#Reynard of Skellige
slothssassin-art · 3 years
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Reynard of Skellige 🦊
Small gift to my dear friend @briarfox13 ♥
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briarfox13 · 3 years
As a few of you know I adore The Witcher games and books, they are some of my favourites pieces of media ever. I love to chat about my Witcher OC’s but I don’t know many people in the fandom. 
So I’d love to find some new Witcher OC’s and blogs to follow and get to know people! Do like and reblog <3
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Meet my girls!! <3 
Kita von Barre-Sorceress and accidental member of Roche’s Blue Stripes
Lillie of Temeria-Noblewoman and Temerian diplomat to Nilfgaard
Reynard of Skellige-Witcher from the School of the Fox
Aneirin aep Morgana AKA “The Sun of Nilfgaard”-Commander, folk hero and traitor
Heather-Herbalist and Regis’ apprentice 
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elizabethospeaks · 6 years
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Trying to get back into the swing of things by sketching like crazy. I forgot how to draw.
So sorry @briarfox13 - Reynard was my victim this afternoon 
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straysinfiltrator · 2 years
First Line Meme
List the first lines of your last 20 stories. See if there are any patterns and choose your favorite opening line! Thanks for the tag @do-androids-dream-ao3acc! Tagging @theobscurepotato @she-who-drank-vodka-with-cats @queenmevesknickers @tumbleweedtech @irene-sadler @lohrendrell @cloudravine (Any others let me know if you want to be added, or just jump in!)
I only have 18 fics on Ao3 so here they are in chronological order, with my favorite opening line in bold:
“Two to one, the dwarf wins!” Gascon heard a soldier shout behind him. A Perfect Trap (Gascon/Meve)
Uneasy night was falling on the swamps of Angren.  A Dangerous Road (Gascon & Reynard)
It had been a hard year. The Trial (Gascon backstory)
“I have to find a way to hide that scar.” A Rivian Affair (Gascon/Meve, NSFW)
Your Majesty, It is with great relief that I can hereby report that the Nilfgaardian plans for invasion that we previously discovered seem to have been postponed. The Captive Brigand (Gascon & Meve)
“Your Majesty.” Reynard stood up straighter as the queen entered the castle room that had been set up to deal with the considerable amount of paperwork involved in rebuilding her kingdoms. A Hard Bargain (Gascon/Meve/Reynard, NSFW)
The familiar dreary weather of Skellige was unavoidable, and the darkness of the evening had descended early, but Geralt was accustomed to both of those things. The Werewolf You Feed (Geralt/OC)
The heavy gates of Lyria Castle opened to deafening trumpet calls. A Private History (Gascon/Meve/Reynard)
“It could be worse,” Meve whispered, her body pressed tightly against Reynard’s in the pitch-black darkness.  The Cave-In (Meve/Reynard)
“That is my entire report, Your Grace.” Reynard straightened and made to stand.  Recipe for Love (Meve/Reynard)
“I don’t want to finish my maths!” Duke of Dogs (Gascon backstory)
“I received news of Captain Tobias.”  The Rescue (Gascon & Reynard)
Reynard had endured more grueling tasks than he could count as part of his soldierly duties.  A Matter of the Heart (Meve/Reynard, NSFW)
The guards diplomatically take no notice as I make my way towards Meve’s bedchambers. Glimpse (Meve/Reynard, Gascon POV)
The first time they met, after Meve had banished them both, was outside the dilapidated bakers’ building in a hamlet that barely merited the name. Banished (Gascon/Reynard, NSFW)
Roche stepped carefully as he made his way down the half-shattered stone staircase of the ruined building they had managed to occupy. Chained (Iorveth/Roche, NSFW)
The death ward had been in the Tarrant family for generations. Full Circle (Coldfire Trilogy - Andrys/Gerald Tarrant, NSFW)
Pleasure vine (Conyndeith): This snake-like vine is said to have once been a common potted plant used by Aen Seidhe as an aid in conjugal life. Pleasure Vine (Iorveth/Roche, NSFW) I don't see any particular patterns but I do like some of the later ones better than those from my earlier stories. I hadn't written fiction before and when I wrote my first fanfics it was so strange to be writing something other than a paper or office memo. Then after a few months I think I started to find my own style.
