#Ros Watt
denimbex1986 · 8 months
'It’s always a great year for me when it’s announced that David Tennant is returning to the theatre and especially to Shakespeare and last night I was lucky enough to have a front row seat to the final preview of the new Donmar production of Macbeth.
In recent years, there’s been more of a tendency to find a new way to tell some of these age-old stories and Max Webster’s latest production of the Scottish play has chosen to incorporate a binaural stereo experience for its audience, through the use of headphones, to create a “3D soundscape”.
I admit, I was sceptical about this and not quite sure whether it would work...I was unsure whether it was something that would benefit a full company of actors in such a small space as the 250 seat Donmar. Yet, overall, I enjoyed the experience last night and the positives of the headphones do outweigh the negatives for me...
The mood of a production of Macbeth is key for me and I’ve had mixed experiences of it over the years, but what I loved about this one was the eeriness that is able to be created in that small theatre space and that is certainly aided by the headphones allowing the actors to truly whisper to one another...
...from my front row seat, the raised platform on the central stage meant you were looking up (although not uncomfortably so), which at times had me feeling like I was eavesdropping/lurking; present at moments I shouldn’t be.
Macbeth is a fairly short play and so I liked the choice not to have an interval and instead keep the pace moving...
The company of actors here is very good indeed. There’s a lovely relationship between Cal Macaninch’s Banquo and his son, Rona Morison’s Lady Macduff is compelling in her pivotal moments, Noof Ousellam’s Macduff comes in to his own as we reach the play’s conclusion and I really loved Ros Watt as Malcolm, bringing an empathy in scenes with characters in need of that, but also still projecting a strong leader, ready to take on Macbeth for the Scottish throne...
...Cush Jumbo is fantastic in this role. She gets the balance right between scheming power player and a woman also struggling with her own ghosts and loss and has a convincing connection with Tennant’s Macbeth, no doubt aided by them having worked with each other previously.
Of course, for any Lady Macbeth, there’s one scene the audience is waiting for and I really liked the approach to the “mad” scene in this production. I do still find the set-up of it, within the play itself, frustrating (and the 2021 Almeida production remains the only one that has provided much needed context for why she seems to go from cold and clinical to emotionally fractured so suddenly), but the performance from Cumbo was one of the best I’ve seen. It’s not over the top, there’s no dramatics. It’s a very understated depiction of someone who has become emotionally unmoored and seems lost in their own world of loss and guilt. I found her to be quite haunting.
And then of course, there is David Tennant. This is the 6th Shakespeare play I’ve seen him in and for me, there’s just no other actor like him when it comes to bringing these ancient texts to life for a contemporary audience. The language doesn’t change, but he has a way of embodying these roles and breathing life in to them, that you just get it. Even if you don’t understand every turn of phrase, you understand the person, their motivations and their turmoil. He brings Shakespeare to life in a simply magical way and this production is just another example of that.
Tennant’s Macbeth is so many things in a short space of time. He’s incredibly charismatic, charming, funny, vulnerable, ruthless, sexy (yes, I said it) and animalistic. It’s a real powerhouse of a performance and being so close to him in moments was a real thrill. Before Macbeth is crowned, he lies down, prostrate on the stage, head turned to the side and it meant he was staring straight at me, which was certainly intense! You can feel how at home he is on that stage and he commands every moment, from intense fights, to whispered monologues in moments of vulnerability. It’s thrilling to experience.
I’ve seen some Macbeths where it’s portrayed much more that the driving force behind their fiendish deeds is Lady Macbeth, with her husband almost caught up in it before he realises it, which I never really believe. Yet in Webster’s production, Tennant’s Macbeth is all-in almost immediately. You can see the thought of that level of power thrills him and when he sees Malcolm early on and voices (in whispered voice to us) about the need to step over him, it’s clear what he wants. The backing of his wife merely emboldens him and even when he says they should not proceed, I didn’t really believe he was serious, which isn’t always the case with this play.
As is the case with every Shakespeare play I’ve seen him in thus far, it’s often some of the subtle choices Tennant makes that I love. On the discovery of the slain King, as Jumbo’s Lady Macbeth collapses with emotion, Tennant’s Macbeth gave her such a subtle, but clear signal through the simple tilt of the head and a raised eyebrow, which seemed to say, reign it in a bit. I couldn’t see her face to gauge her response, but it was just one moment I really liked.
