#Rook Cappelletty x Reader
triplexdoublex · 2 years
Baby Makes Four
Pairings: Colson x Reader x Rook ( poly)
Warnings/tags: fluff, pregnancy, talk of possible abortion, pelvic exam, labor complications, emergency C-section
A/N: This is an AU they are not famous but I’m still using the nickname Rook. and Colson doesn’t have Casie. Admittedly not my best writing but I’m trying to get back into it. Enjoy!
You knew you should have been more careful; should have insisted on them wearing condoms, or got yourself on some type of birth control, especially given the uniqueness of your relationship. Polyamory isn’t for everybody but it was perfect for you, Colson and Rook. But now here you were five days late staring at a pink plus sign without the slightest clue to which one of them was the father. You weren’t sure how they were going to take the news; to be honest you weren’t exactly sure how you felt about it either. Part of you was thrilled, you always knew you wanted to be a mom one day, but the other part of you was scared to death; you didn’t know if you were ready for the responsibility quite yet. But one thing you knew for sure was you wanted the three of you to make the decision about what the future held for the pregnancy together.
“ Hey.. uh I need to talk to you boys about something,” you started nervously over breakfast.
“Of course , what is it, baby? Colson responded followed by Rook, “Everything okay?”
“I’m not sure how to start or even how I feel about this yet to be completely honest, so I’m just gonna come out and say it …. “I’m pregnant.”
“Oh, shit I’m gonna be a dad! Colson exclaimed in shock but his expression was unreadable.
“Or… I’m gonna be a dad?” Rook looked to Colson with the same unclear expression.
“Oh fuck! Which one of us is the Dad?” Colson questioned.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” You raised your hands up in a shrug only to let them fall back down on the table in defeat.
“But there’s like tests and shit that can tell who’s the dad right?” Colson asked. “Like before it’s born or do we have to wait until after?”
“Please—!” You shouted, holding up your hand for him to stop. You were getting overwhelmed by all the questions, when the biggest question of all hadn’t even been decided .. “I’m not even sure anyones gonna be a dad!” You left it at that, assuming they would figure out what you were trying to say.
“Ohh… you’re getting rid of it? I- I just assumed we were keeping it.” Colson said, probably too nonchalantly.
“Jesus Christ, Colson! It’s a baby not a stray cat! Do you have to be so blunt about it. Fuck!” You slapped your hand over your eyes like just maybe your fingers could dam the river of tears that started to flow.
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry baby,” Colson got up from his seat to embrace you. “I didn’t mean it to come out like that, I’m just as scared and nervous as you,” he kissed the top of your head. “But I know whatever decision you make will be the right one for us, right Rookie?” Colson looked to Rook trying to get something out of him — anything, he’d been far too quiet about the whole thing.
“Of course,” Rook got up and joined Colson in hugging you. “I’m sorry, I think I’m still in shock,” he excused his lack of engagement in the news. “I’ll one hundred percent support whatever you decide but honestly— I wouldn’t mind having a baby around here.”
“Really? … Seriously? … You mean that?” You asked, each individual question punctuated with a sniffle as you looked up at a tear- distorted view of Rook, your whole demeanor shifting.
“Really. But listen.. your only what—a couple weeks? This doesn’t have to be decided right now, or even overnight. What do you say we give it a weeks time, let it really sink in and give it some more thought?” Rook suggested.
“You’re right,” you started wiping at your eyes, still sniffing. “Okay, let’s do that”
In a weeks time the amount of touches, kisses and overall attention your still unchanged belly was getting made the decision quite obvious— the baby was here to stay.
Panic transitioned into excitement as the three of you grew accustomed to the idea of being parents; it has been decided that neither man would find out the true paternity and that you would raise the baby as a family of four — 3 parents, 1 child. Colson would be Dad and Rook, Pops— just as he referred to his own dad.
It surprised you how quickly they both fell into the fatherly role. Colson’s gave up smoking cigarettes because you couldn’t stomach the smell. Rook asked his chef friend Steve to teach him to cook so he could assist with dinner when you weren’t feeling up to it, or just needed to get off your feet for a while— and you were so thankful for it because you both know Colson’s couldn’t so much as fry an egg . They also both took turns reading what piece of fruit the baby was the size of each week from your pregnancy app, and accompanying you to doctors appointments — until you banned Colson anyways.
“Well, it’s official— Colson’s only allowed at ultrasound appointments from now on, since he has the mind of a teenage boy and can’t handle being in the exam room.” You announced to Rook as you and Colson entered the house the three of you share, after attending his first prenatal exam with you.
“You didn’t!?” Rook gave Colson a knowing, and disapproving look.
“Bro, they had her legs all spread n’ shit and fingers in her, I couldn’t help it!” Colson tried to defend himself.
“It’s just a medical procedure you horndog!” Rook scolded.
“Yeah, we’ll tell that to my dick!!!
He wasn’t much more behaved at your ultrasound appointment either, loudly announcing “Oh that’s definitely MY son!” when the ultrasound tech was easily able to tell you were having a boy at your twenty week anatomy scan.
“You’ll have to excuse him, he didn’t come with a filter” Rook said, nudging colson with a sharp elbow. “Which he better fix before our baby gets here!”
“Hey, better a dad with no filter than no dad at all,” the ultrasound tech joked. “You wouldn’t believe how many moms I see in here having to go through pregnancy and motherhood completely alone.But you and this little guy —” she spoke looking towards you as she moved the cool, slippery wand over your plump belly. “— seem to be blessed with two dads in the picture?” She said with a hint of question in her voice. “Sorry if I’m being nosey.”
“No worries, you’re fine” you smiled before answering. “Yeah, we have a unique relationship; it’s not exactly your traditional family. And to be completely honest we’re not sure which one of them is the dad and we don’t plan to find out either, but these two definitely have fun teasing each other about who’s baby it is. You should have seen this one—” you thumbed over to Rook. “—gloating when I started craving sushi; HIS favorite food. He insisted it was the baby who actually wanted it and therefore meant the baby was his. And of course I got all hormonal and cried when I found out I couldn’t actually eat sushi.”
“Screw traditional! You guys are happy and this baby is healthy and loved and that’s all that matters.” The tech said , as she removed the lubricating gel from your belly with a towel. “All set”
The rest of the pregnancy went by smoothly— sure you were tired and grew increasingly more uncomfortable with each passing day as the pregnancy continued to flourish and your belly expanded but it was so worth it. You couldn’t wait to meet your little bundle of joy and the boys were equally as excited. They enjoyed assembling the nursery together; Rook handled decorating and hanging up clothes , while Colson configured and set up the crib and furniture with minimal swearing. In fact, Colson had grown and matured a lot in the last few months. He loved their little boy already and he wanted to be the best father he possibly could. He didn’t have the best role model as a child and he would be damned if he was gonna let history repeat itself.
Everything was looking up and going according to plan … until it wasn’t.
“Baby’s heart rates dropping!” The doctor announced while you were in labor. “Prep the O.R. STAT! We’ve got a cord compression on our hands.”
“Boys, I’m gonna need you to step out of the way and return to the waiting room. We’re taking her for an emergency C-section. Someone will be out to update you both as soon as possible.” A nurse stated as she shuffled through the chaos of getting you ready for transport.
“No way, we’re staying by her side the whole time.” Colson turned to follow your gurney down the hallway, with Rook close behind.
“I’m sorry boys, that’s not possible, not for an emergency C- section.” The nurse informed them, her body blocking their path. “Now please go to the waiting room.”
“Please, you have to let us go with her!” Colson begged, tears streaming down his face. “Y/N!!” He cried out reaching for you as you were wheeled around the corner.
“Colson, C’mon man,” a teary-eyed Rook placed a comforting and guiding hand up onto Colson’s chest. “Let’s go.”
Colson knew he could have easily pushed past that nurse and ran after you, and to be honest the old Colson —the Colson from a few months ago— would’ve done just that. But he realized now that all that was gonna do was get him kicked out of the hospital and make things more difficult for you, and that’s the last thing you needed right now , so he reluctantly followed Rook into the waiting area where they sat with interlocked hands, wet eyes, worried faces, and trembling knees until the doctor arrived. The few seconds it took the doctor to pull down his mask to speak seemed like an eternity to the boys; the state of you and their baby feeling like the fate of Schrödinger's cat.
“Mom and baby are doing well, they’re in the recovery room now. I’ll take you to go see them.”
“Oh thank Fuck!” Rook exhaled like he’s been holding his breath the whole time they were in the waiting room. And the two boys shared a grateful hug before following the doctor.
“Hey guys,” you smiled, happy to finally see them again. “Meet your son,” you handed the baby to Rook as he was closer to the edge of your bed.
“Hi, little guy—“
“Oh shit —shoot, sorry.” Colson interrupted, “I just realized we haven’t picked a name yet.”
“Actually, I hope you guys don’t mind but … before they put me under I told a nurse if anything happened to me or him —” your voice cracked. “— that I wanted him to be named CJ, after his dads.”
“CJ?” Colson questioned , the initials not quite clicking at the moment.
“Yeah CJ… Colson John.” You clarified, making both boys' eyes sparkle with happy tears.
“Yeah, that’s right buddy you got two dads, and I know one day when you’re older, you’ll probably look or act more like one of us than the other and it will be more obvious but I want you to know that even if you grow up to be 6’4, blonde, with a temper— I’ll always love you as my own,” Rook gave a small chuckle before handing the baby over to Colson.
“Same here, little man. You’ll always be mine even if one day you’re a 5’9” shrimp, who makes poor hair choices.” Colson teased.
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The Tour XVI
A/N: Another heavy Rook chapter!
Warnings: swearing
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When you awake the next day, your body is stiff and your muscles sore. You figure that’s what you get for having sex in small spaces. Colson’s soft snores fill the room and you relish in the sound. Lightly brushing the hair back from his forehead, you stare at his soft features. The way his lips are slightly parted, the twitching of his eyes as he dreams. You run your finger down his sharp jawline, stubble resisting against your fingertip, the pulse point in his neck, the dip of his collarbone. You trace the outlines of the ink that litters his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, his heartbeat thumping against your palm. 
You could lie in this moment with him, fast asleep and nestled against you, forever but your bladder is making its presence known. You slip out of the bed and creep out his bedroom door. When you’re done in the bathroom, the memories of being in there the night before playing through your mind while you peed, you practically fall into a solid mass. You look up to see Rook’s bruised face angled down at you, his eyes watching you closely. Part of you wants to be mad at him but the gentle side of you just feels…guilty?
“Don’t look at me with those eyes,” Rook mumbles, averting his eyes from your face quickly.
“What eyes?” you ask, playing with your fingers awkwardly as you stand less than an inch from each other.
“Those pitiful eyes. I don’t need your guilt or your fucking pitty. You were right, I had my chance and I fucked it up and now I have to live with that but you don’t. I don’t want you to anyway.”
“I…I’m sorry. I just- I want things to be ok between us again and I’m so scared they won’t be. I don’t want to lose you but I don’t know how to fix it.”
You hadn’t realised you’d been crying until Rook reached out to swipe a fallen tear from your cheek. You wanted to hug him. You wanted to tell him that you’d do anything to make him feel better, fix his fractured friendship with Colson but you can’t. You’re too afraid he’ll ask you to not be with Colson and you just can’t do that.
“You’re not going to lose me. I just…I need time. I need to adjust to the thought of you and…Kells. I won’t stand in your way but I can’t just push everything down overnight. I’ll always be your best friend, that will never change. I just need to learn to accept that I’ll never be anything else.”
His works tear at your chest and for the first time since your date, you look at him in that way. Why didn’t you see a relationship with him? Would you have ended up falling in love with him if you’d given it a chance? No, probably not. You were so stuck in the idea of ‘love at first sight’ that anything less seemed like a waste. You’d ended a lot of relationships over that idea and you began to think it was never going to happen and then you met Colson. Suddenly it wasn’t just an idea, it was reality.
“I can give you time and if it’s easier, I’ll go onto the other bus for the rest of the tour so that you can have some space from me and you don’t have to…”
Your voice trails off. You were going to tell him that he wouldn’t have to watch you and Colson be together because you didn’t want to hurt him but somehow it seemed insulting. You also didn’t think you could be around Colson without touching him, kissing him, especially now that you’re ‘officially’ a couple.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Colson’s rough voice fills the space. 
Rook takes a visible step away from you. You want to tell him he doesn’t need to but you don’t. Colson steps beside you, slipping his arm around your waist and pulling you to his side. You can’t explain it but the gesture is uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. The way Rook’s eyes study the space where you nestle into Colson makes your stomach knot anxiously but the feeling of Colson’s warmth, the way his arm tightens a little, is the best feeling in the world.
