lovelybutdazed · 11 months
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otaviogilbert · 8 months
Solar-Powered Elegance: Exploring Beautiful River with the GoSun El Cat Solar Boat | GoSun
Exploring the serene beauty of rivers with the GoSun El Cat Solar Boat, a solar-powered vessel that combines sustainability and elegance.
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bogdansavchenko · 11 months
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"Матір всіх риб" "The mother of all fish" формат А3 кулькова ручка, рапідограф, туш. A3 format ballpoint pen, radiograph, ink. In my childhood, my friends and I conjured up a marvelous creature, believed to reside deep within the depths of the Dnipro River. We would passionately craft whimsical myths and legends, woven intricately into the tapestry of our beloved city. У дитинстві ми з друзями вигадували дивовижну істоту, яка, за повір'ям, мешкає в глибинах Дніпра. Ми пристрасно вигадували химерні міфи та легенди, які вигадливо впліталися в гобелен нашого улюбленого міста.
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officialblogstory · 1 year
What is The Longest River in The UK 2023?
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icennetkusu · 1 year
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#Günaydın #gunaydin #iyisabahlar #iyigünler #imorning #mornings #goodmorning #goodmornings #goodtime #goodtimes #natural #natur #nature #naturel #landscape #river #rivercolor #riveradventures #riverlandscape #riverlife #rivernature https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpt3JOnDxbE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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road-to-nowhere · 2 years
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There is nothing better on a hot day than a nice relaxing float down the #truckeeriver not to mention dropping in at my hometown is always a plus. Big shot out to @visittahoecity #tahoecity #floatingthetruckeeriver #hotsummerdays #riveradventures #whitewaterrafting #lifeisagrandadventure #getoutside #mapadventures #california #californiaadventure #californialove #truckeeriver #tahoecity #tahoecitylife #visittahoecity @california @onlyinnortherncalifornia @renotahoe @laketahoeofficial @womenwhoexplore @womenwhoadventure @green_nv_housewife (at Tahoe City, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgvBGj7v6FA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bird-island-outfitters · 11 months
Paddle Boarding Safety on Small Rivers
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birdislandoutfitters.com | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Spring time is here and summer is just around the corner! What does that mean?!!! It’s time to hit the water! And this time of year provides wonderful opportunities for small river paddling.
Paddle boarding on small rivers can be an exhilarating experience, offering a unique opportunity to explore nature’s beauty and enjoy a super peaceful adventure. However, like any water-based activity, it’s essential to prioritize safety in order to ensure an enjoyable and accident-free outing. In this blog post, I’m going to outline key safety guidelines to follow while paddle boarding on these wonderful, and sometimes intimidating, small rivers. I’ll be covering equipment, preparation, and on-water practices among other tidbits.
Before we jump into the deep end here, I need to go over hydrodynamics, ie. what makes a small river tick, so to speak. Understanding these nuances provides valuable insight into the intricate workings of these vital water bodies.
Small rivers are vital components of our natural landscape, playing a crucial role in the hydrological cycle and supporting diverse ecosystems. To gain a deeper appreciation of these water bodies, it is important to understand the hydrodynamics governing their flow patterns and features. Some of the few key elements of small rivers which include flow velocity, hydraulic features, channel morphology, erosion, sediment transport and deposition. While all of these contribute to the unique characteristics and functions of small rivers, I’ll only briefly outline the first three:
Flow Velocity
Flow velocity is a fundamental aspect of small river hydrodynamics. It refers to the speed at which water moves within the river channel. The velocity is influenced by various factors, including the gradient or slope of the river, the volume of water, and the presence of obstacles or constraints. In general, flow velocity tends to be faster in steeper sections and slower in wider, shallower areas.
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Channel Morphology
The shape and morphology of the river channel significantly impact its hydrodynamics. Small rivers often exhibit diverse channel forms, including straight reaches, meandering sections, and braided channels. Meandering channels, characterized by gentle bends and curves, are common in small rivers. These meanders create a complex flow pattern, with faster currents occurring on the outer side of the bend and slower velocities on the inner side.
Hydraulic Features
Small rivers exhibit various hydraulic features that result from the interaction between the flowing water and the riverbed. These features include riffles, pools, eddies, and backwaters. Riffles are shallow areas characterized by a rocky or gravelly riverbed, where water flows faster and creates surface disturbances. Pools, on the other hand, are deeper sections with slower flow velocities. Eddies are circular currents that form behind obstructions such as rocks or bends, while backwaters are calm areas sheltered from the main flow.
