beah388love · 5 months
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So Over Protective
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Pregnant Reader
Summary: Reggie’s very over protective for you and the twinnies…
Warnings: pregnancy,twins,shouting,swearing,fighting,arguing,stalker man?!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
You went down to the market this morning to grab some food for dinner and some snacks.
You was walking down the road with your bag, you was looking around the shops and you noticed a man behind you but you just thought he was going in the same shop as you.
Until, he went in the next shop and the next...
You got a little worried, you was all alone and didn't have anything with you besides your bag and your purse, which he probably wants to steal.
You left the shop trying to dodge him but he followed you. And you walked back home trying to stay with a crowd but he still followed you.
"Why'd I wear heels today" you cursed to yourself in your head.
You was only two roads away from your flat but instead went a different direction and headed to Reggie's mums house since it was closer.
But you cut a corner and forgot which way to go.
you looked behind you and he was catching up with you.
You saw a familiar house and ran to that direction and out of pure luck, it was the right road and you saw Reggie's mums house.
You was sweating and was struggling to breathe since you was pregnant and might you say 'very pregnant'.
"Ah thank god" you muttered to yourself as you saw the familiar door, you still walked fast and looked behind you and there he was.
He was only about four feet from you and you was terrified.
You dropped your bag and ran to her door banging on it loudly.
"Vi! Violet! Open the door it's Y/n!!" You yelled panicked.
Reggie had decided to go to his mums house to grab a present she had for him or something.
He was sat on the sofa with his mum and Ron, Ron had decided to go with him because he was hungry.
They were chatting and watching telly until they heard a massive bang at the door.
"Vi! Open the door!" Reggie heard someone yell and he could tell it was you from your voice.
He instantly rushed to the door and opened it as quick as he could.
You pushed past him and slammed the door shut.
"Woah are you alright?! Y/n?! What happened?" Reggie asked you worriedly, you looked like a mess.
You was sweating,out of breath and looked like you was about to cry.
“Oh my! Are you alright love?” Violet asked you and you nodded.
Reggie was about to open the door but you tried to stop him.
Reggie looked at you confused and opened the door anyway.
And that's when he saw a man a couple feet away from the door.
"Oi! Who the fuck are you?!" Reggie yelled as he pointed his finger in his face.
The man was terrified. He had heard about the krays.
"Uh- I - I'm sorry- I was just-" he stuttered but Reggie cut him off when he saw your bag of food and clothes on the floor that had gone everywhere.
Reggie grabbed him by the collar and punched him square in the face, giving him a bloody and broken nose.
"Apologise to my wife right now!" He yelled and the man put his hands up.
"I-I'm sorry!" He cried and you looked away, standing next to Ron.
God knows what that man would've done to you if Reggie wasn't there.
"Right now fuck off! Don't ever go near my wife again! You fuckin sick bastard!" Reggie yelled as he chucked the man in the middle of the road.
And watched him as he scrambled away.
"Y/n are you okay? Ron help her sit down!" Reggie asked but it was more of a demand.
Ron held his hand out and helped you sit down on one of the armchairs, giving you a blanket.
Reggie left the house and picked up your bag and some of the things that fell out, luckily all the foods were wrapped up.
He stepped back inside and put the food away, shutting and locking the door.
“Y/n/n? You okay?” Ron asked you and you nodded.
“Mhm, thank you ronnie” you smiled giving his hand a squeeze.
“You should be more careful” he said and you nodded.
“Want some of my cake?” He asked you and you nodded before he held the fork up to your mouth.
Reggie walked behind the arm chair you was sitting in and held your hand rubbing small circles on it softly.
“You and the boys feeling alright?” Reggie asked you softly and you nodded.
He held your belly as Ron fed you some of his cake.
Occasionally giving himself some.
“God some people are wrongens…I’m gonna go put the kettle on!” Violet said as she walked into the kitchen giving you a kind smile.
“Thanks mum” Reggie said keeping his eye on you.
God he could’ve killed that man.
After a couple hours of talking and laughing, watching telly. You and Reggie went home, Ron went with you and slept on your sofa.
