#Richard Whitley
movie-titlecards · 5 months
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Rock 'n' Roll High School (1979)
My rating: 4/10
It's a 70s teen comedy, so of course it's rapey as fuck in parts, and if the script crawled any further up the Ramones' collective asses they'd be unable to perform due to all the paper stuck in their teeth, but I guess the soundtrack's pretty good.
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therobertfrasergang · 2 years
Robert Fraser postcard to Joe Tilson
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WHITLEY BAY, 1969, by Richard Hamilton
Original postcard published to coincide with Richard Hamilton's show at the Robert Fraser Gallery (London), April-May 1969. Based on an original painting of the same title from 1965, these postcard 'mini-paintings' were given away at the show by Hamilton and Fraser or mailed with invitations.
Original dye-transfer, hand-coloured postcard, printed on photographic paper (combination of screen printing inks and Marshall Oils), each unique - it is understood approximately 150 examples only were produced for the show.
"I'm showing some of Richard's things (he calls them "Swingeing London '67" and "People") in the gallery at 69 Duke Street. We're opening on April 15. Hope you can come. Love Robert"
Joe Tilson is a British artist associated with the Pop Art movement.
Colin St John Wilson was an English architect.
Postcard to Joe Tilson sourced from Samuel Fouracre Studio Instagram
Postcard to Colin St John Wilson sourced from Cavaliero Finn Instagram
[Disclaimer: I've been to Whitley Bay]
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randomrichards · 5 months
Shapeshifting kaiju
Play by play of Gov response
To bring down the beast
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wellwrittenevilbitch · 8 months
Who is the better written evil bitch!
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Henry Stanford
Kills the father of the main character (Richard)'s future wife while disguised as him. Stalks, blackmails, manipulates, and sexually assaults Richard to convince him to become king, therefore securing his own power as his advisor. Worsens Richard's self-loathing "Demon" complex for his own benefit. Tells somebody that Richard killed her husband and gets her to target him for revenge. Gets pissed at Richard for sleeping with his own wife. Or trying to. Gets pissed at Richard for not sleeping with his wife also. (Really for finding out their son is illegitimate, but like. Come on.)
Gets Richard to the throne only to realize he's obsessed with him and wants him all to himself; probably gets him pregnant, and then tries to kidnap and imprison him. Starts an uprising to pull Richard from power when Richard refuses to run away with him and be his housewife. Gives himself up as a war prisoner and gives Richard no choice but to execute him, instead of going into hiding like Richard set up ample opportunity for him to do. Somehow is still charming and complex enough that Richard is genuinely in love with him despite all of this. I have a lot of feelings about him including both "I get why he turned out this way" and "I want- No, NEED to feed him into a woodchipper". He's also just a bitch and loser all around. Fucking guy.
Martin Whitley
Martin Whitly from Prodigal Son! He's the worst but you kind of can't help but like him anyway. He's also played by the same guy who plays Aziraphale in Good Omens and it's amazing how good and natural he is in both roles, whether he's being creepy or nice. Do I believe Martin Whitly is being the best dad he can be? Of course! Do I believe he's a ruthless murderer who would not have stopped killing without being imprisoned? Also yes. He's very scary. 
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moonfromearth · 1 year
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College Sim Dump!!
Will I ever be on time for a follower milestone? Not likely. 😅
Anyway, as a celebration for 150 followers here are eight cc free sims all enrolled in university! Each sim has been enrolled in a degree program, had two skills set to level three, signed up for organizations, as well as gotten scholarships!
Should you use them feel free to do as you want with them but I've provided some information on each one below the cut 😉😉
And finally a huge thank you to everyone who's followed me! I've had such a great time interacting with the simblr community and it means so much any time someone interacts with a post of mine so... Thank you!! 🤩🤩🤩
~ download (google drive) ~
A little about the sims...
Cassidy Whitmore (she/her) - Music Lover, Outgoing, Mean - Unapologetic, loud, and the mastermind behind The Whitmores, her and her brother's duo. A bit much to handle sometimes but a brilliant songwriter without much of a care for actually doing her homework, after all why write essays and answer multiple choice questions about songwriting when you can actually be writing songs?
Quinn Whitmore (he/him) - Music Lover, Paranoid, Good - Cassidy's younger brother. He looks up to his sister and has followed her lead thus far in life. His passion, though, lies more in the instrumental side of making music, and he's responsible for mixing songs that he and Cassidy work on together under the name The Whitmores. Good natured and friendly but overly anxious and tends to overthink too much. Actually does his homework, unlike his sister.
Whitley Miller (she/her) - Geek, Bro, Slob - The ace of Britechester's ESports team, Whitley's entire life revolves around gaming, modding games, and, well, more games. She's already completed several small video games as well as dozens popular mods for various games. Though some could say she's a little.. Unorganized, but who has the time to clean their room anyway?
Kai Māhoe (he/him) - Adventurous, Active, Squeamish - Britechester's all star soccer player, Kai is an athlete through and through. Outside of soccer he also snowboards and rock climbs, having gained himself several sponsors while still being in college. He's hoping to study abroad for a year and go to Mt Komorebi in order to reach the summit of the famed mountain for which the area is named.
Zoe Cho (she/her) - Art Lover, High Maintenance, Vegetarian - An artist who holds her opinion in the highest regard. Dreams of becoming an art critic but only after having her work featured within every famed San Myshuno gallery's walls. I imagine she wears contacts but unfortunately that's not a thing in the game so... Her natural eye color is brown. Member of the Britechester Art Society.
Blake Nora (he/him) - Perfectionist, Bookworm, Loves the Outdoors - You might recognize Blake if you've seen my last sim dump. His cousin, Jennifer, and him are pretty much identical. Blake was created by accident while I was trying to figure out Jennifer's look and personality. Anyway, Blake's a devoted student but rather than go on daring adventures like his cousin he'd prefer a good book and a small garden. He's a member of The Debate Guild solely to put it on his resumed, as he hates confrontation and arguing... So basically everything about The Debate Guild.
Averie Stewart (she/her) - Dance Machine, Hot Headed, Noncommittal - A dancer and cheerleader pursuing a career in theater, hoping to one day travel the world performing, never settling anywhere. Loves to have fun and hang out with friends but don't get on her bad side. Fun fact: Her look was inspired a lot by K-pop group dance practice videos. Member of the Foxbury Spirit Squad.
Gus Richards (they/them) - Self-Absorbed, Genius, Glutton - A medium with psychic abilities and an ego that's waaay too big. They're going to revolutionize paranormal research (so they claim). Probably watched Ghostbusters one too many times as a kid. On Foxbury's robotics team.
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aimeedaisies · 7 months
Court Circular | 9th November 2023
St James's Palace
The Princess Royal, President, World Horse Welfare, this morning attended the Annual Conference at the Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7.
Her Royal Highness, Patron, the Butler Trust, this afternoon visited HM Prison Wandsworth, Heathfield Road, London SWI8, and was received by Major Richard Wilson (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).
