#Rhink and the Harry Potter AU
afangirlsplaylist · 4 years
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Rating: T
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
The tensions of residing in different houses come to a head for Rhett and Link in the thick of the Quidditch season. Emotions are running high and friendships are tested.
The chapter title is inspired by a Rita Skeeter article in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 'Harry Potter's Secret Heartache'.
Thank you to @thefrenchmaidoutfit​ for being my wonderful beta for this chapter <3
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bleakcreek · 4 years
If it’s almost the end of the year, and we think i can safely say that this has been an AMAZING year for fic in the rhink fandom! there have been so many incredible new authors, on top of authors that have been around for years who are still writing about our boys, and i wanted to give a little bit of recognition to some of my personal favorite fics written in 2019!
i am not in any way implying these are “the best” fics, just the ones that i’ve personally enjoyed. i’m mostly sticking to either completed mutli-chapter fics or longer one-shots, and i’m limiting myself to no more than one fic per author so i spread the love.
without further ado, my (personal) top rhink fics of 2019. (behind a cut, because this post is very long.)
If You’re Wondering If I Want You To by @ssodangdark Rating: Teen Chapters: 5 Words: 10,234
Summary: “The year is 2006 — you just crafted the perfect away message, The Fray is playing on your clock radio, and you're trying to figure out what band t-shirt to wear to school today. Meanwhile, two teenage boys meet for the first time and navigate their feelings for one another through the songs on one of their iPods.”
this fic is everything you could want in a high school au. it’s sweet, and full of pining, and comes with it’s own built-in soundtrack. i can’t recommend this fic enough. this fic is so sweet, you might get a cavity reading it.
Honorable Mentions: most of em’s other fics are oneshots, so i wanted to feature a longer fic, but i also have to acknowledge her oneshots too! Three’s a Crowd (rhett/link/jessie) and Chris Springs are two of my favorite fics and i would highly recommend reading them.
Don’t Hold Back by @likeaswitchinheat Rating: Explicit Chapters: 26 Words: 86,501
Summary: “Link has a lot of responsibilities resting on his gorgeous shoulders. It’s Rhett’s job to unburden him of all that. When Link is Rhett’s, he doesn’t have to think about a thing. Rhett will take care of him.”
laika is another ridiculously prolific author, and i’m actually ashamed that it took me until a few weeks ago to read this fic even though it’s been finished for months. this fic is basically half shameless filth and half feelings and angst, which is pretty much exactly what i look for in a fic. 
Honorable Mentions: i absolutely love all of laika’s oneshots, of which there are far too many to name, but i’ll put myself on blast for my particular tastes by giving special mention to Man Bites Dog and Selfie. 
Candids by @captainsourwolf Rating: Explicit Chapters: 8 Words: 19,635
Summary: “Rhett is a photographer fresh out of SCAD. He lands his first gig soon after graduation, just a simple print ad for a high school advertising their new senior class wear. At the shoot he meets in-demand fashion model Link Neal. It's tense from the start. Rhett ends up being his photographer on most of his shoots, and at every single one Rhett starts a collection of candid shots that he keeps for himself, in a box of trinkets he finds comforting.”
i absolutely loved this fic. i loved the premise, and the slowburn and build up, and the tender longing between rhett and link in this fic. i’m such a slut for pining, which is why this ultimately won out over a couple of elizabeth’s other fics, which are also very good. 
Honorable Mentions: a very close second for this my favorite fic of elizabeth’s was None Like This, but i ultimately had to give it to Candids because i’m a sucker for that softness. Aftercare and hump a little also deserve to be mentioned, too, if you’re looking for oneshots. 
Rhinestone Cowboy by @soho-x Rating: Explicit Chapters: 15 Words: 26,439
Summary: “If he was honest with himself, he could admit the glamour of being on tour for one of Country Music’s biggest acts had clouded his better judgement. He’d quickly dismissed all apprehensions regarding living in a conversion van for three months, instead focusing on the idea of working a stage during a live show, standing in the wings while country maverick Roy Walker played to crowds bigger than the population of the town Rhett grew up in. It was a dream come true for a small town boy like him.”
this fic hooked me right from the first chapter! i was absolutely in love with the premise of rhett and link as country music stars, and this fic did not disappoint. if you like tender slowburn and pining, you’ll absolutely love this fic. it killed me in the sweetest possible way.