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queenmevesknickers · 3 years
Breaking Point
A short prequel to Blood is Thicker Than Wine, taking place a few weeks before the story begins: Meve and Reynard’s notorious argument...
“Will you stay?” she murmured sleepily to the man wrapped tightly in her arms.
He shook his head. “No, Meve. I can’t, not tonight, not with th’ guests from Skellige staying in th’ castle…I’d rather not have to creep all th’ way back to my rooms before dawn.”
She yawned, trying to hide her disappointment. It had been weeks since he’d last shared her bed. “You wouldn’t have to, if you’d just move into rooms closer to mine – as I keep saying. Then you wouldn’t have nearly so far to sneak back…though why you insist on slinking out of here like a child who’s been stealing sweets from th’ larder, I don’t know.” 
“You know I can’t. People –”
“– will talk, yes, I know.” She rolled her eyes. “Gods forbid, that anyone should ever talk about us.”
He sighed.
“Fine. Marry me, then.”
A deafening silence followed. Eventually, he choked out: “What?”
“Marry me. Then you can take th’ rooms next to mine, and there’ll be no need for sneaking around at all.”
He sat up and stared at her. “Meve. You know I can’t – th’ very idea –”
She folded her arms. “I don’t see why not. You don’t want people to gossip, well – let me make an honest man out of you, and then they’ll have no cause.”
“We’ve spoken about this before,” he began evenly, in that oh-so-very-patient tone that immediately made her scowl. “We agreed –”
“That was six years ago! And every time I’ve tried to raise th’ topic since, you’ve changed th’ subject.”
“Because there’s no point in discussing it further,” he retorted, an edge creeping into his voice. “Meve, what we share is undoubtedly the very best thing in my life, but we can’t let it make us foolish –”
“Foolish? Marrying me would be foolish, would it?”
“Don’t twist my words. You know very well what I mean – th’ difference in our status, for one –”
“I could grant you a new title any time I please; I wanted to, after th’ last war, but you would have none of it.”
“Because I don’t want one! I’m content as I am, I’ve no wish to beg favours from you, I don’t need –”
“You never ask anything of me. You’re too damn proud, Reynard Odo – proud to a fault, you won’t even accept that which you’ve earned half a dozen times over. Most times I admire you for it, but other times it’s absolutely infuriating.”
“Meve,” he sighed. “You know how much I love you. I would lay down my life for you in a heartbeat. But I simply cannot do this. I have thought about it, time and time again, and come to th’ conclusion –”
She pulled away from him. “You think too much. And you care too much what other people think.”
“Better to think too much than too little,” he retorted. “This is not something we can jump into headfirst, without a care for th’ consequences –”
“When have I ever recklessly thrown myself into anything?” she demanded. “Don’t answer that!” she snapped, when he opened his mouth to reply.
“I wasn’t going to.”
“Doesn’t it bother you?” she said, getting up and beginning to pace the room. “All these years of sneaking around, hardly daring to look at each other in public; trying to snatch moments together here and there, always listening for th’ knock on th’ door, th’ footsteps in th’ hall? That whenever we are invited to feasts and banquets, you get sat half a dozen places away from me? That we can sleep in the same bed perhaps once a month, if we’re lucky? Aren’t you tired of it, Reynard? Gods know I am.”
He stood and joined her, taking her hands. “I know it’s not easy, Meve. But it’s what we must do. We can’t give into…imprudent impulses…”
“No, I don’t see that we must do anything of th’ sort. Fine, don’t marry me, I’d be very happy not to go through that whole bloody rigmarole again. But for gods’ sakes, let’s be done with th’ pretence! I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks about it, Reynard – I’d be happy for th’ whole world to know what you are to me, and hang th’ consequences! How much time have we wasted denying ourselves the simple happiness of truly being together, whenever we like, as much as we like?”
“You might not care,” he said quietly, “but I do. You know it would cause a scandal, and even if it wouldn’t bother you at all, I cannot say th’ same –”
“Do you want to marry me?”
“It’s not a question of want –”
“Do you?” she demanded.
He exhaled. “If things were different…if circumstances were such, that –”
“It’s a simple question!”
“Yes! Of course I would want to marry you, if I could, but –”
She threw her hands up in the air. “Then just marry me, damn it! You think they don’t gossip about us anyway? D’you really think we’ve managed to keep this affair so secret that there’s a single bloody person in this castle that doesn’t know about it already?”
