#Rosemary lore
randomgurustuffs · 1 year
Can we get the lore on Rosemary Mane?
Rosemary grew up in Canterlot. Her parents are middle class and live in the cheaper part of town. When she was a filly, her mother had her babysat by a doctor. While she was there she got her cutie mark mixing things with a mortar and pestle. She was inspired to be a nurse as a result, and went down that career path when she grew older.
She went to school in Manehatten for her nursing degree, then moved out to a remote tropical island a bit before Twilight came to Ponyville. There she worked in the hospital, generally on very foolish tourist patients and bought a small house. She was never fully accepted by the islanders, but they treated her fairly well. After some time on the island, something very interesting occurred. A paramilitary team in an airship visited the island after one of their members turned into an unstoppable rage monster. In the process of fighting, one of the members of the team was grievously injured and taken to the hospital. He was a large earthpony named Gurumane. Rosemary tended to his wounds and developed a crush on him. However, the pony was paranoid and used her as a hostage to escape the hospital to rejoin his team. He was immensely sorry for what he'd done and came back to apologize over and over. The paramilitary group managed to stop some pirates and the rage monster, but destroyed the town. Afterwards, the earthpony came back and tried to apologize over dinner. The townsponies saw, decided Rosemary was fraternizing with the people responsible for their misfortune, formed a mob, and burned down her house. She had no choice but to return to Equestria with the team. On the way back she fell for the pony who had held her hostage and took him to meet her parents. The pony managed to convince her father to let them date, and she accompanied the team for the remainder of their missions as a medical aid. After the missions were finished, she ended up marrying the earthpony. After more excitement in which the chapel was leveled during the ceremony, she and Guru went on several classified adventures, as he turned out to be a spy. Eventually they settled down outside Ponyville and had 4 children: Autumn, Thundermane, Earthheart, and Rosepetal. She works at the local hospital in Ponyville to make some money on the side, but makes sure to look after her children and husband.
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notoriousfuckups · 8 months
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rallamajoop · 6 months
More random details from the depths of RE8
With the excuse of trying some shiny new mods, I've been replaying RE8 lately for the umpteenth time. Given the number of hours I've already poured into this game, you'd really think there'd be nothing left to find by this stage ‒ yet here I am, finding still more details I'd somehow missed the first half-dozen times through.
For one, there's the fact you can actually find Eva's grave in the graveyard outside the church. As the only photo we ever see of her shows her as a baby, I'd assumed she was still a baby when she died, but turns out, she was ten years old.
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"Eva, June 1909 ‒ August 1919
May you slumber for only a short while"
As expected, her death of the Spanish flu took place in 1919. There's some semi-legible text on the stone, but it doesn't match the caption ‒ it's just the same generic filler text you'll find on half the gravestone assets in this game.
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For another, there's Rose's baby monitor. I'd noticed Ethan turning the thing on when he puts her to bed, and even found the assets for its screen ‒ but since I'd never found the monitor itself, I assumed they must be unused.
Until this playthrough, when suddenly I'm just like, oh, there it is, sitting right on the table. You can even interact with it!
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How did I miss this so many times? It is pretty easy to overlook, given you'll trigger the cutscene with Mia if you go much closer to the kitchen, but I'm still surprised I never spotted it before. (And you do have to wonder if there was ever any plan for it to show a glimpse of something more sinister than just a still-image of Rose sleeping.)
In other minor details, there's the bit where Ethan arrives on the outskirts of the village at 8AM. You can hear a clock striking 8 times as you get your first view of area.
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Granted, this is not going to excite anyone who hasn't spent as long as I have putting together an hour-by-hour timeline of everything that happens in this game, but I still do love that they give you enough detail that that's even possible ‒ and this new timestamp fits right into that timeline. (And why yes I have just gone back and updated that post, what do you take me for?)
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Speaking of assets I thought were unused, you know that hidden room under the castle you can't get into until later, where you have to solve a puzzle that involves setting a moroaica on fire? Have you ever looked closely at the tapestries decorating this place? Because I found them in the game files ages ago, and have been trying to figure out if they're actually in the game ever since.
Because seriously, look at these things!
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Yes, that is a indeed a man with a sword and spear, wearing a hoplite helmet and sandals and nothing else. And the women seeing him from the front seem to be having a whole range of reactions to all that, er, weaponry being brandished their way. Isn't fine art wonderful?
Another asset I'd innocently assumed was unused is this wonderful bit of bullshit which was labeled simply 'antibow'. It wasn't until I took a long look at it that I realised what they meant was more like 'anti-B.O.W.', as in Bio-Organic-Weapon.
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Yes, that is indeed a knife taped to some kind of grenade. Sure is one high-tech outfit we're working with here!