Honorable Mentions: for how recently em jointed the fandom, she’s written a ton of fic! Stolen Moments, No Good Very Bad, #Dormlife, and Only For Your Very Space (unfinished) are some of my other favorites from her.
Apartment 69 by @apparentlynotreallyfinnish Rating: Explicit Chapters: 18 Words: 86,501
Summary: “Link has it all figured out. He has a plan for his life. He has a nice girlfriend and a nice job and a nice routine. It really doesn't mean anything that sometimes he gets off on watching men fuck each other. He's just curious. But when a famous gay porn star moves next door to him, his perfect plans start to fall apart.”
appa is one of the most prolific writers in the fandom, so it was really hard to narrow it down to just one fic from her. i actually almost put another fic of hers on here instead, but apartment 69 was the first fic of hers that i read, so i felt like i had to give it the edge over incognito if only for that.
this fic had me on the edge of my seat with every update, and it should be a testament to how much i loved this fic that i was genuinely shocked by how long it was, because i could have sworn it was less than 10 chapters. that’s how quickly i tore through it all.
Honorable Mentions: while i didn’t officially include them, i also want to mention her fics Incognito, I Only Want You to See Me (unfinished), NSFW, Wingman, and Let Me Be Your Light, as well as her entire library of oneshots. she is INCREDIBLY prolific so you can easily spend weeks going through her ao3 page and never run out of things to read.
remember that time in college I found your handcuffs? by @egocentrifuge Rating: Explicit Chapters: 3 Words: 10,435
Summary: “Rhett feels antsy, wants to leave this entire conversation about the fetish gear he found in their dorm behind, but he still wants to know despite his better judgement.
“Okay, the - dom? takes control of a scene. Why wouldn’t the dom just do whatever he wants?”
“Because it’s all about trust, man.” Link’s face is open and sincere in that way he only gets when he believes in something; Rhett can’t look away. “The sub trusts the dom to make it good for them, and so the dom does their best to. It can be a lot of pressure, but it’s - good, too, being able to make someone feel safe and taken care of, you know? For someone to be willing to be that vulnerable…”
Something in the way Link says it trickles warmly down Rhett’s spine, and he puts his beer down.
“Alright,” he says firmly. “Fine. I don’t understand it completely but that’s - that’s fine. As long as you’re both happy or whatever.” There are more questions Rhett wants to ask, but it’s - too much, for some reason. Not just knowing weird kinky details of Link’s sex life, but the way he’s talking about it.
It's twenty years before they discuss it again.”
eggsy has the market cornered on a very particular genre i like to call “porn that makes you cry.” this fic mostly gets the spot because a lot of eggsy’s other fics are much shorter and/or not on ao3, and for purposes of a fic rec, i really wanted to give something long enough to really sink your teeth into, but i an assure you that every single one of their fics should and would be on here if i didn’t limit myself to one fic per author.
eggsy packs an incredibly amount of feeling into a small amount of words, and strikes a perfect balance between hot, angsty, and loving. i cannot recommend eggsy’s work enough.
Honorable Mentions: what of eggsy’s fics isn’t an honorable mention? Reciprocation, You Know What They Say, Men Who Dress Like They Do in California, Reprobates, Unbuttoned, and literally everything on their tumblr (which has a lot of stuff that isn’t on their ao3).
The Murmur of Yearning by @its-mike-kapufty Rating: Explicit Chapters: 35 Words: 108,811
Summary: “When burnt-out professor Link Neal is offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that whisks him to the farthest reaches of the world, he isn't as ready as he thought he would be for the biting cold or the overwhelming darkness of Antarctica. Though at least he'd been given fair warning of those hazards.
The same couldn't be said of his new boss and research partner.”
mike has so many amazing fics that it by all rights should have been impossible to narrow it down to my one favorite, but honestly, this was a surprisingly easy choice. in spite of how much i love every single fic of mike’s, this one was so beautifully written and poignant, and i don’t think any other fic has ever made me cry the way this fic did. it hurts — in the best possible way.
i started reading this fic one evening after work, and was so captivated by it that i stayed up until 3 am, passed out midway through a chapter, then went home early from work the next day (sick! i was legitimately sick!) and laid in bed with a fever reading through the rest of this fic. the last written work i plowed through with that kind of speed and determination was harry potter and the deathly hallows...ten years ago. 
