#Richas is on his head Pomme on his shoulders
ramons-elevator · 4 months
Do you think Jaiden cried when she saw Pomme in heaven? Only to see Dapper right behind her, holding his sisters hand? Pomme crying too as she ran into her Tia’s arms?
As Dapper hugged and introduced Pomme to his siblings, Jaiden saw Ramon holding two eggs hands. One with a pancake on their head, another with sunglasses.
Jaiden felt her heart shatter as she met her daughter for the first time
It was a while before one day, Ramon looked over Jaiden’s shoulder and stumbled over himself as he ran. Jaiden turned around and stumbled too as Pac waved with Richas in his arms, both of them smiling like nothing bad ever happened.
It wasnt long before Jaiden heard Pac cry as Tallulah and Chayanne ran into their uncle’s arms. Tallulah gave Jaiden one of the flowers from her hair as Chayanne clinged to his Tia’s leg.
Tallulah, Chayanne, Ramón, and Richas looked so much bigger than last time she saw them. They explained, with the help of Pac, what happened to them with ElQuackity and the restart. Pac hugged Tilin, Trumpet, and Juanaflippa as much as he hugged Bobby.
Just as everything was quieting down, Richas disappeared before coming back with an egg with a stripped shirt on and a gas mask. Jaiden laughed as Bobby immediately started to taunt Pepito as Richas explained that Pepito was Roiers kid. Jaiden couldnt stop thinking how small Pepito looked.
Suddenly there was loud barking and loud music. Everyone turned and cheered as they saw Leo Bonita running toward them with a pack of dogs behind her. She cried as she picked up Trumpet into her arms and twirled, glitter from her dress raining onto the ground.
Jaiden thought Leo never looked more beautiful.
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miscellaneoussmp · 1 year
I think the reintroduction of the eggs could go a little something like this:
Spawn is apparently where they're going to find their children. A crowd gathers. Parents and aunts and uncles and siblings and...the children. The children are right in front of them. Their children. There's a lot of tears. The children are sobbing or on the verge of it. It's a relieving sound.
Richarlyson runs straight for Cellbit, noticing him in the crowd of people. He's immediately picked up by his dad. He's held tight. He doesn't say anything when he feels Cellbit's nails start to dig into his skin. Where are the rest of his dads? Shouldn't they be here, too? It doesn't matter. He has one of them and a stepdad, and that's good enough. Mouse and Roier lean into the hug. Richas has Cellbit, Roier, and Mouse, and that's enough. They're a family.
Leonarda couldn't tell you why, but she went to Roier first and grabbed onto his pant leg. She's held close by her brother, both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. She's holding his hand as they walk to find their dads. She wipes her tears with the back of her free hand. Soon, the siblings see both Foolish and Vegetta. Soon, Roier and Leo are held in their father's arms. They're a family.
Dapper and Pomme are holding hands. Brother and sister, hand in hand. They find Bad, and before either realizes it, they're in his arms again. Being held so tight yet gently at the same time. His hands hold them so close to his chest, as if they could become one with Bad's being. Pomme is shakily handed off to Etoiles and Antoine. They both make sure she isn't bruised like her namesake. They both hold her close. They're all a family.
Ramón was picked up by his dad before he even noticed him. Fit is nearly squeezing his son before loosening up a bit. Both are on the verge of tears, yet neither let's go. Ramón hides his face in his dad's shoulder. Fit rests his cheek on the side of his sons head. It's them against the world again. They're a family.
Chayanne is leading Tallulah, both determined to find their caregivers. As soon as they see Philza crouched low with arms out, ready for both of them. They both run into his arms, soon enveloped by inky black wings to further protect them. Chayanne and Tallulah can hear Phil's heartbeat. It's full of love. Tubbo and Niki soon join Chayanne and Tallulah under inky black. They're a family.
Nobody says anything if no one gets any sleep that night.
If Richas' bed is protected by a loosely held knife and if a devil watches him sleep, nobody says anything.
If Leo's held closely by her brother as she sleeps, and if their parents busy themselves fixing up the bedroom, nobody says anything.
If Dapper's hand is held tightly as he sleeps and while soft lullabies and stories fill the air, nobody says anything.
If Pomme's bed is hidden and protected by a sword held in a white knuckle grip, nobody says anything.
