#Ricky x penny
meatbon3 · 1 year
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my favorite ship dynamic: loves bugs x eats bugs
the text is underneath the cut, just in case its too hard to read in the comic
“would u still love me if I was a bug?”
“of course!
i would make a lil’ bug home 4 u and give u lots of bug treats and take sure good care of y-“
“i would eat u if u were a bug.”
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l4m3nt · 1 year
k so im writing an RTC fanfic that is a Famous AU and I need to spread how I view all the characters in this AU
General stuff -they're all in their late 20s/early 30s -the accident did happen, but there was no musical stuff and they didn't die. they just had bad injuries -the choir has mostly split off. -Ships: Blackrose, Spacedolls, Passionfruit, frenchspace, spacerap, frenchspacerap, Mischa x Talia -Ricky and Penny are married, Ocean and Constance are married and have a son, Mischa and Talia are engaged, and Noel is just fucking alone at the start of the story -Ocean travels a lot but lives with Constance in Uranium -Ricky and Penny live in Ricky's childhood home -Noel lives in his childhood home -Mischa and Talia have a house in Canada and in Ukraine Ocean -Politician -She campaigns for anti-discrimination and environmental stuff often -She is publicly proud about her relationship with Constance -lost contact with most of the choir -sometimes talks to Penny but it's not as easy as it used to be Constance -Baker -She is passively famous and is absolutely fine with just that -hates how people try and publicize her relationship with Ocean, but understands that happens sometimes -consistently talks to Penny, but they aren't necessarily friends Ricky -Sci-Fi author -couple of bestsellers, including his debut novel 'The Space-Age Bachelor Man' -finds speculation about his relationship status funny, but if you asked he would tell you he is happy in his marriage to Penny -tries to talk to Noel sometimes, but only got a response once. It was for an invitation to see the preview of the film based on one of Ricky's books. Noel declined. Penny/Jane -Painter -one of her most acclaimed works is a painting of her and Ricky together. She has one she never finished with all the choir is together. She started it after the accident, but stopped working on it as they all drifted apart. -very happy with Ricky and content to be where she is in life -talks to Constance and consistently eats at Blackwood Cafe. Constance says she doesn't have to pay, but she does. Mischa -Rapper/Singer:has a solo career but also has a duo with Talia -He has a song about his feelings for Noel, Ricky and Talia called 'This Big Heart of Mine' but everyone always assumes it's ONLY about Talia -Loves Talia very much but is also still hung up on his old crushed on Ricky and Noel. He and Talia aren't married yet because they both realized that they don't quite care about the title of their relationship, just that they're togther. -Hasn't spoken to the choir in years but is back in Uranium to do so
Talia -Singer:solo career as well as duo with Mischa -always had a passion for singing but Mischa was the one to encourage it -Loves Mischa and supports his endeavor of trying to win the hearts of Ricky and Noel -never actually knew the choir but thinks they sound nice based on what Mischa says Noel -Poet -most popular works is a poetry collection about the accident and how it felt to see all the choir members drift away after it titled 'Typhoon Mind' -loved Mischa and maybe Ricky, but never did anything about it. Now he beds random men every night. -hasn't spoken to the choir in years and doesn't really want to
and that's it i'll probably post it on ao3 when i finish writing the first couple of chapters
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pinklemonslices · 1 year
Ricky owns at least one pair of cat ears, and sometimes Penny steals them and puts them on, and asks Ricky if she’s as sexy as the cat women from Zolar, and he always says yes :3
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cannibalcrow666 · 1 year
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I love them so much... Like Jane hasn't gotten a clue about who the hell she is and Ricky gives her a name she can use. I can go on and on and on with this tragically wholesome scene it's so fucking sweet.
If I'm being honest, Ricky was probably the only one who wasn't weirded or freaked out by Jane.
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auggie-says-hi · 9 months
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spacedolls moodboard
requested by anon!
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emo0lly · 1 year
Noel Gruber, the most stubborn boy in town
I GOT THE THING TO WORK!!! FUCK YEAH!!! Anyway, here’s the promised fic :D (also gonna tag you :) @creapysummer )
Archive Warnings: Sickness???