Honorable Mentions: truthfully i could just link to mike’s whole ao3 page here, but i have to at least give special mention to You Have (1) New Message for making me sob (and being the first fic of mike’s that i read), Feel Good for being delightfully fluffy and soft, Untethered for being so incredibly creative and exciting and having me on the edge of my seat for the entire month it was coming out, and And Sundowns Mend Rhett for making me feel things, as mike is wont to do. 
The Traveler by @the-average-bear Rating: Mature Chapters: 13 Words: 52,712
Summary: “Rhett's on a journey.”
this fic is probably tied with The Murmur of Yearning for my favorite rhink fic of all time, but i had to give The Traveler the edge only because it’s not...quite an au, and while both fics gave me a lot of feelings, this fic focuses on the rhett and link we know and love. it explores what might have been and what could be — and it touches on my favorite genre of fiction, which is sci-fi. 
rhett finds himself accidentally traveling between timelines, exploring what his life could have been like under different circumstances. the build up to the rhink content is slow, and while there’s some smut, it’s pretty minimal, so this is a very different type of fic than a lot of the others here. but god, if you want to feel every feeling possible about these boys, if you want to cry, if you want to be overwhelmed by how much rhett loves link (and vice versa)...? 
please, please read this fic. 
Honorable Mentions: a lot of their other stuff is from pre-2019 so it’s kind of cheating to rec them on a post of the best fics of 2019, but seriously, please read any and all of their stuff. 
More Honorable Mentions: i was going to do a lot more, but this list got really long and time consuming and i wasn’t able to do as many as i wanted. but some other authors i absolutely adored this year (in no particular order) are:
Rhincoln | @bloodbros
evenlypaced | @youdidinthedark
cockymclaughlin | @cockymclaughlin
pringlesaremydivision | @pringlesaremydivision
ohmyflavors | (not sure if they have a tumblr?)
LinksLipsSinkShips | @linkslipssinkships
missingparentheses | @missingparentheses
festivalofpudding | @festival-of-pudding
RileyRooin | @rileyrooin
crackers4jenn | @crackers4jenn
TheMouthKing | @themouthking
chronicallyilltrashcan | @chronicallyilltrashcan
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ao3feed-rhink · 7 years
Rhink and the Harry Potter AU
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vyInLr
by afangirlsplaylist
A Harry Potter Rhink AU told in snap shots of their Hogwarts / pre-Hogwarts lives
Words: 1241, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Rhett & Link
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rhett McLaughlin, Link Neal
Relationships: Rhett McLaughlin/Link Neal
Additional Tags: Harry Potter AU, Rhink Harry Potter AU, rhink, Rhink HP AU
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vyInLr
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
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Rhink and the Harry Potter AU 
- Quidditch -
In the wake of Harry Potter, Hufflepuff house hadn’t hoped for a piece of glory in years. So when Rhett joined the Quidditch team in his third year, it was amidst jeers that he was yet another soft pick. In the lead up to the first game of the season whispers followed that he was simply too young, too large, and had all the wrong build for a seeker. He towered over his own team captain and had the muscle to match. So surely someone of his size, they murmured, wasn’t right?
But after a spectacular save where he’d caught the snitch by the tips of two fingers, they were forced to conclude that he was nothing less than the greatest seeker since Diggory. For days, much to Link’s annoyance, Rhett had replayed his win - out loud and in detail.
“Yes I know, it was very good Rhett.” Link sighed, losing patience. “I was there.”
To Rhett’s delight, his first save was followed by several, equally impressive captures - with the result that a great deal of excitement was now buzzing around the upcoming match.
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Unwilling to face the excitement of the school once Saturday arrived, Rhett waited before going to breakfast, dressed in his robes with his Firebolt over his shoulder. The broom had been a gift from his dad upon joining the team, and although it had long been outmatched by the newer, faster, Starstriker model, it was his pride and joy.
Adjusting the broom more securely on his shoulder, Rhett grinned when he found Link waiting for him at the entrance to the Great Hall. The brunette’s face was painted half yellow and half red in preparation for the game, conflicted in his support. The colours clashed violently with the emerald of his scarf and robes, but it didn’t seem to bother him as he held out a slice of beans on toast.
“You want to head over a little early?”
