be, or dealt with the queen of the elves basically wearing Valkyrie armour under her wedding dress. Magrat is queen.
And now for some proper idiots
8. Danny (Hot Fuzz)
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I’m sorry but every word that comes out of Danny’s mouth add years to my life span, but equally increases my laughter lines tenfold.
9. Howard Moon (The Mighty Boosh)
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This fucking fool
10. Bernard Black (Black Books)
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There is no world in which this man is not problematic, but Bernard is a fucking Mood. Him avoiding doing his taxes is a very accurate representation of when I have work due.
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reverienne · 10 months
there HAS TO be a better way to browse the tag for ju/jutsu kai/sen and I'm desperate to know how. the main tag is unreadable, it's at least 80% filled with self-insert fics and they're basically impossible to filtr out. 15% goes for art and gifs for Go/jou, Ge/tou and sa/to/su/gu, and yeah, I like them, too, but when I'm browsing the tag for the whole series, I'd love to see other characters and ships, too, you know? and then the remaining 5% - the cherry on this cake of disappointment - goes to manga spoilers. never without fail absolutely HUGE spoilers. I didn't want to know!!! my country is not caught up with Japan as I'm sure are many others!!! I'm patiently waiting for my country's official release and I don't want to get these huge spoilers for volume 33 or whichever!!!
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reverienne · 1 year
self-rec tag game
I saw it making rounds on my dash and you know what? I'm doing it and I'm strongly encouraging @aylaaescar, @bluekaddis / @rainhowls-arts (yes, it's my wink wink nudge nudge for you to fill it twice), @czandziowata, @etoilebinaire, @lavampira - and anyone else who wants to - to also give it a try! 💕
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they’ve made.
(Mind that my ao3 fics are currently only available to the logged in users. Sorry for the inconvenience!)
1. something you absolutely adore:
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Sierra's ShoH MC, Odelinka! And my ShoH MC, Bogusia!
They were made as a matching set and turned into custom acrylic keychains. Their coming into existence was a turning point in my life and I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying that they made my life so much better. Here's to more chibi keychains in the future! <3
But! I've spent way too much time refreshing the page and marvelling at my coding for Achievement Unlocked not to also count it here. It's a 70-words-long coda for Episode II of Wayfarer and my second attempt at coding. A long break made my return to CSS more challenging than I'd like it to be, but I'm very pleased with the end result and I keep shoving this little fic into the faces of all people who are up to date with the public build of Wayfarer. I think that it's just neat.
2. something that was challenging to create: 
Worst Romance Ever was both my first fic for Dragon Age, first fic published on ao3, first fic shared publically in a veeeery long time and, most importantly, my first venture into CSS coding. It's an account of a dudebro gamer criticising Emerald Aeducan's romance route in the fictional remake of Dragon Age: Origins. (Don't get discouraged by its unfinished status - it's technically finished, I'm just going back and forth on whether I should upload a little extra.) There was so much I had to learn for this project! Frankly, nothing I've made ever since matched it in terms of intensity. The layout is not perfect and I'd like to rework it sometime in the future, but it's a testament of my persistence and I'm proud of it anyway! Also, that's how I discovered that I actually like CSS coding and want to dabble in more ao3 skins in the future! So, small steps. :)
3. something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably):
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Zarya of disapproval! Her judgemental face never fails to crack me up. (Gosh, I really need to draw some more for Mysticons...)
4. something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.):
spotkania o 8. rano na Zoomie, my ~200-words-long modern AU ficlet for Wayfarer! I wrote it on a whim, published it right after, in a bout of unhinged self-confidence wrote about it on Wayfarer's Discord server... but nothing could prepare me for the warm welcome this ficlet received! It was written entirely in Polish, it was as niche as it could get, and yet! One person actually confessed to reading it with the help of Google Translate. I'm still overjoyed just thinking about it.