“No,” he snapped. “I will not. It would be a wasted opportunity, Meve –” He held up a hand as she opened her mouth, furious “– it’s plain to see that th’ negotiations between Villem and Cerys are going nowhere fast; we won’t be securing our alliance with Skellige with a wedding anytime soon. We might be at peace now, but our allies are more important than ever – if you were to wed, it ought to be for political advantage –”
She stared at him, open-mouthed. “What? I’m not – I’m not going to marry anyone else, not for any alliance, not even if Emhyr var fucking Emreis himself proposed to make me Empress of Nilfgaard! I’m marrying you or not at all.”
“Then I suppose you won’t be marrying anyone,” he replied, clenching his jaw. “Because you won’t be marrying me.”
“I could command it of you!” she spat out, and instantly regretted it. “Not that I ever would, but –”
“You promised.” Reynard’s voice was beginning to rise. “You promised that you would never command me in this. But as soon as you cannot get your way, you hold your crown over my head and threaten me with an order! When have I ever denied you anything? When have I ever refused to obey you? You have no more loyal subject than I, Meve, but this is too far!”
“Oh, first you claim that you don’t wish me to elevate you or grant you a new title, and now you complain that I hold too much power over you!”
“That is not th’ point and you know it!”
“It is exactly th’ point! I warned you of this from th’ start, and you said that you didn’t care that I outranked you, that loved me as your queen as well as a woman –”
“And I do, but gods, Meve – you make it difficult, sometimes.”
“Imagine how difficult it is for me!” she yelled. “A bloody thankless burden, this crown is, but I bear it, day in, day out – everyone always wanting something of me, a never-ending series of demands and negotiations and prices to pay, and th’ one thing I want for myself –”
“Lower your voice!” he hissed. “Someone will hear –”
She clenched her fists, resisting the temptation to seize something and throw it. “Don’t you dare tell me to be quiet! I am sick to death of this! I can’t do this anymore, Reynard. I can’t.”
He looked at her a long moment. “All right,” he said stiffly. “I can see we are at an impasse. I understand that maintaining our relationship under th’ present terms is no longer acceptable to you. If that’s th’ case, I will burden you with my company no longer.”
She stared at him. “What?”
He picked up his clothes and began to get dressed.
“Reynard, what th’ hell does that mean?”
“If we cannot agree to terms, there is no point continuing this discussion.”
“What th’ devils do you mean? We can’t just leave it there –”
“Good night, Your Grace.” He bowed and turned to the door.
She stood frozen in place for a long moment, before realising he was actually walking out on her. She grabbed her robe and yanked it on, hurrying after him. “You can’t just leave like that!” She followed him out into the passageway, past her startled guards, who looked as though they would rather be anywhere else in the world at that particular moment. “Reynard! Reynard Odo! Come back here at once!”
But he did not turn back.
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bard-llama · 3 years
For the meta asks: 1, 5, 6, 20. Any of these, or all of these, if you’re so inclined!
I'd be delighted 😊
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Haha current project can be hard to define for me, because I genuinely do switch between WiPs like a rabbit on crack, BUT I just started a new fic last night that's a lot of fun! It's a Throne3 (Meve/Reynard/Gascon) meet Rorveth (Iorveth/Roche) kind of fic where the first diplomatic visit in Saskia's Free Pontar Valley is an envoy from Lyria and Rivia.
lol just in the time since I started answering this, I’ve switched WiPs 😂 I started working on the 3rd chapter of Love is Belonging, which so far is a technical discussion of how elves vs humans view gender and sex. But I do wanna talk about this new one, so I’m gonna refocus.
Okay it’s like 3 hours later now and I just had another new idea 😂😂😂 So yeah, uh... still figuring it out, but... would people be interested in me worldbuilding dragon culture and shit and maybe possibly having Anais grow up in a dragon enclave with Saskia and Iorveth and Roche where she can play with baby dragons and they can figure their shit out.