The Princess Royal, Patron, Whitley Fund for Nature, this evening held a Thirtieth Anniversary Dinner at St James's Palace.
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ejzah · 11 months
An Error in Judgment, Part 7
Deeks stood behind Callen, staring him down while they reviewed the knew information they had thanks to Eric and Nell. He was glad for the excuse to avoid any extra pressure on his back. It was to the point that even the brush of his t-shirt added to the fire hot stabs of pain.
In front of him, Tom Nelson still sat resolutely silent, arms crossed, lips set in an uncompromising line.
“Tom, we know that Richard Bamboat owed someone a lot of money and Sergeant Wiles was trying to help him. We also know that you met with Wiles shortly before he died. So, either we arrest you for Wiles’ murder, or you tell us who did it,” Callen said.
“You don’t have any proof,” Nelson huffed.
“Accept we do. Your cell phone was in the same vicinity as Wiles’ and there’s the fact your fingerprints are all over his car. And, we know you told Richard Bamboat to meet you in the location Wiles was found,” Deeks added.
“So, either you killed Wiles, or your partner did. Give us a reason not to arrest you for first degree murder.” Callen leaned back, tone casual. “Believe me, we can make it stick if you don’t.”
“Especially for a former member of the military,” Deeks said, crossing his legs at the ankle so he was supported by one elbow. “Kind of evokes people’s patriotism and all, you know.”
Nelson swore under his breath, sending Deeks a particularly nasty glare.
“Jefferson Whitley. That’s who you’re looking for. He gave Bamboat a $20,000 loan two months ago after he got drunk at a bar and spilled his guts about a bad business deal. Whitley likes desperate people. He gave Bamboat the money, then a couple weeks later, wanted it back. With interest of course.
“Of course,” Deeks repeated dryly. Nelson just shrugged at his judgment. “He paid me to track down clients, threaten to rough ‘em up if they didn’t pay up.”
“Is that what happened with Richard Bamboat?” Deeks asked. “You threatened him.”
“Bamboat tried to stall, managed to scrape together a couple payments, but he was late on the last one. He was supposed to meet with Jefferson that night, but some other guy showed up. He said if Jefferson didn’t leave his friend alone, he was gonna get the police involved. Said he knew people. Whitley panicked and pulled a gun, next thing I knew, Wiles is dead.”
“And you had absolutely nothing to do with it,” Deeks guessed sarcastically.
“Hey,I’m not a killer,” Nelson said sharply, like he’d been offended.
“Do you know where Whitley is now?” Callen asked.
“I ain’t heard from him since that night, but he keeps a second house in the garment district if he’s not home.”
Deeks rubbed a drop of sweat off his nose, leaning his forehead against the window as Kensi drove to the address Tom Nelson had provided. Callen was in the back seat while Rountree and Sam had paired up for a change.
With his vest on, it felt like he was trapped in a sauna, everything too tight and way too hot. If he said something, he was pretty sure no one would have a problem with him sitting this one out, but he didn’t want to give Kilbride further ammunition.
Besides, he’d worked through worse. Running across a hospital, which ripped his very fresh stitches open, for instance. Though of course, he’d been running on pure adrenaline at that point.
“Hey you ok, partner?” Kensi asked, and he straightened up with some effort.
“I’ve been better, but I’ll survive,” he answered, offering a ghost of a smile. Frowning, Kensi swept her knuckles over his forehead, her lips drawing down even farther as she slid down to cup his cheek.
Deeks peeked out of the corner of his eye to the back, but Callen was studiously ignoring them.
“Oh baby, you’ve got a fever.”
“God, I wish I had the energy to make a joke about you finding me hot.”
“I’m a little concerned that you aren’t.”
He shrugged. “I’m ok. But when we’re done here, maybe we can have a little date at the urgent care,” he suggested, and Kensi rolled her eyes affectionately.
“I’ll even spring for the good meds,” she teased.
“Best wife ever.”
They pulled up opposite a nondescript yellow house with a front porch that could have easily belonged to your average middle class family. Two sets of curqtinaed bay windows framed either side of the door.
Pulling on his reserves, Deeks followed Kensi and Callen up to the porch, while Sam and Rountree moved to the back. He waited for Kensi and Callen to move into position on either side of him, their weapons at the ready, then pounded on the door.
“NCIS, open the door!”
His announcement was met with silence and then a burst of gunfire. Deeks threw himself to the side to avoid the shower of bullets and wood shards, his back protesting the sudden movement. Kensi and Callen had both ducked beneath the windows.
Nodding to Kensi, Deeks leaned to the side and fired two shots through their window, before taking cover again when return fire shattered most of the glass panes. Callen took his place, firing through the other window, and then Kensi, wincing against the shards of glass flying everywhere.
There was a loud crash, and two more gunshots inside.
“Suspect apprehended,” Sam called out over comms. “Repeat, suspect apprehended.”
Grimacing, Callen and Kensi stood up, shaking off glass and wood chips. There was a small cut over her eye, but otherwise, she seemed unharmed. Deeks got up more slowly, his head spinning a little with the change in orientation. His back felt warm and damp.
Actually, his entire body was uncomfortably hot.
“Sounds like they got him,” Callen said.
“Great. Cause, I feel like crap,” Deeks croaked, and promptly collapsed.
A/N: I’m not sure this is my best, but I’ve been waiting to have Deeks collapse for several chapters. Before anyone should think that I’m making anyone look weak, remember, he has some infected burns brewing.
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latenightswithdoom · 29 days
(Organized Alphabetically for ease of use.)
