#Rolls knock off
The Warner Siblings and The Powerpuff Girls are more similar than you think
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Both groups of siblings:
Are a "Beauty, Brains, and Brawn" trio
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(Simply put, Dot and Bubbles are both "the cute one")
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(Blossom is studious, well organised, and often uses her brain to save the day; Yakko is a "smarty-pants", often outsmarts foes (and sometimes his sibs), and is very knowledgeable about academics-particularly geography and history)
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(Buttercup is "the toughest fighter" and Wakko is the most destructive Warner and the most likely to use a mallet)
Are artificial beings who were created on the same day, not as babies but as children
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Have a scientist as a guardian
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Had a different scientist mass produce deformed clones of them, who eventually rebelled against him
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Are insanely powerful to the point of being almost indestructible
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(the PPG have superpowers due to Chemical X, and the Warners have Toon Physics/Force)
Became outcasts because of said abilities
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Have comic-exclusive evil counterparts
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Have fought the devil
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...and have anime counterparts
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In conclusion...um...Animaniacs good. Powerpuff Girls good. Watch them.
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dailykugisaki · 2 months
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Day 176 | id in alt
You said you were gonna lock in, so lock in buoy.
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residentdormouse · 1 month
In another round of 'Mouse is Over-analyzing Gale Scenes Too Much'
Honestly, I feel stupid for not fully getting this in the first run. (Am I now playing the same Tav, with mostly the same choices, to capture clips that I missed before I fully realized this was going to be a massive hyperfix? Psh. No! Can't be.) But to be fair, I had no real knowledge of this game, or DnD at all for that matter, coming into this. All I knew is Tumblr kept posting about this one damn vampire, and I was curious what the appeal was. Nobody ever told me there was a wizard that was bound to take over all my thoughts...
Anyway, digressing.
So, you're all tadpoled, right? Scrambling around after surviving the crash, and being dumped straight into goblin, siren, hag, absolute bullshit and what have you. There's a nice down moment at camp, and you decide to go talk to the cheeky wizard that has caught your eye.
Weave lesson? Sure, why not? You love listening to him enthusiastically ramble on. Ridiculously endearing, truth be told. And what could it hurt? Yeah, you got your magic, but it's unpredictable. A gift and a curse. With things as they stand, you and your hodgepodge band of lovable rapscallions could use all the help you can get. (Yeah, yeah. Half-elf wild magic sorcerer. Fell right into that seeming majority of Galemancers with this one.)
But then... Poof.... Strange purple nonsense...
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Did you do that? Gods, what's going to happen this time?! Damn this wild magic... Or is this just the start of another new predicament in the ever growing madness that is your life now?
But then you look over at Gale. He's not worried. He's beside you, and it's comforting. Instantly.
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The little smile that takes over here... The slight shift in expression from unease to solace. Serenity. Just from his reassurance and proximity. Testing the waters. Teetering the outskirts of a bond that is just beginning in it's formation.
I don't know why, but this one hit me hard today.
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Also bonus point observed:
"Most pleasant, in fact. Most welcome."
While not the outcome you envisioned, your feelings are accepted. Not just accepted. 'Welcomed'. The prospect of a connection between you brought him a feeling of elation. A warmth that radiated from the inside out and wrapped around the both of you with a blissful tingling sensation.
...but only for a second...
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General feeling of intimacy? Sure. It's one of the many benefits of being connected to the weave. Letting your imagination go where it will? Fine. It could be indulged; what does it really matter anyway. But wait, there's reciprocation? Moment shut down immediately.
Mystra, you jealous bitch....
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microwave-core · 7 months
Memento Mori
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Diantha x Fem! Reader
In retrospect, perhaps there was a reason why Kalos’ champion was missing when the region seemed to need her the most.
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It should have been simple. It should have been any other day. The morning was simply divine, as Fletchlings perched on the open window sills and tree branches, singing their wonderful, off-beat tune as you woke and got up like usual. Morning tea and casual conversation with your love followed through like always, as she told you about a new café she wanted to try, telling you to meet her there at noon for a short and sweet date, trying to squeeze in as much time together as possible while working around her jam-packed schedule. 
