#Rich Merritt
wutbju · 1 year
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Listening to Andrew Pledger's Surviving BJU: A Christian Cult is impressing all of us Gen X alumni.
Nothing has changed.
BJU is the same abusive place that it's always been. Hearing from these young folks who just graduated that BJU is still hurting people is overwhelming.
Rich Merritt shared this 2005 video with WutBJU. His statement that gets me is:
I had to put up a façade, and it just wore me out.
BJU is still acting in the same ignoble, hurtful way.
BJU is NOT safe.
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ilkoguru · 8 months
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Dreaming of summer 🍸
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heliads · 1 year
Idk if requests are open rn (I can't convert time lol) but I was wondering if I could request something for Now You See Me? Maybe smth with Jack where they're both just a super silly couple, like always goofing around before shows and just having fun, but they're both kinda insecure, like 'what if the other person doesn't take this as serious as they do'. So they...idk talk it through and in general super fluffy. Sorry, i'm really bad at describing things. Feel free to ignore if I sent this in too early.
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If you ask the Horsemen what they like most about being, well, a Horseman, you would get completely different answers. Some of you love the planning process, being able to organize the perfect heist right down to the very last detail. Others love the car chases afterwards, running as fast as they please without ever getting caught. Still more of you have a fondness for the magic tricks of the shows themselves.
If you were to pick, though, your favorite part about this fantastical life of yours wouldn’t be what happens on the stage, nor immediately before and after it. The magic is lovely, obviously, and you all enjoy the sound of so many people cheering your names, but what you like most of all about this select group of extraordinary people are the members of the group themselves. The backstage murmuring, the whispered inside jokes. That, to you, is worth more than any perfected sleight of hand trick.
That’s the reason for the contented feeling in your stomach as you survey your little crew. The five of you just made it out of another successful deal. This one will have the skeptics talking for months, of that you’re certain; all of you went above and beyond to make this job impossible to deny. It’s a good feeling. It lets all of you lay down your guard for the time being and just laugh with each other while you wait for the coast to clear outside.
Merritt tips his glass appreciatively as another siren caterwauls outside your hideout. “I think that’s the tenth one I’ve heard in ten minutes. Face it, people. We’re famous. Or, I am, at least. They might be too distracted by my good looks to notice you.”
Danny rolls his eyes. “They’d only get distracted by your looks if you hypnotized them.”
“Why don’t I do it to you, then?” Merritt pretends to lunge towards him, laughing when Danny jerks backwards.
“Not funny,” Danny complains.
“Totally funny,” you argue. “Are you scared because you’re worried it already happened? What if you secretly think Merritt has been super attractive this whole time and you’re just fighting the truth?”
Merritt snorts. “I like that idea.”
By your side, Jack breaks into a wide grin. “It’s okay, Danny. You can talk to us. We’re friends. Tell us your inner truth.”
Danny scoffs. “That is so not my inner truth.”
You arch a brow. “Are you sure? It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve fallen for a Horseman.”
Danny glowers at you. “Low blow, Y/N. And that’s rich coming from you, anyway, given that you’re also dating a Horseman.”
This is true. Unlike Danny, though, you’re quite proud of it. Your relationship with Jack Wilder was quite literally months in the making. It nearly drove the other Horsemen insane with the way both of you couldn’t stop tiptoeing around your feelings, but you both confessed eventually and have been quite happy ever since. Even when your friends try to divert blame onto the two of you to get out of the hot seat.
Jack must be thinking along the same lines, because he just shakes his head and grins. “It’s okay to be jealous of our fantastic relationship, Daniel. It’s not your fault we like each other way more than anyone loves you.”
Merritt chokes on his drink, and has to press a hand to his mouth to stop from laughing any more. “I didn’t laugh. That’s not funny, you two. You should all be nicer.” The twinkle in his eyes, though, lets you know that he’s firmly on your side.
Danny just groans. “Trust me, if this is what love is like, I’m fine without it. I feel like I’m going to be sick to my stomach. Remind me again why I wanted you two together so badly?”
Merritt chuckles. “Because you said the same things when they were just pining uselessly, remember? Ah, good times. And now the two of you can actually tell each other how much you love each other, right?”
He stares directly at Jack, waiting for him to say something. It’s strange, usually Jack has no problem picking up the thread of a joking conversation, always jumping in with another rebuttal, a laughing riposte, but this time, he just stays silent. He seems lost in thought, and maybe it’s just you being paranoid but it seems awfully coincidental that he would zone out just as Merritt brings up the idea of him being in love with you.
And, well, you get it. Love’s a big idea. Especially with your lives on the road now, it’s hard to picture any of you settling down in any way. You and Jack started out just flirting, only catching feelings by accident. You can’t expect him to love you. Even if you know that you’ve loved him for quite a while now.