There’s also the choice he makes to take of the crown and drop it on the table next to him, before he starts arranging the murders of those he sees as a threat to him. I appreciated the sense that Macbeth was not King in that moment, but the soldier, planning battle tactics instead and perhaps a part of him didn’t want to be doing such things as King too.
Then there were two scenes that really wowed me. Macbeth’s monologue in Act 5 Scene 5 was breath-taking to watch. Alone, on the castle wall, looking out, in reflective mood and with the ability to not worry about needing to project his voice, we really hear Macbeth contemplating life and the emotional depth Tennant brought out of those words, some a mere breath of a whisper, was spellbinding – “Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” Just a magical moment. It might have even brought a tear to my eye.
The other is the culmination of the play, as Macbeth begins his final battle, taking on other soldiers, some played by others in the ensemble, others we have to imagine, before coming face to face with Macduff. This is when Tennant really lets loose. He’s like a man possessed, as we see the violent ferociousness of Macbeth the soldier. The way he moved around the stage with such primal confidence was very exciting to witness, especially in such an intimate setting as the Donmar stage.
I also loved his choices in that final confrontation with Macduff; the way he taunts him, refusing to surrender and goading him and I could see this being a part of the production that might vary night to night, depending on Tennant’s mood, as it felt very instinctive, which again is part of the gift he has a stage actor. I admit, part of me was rooting for Macbeth! That’s a first!
So, overall, I was thoroughly captivated by this production, far more than I’ve experienced at some other stagings over the years. I appreciate the director and creative team wanting to stage something a bit different through the incorporation of the headphones and soundscape and in large part, it really worked for me.
... this is another superb theatre outing for David Tennant. Anyone who has seen him on stage knows how special an experience it is and this is no different. He’s truly one of the very best actors and when it comes to Shakespeare, there’s no one who does it better in my opinion. It’s truly where he belongs and I feel privileged every time I have the opportunity to see it.'
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mywingsareonwheels · 1 year
In praise of Danielle Jam <3
Having been lucky enough to see Mina's Reckoning (feminist, queer play version of Dracula from the National Theatre of Scotland, currently in Aberdeen, *extremely* good so long as you're not a big Siward fan ;-) ) earlier this week, during the preview period:-
More people need to be familiar with the incredible Scottish actor Danielle Jam. I've seen her live onstage twice now, as Ellen (a fictionalised version of one of the two Black women at the court of James IV) in James IV: Queen of the Fight , and now as Mina Murray in Mina's Reckoning.
Awesome young stage actors are everywhere in the UK these days and it's wonderful, but I am *really* fussy about voice acting, especially given the hearing problems and auditory processing problems I have. Jam's got this incredible projection, dynamic range, and the way she brings out the intensity of the more poetic lines in English, Scots, Doric[1], or any other language she's speaking, just damn. <3 (I'm only beginning to be able to understand spoken Scots or Doric fluently even when my hearing isn't being a factor, but my Gods, Jam's got the kind of passion and clarity onstage I associate with Roger Allam or Adjoa Andoh or David Tennant, and I was picking up so much more than I'd expect. <3 ) She does mostly modern work (including panto!), but I would also love so so much to see her in some Shakespeare. Or a Doric translation of some Greek tragedy. Just... I want to hear her delivering more poetry onstage while also being incredible in all the other acting ways. <3
Here she is in a publicity photo with the English actor Liz Kettle as Dracula (Kettle was also *phenomenal* I note! terrifying and hateable and hot all at once):
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[ID: a publicity photo for the play Mina's Reckoning. Danielle Jam (a young Black woman with short hair, wearing a late Victorian-style, dark blouse and jacket) as Mina stands in front of Liz Kettle (a middle-aged white woman with long hair, eerie make-up, wearing a black suit and white open-necked shirt) as Dracula (whose gender in this and in the play is entirely ambiguous). Liz Kettle/Dracula is far taller, on a raised platform. There is a dark red background.]
