#Roxy Festival 2017
metaleterno · 1 month
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¨Sangre y viento¨ es el título del tan esperado nuevo disco de Frater, el nuevo material fue grabado entre enero y febrero de este año en Estudio Frater y Deja Vu Estudio bajo la producción de la banda.
¨Sangre y viento¨ cuenta con 11 temas de autoría propia del que ya conocimos como adelanto ¨El renacido¨ semana atrás, hoy como focus track Frater presenta ¨Persiguiendo al sol¨
Este nuevo disco será presentado oficialmente en vivo en El Teatrito el sábado 10 de Agosto. 19hs. Las entradas anticipadas ya se encuentran a la venta por sistema Passline. Banda invitadas: Fisión Nuclear y No Guerra
PH @nacholunadei
ACERCA DE FRATER    FRATER es una banda argentina cuyo nombre refiere a la unión y hermandad. Este lazo intangible, pero a la vez perceptible, atraviesa la música modificándola, evolucionando permanentemente hacia nuevos horizontes.
FRATER es formada a comienzos del 2008 con el objetivo de fusionar diferentes estilos musicales, con riffs potentes y a la vez melódicos, letras introspectivas y construcciones rítmicas que bordean lo progresivo, sin perder agresividad y persiguiendo el formato canción en todas sus variantes. Luego de editar el EP “Shapeless” en 2009 y su primer larga duración “Into The Light” en 2012,  la banda giró extensamente por Capital Federal, varios puntos del Gran Buenos Aires y ciudades de todo el país y es invitada a presentarse junto a At The Gates en su primera visita al país.
A finales de 2017, FRATER continúa su recorrido musical con el lanzamiento de su segundo disco de estudio “Pulso En Eclipse”, trabajando nuevamente con Nicolás Ghiglione en PGM Estudios, esta vez volcados a escribir letras enteramente en español.
La placa recibió una gran respuesta tanto de la prensa como del público y fue presentada en el Roxy Live en 2018 a sala llena. Para promover el álbum la banda giro nuevamente por varios puntos del país y ha tocado junto a bandas internacionales de la talla de Paradise Lost, Fleshgod Apocalypse y Wolfheart y nacionales como Plan 4 en el Teatro Vorterix.  
En el 2022 la banda filma su primera live session grabada en estudios Deja Vu con producción propia y forman parte del Heavy Noise Festival junto a Horcas, Against y NVLO en Groove.
En el 2023 la banda sigue girando y tocando material de sus dos discos, presentándose numerosas veces en Uniclub entre otros.   
Este año da inicio cuando Frater es invitada a participar de la última edición del Furia Metal Fest, mientras tanto la banda los toque finales para el lanzamiento de su esperado tercer disco, el cual estará producido enteramente por la banda. Con este nuevo material buscan expandir el universo sonoro manteniendo la esencia que caracteriza al grupo. 
INTEGRANTES    Andrés Bori (Guitarra y Voces)  Juan Ignacio Orcajada (Voces)  Andrés Zadunaisky (Bajo)  Joaquín Gómez (Guitarra)  Federico Mele (Batería)
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headlinerportugal · 6 months
Forte noite de componente psicadélica e experimental – Dia 2 Warm-Up, Basqueiral | Reportagem Completa
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Nuno Duarte, guitarrista e vocalista, dos Unsafe Space Garden | mais fotos clicar aqui
Teremos só a 14 e 15 de junho a 8ª edição do Basqueiral, um festival cujas raízes já estão bem assentes na cultura festivaleira nacional. Vai realizar-se em Santa Maria de Lamas. Para a edição de 2024 o cartaz final ainda não foi revelado. Para já estão divulgados publicamente alguns nomes, pela parte internacional estão confirmados bandas como as espanholas Bala e os britânicos Bad Breeding. Vão-se misturar, como habitualmente por entre alguns dos melhores projetos musicais nacionais como os Galgo, ZEN ou MДQUIИД..
Toda a informação sobre bilhetes e restantes nomes do cartaz pode ser visualizada nas redes sociais do festival @basqueiral
Antes do evento principal a Basqueiro Associação Cultural promoveu um mini (!?) festival em regime de warm-up ocorrido recentemente nos dias 22 e 23 de março, respetivamente sexta-feira e sábado, no Museu de Lamas.
Na segunda noite, sábado dia 23, marcaram presença os excêntricos psicadélicos Unsafe Space Garden, os belgas do krautrock La Jungle, o projeto a solo de David Temprano, também ele belga e cujo nome artístico Landrose no qual explora o beatpunk e por fim o duo de DJ’s composto por Ana Marques e Francisca Sousa mais conhecidas artisticamente como The Ema Thomas.
David Temprano é membro dos Cere, formação belga de noise rock. Como Landrose, o seu projeto a solo, demonstrou no seu set como domina as rédeas da percussão através da sua bateria. Adicionalmente acrescenta loops com instrumentais de samples criteriosamente escolhidos. Landrose, a ideia de One Man Show, baterista com acompanhante eletrónico, instalou a bateria em frente ao palco e ao nível do público. Para fundir energia entre músico e público, perante a insistência do músico belga, as pessoas aproximaram-se o máximo possível até ele tornando o concerto intimista e numa autêntica festa.
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David Temprano como Landrose | mais fotos clicar aqui O headLiner tem uma forte ligação a Guimarães, portanto o nome dos Unsafe Space Garden já não nos é estranho. Já os acompanhamos desde quase o seu início.
Este projeto vimaranense teve o seu borbulhar inicial pelas mentes de Nuno Duarte com Alexandra Saldanha algures entre 2017 e 2018. Desde o “pop bem-humorado“ do EP ‘Bubble Burst’ (2018), até ao rock psicadélico hiperbólico e florido do mais recente ‘Where’s The Ground’ (2023) esta formação evoluiu imenso, numa maneira muito positiva.
A banda foi sofrendo mutações no seu percurso, os membros fundadores Nuno e Alexandra continuam como núcleo, apresentando-se ao vivo, normalmente em sexteto, com o apoio de Filipe Louro (baixo), José Vale (guitarra), João Cardita (bateria) e Diogo Costa (sintetizador e samples).