Truth be told, this isn’t the first time such an issue has crossed your mind. You and Jack have been dating for a couple of months now, and you’ve been questioning things since the halfway point. It’s not Jack’s fault, really, it’s just hard sometimes to understand why he would pick you when there are literally hundreds of thousands of people begging to go out with him at every show. He could have any supermodel, any celebrity, but he chose you. It just makes a person wonder why.
It’s been getting to you lately, the instability of it all. You and Jack have a lovely time joking around, kissing after shows in between bouts of laughter, but he’s never once told you that he actually loves you. There’s a very good chance that he hardly sees this as a relationship at all, more a distraction in between extensive shows, and that to you is more heartbreaking than if he’d never confessed his feelings in the first place. You love Jack, you know you do. You just don’t know that he feels the same way about you.
The conversation drifts off into uneasy silence when Jack still says nothing. When it becomes clear that he’s not going to respond to that, you quickly change the subject, asking Daniel about his thoughts on the way a certain aspect of the job had gone. It’s an easy excuse, and will earn you at least fifteen minutes of uninterrupted Atlas monologue to smooth over the awkwardness, but you still feel your spirits sinking. It wouldn’t have hurt Jack to say something, right? Even just to joke along. He wouldn’t have to have meant it.
Merritt meets your eyes sympathetically, but you look away just as quickly. You don’t want his pity, it just means that he’s aware of the imbalance just as much as you are. Danny’s oblivious enough that he probably won’t notice it, which is good. You don’t want anyone realizing the difference in your affection from Jack’s. Not when you plainly like him more than he does.
It’s not a good feeling, to say the least. It sits with you the rest of the evening, causing you to leave early, claiming exhaustion and wanting an early night’s sleep. Jack tries to coax you to stay a little longer, but you can’t answer his jokes with the same spirit you usually do, making his face fall slightly. Well, a cruel voice whispers in the back of your head, good. He should feel at least a little of the hurt you do right now.
Even that doesn’t make you feel better, though. You lie awake, listening to the soft sounds of your friends laughing together. Jack never has a problem carrying the conversation when it’s just them, then. That means the problem must be you. You joke too much or not enough, and somehow Jack saw that you weren’t quite the right match for him. Maybe somewhere out there is a person who’s perfect for him, who can always pick up what he’s putting down and knows exactly the right amount of emotion to show, but Jack is making it clear that won’t be you. 
You fall asleep eventually, but even a good night's sleep isn’t enough to reset your mood. You do your best to act like nothing is the matter, but it’s hard to go on joking with Jack when all you want to do is ask him if he could ever actually see himself loving you. 
It takes about a week before he catches on. You’re bailing out of another night of drinks with the Horsemen because you can’t bear to see how flimsy your relationship really is. 
Instead of letting you go, though, Jack stays put in your room. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”
You feign indifference. “Nothing, really. I’m just tired.”
Jack doesn’t seem convinced. “You’ve been ‘just tired’ for a while now. It’s not like you.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you don’t know me as well as you thought,” you mumble, trying to distract yourself by pretending to look at the papers on your desk. 
“What does that mean?” Jack’s voice, suddenly razor-sharp, takes you by surprise. 
You lift a shoulder cautiously. “Nothing. Just leave me alone, alright? You’ll have more fun if you’re not stuck with me right now, I know that.”
“That’s not true at all,” Jack protests. “Every time the rest of us go out, I’m miserable. They can all tell you that. It’s no good if you’re not out there with me, Y/N.”
You can’t help a tinge of bitterness from entering your voice. “So you want me to go out with you because you want entertainment? Great, Jack, that definitely makes me feel better.”
He reacts as if you’ve struck him. “That’s not what I mean at all. What’s gotten into you?”
“What’s gotten into me?” You spit out. “Nothing, Jack. Nothing at all. It’s just that I realized you don’t feel half as much about me as I do about you, and surprisingly enough, that doesn’t make me feel the greatest.”
He’s silent, reeling in place. You shake your head slowly. “See, this is why I didn’t want to do all this. Just forget it, alright?”
You try to move past, but Jack’s hand snaps out, weaving around you and blocking your path. “I had no idea you felt like that,” he says softly. “I would have said something sooner, sweetheart, I promise. All this time, I’ve been thinking you didn’t like me that much, so I didn’t want to say something stupid like I love you since I thought it would scare you off. If I had known–” he breaks off in a quiet half-laugh, then continues, “–if I had known that’s what you thought, I would have told you a lot more about just how you make me feel.”
Suddenly, it seems to take a lot of effort to speak again. The weight of your surprise hangs against your throat, slowing the syllables. “You love me?”
“More than anything,” he smiles. “Enough that I didn’t want to hear you say you didn’t love me when I knew how much I loved you. I never asked what you wanted, and I assumed you didn’t want a serious relationship.”