“Ron I can drop you off to your trailer if you want?” Reg asked but Ron shook his head
“Nah you’re alright Reggie, teddys there and he’s getting on my right fucking nerves” Ron replied as he moved you in between him and reg so you wasn’t walking in the inner side of the road.
“Alright then mate” Reggie nodded his head, holding your hand and giving it a kiss.
Once you got back home and got in bed, Reggie held your bump and gave it loads of kisses.
“Stop making your mama so hungry and grouchy all the time” he grinned as he spoke to your belly.
“The boys are literally kicking my ribs as your saying that” you laughed as you held your bump and reg laughed.
“I can’t wait to meet em doll”
“I can’t wait either baby” you smiled giving him a kiss before he laid back down.
“Talk us to sleep please” you giggled as you got yourself comfortable making him laugh.
“What is it with you and my voice?”
“I don’t know you just sound like heaven” you grinned making him laugh.
“Don’t be a cheek…” he smirked as he tickled your sides making you laugh but thankfully he stopped before you peed yourself.
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gxngsterprince · 7 years
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So these came in the mail just now - no need to tell that I love them
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mariabatesartwork · 7 years
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ganglandgazette · 5 years
Ron Kray's sausage
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ronmanmob · 6 years
ABCs ask: B E K O T
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Honestly? Seriously? Rey and Kylo Ren from the newest entries in the Star Wars saga. I NEVER expected a massive big budget franchise to go for the whole enemies to lovers thing in a setting like Star Wars, but here we are and I LOVE IT :D
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Oh gosh I’m not sure :p I’ve had some hilarious moments with our local Reggie (nctcricus) that might be considered crack, but all in all...I don’t think so xD
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
That’s a hard one! I’mma come off as a total Kylo Ren stan if I say him, so we’ll not go there :p How about...Will Graham from the TV series Hannibal. It’s not a healthy arch, but FUCK is it interesting xP
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
*flips randomise on her iplayer* *THIS cover of Talk Dirty comes on* No seriously, this song to me screams of a scene where somehow Alfie Solomons (of Peaky Blinders fame) and Ron get the chance to commune and break bread at one of their many establishments. It’s not so much the words but the beat - it’s perfect to get a room dancing as a backdrop for their little meeting of the minds (that and I get the feel the Yiddish would earn an approving nod from Mr Solomons).
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Oh sweetheart HUNDREDS, but for time’s sake here’s five. One: The only time Ron would lay even a firm hand on a woman (in situations where she’s not asked him to very nicely) would be to stop her from clouting either him or one of his dogs. And even then there’d be no strike; no hit. He’d restrain her; eject her from his immediate presence. But he’d never hit. 
Two: Ron very very rarely hears silence, and can have the simply worst reactions when the precious moments of it he gets are interrupted. Three: Much as he’s tried, Ron just can’t get on with SPAM - the meat product not the email-type. Four: In modern times Ron’s social media presence is very small - just a little personal blog where he uploads pictures of the pubs and clubs he visits on his travels, a near inactive twitter account (@ronkray) and a somewhat well known Youtube channel where he’ll occasionally post videos about mental health and related topics. Five: Again in modern times, Ron has seen the movie Darkest Hour 65 times and counting. He can quote it word perfect and it gives him absolute chills.
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beah388love · 5 months
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Am I In love with a gangster?
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader (nicknamed bee)
Summary: are you in love with a gangster?
Warnings: smoking,bad langauge,cigarettes!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
You was walking down the road with your nieces and nephews.
“Reggie!” Maggie smiled as she pointed to him across the road, catching his and yours attention.
“Ello.” Reggie smiled as he walked over to you all.
“Hey reg” you blushed and he smiled as he looked down at you.
“I uh- I’ve got somefink for you.” Reggie said as he dug into his pocket. Pulling out a bag of your favourite sweets.
“Reg! You didn’t have to- thank you” you smiled giving him a peck on the cheek making him smile.
He scratched his nose “you deserve it, I’ll see you lot later yeah?” He asked and you nodded, “bye Reggie!” Maggie smiled as she blew him a kiss bye making him chuckle.
“Are you dating him?” Tommy asked you and you shook your head.
“God no- he’s not interested in me..” you said handing some of the sweets to Maggie and Jay.
“Bee, no man just buys a woman gifts” Tommy said to you as Joey nodded.