Now, let’s get into the Equipment you’ll need.
Selecting a Paddle Board
When paddle boarding on small rivers, opt for a stable and durable board specifically designed for calm waters. A wider board with ample buoyancy will provide better stability and maneuverability. Inflatable paddle boards are super popular these days. They’re fantastic for rivers. They’re basically a whitewater raft in a smaller package.
Recommendation (gratuitous plug): Bird Island Outfitters is one of the only companies out there that offers an inflatable paddle board with supplemental pontoons. It’s uber-stable and handles rapids like a champ. It’s also durable. This type of board is the best of all worlds when it comes to river paddling! Because it’s inflatable, getting to and from the river is a breeze.
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Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
It’s recommended that you always wear a properly fitting PFD or life jacket while paddle boarding. At least you should have one secured to the board and easy to get to. There are a ton of options out there when it comes to PFDs. It’s important that yours is approved by appropriate safety authorities and designed for water sports. I like my PFD’s to have pockets for storing essential items like a river knife, sunscreen, etc. A bright color is never a bad idea either. It’s much easier to spot a bright color in the water if you happen to go swimming!
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Attach a leash to your ankle or calf and secure it to the board. This will prevent the board from drifting away if you fall off, allowing you to easily retrieve it.
Consider wearing a helmet and appropriate protective clothing, especially in areas with potential obstacles such as rocks or low-hanging branches.
Bow Line
Having a line (rope) attached to the front of your board can be helpful if you make a pitstop and need to secure the board while you’re away from it. You can also use the line to drag it while in shallow water. It’s an easy addition and one that’ll, no doubt, come in handy.
It’s not a must have, but you may want one if you’re fishing or plan to stop often without getting off the board. Many outfitters offer small anchors for kayaks for a nominal cost. The old DIY makeshift anchor (rock + rope) always works in a pinch!
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A must if you’re using an inflatable paddle board. No one wants to hear the dreaded “psssssssst”. But, punctures do happen. Rivers sometimes have sharp rocks, thorny bushes on the banks, paranha, rebar, sharp sticks, etc. Don’t be a fool. Bring a pump!
River Knife
A knife on a river trip is not a weapon, but an crucial tool in your boating kit. Not only could it be used for food prep, it can be used for quick field repairs. There are lots of ropes when it comes to river trips. A person could get entangled in a rope or snagged by their PFD webbing. The best river knives have a blunt point. The blunt tip will prevent knives that randomly pop out from embedding in boats or worse…soft tissue on someone’s body. And, always make sure it’s readily available… maybe securely attached to your PFD.
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Water Shoes
Water shoes with tough soles are another must. You may not want them on all the time, but if you have to portage or jump off into questionable substrate for any reason, you’ll be glad you brought them. As a former whitewater raft guide, I’ve always liked Chaco sandals with the toe loop (for added security). But, neoprene wading booties are great too. It’s really up to you.
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Water Hat
Need a say more. Personally, I like to use surf hats with chin straps when I’m on the river. Losing my hat is just not an option!
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Use bio-degradable sunscreen (less harmful to the environment) to protect against harmful UV rays. And remember to reapply on those long outings!
Pre-checks! Muy Importante.
Check Weather and River Conditions
Before heading out, consult local weather forecasts and river conditions. Avoid paddle boarding during severe weather conditions, strong currents, or when water levels are unusually high. This is especially important in the Spring depending on where you are. If you happen to be in the mountains, be mindful of snow runoff… especially on those warmer Spring and early Summer days.
Familiarize Yourself with the River
Research and gather information about the river you plan to paddle board on. Be aware of any potential hazards, including underwater obstacles, rapids, or sections with strong currents.
Inform Others
Inform a reliable person about your paddle boarding plans, including your intended route, estimated time of departure and return, and emergency contact details. This will ensure that someone is aware of your whereabouts and can take appropriate action if necessary.
Let’s Go Over On-Water Safety
Buddy System
Whenever possible, paddle with a partner. Having someone with you significantly increases safety and provides assistance in case of an emergency.
Start Slow and Gradual
Begin by paddle boarding on calm and slow-moving sections of the river. Practice basic paddling techniques and familiarize yourself with the board’s stability and maneuverability before attempting more challenging areas.
Maintain Situational Awareness
Always be attentive to your surroundings while paddle boarding. Observe the flow of the river, anticipate any upcoming obstacles or hazards, and maintain distance from other watercraft or swimmers.
Respect Wildlife and Environment
Avoid disturbing wildlife and respect the natural environment. Keep a safe distance from nesting areas, refrain from littering, and adhere to any local regulations regarding protected species or areas.