Rhett sighed, gratefully taking the toast. “You have no idea.”
Ignoring the turn into the Great Hall they made their way through the entrance hall, the last of the toast devoured before they'd reached the foot of the stairs.
It was only then that Rhett remembered Link was missing breakfast too. “Have you even eaten?”
“I ate before I saw you. Had to get up early to finish that paper for Barnes.”
Professor. Barnes taught Defence Against The Dark Arts and hadn’t been sighted at a Quidditch match in years. He’d seemed to have lost taste for the sport after a rogue bludger had breached the stands and hit him squarely on the side of the head - resulting in a small, permanent indent he liked to boast was from a troll’s club.
On a memorable day, Link had recounted raising his hand to ask for advice on how best to defend against an oncoming bludger. To the shock of no-one, Barnes was not amused. Link had arrived at dinner a half hour late, smelling of magical mess remover but looking very proud of himself at the Slytherin table.
Throwing open the doors to the grounds they enjoyed the rare quiet, taking advantage of the silence while the grounds were empty. Thankfully the sky was a clear blue with only a slight breeze tempting the air, and the ground broke away easily at Rhett’s heel. The conditions were so ideal that his Firebolt was actually vibrating a little in his hand, a feeling that only grew stronger as they got closer to the pitch. If brooms had feelings he’d almost think it was as eager to play as he was.
Just a little longer he thought, his thumb caressing the wood like he was comforting an irritable animal. Just a little longer.
Eventually, the sounds of the rest of the school grew steadily louder behind them as the Quidditch pitch came into view, as imposing and inviting as ever.
“I’ll see you after. Good luck!” Link called, running off to claim seat.
Not wanting to get caught in the crowd Rhett headed for the changing rooms, ducking through the entrance to find the rest of the team already waiting.
Their Chasers - Belle, Lucas and Nicki, were all lounging on seats in the corner, looking thoroughly bored with the pre-match talk. Belle and Lucas, Rhett knew, were as close as any brother and sister would be and came from a long line of Quidditch players. They were also extremely skilled in their own right and flew almost telepathically, passing the Quaffle like they could sense where the other was. When Nicki flew she somehow managed to blend into their dynamic seamlessly, and Rhett would forgive someone for thinking they were three siblings rather than two.
Their beaters, Mike and Alex, were leaning on their bats. Though smaller than the average beater Mike made up for it with precision, finding his mark almost every time. Alex, meanwhile, specialised in force, and had been known to hit a bludger halfway across the pitch in one swing.
Shaking himself out of a fond memory in which Alex had shot a perfectly aimed bludger at Gryffindor's former Chaser, Rhett turned his attention to their captain.
Ben was a no-nonsense person but also fair, with a friendly smile and a respectable Keeper’s record. It was obvious to anyone, even as the team fought to stay interested in his words, that he cared deeply about the game.
Today, Ben reminded them, they’d be playing Gryffindor - and he made no joke of it.
“I better not see you going easy on Levine, Rhett.” He warned. “I hear she clocked in two hours on the pitch yesterday."
Rhett rolled his eyes, having heard this same warning a million times. “When have I ever?”
It was true. On the ground, Stevie was the closest thing he had to a sister at Hogwarts, but when they played they were merciless. She was light, determined and built for speed with her slim figure - tying her long blonde hair in a bun to keep it out of her eyes. They had only played Gryffindor once since he’d joined the team, but it had been their closest match all season, with Stevie so close on his tail that her fingers could have scratched his face. Gryffindor’s recent 200 - 20 win against Ravenclaw only made him take her all the more seriously.
“Alright.” Ben resigned, “let’s go.”
As one they filed out into the stands, and were met with a wall of cheers. Scanning the crowd, Link was instantly noticeable as the only hint of yellow on the Slytherin end of the stands, the rest of his house choosing not to wear colours at all. Chase, holding a large sign that alternated between GO HUFFLEPUFF and GO GRYFFINDOR, sat on Link’s left. At the sight of Rhett and Stevie, they hollered from the stands, each shaking one end of the sign and chanting their names. His heart warming, Rhett waved, as he came to a stop near the centre of the pitch.
Meeting Stevie’s eye they nodded politely as the Captains shook hands, and Rhett thought he might’ve seen her wink as she mounted her broom. Following suit, he mounted his own and tore away from the pitch at the blow of the whistle.