Fandoms: Ride The Cyclone
Word Count: 620 words
Characters: Ricky Potts, Noel Gruber, Jane Doe/Penny Lamb, Mischa Bachinski
Ships: Mischa Bachinski & Noel Gruber, Noel Gruber/Ricky Potts, Ricky Potts/Jane Doe(/Penny Lamb)
Tags: Mischa Bachinski & Noel Gruber, Noel Gruber/Ricky Potts, Ricky Potts/Jane Doe(/Penny Lamb), Autistic Penny Lamb/Jane Doe, Autistic Ricky Potts, (it’s not really talked about though), Sickfic, the Author can’t write Noel for the life of him, Autistic Mischa Bachinski, Autistic Noel Gruber, Alternate AU- Everybody Lives
Description: Usually, Ocean was pretty smart; but coming to school with a sickness was not the smartest decision she’s made. From there, Penny was sent home one day; the same day Ricky was sent home, because they were both sick.
 Constance had agreed to stay over at Penny’s house, along with (begrudgingly) Noel and Mischa, to take care of them, but sometimes….Noel is also not the smartest.
(Ricky uses any pronouns, Jane uses she/they, and Noel uses he/they/she)
Noel wasn’t necessarily “used” to taking care of sick people; his mom was reasonably healthy, and could usually take care of them, so he never really learned. But if taking care of someone meant Ocean getting off Noel’s ass about it, then they could at least try.
So, they were all staying in Ricky’s dorm on-campus; Ricky, Penny, and Ocean were all staying in Ricky’s room, while Mischa, Constance, and Noel were staying in the “living room” area, Constance sleeping on a living chair, and the other two taking up a couch
Now, two days in, he wakes up with a blocked nose and slightly sore throat. He simply cleared their throat, and went to get dressed in the bathroom. Unfortunately, upon standing up, Noel’s head spins, blurring colors together. They brushed it off as nothing, grabbing her clothes, walking into the bathroom, and snatching a mask from the counter with it.
Noel was really hoping, praying, that he wasn’t sick; they usually loved just lounging around, building Monique’s world, but not in the same bed as two other kids, especially not Ocean. If he did, then they would suffocate Ocean with a pillow.
She knew he didn’t have work today, neither did Constance, thank god. If they went into work today, Noel wasn’t sure how she’d survive.
Noel finished getting dressed, and went into the kitchen to make himself breakfast, which is where they found Constance. She was already dressed, had a mask on, and cooking something. Checking the time on the fridge, he found that it was 8:45 AM. Constance looked up, and nearly dropped the pot of - - what? That didn’t matter; she was surprised was the point.
“Morning, Noel.” They both stared at each other for a minute. “Good-“ they cleared their throat “Good morning, Constance”. “You should probably lie down…?”
She simply pretended to act offended, and got a bowl out of the cabinet to have cereal.
The day went on without much incident, with the exception that Noel didn’t feel any better. In fact, he seemed to feel worse. Around 2:45, that’s when they had enough, so she called her mom.
The phone was still ringing at the time that Mischa came over. He asked what he was doing--Noel pulled down his mask, shooting Mischa a “What do you think?” Their voice sounded like shit, which honestly wasn’t unexpected. Mischa did not look amused; he took Noel’s arm and dragged her into the living room. It took him a second to realize, but Mischa helped at least “Grab your shit and go”. Noel “grabbed their shit” and went over to the door. “Not that way”. Her mom picked up right about then “Everything okay, Noel?” She sounded out-of-breath (she would have been right out of Pilates by now) “I-“ he cleared his throat. “I’m sigck”
“Uh…okay, I’ll- I’ll pick you up in little bit. Wait for me.” She hung up, leaving Noel to grab his stuff. Meanwhile, Mischa was in his phone, probably texting Talia.
“You want to stay here, Noel?”
He cleared his throat “Is this a question, or a command?”
Mischa looks back at his phone, typing. “They want…to stay…done”
Noel threw up her hands in annoyance.
 “Go change, Noel.”
Noel grabbed their clothes once again and went into the bathroom to change, glaring at Mischa all the while. He was met with exhaustion at the end, falling into bed next to Ricky.
Ricky was half-asleep, in bed, laying with Penny, when the bed went in on the other side. They turned their head slightly, and saw her friend(boyfriend-) Noel, who put his arm around Ricky’s waist. They slept like that for the rest of the day. (the end?)
