#Rose the Hat
sluttyhenley · 7 months
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Well, hi there.
Rebecca Ferguson as Rose the Hat DOCTOR SLEEP (2019) - dir. Mike Flanagan
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rexferguson · 14 days
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REBECCA FERGUSON as ROSE THE HAT Doctor Sleep (2019) dir. Mike Flanagan
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sulietsexual · 1 year
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"You are wondering why I'm wearing such a funny hat. I always wear this hat. So much, it's a part of my name now. My friends, my very, very best friends, they just call me Rose the Hat."
Rebecca Ferguson as Rose the Hat Doctor Sleep [2019] Dir: Mike Flanagan
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jolenes-doppelganger · 3 months
uuhhhhmm hi!! i was wondering if you’d be up to write a (smutty?) story about rose the hat!!! nothing specific but (i assume) you kind of know how rose is… and maybe incorporate that in the fic? and the whole steam thingy? yeah…
anyway! have a great day!!
[Hi! Thank you for the request! I really leaned into her more sinister qualities that were explored in the book, specifically her fascination with blood. She is a dark character, so this fic is reasonably dark. ]
The Debt
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Rose the Hat x f!Reader (NSFW- RATED EXPLICIT)18+
Summary: Returning to the windy city was always a trip Rose dreaded. Not for the drab blocks of concrete, but for the memories that lingered. A child she’d let get away, a meal that had escaped her. The cost of that lapse. What happens when the familiarity of the city converges with the familiarity of a touch?
Warnings: Dark themes (threat of bodily harm, threat of murder, depictions of post-murder situations, etc), graphic sex (oral R receiving and giving, 69, penetration via fingers R receiving, breast worship giving, near smothering of R, light spanking receiving, blood kink, brief bondage, biting), !! Dub-con/coercion !! [Moments of straight M/F interaction between Rose and Crow, allude to nudity, brief touching, but not any more graphic than the novel itself described these interactions.]
A/N: Once again, this fic is not indicative of my moral code, I would NEVER condone someone pursuing a similar relationship, especially if the themes of dub-con/coercion are in any ways similar or amplified. *To be reasonably true to the characterization of Rose is to understand that she is an evil person and wouldn't show up to your door with a bouquet of flowers and a home-cooked meal.*
Word Count: 3.669k (hehe 69)
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Rose hated Chicago. Chicago meant traffic, smog, disorder and weird looks. Traditional caravans sailed right by the town, so driving through it with the True Knot's troop of motorhomes would be both a nightmare coordination-wise, most certainly drawing unnecessary attention. The Knot camped out in a trailer park, using cars to drive into the city while a few stayed back to ensure the safety of their caravan; prime members slept in hotels in the city. Rose and Crow were assigned to a suite, sharing a King bed and a bathroom. Sleeping in a hotel meant access to a shower and larger amenities, but the wide open spaces bothered Rose. She preferred the coziness of her Earth Cruiser over the opportunity to shower at any given moment.
"Rosie, whatcha got on your mind?" Crow asked, chest bare, lounging in the bed after their coital affair.
Rose snorted, tits out and unashamed. Her hat was set off to the side, hair tousled from their passion.
"I hate Chicago, that's what's on my mind."
Her lover nodded, trying to remain considerate, but he was really focusing on the curve of her breasts.
"It's temporary. We'll get the kid by the end of the week. And in the meantime..." he smirked, reaching to bring her in closer.
Rose rolled her eyes, playfully swatting away his advances.
"As if you were hard again." she protested.
"What if I was?"
Rose reached down. He was flaccid, predictably so. They hadn't fed in a while. He was like any man in his mid-50s, capable of lasting one round, needing a little blue pill to sustain an erection for longer than a few minutes.
"We need to eat." Rose grimaced.
She got up from the bed, walking into the large shower. She was tired. One look at herself in the mirror and Rose saw just how weak she was getting. They needed that kid. Her crow's feet were growing more pronounced, her belly sagged, so did her breasts. Cellulite littered her thighs, and her upper chest had that ugly scaly look that developed in older people exposed to the sun. It was unbearable. She turned the light off and showered in the dark.
It was done. The little girl with the braided pig tails was limp in front of Rose; the child's body had given up. Normally she'd be feeling extra frisky right now, leaning into Crow's advances as he felt her up under her bloody shirt, but she just felt hollow. Giving out cleanup duty was easy. Crow pressed on the child's chest, pushing the last bit of steam into the metal cannister. Rose cut off the friendship bracelet the child had on, tying it around the cannister. Crow sensed something was off, and he followed her into the Earth Cruiser. She put the cannister away, looking up at him with vacant eyes.
"What's wrong?"
Rose walked into the bathroom, using the reserve water to fill the sink, stripping her clothes off as she washed away the blood.
"The kid. The one we lost ten years ago."
Crow sighed.
"The one that disappeared after we followed her into Joliet?"
Rose nodded, lost in her own thoughts.
"I want to borrow your truck, head into the town. I need a night for myself."
Crow frowned. Rose only ever went out alone in dire circumstances. She was upset, and it perturbed him.
"That can wait 'till morning, let's spend tonight-"
"No." she cut him off. "You have a hallway pass, go fuck someone else tonight."
Now Crow knew something was off. Rose was possessive, unreasonably so. If he so much as looked at another woman, he'd hear about it eventually. But offering a hallway pass unprompted? Something was up.
"Rosie, stop. We're going to talk about this." Crow planted his hands on his hips.
"No, we're not."
Rose pulled on a fresh pair of clothes, jeans and a sweater. The topper came with her, obviously. Crow attempted to block her as she left, but he was only a few inches taller than her. With the top hat she had the odd ability of appearing a head taller than everyone atop of her 6' frame.
Rose exited the cruiser, Crow's keys in hand. She jumped into the vehicle, speeding out of the campsite. She had one destination in mind, one person in mind.
"Alright you little snot." Rose fumed, focusing her attention on an energy signal she'd been trying to pinpoint for the last decade. "You want to play games? Don't you know what you cost me?"
For the first time in decades, Rose was speeding. The True Knot never violated traffic laws. It drew attention, but in Rose's current state of mind, pushing 80 on the highway was the only reasonable balm to her anxiety. Through the midst of her anger-fueled aggression, she felt it. A little sensation, a prick of energy so damn familiar it made her stomach flop. She slowed down, pulling into the far right lane, focusing her energy on that little bubble of energy.
"Oh honey, you're still here, huh?" Rose whispered. "(Reader) was your name, wasn't it? But that's not what we called you, little minx. You're a Pandora's box."
Rose drove through the suburbs of Joliet, drawing closer and closer, running Crow's gas tank down to the last quarter. It didn't matter, she was close. The little buzzing in her head continued, until finally it was unbearable. Rose grinned, pulling off to the side of the road in front of a cute little red brick house. She didn't do anything, not yet at least. Instead, Rose adjusted the rings and bangles on her left hand. Left for receiving, various 'lucky' charms she'd collected. The right hand she kept bare. It was her dominant hand, she liked it bare. That and it was the 'giving' hand. She didn't need any sort of energetic enhancements, more likely hindrances upon her.
"You're alone in that little house, Pandora." she smirked.