I ended up translating it into English the very next day, another record for me, though 8 a.m. Zoom meetings most likely got lost in the notifs and didn't match the Polish version's popularity. Still, I love both! And if you played Episode I of Wayfarer and have a minute to spare, I recommend giving it a chance!
5. something you want other people to see:
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I dare to say that my art of my blorbo, Serena Amell, is quite underrated. C'mon, with some tweaks suggested to me by my best friend, I really managed to make her look very cute!
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reverienne · 1 year
Iris Moulton from The Girls I've Been, my beloved.
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reverienne · 1 year
songs to ship by
I was tagged by @kawaterrier to list 5-10 ship songs. Thank you so much!
I invite @aylaaescar, @consulaaris, @czandziowata, @etoilebinaire and @lavampira to also experience this Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known. (It's fun!)
I'm not nearly prepared enough to make them ~consistent ~, as in: from just a single ship playlist, so here's a bunch of everything.
Also half of them are in Polish and I'm not giving you any translations because I missed Tumblr's Speak Your Language Day for the xth time in a row and I'm taking this chance to make up for it. Woe, Polish be upon ye!
1. IGNACY - Czekam Na Znak
Tylko czekam na znak Czekam i tak Rób co tylko zechcesz Chwytaj mnie za serce
This is such a Juliander Strzygomski/Chase Trinaeste song. I won't explain it. It just is.
2. Sarsa - Tęskno Mi
Zobacz ile mogło być takich chwil Naiwne dziecko jestem i tęsknię dziś Do Ciebie, bez Ciebie miało być mi lżej
Does it fit the requirements? Anyway, I have this on my Emerald Aeducan/Alistair Theirin playlist so it counts.
3. Cleo - Za Krokiem Krok
Chodzę dziś znów (Chodzę znów) Tobie po głowie Za krokiem krok (Tup, tup, tup) Tupet masz i nie powiesz
If you know me, you know that annoyances to (friends to) lovers is one of my biggest weaknesses.
4. Feel, Lanberry - Gotowi Na Wszystko
Bo nic już nie liczy się bardziej niż my Gotowi na wszystko, na każdą z tych chwil Wciąż zaplątani w miłości nić Poprowadź mnie, poprowadź mnie (Poprowadź mnie) Chcę tam być
Technically, I don't have this on any of my ship playlists BUT I love this song so much and I guess I could make it about Bogumiła Niepołomska/Red Antiqua?
5. Happysad - Zanim pójdę
Miłość to żaden film w żadnym kinie ani róże ani całusy małe, duże. Ale miłość - kiedy jedno spada w dół, drugie ciągnie je ku górze.
The irony of me not liking this song only to want to scream-sing it from the rooftops. Classic Karolina.
6. Dua Lipa - Love Again
I never thought that I would find a way out I never thought I'd hear my heartbeat so loud I can't believe there's something left in my chest anymore But goddamn, you got me in love again
...my smug satisfaction when I saw the author of WTS confirm it as a K de Vries song. Can't wait to romance them and make this song fully canon.  <3
7. Saint Motel - Cold Cold Man
You're the only one worth seeing The only place worth being The only bed worth sleeping's the one right next to you
SCREAMING. Thank you, Dani, for introducing me to Saint Motel's music.
8. Travie McCoy - Need You
I know it's not your fault, but I’m a locked door And inside, I'm a mess by someone before And I wish that I, I could find a key To unlock all the things you want us to be
This song was a blast when I listened to it maniacally in Simlish, this song proved to be even more of a blast when I rediscovered it in English. Such an Emerald Aeducan song.
9. Ella Eyre - Deeper
And I don't think I'm ready To go in this heavy I thought we would take it slow And now you got that feelin' You say that you mean it But for me, I just don't know
Another Emerald Aeducan staple. I’m playing favourites, I know, but it’s because I’ve had my Emerald/Alistair playlist the longest.
10. Vance Joy - Riptide
Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side I wanna be your left-hand man
I don't have a ship for this snippet just yet but I WILL. I will.
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