“I want you,” you tell him. He beams.
“And I want you, sweetheart.” In Jack’s arms, it’s easy to forgive him. This has all been a simple misunderstanding, and the greater truth is far lovelier than you could have ever hoped. Maybe you will go out with him tonight after all, tonight and every night until forever. The stars will shine sweetly overhead and you will be happy. With Jack, you think you always will be.
now you see me tag list: @mayfieldss
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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Damon & Naomi - Best Video Film & Cultural Center, Hamden, Connecticut, May 12, 2023
Following up Powers / Rolin, we're keeping it duo-y this week with a fabulous tape of Damon & Naomi in the "almost pretty" state of Connecticut earlier this year. D&N were playing Best Video Film & Cultural Center, a nonprofit venue/community gathering space that honestly seems like one of the coolest places in the entire Nutmeg State. "I don't know why we haven't played a video store before," Damon marvels, later noting the unexpectedly excellent acoustics that a wall of VHS tapes provides.
And yeah, he and Naomi are wonderful as always, playing several tunes from their latest/greatest A Sky Record along with some welcome dips into their rich back catalog, which now stretches back over 30 years. I especially enjoy the songs in which Naomi picks up her bass — such a unique and absorbing sound. In the first issue of the highly recommended new zine Head Voice (more on that soon), Ben Chasny and Elisa Ambrogio go deep with Yang about that sound. "[I]f you play really low all the time, the club starts to vibrate and everything falls off the shelves. It's like a seismic sound, all those super low notes. But I think I really started playing higher up because I always write the bass lines by singing them, so that is where my voice is. I also just thought it sounded pretty and it cut through."
The laid-back setting also encourages banter, so we get to hear about D&N's newly adopted cat, misadventures on the Merritt Parkway and Tim Buckley's appearance on The Monkees. And hey, there's even a majestic rendition of the old Galaxie 500 chestnut "Another Day" ... though I'm also going to suggest you check out the radical version of this song from around the same time with Meg Baird and Charlie Saufley. (Oh and then maybe you can dig the quartet's radical Popol Vuh cover???)
In case you haven't guessed yet, this recording is another dig into the Alex Butterfield Archives, which have given us untold treasures over the past several years. Go dig through the tapes! Thank you, Alex!
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popculturelib · 1 year
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Dictionary of Discards (1952) by Frank Merritt Rich, with illustrations by Frank R. Paul. From our catalog:
This book is an A-to-Z checklist of over scrap materials and items found around the home, garage, barn, school and camp with drawings of thousands of items that can be made from those discards. While today's readers are unlikely to have rabbit skins, corset stays, or radio antennae wire lying about the house, the descriptions of their uses (along with a wide range of other materials, some actually still in use) do provide an interesting view of thrift in the 1950s
Most pages list common household items along with suggestions for use. Included here are illustrations demonstrating alternative uses for a variety of items.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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Book Recommendations that you can find on Audible because sometimes visual reading is just Not Going to Happen:
How to Be Eaten by Maria Adelmann
A modern fairytale reimagining in which five women join an experimental support group in order to confront their very public trauma under the supervision of a seemingly sympathetic but suspiciously persistent male therapist.
Each of their stories mirrors a popular fairytale except for Ashlee, whose story is a call out of the manipulative and borderline abusive side of the reality tv industry. Blurs the lines between fiction and reality, so it's difficult to know what parts of each story are real and what parts are a coping mechanism to deal with their trauma. It's explicit, bizarre and sometimes really uncomfortable, but definitely worth a shot.
TW: Gore, Sexual Assault, Eating Disorders, Abuse, and Torture
CW: Public Humiliation, Misogyny, Violence, Mental Health Issues
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
Lily Hu is a Chinese-American teenager living in the midst of the Red-scare. As the government threatens her father's citizenship and she grows increasingly frustrated with her childhood friend, Lily meets Kath, a social pariah with dreams of becoming a pilot. As she and Kath grow closer, the two begin sneaking out to attend nightly shows at a local lesbian bar called The Telegraph Club.
The narrative bounces back and forth between Lily in the 1950s and the journeys of her mother building a life in America and her aunt as Lily grows up. The ending is more realistic than happy, but it is hopeful.
TW: Racism, Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Child Abuse, Underage Alcohol Consumption
CW: Misogyny, Outing
Until We Break by Matthew Dawkins (Audible Original)
Naomi is the only black student at a prestigious ballet academy and has structured her entire life around the art. When her closest friend dies and Naomi suffers an injury that means she must take a break from ballet right before the Grand Prix, grief begins to eat away at her. Meanwhile Saint, a street artist, is struggling to keep himself and his younger brother afloat as their father's health deteriorates. After a chance meeting, the two attempt to find their place in the world together.