Creeping toward that house like a wanted visitor, Rose waved to a few neighbors who were walking about. The only malicious element that could even tickle the minds of observers was that hat. Tipped at that weird angle, barely hanging onto the crown of her head, like a poorly perched bird. Rose reached for the knocker; she didn't need to try the doorbell to know it was broken. A soft click as the door opened.
"Well, hi there." Rose smiled.
You didn't have time to fasten the dead bolt before she'd forced herself in, towering over you and pinning you against the nearest flat surface.
She'd tied you up. The deranged woman with the most certainly semi-cognizant hat had tied you up on your childhood bed.
"Who the fuck do you-"
"Shut up." Rose demanded, slapping her hand over your mouth. "You're gonna listen, you're gonna stay quiet, and if you scream I will sew your mouth shut."
She moved around the room, closing the curtains, locking and barricading the door. Nothing was going to interrupt this, no one was going to stop her from getting that revenge she'd been dreaming of for a little over a decade.
"Three True died because of you." Rose sighed, settling on the bed in front of you. "They starved. We were all starving, but they couldn't hold off. And you? Look at you." she snorted. "What are you, a teenager? No, you might even be in your twenties. I've forgotten how old you were when we were tracking you."
The heinous monologue ended there. Rose pulled out a pocket knife, focusing on digging out the dried blood she hadn't gotten out underneath her nails.
"Are you a cannibal?" you asked, quiet.
Rose snorted.
"I mean, sort of. We don't eat flesh, but we eat. And you... God, you would have been tasty. Now you're grown up. Age ruins all the goodness of steam, it spoils, tastes rotten."
You swallowed, staring up at the woman with the knife.
"So by not being able to find and eat some part of me... People died."
"Not people, dear. True Knot, my family. The most important people alive."
Rose's personal fable was inherently narcissistic, unyieldingly ignorant of the world around her.
"So you're better than me because you eat... Kids?"
Rose rolled her eyes, grabbing your face.
"I'm better than you because I'll live for centuries. The oldest of us have seen empires rise and fall, we've seen society advance, society crumble, all of it." she whispered. "We are the chosen few, the best. You're... A rube. A stupid, forgettable little tick."
She seemed awfully presumptuous, you thought. But your small judgements were out of place with the extreme fear that clouded most of your higher processing abilities. The animal brain was clawing out from it's cage, and you knew that this meant the odd things would start happening. Ever since you were a kid, it had been the same. You were normal, happy, unbothered, and then once someone put you in a corner, it was like something out of a paranormal movie. The ropes at your wrists got loose. Then the ropes at your feet. They were spinning out, moving with every rapid beat of your heart. But your telepathy was no match for Rose's abilities.
Blinding white pain filled your head as Rose pressed two of her fingers into your left temple. Hands reaching up inside your head, hands clawing and tugging at the animal bit of your brain, shoving it down, pinning it into a corner. It was brutal, and it left you groaning from pain.
"Naughty little thing. But talented, so talented. Telepathy? At your age? God you would have been tasty. Maybe you still are..."
In your state of wooziness caused from Rose's rape-like invasion of your head, you hadn't noticed her reaching for the pin off of her hat. And then that pin was being pressed through the flesh of your clavicle, hitting the hollow skin there. It stung, badly. With a horrid scream, vapor sprung from your lungs. The woman inhaled it readily, her eyes flashing bright blue. And then she sputtered. She removed the pin, coughing and hacking violently.
"You taste... Disgusting." she winced, her face screwed up in disgust.
Blood trickled down from the wound on your collarbone.
"God I need to get that taste out of my mouth, it's like spoiled milk." Rose complained, looking around the room for something to rinse out her mouth with.
Her choices were scarce. Half-stale soda, water, (which wouldn't do a damn thing), or... Now that would do.
"Mnm." Rose smiled, licking the blood from your clavicle away.
Her tongue was revoltingly wet, and it stung where she licked you. Rose's face was screwed up in a light smirk, watching with interest as your body reacted against your ever-rational mind. Her tongue was soothing, and there was a degree of sensuality to her movements, the way she leaned down, rolling her tongue slowly over the wound. She was straddling you, a hand on your shoulder, the other behind your neck. And the tongue continued to work, the papillae of her tongue drawing a light friction over the wound. It was... Arousing.
"Did I tell you that you could touch me?" Rose smirked.
Your hands were resting on her back, drawing unconscious patterns.
"... No."
Rose chuckled at this, nipping lightly at your neck.
"You're enjoying this... Twisted little girl."
The bite went straight downwards, causing your pelvic floor to clench involuntarily.
"I'm not. Well, I am, not because I want to-"
Rose's lips crashed against yours, tongue immediately pressing through your lips as you gasped. Claiming, tasting, exploring. She coaxed your tongue out slowly, her hand cradling your head, massaging gently.
"Give me your tongue." a voice sounded in your head.
It was feminine. You obeyed, sticking it out. Rose's lips enveloped the muscle, sucking wetly. The result was immediate. Your hips twitched, your core clenched, and you let out a desperate moan into her mouth. Rose let out a low hum of approval, continuing to suck your tongue in and out of her lips, imitating oral sex. The suggestion was arousing, and when you pulled away, the look on her face said it all. Rose was pleased. She knew she was sexy, she knew what she was doing was hot, and the fact that you were confused, horny and scared, all against your will, it only served to pad her ego.
"Poor thing... Are you worked up?" Rose crooned, stroking your sides. "Tell you what... I'll make it better, but then afterward you and I are going to brainstorm a way to work off your debt."
Your words caught in your throat. You didn't want to owe her anything, that would be very bad, but you had a feeling that it wouldn't matter what you decided. She'd laugh if you told her you didn't want to fuck her, and probably fuck you anyways. But then again, to make the best out of a bad situation... Who would blame you?
"Mhm, you'll come around." Rose hummed, licking a stripe up your neck. "And it will be reaaaaal good."
Your hands were resting on her back again. She didn't scold you this time. She took the topper off, setting it to the side. Her hair was a little frizzy, but it really didn't matter. She looked like a fallen goddess either way. Her hands reached for the hem of her sweater, pulling it off. Pert, large breasts jiggled with the movement, unencumbered by a bra or other garment. You wondered why you hadn't noticed it before. Rose wondered why she was wasting her best window of performance on a rube.
"You like what you see? Oh I know you do." Rose smiled, resting her elbows on either side of her face. "Kiss them. Give them the attention they deserve."
You obliged, angling your head up to kiss one of her nipples. Tentatively at first, and then a little surer. Rose pulled down your bottom lip, silently beckoning you to open your mouth. She pressed her nipple into your mouth, sighing in delight as you obediently swirled your tongue around the areola.
"Beautiful. A little suction, not too much, I'm not a cow." Rose sighed.
Adding increasing levels of suction, you stopped when Rose let out a low moan, her hips bucking against your stomach. You alternated swirling your tongue and sucking, drawing the sweet noises from Rose's mouth.
"The other side now, my other girl is feeling left out." Rose breathily gasped.
As you swirled and sucked the other nipple, she reached up to pinch the previously worshipped breast. Her hips twitched erratically, and judging by the increasing frequency of her little gasps and moans, she was getting more aroused. Finally she pulled back, her nipple sliding out of your mouth with a wet plop. Rose pulled at her jeans, sliding them down her knees and onto the floor in one swift motion. Whether she took off her panties at the same time or was never wearing any, you couldn't be sure.