My other favourite performance in Mina's Reckoning was from the young nonbinary actor Ros Watt as Renfield; they're barely out of drama school and they were incredible. Mina's Reckoning is in Aberdeen at the moment and then going to Glasgow, Stirling, Inverness, Dundee, Edinburgh, Coventry, then Liverpool. More here: https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/events/dracula
[1] Doric is possibly a form of Scots (and Scots is a sister-language to English, for those who don't know, with a lot of overlapping vocabulary but v much its own thing). Or possibly another sister-language to both Scots and English in its own right. If you ask people here in Aberdeenshire they may well tell you the latter, and I'm an incomer originally from south-east England so I have no right to determine which and if in doubt I'm going to listen to the locals. :) I know there also are a lot of Scots and Doric speakers on tumblr who will have far more informed opinions than mine. <3
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Elijah/Elizabeth Watts | The Soldier - Playlist
While Eli's stoic and aloof demeanor might seem intimidating at first, they're really a gentle soul at heart. They don't speak much, opting instead to have their actions speak for them. However this is mainly because they have a blunt way of speaking and don't want to offend anyone. Even though Eli tries to be an understanding person, this doesn't mean that they're naive. They'll give trust as long as someone proves themselves to be trustworthy. They value honesty and efficiency more than anything else. Eli is very determined and they often have blinders on when it comes to finishing their goals. Extremely protective, almost overbearingly so.
Fun Facts:
They live in Staten Island with their older brother.
Had they not joined the Coast Guard, Eli would've gone to college to get their teaching degree.
Eli hates horror movies.
Eli tolerates animals, though they don't particularly have any favorites. They do find snakes interesting, if only for the symbolism.
They like going to nature centers whenever they have free time.
They're self-conscious about their gap tooth.
Eli likes R&B music. It calms them down whenever they're stressed and reminds Eli of simpler times.
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kiwiorcore · 8 months
tomii hi!! hope you're good and i just wanted to know what you thought about the whole hamilton to ferrari thing? i still don't know much about f1 but even i felt like this was really important 😭 and i love reading anything you say too lol so it's better from you than anyone else 🫶🏽🫶🏽 also unrelated but please talk about tennant's macbeth i'll send another ask if i have to, i'm so curious!! love you and i hope you're doing well!!
hii! sorry for the late response
honestly i don’t think the reality of lewis moving to ferrari has well and truly set in. it’s just a bit confusing for me why he’s doing it cause merc doesn’t stink that badly and ferrari isn’t that good either. i don’t have anything insightful to say it’s just kinda like ‘wait is this seriously happening?’
spoilers for david tennant’s macbeth under the cut i guess??? can you really spoil macbeth?
so my drama teacher chose this production for out live performance review and oh my god was it good. like where do i even start
the staging was so good i loved it so much. i liked the like glass enclosure they had behind the stage. it was such an interesting staging decision. the lighting as well was sooo good. it’s such a joy to analyse. the live music they had added so much to the production it would have not been the same without it
someday i wish to be like max webster because only he could’ve come up with the idea to use binaural sound for the whole production. the witches at the beginning??? i jumped i loved them so much
david tennant was so good for the role of macbeth. he’s got a very insane look about him and he plays macbeth really well
on the topic of macbeth, cush jumbo played lady macbeth so well. i loved lady macbeth in this actually. everything about her made her feel like and outsider from her northern accent when the others had scottish accents and the fact she was the only one wearing white. just ugh i love it
malcolm and macduff had bigger roles in this production than others. i wish ross did as well because i love moyo akande but oh well. the time she was on she was really good she’s literally my idol
the actors playing malcolm and macduff must have had bills due during the scene ross comes and tells macduff his wife and kids are dead because that was the make gut wrenching thing i’ve ever watched. noof ousellam (macduff) portrayed macduff’s emotions so well and ros watt (malcolm) really convincingly made himself seem as if he was on the brink of tears
speaking of ros watt, omg ros watt. i loved everything about him. his physicality during the 2nd prophecy, his pleading with macduff, god everything was perfect. ros watt was perfect to play malcolm especially considering he’s smaller than the rest of the cast. just delicious. he’s got those big sad eyes that i love
noof ousellam as well. big massive sad eyes like that’s baby girl (he’s over six feet tall). when he was all up in malcolm’s face shouting, dear god i loved it. my little pea brain starting whirring. something about their height difference does it for me.
this is getting long so let me finish quickly. lady macduff, her screams were fucking bone chilling. the porter was so funny. his actor does really well in comedies. banquo was so fit omg. the child actor they had playing like all the children (and he died so many times poor kid) was surprisingly good as well
i desperately want to write about this version of macbeth/the cast (the guy playing donalbain has a podcast called putting it together and his interviews with the other cast members are really good) but i fear no one actually gives a shit
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thealogie · 8 months
q&a report q&a report (late but better than never) q&a report i didn't catch quiiiite everything in detail but i did my very best
we got: dt ros watt (malcolm) jatinder singh randhawa (porter) cal macaninch (banquo) casper knopf (fleance, the kid actor) alasdair macrae (musician, murderer) annie grace (gentlewoman, musician) and i think? kathleen macinnes (singer)
the last three people all shuffled in a bit apart from each other after the round of everyone introducing themselves by name and character was already over so i'm not sure i caught them all accurately. i'll refer to people by first names
during the introduction round i think casper started introducing himself and got kid applause so the audience ended up giving every single person a sped up little round of applause like a cute lil call and response rhythm between introduction - applause of very specific short length which was kind of funny. the cast joined in for each others as well and everyone made funny faces while applauding.