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Only now do I spot that this is actually the bomb Chris chucks at the Megamycete in the cavern. It doesn't even come with the knife already attached, he just kind of sticks the knife onto the bomb and presumably straps some tape around them while the camera cuts away.
I still have so much more to share from my ongoing free-camera adventures, but I think we'll leave this one there for today.
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vellichorom · 5 months
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speedrunning my own fandom experience
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zoyavnikolai · 9 months
“I did not call her the First Heir. Her name was Auraline, and she was the loveliest thing that ever walked”
“I wanted to tell you that your mother, the lost Herondale, the descendant of the First Heir—she loved you”
“Kit is the child. The descendant of the First Heir”
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huni-bii · 5 months
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Here's a little timeline(?) I did of Rosemary a bit ago!! It's kinda hard for me to get into much of her lore on here but the important stuff is that she was born in Sandrock and was raised by Cooper's family when her parents were threatened into leaving her behind.
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*RosePearl Gemling Jumpscaee*
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And Lore dump…Istg I keep lore dumping about the wrong things
But anyways it’s below if you’d like to read it. If not; get ready to see these guys a lot because the gemling stuff is actually important to the AU and not just fun (although I am having fun with these guys)
The RosePearl kids were born sometime durning the war and spent most of their (very unfortunately) short lives fighting each other and alongside each other.
Barlow and Rosemary have always had animosity toward each other even since they were barely walking leaving Bosco to defuse the tension.
Barlow’s anamosity just might be her interlaced hatred of being a Pearl and Rosemary not having to try as hard to be a good fighter/soilder. He’s trying his best and live to his mother’s legacy and if anything were to happen to them, he would like to be the new acting leader of the rebellion. Although her façade of the prefect golden child slips every now and then.
Rosemary wants nothing to do with the war as much as most gems seem to want nothing to do with her. People have always called her the strange child of Rose and her unnerving eyes make it harder to even walk up to people.
Bosco, the youngest, is just trying his best to get by. He really, really wants to be a leader like his mother (Rose) and be able to strike fear in others and be someone people look up too. But he’s just so small and scrawny and Barlow has already convinced everyone he’s a better fit for a leader and has already led several successful battles. If only he could be half of what Barlow is.
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
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Acting Commander Phoenix -- Champion of Aurene
(she / her)
Started out as a young amnesiac human, but now we’re here! Turns out that dying with Caladbolg has a small chance at turning you into a plant...?
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rolling around in the wip muddddd
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cheezyharu · 1 month
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“Standing in front of you, I can’t help but feel a strange sense of familiarity.”
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"But of course, familiarity is an inevitable thing. Perhaps one day, you will come to terms with your power and the divinity bestowed upon you. But until then, I will stay here, in this Eternal Library, and wait."
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wisp-of-chaos · 5 months
Meet the OC - Rosemary Thornwood
As the title suggest, another OC introduction thingie, this time for my Smalland OC Rosemary Thornwood!
More infos abour my girl under the cut for ease of scrolling
The Overworld is a dangerous place, especially when you're barely as tall as an ant or grasshopper. So it comes as no surprise that the Smallfolk lives far beneath the surface; in hidden and secured burrows until they come of age and are allowed to venture out of their cozy, warm homes on their own.
The Thornwood family is an exception to this custom.
Many generations ago, they moved to the surface and build themselves a home between the thick, interwoven branches of a blackberry bush, which soon turned into a honey farm thanks to a nearby hive of pacified bees.
And instead of returning to the safety of their kin's burrows; the Thornwoods decided to raise their children under the warm, bright light of the sun and in the company of their beloved bees.
Rosemary – or Rose, for her friends – is one of their children.
With eyes full of wonder, a curious mind a courageous heart she takes on the many adventures and trials of the Overworld; seeing every setback or problem as an opportunity to grow and learn from instead of letting them discourage her.
She spend her early years and childhood in the vicinity of her family's farm; surrounded by siblings and parents and bees to play with in the shade of the blackberry leaves.
Later on, she was tasked with overseeing and tending to the newborn larvae to ensure their proper growth and development. Rose loved her job and dutifully and proudly raised many bees to adulthood.
Among them was Thyme, a rather tiny and frail pupa with only one antennae. Rose's parents gave her little hope for the small creatures survival but she was determined to prove them wrong and to keep her newest fosterling safe and happy.
She spend extra hours with the young bee; training and feeding and playing with her whenever she could and before long, a strong and unbreakable bond was formed. Thyme followed Rose like a shadow; happily trailing behind with a slight tilt to her flight and buzzing contently while she accompanied the young beekeeper on her many adventures.