"Stay put." Rose ordered.
You leaned back against the bed. She put a knee on either side of your face, lowering herself as she spread her labia open. The sight was both daunting and arousing, her inflamed clit pulsing angrily amidst the pink strip of her inner labia. You opened your mouth as she lowered her entrance over your mouth.
"Lick." she breathily moaned.
You licked a stripe up from entrance to clit, tasting her for the first time. It wasn't anything pungent or otherwise remarkable, but it was good. She fisted her hands in your hair as she rocked against your tongue, pushing her clit into your nose.
"Stick your tongue in, fuck me with your tongue." Rose rasped.
Obeying, you punched your tongue in and out of her hole, catching her secretions with your tongue. Rose moaned emphatically, continuing to grind her clit over your nose.
"That's it, just like that..." Rose praised. "Pull me against you."
Grabbing her thighs for support, you pressed her down into your mouth, alternating between licking stripes up her labia and fucking her with your tongue. Her moans grew louder and more emphatic, pressing her clit into your nose until your nostrils closed, preventing your ability to breathe. She worked faster against you, riding your face with reckless abandon, either unaware or unconcerned with your lack of air. In a last ditch effort to prevent suffocation, you pistoned your tongue in and out of her earnestly until she let out a howl of pleasure, squeezing her thighs over your face.
"Hey, wake up!" a voice echoed, muffled and unclear.
A sharp sensation, someone shaking you. Things came into clarity, bit by bit. Rose was over you, shaking you and slapping your face. She came into focus slowly, her face flushed.
"Fucking finally." she swore.
Arms pulled you up, stripping you of the sweaty shirt that clung to your breasts. You weren't wearing a bra, who could blame you? It was midnight on a fucking Tuesday. Or Wednesday, you guessed.
"Are you awake now? I'm not done with you."
You frowned, still adjusting to being awake after nearly suffocating to death between the woman's thighs.
"Naughty thing. Lay over my lap, I'll get you awake again."
You groggily obeyed, breathing steadily. Rose's hands caressed your back gently, pulling your pajama bottoms down. You were still uncomfortable, although your arousal had significantly dulled following you passing out. Her hand caressed your panty clad bottom, squeezing and pulling the flesh expertly. You let out a soft hum of contentment.
"Wouldn't have been a bad way to go, you know." Rose teased, continuing to knead your buttcheeks.
You gave an unconvinced hum in response. Rose let out a low chuckle, giving you a playful smack on the rear.
"Let's try this again. This time you can be on top, huh?"
Rose helped you up, after taking off your panties of course. She laid upon the bed, and you moved to straddle her face.
"Nuh uh. Turn around, the other way."
You obeyed, facing her legs.
"Now lean down. Hold my legs open, that's right, princess."
Princess. The name felt more intimate than the other titles she had given you, most were insulting. You found yourself looking forward to tasting her again. Her clit still remained engorged, and you busied yourself with licking at it as Rose drew her hands back and forth over your thighs.
"Pretty pussy you've got." she crooned.
A sharp bite to your inner thigh. It shocked and aroused you, and your core clenched involuntarily. Rose gave a low chuckle at the sight.
"Is she this wet for me?" Rose cooed. "Might need to have a taste."
Her tongue parted your labia, circling your entrance. Your hips bucked into her mouth, and she smacked your butt in jest.
To make up for your unintentional disobedience, you leaned down, spreading her labia and exposing her engorged clit to your tongue. You circled it a few times before pulling the hood back, sucking softly. Rose's reaction was immediate. She groaned, kneading your thighs tenderly.
"Mhm. Good girl."
Her tongue returned to your entrance, licking lazily, occasionally rolling over your clit. Enough to stimulate, not enough to really please. It was infuriating, but you doubled your attentions in the hopes she would reward you. Taking her clit in your mouth, you sucked it, drawing it back and forth between your lips like she had done earlier with your tongue. Rose moaned, letting out a few words that you didn't understand, a foreign tongue. Then her mouth was at your clit, her tongue drawing steady circles over the nerve. You felt her thighs clenching, and you held them open as she reacted accordingly. Her mouth abandoned your clit, and she moaned out, her hips thrusting against your mouth. Then her mouth was sucking violently against you, two fingers roughly penetrating you. But just as her orgasm subsided, just as a familiar clenching began in your abdomen, she pulled away.
"No!" you whined.
A harsh smack cracked over your ass.
"Shut it."
She pushed you to the side, sitting up. She used your shirt to wipe the mess off her face.
"If you want to come, you'll crawl over here and ride my fingers."
Much to your utter dismay, (and deep humiliation), you saw the truth in her eyes. Crawling into her lap like a discarded puppy, you winced as the pushed two of her fingers into you once more. But that was were her roughness ended. A hand encircled her waist while her thumb rolled gentle circles over your clit.
"Put your arms around my shoulders, princess."
The soft praise and gentler look returned to her eyes. She smiled softly at your obedience, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck.
"You've been good... I suppose I should reward you."
Her fingers moved gently in and out of you while her thumb moved in that soft pattern. It was good, a gentle stimulation to push you up to a gentle climax. You had the feeling that if she wanted you to squeal in pleasure, she'd do so, but this was an allotment, not a reward. Her kisses on your neck turned into soft, tender bites, matching her tone. A slow build up to climax began, and you wrapped your arms tighter around her.
"I.. I'm gonna-"
"-I know you are. Now moan my name, 'Rose'."
You felt your lower muscles slowly starting to clench, and you let out a soft whimper.
"Rose!" you obeyed, feeling your pelvic floor clench and unclench erratically.
It was fulfilling, but not by much. In truth, you'd been most stimulated when you were pleasing her, a truth that made you aware of a darker truth. Rose was toying with you. She wiped her hand off nonchalantly, putting her hat back on. With that one action, she went from uncommitted lover to sinister debt-collector.
"Now. About that debt."
A/N: This is really just a one-shot, I don't see a part two or continuation, but I would be more than happy to write a similar story or use a similar template to create a series. Feedback is always welcome. :)
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julesnichols · 7 months
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Rebecca Ferguson as Rose the Hat in Doctor Sleep
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flanaganfilm · 4 months
hello mike!
i don’t know if you already answered this, or if there even is an exact answer to my question. but why does rose wear a hat? i’ve always wondered exactly why she wears it
I'd love to hit you back with some wild cerebral metaphorical jazz hands, but she wears the hat because she just really likes it. A lot.
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denkryn · 3 months
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i felt something
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serena-joy · 1 year
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Fun trivia, Rebecca Ferguson filled that cart herself when she first arrived on set. She made the list herself and she picked items specifically for each member of the True Knot that she had a story for. And there’s weird shit in there, there’s like Bud Light, condoms, and boiled peanuts....I asked her, I was like what are the purpose of the condoms, like in their world?...It’s a completely closed system, and she was like, “some of them like condoms.” And I was like, alright, you’ve really given this a lot of thought. - Mike Flanagan, Doctor Sleep Director's Cut commentary
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 3 months
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Rebecca Ferguson just hit 1M followers on Instagram!