A beautiful story, although there are certain parts of the narrative that felt unresolved (which is not uncommon with Audible Originals so grain of salt)
TW: Racism, Self-harm, Suicide, Child Abuse, Abuse
CW: Mental Health Issues, Violence
Young Rich Widows by Kimberly Belle, Layne Fargo, Cate Holahan, and Vanessa Lillie (Audible Original)
All four partners of a law firm die in a mysterious plane crash, leaving their wives to unravel the circumstances of their deaths— and find a way to pay back the large sum of money they owed to the local mafia.
Audible Original's Magnum Opus, it's legitimately the best they've released in my opinion. It has a bit of a detective noir vibe and the plot twist at the end is wild, although it's got a few plot holes here and there.
TW: Sexual Harassment, Homophobia, Alcohol Consumption, Implied Torture
CW: Violence, Child Endangerment, Misogyny
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth
In 1902, two students are found stung to death by wasps, with the only thing in their possession being a book by Mary MacLane that they were both obsessed with. After another student is found dead with the book in her possession, the headmistress and her lover attempt to quiet the distress and suspicion among the students and staff as a decades old curse turns it's sights on them.
In the present day, Hollywood darling Harper and former child actress Audrey are cast in a movie based on the biography of the original students' deaths under the direction of a famous horror director, the book's prickly author Merritt, and the now closed school's owner Elaine. As the filming begins and strange things begin to happen, it seems as though the curse may have found its newest victims.
If you go into this one expecting everyone to be good people and the story to be neat and tidy, you are going to be disappointed. It's a very hit or miss story. The narrative feels like a fever dream and the driving force of the plot is that the characters are all disaster gays. Sometimes the present day plot can feel rushed or pointless, but I personally enjoyed it. The ending isn't what you're expecting, but it feels consistent with the flow of the narrative.
TW: Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Self-harm, Purposeful Induction of Paranoia, Sexual Assault, Suicide, Emetophobia, Alcohol Consumption, Drug Use, Gore
CW: Graphic Depictions of Death, Wasps (No, I'm not kidding), Mental Health Issues
Web Comic Recommendations
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zemagltd · 1 year
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Everyday Poetry - "People live with the illusion that we have a democratic system, but it's only the outward form of one. In reality we live in a plutocracy, a government of the rich." José Saramago
["Still a street-fighting man". Interview with Stephanie Merritt, www.theguardian.com. April 30, 2006.]
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liarsfms · 1 year
this is stunning! not to get ahead of myself, but are there any fcs or subplots you would like to see?
thank you so much , lovely ! i actually have a pretty beefy list of wanted faceclaims in the server , but i can go ahead & give you a little taste of who i'd like to see ! as for subplots , there's one in particular called " steal the sun " that is composed of a group within the group of rich kids who have known each other since they were in diapers that i would love to see filled ! other than that , the more antagonistic subplots definitely have my heart ! mwf : duckie thot , zion moreno , kennedy walsh , jennie kim , madelyn cline , kelsey merritt , khadijha red thunder , tati gabrielle , alexa tiziani , park sooyoung , ryan destiny , aj clementine , joanna pincerato , & phaith montoya . mwm : desire mia , vinnie hacker , kim taehyung , jonathan daviss , bright vachirawit , zethphan smith - gneist , josh heuston , caner topcu , charles melton , lee juyeon , nijiro murakami , hero fiennes - tiffin , gabriel guevara , & ryan manick . mwnb : chella man , dreamer isioma , sivan rose , jade willoughby , lizeth selene , donte colley , harper watters , jesse mei li , ricky thompson , kehlani , shamir bailey , alex newell , keiynan lonsdale , poppy liu , tyler ford , & jo kwon .
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Book Recommendations: More Dark Academia 
Bunny by Mona Awad
Samantha Heather Mackey couldn't be more of an outsider in her small, highly selective MFA program at New England's Warren University. A scholarship student who prefers the company of her dark imagination to that of most people, she is utterly repelled by the rest of her fiction writing cohort - a clique of unbearably twee rich girls who call each other "Bunny," and seem to move and speak as one. But everything changes when Samantha receives an invitation to the Bunnies' fabled "Smut Salon," and finds herself inexplicably drawn to their front door - ditching her only friend, Ava, in the process. As Samantha plunges deeper and deeper into the Bunnies' sinister yet saccharine world, beginning to take part in the ritualistic off-campus "Workshop" where they conjure their monstrous creations, the edges of reality begin to blur. Soon, her friendships with Ava and the Bunnies will be brought into deadly collision. The spellbinding new novel from one of our most fearless chroniclers of the female experience, Bunny is a down-the-rabbit-hole tale of loneliness and belonging, friendship and desire, and the fantastic and terrible power of the imagination.