Rook doesn’t say anything else after that. He just turns on his heels and stalks off to his bunk, pulling the curtain closed. You feel the guilt settle in your chest again, the weight of his sadness resting squarely on your shoulders. You can tell Colson feels it. The way your shoulders tense and you hunch your body protectively. He rubs circles on your hip bone, comforting you.
“He’ll come around, just give him time,” he whispers in your ear. You nod but somehow you can’t seem to convince yourself of that, no matter how hard you try.
The days begin to blend into one. You’ve made your regular check-ins with Francis and he’s happy with Colson’s improved mood at his PR obligations and his performances on stage. Your friendship with Rook still seems to have some life in it too. He doesn’t leave the room anymore when Colson and you enter it together laughing, hand in hand. He no longer flinches when Colson touches you, kisses you or tells you something sweet. Slowly, he begins talking to you normally again and he occasionally has a conversation with Colson that doesn’t have to do with the tour. Just general conversations, almost like they were before their fight.
“You’ll get back to where you were again,” Ashleigh told you with such confidence you almost believed her.
The rest of the group accepted Colson and you being together pretty easily. Sophie and Ashleigh were ecstatic for the both of you. Exclaiming that it was about damn time Colson ‘manned up’ and asked you out. Baze, Jus and Slim nuzzled your head and threatened Colson to not mess with you. Sam simply smiled at you and nodded at Colson in his quiet Sam way.
You lay in the bed of your hotel room in a city you didn’t recognise, listening to the sound of Colson’s deep breathing. You had both gone to bed hours ago and after making love and showering, you still lay there wide awake and your mind racing. You’d never been a patient person so the idea of Rook taking weeks or even months to start acting normally with you again was slowly killing you. You didn’t expect him to just wake up one day and be over it but he can’t hold what you did against you. Rook was the one that messed up not you and in your logical mind, you believed he had no right to be upset. You decided in that moment, enough was enough.
You swing your legs over the edge of the bed and slink to the door. You slip out and stalk down the hallway to Rook’s room. You bang on the door, not even sure if he’d hear you in his deep slumber. You wait a moment and the door opens revealing a shirtless Rook, rubbing sleep from his eyes and mumbling about the time. You push past him, anger building in your gut at an uncontrollable rate.
“You are such an asshole,” you scold him, pacing the messy floor of his hotel room. “You couldn’t man up and tell me how you felt all these years and then I finally find someone that makes me happy and you suddenly think you have a right to be jealous?”
“I know,” Rook agrees with you but your blood is pumping so loudly in your ears you barely register it and continue.
“I have been single for as long as you’ve known me! You’ve had so much time, so many opportunities! When your house flooded, you lived on my fucking sofa for a month for god’s sake. You didn’t think to mention one day over your lucky charms ‘Hey can you pass the OJ, oh and by the way, I think I’m in love with you’? Would that have been so hard for you to say?”
“Why does this bother you so much?” Rook stands in front of you abruptly stopping your pacing. His eyes are pleading with you but what they’re asking you have no idea.
“Because I thought you were my best friend. When I thought our friendship was growing, you were falling in love with me. Do you know how much of a betrayal that is?”
“How is that a betrayal?” Rook snorts and you see red.
“It changes everything Rook. How can you not see that? When I thought you were doing something nice for me because I was your friend, you were doing it because you wanted me to feel the same way you did. That was your hope wasn’t it? Get close to me, treat me right and hope one day I realise that this was more than friendship?”
Rook doesn’t say anything. He simply stares at you, mulling over everything you said. He sinks to the bed, the full weight of everything finally settling and his shoulders slump and he leans his elbows on his knees to stare at the floor. You don’t know what to do. Everything that had been festering in your brain has been said, you have nothing else but the feeling of relief you were expecting doesn’t come. It’s just replaced with a feeling of guilt. 
You know deep down that Rook never intended to hurt you and maybe he thought it wouldn’t take years for you to fall in love with him. Maybe he believed after a few months of spending endless hours together, you’d catch his stare and a fluttering feeling would expand in your chest. Maybe you’d brush your hand over his cheek, nestle closer to him and close the gap between your lips. 
Maybe that’s what he’d hoped for but the feeling never came. The touch never happened. You never kissed. You never saw him as any more than a friend because you were so focused on the fluttering when you saw Colson. The heat when he brushed up against you while you stood in his kitchen at 2am making a snack. The buzz when you caught him watching you in your bikini as you dived in his pool with Casie. You’d been so enthralled with Colson, you’d never noticed Rook watching you. Never saw his hugs, his hand holding as anything more than just an affectionate friend. You never questioned it because you wouldn’t have if he was a female friend. You didn’t want to make assumptions based on his gender and besides, he dated for crying out loud. He’d bought girlfriend’s along to plenty of events and catch ups. Hell, you’d even caught him having sex with one of them in Ashleigh’s guest room. It wasn’t fair and suddenly you realised, it wasn’t fair for either of you.
“How come you never told me?” you ask finally, sitting next to him on the bed. It was the question that had been the loudest in your mind.
“When you told me you didn’t really feel a spark with me, I respected it. I had kind of assumed after that first date that most of my feelings were lust more than genuine interest in a relationship,” Rook shrugs like it was obvious. “Then you joined the group and we were spending a lot of time together and the feelings didn’t lessen the more I got to know you, if anything they intensified but then…” his voice trails off and you know exactly what he was going to say.
“You introduced me to Colson,” you finish for him and he nods softly.
“I felt that spark, that electricity between the two of you the moment he shook your hand. The other day I said you’d never looked at me like you look at him, well it goes both ways. I’ve never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you. He was going to marry a woman that I’d never once seen could make his face light up the way you do. That was the moment I knew I was fucked.”
You can understand why Rook held back. In his mind, there was something between Colson and you just begging to be explored but you were just too closed off to it. You had such a low opinion of yourself that you couldn’t bring yourself to even let your mind wander for a moment. The first time you thought about Kells as more than a friend, you put a wall up and pushed him away. You made rules for yourself, you trained your body to not react to him. 
“How come you still didn’t say anything to me when Megan came along? He was with her for so long which meant no chance for him and I to get together.”
“I really did think about it for a few days but then I saw them together. They were always so…intense,” Rook chuckles and you can’t help but laugh in agreement. 
It was true that Megan made you so tense that you tried to limit your time spent with her as much as possible.
“I knew it wouldn’t last. I was just waiting for who would call it first. Gotta be honest, I was surprised it was her.”
“Why did that surprise you?” you look over at Rook in confusion.
She was always the leader in their relationship. The one who called the shots, made the plans and spoke for the both of them. The way in which she ended things was surprising but the fact that it was her ending it, didn’t surprise you in the least.
“He never stopped looking at you that way.”
Your cheeks heat and your heart flutters. You make a mental note to ask Colson about that. You wonder what held him back from pursuing something earlier but then you remember your walls and figure he probably thought you weren’t interested. How wrong he was.
“I don’t know if I have any right to ask this of you because your feelings are your feelings but…are you ever going to forgive me?” you ask Rook with a serious tone laced through your tone.
“That’s the funny thing about love, I already have,” he smiles at you and the guilt and the weight vanishes from your chest and you can see your Rook again. “And for what it’s worth, I am sorry for not being honest with you but I’ve decided, you could do worse,” and the shit eating grin that overtakes his face is so intoxicating that you have to join in.
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hollywoodxwhore · 2 years
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Rook x Female Reader
Well...two people wanted days 2 and 3 so I had to deliver! 😂 Day 2 is for the Rook fans. Also...his hair in that gif. Please, Rook, get rid of the braids. I beg of you. 😭
Rook always went crazy when you were on top. 
He loved nothing more than to watch his queen above him, tits bouncing and cheeks flushed and jaw slack as she fucked herself onto his dick while he just got to lie there and enjoy the show. It wasn’t that he didn’t like to be in control - he did sometimes, of course. But there was something about you on top of him that made him weak. 
His eyes were locked on your face as you worked yourself up, grinding on his dick. His breath hitched as he tried to hold back; he didn’t want to come already, but he could feel every soaking inch of you wrapped around him. His hands tightened on your thighs and his head tipped back as he fought the urge to fuck up into you.
“Oh, JP,” you whined, brow furrowing in pleasure as your hips jerked. 
“Yeah, baby,” Rook gritted, back arching slightly off the bed. “Ride me so, so good.”
“I’m close,” you gasped, and Rook nearly moaned in relief. He was close, too, had been for quite some time. His hands moved to your ass, squeezing firmly to help guide you on him. 
“Need you to come with me,” Rook managed breathlessly. “Can you do that for me?”
You nodded, jaw slack and eyes closed. Rook could tell you were close and placed his hand on your stomach, allowing for his thumb to rub circles in your clit. This pushed you over the edge, effectively pushing Rook over, too. As you tensed around him, Rook spilled inside you, hips jerking with a low groan. 
Afterward, you collapsed on his chest, panting as the two of you came down. Rook smirked into your neck, kissing it. “Love when you ride me, baby.”
“Good thing it’s my favorite,” you said with a smile. God, how had Rook gotten so lucky?
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pixiedust0 · 2 years
𝐾𝑖𝑠𝑠 𝑚𝑒
❥𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 - 𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚜𝚗,𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍.
❥𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟷.𝟸𝙺
❥𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑, 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛, 𝚖𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐
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The low labor of her breathing worried him. Her lips that were once a beautiful baby pink were now pale color almost blue looking. Her tan skin was now a sickly white. The way her heart beat picked up on the monitor was to slow for his liking.
Her once beautiful long hair was now replaced by air. Due to all the chemotherapy. Which he didn't mind she looked beautiful anyway. He was so concentrated on her face he didn't hear his fiancé call out to him. "Bubba...Bubba... Cols." Her voice quivered as she studied him. Sharing a nervous glance to Pete and rook.
In short words he looked a mess. His hair was pushed every which way due to him tugging on it. His hand was clasped tightly on the girl next to him. She could tell he wanted her to be okay. He wanted you to be okay. "Colson" she tried once again. This time he released a 'hmm' noise as if he was asking her to continue.
Before she could say anything the doctor walked into the small hospital room. Causing Colson to stand quickly not letting go of your hand."Mr. Baker?" he questioned. "Colson." He replied with a quick nod. "I'm afraid to say that all the stress put on Miss Y/L/N body we aren't confident that she has long." Colson’s heart broke in his chest.
"There's gotta be something you can do right?" He couldn't lose you not after everything you've too been through."I'm sorry Colson but there is nothing left I or anyone else can do.I think you should prepare yourselves.I am deeply sorry." He gave a quick nod and with that left. Before anyone could say anything you slowly began to stir.
His eyes immediately snapped towards you and he was once again at your side. "We'll let you to be alone." Pete's voice cut the silence like a knife. Him and Rook giving you a quick kiss on the forehead and a sad smile before going to the lobby to tell the others. Megan slowly trailing behind.
Your eyes slowly opened and we're in tranced with the bright room. "Hey." His voice was slow and very quiet to not scare you. "I'm dying." It was the first thing you said. Your voice was scratchy and rough. "Don't say that." He quickly shushed you sitting on your hospital bed.
" I feel it. I feel my body shutting down. I'm so tired." The more you talked the more he wanted to cry because he knew that this was it. "Y/N..." he trailed off not knowing exactly what to say. "It's okay I'm okay." Her voice got weaker making his lips tremble. "Don't cry over me."her breathing got thicker.
"How am I not supposed to you started all this when you told me to kiss you now you're just leaving and I'm stuck here." Her eyebrows twisted in confusion as he began to explain all the important memories of the two.
"Have you ever kissed anyone." The young teen asked the girl. "No." Her short answer made his heart jump. " Have you?" Her voice was quite but that's how you were. "No" he replied making her lips twist up in a smile.
"Why not?" He questioned her. " Just never found someone I wanted to kiss." She simply answered the two stayed silent after awhile. Her feet stopped moving towards the school the were walking towards causing the boy to stop.
"What are you doing." He asked. "Kiss me."she told him causing his breath to get caught in his throat. "I- what." His palms began to sweat from the nerves. "Kiss me Baker if your not scared." with out even thinking he grabbed her face and connected it with his. After awhile of being there together they had to pull away due to lack of oxygen.
"I've wanted to do that since the day we met."he tells her as he reconnects the two.
"I think I love you." His heart picks up the pace as the words leave the girls mouth. "Unless you don't feel the same otherwise pretend I didn't even-." Before she could finish he placed his hand over the girls mouth causing her to stop talking.
"I think I love you too." Your eyes began to sparkle at his words.
"So your asking me to change." He rolls his eyes towards the girl. "I'm asking you to stop killing your self by doing theses." She tells him picking up the small bag with the white powder "Your over dramatic." Losing his patience's he snatches the bag from her.