Rose was even allowed to take Thyme with her when she enlisted for the Vanguard – under the condition that she would be taking care of her all on her own and to keep her from causing any troubles. Rose – of course – agreed and took her beloved bee with her.
The years she spend at the Vanguard's training program taught her many lessons and sharpened both her mind and body. She learned to wield multiple weapons; how to maintain them and to construct traps and build shelter in the Overworld with only a few sparse resources.
The training was hard but fun and brought her the close and treasured friendship with Briar Thorn and Sepia – another Vanguard rookie and a miner, who preferred the dark, damp safety of their burrows over the bright light of the sun.
They joked and laughed, learned and earned scars together but eventually were separated when Rose was assigned to aid and defend the Historian in his research of the Giants from the past.
They parted with heavy hearts and long hugs and hopeful smiles; vowing to one day meet again. And as fate would have it, they eventually did. When Briar and Sepia went looking for the missing clover key and investigated on the strange behavior of rare, overgrown beasts their path lead them straight to the old ruins and into the depth of the crypt which the Historian – and Rose along with her loyal bee Thyme nowadays – called their home …
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art provided by the wonderful @unaarista <3 (who the mentioned lovely Sepia belongs to)
and another thank you to @sumi-sprite for allowing me to let Rose befried her awesome OC Briar!
Like her? Check out her toyhouse page and learn more!
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rallamajoop · 6 months
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Did Ethan play the piano?
There are a bunch of little hints scattered through these games about Ethan's character. He seems to have a love for the retro ‒ at least, his drawer is full of jazz CDs and he drives a 1971 Dodge Challenger. As Rose notes, he's clearly a wine drinker. And he may have played he piano.
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I don't want to overstate the hints RE7&8 give us on that last part. Resident Evil is, after all, a universe where apparently being able to bang out a full sonata at a moment's notice is just a basic life skill for anyone who might want to infiltrate a suspicious facility (though just jamming a few bars of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star may also do in a pinch).
There's a piano in the Winters' home, but then, maybe Mia's the one who plays, or maybe the BSAA set them up in an already-furnished house ‒ who knows? You can't actually interact with it as Ethan, nor does Rose comment on it. But Rose does wonder out loud if her Dad played any instruments (after he jokes about whether baby Rose banging her spoon to the Miss D. record suggests she's going to grow up to be a musician) ‒ and that at least primes you to notice that piano, if you hadn't already.
There are also two different pianos you can interact with in the Baker property ‒ one in the guest room, which will slam shut if Ethan reaches for the keys, and a second in Lucas' room that merely prompts the message 'it's broken'.
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It's not until Dimitrescu's castle that Ethan himself finally gets to make like all those other Resi heros, and bash out a quick solo to open a mini door in the piano, in which you'll find a key that will open another door... look, you've heard this one before.
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There's an argument to be had whether any of the puzzle solutions in a video game like RE should be taken as truly diegetic. But if nothing else, this does at least suggest Ethan can read sheet music. Here's the asset for the sheet, by the way (and again with the bit you actually play highlighted). You can hear someone play the full song ("Sogno" ‒ which means 'Dream' in Italian ‒ by Francesco Paolo Tosti) here.
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There's even a version with lyrics, though I doubt they necessarily meant much to whoever picked this piece for the game: more likely it was chosen for being a song with a very simple treble clef (so the player doesn't have to do too much work to solve the 'puzzle') but a much more complicated bass (so it still sounds sophisticated when played). Regardless, you can hear it sung here.
There's also one other little clue that might suggest that someone in the Winters' household has some real musical leanings: one of the CDs you can find in that drawer is titled 'Jazz Standard Theory'. Which sounds a lot more like an instructional CD than easy listening (though they're certainly not winning any prizes for those other titles).
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Actually, while we're talking Ethan's CD collection, here's the asset for that Miss D & the Pallboys CD too! Surprisingly, it has a back as well, suggesting that at some point you might have been able to pick it up and examine it. The text is all pretty illegible, however.
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(I've talked before about the theory that 'Miss D' is actually Lady Dimitrescu, but if you want the short version ‒ given that she's not from the village and is 'descended from a fallen noble', this one's surprisingly plausible!)
Hilariously, a love for jazz might just be one thing Ethan has in common with the Bakers, given you can find some records lying around the rec room upstairs.
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Mind you, even RE2R managed to work a jazz festival flyer into this one puzzle solution...
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Does someone in the team at Capcom have a thing for Jazz? Evidence is starting to stack up...
But getting back to our original topic, does Ethan play the piano? You can make a case either way, as the game never tells us explicitly. But there's enough here to point that way that I'd like to think he does, anyhow.
Which only makes the implications of this so much more tragic.