Stay Hydrated
Bring an adequate supply of drinking water to stay hydrated during your paddle boarding excursion. Dehydration can negatively impact your performance and decision-making abilities.
Practice Fall Recovery
Small rivers often have rapids. They can be a ton of fun to negotiate. They can also be treacherous. Falling off your paddle board is okay. Not only is it okay, it will happen… especially if you’re a beginner. Practice falling away from the board to prevent injuries caused by landing on it. Learn proper fall recovery techniques to quickly get back on the board.
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Be Cautious of Strainers
Strainers are objects like fallen trees or branches that can trap and obstruct the flow of water. Be cautious of these hazards, as they can pose a serious risk to paddle boarders and kayakers. Stay alert and avoid areas with visible strainers. If you happen to find yourself swimming, keep your feet facing down river. As you approach the strainer, turn your body so you’re facing the strainer head on. Then, with the momentum of the current, push yourself over the strainer as you come into contact with it. Best scenario, avoid them at all costs!
No matter what you do on the river, the peaceful energy of these life giving systems can play a beneficial role in your general well being, both mentally and physically. If you choose to experience these places with a paddle board, good on ya!!! Paddle boarding is such a unique way to connect with nature and experience the power and the tranquility of these waters. By adhering to the safety guidelines outlined in this essay, you should be able to minimize the inherent risks involved while ensuring a happy, healthy and full experience on the water!
Bird Island Outfitters® is Austin’s newest outfitter for outdoor recreation on the water. Our mission is to develop fun and innovative products that will make getting out on the water easier than ever, especially for those who have added challenges like fear or body type. The idea was planted years ago during a fishing trip to the Gulf Coast. What transpired grew into what you see today. Who knew back then we'd be here today building a diverse and inspired community on the water with the most unique products on the market? The future is exciting!
Brock Munson Contributor to Bird Island Outfitters [email protected]
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myentertainmenthub · 5 months
Travel Through History
From indulgent evenings aboard the Bohème, a luxury Mekong River cruise Laos offers you, to unforgettable daytime adventures on the Nomad with Mekong Kingdoms.
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cutekiddiestv · 6 months
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cbarry-allens · 7 months
Suspension bridge, Savegre River, Costa Rica
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Discover the grace and beauty of the Suspension Bridge over the enchanting Savegre River in Costa Rica, an experience you won't want to miss.
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travelwithcrush35 · 10 months
Snake River Adventures - An Expedition Through Nature!
Embark on a thrilling river journey along the iconic Snake River! 🚣‍♂️ Snake River Adventures offers an unforgettable experience, gliding through scenic canyons, passing wildlife habitats, and navigating exhilarating rapids.
🌊 Witness bald eagles soaring above, and spot deer, otters, and other wildlife along the riverbanks. 🦅 Whether you choose a serene float trip or an adrenaline-pumping white-water adventure, you'll be captivated by the beauty and serenity of this incredible river.
Post Link: Snake River Adventures
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otaviogilbert · 8 months
GoSun El Cat Electric Boat: The Ultimate Solar-Powered River Adventure | GoSun
The GoSun El Cat Electric Boat is a revolutionary solar-powered watercraft designed for eco-friendly river adventures. With its cutting-edge solar technology, this boat provides a sustainable and enjoyable way to explore rivers while minimizing your carbon footprint.
