#i was about 10-12 weeks pregnant at that point and 18
tittyinfinity · 1 year
Sometimes I forget about the time I was almost killed by a sniper because of a fight between two other people
#domestic abuse tw#(in the tags)#it was my ex and his grandfather#his grandpa had shoved his grandma into the ground and broke her arm and shoulder while drunk as shit#my ex tackled him and got him off#but then he grabbed his rifle and we both had to run#i was about 10-12 weeks pregnant at that point and 18#i did the thing my mom told me repeatedly since i was a kid in case of a shooting#as soon as you hear a gunshot get on the ground and roll#and running in zigzags#though that's not gonna help every situation honestly#but it did save my life#we ran to a neighbor and begged them to call 911#it was going to be our only way to leave since we were out in the middle of nowhere and had nowhere else to run#and it was back before i lost all faith in the cops#but the woman who answered the door when we knocked told us no and slammed the door in our faces#we eventually had no choice but to go back because it was winter and below freezing outside#and we were both in short sleeves bc we didnt have time to grab coats#then we just had to pretend like everything was ok while his grandma had a cast on her arm#she's trapped with him under threat#she always has new injuries and broken bones#he literally will try to kill you if you don't do what he wants#and i 100% believe he has killed before#she's been trapped with him since she was 16#so nearly 50 years#what i also don't understand though#is why my ex was able to immediately see that it was wrong for his grandpa to do that#but then he put hands on me many times including while i was holding our kid#last time i saw him he sliced my pinky open with a knife because we got in an argument about him being racist#.bdo
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 5/7
is it silly that this is my favorite in this series? i really enjoyed writing kaya and I wanna do it again at some point :')
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] panel 2: Kaya: Oh! Dr. Law! I didn't expect to find you in our library.
panel 3: Law: K-Kaya-ya!
panel 4: Law: Uh. Ahem. Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your books.
panel 5: Kaya: Oh of course not! I'm just shocked to hear we have books you don't! What are you studying?
panel 6: Law: UHHHHH
[pg2] panel 10: Kaya: Oh! Is someone on your crew pregnant? Ikkaku??
panel 11: Law (thinking): She doesn't know Ikkaku is trans. Does she not know that I am?? I just assumed Nose-ya would have mentioned it. But that makes sense. If Straw Hat didn't already know Nose-ya was trans it's not like I would have told him.
panel 12: Kaya: ...?
panel 13: Law (thinking): Fuck, I've been quiet too long. I can't throw Ikkaku under to bus. Just say something.
panel 14: Law: No. Kaya: Oh. Then why...? Law (thinking): Wait, shit
[pg3] panel 15: Law: My, uh...brother...'s...wife. Yeah, we're taking him back to Zou soon...because his wife is pregnant...and I...want...to help...?
panel 16: Kaya: Oh, how sweet! Congrats "Uncle Law" hehe. If you have any questions I could help with let me know!! I specialized in traumatic injury, but I did deliver a few babies in Syrup Village! On smaller islands like that you wear a lot of hats.
panel 17: Law: And you've...been pregnant. Kaya: Well, yeah, but I wasn't my own doctor! Could you imagine if I had tried to deliver the twins myself? Even a doctor needs a doctor, you know that.
panel 18: Law: ...right.
panel 19: Law: ...what...what was it like?
panel 20: Kaya: Oh, my pregnant patients were actually pretty fun! I suppose it makes sense that as a pirate ship doctor you wouldn't have had to know obstetrics. But it was always so lovely to hand a parent their--
[pg4] panel 21: Kaya: ...newborn...baby...?
panel 23: Kaya: ...I'm sorry, Dr. Law. If there's context I need you'll have to give it to me. I'm not good at guessing.
panel 24: Law: What do you mean, I just gave you context. Kaya: With all due respect, you're full crying. It's a new sight for me!
panel 25: Kaya: You can tell me what's going on! I'm told I'm a very good listener
panel 26: Law: ...You Straw Hats sure are a pain Kaya: Sorry, hehe
panel 28: Law: ...I...ahem...so number one, if you didn't know...I'm...I'm trans.
panel 29: Law: But not like your husband. He got the works from Ivankov-ya...I never felt the need to seek that out.
[pg5] panel 30: Kaya: ...I see
panel 31: Kaya: How far along are you? Law: ..12 weeks, give or take. Kaya: Well, I've provided obstetric care of all kinds. So whatever questions you're researching here...why don't you ask me instead of being your own doctor?
panel 32: Law: ...Same question. What was it like?
panel 33: Kaya: Being pregnant was a horror show!
panel 34: Law: A glowing review. Kaya: Oh, sorry! I can lie if you'd prefer!
panel 35: Kaya: I was just so sick my first trimester! Law (speaking over her): KAYA-YA I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR TWO WEEKS WHEN WILL IT STOP I CAN ONLY EAT RICE.
panel 36: Kaya: It's different for everyone. By the end it wasn't quite so bad for me, though. And I love my kids so much. They were such cute newborns!! So I was alright being uncomfortable for awhile. Because that's what we wanted, you know?
panel 37: Kaya (off screen): What do you and Luffy want, Dr. Law?
[pg6] panel 38: Law: ...We haven't decided yet. We're giving it to the end of the week. I'm trying to think about it rationally. But I just keep getting emotional any time I talk about it. It's strange.
panel 39: Kaya: An emotional decision and a bad decision aren't inherently synonymous, you know.
panel 40: Law: ...your bedside manner is impeccable, Dr. Kaya-ya. Kaya: Well, thank you! Next time let's meet in the infirmary, mine or yours.
panel 41: Kaya: I'll be your doctor through this, okay?
panel 42: Law: ...Okay...Thank you. Kaya: Of course!
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schemmentis · 4 months
La Cosa Nostra - Pt. 20
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19
Cowritten w/ @janeyseymour
Summary: The arduous task of leaving, and rebuilding.
WC: 1.9k
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Over the weeks that those close to you adjust to the news of your little family of four being gone, you're all recovering in the safety of the hospital. Cat's is the slowest going. You and Melissa, while still in quite a bit of pain, are out of the woods. So is Rosie, though she isn't her usual hyper and always moving self. She’s content to sit quietly with you and occasionally snuggle up close to her sister in her hospital bed. 
Cat slowly, painstakingly, gets there- after another surgery and plenty of medication and watchful eyes of professionals. Her little eyes open and stay that way more and for longer periods of time. Once she's stable, you and Melissa know you can't wait any longer. You have to leave. Before word somehow gets out that you are, in fact, still alive. 
Cat's doctors contact a highly respected colleague in New York to coordinate them taking over her care as soon as you get there, essentially. Before you can leave though, you have one more meeting to sit in on. This time, instead of at businesses or the police station, it's in Cat's small hospital room. Melissa is sitting on the edge of your eldest's bed, holding a tiny hand as Cat catches a bit more sleep. You're sitting in a chair at the other side of the bed, holding Rosie in your lap. 
Agent Shaw and Agent Danik greet Rosie enthusiastically when they arrive, happy to see her getting a little bit back to her usual self now that her sister is improving as well. Rosie hugs them both tight, like she used to do Luca and AJ at Sunday dinners. Like she only ever does people she likes. You almost want her to hate them, but your little girl doesn’t understand that these two are a big part of the reason that you’re in the mess you are. If they hadn’t suspected you to be a part of the hit on Bobby, none of this ever would’ve come about. But even you’ll admit, they’ve done a lot for you in the last weeks. They’re almost constantly standing guard with you, and you’ve even gotten to get to know them a bit better and see more into their personal lives. 
The agents take the other chairs in the room, sitting opposite you and Melissa both. Danik hands your wife a folder while Shaw hands you an identical one.
“You each have copies of the documents for the house in New York. We'll be able to mail you the proper ones once we sort out your aliases- along with more documents for you both and the girls. Right now, we've got the plane tickets just with a different last name, to keep anyone trying to from immediately realizing it's you, though I doubt anyone is looking at this point. But once you're in New York you need to have completely different ones.” Danik explains quietly. 
“The girls will be confused by calling them different names…” You mutter, flipping through your folder. 
“They’re already confused enough not being able to go back home,” your wife sighs softly as she runs a hand through her hair. 
“I know,” you reply just as quietly.
“We could…change them to the more common versions.” Melissa suggests. You hear the pain in her tone. When you were pregnant the two of you went through more names than you could count. The meanings and their significance mused to you both, but especially your wife- with Cat carrying on a family name so dear to her. Rosie was the name she'd picked herself and added the middle name her sister also carried down from their family. 
“The nicknames would be the same.” Melissa says when you look at her, a tiny shrug of her shoulders as her fingers gently card through Cat's hair. “It would confuse them less.”
“Baby, are you-”
You don't even get to ask if she's sure. Melissa's head shakes as soon as you start. “We'll know what they mean and where they came from even if no one else will. It doesn't matter if it helps keep them safe.”
Reluctantly, you nod. The safety of your daughters is the only reason you're doing this as you are. Though originally you weren't going to almost die and fake die for it. You guess it is safer this way.
“You'll have to think of ones for yourselves, then. You're more likely to be found than the girls, especially if you kept your first names.”
You sigh. “We have to have them by the time we're in New York, right?” 
“Yes. We'd prefer if you had them already but it's more important that we get you out of here right now. We'll provide an income every month, a set amount to help you get by.”
“I'm sure we'll still need to work.” Melissa says, looking to Agent Dakin.
The agent smiles wryly. “Unfortunately we can't provide you mafia level money.”
“I dunno.” You say, shutting your folder as you glance to your wife. Your shoulders shrug. “Could be fun to do somethin’ totally normal for once without worrying ‘bout the rest. ‘Sides, we both have business experience. We'll figure it out.”
“Neither of you can open a business again,” Danik warns. “Publicity will not do you any favors… even in a big city like Manhattan.”
Melissa sinks. She was hoping she would be able to open another restaurant… she’d make good money in such an affluent city. But that possibility was just thrown out the window.
A few hours later, you, your wife, and your girls are on an airplane in a private area, sorting through everything.
“So… Catherine Ann and Rose Marie,” Melissa sighs as she writes your daughters new legal names. “Last name?”
You shrug. “Should we stick with Italian, or go Irish this time?”
“Probably Italian,” your wife tells you as she scribbles down a few things. “And we need new names.”
��Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I think I want to go with Saoirse... freedom,” you say softly as you rock your youngest daughter in your lap gently. “And...” you do a quick search on your phone for different Italian last names.
“Hm?” Melissa hums. 
“I’m looking at common last names, and I like... Fumagalli, or.... Carozza,” you tell Melissa.
Your wife looks at you with those sparkling green eyes of her, and she then rolls them at you. “Do you have any idea what those words mean in Italian?”
You quirk your head and raise a brow. “No? Should I?”
“Fumagalli means smoked poultry,” she deadpans.
“And I love a smoked bird,” you quip. “And it’s a cool last name!”
“And Carozza literally means mozzarella cheese.”
You laugh out loud at that one. “I knew that one sounded familiar... but I do like mozzarella cheese. It’s my favorite kind!”
“Good lord,” your wife grumbles as she writes down both last names on a lined piece of paper as ideas. “You have to be kidding me. How were we a part of the mob, and yet you come up with ridiculous shit like this?”
“You love me,” you smile at her as you set a soft hand on her knee.
“You’re damn lucky.” Melissa grumbles as she writes a few of her own ideas down. 
You peek over her shoulder, seeing the list of last names, your suggestions followed by her own. “What about your name?” You ask. 
“Raphaela.” Your wife answers with no hesitation, making clear she's considered this about as much as you have. She glances back at you with a small, almost shy smile. “It means God has healed.”
“I guess in a roundabout way, he has, huh?” You say. “Barb would've liked that one.” You add in a quiet murmur.
Melissa doesn't miss it, nodding and muttering her own agreement as she turns back to the list of last names. “Vinci.” She says aloud, looking back to you once more. “To conquer.”
You can't fight the grin on your face at the meaning. “I like that.” You admit, quickly stealing a kiss from Melissa. “But you're sure you don't want to be mozzarella? I know it's your favorite too.” You can't help but tease.
Melissa rolls her eyes, gently shoving you back to your own seat space. “I don't want to be cheese or smoked poultry, Thank you.”
When your flight lands you and Melissa have agreed on your new identities. By the time you're in a cab and nearly to your new home, you've failed your additional attempts to persuade her into your more silly last names. Not that you really wanted to. It just gave you both something to focus on fake arguing about to pass the time.
“We'll have to wait for all the documents back before we can enroll the girls back in school.” You say as you walk with Melissa up the steps of your new house. Each of you holding one of your girls in your arms.
“Maybe that's for the best.” Melissa says from next to you. You reach behind the porch light, feeling blindly for the key you were told you'd find hidden for you. You make a mental note it might be a good idea to change the locks at the first opportunity, just to be safe. “At least it will give Cat more time to recover.” Your wife adds as you slip the key into the lock.
“Guess we'll tell them it's a little vacation?” You suggest, glancing over your shoulder.
“I don't know.” Melissa says, making a face. “That will just make them more confused when the vacation doesn't end.”
You sigh but nod, knowing she's right. “We've got time to figure it out, at least.” You say, pushing the front door open. You look back to your wife. “You ready? First step of the rest of our lives.”