most questions were asked by the moderator
question: What did you think about the production when they first heard about it? cal was confused but intrigued. a lot of "not sure how it was going to work or feel like". when david and cush got on it the binaural audio wasn't yet firmly part of the concept but he was intrigued by the approach through trauma and how that affects the macbeths' relationship.
question: Wow was it for them with the binaural audio knowing the experience is different for the audience? what do they think? dt: we don't quite now how it comes together. the sounds are all cued off us actors, not the other way around. all i know is without Laura we would be fucked! (Laura = live sound mixing person) ros: we never quite know how it sounds for the audience, we were able to put on headphones and experience scenes we're not in in rehearsal, but i want to watch the whole thing! the cue speakers have some stripped down sounds and music that are relevant for the actors. but the audio choices enabled us to create intimacy jatinder: i think it makes the audience better able to relate to mental health struggles and trauma, giving what happens in the characters heads into your heads and relate it to your own experience. i think everyone here in the room has some of their own experiences with mental health and… voices in their head
question to the musicians: how does your work add to the concept and experience? kathleen (i think mostly, but the other musicians might also have weighed in): music enables us to place the text in a very Scottish place, but without getting in the way of the text. The headphones make it possible that it mixes with all the layers, balancing between music, sounds and lines is possible thanks to the technology. you can have loudly, energetically played music but then mix it at a level where it doesn't interfere with lines, when usually you would have to play quietly to let the text come through, which creates a different atmosphere. kathleen: i was advised to sing when nobody is speaking and turn that to humming when somebody is. so it was also very useful to have the glass box and always see what is happening on stage.
question about the porter scene: how did that come to pass, especially making a more modern version out of it? jatinder: decided together with max to just play it and see where it goes, starting with improvisation and then fleshing it out. there was an interest in finding a modern equivalent to the original jokes that audiences would perceive in a similar way as audiences back then would have related to the original jokes. the scene purposefully takes a bit of the intensity out - basically an emotional intermission in the middle of this really intense and dark journey. but my job was also in the end of the scene to bring the audience back into it.
question to david: What makes you come back to the big parts? dt: Well, Max had a good idea and I like Max. I liked the idea of the themes of PTSD and child loss and I like the donmar warehouse. i performed here 20 years ago, which is remarkable because i'm in my mid twenties right now! (laughs all around). there's something a bit magical about this space and doing an olympic event of a part like this one in this intimate of a space.
audience member question to Casper (kid): What is your favorite bit of the play? casper: my favorite bits are the murdering… or the attempt to murder. (laughs all around) But no, seriously. I like scenes where I'm not being killed and I'm having a conversation with someone that's not about death. different cast member (not sure who): -Is- there even a scene like that? (everyone laughs) dt, turning to Casper kind of conspiratorially: My favorite bit every night is the audience's reaction to your neck getting broken. (raised eyebrows, nodding to the audience with a wide grin) That's always something.
audience member question: Do you notice the audience being different in any way with the headphones compared to your experiences in other plays? different cast members answer in bits and pieces (sometimes i have a vague memory who it was…) ros: with the headphones sometimes people are louder, sometimes i feel like you are more connected and zoned in on us! maybe because you don't have the opportunity to talk to your neighbor maybe… somebody else: i feel like it's very quiet and there is somehow less coughing than usual. (laughs around) i don't know why that is!!
audience member question: What other productions of macbeth influenced this one: [here be the the answer part with david's ian mckellen impression, see the other post] musicians (i think annie): we came straight, literally no break, from the RSC's macbeth production so we really had to empty our brains. there was no break in between, but the music is very different and Max's vision also very different, so we really had to unlearn parts
audience member question: The physical theatre stuff, the witch swarm, how did that come about? ros: We really tried to think more of what would be a physical representation of the voices in somebody's head. Everybody in Macbeth's life is watching, taunting, staring at him. It was always more about the intention of the movement, what these voices want to do to him and less what the movement itself is.