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abernathyalice · 10 months
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 Rebecca Ferguson as Rose The Hat (Doctor Sleep)
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I just want to say that there are so many tragic things about Dan Torrance in Doctor Sleep. But the one that really stands out to me is that his "inner library" is The Overlook.
Rose the Hat has a beautiful and extravagant mansion; it's as old, gorgeous, and well maintained as she is. Abra has her room, the only place that she really possesses and has control over at her age; the ceiling filled with stars and the promise of expansion as she grows up.
And then there's Dan's library, his mind is shaped like The Overlook, every thought, memory, and experience is stored in a place that he fears, hates, and cannot forget. Specifically, in the room where his dad would work. Possibly a room he liked before 'the incident'. But now the typewriter is eternally waiting and no one is coming back to it.
The hotel traumatized him so completely that everything he knows, every experience he's had in his life from before, during, and after the events of The Shining are stored neatly away in its terrifying halls. Every good memory must be revisited inside that sprawling, predatory, beast of a place.
His version is tamed, sure, but even without blood flowing out of an elevator or the twins at the end of the hallway, every time he turned a corner, surely he'd remember that at one point they were there.
Dan's mind is not a palace, formed in reverence for the things he knows and the years he's lived. Nor is it his safe space, that he can customize and manipulate to his liking, filled with possibilities. His mind is decorated with trauma and terror. And it frames his thoughts and all of his future experiences.
His mind is his personal hell, or was until he tames it, sobers up, and turns it into a place that he can walk through every day. Telling himself that he has changed it and made it different. That as long as he maintains control, he's safe walking the halls.
What a tragic glimpse into his life.
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jolenes-doppelganger · 2 months
hiii, i was wondering if you’d be willing to do a continuing of your rose the hat one shot, maybe where reader pays off her debt? ;) or literally anything with rose / rebecca, i’m sooo obsessed with her and ur fic made me go feral it was amazing !!
[Hi Anon! I originally didn’t consider making a second part to the fic, (I just like the vagueness of one shots), but I am happy to write a second story involving similar themes. We’ll call it a multiverse addition. :3 Thank you for the request!]
Belligerent Collector
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Rose the Hat x Fem! Reader NSFW 18+
Summary: A chance meeting at a supermarket with a specialized clairvoyant brings Rose more than she could ask for. A little too much. [Shifting POVs].
Warnings: Depictions of straight sex between Rose and Crow (oral M and F receiving/giving, 69), one slap (R receiving), choking, depictions of attempted SA, overly emotional for a smut fic, lesbian smut (oral R receiving, strap on use, strap sucking R giving, forced deepthroating, Rose uses a set of vibrating panties to get off), a wee bit dub-con for good measure
A/N: Author pushes her writing boundaries in the name of character authenticity!!! No I’ve never had straight sex, no I don’t want to have straight sex, but boy oh boy, Rose has and will continue to fuck our little corvid boy, and you bet the mattress has some stories to tell. (I promise it ties in!!! It’s very brief!!!).
Word Count: 5.6k
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Waking up in a foreign environment had always felt strange. Waking up in a foreign environment in a dream, only to wake once more in reality made realities blend together. Were you really in the rundown motor home of your Grandma’s in Dallas or were you in the divinely furnished home of some elite posing as a trailer park beauty? Then memories… Oh fuck, the memories.
“Rosie, the kid is barely even a kid, not worth eating at this point.” Crow lamented.
“Oh, for fucks sake, she’s not a kid, she’s an adult, let’s just call her that.” Rose spit back, crossing her arms over her bra covered breasts.
“Okay, fine. The adult-kid, this little overgrown shrimp, can see us coming from miles away. We wouldn’t even know about her if you hadn’t brushed her hand in a supermarket.”
Rose rolled her eyes, or more so you felt the motion of her rolling her eyes. These were her memories after all, and you were living them through her eyes.
“The rube brushed my hand, and she brushed right through my train of thought. She skimmed my mind, Crow! She skimmed my mind!”
Rose felt many things in this particular memory. Anger, a sense of deep humiliation, or more so violation. Rose felt that she had been violated by the little bitch child, a half-adult. The little half-ling had brushed her hand reaching for a lane divider for the conveyor belt of the grocery store, and had managed to skim her mind doing so. Like it hadn’t even been a forethought. She read the inner monologue of Rose the motherfucking Hat like it was as simple as brushing her hand in the first place!
“I want her dead.” Rose blurted. “Not just because she’s a little steamier than normal for her age, but because she read my mind. And now she knows who I am, she knows what I do, and she’s an adult, Crow!”
“-And since she’s an adult she has the authority and the ability to cause more problems than a kid, blah, blah, blah, I get it!” Crow cut her off.
Through Rose’s eyes, the bare-chested man was neither handsome nor appealing. He was a fucking vermin. One that had been latching on to Rose like an overgrown calf, sucking her dry; patience, charity, her damned sex drive all dried up like a desert.
The memory ended there, and with it came a brief reprieve, but brief. Another one of Rose’s memories slammed right into your head, the intensity of it hitting you hard. The last memory had been triggered by the touch of the sheets under your fingertips. This memory by the weight your body exerted on the mattress.
I need to breathe, oh fuck I need to breathe-
“Rosie baby, you taste so fucking good.” Crow moaned, sliding up, his dick sliding out of Rose’s mouth.
Rose sputtered, taking in mouthfuls of air. She laughed once she could, wiggling her hips enticingly. A mouth came down on her open entrance once more, tongue rolling wet circles over it; the way she liked it best. It was a 69, Rose was on the bottom because they were trying something new. Rose opened her mouth again, breathing in deep before guiding Crow’s hips down again.
The angle forced her to deepthroat him in his entirety, without exerting too much pressure on her uvula. She felt him licking and kissing her open pussy, moaning into her as she swirled her tongue at the base of his dick. It was the closest to breath play Rose was willing to go, and even as tears streamed down her cheeks, jaw aching at the stretch and gag reflex struggling against her higher will, it was fun.
The memory was ripped away, and you shot up as fast as you could, desperately trying to get away from the unwelcome memories that kept springing upon you. Never before in your life had someone's memories been so vibrant, so stubborn to be heard. You felt humiliation, no, violation. These mental images springing upon you without warning, without a trigger other than touch were akin to being violated. Usually you had more control over your abilities, you didn't have the ability to so easily peruse someone's mind, but with Rose it was like you weren't even trying. Well you weren't. Clairvoyance was an entirely conscious effort, at least it always had been. But Rose? Her mind and memories jumped open. It wasn't like a book sliding off a shelf, or a book falling open, no. It was like the books were violently flying off the shelves, ripping themselves open and shoving your face into them.
"Didn't I tell you to get out already?" Rose sighed, setting the book down she'd been reading.
Andy appeared, worrying her lip like a frightened child. Well... Hadn't she been a teen? Rose couldn't remember, age was pointless anyways. Whether she was 32 or 15, she'd look young with a fresh batch of steam in her.
"But.. I thought-"
"It was a one-time thing. My man is coming home today, and I'm not in the mood to pull apart a cat fight." Rose huffed.