"I don't even know who you are anymore." By his expression she can tell that hurt him. "I was thinking the same thing." With that he grabs his keys and walks away.
You paced back in forth with the test in your hand. Two lines meant one thing. You were pregnant. There was an thing inside you growing.
"Y/n!" Colson yelled as the door opened and closed behind him. You however couldn't move, you could barely breathe. So you just stood there looking at the test in your hands. His foot steps got louder and closer and next thing you knew he walked right into the bedroom. "Hey do you wanna-" his voice slow trailed off as he saw the test in your hands. "I'm pregnant." You said it to yourself mostly trying to believe it. His face broke out into the biggest smile ever.He swiftly picked you up and swung around. Causing laughs to escape your mouth.
"Your pregnancy was unfortunately ectopic. My deepest condolences.” You and Colson were left alone in the room. You were starting at your hands and his foot was tapping on the floor.
"It wasn't your fault Y/n." He tried but your gaze never left your hands. "We can't try again okay.....it.. it wasn't you."your head barely moved but he knew you were saying okay.
"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM." You scream at him it's seems like after the hospital all you do is fight. "YOUR MY PROBLEM." He spit towards you. "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO YOU."  You we're tired of fighting.
"I'm not happy." His voice was quite and low almost inaudible. "Colson what ever it is we can fix it." You released a sigh hoping this was the end of fighting. "No Y/N I'm not happy with you." His words making you heart ache.
"You...you.. I ." Yo didn't know what to say. "I can't keep doing this we need.. to break up." You could have sworn you heard your own heart crack.
A tear escaped his eyes. You raised your very weak hand and wiped it away. He leaned into your touch. "Megan's here your not alone." You try and reason. "Don't leave me please I ruined a ten year relationship but we can fix it okay. We can get married and have kids just don't leave. Cassie would love siblings." The more the tears fell from his eyes it's almost like the harder it was to hold on.
"Colson we can't we weren't meant to end up together and that's okay. It's okay." Her body grew weaker the harder she fought to stay. "Why don't we end this how we started it." A week laugh escaped her. "Kiss me Baker if your not scared." Colson have her a sad chuckle and for the last time connected there lips.
Once they pulled away. You heard him utter softly. "I wanted to do that since the day we met." The slow beat of the Monitor began to die out that's when Colson knew you were gone.
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thebreakup · 2 years
Requested by @triplexdoublex "I was thinking like a friends to lovers type thing where Colson and reader are best friends and they’re at like a carnival or arcade and colson wins a candy necklace choker from the candy claw machine and gives it to reader and she puts it on and later they go back to one of their houses and our watching a movie and she’s like snacking on the necklace stretching it from her neck to nibble on it , and innocently Colson’s like hey save some for me and goes to eat some and his lips graze her neck and she accidentally lets out a moan and it ends up leading to smut"
Colson pulled his car up into the gravel car park of the carnival, in the distance a brightly lit Ferris Wheel was visible illuminating the dark October sky. Quickly he jumped out of the car and opened your door for you. "M'lady." He said with a joking bow of his head as he took your hand. "Goofball." You replied with a mock look of disappointment on your face which was quickly wiped away as your date for the night dragged you to the entrance of the fair like an excited kid. The scent of burnt sugar from whatever sickly treats were being cooked filled the air taking you back to your past couple birthdays. You were an October baby after all, your last couple birthdays spent in similar ways, you could tell today was going to be extra special though. Thanks to your reminiscing you didn't notice Colson had handed in your tickets and was tying an entry band around your wrist with haste as he rambled on. "We gotta try win something tonight, I'm a master at those ring toss games! Oo- remind me to take a candy apple back to Rook too!" You giggled up at him and leaned up on your tippy toes and pecked him on the cheek, enjoying the distinct scent of his cologne and a hint of weed still managing to power through. "I will, can't be having you two fighting again, now let's go before it gets too busy!" You slapped him on the back as you raced towards the Ferris Wheel. "Last one there is paying for the sweets!
Now at a claw machine you were both taking turns attempting to win something, you were spending more money than what the prize was worth for sure but it was the journey not the destination in this instant. "Got it!!" Colson exclaimed with triumph, as if he just won the Olympics. "Take that!!" It was a background noise as you felt your heart swell when you saw a candy choker fall into the collection bay of the contraption. Colson immediately swiping it and pulling you into a hug. "Wouldn't this look just beautiful on Rook?" You laughed as you looked up at him. "Gonna do the honours of putting it on me?" You watched him through your eyelashes as you turned around and moved your hair out the way. You felt him press up against you from behind and clip the sweet treat to your neck being careful to not get it in your hair. "Why thank you." You said teasingly as Colson was red in the face and changed the subject quickly. "Let's g-go grab those candy apples before they run out and get back to my place!- It's getting late, the creepy crawlies might come out." He added confidently at the end once again grabbing your hand and dragging you to another stall.
Now both of you were cuddled up on Colson's couch watching a plethora of spooky Halloween movies, even though it was 2 weeks until the holiday the mood felt right. Bloody Birthday, Freaky, Coraline and Child's Play were playing one by one on a Dvd Player, Colson exclaiming it was better the old school way. You didn't mind though, perfectly content spooning with him while you suckled on your candy choker he had won for you earlier in the evening. "Save some for me huh?" Colson chuckled as he licked the ball of candy that was half hanging out of your mouth. The action took you so off guard you shuddered and let out a squeak as his warm tongue dragged over your sticky syrup coated lips. "Mm. Cherry.." He mumbled to himself as he looked up at you with a smirk. Obviously a murder attempt on his part, those eyes cutting through you like a hot knife through butter as tension in the room rose. The screams of Chucky's last victim blurred out. Colson suddenly seemed very interested though as he quickly turned his attention back to the screen. You blushed furiously as you let the candy slip from your mouth it's stickiness resting itself on your clavicle. Determined now to get your own back you pushed back into Colson as he was the big spoon quickly managing to nestle your cheeks up against his crotch unsubtly. He still seemed determined to ruffle your feathers though as you took an even more drastic measure as you stood up and threw your striped tube top off revealing your lacy bralette. That certainly got his attention as he let his eyes drag up your body as he sat up in front of you. "Wow, you're really this desperate huh? Well since you started this you better finish this angelface." He chided you as he made quick work of getting his pants and vest off. "What are you waiting for?."
Notes: I didn't know how to continue the smut so if it comes to me in the future I'll edit it and add it onto the end! Also a reminder I'm British so some of these words might be unfamiliar to American readers, I tried to use the American words for alot of this but some of them just really don't sound right to me so some of them may be different! <3 And I don't really have a taglist and typically tag people I know are part of the fandom and that I read their work so if you want to remove yourself from this you can just message me and be removed!
@triplexdoublex @cosmicbash @hollywoodxwhore @draculakells @blxxdyvalentine19xx @i-think-i-did-it-again @jaxbreaker
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estcolson · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: I love rooks braids
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zombiekiller29 · 7 months
Mgk and Rookxx and reader
Kellz when to the club rookxx and reader stay home because rookxx was sick and reader wanted to take care of him
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hangovercurse · 3 years
A Surprise in San Antonio
You bring your daughter to see Rook on tour
Request: ‘Can I get a Rook imagine where you have a daughter (6 months) and you visit him on tour?”
Rook X Reader
A/N: Look at this pic of him holding Ashton, I’m soft
Word Count: 1125
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You knew Rook hated being on the road so soon after having Jacey, but he needed to go. And as much as you wanted him to stay, you knew he needed it too. Being on tour didn’t stop him from facetiming you at every possible moment, demanding to see your daughter through the phone.
You could tell he was growing tired as the tour dragged on, missing your daughter and you. One night you stayed on the phone with him after putting Jacey to bed. His cheerful expression turned to a frown as soon as he knew you were both alone. “I love touring, babe, but I really just want to go home. I need to be there with you right now.”
A sigh left your lips that had formed a soft smile. “Rookie, we’re okay here. You need to be on tour, have fun. We’ll still be here when you get back.”
The sadness in his eyes made your heart break, “I just feel like I’m missing so much with Jacey. I don’t want to be the dad who misses everything because he’s too busy and I don’t want her to grow up and think I don’t care. I don’t want you to think I don’t care.”
In that moment you wanted nothing more than to kiss his lips and hold him. “J, I know more than anyone how much you care about her. You’re still an amazing dad, even while you’re on tour.” He smiled tiredly at you, still not fully convinced but satisfied for now. “And Jacey is 6 months old, she’s not gonna remember you being gone for a couple months.”
“I miss you,” he mumbled, a pout on his lips. “I hate that you’re alone right now.”
“I miss you too, but I’m fine. I can take care of me and Jacey for a couple months.” Your mind fluttered back to the conversation you’d had with Rook when he found out he’d be touring again. In the end, you had convinced him to go, explaining that he could use a break. He’d argued that you shouldn’t have to bear the weight of taking care of your daughter alone, but you reassured him everything would be okay, just as you were doing now.
But in reality, you wanted nothing more than to have him home. He was your comfort person; he always took care of you. And now he was hundreds of miles away.
And at that thought, an idea sprung into your head.
Message to: Kells, Ashleigh
How would you feel about me and Jacey flying out to see Rook?
 And that’s how you ended up in an airport in San Antonio at 7 am, a very tired and cranky baby girl in your arms. You tried to cheer her up with the mention of seeing daddy, but she was having none of it. Thankfully, Colson Baker, the baby whisperer himself, pulled up to the curb. He ran around to you, taking Jacey from your arms.
“Hi baby Jacey, remember me?” She smiled at him, her hands reaching to poke at his face. “It’s uncle Colson!” He cheered, making the girl laugh.
You heaved your diaper and travel bags in the trunk before joining the two. “Hey Colson,” you gave the man a hug, careful not to crush Jacey, “thank you for helping out with all this.”
He handed your daughter back to you, letting you hook her into her car seat. “Yeah, no problem. Trust me, Rook needs this and, by the looks of it, so do you.” You rolled your eyes as you backed out of the car, punching his shoulder on your way to the passenger seat. “And I get to see my favorite niece,” he tickled the girl’s stomach, making her giggle.
When you got to the hotel, Colson grabbed you an extra key card from the front desk. “He’s probably still asleep, so just let yourself in.”
Colson was right, as when you walked into the room you found your lover spread out under the covers, eyes closed in peaceful sleep. You snuck over quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed, and using the hand that wasn’t holding Jacey to brush his hair out of his face. The action was enough to wake him up, his expression moving from confused to surprised in seconds. “What are you doing here?”
He sat up, pulling you in for a long, sweet kiss before grabbing his daughter from your hands, “hi baby.”
The girl snuggled right into him, cooing at him. “Jacey missed you, so we came to visit,” you told him, running a hand up and down his leg softly. You hadn’t had any sort of physical contact with him in so long, so even being in his vicinity had your heart exploding.
Rook’s lips were pressed to the top of Jacey’s head, mumbling sweet sentiments of how much he loved her. “Jacey missed me?” he asked you, an eyebrow raised.
You giggled, scooting to the opposite side of him from Jacey, letting his arm pull you into his side. “I mean, I missed you a little bit, but Jacey straight up asked me if we could come.” The playfulness was evident in your voice, making Rook smile with adoration in his eyes.
“Wow, some first words, huh Jacey?” He laughed softly, leaning over to kiss you again before returning his attention to the baby. After a few moments of silence spent basking in the comfort of each other’s presence, Rook whispered, “I still can’t believe she’s ours.”
You had been studying his features, taking in all of the beauty you had been missing while at home. “I can’t believe you’re mine.”
He looked over to you with a smile on his face, “that was super lame. You know that, right?”
You pushed his shoulder slightly, a playful frown on your face, “I thought it was cute.”
“Oh, it was, but it was still really lame.” He laughed, kissing the side of your head.
You sighed, “guess I should take our lame daughter and go home then.” Your tone was dramatic, your head pointed away from him, gazing into the distance.
“If anyone even attempts to take Jacey out of my hands, I’ll kill them.” The girl laughed at the mention of her name, prompting Rook to set her on his thigh closest to you, “Yeah, silly girl, I’m talkin’ about you.” He poked her stomach lightly, making her laugh even more.
You rested your head on his shoulder, eyes shutting in content, “you say that now, but wait until its 5 in the morning and she decides she wants to throw a tantrum.”
Rook chuckled, pulling you closer to him, “I don’t mind at all.”
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machinegunbun · 3 years
Trouble | Alt ending
tw:same as the first two, this ending is a little less fluff and a little more smut for my super sluts:)
Just when you think maybe you can’t do it anymore you feel him spurting down your throat, swallowing his load hastily. Rook remains full submerged in your mouth for a moment before pulling out, his head hung back in pleasure.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” He asks, laughing a bit, his hand coming down to support your chin. The action was soft and sweet in complete contrast to the last thirty minutes.
