corvussnakee · 3 months
Hmmm.. Mmmm... Hhmm...hmm.. Mm.. Hmmm~ ♩
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What a wonderful day...
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NOTE: Okay- so this is the first time I've ever done something like a ask character type of thingy. Feel free to ask whatever questions you want (keep em mostly PG-13 please...) Or if you want to you could possibly leave some suggestions on how to do an ask blog.. I think that's it? Hrrrhhh, and such. I'm honestly gonna be doing this off the top of my head so uh.. This isn't gonna be like, the greatest? I dunno man.
Man, I spent a good chunk of time drawing Sanses lmao. Not used to drawing this silly skeleton.
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toohuya3 · 2 days
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sin-cognito · 2 years
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Sansgust 2022 chapter 3: Fuck buddies, Rottenberry (US!Sans/SF!Sans), NSFW
As soon as the box he was carrying touched the ground, Black stretched his arms above his head, sighing as a loud and satisfying 'pop' escaped from somewhere in his spine. He turned his skull side to side a few times and finished off by rolling his shoulders, before he bent down and opened the box, revealing rows of unopened CDs. Who even bought CDs anymore when you could find the music online for free on MonsterTube?
I have been OBSESSED with celebrity!Blue for a few years now, I’m so happy I got to use him in a fic during the Sansgust event!!
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trashfontcesttrash · 2 years
Innocent Blue- Razz goes over to see his best friend since their brothers decided to leave for the weekend. Turns out Blue starts his first heat, who has no idea what a heat is, and Razz takes advantage of this to be Blue’s first
Razz knows he's gotta act fast because a blind person could see how much Blue's brother wanted to fuck him.
So Razz gets to work, helping a confused and hazy Blue out of his clothes and into his bed. He'll be Blue first and only, and he'll do a very good job of it
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tris1571 · 9 months
September 12 2017 pt 2
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lucyhblack · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), Papyrus/Sans (Undertale) Characters: Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale) Additional Tags: US!Sans, us!papyrus - Freeform, Sf!sans - Freeform, sf!papyrus - Freeform, Incest, incest between brothers, im marking it as non-con only because he cant verbally consent, but oh boy, is he on it, use of profanity, Voyeurism, ecto-body, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Swapcest - Freeform, BBQTacos - Freeform, rottenberry Series: Part 3 of Blue Exhibitions Summary:
Blue's efforts have paid off, and his King resolves to reward him.
I apologize in advance for the pronouns (I honestly don't know when to use "him" or "his") and any other grammatical errors.
Blue absently fingered her collar as she studied the reports in her hands.
Things were moving rapidly forward all of a sudden (since his "debut" to be exact) and he found himself being put in charge of consulting for matters of the union of their universes.
He was already helping (or trying to) before, but now he had a much more formal and active participation (and not just shouting from behind that things would not work if they were done as those hardheads wanted).
It was good to know that his ideas (with minor adaptations) were coming to fruition, and many monsters from his Tale universe seemed more open to interacting with those from the Fell universe, while those from Fell seemed inclined to try to do things the Tale way.
(he preferred not to go too deep into the choice of names for the universes or he might find that Gentle universe, and Cruel universe were better than the abbreviations for Fairy Tale Universe and Hellfallen Universe)
-Oh, there you are! – The door opened and Slim entered.
-Yes, here I am. – Blue looked at the smiling skeleton and at the same time became suspicious – Why? Am I supposed to be somewhere?
He mentally went over if he had forgotten any appointments, but he didn't remember anything.
-No no! This is a great place... - Slim walked lazily towards Blue leaning against one of the bedposts and moving his eyebrows bones - But there I think it's even better. - And he inclined his head pointing to the large palatial bed behind him.
Blue rolled her eyes and turned back to the report he was reading. If Slim wanted him in bed he would have to work a little harder for it.
-Owww, Blue! Is this how you treat an invitation to a dance? -Don't even start with insinuations to do the horizontal tango. – he didn't even deviate the lights from what he was reading. – You have 2 left feet for dancing.
-Good thing I don't need either of them to spin it! - Slim commented with a twinge of something in his voice that Blue didn't bother to analyze deeply.
Slim walked away from the bed towards the other skeleton
-How about we try a free performance?
He stopped behind the chair Blue was sitting in and slid his big hands over the smaller skeleton's shoulder, massaging the bones through the fabric before sliding them through the slit in the robe and caressing the bare ribs.
-Let me start by getting rid of that robe.
He whispered, his tone dripping with seductive promises.
Blue hummed contemplatively, leaning back in the chair and letting Slim run his intelligent fingers over her bones.