You parted like always, wishing her luck for the on-coming day, at least until noon passed, where you could renew that wish of luck again until she came home in the dark of night, where you’d revel in each other’s presence until the morning came, where everything would happen all over again.
Perhaps it was a bitter sweet cycle, as each meeting meant an eventual parting, where you would be separated for far too long for either of your likings, but every parting meant you’d eventually meet again. (You’d call that kind of prose overly dramatic, but perhaps that's just in your lover’s nature.)
Lunch dates throughout Lumiose were relatively common for you both, so preparing for them was as second-nature to you as preparing in the morning, and so was the struggle to find the dreaded place she’d ask you out to. It seemed like you were always a bit late to these meetings, but she never minded. Not everyone is well equipped to traverse such similar looking streets on the daily, after all.
It seemed like, no matter how hard you tried, you could never get there before her, always taking a wrong turn somewhere along the line. So when you arrived at the given destination with her nowhere in sight, you immediately felt off. You checked the address she had texted to you, ensuring that this was the right place. Maybe you had just gotten lost again, and ended up somewhere else?
Yet it was correct. You were here, so where was she? You approached the barista and asked if they had seen your love (average height, dark gray hair in an elaborate up-do, blue eyes… you held back on asking by name, not wanting to draw attention to you both), but nothing. So you sat down, thinking that maybe she was just running a bit late. Maybe she had reshoots that went longer than expected, or maybe a challenger arrived just as she was leaving.
You check the address one, two, three times more before texting her. If she was running late, you didn’t want to hound her, didn’t want her to feel bad about not being on time, but if something was wrong… Surely, everything was fine, surely, but… what if it wasn’t? She had never been late before, and, knowing Diantha, she surely would have texted you if something held her up.
…You could always just, you know, check her location. She never turned the setting off, and, even if it felt a little dirty and the slightest bit intrusive, it could be excellent reassurance. You could just take a quick peek, see she was at work or the league or on her way over, and your nerves would be sated, and you could gently tease her when she arrived, just as she’d tease you. Yes, it would be worth it, and you most definitely weren’t just stalling in the hopes that she would arrive and take the seat across from you while your eyes were glued to the screen.
But how odd… It seemed that she was in Lumiose, but at the opposite end, in a different cafe, stationary… maybe you did just get the address wrong. Despite checking over and over and over again, maybe you did just misread something, and she was waiting for you patiently. Yes, that had to be the case, and whatever unease had settled in the pit of your stomach was misplaced, despite it remaining as you stood up and left.
Everything would be fine, and the air of wrong hanging over you like an ever-darkening sky threatening to unleash a torrential downpour at any moment, would clear when you saw her face. It didn’t matter that every step felt heavier, it didn’t matter that she was radio silent, and it certainly didn’t matter that your phone threatened to snap under the ironclad grip it was held in as you sat in a cab.
Stepping out, your eyes immediately spot it: a glaring red exterior nestled within the alley. You have to fight the urge to stay seated, as the fear settled betwixt your bones wanted to keep you anchored down. Perhaps you would have given into that desire if it weren’t for the odd look the driver gave you as you remained seated in his backseat for far longer than necessary, which promptly got you up on your feet along with a healthy tip and rushed apology.
Deep breath, everything is going to be fine. Diantha had mentioned this place to you before. She knew the owner, apparently, which wasn’t too out of the ordinary for her, but she had never brought you here despite that. Looking back, maybe she was actively pushing you away from this place in fear of… something or other happening, but maybe you’re just being paranoid, overthinking.
The door, regularly propped open during operating hours as is the same for every cafe in the area, was slightly ajar, with light spilling out into the alleyway, the space of which darkened from looming buildings overhead despite the bright sunlight beaming down from above. She’ll be there, everything will be fine.