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Hmm, I mean, I think maybe Saskia? In that I have all of her political idealism, but get to funnel the need to make change into her. But like honestly, if I were in the witcher 'verse, I'd be a weird fucking llama bard that tells great tales and does not sing a lick lmao
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Eliza, 100% She's just so much fun and somehow her POV just ends up going on and on and on 😂
But I will say, on the note of current projects, one on my list rn (you know, out of the 280+ WiPs 😅) is the sequel to Mom Walked In and Stole My Orgasm where Eliza barges in for early morning tea and... accidentally fucks up bad with her power play. Like, bad enough she's gonna need to work to earn back trust, so that will be interesting! Haven't quite figured out how she's gonna do that yet, but part of it is just like, genuinely getting to know Iorveth, without any subtext. But the good news is that, by then, she realizes that he's fucking lost on her son and an absolute idiot about it lmao.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oooh, okay, so there's lots of meta in that I have WAY too many behind the scenes headcanons and like... I think I have an OC problem, because I literally made 175 of them for Thronebreaker. And that's on top of the list I put together that numbered 140 for rorveth fics 😅 (links are to my notes about OCs and suchlike. Feel free to peruse and use to your heart's content. At some point, I will actually go into the spreadsheet and add descriptions for everyone lol)
So yeah, every OC gets at least some depth (though you'll notice some only have names lol. I'm getting there. 175 is a LOT!), but I think my fave thing is that i was able to include my dearest love, which is Arthurian Legends. I talked about this already a bit here, but basically, I've decided that King Arthur does, in fact, exist on the continent. And, much like how the legends evolved in our world, as the legends spread, they were modified and added to! I don't have an idea for a fic where I get to lay all of this out yet (though 2 Strays OCs very much disagree about the origins of King Arthur), but it’s been really fun to figure out how to make it work with canon. So: Arthur of Undvik was a Jarl of Skellige who united the isles and led them in battle against foreign invaders. But then the story spread to the continent and got rewritten to suit their culture and ideals. Specifically, Toussaint went wild with it and gave him a crown and knights and tales of valour and glory as they defined such things.
So we’ve got Kylee “Twice Shot” Edgin (it is Required to say her full name) who is a half-elf from Undvik and is very invested in reminding people that the continent stole her people’s hero. 
And then we’ve got The Dapper, who is a human from Toussaint and a “money manager” (he handles the bribes from the Strays). He’s very emphatic that despite Arthur’s savage origins, the true story is the Toussaintois one, because it upholds all the values of chivalry.
Needless to say, Gascon tries to keep them separate, ‘cause otherwise, they start trying to recruit other people to their side of the argument.
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briarfox13 · 3 years
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Reynard of Skellige, School of the Fox
I commissioned the amazing @hes-per-ides to draw my beloved Witcher girl, and look how perfect she is! Thank you so very much ❤ I hope to commission more from you soon! 
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briarfox13 · 3 years
Thank you @illusivesoul for tagging me to make a height chart of my OCs using this page. Thank you!
I tag @slothssassin​ @starsandskies​ @alyssalenko​ @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth​ @natsora​ and anyone else! 
Mass Effect
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Dragon Age
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The Witcher
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briarfox13 · 4 years
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The Witcher 
I made OC banners for when I answer asks or get tagged in stuff!!
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briarfox13 · 5 years
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I was very lucky and commissioned the exceptional @antivancorvo to draw my Witcher girl, Reynard of Skellige!!
And look how beautiful she looks!!! Look at the details, the painting, everything is perfect! As always, Adri has done a phenomenal job! I love her so much, thank you <3 You are the best! 
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briarfox13 · 4 years
For any of your Witcher OCs, what do they like to do in their free time? Do they do anything fun?
Thank you, my friend, ❤❤ This might get a little long 😂 
In her spare time Lillie tends to read up on the newest news in the diplomat and noble world, she likes to keep on top of it as it helps her with her work. Outside of that, she loves to go for long fast rides, just galloping across the countryside. Lillie loves to read too, so much so she sneaks into Emyhr’s personal library to find the best books. 
Once she and Emyhr form an attachment she does like having sex, it’s something she enjoys. 
After she goes back to Temeria Lillie withdraws a bit and stays to run the household and land. It’s only when Eskel arrives with a monster contract that she sort of learn to love riding again. 
Kita usually in her spare time is practising her spells or trying to create new ones. She finds spell creation really interesting and really enjoys all the figuring out and research around it. She actually becomes partly famous for her Shield Spell. 
As for fun, she does hang out with the rebels and just have a laugh. Kita has always got on better with men than many of the sorceresses she trained with Arteuza. 