If Chayanne's bed is manically prayed over for protection by a tired crow, nobody says anything.
If Tallulah's watched over all night by two of her dad's oldest and most trusted friends, nobody says anything.
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Yay! Yipee!
Codebreakers again :) couldnt have seen that coming. "Etoiles sparring with someone else and Phil is very obsessed with and distracted by etoiles" <3
- barbietoiles
Here you go! It takes a bit to get there, but then Philza is trying very hard not to be distracted!
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Etoiles is sparring with Roier. Philza knows this is an absolute fact, can hear every blade clash and every goading comment - from both parties. He is supposed to be helping the eggs practice axe crits, and he is doing that!
It's just even the eggs can tell he is distracted.
He has already turned his class around, put his back to the match, but its just over his shoulder...
"Alright, Pepito, you're doing great! Let's stop hitting Pomme now, though! We'll swap around partners in a second."
Both little ones burst into giggles, so they were probably just playing.
Either way he starts rearranging the class, shuffling who is with who. He tries to keep either the smaller kids together or with the more sensible older kids, but it is not always possible. It is also not a full class - Leo has something to work on - but still busy.
Pepito swaps to work with Em, Chayanne with Sunny, Tallulah with Pomme, Ramón with Dapper (they'll probably be fine, right?)... and then Richas with Philza himself.
"Alright kids, same again," he tells them.
And the kids are always willing to beat each other with axes, even if their technique is a little off.
Philza checks over them, turns to Ramón, catches Etoiles and Roier from the corner of his eye...
At some point since they last looked, shirts were abandoned. Code crackles along one of Etoiles' arms, and the other...
Philza thinks very hard about not lookingnat the other arm, only for Etoiles to swing and - and it is only normal for a warrior to be so impressed by the muscles of another warrior's back, right?
There is the dull thud of someone hitting him over the head with a training axe.
"Okay, Richas, I get it. Great aim, but I get it."
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thecoddaughter · 9 months
Holding On To Those You Love
Headcanons about how some qsmp characters hold onto folks. (I started this in my fic notes, but am finishing it here)
Sunny loves to hug around people's legs. She nearly tackled Pac in today's chapter (she snuck another sticker on his prosthetic leg that in no way matches Richas' art). I love the idea of this small child running at full speed right for people's knees. She will cling to Fit's leg while he walks and he acts like its nothing... Tubbo on the other hand eats dirt every time she does this.
Em holds hands. She grasps a singular hand with her two. She holds on like she's terrified they're gonna be torn away from her. When she's more relaxed, she plays with any rings or bracelets on their hand. She traced veins during bed time stories.
Ramón is still getting used to physical affection cause he is used to holding on to people by their backpacks. The younger kids danger, pick them up by the loop. Triplets running around, white knuckling the loop. Fit doing errands, hand wrapped around the adjustment strap.
Llulah links arms. When she first started doing it, it looked so formal, like a wedding walk. Then she got more casual. She leans into it more, letting whoever she's holding on to guide her.
Tubbo holds on to people by the shoulders. Hand on the shoulder. Arm around the shoulder. Someone sitting in front of him, chin on their shoulder, looking at what their working on. Walking arms slung around them, uneven steps so everyone thinks their drunk but they aren't.
Pepito is a spider monkey. Pepito will climb onto any and everybody's back. Pepito hates walking around, Pepito must be carried. Pepito does not care if it is on their back, shoulders, chest, arms, Pepito just wants to be held.
Dapper holds on to people by the waist. Hugging as tight as he can. A finger around a belt loop in crowded rooms. He holds the younger kids up by the waist to see things better like Bad would do for him.
Pac bonks his head on people's shoulders, or heads, or hands. He rests his head in people's laps. He will run at the kids head first like a bull and start wrestling them somehow gently.
Pomme holds on to people by any loose fabric they have. She has two fathers will massive cloaks (Bad and Antione), which she hides under. Her mother's suit sleeve is almost worn down with holes from Pomme's nervous fidgeting. Same goes with the edge of Dapper's sweater vests.
Bad holds people by their heads. He guides the kids by just palming their heads. He goes up behind people sitting or standing and just rests his hands on their head and then his chin on his own hands. He's tall enough to do it to everyone except Foolish. He only can do it to Foolish if he gets the high ground.