Avatar: Aang, Asami, Azula, Katara, Korra, Sokka, Mei, Toph, Zuko
Ben Ten: Ben, Gwen, Kevin
Beastars: Haru, Jack, Juno, Legoshi, Louis
DC: Barbra Gordon, Barry Allen, Beast Boy, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Clark Kent, Clara Kent, Cyborg, Damian Wayne, Diana Prince, Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Jessica Cruz, Johnathan Kent, John Stewart, Lady Shiva, Pamala Isley, Raven, Selena Kyle, Sierra Hall, Starfire, Stephane Brown, Talia Al Ghul, Tim Drake, Wally West
Disney: Anna, Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Elsa, Gaston, Honeymarren, Jasmine, Moana, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Tiana
Edgerunners: David, Lucy, Rebbeca
Gravity Falls: Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, Wendy
Helltaker: Asmodeus, Azazel, Beelzebub, Helltaker, Judgement, Justice, Loremaster, Lucifer
Helluva/Hazbin: Adam, Angel Dust, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Blitzø, Charlie, Chaz, Husker, Lilith, Loona, Lucifer, Lute, Mille, Moxxie, Octavia, Stella, Striker, Vaggie, Velvette, Verosika, Vortex, Vox
Incredibles: Bob, Dash, Helen, Tony, Violet
Invincible: Debbie, Eve, Immortal, Kate, Mark, Omni Man, Rex
Kim Possible: Ann, Bonnie, Jim, Kim, Monique, Ron, Tim
Legend of Zelda: Ganon, Link, Zelda
Mario: Bowser, Daisy, Peach, Rosalina
Marvel: Ben Grimm, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Drax, Felica Hardy, Gamora, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Jean Grey, Jennifer Walters, Jessica Drew, Johnny Storm, Jubilee, Logan, Mary Jane Watson, Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, Mystique, Natasha Romanov, Nebula, Peni Parker, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Reed Richards, Rio Morales, Scott Summers, Steve Rogers, Susan Storm, Thor, Tony Stark
Miraculous: Alya, Adrien, Chloe, Marionette
Miss Kobyashi’s Dragon Maid: Elma, Kobyashi, Lucoa, Tohru
Murder Drones: J, N, Tessa, Uzi, V
Overwatch: Ana, Ashe, Brigette, Cassidy, Doomfist, DVA, Echo, Emily, Hanzo, Genji, Kiriko, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Pharah, Ramattra, Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Solder 76, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya
Owl House: Amity, Camila, Eda, Edric, Emira Hunter, Luz, Willow, Vee
RWBY: Adam, Alyx, Blake, Cardin, Ciel, Cinder, Coco, Dove, Emerald, Flynt, Fox, Ghira, Glynda, Hazel, Ilia, Ivori, Jacques, Jaune, Jessica, Junior, Kali, Kobalt, Leo, Lewis, Lil Miss Malachite, May Marigold, May Zedong, Mercury, Neo, Neon, Neptune, Nolan, Nora, Oscar, Ozpin, Penny, Port, Pyrrha, Qrow, Raven, Ren, Roman, Roy, Ruby, Russel, Sage, Salem, Scarlet, Summer, Sun, Tai, Theodore, Velvet, Weiss, Whitley, Willow, Winter, Yang, Yatsu
Scooby-Doo: Daphne, Fred, Scooby, Velma
She-Ra: Adora, Catra, Glitter
Sonic: Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Sonic, Tails
Spy x Family: Lloyd, Yor
Star Wars: Ahsoka, Anakin Skywalker, Asaji Ventress, Ben Solo, Bo-Katan, Cal Kestis, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Padame Amadala, Sabine Wren, Shami Skywalker
TCOAAL: Andrew Graves, Ashley Graves, Julia, Renee Graves
Zootopia: Bellweather, Bogo, Bonnie, Fennec, Judy, Lionheart, Nick
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theepsteinlist · 9 months
"epstein" client lists
ring leaders:
epstein and gf
r. kelly
michael jackson
michael vick
donald trump
perps/victims: (i.e. their victims who joined the criminal conspiracy)
kelsey mayfield
megan thee stallion
beyonce knowles
targets:  pretty runaway rich girls who wanna be ~bad girls~ for a weekend and ~seduce an older man~
epstein was known locally to strippers as mr. brown
nazi blood diamond money laundering:
doc martens
james avery
dr pepper/snapple/green mountain/keurig
hobby lobby
american eagle
nazi pedophile blood money (m)/(b)illionaires:
robert a. eckert
sheila a. penrose
john w. rogers jr
miles d. white
richard childress
jen foyle
truett cathy
david green
meg whitman
john mcafee
alice walton
brian kelley
travis kalanick
mark zuckerberg
tony xu
new braunfels: ring leaders:
amy allen
sam allen
lori hines
donna simpson
targets: high school kids who just wanna ~have fun~ and ~have a safe environment to drink in~ because "there were adults present so it's safe"
sergio zamora
bryce parrock
chris allen
travis allen
clayton mott
curtis kostan
travis kostan
calvin hoffman
ashton henderson
hannah jeroswhatever jerosezswki
lisa pickens
rachael lee muschalek
courtney cashion
taylor davis
raelynn haggerty
adam sheldon
devin kelley
zach rhoades
ryan walker
taylor akins
samantha rich
stephanie gawlik
charlie miffleton
chris tysdal
ross johnson
reed edwards
paige beyer
landre nattinger
aubrie iverson
andrew shafer
matt durbin
spencer jergins
clint whitley
tim word
chad laborde
chez council
"victims"? (participants with a wide spectrum of consent that were nonetheless assaulted/exploited)
maggie osborne
esmerelda ??? (zapatos?)
liz perez
autumn reno
angel ??? (bustos?)
destiney sheldon
katie turpin
kiki grossman
lauren laborde
lindsay smith
stephen lupton
landre nattinger
ashton henderson
hannah jerosewzski
ring leaders:
david duke
greg abbott
ken paxton
vance lesseig
walton family
taylor swift
david green
james reno
edwin braun
marisol padilla
chuck kirchhof
tom muschalek
dunno mr. zeitler's name
aforementioned men's wives
oakwood baptist church of new braunfels
community bible church of new braunfels
vance langley
coach schmidt
coach mclean
mrs. lindsay
ms. pradervand
mr. baker
mr. trollinger
mr. ??? (other NBHS short term criminal justice teacher in 2009)
officer broussard
shelby lesseig
rachael lee muschalek
kelsey mayfield
henry desroches
thomas neupert
michael brennan
mark hardiman
dr. hardiman
sam allen
judge and mrs. gray
targets: young teenagers that were ~special~, i.e. identified by the duke talent program
sam coronado
samantha allen
mitchell ridsdale
aaron criddle
ben turrubiates
akash motani
faizal khan
sterling demasters
zach mares
ethan poulter
jordan thiem
edward stockwell
anthony castilleja
charles tandy
jonathan dockall
emily brandon
lauren knipe
heather brown
josh burlison
the trix family
the piranha family
gavon payne
emma roddy
alison kim
sarah perrilloux
amanda and mary pike
sarah stiponavich
stephen phipps
allie alcala
jeremy priest
jackson faires
alex mott
marco martinez
brandon anderson
scott antoine
amber antoine
star hernandez
jessica atwell
rylee young
jamie hand
suzanne stricker
emily langendorff
olivia langley
taylor francis
ana castro
maria chavez
tanner brewer
katie ha
zach parrish
anthony tran
kylie blair
cullen nisson
ranger wallace
taylor mares
kathryne mares
jayme zigler
evan zigler
gracie payne
ellie payne
manuel deleon
the dione triplets
justin and taylor schwarz
araceli ayala
jamie bell
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
rachel jones
andrew bryant
michael trombold
stephanie bryant
ashley bryant
daniel schroeder
kirsten schroeder
alexandria ingram
julianna pappalas
kindell hardin
