#Ricardo Dream Daddy
ishomieokay · 24 days
Idolatry (Chapter 3)
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18+ 5.3k homelander x hispanic oc, age difference, manipulation, breaking and entering, stalking, obsessive behaviour. part 3/?. AO3 link. part 1, part 2
Homelander's fooling around with a perky Latina almost twenty years his junior. She's looking for a daddy. He just wants a good fuck, and maybe to mess with Maeve's head. It's not going to end well.
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The day after, it was as if nothing had happened. They were cordial but not overly friendly, maintaining a professional distance while shooting, careful in case they were overheard. From time to time, Aura María caught a glimpse of Homelander staring in her direction, but she couldn’t be sure if it was real or just a trick of her mind. She returned home late with a pounding headache, the lack of sleep and the long hours on set taking their toll.
It was Friday night, and she had no plans, which wasn’t unusual. Her party girl days were firmly behind her. Aura María felt a mixture of thankfulness and regret that things had never spiraled out of control even back then. Now, her routine was only occasionally interrupted by meetings with friends at overpriced coffee shops or the occasional night gala. Despite being relatively young, she sometimes felt inexplicably old.
She retrieved a pair of pajamas from her closet, laying them neatly on the bed next to her folded underwear, then made her way to the bathroom. She contemplated sending a text to Homelander as she sat in the tub, softly lip-syncing to a Ricardo Montaner song. Surely, permission had been granted when he provided her with his number. While his infatuation lingered, she reasoned, she could have some fun, even if that was all he wanted from her. She had no other prospects, after all.
Three years after arriving in the United States to work for Vought, Aura María still lacked a social life outside of her workplace. This was partly due to her commitment to warding off her many admirers. Cultural differences made it much more challenging to establish friendships, something she’d never excelled at even back home. She had been alone for a while and wasn’t particularly interested in changing that, especially when it came to romantic relationships.
Aura María had begun to question her sexual orientation when her 21st birthday came and went without a lover or even a fleeting interest in physical intimacy. It had occurred to her that she might be a lesbian or asexual. Homelander had proved her wrong in that regard. She did have needs, and now that they'd been satisfied, however briefly, she was aware of them in a way she'd never been before.
She took hold of her breast, retracing the path Homelander had drawn with his tongue the night before. It felt like a dream now. She decided that the barely concealed erotism of the lyrics was probably just getting to her and turned the music off. When she went back to her room, everything seemed the same at first glance. It was unusually cold, though. She turned around and realized that the window was open, but she couldn't remember whether she had closed it or not. The clothes she had neatly folded before getting into the tub were now in disarray.
She had trouble falling asleep and felt uneasy throughout the rest of the night. The cold seemed to seep into her bones. She tossed and turned, her mind replaying the events of the previous night and the strange occurrences in her room. The sense of someone having been there, the disordered clothes, and the open window gnawed at her. As she finally drifted into a restless sleep, Aura María couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
She dreamed of Homelander's intense gaze, the sensation of his touch lingering on her skin. The night seemed to stretch on endlessly, filled with half-formed images and unsettling whispers that left her feeling more exhausted when she finally awoke.
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Aura María texted Homelander in the end. They had agreed to meet at one o'clock for lunch, but it was well past two when he finally arrived. He descended from the sky like a rocket, landing thunderously on the pavement. The impact shook the ground, sending a ripple of excitement through the crowd that quickly gathered around him. He handled the attention as gracefully as always, giving fist bumps, patting shoulders, and signing autographs. Over twenty minutes passed before he made his way to the restaurant door. The crowd didn't follow, thanks to the timely security’s timely intervention.
When he reached her table, he was smiling broadly and unapologetic. Although she couldn’t bring herself to be mad, Aura María put on a show of irritation anyway.
"So, you're the fashionably late type, huh?" she said, crossing her arms.
"Ah, not all the time. Only when the world needs saving," Homelander replied nonchalantly, taking a seat beside her.
"How convenient for you."
Aura María had more than a few sassy remarks at the tip of her tongue, but something at the corner of her eye caught her attention. The crowd had not dispersed yet. They were standing on the other side of the window facing their table, and there were news reporters and paparazzi among them. Word always traveled fast when it concerned Homelander.
Aura María felt her lips turn downward. This would probably reach Stan Edgar and the other executives at Vought. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. She had always valued her privacy and hadn't had much of an issue protecting it even after becoming a renowned filmmaker. No matter how good her work was, almost no one seemed to be interested in the personal life of a documentalist.
"Just so you know, if you were planning to keep this, whatever it is, a secret—that's not gonna work out. Not anymore."
"Who said I wanted to keep it a secret?" Homelander replied, smiling slyly at her. He took her hand then, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Aura María felt a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth but was quick to suppress it.
"Explain it to me, won't you? Why in the world wouldn't I want everyone to know I'm dating such a dang brilliant, talented, and beautiful woman?"
'Dating,' Aura María thought, a bit bewildered. 'Am I dating Homelander?'
Assuming one was generous enough to consider meeting for drinks after work a date, this hardly counted as their third time going out. However, Aura María guessed that was the right word to describe their situation—dating. Even in the privacy of her thoughts, it sounded wrong. Never in her wildest dreams would she have dared call it anything other than a hookup or situationship at best.
"I mean, you do have a mirror at home, right? This is the kind of thing most guys would be shouting from the rooftops."
"Mmm, you're coming off strong today, aren't you?" Aura María replied, pleased but unwilling to let him have it so easy. "Sorry to say, but I think bootlicking looks awful on a man, especially if he's just doing it to get laid."
Homelander blinked at her, then laughed, seeming oddly delighted by her rudeness. He had one thing in common with all the men who've tried to woo her in the past. The banter was half the fun for him.
"O-okay, the lady's not into sweet-talking, then," Homelander leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "That's fine. I think I could change your mind about the bootlicking part, though. Maybe, mmn, broaden your horizons?"
Aura María blinked, then arched an eyebrow in disbelief. "You're not serious."
Homelander looked her up and down, the ghost of a smile playing at his lips. "If I was, would that freak you out?"
Aura was already aware of the fact that Homelander was not exactly the pedantic goody-two-shoes he pretended to be for the sake of his image. Apparently, he was into having sex while having verses of the Book of Revelation read to him. As if that weren't blasphemous enough, Aura María also had the feeling that she'd awoken in him a virginity kink. Still, this thinly veiled insinuation came as a surprise. Not for the first time, she felt oddly flattered that he would share this part of himself with her—one that he usually kept hidden under wraps.
Smiling and unwilling to back down, Aura María met him with the same energy. "I'd say I'm open to new experiences."
Homelander whistled. Then he lifted the tablecloth and made a show of leaning down to take a look at her shoes.
"Oh, shucks," he said in a disappointed, cartoonish voice. "Nah, it wouldn't work. You're wearing high heels."
"What a pity," Aura María deadpanned.
"I wear boots all the time, though. Leather," Homelander replied, dragging the 'L' obnoxiously and then winking at her. "I'd let you borrow 'em, just this once."
"I feel tricked. You're not the serious man I was led to believe."
"Chica, I walk around all day long wearing a skin-tight spandex suit and a cape. I am the very definition of an unserious man."
"Well, I can't argue with that," Aura María said, then gestured at the window with her head. The crowd was still there, although there were fewer of them now. "I think you should be more careful with what you say when out in public, though. You know what would happen if any of those news reporters found out that the Homelander is into dominatrixes? The internet would explode."
"I think you're exaggerating."
"Maybe. Parents wouldn't buy their kids those cute Homelander dolls Vought just released, though. That's for sure."
Homelander tilted his head to the side, then said very slowly, "action figures."
"They're not dolls," Homelander corrected her with a serious face. His every word was emphasized by the tapping of his index finger against the table. "They're action figures."
After a beat, Aura María burst out laughing.
"Coño, este pana es un caso," she said, covering her face with one hand.
Homelander blinked at her, then parroted back her words but in an awful American accent, mispronouncing every syllable and clearly unaware of what he was saying. Rather than offend her, the sound of the leader of the Seven mercilessly butchering her mother language only made her laugh harder.
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Once they left the restaurant, Homelander gently scooped Aura María into his arms. He sensed her hesitation, her body tensing slightly as they rose. To keep her at ease, he flew slowly and close to the ground, weaving through the cityscape with the grace of a shadow. Aura María clung to him, her arms around his shoulders, holding tight enough to dislocate a lesser man's neck. Homelander, with his superhuman strength, barely seemed to notice.
The cacophony of the city was soon replaced by the serene whisper of leaves as they reached a secluded clearing in Central Park. The moonlight cast a silver sheen over the grass, the stars twinkling faintly above. The distant hum of traffic was a mere murmur here, overshadowed by the rustling trees and the occasional chirp of crickets. They decided to take a stroll, savoring the rare peace away from prying eyes and the relentless noise of the city.
"It's unfair, to be honest," Homelander began, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Sorry?” Aura María replied.
"You know almost everything there is to know about me. I mean, it'd be strange if you didn't, I guess, after directing a 40-minute-long documentary on me. I don't know the first thing about you, though. It's unfair, it's all I'm saying."
"What do you wanna know?"
"Where are you from? Originally, I mean."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aura María's tone sharpened, her hackles rising defensively. Homelander, rather than offended, seemed amused by her reaction.
"Don't get me wrong, missy, you speak English better than many people who were actually born here. The accent gives it away, though. So, Venezuela, am I right? What city, though? What's it like there?"
"Oh." Aura María relaxed, her tension dissipating.
She had thought he was questioning her heritage, a common and hurtful experience. "I'm from Caracas, born and raised. It's loud and dirty and full of weirdos, like any capital. It's in the middle of a valley, though, so there's also nature and trees, lots of macaws. I grew up in the East, which most would say is the fancy part of town. Like, uh, American suburbs, I guess."
"I don't find that surprising at all."
"Please, like you don't have Old Money written all over your face."
"I should hope so. You've no idea how much Vought spend just to make it this pretty," Homelander replied, smiling teasingly down at her. His smile faltered slightly, as if he just realized he'd said something he shouldn't have. Aura María laughed it off, unsure what he meant. Had Homelander just confessed to her he'd had plastic surgery?
"My dad's a native, from a small town called Alto Orinoco. That's in the Amazonas. We look nothing alike. His maternal grandparents were from a tribe called Wayú, and apparently their Spanish was very bad," Aura María said. Although she most definitely took after her mother, someone educated in the matter could glimpse a few ethnic features in her. She had eyes dark as night, larger than average and almond-shaped, a round face with plump lips and thick hair of an intense black shade.
"My mom's from a town not far from the capital called Valencia. Her parents were Italian immigrants and racist as fuck. They disowned her when they found out she wanted to marry a Wayú. When I was little, they often came by the house, though. Once I was old enough to understand that they wanted me around because I only looked 'a little Indian,' I told them not to come back," she said, wrinkling her nose.
"Uh," Homelander said, ever so eloquent. He was staring at her strangely. "That's a... very colorful background."
"You think? Not very different from my friends' back home, though. We are all a weird mixture of something over there."
“So, interracial marriage is normal in your country?”
“I guess? I mean, we don’t really have a concept of it. To us, it’s just marriage. Obviously, there are racists, like, well…”
“Like your grandparents?”
“Yeah, like them. People from different races marrying each other is usually not a big deal for us, though. Not nowadays. I was surprised to see how much of a taboo it still is here, to be honest. You would think citizens of the so-called first world would be more open-minded.”
Homelander actually sniggered. “There’s people in this country who think the Earth is flat, María. Give us a break.”
“I guess you would know a lot about that,” Aura María replied, a glint in her eyes. “I’m pretty sure flat-earthers make up most of your fanbase.”
Homelander stared at her gravely. “There are flat-earthers among my fans. They are not the majority of them.”
“Oh. So, you would say it’s an insignificant amount, then?”
“So, if tomorrow you were at a rally and openly said that the Earth is in fact round, everything would be fine? Is that what you’re saying?”
“…no,” Homelander said, reluctantly. “It would affect my ratings. Like, a lot. Stan would have my head on a plate.”
“I thought so.”
“If I tell you something, you promise not to laugh?”
“For the longest time, I thought Venezuela was a country in Europe.”
Aura María halted to a stop. “Please, tell me you’re joking.”
Homelander shook his head, pursing his lower lip.
“I mean, I can’t say I’ve met a lot of Venezuelans. The ones I have only dressed in designer clothes and threw 100$ bills around like they were pennies. That did not scream Third World country to me.”
Aura María frowned. “When was this?”
“Uh, 2008, I think? I was hosting a beauty pageant with Melanie Brown. You know, one of the Spice Girls? Your candidate won; I forgot her name.”
“Ah, Dayana Mendoza. Yeah, people who work at those pageants have lots of money. I should have known you only ever heard of my homeland because of Miss Universe.”
“Well, look at the bright side, chica. I may think Venezuela is a Third World communist hellhole, but at least I know that you’ve got A-tier women and not everyone’s brown. Better than a flat-earther by a long shot.”
“You’re such a fucking asshole.”
Aura María’s voice carried a mix of frustration and amusement. Homelander chuckled, a low, amused sound that rumbled in his chest. “Anyway, I guess that means we’re even,” he said, his tone casual but his expression unreadable.
“Mmn, I don’t think we are,” Aura María replied, her brows knitting together as she looked away, gathering her thoughts.
“What’s that?” Homelander asked.
“You said you wanted to know more about me because I already knew everything about you. That’s not true, though. I think most of what we filmed for that documentary was bullshit.”
Homelander’s expression shifted abruptly. The playful glint in his eyes vanished, replaced by a serious, almost steely gaze. His jaw tightened, and Aura María could feel the tension radiating from him. She realized, belatedly, that this might be one in the long list of questions she wasn’t supposed to ask.
“What makes you say that?” Homelander asked, his voice low and measured.
Aura María hesitated, feeling the weight of his stare. She forced herself to keep going, her heart pounding. “I could see it that day when we were filming the childhood segment. You know, back at Maryland?”
“Okay?” he responded, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to read her.
Aura María smiled awkwardly, her cheeks flushing. She could feel the heat rising to her face. “You’re gonna think it’s weird that I noticed. But, uh, during a recess, I heard you asking Madelyn where the restroom was. You also got lost a couple of times when we were filming the house tour.”
“Oh,” Homelander said, his face going blank for a moment. He looked away, his gaze focusing on the horizon as if searching for an escape from the conversation.
The trees rustled softly in the breeze. The sky was painted with hues of blue and black as the moon rose higher, casting long shadows across the grass. Aura María felt a knot in her stomach, regretting her boldness. She had hoped to pierce through his facade, to understand the man behind the mask, but now she feared she had pushed too far. The vulnerability she had glimpsed in him earlier seemed to retreat, replaced by a cold, impenetrable wall.
Homelander’s face softened slightly, though, as he met her eyes again. There was a flicker of something—maybe understanding, maybe resignation. “Aren’t you a clever one?” he said quietly. “Not many people notice those things.”
Aura María relaxed a little, relieved that he hadn’t shut her out completely. She offered a small, tentative smile. “I guess it’s my job to notice things.”
“Yeah, I suppose it is.” He nodded, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You’re right, of course. A lot of what’s out there about me is…curated. For the public.”
Aura María nodded slowly, feeling a pang of empathy despite her wariness. “I understand. Image is everything, especially for someone like you.”
“It’s more than that,” Homelander replied, his voice unreadable. “It’s about control. About making sure people see what Vought wants them to see.”
“And what about what you want?” Aura María asked, genuinely curious.
Homelander looked at her, his eyes searching her face as if weighing how much to reveal. “What I want doesn’t matter as much as what they need me to be.”
They continued walking in silence for a few moments, the sounds of the park around them feeling comforting despite the tension. Aura María could see revelation before her eyes, a glimpse of truth in a world of illusions. Although all of her instincts were telling her to change the subject, she would herself digging for more. “You know,” she said softly, “I was thinking about what happened that day. With the blanket.”