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dappersautismcreature · 10 months
here's an abandoned wip from a couple days ago when we were left with that cliffhanger, i dont wanna finish it cause its so offcanon now :P
i wanted all- bad managed to get on the boat with his son, but he cannot reckon with the eggs he left behind
The waves against the boat were loud, so loud in Bad’s ears. It was all he could hear, besides the trembling sobs of his son against his chest. He felt like he’d never reached the boat, that he’d drowned in the ocean they’d swum through to get here. Deep deep down in that salty water, he was there. Underneath the heavy blue, his heart was resting. Up here, he was a ghost now, far away from everyone else, far away from the horror and suffocating guilt he felt. Those emotions were down in the sandy ocean floor, slowly being buried forever.
Voices echoed in his ears, he was, he was under the water. Still drenched with salty brine, he was not here. Bad could be kneeling on the fake wooden deck, plastic gray planks digging into his boney knees. He could be sitting in a puddle of water clutching his son so tight to his chest he feared the egg would drown in his soaked clothes. Maybe. He felt strange. 
Harsh fingers dug into his shoulder, spinning him around, forcing his head up. The person spoke, voice spiking in volume, mouth moving. Bad watched their jaw flex, their eyes stared at him. What was happening? The waves against the boat. He was on a boat. 
Someone else dragged the other person away, so Bad tucked himself back around his kid, tears mixing with the ocean water. He sat there, rocking gently, until he registered Dapper’s shaking. His kid was cold, wet and cold, and scared. He needed help, dry clothes, he needed. Bad stood up dizzyingly, his body was too long, tall, big. Dapper was light in his arms. Bad staggered over to some people, he should recognize them but he barely could. 
“Needs. Dry.” He coughed out, his own voice far away. The people stared at him. Bad stared back nervously. Would they hurt him? His son? Why? But one of them took his hand gently and led him into the boat’s cabin. 
They found soft white towels, and some fluffy gray bathrobes. Bad ran his fingers through the rough washcloth texture. The person with him was talking, slowly and calm, like they were comforting an animal. Bad’s spine hurt, shoulders overly sensitive. He wasn’t an animal. 
Carefully, Bad took his son’s wet clothes off, rubbing warmth back into their arms and hands. He dried her hair, gently dabbed her ears and horns dry. His baby was so small. So small. Oh gods had he always been this small? Bad inspected his kid, rubbing at deep ash marks, mud patches, running soft hands over the scabbed scratches in his elbows and knees. He hummed their song, and kissed Dapper’s forehead. 
Don’t think don’t think don’t think. Bad sobbed suddenly. His mind tugging him back to the what ifs. Please please please don't think. Pomme should be here. Don't think. Ramon. Don’t. Richas, Leo, Chayanne, Tallulah. Please gods please. Bad turned away from his son, hugging himself. Shut up shut up, bury it bury it now! He wanted to die he wanted to sleep he wanted to be back in that ocean buried in the sand. He wanted to be mindless. He wanted to be dead. His heart was killing him, tearing into the rest of his body and killing him! Gods had anything hurt him more? He couldn't recall. 
Dapper cried out behind him. Bad turned fast. He pulled the kid into a deep hug. They could practically be the same being. He hauled the egg up against his chest and rested him on his hip. With his sort of free hand, Bad picked out a bathrobe, and began fitting it around his kid. It was a little big, maybe a lot big, but Dapper looked warm, which was good. 
Bad felt a little more whole. The demon set his heavy waterlogged coat to the side. His kid handed him a towel and he wrapped it around his shoulders. He finally registered that the other person in the room was Bagi. She had given them some towels and robes, handed the rest to someone outside, and then stared at a painting on the wall for the past two minutes. Clearly trying to give them space while still being there. Bad was grateful. 
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A Dragon's Greatest Treasure
sorry for disappearing! i got caught up in schoolwork and yeah :D i started writing this quite a while ago, maybe a couple months back? idk but the second paragraph was going to be followed by an in-depth description of all the parents seeing their kids start acting up, but im too sad about the current arc CUCURUCHO GIVE THE KIDS BACK YOU MONSTER!!!! anyway enjoy :)
There was no warning for what would happen. There was no announcement from the Federation, no appearance from the Binary Code or Cucurucho. It was just a normal day for the residents of Quesadilla Island. Until everyone’s kids started acting…strangely.