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extremesports · 11 months
Are you ready for an exhilarating adventure? 🚣‍♂️ Discover the best river rafting destinations near you and get ready to conquer the wild rapids! 🌊 Whether you're a thrill-seeker or a nature enthusiast, these breathtaking rivers offer an unforgettable experience for everyone. From the heart-pounding rapids of the Grand Canyon to the scenic beauty of the Colorado River, there's a rafting spot that will leave you in awe. Prepare to be amazed by the stunning landscapes and adrenaline-pumping rapids that await you! 🌄 With a wide range of options available, you can choose the perfect river rafting experience that suits your skill level and preferences. 🌊 Whether you're a beginner looking for a gentle ride or an experienced rafter seeking a challenging adventure, there's a river out there just for you. Get ready to navigate through thrilling twists and turns, surrounded by breathtaking scenery that will leave you speechless. Embark on a journey of a lifetime as you explore the best river rafting destinations near you. 🌍 Feel the rush of adrenaline as you conquer the roaring rapids and navigate through the untamed waters. 🌊 Whether you're looking for an action-packed adventure or a peaceful escape in nature, these rivers offer an experience like no other. So grab your gear, gather your friends, and get ready to make unforgettable memories on the wildest rivers around! 🌊🚣‍♀️1. Top destinations for river rafting adventures near you🚣 Looking for an adrenaline-pumping river rafting adventure? Check out these top destinations near you: 1. Colorado River, Arizona: Experience thrilling rapids and breathtaking canyons in the Grand Canyon National Park. 2. Zambezi River, Zambia: Brave the mighty Zambezi for heart-stopping rapids and stunning views of Victoria Falls. 3. Futaleufú River, Chile: Discover the turquoise waters and challenging rapids of this remote Patagonian gem. 4. Kicking Horse River, Canada: Get your adrenaline fix in the Canadian Rockies with Class IV rapids and stunning mountain scenery. 5. Tara River, Montenegro: Immerse yourself in Europe's deepest canyon and conquer the thrilling rapids of the Tara River. 6. Pacuare River, Costa Rica: Navigate through lush rainforests and cascading waterfalls on this tropical paradise river. 7. Franklin River, Tasmania: Embark on a multi-day expedition through pristine wilderness and powerful rapids. 8. Ganges River, India: Experience the spiritual and adventurous journey on the holy river Ganges. 9. Salmon River, Idaho: Enjoy a thrilling ride through the rugged wilderness of the Salmon River in the heart of Idaho. 10. Noce River, Italy: Challenge yourself with the exhilarating rapids of the Noce River nestled in the stunning Italian Dolomites.2. Choosing the best river rafting company for your next adventureWhen planning your next river rafting adventure, it's crucial to choose the best company. Here are some key factors to consider: Experience: Look for companies with years of experience in river rafting. Expert Guides: Ensure the company provides knowledgeable and certified guides. Safety Measures: Check if they prioritize safety with proper equipment and protocols. Equipment Quality: Opt for companies that offer top-notch rafts, helmets, and life jackets. Customer Reviews: Read reviews to gauge customer satisfaction and overall experience. Group Size: Consider companies that limit group sizes for a more personalized adventure. Additional Services: Some companies offer photography, meals, or transportation. 📸🍽️🚐 By carefully evaluating these factors, you can ensure a thrilling and safe river rafting experience. Happy rafting! 🌊😄3. Essential gear and equipment for a successful river rafting tripWhen preparing for a river rafting trip, having the right gear is crucial for a successful adventure. Here are some essential items to consider: Life Jackets: Ensure each participant has a properly fitted, Coast Guard-approved life jacket for safety. Helmet: Protect your head from potential impact with a sturdy, well-fitting helmet. Paddle: Choose a lightweight, durable paddle with comfortable grips for efficient maneuvering. Waterproof Bags: Keep your belongings dry by using waterproof bags or dry bags to store essentials. Wetsuit: Stay warm in cold water with a well-insulated wetsuit that allows for freedom of movement. Footwear: Opt for sturdy, non-slip footwear like water shoes or sandals with straps to protect your feet. Sun Protection: Shield yourself from the sun's rays by wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. First Aid Kit: Be prepared for minor injuries with a well-stocked first aid kit, including bandages and antiseptic. Snacks and Water: Stay energized and hydrated by bringing along nutritious snacks and plenty of water. Communication Device: Carry a waterproof, fully charged cell phone or a two-way radio for emergencies. By packing these essential items, you'll be well-prepared for a thrilling river rafting experience! 🚣‍♀️🌊4. Safety tips to ensure a thrilling yet secure river rafting experienceBefore embarking on a thrilling river rafting adventure, follow these safety tips for a secure experience: Always wear a properly fitted life jacket to stay afloat and protected. Check the weather forecast beforehand to avoid unexpected storms or dangerous conditions. Ensure your rafting equipment is in good condition and properly maintained. Stay hydrated throughout the trip to prevent dehydration and fatigue. Listen carefully to your guide's instructions and follow them promptly. Learn and practice proper paddling techniques to maneuver the raft effectively. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, including rocks, rapids, and other obstacles. Communicate with your fellow rafters using clear hand signals or verbal cues. Never raft alone; always go with a group or hire a professional guide. In case of an emergency, know how to perform basic rescue techniques and first aid. Lastly, don't forget to enjoy the breathtaking scenery and have a blast! 