“Amore, that step happened when we got on the plane, if not before that.” Melissa says softly. Still, she puts a hand on your cheek, thumb gently rubbing at your skin in affection and nerves just the same. “Hopefully there's beds, at least.” She mutters before kissing you once.
“I don’t think I could sleep on the couch again if I tried,” you grumble. 
You let Melissa step in ahead of you, pulling the door shut behind you and flipping the lock back in place. You trail after your wife, glad to find a sofa in the living room. It's certainly not like your living room back in Philly, or like one actually lived in but it's something.
You don't linger there, keeping a pace behind Melissa down the hallway. She opens one of the doors, finding the bathroom. The next is a bedroom, blissfully with a bed. Again, the room is not fully decorated but the basics are here. It's enough, for now.
You and Melissa carefully nestle your sleeping daughters to the bed. You don't even bother checking the other bedroom. The two of you are already content to squeeze onto the edges of the bed with the girls. It's been a long few days. This house doesn't feel like home, not yet, if it ever will, but with the feel of Melissa’s hand slipping into your own and squeezing, the sound of the girls’ quiet breathing, it's enough of home for you for right now.
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ssinnerplazahotel · 11 days
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*Chapter Fifteen*
WC: 5k
Warning: 18+, age gap, smut, fluff, toxic elvis, manipulation, drug use, it’s the 50s/60s, painful-difficult-devastating-life-changing-extraordinary love
Pairing: elvis x black reader
Disclaimer: full of inaccuracies, inaccurate timeline, inaccurate depictions of Graceland, historically inaccurate themes and items
Masterlist: Prologue, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
finale pt. 2
“They want you for the cover of Harper’s Bazaar.”
“Yeah, you.”
“Because they think you’re ‘extraordinarily beautiful,’” He said, quoting the request directly. “‘Otherworldly.’
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
“Well, I happen to agree that you’re out of this world.”
He smiled as you sat down in his lap, hugging his neck as you glanced over the letter. You thought about the offer for a moment.
“You don’t have to think about it too much,” Elvis said when he noticed your contemplation. “I’ll tell them you don’t want to do it.”
“Will you do it with me?”
“They didn’t ask me, dirty bird, they asked you.”
You laughed. “I know but…we do everything together.”
You knew if Elvis was on the cover they’d hardly spare you a glance. Doing it alone opened up the floor for criticism—criticism you no longer had the tolerance for. Though the hit pieces you saw were few and far between (Elvis made sure of that) you knew there was another level of hate out there.
“It should be all about you,” He said. “You have a few months to make up your mind.”
“They may not want me in a few months.”
“Why’s that?”
You shrugged dismissively. “I might be pregnant.”
You felt him tense beneath you. “You think?”
“I don’t know,” You said. “I’m late but…I’ve been late before.”
“They said there was a chance~”
“I don’t want to get excited. I don’t even want to think about it.”
“That mindset won’t get you far.”
“And being optimistic will?”
You stood up before he could respond, taking the lighter from the corner of his desk. He watched you wordlessly as you took a cigarette from its case and lit it.
“How late?”
“Don’t start with the questions, E.”
He stood with a sigh, dropping the pen that he had been fidgeting with. “Well, let me know when you start giving a fuck.”
You faced him. “You’re upset?”
“No.” You stopped him from leaving. “Birdie, I don’t care if you don’t.”
“I care,” You said. “I’m just scared.”
“If it works, it works. If it doesn’t, then that’s just it.”
“You don’t understand.”
“I do understand.”
“Do you know what a miscarriage feels like?”
He retracted, but he was still upset. “I don’t see the point in trying if we’re gonna ignore it when it happens.”
“I’m not ignoring it,” You said. “I don’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Well.” He walked past you. “I guess we’ll see.”
The months slipped by agonizingly slow. It was a miserable day every day you woke up still pregnant. It wasn’t that you hoped for another miscarriage, you just hated the anticipation of it all. It was hard to even acknowledge the fact.
You were measuring small, even towards the end of term. The doctors told you it was due to stress. It wasn’t the baby that was stressing you out however.
“I can’t believe I’m the one telling you that we need to get some things in order around here,” Elvis said, forcing you out of bed. “That sucker’s gonna pop out any day now, honey. They told us that weeks ago.”
“It’s fine,” You complained. “I’m sure someone will have the room ready overnight if you ask them.”
“This ain’t the inn, birdie,” He said. “You don’t just put it together in one day. Shouldn’t you have some kind of maternal instinct by now?”
You weren’t prepared to have a baby, let alone be a mother. You feared that you’d mess it up, like you mess up everything else.
“Come help me put this thing together,” Elvis said, returning to his passion project for that afternoon—the baby’s bassinet.
“Put it together in the nursery,” You said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “It doesn’t make sense to do it here.”
“She’s not sleeping alone in a nursery,” He said. “You gotta keep her close the first few months at least. Unless you want a psychopath on our hands.”
“You read too much.”
“You don’t read enough.”
“Down the hall isn’t close enough?”
“Don’t be cruel.”
You watched him as he intently read the instructions word for word—ordering you around as he did so.
“A should snap into D,” He said, pointing the pieces out to you. “And B into C.”
“A and D, B and C.”
“That’s so stupid.”
“Let me do it.”
It felt like everything was happening to you. You were nothing more than a variable in this equation and life was insistent on working you out.
“Just breathe for a second~”
“Is it happening?”
“Calm down~”
“Is it really happening?”
“Birdie, relax.”
You couldn’t, how could you? You were in labor, actual labor. Elvis had kept his wits about him when you told him but that didn’t stop you from succumbing to the feeling of impending doom that you had been trying to outrun for the past eight and a half months.
“Get off the phone, E,” You said, rushing him along. “We need to get there before they really start. I can’t handle it.”
“I’m coming,” He said, trying to keep his frustration at bay. “Go get dressed, you can’t go out like that.”
“I’m going to have a baby.”
“Go change,” He insisted. “You could use the distraction while I get this together.”
“Please hurry,” You said, going to find something decent to wear. “I don’t want to feel anything. I can’t take it, I already told you~”
“I know, darlin,” He said halfheartedly. “We’re practically already there.”
You were fully in labor when you arrived at the hospital and barely in time for the epidural. But, after twelve and a half hours, you were welcoming your first daughter into the world.
It was a moment that already felt surreal in your head but even more so as you watched it all play out in front of you. It was painless—as painless as it could be—and you were happy. At least that’s what you kept telling yourself. In reality, you had no idea what you were feeling.
“Her name.”
Your eyes met Elvis’s as you held your daughter. He looked down at the both of you with such admiration.
“Are you asking me what it should be?”
“No, I’m telling you.”
“Birdie’s no name for a baby, E.”
“It could be.”
You looked down at the child in your arms, her eyes squeezed shut and her hands balled into tiny fists. “How about…Lark?”
“…I like it.” Elvis kissed your temple before leaning his head against yours and looking down at his daughter. “Y’know…we’re gonna have to tell the press soon.”
“Yeah, I know,” You responded. “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled.”
“It’s no rush.”
“Of course it is. They’re probably camped outside waiting.”
You turned your head when he didn’t respond, finding a telling expression on his face. “E…they are not camped outside waiting.”
“I don’t know how they found out~”
“Why would you say anything about telling them if they already know?” Your shift in tone startled the sleeping newborn in your arms, causing her to fuss. “Oh god, take her please~”
“Hey, it’s okay.” You weren’t sure if he was consoling you or the baby as he took her and stood from the bed. “It’s okay, hunna.”
You stared in the direction of the window, unable to see out but still picturing the press crowded around the building.
“What are they saying?” You asked, looking at him. “I know you’ve heard something so don’t lie to me.”
“It doesn’t matter,” He said in a hushed tone, walking the baby over to the crib that the hospital provided. “It’s just a shock, really. Most of the reactions are good.”
You didn’t believe him but you didn’t argue. You were too tired to go back and forth any longer.
After a restless night, you were awoken by Elvis saying that you were being discharged.
“Liz is here.”
“We have to go through the press to get out of here.”
“Is there really no other way?”
“They want to see us.”
You went through hair and makeup, nursing Lark along the way. You handed her off quickly after she was fed.
“Doesn’t hurt to hold her sometimes, bert,” Elvis said.
“Please don’t start calling me that,” You complained tensely as Liz zipped the back of your dress. You could hardly breathe in the stiff fabric.
“You don’t like it?” He laughed.
“No,” You exclaimed. “How do you get ‘bert’ from ‘birdie?’”
“D’You hear it, Lizzie?” He asked.
Liz shrugged and muttered something about hearing where he’d gotten it from.
“I can’t hear it,” You said. “I also can’t breathe.”
“You definitely don’t look like you had a baby twenty-four hours ago,” Liz said, adding the final touches. “They’ll love it.”
You enjoyed your brief interactions with Liz. She wasn’t talkative—by nature or per Elvis’s request you didn’t know. She finished up and left.
“What’s wrong?” Elvis asked when she was gone, laying the baby down.
“I don’t want them to see me,” You confessed. “I don’t want anyone to see me.”
“Why?” He wondered. “You’re beautiful.”
Your eyes threatened to roll at the compliment. You didn’t feel beautiful. You felt sore and tired—all but beautiful.
“It’ll be quick,” Elvis said. “Like tearin off a bandaid.”
The nurses insisted that you be wheeled to the car but you politely declined. You could make it walking.
Lark was carried out in her car seat first, heavily protected on all sides before you and Elvis casually strolled out of the building. It was pure chaos outside but you tuned everything out. When you finally made it to the car Elvis let you in before following suit. It was quick, like he promised.
You were shocked to see her waiting for you in the foyer when you arrived back at Graceland. She stopped you before you grew excited.
“I came back for the baby.”
You smiled despite her cold demeanor. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
Her expression softened when Elvis entered with the car seat in tow. He sighed as he shut the front door.
“You came,” He stated.
“For the baby,” Andrea clarified again, kneeling down to peek at her in the carrier. “What’s her name?”
“Lark,” You responded. “Like the bird.”
“You named her after a bird?” Andrea asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s sentimental.” You shrugged. “You don’t like it?”
“I think it’s a beautiful name.”
Your head snapped instantly in the direction of Dawn’s voice. She stood off to the side watching the interaction unfold.
“Aunt Dawn,” You said delightfully. “You made it.”
“I promised I would,” She said, opening her arms and wrapping you in her familiar embrace. “I had to see this to believe it.”
You felt small in her arms, like the child you once were. “I’m glad you’re here.”
She rubbed your back as she held you. “I’m here.”
“Let’s get you to bed, little bit,” Elvis said, cutting your embrace short. “Doctor’s orders.”
Things were different around the house with the baby and Andrea. Dawn stayed for a few days but ultimately returned to her house a few minutes up the road.
You promised to bring Lark over as often as you could, and you meant it. You aimed to go over every other weekend, but that changed into whenever Elvis could make the trip. He hated for you to visit Dawn on your own. You hadn’t paid it any mind until she brought it up one evening.
“It’s like he’s afraid to leave you alone with me,” She complained. “I’m your aunt. I practically raised you.”
“It’s not like that, Aunt Dawn,” You said as you buckled Lark into her seat. “He hates for me to travel alone. That’s all. There are crazy people out there.”
“He hates for you to do anything alone. It’s concerning.”
“No, it’s sweet. And he really enjoys our visits.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“Don’t do this.”
“I hardly recognize you. You look exhausted.”
“That’s because I am exhausted.”
“Andrea and Joel seem to think~”
“Are you really going to let Joel and Andrea ruin our day? They’re the reason he hardly lets me come over anyway. Have they turned you against him too?”
“My worry for you has nothing to do with my feelings about him.”
“Don’t believe anything they say, it’s all made up.”
“Why would they make these things up?”
“Because they don’t want to see us together.”
Elvis appeared from the house then, carrying Lark’s missing pacifier.
“Where was it, baby?” You asked, ignoring the disconcerted expression on Dawn’s face.
“Under the couch,” He said. “The drive back would’ve been hell without it.”
“You two be careful,” Dawn said. “It’s getting dark soon.”
“We will be,” You said, stepping forward and hugging her. “Don’t worry about me. Please, I’m okay.”
“See you, Dawny,” Elvis said, hugging her briefly as well. “I’ll bring them by again soon.”
“I look forward to it.” She watched the two of you climb into the car and waved as you left.
“What’s got her so worried about you?”
“Dawn. You told her not to worry?”
You shrugged dismissively. “She’s always like that.”
He hummed, unsatisfied with your response. “Did you say something in particular to get her like that?”
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t know…she said I looked tired.”
Andrea was there to scoop up Lark the minute you got back. She claimed to not trust the two of you alone with her. She meant it as a joke but a part of you couldn’t help but think she was serious.
“I was about to take her upstairs,” You said. “She needs to get changed and fed.”
“I can do it,” Andrea offered as she bounced Lark in her arms. “I don’t mind.”
“That’s alright~”
“Let her do it,” Elvis said. “We’re gonna be down here anyway.”
“I was going to,” You said as he took the diaper bag from your shoulder and handed it off to Andrea. “It’ll only take a second.”
“I don’t mind,” Andrea insisted. “Go relax. I’m on baby duty.”
“Come on, bert,” Elvis said, laughing at the nickname as he guided you away.