This was the morning after she'd turned Andy, the night after she'd eaten the little blonde's pussy again and again until the young woman's body gave up on pleasure entirely. And waking up after that power trip, that victory for the Knot, it put things into perspective. But regardless, she was being a little too harsh on the newcomer.
"Put your clothes on, and come over here."
The blonde wasn't special, like Rose thought. A glorified pillow princess. And the blonde did have an ability that would benefit the Knot, but Rose was hungry now. She'd given Andy her own damn steam, her own life force. Sure, it had been fun, but not fulfilling.
"Why?" Andy whispered, sliding into Rose's open arms.
Rose groaned, sliding her hat over her head. She had her pair of two day old panties on, nothing else. She looked good, as always, but she was tired.
"Because it just can't. It was fun, it was something we could share, but I'm not available. I can get away with one night, one little welcome for the newbie, but I can't justify more than that to my Crow Daddy." Rose sympathetically explained. "You'll find another, there's plenty of youngins in the Knot still. Silent Sarry, for one."
Andy stared down at her feet. Rose watched her large brown eyes fill up with tears. Then she jerked her head, willing them away. A tough cookie, Rose thought. She'd get over this.
"Can I hug you goodbye, at least?" Andy whispered, looking at the floor still.
Rose chuckled at this, pulling the girl in for a gentle hug, followed by the softest kiss she was capable of giving.
"There. Now chin up, go have breakfast with the others. You're True now, you're family."
As Andy gently closed the door behind her, Rose let out a soft sigh, drawing patterns over the floor with her toe.
You dropped to your knees, clutching your head. It was painful, exerting this much energy into viewing her memories, even if it was completely against your will. You'd been in and out of consciousness for... You couldn't be sure. Time had lost all meaning. You were bombarded by memories until your body succumbed to exhaustion, only to wake up and be subjected to more memories. Rose's memories.
You knew her better than yourself at this point.
"Ah, you're actually conscio-"
Rose carried the little rube to her trailer, smirking as the girl twitched spasmodically.
"Bit off more than you can chew there, huh? Too greedy? Viewed too many memories at once?" Rose taunted, watching the young woman as she continued to twitch, her eyes wildly fluttering as her eyeballs roved around beneath her closed eyelids.
"God, she's like the dying." Barry the Chunk commented.
Rose laughed at that. Her fingers were frozen in twisted shapes, like the claw of the arthritic hands of the elderly. It was nothing like Grandpa Flick's nasty rheumatoid arthritis, but it was comparable.
"Well, that's what happens when someone gets too big for her britches." Rose smirked, hauling the girl right atop her bed. "She'll stay here under my watch until she can maintain conscious-
"Oh god, make it stop!" you cried out, clutching your head as it throbbed dangerously.
You were so tired, so hungry, and thirsty beyond belief. Nothing about this place was welcoming enough to allow you even a split second of rest and relaxation. Out of the corner of your eye, a ring covered hand came forward, reaching out to touch you.
"Don't touch me!" you shouted, voice dry and ragged.
Rose raised an eyebrow, looking at you quizzically. It was one of the few times you'd seen her. And unlike the mirrored effect you were used to viewing her in, the only perspective of herself she had, you were looking at her in the present, through your eyes.
"So now you're calling the shots? Oh, well excuse me." Rose let out an annoyed laugh.
You were scared to breathe, waiting for another memory to suddenly implode over you, but none came.
"I just... I'm tired. And if I move, if I shift my weight over the damn floor I might get another memory."
Rose cocked a brow.
"Get another memory? What, you can sense the memory of objects?"
You hesitantly nodded. Rose let out an intrigued sniff, but that's the only reaction she gave. You had been in her head long enough to understand what her different mannerisms meant. It gave you an advantage, being able to read her so.
"So... You've been reliving whose memories?" Rose asked, brow raised in that calculating critique.
Stern, that's what she was. This was Rose being stern.
"Yours. Only yours."
Rose's nose twitched in immediate disgust and disgraced anger.
"Not by choice," you butted in, trying to calm the storm before it began to brew much farther, "I keep passing out from exhaustion because I can't figure out how to stop viewing the memories. I'm tired, I've had enough of your thoughts and memories and..."
You cut yourself off. The next words out of your mouth would have been 'hedonistic escapades', or worse, 'sexcapades'. Rose eyed you dangerously, neither really believing or listening to your plight.
"Too big for my britches, crude violator, shrimp, halfling, rube, bitch-child," you listed, "I know. And I know too much. I don't want to know, I-"
You cut yourself off, pausing before you reenacted Irina Spalko's inversed lament. This could be something out of an Indiana Jones movie, you supposed. Rose had the special, magical hat after all.
"So, what. I don't care if you do or don't want to read my thoughts-"
The slap that landed across your cheeks stung, and for the first time since meeting Rose, you were stunned. Slapping someone wasn't something the woman did. She was zealously cruel, calculatingly wicked, manipulating, hateful, over-indulgent and sadistic, but the woman didn't hit people. To lose herself in such a motion would surely seem overdone, by her standards.
"Shut your mouth." Rose seethed.
It was anger. Pure, unbridled, raging fury that caused her hands to shake. You'd never gotten a memory from Rose where she was so angry. Her trailer wasn't a place where she let negative emotions hang about, and that's why it was her safe place.
"You have the audacity to interrupt me when I'm speaking to you? You've been leaching off of me for weeks while I tracked you, reading not just my thoughts, but re-living my memories, and you have the fucking gall to interrupt me?" Rose spit, hands reaching up and choking, squeezing your windpipe.
It was an ego wound, you realized. She was bitter because her ego was being trodden all over by someone who'd been in her head for as long as you had. It was simple, in essence. You knew her. Intimately. More intimately than anyone else. In all of Rose's glory and power, you were interrupting her like any other individual regardless of the fact that you knew her. Knew what she could do, knew what she was.
"I don't even want your steam anymore, I just want to watch you die."
Your stomach lurched, and a memory slammed so violently into your skull that it didn't have somewhere else to go. You grabbed onto Rose's wrists, pulling her down the rabbit hole with you.
"Fucking Rube!" Malte wheezed, hands clinging to Rose's wrists.
Rose was shaking, her hands were shaking. The man beneath her wiggled like a squirrel caught in a trap, his eyes bulging violently, the whites of them rolling wildly. Rose was scared shitless, squeezing harder on instinct, even as the man beneath her slapped at her arms, trying to pull the young teen's hands off him.
He'd tried to rape her. He'd lured her into a street corner, promising her cash if she hiked up her skirts for him. She'd agreed to do so, she needed the money to feed her family. But she'd misheard him, or more accurately, had misunderstood him. The English these American foreigners spoke didn't cling to her Irish tongue easily. That and the structure of the English language was hard. It didn't match up with her native tongue. Combined with a day working in the filthy factories of Jersey had rubbed her hands and mind raw, so "Lift your skirt" meant to quite literally lift your skirt, no other motive or hidden arrangement. She was tall for a fourteen-year-old girl, but he had been stronger. Malte, the son of the factory owner, descended from Dutch immigrants who settled in Delaware, well before it was called Delaware had his eye on her. And he'd shoved her up against the brick wall of the factory, pawing at the front of his trousers, trying to bury himself between her legs as she tried to politely get him to stop.