THANK YOU for transcribing all of this. I love getting an explanation for what the swarm of witches were meant to represent! It really did feel like a dance/feeling more than a literal scene and it’s fun to know that was sort of the intent. (Also the neck snapping bit - I also loved the audience’s reaction to that every night.)
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Ros Watt
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doublerainbow-if · 1 year
RO’s reactions to getting caught under the mistletoe with MC?
M places a quick kiss on your cheek, running away from you afterwards. They need a bit of time to figure out their emotions, their past and present feelings towards you warring against each other over how you now fit into their life. Maybe they could try again, maybe they can actually give you a proper kiss. But that is someone who is braver and less guilt ridden than they are.
L tried to make a little joke out of it, giving a loud smack on the cheek for their mistletoe obligation. Sharing a laugh with you over the whole situation. But a part of them wanted to do so much more, hyperfocusd on how close your lips were to theirs and the acute desire to finally go for it. Despite their risk taking nature though, they don't want to ruin what they have with you.
B is stock still at the predicament before them. They keep their eyes screw shut and just wait for the kiss. Whether it's on the cheek or lips, they don't care. Despite how embarrassed they look, they are overjoyed at the notion of you kissing them. It's just the people around the two of you which cause them to falter. But you will find them holding your hand despite their nervousness.
J is neutral with the whole mistletoe thing. They are used to doing cheek kisses for their family and friends during the holidays so this is not uncharted territory for them. However, it being you with them causes their lips to redirect. It's at the corner of your lips, just enough to cause mixed feelings within you. It lingers before they pull away and leave you with a smile that doesn't meet their eyes.
V is not having this. This mistletoe tradition is not on the their list of approved touching. But seeing you staring at them in anticipation helps them find a middle ground for the damnable holiday practice. They lift one of your hands to their lips, planting a searing and lingering kiss against your knuckles. They quickly leave though after they break contact, but you can see the pink spreading across their cheeks.
C is so ready for this. Mistletoe is one of their favorite things about Christmas and having you under it makes only better. But they won't kiss on the lips or cheek, no they have something more daring in mind. They hold you in a close embrace while leaning towards your right ear, a smirk on their face as they plant a passionate kiss on your neck. A pleased grin is the response for your surprised jump.
Avery can be bold. At least that's what they tell themselves. You can see their hands tightening and loosening in anticipation for the kiss but the tenseness in their shoulders betray their nervousness. They planned to kiss you on the cheek honestly but a trip in their gait leaves them kissing you on the lips. They pull back quickly, a blush on their face from their actions. But you can see mild happiness in their expression as well.
Kahula is so happy, you have no idea how much. You find yourself lifted up above them, their arms securely hold you in place. A mega watt smile is the only warning before they are kissing you. You can feel the want in their kiss as their hands tighten their grip and their mouth wanting desperately to deepen the connection. They hold back though, pulling away from you as their gaze holds yours. Love and desire making their eyes go dark.
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wrestlingisfake · 10 months
ROH Fake Rankings, 12/2/2023
Men's singles division - babyfaces
Eddie Kingston (ROH men's world champion, STRONG men's champion)
Dalton Castle
El Hijo del Vikingo (AAA mega champion)
Komander (AAA cruiserweight champion)
Ethan Page
Lee Johnson
Trent Beretta
Willie Mack
Men's singles division - heels
Wheeler Yuta (ROH pure champion)
Brian Cage (ROH trios champion)
Kyle Fletcher
Tony Nese
Josh Woods
Evil Uno
Nick Comoroto
Unranked: Fred Rosser, Gringo Loco, Jack Cartwheel, Slim J, SK Bishop
After Tony Khan launched AEW in 2019, ROH went through a bit of a dark age until Khan acquired the promotion in 2022. Few names from that era remain on the roster--Castle, Yuta, and Woods are the most prominent on the weekly TV series right now.
We're two weeks away from ROH's next pay-per-view, Final Battle, and the men's side only has one match announced--a six-way for the television title, which Samoa Joe abandoned. Joe is putting his focus on chasing the AEW men's world champion MJF, who has been one of the ROH tag team champions for three months and has yet to appear on an ROH show. As for the six-way, only Castle and Komander have been confirmed as participants thus far.
I assume there won't be a men's world title match on the PPV, since Kingston is busy with AEW's Continental Classic tournament. Similarly the pure title has seen more action in AEW than ROH. Brian Cage and the trios title are effectively on ice until his tag partners return from New Japan's World Tag League.