Slim stroked each rib individually, dragging his claws along the sensitive inside of the ribs starting with the lowest until they touched the vertebrae beneath the collar. He pushed off the robe and it fell off Blue's shoulders and pooled at his elbows. Slim leaned over Blue.
-Interested in joining me now?
He whispered against Blue's skull, his hot breath tickling the white bones. Blue made an appreciative sound and closed her eyelids.
-Hmmm.... No.
Blue smiled, opening her eye sockets and moving away from the other skeleton (as far as the table would allow), going back to holding his pen, studying the papers in front of him and ignoring the other skeleton.
Slim gave a good-natured snort and left Blue, walking away and walking around the table and dropping into the armchair by the fireplace.
-You are no fun, Blue!
Blue chuckled softly in response to the other skeleton's whimper.
Blue chuckled softly in response to the other skeleton's whimper.
In other times (not that long ago, actually) Slim wouldn't have accepted his protests (at least not initially. He never really forced him into anything. If Blue really didn't want him he would back off and let him go, but until there he would be a pain in the ass, using various ruses to convince him to have his way) and would have yanked him out of the chair, thrown him unceremoniously onto the bed and trapped him there until Blue gave in to his whims.
Blue felt a little disappointed that the other didn't try to convince him (it was always easier to procrastinate when he could use the other's insistence as an excuse), but on the other hand he wanted to get those papers over with soon. The sooner he reviewed the proposals and agreements, the sooner they would go into effect (or be scrapped altogether).
-Oh! By the way... The King is summoning you. - Slim spoke distractedly analyzing the ceiling.
Blue froze and looked in disbelief at the puddle of bones lying on the armchair. He wanted to throw the pen at Slim.
Razz had summoned him and the bastard was trying to drag him into bed!
Sometimes he thought that Slim was enjoying his suffering (who was he kidding? Of course he liked it! He did everything to get Blue punished... not that Blue himself didn't like a good excuse to be punished too...but that wasn't the point!)
-Ugh! And you just tell me this now? - He said irritably dropping the pen and squeezing the eye sockets with his hands.
He got up, pulling his robe awkwardly to cover himself. Rounding the table he headed for the cupboard, already wondering how long he'd been late (because there was no guarantee that Slim hadn't stopped for a cigarette, or two, before coming to warn him).
Before reaching his destination, a hand grabbed him, stopping him.
Not now, Slim! - Blue got irritated.
If Razz was calling him, on a hearings day, it was because he needed Blue for advice (or more precisely to try to clear up some cultural misunderstanding).
-You are very bossy, little Blue. - Slim spoke in a somber tone that caused shivers in said little skeleton.
Blue straightened up, looking seriously into those sharp amber lights, not the least bit intimidated by the tone or the other man having slowly risen to his feet, looming menacingly over him.
-And you are very bold, aren't you Mutt? Directly disobeying a command from his lord. - Blue replied sweetly.
Slim stiffened, his grip on the wrist becoming almost painful. Blue refused to grimace or deviate from the narrowed orbits of displeasure. He could almost feel the growl caught in the other's throat, vibrating through the bones, trying to contain the indignation that Blue would dare to question his obedience to Razz.
Unexpectedly the other blinked and relaxed. A sly smile appeared languidly causing a wave of worry to flow through Blue. Before he could fully analyze the change in the other, his wrist was lifted and he found himself being pulled, slamming against Slim's ribcage and being held by firm arms.
It all happened so fast that Blue didn't even make it past the shocked exclamation before Slim happily spoke.
-You're right Baby Blue! I wouldn't be a good dog if I didn't diligently obey my master, would I?
Blue barely managed to process Slim's words before the world blinked and he found himself in the middle of the Room of Thrones (or rather the Throne now). He squealed and squirmed, but Slim had a firm grip on him and didn't let go until he stopped in front of the throne where he had Blue on the ground.
-Oh! There you are! - said Razz satisfied.
Bue ignored him and grabbed the edges of the robe trying to shrink inside it.
For a thousand black holes! He wasn't wearing anything under his thin navy blue satin robe!
Hell, he might have paraded completely naked to a bunch of monsters not too long ago, but it was an event fit for that, he wasn't interested in showing off to Razz's subjects at a public audience!
He looked frantically around, trying to assess whether the faces around him were shocked, outraged, or merely amused. It was with surprise that he found the hall deserted with only the 3 skeletons inside.
As he looked around the empty hall he felt his panic ebb away.
He walked calmly across the hall, expecting to see some monster huddled in a corner, perhaps startled by the sudden appearance of the King's executioner.
Not that there was any place for them to hide.