edward yu
alexis lewis
katherine davis
ana ??? (katherine's girlfriend, texas a&m track team 2013)
ajay patel
james lamon
emily lamon
dionne diaz
mirea ayala
katelyn warner
kirby fisher
kyle fisher
tyler rougeux
kyle rougeux
josh chappell
kyle chappell
jaimee chapell
emily chappell
tyler mcdonald
marissa maddon
john maddon
tessa loge
eden bonneville
jack rhodes
andrew romero
lauren laborde
sarah laborde
stephenea sotcheff
sophia sotcheff
david mis
britton ware
will stapleton
canaan hoffman
caitie hoffman
sarah kreuger
ben jacks
ben triesch
gabe ramos
gene jacobson
aj jerosewszki
daniel phipps
daniel schumacher
eric stiebing
stephen rapp
maisha rumman
shradha thakur
vamsi vishnubhotla
michael carl
lindsay smith
lindsey kubena
samantha partida
steven partida
victoria rich
jennifer koepp
jenniffer flores
anne manzano
elizabeth villarreal
denise ortiz
kevin korpi
brad arnold
ed gonazles
david eckert
felicia curtis
trent wenzel
coach woodall
coach kilford
mrs. bock
mrs. lopez
ms. wetz
ms. caldwell
ms. biggs
mrs. thompson
oldest batey girl
oldest gorski girl
any other teenagers in central texas that have died in car crashes since 1980 or so
bharadwadj tanikella
hayley gray
colby callahan
austin milam
heath burley
los angeles:
ring leader: grayson bauer
targets: young runaway artist girls
harvey weinstein
bill cosby
jack antonoff
dr. luke
beyonce knowles
travis scott
janelle monae
megan thee stallion
erykah badu
mark oliver everett
marina diamandis
breandan urie
victims: (ranging from financial abuse to outright sex trafficking)
ellie goulding
rina sawayama
billie eilish
avril lavigne
amy lee
ky voss
christine and the queens
la roux
chloe chaidez
tove styrke
tove lo
bebe rexha 
ximena sarinana
angel haze
azaelia banks
colbie caillat
charli xcx
kim petras
kacey musgraves
mia rodriguez
melanie martinez
jazmin bean
ivy levan
iggy azaelia
alice glass
cardi b
nicki minaj
charlotte sometimes
lana del rey
sky ferreira
florence and the machine
sarah jaffe
alex winston
jessica hernandez
tegan and sara
caitlin rose
alice merton
hailey williams
emily king
rett madison
king mala
princess nokia
post malone
sir babygirl
caroline polachek
moses sumney
king princess
dorian electra
lil nas x
phoebe bridgers
harry styles
alicia keys
lil mariko
carrie underwood
kelly clarkson
mount moriah
zz ward
miranda lambert
the chicks
frank ocean
chance the rapper
ariana grande
britney spears
christina aguilera
alessia cara
mac demarco
sam fender
jason isbell
mexican institute of sound
la perla
gera mx
royal blood
st. vincent
white reaper
biffy clyro
the chats
corey taylor
cage the elephant
vishal dadlani
shor police
diet cig
flatbush zombies
dj scratch
jose madero
moses sumney
j balvin
chase & status
backroad gee
the neptunes
jon pardi
portugal. the man
aaron beam
the hu
tomi owo
phoebe bridgers
miley cyrus
elton john
yo-yo ma
robert trujillo
chad smith
dave dahan
mickey guyton
dermot kennedy
mon laferte
igor levit
my morning jacket
pg roxette
darius rucker
chris stapleton
goodnight, texas
imelda may
chery glazerr
kamasi washington
rodrigo y gabriela
worked with grayson, benefitted from him, but were not aware anything was going on or did their best to help:
st. lucia
tame impala
the hush sound
straylight run
the naked and famous
blue october
old 97's
frank turner
sea wolf
my chemical romance
avenged sevenfold
blaqk audio
fall out boy
young the giant
san francisco:
ring leaders:
marc benioff
elon musk
travis kalanick
evan spiegel
steve jobs
jeff bezos
mark zuckerberg
steve chen
bill gates
michael dell
ren zhengfei
eoghan mccabe
secondary: grayson bauer using this circle for remote revenge crypto shills from 20mission and burning man preying on runaways as well
targets: queer tech-inclined teenagers
zach snow
dan granquist
jeremy whittington
taran patel
jim spagnola
seth tager
walter harley
jose garcia
connor cook
andrew zigler
chris sullivan
"anna lytical" (billy)
kelsey mayfield
caroline rhoades
henry desroches
mark hardiman
ben angel
ian coldwater
"belgium solanas" (michael troy judd)
meagan clawges
nalini prakash
lovi yu
peeyush aggarwal
matthew allen
samantha allen
janus rose
c boucher
chelsea manning
ben turrubiates
emily johnston
gavon payne
jamie delton
chris koch
amanda le
naomi wu
tux pacific
sev welker
alison kim
cara mazzi
ruby ??? (caroline's old roommate)
nick ??? (caroline's ex-boyfriend)
rachel forbes
daphne gunawan
trisha day
sidney powell
srijita mori
rebecca ??? (srijita's partner)
scott conger
erin nielsen
qinlin chen (catherine chen)
hank yang
kevin ren
aaron wong
matt hwang
chloe cauley
zane witherspoon
ana garcia
jeremy cruz
john lewis
lida wang
waylon clanton
wyatt clanton
tyler mcdonald
jasmine christiansen
new york/london/vegas && norcal/socal rivalries
ring leaders:
bernie madoff
jack antonoff
joanne rowling
evan spiegel
fox news, et al
new york times, et al
washington post, et al
the guardian, et al
noah pentecost
mark zuckerberg
jp morgan/chase bank/etrade
lin manuel-miranda
bari weiss
sarah jeong
juliette sieve
ravi gill
will yang
jesse yang
sahil bhumi
???? (their armenian friend from stanford 2012 class)
antonis kartanapis
marko salkovic
erykah badu
oakstop coworking space
wag dogsitting app
kent from youtube & his sri lankan sugar mama
gabriella from wag
stephenie meyer
"e.l. james"
john green
hank green
susan collins
meg cabot
angela santomero
john kricfalusi
tom cruise
george r. r. martin
david benioff
targets: expressive, artistic teenagers envied by big money bankers and "feminist" writers
tori holland
janus rose
andrew bryant
daniel schroeder
max parks
amanda le
kelsey mayfield
samantha allen
josh burlison
ben turrubiates
henry desroches
nico ??? (from shippo)
sev welker
rachael kauffman
janelle monae
kim petras
scarlett ??? (my friend in the london club scene)
james sampson
james twigg
james sanchez
maria nunez
young asian women, age 18 - 22, going to raves and to vegas (i.e. "asian baby girls")
john lewis
lida wang
katie holmes
stacy london
carrie brownstein
ring leaders:
richard stallman
steven pinker
mark zuckerberg
queer software engineers
priscilla chan
amanda le
samantha allen
josh burlison
jamie delton
jamie hand
katie ha
emily johnston
chris koch
cara mazzi
jasmine christiansen
mark hardiman
chicago && washington dc
ring leaders:
barack obama
rahm emanuel
beyonce knowles
joe biden
targets: pretty, light skinned, liberal teenagers interested in politics
samantha allen
emily brandon
lauren knipe
andrew zigler
andrew bryant
michael trombold
carissa nietzche
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
haley gray
ben turrubiates
jose garcia
ana garcia
victoria benson
cj dehart
austin scarborough
stephen lupton
michael morton
michelle moon
jeff stevens
becky pickert
ashton nicole casey
carter freeman
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
History of the World, Part II | Trailer
The mini-series sequel to Mel Brooks’ History of the World, Part I film will premiere on Hulu on March 6, 2023, followed by two new episodes daily through March 9, 2023.