But Rose was tired. And there was no direct translation for 'no' in her native language, and she couldn't remember the English word for it, so all her words were mixes of jumbled Irish phrases, none of which he interpreted correctly until she struck him between the legs.
His mouth was starting to froth. And the more pressure she exerted on his neck, the more afraid she got. If she killed him, oh god, if she killed him she could ruin her own life, the life of her family. They'd starve, they'd have nothing left to eat. She reached for the first strewn article of clothing she could grab. A top hat, the expensive satin lined kind, one that could fetch enough food for her family if she sold it. Food, eat, live long, stay young... Eat well, live long, stay young...
Rose was crying. Sobbing like a fourteen-year-old child all over again. And the body underneath her was seizing, twitching and letting out garbled sounds. Rose grabbed the body, hugging it to her chest with possessive neediness. She needed physical contact, she needed that reassurance. The memory viewing had ended there, but Rose's memories filled in afterwards. She'd run home, falling into her overburdened mother's arms, sobbing and whimpering like her infant brother, still latched on her mother's breast. Her father had been furious, her mother scared. They were all scared in the perpetual twilight of Rose's memory.
Malte had never pressed charges. Whether it was pride or some other vice that compelled him to stay silent about the assault, he never did speak a word of it to anyone. But Rose found that her hours were cut back, her position was regularly filled before she had made it to her station. She looked for other work, worrying over the little bump that grew inside her mother. Worrying about food, about money, about the things that they needed to stay alive, let alone stock up to build their American dream.
"Tá brón orm." she sobbed into the girl's hair. "I'm sorry." she repeated.
Because Rose wasn't holding the rube girl anymore, she was holding a mirror of her younger self.
Waking up for the upteenth time was more exhausting than being awake itself. Your head swum with too many thoughts, the mind's way of catching up after being unconscious. Someone was petting your hair, little strokes and teases that pulled at your scalp menacingly.
"We have a debt." Rose murmured. "My people are hungry, and they're going to go hungry because you're not on the menu any longer."
Her words rolled over your head in weary waves, peddling meanings over the valleys of your brain until they slowly sunk in, stringing together cohesive ideas once more.
"And why does that mean I have a debt with you?"
Rose gave the hairs at your scalp a tug, raising an eyebrow as she looked at you seriously.
"Because what I say goes, honey pie."
You closed your eyes, nodding in defeat. The light hurt, everything hurt.
"Got any more memories to view? I have millions, my mind is a cathedral."
You fought back the urge to mouth the words along with her. You knew her little cliches too well.
"I don't think so. The last memory was pushing others out of the way until it could be seen."
The logic behind that theory was imbued with a hidden clarity that had come from somewhere in your unconscious mind. The memories would stop jumping in front of your eyes again.
"Okay, well, you owe me. I'm keeping you alive because you're useful. Clairvoyance is a gift, we don't have a lot of True with such wide sensors as you."
Leaning forward felt like the next best thing with your head throbbing so violently. A soft little 'mmph' left your lips as you did so.
"You're not listening..." Rose said in sing-song fashion.
"Brain hurts."
Rose snorted at this.
"So eloquent. Truly, you should write novels with your linguistic prowess."
You let out another grunt in response.
"Its like talking to a caveman." Rose muttered.
She brought a cup of something to your lips. Tea. You drank it, not really caring that it was lukewarm and half full. It was liquid.
"Not picky. I'll add that to your list of positives."
You eyed her wearily.
"And let me guess, all the negatives include the fantasies of me you can't have because I know you too well."
Rose cocked an eyebrow, momentarily stunned.
"Well. I do have plans for you in the physical department. Crow and I are fizzling out, it might be time to break in a new lover."
She said it so confidently, in a fashion that made it almost unbearably flirtatious.
"You're wondering how good my head game is."
Rose laughed, a stunned kind of bark that caused her chest to jiggle, the swell of her breasts unencumbered beneath her t-shirt.
"Oh god, you're hysterical. I mean yes, but you make me sound so blunt. So, collected." Rose snickered. "I can be blunt, and I certainly try to be..."
Rose trailed off, eyeing you carefully.
"Kiss me."
It was a command that cut through your tired brain. She caught your head as you leaned in, pressing her lips against yours, one hand tangled in your hair, the other resting on your back. Rose pulled away after the short kiss, seemingly a little vexed by something.
"How much... How much experience do you have? You kiss like a petrified boy."
You blushed profusely, even though embarrassment in your exhausted state was difficult to even feel.
"I'm tired. Not in the mood."
Rose sighed, nodding at that statement.
"Fine. We'll nurse you back to health before the turn, get you all spick and span. But right before then... You and I are going to sort out this little debt situation we have going on. And then we'll see if you survive the turn."
The thought made your stomach queasy. You were between hell and a hard place. Become like her or die.
"What if I'd prefer being on the menu?"
"Not a lesbo?" Rose teased.
"Not a child eater."
Rose rolled her eyes, leaning in closer as she gripped your hips tight. She kissed your neck chastely.
"Eat well, live long, stay young."
You found yourself looking up at the ceiling, almost willing another memory to intrude, an excuse to pull away from this aggravating situation, but nothing.
"I'd like the luxury of just being normal."
Rose laughed at this, a genuine laugh.
"Whoever told you reading minds was normal. God, you're positively hysterical. I want to make a miniature you and stick her in my hat."
You crossed your arms, perusing the trailer for any signs of food, like a mouse. A little mouse caught in the cat's trap.
"I'll feed you, but first you need to give me a proper kiss." Rose whispered, breath tickling your earlobe.
As if you had anything on your mind other than food. Rose was pushing at your boundaries, playing with you and molding you into a state somewhere between desperate and stubbornly defiant. You leaned in, but you paused. You were coming on too strong. This needed to be natural, not forced. But it was forced, that was the paradox. Leaning in again, slowly, you met her grey eyes, taking a deep breath in. Your hands you drew up to her face, thumbs gently rubbing over the hollow of her cheeks. Rose leaned in, eyeing you with predatory intent.
"Good." she whispered. "You're getting somewhere."
You leaned in even further, pressing a teasing kiss to the corner of her lip, catching her gaze with hers. It was a game of both movement and eye-lines. Each of you would rove your eyes up and down the other, trying to catch the opponent in the act, making that split second of contact before drawing away to brush noses, to shift grip slightly. You weren't kissing yet, no, this was all about will. Who could tempt the other into making the first move.
"I believe I asked you to give me a kiss." Rose whispered, growing a bit bored of the game.
The softest brush of your lips over hers, making that eye-contact.
"Is that what you want?" you asked.
Rose's eyebrow quirked, and then she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours in response. The kiss wasn't as soft as you would have made it had you been administering the kiss. Rose kept you steady with a hand on your hip, a hand in your hair, her mouth occupied with yours. You forced yourself to be more engaged, even with how hungry and weak you felt. She tasted of mint tea, an undercurrent of something sour clinging to the edge of your tastebuds. It was the product of your clairvoyance, surely. Rose didn't taste quite right, a fact that lingered in the peripherals of your thoughts as you leaned into the kiss. She pulled away after a moment, seemingly amused.
"You're so chaste with your kisses. Or perhaps neat is the correct word. It's entertaining to see you so careful and focused."