Homelander's face tightened, a shadow passing over his usually composed features. "Right. You were there."
"When you got Randy fired? Yeah, I was there." Aura María's tone was gentle, trying to tread carefully on what was clearly a sensitive subject.
Homelander didn’t look sheepish at all. He raised one eyebrow, his gaze unwavering and intense, as if waiting for a reaction.
"Relax," Aura María was quick to say, sensing his defensive stance. "He was a shitty producer. I was glad to see him gone."
"Ah, see? I was looking out for you, even then," Homelander said with a smile, pointing at the tip of her nose with his index finger in a playful gesture.
"Sure you were," Aura María replied, flashing him a teasing smile. She knew what he was doing—trying to steer the conversation elsewhere. She decided to press on, determined to get to the truth. "What was it?"
"Uh?" Homelander feigned ignorance, though his eyes betrayed a hint of unease.
"What got you so upset that day? I mean, if it was just about Randy getting his crusty ass hands on your blanky, I understand. I don't like it when people touch my stuff either. But I got the feeling that there was something else going on."
Homelander stayed quiet, his jaw clenched.
"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it," Aura María said softly, trying to give him an out.
"It was nothing, really. It just... brought back bad memories," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I'm gonna ask you a question. Can you promise to answer it truthfully?" Aura María's voice was steady, but her heart pounded in her chest.
"It depends on the question," Homelander replied, his tone guarded.
"Did you really grow up in that house?"
"No," he said simply, the word hanging heavily in the air.
Aura María remembered Homelander talking about his mother's perfect cake, eyes full of love and reverence, only for him to go completely blank-faced the minute the cameras stopped rolling. A void formed in the pit of her stomach, though she wasn't sure why. "Was anything of what we filmed that day real? Anything at all?"
Homelander just shook his head, his lips pulling downward. He looked like a child being scolded, vulnerable and exposed.
"And the blanket?" she asked gently.
Homelander hesitated, then. Aura María put her hand over his, waiting patiently. He stared at their joined hands for a strangely long time.
"Only real thing on that set," he said finally. "It pissed me off that they would put it there without even asking."
Aura María understood then. It had angered him to see something real among all the fakery. She tilted her head to the side, considering him. There were only a few reasons she could think of to completely fabricate the background of a world-renowned celebrity, and none of them were very nice. What was Vought trying to hide?
"You come from a bad place, don't you, John?" she asked softly, using his real name for the first time.
He raised sharp eyes to look at her, the vulnerability in his gaze taking her by surprise. She had never seen him like this—so hesitant and out of his depth. "I don't want to talk about it."
"That's okay. You don't have to," she replied, her voice soothing.
Homelander stayed quiet, something about his expression making her heart ache. The tough facade he usually wore seemed to crack, revealing a glimpse of the man beneath the superhero persona.
"Aw, I'm sorry, papi," she murmured, kissing his cheek gently and laying her head on his shoulder. "I wasn't trying to make you sad."
"It's fine," Homelander said, though his voice lacked its usual confidence.
The embrace was tentative at first. Aura María could feel the tension in his muscles, the residual wariness that made him hold back. But as the seconds ticked by, he seemed to relax into her, his grip tightening. She pressed her cheek against his chest, the warmth of his body radiating through the thin fabric of his suit. She could hear the steady, powerful beat of his heart.
The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the park and turning the sky into a canvas of deep blues and purples. Homelander and Aura María walked side by side, the cool evening air brushing gently against their skin. The city’s distant hum was a comforting background noise, reminding them that despite the surreal peace of the park, the world outside continued to churn.
"You followed me that day," Homelander said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Uh?" Aura María glanced at him.
"When I walked out, you went looking for me. No one else did. I mean, there was Madelyn, but she... she only wanted me to keep filming, yaknow? She didn't really care about me."
Aura María had heard the rumors about Madelyn Stillwell's involvement with Homelander. Although it didn't seem like the right time to ask, she couldn't help but wonder. It had always seemed odd to her that America's most-sought-after-bachelor would set his eyes on a woman known around the whole metropolitan area to be a moody two-faced narcissist. Aura María was certainly not glad to learn about her sudden passing, but in all honesty, she much preferred to deal with Ashley Barrett. Despite her often-neurotic behavior, at least there was something human about her.
"You, though? You walked up to me when I was going back to the set, and you said... you said that you were sorry if your crew did something to upset me. That I didn't have to keep going if I didn't want to."
"Oh, yeah. I remember." Aura Maria’s expression softened, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.
"It's not common, you know? For people in this industry to be kind. Genuinely kind, no ulterior motives."
"No, I guess it's not," she replied, her tone thoughtful.
Aura María understood what he meant at once. Entertainment was not for everybody. She'd learned that the hard way and she'd already been a full-grown adult when she started working for Vought. Homelander had made his debut when he was only eighteen years old. She couldn't even imagine what growing up in that environment would do to a teen. Aura María wondered if that was the reason he asked her out—a small act of kindness she barely even remembered.
She could still recall that day vividly. They had been filming at a grand estate in Maryland, a faux representation of Homelander's childhood home. The house was opulent, with perfectly manicured lawns and an aura of artificial nostalgia. The set was bustling with activity, lights and cameras everywhere, creating an atmosphere that was both chaotic and meticulously controlled.
He had felt overwhelmed at some point, though at the time she had not been ablet o certain why. After what had been labeled by the crew as The Blanket Incident, he’d walked out into the expansive backyard, seeking a moment of solitude. Aura María remembered the feeling of the cool grass beneath her feet as she followed after him, the way the breeze had whispered through the trees, offering a fleeting sense of peace.
Then, out of nowhere, she spotted Homelander coming back from the barn. His presence, normally so commanding, had been almost sullen that day. A look she hadn’t expected from someone so larger-than-life. She had approached him with a concerned look in his eyes, and although her words had been simple, apparently, they had stayed with him. She had offered him an out, a rare moment of empathy in an industry that often lacked it.
Aura María had wondered awhile back if it was a good idea to go out with such a high-profile celebrity, even if only for one night. With a man so different from her, both in social and economic standing. It had been so very intimidating and still was. She was happy she said yes, though.
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It felt strange to let him into her bedroom. She'd had people over before, but it was not quite the same. As Homelander stepped inside, Aura María suddenly became acutely aware of every little detail she'd never given a second thought to before. The stuffed animals she brought from Caracas because she couldn't bear parting with them, the Studio Ghibli posters that lined the walls, the TikTok LED lights she bought during an online shopping frenzy and never took down.
She cringed inwardly, realizing for the first time that her room could easily belong to a middle schooler. Homelander didn’t comment on it, though. He just stared down at her, eyes intent and gleaming in the low light of the room.
"I think we are overdressed, aren't we?" he said with a half-smile, a playful glint in his eye. "Take it off, come on."
Aura María bit into her lower lip, then proceeded to remove her dress. She crumpled it into a ball and threw it on the bed. Homelander was having none of that, though. He tsked at her, shaking his head slightly.
"Ah-ah, pick it up," he said, wiggling his finger. Aura María frowned, feeling a mixture of annoyance and curiosity, but still did as she was told. "Fold it, then put it in the drawer."
"You're into very weird stuff, you know?" she muttered, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and nervousness.
"'Course not. I just don't like making a mess."
"Sure, that's all this is," she said, rolling her eyes as she took off her underwear and folded it along with the dress, placing them neatly on the bed.
"That's better."
Homelander approached her slowly, his gaze roaming over her body, making her skin prickle with anticipation. He put both hands over her breasts and squeezed them lightly. Aura María took a deep breath, already feeling the first stirrings of pleasure run through her. His touch was firm yet gentle, sending waves of warmth through her body.
His hands traveled down, caressing her sides, then her hips, and finally stopping at her ass. He squeezed her buttocks, then pulled her closer so that they were chest to chest. Aura María put her arms around him and leaned forward to kiss him. The apartment was deadly quiet, only the soft noises of their kissing and the erratic beating of her heart could be heard. It was embarrassing, really, how worked up she'd gotten after he'd barely touched her.
It made sense in a way, though. He was, after all, her sexual awakening. Aura María found it weird and sort of embarrassing that it would finally happen in her mid-twenties. Talk about a late bloomer, she thought wryly. But there was no denying the chemistry between them, the way his mere presence seemed to ignite something deep within her.
As their kiss deepened, Homelander's hands continued their exploration, making her skin tingle with every touch. The LED lights cast a soft, colorful glow around them. Homelander pulled back slightly, his breath warm against her lips. "You’re beautiful," he whispered, his voice husky with desire.
A shiver ran down Aura María's spine. She felt exposed, vulnerable, but also incredibly alive. She looked into his eyes, seeing a mixture of lust and something deeper, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
"Thank you," she whispered back, her voice barely audible.
They moved to the bed, Homelander guiding her gently. As they lay down, he continued to explore her body with his hands and mouth, each touch sending sparks of pleasure through her. Aura María's mind was spinning. She felt a connection with him that went beyond the physical, a sense of understanding and mutual need. In the quiet of her bedroom, surrounded by the remnants of her past and the promise of something new, Aura María let herself be swept away by the moment. She surrendered to the sensations, the intimacy, and the overwhelming feeling of being seen and desired.
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writingkitten · 1 year
Filthiest Molina characters? The ones who would just absolutely destroy u in bed
Note: all of this is consensual and involves Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK), none of this is meant to be abusive or anything also ALWAYS PRACTICE AFTERCARE THESE SLUTS DO IT AND YOU SHOULD TOO
Ricardo: this is a huge “duh” but BRO. BRO. BRO HE GOES SO HARD BRO. Like fuuuuuuck okay he’s such a sweetheart but he’s gonna grab a fistful of your hair and make you choke on his cock, he LOVES spitting in your mouth because it’s like another way of claiming you, he makes you taste yourself after he makes you come on his fingers (and cock) fuck yeah Ricky is nasty in the best way possible
Robert: ok this guy is like super SUPER into dirty talk he won’t shut the fuck up when he’s fucking you, and he’ll make you say stuff, too, like “say it, babygirl, tell daddy how wet he makes your sweet little pussy” and if you don’t say it EXACTLY like that he edges you until you correct the mistake. When he’s in a bad mood, he can be a very mocking daddy (not being serious, though, and not taking it too far)
Doc Ock: Otto would’ve wrecked you in bed with sensuality, but Doc? Holy fuck he’s rabid. Like foaming at the mouth, no color in his eyes, choking you while he basically chews your neck, leaving dark bruises that will be there for days… and if he wants to go for round two, he’s going to shove his fingers inside your cum-filled pussy and make you clean them until you’re empty again so oops oh no he’s gotta fill you AGAIN
Hank: so this man has been popping up in my head while I’ve been writing the others because he’s just one of those guys who’s into making so much of a mess that you both HAVE to get a shower afterwards, probably does a lot of foreplay that’s like him watching tv while using you as a footstool or making you cockwarm him, loves to degrade you
Harding: the good doctor is obviously (at least a bit of) a sadist. Only for pleasure purposes, of course, never going past your limit, but oh boy he’s elegant with his destruction of you, playing more psychological games than usual if he really wants you to fall apart
Maxim: very similar to Harding, maybe less “sterile” (if that makes sense? like Harding has a sterile filth to him, while Maxim has more of a comfortable filth? I’m high idk if this makes sense) uses magic sex stuff on you, literally anything @chrism02 writes with him is canon
Manuel: I think it can get messy because he loves to use religion in his sessions and so that can involve ritualistic acts that then involve stuff like wine and wax and sweat and blood and cum, also has a wicked tongue when it comes to dirty talk because he’s all religious about it (hierophilia kink go brrrrrrrr)
Big Boss: oh friendo I know you’re reading this so I’ll go in special for Jed (his unofficial canon name). Jed is super handsy and grabby, and just wants you at any given moment. Friendo and I have an HC that he owns a ranch with a bunch of animals so like if you’re in the barn he’s gonna want to roll in the hay if ya know what I mean and you both will get covered in dirt, also filthy in his seduction (like, oh idk, eating a peach with juice running down his chin)
There are other molina boys that I think can be filthy, but these guys are the ones that are most commonly ✨gross✨
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films-on-a-plane · 8 months
to be watched list (movies)
# (500) Days of Summer (2009) 3 Generations (2015) 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) 12 Years a Slave (2013) 13 Going on 30 (2004) 27 Dresses (2008) 48 Hrs. (1982) 50 First Dates (2004) 50/50 (2011)
A A Bad Moms Christmas (2017) A Cinderella Story (2004) A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) A Happening of Monumental Proportions (2017) About Time (2013) Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) Addams Family Values (1993) Adopting Audrey (2021) Aladdin (1992) Alice in Wonderland (1951) Almost Famous (2000) Along Came Polly (2004) Always Be My Maybe (2019) Amazing Grace (2018) American Psycho (2000) And Then We Danced (2019) Anger Management (2003) Another 48 Hrs. (1990) Another Cinderella Story (2008) Aquamarine (2006) Armageddon (1998) Artless (2019) Atonement (2007) Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)
B Band Aid (2017) Bandits (2001) Barbie (2023) Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) Beauty and the Beast (1991) Beauty and the Beast (2017) Beetlejuice (1988) Before I Fall (2017) Before Sunset (2004) Being John Malkovich (1999) Being the Ricardos (2021) Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Beverly Hills Cop II (1987) Beverly Hills Cop III (1994) Big Daddy (1999) Big Fish (2003) Big Momma's House (2000) Big Momma's House 2 (2006) Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (2011) Blind Ambition (2021) Booksmart (2019) Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2020) Bowfinger (1999) Brain on Fire (2016) Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) Bring It On (2000) Bros (2022) Bruce Almighty (2003) Buena Vista Social Club (1999) But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)
C Cadet Kelly (2002) Cake (2014) Can You Keep a Secret (2019) Capernaum (2018) Carol (2015) Casper (1995) Castle in the Sky (1986) Catch Me If You Can (2002) Center Stage (2000) Charlie and the Chocolate Factor (2005) Chocolat (2000) Chuck Berry (2018) Cinderella (1950) Cinderella (2015) Click (2006) Clueless (1995) CODA (2021) Coming to America (1988) Coming to America 2 (2021) Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) Cool Runnings (1993) Coraline (2009) Corpse Bride (2005) Coyote Ugly (2000) Crazy Rich Asians (2018) Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) Cunningham (2019)
D Dara & Ed's Road to Mandalay (2017) Dead Man Walking (1995) Dear Zoe (2022) Death Becomes Her (1992) D.E.B.S. (2004) Destination Wedding (2018) Die Hard (1988) Die Hard 2 (1990) Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) Disenchanted (2022) Do Revenge (2022) Dream Scenario (2023) Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) Dumb and Dumber (1994) Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
E Easy A (2010) Echo in the Canyon (2018) Edward Scissorhands (1990) Eight Grade (2018) Elf (2003) Ella Enchanted (2004) Emily the Criminal (2022) Enchanted (2007) Enough Said (2013) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Evergreen (2020) Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) Everything Is Copy (2015) Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019)
F Flee (2021) Flight Club (1999) Footloose (1984) Forrest Gump (1994) Frankweenie (2012) Friends with Benefits (2011) Four Good Days (2020) Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)
G Generation Um… (2012) Get a Clue (2002) Ghost (1990) Ghostbusters (1984) Ghosts of the Abyss (2003) Girl, Interrupted (1999) Glass Onion (2022) Godzilla (2014) Gone Girl (2014) Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) Grease (1978) Grown Ups (2010) Grown Ups 2 (2013)