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A festa psicadélica dos Unsafe Space Garden | mais fotos clicar aqui
Unsafe Space Garden, um nome que já não é novidade a quem frequenta habitualmente o Basqueiral, estavam no local certo, local de culto, de intimidade e deram um excelente concerto. Sempre divertidos, sempre prontos a passar a mensagem certa, sempre disponíveis para partilharem alegria e amor.
Depois de uma atuação na ilha de São Miguel nos Açores inserida no Tremor, o duo La Jungle oriundo de Mons na Bélgica compareceu em Santa Maria de Lamas para uma performance de bastante curiosidade. Eles que, desde 2013, já somam mais de 600 atuações. Rémy Venant "Roxie" e Mathieu Flasse "Jim" trouxeram o seu techno/kraut/transe/noise até Portugal e definitivamente não passaram despercebidos.
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"Roxie" e "Jim" o duo La Jungle | mais fotos clicar aqui La Jungle é uma dupla exatamente como a cerveja belga, ácida, complexa e bastante inebriante... A emergência sónica que colocaram em cada tema tornou a sua atuação completamente insana! Houve alguém que tenha saído sóbrio deste concerto???
The Ema Thomas são dois corpos independentes nos quais a sexualidade é utilizada com muito “girl power” traduzindo todo esse fervor feminista através de uma meticulosa escolha musical destinada a abalar o ambiente. Pose altamente provocadora e ao mesmo tempo desafiante tornam a atuação do duo numa performance artística. Ana Marques e Francisca Sousa deixam, dessa forma, um impacto incomum no público devido a essa insolência despudorada.
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Ana Marques e Francisca Sousa mais conhecidas artisticamente como The Ema Thomas | mais fotos clicar aqui
Sinceramente, não sabemos se Santa Maria de Lamas está preparada (ainda) para esta dupla apelidada de The Ema Thomas. Sensualidade, erotismo, provocação, desmistificar o que na cabeça de muitos ainda é um tabu é, arriscamos a dizer, o propósito desta dupla. Música sedutora e dançável é o veículo que usam nesta aventura lasciva.
Agora é esperar pelos dias 14 e 15 de junho para desfrutar da 8ª edição do Basqueiral cujas expetativas temos de elevar depois deste caloroso warm-up. A qualidade do cartaz é elevada por isso agora é aproveitar para escutar as bandas que farão parte desta edição de 2024 como gesto preparatório. Até junho!
Reportagem fotográfica completa: Clicar Aqui
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Alexandra Saldanha, cujo nome de Instagram é somente Cueca, numa pose mais descontraída | mais fotos clicar aqui Texto: Edgar Silva e Jorge Resende Fotografia: Jorge Resende
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xprojectrpg · 6 months
This Day in X-Project - March 18
2015: A hungover Julian texts Angel about his St. Patrick’s celebrations. Gabriel announces his survival of the weekend, St. Patrick’s Day and getting to the bank. Rogue texts Cecilia about Adrienne’s birthday at the end of the month. Warren asks Miles when his birthday is. Roxy announces her parents are taking her on vacation for spring break.
2016: Jessica makes another lyrics post. Bobbi and Sue run security for a museum opening. Rogue and Jessica talk about Jessica’s past. Bobbi texts Warren, surprised by an expensive gift.
2017: Kitty reflects about her plans for St Patrick’s Day but reveals she decided to go to the New York City Drone Film Festival instead.
2018: Topaz and Kurt have a conversation, which goes better this time.
2019: Darcy questions if anyone's able to bring her in to get new glasses after breaking her current pair.
2021: Clarice signs up for bladesmithing classes.
2022: It’s Holi again and Alani announces the library is closed accordingly, and that there are colour dye bombs around the mansion for use by the residents.
2023: Reality 03: Chimera Contagion: Clint flags a large anomaly in the wormhole to all teams. Gabe posts about hating St Patrick’s Day, especially as a bartender. Terry posts about post St Pat’s Day dinner and BBQ courtesy of herself and Kyle. Amanda talks about post St Pat’s Day headache from New York.
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eri-nelson · 2 years
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Migrant Motel Uses Self-Deprecating Humor To Entertain With New Release ‘Shame
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Migrant Motel uses self-deprecating humor to reflect on their career thus far with new release ‘Shame‘.  With timely pop culture references combined with a bright and bouncy beat, the song deals with timeless issues that many musicians face: knowing that they possess viable talent – but wondering when the wider world will notice what they have to offer. In talking about ‘Shame’, the band says “This is by far the most real, personal song we’ve ever put out. We wanted to express the frustration of not being where you want to be in your career with the line “I’m a big rockstar that nobody knows”.  We are accepting our situation, and acknowledging that there’s so much shame surrounding unrealized ambitions…  Expressing the frustrations we feel has been an extremely cathartic experience”. Migrant Motel’s David Stewart continues, “I directed the video and had a blast doing it! We shot it around LA with my Director of Photography Victor Ingles, who is a master behind the camera. It was nerve wracking to drive the car with a huge mounted camera on the hood… I think the camera rig was more expensive than the car. The last day of the shoot was the parking lot scene and it was amazing to see it all come together: The big lights and the crane shots, I felt like a little Steven Spielberg – it was awesome”! Migrant Motel combines modern Alt.Pop sounds with contemporary production techniques into a blend that is unique yet familiar.  They have been making music and developing their sound since 2017 and the band has built their fan base in Mexico and throughout Latin America.  They are now aiming their sites on the growing Bi-Lingual and Bi-Cultural youth movement in the United State to acknowledge the evolving culture. Peruvian-American David Stewart Jr. and Mexican native Chava Ilizaliturri formed Migrant Motel in Boston while they were studying together at college.  Becoming fast friends with shared musical tastes, the band was very active on the East Coast of the US, playing hundreds of shows in the New England and New York areas. Seeking more opportunities and a bigger stage, the pair relocated to Los Angeles in 2020. The band has played multiple shows on the Los Angeles circuit, performing in legendary venues such as the Whiskey A Go Go, the Viper Room, the Roxy and the Troubadour. Chava has since moved back to Mexico City – while the band has continued to create music together remotely. In 2019 the duo began to function as a band with two scenes: the Mexican and the American. 2020 saw the band play its first shows in different parts of the Mexican Republic as well throughout California. 2021 saw the band play the main stage of the Lollapalooza festival, a major achievement for an Indie act.  The pair have positioned themselves in both scenes through steady fan growth. The band will be releasing more new music in 2023, with plans to start touring in the 2nd quarter. Migrant Motel is: David Stewart, JR. (Vocals/Guitar/Bass) Chava Ilizaliturri (Drums) Connect and Share with Migrant Motel: Official Website / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Official Youtube / TikTok Read the full article
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trastornadosrevista · 2 years
LA ZIMBABWE celebra sus 35 años en La Trastienda
LA ZIMBABWE, celebra sus 35 años de carrera y lo festeja en vivo con sus fans el próximo sábado 29 de octubre en La Trastienda.