In the confines of the castle, Rhett thrived in the quiet. But on the pitch, with the roar of the crowd and the wind rushing in his ears - he felt awake.
There was nothing quite like the tread of loose dirt as he kicked off from the ground, or the ringing commentary announcing their names. Unable to contain himself he did a few loops of the pitch, grinning as he recognised the voice of Greg, a fellow Hufflepuff he’d befriended in first year - commentating.
"Look at him go! That's Mclaughlin for Hufflepuff on a firebolt. Honestly, I keep telling him I'm surprised he fits on his broom at all. At 6'7" -”
Rhett turned his head to see Professor McGonagall, aged but formidable as ever, staring Greg down sternly.
“Sorry, Professor,” Greg said quickly, catching himself. ”Hufflepuff in possession!"
His attention back on the game, Rhett ignored the action to scan the field for the snitch. On the Gryffindor end of the pitch, Stevie appeared to be doing the same, drifting from one end to the other. He could tell by her face that she had no more of an idea where the snitch was than he did, making no move to dart in any direction.
“Gryffindor swipes the quaffle from under the hands of the Hufflepuff chasers. Come on now Belle… Gryffindor in possession.”
Rhett was only vaguely aware as Lucas stole the quaffle mid pass and shot for the goal posts on the other end of the pitch - bringing the score to 10 - 0. Good Rhett thought to himself. The higher the lead they held the stronger their chances of winning the house cup. His only concern was that Stevie, now rising several feet to survey from above - didn’t catch the snitch before they had that.
“Bennet for Gryffindor with the quaffle - passes to Mcallister. Mcallister heads for goal. This will be the first test of the match for the Hufflepuff keeper. Mcallister shoots -”
Greg groaned audibly along with the Hufflepuff end of the pitch. “Mcallister scores. Gryffindor ties 10-10.”
Rhett saw Stevie pause near the goal to high five her team mate, before speeding off again. Not wanting to give her time Rhett kept scanning the air too, glancing every so often to be sure she hadn’t seen anything.
Several minutes on, the scarlet end of the stands had more to cheer about as Gryffindor earned two points a piece, bringing the score to 10 - 30. Beginning to feel a small twinge of anxiety now, Rhett swung his broom around and looked up, cursing under his breath when he mistook a spot of sunlight on Mike’s robes for the snitch.
Thankfully Lucas, Belle and Nicki quickly landed a goal each, pulling them ahead a little again. Vaguely he heard Greg announcing the score somewhere above him, “40 - 30 to Hufflepuff.”
Meeting Lucas’ gaze briefly, Rhett offered a thumbs up - which he returned before passing the Quaffle on.
“Hufflepuff still with the quaffle.” Rhett heard Greg call. “Recent find Nicki Jones swerves the Gryffindor Chasers and heads for goal and - ouch! Excellent shot by Gryffindor beater Matichuk. I have said she does have excellent muscles...”
There was a pause in which Rhett glanced to be sure she was okay, breathing a sigh of relief when saw Nicki looking dazed but otherwise fine.
“Gryffindor with the Quaffle,” Greg announced, pulling his attention back to the rest of the game. Cursing under his breath, Rhett searched for any sign of Stevie or the snitch, but both were momentarily lost to his sight.
“Bassett heads for the goal.” Greg continued, “She dodges a bludger, excellent manoeuvre there, and - Rhett stop her!”
At his warning Rhett’s gaze whipped around in mid air in time to watch Stevie, now a streaming blur of scarlet, speeding rapidly towards a speck of gold.
His heart thumping wildly, Rhett urged his broom forward desperately, tearing through the air in pursuit and almost unseating the Gryffindor beaters.
Why had he taken his eyes off of her? What made him think, while he was fretting over everything else - that he could abandon his search for the snitch even for a moment?
The crowd held their collective breath and a score for Gryffindor went almost entirely unnoticed as Rhett drew neck and neck with Stevie. She, meanwhile, acted as if he wasn’t there - stretching her arm out as far as she could. She was faster and closer by a mere inch, but Rhett’s arm was longer, leaving the match far too close for either of their liking.
Panicking, Rhett made a wild decision and looped under her, coming at the snitch from below. Swiping madly as he shot upwards, he came to a stop as the crowd went suddenly silent.