As long as the hall had been cleared of all hand-stitched stuffed animals and cotton balls (coming from the inside of said stuffed animals) there was no place for a monster to hide. Even the delta rune banners hanging on the walls were too high for anyone to hide behind.
Other than that, the only piece of furniture was the gold and purple throne in the center of the room which was occupied by Razz, who sat idly on it. The King was praising Slim who had an expression of smug satisfaction.
Blue felt his mood flare again.
That damn!!! He had fooled him all right!
Slim had probably taken a shortcut to the bedroom and his whole little game had been calculated taking into account the time it would take for Blue to leave and arrive in the hall. In other words he was never late.
As it simmered silently Razz finished talking to Slim and turned back to him. Before he could speak Blue spoke through clenched teeth.
-Did you summon me, Majesty?
Razz blinked in surprise at his tone and posture and glanced at Slim who suddenly looked the picture of innocence. Amused, he turned to answer Blue.
-Yes, I called you.
He motioned for Blue to approach and Blue went towards the king throwing daggers with a look at Slim who had moved away from Razz and was watching the interaction between the smaller skeletons, relaxed.
As soon as Blue was an arm's length away from Razz the King pulled him onto his lap. Blue let himself be maneuvered a little stiffly.
His anger was towards Slim, but he was also a little upset with Razz for never complaining about Slim's "shortcuts" (of course, he understood that they could be very useful, but Slim always seemed to use them only to play pranks or be lazy, he never understood like Razz, who had standards as high as he, allowed something like that).
Razz adjusted him until he was fully facing himself and his back to Slim.
Blue noticed that the King had dispensed with the cape, but he was dressed regally, in a navy blue suit with black trim. He had also dispensed with part of the armor (he usually did so in public audiences, a way of appearing more accessible to his people and also to deceive any rebel thinking that the King was off guard), with only the shoulder pads and greaves.
Blue crossed his arms and stood rigidly on the King's knees. Razz just smiled indulgently and stroked a knee over the top of his robe.
-Not interested in why I called you?
Blue tempted to say that he didn't mind (yes, he was dying of curiosity), but thought that would be very childish of him.
-For my advice I presume...although I don't see anyone requesting an audience.
That was the second thing that was making him curious. Where were the claimants to the King's attention?
-Oh! I dismissed the hearing for today.
Blue blinked and uncrossed her arms.
-Serious? – He asked in surprise.
He didn't think Razz would skip work. Its current ruler was very diligent when it came to the kingdom and the welfare of his subjects, mainly because in the last few days the number of monsters coming to him had increased, so it seemed strange that he decided to cut a day of audiences.
-Hmm-hmm. See, things have been moving along beautifully and you've helped me enormously with dealing with your countrymen, so I was thinking of rewarding you for all your help and hard work.
Blue perked up. He felt himself swell with pride at the sincere praise.
It was good that his work was paying off. Of course, it was his duty to help his people like the helpful monster that he was, but listening (and receiving a reward) felt so good!
-Oh that's not necessary!
He answered meekly, though his curiosity and excitement barely let him sit still in Razz's lap.
-Course is! And since today I received the order that I were waiting for, I couldn't wait until the end of the day to give you your present.
Blue wondered what could it be? Maybe a new toy, or a shovel? Let it not be another dress or lingerie! He liked them, but he had enough for two, or three lifetimes!
-But since someone seems grumpy, maybe it's better to leave it for later. I want you to fully enjoy your gift.
-No! I… I mean… – he stuttered when he saw Razz's amused face and Slim's chuckle behind him. – I'm already here… it would be a waste not to receive it… although I don't need rewards for my work.
-Hmm... - hummed Razz thoughtfully. - I don't know... what do you think Mutt?
-I think Baby Blue should be put in a good mood before receiving her gift.
Razz's hand moved up from her knee to her femur, stroking higher and higher. Blue opened her legs a little causing the robe to open and Razz started stroking the inside of her femur. His fingers brushed over bare bone.
Blue looked at Razz with the best pleading expression he could muster and Razz smiled lifting his hand and cupping his chin and bringing their faces closer together.
-How about showing me that you deserve your gift?
Blue managed not to snort. It was supposed to be his reward, so why did he have to work to earn it?
-And what does my King want me to do? – he asked in a whisper deciding that for now it was better to play along if he wanted to find out soon what he would win.
-Hmm... - Razz reclined on the throne. - How about showing me the skills of that silver tongue of yours? I know it's brilliant at convincing stubborn monsters, how about showing me his other skills?
Blue suddenly had his mouth full, his tongue heavy and restless, itching to show off histalents. He slid off Razz's lap.