H Halloweentown (1998) Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) Happiness for Beginners (2023) Harriet the Spy (1996) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Haunted Mansion (2023) Heat (1995) Heathers (1988) Her (2013) Hocus Pocus (1993) Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) Home Alone (1990) Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) Hope Springs (2012) Horrible Bosses (2011) Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2017) How to Train Your Dragon (2010) Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
I I Care a Lot (2020) I Know What You Need (2023) I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007) I Smile Back (2015) I Used to Be Famous (2022) Identity Theft (2013) If I Stay (2014) I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) I'm Totally Fine (2022) Inception (2010) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) Inglourious Basterds (2009) Into the Wild (2007) It's Complicated (2009)
J James and the Giant Peach (1996) Jawbreaker (1999) Jennifer's Body (2009) Jojo Rabbit (2019) Joker (2019) Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) Juno (2007) Jurassic Park (1993) Jurassic Park III (2001) Jurassic World (2015) Jurassic World Dominion (2022) Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Just Go with It (2011)
K Kiki's Delivery (1989) Kimi (2022) King Kong (2005) Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) Knives Out (2019)
L Lady and the Tramp (1955) Lady Bird (2017) Land (2021) Late Bloomers (2023) Legally Blonde (2001) Let Them All Talk (2020) Lethal Weapon (1987) Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) Léon: The Professional (1994) Liar Liar (1997) Life as We Know It (2010) Little Forest (2018) Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Little Women (1994) Little Women (2019) Live Free or Die Hard (2007) Lost in Translation (2003) Lou (2022) Love Actually (2003) Love, Rosie (2014) Luck (2022) Luzzu (2021)
M Maggie (2015) Maleficent (2014) Mamma Mia! (2008) Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018) Man on the Moon (1999) Marry Me (2022) Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy (2013) Maybe I Do (2023) Me, Myself & Irene (2000) Mean Girls (2004) Meet the Parents (2000) Meet the Fockers (2004) Megamind (2010) Memento (2000) Mermaids (1990) Metro (1997) Mona Lisa Smile (2003) Monster House (2006) Midnight in Paris (2011) Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) Miss Congeniality (2000) Miss Sloane (2016) Mommy (2014) Monsters, Inc. (2001) Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) Mr. Harrigan's Phone (2022) Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Mr. Wrong (1996) Murder Mystery (2019) Murder Mystery 2 (2023) My First Summer (2010) My Girl (1991) My Girl 2 (1994) My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
N Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult (1994) Now You See Me 2 (2016) New York Minute (2004) Nanny McPhee (2005) Next Exit (2022) Now You See Me (2013) Not Another Teen Movie (2001) Notting Hill (1999) No Country for Old Men (2007) No Strings Attached (2011) No Sudden Move (2021) Nomadland (2020) Norbit (2007) Not Okay (2022) Now You See Me (2013) Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000)
O Ocean's 8 (2018) Ocean's Eleven (2001) On the Basis of Sex (2018) One Day (2011) One Life (2011) One Life (2023) Oppenheimer (2023) Out of Office (2022)
P Paint (2023) Peter Pan (1953) Phoebe in Wonderland Pieces of a Woman (2020) Pippi Longstocking (1969) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Plan B (2021) Ponyi (2008) Poor Things (2023) Pretty in Pink (1986) Pretty Woman (1990) P.S. I Love You (2007) Psycho (1960) Psycho (1998) Pulp Fiction (1994)
R Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Raise Your Voice (2004) Rango (2011) Ratatouille (2007) RED (2010) RED 2 (2013) Red Eye (2005) Remember Me (2010) Ricki and the Flash (2015) Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Robot & Frank (2012) Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997) Room (2015)
S Scary Movie (2000) Schindler's List (1993) Shallow Hal (2001) She Said (2022) She's All That (1999) She's the Man (2006) She's the One (1996) Short Term 12 (2012) Shotgun Wedding (2022) Siberia (2018) Sixteen Candles (1984) Sleeping Beauty (1959) Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Sleepover (2004) Sleepy Hollow (1999) Slumberland (2022) Snatch (2000) So Undercover (2012) Something's Gotta Give (2003) Sound City (2013) South of the River (2020) Speak (2004) Speed (1994) Spider-Man (2002) Spirited (2022) Spirited Away (2001) Stand by Me (1986) Steel Magnolias (1989) Stepmom (1998) Suffragette (2015) Summerland (2020) Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) Sweet Home Alabama (2002)
T Tangled (2010) Tenet (2020) The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) The Accountant (2016) The Addams Family (1991) he Amazing Spider-Man (2012) The Big Sick (2017) The Breakfast Club (1985) The Connected Universe (2016) The Craft (1996) The Craft: Legacy (2020) The Devil Wears Prada (2006) The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) The Do-Over (2016) The DUFF (2015) The Edge of Seventeen (2016) The Estate (2022) The Fallout (2021) The Family Stone (2005) The Favourite (2018) The First Wives Club (1996) The Florida Project (2017) The Fundamentals of Caring (2016) The Girl on the Train (2016) The Godfather (1972) The Godfather Part II (1974) The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) The Half of It (2020) The Hangover (2009) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) The Holiday (2006) The Incredibles (2004) The Last Song (2010) The Lion King (1994) The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003) The Lost City (2022) The Lost Daughter (2021) The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) The Lovely Bones (2009) The Mask (1994) The Matrix (1999) The Matrix Reloaded (2003) The Matrix Revolutions (2003) The Matrix Resurrections (2021) The Maze Runner (2014) The Mexican (2001) The Mummy (1999) The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988) The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear (1991) The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) The Notebook (2004) The Notebooks (2021) The Nutty Professor (1996) The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) The Pez Outlaw (2022) The Princess and the Frog (2009) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) The Princess Diaries (2001) The Proposal (2009) The Secret World of Arriety (2010) The Shawshank Redemption (1994) The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005) The Sound of Music (1965) The Spectacular Now (2013) The Switch (2010) The Virgin Suicides (1999) The Witches of Eastwick (1987) The Woman Who Ran (2020) The Worst Person in the World (2021) Thelma & Louise (1991) There's Something About Mary (1998) Thirteen (2003) Thumbsucker (2005) Ticket to Paradise (2022) To the Bone (2017) Toy Story (1995) Trading Places (1983) Transporter (2002) Transporter 2 (2005) Transporter 3 (2008) Twilight (2008) Tyger Tyger (2019)
U Up (2009) Uptown Girls (2003)
W Walk With Me (2021) WALL-E (2008) We're the Millers (2013) What a Girl Wants (2003) What Happens in Vegas (2008) White Chicks (2004) Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022) Wild Child (2008)
Y Yes Man (2008) Your Sister's Sister (2011)Your Name. (2016) You're Ugly Too (2015) Yours, Mine & Ours (2005) You've Got Mail (1998)
Z Zodi & Tehu, frères du désert (2023)
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
The Young People of the Lucyverse ~ Part 1
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W.C. Fields famously warned performers never to work with children or animals. Luckily for us, Lucille Ball consistently disregarded his advice. Here’s a look at some of the young performers and characters of the Lucyverse. 
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“Baby Sitting” (1949) ~ To makes some extra cash, Liz (Lucille Ball) takes up babysitting. Mr. Wood (Hans Conried) suggests he take the job from his daughter, Adele. Mr. Wood has 11 children: Bob, Madelyn, Adele, Lucille, Ruth, Lucius, Jessie, Walter, Jess, Joanne, and Hugo. In reality, these are the names of some of the staff of My Favorite Husband. Keeping her sitting job from her favorite husband, Liz goes on her first assignment to take care of Tommy Pearson, who is a sure shot with a pea shooter. Liz’s husband George (Richard Denning) thinks she is having an affair and assualts Tommy’s father! 
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“The Elves” (1949) ~ Anne Whitfield played Joanne Wood, one of the 11 children of Mr. Wood (Hans Conried), neighbor of Liz and George Cooper on “My Favorite Husband.” She also appeared as Joanne Wood in “Liz’s Superstitions” also in 1949.
LIZ: “How are you?” JOANNE: “Fine, thanks.” LIZ: “How’s your father?” JOANNE: “Fine, thanks.” LIZ: “And your four sisters?” JOANNE: “Fine, thanks.” LIZ: “And your six brothers?” JOANNE: “Fine, thanks.” LIZ: “And your mother?” JOANNE: “Exhausted, thanks.”
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“Liz and George are Handcuffed” (1949) ~ We meet Tommy Wood, the smallest of Mr. Woods’ 11 children. He is played by 13 year-old Johnny McGovern. 
LIZ: “Tommy, is it true that no two people in the whole world have the same fingerprints?”  TOMMY: “Nah, that’s a lot of bunk. I’ve already found three people who have exactly the same fingerprints; my daddy, Santa Claus, and the crook who broke into my piggy bank.”
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Sorrowful Jones (1949) ~  A young girl (Mary Jane Sanders) is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope) and his girlfriend Gladys (Luiclle Ball) as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, they learn that taking care of a child interferes with their free-wheeling lifestyle. This is a remake of Little Miss Marker (1934) which starred Shirley Temple and was directed by Lucy’s once-time fiancee Alexander Hall. 
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The Fuller Brush Girl (1950) ~ When Sally (Lucile Ball) is mistaken for a babysitter and tied up by some children playing cowboys and indians, she is rescued by the real babysitter, played by actress Gail Bonney. Two years later, Gail Bonney would play Mrs. Hudson in the "The Amateur Hour," hiring Lucy Ricardo to babysit her twin boys, who would tie Lucy up while playing cowboys and indians.
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“Be A Pal” (1951) ~ To give Ricky a taste of his childhood, Lucy dresses up a group of dark-haired boys in sombreros and serapes to remind him of his brothers! 
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“Lucy Plays Cupid” (1952) ~ Knowing amorous grocer Mr. Ritter (Edward Everett Horton) doesn’t like children, Lucy trots out a stream of youngsters as her offspring. Mr. Ritter counts 25, although Lucy says 6 are missing. In reality, 10 uncredited child performers were featured in the episode, one even dressed as a “little” Ricky playing a conga drum!  After filming, the young actors posed for a photo with Lucy, Horton, and guest-star Bea Benadaret. 
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“The Amateur Hour” (1952) ~ Lucy babysits for rambunctious twin boys, Jimmy and Timmy Hudson.  In reality, the boys were not twins. They were played by Sammy Ogg (Jimmy) and David Stollery (Timmy).  
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Enrique Alberto Ricardo IV aka Little Ricky Ricardo ~ Probably one of the most famous children in television history due mainly to the fact that his birth coincided with the birth of Lucille Ball’s real-life boy, Desi Arnaz Jr.  Contrary to popular myth, Desi Jr. never played Little Ricky. The character was played by a series of seven child actors, including two sets of twins and one dream Little Ricky.  They include (in chronological order): James John Ganzer, Richard and Ronald Lee Simmons, Joseph and Michael Mayer, and Keith Thibodeaux (aka Richard Keith). The dream Little Ricky was uncredited. Despite the resemblance, he was not played by Jerry Mathers (”Leave it To Beaver”).  An older dream Little Ricky (definitely not a child) also went uncredited. 
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“Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (1953) ~ The same episode that introduces Little Ricky, we meet a new edition to the Stanley household - three newborn girls. Mr. Stanley (Charles Lane) already has six daughters. Fred suggests he start a softball team. 
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“Baby Pictures” (1953) / “Lucy and Superman” (1957) ~ Caroline and Charlie Appleby’s son Stevie appears in two episodes. The uncredited baby who played him in 1953 had just gotten over the measles before filming. Little Ricky and Little Stevie are both said to be 13 months old at the time. The next time we see Little Stevie is in “Lucy and Superman,” four years later, where his is played by Steven Kay. 
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“Mertz and Kurtz” (1954) ~ Fred’s former vaudeville partner Barney Kurtz (Charles Winninger) comes for a visit. He has been writing to his granson telling him that he is still a star, so Ricky stars him in a revue at the club and invites Little Barney (Stephen Wootton) to the Tropicana. Wootton was nine years old at the time of filming and had been acting since the age of seven. He returned to Desilu for 1959 episode of "Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse” which was introduced by Desi Arnaz and starred William Frawley.
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“Second Honeymoon” (1956) ~ When Ricky is kept busy playing gigs on the ship to Europe, Lucy strikes up a friendship with Kenneth Hamilton played by nine year-old Harvey Grant. Grant had played the youngest son in CBS TV’s “Life With Father” from 1953 to 1955. 
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“Lucy Gets Homesick in Italy” (1956) ~ Missing Little Ricky on his birthday, Lucy decides to lavish her attentions on shoeshine boy Giuseppe (Bart Braverman). Bartley Louis Braverman was born in Los Angeles in 1946. This was his fifth TV role although he used the name Bart Bradley until 1962. The little girl Theresa (“She's-a her birthday, too!”) was played by Kathleen Mazolo (nee Mazzola). This is her one and only screen credit of record.
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Lucy and the Mertzes throw a birthday party for the children - until Giuseppe feels guilty about claiming it is his birthday, and tells the truth. 
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“Lucy’s Bicycle Trip” (1956) ~ Biking along the Riviera, the gang takes shelter in the barn of an Italian farmer (Mario Siletti). The farmer cannot give them lodging in his house because he has nine children: Teresa, Sofia, Luigi, Pietro, Dino, Gino, Rosa, Mario, and Antonio - all of whom remain off camera throughout the episode. “Mama Mia!  Multi bambini!” 
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“Return Home from Europe” (1956) ~ On the flight home, Lucy disguises a cheese as a baby. Another new mother (Mary Jane Croft) sits next to her with her baby, a four month old named Caroline. Lucy mistakenly says her baby is named Chedder, then quickly corrects herself. “Chester!” In reality, both bundles are props. 
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“Lucy and Bob Hope” (1956) ~ At Yankee Stadium, Bob Hope is approached by a young fan (David Saber) asking for an autograph. Before granting it, he asks the boy “Have you seen my latest picture, ‘The Iron Petticoat?’”  The boy eagerly replies, “Yes, sir.”  Coincidentally, this is the first episode to feature Keith Thibodeaux as Little Ricky. 
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“Little Ricky Gets Stage Fright” (1956) ~ Little Ricky is taking music lessons, but gets nervous at the recital. Like all the children in the episode, little Diana Van Fossen uses her own name, playing a squeaky, out-of-tune rendition of “Swanee River” on the violin. Earl Robie, the 10 year-old ukulele player, was the most experienced of the child performers on the show, having appeared in eight films and TV shows such as “Lassie” and “The Loretta Young Show.” Ironically, despite his credits, his character gets the measles and doesn’t get to perform with the Dixieland Band in the final scene at the Club Babalu. 
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Others in the class include: Laurie Blaine (flute), Buddy Noble (bass), Robert Norman (trumpet), Larry Gleason (accordian), and Jeffrey Woodruff (trombone).
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“Lucy and Superman” (1957) ~ Stevie Appleby (Steven Kay) attends Little Ricky’s birthday party with an apartment full of similarly-aged children. The tiny actors appear uncredited. During “London Bridge” Kay looks at Fred suspiciously. 
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“Little Ricky’s School Pageant” (1957) ~ The Ricardos and Mertzes are recruited to act in Little Ricky’s school pageant, “The Enchanted Forest”. His 'sister’ Suzy Brown was played by Candy Rogers Schoenberg. She was the prize pupil at Pepito and Joanne’s dancing school, which loaned the costumes, sets, and provided the student performers for the episode. 
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After the filming, the more than 20 children took a photo with Lucy, Desi, Bill, Vivian, Pepito, and Joanne.
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Little Ricky’s pal Bruce Ramsey was played by Ray Farrell in three 1957 episodes of “I Love Lucy”: “Lucy Gets Chummy With The Neighbors,” “Lucy Does the Tango,” and “Housewarming”. He was also known for 14 episodes of the TV series “Peck's Bad Girl” (1959).
Little Ricky also had two unseen friends his age: Billy Munson, who lived in Westport with his parents Grace and Harry; and Bily Palmer, who gave Little Ricky the puppy who became Fred the dog. 
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“The Ricardos Dedicate a Statue” (1957) ~ In the very last half hour episode of “I Love Lucy,” Desi Arnaz Jr. appears in a crowd scene along with two unidentified young girls. Despite rumors to the contrary, one of them is NOT Lucie Arnaz. 