He knew even before he felt the small wings beating against his hands that he had done it, as the crowd realized what happened and erupted in noise. It all happened so fast that he was descending before he could even remember guiding his broom down, surrounded the second his feet touched the ground.
Link ran down from the stands, squeezing Stevie’s shoulder affectionately before gathering Rhett in a tight hug.
“That was awesome!” He beamed.
Soon the rest of the team landed and gathered around Rhett, each patting him on the back until Rhett wasn't sure whose body was whose. Finally, they let him go and turned their attention back to the Gryffindor’s - each shaking Stevie’s hand respectfully.
When the last of them had let go, the pitched started clearing to take the festivities into the castle - where no doubt mounds of food and flagons of butter beer were waiting.
“I’ll beat you one of these days Mclaughlin,” Stevie said playfully, nudging him in the side as she shouldered her broom.
“In your dreams Levine.” He smiled.
Stevie only smirked, holding out a fist for him to bump before leaving the stands, arm in arm with her team’s beater Jen. It was of some comfort to Rhett that she didn’t seem to be crestfallen, as he saw the pair talking animatedly until they were out of sight.
“Ready to go?” Link asked. “You’ve probably got a party waiting for you, man.”
He grinned, thinking hard as he followed Link out of the pitch. “Yeah… but I’ve got something else in mind too.”
No one could say how long the celebrations went on in the Hufflepuff common room that night, and no one questioned why the star of the evening was missing for so many hours. All anyone knew was Rhett had disappeared a mere two hours into the party. No one saw him slip quietly into an empty classroom with his hands full of butterbeer and cake, at the heels of a boy in Slytherin robes.
They talked at length about the match, clinking and sinking copious amounts of butterbeer and laughing as Rhett held out a piece of cake for Link to bite into. The smaller boy emerged with a white nose of cream, before promptly swiping some more cream off the top and rubbing it over Rhett’s face. It wasn’t long before their own houses and the risk of being caught were forgotten, the glow of victory still burning strong.
Meanwhile, Stevie and Jen, Rhett heard the next morning, could be seen downing fire whiskey and talking tactics in the Gryffindor common room well into the early hours of the morning.
It was good to be at Hogwarts.
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
Harry Potter AU teases
- Herbology - 
By their second year, it was not unusual for Rhett and Link to pass Greenhouse Three at lunchtimes. There it would be no surprise to catch a glimpse of Chase deep in discussion with Professor Longbottom over tea, or else helping him tend to the numerous plants that lived there.
It was only in their third year - when Rhett was enticed by a particularly beautiful cut of flutterby bush on the windowsill of Chase’s bed, that he joined them.
- Hogsmeade - 
They were eager to get a glimpse of the famous shrieking shack, and Link was pining for a foaming mug of Butterbeer - but nothing had Rhett more excited than Honeydukes.
He half led, half dragged Link up the high street - his long legs cutting through the snowy ground with ease. His face was so lit up in a youthful joy that by the time they threw open the doors and breathed in the warm, sugary air of Honeydukes, Link was every bit as excited as Rhett was - and he wanted to try everything. 
In moments Rhett’s arms were loaded high with sugar quills; every flavour beans, chocolate frogs and even a bit of cockroach cluster - which he somehow enticed Link to take a small chew of. 
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
Rhink and the Harry Potter AU
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- The Sorting Hat - 
(read on ao3)
Maybe it won’t take me, Link thought in a panic. Maybe I’m not good enough. 
He looked around at everybody else as if begging for some sign that they felt the same way, and was comforted when he saw a lot of the same, nervous fear.
Rhett would live here while I have to go home.
He imagined returning home and having to face life more alone than ever, ostracized from Rhett and everyone he called friends. The thought was unbearable.
Amongst the crowd, he saw a few people he knew, other than Rhett. There was a pretty blonde girl named Stevie he’d met on the train, and a small, shy boy named Chase that'd been trading witches and wizards cards. Other than that there were no familiar faces in the throng, and the observation only deepened his anxiety further. 
But he knew his anxiety had to be nothing next to Rhett’s - whose height already had a lot of eyes glancing at him in interest and trepidation. To his credit, Rhett ignored it well, his eyes focused upwards as around twenty ghosts floated in through the nearest wall. 