Cast additions
Jack Black, James Adomian, Jason Alexander, Fred Armisen, Tim Bagley, Dan Bakkedahl, Travis Bennett, Sarayu Blue, Craig Cackowski, Arturo Castro, Parvesh Cheena, Margaret Cho, Andy Cohen, Andy Daly, Colton Dunn, Ayo Edebiri , Ana Fabrega, Marla Gibbs, Blake Griffin, Mitra Jouhari, Preston Lacy, Robby Hoffman, Anna Maria Horsford, Brian Huskey, Mousa Hussein Kraish, Bobby Lee, Mena Massoud, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Crystal Kung Minkoff, Finesse Mitchell, Natalie Morales, Pam Oliver, Ana Ortiz, Adam Pally, Lennon Parham, Chris Pontius, Rob Riggle, Matt Rogers, Paul Rust, Paul Scheer, Andrew Secunda, Jessica St. Clair, Carl Tart, Drew Tarver, Christopher Thornton, James Urbaniak, George Wallace, Michaela Watkins, Wee Man, Kym Whitley, and Casey Wilson.
Previously announced cast members
Mel Brooks, Wanda Sykes, Nick Kroll, Ike Barinholtz, Pamela Adlon, Tim Baltz, Zazie Beetz, Jillian Bell, Quinta Brunson, Dove Cameron, D’Arcy Carden, Ronny Chieng, Rob Corddry, Danny DeVito, David Duchovny, Hannah Einbinder, Jay Ellis, Josh Gad, Kimiko Glenn, Brandon Kyle Goodman, Jake Johnson, Richard Kind, Johnny Knoxville, Lauren Lapkus, Jenifer Lewis, Poppy Liu, Joe Lo Truglio, Jason Mantzoukas, Ken Marino, Jack McBrayer, Zahn McClarnon, Charles Melton, Kumail Nanjiani and Brock O’Hurn, Andrew Rannells, Emily Ratajkowski, Sam Richardson, Nick Robinson, Seth Rogen, Sarah Silverman, Timothy Simons, J.B. Smoove, David Wain, Taika Waititi, Reggie Watts and Tyler James Williams.
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rwbyvein · 2 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 1212: You Can Dance If You Want To:  Part I / III
They stood collected in the Great War Memorial, one that had been decked up with cloth drapes strapped to poles, hanging to the central gazebo. Ironwood stood at the lecturn in the back of the gazebo. Penthesilea stood to his immediate right, in a slinky, full-length, crimson dress. Cleavage to the point of nearly being immodest, with long gloves and high heels. To her right was Yang and Blake in similar dresses, of gold and black, respectively. To Ironwood's left stood the sisters-three, in dresses not quite as audacious, their colours a bit more dimmed, Summer in a-seasonal summery yellow, Sophia in a faint mauve, while Shantae had a stronger violet one.
In front of them, down, out of the gazebo was a long carpet, flanked by 36 seats.
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"Sapphire Arc, Jaune's mother." Sapphire stated.
"Nora Valkyrie." Nora replied.
"Lie Ren." Ren said from beyond her, with a light bow.
Nora held out her hand, which Sapphire eagerly, firmly shook. Djed, behind Sapphire, seemed disinterested and spoke with Richard Woodcock.
"So, how do you know my son?" Sapphire asked.
"Beacon!" Nora eagerly exclaimed.
"We were of his team." Ren stated, and then after a brief pause, "He was - is - our leader."
"Exactly!" Nora eagerly eclaimed, causing Djed to turn to glare at her before turning back to Richard. Nora looked down with shame.
"He is not the one that decides the comportment of the wedding." Ren stated.
"Who does?" Nora asked, to Sapphire's dismay.
"Our leader, of course." Ren replied, and the colour disappeared from Nora's face. "He is hardly that harsh." Ren replied.
"Good point." Nora replied, and turned to Sapphire. "We were orphans. We didn't have anyone to count on, until Jaune."
"And Pyrrha, rest her..." Ren said, and his words stopped as he turned to look at Penthesilea. She seemed nervous beyond belief. Ren then turned back to Sapphire. "He has provided us with a home." Ren stated.
"A castle!" Nora exclaimed.
"A place we belong." Ren stated.
"Oooh, that!" Nora said, while Sapphire beamed.
* * *
Raven gave Whitley are harsh look before looking forward.
"My sentiments, precisely." Whitley stated.
Raven let out a light groan, and momentarily softened. "I'm still lucky to be invited."
A pregnant pause happened before Whitley replied, "Myself as well." Another pause happened, "I find myself in her absence, not - hating - her. Before her departure, I thought herself as... an adversary."
"That's what siblings are like." Taiyang said from beyond Raven.
"But, in her absence, I..." Whitley voiced, and paused, and looked forward.
"It's okay to miss her." Taiyang stated, and another pregnant pause followed. Whitley looked at him, lightly nodded, and then looked forward again.
"I will deny it if it comes up." Whitley stated.
"She must have really twisted your panties." Raven stated. Whitley turned to glare at her. "I like you." she said.
A pregnant pause followed, "Yourself as well."
"You don't have to say it outloud, but you need to say it inside." Raven said, and Whitley gave her a questioning look, "You want to be here." Whitley stared into her eyes for a moment before looking forward again.
* * *
Susan held her hand out her, and he strongly shook it. "Susan o'Onagh."
"Gaylord Soleil." he replied, causing Belle to giggle from beyound Susan.
"I have to say, that's a nice handshake." Susan stated, "I kind of figured, with being an... uh... what was it you were again?"
"Actuary." Gaylord stated, "That does not mean I do not know how to work for a living. Being an actuary does provide me with an incredible work-life balance, to the point I can manage other activities."
"Like what?" Susan asked, and Belle looked over from behind her.
"Like the extensive renovations of our hourse." Gaylord stated.
"I kind of figured you would be the type to not waste money on luxuries?" Susan asked.
"Far from it." Gaylord replied. "Balancing your expenditures allows you to engage in even more fivolous purchases without causing fiscal problems. Plus, the renovations significantly improve the value of our land. Should we expire, young Ciel will gain an exceptional bounty."
"If she doesn't want to keep the house." Marie said from beyond him.
"If she doesn't want to keep the house." Gaylord stated.
"But she is very well invested." Marie added.
"But they have frog girl?" Susan asked, and the two just stared at her for a moment.
Ciel leaned out from beside the aisle, "I was aiding both of my parents in their respective fields before my graduation from Atlas."
"Oh, wow." Susan stated, "You had your whole life planned out?"
"Planned for." Ciel stated, and sat back.
"There's a number of things everyone can do to ensure a stable future." Gaylord stated.
"Like what?" Susan asked.
"Investing, obviously." Belle said from behind her. Gog let out a joyful utterance. "What's got you so happy?"