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La agrupación liderada por Marcelo “Chelo” Delgado estrena un nuevo tema titulado 7 Vidas, que ya está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales en compañía de su correspondiente videoclip.
LA ZIMBABWE es una de las bandas pioneras en la escena del reggae argentino. Fundada en agosto de 1987, ingresó en los primeros puestos de los rankings nacionales en el '88 de la mano de su homónimo primer disco y su clásico hit “Natty dread”, que la llevó a integrar la grilla del Festival de los 3 Días por la Democracia junto a Soda Stereo, Fito Páez, Charly García, Paralamas do Sucesso, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Ratones Paranoicos, Fabulosos Cadillacs y otros.Invitada como apertura de UB40 en el estadio de Vélez, en su primera visita al país en marzo de 1989. La repercusión obtenida en la segunda etapa del grupo con el lanzamiento de Cuestión de honor, -su tercer álbum-, lo llevó a obtener el Disco de Platino con más de 150.000 copias vendidas y distinguida por la Asociación de Cronistas del Espectáculos con el premio ACE al “Mejor Album de música pop" del año 1995. "Traición a la mexicana" resultó uno de los temas con mayor rotación en las radios de Latinoamérica, galardonado con Discos de Oro en Colombia, Perú y Ecuador. El videoclip de la canción "Loco de atar" fue seleccionado por la cadena MTV dentro de los 100 mejores de su historia. También se sumaron otros hits cómo “Verano del '57”, “Seguir en la ruta”, “Paseo nocturno”, “Sangre caliente”, “Lejos”, “La culpa” y más.
LA ZIMBABWE brindó conciertos multitudinarios por toda la región y en el '97 representó en Miami a la música argentina en el MIDEM, Festival de sellos independientes realizado en Miami.  Esa formación se disolvió a comienzos del '99.  En 2012 regresó con nueva alineación y un disco titulado Cuestión de tiempo en el cual conviven reggae-roots, dub, raggamuffin, ska, e incluso el hip-hop, con un sonido actual sin perder la identidad original de la banda. "Si otra vez te vas " y “Tonto corazón" fueron los cortes de difusión con sus respectivos videos. Debido a su éxito se remasterizó y reeditó con bonus en 2014. Durante el 2015 la banda lanzó el clip de "En el Silencio de la noche", canción que forma parte del EP La Zimbabwe in session, junto a otros clásicos. También en 2015 montó una exitosa gira por Costa Rica y cerró el año abriendo por segunda vez el show de UB40 en el Luna Park. En 2016 realizó un tour por toda la Argentina y también una gira de prensa por Bolivia mientras grababa su nuevo álbum. En 2017 editó #Cultivemos la paz, su séptimo álbum de estudio con el video del tema “Nada me gusta más”, primer corte que tuvo alta rotación en las cadenas musicales y celebró los 30 años de trayectoria en The Roxy. La banda continuó activa y “Chelo” Delgado se multiplicó entre su labor como líder de LA ZIMBABWE y su actividad en solitario. Pero ahora es tiempo de celebrar los 35 años de carrera en vivo y darle la bienvenida a 7 Vidas, el flamante sencillo y video que ya se encuentra disponible en todas las plataformas digitales.
La cita para disfrutar de los grandes éxitos de LA ZIMBABWE, las canciones más nuevas y las sorpresas e invitados es el próximo sábado 29 de octubre en La Trastienda, Balcarce 460, San Telmo.
 Link de ventas: https://www.tuentrada.com/eventos/detalle/LaZimbabwe/836614314666
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louistomlinsoncouk · 3 years
Headline Wembley Arena Show Announced For April 2022
New Postponed World Tour Dates Confirmed For Spring 2022
Louis Tomlinson today announces that he is partnering with BMG to release his second album globally.
Recording is already underway for the record, and Louis joins a roster at BMG that includes KSI, Craig David, Richard Ashcroft, The Prodigy and Kylie Minogue.
Louis says: "I’m very excited to start the next part of my journey with BMG.”
Jamie Nelson VP A&R at BMG UK says: "We are delighted to welcome Louis to BMG. He is already busy working on new music, and we are excited to join him on the next phase of his extraordinary career."
Louis also announces today the first wave of new 2022 dates for his postponed World Tour in UK, Europe, USA and Australia, including a brand new date at London's Wembley Arena. This show replaces Louis's two sold out London shows at The Roundhouse, and tickets will be transferred to the new venue.
Louis's first show at Wembley Arena will take place on April 22nd 2022, and extra tickets for the gig go on sale on Friday 14th May at 9am BST.
After postponing his 2020 world tour due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Louis will now finally get back on the road with his first solo tour, which is already completely sold out. The new dates are listed below. Further international rescheduled dates will be announced at a later date.
Last year, Louis released his million selling smash debut solo album 'Walls' which hit Top 3 in the UK and Top 10 in the USA. A lyrically personal album that proved he had found his feet as a solo artist, the album produced a clutch of acclaimed singles including the emotive first release Two of Us, the raucous Kill My Mind, the reflective We Made It.