“Yeah, Ya Dont do that unless you really like someone”
“You blushinnnngg! Your in looove!” Maggie giggled pointing to your now pink face.
“Am I in love with a gangster?” You asked yourself in your head.
And without you knowing, Reggie heard everything.
Reggie was walking down the road when he heard someone shout behind him.
“Oi! Reg?” Joey said loudly gesturing for him to come over.
Him and Tommy were smoking as they leant against the brick wall.
“Ello’ what’re you doin out here?” Reggie asked them and Tommy blew out a cloud of smoke in his face.
“We’re waiting for bee” joey said as he looked behind him when on perfect timing you walked out of the shop.
“C’mon Freddie- oh. Reggie! What ar’ you doin here?” You asked giving him a smile.
“Oh just goin on a walk…” Reggie said but Tommy scoffed.
Freddie began crying since he dropped his toy in the shop so you sighed “hang on I’ll be back in a sec…”
You walked back into the shop and Tommy glared at reg.
“You alright.” Reggie asked him and he squinted his eyes harder.
“Where are you goin after this then?” Reggie asked Joey and he shrugged.
“Don’t talk to him Joey.” Tommy cut him off harshly looking at reg.
“You don’t like me do ya? Why?” Reggie asked and Tommy scoffed.
“I don’t trust you that’s why. She’s naive and gullible and one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”
“I know that’s why-“ Reggie was cut off by Tommy.
“I don’t care! I just want to warn you, you better not hurt her.” Tommy spat chucking his cigarette on the floor.
“Bee! We’ve gotta go” he said and she nodded picking up Freddie and his toy and leaving with them.
“Bye reg!” You smiled as you walked away and he was stood there watching you all walk away.
“What was that about?” Joey nudged tommys arm and he shrugged.
“I don’t want her getting hurt.”
“Neither do I. But I think he really likes her and she really likes him. Give him a chance.” Joey said and Tommy shrugged again.
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tomhardydotorg · 10 years
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Legend 2014 Belgravia
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beah388love · 5 months
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Don’t Mess with the Mood Swings
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Pregnant Reader
Summary: Ian and Teddy Poked the bear…
Warnings: pregnancy,fighting,arguing,insults,crying,scratch,smoking,alcohol!!!(please tell me if i missed any!!!)
Ian and ted loved to 'poke the mama bear' but took it a step too far.
"Hello y/n/n" Ron smiled as he walked into the Esmeraldas barn.
You smiled and walked over to them and sat down at the booth they was in.
They put their cigars out and waved the smoke away.
"Hey ronnie, what you been up to?" You smiled Ann he shrugged his shoulders.
"Mh..not much we've been trying to read what paynes saying" Ron said as he looked over to Payne.
"Ah, well as I walked past it sounds like he's talking about tax payments" you shrugged as you grabbed a breadstick.
"Your getting bigger eh?" Teddy half joked and you shrugged a laugh as you held your bump that was indeed getting bigger.
"I can barely get up now..." you giggled as you chewed on another breadstick.
"Are you sure it's now triplets?" Ian laughed and it kinda hurt, you didn't know Ian that well so it was kind of an insult then a joke.
Teddy stifled a laugh but Ron didn't.
You didn't say anything until he piped up again.
"Maybe quadruplets eh?" He laughed even harder as he pointed to the breadstick you was about to eat.
You got kinda sad, you had already been insecure about how big you was getting and this just kinda made it feel real?.
You put the breadstick back down and Teddy didn't laugh this time.
"God it was just a joke! Ugh women eh? So over reactive" Ian moaned to Teddy and Ron but they ignored him.
And that was when Reggie came out of his office and was talking to Payne.
You tried to stand up to go over to him but you had to push yourself up with the arms of the chair.
You was out of breath just by that and then Ian piped up again.
"God you can't even stand up" he chuckled and you lost it.
"Shut up!" You half shouted at him and it took Teddy by surprise.
"God i was jokin! Mood swings..." he said looking at Ron and ted expecting them to laugh but they didn't.
"I may have mood swings! And I may be big! But I am not taking your bullshit!" You yelled at him.
"Don't talk to me that way! Your a pathetic women! You should be at home!" He yelled and you gasped at how obnoxious he was being.