“Yeah, im good.” You squeak
“Awh, let me go get you some water. Poor thing.” He says, throwing on a pair of pants and making his way to the kitchen. Colson must’ve seen him leave, because he made his way into the room, his eyes falling on the bed first, eyebrows furrowing when he saw you weren’t there. His eyes begin to scan the room, eventually landing on you.
“Oh, hey.” He greets softly, making his way over to you “what are you doing over here? Did you throw up?”
“Rooks a fucking freak.” You reply, wiping your mouth. Colson snorts softly at this, placing his thumb and forefinger on your chin to tilt your gaze upwards
"Did he fuck your throat?" You nod softly in response, relaxing into his hand "Did you let him cum?"
"Yes sir."
"Where?" His voice soft and low
"On the ceiling, clearly." You respond sarcastically, Colson stares down at you, eyebrow raised, towering over you at his full height. Rook enters the room behind him, catching sight of the two of you.. Turning, Colson spots the glass of water in his hand.
"Is that for her?" He asks, Rook responding with only a nod. Colson motions for him to hand it over, to which he obliges. Reaching down, Colson pours a bit into your mouth.
"Gargle it, slut." He demands. You do as your told, leaning your head back as the liquid bubbles in your throat. Colson tugs your hair into a makeshift ponytail, pulling your head over the trashcan, watching as you spit the water out.
"Need to wash out that dirty little mouth." He says, positioning you so that you're sitting up straight. His hand leaves your jaw momentarily to unbuckle his pants, sliding them down his thighs and haphazardly kicking them off. One hand wraps around his thick cock, the other going to your hair, pulling your head back once more. Spitting in his hand, he begins stroking his cock above you, bottom lip pulled between his teeth.
You were a sight to behold, kneeling under him, staring up patiently as you waited for him to finish himself off, so eager to please, such a good girl.
It wasn't long before Rook joined him, both boys towering over you as they pleasured themselves, ready to unload in your mouth.
Soon they were both spurting down, Rook holding onto the wall to stabilize himself as his knees wobbled at his third orgasm.
You were surprised Rook had managed to last as long as Colson, his dick already red from your earlier endeavours.
"Gargle it." Colson demands through clenched teeth, his thumb and forefinger holding your head back by your chin. You lean towards the trashcan to spit as you choke, but are quickly forced back in position by the tall boys hand.
"Now swallow it." There's a gulping sound as you struggle to drink it all down "Now say thank you."
"Thank you." You say, your gaze turning to meet Rooks
"Anytime." He smirks, head leaning back as he tries to slow his heartbeat from his second orgasm tonight.
"Look at that. Such a pretty girl." Colson says, squishing your cheeks together.
"So obedient. Think she deserves a reward." Rook agrees
"Look how wet she is," The tall boy hums "must've really enjoyed sucking your dick, Rookie." Colson says, dragging two fingers through your heat.
"Please eat me out daddy, please." You beg through clenched teeth, completely and utterly desperate. Colson ponders the thought for a moment, staring down at your desperation.
"I don't think I should. I mean, sure, you were good for me, but you've been such a brat recently."
"Awh, come on. I think she's made it up."
"Then you do it." Colson shrugs, taking his place on the bed, reaching back to grab a half finished blunt from the bedside table. He takes a moment to search through his discarded jeans, digging out a lighter before bringing it up to his lips and taking a hit. The smoke poured from his lips and streamed up his face, leaving him in a cloudy haze.
Rook placed open mouthed kisses along your thighs, flicking his tongue with each one. When he had finally made his way to his core he takes a huff in, muttering a curse under his breath before licking a thick stripe up your slit.
It wasn't long before you were flipped over, Rooks back on the floor and your center hovering above his wet lips. Your hips rolled over his tongue, barely aware of the boy beneath you, only able to relish in the pleasure he was erupting between your thighs.
"Yes, fuck Rookie, yes!" You moan, your jaw going slack as you chase your high. Colson watched, smirking, from his place on the bed as Rook feasted on your juices.
You all had worn eachother out, curled up on the bed together. You were wrapped up in blankets beside Colson, with Rook resting on his side at the end of the bed..
"Ugh, my dick is sore." Rook complains, holding his hand over it.
“Wait, so what all did ya’ll do.” He asks, straining his neck a bit to look over at you "Like, before I came in."
“I dunno,” you blush, burying your face in his shoulder “we fucked.” Both of the boys laugh softly
“Yeah we just like- Fucked,” Rook laughs again as he explains “she blew me for a little bit.”
“That’s it? She just, like, blew you?”
"Yeah man, she's good at what she does." He replies, maintaining eye contact with you. Images of him pumping in and out of you flashed through your mind, the way he would groan as he stretched you open, the feeling of the ball gag wrapped around your neck just barely choking you, his voice whispering in your ear. Your little secret.
"Okay, watch it." Colson laughs "But seriously, that's it? I told you that you could do anything and you just let her suck your dick?"
"Well, yeah. There are a couple more things I could think of that I'd like to do, if you ever wanna do this again." Rook says, giving you a dirty look.
@kidtheekid @cclynn88 @lonerlee @friedwangsss @rumoured-whispers @nichmeddar @sunflowerbebe107 @triplexdoublex
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~I Let You Down~
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Gif found on google and it wouldn’t let me see who the original poster was. So credit to the original poster if this is your gif!
JP ‘Rook’ Cappelletty x Female!Reader
Word Count: 4,660
Prompt (also found on google): “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you!” 
3rd person POV x Lyric oneshot
Song: Clumsy by All Time Low
‘Some say it’s true, that true love never dies...Even when it’s five years later and you’re still dead set on trying to hate the person who broke your heart and left you behind to pick up the pieces.’
Authors note: It’s been ages since I’ve done a lyric inspired oneshot, or a oneshot, or any writing really for that fact lol But I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, so I hope you guys enjoy it! This is also my first time writing for and actually posting something for Rook. So I hope I did it justice. Let me know if you guys would be interested in reading more, or even possibly reading a part 2 if this one does well enough! 
Y/N (Your name) Y/F/N (Your full name)
‘I flew too close to the sun Fell back to Earth like a stone I got too high on myself Too young and stupid to tellI was bound to make a mess of things Mixin' fireworks and gasoline Never meant to make you fall with me’
The words blasted from the speakers of her old ‘68 Chevelle as she whipped into a parking spot beside her favorite Cafe. Taking a moment to extinguish what was left of her cigarette before cutting the engine and climbing out into the sweltering LA summer heat. Taking a moment to adjust her aviators and check that she had everything she needed before making her way inside, the door chimed softly as she stepped into the building's relaxing atmosphere, the air condition a welcome feeling as she made her way up to order a much needed coffee.  
The line was relatively long, congested by the usual late morning rush, but Y/N was happy to wait as long as it took. It was Friday, and she finally had a day off too herself for the first time in ages, and she would be damned if she let anything as trivial as waiting a few extra minutes in line ruin her good mood. So there she stood, patiently scrolling through some messages on her phone while she waited. Moving slowly with the flow of the line of customers, as she listened to the song that played from the shops speakers overhead; The same radio station she'd been listening to in her car.
‘I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again I guess you figured me out Now here's a taste of my own medicine (I let you down)’ 
The door chiming softly behind her was nothing of significance. It had chimed at least four times prior to her arrival as more customers filtered in from the heat. Y/N unfazed by the sound at this point as she closed out an email from one of her clients managers. Making a mental note to herself to write a reply later when she arrived home before she stuffed her phone into her back pocket and looked up. A startled squeak escaping her lungs as she was suddenly rushed by a blur of curly hair. 
“Aunt Y/N!” 
A smile taking over Y/N’s face as she recognized the girl's voice. It was a voice that she’d recognize anywhere, even if Y/N hadn’t seen in her almost five years. “Hey, Casie.” Y/N smiled brightly as she hugged the girl a little tighter, happy to see such a familiar face.
“Dad! Look who I found!” Casie exclaimed excitedly, both her and Y/N turning at the same time to watch as Colson approached them through the small crowd that had formed inside the small Cafe. 
“Hoooooly shit!” Colson chuckled as he approached the pair who were still locked in a tight embrace. One that Colson was quick to join in on. “Now there’s a face I never thought I’d see again. How the hell have you been, Cash?” 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the silly nickname she had been given ages ago by the man before her himself. A nickname that she hadn’t heard in ages, something that tugged at her heart, sadly, as it brought forth a rush of memories she had long since kept buried...And for good reason.
“I’ve been doin’ alright.” Y/N chuckled softly as they finally broke away from the embrace to move up with the line. “How about you guys? It’s been ages -- When did she get so big?!” The words all came rushing out at once in a wave of excitement that overtook her, making Colson chuckle as he wrapped a long tattooed arm around his daughters shoulders, and pulled in for a tight side hug that had her squirming to escape before she punched his arm playful with a glare.
“I keep askin’ myself the same question.” He answered with a soft rumble of a laugh. Flinching a little as Casie punched his arm a little harder. “Ow.” Colson chuckled as he rubbed his arm lightly, moving to pull his wallet out of his back pocket before handing it to her as the line shortened once more. “Why don’t you grab us all somethin’, Princess, and we’ll grab a table--” 
“Already on it!” Casie said excitedly as she rushed off to take Y/N’s spot in line as Colson motioned towards an empty table near the windows. 
“I can’t believe how grown up she is...” Y/N admired as they took a seat, a hint of sadness in her eyes as she turned to watch Casie, who had finally reached the counter, place an order. “God, what was she, five, the last time I saw her?”
“Sounds about right.” Colson nodded. “Was right before you left Ohio for LA...”
“Yeah...” Y/N’s brows knit together tightly as she frowned, a wave of guilt crashing into her like a freight train. “Sorry I’ve been so shit at keeping in touch.” She apologized softly.
“Hey--” Colson reached out a hand to give her own a brief, reassuring squeeze. “Don’t do that to yourself. What happened, that wasn’t your fault and you know it. We were all young and stupid. Shit, even Rook knows that and how bad he fucked things up...You made your choice, and clearly it was the right one. I mean look at you--” Colson paused to lean back in his seat as he gestured at her proudly. “Ms. big time music producer over here.” 
“Oh stop it.” Y/N waved off the comment playfully with a roll of her eyes. “But really, I mean it Colson. I always meant to come back and see you guys, especially Casie...But I just...I don’t know. I guess I just feel guilty that I disappeared from her life like that with nothing more than a few short video chats here and there, ya’know?” 
“I get it.” Colson nodded. “Still not your fault. And if it’s any consolation, Rook still beats himself up for what happened.”
“Good!” Y/N replied harshly, her frown returning at the second mention of that name. “I hope it haunts the bastard for the rest of his life.” She muttered under her breath, though it was still loud enough that Colson heard it and gave a chuckle. About to say something in reply when Casie approached the table, drinks in hand, and took a seat beside Y/N, passing over her favorite drink --an iced chai latte-- before giving Colson his own coffee and returning his wallet. 
“I ordered some breakfast sandwiches too.” Casie smiled.
“God I’ve missed you!” Y/N beamed as she hugged her tightly for a moment before letting go. Having to stave off the tears that built in her eyes when Casie refused to let go from the embrace. Torn away only by a sudden idea as she shot up and looked at Colson excitedly.
“Can she come over for the party tonight?!” Casie rushed out, bouncing in her seat a little as she waited for Colson’s reply as he turned to look at Y/N, giving a small shrug. 
“I think I’ll leave that one up to Cash, Princess.” Colson chuckled softly as he took a sip of his coffee, thanking the waitress as their food was delivered.
“Please Aunt Y/N?! Please, please, please?!” Casie all but begged, hands clasped together as she gave Y/N that all to familiar puppy face. The same one she used to use on her all those years away when she wanted something. Eyes sparking with a level of adorableness that she knew Y/N would never be able to say no to; No matter how badly she wanted to.
Y/N groaned softly, knowing what this would entail, and exactly who she would be faced with having to avoid. But knowing that it was almost Casie’s birthday, Y/N didn’t have it in her heart to refuse. “I suppose I can’t really say ‘no’ to that face, now can I?” 
“Yes! Oh my god, you’re the best Aunt Cash!” Casie exclaimed as she hugged Y/N tightly, melting what was left of her cold, icy heart a little as she hugged the girl back.
“Only cause it’s you.” Y/N chuckled softly with a smile. Even though she was a raging ball of anxiety on the inside now as every single worst case scenario suddenly played through her head as she thought about what the evening would hold in store.