Annoying Roche is her favourite though, she loves flirting with him XD
Heather used to love to go exploring the hills of Toussaint looking for rare or unknown flowers to had to her collection. The thought of a long walk in the countryside was the best for her. 
But after being attacked by grave robbers, she doesn’t really explore much beyond getting plants she needs. 
However, after becoming friends with Regis she loves to help him out and one of her favourite hobbies is to sort, label and tidy his plant collection. Regis likes it and often leaves things out of place to she can tidy it. 
Reynard loves to make sure Bug is looked after and well-rested, her horse is very important. She likes to write in her journal about all the adventures she has. 
She loves to annoy the hell out of people and make them laugh especially @moon-sugar’s Witcher Erich. She’s surprisingly a very happy Witcher!
Fun isn't something Aneirin is used too, with growing up with one goal in mind, to be a respected member of the Nilfgaardian army (forced by her parents). Normally in her spare time, she’ll train, read or look after her horse, nothing that interesting to an outsider. 
But after she abandons the army, and ends up meeting new people and making friends they encourage her to find new hobbies and just have fun. It’s hard for her at first, but after their arrival in Toussaint it turns out Aneirin really likes competing in knightly arenas and story telling-something she has a natural flair for.  
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briarfox13 · 4 years
For all of your Witcher OCs: ♡ and ▼
Thank youuuu!!!!!
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♡ - romantic headcanon-After becoming Emyhr’s mistress he likes to give her gifts, Nilfgaardian dresses, bunches of lilies, books. He even gives her two hounds and a horse. He struggles to vocalise his feelings, so he gives her presents instead.  
♥ - family headcanon-Lillie has a younger brother, named Rowan! They are both named after plants that are around in their homestead. 
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♡ - romantic headcanon- Kita and Roche first have sex by a lake, while Kita was bathing. It comes after the culmination of several months of flirting. When they come back to camp the men cheer  (they were secretly hoping they’d get together)  
♥ - family headcanon-Kita has a small family! Just her mum and dad. But she is literally the apple of their eye, and the staff love her too. By the time the 3rd war is finished Kita and Roche go looking for them. 
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♡ - romantic headcanon-Reynard likes to be wooed! Though most romantic gestures make her a little flustered most think that Reynard’s blushing makes her even cuter!
♥ - family headcanon-Reynard has a large family, several brothers and sisters but out of all of them, only really talks to her after she becomes a Witcher. Most of her family don’t talk to her, they blame Einar for taking her away. 
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♡ - romantic headcanon-Regis loves to put flowers in Heather’s braids! His favourites are purple ones to match her eyes. It’s one of the small ways he tells her he loves her. 
♥ - family headcanon-Heather doesn’t know her family. She was raised by the local herbalist,  Adelie,  who found her on her doorstep.  Adelie has a vague feeling of who Heather’s parents could be but no one really knows. 
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♡ - romantic headcanon-Aneirin has never had a partner before meeting Detlaff. As a high ranking and famous commander in the Nilfgaardian army, her only priorities were the army and the safety of her men. Plus as it was taboo for commanders and subordinates to engage in relations so romance and relationships were off-limits. Though it didn’t stop some of the men from having crushes on her, after all, she is the famous Sun of Nilfgaard. 
♥ - family headcanon-Aneirin and her parents do not get on at all. They were not good parents, pushing her to be their perfect, prodigal child who would raise their family to the upper echelons of society. When Aneirin abandons the army she leaves whatever family she has ties to behind as well. 
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briarfox13 · 4 years
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@slothssassin @alyssalenko​ thank you for the tags!
I was to create myself and/or some of my OCs with this Picrew!!
Middle- Lillie of Temeria (The Witcher), Reynard of Skellige (The Witcher) 
Bottom-Artemis Ryder (MEA), Saskia Shepard (ME)
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briarfox13 · 5 years
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Reynard of Skellige
Aesthetic Posters
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briarfox13 · 4 years
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I was tagged by @alyssalenko to create my OCs using this picrew. Thank you so much! <3
I tag @mimikoflamemaker @wholelottatiffy @temerianwitch @slothssassin @kirkwallgremlin and @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth <3 
My Witcher Girls:
Top Row-Lillie of Temeria
Second Row-Kita von Barre and Heather
Bottom Row- Aneirin aep Morgana and Reynard of Skellige 
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briarfox13 · 4 years
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