I have no doubt Final Battle will end up being a good show. But with ROH in the state it's in, the quality of the show will largely depend on how many big names from AEW (or perhaps New Japan) will come in for exactly one night, tear the house down, and then not stick around. That approach isn't going to convince people to pay $10/month for the weekly TV.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Darius Martin & Action Andretti
Dralistico & Preston Vance
Iron Savages - Boulder & Bronson
Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo
Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal
The Outrunners - Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd
Colt Cabana & Brandon Cutler
The Boys - Brandon Tate & Brent Tate
The Bollywood Boyz - Gurv Shira & Harv Shira
Men's tag team division - heels
Gates of Agony - Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona (ROH trios champions)
The Righteous - Vincent Marseglia & Bobby Dutch
The Butcher & The Blade
Shane Taylor Promotions - Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty
The Workhorsemen - Anthony Henry & JD Drake
Cole Karter & Griff Garrison
Spanish Announce Project - Serpentico & Angelico
The Wingmen - Ryan Nemeth & Peter Avalon
The West Coast Wrecking Crew - Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs
Unranked: Jacoby Watts & Sebastian Wolfe, Trevor Outlaw & GPA
On paper this looks like a stacked tag team division. However, most of the teams listed are booked like jobbers when they appear on AEW teleivison, and get booked 50/50 in ROH matches. I think the Iron Savages, the Infantry (Dean/Bravo and Trish Adora), and the Outrunners have a ton of potential, but I can't fool myself into thinking they're being pushed right now. Andretti/Martin and the Righteous are presented like big deals, but their win-loss records don't reflect that--hell, the Righteous couldn't even beat MJF two-on-one.
The main exception is Kaun and Liona, who are booked like monsters. But there's no sense of that leading to them challenging for the ROH tag title. The main idea is that they're part of a monster trio with Brian Cage. But after a year at the top of the trios division, they've destroyed every possible trio combination on this roster, and it feels like only an AEW superteam could topple them.
Women's division - babyfaces
Willow Nightingale
Billie Starkz
Leyla Hirsch
Rachael Ellering
Kiera Hogan
Trish Adora
Women's division - heels
Athena (ROH women's world champion)
Marina Shafir
Nyla Rose
Mercedes Martinez
Emi Sakura
Robyn Renegade
Charlette Renegade
Unranked: Amira, Brooke Havok, Heather Reckless, Heidi Howitzer, Johnnie Robbie, Kel, Ronda Rousey, Zoey Lynn
The biggest storyline in ROH lately has been Athena training Starkz to be her "minion," and feuding with Shafir, until Starkz flipped out on both Shafir and Athena, and challenged Athena for the title at Final Battle. At this point I'm not sure which of the three are supposed to end up being babyfaces or heels, but the story's still in progress.
They're also doing a thing with Hirsch trying to decide whether Ellering or Maria Kanellis truly has her back. So good for ROH for actually having multiple women's storylines, although I wish the second one wasn't the same passive-agressive "are you really my friend?" stuff we see all the time in women's wrestling.
The Renegades have gotten involved with both of these storylines, in tag matches against Athena/Starkz and Ellering/Hirsch. That's a good idea to keep things interesting. Unfortunately the Renegades have the same problem the Bella Twins had in WWE--their whole deal is being a cohesive duo, but the promotion doesn't have a women's tag team title for them to dominate.
OK, this next part is where I list wrestlers who are on the roster but haven't had a match in over a month. Thing is, ROH doesn't really have an official roster. So this is just a selection of wrestlers who are either on AEW's official roster or free agents that seem to be ROH regulars.
No televised ROH matches in 30 days: Allysin Kay, Blake Christian (GCW world champion), Kip Sabian, Lady Frost, Marti Belle, QT Marshall, Rocky Romero (CMLL historic welterweight champion), Scorpio Sky, Skye Blue
No televised ROH matches in 60 days: Angelina Love, AR Fox, Claudio Castagnoli, Chuck Taylor, Jimmy Jacobs, Leila Grey, Nick Wayne, Silas Young
Last televised ROH match between June 1 and August 31: Alex Reynolds, Big Bill (AEW tag team champion), Cheeseburger, Daniel Garcia, Eli Isom, Jacked Jameson, John Silver, Leon Ruffin, Madison Rayne, Mark Briscoe, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Miranda Alize, Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, Rhett Titus, Samoa Joe, Stokely Hathaway, Stu Grayson, Tracy Williams
Looking at all these names, you can see talent that will probably be back before long, and others who have clearly moved on. I really doubt Castagnoli and Samoa Joe will be back. The Kingdom (Taven and Bennett) feel integral to 2020s ROH, but their AEW act with Roderick Strong is so hot right now that it'd be silly to move them back here. In other cases (for example, Isom, Cheeseburger, Williams, Titus) I never know if they're just on a hiatus or if Tony Khan has just decided to stop booking them altogether.