‘Caught at the end of the lifeline The catch of a lifetime (I should've known, should've known, should've known) Oh we were destined for danger Familiar strangers (I should've known, should've known)’ 
The party had been well under way for more than an hour when the sound of a vehicle nobody recognized was heard pulling into the driveway at Colson’s. A black Chevelle that found it’s parking spot beside the row of motorcycles nearest the front door. Everyone exchanging a few confused glances as Casie made a beeline straight for the door, flinging it open before whoever it was even had the chance to knock...Rook’s heart dropping somewhere into the vicinity of his stomach as she stepped into view, just as Casie flew in for a hug. Almost knocking Y/N over in the process.
“You made it!” 
“Of course I made it.” Y/N chuckled softly, that all too familiar smile that haunted every single one of Rooks dreams, curving those beautiful lips of her upwards into a smile. A smile he never thought he could miss more than he did right at this very second. 
“Holy shit, is that Cash?” Slim exclaimed as he came around the corner and out of the kitchen, wrapping Y/N in a tight embrace. “I thought Casie was pulling my damn leg when she told us who was comin’.” 
“Surprise!” Y/N exclaimed with a nervous laugh as they broke away from the hug to extend the gift bag in her hand out towards Casie. “Happy Birthday, kiddo.” 
Casie all but squealed as she moved back in for another hug, barely giving Y/N an chance to wave a hello to everyone as she thanked her for the gift before dragging her through the house for a tour and to catch up. Rook frozen to the same spot, just staring after the two, completely oblivious to Colson’s presence as he leaned up against the counter beside him. 
“You alright?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Rook’s head snapped around like it was on a swivel as he faced Colson. His tone sharp, but not one of anger. In fact, it was filled more with hurt than anything. His eyes drifting back towards the stairs where Casie and Y/N had disappeared just moments before. Colson held up his hands in defense as he shook his head lightly.
“We ran into her this morning while we were getting coffee. Case was so stoked to see her, man -- She didn’t wanna risk ruining anything. So she made me swear not to say anything. But I mean look, if you’re not cool with it and wanna take off, I understand--” 
“No...It’s alright.” Rook cut Colson off as he shook his head. “It’s Casie’s day and I’m not gonna ruin that. We’re both adults.” He swallowed harshly as his mouth suddenly went dry. “It’ll be fine.” At least he hoped. Colson nodding, remaining silent as he watched Rook’s gaze wander once more as he sipped stiffly at the amber liquid in the glass he held. His grip on the glass was so tight that Colson thought it might shatter.
‘We were bound to make a mess of things Mixin' fireworks and gasoline Never meant to make you fall with me’ 
Time seemed to slow as the night drug on for what felt like an eternity. An eternity that was filled with awkward avoidance and sour glances that were periodically thrown in Rook’s direction whenever he was caught staring for just a fraction of a second too long. Midnight came and went. The whiskey was going down like water, and there wasn’t a joint strong enough to make this night any easier. The only thing keeping him from disappearing completely, was the constant reminder that this was for Casie, and he’d be damned if he was going to ruin that for her...Not that it made it any easier.
Left to watch from the side lines as Y/N joked and messed around with the rest of the guys, just like old times...Only this time around, Rook wasn’t a part of it. And knowing it was by his own wrong doings was like a dagger straight to the heart. A dagger that was slowly being twisted a little deeper into his chest with each passing hour that he was subject to someone dredging up a memory here and a memory there. 
A soft sigh fell from his lips as he rubbed a tired hand  over his face before standing, passing the joint he’d forgotten he’d been holding, back to Baze who had been eyeing him with a concerned look. “You alright, man?” 
“Fine.” Rook waved a dismissive hand as he headed for the backyard. “I just need some air.” He added quietly. But the change in his demeanor didn’t go unnoticed as Baze gave a sigh of his own as he stood. Watching as Rook pushed through the small crowd of people and disappeared out the back door. 
“Hey, Cash.” Baze waved her down as she came out of the kitchen with another beer, offering the joint he held out to her, which she gladly accepted. Taking a hit and holding it for a few seconds before she let the sweet trail from between her lips. “So now that you’ve had a decent hit, I’m gonna go ahead and say something, so don’t fuckin’ hit me, ok?” 
Y/N’s gaze narrowed as she stared up at Baze, already knowing where this conversation was about to head. “I don’t wanna hear it, Basil.” She held up a hand. “He made his bed a long time ago, he can fuckin’ lay in it.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” Baze held up his hands as he shook his head, not wanting to start an argument. “I agree with you a hundred and ten percent. We all do, Y/N, but you have to understand something--”
“I don’t have to understand shit!” Y/N snapped before she took another puff from the joint she now held. She wanted nothing more than to walk away, yet for some reason, she felt compelled to hear what else Baze had to say.
“You’re right, you don’t.” Baze shrugged. “But Rook’s not the same person he was back then...None of us are; Not even you, Y/N. We were a bunch of stupid kids, despite the fact we were all fucking adults. And I can assure you, that not a day has gone by since then, where that kid hasn’t beat himself up over what happened. I’m not saying you have to forgive him, Cash...But at least let the guy have peace of mind enough to forgive himself.”
“Unlikely.” Y/N scoffed through the exhale of smoke she had been holding in, having finally heard enough as she moved to step around Baze. Pausing only to pass the joint she held back to him before she headed for the back door. “Thanks for the hit though.” 
‘I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again I guess you figured me out Now here's a taste of my own medicine And for all this pain, that I can't explain There's a black flag wavin' tonight You know I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again’ 
Y/N all but stumbled through the backdoor as that last hit from Baze’s joint hit her a lot sooner than she had anticipated it would --her tolerance wasn’t shit anymore-- and she suddenly felt like she should probably sit her ass down somewhere before she tipped the fuck over. Making sure that she paid extra close attention to where her feet were going as she made her way over to the edge of the pool and took a seat. Dipping her feet into the water immediately, having ditched her converse hours ago while dancing with Casie; Blissfully unaware of Rook’s presence as she kicked her feet back and forth gently, watching the ripples the movement created on the surface of the water. Rook watching her quietly, remembering how they used to sit and do that together at the hotels on tour. The memory caused the ache inside of his chest to worsen as he tried washing the feelings away with a sip from his drink as he hung his head in his free hand. 
The distinct ‘clink’ of ice against glass alerted Y/N that she wasn’t alone, as she tensed up. Turning slowly to glance over her shoulder, only to find Rook sitting no more than a few feet away. A frustrated sigh left her lips as she turned back to stare at the water. Her first instinct to get up and leave, and she wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the weed in her system, but she didn’t have it in her to move. She had been running away all night, whenever he would enter a room, Y/N was gone the second he’d notice her. It was tiresome. And truth be told, no matter how much she still wanted to hate him right now, her heart simply wouldn’t let her...And she hated that even more.
She hated the fact that she had never stopped loving him, no matter how hard she tried to deny it and move on with her life, or how many times she had swore up and down to herself that she could never even possibly think about forgiving him...It just simply wasn’t possible. Not too say that it didn’t still hurt after all these years, or that it didn’t mean she wasn’t still angry. Because she was angry, and with every passing second that she thought about it, that anger rose to the surface, bit by bit, until it was too much for her to handle anymore. Y/N pushing herself up to her feet, trying her hardest to maintain her composure as she swayed slightly from the head rush of being inebriated. Her conscious all but screaming at her to keep her mouth shut and not start shit, but it was already too late as the words came pouring out of her mouth like word vomit.
“So that’s it then?” She hiccuped slightly as she stalked over to stand in front of Rook, her arms crossed tightly across her chest in an attempt to make herself appear angrier than really was. “Five fucking years, and all I get is a bunch of stolen glances and some forlorn fucking pouting? You’re not even gonna try--” 
“Cash, please don’t...” Rook spoke softly as he tried to defuse the situation. 
“Don’t you fucking DARE ‘Cash’ me, JP Cappelletty!” Y/N snapped. “Five fucking years! Five.Fucking.Years, JP, and you never even once tried to reach out, never tried to apologize! You just -- You just let me fucking leave with no more than a shitty ass excuse as to why I caught you sucking face with some random fucking half naked slut--”
“What the hell do you want me to say, Y/N?!” Rook’s head snapped up as he made eye contact and stood. His gaze boring straight into her own as he continued, his voice steadily growing heated, but he never raised it to the point of yelling. Not even once. “You want me to fucking apologize? When you and I both know that sorry doesn’t even begin to fucking fix what I let happen?! I’m sorry! I’m fucking sorry, Y/N! I’m sorry I fucked up so bad! I’m sorry I was a stupid fucking kid who got so wrapped up in all of this,” He paused to gesture around them. “That I didn’t stop to think it would even fucking matter. That there wouldn’t be any fucking consequences to my actions? I fucked up, Y/N, I know that, and I have to live with it every goddamn day! Sorry doesn’t even begin to fucking cut it, but if that’s what you want to hear, then I’m fucking sorry!”
Y/N remained quiet, her arms falling away to her sides as she watched Rook turn away from her. His hands scrubbed over his face and into his hair out of frustration as he tried to reign in every last shred of emotion that was threatening to pour out. “I’m sorry that I lost you...I’m sorry for that everyday that I wake up and remember that you’re not a part of my life anymore.”
“JP, don’t--” Y/N’s voice was barely above a whisper now, Rook’s  back still to her as she spoke, but her words went unnoticed as he continued. Tipping his head back as he looked up at the night sky as the words continued to pour forth from whatever depths of his soul they had long been hidden away in.  
“I wish that I could take it back, Y/N, I really do, but I fucking can’t. I’m sorry, and I’m sorry that ‘I’m sorry’ is never gonna be good enough to fix it...But I can’t do this anymore, Y/N. I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you!” Rook sighed as he bowed his head in defeat. The silence between them was heavy, even if only for a moment before it was interrupted by the broken sob that fell from Y/N’s lips, the sound catching Rook’s attention immediately as he turned, watching as her hands flew up to her mouth as she tried to muffle the sound of her own body betraying her, as another sob followed close behind; Tears streaming down her face as her body shook. 
“Y/N--” Rook was hesitant as he took a step forward and reached out, almost afraid that if he moved too quickly she might run; Or at the very least try and take a swing at him. Not that he didn’t deserve it. But as his outstretched fingers made contact with Y/N’s skin, it was all he could do to stay standing as she all but collapsed into his arms. Her face buried against his chest as she sobbed uncontrollably. “Hey, shh. It’s ok...I-I got you.” Rook murmured against her hair softly as he held her. Doing everything he could to blink back the tears that formed in his own eyes as every last ounce of pain and regret that flowed through her flowed through him as she cried.
“I-I’m s-sorry...” Y/N sobbed against Rook’s chest, causing him to glance down at her with a confused expression, as he was unsure why she felt the need to apologize, least of all to him. But before he could think to speak up and ask, Y/N continued. “I’m s-sorry that I’ve been a c-cold hearted, i-insufferable bitch! I’m sorry f-for how I’ve treated you. And not j-just in the past, b-but tonight to. I-I’m sorry for trying t-to force myself to h-hate you for the past f-five years--” Y/N paused, pulling away slightly as she tried to wipe away the tears that blurred her vision as she looked up at Rook. “I’m s-sorry that I never stopped loving you...But I’m not sorry for that as much as I try and hate you, that I’m still hopelessly in love with your dumbass!” 
Rook was left looking like a slack jawed fish as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, searching for the right words while simultaneously questioning if he had even heard her correctly to begin with. That she was in fact still in love with him. Reassurance came in the form of her lips crashing into his before he could say anything at all that might possibly ruin the moment, and for that, among other things, he was incredibly grateful for, as he moved his hands to gently caress her face. Her own hands drifted up his chest to find their way around his neck, one settling in his hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer, as he deepened the kiss. 
That familiar spark of electricity igniting between them once more, just as it had with the very kiss they had shared all those years ago. Neither one of them wanted to be the first to break away, but eventually, they had to come up for air, Rook pressing his lips against Y/N forehead gently as he pulled her closer, and made a promise. Afraid that if he let her go now, if he didn’t speak his truth, that he’d wake up from some sick dream and none of this will have been real.
“I swear to you, Y/F/N, I swear to you on my own goddamn life, that if you ever give you me another chance, even though I know I’ve done nothing to deserve it, I promise you that I will spend everyday making it up to you; Even if it’s the last thing I ever fucking do.” Rook’s voice trembled with emotion as he tilted Y/N’s chin so that she was looking up at him. “I love you, Cash. I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you for the rest of eternity; Even if you won’t have me. You will always be my girl, and I will do everything in my power to never let you down like that again. Not ever.”
Y/N pressed her lips back to Rook’s, not knowing how else to reply at that exact moment. Knowing this wasn’t something that could be as easily fixed as they both wanted it to be...But at least for tonight, they could pretend. Knowing that come morning, when they were both sober, this conversation would be a lot harder as they worked on figuring out how to try and make this work again. Rook’s lips were eager against her own in response as his hands drifted down her waist, stopping only when they reached the back of her thighs and he lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. 