Some of the more scared students actually jumped at the sight, and several screamed. Having grown up hearing stories of the ghosts of Hogwarts, even Link still flinched at the display, calming as the ghosts introduced themselves and vanished through another wall. He’d been warned of the poltergeist Peeves, but Link saw no sign of him until ten students collapsed over their shoe laces.
“Got your shoesies!” Peeves cackled, singing merrily as he flew off invisibly through the wall firsties, firsties, they all fall down.
The students had only just untied themselves from each other when a small wizard, who introduced myself as Professor. Flitwick, gathered them a line. 
Within moments they were led through the doors and into the Great Hall, which was boasting a beautiful starry ceiling in the late hour. It seemed to never end and it entranced the group so much that they were distracted from the hundreds of eyes staring up at them from the long house tables. 
They were forcefully reminded, however, when they stopped near an old stool with an even older hat perched on it. There was a moment of silence, long enough for Link to become painfully aware of just how many people were in the room, before the hat began to sing. 
Though my outside may be frayed,  
Trust the mind within is not,
So place me down upon your head,
I’ll help you find your lot.
It may just lie in Gryffindor, 
Where stays the brave and true,
For noble names and surer hearts,
You’ll find a place for you. 
Or perhaps you’ll find in Ravenclaw
A place to hone your mind,
For wit beyond man’s greatest measure,
Here, it finds its kind. 
For Hufflepuff the loyal ones,
Do have a place to win, 
Those kindly folks and worthy souls,
Will find a home within.
Still yet in sly old Slytherin,
Dwell those clever, wily folk. 
If you’ve a cunning mind and nerve,
a place to hang your cloak. 
But as you rip and split, and tear,
Please listen to my song,
For a house drawn by a great divide,
Will not be whole for long. 
Though I’m fated to the sorting,
By the blood from whence, I’m sewn,
As history shows, I’ve warned and said -
Do not stand alone.
There’s strength in numbers, know the signs,
I’ve seen it all before,
Do not despair, do not divide,
If darkness clouds our door.
Though Hogwarts lies in peace,
For how long I cannot say,
If ever love is lost within, 
These halls may see the day.
I’ve said my piece,
No further words,
You all now know the past,
So take your seat,
I do not bite,
Let the sorting start at last.
The hall fell into appreciative applause and curious whispers, mostly among younger students. Nothing the lack of surprise on the faces of the older students, Link suspected a reminder of the war was not an unusual addition to the hat’s song. 
All too soon the headmistress, a wise but strict looking witch Rhett whispered was named McGonagall, stepped from her seat and began calling names from a long scroll.
A horde of terrified fellow first years made their way over to the stool, gradually filling the empty seats at each of the house tables. With every name Link grew steadily more panicked and Rhett grew steadily more fidgety, tugging at the neck of his cloak. 
Levine, Stevie 
The pretty blonde somehow looked a shade paler than she already was as she took a seat on the stool. It didn’t seem to take long to decide because the hat had barely fallen over her head before she was sorted, amidst cheers from the Gryffindor table. 
Stevie was soon joined by a Matichuck, Jennifer, who looked relieved as she slipped into her seat at the table beside Stevie.
Mclaughlin, Rhett.
Link could practically feel Rhett’s heart beating unnervingly fast beside him, and his own heart was thumping rather hard too as Rhett walked over to the stool. It was only in those seconds that Link thought about how long that walk actually was, as he waited for his friend’s verdict.
His arms shaking a little, Rhett shoved the hat over his head and waited, feeling a little stupid as he sat in silence.
“Ahhh.. curious.” The hat began. “There’s kindness in you I see - and loyalty… such loyalty. You’d find a fair home in Hufflepuff. Or perhaps Ravenclaw…”
Rhett held his breath as the hat wracked its magical brains, clearly having trouble with the decision. For a brief moment, Rhett feared it might never decide, until the hat stretched its brim wide and drew breath.
“HUFFLEPUFF!” It roared.
His limbs relaxing at the sound of the verdict, Rhett exhaled deeply and placed the hat aside, moving gladly to the Hufflepuff table. He ended up being seated next to a kind prefect, who offered a hand and welcomed him immediately. Rhett shook his hand but hardly noticed what he was saying, his attention back on the sorting. 
They waited as Newton, Matt became a Ravenclaw before finally...