The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith
Many years ago, Claire was named Head Librarian of the Unwritten Wing - a neutral space in Hell where all the stories unfinished by their authors reside. Her job consists mainly of repairing and organizing books, but also of keeping an eye on restless stories that risk materializing as characters and escaping the library. When a Hero escapes from his book and goes in search of his author, Claire must track and capture him with the help of former muse and current assistant Brevity and nervous demon courier Leto. But what should have been a simple retrieval goes horrifyingly wrong when the terrifyingly angelic Ramiel attacks them, convinced that they hold the Devil's Bible. The text of the Devil's Bible is a powerful weapon in the power struggle between Heaven and Hell, so it falls to the librarians to find a book with the power to reshape the boundaries between Heaven, Hell... and Earth.
This is the first volume in the “Hell’s Library” series. Its sequels include The Archive of the Forgotten and The God of Lost Words. 
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth
Our story begins in 1902, at The Brookhants School for Girls. Flo and Clara, two impressionable students, are obsessed with each other and with a daring young writer named Mary MacLane, the author of a scandalous bestselling memoir. To show their devotion to Mary, the girls establish their own private club and call it The Plain Bad Heroine Society. They meet in secret in a nearby apple orchard, the setting of their wildest happiness and, ultimately, of their macabre deaths. This is where their bodies are later discovered with a copy of Mary’s book splayed beside them, the victims of a swarm of stinging, angry yellow jackets. Less than five years later, The Brookhants School for Girls closes its doors forever - but not before three more people mysteriously die on the property, each in a most troubling way. Over a century later, the now abandoned and crumbling Brookhants is back in the news when wunderkind writer, Merritt Emmons, publishes a breakout book celebrating the queer, feminist history surrounding the “haunted and cursed” Gilded-Age institution. Her bestselling book inspires a controversial horror film adaptation starring celebrity actor and lesbian it girl Harper Harper playing the ill-fated heroine Flo, opposite B-list actress and former child star Audrey Wells as Clara. But as Brookhants opens its gates once again, and our three modern heroines arrive on set to begin filming, past and present become grimly entangled - or perhaps just grimly exploited - and soon it’s impossible to tell where the curse leaves off and Hollywood begins. A story within a story within a story and featuring black-and-white period illustrations.
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey
Ivy Gamble has never wanted to be magical. She is perfectly happy with her life. She has an almost-sustainable career as a private investigator, and an empty apartment, and a slight drinking problem. It's a great life and she doesn't wish she was like her estranged sister, the magically gifted professor Tabitha. But when Ivy is hired to investigate the gruesome murder of a faculty member at Tabitha’s private academy, the stalwart detective starts to lose herself in the case, the life she could have had, and the answer to the mystery that seems just out of her reach.
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uswntpoc · 2 years
On your post re: Rhian Wilkinson and Merritt Paulson, the situations are very different.
Firstly, Rhian and Menges saying they did everything “by the book” doesn’t mean they actually did. According to the reports, Portland players believe they had no intention of telling people until they got caught. After everything that’s come out this year Rhian made a very clear lapse in judgement deciding to text Menges in that way. They may not have taken in further (according to them), but that doesn’t negate the clear wrongdoing that happened. Rhian lost the locker room, and the players trust, of course she had to step down. There was no feasible way for her to continue as head coach. Any time Menges started from then on players could think it’s favoritism, any time Menges was subbed out people could think it’s retaliation.
Paulson is objectively a much worse person than Rhian but it’s a different situation, Paulson wasn’t head coach and he wasn’t confessing feelings to one of his subordinates. He’s also much more powerful in terms of the team. Players could be scared that they’d lose funding, or their stadium (and hence 2nd best attendance in the league). While I completely disagree with every player who publicly supported Paulson (like Menges, Bixby and Sinc), I do get why some players might just want him as a silent owner.
Okay, I haven't read everything out there on this, but I'm confused as to where they got caught? Cause i haven't seen that anywhere, other than players saying that's what they think.
And I completely agree they're two different situations. My problem is I understand where the players feelings of betrayal come from when it comes to Rhian. I just don't get how they don't feel any kind of sense of betrayal towards Merritt. Whether he's directly involved or not, his actions hurt people. Besides, Portland is not going anywhere, Paulson is not the only rich man in the world, and their fan base is too dedicated to let that ship sink.
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movienation · 2 days
Netflixable? "The Perfect Couple" show the perfectly rich as perfectly trashy
It’s a murder mystery set among the filthy-rich/cash poor on Cape Cod, a tale of parties and endless infidelities in which almost everybody has some posh name or nickname — “Tag, Merritt, Greer,” “Shooter” — and almost everybody seems like a suspect. Netflix’s “The Perfect Couple” is perfectly trashy and predictably unpredictable as it spends six episodes setting up one “HE did it” or “Maybe SHE…
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Unforgettable Cocoa Beach Sightseeing: Discover the Best Spots and Activities
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Cocoa Beach, Florida, is not just a beautiful coastal town but also a paradise for those who enjoy exploring new places and soaking up unique experiences. When it comes to Cocoa Beach sightseeing, there's a myriad of attractions and activities that promise an unforgettable adventure. Whether you're a nature lover, a history buff, or someone who loves a good thrill, Cocoa Beach has something special for everyone.