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“Lucy Goes To Mexico” (1958) ~ In Tijuana, ten year-old Alan Roberts (nee Costello) played Alfredo, the enterprising Mexican boy who wants nothing more than to see a great 'flat top' (air craft carrier). Two weeks after this episode aired, he appeared on "Leave it to Beaver” as a Spanish boy who is befriends by the Beaver.
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At the end of the episode, Little Ricky performs Maurice Chevalier’s “Valentina” with a quartet of pint-sized dancers, the equivalent to the grown up chorines his father sings to. 
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“Lucy Makes Room for Danny” (1959) ~ The cast of “The Danny Thomas Show” aka “Make Room for Daddy” does a cross-over episode with “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” to mark the show moving into Lucy’s time slot. The cast includes the Williams children, Rusty (Rusty Hamer) and Linda (Angela Cartwright).  “Make Room for Daddy” was filmed at Desilu Studios.
RUSTY (about living in the country): “I have a feeling I’m gonna miss the bright lights of Broadway.”  DANNY (to Ricky): “Don’t mind him, he’s one of the beat generation.”
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In the last hour-long episode, “Lucy Meets the Mustache” (1960) featuring Ernie Kovacs and Edie Adams, Little Ricky is said to go to school with Kovacs' daughter Kippie, his second daughter by his first wife. Although Kippie does not appear in the episode, she would have been 10 years old at the time. Kippie's older sister Bette is also mentioned. After their father's death, the girls were the subject of a bitter custody battle between Edie Adams and their mother, Bette Wilcox.
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thejenno92 · 4 years
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A wunderful OC by @xiala-bexchan. Her Ricardo and Dadsona of dream daddy and Mats Husband 💕🤫
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xiala-bexchan · 4 years
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What should I say? Ricardo Zambrano, father of my OC Nika and in love with Dream Daddy Mat Sella <3 And he looks so much better than in the game XD
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
Bold the ones that you know of!
1.Who Let The Dogs Out? -Baha Men
2. All The Small Things -Blink 182
3. Amazed -Lonestar
4. Oops, I Did It Again -Britney Spears
5. Graduation -Vitamin C
6. Bye, Bye, Bye -N*Sync
7. Independent Woman -Destiny’s Child
8. Let’s Make Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
9. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 4000
10. I Turn To You – Christina Aguilera
11. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden
12. It’s My Life – Bon Jovi
13. Breathe – Faith Hill
14. Shake Your Bon-Bon – Ricky Martin
15. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65
16. Goobye Earl – Dixie Chicks
17. Let’s Get Married – Jagged Edge
18. The Bad Touch – Bloodhound Gang
19. The Real Slim Shady – Eminem
20. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child
21. It’s Gonna Be Me – N*Sync
22. Party Up – DMX
23. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber
24. Country Grammar – Nelly
25. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) – Aaron Carter
1. Hanging By A Moment -Lifehouse
2. Allin’ -Alicia Keys
3. All For You -Janet
4. If You’re Gone -Matchbox Twenty
5. I’M Real -Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule
6. Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) -Train
7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind -Eve ft. Gwen Stefani
8. Thank You -Dido
9. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!) -Blu Cantrell
10. Independent Women Part I -Destiny’s Child
11. Again -Lenny Kravitz
12. It’S Been Awhile -Staind
13. Stutter -Joe ft. Mystikal
14. It Wasn’T Me’ -Shaggy ft. Ricardo “RikRok” Ducent
15. U Remind Me -Usher
16. Where The Party At -Jagged Edge With Nelly
17. Angel -Shaggy Featuring Rayvon
18. Ride Wit Me -Nelly Featuring City Spud
19. Peaches & Cream -112
20. Follow Me -Uncle Kracker
21. Drive -Incubus
22. What Would You Do? -Alicia Keys
23. Survivor -Destiny’s Child
24. Lady Marmalade -Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink
25. Ms. Jackson -OutKast
1. A Moment Like This – Kelly Clarkson
2. Hot In Herre – Nelly
3. Complicated – Avril Lavigne
4. Girlfriend – N Sync & Nelly
5. Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne
6. Can’t Fight The Moonlight – LeAnn Rimes
7. Dirrty – Christina Aguilera
8. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton
9. Heaven – DJ Sammy
10. Gimme The Light – Sean Paul
11. The World’s Greatest – R Kelly
12. Jenny From The Block – Jennifer Lopez Featuring Jadakiss & Styles
13. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) – Toby Keith
14. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch
15. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue
16. The Game Of Love – Santana Featuring Michelle Branch
17. Young’n (Holla Back) – Fabolous
18. She Hates Me – Puddle Of Mudd
19. Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold Featuring Shifty Shellshock
20. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World
21. Say I Yi Yi – Ying Yang Twins
22. Just A Friend 2002 – Mario
23. Hey Baby – No Doubt and Bounty Killer
24. Work It – Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott
25. U Don’t Have To Call – Usher
1. In Da Club -50 Cent
2. Crazy in Love -Beyonce w. Jay-Z
3. Get Busy -Sean Paul
4. When I’m Gone -Three Doors Down
5. Ignition -R Kelly
6. Baby Boy -Beyonce w. Sean Paul
7. This is the Night -Clay Aiken
8. Bring Me To Life -Evanescence
9. Right Thurr -Chingy
10. Unwell -Matchbox Twenty
11. Picture -Kid Rock w. Sheryl Crow
12. Drift Away -Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray
13. Get Low -Lil’ John & The East Side Boyz
14. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera
15. I’m With You -Avril Lavigne
16. Miss You -Aalyiah
17. 21 Questions -50 Cent & Nate Dogg
18. Shake Ya Tailfeather Nelly -P. Diddy and Murphy Lee
19. All I Have -Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J
20. I Know What You Want -Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey
21. Magic Stick -Lil’ Kim w. 50 Cent
22. Bump Bump Bump -B2K and P. Diddy
23. Flying Without Wings -Ruben Studdard
24. Here Without You -3 Doors Down
25. Work It -Missy Elliot
2004 (my birth year !! )
1. Yeah! -Usher
2. Burn -Usher
3. This Love -Maroon 5
4. The Way You Move -Outkast
5. If I Ain’t Got You -Alecia Keys
6. Hey Ya! -Outkast
7. I Don’t Wanna Know -Mario Winans
8. The Reason -Hoobastank
9. Confessions Part II -Usher
10. My Immortal -Evanescence
11. Naughty Girl -Beyonce
12. Let’s Get It Started -Black Eyed Peas
13. My Boo -Usher and Alecia Keys
14. She Will Be Loved -Maroon 5
15. The First Cut Is the Deepest -Sheryl Crow
16. Toxic -Britney Spears
17. Someday -Nickelback
18. I Believe -Fantasia
19. Breakaway -Kelly Clarkson
20. Slow Jamz -Twista
21. Dirt Off Your Shoulder -Jay-Z
22. Freak-A-Leek -Petey Pablo
23. The Way -Clay Aiken
24. Numb -Linkin’ Park
25. Dip It Low -Christina Milian
1. We Belong Together -Mariah Carey
2. Let Me Love You -Mario
3. Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson
4. Hollaback Girl -Gwen Stefani
5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -Greenday
6. Don’t Cha -The Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes
7. Candy Shop -50 Cent
8. 1, 2, Step -Ciara and Missy Elliot
9. Gold Digger -Kanye West
10. Don’t Phunk With My Heart -The Black Eyed Peas
11. Drop It Like It’s Hot -Snoop Dogg
12. Shake It Off -Mariah Carey
13. Disco Inferno -50 Cent
14. Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson
15. Beverly Hills -Weezer
16. Just a Lil Bit -50 Cent
17. Lose Control -Missy Elliot
18. How We Do -The Game & 50 Cent
19. You & Me -Lifehouse
20. Soldier -Destiny’s Child
21. Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani
22. Mr. Brightside -The Killers
23. Oh -Ciara and Ludacris
24. Pon De Replay -Rihanna
25. Hate It Or Love It -The Game and 50 Cent
1. Sexyback – Justin Timberlake
2. Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean
3. Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland
4. Everytime We Touch – Cascada
5. Temperature – Sean Paul
6. S.O.S. – Rihanna
7. Beep – Pussy Cat Dolls
8. Waiting On The World To Change – John Mayer
9. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas
10. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt
11. Maneater – Nelly Furtado
12. Single – Natasha Bedingfield
13. What Hurts the Most – Rascall Flatts
14. Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It – Dem Franchise Boys
15. Walk Away – Kelly Clarkson
16. It’s Goin’ Down – Young Joc
17. Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy
18. Smack That – Akon & Eminem
19. I Write Songs, Not Tragedies – Panic! At the Disco
20. We’re All In This Together – High School Musical Cast
21. Ms. New Booty – Bubba Sparx
22. How To Save A Life – The Fray
23. Rompe – Daddy Yankee
24. Check On It – Beyonce Featuring Slim Thugg
25. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
1. The Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani & Akon
2. Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne
3. Irreplaceable -Beyonce
4. Before He Cheats -Carrie Underwood
5. Crank Dat -Soulja Boy
6. Rehab -Amy Winehouse
7. Umbrella -Rhianna
8. Hey There Delilah -Plain White T’s
9. Glamorous -Fergie
10. I Wanna Luv U -Akon
11. Bubbly -Colbie Caillat
12. Walk It Out -Unk
13. Don’t Matter -Akon
14. Fergalicious -Fergie
15. Lip Gloss -Lil Mama
16. Candyman -Christina Aguilera
17. Break It Off -Rhianna
18. S.O.S. -Jonas Brothers
19. Stronger -Kanye West
20. Thks Fr Th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy
21. Pop, Lock and Drop It -Huey
22. Shut Up and Drive -Rhianna
23. Because of You -Ne-Yo
24. Home -Daughtry
25. Tattoo -Jordan Sparks
1. So What – Pink
2. Just Dance – Lady Gaga
3. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney
4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
5. Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects
6. Damaged – Danity Kane
7. Shake It – Metro Station
8. Love Story – Taylor Swift
9. When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls
10. I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry
11. Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna
12. Burnin’ Up – Jonas Brothers
13. Low – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain
14. Calabria – Enur featuring Natasja
15. Love Like This – Natasha Bedingfield and Sean Kingston
16. 7 Things – Miley Cyrus
17. Lollipop – Lil Wayne
18. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield
19. Circus – Britney Spears
20. Summertime – New Kids On The Block
21. Our Song- Taylor Swift
22. All Summer Long – Kid Rock
23. Closer – Ne-Yo
24. Viva La Vida – Coldplay
25. See You Again – Miley Cyrus
1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas
2. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
3. I Know You Want Me (Calle Oche) – Pitbull
4. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift
5. Lovegame – Lady Gaga
6. Don’t Trust Me – 3OH3!
7. Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink
8. Right Round – Flo-Rida
9. Poker Face – Lady Gaga
10. Goodbye – Kristinia Debarge
11. Say Hey – Evan Taubenfeld Michael Franti & Spearhead
12. New Divide – Linkin Park
13. The Climb – Miley Cyrus
14. Best I Ever had – Drake
15. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship Featuring Leighton Meester
16. Lucky – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet
17. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry
18. Paranoid – Jonas Brothers
19. Wanted – Jessie James
20. Fire Burning – Sean Kingston
21. Not Meant To Be – Theory of a Deadman
22. Love, Sex and Magic – Ciara & Justin Timberlake
23. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon
24. Day N Nite – Kid Cuti
25. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus (they let us learn the dance at res)
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valentinafm · 3 years
( cis woman / she/her  )     i thought i saw CINDY KIMBERLY walking down 5th avenue, but it was just VALENTINA PEREZ. you know, the TWENTY-TWO year old CAFÉ OWNER . they seemed to be feeling CONCERNED about the book announcement, it might be because they ARE expected to be featured in it. i’ve heard they are COMPASSIONATE and can also be IMPULSIVE, but the best way to describe them is LIPSTICK STAINS ON WINE GLASSES, THE SMELL OF RAIN IN THE AIR, BARE FEET IN THE MORNINGS, UNANSWERED TEXTS
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hello angels ! i’m cara, i go by she/her and i currently reside in the gmt+1 timezone. underneath the cut you’ll find some more information about valentina and some wc’s. she’s a new muse i came up with after a wild fever dream, so bare with me while i’m trying to figure her out asjhdsk ! give this sucker a like if you’d like to plot and i’ll smoothly slide into your im’s or message me on discord your local wine drunk bitch#7042
FULL NAME: valentina perez ( née lucía perez )
NICKNAMES: val, vale
FACE CLAIM: cindy kimberly
AGE: twenty-two
DATE OF BIRTH: april 25th, 1999
GENDER + PRONOUNS: cisfemale, she/her
OCCUPATION: owner of a small café
LOOSELY INSPIRED BY: serena van der woodsen ( gossip girl ), mia thermopolis ( the princess diaries ), peyton sawyer ( one tree hill )
valentina was born as lucía perez on the beautiful island of ibiza in the mediterrean sea - her mother, aulia perez, a receptionist at one of the many luxurious five stars hotels, her father, ricardo montesinos de cardona, the king of a small, but very rich, country that technically belongs to spain, but has it’s own ruler.
growing up, she had no idea that she was a “bastard child”. her parents had a quiet arrangement of monthly checks that would make sure the affair and her existence wouldn’t ever see the light of day and be known to the public.
safe to say she had a rather normal childhood - maybe some of her clothes were a little more expensive than the ones of her friends, but it had never been a big deal to her. she had never questioned her mother’s rather large income considering she was just working as a receptionist - half time now ever since lucía had been born. most of the money went into vacations that they took during school holidays, awakening lucía’s love for travelling and her free-spirited mind.
obviously, the daddy question was brought up at some point and continued to be brought up throughout the years - her mom’s answer always the same: “he was vacationing at the hotel i work at. he travels the world, so he really doesn’t have any time to get back to ibiza at the moment.” once lucía was older, the answer slightly changed into “i don’t know where he is, i don’t even have his phone number. but you and i are better off without him anyway.”
tw cancer, tw parental death !
at the age of 16 her mother got diagnosed with a severe kind of breast cancer. even though they tried every treatment possible, she passed away six months later, not only destroying lucía mentally, but also leaving her as an orphan, basically.
two days after the funeral, a black car with tinted windows showed up at her aunt’s house that she was currently staying at, requesting her to come with them to see her dad.
needless to say it completely blew her mind when she met him for the first time and she found out about her true heritage. even though he hadn’t been present in her life for sixteen years which had caused some daddy issues, it didn’t take them long to hit it off, many of her own character traits coming from him.
still, living at the palace made her feel uncomfortable. not because she didn’t get along with her half-siblings or anything. it just wasn’t her world.
shortly before her eighteenth birthday, her father announced to legitimize her, making her a princess, another heir to run for the crown if anything should happen to any of her older siblings.
a press conference was held the next day where she was introduced to the whole world as lucía montesinos de cardona, his daughter. questions about why he was only showing her now or how long he had known of her, how she personally felt to suddenly become a royal overwhelmed the young woman. lucía packed up her bags in the middle of the night and fled, ending up in nyc - a city she had always dreamed to live in.
two months after her eighteenth birthday and 600 missed calls from her dad later, after trying to hold her head above water with waitress jobs, she finally accepted the call. explaining the whole situation to him now that she was far away and some time had passed.
her father was surprisingly very understanding. and even though she refused to tell him about her whereabouts or anything else, she woke up to a large sum of money in her bank account the next day. but needless to say her running away caused a strain on their just freshly built relationship.
still, the checks keep on coming monthly ( just like they had to her mom ) and once she had turned twenty-one, she decided to purchase a small café in the village ( think some cozy parisian café in the corner of a street with baked goods and v good coffee ).
she decided to legally change her first name to valentina and take on her mother’s maiden name again to have a fresh start in the city and close the chapter of her past.
and even though she owns an apartment on the upper west side with a nice view of the central park now, and her bank account is full, money really isn’t something she cares about or identifies herself with. the source of it a well kept secret, just like her true identity.
tldr; basically found out she’s royal when she was sixteen, a “princess” who doesn’t wanna be one and doesn’t want anyone to know about it. she prefers to live a normal life and keeps her wealth and status a secret.