Neal, Lincoln
Link’s legs felt so weak at the knees as his name was called that for a brief moment he wondered whether someone had cast a Jelly-legs jinx in his direction. But by some miracle, he managed to stagger his way over to the stool and place the hat on himself.
“Ahhh, another curious one.” The hat hummed. “I see brains, plenty of brains, yes… But that’s not all you are…”
Link was now clutching the sides of his stool so hard he knew his knuckles must’ve been going white. The anvil of fear sunk deeper into his chest with every second he waited, his eyes closed and willing the hat to say something, anything to put him out of his misery. 
“SLYTHERIN!” The hat called to the room.
Link grinned as the room burst into applause once again, before setting the hat back on the stool and moving to join the mass of emerald. Taking his seat, Link quickly caught Rhett’s eye across the room and they exchanged small, sad smiles. Almost as an afterthought, Link crossed and looped two fingers in the shape of an R, while Rhett made an L with his own, serving as a little wave.
They’d made it.
Notes: please leave a comment on here and/or ao3 <3 comments are love. Tagging everyone that motivated me to finish this/will be interested
@lovelyrhink  @clemwasjustagirl  @loudspeakr @sneakyrhink
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
If anyone was to glance over there would appear to be nothing unusual about the two boys sitting on the rocks. Nothing other than the small pebbles hovering lazily around the head of the dirty blonde, Rhett, who was lying back sprawled out on the higher rock.
Rhett was tall and lanky, sporting the beginnings of a beard on his small chin. He often complained and asked his father to lengthen it for him by magic, but was denied every time. In contrast, the raven haired boy, Link, was clean-shaven, with a pair of turtle shell glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. The frames seemed to shimmer whenever he was thinking particularly hard about something, and Rhett would swear they changed colours if you looked closely enough. It often made people pause when they saw him, although they eventually passed it off as a trick of the sunlight.
“Did your dad get that promotion?” Link asked, watching as Rhett grabbed one of the rocks from the air before letting it float away again.
Rhett snorted. “Of course. Head of magical games and sports. He wants me on the house Quidditch team by third year now.”
Link chuckled dryly. “No pressure.”
“Nope.” Rhett grinned back.
As his thoughts raced one of the larger pebbles floating by Rhett’s ear shot forward a few inches, snatched out of the sky by Rhett’s hand before it could fly out of arms reach.
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
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This fandom + our writers (Part 11)
Star Crossed by @whilhelminaprince
Rhink and the Harry Potter AU (my fic)
Aerodynautical by @festival-of-pudding
Suit and Jacket by @linkslipssinkships
The Traveler by @the-average-bear
Dreams of Flight by @ladycynthiana
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
In progress fic drafts
Counsel Me Chapter 11
Harry Potter AU Chapter 3
Beauty and the Beast AU
The Thinning AU
Holes AU
50 First Dates AU
Cupid AU
Giveaway fics
Rhett, Link, and a night in New Zealand
DJ Link, club regular Rhett AU
Two college Rhink things
Werewolf Link
Darts in a bar one shot
Link’s Happy Shirt backstory
Dom Link/sub Rhett
Ficlet requests/prompts
More of the kisses ficlet
R and L go treat or treating
Merman Rhett and Octo-Link find a human
“What cha going to do about it?"
“I might have had a few shots.”
"You weren't supposed to hear that."
"That's almost exactly the opposite of what I meant."
(if you think some of these are the same as from months ago and that it has only gotten longer you’re correct!)
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
Spamming @rhink1984 with Harry Potter rhink AU headcanons right now. Writing possibly incoming.
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
In progress fic drafts right now
Counsel Me Chapter 10 Chapter 11
House of Memories song fic 
Rhett, Link, and a night in New Zealand
Rhett is visited by the ghosts of the past/present/future
Rhett likes Link’s beard
DJ Link, club regular Rhett AU
Two college Rhink things
Rhink sex in a private flight suite
Darts in a bar one shot
Harry Potter AU
Beauty and the Beast AU
The Thinning AU
Holes AU
50 First Dates AU
Link’s Happy Shirt back story
I’m bouncing between them as inspiration hits until they finally get finished. Imma need to get my keyboard surgically implanted. 
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afangirlsplaylist · 6 years
Working on prompts but in the meantime, a new chapter of Rhink and the Harry Potter AU is up :)
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afangirlsplaylist · 6 years
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Current vibes
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 
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