In 2019 Louis headlined the Coca-Cola music festival in Madrid to an audience of 25,000 people, and performed to 65,000 fans at Premios Telehit in the Foro Sol stadium in Mexico City. Louis picked up the Best Song Award at the 2019 Teen Choice Awards for 'Two Of Us', which has so far hit over 100 million streams on Spotify alone.
In 2018 Louis won an iHeart Award for 'Best Solo Breakout', and an EMA Award for 'Best UK & Ireland Act' in 2017. He was ranked No.5 on Billboard’s emerging artists of 2018 and has over 60 million combined followers on social media. Last year he won 'Artist Of The Summer' in Philly radio station 96.5 TDY's annual awards.
In December 2020, Louis hosted one of the biggest live stream concert events of 2020, selling over 160,000 tickets to fans in over 100 countries and raising funds for several important charities. As a member of One Direction, Louis has sold over 100 million records. Overall Louis’ solo music has garnered over a BILLION streams.
Louis Tomlinson Tour Dates 2022
1st Feb South Side Ballroom, Dallas, TX
2nd Feb ACL Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, TX - SOLD OUT
3rd Feb Bayou Music Center, Houston, TX - SOLD OUT
5th Feb The Pageant, St Louis, MO - SOLD OUT
7th Feb Coca-Cola Roxy, Atlanta, GA - SOLD OUT
8th Feb Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN - SOLD OUT
10th Feb Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY - SOLD OUT
11th Feb Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY - SOLD OUT
12th Feb The Anthem, Washington DC - SOLD OUT
14th Feb Stage AE, Pittsburgh, PA - SOLD OUT
15th Feb The Met, Philadelphia, PA - SOLD OUT
17th Feb House Of Blues Boston, Boston, MA - SOLD OUT
19th Feb REBEL, Toronto, ON - SOLD OUT
20th Feb The Fillmore, Detroit, MI - SOLD OUT
21st Feb Murat Theatre at Old National Centre, Indianapolis, IN - SOLD OUT
23rd Feb The Chicago Theatre, Chicago, IL - SOLD OUT
24th Feb The Fillmore Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN - SOLD OUT
26th Feb Uptown, Kansas City, MO - NEW SHOW
28th Feb Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO
1st Mar UCUU Center, Orem, UT - NEW VENUE
3rd Mar Paramount Theatre, Seattle, WA - SOLD OUT
4th Mar Roseland, Portland, OR - NEW VENUE - SOLD OUT
6th Mar Orpheum, Vancouver, BC - SOLD OUT
7th Mar Roseland, Portland, OR - NEW SHOW
10th Mar Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA - SOLD OUT
12th Mar Performance Venue at Hollywood Park, Los Angeles, CA - NEW SHOW
23rd Mar Valsheimilið, Reykjavik, Iceland
25th Mar Arenan Fryshuset, Stockholm, Sweden - SOLD OUT
27th Mar Spektrum, Oslo, Norway - NEW VENUE
28th Mar Forum Black Box, Copenhagen, Denmark – NEW SHOW
30th Mar Columbiahalle, Berlin, Germany - SOLD OUT
31st Mar Forum Karlin, Prague, Czech Republic - SOLD OUT
2nd Apr AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Netherlands - SOLD OUT
3rd Apr Palladium, Cologne, Germany – NEW SHOW
5th Apr L’Olympia, Paris, France - SOLD OUT
6th Apr L’Olympia, Paris, France - SOLD OUT
8th Apr Lorenzini District, Milan, Italy - NEW VENUE
9th Apr Halle 622, Zurich, Switzerland - SOLD OUT
11th Apr Gasometer, Vienna, Austria - SOLD OUT
13th Apr Torwar Hall, Warsaw, Poland – NEW VENUE  
14th Apr MTP5, Poznan, Poland – NEW SHOW
16th Apr Lotto Arena, Antwerp, Belgium – NEW SHOW
18th Apr O2 Academy Glasgow, Glasgow, UK – SOLD OUT
19th Apr O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK – SOLD OUT
20th Apr O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK – NEW SHOW
22nd Apr SSE Arena Wembley, London, UK – NEW VENUE
23rd Apr Doncaster Dome, Doncaster, UK – SOLD OUT
20th Jul Fortitude Hall, Brisbane, Australia – NEW SHOW
22nd Jul Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia – SOLD OUT
25th Jul Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia – NEW VENUE
29th Jul HBF Stadium, Perth, Australia – NEW SHOW
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hlupdate · 5 years
Louis Tomlinson returns with his joyous new single, 'We Made It'.
'We Made It' is an ode to teen dreams and young love, which fuses both the euphoric indie influences of Louis's teen years with more contemporary electronic pop sounds.
The track is inspired by stolen nights out in Manchester in the early days of One Direction.
“Any time off I had, I’d go to Manchester for nights out with my mates. It made me realise I didn’t live in the real world anymore and I missed it. I loved being normal, reckless and stupid. It was the best escape.
"We’d stay up all night, talking about our dreams and what we thought would happen to us. That age is such an exciting time. You’ve no idea what the future holds, but you have so much potential. Where is my life headed? Who knows?"
“The chorus of We Made It is also about me and the fans. Between us, it has taken a lot to get here. I’ve had to work really hard, had to learn about so much about myself. I feel as though only when I get out to tour, to sing these songs directly to the fans, will I have cemented the start of my solo career.”
Today, Louis also debuted the music video for 'We Made It', directed by Charlie Lightening (Paul McCartney and Liam Gallagher). The clip is a continuation from his ‘Kill My Mind’ video released in September.
Alongside the release of the single, Louis announced today a Wold Tour for 2020 that will visit London, Glasgow, Doncaster and Manchester, alongside Europe, UAE, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, the USA and Canada. The full tour dates are below. To purchase tickets and for more information for the tour, please visit https://www.louis-tomlinson.com/.
Yesterday Louis revealed that his debut solo album 'Walls' will be released on January 31st 2020. The album is available to pre-order now.