Explore the Iconic Cocoa Beach Pier
One of the most recognizable landmarks in Cocoa Beach is the iconic Cocoa Beach Pier. Stretching 800 feet over the Atlantic Ocean, this historic pier is a must-see on your Cocoa Beach sightseeing tour. The pier is home to various restaurants, bars, and shops, making it an ideal spot to grab a bite, enjoy a drink, or pick up a souvenir. For fishing enthusiasts, the pier offers a fantastic opportunity to cast a line and try your luck with the local fish.
Visit the Kennedy Space Center
No visit to Cocoa Beach is complete without a trip to the nearby Kennedy Space Center. Located just a short drive from Cocoa Beach, this world-famous attraction offers a fascinating look into the history and future of space exploration. Visitors can explore interactive exhibits, watch awe-inspiring IMAX movies, and even meet real astronauts. The Kennedy Space Center is a top choice for Cocoa Beach sightseeing, especially for those interested in science and space.
Take a Relaxing Stroll at Lori Wilson Park
For those looking to enjoy the natural beauty of Cocoa Beach, Lori Wilson Park is a tranquil oasis perfect for a leisurely stroll or a day of relaxation. The park offers pristine beaches, lush vegetation, and convenient amenities such as picnic areas, restrooms, and playgrounds. The park's walking trails are ideal for nature enthusiasts looking to explore the local flora and fauna. It's also a great spot to unwind and take in the serene coastal scenery that makes Cocoa Beach so special.
Experience Thrills at Cocoa Beach Aerial Adventures
If you're seeking a bit of adrenaline during your Cocoa Beach sightseeing adventure, Cocoa Beach Aerial Adventures is the place to be. This treetop adventure park offers a variety of challenging courses with zip lines, rope bridges, and climbing obstacles. The courses are designed to cater to all skill levels, making it a fun and exhilarating activity for families, groups, and solo travelers alike. Soar through the treetops and take in stunning views of the surrounding area as you conquer each course.
Explore the Vibrant Cocoa Village
A short drive from Cocoa Beach, you'll find Cocoa Village, a charming historic district that’s perfect for a day of shopping, dining, and exploring. This quaint area is filled with unique boutiques, art galleries, and delicious eateries, offering something for everyone. Cocoa Village is also home to the Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse, where you can catch a live performance or enjoy a cultural event. Cocoa Village is a delightful addition to your Cocoa Beach sightseeing itinerary, providing a blend of history, culture, and local flavor.
Discover Wildlife at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
Nature lovers will be thrilled to explore the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, a haven for wildlife just a short drive from Cocoa Beach. The refuge is home to over 1,500 species of plants and animals, including manatees, alligators, and a variety of bird species. Visitors can explore the refuge by hiking, biking, or driving through its scenic trails. The Black Point Wildlife Drive is a popular route that offers excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing and photography. The refuge is a perfect spot for Cocoa Beach sightseeing, providing a glimpse into Florida's rich biodiversity.
Enjoy Water Sports and Outdoor Activities
Cocoa Beach is renowned for its excellent water sports opportunities, making it a haven for surfers, paddleboarders, and kayakers. The consistent waves and warm waters attract surfers of all skill levels, and there are plenty of surf schools and rental shops for those looking to catch their first wave. Kayaking and paddleboarding are also popular activities, offering a peaceful way to explore the coastline and nearby waterways. For a unique Cocoa Beach sightseeing experience, consider taking a guided tour, such as a bioluminescent kayaking tour, where you can witness the magical glow of bioluminescent organisms in the water.
Visit the Florida Surf Museum
Given Cocoa Beach’s reputation as the East Coast Surfing Capital, a visit to the Florida Surf Museum is a must. Located inside the Ron Jon Surf Shop, the museum offers a fascinating look at the history of surfing in Florida and beyond. The exhibits include vintage surfboards, photographs, and memorabilia that tell the story of surfing culture in Cocoa Beach. It's a great place to learn about the sport's impact on the local community and its evolution over the years.
Dine at the Best Cocoa Beach Restaurants
After a day of Cocoa Beach sightseeing, you'll want to refuel at one of the town's top restaurants. Cocoa Beach offers a diverse culinary scene, with options ranging from fresh seafood to international cuisine. Popular spots include the Fat Snook, known for its creative seafood dishes, and Coconuts on the Beach, a lively beachfront restaurant with stunning ocean views. Whether you're in the mood for a casual meal or a fine dining experience, Cocoa Beach has something to satisfy every palate.