"Oh, just - that - I - am - invested." Gog stated.
"You're what?" both Susan and Belle asked at the same time.
"I've seen you drink an entire keg." Belle stated, "You even drank Susie under the table."
"All - things - in - moderation." he uttered, his deep voice echoing.
"I think we should get in on this." Belle stated.
Marie handed something to Gaylord. Gaylord held a pair of business cards.
"Mother?" Ciel admonished, "Must you always try to solicit new clients?"
Susan quickly grabbed the cards, handing one to Belle as Gaylord turned to Ciel, "Your mother is trying to support your new life."
"Oh?" Ciel asked, and turned to her mother, "I apologize, mother. Thank you for supporting me."
Gaylord turned to Susan and Belle, "She's not the easiest person to support."
"Father." Ciel admonished.
"She already has everything planned out so well."
"Father." Ciel repeated.
"I couldn't be more proud of her." Gaylord stated.
"Oh, well, thank you, Father. If I am doing so well, it's because I have such exceptional parents to thank for it."
Marie reached her arm over Ciel's shoulder and hugged her.
* * *
Saphron strapped Adrian into his booster seat as Terra turned towards Sarah Arns. "Terra Cotta-Arc."
"Sarah Arns." she said.
Terra turned towards Saphron, "And this is my wife, Saphron, and this is..."
"Adrian!" Sarah said excitedly.
"So?" Saphron asked, "Jaune told you about us?"
Sarah eagerly nodded. "He wouldn't admit it, but he seemed to miss you."
"Yes, well..." Saphron stated.
"We both had jobs, so we can't just spend months visiting." Terra lightly added.
"And he already had three sisters visiting." Saphron added, "He loves us all, but all seven can be a little too much for him."
Terra reached her hand towards Saphron. Saphron grabbed her hand and their fingers intertwined. Adrian reached his hand out and put it on top theirs.
"You couldn't be apart?" Sarah asked. Saphron and Terra blushed and nodded. "That's so romantic." Sarah said with glee. She then looked over to Adrian, before looking between the women, "Can I?"
"He's strapped in." Saphron said giddly. Sarah stood up and rushed as fast as she could in heels to kneel in front of the seat. Terra turned to Sarah's mother. She reached her hand over.
"Rosalind Arns."
"Terra." Terra said, and the two shook. Sarah squeed as she held Adrian's hands and made funny faces.
* * *
"Selena Chauvin."
"Ulyana Bogdanoff." Ulyana replied, "I take it you are one of his many sisters?"
"The second one, after Stella." Selena replied. A pregnant pause followed.
"I am the contractor in charge of the renovations for the castle." Ulyana replied.
Stella let out and offended utterance, "And, he invited you?" she asked accusingly.
"She's with me." Taj stated, "Taj, Taj Rex. Ladies love it."
"And you are?" Selena accusingly asked.
"Their pilot." Taj stated. "Former military. Best pilot for hot extractions." he said with a self-assured grin.
"And why did you leave the military?" Selena asked.
"Because it's the military." Taj replied.
"If you are so afraid?.." Selena asked.
"Who said anything of the sort?" Taj replied. "My problem with the military is they want to control every - single - thing you do. With Arc Nouveau, I do my job fantastically, and they leave me to it."
* * *
Neo made sure Roman's hat was balanced on his cane before turning to Nalai. She let the Hound Knight smell her hands before she started to pet her.
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Starring Jonah Hill, Lauren London, Eddie Murphy, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, David Duchovny, Nia Long, Molly Gordon, Sam Jay, Travis Bennett, Mike Epps, Deon Cole, Rhea Perlman, Andrew Schulz, Andrea Savage, La La Anthony, Jordan Firstman, Bryan Greenberg, Matt Walsh, Minnie Holtzman, Elliott Gould, Richard Benjamin, Hal Linden and Anthony Anderson.
Screenplay by  Jonah Hill & Kenya Barris.
Directed by Kenya Barris.
Distributed by Netflix. 118 minutes. Rated R.
There is something oddly old-fashioned about You People, even though it probably was meant to seem rather edgy. In 2023 it is not that unusual for people to fall in love with someone of a vastly different background, race and religion. Nor is it really all that necessary in the new millennium for a couple’s parents to be on board in order for a couple to consider marriage. Guys don’t need to ask the dad for permission to propose in the modern world.
This old-fashioned vibe in itself is not necessarily a bad thing – this is at heart a rom-com and doesn’t need to push the envelope completely to tell its story.
The diverse couple are Ezra, a thirty-ish Jewish guy who co-hosts a podcast taking a light-hearted and slightly edgy look at modern life and race, and Amira (Lauren London), an African American designer. The two meet exceedingly cute – he mistakes her for his Uber driver, and she thinks he’s a crazy carjacker – but somehow find a connection. Both have been disappointed by love and fall easily and naturally into a rhythm and then fall in love.
All good, right?  
The complications start when the families enter the picture. Amira’s father Akbar (Eddie Murphy) is a devout Muslim and totally refuses to engage with Ezra, and mother Fatima (Nia Long) is only slightly more welcoming. On the other hand, Ezra’s mother Shelley (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is smothering in her openness to welcome Amira to the fold and prove her liberal bona fides, and Ezra’s dad Arnold (David Duchovny) comes clean about his obsession with Xzibit and Pimp My Ride.
And do you know what? In the first half of the film, You People actually has some of the bite it was seeking to portray, particularly in a hilariously awkward scene where the parents first meet and there is consternation about Minister Farrakhan and whether slavery and the Holocaust were equally horrific. Some of the conversations between Ezra and his best friend/podcast cohost Mo (Sam Jay) also have similar bite.
Then about a half-hour to 45 minutes in, the film downshifts and becomes as safe as milk. This section has little more to say about race relations than the 1967 granddaddy of the form, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
Which is a shame because there is some fine humor and terrific acting on display. In the first half, Murphy does some of his finest work in years because he was willing to rein things in and play the straight man. (The second half of the film, his performance loses some of its tightness, but is still mostly worthy.) And Louis-Dreyfus is a treasure in just about anything, and her mocking of clueless liberal overreach is both smart and funny.
There is a clash of comic styles as well as cultures, which leads You People to feel a bit disjointed, but that’s probably the point. Co-written by star Jonah Hill and Blackish creator Kenya Barris, the film has some interesting twists and looks at many points of view. Plus, it brings together such great old pros as Elliott Gould, Mike Epps, Richard Benjamin, Deon Cole, Rhea Perlman, Kym Whitley and Hal Linden, which is always a plus, although honestly of that group only Epps really gets anything worthwhile to do onscreen.
But in the second half it all just evaporates. Everything just slams into cliched rom-com mode, and honestly, I didn’t buy the late romantic complication for a second, nor the eventual epiphany.
So, maybe You People is the perfect fare for Netflix. You can check out the first half and decide at your convenience when or if you want to finish it off.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: January 27, 2023.
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
RWBY: The Holiday Special
Taking place after the series, we get a look at what the holiday season is like on Remnant.