“Get a room!” Colson hollarded with a chuckle from the back door as the rest of the guys joined in with cheers and whistles, the pair now fully away that they had an audience. Both reaching a hand out to flip them all the bird. Too wrapped up in the moment to be bothered to care. “I love you.” Rook panted out when they finally did manage to break apart sometime later. The love and adoration in his eyes as he gazed up at Y/N, was almost too much for her to handle as she placed her hands against his cheeks and pressed her forehead against his own.
“I love you too, JP.” She whispered, keeping the last part to herself. ‘More than you could ever know.’
‘Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left for us, shadows dancin' in the ash Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left 
I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again I guess you figured me out Now here's a taste of my own medicine And for all this pain, that I can't explain There's a black flag wavin' tonight You know I let you down (let you down) I've been clumsy with your heart again 
 Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left for us, shadows dancin' in the ash Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left for us, shadows dancin' in the ash’
Tagging: @jacksonroseroth
If you would like to be added to any of my future Rook fics, please feel free to let me know! ^-^
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triplexdoublex · 2 years
Good Enough To Eat
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Pairing: Colson, Rook, Slim, Baze, Modsun, Travis Barker X Reader
Warnings/Tags: Gangbang, implied consent, all holes filled, Sacrelige, mentions of a foot fetish
a/n: This was much harder to write than I anticipated -- 6 dicks, 6 tongues, 12 hands (and dont even make me do the math on fingers) is a lot to keep track of , especially when they’re all on/in one body at once. Reader is written as not really being familiar with who they all out so you’ll see then more often referred to by description or known references to help you figure out who’s who. Names are only really mentioned when another character is saying them. Also please note Justin and Sophie weren’t around when I started this fic over a year ago , so that’s why they’re not included . Enjoy!
“…Happy birthday, Dear Rookie, happy birthday to you!” Six male voices clamor in celebration, as you lay on the table before them ; your nude body a flesh platter, serving up the freshest array of strategically placed sashimi and rolled sushi.
“Damn, that looks good enough to eat!” The shaggy blonde announces; his words dripping with inuendo.
“KELLS!” The man to his left warns.
“Oh, for Fucks sake Slim you know you were thinking it too.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t say it, cuz I’m polite like that.” Slim responds suppressing a laugh.
It’s not the first time you had a customer say something like that; and in your line of work, it certainly won’t be the last. This time it felt a bit different though— Usually it’s a group of middle aged business men with grey hair and overpriced suits making lewd remarks and trying to get handsy in lieu of using their chopsticks as they feasted off your body, but this time the suggestive nature of the gorgeous, young, heavily tattooed men’s words have you imagining them feasting on your body in other ways.
“Yo, Rook! Listen man I don’t give a shit if it’s your birthday, you ain’t sitting at the end of the table near her feet— g’ the fuck outta my seat!”
“All yours, Kells,” Rook laughs with an eyeroll getting up to switch seats with the tall blonde, knowing his friend's affinity for a pedicured pair.
“Perfect,” he smirks, taking his new seat as he admires your toes.
“Aye, yo if none a y’all are gonna be brave enough to go for the last piece above her pussy—I’m calling dibs,” the blonde announces rising from seat, his lanky body towering over you before bending at the waist. He firmly plants his hands on the table; one on each side of your hips and dips his head. “It seems I’ve forgot my chopsticks,” he states, looking up at you through his pale blonde lashes. “and it’s rude to eat with your hands,” he dips his head lower, his mouth just centimeters away from where you were picturing it earlier.
Using his tongue as a scoop, he lifts a small chunk of raw Salmon into his mouth; the decorative leaf placed under it for hygienic purposes is the only barrier between his tongue and where you want it most. He barely has to chew the soft raw fish — it’s so fresh—before swallowing it down.
“Best bite yet,” he licks his lips seductively. “Say, sweet girl— you wouldn’t happen to have any dessert for us tonight, would you? He glides a finger along the seam of where your two bare thighs meet.
His crew and friends shift awkwardly in their seats, beginning to worry the self-proclaimed ‘wild boy’ is taking things too far when,suddenly they take notice of how the blondes touch has your legs spreading easier than butter on warm toast.
“I don’t think we’ll be needing these anymore,” he smirks before removing the three strategically placed leaves and last of your modesty.
He takes your breasts in his hands, groping them as his mouth descends a trail of open mouth kisses down your naked torso. His friends watch in awe as Kells hands and mouth travel lower, his blonde head settling between your thighs. He licks one long languid stripe up your soaked slit before pausing.
“Silly me, where are my manners?” He wipes at his mouth . “Birthday boy always gets the first piece of cake.” He motions to Rook with a smirk.
Rook stands, his pants already tented as he makes his way over to between your thighs. He plucks an elastic from his wrist and quickly secures his braids back— and fuck, he’s even more gorgeous now without the braids obstructing the view of his ever changing hazel/green eyes and sexy dimples. He wraps his arms around your legs and grips your thighs with calloused hands swiftly pulling you to the edge of the table. You let out a surprised squeak at his actions, causing him to smirk as he places a series of kisses descending down your inner thighs before pausing to marvel at your wetness. Using his middle and ring finger he gathers your arousal and brings it to his lips, sucking the sweet elixir from his fingertips. He hums to himself enjoying the way you taste before diving in fully; those same two fingers plunging into you, and his mouth engulfing your clit. It feels like heaven as he slurps and sucks at it and you can tell he’s a man with a lot of experience under his belt — typical rockstar. It’s only a matter of time before the rest of the gang shows off their experience as well, swarming your naked body like ants at a picnic.
A expedition of hungry hands roam over the swell of your breasts and descend down your body to the valley between your thighs. In a state of arousal you allow them to use you as they want; touch, grab, taste and take turns with you as they please— everything a blur of euphoria.
Last you knew the birthday boy was working his magic between your thighs, your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure , but now as they briefly flicker open a vision of the Virgin Mary begins to come into focus and for a moment you think perhaps you died and went to heaven—- it certainly feels that way. It’s not until your eyes fully focus you realize the image is inked upon the bald head of the man devouring you now. The absolute irony of the religious imagery being present during such an unholy act just turns you on even more— just another layer of taboo. The next thing you know it’s as if Jesus himself is hovering over you, long light brown hair dusting across your bare breasts as his cock moves insides you. Your words seem to match your thoughts and you cry out “Jesus Christ!” in a fit of pleasure as the long-haired man repeatedly slams into your G-spot.
“Someone give her something to shut her mouth up” the biblical-looking figure orders.
In an instant you felt a slippery tongue push in past your lips, the sweet taste of Shirley Temples still lingering on the green haired man’s taste buds. For a brief moment as his tongue fights against your own you find yourself wondering about his story— about how long he’s been sober. You noticed he hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol all night despite it being paraded in front of him, the boys downing shot after shot. Your thoughts are interrupted by the man still inside of you.
“That’s not exactly what I had in mind, Mod” he jokes “Slim, show him how it’s done!”
The salty flesh of a hard cock quickly replaces the sweet tongue that occupied your mouth. Standing above you he reaches down pinching both your nipples between his thumb and forefingers, giving them a series of tugs as he forces his cock down your throat. You notice his hands are much softer and less calloused than the other hands that are roaming and fondling your body, and you figure he must play a much more delicate instrument than the others, which is ironic given he’s being anything but with you.
It’s not long before there’s so much going on and you're completely drunk off pleasure that you can no longer even keep track of who’s mouth, who’s hands, who’s fingers and who’s cock, is where. All you know is you’ve came at least three times, you’ve been folded into every position possible , and every orifice is deliciously sore and well used. But your ass might just be the sorest of all, having been the blonde ring leader's favorite most of the evening; his huge cock stretching it and filling it so well. You wonder how much more your body can take and how much longer the men can possibly last, but truth be told, this is by far the best night you’ve ever had on the job and you never want it to end .
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The Tour XIV
A/N: It's a Rook chapter just to add some spice to the story! Sorry it took so long to post #mumlife Warning: swearing, fighting
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The morning light hits you across the face, stirring you from your deep slumber. You try to roll over but a heavy weight across your stomach holds you down. You lift the blanket to see a tattooed arm draped across your body. You look over to see Colson, still fast asleep, cradling you against his body protectively. You could stay in this moment forever…but your screaming bladder has other other ideas. 
You gently coax his arm off your body and slip out from under the sheets. You almost trip over the pile of clothes on the floor and practically stumble into the bathroom. You check behind you to make sure Colson didn’t see your clumsiness, glad that his face is still softened by slumber. You pee and then take the opportunity to brush your teeth and splash water on your face and neck. You grab your towel to dry your face and your eyes widen as you take in the huge bruise on your neck, just below your jawline. You touch it and pain scorches across your skin. 
“Damn vampire bastard,” you mutter to yourself, pulling your hair to try and mask the hickey. 
You tiptoe out of the bathroom and slip back into the bed, resting back against the pillow. You’re not sure what time it is exactly but judging by the pink and orange colours in the sky, it must be just after sunrise. You figure you could get at least one more hour of sleep before you have to get up and pack again. One thing you absolutely hate about tour life is unpacking and repacking every couple of days. 
“Missed you,” Colson’s husky voice is right at your ear as he nuzzles into your neck. His nose brushes the exact spot he bruised the night before and your stomach tightens. 
“I was gone for 2 minutes,” you roll your eyes but curl into his body in spite of yourself. 
“Too long,” he presses his lips to your jawline, dragging his lips across your skin. Your breath spikes but you keep your eyes closed and your body still. “So easy to tease baby,” he grins and you grunt pushing him away as he breaks out in fits of laughter. 
Your bedtime snuggles were short lived as you really did need to pack and shower before another long bus ride. You’d lost track of where you were heading to next and just piled onto the bus with everyone, crashing onto your bunk to try and get some sleep. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea as the bus moved in complete silence. The sound of someone moving your curtain has you groaning in annoyance. You roll over to scold your intruder but you stop when you see the very serious look on Rook’s face. 
“Can I talk to you?” he asks gruffly and you nod without argument. 
You follow him to the front lounge, sitting across from him at the small dining table. Rook doesn’t say anything for a little while, seeming to be gathering his thoughts behind his green eyes. The tension is starting to weigh on you but you wait as patiently as possible. 
“I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to come out and say it because we’ve always been no bullshit with each other, right?” he speaks quickly but with crystal clarity. 
“Yeah of course, you can tell me anything,” you encourage him softly. 
You reach across the table to grab his hand but he pulls away defensively, leaving your hand half outstretched, half dangling in mid-air. You pull your hand back awkwardly, folding your arms across your chest. You stiffen your shoulders, suddenly realising that this conversation is not going the way you thought it would.
“I don’t like the idea of you and Kells and I think you should stop it before things get…messy,” he stares at you as if he’s seeing straight into your soul and you have avert your eyes from the burning intensity.
“I don’t really think it has anything to do with you, to be perfectly honest,” you reply, biting your lip to keep yourself from saying something insulting that you’d later regret.
“Like fucking hell it doesn’t,” he booms, wrenching to his feet. You flinch away from his sudden aggression, not really understanding where his attitude is coming from.
“What the hell is your problem?” 
Tears prick your eyes but you refuse to let him see you cry. You jump to your feet and cross the small space to stand in front of him. He’s only a few inches taller than you but somehow he still intimidates you in some way.”
“You are my problem. You’ve been my problem from the moment I met you and I’m not going to let him ruin you. Can’t you fucking see? He only wants you because you’re ‘available’. He doesn’t care about you, you’re just an easy fuck.”
Your hand flies out before you can stop yourself, connecting with Rook’s cheek with so much force he actually stumbles a little. When he looks at you, you can see the hurt in his eyes and it makes your chest hurt. You try to step towards him to comfort him but he pulls away so fast.
“Do not come fucking crying to me when he dumps your ass at the end of all of this,” he spits at you, turning for the door of the bus. 
You instinctively block his path with your body, not wanting to end this conversation in a bad way. This is not like you and Rook. You almost never fight with each other. Sure you’ve had disagreements in the past but they’re usually over petty things like the best Christmas movie or what to eat for dinner. In all the years you’ve known him, you’ve never had a confrontation, never insulted each other, never yelled at each other.
“Stop!” you put your hands on his chest to hold him back. 
The look of venom is back in his stare but this time you stare back. The two of you stand there for a moment, just looking at each other. When your bottom lip quivers Rook’s eyes soften slightly but only slightly. He’s breathing heavily and he looks like he could explode again at any moment so you know you have to get your words out quickly.
“I don’t know what this thing is between Colson and I but to be perfectly honest, I’m not really interested in fucking labelling it, not right now. I’m having fun for the first time in my life and that feels fucking amazing.”