Ask Louis why he only recently felt ready to record a solo album and is only now itching to be back on stage and he’ll tell you straight – the songs. His run of hits in 2017, including hugely successful collaborations with Bebe Rexha and Steve Aoki, were in retrospect a mere dipping of toes in the water. Temperature tested he made some decisions – Louis wanted to be an artist who had his own sound and something to say. Chasing chart positions and radio play had to take a back seat to making music that meant something to him and, in turn, to those all-important fans.
“There was definitely a process of understanding where I sit musically,” says Louis. “I have my own tastes and, to a certain extent, they are fighting against the musical tide. “When I grew up, pop meant Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, The Killers and Amy Winehouse. Times change, obviously. Currently pop is very urban and street, which is not what I relate to. Sure, I could make those sort of songs, but they wouldn’t feel like me. The puzzle was how to please both myself and the fans.”
Also yesterday, Louis premiered the first episode of his new YouTube video series. Watch it below.
Louis recently headlined the Coca-Cola music festival in Madrid to an audience of 25,000 people. Earlier this year, Louis picked up the Best Song Award at the 2019 Teen Choice Awards for his recent single 'Two Of Us', which has so far hit 40 million streams on Spotify, with YouTube views at 23 million. In 2018 Louis won an iHeart Award for 'Best Solo Breakout', and an EMA Award for 'Best UK & Ireland Act' in 2017. He was ranked No.5 on Billboard’s emerging artists of 2018 and has over 60 million combined followers on social media.
As a member of One Direction, Louis has sold over 100 million records. Overall Louis’s solo music has garnered over a BILLION streams.
“I feel like a new artist now. It’s taken a while for me to be comfortable on my own, to learn to trust my gut and make sure I get what I want. I feel the most confident I’ve ever been, both as a songwriter and a singer, and the most mature.
"Of course I want to be successful, but what matters is what my music means to me and what it means to the fans. That’s the priority. The rest we’ll have to wait and see.”
Louis Tomlinson Walls World Tour 2020
09.03 Razzmatazz 1, Barcelona, Spain 11.03 Fabrique, Milan, Italy 14.03 Stockholm Arena, Sweden 16.03 Columbiahalle, Berlin 18.03 L'Olympia, Paris 19.03 AFAS Live, Amsterdam 24.03 Roundhouse, London 26.03 O2 Academy, Glasgow 27.03 Dome, Doncaster 28.03 O2 Apollo, Manchester 18.04 Coca-Cola Arena, Dubai 20.04 Tennis Indoor & Outdoor Senayan, Jakarta 23.04 Shed 10, Auckland 25.04 Big Top, Sydney 27.04 Palais Theatre, Melbourne 30.04 Studio Coast, Tokyo 01.05 Zepp Namba, Osaka 09.05 Vivo Rio, Rio De Janeiro 10.05 Tom Brasil, Sao Paulo 13.05 SND Arena, Asuncion 15.05 Movistar Arena, Buenos Aires 09.06 The Fillmore, Minneapolis, MN 10.06 Chicago Theatre, Chicago, IL 12.06 Rebel Theatre, Toronto, ON 13.06 Stage AE, Pittsburgh, PA 15.06 House Of Blues, Boston, MA 17.06 Pier 17, New York, NY 19.06 Anthem, Washington, DC 20.06 The Fillmore, Philadelphia, PA 22.06 Coca Cola Roxy, Atlanta GA 23.06 Ryman Auditorium, Nashville TN 02.07 The Fillmore, Detroit, MI 06.07 Murat, Indianapolis, IN 07.07 The Pageant, St Louis, MO 09.07 Revention, Houston, TX 10.07 ACL Moody Theatre, Austin, TX 11.07 Southside Ballroom, Dallas, TX 13.07 The Fillmore, Denver, CO 14.07 Sandy Amphitheatre, Salt Lake City, UT 17.07 The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA 21.07 Keller Auditorium, Portland, OR 22.07 Paramount Theatre, Seattle, WA 23.07 Orpheum, Vancouver, BC
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avaliveradio · 4 years
Black Angel 'Lady Trumpinstein' a political song in a very political time
“You can always expect just some great rock and roll from Black Angel. I love discovering new tracks from their massive inventory. Lady Trumpinstein has that Summer Festival Vibe. Even if we can’t celebrate this weather with music like we are used to, Black Angel brings that feeling right to your ears. ”
Jacqueline Jax : Radio host AVA Live Radio & Music Publicist
Artist: Black Angel
New Release: Lady Trumpinstein
Genre: rock
Sounds like: : Rolling Stones Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Bob Dylan
Located in: : San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
This song is about a girl who is a Trump supporter who is in love with a guy who was a Bernie Sanders supporter. In the video White House advisor, Hope Hicks, plays the Trump female supporter and actor, John Cusack, plays the Bernie Sanders/progressive supporter.
This is a political song in a very political time. The future of the U.S. is on the line.
Right now we are...
Like most people in California, we are in shutdown mode waiting for the coronavirus pandemic to slow down in our state so that we can get back to playing live and recording more songs.
About the Band... 
HISTORY Black Angel originated in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles in 1999 with J. C. Martin leading the band and with Audrey Madison Turner (lead singer of Ike Turner and The Kings of Rhythm and also Mrs. Ike Turner) as a vocalist and Ronnie Turner (only son of both Tina and Ike Turner) 
on bass. The band was originally called The Prophets and played in major Los Angeles and Santa Barbara clubs such as The Roxy, Jack's Sugar Shack, Luna Park, and the Wildcat Lounge. The Prophets released one CD, "The Prophets EP", in 1999. 
ALBUMS Since then the band has released eleven full-length albums and one extended play album including: "13 Stories" (2001); "Real Music for Real People" (2003); "O' California" and "O' Santa Barbara" (2007); “O’ San Francisco” (2009); "O' Los Angeles" (2014); "Pleasuredome" (2014) and "Hard Livin', Hard Times (2015); “Go Bernie Go” (benefit album for Bernie Sanders) (2015) "Big Big City, Bright Bright Lights" (2017); Moscow Don’t Believe In Tears (2018);“You Can Count On Me” (2018) and “Blue Wave” (2019). 