🌊🚣‍♂️ 5. Exploring the breathtaking natural landscapes while river raftingExperience the thrill of river rafting as you immerse yourself in the stunning natural landscapes that surround you. 🚣‍♀️⛰️ Navigate through gushing rapids, surrounded by lush green forests and towering cliffs, creating an adrenaline-fueled adventure like no other. 🌿🌊 Discover hidden waterfalls, cascading down into crystal-clear pools, offering a refreshing break from the exhilarating rapids. 🌊💦 Marvel at the diverse wildlife that calls these pristine rivers home, from graceful eagles soaring above to playful otters splashing in the water. 🦅🦦 As you paddle downstream, take in the breathtaking vistas of majestic mountains and expansive valleys, a feast for the eyes at every turn. 🏔️🌄6. The best time of year to embark on a river rafting expeditionWhen it comes to river rafting, timing is everything! The best time to embark on a thrilling river rafting expedition depends on various factors: River water levels: Opt for the time when the river has sufficient water flow for an exhilarating experience. Weather conditions: Choose a season with pleasant weather, avoiding extreme temperatures or heavy rainfall. Accessibility: Ensure the river and surrounding areas are easily accessible without any roadblocks or closures. 🌞 Spring and early summer are ideal for rafting, as melting snow and spring rains increase water levels, creating exciting rapids. The weather is usually mild, providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience. 🌸 Late summer and early fall offer a different rafting experience. Rivers may have lower water levels, resulting in calmer rapids suitable for families or beginners. The weather is generally warm, perfect for basking in the sun while rafting. 🍂 However, be cautious during the monsoon season, as heavy rainfall can lead to dangerously high water levels and strong currents. It's best to avoid rafting during this time to ensure safety. 💡 Pro tip: Research specific rivers and consult local guides or tour operators to determine the best time for river rafting in your desired location. Remember, safety should always be a top priority!7. Unforgettable river rafting experiences for adrenaline junkiesLooking for an exhilarating adventure? 🌊 Join us on unforgettable river rafting experiences that will satisfy your adrenaline cravings! Brace yourself for heart-pounding rapids and breathtaking scenery. 1. Choose from a variety of thrilling destinations, including the roaring rapids of the Grand Canyon, the untamed beauty of the Zambezi River, or the adrenaline-pumping waters of the Futaleufú River. 2. Our experienced guides will ensure your safety while providing an adrenaline-fueled journey. Feel the rush as you navigate through Class IV and V rapids, conquering the wild waters with every paddle stroke. 3. Immerse yourself in the stunning surroundings as you raft through deep canyons, lush rainforests, and cascading waterfalls. Prepare to be amazed by nature's wonders while experiencing the ultimate thrill. 4. No prior rafting experience? No problem! Our trips cater to all levels of expertise, from beginners to seasoned adventurers. Our guides will provide the necessary training and equipment for a safe and unforgettable journey. 5. Capture unforgettable memories as you bond with fellow adrenaline junkies. Share stories around the campfire, enjoy delicious meals, and camp under the starry night sky. It's the perfect opportunity to make lifelong friends. 6. Don't miss out on the chance to conquer the world's most challenging rapids. Book your river rafting adventure now and get ready to experience the thrill of a lifetime! In conclusion, 🌊 river rafting offers exhilarating adventures for thrill-seekers of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rafter, there are incredible destinations near you that promise unforgettable experiences. So grab your paddle, put on your life jacket, and get ready to conquer the rapids! 🚣‍♀️ Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the breathtaking beauty of nature while enjoying the adrenaline rush of river rafting. From the roaring rapids of the 🌄 Rocky Mountains to the winding rivers of the 🌴 Amazon rainforest, there are endless options to satisfy your craving for adventure. So gather your friends and family, and embark on an unforgettable journey through the wild waters. 🌊🌍 Remember, safety should always be a top priority. Before embarking on any river rafting trip, make sure to choose a reputable guide or tour operator. They will provide you with the necessary equipment, expertise, and guidance to ensure a thrilling yet secure experience. So get out there and make memories that will last a lifetime! 🌟🌊🌄 https://xtremesports.net/best-river-rafting-near-you/?_unique_id=649c6b804c42d
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steven-sandner · 1 year
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Tidal River, Wilsons Prom 🍂💫✨ My gallery - http://bit.ly/pics_and_art
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icennetkusu · 1 year
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#Günaydın #gunaydin #iyisabahlar #iyigünler #imorning #mornings #goodmorning #goodmornings #goodtime #goodtimes #natural #natur #nature #naturel #landscape #river #rivercolor #riverlandscape #riveradventures #riverlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CpmOWBXDCxO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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akurtzbrand · 8 months
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1 fish, 2 fish...🎣
#akurtzbrand #fishingtrip #riveradventure #explore
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