5  P O S I T I V E  T R A I T S
5  N E G A T I V E  T R A I T S
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
ride or die: the blair to her serena, the peyton to her brooke, basically any tv best friendship you can imagine. they met when valentina first got to nyc ( maybe drunkenly in the restroom of a bar complimenting each other’s outfits, maybe in central park both reading the same book, etc. ). valentina confides to them, cries to them, talks about anything and everything with them. they’re also the only person she met in nyc who knows about her “ royal status “.
first true love: her first year in nyc was everything but easy, but they made her feel a happiness she’d never felt before, she’d never been so in love, making her forget all the struggles she was dealing with. innocent, but she never told them her back story. still, they were her safe haven, her home. and even though they eventually outgrew each other with growing older and finding themselves, realizing that things just didn’t work out, she’ll always hold them dear to her heart.
a regular customer: they come in every single day to get their coffee at her place, usually finding valentina basically already waiting for them. maybe they flirt, maybe they’ve hooked up once, maybe they’re just talking about the weather and wishing each other a nice day once the coffee order is done.
squad: a group of people who are just really close and do lots of stupid shit together
ex- summer fling: they met on spanish soil while she was living there and they were vacationing. hooked up a few times, but they both knew nothing serious would come out of it. they know her as lucía and not as valentina
exes who ended on bad terms: two years into living in nyc, valentina struggled with a long lasting wave of sadness while she was with them, the pain of her mother’s passing catching up with her. she’s constantly pushed them away, even though they were completely supportive and there for her, but she closed herself off. she hurt them. there are still things that need to be said, probably still lingering feelings.
enemies with benefits: valentina and this person cannot stand each other, for whatever reason. however, there’s always flirty banter hidden beneath their conversations, which seamlessly transfers into the bedroom.
friends, roommates, customers, aquaintances, hook-ups, etc.
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tctianas · 3 years
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˖ ✧ — 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙙! TATIANA REYES from PENNBROOK UNIVERSITY! the TWENTY-ONE year old CIERRA RAMIREZ lookalike is known for being VIVACIOUS and DEBONAIR. but they can also be RECALCITRANT and PRESUMPTUOUS. the CIS FEMALE always reminds me of MAKING A FUCK YOU GESTURE AT AUTHORITIES, WINKING AT STRANGERS, and HIGH HEELS ECHOING IN AN EMPTY HALLWAY that’s probably why they currently have - ICY GRL BY SAWEETIE on repeat. with HER around, this school year is bound to be interesting. { queenie, 21+, est, cisfemale, she/her }
►  basics;
Full  Name:  Tatiana  Gabrielle  Reyes.
Age:  21.
Birthday:  2/12/2000.  
Sexual  Orientation:  Heterosexual.
Relationship  Status:  Single.
Religion:  Roman  Catholic.  
Occupation:  Full-Time  College  Student.  
Nationality:  American.
►  background;  
Place  of  Birth:  Miami,  FL.
Hometown:  Upper  East  Side,  NY.
Education:  Full-Time  College  Student.
►  physical;
Faceclaim:  Cierra  Ramirez.
Eye  Color:  Brown.
Hair  Color:  Brown.
Height:  5'1"
Weight:  51  kg.
Tattoos,  Birthmarks,  Scars,  etc:  1  tattoo  on  her  upper  arm  that  says  "la  vie  en  rose."  a  mole  on  the  left  side  of  her  temple  near  her  ear.  
►  relatives;  
Father’s  Full  Name:  Rafael  Eduardo  Reyes.
Father’s  FC:  Ricardo  Antonio  Chavira.  
Father’s  Status:  Married,  Imprisoned  for  embezzlement.  
Father’s  Occupation:  Ex  Business  man.  
Mother’s  Full  Name:    Gabriela  Inez  Rodriguez  Reyes.
Mother’s  FC:  Eva  Longoria.
Mother’s  Status:  Married,  Having  an  Affair.
Mother’s  Occupation:  Model.  
Siblings:  1 brother,  4 half siblings.
Sibling  1:  Javiar  Eduardo  Reyes. (diego tinoco)  (name  change  not  preferred, faceclaim non negotiable .)
Half-Sibling  1:  Sofia  Lucia  Reyes.  (name  change  allowed, fc must be mexican)
Half-Sibling  2:  Gabriel  Rafael  Reyes.  (name  change  allowed, fc must be mexican)
Half-Sibling  3:  Bibiana  Isabel  Reyes.  (name  change  not  perferred, fc must be mexican)
Half-Sibling  4:    Santiago  Miguel  Reyes.  (name  change  allowed, must be mexican)
Sibling's  FC's: all are negotiable as long as the fc is mexican, the only fc that is not negotiable is stated above. 
►  relationships;
Ex-Significant  Other(s):  jace  "jd"  davis.
Reason  for  Separation:  his  father  didn't  approve  of  her.
Current  Significant  Other:  n/a.
What  They  Look  For  In  Others:  she  likes  to  be  treated  like  a  princess.  she's  not  as  high  maintence  as  her  mother  but  she  does  demand  a  lot  of  attention.
►  personality;
Positive  Traits:  vivacious,  debonair,  gregarious.
Negative  Traits:  recalcitrant,  presumptuous,  stubborn.      
►  misc;
Hobbies:  shopping,  singing,  hanging  out  with  friends,  causing  and  getting  into  trouble,  partying.
Favorite  Movie:  breakfast  at  tiffanys  or  coyote  ugly.
Favorite  Book:  the  devil  wears  prada.
Favorite  Music  Artist:  saweetie,  her  go-to  is  hip  hop/rap,  pop,  and  r&b.
Favorite  Subject:  music.
Pets:  n/a.  
she  was  born  in  miami,  florida  while  her  parents  were  vacationing.
she  has  five  siblings,  one full brother,  and  four  half  siblings. one half sister, and three half-brothers
she  grew  up  on  the  upper  east  side  of  New  York,  her  mother  is  a  retired  model,  and  her  father  is  an  ex  business  man.
she's  never  had  the  best  example  when  it  comes  to  relationships,  her  parents  have  remarried  twice  and  both  of  been  married  to  other  people, which is how she has half siblings.
her  father  is  currently  in  jail  for  embezzlement.  
she  has  a  personality  similar  to  blair  waldorf  (not  as  mean),  brooke  davis,  (not  as  nice)  and  a  temper  like  santana  from  glee.
she  was  always  popular  when  it  came  to  school,  known  as  a  social  butterfly  in  the  hallways.
she's  not  the  nicest  person  but  she  cares  about  the  people  that  mean  something  to  her.
still  in  love  with  her  high  school  sweetheart  jace  davis.
best  friends  with  juliana  santos and audrina choi.
her  mother  is  very  high  maintance  and  has  put  pressure  on  tatiana  her  whole  life  as  she  was  the  most  popular  one  out  of  her  three  daughter's.
she's  a  daddy's  girl.
extremely  protective  over  her  brother,  has  a  special  bond  with  him.
enjoys  fashion  but  as  potential  careers  go  she's  currently  majoring  in  performance  arts  and  music.
dreams  of  becoming  a  recording  artist.
popular  with  the  boys,  girls  are  usually  envious  of  her.  she's  broken  many  hearts.
has  only  had  one  relationship,  unless  she  gets  back  together  with  jd  she  has  no  desire  to  be  in  another  one.
when  it  comes  to  following  the  rules  she  is  hell  bent  on  making  her  own,  she's  used  her  money  and  parents  influence  in  the  past  to  get  out  of  trouble  at  school.
not  the  smartest  but  she's  not  dumb  either.  
likes  to  party,  drinks  and  has  experimented  with  drugs  (like  lsd..  etc)
i  might  add  more  if  I  think  of  anything.  <3
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ieatsurveys · 4 years
Popular Songs of the Early 2000s [xspinningisfun – keep tag on <3]
Bold the ones that you know of!
2000 1.Who Let The Dogs Out? -Baha Men 2. All The Small Things -Blink 182 3. Amazed -Lonestar 4. Oops, I Did It Again -Britney Spears 5. Graduation -Vitamin C 6. Bye, Bye, Bye -N*Sync 7. Independent Woman -Destiny’s Child 8. Let’s Make Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill 9. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 4000 10. I Turn To You – Christina Aguilera 11. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden 12. It’s My Life – Bon Jovi 13. Breathe – Faith Hill 14. Shake Your Bon-Bon – Ricky Martin 15. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65 16. Goobye Earl – Dixie Chicks 17. Let’s Get Married – Jagged Edge 18. The Bad Touch – Bloodhound Gang 19. The Real Slim Shady – Eminem 20. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child 21. It’s Gonna Be Me – N*Sync 22. Party Up – DMX 23. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber 24. Country Grammar – Nelly 25. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) – Aaron Carter
2001 1. Hanging By A Moment -Lifehouse 2. Allin’ -Alicia Keys 3. All For You -Janet 4. If You’re Gone -Matchbox Twenty 5. I’M Real -Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule 6. Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) -Train 7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind  -Eve ft. Gwen Stefani 8. Thank You  -Dido 9. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!)  -Blu Cantrell 10. Independent Women Part I -Destiny’s Child 11. Again  -Lenny Kravitz 12. It’S Been Awhile  -Staind 13. Stutter  -Joe ft. Mystikal 14. It Wasn’T Me’  -Shaggy ft. Ricardo “RikRok” Ducent 15. U Remind Me  -Usher 16. Where The Party At  -Jagged Edge With Nelly 17. Angel  -Shaggy Featuring Rayvon 18. Ride Wit Me  -Nelly Featuring City Spud 19. Peaches & Cream  -112 20. Follow Me  -Uncle Kracker 21. Drive  -Incubus 22. What Would You Do?  -Alicia Keys 23. Survivor  -Destiny’s Child 24. Lady Marmalade  -Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink 25. Ms. Jackson  -OutKast
2002 1. A Moment Like This – Kelly Clarkson 2. Hot In Herre – Nelly 3. Complicated – Avril Lavigne 4. Girlfriend – N Sync & Nelly 5. Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne 6. Can’t Fight The Moonlight – LeAnn Rimes 7. Dirrty – Christina Aguilera 8. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton 9. Heaven – DJ Sammy 10. Gimme The Light – Sean Paul 11. The World’s Greatest – R Kelly 12. Jenny From The Block – Jennifer Lopez Featuring Jadakiss & Styles 13. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) – Toby Keith 14. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch 15. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue 16. The Game Of Love – Santana Featuring Michelle Branch 17. Young’n (Holla Back) – Fabolous 18. She Hates Me – Puddle Of Mudd 19. Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold Featuring Shifty Shellshock 20. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World 21. Say I Yi Yi – Ying Yang Twins 22. Just A Friend 2002 – Mario 23. Hey Baby – No Doubt and Bounty Killer 24. Work It – Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott 25. U Don’t Have To Call – Usher
2003 1. In Da Club -50 Cent 2. Crazy in Love -Beyonce w. Jay-Z 3. Get Busy -Sean Paul 4. When I’m Gone -Three Doors Down 5. Ignition -R Kelly 6. Baby Boy -Beyonce w. Sean Paul 7. This is the Night -Clay Aiken 8. Bring Me To Life -Evanescence 9. Right Thurr -Chingy 10. Unwell -Matchbox Twenty 11. Picture -Kid Rock w. Sheryl Crow 12. Drift Away -Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray 13. Get Low -Lil’ John & The East Side Boyz 14. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera 15. I’m With You -Avril Lavigne 16. Miss You -Aalyiah 17. 21 Questions -50 Cent & Nate Dogg 18. Shake Ya Tailfeather Nelly -P. Diddy and Murphy Lee 19. All I Have -Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J 20. I Know What You Want -Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey 21. Magic Stick -Lil’ Kim w. 50 Cent 22. Bump Bump Bump -B2K and P. Diddy 23. Flying Without Wings -Ruben Studdard 24. Here Without You -3 Doors Down 25. Work It -Missy Elliot
2004 1. Yeah! -Usher 2. Burn -Usher 3. This Love -Maroon 5 4. The Way You Move -Outkast 5. If I Ain’t Got You -Alecia Keys 6. Hey Ya! -Outkast 7. I Don’t Wanna Know -Mario Winans 8. The Reason -Hoobastank 9. Confessions Part II -Usher 10. My Immortal -Evanescence 11. Naughty Girl -Beyonce 12. Let’s Get It Started -Black Eyed Peas 13. My Boo -Usher and Alecia Keys 14. She Will Be Loved -Maroon 5 15. The First Cut Is the Deepest -Sheryl Crow 16. Toxic -Britney Spears 17. Someday -Nickelback 18. I Believe -Fantasia 19. Breakaway -Kelly Clarkson 20. Slow Jamz -Twista 21. Dirt Off Your Shoulder -Jay-Z 22. Freak-A-Leek -Petey Pablo 23. The Way -Clay Aiken 24. Numb -Linkin’ Park 25. Dip It Low -Christina Milian
2005 1. We Belong Together -Mariah Carey 2. Let Me Love You -Mario 3. Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson 4. Hollaback Girl -Gwen Stefani 5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -Greenday 6. Don’t Cha -The Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes 7. Candy Shop -50 Cent 8. 1, 2, Step -Ciara and Missy Elliot 9. Gold Digger -Kanye West 10. Don’t Phunk With My Heart -The Black Eyed Peas 11. Drop It Like It’s Hot -Snoop Dogg 12. Shake It Off -Mariah Carey 13. Disco Inferno -50 Cent 14. Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson 15. Beverly Hills -Weezer 16. Just a Lil Bit -50 Cent 17. Lose Control -Missy Elliot 18. How We Do -The Game & 50 Cent 19. You & Me -Lifehouse 20. Soldier -Destiny’s Child 21. Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani 22. Mr. Brightside -The Killers 23. Oh -Ciara and Ludacris 24. Pon De Replay -Rihanna 25. Hate It Or Love It -The Game and 50 Cent
2006 1. Sexyback – Justin Timberlake 2. Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean 3. Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland 4. Everytime We Touch – Cascada 5. Temperature – Sean Paul 6. S.O.S. – Rihanna 7. Beep – Pussy Cat Dolls 8. Waiting On The World To Change – John Mayer 9. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas 10. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt 11. Maneater – Nelly Furtado 12. Single – Natasha Bedingfield 13. What Hurts the Most – Rascall Flatts 14. Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It – Dem Franchise Boys 15. Walk Away – Kelly Clarkson 16. It’s Goin’ Down – Young Joc 17. Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy 18. Smack That – Akon & Eminem 19. I Write Songs, Not Tragedies – Panic! At the Disco 20. We’re All In This Together – High School Musical Cast 21. Ms. New Booty – Bubba Sparx 22. How To Save A Life – The Fray 23. Rompe – Daddy Yankee 24. Check On It – Beyonce Featuring Slim Thugg 25. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
2007 1. The Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani & Akon 2. Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne 3. Irreplaceable -Beyonce 4. Before He Cheats -Carrie Underwood 5. Crank Dat -Soulja Boy 6. Rehab -Amy Winehouse 7. Umbrella -Rhianna 8. Hey There Delilah -Plain White T’s 9. Glamorous -Fergie 10. I Wanna Luv U -Akon 11. Bubbly -Colbie Caillat 12. Walk It Out -Unk 13. Don’t Matter -Akon 14. Fergalicious -Fergie 15. Lip Gloss -Lil Mama 16. Candyman -Christina Aguilera 17. Break It Off -Rhianna 18. S.O.S. -Jonas Brothers 19. Stronger -Kanye West 20. Thks Fr Th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy 21. Pop, Lock and Drop It -Huey 22. Shut Up and Drive -Rhianna 23. Because of You -Ne-Yo 24. Home -Daughtry 25. Tattoo -Jordan Sparks
2008 1. So What – Pink 2. Just Dance – Lady Gaga 3. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney 4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz 5. Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects 6. Damaged – Danity Kane 7. Shake It – Metro Station 8. Love Story – Taylor Swift 9. When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls 10. I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry 11. Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna 12. Burnin’ Up – Jonas Brothers 13. Low – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain 14. Calabria – Enur featuring Natasja 15. Love Like This – Natasha Bedingfield and Sean Kingston 16. 7 Things – Miley Cyrus 17. Lollipop – Lil Wayne 18. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield 19. Circus – Britney Spears 20. Summertime – New Kids On The Block 21. Our Song- Taylor Swift 22. All Summer Long – Kid Rock 23. Closer – Ne-Yo 24. Viva La Vida – Coldplay 25. See You Again – Miley Cyrus
2009 1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas 2. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas 3. I Know You Want Me (Calle Oche) – Pitbull 4. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift 5. Lovegame – Lady Gaga 6. Don’t Trust Me – 3OH3! 7. Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink 8. Right Round – Flo-Rida 9. Poker Face – Lady Gaga 10. Goodbye – Kristinia Debarge 11. Say Hey – Evan Taubenfeld Michael Franti & Spearhead 12. New Divide – Linkin Park 13. The Climb – Miley Cyrus 14. Best I Ever had – Drake 15. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship Featuring Leighton Meester 16. Lucky – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet 17. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry 18. Paranoid – Jonas Brothers 19. Wanted – Jessie James 20. Fire Burning – Sean Kingston 21. Not Meant To Be – Theory of a Deadman 22. Love, Sex and Magic – Ciara & Justin Timberlake 23. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon 24. Day N Nite – Kid Cuti 25. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus
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arrowsjusticeleague · 4 years
Ranking the Arrowverse Main Villains based on my stupidity (not all of them tho cause I cba)
22. Ben Lockwood | Agent Liberty - cute but racist. -infinity/10
21. Lex Luthor - ugly as fuck. No redeeming qualities. -1000000000000/10
19. Non - a little bitch. Astra totally pegged him. Without her he's just fucking useless. -200/10
18. Zoom - a sleaze. Just gross. Can't deal. -127/10
17. Vandal Savage - just kinda boring -70/10
16. Emiko Queen - beautiful, but a poor Backstory. Like, get some real justification for ur crimes. Or don't, just be a badass murderous gal with absolutely no reason. Did neither of these, didn't really work. 0/10
15. Ricardo Diaz - the DUFF of the Arrow villains. 0/10, only ranked higher than emiko cause he has some sick tats
14. Anti Monitor - wrinkly, old, rotten, shrinking for eternity, scumbag 0.001/10 killed my fave
13. Mom-el i can never remember her fucking name 0.002/10
12. Malcolm Merlyn | The Dark Archer - cool, but in like a granddad kinda way. One of those gay guys who's so repressed they become homophobic, but like, about murder instead. 0.272781/10
11. Savitar - stupid. Like really fucking stupid. Only became a villain cause his past self failed to save his fiance from being killed by himself. Wtf are u doing, dude? Get a hold of ur life. 4/10