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cerpiscool · 30 days
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psstchairsblog · 1 month
I won't say I'm in love ( short animatic)
Sorry for the lag Capcut really hates me so much
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fifibobeefy · 3 months
they hold hands in secret
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sleepboysummer · 3 months
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spacedolls thoughts today. so here is a moodboard for them.
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space-jesus-stan · 2 years
this scene means so much to me because it shows how much trust mischa has built up with noel even after just 50 minutes of him pushing noel away
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you can see noel holding up his hands to bring him into a hug
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but decides not too probably due to mischa pushing him away from a hug at the beginning of the show
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but this time mischa pulls noel in for a hug and even cries on his shoulder
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hope no one's done this yet
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perfectdolls · 2 years
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rtc textpost dump because i'm painfully bored in class
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gods-favorite-autistic · 10 months
Rtc headcanons
Have I talked about my trans Ocean and Mischa headcanons recently because they are and you can’t change my mind
Nobody knows Ocean is trans because she started transitioning when she was little and her parents didn’t enroll her in school until she was like 8 and managed to convince them that no the school system was not going to brainwash her
The only people who know about her are Noel and Constance
Mischa does not hide the fact that he’s trans because he knows that nobody’s gonna like. Challenge him on that fact. What are you gonna do, tell the 6 foot dude who stole wine from the church that he’s not a guy? Nah man, you just say okay and move on
Ocean finds out Noel is going to sneak out of town to go to a pride parade and makes him take the entire choir because they all wanted to go to one but Noel is the only one who has a consistently available car and can drive good
Constance gets her hair dyed rainbow
Ocean decided to get a rainbow flag, the lesbian flag, and the trans flag but she can’t keep it at her house so she asks Noel to keep it
Mischa wears a shirt that’s just the trans flag with the words “god knew I’d be too powerful with a dick”
Ricky puts a bunch of pride stickers on his wheelchair
Penny steals a sign from a protester and hits the protester with it
Noel knows sign language because Ricky taught it to him
Ocean is autistic. That’s it that’s the headcanon
Penny use to do gymnastics when she was little but got kicked out after attempting to bite a child
Ricky loves mochi ice cream and learned how to make it when he was 11
Mischa knows how to bake
Whenever Father Marcus doesn’t show up for class Noel and Ricky decide to have lessons called “sign language for dummies”
It’s annoys Noel that Ocean is the one who is the best at it but like. What did he expect
Once Ricky’s parents can afford and AAC device he immediately makes it his life mission to learn how to speak as many languages as possible
Penny plays soccer and she is mvp almost every game
Ocean swears to hate most sports because they are “barbaric” except for soccer
She’s a huge soccer fan so she goes to all of Penny’s games
Mischa and Ricky go too and at every game at some point either Ocean or Ricky climb on Mischa’s shoulders
Noel loves to draw
Constance is actually on honor roll every year
If Ocean’s grades drop below a 95 she will cry
Mischa texts Talia whenever he takes a t-shot because hates needles and needs reassurance
When Mischa starts dating Noel Ocean gets so confused
Noel almost refuses to explain the idea of polyamory to her but Mischa thinks it’s funny to watch her head explode over things she doesn’t understand
They’re both very disappointed when she just goes “oh. okay” and then walks away
Noel and Talia are the best of friends
Penny can still do a bunch of gymnastics stuff she just doesn’t do it very often
Constance asks Ocean out first actually
Ocean spends like a full day avoiding her cause at first she things she’s joking then she freaks out because she’s had a crush on her for years then she thinks that Constance will be mad it took her so long to answer and not wanna date her anymore
Eventually Noel just locks the two of them in the choir room
Constance is also the one who asks Penny to join their relationship
Penny makes origami cats for Ricky
Ricky can pop a wheelie in his wheelchair
Skater boy Mischa and Penny
On the sidelines are Ocean and Noel going “be safe babe!” and “fuck it up Misch!!!” respectively
Ricky plays so many skating games
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Penny: Okay guys, Connie and I invented a fun game we can all play. It’s called ‘cats or Noel’. 
Constance: We give you actual quotes we heard and you tell us if Ricky was talking to his cats or his boyfriend.
Ricky: I don’t like this game.
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