"That's right! You shouldn't even be here! All your for is to make babies! To carry on us men's legacy." He spat at you and you was furious.
So you slapped him. And you didn't regret it one bit.
You slapped him across the face so hard he fell into teddy.
"Woah!" Teddy said as he held his hands up to push Ian away from him.
And that's when Ian stood up again and lunged at you and he managed to only scratch your arm but Ron stopped him.
"Don't.fuckin.touch.her.you cunt." Ron said as he punched him between every word.
"Oi! What's going on!" Reggie said as he rushed over trying to stop Ron.
And that's when he saw Teddy holding you away from Ian,
"What the fucks goin on?!" Reggie yelled and Ron finally stopped punching Ian.
"Eh?" Reggie said looking at Ron,Ian and Teddy.
And nobody spoke up except Teddy.
"Ian tried to uh- hurt y/n reg.."  teddy said as he held your arm holding it away from reg, because you both knew if he saw it he'd go mad.
"What? Are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded.
"Pat. Take him out." Reggie ordered angrily as he headed over to you and held you close to him.
Taking you into his office.
""Doll what happened?" Reg asked you as he held you close to him.
"I- well he was saying loads of shit to me. He said I was an over reactive,pathetic women who shouldn't even be here, and then he said I was only here to have your babies and continue a man's 'legacy' " you said trying to hold back your tears.
"Oh and he said. 'Are you sure you're not having quadruplets' " you said now crying.
Reggie was beyond furious. He was seeing red. He felt every nerve end in him was on fire.
But he still held back to look after you first.
"And then he lunged at me and he only scratched me but-" you rambled on wiping away your tears.
Reggie said as he then began looking over your body until his eyes landed on the scratch in your arm.
Reggie's head was racing with thoughts.
I'm gonna kill him.
Are you alright?
He tried to hurt a pregnant woman. Especially you.
I'm gonna fucking kill him.
"Are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded, it didn't hurt it was only a little scratch but reg was still furious.
"Stay here Kay?" Reggie said as he gave you a kiss on the head and stroking your bump.
"What are you gonna go?" You asked and he stopped.
"Don't worry, just stay here"
"Don't go bat shit crazy…I just wanna go hom-”
you said tiredly before cutting yourself off.
You could feel the twins kicking you in the ribs making you groan.
“Woah are you okay?” Reggie said rushing over to you, and helping you sit down on one of his chairs.
“Mhm I’m fine just a double kick to the ribs thas all’ you winced as you held into Reggie’s hand.
“Can we please just go home” you said and he nodded helping you up, holding your bump and the small of your back protectively.
Reggie lead you out of his office and held the door open for you, “Oi! Payne! This is tomorrow’s business do ya understand!” Reggie said as we left his club.
“Can you tell Ronnie and Teddy I said thank you” you said to reg and he nodded hiding a little smile.
“I will doll, you feeling alright?” He asked you and you nodded.
“Mhm, the twins have calmed down now” you giggled as you felt a light kick where Reggie’s hand was making him smile ear to ear.
The next day Reggie didn’t kill Ian but he did give him a ‘physical threat’
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beah388love · 2 months
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I forgot
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reggie stood you up.
Warnings: Swearing,bad language!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
You was playing with Lou Lou on the floor and Tommy had come round to grab something he forgot yesterday.
"What's this? Is that a cat? Say cat? C-c… a-a..t-t" you said showing her a book full of animals but specifically on the page with the furry cat.
Then Tommy heard the door knock, "bee? There's someone at the door!" He yelled and you smiled at Lou Lou picking her up.
"Alright hang on!" You said quickly walking to the door with Lou Lou resting on your hip in your arms.
You opened the door to see the one and only Reggie Kray.
He had come round a couple times now for your brother Johnny, they had been doing business together a lot more recently.
But you've only ever seen him when you walked past the door or seen him out the window, not opened the door.
"Good Morning Reg..can I help you?" You asked smiling, and he looked up at you with a big grin he couldn't hide.
"I uh- I'm looking for Johnny?" Reggie asked and you bit your lip.