You watched Andrea carefully climb the stairs until she was out of your view.
The scene downstairs was too chaotic and you would’ve preferred to be anywhere else. Elvis kept a heavy arm around your shoulders as you sat silently by his side amongst the group.
Despite your presence, there were still numerous women who had taken the same mundane interest in him as the hundreds (thousands, or even millions) who came before them. You couldn’t blame them, or the way they stared shamelessly—he was too beautiful to only steal a glance.
What they wanted from him was surface level, they craved his body, but his mind and soul were yours—some crude part of you wanted them to know that. You felt invisible next to him as their eyes locked on his every move.
“What?” Elvis asked when he noticed you shifting closer.
“I want to go upstairs,” You said, giving him a look and hoping he’d understand. You placed a suggestive hand on his thigh to further express your point. “Please.”
“Don’t, birdie, come on,” He scolded, moving your hand from his thigh.
“I need you,” You said. “Don’t you want me?”
His jaw twitched. “Why are you being like that in front of all these people?”
“They like watching so much, I figured we’d put on a show.”
“A show, y’know…”
His eyes narrowed as he processed what you were saying.
“I want them to know that you’re mine,” You confessed.
“And the only way to prove that is to…?”
“Show them.”
“How?” He laughed.
“Kiss me,” You insisted. “Touch me.”
“You’re crazy,” He muttered under his breath. “I don’t know how I put up with you.”
His words hurt but in some sort of satisfying way.
He kissed your cheek and his deep voice vibrated in your ear when he whispered, “Go upstairs.”
You stood, trying not to pout as you left the room. You stopped by Lark’s nursery on your way by and you saw Andrea but you didn't make your presence known as you watched them. She was so good with her.
Elvis came up the stairs as you stood there and you immediately went to the bedroom without a word. You shut the door behind yourself, making him open it moments later.
“What? You have a problem with me?” He asked, slamming the door.
You faced him—crossing your arms.
“How can I help that they were looking at us?”
“They were looking at you, not me.”
“D’you know who I was looking at? You.”
“Do they know that?”
“Who cares what they know?”
“I do.”
“So, what, you want me to fuck you in a room full of people?”
You pushed him away when he stepped closer but even with all your strength he didn’t budge. You struggled against him when he grabbed your wrists, trying to pull away. His grip tightened and he forced you into a rough kiss. As much as you wanted to deny him you gave in quickly.
He made you straddle him when he sat on the edge of the bed, assisting your movements with a tight grip on your waist and making you grind your core against the bulge forming in his pants.
“You’re gonna finish what you were trying to start out there,” He said. “Do you understand?”
You aren’t sure what came over you in that moment, but you brought your right hand up and struck his cheek in one swift motion. He seemed as shocked by the action as you were, his head cocked to the side—frozen for a moment before acting suddenly.
He stood and shoved you onto your back, wrapping a hand around your neck.
You nodded in encouragement. “Hit me back.”
He kissed you, there was a gentleness lingering behind his touch that you wanted him to let go of. “Don’t be brutal.”
“I want it.”
“You want me to hit you?”
He examined your expression for a moment before pulling away. You waited as he sat back on his heels and silently removed his shirt.
“Take off your dress,” He finally said, waiting expectantly.
You smiled and shook your head ‘no.’ He was on you immediately, forcing you onto your front before unzipping the back of your dress. He stripped you, leaving you in only your heels and panties.
“On your back,” He demanded.
You turned over but immediately lifted your foot, using the pointed end of your heel to keep him from coming closer. He grabbed your ankle and ripped the shoe from your foot before wrestling the other off.
He forced himself between your legs. You tried to push him away but he pinned your hands beside your head—he wasn’t letting up but you could feel his frustration building.
You forced a heavy moan and arched your back, playing up your pleasure and becoming pliant. He released your wrists and you put your arms around his shoulders—you let him kiss you fully before grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling. You tugged harshly and he groaned.
“Don’t do that,” He said through clenched teeth. “Fucking let go.”
“Make me,” You challenged. “Hit me.”
“What’s that do for you?”
“It makes me feel like yours.”
You closed your eyes as he kissed you, releasing your grip on his hair.
“You are mine,” He muttered against your lips. “I don’t have to hit you to prove that, do I?”
“No,” You agreed, trying not to let your excitement show as he grabbed your jaw and made you look at him.
“You’re my girl?”
“Do you know what that means?”
Your eyes widened when his ring and middle fingers suddenly pushed past your lips, forcing your tongue down. You gagged and tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let you. The rings on his fingers clanked uncomfortably against your teeth but you couldn’t avoid them.
“It means—” His face was close to yours. “—that you hold yourself together when other girls make you jealous, you don’t fall apart and turn into a desperate nag.” He only pulled away after you choked, his fingers covered in your saliva. “You should know that by now, birdie. You’re actin like an amateur.”
You hardly had a second to breathe before he was forcing you onto your back.
“You’re always asking why I never use your mouth and you can’t even handle two fingers. It’s fucking adorable.” His words must’ve had the effect he wanted them to, because he laughed when you started struggling again. “You’re just a little girl. You don’t know the first thing about what you’re getting into when you ask me to do shit like this to you.”
“You’d rather fuck one of them?”
“I probably would’ve if it weren’t for your bad attitude.”
You fought harder but he held you down under half his body weight.
“You don’t like that?” He asked knowingly, grunting as he thrusted his touch-starved erection against your core.
“No, I don’t fucking like that,” You spat. “You’re an asshole.”
“Your mouth.” He tutted, disapprovingly.
“Fuck you.”
“Say it again.”
“Fuck y~”
You were stunned by the slap that crossed your face. It didn’t hurt but it stung in an addicting way and made you throb with desperation.
“That’s what you want?” He asked, you could hear the panic reserved in his tone. He was checking in.
“Yes,” You reassured him.
“When did you get like this?” He muttered, sitting up and instructing you to remove his belt. “Come on. It’s the least you can do after being such a mean little thing.”
You sat up with him to unbuckle the belt. He took your face in his hands and kissed you, still unable to resist your lips.
“Say you love me,” He demanded, breaking the kiss. “Fucking say it.”
“I love you,” You said. “I love you, I love you, I love you~”
“Alright, shut up,” He interrupted. “You’re gonna get yourself off, d’you think you can do that?”
You followed him as he sat back against the headboard, letting him force you to straddle him. You brought your hand up in an attempt to land your revenge, but he caught your wrist before you could connect.
“Don’t try it again.” He tore your underwear from around your waist, ruining them. “Take my rings off.”
You reached for his hand and he pulled it out of your reach.
“Uh, uh,” He hummed. “Use your mouth.”
You hesitate but parted your lips anyway. He swore as you used your mouth to remove each ring, leaving his fingers glistening with your saliva.
“Last one,” He said as you spit another ring into his right palm and took his left ring finger in your mouth. He hissed as the wedding band slipped from his finger and into your mouth. He stopped you from spitting it out. “Keep it in your mouth. Don’t swallow it.”
You wanted to protest but focused your attention instead on not letting the ring slip down your throat. He kissed your chest as his wet fingers glided through your slick folds.
With his left hand occupied and his right arm wrapped around your back, you had a clear opportunity to land another sharp slap across his cheek.
He released an involuntary gasp upon contact, clenching his jaw and sighing through his nose.
“Spit,” He demanded, holding his left hand out for the ring. You let fall out of your mouth along with the pool of saliva that had collected.
He tossed the ring aside and leaned forward until you laid flat against the bed. He forced his fingers into you, curling them deep.
“It’s not enough that I married you, and gave you my child,” He said through labored breathing. “You want me to use you in a room full of people to prove a point.”
“People you would’ve had the luxury of screwing if I were nicer.”
“You know I say that kind of shit to piss you off.”
You released an accented moan as he slammed his fingers harshly into you, cutting your rebuttal short.
His hand found your throat again and applied more pressure. Your eyes widened in shock when your breathing was interrupted and you struggled to push him off.
“What?” He stopped moving. “Too soft? Harder?”
He waited another second and let go.
“Harder,” You gasped.
“Really?” His thrusts became longer and deeper—making your legs tremble as he reached that spot that made your toes curl. “But you’re crying, mama.”
He knew as well as you did that the tears in your eyes had nothing to do with you crying and everything to do with him choking you moments before. But he’d use the tears as a testimony to your pain if it made you appear frail.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked, knowing the answer.
You wanted to tell him to keep going, but it was too much. The last thing you wanted to do was prove him right by affirming your sensitivity. Rather than appear weak, you opted for silence.
“Okay,” He whispered, kissing your lips gently. “I’ll take care of you, darlin, don’t worry.”
He sat up and silently motioned ‘come here’ with both hands—his lids heavy and his pupils blown with lust. You forced yourself to sit up, figuring it best to agree. He wrapped his arms around your torso, expecting you to wrap your legs around his waist.
“Stay,” He whispered. “What’re you gonna do?”
“…Stay.” You shivered when he entered you, relaxing into his hold and completely relinquishing your senses.
“Good girl…see? You can be a sweet girl.”
You couldn’t feel anything outside of him. You couldn’t see, hear, smell, or taste anything…only him.
“You walk around like you have so much to prove,” He said, his voice low in your ear. “I don’t know why.”
You couldn’t respond, you couldn’t form any words as that familiar knot started to form in the pit of your stomach.
“It’s like you’re jealous of a couple of strangers,” He continued, rocking his hips upward to thrust inside of you. “Do you want me to treat you like them? Like I don’t know you—like I don’t love you?”
The world fell away and for a moment you were just a body made up of electricity and burning pleasure. Your eyes rolled and you trembled. He kept going.
“Do you want me fuck you like a stranger?” He muttered, you couldn’t tell if he was talking to you anymore.
“Please,” You whispered, encouraging him. “…fuck me like a stranger.”
His hips stuttered and he came instantly, bursting inside of you like a teenager. You felt the warmth of his release pooling inside of you and seeping between your thighs.
You climbed out of his lap, leaving no time for either of you to come down or catch your breath. You tried to turn away—too woozy to get up—but he grabbed you by the arm and made you face him. You wouldn’t look at him, so he gripped your jaw.
“I love you,” He panted. “I…love you. That’s the difference. That makes all the difference.”
You met his eyes. “That makes everything okay?”
“No,” He admitted. “It doesn’t.”
You couldn’t read his expression—his lids were heavy with post-orgasmic bliss. He was still coming down from his high, not speaking for himself but from his pleasure.
“I’m sorry,” He muttered, nuzzling the crook of your neck.
You hugged him back, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to revel in his apology while he was sorry—because you knew he wouldn’t be for long.
He pulled away from the embrace after a few minutes. “Say it back.”
You smiled, you almost thought he hadn’t noticed. “I love you too.”
He smiled, content.
“You should get back out there,” You said. “Seemed like the night was just getting started.”
“I’m not finished with you just yet,” He said, smirking suggestively. “You’ve awoken something inside of me.”
“Oh no,” You said sarcastically, laughing as his hands shamefully roamed your body. “What have I done?”
“Where’s Lark?”
“With Andrea still.”
You squeaked in surprise when he rolled onto his back and pulled you onto his lap.
“Tell me what to do."
You paused. "What do you mean?"
His fingernails grazed your bare thighs as he smiled timidly. "I want you to order me around. Make me do things I wouldn’t usually do.”
You would grow to accept that there would be no final retribution or day of reckoning. No fight, no agreement, no threat, no reconciliation.
Those things didn’t matter when it came to the two of you. At the end of it all—good, bad, ugly and indifferent—you two would remain. It was an undisputed truth…wherever you went, you went together.
You could be opposites, or just alike, it’d make no difference. He could be like the sea. Open, free, abundant in what he could give. Charitable, but indulgent. Hazardous, but certain. You could be like the desert. Brutal, unforthcoming, full of life in some areas but destitute in others. Fertile, but not nurturing. Guarded, but unprotected. You could have been all those things and one simple fact would remain.
Wherever there was Elvis Presley, so too was his baby birdie.
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madalice31 · 5 months
It’s annoying that I keep seeing articles talking about Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife and how they’re so flabbergasted by everyone’s “fascination” with their age gap.
Like literally she was 42 and he was 18 when they met and started dating. Hell he might have been 17 going on 18 but i can’t remember. On one of his first movie projects I might add, like this was before Kickass. And she directed him in that first movie. In fact, by the time kick ass two rolled around I think they were already married. She married him before he even turned 21.
You can’t tell me he was not groomed. That’s just point blank. There has been a power dynamic imbalance since they got together. I mean seriously, he was a year older than her oldest kid.
The white media won’t drag her like the black media dragged Draya tho. They’ll just smile and nod and say it’s okay now that he’s in his 30s.
But let’s not sit here and act like this shit is normal. Notice how she’s had a grip on his career ever since? She’s literally a director and producer in the industry. She has weight. This man barely does anything with a romantic interest and I guarantee he would be in a lot more movies if he wasn’t married to her. And most likely he would have much larger parts in the films too. Like aside from bullet train, he’s had such a minute part in every other movie. My bf and I would get excited to see his name attached to a film, only to watch it and realize he has such a small role. It’s like they use his name for clout. Like I’m still trying to remember when he pops up in Tenant. And his name is never top billed when it should be.