Starring the voices of:
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Dawn M. Bennett as Elm Ederne
Jen Brown as Pyrrha Nikos
Sena Bryer as May Marigold
Ashley Burns as Coco Adel
Burnie Burns as Taiyang Xiao Long
Tiana Camacho as Glynda Goodwitch
Cam Clarke as Bartholomew Oobleck
Colleen Clinkenbeard as Jinn
Amber Lee Connors as Vernal
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Michele Everheart as Fiona Thyme
Dave Fennoy as Dr. Pietro Polendina
Gavin Free as Scarlet David
Caitlin Glass as Willow Schnee
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Mick Lauer as Marrow Amin
Morgan Lauré as Summer Rose
Cherami Leigh as Ilia Amitola
Marissa Lenti as Joanna Greenleaf
Jason Liebrecht as Qrow Branwen
Yuri Lowenthal as Mercury Black
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Joe MacDonald as Yatsuhashi Daichi
Aaron Marquis as Nolan Porfirio
Penny Layne Matthews as Zwei
Elizabeth Maxwell as Winter Schnee
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Taylor McNee as Penny Polendina
Lani Minella as Rowena Sunnybrook
Max Mittelman as Fox Alistair
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Josh Ornelas as Sage Ayana
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Anairis Quiñones as Harriet Bree
Jason Rose as James Ironwood
Anthony Sardinha as Peter Port
Kerry Shawcross as Neptune Vasilias
Keith Silverstein as Professor Theodore
Melissa Sternenberg as Maria Calavera
Valentine Stokes as Ambrosius
Karen Strassmann as Gretchen Rainart
J. Michael Tatum as Klein Sieben
Cristina Vee as Robyn Hill
Howard Wang as Whitley Schnee
Caiti Ward as Velvet Scarlatina
Christopher Wehkamp as Clover Ebi
Casey Lee Williams as singing voice of Weiss Schnee & Neopolitan
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Todd Womack as Vine Zeki
Anne Yatco as Xanthe Rumpole
Additional Voices:
Orion Acaba as Harold Mulberry
César Altagracia as Crimson
Amalee as Ivy Thickety
Yssa Badiola as Ciel Soleil
Laura Bailey as Amber
William Ball as Saber Rodentia
Ryan Bartley as Arslan Altan
Eric Baudour as Forest
Brian Beacock as Roch Szalt
Dawn M. Bennett as An Ren
Laila Berzins as Starr Sanzang
Grace Bono as Nebula Violette
Jen Brown as Red Haired Woman & Lisa Lavender
Reba Buhr as Lily’s Younger Sister
Billy B. Burson III as Branwen Bandit 2
Paige Campbell as Dew Gayl
Bruce Carey as Captain
Dani Chambers as Iris Marilla
Clifford Chapin as Shay D. Mann
Luci Christian as Lil’ Miss Malachite & Fria
Greg Chun as Green
Lucella Wren Clary as Adrian Cotta-Arc
Alfred Coleman as Merchant
Kate Daigler as Atlas Soldier Officer
Adam Ellis as Cardin Winchester & Tukson
Dorothy Fahn as Slate
Melissa Fahn as Lily
Erin Fitzgerald as Rae Noire
Flynt Flossy as Flynt Coal
Jim Foronda as Russet Ka
Sandy Fox as Ariadne Guime
Scott Frerichs as Mata
Grant George as Ivori
Blaine Gibson as Brawnz Ni
Christopher Guerrero as Dudley & Blacksmith
Claire Hogan as Octavia Ember
Victoria Holden as Mata’s Mother
Xanthe Huynh as Claret Berbere
Chad James as Asher Mora & Councilman Sleet
Chris Kokkinos as Fenix Nemean, Spider Bodyguard 2, Branwen Bandit 1, & Crew Member 2
Anjali Kunapaneni as Cye Ayu
Skye Lafontaine as Olive Harper
Aleks Le as Nadir Shiko
Judy Alice Lee as Ruda Tilleroot
Mela Lee as Caroline Cordovin
Marissa Lenti as Oscar’s Aunt
Alex Mai as Dee
Joel Mann as Drunk Mann
Bryan Massey as Bertilak Celadon
Dustin Matthews as Drinking Buddy
Kyle McCarley as Sky Lark
Mike McFarland as Mayor
Daman Mills as Leonardo Lionheart
Ryan Mitchum as August Caspian
Cassandra Lee Morris as Kandi Floss
Kim Newman as Higanbana Waitress
Richard Norman as Fenix Atar
Brooke Olson as Mantle Child
Colleen O’Shaughnessey as Thumbelina Peach
Bryce Papenbrook as Russel Thrush
Jack Pattillo as Hei “Junior” Xiong
Paul St. Peter as Edward Caspian
Kyle Phillips as Nubuck Guards
Anairis Quiñones as Councilwoman Camilla
Eden Riegel as Elektra Fury
Sam Riegel as Finn Asturias
Jon Risinger as Bolin Hori
Cindy Robinson as Ann Greene
Patrick Rodriguez as Shopkeep & Cyril Ian
Kristi Rothrock as Zure Ayu
Andrew Russell as Kobalt
Ian Russell as Mossius Berbere
Alejandro Saab as Dove Bronzewing & Henry Marigold
Lindsay Seidel as May Zedong
Kerry Shawcross as Pyke Rite
Lindsay Sheppard as Saphron Cotta-Arc
Michael Sinterniklaas as Roy Stallion
Jamie Smith as Terra Cotta-Arc
Gus Sorola as Fiona’s Uncle
Laura Stahl as Roane Ashwood
Christine Stuckart as Grandmother
Kaiji Tang as Li Ren
Jenn K. Tidwell as Mother & Spider Bodyguard 1
Alexis Tipton as Bianca Prisma
Maggie Tominey as Miltia & Melanie Malachite
Meg Turney as Neon Katt
Natalie Van Sistine as Cerise Claire
Erin Winn as Reese Chloris
Kimberly Woods as Olive Gashley
Yunhao Xhong as Crew Member 1
Laura Yates as Arrastra Skye
Christian Young as Rhodes
Mylissa Zelechowski as Gwen Darcy
Molly Zhang as Mikado Lem
Derreck Ziegler as Matte Skye
0 notes
tjmorrisagency · 10 months
UFO Association NotabLES
UFO Notable Contributors List 2023 UFO Association & ACO Association comprehensive list of notable authors, researchers, and figures in the field of UFO studies and related areas: Stanton T. Friedman Dr. J. Allen Hynek Coral Lorenzen Donald Keyhoe Dirk Vander Ploeg TJ Thurmond Morris Richard Dolan Jacques Vallée Linda Moulton Howe John E. Mack Whitley Strieber George Knapp David…
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richardsphere · 1 year
Rwby Catchup V7E10
Writing this after the fact, so non-chronological order: Weiss mom has a drinking problem, in the same episode that reminds us Qrow is trying to kick the same habit. To indicate exactly how terrible a parent Jaques is, she cries happy tears from hearing her daughter isnt coming back home. Whitley hates his sisters for abandoning him to his father. (great scene, great characterisation. Love it entirely). I dont ship it (yet) or anything, but i do hope they’ll join the same AA group at some point. Imagine the thrill of getting to arrest your own dad. Arthur is still sort of generic, but he’s earned a trait besides Smarm and Science: He’s a half-decent salesperson. Also a bit of a showman with a sense of drama. Innocents are about to freeze, and i’ll admit that i like seeing a businessman turned corrupt politician actually face accountability but i dont know if thats the writing or my frustration with the having access to the internet during the Trump Administration. I hope this’ll be the end of his character, he seems like exactly the type of villain whose presence is better felt in absence. (as in the scar on Weiss’ face is enough presence on its own, we dont actually need his presence that much. I might be wording it badly. Basically im worried they’re gonna stage a breakout scene for him and he’ll overstay his unwelcome as a character.) Neopolitan is back, and she still leaves me feeling as cold about her presence in the narrative as the icecream she is named after, but that’s largely because its hard to characterise a character who does not speak. (but then, her being a one-note character is actually a strength. The same as Wile-E-Coyote being one-note is a good thing).  