Walking in, you internally remark about the… odd decorative choices. The red walls and flooring and tables and… everything, really, certainly matched the outside. The cabinets behind the counter, devoid of employees, did seem to contain rather high quality goods, so perhaps the sophisticated aura they oozed was supposed to smooth over the feelings of unease brought on by the environment. The cabinet at the back of the room contained similar, eye-catching items, although they did seem a bit out of place, as if it had been jostled recently. 
The cabinet also looked too far over to the right, casting a shadow just to the left that appeared to be a gaping void, a doorway tunneling further into the unknown… You step forward, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand, peering further into the wall to tell if you were out of your mind or if the darkness was a genuine doorway leading further into the building.
Perhaps now was the time to finally address the alarm bells blaring in your mind that you’ve ignored up until now. This place couldn’t be normally. Odd stylistic choices aside, a cafe that’s completely empty during peak operating hours with an ominously dark open doorway in the back couldn’t be normal. Maybe if you listened to your instincts sooner, you wouldn’t be standing here, in a strange cafe that suddenly seemed darker than when you walked in.
Maybe, if you took care to trust your gut, you wouldn’t have been subjected to a heavy blow to the back of the head, out cold before you could even hit the tile below.
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A sudden, burning feeling washing over your body shakes you awake. When or how you fell asleep was beyond you. Maybe you had fallen asleep in the back of the cab, and all of this business with a dominatingly red building was just a strange dream. A cab driver likely wouldn’t violently throw you out of their back seat, though, and it wouldn’t have left you feeling so weak and drained.
And, if that had been the case, Diantha wouldn’t be leaning over you, yelling at someone in the distance. Her hair disheveled, the pristine nature of her clothing sullied by wrinkles and dust, and her expression panicked, not that you could make her out all that well. The figure at the end of the darkly tiled room, imposingly large and red… or maybe orange, it was hard to tell, seemed to be looking in your direction, but you couldn’t make out his face. 
You felt like you were being held underwater. Your vision was blurred, taking in your surroundings as blobs and splotches of color rather than finely defined shapes. And everything sounded as if it were miles away, like a distant echo in the background, where you can feel how loud the voices must be without being able to make out any of their words.
All you knew for certain was the terrible pain racking through you, and the gentle touch of Diantha, as if trying to soothe the discomfort in your veins. The words flying out of her mouth were panicked and resentful, a combination of emotions that you’ve never heard from her before.
The bleariness long set into your subconscious prevents you from paying attention, prevents you from piecing together what was happening. How long you’ve been here, where here was, and why Diantha was here, cradling you gently, were beyond your realm of understanding at this point.
Her eyes dart down to your ever-crippling form, eyes widening as she realizes that you're somewhat conscious, almost as if she thought you’d never wake. She clutches you closer, curling around you as best she could, breathing unevenly as she mumbles out half a dozen curses and swears, simultaneously cursing out those who brought you harm and pleading to whatever forces may be above to help. The man she was yelling at seems to have all but vanished.
“My love? Can you… can you hear me?”
She pulls away ever so slightly, just enough to look you in the eyes. From this close up, you can make out her expression. Her face is a mix of terror and relief, as the makeup on her eyes, the elegant eyeliner and eyeshadow, appears to have been smudged, although it’s clear the tears welling up in her eyes have yet to fall. You can only nod in response, as the words on your tongue die as they pass your lips.
“Good, that’s good. You should save your strength, love, just focus on me, alright? Everything will be alright.”
Diantha wasn’t convinced by her own words. She had no idea how long you had been here, or how Lysandre and his incredulous goons managed to get their hands on you, but they did, and they knew full well what kind of leverage they had when you fell into their laps. That didn’t matter right now, though. 
It was her duty to protect the region, to prevent Kalos and her people from being harmed. It’s how she was roped into this dreaded place. She should have taken action sooner, made an effort to snip Team Flare in the bud before they got out of hand. Too bad it took you getting mortally injured to realize that…
She takes one of your hands in her own, although the grip isn’t quite comfortable due to the clamines of your skin. You didn’t realize that Diantha’s hands were stained red, having been dyed by the angry gashes lining the back of your neck and head, nor did you realize how it had seeped into her clothes. 