I think Kraven will be the first movie he leads since the A Million Little Pieces movie, and he was directed by his wife in that as well! She overly involves herself in his career. She claims they “take turns” on projects so they’re not apart from each other for too long. But it seems his career suffers the most from that arrangement because again, it’s not like he’s off for months and months on a project. He’s not the lead! So he’s there for maybe a few weeks and he’s back home. Hell in a recent interview she was complaining about being away from him for 6 weeks (the longest they’ve been apart) and how they were “never doing that again.” This man is doing press tours for a project she has nothing to do with and and she’s coming with him to every interview. Like why? Ain’t you supposed to be home with the kids bitch? While he’s doing his own thing for a few weeks? Oh yes, that’s right, she needs to control everything he does. God forbid he’s away from her for long enough to realize maybe he’s not actually happy with her.
He likes to defend her by saying he pursued her but it’s like dude, you think so? You know what that sounds like? The 12 year old student who was raped by his teacher and defended her by saying he pursued and wanted a relationship with her. He grew up, married her, and got her pregnant all while she was in prison for being with him. Guess where they are now? Divorced. So just because Aaron thinks the relationship was his idea doesn’t make it right. She had the responsibility to say no, you’re entirely too young for me. Instead she decided to just “go with the flow” and let “a good thing happen” to her after two kids and a divorce 🙄.
Please. 8 or 10 years apart, I’ll give you that. But 20 to 30 years apart AND you met the person when they were still a teenager? I’m not tryna hear that age is just a number bullshit.
Smh. He’s so far gone tho, I doubt he’ll divorce her. He might pull a Hugh Jackman years from now, but at least Hugh was in his 20s when he got with his much older wife. I don’t think she was able to brainwash him the way Aaron’s wife has done. Plus Hugh and his ex never had kids. I’m sure kids being involved makes it harder for Aaron if he’s even thinking about or thought about leaving. So I guess we’ll just see how the cookie crumbles.
I like him as an actor, but I’ve always found their relationship disturbing. So I wish they would just shut up about it and be low key. Cause one thing they seem to steer clear of talking about is the actual beginning of their relationship and the fact that he was a vulnerable, 18 year old first time actor when they met, literally just as career was starting. And he’s never mentioned about how his family feels about him being with her. Never even made a passing comment saying that they love her or anything like that. Just saying, the signs are there.
The quiet on the set documentary clearly shows how young actors are not protected. In this case he was legal, so she got away with it. Smh. I wish him the best.
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monbons · 6 months
✨9 people you’d like to know better✨
Last Song: I just cleaned up my writing playlist for my fic, so mostly that. But normally I listen to reggaeton and hip-hop on repeat and dance around the house or drop it like it's hot while doing dishes. [Hilarious side note: I was doing laundry while listening to some Lil John or Sean Paul (probably) when I was 9 months pregnant with the first kiddo. I did in fact drop it low at one point, my water instantly broke, and I went into very active labor while no one else was home. Fun times...]
Favorite Color: Barbie pink. Magenta. Millennial pink. Dusty rose. Blush. Anything and everything pink. [Another fun fact: My first tattoo was literally the word "pink" on my shoulder. In black ink. Ha! I was 18 and stupid. I've since gotten a sick coverup. But talk about years of confused stares and questions.]
Currently Watching: Had a day date with the hubs last week to watch Dune. Binging Young Royals.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: All of the above? Give me some good Thai food (which has all these flavors + sour) and I am in heaven. In fact, be my friend long enough and I will have you over for Thai. I'm an excellent cook.
Relationship Status: Married for 10 years. Bagged him at a mutual friend's holiday party 12 years ago because I kicked his ass at beer pong.
Current Obsession: Snowbaz is my entire personality. In my mind, I am Baz Pitch.
Last Thing You Googled: Are hawks associated with Athena? (Did this for work. A kid made me question what I definitely knew. The answer is no.)
Thanks for the tag @raenestee! (All the below also applies to you!)
I've seen this making the rounds, so I am sure everyone I am tagging has probably already done this. Instead, accept this as my super awkward way of saying you seem cool/I fangirl over your stuff/I make a good friend and you should adopt me because I am clearly a little cool based on my answers.
@thewholelemon, @roomwithanopenfire, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, @artsyunderstudy, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @drowninginships, @valeffelees, @emeryhall
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moronic-validity · 11 months
So ummmmmmmmm how do you picture (either in DWU or more canonish) Simon being pregnant (you choose the other parent!)
Okay so I don't usually write mpreg, but let's toy with this a little because I have some headcanons. (Edit: I had a lot of headcanons and would be willing to turn this into a mini fic series. It'd probably be a little longer than Stockholm Syndrome)
18+, but also not really
1) we're gonna explore this using the DWU because I've got an established relationship to work with.
2) Winter and Simon have a lot of unprotected sex, like a LOT. And they're both guys, so what's the issue, right? Wrong.
3) Simon begins getting nauseous as hell every morning and sometimes into late afternoon.
4) he also can't seem to stand the smell of meat.
5) Winter is concerned, but he just assumes Simon has a stomach bug
6) a few months pass and the nausea seems to lift a little, but now he's gaining weight.
7) Simon is mentally convinced he has stomach cancer or something in that line
8) so he calls Doctor Princess, who listens to the symptoms and laughs.
9) "Simon...if anyone with a uterus told me this, I'd be pretty sure they're pregnant."
10) Simon laughs and explains that as far as he knows, he doesn't have one, so that can't be it.
11) he humors her and lets her do an ultrasound.
12) surprise Simon, you're a dad!
13) Simon straight up faints.
14) Doctor Princess calls Winter (yeah shocker, he does actually have a phone, he just hates to use it)
15) Winter is ECSTATIC. He loves the thought of a little Petrikov running around the castle, of an heir to the Kingdom.
16) Simon comes to and Doctor Princess has to explain again that he is pregnant and well into the 2nd trimester at this point.
17) They come up with a game plan and he'll come in for ultrasounds pretty regularly just to make sure the baby is actually progressing and once he hits 40 weeks, they'll do a C-section.
18) Simon spends the next few weeks in a haze, still not believing he's pregnant, even after multiple ultrasounds and his growing belly confirm it.
19) Winter is in full blown I'm gonna be a dad mode. He's already designed a nursery and everything.
20) He also becomes a lot more protective of Simon, canceling larger events under the pretense of Simon dealing with a serious medical emergency.
21) Most of Ooo know Simon by this point and are incredibly worried about him.
22) PB and Marceline come for an unannounced visit, worried as hell about Simon (because while they don't really know how to feel about Winter, they LOVE Simon)
23) Winter almost send the Ice Scouts to stop them, but Simon is happy to see his new old friends.
24) Marceline sees his stomach and immediately knows.
25) her and Bonnibel are both incredibly confused, but also excited for him.
26) They want to throw a baby shower, Simon is on the fence, but when Marceline does the puppy eyes, he folds like a fucking lawn chair.
27) He finally thinks about it and gets Prismo's attention
28) he gets beamed up and Prismo is like heeeey dad to be, how're you feeling?
29) Simon asks for a favor and Prismo considers it before beaming his Finn, Marceline, and Bonnibel into the time room.
30) everyone but Finn is super confused before their focus turns on Simon
31) "Holy shit" is all Marceline can come up with.
32) they're all so excited for him and just happy to see him.
33) They hang out in the time room for a few hours before Prismo has to put everyone back
34) Winter asks how it went and Simon is like honestly? It was really good.
35) They agree that if it's a girl, they'll name her Beatrice and she'll go by Betty. If it's a boy, they'll name him Jake (Winter wants to name him after Finn, but Simon doesn't want to name him after someone still alive).
36) Simon starts getting really bad contractions around 38 weeks, but with no where for the baby to go, he doesn't know what to do.
37) Doctor Princess has been flying by the seat of her pants for all of this and realizes that it's time.
38) She gets Simon prepped for surgery and tells Winter to scrub in too.
39) the C-section goes as planned, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they hear the newest Petrikov cry.
40) It's a girl.
41) Winter is able to clip the umbilical cord, which for some reason, he was really looking forward to doing.
42) Simon is crying as Doctor Princess rests his baby girl on his chest. He has never felt so much love for another being in his life.
43) Winter holds his partner and his child and it really sinks in that this is his family and he will do any and everything to keep them safe.
44) Doctor Princess stitches him up and tells them she needs to wheel Simon to his room and they should probably stay at least over night just to make sure everything is okay.
45) time skip because everything is okay and Winter and Simon are stupidly good parents.
46) At Beatrice's first birthday, two strangers to the Kingdom find themselves in attendance, one as the brightest pink hair Simon has ever seen and the other has light blue hair and looks shockingly familiar, but he can't place him.
47) They, along with the rest of the kingdom dote on the Beatrice Petrikov. The crowd eventually dies down and goes home, until only the five of them are left.
48) "Hey Simon, sorry for surprising you like this, but I just had to see your kid! She's so cute!!!" The pink haired one said, slinging an arm over Simon's shoulders.
49) the dots connect
50) Simon hugs Prismo, laughing and explaining he didn't recognize him at first, then shakes Scarab's hand and thanks them both for coming.
51) Prismo takes a picture of the baby and her dads and promises to show Finn, Marcy, and Bonni.
52) I totally forgot to talk about Beatrice's appearance, she has Simon's skin tone and Winter's hair, with only a small tuft of black. She also doesn't have a nose, shocker, right?
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Murphy's 500 Followers Celebration!!
in honour of this very exciting milestone, I thought I'd have a little celebration. i'm going to be writing short drabbles of your choosing!! i've created a prompt list, but I am absolutely encouraging your own ideas x
how to request -
pick a category - fluff, angst or smut
pick a character - there is a list below, but I am open to more suggestions!!
pick a dialogue prompt and/or a scenario prompt - there is a list below - feel free to choose multiple!!
then, send it in to me!! use the button at the top of my page, or request here !!
I'm gonna start writing next week, on 22/04. maybe earlier if I have the time. feel free to request multiple drabbles- the more I get sent, the more fun we'll have!!
Categories -
☀️ Fluff
🌧️ Angst
🔥 Smut
Characters -
Top Gun Maverick
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Robert "Bob" Floyd
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Matt Murdock
Frank Castle
Stewy Hosseini
Kendall Roy
Triple Frontier
Will Miller
Frankie Morales
Benny Miller
Santiago Garcia
Javier Peña
Steve Murphy
Colonel Carrillo
The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Derek Morgan
Dialogue Prompts -
1. "You love me?"
2. "Don't go on that date."
3. "Will you let me cut your hair?"
4. "Marry me."
5. "It's always been you."
6. "You're my best friend."
7. "You were my first love."
8. "I had a dream about you."
9. "I saw this and it reminded me of you."
10. "I have something to tell you."
11. "I thought you hated me."
12. "Is that all you got?"
13. "In your dreams."
14. "I don't deserve you."
15. "Talk to me."
16. "Is that my shirt?"
17. "I would choose you over anyone."
18. "You look so pretty like this."
19. "Most beautiful sound I've ever heard."
20. "You're killing me." / "You're gonna be the death of me."
21. "Just like that."
22. "Use your words."
23. "Good girl." / "Perfect girl."
24. "You like it when I'm mean to you?"
25. "Let's get out of here."
26. "You don't want them to hear, do you?"
27. "I need you."
28. "Let me see those eyes." / "Keep your eyes on me."
29. "Tell me what you want."
30. "I can't get enough of you."
31. "Wanted this for so long."
32. "Can I touch you?"
33. "Been thinking about you all day."
34. "You look so pretty on your knees."
35. "Better than I ever imagined."
36. "Let him watch."
37. "Let me hear you."
38. "Tell me you're mine."
39. "I'm yours."
40. "I love you."
41. "Don't you dare walk away from me."
42. "I can't do this anymore."
43. "You don't deserve me." / "I deserve better."
44. "Was any of this even real?"
45. "How stupid do you think I am?"
46. "Please don't leave me."
47. "I wish you were here."
48. "Do not raise your voice at me."
49. "Stay. Please."
50. "Don't tell me to calm down."
Scenario Prompts -
a. Kissing in the rain
b. First kiss
c. Electricity blackout
d. Camping
e. Heatwave
f. Childhood best friends
g. Grumpy / sunshine
h. Fake dating
i. Only one bed
j. Moving in together
k. Finding out you're pregnant
l. Catching eyes in a crowded room
m. Keeping the relationship a secret
n. Blind date
o. Reunion
p. Meet cute
q. Cheesy pick up lines
r. Exes
s. College friends / lovers
t. Roommates
u. Coming home drunk
v. Singing together / dancing together
w. An accidental kiss
x. A bet
y. Brothers best friend / best friends brother
z. Reading to each other
these are just suggestions / jumping off points!! if you have an idea you'd like me to write a drabble for, just send it over. can't wait to see what you lovely people come up with. excited!! as always, so much love x
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theresthesnitch · 1 year
20 questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @puuvillaa!
How many works do you have on AO3?