"Sorry you just missed him, I'm not sure where he is but he'll be back around six?" You said and he nodded, "thanks bee" Reggie said and you smiled about to shut the door but he stopped you.
"I actually uh- had another question." He said and you nodded confused.
"Will you go out with me? Tonight?" He asked you and you were taken back.
"Oh- uh- okay." You smiled and he had a huge Cheshire Cat smile he couldn’t hide.
"Alright I'll pick you up at seven thirty!" Reggie smiled walking away and you nodded shutting the door.
"Who was that?" Tommy asked
"Reggie Kray" you said and he paused
"He asked you out?" Tommy asked looking back at the door and you nodded
"Where are you going?" Johnny asked you when he saw you rushing around your wardrobe to find something to wear.
"I have a date" you rushed out as you threw away another dress onto your pile on the floor along with a shirt that accidentally hit Johnny in the face “oops sorry” you laughed as he took the shirt off his face annoyed.
"With who?" Johnny asked as he leaned on your door with his shoulders crossed.
"Reggie Kray" you said pausing a little but continuing to look for a dress, "y/n-" Johnny warned but you cut him off.
"I know what I'm doing Johnny I swear..he seems sweet?" You said and he rolled his eyes.
"He's a gangster." Johnny said standing up straight looking at you.
You huffed and nodded "I know"
"But getting hurt is how you learn." You shrugged and he stiffened "not if you're dead!" He said and you looked over to him.
"1. I wouldn't do something if it got me killed. And 2.even if you're right, you and Billy,Ronnie,Jimmy and Roy would be there for me..." you said and he let out a breath he was holding.
"Fine. When are you leaving?" He asked you and you smiled "seven-thirty," he nodded and gave you a kiss on the head before leaving your bedroom.
"This one..." you smiled to yourself when you found the right dress, and got ready.
It was 7:40 and you was sat at the bottom step of your staircase.
You huffed looking at the clock ticking.
You was hoping he maybe just had a hectic day or something and was running late but that's when Johnny came out,
"What's the time? Shouldn't you be on your date?" Johnny asked you confused and you frowned.
"He's late..I don't think he's coming"  you sighed walking upstairs but Johnny stopped you.
"I'll have a word with him." Johnny said and you shook your head.
"Don't bother Johnny. It's fine I'm alright," you smiled.
"I'm not wasting my time on someone who won't even show up" you smiled before walking upstairs.
"Fucking twat." Johnny said through gritted teeth after you had left hearing range, as he walked to the living room to call Reggie and rip him a new one.
"Payne you're not listening!" Ron spat as he slammed his glass down angrily.
"Ron calm down. Look Payne this ain't gonna work alright?" Reggie huffed and Payne rolled his eyes grabbing his papers and leaving the bar angrily.
"Fucking cunt" Ron yelled at him as he left and Reggie rolled his eyes sipping on a tea and that's when it hit him.
"Ron I'm forgetting something." Reggie said worried.
"What?" Ron said looking at him confused.
"Fuck! Ron what time is it?!" Reggie rushed out panicked and Ron quickly looked at his watch.
"Ten past nine why?" Ron asked and Reggie quickly put his cup down and ran his hand through his hair.
"Fucking! Shit!" Reggie groaned.
"What's the matter?" Ron asked putting his beer down.
"I forgot my date with y/n.." Reggie huffed sitting in his chair with his hands covering his face.
Ron tutted shaking his head "I told ya she's a keeper!" Ron said since he had already met you through your brothers.
"I fucking know that Ron!" Reggie rolled his eyes angrily.
He walked up to your street and waited at the brick wall having a fag.
He saw you walk out your front door with Tommy and Lou Lou in your arms, he walked over to you and as soon as you saw him you was angry.
"Tommy go grab my purse please" you said and Tommy was about to pipe up but you interrupted him "go now please" you said and he sighed as he walked back in the house to grab your bag.
You quickly placed Lou Lou in her pram and glared at Reggie as he walked over.
"Morni-" Reggie said and you interrupted him
"cut the shit. What do you want Kray?" You said angrily and he sighed.