Pressing a kiss to your cold lips, she lets out a shaky sigh, trying her best to stay calm and composed while gently pressing her free hand to the back of your head. She didn’t want to inflict any more harm to your already sensitive wounds, but she had to at least try to stop the bleeding, even if you’ve lost so much blood already.
“Just keep your eyes open for me, alright? Stay with me as best you can.”
“...I’m sorry.” Your voice comes out raspy, quiet, forcing out the words to be as fully formed as possible instead of letting them collapse into gibberish. Simple words were never so difficult to say before.
“No, no, don’t apologize to me right now. None of this is your fault, if anything, it’s mine. I should have told you I couldn’t make it instead of assuming I had time.”
Technically the truth, not that either of you knew it. If she had texted you to say she couldn’t come, even if she didn’t say why, you wouldn’t have stumbled into the boss of Team Flare’s cafe to be bludgeoned over the head and thrown to the feet of the champion to debilitate her, cripple her emotionally to get her off of their backs.
“That doesn’t matter right now, love. All that matters is that we’re together, okay? It’s just you and me right now, it’s safe.” You nod again, leaning further into her touch, although it’s difficult to move. Despite the pain, you feel somewhat serene. Diantha’s warm touch against your skin felt wonderful, and her words felt oh so comforting despite her worried and hushed tone. Perhaps you simply hadn’t realized you were resting upon death’s door, or maybe you had already accepted that it was knocking.
“It’s going to be okay, alright? Everything is going to be o-kay.” Her voice cracks, as tears begin working past her eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, I love you, things are going to be alright. Me and you, we’re going… we’re going to be fine. We’ll get you out of here, and we’ll, we’ll…” She’s cut off by a sob, words turning into baselass rambling, filled with “i love you” and “everything will be fine” over and over and over again till words start to slur together,, or maybe you were just becoming less and less coherent. 
You close your eyes slowly, paying attention to Diantha and Diantha alone, knowing that everything would be alright. You would slip into an abyss of sleep, and you would see her again whenever you would wake. 
“It’s going to be fine, Diantha… everything will be fine.”
You can’t help but smile despite Diantha’s pleas, begging you desperately to keep your eyes open, to stay with her for longer, as your hand goes limp in her hold.
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theoldandnewfirm · 1 year
I wish we could've seen the real conversation/interactions that happened between Isabel and Ebenezer during the Later sequence, because assuming that Isabel did sweep everything off his desk in a fit of anger, Ebenezer seeing that and thinking, "this is a situation I can walk away from with my relationship intact" makes him the dumbest human being on planet earth.
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sparklehoard · 12 hours
Fighting for my life trying to cook in my parents kitchen last night.
Got in a fight when I blocked my mother from putting a can of corn in the butter chicken I had been cooking for 2 hours
#it had been a long time since i went to a neighbor for an ingredient. heyyyy brianne i saw you outside and was wondering if you had like#a 1/4 cup of flour i could steal?#what house doesnt keep flour stocked up#the same that raised an idiot who didnt knock the side of the flour jar to make sure the flour wasnt just set at and angle#looking at it i was like yeah theres like 4 cups in there easy. .....oh no. please god i only need 1.1/2 cups of flour please please please#my curry had fresh herbs and 3 bell peppers and a whole bundle of celery and 2 fancy tomatoes. roasted. boiled. hand blended.#left to simmer to get rid a bit of the liquid. and my mother. enters my domain. and tried to add canned corn to my final product.#i HATE canned corn. but the fucking audacity. the disrespect.#i kept grabbing things i needed and realized like 10 minutes in what a mistake i had made#grabbing bowls. spatulas. knives. ROLLING PINS. measuring cups and spoons. and theyre ALL DIRTY#STOP PUTTING THINGS AWAY THAT STILLHAVE FOOD ON THEM#WHY AM I SCRAPPING OLD FOOD OFF A ROLLING PIN WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER#i made a butter chicken. the rice and homemade naan bread. and by the end i had filled a half of the dishwasher with just found dirty items.#someone made something with fat and cocoa in the metal bowl and just put it through the washer and put it away without looking???#this house feels so fake. not meant to live in. just an ingredient for shame and order#when i moved home. no broom. no cleaning rags. they just used the kitchen dish rags 🤢. no household tools except for a baggie of allen keys#all the chairs and couches are pure white and hurt to sit on for long periods#everything causes discomfort and all the counters are only as tall as my thighs. even the newly renovated ones
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kneelb4kesha · 27 days
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My little creecher... She watches me.