10. Nemon the Demon - 5/10 hot but wouldn't fuck.
9. Racy ghoul - powerful, kinda doesn't have a motive, manages to ruin arrow s3 part 2 by killing ollie in 3x09, successful career . 5.99999/10
8. Devoe wtf is his name again - smart, not a speedster and faces barry , nothing without his wife. 6/10
7. Mollusc?? - managed to hold his own against Our Lord And Saviour Beebo for a little while. Successful villain. 9.5/10
6. Reign - could step on me whenever she wanted. 10/10
5. Red Alice/Beth Kane - id be gay for her. A murderous bitch, but cool. 99/10
4. Damien Darhk - an asshole, but manages to look good doing it. Killed my fave, so minus points for that, but a total daddy even so. Actually kinda redeemable, so uh idk... 99.00001/10
3.5. Black Siren weeeeoooweeeoooo - not always a villain so only 3.5 but she's gorgeous and amazing and honestly u go honey go achieve ur dreams. Amazing, 100/10.
3. Slade Wilson | Deathstroke -I just think he's neat. 2500/10
2. Eobard Thawne/"Harrison Wells" | The Reverse Flash - has good motives, complicated Backstory. Air of mystery, we don't know a lot about him but we do know he's having the time of his life. 9999/10
1. Adrian Chase | Prometheus - extra™, a whole ass mood, iconic, drama queen. Wins at life and death. 100000/10
(Also plz read tags lmao this aint a serious post)
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Goodbye to the Decade: Aesthetic Series
3) Songs
After the series and the books, in this week here are 9 fragments of songs that I liked this decade, since I know that there aren’t so many spanish speakers between you, here is a translation of what the central song says “If there is nothing left to talk about, if there is nothing left to shut up, how can it hurt so much?” is Diciembre by La Oreja De Van Gogh
Like the previous posts in the series a keep reading it’s here, because warning here is the full list of all the songs that I have from this decade, and when I say all of them I mean all of them.No Particular order in them. Congratulations if you make till the end, if not, well I can’t blame you xD
Mirrors by Justin Timberlake 2013
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons 2012
Demons by Imagine Dragons 2012
Counting Stars by OneRepublic 2013
Really Really by Winner 2017
Russian Roulette by Red Velvet 2016
Troublemaker by Troublemaker 2011
Mean by Taylor Swift 2010
Better Than Revenge by Taylor Swift 2010
We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift 2012
I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift 2012
All Too Well by Taylor Swift 2012
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift 2014
Blank Space by Taylor Swift 2014
Bad Blood by Taylor Swift 2014
Look What You Make Me Do by Taylor Swift 2017
You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift 2019
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift 2019
The Man by Taylor Swift 2019
Closer by The Chainsmokers & Halsey 2016
Sad Girls by Melo Moreno 2018
Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish 2016
Bellyache by Billie Eilish 2017
Hostage by Billie Eilish 2017
My Boy by Billie Eilish 2017
Bad Guy by Billie Eilish 2019
You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish 2019
My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish 2019
Ilomilo by Billie Eilish 2019
Pump Up Kicks by Foster The People 2010
Burn by Ellie Goulding 2013
Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars 2010
Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars 2010
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars 2010
Grenade by Bruno Mars 2011
Locked Out Of Heaven by Bruno Mars 2012
When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars 2012
Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson 2011
Stitches by Shawn Mendes 215
Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes 2016
Señorita by Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello 2019
Born This Way by Lady Gaga 2011
Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by P!nk 2012
Elastic Heart by Sia 2013
Cheap Thrills by Sia & Sean Paul 2016
Up In The Air by 30 Seconds To Mars 2013
Gangnam Style by PSY 2012
Daddy by PSY 2015
Voodoo Doll by VIXX 2013
When Can I See You Again by Owl City 2012
Uza by AKB48 2012
Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande 2014
Into You by Ariana Grande 2015
Side To Side by Ariana Grande 2016
Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande 2018
Love The Way You Lie by Eminem & Rihanna 2010
The Monster by Eminem & Rihanna 2013
Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa 2016
Only Girl (In The World) by Rihanna 2010
Rude Boy by Rihanna 2010
All Of Me by John Legend 2013
No Need To Talk by C-Luv 2014
Papercut by Zedd & Troye Sivan 2015
Misery by Maroon 5 2010
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera 2011
Payphone by Maroon 5 2012
One More Night by Maroon 5 2012
Lucky Strike by Maroon 5 2012
The Man Who Never Lied by Maroon 5 2012
Animals by Maroon 5 2014
Maps by Maroon 5 2014
Sugar by Maroon 5 2015
Lips On You by Maroon 5 2017
Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots 2015
Ride by Twenty One Pilots 2015
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots 2016
Chlorine by Twenty One Pilots 2018
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry 2010
Firework by Katy Perry 2010
Corazón En La Maleta by Luis Fonsi 2014
Lego House by Ed Sheeran 2011
Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran 2014
Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran 2017
I Want You To Know by Zedd & Selena Gomez 2015
Burning In The Skies by Linkin Park 2010
Waiting For The End by Linkin Park 2010
Iridescent by Linkin Park 2010
The Catalyst by Linkin Park 2010
Lost In The Echo by Linkin Park 2012
In My Remains by Linkin Park 2012
Burn It Down by Linkin Park 2012
Lies Greed Misery by Linkin Park 2012
I’ll Be Gone by Linkin Park 2012
Castle Of Glass by Linkin Park 2012
Victimized by Linkin Park 2012
Skin To Bone by Linkin Park 2012
Powerless by Linkin Park 2012
A Light That Never Comes by Steve Aoki & Linkin Park 2013
Guilty All The Same by Linkin Park 2014
War by Linkin Park 2014
Wastelands by by Linkin Park 2014
Until It’s Gone by Linkin Park 2014
Rebellion by Linkin Park 2014
Final Masquerade by Linkin Park 2014
Darker Than Blood by Steve Aoki & Linkin Park 2015
Nobody Can Save Me by Linkin Park 2017
Good Goodbye by Linkin Park & Pusha T & Stormzy 2017
Talking To Myself by Linkin Park 2017
Battle Symphony by Linkin Park 2017
Invisible by Linkin Park 2017
Heavy by Linkin Park & Kiiara 2017
Sorry For Now by Linkin Park 2017
Halfway Right by Linkin Park 2017
One More Light by Linkin Park 2017
Sharp Edges by Linkin Park 2017
50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train 2012
60’s Cardin by Glen Check 2011
Paint It Gold by Glen Check 2013
I’ve Got This Feeling by Glen Check 2013
Ain’t My Fault by Zara Larsson 2016
Oh Nana by K.A.R.D 2016
Solo by Jay Park 2015
Mommae by Jay Park & Ugly Duck 2015
Me Like Yuh by Jay Park & Hoody 2016
All I Wanna Do by Jay Park & Hoody & Loco 2016
Teardrops by Emmelie De Forest 2013
Calm After The Storm by The Common Linnets 2014
Tonight Again by Guy Sebastian 2014
Golden Boy by Nadav Guedj 2015
Goodbye To Yesterday by Elina Born & Stig Rästa 2015
Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw 2015
Alter Ego by Minus One 2016
Occidentalis Karma by Francesco Gabbani 2017
Fuego by Eleni Foureira 2018
Bboom Bboom by Momoland 2018
Cool For The Summer by Demi Lovato 2015
Solo by Clean Bandit &  Demi Lovato 2018
Busted by Electroboyz & C-Luv 2013
MaBoy 3 by Electroboyz & Nana 2013
Lo Malo by Aitana & Ana Guerra 2018
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) by Fall Out Boy 2013)
Centuries by Fall Out Boy 2014
Immortals by Fall Out Boy 2014
Closer by Oh My Girl 2015
Control by Halsey 2015
Graveyard by Halsey 2016
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Backstreet Boys 2018
Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man 2017
Venus by Hello Venus 2012
Do You Want Some Tea by Hello Venus 2013
I’m Ill by Hello Venus 2015
Wiggle Wiggle by Hello Venus 2015
La La La by Naughty Boy & Sam Smith 2013
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay & Beyonce 2015
Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld 2015
Female Robbery by The Neighbourhood 2012
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood 2013
Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood 2015
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood 2015
Go Crazy! by 2PM 2014
Playboy by EXO 2015
Monster by EXO 2016 
One Woman Army by Porcelain Black 2014
Need You Now by Lady Antebellum 2010
Just A Kiss Goodnight by Lady Antebellum 2011 
Little Apple by Chopstick Brothers 2014
Handclap by Fitz And The Tantrums 2016
Hann by (G)I-DLE 2018 
Youngblood by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2018
Easier by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2019
Teeth by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2019
Pretty Woman by Hebe Tien 2015
Fiction by Highlight 2011
Good Luck by Highlight 2014
Impermeable by Ha*Ash 2011
Lo Aprendí De Ti by Ha*Ash 2014
Peligro by Reik 2011
Que Ganó Olvidándote by Reik 2016
Spanglish by Reik 2016
Ya Me Enteré by Reik 2016
Barbie De Extrarradio by Melendi 2010
Canción De Amor Caducada by Melendi 2010
Lágrimas Desordenadas by Melendi 2012
Cheque Al Portamor by Melendi 2012
Tocado y Hundido by Melendi 2014
Otro Lío De Melendi by Melendi 2014
La Casa No Es Igual by Melendi 2016
Sor María by Maná 2011
Mayday by Oran-G 2011
Mi Novia Se Me Está Poniendo Vieja by Ricardo Arjona 2011
Lo Poco Que Tengo by Ricardo Arjona 2014
La Niña Que Llora En Tus Fiestas by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2011
Cometas Por El Cielo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2011
El Primer Día Del Resto De Mi Vida by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2013
Estoy Contigo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Diciembre by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Verano by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Camino De Tú Corazón by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Intocables by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
No Vales Más Que Yo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Cuando Menos Lo Merezca by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Mi Pequeño Gran Valiente by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Siempre by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Bang! by After School 2010
Love Love Love by After School 2010
Someone Is You by After School 2010
Let’s Step Up by After School 2011
Shampoo by After School 2011
Virgin by After School 2011
Play Ur Love by After School 2011
Dream by After School 2011
Are You Doing Ok? by After School 2011
Funky Man by After School 2011
Into The Night Sky by After School 2011
Hollywood by After School 2011
Wonderboy by After School 2011
Lady by After School 2011
Ready To Love by After School 2011
Love Letter by After School & Son Dambi & Minhyun & Baekho & Xiyeon 2011
Rambling Girls by After School 2012
Broken Heart by After School 2012
Just In Time by After School 2012
Gimme Love by After School 2012
Miss Futuristic by After School 2012
Tell Me by After School 2012
Rip Off by After School 2012
Flashback by After School 2012
Eyeline by After School 2012
Wristwatch by After School 2012
8 Hot Girl by After School 2013
First Love by After School 2013
Dressing Room by After School 2013
Time’s Up by After School 2013
Love Beat by After School 2013
Heaven by After School 2013
Crazy Driver by After School 2013
Shh by After School 2014
Rock It! by After School 2014
Week by After School 2014
Dress To Kill by After School 2014
Ms. Independent by After School 2014
Triangle by After School 2014
Yes No Yes by After School 2014
In The Moonlight by After School 2014
Spotlight by After School 2014
Lucky Girl by After School 2014
Shine by After School 2015
Magic Girl by Orange Caramel 2010
Aing~♥ by Orange Caramel 2010
One Love by Orange Caramel 2010
Bangkok City by Orange Caramel 2011
Shanghai Romance by Orange Caramel 2011
Close Your Eyes by Orange Caramel 2011
Funny Hunny by Orange Caramel 2011
Yashashii Akuma by Orange Caramel 2012
Bubble Bath by Orange Caramel 2012
Milkshake by Orange Caramel 2012
Lipstick by Orange Caramel 2012
Lamu No Love Song by Orange Caramel 2012
Dashing Through The Snow In High Heels by Orange Caramel & NU’EST 2012
Cookie, Cream & Mint by by Orange Caramel 2013
Tenshi No Wink by Orange Caramel 2013
Red Shoes by Orange Caramel 2013
Catallena by Orange Caramel 2014
So Sorry by Orange Caramel 2014
Cried Uncontrollably by Orange Caramel 2014
Abing Abing by Orange Caramel 2014
My Copycat by Orange Caramel 2014
The Gangnam Avenue by Orange Caramel 2014
Tonight by Orange Caramel 2014
Reminding Me by Shawn Hook & Vanessa Hudgens 2017
Lay With Me by The Phantoms & Vanessa Hudgens 2018
Y by MBLAQ 2010
One Better Day by MBLAQ 2010