I would guess about half of these names will return to ROH now and then over the next six months. But "will return" could mean "will appear weekly leading to a PPV match" or just "will do one match and then nothing for another six months."
Bandido (left wrist - triangular fibrocartilage complex tear)
Katsuyori Shibata (leave of absence)
There's no way to know if either of these guys will be ROH regulars when they return, but they were when we last saw them. By the same token, Dante Martin (who was injured on an ROH show months ago and has just made his return) could be headed back here or maybe he won't.
Conspicuous by their absence on this list are the ROH tag team champions, since Adam Cole hasn't wrestled under the ROH brand since 2017, and MJF never has. I thought it was possible they'd at least show up for Final Battle, but there's no timetable for Cole's return from an ankle injury. MJF could show up to defend the tag belts solo, or with a substitute partner. But considering he's working through a torn labrum, and trying to make it to the December 30 show, Final Battle is probably a low priority for his schedule.
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apexwatersolutions · 20 days
How much electricity does a water purifier consume?
A water purifier's electricity consumption varies according to its type and usage. A conventional water purifier, such as a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system, typically consumes 25 to 60 watts per hour. If you use it for 2-4 hours every day, your monthly consumption might be between 1.5 and 7.2 kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is relatively low, making water purifiers very energy efficient.
However, factors such as the purifier's capacity, the quality of the water being treated, and optional features such as UV sterilization can all influence electricity consumption. Consider talking with specialists such as Apex Water Solutions. They provide a variety of water purifiers that are designed to satisfy your demands while using the least amount of electricity possible.
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Production images have been released for the Donmar Warehouse’s revival of Macbeth.
Leading the production are David Tennant (Doctor Who, Good) and Cush Jumbo (Julius Caesar, Hamlet), taking on roles of the regicidal Macbeths, alongside Moyo Akandé (as Ross), Annie Grace (as Musician and Gentlewoman), Brian James O’Sullivan (as Donalbain/Soldier/Murderer and Musician), Casper Knopf (as Macduff’s Son/Fleance/Young Siward), Cal MacAninch (as Banquo), Kathleen MacInnes (as The Singer and ensemble), Alasdair Macrae (as Musician and ensemble), Rona Morison (as Lady Macduff), Noof Ousellam (as Macduff), Raffi Phillips (as Macduff’s Son/Fleance/Young Siward), Jatinder Singh Randhawa (as The Porter/Seytan), Ros Watt (as Malcolm), and Benny Young (as Duncan/Doctor).
Director Max Webster’s production employs binaural technology to create an immersive 3D sound world, courtesy of sound designer Gareth Fry (The Encounter), which the audience experience through wearing headphones.
In addition, live music comes from an onstage Scottish folk band led by Macrae and featuring award-winning Gaelic singer MacInnes.
The creative team also includes Rosanna Vize (designer), Bruno Poet (lighting designer), Shelley Maxwell (movement director), Macrae (composer and musical director), Rachel Bown-Williams and Ruth Cooper-Brown of RC-Annie Ltd (fight directors), and Anna Cooper CDG (casting).
Macbeth officially opens tonight and runs until 10 February 2024.'
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I hate how this accurately describes these idiots' personalities better than I ever could
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btbelectric · 2 months
aptomat cho binh nong lanh
Bình nóng lạnh là thiết bị điện công suất cao, có thể lên đến hàng nghìn watt, tương đương với bếp từ hay điều hòa. Do đó, loại thiết bị này cần có aptomat riêng để kiểm soát dòng điện ra vào một cách an toàn. Hơn nữa, bình nóng lạnh thường được đặt trong phòng tắm, nơi ẩm ướt và có nhiều hơi nước, dẫn đến tiềm ẩn nguy cơ rò điện, chập cháy hoặc giật điện. Sử dụng aptomat cho bình nóng lạnh sẽ giúp loại bỏ những rủi ro tiềm ẩn này.