Rose leaned back, dropping her hands. She easily maneuvered you out of her way, walking towards a fridge on the side of her camper. She wasn't wearing any pants, just too tight lacy panties. Her long legs were on full display, bare feet padding across her wooden floors. Her motions were all so elegantly careless, like she didn't much care what kind of gesture she made, so much as things landed in their respective places.
"Eggs alright with you?" she sighed.
"Yes, thank you."
Rose hummed in reply, starting up her gas powered stove top. She cracked open three eggs, reaching into the fridge for chives, cheddar cheese and bacon bits. It smelled good.
"You're pale, drink this."
A glass of orange juice appeared in front of you, and Rose looked down at you with some amusement.
"Like a startled lamb, freezing up in front of a newcomer." she laughed.
You drank the juice, grateful for the liquid. You weren't really paying attention to where your eyes rested as you drank, you were too tired to focus on much else other than the motion of your throat as you drank down the juice.
"I look that good do I?" Rose teased, grabbing your chin and angling it up.
You'd been staring at her upper thighs. Being so tall, Rose's legs filled much of your central and peripheral vision as you spaced out. The couch was low to the ground, and her stance gave a clear view of her inner thighs and the patch of dark hair that clung around her bikini line.
"Sorry, spaced out." you blushed, face going hot with the weight of your embarrassment.
Rose chuckled, squishing your face in soft teasing. She took the glass out of your hand, returning to the stove top. She came back with three eggs piled with cheese, chives and bacon. An American breakfast classic. You ate quickly, and the miserable tightness of your stomach gradually subsided.
"Perhaps you'd like to lay down on the bed and take a nap." Rose suggested.
You nearly choked on your bite of egg. The memory and the feeling of being forcefully deepthroated through Rose's eyes still clung to the back of your mind.
"Uhh, no. Not the bed. Couch is fine."
Rose cocked an eyebrow, taking away the plate of food you were still working on.
"Why? My hedonistic escapades still haunt you?" Rose threw your earlier internal monologue right back at you. "My sexcapades?"
You looked up at her in pure disbelief and jaded embarrassment. Rose wore a shit eating grin, leaning in as she grabbed your chin.
"Poor thing, thought you were the only one with the ability to skim someone's foremost thoughts, huh?" Rose cooed. "Maybe that's what we'll do.. Re-enact that little fixation of yours, get it out of your system."
You found yourself shaking your head and stuttering, hands searching for something to grab onto.
"Mhm, oh you're getting all flustered just thinking about it." Rose grinned cruelly, pulling you up to her feet. "What a perfect way to settle our debt, huh? We'll re-enact one of the memories you collected."
This time, you ardently shook your head, getting over your momentary bout of shyness.
"No, I didn't have control over what I was seeing, I didn't want to-"
"Shush, honey pie." Rose cut you off, pushing you to sit on the bed. "It'll be fun, we'll go slow-ish."
Rose stretched, settling on the bed beside you. She dusted off her hat, gingerly setting it off to the side. Hands looped around your waist, drawing you in.
"You'll like it, I promise." Rose whispered, leaning in to nip at your jaw and ear.
As she placed little love bites over your face and neck, her hands massaged slow patterns on your waist and back. You let out a soft sigh, leaning into her little nips and kisses.
"There you go, warming up to me perfectly." Rose cooed. "Touch me."
Your hands obeyed, cupping her lower face and neck. She placed a slow kiss in the crook between your jaw and neck, opening her lips to suck softly at the skin there. A soft moan broke out of your throat, to which Rose replied with her own throaty hum. One of your legs crept up to straddle her, and a hand from your waist quickly caught your leg, aiding the motion.
"Oh, good girl." Rose whispered. "Warming up nicely."
You smiled shyly, brushing your nose against hers. Her lips caught yours in a kiss, her tongue sliding out to caress your lip. You met her tongue with yours the longer the kiss went on, teasing her with your tongue. Rose's hands slid down your back, taking handfuls of your ass and massaging slowly. You moaned immediately, allowing Rose to slip her tongue into your mouth. Your hands were in her hair, playing with the half-braided strands that clung to the base of her scalp.
"Ready for more?" Rose rasped, one hand gripping your rear, the other drawing patterns down your spine.
"Yes." you found yourself saying.
Rose pulled off her top, freeing her breasts entirely. She brought your hands to them, biting her lip playfully.
"Touch, squeeze."
You did as she asked, to which she rewarded you with a sinfully teasing kiss.
"Lay down, top off."
You did as directed, pulling off your shirt, and the loose sports bra she'd found you in. Rose rummaged around in a drawer near the bedside for a moment, grabbing several Items. You watched as she slipped off her underwear, pulling a plain looking black set over her thighs again. A remote, which she clicked just twice. Rose bit her lip immediately, wiggling her hips a few times. A fake dick, a harness. You blushed as you realized just what she was going to do.
"I've never... I can't suck dick." you blurted out.
Rose laughed, sliding the harness over her hips.
"Too bad. You're gonna. And if you leave teeth marks on my nice silicone cock I'll throttle you."
Rose settled between your thighs, dragging your leggings and underwear down in one motion. She spread your thighs, eyeing the glistening folds of your inner labia. Taking a moment to gather saliva in her mouth, Rose leaned down, spitting on your red, erected clit.
"There's something you can focus on while I stretch your throat."
Rose crawled over you in a traditional 69, slapping the silicone dick on your chin.
You could see the soft blur of the panties as they vibrated, producing a noticeable wet spot on the black fabric. Opening your mouth as wide as you could, you were careful not to graze the silicone with your teeth. The saliva Rose had placed on your clit slowly began to drip down and cool, producing a maddening sensation. Leaning forward all the way, Rose propped herself up on her elbows, holding your thighs open.
"Breathe through your nose, deep breath, now relax."
Rose pushed her hips down, forcing the silicone past your molars, past your uvula and down into the hollow space of your throat. You gagged, grabbing at her hips and thighs, desperately trying to push away the weight on your head that bore down. Rose laughed as she heard you gag and choke, letting up after fifteen seconds. You sputtered, nose running and eyes blurry with tears.
"Catch your breath, I'll give you fifteen."
Fifteen seconds felt more like five, and the silicone was back down, further this time. You couldn't breathe through your nose, and the burn of your lungs mixed with the stretch of your throat was both terrifying and maddeningly difficult to get away from. Rose let up after a moment, and you were quick to breathe in through your nose, filling your lungs as rapidly as you could, exhaling shortly thereafter. The next time, you breathed in through your nose as the dick slid down your throat, forcing the muscles of your throat to relax. Rose hummed in approval, pressing a soft kiss to your clit.
"Good girl. Now I'm going to rock. If you absolutely cannot manage to get any air in, two taps to my hips, got it?"
Rose didn't wait for you to make any sort of noise or gesture in understanding, she just undulated her hips slowly. You exhaled with every thrust out, inhaling as she thrust in. Your lungs slowly began to accommodate the lack of air, your throat muscles relaxing. Rose kissed your clit again, humming carefully as she rolled her tongue in slow circles over your clit. You found yourself getting the hang of things, more focused on the sensations between your legs than the burn of your throat. Rose's own stimulation was heightened by the pull and stretch of the vibrating panties that shifted with every movement of her hips. You moaned as she licked down into your entrance, and Rose let out a breathy hum in response.