106 total.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,313,884, but that includes a few cowritten things, and I couldn't begin to break down how many of those belong to jus tme.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HP!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A. Step & Repeat - Wolfstar, Celebrity Sirius fake dating AU, Rated M, 62k words
B. Three Strikes 'til you're out - Jily, Celebrity James fake dating AU, Rated E, 69k words
(I have not, until just now, put together that those two are so similar)
C. Bathed in the Moonlight - Wolfstar PWP, Rated E, 2.1k words
D. Ignite - Jily, 7th year Canon, Secret relationship smut fic, rated E, 192k words (WIP)
E. One More to Love - Wolfstarbucks, omegaverse w/ Pregnant Omega Remus, written with @krethes. 146k words, Rated E, WIP.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Omg 🫥. I do.... sometimes. I really, really love comments, and I need to be better about responding to them! It's a mixture of social anxiety and savoring them that leads me to not responding, and then I wonder if it's too late to respond, and then they stack up, and then I'm anxious over how many there are and I just.... never repsond. i try to repsond to at least some of the, but I'm very anxious about how many unresponded comments I have. (My inbox currently sits at 1136, and I've cleared it out before.)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Dusk. However, i have 2 more in the works that (assuming I ever finish them) may be worse.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have a happy ending, so I'm not sure what the MOST happy ending was. Maybe Save the Groom? I can't imagine STG James being any happier than he is in that epilogue.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally. It's rarely hate but I do occasionally get dissatisfaction, like "i don't like the way you ended this" or "I read the side along you wrote and I'm no longer interested in the main story" which is weird to get.
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
Lol, yes, and.... all kinds? Honestly, what does that mean. I've written MM, MF, and FF. Also Multi (though mostly MMM+). I've also written both vanilla and kink?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
NOPE. Not something that really interests me, tbh.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, but I wouldn't be surprised.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a couple of people ask, but no one who has delivered on it. or at least no one who tagged me the way I asked them to if they did it.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes, a few! I'm actually very fond of cowriting. Quietlemonhush and I have been working on cowriting more, and I adore working with him.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I've gotta go with my Wolfstar boys. 💖
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doublt you ever will?
I'm not ready to call anything that's posted now and a WIP abandoned (though I know I occasionally get comments calling things abandoned). I think it's probably unlikely that I ever write my Voldy Wins AU at this point because I've been sitting on it for 2 years at this point, but it was never posted.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding and tension building, I think.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking to a plan. 🤣
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it before, and I'm not a huge fan, tbh. I probably won't do it again unless I have a cowriter who is fluent. It's a pain if you don't know the language, and there's no way to really build the dialogue as you would in a language you know.
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
HP, but make it Hinny.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Oh, gosh. I think maybe The Way We Fall. Ask me next week and that will be different.
No pressure tags to @krethes, @charmsandtealeaves @annabtg @mppmaraudergirl @eyra @wanderingdonut
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 14: The Yuletide Challenge (1/3)
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: T
Word Count: 1643
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Today’s story is an AU based on this prompt from @kmomof4​: Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time. Character B is that stranger. It was written in 2017.
Emma took a deep breath, smoothed down her tight red dress, and stepped through the doors of The Rabbit Hole, the premiere bar in the tiny town of Storybrooke, Maine, and scanned the interior for some poor, sad soul who looked in need of Christmas cheer.  She rolled her eyes.  How the hell had she let Mary Margaret talk her into this?
It all started the week before, when Emma had gone to her adoptive brother David’s and her sister-in-law Mary Margaret’s loft apartment for Thanksgiving dinner.  Emma had never been a big holiday person.  Growing up in the system, being in and out of group homes, she’d never really had a family to spend the special days with, at least until David’s mom, Ruth had taken her in just before her fifteenth birthday.  By that point, Emma was used to being a loner, and she preferred it that way.  If you don’t let people in, they can’t hurt you, right?  Most Thanksgivings and Christmases, even now that she was an adult with a brother and sister-in-law she loved, were spent alone, take-out and Netflix her big holiday companions.
But after a bad break up with her longtime boyfriend, (what had she ever seen in Walsh, that idiotic flying monkey!) Emma had decided it was time for a change.  She’d packed up her swanky New York apartment and relocated to Storybrooke where there was a job as her brother, the sheriff’s, deputy was waiting for her.  And with Emma living in the same town during the holidays, Mary Margaret simply would not take no as an answer to her invitation to have Thanksgiving dinner with the family.
Emma had to admit dinner with the family had been nice.  There was something so damn heartwarming about sharing a holiday with the ones she loved.
It was only after the feast had been consumed, the dishes had been washed, and the post-meal nap had been taken that things took a rather unfortunate turn.
Mary Margaret got awkwardly to her feet (it was one of the drawbacks of being nearly 7 months pregnant, after all) and clinked her water glass to get everyone’s attention.
“So David and I have been thinking,” she’d said.  “We thought it would be a good idea to start a new family tradition during the holiday season.”
Emma was immediately on alert.  When her sister in law had that look in her eyes it always spelled trouble.  “Um…okay?  Just what kind of tradition are we talking about?”
“The Yuletide challenge!” Mary Margaret said excitedly.
“I have a feeling I’m going to regret asking this,” Emma said, “but what exactly is a Yuletide challenge?”
“I saw an article about it in the holiday edition of my favorite magazine, Storybrooke Today,” Mary Margaret said.  “Basically, the idea is to spread Christmas cheer to the people who need it most.”
Emma crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.  “Yeah, I don’t really do the whole ‘Christmas cheer’ thing.”
“Oh come on, Emma!” Mary Margaret insisted.  “Christmas is the season of giving!  At least listen to the whole idea before rejecting it.  I promise this challenge will make us all feel warm and fuzzy inside.”
The puppy dog eyes.  Her sister in law was giving her the puppy dog eyes.  She wasn’t playing fair.  Not at all.
“It actually sounds like a pretty interesting idea, Emma,” David said, backing up his wife after she tossed him a pointed look. 
Emma sighed.  “Fine.  What exactly are the rules of this whole Yuletide challenge thing?”
Mary Margaret’s smile could light up the sun.  “Each of us will find a person in town—someone we don’t know, or at least don’t know well—who seems down on their luck, or sad, or just in general in need of cheer.  We make it our mission to do little acts of kindness for that person throughout the season.  You’ve got to do at least one good thing for them per week, and once you’ve picked your person, there’s no going back!  That’s your person for the season.  Could be by Christmas time we’ll each have a brand new friend!”
Emma wasn’t a people person.  She didn’t do random acts of kindness for strangers.  She kept to herself and let them keep to themselves.  Life was just better that way.  Still…Mary Margaret was really excited about this idea.  What could it hurt to spread a little kindness during the busiest, most hectic time of year?
“Alright,” Emma said on another sigh.  “Count me in.  I’ll take the Yuletide challenge.”
And that’s how Emma found herself in a bar, dressed to impress, looking for someone who looked sad and down on his luck.  It was nearing the end of the first week of December, and she’d yet to find her victim…er giftee.  She had to find someone fast before she forfeited the challenge before even beginning.
Emma saw him right away, as though a magnet had drawn her eyes to him.  He was handsome (hot as hell, really), with his soft black hair, mesmerizing blue eyes, dusting of scruff, jeans and black leather jacket.  But it wasn’t his looks that immediately drew Emma to him.  It was the dejected, almost despairing look on his face as he nursed his glass of rum at his lonely table at the back of the establishment.  If anyone needed a little Christmas cheer, it was this guy.
Squaring her shoulders, Emma walked purposefully to his table.  He looked up at the sound of her stiletto heels moving across the floor, his eyes showing surprise and appreciation as he took in the sight of her.
“This seat taken?” she asked, reaching for the chair across from him.
He waved with his right hand.  “Be my guest, love.”
The smooth, British accent, combined with his far above average looks did things to her insides.  Emma turned away, taking the chair.  Get it together, Swan!  You’re not some teenager who gets crushes on hot strangers!
“So, my name’s Emma Swan,” she said.  “And who might you be?”
“Killian Jones,” he answered, “but people have taken to calling me by my more colorful moniker.  Hook.”
The man raised his left arm, and Emma noticed the nautical hook which sat in place of a hand.  Well that wasn’t weird or anything. “Um…why do you have a hook instead of a hand?”
Smooth Emma.  Really smooth. Nothing like starting out the Yuletide challenge with a major faux pas.
One dark eyebrow rose and a half smile draped his lips.  “I’ve always been fascinated with Captain Hook, so after I lost the hand, my Halloween costume was rather obvious.  The hook has proven so bloody useful, I simply chose to keep it.”
“Oh, well…sorry about your hand.”
A shadow passed over his face.  “Aye, well, it’s been five years, almost to the day since the accident.”  He closed his eyes for a moment, then drained his glass in one gulp, hastily pouring himself another.
If Emma didn’t miss her guess, and she rarely did, an ability to read people was one of the things that made her one of the best bail bonds persons New York had ever seen, there was more to the story, than simply the loss of a hand.  The poor guy was in misery even alluding to the event.
Nice job, Emma.  Instead of spreading Christmas cheer, you’ve managed to make this guy relive his worst memory.
“Killian….I’m sorry…”
He waved her off.  “It’s no matter, Swan.  Seems it’s a night for melancholy musings, but I survived.  Now, I’d rather discuss something pleasanter if you don’t mind.  What exactly brought such a beautiful woman to my table on this cold winter’s night?”
Emma took a deep breath.  Here goes nothing.  “So I was wondering if you’d help me with something.”
His eyebrow rose in question.
“Let me buy your next round,” she said, “and then, well, maybe I could do some nice things for you.”
His expression changed in an instant.  Surprise and melancholy replaced with pure lasciviousness.  “That’s quite the offer, darling.  It’s not every day a gorgeous woman offers herself as my Christmas gift.”
Emma felt her face flame.  “Oh my gods!  I wasn’t propositioning you, Killian!”  (Though…if he kept looking at her like that…well, there was no telling what might come of this night.)
He sighed dramatically.  “My profound loss.  So, Swan, if you weren’t asking me for what, I assure you would be a very, very pleasant roll in the sheets, what precisely were you offering?”
“You see, my sister-in-law, Mary Margaret, had this idea for the holiday season….”  And with that she laid out the whole sappy challenge for him.  “And, I don’t know.  You just look like you could use a friend.  So what do you say?”
Killian took a long sip of his rum, and Emma tried her best not to watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, not to follow the line down to his firm chest where luscious, abundant chest hair peeked out from beneath a partially buttoned shirt.  “Oh I don’t know, Swan.  I rather think spending a night together in my bed would count as a kindness.”
She rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, not happening.  We’re talking warm, fuzzy, purely platonic acts of kindness.”
He sighed dramatically, and she grinned in spite of herself.  He was such an idiot.  But…he was an adorable idiot, and she couldn’t help but sense she’d enjoy the time she’d inevitably spend with him, should he accept her offer.
A soft, almost shy smile replaced the teasing on his face.  “Very well, Emma.  I will be the recipient of your challenge.”
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werkad7 · 7 months
1. All cheats except those for building and resetting a Sim are prohibited.
2. When you don't do something because you forgot or make a stupid mistake and you could have done it better, you can use cheats or mods to fix it (just that) so you don't feel guilty. But only if there was a real possibility for it to happen without codes.
3. The first sim must be a teenager.
4. Lifespan must be set to normal.
5. Season length must be set to 14 days.
6. CC is allowed, but mods that make gameplay easier are not (exception: points 2 and 7, shorter university mod).
7. You can have more sims in your family thanks to MCCC.
8. All options included in expansions such as dust from Bust the dust, voting from Eco Lifestyle, weather effects from Seasons etc. must be enabled.
9. Each sim can only get pregnant once (unless otherwise stated).
10. Don't leave without saving if something goes wrong or something happens that you don't want.
11. Neighborhood stories must be included for both played and non-played families.
12. When a sim calls with a question, e.g. about pregnancy, job change or promotion, you always have to click "yes".
13. When a sim asks your sim to be your friend, girlfriend/boyfriend or proposes, you must always agree and you cannot go back on it, e.g. break up or become enemies.
14. Always click "yes" when your Sim realizes they like or dislike something.
15. Always agree to overnight stays, rooming with someone, changes in traits, new traits and family dynamics.
16. The name of each generation must be the MBTI it represents, e.g. "ISTJ" and the surname is "MBTI".
17. Aging of unplayed families must be disabled.
18. You cannot change the genetic features of your Sims' appearance, you can only change the eyebrows (but not the color), hairstyle (but not the hair color), makeup and clothes.
19. You must start the game with an empty lot and 0 Simoleons.
20. It is recommended to always take all the spouses' property after marriage.
21. If a sim who is supposed to be a husband or wife is dead, you can download it from the gallery.
22. Teenage pregnancy is allowed.
23. Money tree is allowed.
24. Rejuvenation potion is not allowed.
25. Generations can be performed in any order. You can also skip or replace tasks when you don't have the packs that are needed.
26. Don't get discouraged when you fail at something. The important thing is that you tried. As long as you try, even if you fail, you can consider the challenge a win.
27. Ghosts cannot be sent to the afterlife and tombstones must be on a residential plot.
28. The challenge ends when the ENTJ dies.
29. You can post your Sims and your houses for this challenge in the gallery under the hashtag #mbtilegacy. I will like your works and follow everyone who does post something on this hashtag.