“More fun than with me you mean?” Rook asks softly and the question sends your mind into a complete spin.
Is that what he’s really upset about?
“You…you’re hurt that we didn’t work out the way we’d thought?” you ask to clarify what exactly he’s asking of you.
Your hands are still his chest and he reaches out to stroke your cheek. The touch makes you freeze and your breath hitch in your throat. You have no idea how this conversation went from him telling you what to do, to insulting you, to asking you if you had fun with him on one date.
“Did you really think we weren’t right for each other or was it something else on our first date?” 
His finger dips to your lips and the touch is like electric shock. You pull back from him and put some distance between your bodies, not liking the edge to his words. He grins at you but it doesn’t reach his eyes and an eerie feeling settles in the pit of your stomach.
“Rook, you know for a fact that we’re so much better off as friends so I’m not really sure where you’re going with this but wherever it is, stop,” you scold him, your throat tight.
For the first time since he came to your bunk, you see the old Rook slowly start to reappear. His shoulders lose their tension and the intensity in his eyes begins to dissipate. You feel like you breathe a little easier as you see him begin to relax.
“You made that choice for the both of us, don’t fucking forget that,” he tells you between gritted teeth and you recoil again. “You said it and I went along with it. I…I’ve never felt that way about any woman after one date but with you, it was like a virus. I couldn’t get you out.”
The fact that it’s taken all these years and you sleeping with his best friend to tell you how he really felt leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that you can’t get rid of. You run through your memories of that night and nothing he did or said really stood out to you as a sign of how he really felt. At the end of the night when he walked you to your Uber, he made no attempt to touch you, to kiss you. When you looked at him and told him you’ve never been able to talk to anyone the way you talked to him, he made it seem like he felt the same. 
You thought he was attractive, of course you’re not fucking blind, but there was no…spark. When you told him you didn’t have many friends in the city, he jumped at the opening and offered to be your first real friend…and that was where it ended. A few weeks later he was inviting you to a party at Colson’s and the rest is history, or so you thought.
“Why are you telling me this now?” you ask softly, folding your arms again to protect yourself from whatever he’s going to say next.
“Because you never looked at me the way you look at him,” he tells you so nonchalantly you’d almost belief it didn’t really bother him but you can tell by the look in his eyes that it hurts a whole fucking lot.
Tag list: @mgklove99xx @anonymousme86
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hollywoodxwhore · 2 years
Here to answer your pleas!
❝ i've seen the way you look at her/him/them, if she/he/they is/are the one, then leave. be with your true soulmate. ❞
with Rook being insecure about Y/N hanging with other male friend's?
Rook knew he was being ridiculous. He knew that Y/N would never string him along intentionally. She was as straight-forward as a person could get. But he couldn't shake off his trust issues, his jealousy, his lack of self-worth. And the closer Y/N grew to Colson and the other guys, the worse Rook felt. It had all come to a head tonight, and Y/N was staring at Rook, dumbfounded at the words he'd just spoken: "I've seen the way you look at Kells. If he's the one, then leave. Be with your true soulmate."
"J-JP," Y/N said, her eyes widening slightly. "Wh-what are you talking. about?"
Rook tore his tattooed fingers through his hair and huffed in frustration. He turned around and walked to the window, looking out over the city. Between shows, the crew was staying at a hotel, so far from home. Maybe that was part of the reason Rook was so on edge.
Rook jumped slightly when he felt hands slide over his shoulders, arms wrapping around his neck lightly. He felt Y/N tremble against him, heard the tightness of her voice when she spoke. "P-please don't leave me, John. You're the only one I want."
Rook took a deep breath, drumming his fingers restlessly on the windowsill. "Y/N...just be honest with me," he said quietly. He was used to girls choosing Colson over him. Rook was shorter. Younger. Quieter. Less talented. Less attractive, in his opinion. But this one hurt. Y/N was the first girl he'd ever truly loved.
"I am being honest with you. Why are you doing this?" Y/N's voice broke on the last word and she cried quietly against his back. "I don't want Colson. I want you!"
Rook's heart broke a little. As upset as he was, Y/N was everything to him, and hearing her cry pained him. He turned around and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. Embarrassingly, he felt tears fill his eyes, too. Y/N sniffled and cried. into his neck, clinging to him.
Could Rook really have been imagining things? Was he taking this too far? He knew that sometimes he overreacted, but was this one of those times? He couldn't take it if Y/N really did want Colson.
"JP?" Y/N asked quietly.
"Yeah?" Rook croaked.
"If I didn't want to be with you," she said, "I wouldn't be. I would never string you along, baby. I think you know that."
Rook did. But sometimes, his brain tried to trick him.
"I don't want Colson," she said quietly. "He's great, but he isn't you. He isn't the man I love, John."
Rook pulled back from the embrace and studied Y/N's face. She looked so sincere, her bright eyes watery, tears brimming against her lower lids.
Rook brought his hands up to cup her face. "I'm giving you this chance," he croaked. "If you want to leave, tell me now."
Y/N was quiet, her own hands coming up to cup Rook's face. "I don't want to leave," she said, never once breaking eye contact. "I love you, JP. No one else." She shook her head to drive home the point.
Rook let out a shaky breath and hung his head. "I'm so sorry," he said miserably. "I don't know why I get so jealous and worked up."
Y/N smiled softly and tipped his head up. "It's kinda cute," she teased.
"Shut up," Rook said, unable to bite back his grin.
"There's my favorite smile," Y/N said softly. She bit her lip and stepped closer to Rook, pressing her lips to his. "I love you, JP," she murmured against his lips.
"I love you, too," Rook whispered, curling his hands tightly around Y/N's waist to bring her in for another kiss. Relief coursed through him as he relaxed. Y/N was his. She didn't want anyone else. I'm so lucky, he thought as he drew her closer to him, content to kiss her until he could no longer breathe.
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machine-gun-casie · 4 years
Hey could you please do a fluffy #2 and #17 with rook. I love your writing so much 😊
2. come on, i wasn’t THAT high.
17. is that blood?
wc: 100+
“Come on, I wasn’t THAT high.” Rook chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. 
He woke up with the weirdest hangover he’s ever had. And the only person he knew would know what happened the night before was you.
“Trust me, you were.” You laughed. “I think you fell off the bus twice.”
“Yeah, once from the window,” You counted on your fingers. “and at one point you climbed on top of the bus. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t crack open your skull.”
Rook’s eyes grew wide once they landed on a pillow you put into your lap. “Is that blood?”
“What?” You looked down and saw the pillow and laughed. “Oh yeah, it is. You stabbed Baze with his knife because he dared you to. I’m telling you, you were crazy high.”
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little red marks ~ rook
word count: 1546
request?: yes!
“Heyyy could you write a rook 18+?? Where the tension between him and the reader has been building up around the guys and they finally get to be alone and they do it and then the next day the guys are teasing him about the scratches on his back?? I loveee your writing btw and thank you for writing for all of us”
description: after a long night of releasing some built up tension, his friends notice the marks on his back and decide to make comments about it
pairing: rook x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentioned smut (nothing too graphic in this one)
masterlist (one, two)
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The tension between you and Rook had been building up for some time. Being stuck in a tour bus for days with four other guys definitely did not make it easy to have sex. At first you thought it would be easy, that soon enough you’d be getting to the next stop and to the private hotel room where you would both have so much alone time together. Little did you know, the trip from one state to the next would have numerous delays due to traffic and bad weather.
There was always the little attempts; the moments at night when they were the only two awake, the sneaking of a hand under the tour bus dining table, the awkward attempts at getting in one another’s bunks. But nothing ever truly satisfied the itch, and you were both going mad with desire.
The day the tour bus dropped you all off to the hotel you would be staying at you nearly sobbed with joy.
You followed the guys to the front desk to get the keys for your rooms. You were nearly bouncing with joy as you watched the person at the front desk pass Rook his key, and you could tell by the look on his face that he was just as excited.
“We don’t have soundcheck until tomorrow morning,” Colson was saying as you all walked to the elevator. It was small and you were all crammed close together, which meant you were so close to Rook you could feel his warmth. You were dying to get behind that hotel room door and take all of his clothes off. “So everyone enjoy your night in an actual bed and getting to use an actual shower and not having to hear AJ’s aggressive snoring.”
Everyone chuckled. The elevator doors opened and everyone filed out. Rook took your hand and basically dragged you towards the hotel room. You giggled as you watched him fumble with his keycard before finally opening the door. You both rushed in and the minute the door was closed, Rook was shoving you against it and pressing his lips on yours.
You were both too needy for foreplay and before you knew it, your clothes were on a pile on the floor and Rook was on top of you.
You spent your entire time up until Rook had to leave for soundcheck in bed together. You’d take some time to rest before going into another intense round of sex.
At some point you both decided to get a shower. You took your time under the hot water, lathering your hair with the hotel shampoo then letting the bubbles and the hot water cascade over your body while Rook watched. When it was hit turn to step under the water, you gasped.
“What?” he asked.
“Your back!” you said between giggles.
“What about it?”
“I, uh, I left some...marks.”
Rook pulled back the shower curtain so he could peak out into the mirror. There were a number of bright red scratch marks lining his back in perfect curved lines. He turned to face you and you both started laughing.
“Do they hurt?” you asked as you poked one of them.
“Not really,” he said. “I mean, I felt it when you were clawing back there, but it didn’t feel like it would leave actual marks. Do you think they’ll last long?”
You shrugged. “I’ve never left those kinds of marks on anyone before.”
He smirked at you. “I guess I made you feel really good then, huh?”
You playfully pushed his head back so the water was running down directly on his face.
The next morning, you were reluctant to let Rook get up.
“I gotta go to work,” he said as he tried to pull away from you again.
“I know but that sounds so lame. Can’t you just stay in bed with me till the show?”
“Trust me, I really wish I could.”
You pouted as he pulled himself from your grasp. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss your pouty lips. “I’ll be back in a few hours, I promise.”
You sighed and let him go. It’s not like it was a big deal to you. Until he got back, you had the big hotel bed to yourself, as well as the big hotel bathtub. You were excited to get in that thing and use the jets. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing to let Rook leave.
He quickly got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a muscle shirt. He rushed out of the room just in time to meet up with the rest of the guys as they made their way towards the elevator.
“About time you showed up,” Slim teased. “We were gonna leave without you.”
“You assholes didn’t even knock on my door,” Rook said, giving his friend a shove as the elevator doors opened.
“We were afraid of what we’d hear if we came near the door,” Colson said.
“Hey, if y’all stick around to hear anything, that’s on you.”
The doors closed and they continued their friendly bickering until they got to the lobby. It was easy to tell that the time to themselves, even just for a night, had definitely helped them. They were all energetic and ready for the soundcheck, and for the show that night.
They arrived and started to set up the stage. Rook was stood with his back to the guys, setting up his drum kit, when he heard one of them yell out, “Holy fuck, look at Rook’s back!”
He quickly turned around before the rest of the attention could be drawn to him, but it was too late. All eyes were on him, with Colson being the original perpetrator.
“Bro, what happened?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Rook said quickly, which was a bad idea since the guys definitely knew it wasn’t nothing.
“You have, like, bright ass red lines on your back,” Colson continued. “Are you good?”
“I’m fine,” Rook said with a shrug. “It’s nothing.”
“Bright red lines?” Baze asked with a knowing smirk. “Lemme see them.”
“Man, fuck off,” Rook said, batting Baze away as he reached for his shirt. “It’s nothing. Leave me alone you weirdos.”
“Not until we see what’s going on with your back,” Baze challenged.
Rook rolled his eyes and turned around, pulling his shirt up for the added effect of letting them see his entire back. The guys exclaimed as they saw the scratches, which caused Rook to chuckle a little.
“There, you guys happy?” he asked as he lowered his shirt again.
“Damn, man, tell (Y/N) she gotta cut her finger nails or something,” Slim said.
“You must’ve been giving it to her good for those lines to still be there,” AJ added.
“Yo, fuck off. I’m not telling you idiots about my sex life,” Rook said, although he had a slight smile on his face. “Go get your shit together for the soundcheck. I don’t wanna be here all day cause you guys don’t know how to please your women.”
The guys all shouted their own protests, but went to continue setting up anyways.
Rook was glad when the soundcheck ended. As much as he loved his job, all he wanted was to get back to you. He couldn’t wait to slip back into bed with you for a few hours before the two of you went to the show that night.
When he got back to the hotel room, he found you relaxing in the bath tub. You were up to your neck in warm water and bubbles you had found in the cupboard under the sink. When you heard the hotel room door open, you looked up at Rook and smiled.
“Hey babe. How was the soundcheck?” you asked.
“It went really well,” he responded. “We’re gonna kill the show tonight.”
“As you do every night.”