Her mouth settled at your entrance, licking and probing gently. You gripped her hips, helping to support her thrusts. Overtime, your nose brushed her clothed clit as the base of the strap met your lips, adding direct pressure to the vibrating panties. Rose moaned loudly at this sensation, fervently kissing and licking your open pussy. Your lower abdominal muscles coiled rapidly, and by the way Rose was growing sloppy with her thrusts, she must have also been close.
Warm tingles slid up your spine as you climaxed, and your moans were muffled by the strap. Rose slipped the silicone dick out of your mouth, allowing you to gasp and moan through your orgasm without threat of suffocation. Still relatively aware, you had the forethought to find her clit through the panties and rub circles over the vibrating fabric. Rose let out a series of breathy whimpers, pushing her hips back into your thumb until she too climaxed. In need of a place to rest her weary hips, Rose sat back, resting on your face. A mouthful of panty-clad pussy and an eye-full of ass was all you knew for a good fifteen seconds.
"Fine then." Rose sighed, sliding off of you after you tapped the side of her ass twice.
Rose looked down, eyeing your puffy, tear and snot covered face. She smirked, reaching for something on her bedside table. A polaroid camera, one that had to be from the 90s. She snapped a photo of your frazzled state, taking out the photo produced and grabbing a pen.
"What shall we name this one? 'Belligerent collector', perhaps."
Rose gave an evil grin, sliding off the vibrating panties and casting them aside. She swung one of her legs over your face, angling her still wet core over your mouth. Another snap of the camera, capturing your mortified eyes as your mouth was obscured by her vulva.
"And this one we'll title 'debt settled'."
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rebeccafergusonfan · 2 months
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Rebecca Ferguson as Rose the Hat | Doctor Sleep | 2019
26 notes · View notes
ilovehotactresses · 1 month
rose the hat is the type of woman who will put her hat on you when u ride her and smirk
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domripley · 8 months
Rose The Hat NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: NSFW, Mentions of Breeding Kink, this is just all round dirty. Also this is AU so.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Rose loves to cuddle you after she fucks, you and she definitely loves being the big spoon. Sometimes she loves to have you lay your head on her chest. She also will get you a glass of water, and has you drink at least half of it before you can set it down.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Rose’s favorite body part on her is her fingers. She loves the fact that you beg for them every single time she teases you. Feeling your mouth wrap around them makes her wet.
Her favorite part of you is your thighs. When she’s eating your pussy, she loves being able to grip them, and occasionally bite them while she’s teasing you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Rose loves when you come on her fingers and strap the most. When she’s fucking you with her fingers, she loves cleaning them off with her mouth, If she’s fucking you in public with her fingers, she loves how flustered you get when she brings them to your lips. When you come on her strap, she loves when you suck it clean after, making sure you have eye contact - she’d come just from that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Rose’s dirty secret that she’s thought about sharing you with Dan or Crow. But she’d never bring it up, because realistically she doesn’t like to share who she’s with with anyone.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Rose is pretty experienced - she knows what she’s doing when it comes to pleasuring you. The first night the two of you slept with each other in her house, she dedicated the whole night to figuring out what you wanted and needed.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Rose has many that she enjoys. She loves spooning you while she’s fucking you roughly - it’s easy for her to rub your clit. She loves to be able to hold you by the throat as she fucks into you hard.
Her second favorite position would be from behind - she loves being able to hold your back against her chest as she fucks you. She’s really good at multitasking, so when she rubs at your ass with the pad of her thumb, she doesn’t let her thrusts still until you come for her. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Depending on what the two of you are doing. During rough sex, she’s very serious in the moment. But when it’s more relaxed, and on the softer side, Rose loves to laugh with you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Rose doesn’t shave, she doesn’t see the need too since it’s natural. For you, she doesn’t mind what you prefer.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Rose isn’t one for being romantic, but when it’s a special occasion, she likes to do small things for you for that night. She won’t admit it but she enjoys setting up flowers for you, and getting prepared for the night.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Rose isn’t usually one for masturbation, but when you’re away, she uses one of the many vibrators that she’s bought to use on you. When this happens, she fucks herself to the thought of her fucking you. Sometimes, when she’s with you, she loves having you sit and watch while she gets herself off - if you’re lucky and have been good, she’ll let you clean her fingers and a the vibe off.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She has many kinks, which some include: Body Worship, Praise, Orgasm Denial, Light Pet Play, Overstimulation, Verbal Humiliation, Choking, and Anal Play. She also has a big breeding kink, loves filling you with fake come, and watching it all drip out before she fucks you again. She also loves being called ‘Daddy’.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
She prefers her bedroom, despite all of the public teasing she does to you. In terms of quickies, she doesn’t mind doing them in public, or in her car. If she’s wanting to take her time with you, she prefers your shared house.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Rose doesn’t need too much motivation, she sometimes just has to think about you and how good you looked last night as you came. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Rose will never do anything you don’t like, even if it’s kinks of hers, she won’t think about them. But she also won’t share you with anyone. You’re hers, and she’s yours. That’s all she needs. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Rose prefers giving over receiving, however she wouldn’t say no to it. She just prefers giving you pleasure because it makes you happy. She’s very good at oral - she loves to make you come over and over with her tongue before fucking you with her fingers and strapon. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
Ninety-Nine percent of the time Rose is rough, and her pace is fast. She prefers that over anything but, in that one percent, Rose will surprise with soft sex. It’s usually after a nice date, a holiday, or an anniversary.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Rose loves quickies, especially when the two of you are pressed for time and you need. Sometimes, she’ll fuck you quickly in public, if you both need it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Rose loves experimenting with you, she’s always willing to try things at least once or twice before she knows whether she likes it or not.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Rose usually lasts a very long time depending on what she’s been doing all day. If she’s been busy at work all day, she doesn’t go as many rounds as she normally can. When that’s the case, that’s when she prefers you to ride her.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Rose has a very large collection of toys ranging from Vibrators, to dildos, to even a fucking machine she once bought as a joke. But now, she loves watching you get fucked by it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Rose loves to tease, and will tease you any time she can. You’re at a movie? she’ll rub your pussy though your pants. At a restaurant? She’ll finger you under a table, stopping as soon as you get right to the edge.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Rose is quiet when she fucks you, occasionally grunting when she’s fucking you from behind and pulling your hair. The sounds she usually makes is dirty talking.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Rose loves beating her record of how many times she’s made you come in a single night; she’s very competitive with herself, and herself only. You don’t mind it, especially when she usually doesn’t deny you any orgasms.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sometimes, if she’s not working, she packs any chance she gets. Not only is it good for when the two of you are out and about, she feels more comfortable wearing one even when she’s not planning on fucking you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Rose’s sex drive is high, but doesn’t usually show it unless you’re around. She also is very patient when it comes to the act itself, so if you’re not feeling up for it one day or several days, she can wait. You being comfortable is more important than anything else to her.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Rose will fall asleep about an hour after you do. She loves being able to watch you drift off to sleep as she praises you. But she likes to make sure you’re okay before she even thinks about going to sleep.
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agir1ukn0w · 2 years
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as soon as I saw the hat I should've known😂 (@flanaganfilm you genius)
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