SHOWS Black Angel has played shows at such Southern California clubs as The Roxy, B. B. King's Blues Club, The Coach House (San Juan Capistrano), Paladino's, Rusty's Surf Ranch, The Cat Club, The Creekside Inn, the Martini Lounge, The Tryst, SRI (Studio Instrument Rentals) Showcase, The Musicians Institute, The Scientology Celebrity Center, The Gig and The Joint. In San Francisco, we have played in front of 20,000 people at both the Off The Grid Fleet Week show for the Blue Angels (2013) and at the Oakland First Friday celebration event (2015). We played in front of over 10,000 people at the Oakland Marathon in 2015.
BAND MEMBERS Other prominent band members in Black Angel over the years include Danny Darling (former drummer for Stevie Nicks, Bonnie Raitt, Lucinda Williams, Jimmy Vaughn, and Leon Russell); Tiffany Lowe (granddaughter of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash and daughter of Carlene Carter and Nick Lowe; Jason Ball (Animotion); and Ernie and Cory Orosco (The Strawberry Alarm Clock).
RADIO AIRPLAY and INTERNET PRESENCE Black Angel can be heard on over 1,500 FM radio and internet radio stations worldwide. Black Angel had over 42,000 friends on MySpace and their site was visited over 304,000 times.
SONG OF THE YEAR In a poll of prominent music journalists in December 2007 "ONE BEER" from the album, "O' California", was selected Song Of The Year by Chuck Eddy of Billboard Magazine. Chuck Eddy is the senior music editor at Billboard Magazine. For seven years Chuck was the music editor of the Village Voice in New York City...
In his annual poll of the best albums of the year, Billboard's Chuck Eddy ranked "O' California" as the 31st best album of the year and "O' Santa Barbara" as the 35th best album of the year for 2007. Keith Gordon of Rolling Stone magazine ranked "O' California" as the 29th best album of the year and "O' Santa Barbara" as the 30th best album of the year for 2007. The late Ben Martin produced and co-produced Black Angel’s last three albums with the help of J. C. Martin.
CURRENT BAND LINE-UP Since relocating to San Francisco in 2012 Black Angel has added drummer, Pat Woods of San Jose, to its core lineup. Pat was with the band, The Readymades, who opened for many national acts at The Cow Palace, The Fillmore, etc. and was in a touring version of the 1950s band, The Coasters. Bass player, Alexey Udalov, is originally from St. Peterburg, Russia and is a phenomenal musician. We have recently been working with an outstanding female singer, Courtney Grace.
LINKS:  https://soundcloud.com/blackangelband/lady-trumpinstein www.Soundcloud.com/BlackAngelBand http://www.twitter.com/BlackAngelBand2 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Black-Angel/358943667513266 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Black-Angel/358943667513266
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janeharringtonworld · 4 years
Festival Roxy / Placebo (Guadalara, Jal. México - 1 Abril 2017) Alafug...
Does anyone know why Brian Molko was wearing a mask through most of this gig. They are wearing jackets so that means it was bad weather. I’ve seen Molko play in the freezing cold and not wear a jacket. Was he sick? 
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metaleterno · 2 months
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PH @nacholunadei  
ACERCA DE FRATER FRATER es una banda argentina cuyo nombre refiere a la unión y hermandad. Este lazo intangible, pero a la vez perceptible, atraviesa la música modificándola, evolucionando permanentemente hacia nuevos horizontes.
FRATER es formada a comienzos del 2008 con el objetivo de fusionar diferentes estilos musicales, con riffs potentes y a la vez melódicos, letras introspectivas y construcciones rítmicas que bordean lo progresivo, sin perder agresividad y persiguiendo el formato canción en todas sus variantes. Luego de editar el EP “Shapeless” en 2009 y su primer larga duración “Into The Light” en 2012,  la banda giró extensamente por Capital Federal, varios puntos del Gran Buenos Aires y ciudades de todo el país y es invitada a presentarse junto a At The Gates en su primera visita al país.
A finales de 2017, FRATER continúa su recorrido musical con el lanzamiento de su segundo disco de estudio “Pulso En Eclipse”, trabajando nuevamente con Nicolás Ghiglione en PGM Estudios, esta vez volcados a escribir letras enteramente en español.
La placa recibió una gran respuesta tanto de la prensa como del público y fue presentada en el Roxy Live en 2018 a sala llena. Para promover el álbum la banda giro nuevamente por varios puntos del país y ha tocado junto a bandas internacionales de la talla de Paradise Lost, Fleshgod Apocalypse y Wolfheart y nacionales como Plan 4 en el Teatro Vorterix.
 En el 2022 la banda filma su primera live session grabada en estudios Deja Vu con producción propia y forman parte del Heavy Noise Festival junto a Horcas, Against y NVLO en Groove.
En el 2023 la banda sigue girando y tocando material de sus dos discos, presentándose numerosas veces en Uniclub entre otros.   
En este año da inicio cuando Frater es invitada a participar de la última edición del Furia Metal Fest, mientras tanto la banda los toque finales para el lanzamiento de su esperado tercer disco, el cual estará producido enteramente por la banda. Con este nuevo material buscan expandir el universo sonoro manteniendo la esencia que caracteriza al grupo. 
INTEGRANTES Andrés Bori (Guitarra y Voces) Juan Ignacio Orcajada (Voces) Andrés Zadunaisky (Bajo) Joaquín Gómez (Guitarra) Federico Mele (Batería)
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pgoeltz · 5 years
In the early months of 2019, South Bay musician Nick Chargin (keyboards and vocals) got a wild hair up his ass. Best known for his work with the successful Bay Area cover band, the Houserockers, Nick had the idea of assembling an ensemble to give a tip of the hat to one of his greatest musical influences – Frank Zappa. The goal he set was to perform a handful of shows in the Winter of 2020 in celebration of what would have been Frank’s 80th birthday.
But it couldn’t be just any band… There had to be horns. There had to be a mallet player. There had to be backup singers. This had to be more than a band that was capable of playing “all the right notes” – it had to be a band that was capable of performing Frank’s music with accuracy and integrity.