No one was prepared for dragon puberty.
In the group chat between all the parents, Cellbit messages them all to come to the adoption center, mentioning that he has information about the sudden changes to their children. A few moments later, the center is flooded with people. Everyone immediately begins crowding around Cellbit, concerned and anxious. 
“Quiet, please, everyone! Silêncio, por favor.” The Brazilian begins shouting over the commotion. As the residents begin to settle, Cellbit finally begins speaking. “Okay, thank you. I know that all of our kids have started doing some weird stuff lately. Mostre a eles, Richas.”
On cue, Richarlyson jumps and hovers in mid-air for several seconds. 
“Yeah! He accidentally jumped into a hole near the Copacabana, but he did not fall down right away.” Forever comments, Richarlyson nodding along.
“Really? Pomme hasn’t done that, but she has—”
Baghera is cut off when purple sparks begin appearing around Pomme, before she vanishes into thin air. Everyone but the French residents begin panicking, beginning to look around for the missing girl. She pops back into view a few feet away from where she disappeared, violet sparkles eventually fading away.
“She disappears like that.” Baghera lets out a tired sigh. “The first time it happened, we looked around for a few minutes, but she appeared right back where she disappeared.”
“When Baghera messaged us saying that she disappeared, I thought it was the Federation or the Code attacking.” Etoiles shakes his head, frowning. “I would have showed them my Code Breaker sword.”
“Oh, well, nothing that exciting has happened to Ramón. He’s just been really hyper, which isn’t like him at all. There he goes.”
Right as Fit finishes speaking, his son begins twitching and starts racing around the room with incredible speed. Eventually, everyone stops watching him once it becomes apparent he’s not going to stop for a while.
“Chayanne can apparently breathe fire now,” Phil laughs and gestures at his kid. In response, Chayanne lets out a little burst of flame, not enough to harm anyone, but it does cause those around him to jump away in surprise.
“Wait, that’s so cool! Leo, can you do that?” They shake their head, and Foolish’s shoulders drop slightly. “Oh, that’s fine. Well, Leo does this.”
Foolish pulls out a piece of gold from his backpack, but instead of just Leo, all of the kids lunge for the nugget immediately. The parents pull their respective child back, but not before the young dragons begin hissing and clawing at each other. 
“Oh my gosh, Dapper, stop it! He started hissing at me too!” Bad says while wrangling with his son. Once they’re all under control, he turns to Cellbit. “So, they all do some things, but some of the kids have special quirks? What’s going on?”
“Pare, Richas! Okay. I was looking around for some kind of explanation, and when I came here, I found this book called ‘The Early Stages of a Dragon’. I will read it.” Cellbit clears his throat. 
“During the early stages of a newly hatched dragon, they do not exhibit any traits of an adult dragon. However, when they reach the age of one, they begin to showcase these traits during a period called the first growth period. These traits include fire breathing, beginning to fly, small instances of dragon magic, bursts of random energy, a tendency to hoard valuables, and becoming physical through biting, scratching, and hissing. Young dragons will experience a week of showcasing these traits, before eventually regaining control and calming down.”
With that, Cellbit closes the book. “That’s it. There’s two other growth periods, but it says it won’t happen for a while, so we should be fine.”
“Does this mean all the eggs are going to start disappearing?”
“And breathing fire?” 
The adults start muttering worriedly, and Cellbit raises a hand to quiet everyone again. “They may, or they may not. But we should all be safe and start carrying around water buckets.”
“And maybe don’t take out shiny things.” Bad turns to Foolish and sighs. “You’re going to have to start covering yourself up, Foolish, I’m sorry.”
“What? That’s crazy.”
Slowly, the tension in the room fades away as they all start cracking jokes. Some break off into groups, but never stray too far to keep an eye on the kids. The children play with each other, parents making sure to keep their kids’ aggression levels low and stepping in if one starts growling. It’s a peaceful kind of chaos. Life on the island may never be the same again, but at least they have each other.
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thecoddaughter · 9 months
QSMP Characters as The Fray's Discography (Part 2)
Part two is now here, if you want to listen along, the link is below.
Syndicate - Cellbit & Roier
“Baby, close your eyes. Don't open 'til the morning light. Don't ever forget, we haven't lost it all yet.”