-As you wish, my King!
Falling to his knees, he bent down to open Razz's pants.
He had fantasized about it, many times during long, tedious audiences, standing beside the throne while listening to endless monsters complain about overpriced prices, or monsters "loitering" around town (and once memorably a monster complaining about the damp Waterfall!) .
He found himself several times imagining himself bent over the throne, with Slim humping him like a pair of animals. Or just sucking the actual phallus like he was about to do.
Blue pulled the still softening cock out of Razz's pants and began to stroke it. He didn't dare say anything, he knew that in the dirty talk department he was nothing spectacular (in fact it still embarrassed him when he remembered Slim falling out of his chair laughing when he tried to talk dirty to him once).
Just a few touches and the dark blue member was hard. Blue ran a reverent hand down the length from base to rounded tip. He didn't have piercings like Slim, but the row of thorns running along his cock was very similar to his brother's and tickled his fingers with every stride.
He bent down and popped it into his mouth, savoring the texture on his tongue before diving (pun intended) into the real action.
Giving oral pleasure always turned him on (especially once he got the hang of it and the royal brothers started properly appreciating his oral skills), and he was already kind of "agitated" by all the innuendoes with Slim, so it was no surprise that his ecto came up so quickly.
He didn't focus on what to form, just let the excitement run through his bones and solidify. He felt his cock bump against his belly, fully erect and his pussy contract in time with the spasm that coursed through the cock in his mouth.
-Slim, get him ready!
Blue perked up at the order, lifting his hips eagerly. Slim chuckled and cupped his ass before pulling the robe aside to gain free access to her pseudo flesh.
Slim caressed an ass with the palm of his hand, squeezing the soft flesh and letting out a sound of appreciation, almost lost in Blue's needy moan and Razz's curse for the extra stimulation on his cock.
The tall skeleton smacked in a band and Blue nearly choked on Razz's cock. The king hissed in annoyance and ordered Slim to stop joking and do as he was told. Blue moaned, but soon forgot her disappointment as she felt those long fingers probing her pussy.
Slim took his time playing with his lips and clit before diving into his actual pussy. Blue let out another long moan and rocked against the encroaching fingers, loving the feel of friction and his cock swinging in the air.
He wished Slim would forget about the preparation and impale him on his cock. The idea of having both at either end of him at the same time almost made him come alone and he swallowed convulsively, eliciting another curse from his doppleganger.
Razz ordered and Blue reluctantly let him go, licking the oozing bubble of pre-cum before pulling away completely.
Razz placed him in his lap again and pulled the belt of the robe which opened completely revealing Blue's body for his king's appreciation. Blue sat across from Razz as the other skeleton's lights traced over his bare ribs and stomach to his erect, untouched cock.
- Tie that on him, Slim! – Razz ordered handing the belt over to his brother.
Slim took the cloth band and passed it over Blue's skull, plugging his eye sockets. He held it gently but firmly so it wouldn't slip through his skull.
Blue groaned as his world went black. He couldn't define whether or not he liked being blindfolded. On the one hand, it made his senses more heightened, plus the anticipation of not knowing what would happen next aroused him even more. On the other hand, not being able to see his lovers was irritating and made it harder to focus, sort of overstimulating him (which wasn't a bad thing, just that sometimes it could be a little too much).
Razz smoothed him folds, teasing him clit for a moment, before probing him pussy with two fingers, testing Slim's work, and Blue immediately rocked into the encroaching fingers.
Razz calmed him down by grabbing him around the waist and making him stop. Blue groaned and tightened her grip on the encroaching fingers, eliciting a moan from the King who slapped her thigh.
-Behave yourself, or you won't gain anything.
-Hmmm... I think I prefer your cock to this... or another slap. - Blue teased squeezing again.
Razz hissed, a sound caught between amused and exasperated, and Slim laughed behind them.
Blue could hear Slim's labored breathing and wondered if the other had gotten out of his pants yet. For lack of telltale sounds he wasn't touching himself (yet). Perhaps, hopefully, he would join the two (since they both had sex with him in the hallway, they seemed to have lost all qualms about being with him at the same time).
-Calm down Baby Blue, I guarantee you will like your gift.
Razz withdrew his fingers and pulled him until he was on his knees. Razz guided him until Blue felt the head of the other skeleton's cock brush his lips. He tried to get down, but Razz held him back. He might not be seeing it, but he could feel the king's amusement.
He gripped Razz's shoulders and groaned needily, trying to coax his lover forward. Razz took pity on him and guided him down until Blue was fully impaled on him.