The first two people he contacted were Victor Manning (a guitarist with whom Nick had played music with for well over 20 years) and Jon Hassan (a Baritone/Tenor Sax player and fellow member of the Houserockers) – who were both rabid fans of Frank’s music. With their buy-in, Nick quickly filled out the rhythm section with friends and fellow Zappaphiles Michael Palladino (drums) and Josh Baker (bass). It took some time to fill the mallet player slot, but after scaring away multiple Bay Area orchestral percussionists, they found a musician willing to take on the enormous challenge of covering Ruth Underwood’s impossible lines in Dillon Vado (tuned percussion). The 6-piece horn section came together by enlisting Mark “Dbone” DeSimone (Trombone), Kevin Kono (Trumpet, Flugel Horn), Jo Major (Tenor/Soprano Sax and Flute), Mike McWilliams (Trumpet), and Paul Degen (Tenor/Alto/Bari Sax and Flute). The ensemble was eventually rounded out with 3 dedicated vocalists – Suzi Baker , Amy Barnes , and Mike Boston .
A couple months into rhythm section rehearsals, the group was hit with an enormous loss when their guitarist, Victor Manning, passed away unexpectedly. After a month of grieving and waffling on whether to scrap the project altogether, Nick came to the conclusion that Victor “would have kicked my ass” if he did not see this project to fruition. After a significant search, the band found the perfect replacement in Tomek Sikora (guitar) and they began the daunting task of learning some very difficult music. But it could still come up a notch…
Nick and other members of the band had worked with Zappa alumni Ike Willis 15 years previously, and Nick thought the one thing that would give this band a real sense of authenticity would be to front it with one of Frank’s dynamic male vocalists. So, with the help of his friend André Cholmondeley (leader of the legendary East Coast Zappa tribute band, Project Object), Nick was able to enlist the legendary Napoleon Murphy Brock – a San Jose native who served as the iconic voice of Frank’s music throughout the early 1970‘s.
When asked what songs people can expect the band to cover, Nick responds “Well, given the fact that we have Napoleon on board, we are naturally incorporating a large amount of material from his era with Frank. Roxy and Elsewhere (Zappa’s 1974 live double album) is one of my favorite albums of all time, so there are a number of songs we pulled from that. Apostrophe, One Size Fits All, Bongo Fury…folks can expect a sizable amount of material from those albums. At the same time, Frank’s catalog is so immense and diverse that we can’t properly present a snapshot of his work without delving into everything from his earliest days with the Mothers through the 1980‘s. We have an amazing 6-piece horn section, so we are able to do justice to stuff from albums such as The Grand Wazoo and Waka Jawaka. We have 5 great singers, so we are also tackling some more vocal-intensive stuff from You Are What You Is and Joe’s Garage…really, there is something for fans of all periods of Frank’s music. I don’t want to give away too much more – we want to keep a certain element of surprise to the performances, ya know?”
Given the amount of work required to perform much of Zappa’s material, one might question what motivates this group of musicians to dedicate themselves to such a huge undertaking. Nick’s response is simple… “Frank’s music has had such a huge influence over my musical development. It actually makes me a little nuts when I think of the fact that his virtuosity never really received proper accolades here in the States. This music is historically important – and I feel it is the responsibility of those who ‘get it’ to help keep it alive and, hopefully, introduce more people to it. On any given night, I realize that we may serve as someone’s first exposure to Frank Zappa – and I don’t take that responsibility lightly.”
“It has been a tremendous amount of work, but I cannot even begin to list the ways in which it has been fulfilling for me as a musician”, Nick continues. “Yes, getting the lines under our fingers has been a challenge, but that merely scratches the surface of what it has taken to bring this project to the stage. Most of the horn charts were transcribed by ear from various (Zappa) ensembles by Dbone, Hassan and me – but I had never created a horn chart in my life – quite a way to cut one’s teeth…” he says. “Never mind the logistics involved with getting such a large group of working musicians together and dealing with all managerial aspects of the band. Yeah – it’s been a full-time job for me for the past year, but well worth the effort. I can’t wait for people to hear what we have put together. Perhaps I’m a bit biased, but I think people are going to be blown away by this project.”
                                   NICK CHARGIN
Nick began studying piano at age 5, later picking up guitar at age 15. A California native, Nick moved to San Jose in 1984 to study music production, keyboard synthesis and performance at SJSU under Dan Wyman and Alan Strange. He has been playing professionally since age 17 with the majority of his time spent writing, playing and recording original music with such Bay Area bands as Swing Party, BlissNinnies, Elephino and Corduroy Jim. Over the years, Nick has shared the stage with such acts as the String Cheese Incident, Leftover Salmon, Zero, the Kantner Balin Cassidy Band, Steve Kimmock, KVHW, JGB, the Radiators, Merle Saunders, Eddie Money, Starship, Firehose, Wang Chung and Jonathan Richman. For the past 15 years, Nick has been a vital part of the critically acclaimed South Bay band, the Houserockers, has backed the legendary Zigaboo Modeliste and at one point assembled a short-lived band playing Zappa music backing Ike Willis.
                   NAPOLEON MURPHY BROCK
Napoleon Murphy Brock, front man for Frank Zappa in the early seventies, was first discovered by Frank on a day off in Hawaii. Frank and his band stopped into a club where Brock was leading his band through a set of originals and contemporary funk, rock and blues hits. Zappa was immediately struck by Brock’s voice and sax playing, but was particularly taken by his commanding stage presence.
Brock soon hit the stage and studio with Zappa, first appearing on the breakthrough album, Apostrophe (‘). By 1974, Napoleon had learned and memorized the Zappa Song Book (including new material written specifically for Napoleon) and recordings from the 1973 concerts were soon released on what many consider to be Frank’s penultimate live album – Roxy and Elsewhere. To this day, the all-star “Roxy Band” is commonly considered one of the greatest bands that Frank ever assembled.