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Yes...... always watching........
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bylertruther · 1 year
william wheeler > michael byers
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whywishesarehorses · 9 months
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tittyinfinity · 8 months
Sometimes I forget about the time I was almost killed by a sniper because of a fight between two other people
#domestic abuse tw#(in the tags)#it was my ex and his grandfather#his grandpa had shoved his grandma into the ground and broke her arm and shoulder while drunk as shit#my ex tackled him and got him off#but then he grabbed his rifle and we both had to run#i was about 10-12 weeks pregnant at that point and 18#i did the thing my mom told me repeatedly since i was a kid in case of a shooting#as soon as you hear a gunshot get on the ground and roll#and running in zigzags#though that's not gonna help every situation honestly#but it did save my life#we ran to a neighbor and begged them to call 911#it was going to be our only way to leave since we were out in the middle of nowhere and had nowhere else to run#and it was back before i lost all faith in the cops#but the woman who answered the door when we knocked told us no and slammed the door in our faces#we eventually had no choice but to go back because it was winter and below freezing outside#and we were both in short sleeves bc we didnt have time to grab coats#then we just had to pretend like everything was ok while his grandma had a cast on her arm#she's trapped with him under threat#she always has new injuries and broken bones#he literally will try to kill you if you don't do what he wants#and i 100% believe he has killed before#she's been trapped with him since she was 16#so nearly 50 years#what i also don't understand though#is why my ex was able to immediately see that it was wrong for his grandpa to do that#but then he put hands on me many times including while i was holding our kid#last time i saw him he sliced my pinky open with a knife because we got in an argument about him being racist#.bdo
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the-busy-ghost · 10 months
I don't know why but my brain just constantly wants to conflate the most famous works of John Knox and Robert Kirk (two very different Church of Scotland ministers) and lately I've had to stop myself accidentally referring to 'The Monstrous Regiment of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies' which is a pain because I'm pretty sure that's also a mish-mash of at least two fantasy novels that I haven't read, and at the end of the day how the hell did we get here
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originemesis · 4 months
is currently doing adam's paperwork .
And he's absolutely helping... by laying dramatically over the desk with an arm crooked over his visor as he goes over the hardships of his day in great detail.
"-and then fuckin' Karen told me I couldn't swap for something else 'cause I already ate half the sandwich out of DESPERATION FOR SUSTENANCE- can you believe that shit? I should go fuck around with her daughter in HER bed. Then I can tell Karen to make me the sandwich. UhahAhaHAH- that would be so fucking rad-iCK-culous."
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He's been yammering for the past two and a half hours now.
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pigeon-butch · 2 years
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a d20 has been sacrificed to appease the beast
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ducktracy · 1 year
doing that thing i did once before where i upload a menagerie of my Garageband Meddlings of cues/songs/blips/etc that are either too brief to post on their own or too unfinished. 95% of these are just studies of pre-existing Carl Stalling scores HAHA (that some of you may recognize! some of you may not! i’ll put sources in tags) but HEY! i tried to organize them from most substantial/finished to least
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msboutofcontext · 2 years
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lavenderedhoney · 1 year
Happy new year tonight she dragged me to my knees through the bathroom doorway by the hair so I could suck her dick while she was taking her makeup off and it was crazy fucking hot. She also got one hand under me to grip the back of my neck and used her other hand to pin both my wrists together over my head while she was fucking me on the bed and it made my brain turn all the way off!
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