Both skeletons groaned. Blue let her head fall forward, resting her forehead on the king's shoulder who turned and quickly kissed the side of him skull, just below the blindfold.
The monster Tale turned his face, trying to turn the quick touch into a real kiss and almost hit his nose bridge with Razz who was quick to step away and avoid the near miss. Blue whispered an apology which the other monster hushed by clamping their teeth together in a proper kiss.
For a moment they were both lost in the kiss. Blue clung even tighter to Razz, enjoying the contrast of the clothing and metal against her naked body and the tremor he could feel go through Razz as he held back.
Smirking inwardly, he squeezed his cock inside himself and Razz pulled away cursing.
-You little shit! – he yelled before grabbing Blue's waist and starting to fuck him.
Razz wasn't gentle. He fucked him at a punishing pace, gripping his waist with steely fingers (that would leave marks for sure) and snarling in his face.
Blue went limp, letting Razz control him however he wanted, and enjoyed the ride. He threw his head back when Razz changed the angle a little and hit that sweet spot inside him.
All the teasing and preparation had Blue already very close to coming, even though there was no stimulation on his cock other than the occasional bump against his stomach and brush against the royal robes.
Just as he was about to come, Razz stopped, pulling completely out of him. Blue let out a cry, first in frustration and then in surprise as he was pulled to his feet. If Razz didn't continue to hold him he was sure to fall into a puddle at the foot of the throne.
For a second he thought Razz would let go of him, but he turned him around and made him sit on his lap now with his back pressed against his chest.
-I should send you back to your room, no gift or satisfaction. -The king threatened and Blue shuddered with fear. He was cruel enough to carry out his threats. – Send you like that… – and he grabbed Blue's cock, who screamed - naked and dissatisfied…a walk of shame to show everyone what an insolent you are!
Blue shuddered and squirmed in the other monster's grip, whimpering when the other just held his cock in a firm grip without moving. The King let out a sudden chuckle.
-Oh! You would like that, wouldn't you? – he slid his hand to the head of the cyan blue cock and stroked the drop of pre-cum that had appeared at the tip. – That I should send him to his room like this… Blindfolded and unable to see who might be watching…
Blue couldn't contain his groan.
-Of course you would! - Razz laughed grimly – And then I would send Slim to throw him in the bedroom, bound and blindfolded. Unable to see or relieve himself... perhaps I'll gather the castle's servants... make them go to your room, to see what a lecher our sweet Blueberry is.
All the while Razz stroked the head of his cock in smooth strokes. Stimulating, but not nearly enough.
Blue moaned and shuddered. Goosebumps ran up and down him. Her empty pussy clenched at the dirty whispers and another drop of precum came out, quickly being spread through the King's fingers.
-What do you think, Slim? Do you think Baby Blue here deserves her reward? Or should I send him to his room so he can reconsider his insolent actions?
Blue had almost forgotten about Slim. The king's brother made a thoughtful noise before answering.
-I don't know, M'Lord... maybe if he apologizes...
It took a few seconds for Blue to manage to switch her mind from warmed-up Jell-O mode to something functional that could form words.
-Pl... please... - The first syllables almost didn't come out and he had to swallow hard and concentrate to be able to speak properly. Once he got the first line right, the others came flooding out.
-Please! Please excuse me, I'll be good, please, please please...
-Please what?
Razz asked and Blue took a moment to gather what he really wanted.
- Please fuck me! Please give me your dick please please I'll be good I'll be good pleaseplease...
He pleaded, the words coming together as incoherent as his thoughts.
-Hmm... since you asked so well.
Razz hummed and Blue would have screamed in triumph if her mind could think past the need to be fucked into oblivion.
Razz lifted him until he was kneeling on the throne. Still holding him with one hand to steady him, he thrust back into Blue who gathered all her strength to keep still and not risk the King's wrath.
He didn't need to worry. Razz began to fuck him at the same pace as before, much to Blue's ecstasy.
Despite the position allowing Blue to have good leverage support, the iron grip on his hip (which by now must be riddled with bruises) did not allow him to move, forcing him to follow Razz's lead and speed.
(not that Blue would try anything and provoke Razz to stop)
Razz didn't touch his cock again, but he didn't have to. He was so close already... Just a little push... just a little bit more...
The blindfold was ripped off suddenly and Blue opened her eye sockets by extinct, blinking in the sudden brightness. The shock of what he saw in front of him was the final push.
He screamed as strings of semen exploded from his cock and landed on his brother's torn and dirty sweatshirt.
Blue didn't look away from the tall skeleton kneeling in front of him, even though the image was blurred and his mind was on autopilot, just repeating “Papy, papy, papy” as if echoing his scream.