First generation: ISTJ
- Man
- Glasses
- Asian beauty
- Gray eyes and clothes
- No hair
- Polo blouses
- High-waist trousers
- Ties
Traits: neat, perfectionist, proper
Aspiration: any of the "Nature" categorie
Wife: Lily Feng or Supriya Delgato
Career: Doctor
1. Have a hive and take care of it.
2. Get an A in school.
3. Never drink any drink.
4. Have a German Shepherd dog.
5. Complete an aspiration.
6. After death, be a ghost in the family until the death of the second generation.
7. Reach career level 10.
8. Become friends with the Grim Reaper.
9. Always study hard when you are at school.
10. Collect at least one entire collection.
Second generation: ESTJ
Traits: mean, hot-headed, overachiever
Aspiration: public enemy
Wife: Judith Ward or Eliza Pancakes
Husband: Victor Feng, Sergio Romeo or Chack Cenzo.
Career: lawyer
- Bob cut / Karen haircut / ponytail / comb over / Draco Malfoy cut
- Brown clothes
- Blue eye-shadow
- Open toe shoes
1. Own a store and open it at least twice a week.
2. Live in the Magnolia Promenade.
3. Complete an aspiration.
4. Reach career level 10.
5. Have a Chihuahua.
6. Be a very controlling parent.
7. Don't like video games and never play them.
8. Always work hard when you are at work.
9. Reach fitness level 10 just by swimming.
10. Have a very bad relationship with your dog.
Third generation: ISFJ
Features: family-oriented, squimish, animal lover
Aspiration: big happy family, super parent or successful lineage
Career: veterinarian (unofficial)
Husband: Dirk Dreamer
Wife: Sachiko Nishidake (can be rejuvenated)
- Braid
- Blue clothes
- Checkered skirts
- Dungarees
- Pearls
- Strawberry dress
- Kimono
- Ballets
- White shoes
- Cat eye glasses
- Loose sleeves
1. Live in Brindleton Bay.
2. Complete an aspiration.
3. Run a 4-star veterinary clinic.
4. Reach level 10 in knifting, gardening and flower arranging.
5. Always have successful holidays.
6. Have a cow, llama or chickens.
7. Go with teenager to school every time.
8. Climb Mount Komorebi.
9. Acquire all stages as a inflant.
10. Have maximum skills as a toddler.
Fourth generation: ESFJ
Traits: outgoing, foodie, proper
Aspiration: any of the "Popularity" categorie
Husband: Geoffrey Landgraab or Lucas Munch (can be aged)
Wife: Clara Bjergsen, Mila Munch or Mary Greenburg (can be rejuvenated)
Career: educator (as an adult), nanny (as a teenager)
- beach waves
- pink clothes
- cowboy boots
- mom jeans
- Santa hat
- wedding dress
1. Level 10 baking and cooking.
2. Organize lots of parties and events.
3. Complete an aspiration.
4. Career level 10.
5. Record makeup tutorials on a video recording station.
6. Start a club and organize meetings every week.
7. Run a 4-star restaurant.
8. Have at least one trait resulting from inclination.
9. Live in these three towns throughout your life: Willow Creek, Newcrest and Copperdale.
10. Have a dog.
Fifth generation: ESFP
Traits: materialist, glutton, self-absorbed
Aspiration: serial romantic, party animal or friend of the animals.
Career: store worker (as a teenager), actor (as an adult)
Wife: Lilith Vatore, Candy Behr, Kaori Nishidake, Sofia Bjergsen, Penny Pizzas or Baby Ariel
Husband: Joaquin Le Chien or Mitchell Kalani
- afro
- jeans
- makeup
- Hawaiian shirts
- mini skirts
- lots of jewelry
- heart-shaped glasses
- tunnels
- black and white clothes
- pink nails
- princess dresses
- yellow clothes
- red clothes
- pink lipstick.
1. Buy the "great kisser" trait with satisfaction points.
2. Have a dog and be his best friend.
3. Go to Selvadorada for at least 7 days.
4. Go to a party at least once a week.
5. Complete your aspiration
6. Career level 10.
7. Become a siren.
8. 5th level of dancing.
9. Go shopping at the stores in the Magnolia Promenade or those built by you.
10. Live in Windenburg or Tartosa.
Generation Six: ISFP
Features: music lover, art lover, foodie
Aspiration: freelance botanist
Career: painter
Husband: Kiyoshi Ito, Lou Howell, Taku Akiyama or Jay Bhatia
Wife: Venessa Yeong, Catarina Lynx, Alice Spencer Kim, Blossom Greenburg (can be rejuvenated), or Olivia Kim Lewis (can be aged).
- Man bun / emo hairstyle / Wolf cut
- black nails
- no socks
- sweatpants
- no shoes
- beanie hat
- nose ring
- rings
- choker
- purple nails
- fishnet stockings
- blouses
- bucket hats
- round glasses
1. Maximum level of painting, photography, singing and guitar playing.
2. Run a zoo.
3. Live in Sulani.
4. Watch only sport on TV.
5. Have a dog, a cat and a horse.
6. Have rabbit holes on the lot.
7. Collect the entire frog collection.
8. Have a hamster.
9. Complete an aspiration.
10. Career level 10.
Seventh generation: ESTP
Traits: noncommittal, kleptomaniac, bro
Aspiration: bodybuilder
Career: fast food employee (as a teenager), bodybuilder (as an adult)
Husband: Don Lothario, J Huntington III, Max Villareal (can be aged), Eric Lewis, Paolo Rocca or Akira Kibo
Wife: Dina Caliente, Morgan Fyres or Grace Anansi
- Slicked back hair / sleek ponytail / sporty ponytail
- nothing
- Sunglasses
- tops
- sport shoes
- leopard print clothes
- flip-flops
- Red nails
- cold weather shorts
- unbuttoned jacket without a shirt
- shirtless
- skinny jeans
1. Swim in the pool every day.
2. Be outside more often than inside.
3. Reach the highest level of fame.
4. Experience the entire jungle adventure.
5. Complete your aspiration.
6. Career level 10.
7. 10 level of fitness.
8. Only use the bathtub, not the shower.
9. Watch TV for at least an hour every day.
10. Live in Del Sol Valley and Mount Komorebi.
Eighth generation: ISTP
Traits: evil, loner, self-assured
Aspiration: angling ace
Career: detective
Husband: Wolfgang Munch or Jacques Villarreal (can be rejuvenated)
Wife: Nina Kaliente or Darling Walsh
- buzzcut
- beard
- leather jackets
- cargo pants
- caps
- denim shorts
- tattoos
- slippers
- eyebrow piercing
1. 10 level of handiness, fishing and fitness.
2. Collect one collection.
3. Become a werewolf.
4. Go roller skating once a week.
5. Have a cat.
6. Have siblings.
7. Career level 10.
8. Complete an aspiration.
9. Go to Granite Falls at least once for at least a week.
10. Live at Moonwood Mill.
Ninth Generation: INFJ
Traits: paranoid, eco-friendly, lazy
Aspiration: spellcraft & sorcery
Career: ecologist
Husband: Bjorn Bjergsen
Wife: Cassandra Goth or Elsa Bjergsen (can be aged)
- floral dresses
- sweaters
- hairpins and bows
- long skirts
- bells
- boho dresses
- shorts
- bracelets
1. Live in Glimmerbrook.
2. Always get out of bed between 5am and 8am.
3. Buy the Early Bird trait with satisfaction points.
4. Never eat sweets or drink sweet drinks.
5. Complete your aspiration.
6. Career level 10.
7. 10th level of logic, singing and charisma.
8. Become a spellcaster.
9. Go to university (you can use shorter university mod).
10. Go to the spa once a week.
Tenth Generation: ENFJ
Traits: jealous, good, romantic.
Aspiration: any of the love categorie.
Career: Farmer (unofficial)
Husband: Caleb Vatore or Brant Hecking
Wife: Bella Goth, Summer Holiday, Catrina Caliente, Julia Wright or Kyra Anello
- redhair, wavy hair
- purple clothes
- black turtlenecks
- green nails
1. Level 10 in charisma and flower arranging skills.
2. Complete your aspiration.
3. Own a farm with vegetables, fruits, flowers and animals and earn money from it.
4. Have a Golden Retriever dog and a cat.
5. Go camping once a week.
6. Forgive your lover's betrayal.
7. Give a rose to your lover every Monday.
8. Eat an apple everyday.
9. Only watch romances on TV.
10. Live in Evergreen Harbor.
Eleventh generation: INFP
Traits: gloomy, animal lover, socially awkward
Aspiration: best-selling author
Career: writer
Husband: Bob Pancakes, Jeb Harris, Salim Benali, Hugo Villareal, Gunther Munch, Simeon Silversweater or Claude Rene Duplantier
Wife: Becca Clarke
- pastel hair with bangs
- loose T-shirts
- sweaters
- unusual eyeliners
- frills
- long sleeves
- one-piece swimsuit
- shoes that cover the toes
- unusual wedding dress
1. Go to Granite Falls for a week.
2. Complete your aspiration.
3. Career level 10.
4. Listen to music every day.
5. Write at least one book a week.
6. Write a blog about feelings.
7. Climb Mount Komorebi.
8. Become a plant sim.
9. Be in a relationship with both genders (it doesn't have to be at the same time).
10. Make friends with a selected Sim from the listed spouses (except your spouse).
Twelfth generation: ENFP
Traits: creative, cheerful, childish, clumsy (3 of these)
Aspiration: any from the Eco Lifestyle expansion pack
Career: YouTuber (unofficial)
Husband: Paka'a Uha or Knox Greenburg.
Wife: Zoe Patel, Miko Ojo or Luna Villareal
- highlights hair
- braces
- socks and sandals
- rainbow socks
- scary makeup
- witch costume
- tights under shorts
- glasses with colored lenses
- leggings
- without trousers
1. Level 10 media production and Level 5 dance and photography.
2. Become famous for making videos.
3. Complete an aspiration.
4. Have pets and spend time with them every day.
5. Travel somewhere every other day (may be more often).
6. Visit an amusement park at least 3 times.
7. Have a same-gender spouse (you can adopt a child, but it must be a newborn).
8. Live in Oasis Spring and Henford-On-Bagley.
9. Have sibling.
10. Always vote for local action plans.
Thirteenth generation: INTP
Traits: Genius, bookworm, geek
Aspiration: Any of the Knowledge categorie
Career: tech guru
Husband: Mortimer Goth, Alexander Goth (you can age him) or Erwin Pries.
Wife: Liberty Lee, Yuki Behr, Lana Mckinnon or Nanami Ito (can be aged).
- long and sleek hair
- no makeup
- glasses
- headphones
- long pants for hot weather
- hoodies
- the same every outfit
1. Always go to bed between 0-4.
2. Buy the Night Owl trait for satisfaction points.
3. Have the most expensive computer.
4. Avoid leaving the house and cleaning.
5. Never enter any water (except bathtub and shower).
6. Live in Britechester.
7. Defeat the Mother Plant from StrangerVille.
8. Become an alien.
9. Career level 10.
10. Complete an aspiration.
Fourteenth generation: ENTP
Traits: erratic, goofball, self-absorbed
Aspiration: chief of mischief or joke star
Career: entertaiment
Husband: Morgyn Ember, Johnny Zest, Travis Scott, Gavin Richard or Cameron Fletcher.
Wife: mint sim from Not So Berry Challenge (if you haven't done it, you can download one from the gallery).
- bowed baby buns / curtained hair
- natural makeup
- baggy jeans
- platform shoes
- necklaces
- torn jeans
- T-shirts
- earrings
- tattoos
1. Complete an aspiration.
2. Career level 10.
3. Become an occult.
4. 10th level of guitar playing.
5. Go to a water park once a week.
6. Never be very sad.
7. Spend as little time in nature as possible.
8. Never use a computer, TV or tablet. You can use your phone, but not for entertainment purposes.
9. Live in San Myshuno.
10. Set your calendar for Halloween with 5 traditions and complete them all.
Fifteenth generation: INTJ
Traits: loner, hates children, snob
Aspiration: friend of the animals
Career: architect (unofficially). For each house you build, add 450 Simoleons with the code. You can only build 1 house per day (but not on Saturdays and not on Sundays).
Husband: Count Vladislaus Straud IV or Rohan Eldelberry
Wife: none. Have your Sim adopt a newborn.
- curly hair
- black clothes
- turtlenecks
- suits
- little black dresses
- short sleeves
1. Become a vampire.
2. Level 10 logic only through chess.
3. Complete your aspiration.
4. Build 10 houses.
5. Have a cat and make friends with it.
6. Buy the Iceman trait with satisfaction points.
7. Paint 3 wall murals.
8. Have sibling.
9. Give birth or adopt a child only on the last day before the elder's birthday.
10. Live in Forgotten Hollow.
Sixteenth generation: ENTJ
Traits: ambitious, evil, self-assured
Aspiration: public enemy
Career: politician
Husband: Diego Lobo or Dario Lampa (must be downloaded from the gallery)
Wife: Nancy Landgraab or the red sim from Not So Berry Challenge (if you haven't done it, download one from the gallery)
- Peaky Blinders cut / Justin Bieber's 2010 hair / Vintage Curls / Slicked back pony
- suits
- high heels
- crown
- Red lipstick
- leather clothes
- watch
- crop tops
- dresses with one sleeve
1. Complete an aspiration.
2. Career level 10.
3. Not having any child.
4. The highest level of fame.
5. Not having any friends.
6. Argue with someone every day and never apologize.
7. Live in San Myshuno.
8. Collect one million simoleons (including the value of the house).
9. Run your own business.
10. Have a Rottweiler dog
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its-moopoint · 1 year
While shippers keep track of CT's and S's lives everything they distort is factual correct. No games played as they want followers to believe.