Nguồn: Hướng dẫn chọn và lắp đặt aptomat cho bình nóng lạnh
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Ros Watt 🎂
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electromart-india2015 · 5 months
CALL NOW=9999696843
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ocombatente · 6 months
PROLED: Prefeitura realiza trabalho de modernização do sistema de iluminação pública em União Bandeirantes
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Localizado a 160 quilômetros da capital, sentido Acre, o distrito é o primeiro a receber luminárias de LED A Prefeitura de Porto Velho segue firme com o projeto que prevê a modernização de todo sistema de iluminação pública, tanto na capital quanto nos distritos, com lâmpadas de LED. O trabalho está sob a responsabilidade da Empresa de Desenvolvimento Urbano (Emdur) e começou na sexta-feira (16), no distrito de União Bandeirantes, sentido Acre. “Os moradores de União Bandeirantes, situado a cerca de 160 quilômetros de Porto Velho, serão beneficiados com a modernização da iluminação pública em toda área urbana. O trabalho também vai contemplar a praça União Bandeirantes, localizada na avenida Três de Dezembro, no centro da localidade”, comentou o presidente da Emdur, Gustavo Beltrame. Ele também afirmou que União Bandeirantes é o primeiro distrito a receber a instalação de iluminação em LED. No total, serão substituídas 1.345 luminárias de vapor metálico. O distrito contará com 200 luminárias de 90 watts de potência nas avenidas, além de outras 1.145 de 50 watts de potência cada uma. Na capital, um dos trabalhos mais recentes para modernizar a iluminação pública aconteceu na Praça Marechal Rondon, localizada na região central da cidade. Por meio do Programa Proled, equipes da Emdur substituíram por LED todas as luminárias antigas, deixando o local muito mais iluminado e seguro para a população. “O principal objetivo da gestão do prefeito Hildon Chaves é a segurança da população. Aliado a isso, essa modernização gera economia dos recursos públicos, uma vez que as luminárias de LED têm maior durabilidade e consomem menos energia elétrica”, acrescentou Gustavo Beltrame. DADOS GERAIS Em 2023, o Programa de Eficiência Energética e Modernização atendeu mais de 50 bairros da capital rondoniense com luminárias de LED. No total, houve a substituição de até 35 mil pontos de iluminação convencional por LEDs. Tal medida gerou uma redução de 1.445.075 kw/h no consumo de energia elétrica, o que significa mais economia para a gestão municipal, que utilizará esses recursos na expansão do programa. Texto: Augusto Soares Foto: Emdur Superintendência Municipal de Comunicação (SMC) Fonte: Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO, Read the full article
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heavenboy09 · 7 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 ro you
The Beautiful & Radiant Mexican - Austrian German🇲🇽🇦🇹🇩🇪🤎 Actress Of The Early 2000's
She was born in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico on March 3, 1964 Her mother, María Elena Martínez-Cairo, is a Mexican spiritual teacher, real estate investor, and former secretary. Her father, Raymond Herring, was a Mexican developer and organic farmer of Austrian-German descent.
known professionally as Laura Harring, is an American actress and beauty pageant titleholder who won Miss USA 1985 and later began acting in television and film. She is best known for her dual roles as Rita and Camilla Rhodes in the 2001 movie Mulholland Drive. She is also known for her roles in other movies, including The Forbidden Dance (1990), John Q (2002), Willard (2003), The Punisher (2004), The King (2005), Love in the Time of Cholera (2007), Ghost Son (2007), The Caller (2008), Drool (2009), Sex Ed (2014), and Inside (2016). She also played Carla Greco in General Hospital (1990–1991), Paula Stevens on Sunset Beach (1997), and Rebecca "Becca" Doyle in The Shield (2006).
Harring won Miss El Paso USA, Miss Texas USA, then Miss USA 1985 becoming the first Hispanic woman to do so.
In 1990, Harring was lead actress in the Columbia Pictures release The Forbidden Dance, in which she played the role of Nisa, a Brazilian princess.Harring is best known for her performance in David Lynch's 2001 movie Mulholland Drive, opposite Naomi Watts and Justin Theroux. She played both the characters of Rita (an amnesiac who names herself after Rita Hayworth when seeing the name on a poster for the movie Gilda) and Camilla.
Please Wish This Beautiful & Radiant Mexican - Austrian German 🇲🇽🇦🇹🇩🇪🤎Actress Of The Early 2000's , A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
Ms. Laura Harring 🇲🇽🇦🇹🇩🇪🤎  
Happy 60th Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You Ms. Harring🇲🇽🇦🇹🇩🇪🤎 & Here's To Many More Years To Come
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