“Someday when this is over. We may still have no answer. For now, it's when I hold her we are closer.”
Absolute - Bagi & Tina
“It's a kiss that sits upon on her lips, that waits for planes and battle ships. She wants to be a dancer and he has got a picture on his wall and it's a sailor in a new port every night. Yet man was born to trouble like sparks fly upwards innocent.”
“Quiet but I'm sure there is something here. Tell me everything cause I want you here”
You Found Me - Bobby, Trump, Juana, & Tilin [i used to be a little nine-year-old Quinny sobbing to this song and i think that makes this even sadder for me]
"Where were you when everything was falling apart?” 
“Lost and insecure. You found me, you found me lying on the floor. Surrounded, surrounded. Why'd you have to wait? Where were you, where were you? Just a little late, you found me.”
“Well, in the end, everyone ends up alone but losing her… The only one who's ever known who I am, who I'm not, and who I wanna be. No way to know how long she will be next to me.” (This specific line is Juana about Tillin, to Charlie)
Say When - Fit & Pac (this song feels like disaster gays)
“Turn around and you're walking toward me. I'm breaking down and you're breathing slowly. Say the word and I will be your man, your man.”
“Later on, if it turns to chaos. Hurricanes coming all around us. See the crack, pull it back from the window, you stay low.”
“Come across, you're lost and broken. You're coming to, you're slow and waking. You start to shake.”
Never Say Never - Ramón to Sunny
“Picture, you're the queen of everything far as the eye can see under your command. I will be your guardian when all is crumbling. I'll steady your hand.”
Where the Story Ends - Tallulah 
“Trying not to lose my head but I have never been this scared before. Tell you what I'll do instead, lay my body down on the floor to forget what I've done.”
“The violins make no sound and I begin to feel the ground.”
Enough For Now - Maxo & Sunny [i am about to cry, i’ve somehow never heard this one]
“The daughter's father watches, quietly we assume. He's no longer with us, but he left this dusty room and your name and it's an honor. It's a shame but it's your honor to take it on your shoulder.”
“Things your father never could do. That's enough for now. He would have never left you broken. He would have held you. Things your father never told you.”
Ungodly Hour - Mariana & Slime
“And I am short on words knowing what's occurred. She begins to leave because of me.”
“I wish that I could carry her but this is our ungodly hour.”
We Build Then We Break - (not doing this one cuz 89% this song is about leaving abusive relationships and not the vibe of this project, great song tho)
Happiness - Our two constantly grieving children, Pomme and Richas
“Happiness, feels a lot like sorrow. Let it be, you can't make it come or go. But you are gone. not for good but for now. Gone for now, feels a lot like gone for good.”
“Look for it, but you'll never find it all. Let it go, live your life and leave it. Then one day, wake up and she'll be home.”
Be the One - Tubbo & Fred [aka gay and sad]
"They're two lovers in the night. Waiting on the sun to rise. Passing ships into the night."
“But you just whisper what you said one last time. I could have sworn I heard you say. That you are mine. Faded flowers in your hand. The best that I could do. It's the only way I've had of reaching you.”
“What if I knew how to yell? What would I pray? What if I knew how to tell? What would I say?”
Fair Fight - The surviving eggs about the dead eggs [and i’m crying again]
“Light breaks from the left and hit's between the buildings.”
“She up and died and left you in a fall you cannot forget. You were too young and you said not yet.”
“You looked around but she was nowhere to be found.”
Heartless - Mariana and Slime [i do not like kanye, this is the better version of the song anyway…]
“I mean after all the things that we been through. I mean after all the things we got into. And yo, I know some things that you ain't told me. Yo, I did some things but that's the old me.”
“You run and tell your friends that you're leavin' me. They say that they don't see what you see in me. You wait a couple months then you gone' see. You'll never find nobody better than me.”
Uncertainty - Bad (and Dapper... and Pomme... this man accidentially gave his kids his personality.)
“Uncertainty is killing me and I'm certainly not asleep. Maybe I've gone far to deep. Maybe I'm just far too weak.”
“And there is so much we don't know so we love and we hope that it holds”
“Thousands were lost maybe more. The question remains, what is this for? Maybe it came unexpected. Maybe I'm left unprotected.”
“So I'm going to fight for my own”
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