After more than a year apart he finally found him again!
"Papy..." he repeated. His mind fluctuated between the euphoria of seeing his brother and his orgasm.
Papyrus was there (his Papyrus, his brother and not a multidimensional clone), kneeling on the floor in front of him, so close and yet so far...
He almost thought it was an illusion, something created by the euphoria of orgasm, but he doubted anything concocted by his mind would give him a Papyrus with his wrists tied behind his back and gagged, his clothes torn and dirty.
(if he were to imagine it, it would be looking healthier and cleaner and certainly not present at the moment)
Which meant he was real and he was there, alive and unharmed!
There were smudges over his eye sockets, still visible however wide open they were, and some marks and abrasions on his bones, but for a quick check there were no missing limbs or apparent injuries.
Blue took a step forward and Razz didn't stop him. He slid off his king's cock and staggered over to his precious big brother.
His knees knocked against the cold flagstones as he landed in front of the other skeleton and hugged him repeatedly chanting his childhood nickname.
He rubbed his face into Papyrus's neck and squeezed his broad shoulders as hard as he could. Blue felt the tall skeleton lean against him and his skull press against him.
-Ow... isn't it adorable? - Slim asked.
The body in his arms tensed and he said something aggressively. Even though the words ended up muffled against the gag, his tone left no doubt that it was most likely some well-chosen curses.
-Tsk, and you were doing so well... so quiet enjoying the show...
Papyrus froze and Blue pulled back a little and looked between them. The shorts he wore did little to hide his erection. He pulled back a little further, aware of his state and what he'd been doing just moments ago.
Blue vaguely wondered if he really had been perverted by those two or it was just the shock of seeing his brother again that kept him from feeling embarrassed or angry about the situation. Maybe Razz has finally fucked up (pun intended) his mind.
-I'm sure if you promise to be polite we can help you with that too. – Slim moved his eyebrow bones and Papyrus protested more vehemently, but fell silent when the other continued teasing.
-Or Baby Blue here can.
Papyrus was deathly silent, but his eye sockets were wide open, whether it was from shock, dismay or something else, he couldn't tell.
He heard a gasp from farther back, sure his majesty was shocked by Slim's proposal, but Blue didn't turn to look at him. He was focused, analyzing his brother's reactions to his double's words. After a few seconds of consideration he replied.
-Yes I Can. - His tone was firm, not betraying his doubts and concerns.
Immediately the mood in the room changed.
His brother turned the skull so fast it was a miracle it didn't break free from his neck and roll away. He stared at those black orbs, (ever so lazy... not even summoning lights to better communicate with the other monsters) suddenly as wide as he'd never seen them before, and reached out a hand slowly to touch the confining erection.
Papyrus tried to say something, his anxious expression wanting to convey something his words couldn't. Blue ignored all of that and focused on the flush that threatened to fill her entire skull, the interested pulsing of the cock beneath her fingers, and mostly what his brother wasn't trying to tell him.
He smiled, lights from it flickered and became stars. Papyrus blinked in confusion and Blue wasted no more time, they could (and would) talk later, for now he had to help his brother (and make a point for all the monsters in that room).
He pulled the zipper and withdrew his brother's cock. He wanted to have time, to do things slowly and as they should have been (in another life, another time, another dimension), he wanted to look at it, see what it was like (discover his and Slim's differences), but he had things more important than comparing dicks. He had to reassure his brother.
-Don't worry Papy! I will take good care of you.
He heard footsteps behind him, which stopped abruptly before reaching them. He could feel the tension at his back and imagine Slim stopping Razz from interrupting them while they both had their own silent competition to face.
Taking advantage before one of the two ended their “game”, he got to his feet, put one leg over Papyrus's and holding the base of his cock, sat up without preamble, impaling himself in one fell swoop.
Papyrus let out a strangled cry and Blue could feel it explode inside him. He closed his eyes feeling the hot jets of his brother's cum slam inside him as his pussy contracted against the unfamiliar cock.
His brother groaned and shuddered in what should have been a fucking orgasm. He head tipped forward and Blue stroked his with one hand.
He really hoped he had made the right decision. It was a high stakes, but he'd had plenty of time while apart to analyze and re-analyze several factors.
He wished it had gone the other way, that both of them could have had time to talk, to clarify their feelings and desires (so much had gone unsaid, so much had been hidden... they would have to talk at length later), but sometimes you you just need to act and leave words for later.
He honestly hoped he hadn't taken advantage of the situation, but he wasn't going to allow those two to manipulate him (again), or Papy.