- Spotting C/T & baby is normal and usually people respect her privacy - - C didn't hint anything, she posted a thank you for SOC invite - - Lauren Lyle interviewer mentioned his connection to OL through his good friend T who is married to CB - - Not the first time cast members acknowledge SC aren't together - - CT not doing an IFTA pap walk but attending together as a married couple - - C was happy to be out attending The Fratellis - - CB cut hair for a new movie just like she did for FvF - - CB only mentions T if asked - - CB attending play in NY could also have had another professional reason - - CB can be tagged by friends as normal people do.
SH is doing his own thing completely separate from CB.
ES #realfairy wrote:
Droughlander isn't over …
Droughlander isn't over …
Since February, when the wrap was announced, we've been thinking about some possible mischief that could happen until this season of Droughlander is over.
It was a joke between friends, but looking at the number of hits, I think these 'hunches' could be written about here.
1 - A discreet fan spots C 'with her family' but doesn't publish photos in the name of privacy ✔️
2 - Sam is seen in the background of random photo/video that suspiciously gets posted to tumblr ✔️
3 - Pap walks with a blonde
4 - Cait hints she's in city X, Sam hints he's on the other side of the world ✔️
5 - Sam does another super expensive meeting for fan ✔️
6 - New Russian video
7 - Interview with random cast member who mentions Caitriona Balfe's husband ✔️
8 - Totally out of the blue random cast member reveals that Sam and Cait ARE NOT a couple ✔️
9 - Cait does pap walk with T at IFTA - in case of a win, there will be a special thank you ✔️
10 - Deux Moi releases note of Sam's sighting with 'a blonde' ✔️
11 - Cait publishes some innuendo about The Fratellis ✔️
12 - Sam appears in a fan photo in a completely unexpected location ✔️
13 - Cait cuts her hair again ✔️
14 - New change in Sam, Priyanka and Celine Dion's film ✔️
15 - Cait gives an interview and the article mentions her husband
16 - PapWalk for Just Jared ✔️
17 - Cait dedicates the new batch of gin to her husband
18 - Monika Askmit does another podcast badmouthing Sam
19 - Cait attends a fashion/cinema/arts event and T appears in the background of the post-event photos
20 - A fight breaks out in the fandon and shippers are thrown into the fire ✔️
21 - Sam appears like an old bloke in the background of a party photo/video
22 - ONE MORE of Sam's 'exes' gets married ✔️
23 - Sam and Cait do ZERO OL promo events together
24 - Sam turns up at a stadium with Sophie or Alex N, OR Marina, or Nico, or Cirdan ✔️
25 - Sam posts a shirtless photo ✔️
26 - Sam appears on a talk show and claims to be single once again ✔️
27 - The Nic couple do something completely over-the-top, drawing the attention of the entire fandon to themselves ✔️
28 - Several models/influencers are pointed out as the new flavor of summer, with the expected insinuations on social media ✔️
29 - BONUS: Cody Kennedy follows Sam and he follows her back (Cody deactivates his IG) ✔️
30 - BONUS: Victoria L (ex Heughan) posts selfie on a beach in Fife, with friends and family - including Sam and Chrissie Heughan, sparking a HUGE row in the fandon ✔️
31 - BONUS: Cait (after a sighting of the happy family in Glasgow) is spotted at a theatre in NY, while Sam, also in the US, was missing ✔️
32 - BONUS Damage containment: Cait appears in a random place with T ✔️
33 - BONUS: Cleveden appears on estate agent's website, put up for sale ✔️
34 - BONUS: Cait and Sam's recordings end at almost the same time and both disappear for a week, then appear out of nowhere in different places around the world ✔️
35 - BONUS: weekly rounds of "Look here, don't look there" ✔️
36 - BONUS: Anna Modler, as well as getting married, is pregnant ✔️
37 - BONUS: Cait is tagged by a friend, watching an Irish football match while Sam is obviously in another part of the world ✔️
38 - BONUS: Graham and Garance launch a drinks company and a big row breaks out in the fandon ✔️
Some things didn't happen, other things happened more than once, overlapping or combining with each other … but some really unexpected things have happened …
It's been fun and it doesn't have to be much more than that.
Anyway, Droughlander isn't over. We'll see how many more items are ticked off this list, or what else might happen …
Sep 1st, 2023
To sum her piece of bullshit up, they are celebrating not knowing where C has been and pretending in their delusion that she was with S but never seen either while he's broadcast his every move.
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punkscowardschampions · 7 months
Jali Fams Plotting
Ali- 13/02/2000
Ronan- 31/08/2000
Johnny- 23/02/1996 
Moses- 30/09/1997
Bartley- 14/11/1999
*Ronan and Bartley were in Ali and Carly’s year when they went to school, thus how y’all meet and everything
Right, so Jali starts when she’s 12 which would be summer 2012, Django is conceived 3-11 July 2013 according to the calculator I have so the Jali miscarriage must happen to set that off after they’ve been together a year which we haven’t really considered so we need to note that down because we always rush on a first go lol
Django is born 30th March 2014 and Carly dies 24th April 2014
By this point, aka when everything has gone horrifically wrong, Johnny is 18 or about to be so can absolutely get married being a gypsy
The drama of you being gone by the summer of 2014, okay us
Sophie Turner is 16 when y’all wed, just so we remember, she’s like 2 years older than Ali
You could fit in a child or two here, Ali’s next/her first technically is 2016 so you’ve got from summer 2014 to then which gives 2 in my head
We don’t have to be ultra specific but let’s assume you’re pregnant by sept of 2014 you can have your first kid by june 2015
Giving a full irish twins moment you can have your next and Ali namesake by march 2016 which is perfect because Rio is conceived in march 2016 so you know what you did lmao
Rio has my boo’s bday in 2016
Caleb is NOT ready for fatherhood (and frankly no one can blame you you’re bouta be 17 but like yikes)
Edie is conceived 30th Jan to 7th of Feb but these calculators are only a guide so as my boo said we can absolutely make it her bday actually and you’re just a bit early/late ‘cos only a week off anyway, slay except not because the way you have slid in the DMs and impregnated her again immediately Moses
Clearly need a Johnny child in response to this charming relationship so hold awn, would be Oct/Nov 2017, the way i’m sure billie has met troye at some point, surely, because this is your 3rd and the face
Ali doesn’t have more kids ‘til 2021 so time to fit the rest of Johnny’s bar the response child in for sure
Fitting in the Moses breakup sometime in here, we don’t have to specify but it needs to happen by the below, obvs
‘Cos the twins are twins, they can be about a month early and so they can be conceived on Ali’s bday again in 2021 so that’s a reconciliation vibe with Caleb for sure, even if it happens before your bday but then he stupidly decides on said day that y’all should try again like it isn’t gonna fuck it all again heh, boy you try
Let’s give 2021 to your lily rose face, she could then be twin-useable should we want
Last thing to note is Junior who is conceived end of nov 2022 to be born in august 2023
Last Johnny kid in retaliation to Ronali getting together at some time in the 2021/2022 time so your kid can fit in there before Junior
Django- 30/03/2014
Nelus- 15/06/2015
Alifair- 04/03/2016
Rio- 03/12/2016
Fennix- 22/10/2017
Edie- 27/10/2017
Grace & Janis- 13/10/2021
Keziah- 11/12/2021
Acorn- 09/09/2022
Junior- 13/08/2023
Ronali breakup 2028, Junior is about 5, y’all have been together about 7 years so it’s giving the most stability we’ve had
So we know the kick off of reunion times is the whole money debacle which is sometime in 2030 just before Una dies which is end of July, when Ali finds out and comes at him
Then the mum reveal which as we’ve said can be pretty soon after because it’s been coming in the air tonight in Johnny’s life hence it was not handled well, so we’re around end of summer 2030, for the sake of how old y’all are
Django- 16- 17 years older than M
Nelus- 15- 16 years older than M
Alifair- 14- 15 years older than M
Rio- 13 ‘til Dec- 15 years older than M
Fennix- 12 ‘til Oct- 14 years older than M
Edie- 12 ‘til Oct- 14 years older than M
Grace & Janis- 8 ‘til Oct- 10 years older than M
Keziah- 8 ‘til Dec- 10 years older than M
Acorn- about to be 8- 9 years older than M
Junior- just 7- 8 years older than M
Aww Maggie has to be conceived by Christmas for her birthday 17/09/2031, not hanging about but that’s what we need so go us
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sanjayrithik · 2 years
Now Is The Perfect Time To Vaccinate Your Children To Protect Them!…
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“Protect Your Cute Babies Without Any Disease Affecting” — Sanjay Rithik Hospital. It is one of the best baby care and skin, laser, cosmetology, and best vaccination centre in karur.
Children are a known treasure for every parent. Today many parents are going to many hospitals just to get that baby blessed. But many of us do not take proper care of our children. It is very important that we take proper care of the children in our home and do the right thing for them at the right age. That’s one important thing that many parents today fail to do.
This blog has some important information for parents who have children and expectant mothers. Here to know about the important thing you need to protect your kids.
Why is it important to get vaccinated at the best vaccination centre in karur?
We must ensure that children from birth to 16 years of age receive the essential vaccines they need at the right time at the best vaccination centre in karur. This is an important medical necessity for a better and healthier future for your baby.
If the immune system of children is low, they will be easily affected by any disease. Vaccines are one of the most important tools in preventing and fighting these diseases. They are safe and effective and help protect children from various diseases. Read below to find out how you can get your child’s age-appropriate vaccinations now.
For Pregnant Women
TT-1 Early in pregnancy
TT-2 4 weeks after TT-1*
TT- Booster If taken twice during a pregnancy
For Infants
BCG At birth or as early as possible till one year of age
Birth dosage for hepatitis B as possible within 24 hours of birth
OPV-0 At birth or as early as possible within the first 15 days
OPV 1, 2 & 3 at six, ten, and fourteen weeks (OPV can be given till 5 years of age)
Pentavalent1, 2 & 3 At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks (can be given till one year of age)
Rotavirus at six, ten, and fourteen weeks (can be given till one year of age)
Measles /MR 1st Dose$ 9 completed months-12 months. (Can be given up until age 5)
JE — 1** 9 completed months-12 months.
At nine months after being diagnosed with measles, take vitamin A. Rubella
For Children
DPT booster-1 16–24 months
Measles/ MR 2nd dose $ 16–24 months
OPV Booster 16–24 months
JE-2 16–24 months
Vitamin A***(2nd to 9th dose) 16–18 months. Then one dose every 6 months up to the age of 5 years.
DPT Booster-2 5–6 years
TT 10 years & 16 years
How can I take care of my child after they get vaccinated at the best vaccination centre in karur?
It is crucial to look after your child after vaccination at the best vaccination centre in karur and keep an eye out for any negative side effects. However, they can occasionally be more serious. Here are some key points for protect and care your baby:
Symptoms and post-vaccination care
Standard post-vaccination symptoms and care
If the injection site is sore, red, or swollen, give the child the following care:
Reassure your child.
Apply a cool cloth to the area.
Move the arm or leg where the injection will be given.
Maintain their warmth and comfort.
Pain relievers can be given to children if advised by the best pediatrician in karur.
Additional post-vaccination symptoms and care
If you have flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, headache, low-grade fever after vaccination, abdominal pain, muscle disturbances, or swollen lymph nodes, the best pediatrician’s advice should be followed:
Avoid covering them with too much clothing.
Administer the medication as prescribed by the best pediatrician in karur.
Let them drink plenty of water.
Allow the teenager to rest completely.
If they are in pain, give them medicine to ease it.
If the temperature is too high, reduce them with a sponge in cold water.
Severe post-vaccination symptoms and care
After vaccination, serious responses are often rare. However, if you notice the following, consult a doctor immediately for advice on the child’s best vaccination centre in karur and medication.
A red rash or pimples on the body.
Severe fever
Allergic reactions
Seizures / Convulsions
Edema occurs on the face.
Joint stiffness and discomfort.
Throat discomfort or shortness of breath.
Bottom Line
Vaccination is one of the most important things children need. Parents who are concerned about protecting their children visit the best vaccination center in karur to get their children age-appropriate vaccination.
If you need the best vaccination center in karur, find us inside Sanjay Rithik Hospital at 77A, Sengunthapuram road, Karur 639002, or call us at +917305203958 you’ll browse our https://sanjayrithikhospital.com/ for details.
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90363462 · 2 years
The lack of self respect on the mothers’ part is astonishing. Also where’s the slut shaming for him. Because if he was a woman and she done all that…. Wheww Chile The shaming would be loud as heck This is a joke at this point. He needs to wrap it up and women need to quit having unprotected sex with him. Have some self respect girlie, stand thee heck up!
This Is Not A Joke: We Found Out Nick Cannon Is Having ANOTHER Kid 5 Days After His Last Baby Announcement
Yes, you read that correctly.
Posted 18 hours ago
Nick Cannon is in the news again!
*sees nick cannon trending* me: did he have another kid? *sees why he’s trending*11:41 PM - 06 Dec 2021Nickelodeon
Yep, he's having baby #12.