This brings me to a little segment that I call “Richard struggles to figure out what the deal with Emerald & Neo even is”. Today on RSTFOWTDE&NES: I’ll openly but shamefully admit it took me verry long to realise that neo’s semblance was some kind of pseudo-illusion thing? Though at least some have seemed semi-tangible. In my defense her earliest appearances mostly had her use it to vanish into thin air so i thought she was just a teleporter like Ruby. Then when i finally figured out Neo had illusions, i sort of got confused and thought a lot of Emeralds things in the tournament where actually Neo doing that. I guess what im trying to say is its kind of weird for the villains to have 2 different illusion-based characters, and for one of them to have an “only one target at a time” limitation. like thats sort of weird isnt it? I might be misremembering, but did Maid!Neo talk to Weiss? Or was that a different maid who has been stuffed into a closet off-screen so Neo could take her place afterwards? Its sort of unclear to me. Cinder is also here, God i hope she gets a character besides “generic hunger for power” at some point but if there is i havent seen it yet. But its nice to know that Ozpin isnt the only one whose lieutenants can betray them at least, not much to say she’s still spending most of the plot looking ominously. Whitley crying on the stairs, This family needs more hugs and less alcohol. Robyn, you’re nice. I dont know what more to say. You’re the only character in Atlas i would trust to run a popsiclestand, Not a lot of deep going on with her, but Robin Hood parodies live and thrive by virtue of their simplicity. They finally tell James that Salem cant be killed and that they lied about the relic’s number of questions, i’ll admit i only ever understood one of those two lies. (They could’ve just claimed “ozpin told us she cant be killed/do you really believe that if she could be killed Ozpin wouldnt have succeeded a thousand lifetimes ago). Does this mean the tower is cancelled? Is operation “100 Shions at once” finally cancelled? NO because Oscar said to stop keeping Salem a secret, so that plan is still a go apparently.  The Penny and Winter Dont Understand Eachother scene was great, and i adored the moment Winter thought “oh shit, did i just pull a robo-racism?”. Verry “Pyrrha accidentally implies Jaune should jump off the roof” energy there.
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Indie Country Music Up & Comer Seth Alexander Set To Release “Till Your Boots Are Dirty”
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Nashville-based singer-songwriter and indie country recording artist Seth Alexander (Platform EightyNine Music) announced the scheduled release of his newest single “Till Your Boots Are Dirty.”* Penned by Nashville songwriters Danny Wells, Billy Croft and Richard Donahue, and co-produced by Donahue/Next Level Entertainment (Nashville, TN), the track will be available via all digital retail outlets and streaming platforms Friday, March 17, 2023. (Presale/pre-save event begins March 3, 2023; digital services provided by Ed Gertler/Digital Streaming Services.) Signature guitar licks keep steady time with hard-hitting percussion to drive home matter-of-fact lyrics that reinforce a storyline staking claim to a prideful rural recognition earned. The mid-tempo leads toward a dancefloor favorite. “I come from a small farm town in Idaho; when I initially heard the demo, it just hit home for me,” said New Plymouth, Idaho native, Seth Alexander. “Working a farm or a ranch is not a trend; you have to live the lifestyle to really understand it. Wearing dirty boots comes with the territory, and that dirt carries a lot of prideful weight.” YOU AIN’T COUNTRY  TIL YOU HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR LEND A HAND DO A FAVOR TAKE UP THE SLACK GIVE SOMETHING BACK YOU AIN’T COUNTRY  TIL YOUR FOUR-WHEEL PLOW BEHIND THE TRACTOR BREAKS SOME GROUND  AND STIRS UP SOME DUST  YEAH THAT’S A MUST YOU AIN’T COUNTRY TIL  YOU STUCK YOUR TRUCK, KNEE-DEEP OUT IN THE MUD WAY BACK IN THE STICKS THAT’S HOW IT IS LATE TO BED AND BACK UP EARLY YOU AIN’T COUNTRY NO TIL YOUR BOOTS ARE DIRTY The corresponding “Till Your Boots Are Dirty” lyric video will be available March 23, 2023. Track Info Artist: Seth Alexander Song Title: “Till Your Boots Are Dirty” Label: Platform EightyNine Music Written by: Danny Wells/Billy Croft/Richard Donahue Produced by:  Richard Donahue Distribution by: Ed Gertler/Digital Retail Streaming Services Release Date: March 17, 2023 Presale/Pre-Save Event: March 3, 2023 Run Time: 3:09 ABOUT The Oregon-born dream seeker moved to Music City in 2018. Within 12 months of Seth Alexander’s arrival, his day job landed him a chance to meet with one of Nashville’s respected producers, Richard Donahue. Donahue, who was a former band member of The Accents (signed to RCA Records for 12 years), transitioned to artist development and production. The two quickly developed camaraderie. The working relationship brought Seth into the studio where he recorded alongside the likes of Kerry Marx (Musical Director for the Grand Ole Opry), Catherine Marx and Tommy Harden (Reba’s keyboard player and drummer) and Tony King (harmony vocalist for Brooks and Dunn). Seth’s musical tastes were influenced early on by the tunes that sang from the car stereo of his granddad’s old red Datsun (Haggard, Jones, Keith Whitley, George Strait and Garth), and “cousin Bobby” who played at fairs and festivals, and carried Seth in tow. Seth learned to play guitar as a six-year-old on an instrument that his granddad bought for him at a garage sale. Honing his song craft, Seth took cues from Bobby and two of his favorite songwriters, Craig Wiseman and Jeffrey Steele. An active member of the Music City community, Seth maintains a steady writing appointment schedule with some of Nashville’s finest; he’s performed at notable venues including The Local, Live Oak and Commodore Grille. He released two original tunes in 2022 (“Millionaire” and “Neon Bar”); the corresponding “Millionaire” music video debuted on The Country Network. Read the full article
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