(And he didn't let himself think too deeply that he also wanted to be their first with Papy. Because he was sure those two would try (and succeed) to get into his brother's pants.
(And even deeper, there was also the thought of getting back at the two, of teasing them and showing that he had the courage to do something that neither of them did).
Speaking of the other two, there was complete silence behind them. He couldn't even hear their breathing, but he could feel their eye sockets widened, their lights maybe gone and even their mouths open.
He wanted to turn and look at them, see the shock and dismay on their faces (the thought of disgust never even crossed his mind. Both of them might think they fooled well, but Blue could read them like a book by now and knew their true feelings for each other, even though they both did their best to ignore them), but now wasn't the time for that. It was Papy's moment, and he was going to give it his full attention (or at least try to).
Once he felt the tremors subside, and that his pussy had drained everything Papy could give him, he pulled back a little and searched his brother's face. Papyrus had his eye sockets closed and was still shivering slightly.
Such a lovely sight!
Blue pulled the gag gently and Papyrus opened his eye sockets, turning towards him and trying to pronounce something, maybe his name. Blue stopped his brother's attempts by leaning down and brushing his teeth against him.
Papy's mouth was dry and empty as he thrust his tongue into it, he almost pulled away, but then he felt the throb of the cock still inside (and still hard) him. He ran his tongue along the inside of his teeth and suddenly there was another tongue there, pushing against him with fierce desperation.
Blue abandoned herself to the kiss, trying to slow his brother's eager and clumsy tongue, urging him to relax and enjoy the kiss. He pulled away after a while, a thin thread of saliva connecting them before he leaned down and licked it. Papyrus groaned needily and his hips rose unconsciously eliciting a groan from both of them.
Blue then smiled and placed a hand on his chest urging him to recline until he was lying on the floor. The position was perhaps not the most comfortable for the tall skeleton, who had his hands tied behind him, but Blue didn't think they would take long enough to hurt him.
Propping himself up on his knees, he lifted himself up until only his head remained inside before lowering himself to the base again, repeating the movement slowly, as if he wanted to give both of them time to appreciate all the sensations.
His pussy tightening unconsciously, as if his body didn't want to let go of his brother's cock.
From your brother!
The enormity of the situation had him groaning loudly and impaling himself with more enthusiasm.
By all the stars this was actually happening!
He focused on the cock that fucked him.
It was big, but he couldn't say for sure that it was longer than Slim, but it was definitely a little thicker and smoother... it was a little disconcerting after months and months of being fucked by two cocks full of spikes or metallic ornaments, to have something so smooth inside his. Even the toys they used had some kind of texture or bump on them.
Not that that was bad, not far from it! It only made the experience more exciting because it sure as hell wasn't Slim's or Razz's cock, or an exotic toy, but another monster's penis, and that monster was none other than his dear, lazy big brother!
(although he wasn't being lazy at all as he planted his feet on the ground and lifted his hips to meet his every thrust with equal enthusiasm)
He opened his eyes socket, as if to check, and there it was, the most exciting sight he'd ever seen.
His brother there, completely at his mercy, sprawled beneath him like a feast for his eager lights. The face flushed in orange yellow and panting. Their orbs glued to him, drinking in his image, just as he drank in his. His expression was that of someone who had witnessed a miracle and couldn't take his eyes off the wonder with which he had been beholden. His jaw was open and he was moaning low and with abandon.
Blue couldn't help but smile. He leaned down, resting his hands on Papyrus's ribcage, changing the angle of the thrusts and let out a long, satisfied moan, closing his eye sockets and feeling Papyrus speed up, trying to hit the spot again.
Blue left his eyelids only half open and called out to his brother.
-Aaahh Papy... Pa...papy...
This was too much for the poor skeleton who pressed himself as hard as he could, lifting his hips fully off the floor and coming in hot spurts a second time inside Blue.
As he fell back to the ground, panting and covered in sweat, Blue leaned back on Papyrus' raised knees and brought a hand to his neglected cock and with only two or three pumps of his hand he came, screaming the name of his brother, and feeling his cock still twitching inside him.
He came down from his high to see his brother still trying to control his breathing, their hooded eyes socket staring at him in fascination. He rose, letting his cock slip from him, and rose to his feet, taking in his brother's sprawled, well-fucked form.
-What the fuck...
The phrase said in a dismayed tone made him remember that they weren't alone and he turned around looking at the two skeletons standing side by side a few meters away from them.
The royal brothers had identical expressions of shock and disbelief. His lights and orbits magnified with shock and excitement and two rock hard erections in his pants.