Tommy came out with your purse and handed it to you "thank you Tommy." You said rolling your eyes at Reggie as you began walking
"I'm sorry bee I really didn't mean to stand you up- I forgot I swear! Let me take you out-" he said disappointed in himself as he tried to catch up with you and Tommy,
"Take me out? You stood me up? I was sat there all night. Just don't-" you huffed and he looked at you sadly
"Please! Please I'll make it up to you, we can go anywhere you want? Please?" Reggie asked you and you sighed looking over to Tommy.
"Fine. But this is your last chance reg. I don't do this." You said poking his chest and walking away.
"When do I pick you u-" Reggie said but you cut him off  "exactly six o'clock!" You yelled and he nodded before running back to his car and going to his club.
You two had a great date and he actually showed up.
Johnny however was still mad at him but after some persuading he finally forgave him.
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beah388love · 5 months
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Silent Treatment
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader (nicknamed bee)
Summary:Reggie accidentally hurts you…
Warnings: swearing,fighting,punching,slapping,blood,broke glass,injuries,crying!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
Im not gonna lie I don’t even know how this fight started.
I think it was about some business deal or something stupid but it escalated quickly…
“You’re a fuckin Disgrace mate.” Reggie yelled at Ron
“You fuckin cunt! cunt!” Ron yelled as he slapped Reggie across the face.
“Ron! No. Ron! Stop!” Reggie yelled back punching him in the face and ducking when Ron punched back.
Ron grabbed a Wine bottle and held it up. “Ron! No! No that’s a bottle! Ron.” Reggie yelled as he held up a finger at him.
Ron screamed as he lunged at Reggie, bottle in hand still.
“Fuck! Ron!” Reggie yelled as he grabbed the bottle off of him.
Ron screamed as he bit Reggie’s hand, reg yelling as he punched him again.
“Fuckin! Wanker!” Reggie yelled pushing Ron off of him and “Reggie!” You yelled trying to get his attention and that’s when he threw the bottle directly at you.
You screamed, as the bottle smashed into pieces, luckily you held your arm up, but now your arm was bleeding and you had cuts scattered all over your face.
Reggie stood there in shock, “right that’s enough!” Albie yelled holding his arms out between the brothers.
You wiped the blood off of your lip, looking up at Reggie.
You stared at him with a blank expression before walking to the bar, grabbing a glass of wine and your purse and leaving the club.
“Y/n- I-“ Reggie stuttered
“enough reg. Mate.” Albie said holding his hand out.
“C’mon help me up.” Ron asked looking up at reg.
And he shook his head as he held his hand out and Ron pulled him down on top of him.
“Fuck sake Ron!” Reggie shouted
“Im very sorry.” Ron said and reg nodded
“It’s okay. Are you done?” Reggie huffed
“Is she gone.” Ron asked looking around the club
“Yes. She’s gone mate.” Reggie sighed
“She’s a keeper.” Ron said and Reggie stood up.
“Yes. Thanks mate” Reggie said patting him on the chest before wiping the blood off his face.
“Albie! Take care of Ron!” Reggie yelled as he ran out of the club.
Run in down the road to find you.
Fuck it was late, there were weirdos about.
“Fuck!” Reggie yelled as he kicked a wall in anger when he saw no sign of you.
The next morning.
“there she is.” Reggie said pointing to you through the car window screen.
“Yeah. I got her.” Albie said as he followed you through the market.
“All right, stop here.” Reggie said as albie pulled the car over.
“That girls gonna be the death of me.” Reggie said as he got out the car.
“Mind how you go.” Albie said before he shut the door.
“Bee. Bee. Excuse me sorry, ” Reggie said as he pushed past people as he tried to catch up with you.
He ran up next to you, “I need to have a word with you about something.”
You didn’t reply.
You were beyond pissed and he knew it.
You were always mad but this was the angriest you had ever been before.
You was so mad you didn’t even yell.
“Bee? C’mon…talk to me?” Reggie said as he walked faster when you did.
“Bee? Please can we forget last night. Let’s restart.” Reggie said walking in front of you.
And that’s when he saw your cut up face.
He didn’t even want to think about what your arm looked like.
“I- I didn’t mean to- it was-“ Reggie stammered and you huffed walking past him quickly and he followed you.
“We- we can forget everything that’s bad right? And we can just keep everything that’s good?” He said and you shook your head walking quickly and leaving the market.