Running & Running by MBLAQ 2010
Sad Memories by MBLAQ 2011
Stay by MBLAQ 2011
Cry by MBLAQ 2011
Wish You Hadn’t by MBLAQ 2011
Mona Lisa by MBLAQ 2011
I Don’t Know by MBLAQ 2011
Baby U! by MBLAQ 2011
Again by MBLAQ 2011
It’s War by MBLAQ 2012
Hello My Ex by MBLAQ 2012
Run by MBLAQ 2012
100% by MBLAQ 2012
Sexy Beat by MBLAQ 2013
Smoky Girl by MBLAQ 2013
R U OK? by MBLAQ 2013
Celebrate by MBLAQ 2013
Pretty Girl by MBLAQ 2013
Dress Up by MBLAQ 2013
No Love by MBLAQ 2013
Broken by MBLAQ 2014
Be A Man by MBLAQ 2014
Key by MBLAQ 2014
Because There Are Two by MBLAQ 2014
Mirror by MBLAQ 2015
Hey U by MBLAQ 2015
I Know U Want Me by MBLAQ 2015
Tea Party by Kerli 2010
Army Of Love by Kerli 2011
Zero Gravity by Kerli 2012
The Lucky Ones by Kerli 2012
Last Breath by Kerli 2012
Sugar by Kerli 2013
Savages by Kerli 2018
Legends by Kerli 2019
Oh! by Girl’s Generation 2010
Run Devil Run by Girl’s Generation 2010
Hoot by Girl’s Generation 2010
Mr. Taxi by Girl’s Generation 2011
Trick by Girl’s Generation 2011
Paparazzi by Girl’s Generation 2012
Flower Power by Girl’s Generation 2012
Animal by Girl’s Generation 2012
Mr. Mr. by Girl’s Generation 2014
Lucifer by SHINee 2010
Sherlock by SHINee 2011
Dazzling Girl by SHINee 2012
Dream Girl by SHINee 2013
View by SHINee 2015
Dark Star by Jaymes Young 2013
Two More Minutes by Jaymes Young 2013
Moondust by Jaymes Young 2013
Running On Fumes by Jaymes Young 2013
As Long As You Love Me by Jaymes Young 2013
Habits Of My Heart by Jaymes Young 2014
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young 2014
What Should I Do by Jaymes Young 2014
Sugar Burn by Jaymes Young 2017
Black Magic by Jaymes Young 2017
Infinity by Jaymes Young 2017
Paradox by Jaymes Young 2019
Bonamana by Super Junior 2010
Boom Boom by Super Junior 2010
My Only Girl by Super Junior 2010
Shake It Up! by Super Junior 2010
My All Is In You by Super Junior 2010
Good Person by Super Junior 2010
No Other by Super Junior 2010
Perfection by Super Junior M 2011
Off My Mind by Super Junior M 2011
Mr. Simple by Super Junior 2011
Opera by Super Junior 2011
Feels Good by Super Junior 2011
A-CHA by Super Junior 2011
Sexy, Free & Single by Super Junior 2012
From U by Super Junior 2012
Butterfly by Super Junior 2012
Break Down by Super Junior  M 2013
I Wanna Dance by Super Junior D&E 2013
Mamacita by Super Junior 2014
Evanesce by Super Junior 2014
Shirt by Super Junior 2014
This Is Love by Super Junior 2014
Can You Feel It? by Super Junior D&E 2015
Devil by Super Junior 2015
Magic by Super Junior 2015
Black Suit by Super Junior 2017
Love Song by Rain 2010
Hip Song by Rain 2010
Same by Rain & C-Luv 2010
Busan Girl by Rain 2011
30 Sexy by Rain 2013
La Song by Rain 2013 
Marilyn Monroe by Rain 2013
Baby by Rain 2013
Superman by Rain 2013
Face by NU’EST 2012
Action by NU’EST 2012
Not Over You by NU’EST 2012
Hello by NU’EST 2013
Beautiful Solo by NU’EST 2013
Sleep Talking by NU’EST 2013
Good Bye Bye by NU’EST 2014
I’m Bad by NU’EST 2015
Overcome by NU’EST 2016
My Heaven by NU’EST 2016
In Fact by NU’EST 2016
R.L.T.L (Real Love True Love) by NU’EST 2016
Love Paint by NU’EST 2016
Look (A Starlight Night) by NU’EST 2016
Just One Day by NU’EST W 2017
Where You At by NU’EST W 2017
Paradise by NU’EST W 2017
Good Love by NU’EST W 2017
With by NU’EST W 2017
I’ve Been Happy Till Now by NU’EST W 2017
Dejavu by NU’EST W 2018
Signal by NU’EST W 2018
Polaris by NU’EST W 2018
YlenoL by NU’EST W 2018
Gravity&Moon by NU’EST W 2018
Shadow by NU’EST W 2018
Bet Bet by NU’EST 2019
Bass by NU’EST 2019
Different by NU’EST 2019
Universe by NU’EST 2019
Shining Diamond by Seventeen 2015
Adore U by Seventeen 2015
Jam Jam by Seventeen 2015
20 by Seventeen 2015
Fronting by Seventeen 2015
Mansae by Seventeen 2015
OMG by Seventeen 2015
Rock by Seventeen 2015
Pretty U by Seventeen 2016
Nice by Seventeen 2016
Healing by Seventeen 2016
Simple by Seventeen 2016
Boom Boom by Seventeen 2016
Highlight by Seventeen 2016
My I by Seventeen 2017
Clap by Seventeen 2017
Sweet Dream by MFBTY 2013
The Cure by MFBTY 2013
Angel by MFBTY 2014
Buckubucku by MFBTY & EE & Dino-J & RM 2015
Bang Diggy Bang Bang by MFBTY 2015
Fly Like An Eagle by MFBTY 2015
Forever Love by Min Kyung Hoon 2019
My Everything by Han Seung Hee 2019
Take Out My Heart by Jung Dong Ha 2019
Empty by JYJ 2010
Be My Girl by JYJ 2010
Get Out by JYJ 2011
Mission by JYJ 2011
Only One by JYJ 2013
Back Seat by JYJ 2014
Letting Go by JYJ 2014
Baboboy by JYJ 2014
Valentine by JYJ 2014
One Kiss by Jaejoong 2013
Mine by Jaejoong 2013
Kiss B by Jaejoong 2013
Just Another Girl by Jaejoong 2013
Good Morning Night by Jaejoong 2016
Drawer by Jaejoong 2016
Love You More by Jaejoong 2016
Love You To Death by Jaejoong 2016
Welcome To My Wild World by Jaejoong 2016
All That Glitters by Jaejoong 2016
Tarantallegra by Xiah & Flowsik 2012
Incredible by Xiah & Quincy 2013
OeO by Xiah 2015
Stylo by Gorillaz & Mos Def & Bobby Womack 2010
On Melancholy by Hill Gorillaz 2010
To Binge by Gorillaz & Yukimi Nagano 2010
Detroit by Gorillaz 2010
Doncamatic by Gorillaz & Daley 2010
DoYaThing by Gorillaz & Andre 3000 & James Murphy2012
Ascension by Gorillaz & Vince Staples 2017
Strobelite by Gorillaz & Peven Everett 2017
Staturnz Barz by Gorillaz & Popcaan 2017
Moments by Gorillaz & De La Soul 2017
Submission by Gorillaz & Danny Brown & Kelela 2017
Charger by Gorillaz & Grace Jones 2017
Andromeda by Gorillaz & D.R.A.M 2017
Busted And Blue by Gorillaz 2017
Let Me Out by Gorillaz & Mavis Staples & Pusha T 2017
She’s My Collar by Gorillaz & Kali Uchis 2017
We Got The Power by Gorillaz & Jehnny Beth & Noel Gallagher 2017
The Apprentice by Gorillaz & Rag’n’Bone Man & Zebra Katz & Ray BLK 2017
Out Of Body by Gorillaz & Kilo Kish & Zebra Katz & Imani Vonshà 2017
Ticker Tape by Gorillaz & Carly Simon & Kali Uchis 2017
Time In A Tree by Raleigh Ritchie 2018
Inevitable by Dulce Maria 2010
Luna by Dulce Maria 2010
Dicen by Dulce Maria 2011
Antes Que Ver El Sol by Dulce Maria 2014
Te Quedarás by Dulce Maria & Frankie J 2014
Cementerio De Los Corazones Rotos by Dulce Maria 2014
O Lo Haces Tú O Lo Hago Yo by Dulce Maria 2014
Un Minuto Sin Dolor by Dulce Maria 2017
Rompecorazones by Dulce Maria 2017
No Sé Llorar by Dulce Maria 2017
Catch Me by TVXQ 2012
Humanoids by TVXQ 2012
Something by TVXQ 2014
The Chance Of Love by TVXQ 2018
Something by Girl’s Day 2014
Bubble Pop by Hyuna 2011
Make It Happen by Namie Amuro & After School 2011
Hands On Me by Namie Amuro 2013
Neonlight Lipstick by Namie Amuro 2013
We Don’t Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez 2016
Attention by Charlie Puth 2017
How Long by Charlie Puth 2017
Done For Me by Charlie Puth & Kehlani 2018
The Way I Am by Charlie Puth 2018
LA Girls by Charlie Puth 2018
Slow It Down by Charlie Puth 2018
Empty Cups by Charlie Puth 2018
I Warned Myself by Charlie Puth 2019
Mother by Charlie Puth 2019
Cheating On You by Charlie Puth 2019
Candy by Robbie Williams 2012
We Are Bulletproof Pt.2 by BTS 2013
No More Dream by BTS 2013
N.O by BTS 2013
If I Ruled The World by BTS 2013
Coffee by BTS 2013
Attack On Bangtan by BTS 2013
Boy In Luv by BTS 2014
Just One Day by BTS 2014
Tomorrow by BTS 2014
Spine Breaker by BTS 2014
Jump by BTS 2014
Miss Right by BTS 2014
Danger by BTS 2014
War Of Hormone by BTS 2014
Let Me Know by BTS 2014
Cypher Pt. 3: Killer by BTS 2014
Blanket Kick by BTS 2014
2nd Grade by BTS 2014
Look Here by BTS 2014
I Need U by BTS 2015
Dope by BTS 2015
Boyz With Fun by BTS 2015
Converse High by BTS 2015
Run by BTS 2015
Butterfly by BTS 2015
Whalien 52 by BTS 2015
Ma City by BTS 2015
Baepsae by BTS 2015
House Of Cards by BTS 2015
Fire by BTS 2016
Save Me by BTS 2016
Young Forever by BTS 2016
Boy Meets Evil by BTS 2016
Blood, Sweat & Tears by BTS 2016
Begin by BTS 2016
Reflection by BTS 2016
MAMA by BTS 2016
Lost by BTS 2016
Cypher 4 by BTS 2016
Am I Wrong by BTS 2016
21st Century Girl by BTS 2016
Wings by BTS 2016
Spring Day by BTS 2017
Not Today by BTS 2017
You Never Walk Alone by BTS 2017
Serendipity by BTS 2017
DNA by BTS 2017
Best Of Me by BTS & The Chainsmokers 2017
Dimples by BTS 2017
Pied Piper by BTS 2017
MIC Drop by BTS 2017
Go Go by BTS 2017
Fake Love by BTS 2018
134340 by BTS 2018
Paradise by BTS 2018
Love Maze by BTS 2018
Airplane Pt.2 by BTS 2018
Anpanman by BTS 2018
So What by BTS 2018
Idol by BTS 2018
Persona by BTS 2019
Boy With Luv by BTS & Halsey 2019
Mikrokosmos by BTS 2019
Make It Right by BTS 2019
Home by BTS 2019
Dionysus by BTS 2019
Do You by RM 2015
So Far Away by Suga & Suran 2016
Daydream by J-Hope 2018
Comeback Again by Infinite 2010
Waste It On Me by Steve Aoki & BTS 2018
Be Mine by Infinite 2011
Paradise by Infinite 2011
The Chaser by Infinite 2012
Safe And Sound by Capital Cities 2013
Wake Me Up by Avicii 2013
Sparks by Hilary Duff 2015
Aquí Voy by Jesse & Joy 2011
¿Con Quién Se Queda El Perro? by Jesse & Joy 2012
Decidiste Dejarme by Camila 2014
Saturno by Pablo Alboran 2017
Jenny Of Oldstones by Florence + The Machine 2019
¿No Podíamos Ser Agua? by Maldita Nerea 2011
En El Mundo Genial De Las Cosas Que Dices by Maldita Nerea 2011
Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor 2014
NO by Meghan Trainor 2016
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gruvu · 5 years
Question: What is that photo.. the center one with the dude.. mustache dude in the give away photo?
…..It’s uh.. @kissingagrumpygiant‘s Ricardo Ortega. The only good Ortega I have ever drawn and it was a joke from Dream Daddy. 
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I was gonna make it digital but Ariel beat me to the punch. 
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papermoonloveslucy · 9 months
Lucy in Beverly Hills
Part 1 ~ The Cast
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Although thematically the shows created by Lucille Ball were worlds apart from the down-home humor at the Clampett Mansion, there were artistic and creative commonalities that are worth discussing.
"The Beverly Hillbillies" ran from 1962 to 1971, while "The Lucy Show" ran from 1962 to 1968, both on CBS TV. Interiors were filmed at General Service Studios, where "I Love Lucy" began filming until it moved to larger quarters.
Like Jed Clampett, Lucy Carmichael and Lucy Carter are single parents, raising teenage girls, a popular trope of the 1960s and '70s.
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The Desilu sitcoms "I Love Lucy," "Make Room for Daddy," "The Andy Griffith Show," and "Gomer Pyle USMC" are all related shows with characters in common much in the same way the Henning sitocms, "The Beverly Hillbillies," "Petticoat Junction" and "Green Acres" were related. Interestingly, "The Beverly Hillbillies" was mentioned during two episodes of "The Danny Thomas Show", in 1963 and 1964.
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Jed Clampett's fortune is made from striking oil. In the 1960 Broadway musical, Lucille Ball played a wildcatter looking to find black gold. On "I Love Lucy," new neighbors the O'Briens move from Texas, where they made their fortune in oil. Soon the Ricardos and Mertzes have dreams of riches from Texas tea.
Animal trainers Frank and Juanita Inn worked on both shows, as well as on "Here's Lucy."
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Both shows went from black and white to color in October 1965. Although "The Lucy Show" had filmed its second season in color (1963-1964), CBS declined to air it in color.
Editor Dann Cahn (1963 to 1964), was also an editor for "I Love Lucy" and many Desilu shows.
Shared Casting
Their “Beverly Hillbillies” characters are in parentheses, followed by their Lucycom / Desilu credits.
Irene Ryan (Granny) performed with Lucille Ball on a May 3, 1949 episode of "The Bob Hope Radio Show." In 1963, Ryan and Ball both appeared on CBS specials featuring their TV shows.
Buddy Ebsen (Jed Clampett) appeared in a 1958 episode of "The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse" introduced by Desi Arnaz. He appeared with Lucille Ball on several CBS specials and numerous award shows.
Donna Douglas (Ellie Mae Clampett) performed in a 1960 episode of Desilu's helicopter series "Whirlybirds." She was seen with Lucille Ball on a 1963 CBS special "The Stars' Address".
Max Baer Jr. (Jethro Clampett) was seen with Lucille Ball on a 1963 CBS special "The Stars' Address".
Raymond Bailey (Millburn Drysdale) never acted opposite Lucille Ball, but was seen in episodes of Desilu's "The Whirlybirds," "The Untouchables," "The Ann Sothern Show" and "Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse" introduced by Desi Arnaz.
The bankers of "The Lucy Show" (Theodore J. Mooney) and "The Beverly Hillbillies" (Millburn Drysdale) were remarkably similar: loud, quick-tempered, miserly, abusive to their secretaries, and willing to grovel and sacrifice their dignity to land a big account. 
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Stretch (Duke) the Clampett's lethargic bulldog, also played Thunderbolt on "Kiddie Parties, Inc." (1963) on "The Lucy Show." Stretch was one of Frank Inn's biggest stars.