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Literally LESS THAN A WEEK ago, five days to be exact, we found out about #11.
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Now we're hearing about #12!
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That's FIVE babies in ONE YEAR.
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He really is on a one-man mission to repopulate the world.
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Let me try to recap all of this birthing...
Last week, Nick announced baby #11 with Alyssa Scott.
View this photo on Instagram
Alyssa posted a maternity shoot and also some pictures of them holding an ultrasound.
View this photo on Instagram
Baby #11's announcement came just a month after baby #10 with Brittany Bell.
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Earlier in 2022, he had baby #8 withwith Bre Tiesi and baby #9 withLanisha Cole.
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But how did #12 happen?
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Abby De La Rosa already has two kids with Nick Cannon.
View this photo on Instagram
She's currently pregnant.
View this photo on Instagram
And we found out that baby is actually Nick's from this Instagram story:
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"1 night turned into 4 years and 3 kids real quick... I see no lies here smh. ya'll be safe out there."
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Amanda Edwards / Getty Images
So, yep, that's 12.
https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=mattstopera&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=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&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=true&id=1562540184939270144&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fmjs538%2Fnick-cannon-baby-number-12&sessionId=3ee9317a1095eb94a1854a63c6a2815dae50642e&siteScreenName=BuzzFeedCeleb&theme=light&widgetsVersion=a3525f077c700%3A1667415560940&width=550pxTwitter: @Chris_Najdek
And 13 is probably around the corner.
https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=mattstopera&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-2&features=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&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=true&id=1406658110253588480&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fmjs538%2Fnick-cannon-baby-number-12&sessionId=3ee9317a1095eb94a1854a63c6a2815dae50642e&siteScreenName=BuzzFeedCeleb&theme=light&widgetsVersion=a3525f077c700%3A1667415560940&width=550pxTwitter: @BatmanSi
We'll see.
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More Like This
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Stitches // 16
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Pairing: Frank Castle x Reader
Summary: After joy comes sorrow.
Warnings: angst, Frank and Amy being adoreable, cliffhanger at the end ;)
Yes, I woke up and chose violence this morning, enjoy :)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 BONUS
Frank’s POV
My heart’s racing, Y/N and Amy’s screams are muffelled from the gags that were in their mouth, my newborn is crying bloody murder in Vanessa’s arms. I tried to fight against the restraints that bound me to the metal chair in the middle of the room, trying to break free to save them.
“No, no, don’t!”
My voice is hoarse from all the screaming I’ve been doing myself to get Fisk to get his men to back off from my family. Hot tears streamed down all of our faces as we knew what was about to happen.
Wilson Fisk fisted my hair forcing me to look at the two ladies that meant the world to me as his men pressed the barrel of their guns to the back of their skull.
“No, don’t do this, please!” I begged and begged, over and over until I started hiccupping from all my crying. My body is shaking from the sobs that left me. The glimmer of the blade of a knife caught my attention in the corner of my eye.
“Not my baby, no! Vanessa please!” she laughed along with her husband, pressing the blade closer to the child’s neck as if any of this is a fucking joke.
“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance.”
Gasping, I frantically sat up against the headboard, chest heaving as I regulated my breathing, I’m soaking with sweat. In the darkness of the room I’m still able to make out the outline of my heavily pregnant girlfriend who was still sleeping soundly, unbothered by my thrashing in the bed.
They’re okay Frank
Brushing her cheek with my knuckles I focused on completely calming myself down from that nightmare. This is the third time I’ve had this exact dream for the week and I’m not lying, it fucking terrifies me. I haven’t told her about it the first time I dreamt about it and I can’t bring it up, she’d only stress over it and that’s not good for her or the baby.
You’ve got to talk about it with someone
Releasing a heavy sigh, I leaned down and kissed her forehead and touched her bump before getting out from beneath the covers. Pulling up my grey sweatpants, I left our room to go check on the kid. Quietly, I opened the door and poked my head in.
“I’m awake.” Amy was bundled up in her blanket with her laptop opened on her lap, the light it produced dimly lit up her room.
“Can’t sleep either, huh?” she chewed off a piece of her twizzler as she shook her head no. I guess it’s just one of those nights for us.
“Why are you up anyways? It’s three thirty in the morning.”
“Bad dream, you?”
“Oh me, I never fell asleep. I started watching a movie and then one turned into three and now I’m just biding my time until sunrise.” she said that like it was a normal occurrence that I should’ve been aware of.
“You gonna go back to bed?” the mere thought of closing my eyes to sleep sent shivers down my spine. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping at all for as long as I can after that dream.
“Nah. Instead of being glued to the screen do you want to help me in the nursery? I’ve got a crib that needs to be assembled before the pregnant lady gets upset.” She quickly shut her computer and threw her blanket off as she got to her feet, following me to the room next to hers.
For weeks now Amy has been nagging me about putting together the crib and installing the extra shelves and so on in the baby’s room, at one point I thought she was the one pregnant by the way she kept going on about it.
She’s excited just like the rest of us.
“Alright, dresser first or crib?” I turned the lights on and went over to the nearest box which had the necessary parts for the crib and her eyes lit up. We started removing the items from the box, careful enough not to make any noise to disturb Y/N’s sleep and got to work.
Amy had planted herself on the floor, passing me the screws and parts to go along with it, reading the directions as I assembled it together. We’re both talking about almost any and everything that came to mind at this point to keep ourselves going.
“Yeah kid, pass me a screw.” looking over at her I stretched out my hand for the screw and she passed it over, her eyes boring into mine.
“Thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me?” I screwed the last part of the crib before giving her my full attention. Pulling her legs up to her chest she rested her chin on her knees, choosing to look at the floor while she spoke.
“For saving me that night at Lola’s, for actually giving a damn about me.” Amy’s been through a lot in her life, it got crazier with me in it but at least she knows she has someone looking out for her.
“You’re more of a man than my sperm donor could ever be, heck you’ve stuck around much longer than he has. You took me under your wing when you could’ve left me to die but you didn’t.”
“You were scared and outnumbered, if I hadn’t gotten in the mix they would’ve killed you in that bathroom.”
“But you didn’t know that almost two years later we’d be here. You didn’t know if Y/N was going to take you back far less for me, the stray you picked up on the side of the road. That night changed everything for me, I went from begging mixed up with the wrong people to having stability in my life and with that stability I now have parental figures that care about me, no matter how much of a handful I am.'' she really can be a handful from time to time but she knows mine and Y/N’s limit when it comes to tolerating her bullshit.
“You’re right kid, that night I unknowingly adopted a child and it’s worth every crappy thing that followed. Now at the end of all the crap I have a family, something I never considered would happen after that day at the park. By saving you I saved myself kid, one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. Now get over here.” Without a second's notice she got onto her feet and I pulled her in for a hug. She’s not biologically mine but she’s still my kid, I don’t care what anyone else may think, she’s my daughter. With her arms still secured around me she looked up causing me to scoff, just by the look on her face I could tell she’s about to ask for something.
“You buttered me up for something, what is it?”
“I didn’t butter you up, I meant every single word I said. However,” I rolled my eyes but that didn’t phase her as she went on.
“Jacob asked me to go out on a date tonight and I’d really like to go, please? The baby shower starts at four this afternoon and he wants to take me to the movies at eight, I promise I’ll be home by midnight.” she pleaded and after considering it for a couple seconds I caved.
“Fine but remember-”
“To be aware of my surroundings at all times, I can’t afford to let my guard down because Fisk is still out there.”
“Atta girl.” she squeezed me one last time before breaking apart. I trust her to keep her word on being back by midnight as she knows that I would get in my truck and drive through the city until I find her if she doesn’t.
“Help me move this over there.” we both moved the newly assembled crib to where it’s supposed to be and she gasped.
“My gift is going to make this even more perfect.”
“I look like a beached whale.”
“You look beautiful.”
“Of course you’d say that, you’re the reason I’m this huge.” Frank drained the remnants of his beer, hiding his smile.
The baby shower is in full swing at the Lieberman's residence; Karen did an excellent job with putting this thing together with Sarah's and Amy’s help.
"You look amazing as always." Curtis kissed my cheek in greeting as he joined Frank and I.
"I'm not too late right, have you guys found out the gender yet?"
"No we-" Karen called out for us all, drawing our attention to her on the patio.
"Now that everyone is here, we can get this thing started. Instead of the regular cake cutting or balloon popping reveal, David came up with something else. David!"
"Well this is bound to be good." Frank draped his arm over the back of my chair just as David walked out.
"Oh God!"
"Yes, I knew it!” Frank fist pumped the air as his guess was right. Everyone is laughing and celebrating David's brilliant idea of dressing in a blue t-shirt and diaper with a binky in his mouth.
It's a boy!
David walked over to us and dropped himself in Frank's lap and he went along with it rocking the grown man, talking to him in a different tone.
"You are one heavy ass baby."
"Goo-goo ga-ga." He cooed up at Frank
"Get off of me man." David stood on his feet and removed the binky, everyone still cracking up as they looked on. I am definitely never going to forget this.
"Congrats pal, you're not going to be the only man in the house for much longer."
"It's about time." I faked huffed in annoyance as he leaned down and kissed my bump which the little man inside me seemed to like as he moved around.
"Another male Castle to deal with, how fun?" Curtis sympathetically patted my shoulder knowing exactly what I meant by that.
"Damn, I was hoping it was a girl but hey, a brother is alright with me." Amy came over with a small gift box in her hands and I took it from her.
"You didn't have to buy anything for the baby."
"I know but I wanted too. Open it." I undid the ribbon and removed the top
"It's nothing much but-"
"I love it." I reached in and took out the mobile attachment for the crib to get a closer look at the shapes that hung from it.
It's a nice blend of baby blue and white with dragons and castles.
"I thought I'd get something that's meaningful and since Castle is his last name I got him this."
"Kid.." Frank toyed with the shapes that hung, his throat closing up as he struggled to swallow the lump in his throat.
None of them besides Curtis knows that this is his first baby shower since he had been deployed both times Mariah was pregnant. He got to experience it all this time around, the check-ups, the bizarre cravings, mood swings, everything and today he got the chance of celebrating this moment with people around him that he trusted and considered family, with the exception of Red. They don't know how much any of this really means to him.
"Thank you."
Amy hugged me and returned to Jacob's side on the other side of the lawn. She invited him so that he could formally be introduced to us and Frank almost popped a vessel when they both came walking hand in hand, especially since she wore a dress that showed 'too much skin' according to him.
"I don't like it, not the gift, that." Jacob had his hand on the lower part of her back and I had to stop myself from laughing at his disgusted tone.
"Say it with me Castle, she is of age."
"Something about him doesn't feel right." I put the mobile back into the box and placed it aside.
"You barely had a conversation with the guy, you spent five minutes staring at him. Look, the best thing we could possibly do is to let Amy be happy, don't ruin this for her by scaring the guy away."
"Yeah but what if he's up to something, I mean we don't even know if he's working for Fisk. Amy said that he came in and got the job after her and by the look of it he's been more invested in her." Curtis pushed himself up on his feet and scoffed at his friend.
"That's a far stretch buddy just let the kid be a kid and if, that's a mad sized if, he does give you more reasons to not trust him, I'll help you figure it out." Curtis walked off to join Karen, Foggy and Matt at the snack table leaving us to talk alone.
"I know you're still on edge from what happened but I'd like to believe that Jacob is just a regular guy that is smitten with Amy."
Frank gave up, leaning back in his seat. He couldn't put a finger on what exactly is off about Jacob but his gut was telling him to not trust the guy. He's dropping this conversation but he's not going to ignore his intuition, he's going to keep a close eye on the guy whispering in Amy’s ear.
“Trust her judgement.”
Amy's POV
“Tonight was fun, I honestly thought your dad was going to kill me earlier today though.”
“It was and don't worry about him, he only looks tough on the outside but a complete softie on the inside.”
Jacob and I are on our way back to my place after our date, cutting it pretty close to midnight. He took a right, setting off an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
“You need to turn back, my place is on the other side.” his grip on the wheel tightened a bit as he kept driving in the opposite direction.
“Relax, we’re just going to make a quick stop at my buddy’s place.”
“Jacob, take me home.”
"Take me home right now!" more red flags raised as he sped up. Reaching over I grabbed onto the wheel, the car swerving on the road as we wrestled.
“You stupid bitch-”
A loud bang echoed throughout the street as the car Amy and Jacob are in crashed into the building they had swerved the car into. One by one the dogs in the area began to bark and the lights in neighbouring apartments turned on as people came out to see what’s happening.
“Call 9-1-1!” A man shouted as he rushed to get down to the vehicle.
Barely conscious, Jacob managed to get out of the car and flee the scene, leaving Amy behind. The kid is trapped in her seat, blood pouring down her face from her busted skull, unconscious.
Frank’s POV
“It’s twelve thirty, something’s not right.”
“I’m sure they just lost track of time, they’ll be here any minute.” Y/N’s phone started ringing and she answered.
“Brett?” the colour drained from her face at whatever news he was breaking to her. Her breathing increased and her eyes filled with tears.
“Y/N what is it?” She can’t even speak right now. I ripped the device from her and brought it up to my ears, dreading what he has to say.
“Mahoney, what’s going on?”
“It’s Amy.”
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