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marzthealien · 3 months
Cafe vent
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This was mainly just to practice drawing side profiles. I think it looks pretty good :)
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jacksoneblackburn · 1 month
This is a certified out-of-character post (also, small irl update)
Jacks was born in the 1700s, specifically 1789, October 31. Jacks is one of the time displaced kids at Camp Half-Blood, and is still getting used to how to use devices. They were kinda confused when Leo [Valdez] handed them a talking brick that made beeps and music.
After one day, after getting claimed by Apollo, they ended up becoming a medical assistant in their village. They were amazing at healing people. Some called them a "healer." Other said they were a witch that immediately needed to be executed by cutting off their head.
They (they being the village, not Jacks) ended up deciding to go down the witchery path when Jacks healed someone's arm, which was mauled by a Lycaon disguised as a regular wolf, and reattaching the dude's arm back onto his body without stitches. Not the smartest move, but then again, the person who got mauled was Jacks's first (secret) boyfriend.
(Quick b-t-dubs, Jacks is descended from Erebus and Hephaestus)
So, when they strapped them to a log, surrounded by spears and tinder, Jacks wasn't sure what to do. They could control small amounts of fire due to being a descendant of Hephaestus, shadow travel because of Erebus, and heal themself if they needed a way to fake dying (somehow).
They decided the safest option was hiding in the Underworld, shadow travelling down there. When they shadow travelled into the underworld, they were immediately met with good news, and bad news.
Good News? There was no longer a bloodthirsty mob after them with flaming torches.
Bad News? They were stuck in Erebus's pocket dimension in the underworld.
Now, I'm not sure if you have been stuck in utter, and complete darkness from 1802 to 2021 (~219 years), stuck at 13 and not being able to think properly, going insane due to isolation for what felt like eternity. But for Jacks? They mentally and physically stayed the same age for years.
They never grew up, they were alone and afraid, forgotten by everyone else until they were able to escape (somehow, idk, I'm working out the details on that as we speak).
When they managed to get out, Nyx and Erebus decided to have Mercy on Jacks, giving them a bracelet that transformed into a small, beaded bracelet, where if you snapped off a bead, the bracelet would transform into a Stygian Iron sickle, kinda like those farmer ones where you can hold it in one hand.
Not that it helped Jacks's situation, but at least they had a weapon to protect themself from everything around them.
Fast forward a few months, specifically a month (and a day) before their birthday, they make it to the rumored Camp Half-Blood. They've heard of it during school at some point through myths and rumors. Also, supposedly George Washington was a demigod, but they never taught that in their school (the teachers were so uncool for that tbh).
When they got there, a teen, around the same age as them, with vitiligo and pink hair. He introduced Jacks to Chiron, and showed Jacks around camp, then introduced himself as Tyler (if you followed my blog for a bit, you know where this is going ;] ).
Tyler was a cool, awesome son of Demeter, descended from Aphrodite (his grandma's side). Jacks was from Pennsylvania and Tyler was from Canada. The two weren't too different either. Jacks, inevitably, started developing feelings for Tyler. Though the feelings were small, and sometimes went away completely, Jacks really wanted to date Tyler.
Tyler ended up asking Jacks out two years after they met, and have been happily dating ever since.
Jacks was afraid of the dark, because of the shadow dimension in the underworld, so Tyler made Jacks a candle that would never go out or melt so Jacks would never be in the dark ever again.
Present day, Jacks spend their time with their friends Nico, Percy, Thalia, Jason, Hazel, Annabeth, Magnus, Toast n' Donut (yes, they're frogs, again, idc), Koi, Xea, Tyson, Ella, Mrs. O'Leary (dogs count, idc), Leo, Will, Hilal Khalil, Tyler, and his adoptive parents Davey M[atten]. Red and John H[arriet]. Red
If you read this far, holy crabs do you have a large attentions span. Either that or you're a nerd like me :) (or you're one of my mooties)
I love y'all (platonically), be safe, and I'll try to upload more often every other weekend. I have school stuff and I'll try to post around 6-7 A.M. EST. Also, thank you for tagging me in stuff on both of my accounts ( @ghostkingdiangelo) and this account. I'll catch up on all mah schtuff soon.
Thanks for reading again!
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sombersaturn · 1 month
I really like writing the first draft of my story and exploring my characters' little quirks.
One of my OCs (Simon) is Filipino/Korean and my other OC (Rick/Rebecca) is Colombian and they're meeting at his place for band practice. He's cooking lunch for the two of them and he's mentioned that he's got some 'puto' and she, knowing full well that it's food, just says "language" as she shoves her rosemary cookies in his mason jar as he's finishing chicken adobo
@demonicconsultingwhovian @banana-jay read the tags
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indirectcomedian · 15 days
“can we trust her? yes :). no >:|.”
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