Cocoa Beach sightseeing offers an incredible variety of experiences, from exploring historic landmarks and natural parks to enjoying thrilling outdoor adventures and indulging in delicious cuisine. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a solo adventure, Cocoa Beach is a destination that promises to leave you with unforgettable memories. So pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready to discover all that this beautiful coastal town has to offer.
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Have you ever taken a bite of food that transported you back in time? Where scents, flavors, and textures collided to create a sensory journey, leading you down the path of history and culture? This is the power food holds, a potent storyteller, preserving the essence of a people and their deep-rooted connection with nature. Now, imagine a humble nut doing just that – serving as a culinary bridge between the past and the present, connecting a community while nourishing both body and spirit. This is the tale of the piñon nut in Apache cuisine.
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The Piñon Nut: A Culinary Symbol of Resilience
Under the expansive blue skies of the Southwestern United States, rugged terrain stretches out, dotted with piñon pines. These hardy trees, survivors in a harsh landscape, offer up a precious bounty every fall - the piñon nut. For centuries, the Apache people have relied on these nuts, integrating them into their diet and culture in various forms.
The piñon nut is a testament to nature's bounty and adaptability. These nuts, harvested in the heart of fall, are not just a source of sustenance but a symbol of resilience. Roasted as snacks, stewed in heart-warming meals, or baked into pastries, piñon nuts are a versatile ingredient that adds richness and depth to traditional Apache recipes.
Breaking Bread and Building Bonds: The Communal Aspect of Piñon Nuts
Imagine a crisp autumn day, where the air is tinged with the scent of pine needles. Families gather beneath the piñon trees, their hands working in unison to harvest the ripe nuts. This is not merely an exercise in gathering food. It's a communal activity that strengthens the bonds of kinship and reestablishes a connection with the land.
Sharing a meal featuring piñon nuts, whether it is the savory Pinon Nut Stew or the sweet Pinon Nut Bread, is more than just a gastronomic experience. It's an act of hospitality, a reinforcement of community ties. These shared meals, rich with the flavor of piñon, are also spiritual gatherings, serving as a reminder of the teachings passed down through generations.
A Taste of Tradition: Apache Recipes Featuring Piñon Nuts
Imagine biting into a piece of Pinon Nut Bread, the nutty flavor mingling with the soft, warm dough. Or savoring a spoonful of Pinon Nut Stew, where the earthy taste of the nuts complements the robust flavors of the stew. These dishes, passed down from generation to generation, showcase the culinary ingenuity of the Apache people, who have harnessed the flavor potential of piñon nuts to create a unique culinary identity.
Notable experts like Dr. Juanita P. Merritt, a Cultural Anthropologist, and Dr. David R. Wilkins, an Ethnobotanist, affirm the integral role of piñon nuts in Apache diet and culture. The nuts' versatility is highlighted in dishes ranging from salads and casseroles to homemade granola bars and energy bars, asserting the richness of natural, locally sourced ingredients in Apache cuisine.
Piñon Nuts in the Modern Palate: A Return to Nature
Fast forward to our contemporary diets, and we find piñon nuts as a nutritious addition that fits perfectly into our health-conscious ethos. Their use promotes sustainable practices, supports indigenous communities, and encourages a return to nature. Plus, the act of sharing piñon-infused dishes can spark transgenerational conversations, helping younger generations understand and appreciate their cultural heritage.
Honoring Traditions, Fostering Connections
Ultimately, the story of piñon nuts in Apache cuisine is not just about food. It's about honoring traditions, fostering connections, and maintaining a bond with the land. It's about the resilience symbolized in the hardy piñon trees and the sense of community strengthened during harvests and feasts.
As we incorporate piñon nuts into our meals, share these recipes with others, and respect the traditions that connect us to nature, we do more than just feed our bodies. We nourish our spirits, honor our shared heritage, and create a bridge between our past and our present.
So, as we savor the nutty flavor of piñon in our dishes, let us remember the Apache wisdom that teaches us about resilience, community, and the importance of our relationship with nature. For, as we chew on the humble piñon nut, we are not just tasting a nut, but we are partaking in a rich, culinary legacy that connects us to the land and to each other.
AI Disclosure: AI was used for content ideation, spelling and grammar checks, and some modification of this article.