And he still followed after you.
“Silent treatment? Really?” Reggie huffed behind you and you rolled your eyes.
You headed towards your house door and quickly knocked.
“Bee! Please talk to me? We need to talk!” Reggie said walking towards you but luckily Tommy answered the door and you rushed in.. “Bee? What happened to your face?!“ Tommy asked worried
You was about time walk away but Reggie grabbed your arm making you yelp in pain.
Billy came out after hearing shouting “Bee Are you alright?” He asked you and you shook your head
“Fuck! I didn’t mean to-“ Reggie was cut off by you running upstairs.
“What did you do?!” Tommy shouted at him.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her- I” Reggie said running his hand through his hair.
“You did that!” Tommy yelled and Reggie punched the skin between his brows.
“I didn’t mean to it was a fuckin accident!” Reggie yelled.
“Oi! Get inside” Billy said to Tommy and he glared at Reggie before waking away.
“Reg, I don’t know what happened but I suggest you leave and leave her alone for a couple hours” Billy said sternly to Reggie and he rubbed the back of his neck and nodded.
Billy shut the door and hurried to your bedroom.
“Bee? What happened?” He asked knocking on your door.
“I’m coming in okay?” He said and walked in, you was laying on your bed holding your face into your pillow.
“Talk to me?” He said and you nodded
“Reg and Ron had a fight..and reg threw a wine bottle at me…” you said removing the pillow from your face and he sucked in a breath.
“Please don’t be mad at him. It really was an accident I promise.” You said to him honestly and he sighed.
“Promise?” He asked holding his pinky out and you shook it.
You never broke pinky promises.
“Alright, this is his last warnings though” he warned and you nodded.
“Tommy said something about your arm?” Billy said scared to see the injury.
You gently pulled your sleeve up and he sighed again.
“That looks..painful.” Billy said looking at your bruised,bloody arm.
“It is.” You rolled your eyes making him laugh.
“Ronnie and Johnny are not gonna like this.”
“Please don’t tell them yet” you pleaded and he sucked in a breath and nodded.
The next day.
Reggie was stood outside your house. Knocking on the door.
The house was empty besides you.
You opened the door sucking in a breath.
“Bee…I’m sorry please listen to me.” Reggie pleaded waiting to see if you’d shut the door but you didn’t.
“It was an accident! It won’t happen again! I would never hurt you. Well I did- but it was an accident! I didn’t-“ Reggie rambled on and you had a small smile watching him.
“God, please say something! Yell at me! Anything I don’t care just say something.” Reggie said looking at you sadly.
“You’re a real prick.” You said and he relaxed.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry” he said opening his arms and you hesitantly hugged him, relaxing into his embrace.
He rested his face into your hair, smelling your comforting scent.
“I love you so fucking much it hurts. How can I make it up to you?” He asked sniffling.
And you smiled into his chest.
“Babysit with me this Friday?” You asked and he nodded “I don’t think Tommy likes me”
“Then you can bond with him” you said smiling raising your eyebrows. Making him laugh.
“And you might wanna talk to my brothers…they do not like you right now” you said and Reggie sighed nodding.
“Yeah I’m already planning that..”
Your brothers forgave him with a last warning.
And Tommy and Reggie grew a little bit closer.
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kash3c · 6 years
"Poor ol Jakey" lol...I love him! Regrann from @tomhardyvariations - T-40 min to LEGEND tonight on Channel 4 at 9:00pm💥 Or on Ch.4+1 at 10:00pm . 🎥 Good slappage...👋 Talking the secrets behind THAT amazing twins fight scene from the smash hit Legend | interview with MTV International | Published Sep 22, 2015 . + Good t-shirt🤘Shoutout for @rumknuckles / @rugmanart ... who says this weekend is the last chance to order the famous Rugman Beardy Man tee. Check it out on www.rugmanart.com/store/beardman-tee (“Please note these t-shirts are made to order so can take up to 4 weeks for delivery.”) . #tomhardy #legend #legendmovie #gangster #krays #reggiekray #ronkray #fightscene #choreography #fighting #jacobtomuri #stuntman #stuntdouble #badass #beardy #rugman #rumknuckles #rugmanart #tshirt - #regrann
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