-Damn it... – exhaled Slim, apparently the only one still able to speak. Razz just stared at him slack-jawed.
Blue gave a slow smile, her hands sliding down his dirty thighs, scooping up the mess that oozed from his pussy.
-Oh! Guess I have to thank you for the gift, don't you? – he raised his dirty fingers and faced them with hooded eye sockets the two skeletons, which widened their eye sockets even more when seeing what the other intended.
-Thank you so much, I loved it!
Blue thanked her as she brought her fingers to his mouth and cleaned them with smooth swipes of his tongue. He closed his eyes, delighting in the new taste and even more in the three sets of needy moans echoing through the hall.
Thanks for reading!
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cactfold · 11 months
Also I think all evil scientists are lesbians. The L in LGBT stands for lab malpractice
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sweetdaisymay · 1 month
I am finally back, since I'm about to graduate that means I finally have time to be on Tumblr again so since I've grown more as a artist since the first time I started posting art on this page
So why not redesign all the old ocs I've made across the time I've been on this platform?
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This is his original design, the ref sheet of him from when I first made him
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Meet the redesign for BloodBerry, my RottenBerry [ Swap x Horror Sans] child! I wanted him to be more like a guardsman because his original design looks too much like his father Swap [ basically just swap with a large hole in the head- ]
And now here is his redesign
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The next character I'll be redesigning will either be Nightlight, my Nighterror [ Nightmare x Error Sans ] child or Cotton Candy [ a random oc I made and didn't really draw very much ]
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rottenberry-cookie · 1 year
Sincere apology for Toothpaste guys. The fucker has a face that looks like something you'd find on the Roblox avatar catalog
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Also bonus where I fucking decimated Toothpaste's image quality just for shits and giggles
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itsladykit · 2 years
I’m trying to get away from adding more Undertale content to my “to-write” list, and honestly, this is one of those things I wouldn’t want to write or interact with anyway—it’s upsetting angst, not enjoyable angst. But. If anyone is looking for an angsty/upsetting idea, here you go—adoptable prompt.
Tale/Fell relationship, preferably one that started Underground and continued on the Surface. And the Fell monster thinks everything is going very well. Wonderfully, in fact. They’re in therapy. They’re starting to heal from their PTSD. Life is good.
Except…the Tale-verse monster doesn’t feel the same. They’re starting to draw away from their partner because they just don’t find the relationship exciting anymore. Turns out, they were drawn to the Fell monster because of that Fell-verse edge. Now that they’re losing it, they’re losing interest.
There. Free prompt for anyone who wants to upset themselves and others.
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ask-petunia-htf · 1 year
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corvussnakee · 2 months
He threw a whole truck worth of strawberry cake at him...
HEHEHEH! he disappeared...
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Man doesn't even question the fact a rainbow version of Ink just descended from the sky and dropped a truck in Shattered's garden but like... Oh well.
Note: I read the question as "Drops a whole truck of strawberry cheesecake" so like- We runnin with that hahdjsbjcnsjdnsm. (I was laughing to myself so much when I grabbed the truck image off the internet and slapped it down)
I'm getting my motivation back for this, but I don't know how long this train is gonna flow so I'm just gonna just relax with this for now.
I have a better idea/clearer idea for the story I wanna tell. Originally I thought I would have to shove Rottenberry out of the way but now I have a better idea.
So don't worry about Rottenberry's ask blog being throw out a window. He'll be fine and dandy :3
Some things might change though. But just a bit...
Man I am on a posting CRAZE!!!
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toohuya3 · 4 months
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rarepair-haven · 4 months
Razz x Fell, which I call Blackcherry or Razzcherry. I think their dynamic would just be grumpy, tiredRazz x Fell, which I call Blackcherry or Razzcherry. I think their dynamic would just be grumpy, tired guy (Fell) x another grumpy guy who adds on to his problems (Razz). they're both from violent and unforgiving environments so it wouldn't be hard for them to bond with each other. tho,, their love language would consist of insulting and yelling at each other. with the occasional angsty moments. bc they've been through a lot and need someone to depend on when everyone else has failed them.
Fell: "i'm here to save your sorry ass!"
Fell: "ha! i can never tell the difference."
Razz: *grumbling noises*
Fell: "now, shut up so i can heal you."
I think I’ve seen some people use Rottencherry for it, like how Rottenberry is for blue/razz. But yea they’d be very angrily in love together
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iamsofuckinggay · 4 months
I just realized that both swapfell red and purple sans ship name with swap sans is rottenberry
So if they're poly is it just rottenrottenberry
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cactfold · 7 months
Why are you. As a woman. Putting your hands on another woman like that
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