About Black Hawk Visions: We preserve and share timeless Apache wisdom through digital media. Explore nature connection, survival skills, and inner growth at Black Hawk Visions.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Reunited after 15 years, famous chef Sasha and hometown musician Marcus feel the old sparks of attraction but struggle to adapt to each other’s worlds. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Sasha: Ali Wong Marcus: Randall Park Keanu Reeves: Keanu Reeves Harry: James Saito Veronica: Michelle Buteau Jenny: Vivian Bang Brandon: Daniel Dae Kim Tony: Karan Soni Ginger: Charlyne Yi Judy: Susan Park Quasar: Tsutomu Shimura Chloe: Casey Wilson 12 Year Old Sasha: Miya Cech 12 Year Old Marcus: Emerson Min 14/16 Year Old Sasha: Ashley Liao 14/16 Year Old Marcus: Jackson Geach 16 Year Old Veronica: Anaiyah Bernier Mr. Tran: Raymond Ma Mrs. Tran: Peggy Lu Barry: Simon Chin Denise: Panta Mosleh Kathy: Karen Holness Fast Food Cashier: Steven E. Rudy Paparazzi #1: Eddie Flake Paparazzi #2: Brian Cook PFA Doorman: Chris Hlozek Photographer: Neil Webb Southie’s Bartender: Nevin Burkholder Reporter: Sonia Beeksma Saintly Fare Host: JayR Tinaco Marty (Suits ‘n Stuff Salesman): Sean Amsing Server #1: Latonya Williams Server #2: Marco Soriano Simon (Tom Ford Salesman): Oliver Rice Waiter: Jason Canela Goat Guy: Peter New Coat Check Person: Byron Noble Another Reporter: Tyler McConachie Kitchen Worker (Enrique): Emilio Merritt Uber Driver: Jagen Johnson Uber Passenger: Yaroslav Poverlo Food and Wine Presenter: Ellen Ewusie Dim Sum Worker #1: Yue Lan Zheng Dim Sum Worker #: Tana Yu Dim Sum Worker #3: Rachelle Yu Dim Sum Worker #4: Chi Ying Cheng Dim Sum Worker #5: Xiao Qing Li “High Society” Lead Singer: Chelsea D.E. Johnson “High Society” Band: Kenan Zeigler-Sungur “High Society” Band: Adam Farnsworth-Lautsch “High Society” Band: Ashton Sweet Omar: Omar Khan Sous Chef: Juno Kim Maximal Patron: Kipp Glass Ramona (uncredited): Maddie Dixon-Poirier Elegant Guest (uncredited): Marcella Bragio Server (uncredited): Johnny Walkr Jr. …: Esther K. Chae Film Crew: Producer: Erin Westerman Director: Nahnatchka Khan Co-Producer: Michael Golamco Producer: Nathan Kahane Producer: Randall Park Producer: Ali Wong Editor: Lee Haxall Casting: Rich Delia Director of Photography: Tim Suhrstedt Costume Design: Leesa Evans Unit Production Manager: Brendan Ferguson Music Editor: Andrew Silver Sound Mixer: Mark Noda Art Direction: Cheryl Marion Music Supervisor: Trygge Toven Original Music Composer: Michael Andrews Stunt Double: Jackson Spidell Executive Producer: John Powers Middleton Production Design: Richard Toyon Music Supervisor: Toko Nagata Co-Producer: Brady Fujikawa Production Manager: Adrienne Sol First Assistant Director: Matt Rebenkoff Second Assistant Director: Lorie Gibson Stunt Coordinator: Dan Shea Associate Producer: Joanne Byon Assistant Art Director: Cherie Kroll Supervising Sound Editor: Becky Sullivan Set Designer: Angela O’Sullivan Set Designer: Austin Chuqiao Wang Set Decoration: Elizabeth Wilcox Assistant Set Decoration: Michael A. Billings Script Supervisor: Kristin Rapinchuk Music Editor: Ryan Castle Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Mark Paterson Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Jeremy Peirson Costume Supervisor: Janice MacIsaac Assistant Costume Designer: Kelsey Champion Makeup Department Head: Naomi Bakstad Makeup Artist: Megan Harkness Assistant Makeup Artist: Danielle Fowler Assistant Makeup Artist: Tanya Hudson Hair Department Head: Anne Carroll Visual Effects Producer: Guy Botham Visual Effects Producer: Rebecca West Visual Effects Supervisor: Jiwoong Kim Visual Effects Supervisor: Ricardo Marmolejo Visual Effects Supervisor: David Lebensfeld Visual Effects Supervisor: Grant Miller Visual Effects Producer: Matthew Poliquin Visual Effects Producer: Evan Davies Set Decoration Buyer: Audra Neil Movie Reviews:
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gepetordi1 · 3 months
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Ginger Snaps, Black Widow Burlesque in Austin TX. Photos by Rich Merritt.
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kmp78 · 5 months
Embo seems to be in LA because he is now following a model new who is also bestie from GFlo and Kelsey Merritt and is also currently in LA...🙌🏻😂
Poor lil' rich boy just keeps trying... 🤦🏼‍♀️
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