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Nancy Kulp (Miss Jane Hathaway) played the Cockney maid who teaches Lucy Ricardo ow to curtsy in "Lucy Meets the Queen" (1955). She also appeared in the Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz film Forever Darling, again playing a maid. Kulp returned to Desilu for a 1959 special with Milton Berle and Lucille Ball and a 1962 episode of “The Lucy Show” where she played Navy Officer Jane Corey.
Miss Jane's relationship to Mr. Drysdale was not dissimilar to Lucy Carmichael's relationship to her banker boss, Mr. Mooney.
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Bea Benadaret (Cousin Pearl Bodine) first starred with Lucille Ball on her radio series “My Favorite Husband” (1948-1951), primarily as best friend Iris Atterbury. Benadaret was Ball’s first choice to play Ethel Mertz on “I Love Lucy,” but she was already contracted to play Blanche Morton on “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show”, another best friend character. Ball still managed to cast her as a one-off character, Miss Lewis, an elderly spinster, on season one of “I Love Lucy.”
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Frank Wilcox (John Brewster) appeared with Lucille Ball in the films Her Husband’s Affairs (1947) and The Fuller Brush Girl (1950). He played Frank Spaulding, owner of the Connecticut house in "Lucy Wants To Move To The Country" (1957).
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Elvia Allman (Elverna Bradshaw) was heard with Lucille Ball on “My Favorite Husband” before playing the strident Candy Factory Forewoman on “I Love Lucy.” Allman returned to the show as one of Minnie Finch’s neighbors in “Fan Magazine Interview” (1954) and prim magazine reporter Nancy Graham in “The Homecoming” (1955). She made two appearances on “The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour“ - first as Ida Thompson, Westfield’s PTA director, then as Milton Berle’s private secretary. Allman would also be seen on two episodes of “The Lucy Show" as a customer in a department store and the manager of an employment agency. Allman’s final screen appearance with Lucille Ball reunited her with Bob Hope: “Bringing Back Vaudeville” in 1971. For Desilu, Allman was seen on “December Bride” (1954-59), and “The Ann Sothern Show” (1958).
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Milton Frome (Lawrence Chapman) played Sam, who Lucy Ricardo tried to fix up with Dorothy, in “The Matchmaker” (1954).  He played Milton Berle's agent in a "Lucy Saves Milton Berle" (1965). He also played a waiter in a 1972 episode of “Here’s Lucy” starring Donny Osmond.
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Ray Kellogg (Gate Guard / Police Officer) played the barking Assistant Director (“Roll ‘em!”) in “Ricky’s Screen Test” (1954) and later appeared in “Bullfight Dance” (1955). He was seen on 7 episodes of “The Lucy Show” and two episodes of “Here’s Lucy.” In many of his appearances he played policemen or guards, just as he does here.
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Charles Lane (Foster Phinney / Homer Bedloe / Billy Hacker) appeared in 7 films with Lucille Ball between 1933 and 1949. He was also heard on her radio show "My Favorite Husband". On "I Love Lucy," he played 4 characters and 2 more on "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour." He was cast as banker Barnsdahl on "The Lucy Show," but was released after 4 episodes so that Ball could hire Gale Gordon. He went from Desilu to Hooterville with his role of Homer Bedloe on "Petticoat Junction," which he also plays on "The Beverly Hillbillies".
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Phil Silvers (Shifty Shafer aka Honest John) gave Lucille Ball a cameo on his show "Sergeant Bilko" in 1959. In 1963, Ball and Silvers performed the classic ‘Slowly I Turn’ sketch for “CBS Opening Night.” In December 1966, Silvers guest-starred as Oliver Kasten in “Lucy and the Efficiency Expert”. A year later Ball and Silvers both had bit parts in the film A Guide for the Married Man (1967). 
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Roy Roberts (John Cushing / Judge) appeared with Lucille Ball in Miss Grant Takes Richmond (1949). On “The Lucy Show” he first appeared as a Navy Admiral in “Lucy and the Submarine” before creating the role of Mr. Cheever, the president of Mr. Mooney’s bank, a recurring character he played through the end of the series. On “Here’s Lucy” he played the Superintendent of the Air Force Academy in season two’s two-part opener.  He also played doctors in “Lucy and the Astronauts” (1971) and in "Lucy is N.G. as an R.N." (1973).  
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Shirley Mitchell (Opal Clampett) became friends with Lucille Ball in the late 1940s when she was featured in 4 episodes of “My Favorite Husband.” Mitchell reunited with Lucille Ball on “I Love Lucy” playing Marion Strong, member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League. She also played Mae Belle Jennings on "Petticoat Junction."
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Joi Lansing (Gladys Flatt) first worked with Lucille Ball on “I Love Lucy” in “Desert Island” (1956) and returned to play Miss Long Neck in "Lucy Wants a Career" (1959). She did an episode of Desilu's "The Untouchables" and appeared for Desi Arnaz on an episode of "The Mothers-in-Law".
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Alan Reed Jr. (Sheldon Epps / Buddy) is probably best remembered as the voice of Fred Flintstone, acting opposite Bea Benadaret (Cousin Pearl). He was heard with Lucille Ball on "My Favorite Husband" (1949). In 1963 he played a café owner in “Lucy Visits the White House”. In 1967, he made an appearance on the Desi Arnaz series “The Mothers-in-Law”. 
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Most of the principal cast of "The Flintstones" (1960-1966) appeared on "The Beverly Hillbillies": Bea Benadaret (Betty), Alan Reed Jr. (Fred), and Mel Blanc (Barney) all appeared on the show. Jean Vander Pyl did not act on "The Beverly Hillbillies," but did appear on its sister show "Petticoat Junction" and voiced Maw on the cartoon "The Hillbilly Bears" (1966). All four also worked with Lucille Ball on radio and/or television. There was also an episode of "The Flintstones" titled "The Bedrock Hillbillies" (above) featuring animated characters named Granny and Jethro Hatrock with voice talent Howard Morris, John Stephenson, and June Foray, all of whom also worked with Lucille Ball.
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Richard Deacon (Dr. Klinger / Mr. Brubaker) made two guest star appearances on Desilu's “December Bride” in 1956 in one of which he played Desi Arnaz’s butler. It’s not surprising that he was cast as Tallulah Bankhead’s butler Winslow in “The Celebrity Next Door,” a 1957 episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour.”  In 1963 he played Harvey Rittenhouse in the Ball / Hope film Critic’s Choice. In October 1964, Deacon and Lucille Ball both played themselves on “Bob Hope Presents The Chrysler Theatre: Have Girls, Will Travel”.  He was employed again by Desi Sr. as a regular on “The Mothers-in-Law” (1968-69).  He was seen on two episodes of "Here's Lucy."
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Paul Winchell (Grandpa Winch) was just 40 years old when he donned old age make-up to play Grandpa Winch in "Home for Christmas" (S1;E13). Four years later he was aged again to play Doc Porter on a two-part episode of "The Lucy Show" set in a the small town of Bancroft.
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Mary Wickes (Adaline Ashley) was one of Lucille Ball's best friends of screen. She appeared on "I Love Lucy," "The Lucy Show," and "Here's Lucy," in addition to many other TV specials alongside Ball. The 1967 episode of "The Beverly Hillbillies" Wickes appeared on was aired between two of her "Lucy Show" appearances and featured Gail Bonney, who was seen on "I Love Lucy" and "The Lucy Show."
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Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor (Oliver and Lisa Douglas) ~ were visitors to Beverly Hills from Hooterville, but both stars were also favorites of Lucille Ball. Gabor appeared in two episodes of "Here's Lucy", one as herself, and Albert played himself in a 1973 episode. In 1950, he co-starred with Lucille Ball in The Fuller Brush Girl. 
Star Casting
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John Wayne made a cameo appearance on "The Beverly Hillbillies". When asked how he wanted to be paid, he is best remembered answering back with: "Give me a fifth of bourbon--that'll square it." Wayne appeared as himself on "I Love Lucy" (1955) and "The Lucy Show" (1966). His uncredited cameo on "The Indians Are Coming" (S5;E20) was aired in 1967.
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Sammy Davis Jr. (Sergeant Patrick Muldoon) made two appearances on the series during November 1968 episodes set in NYC. Although he plays a character here (an Irish cop!), he played himself on "Here's Lucy" in September 1970. His first "Hillbillies" appearance also features Lucy's friend and co-star Phil Silvers as Shifty Shafer (aka Honest John), a recurring character that was seen in eight episodes.
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Impressionist Rich Little played himself in the season nine opener of "The Beverly Hillbillies." Mr. Drysdale convinces him to impersonate President Richard Nixon over the telephone to fool Jed. Nixon was one of Little's most popular impressions. When he played himself on a 1971 episode of "Here's Lucy," Nixon wasn't mentioned, but he did do his impression of John Wayne (see above).
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Hedda Hopper played herself in "Hedda Hopper's Hollywood" (S3;E4) in 1964, an episode named after her newspaper column and television specials, one of which featured Lucille Ball. That same 1960 special featured Gloria Swanson, who did a cameo as herself in a 1966 episode titled "The Gloria Swanson Story" (S5;E12). Curiously, Hopper played herself in a 1955 episode of "I Love Lucy" titled "The Hedda Hopper Story." An episode of "The Lucy Show" titled "Lucy and the Lost Star" was intended for Swanson, but the lost star eventually cast was Joan Crawford.
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Robert Cummings appeared as himself in "The Race for Queen" (S2;E19) playing the celebrity judge of the Queen of Beverly Hills beauty contest. He was known as Bob Collins on "The Bob Cummings Show" (aka "Love That Bob!"), which ran from 1955 to 1959. The same year it ended he played himself on a 1959 episode of "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour" set in Japan. He reprised the character of Bob Collins on a 1972 episode of "Here’s Lucy” (above) and returned the following season for another episode as a different Bob. His sitcom had featured many of the same actors as "The Beverly Hillbillies" and various Lucycoms, but especially Joi Lansing, Nancy Kulp, and Elvia Allman. Cummings' appearance on "Hillbillies" is primarily attributable to the fact that BH creator Paul Henning produced "The Bob Cummings Show"!
Other Common Cast Members
Jack Bannon, Wally Cox, Peter Leeds, Bobs Watson, Lyle Talbot, Doris Packer Eleanor Audley, Maurice Marsac, Leon Ames, Jesse White, George Barrows, Herb Vigran, Jean Willes, Norman Leavitt, Leon Belasco, Burt Mustin, Iris Adrian, Foster Brooks, Ted Eccles, Robert Foulk, Tristram Coffin, Byron Foulger, Gil Perkins, Hal Taggart, Robert Cummings, Natalie Schaffer, Mel Blanc, John McGiver, Don Rickles, John Carradine, Jacques Bergerac, Hans Conried, Murvyn Vye, Bernie Kopell, Barbara Morrison, Phil Arnold, Ellen Corby, Robert Carson, Barry Kelley, William Newell, Lurene Tuttle, Karen Norris, Hayden Rorke, Benny Rubin, Helen Kleeb, Bill Quinn, Frank J. Scannell, Irwin Charrone, Gail Bonney, Fritz Feld, Norma Varden, Murray Pollack, Jil Jarmyn, Olan Soule, John Gallaudet, George N. Niese, Dick Winslow, Tommy Farrell, Cliff Norton, Robert Osborne, Nestor Paiva, Larry J. Blake, Hans Moebus, Norman Stevans, Monty O'Grady, Steve Carruthers, and Bert Stevens.
~ Stay Tuned for Part 2 : Episodes ~
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xiala-bexchan · 4 years
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Smiling Ricardo scetch for the evening with a little Die Antwoord reference <3 Have to draw more of him together with Mat from the Dream Daddy game.
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jvliesimon-blog · 6 years
so lets take a swing at this (ba dum tss)
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sup kiddos, drama queen here to shine her lil heart off. julie michelle ricardo simon. y’all gonna regret it when she’s winning an oscar for being a fake hoe. 
meanwhile, i am luna and i am mild and mediocre. i switch between gmt / gmt+8 but time is a construct bc my awake hours make zero sense, anyway. down to business: 
mama simon was a teenage troublemaker, but was placated by julie’s arrival. baby daddy went east and never looked back. the two moved around until they returned to ashland when julie was five. julie’s mother remarried her stepfather whom she cherishes. 
somehow passed her high school classes and somehow nabbed a spot at SOU. she was happy to major in theatre until it was too...cerebral. she was passionate about performing, destined to do so and had a deep deep desire to be a star. she took a semester off to recuperate from the stress of laurel & a new place, but just ended up never going back. 
her mom wouldn’t have any of that. julie just returned home, taking care of her siblings and doing low-effort side-hustles like dog walking & handing out flyers (nvm that shit is tiring). she eventually decided to educate herself & took a job at the video store, borrowing movies and shows. she is sad to find that it’s now been closed down. 
she would drive down to LA for auditions. no one she knew there realised she lived all the way in oregon. julie loved the hollywood nightlife (perhaps, a little too much) and also adored the cute sunshine californian ‘social influencer’ life. 
high school
julie didn’t do a whole lot of performing until the eve of high school. a life-changing musical theatre summer camp gave her focus & she’s never looked back. 
a whole smorgasbord of extra-curriculars for her. cheerleading until she quit. debating until she didn’t want to read. choir until she didn’t like singing that much. she was very much a social floater, but wanted to make her presence known. 
laurel’s passing...passed. julie failed to understand why such a thing could happen. for it to be laurel of all people, at her age, and to go out like that? julie didn’t find her significant, just derek’s twin really. she was quieter and predictable, but they were both ambitious dreamers. laurel left a hole way bigger than julie is willing to admit.
you know who’s gonna sing musical theatre songs all trip? this girl. so you? ur allowed to harmonise, be the back up singer. this bitch is the main.
who’s gonna be her instagram photographer? she keeps her online presence so that she looks like a legit valley girl, omfg someone murder her. 
she’ll pick a fight with anyone. present beefs for the smallest shit like not cleaning up to bigger fundamental problems or past rivalries even though julie has nothing to offer. she’s the the walking manifestation of too big for your boots. 
someone she accidentally shares the secret of her real occupation to. it’s a pretty big thing to bear & she wants to hide it. will this person support her? or use it against her? 
friends: julie is not reliable. she’s fun and says funny shit sometimes. however, her world view is everything in relation to herself. it feels like she uses people occasionally, but she’s not willingly manipulative. she doesn’t mean malice and wants the best for the ones she loves. and she loves big, wholeheartedly, and widely — wanting those close to her to succeed and flourish. 
feel like she’s possessive af which is an interesting trait to play with! 
headcanons from my app
She hates La La Land with a passion. Ask her about it, and she’ll deem it a bad musical and a cringey representation of what it’s like in LA. Secretly, she’s watched a dozen times and has to physically force herself not to sing along to the soundtrack.
Julie was engaged to an entertainment executive three years ago. He only had connections in music, and even got an opportunity for Natalie. She keeps men on their toes and he had enough of her. Julie is alluring enough to be wifey material but she’s not committed to being a wife.
Failing audition after audition has been really hard on her emotional well-being. If anyone asks, it’s been going great and she’s making just the progress. In fact, even better! (a complete lie). She needs a break from Hollywood, inching to feel some real America — not the one that’s being mass-produced on the screen.
She really wants children and considered being a teacher when she was younger. Her dream is to marry an older Hollywood producer who’ll cast her in films and she’ll fuck the male lead behind his back. She thinks that she’s over the dating part of the Romantics because she finds it childish and she wants to move past that to grow up. Because she’s good with kids, she might end up as a drama teacher. As cruel as it sounds though, she thinks that would only be an option if she was a failure.
Julie has always been apolitical. A girl who wasn’t a feminist in the past. Now, she has her own stories that could fit in the Time’s Up movement. Laws aren’t in favour of sex workers like her. When she becomes famous, she’ll be more publicly outspoken about issues.
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