He made quick work of shedding himself of his clothes. You giggled as he got into the bath tub across from you, tangling your legs together as you sat on opposite ends.
“How’s your back?” you asked him.
Rook groaned and rolled his eyes. “It was the center of attention today.”
You furrowed your eyebrows together. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that shirt I wore didn’t cover as much as I thought it did and the guys saw the marks.”
You threw your head back and let out a laugh. “Really? Damn, I wish I could’ve seen their reations. What did they say?”
“They tried to make jokes about it, but I shut them down real quick. Reminded them that these marks are just a side effect of making you feel good.”
You smiled as you felt his hand trailing up your leg under the water. “How long do we have until the show tonight?”
“Long enough for you to put more marks on me,” he responded.
You wasted no time in crossing the tub, causing water to spill out over the sides onto the floor, and straddling his lap. You attached your lips to his, kissing him deeply and passionately as you lowered yourself onto him, knowing that by the time he was finished with you, he wouldn’t be the only one with marks on him.
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daddyavesxx · 3 years
Pairings : Rook x Reader.
Warnings : Smut, Spanking, Rough Sex .. Etc. Need I really say more.
18+ ONLY.
Likes and Reblogs are much appreciated, kthnx :)
A/N : This is dedicated to the bestie boo ( insert devil emoji here lol )
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The house was quiet as I stepped in. I know that Kells was out on a date with my bestfriend, Baze & Slim were out at a party and Rook was home waiting for me as I got out of work.
And I knew I was going to be in trouble as I was sending Rook naughty text messages every time I snuck off to the bathroom. But I couldn't help it. I had a hot man waiting for me at home. Just the thought of being alone with him made my panties soaked the entire time I was home. I was a throbbing soaked mess and I could practically feel Rooks thick cock inside of me.
I would tease him and prop my phone up onto the toiler paper holder to take pics of me holding handfuls of my tits. And each photo would get riskier to the point where I had sent him a video of my hands between my legs underneath my dress, pleasuring myself and whimpering to the thoughts of what were to come when I got to the EST Compound.
                 Daddy Rookie
( You're in fucking trouble. I didn't give you any permission to touch MY pussy. Hurry the fuck to the house so I could teach you a fucking lesson. I hope you didn’t make yourself cum, because if you did, it might be a while until I let you cum later. )
I lightly gasped when I read his text message and felt myself gush wetness into my panties. It was starting to get uncomfortable and I needed to rush and get home.
 I walked into the house and the familiar sounds of my best friends Sex playlist that she let Rook listen to was playing throughout the house.
The sounds of my heels mixed with the music as I walked into the living room and spotted my delicious Daddy sitting slouched with his legs wide open and his head leaning back against the back of the couch deeply inhaling a drag from his blunt, which I could tell was from his strain of weed that he had just came out with.
The flood came back in my panties as I watched the dangerous yet fucking sexy look he was giving me. His hair was in a fucking man bun and his was in all black.
"Sex Therapy" by Robin Thicke played in the backroom and Rook held the smoke in his mouth as he reached over and dropped the ashes from his blunt.
 He leaned back, letting his head roll a little while blowing the smoke out and watching my every move as I stepped closer to him, dropping my purse to the ground and kicking my heels off.
"Come move that sexy ass on Daddy's lap," Rook said, patting his thigh with one hand. I shook my head no, smirking. His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed at me. "I'm not fucking asking you. I am FUCKING TELLING you to," he growled.
I moved toward him, moving my hands up my body, listening to Robin Thicke singing.
I turned around, moving my body slowly in circles moving to the beat of the song.
The next song changed to August Alsina's "Porn Star" and I smirked to myself. My best friend was a freak. I definitely know she was fucking Kells to this song just the other day. Her yelling didn't go unnoticed.
My hands went on Rook's knees, dropping my ass to his lap, right where I felt his thick cock resting. I felt Rook lean forward a bit, pushing my skirt up and blowing his smoke onto my ass. I let out a moan and felt him smack my bare ass cheek harshly. My juices were coating the insides of my thighs. I dropped my ass down onto his lap as I sat up with my back to his chest, holding myself up with my hands still on his knees and started circling my ass onto his lap, feeling his dick get harder by the minute.
He leaned over, snubbing the rest of his blunt and leaning back to his position, letting me grind my hips to the song.
He let one hand slide up the inside of my thigh, groaning when we felt the insides coated. The groan in my ear had me grind down harder.
Rook let his tongue run up the side of my neck while he let his other hand rest on my hip as he moved my hips against him and he moved his own hips against mine. My breathing going heavy as I rolled my head to the side letting his thick tongue run up my neck and to my ear , sucking my earlobe into his mouth.
The other hand that was still between my legs finally went to where I needed him the most. His hand cupped my drenched cunt and I moaned out loud, my eyes rolling back as the heel of hand pushed into me.
"Please Daddy, I need you inside of me. I can't take it anymore," I said, half moaning and half whining.
I felt him smirk against the back of my neck and thrust up against me at the same time his fingers pressed to where he knew my drenched hole would be.
"I don't know baby. Paybacks a bitch. Do you deserve Daddy's cock?"
I nodded furiously.
"Get the fuck up," he demanded and I got up on shaky legs. I turned around, watching Rook as he started undoing the belt of his jeans and lifting his hips up as he pushed his jeans and boxers down, letting his hard, thick and long cock free. My mouth watered as it came into my view and it made me drop down to my knees. He didn't need to tell me anything but always seeing his dick made my mouth water.
Rook shook his head which made me pout like a little child.
"Take your clothes off."
Earned It by The Weeknd started to play and I felt like our timing was fucking correct.
I got up, smirking down at Rook as I started to move my body slowly and taking my clothes off slowly. His eyes were dark with lust and his lip was trapped between his teeth. He wrapped his hand around his cock, gripping it slightly and stroking it while watching me as I took my clothes off until I was fully naked.
Rook leaned forward, letting his free hand move to my thigh, bringing my body close to his. So close that I could feel his breath hitting my wet pussy which made me moan out.
He grabbed my thigh, bringing my leg over his shoulder, and let his other hand hold onto my other thigh to keep me balanced as he pushed his face between my legs, letting his tongue run between my drenched lips. I threw my head back, moaning out and bringing my hands to his head. I lightly growled, feeling his hair in a bun and I needed it out to grip that hair.  So I did just that, pulling the elastic out off his hair, to let his beautiful hair down. He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes, letting his hand swat my ass roughly. My body jolted and I moaned out loud and Rook held onto me so that I wouldn't lose my balance.
Rook brought his hands to my ass cheeks, pushing my pussy closer to his face as if he couldn't get close enough. His tongue went back to pushing between my lips, licking from the bottom to the top, sucking my clit into his mouth then sliding his tongue back down, pushing his tongue into my hole, letting it fuck me.
Rook was eating me out as if I was his last meal, and once he landed a smack on my ass I felt myself close to climaxing.
'Cause girl you're perfect,
You're always worth it.
And you deserve it.
The way you work it'
Daddy leaned back and let his head roll back as he watched me with hooded eyes and a slow lick to his lips, tasting me on them.
"Climb on, baby." He said huskily putting his hands behind his head. I nodded, moving over his lap, hovering over his dick as he held it in his hand. I brought my body down, taking him inside of my wet cunt and my eyes rolled back at the feel of his thickness stretching me out. I took every inch of him inside until he bottomed out and my ass sat on his thighs. My hands gripped the back of the couch and started moving slowly, enjoying the feel of him inside of me after a long fucking day. I slowly rode him, to the beat of the song.
Rook had put one hand on my hip, gripping it and moving his hips underneath me to the rhythm I was going in, and his other cupped my chin as he leaned forward and kissed me slowly, his tongue coming out and moving sensually against mine. He broke the kiss, kissing down my neck, running his tongue down until he reached my collarbone, sucking across it, and marking me while he went, making his way to my nipples, sucking them into his mouth. I moaned out, pushing my chest closer to his face, enjoying the sensations of his mouth, tongue and teeth on my nipples.
He brought his hands to my ass, gripping it tightly and getting up, making me wrap my legs around him. He kicked his pants off and away, earning a giggle from me and he grinned happily.
I loved when he controlled me but I also loved when he was care-free and smiling the way that his eyes got small and the corners crinkled.
'So I'ma care for you, you, you.
I'ma care for you, you, you, you yeah'
He walked us over to the pool table, laying me down on it.
I licked my lips, watching him as he looked down at me, grabbing my legs and putting them over his forearms.
"Bang me like your drum, daddy," I cooed which made Rook's cock twitch inside of me. He smirked darkly and pulled out of me and pushed into me roughly, making my back arch and a loud moan come out of my mouth.
"Reach your hands up and grip the edge of the pool table. I'm fucking you hard," he growled out. I decided to be a brat and not listen, running my hands along his arms that were holding my legs up. He growled and dropped my legs, grabbing my wrists and roughly bringing my hands over my head. "I said fucking grab the damn pool table. Stop being a fucking brat."
Closer by Nine Inch Nails started to play and Rook smirked once again.
The minute I gripped the pool table, Rook went into full on animal mode, channeling the song as he gripped my legs and started fucking me wild with ambition.
'You let me violate you.
You let me desecrate you.
You let me penetrate you.
You let me complicate you.'
His thrusts were wild as he fucked me hard and fast. My back arched and I moaned out loud, moaning out his name, feeling him everywhere and deep inside of me. I always loved when he showed me this bad side of him that no one else knew, except for my best friend who I told everything to.
Rook's tattooed hand reached up, wrapping around my neck. He applied the perfect pressure to it, that would give me so much pleasure and not cut off my circulation.  My eyes rolled back and I felt him squeeze a bit while groaning out loud and fucking me fast . He brought his free hand down to between us, pushing his finger against my throbbing clit, rubbing furiously and pinching it to the point where I clenched around him and saw white lights behind my eyelids as I came hard around him.
"Fuck fuck fuck," Rook groaned loud and pulled out of me, letting my cum drip onto the table. "Get the fuck down," he ordered and I listened, slowly getting down from the table, my legs feeling like jelly.
The minute I got down, Rook roughly turned me around pushing my upper body down on the table.
'I want to fuck you like an animal.
I want to feel you from the inside.'
Rook thrusted into me from behind, making my body jolt and push the table forward a bit. He wrapped my hair around his fist and pulled at my hair as he fucked me harder and faster, his balls slapping against my clit, making me automatically want to cum again for him but not before I could make Daddy cum.
"Fuck, I love your pussy baby." He groans. "It's always so wet. You're always so fucking wet and needy for Daddy's dick." he roughly said, fucking me. His fingers gripped my hip, no doubt leaving finger prints on me and I didn't care. I welcomed that shit.
"Faster, Rook. Fuck me faster," I moaned out loud, bringing my hand between the pool table and my body, rubbing my clit then moving a bit down to cup his balls as he fucked me. Rook groaned out loud and brought his hands to my ass, slapping my cheeks hard.
His hands gripped my cheeks hard, opening them so that my puckered hole was visible for Rooks eyes to see.
I turned my head to the side of the pool table, just in time to see Rook spit down, letting his saliva hit my puckered hole and his thumb press into me.
The feeling of feeling his cock inside of my pussy and his finger in my ass, had me close again. "Baby please cum inside of me. I can't take it anymore," I said half moaning and half whining. All of the sensations were hitting me as I felt my orgasm building up.
Rook slid his thumb out, only to push another finger inside of me, pushing it knuckle deep and then added another.
His movements started getting sloppy and I knew he was right there.
"Daddy fill me up with your cum, I want to feel you pour out of me."
And those words alone had Rook roaring out and stilling his body against my ass as he filled me up with everything he offered me, filling my pussy up with his cum. The force of him spilling into me, made me cum right with him. He pulled his fingers out of my ass and leaned his body over mine, panting heavily on my back.
Rook kissed up my spine and pressed his lips against the side of my neck.
"I love you," he said sweetly. I smiled and brought my hand up to the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair. "I love you too baby"
He pulled out of me and I whimpered at the loss but brought my hand between my legs, cupping my pussy, literally wanting to keep his cum inside of me, hoping that it would give me the baby we talked about but the minute we heard the door slamming shut, I scrambled up to grab my dress from the floor, Rook's cum spilling out of me and down my thighs. Rook went to move towards his pants to put them up, when my bestfriend and Kells came into view.
"Make sure you clean that fucking pool table, bro" Kells said laughing pushing my bestfriend towards the stairs. "Nice ass, Rook" she teased and I laughed because that’s how crazy she is. A loud smack to her ass sounded in the room. 
"Now we need her playlist." Kells said winking.
Rook shook his head and laughed. He pulled me to his body, tenderly kissing my lips.
"Now let's go for another round in the shower," he smirked, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, running towards his room.
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