The release of One Size Fits All followed which, like Roxy, became hugely influential on not only Zappa fans, but fans of progressive rock, fusion, and bluesy jazz-rock in general. In 1975 Zappa released the iconic Bongo Fury, a live album which documented the collaborative tour that year with the last Mothers lineup (including old friend and co-conspirator, Captain Beefheart).
After the 1975 and 1976 Zappa tours, Brock went on to tour and record with fellow Zappa alum George Duke in his
hugely popular George Duke Band. He went on to make several albums with Duke including Master Of The Game,
Follow The Rainbow, Dukey Treats, and Don’t Let Go (which spawned Duke’s huge hit “Dukey Stick”).
At the end of the 1970’s, Frank again called on Napoleon to provide vocals on the recording of Sheik Yerbouti – which went on to become Zappa’s biggest selling album worldwide. The fact that Frank called on Napoleon to lay down vocal tracks (including the lead vocal on “Wild Love”) speaks volumes about Frank’s continued respect and trust in Napoleon’s vocal prowess.
Since 2001, Brock has worked with several Zappa tribute bands around the world including Project/Object, the longest continually touring alumni-based Zappa tribute band in the world. In 2007, Napoleon received a Grammy Award for his work with Dweezil Zappa on the live album release from the inaugural tour of Zappa Plays Zappa. He continues to perform, record and lecture around the world.
Dillon Vado is a professional drummer and vibraphonist in the San Francisco Bay Area, and a graduate of the California Jazz Conservatory in Berkeley. He grew up in San Jose, where he played many small club gigs on drums and marched snare drum for the Santa Clara Vanguard. He has recorded at Fantasy Studios,  and played with many musicians at The Freight and Salvage, Yoshi’s, and the SF Jazz Center. He has also performed overseas at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland and the Umbria Jazz Festival in Italy. Dillon has performed with Art Lande, Hafez Modirzadeh, Royal Hartigan,  Marcus Shelby, Erik Jekabson, Jeff Denson, Alan Hall, Jovino Santos Neto, Marcos Silva and Kate McGarry. In 2014, Dillon won 1st place in the Jazz Search West competition on vibraphone. Dillon was also acknowledged as the Most Promising Young Jazz Artist of 2017 from the  Buddy Montgomery Jazz Legacy Awards. He regularly performs on vibraphone with Alan Hall’s Ratatet, on drums with The Jeff Denson Quartet, and Erik Jekabson’s Electric Squeezebox Orchestra and leads several of his own projects, including Never Weather, The Table Trio, and Beyond Words: Jazz and Poetry.
                   JOSH BAKER
Josh started his love of music with the Piano at age 8 and was hooked. The bass came into focus at age 12. Josh’s early years on bass was  in the Abraham Lincoln High School Jazz band for 4 years where he had the privilege of playing many in High School Jazz band competitions and even playing in Hawaii for the Aloha Bowl. Josh also received the Louis Armstrong High School Jazz Award for recognition in his Senior year. After High School, Josh spent his summer at the Berklee College summer music program in Santa Fe New Mexico. Josh studied 2 years with bass player Keith Jones( Santana, Flora Purim,and Andy Narrell)
Josh has played with local bands Sporadic Greetings, George Heagerty & Never the Same, Soup, Grampa’s Chili, the Sliders, Black Sunday RoadShow and Levi Jack
                   MICHAEL PALLADINO
Michael has been drumming professionally in the greater Bay Area for over 25 years. He studied various rhythmic styles ranging from jazz to West African and afro-Cuban under the tutelage of San Jose State professors Dan Sabanovich and Royal Hartigan. His band credits include Soup, Sporadic Greetings, Mescalito, Corduroy Jim, Grampa’s Chili and Tricycle Side Project, for which he had the opportunity to perform with Ike Willis from Frank Zappa’s esteemed list of previous band members. He has performed at hundreds of venues up and down the entire West Coast bringing his unique style and energy to every performance he gives.
                   JON HASSAN
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                   JO MAJOR
Jo Major began playing professionally in his teens and has played with a variety of groups, including the Jimmy Dorsey band and the University of Illinois Jazz Ensemble. In the local area,  he has been featured with A Touch of Brass, the KA Wonton Little Latin Jazz Big Band, Bug Horn Rex and the Chabot Jazz Ensemble.In settings ranging from salsa to swing, he has been featured with Ernie Watts, Bobby Shew, Eric Marienthal, Wayne Bergeron, Francisco Torres, and Geoffrey Keezer.Jo has studied with Ben Torres, Kristen Strom, Charlie McCarthy, Bob Reynolds, Chad Lefkowitz-Brown and Chris Cheek. He is a member of Bob Reynolds Studio.
                   MIKE MCWILLIAMS
Mike McWilliams started playing the trumpet back in 1974. In 1986, he began performing with cover bands and performing all over the SF Bay Area. He currently is a member of the Houserockers horn section, and teaches private lessons as well as public middle schools with the School Spirit band program.
Mike believes that there is no substitute for real horns, and his influences include Tower of Power, Earth Wind and Fire, Maynard Ferguson, and Doc Severnsen. Mike heard his first Zappa cassette tape in 1977 while on tour with the Santa Clara Vanguard and, many years later is enjoying playing this amazing music.
                   KEVIN KONO
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                   PAUL DEGEN
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                   TOMEK SIKORA
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                   MIKE BOSTON
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                   MARK ‘D-BONE’ DE SIMONE
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                   AMY BARNES
Amy Barnes began studying piano and flute at the age of 8. After a fateful move to Santa Cruz at the age of 16, she joined forces with the Musical Group World Entertainment War for 5 very entertaining years. Increasingly fascinated with the human voice, she embarked on an obsessive vocal discovery mission; earning a B.A in Voice Performance from UOP Conservatory followed by an M.A. In Voice Performance from UC Santa Cruz. She has prepared works in more than a dozen languages, and has enjoyed teaching singing as much as the singing itself. Amy has travelled thru many different musical galaxies over the years, and is currently very much enjoying her visit to the Zappa Constellation…
                   SUZI BAKER
Suzanne Baker began her singing career touring with Plum Tuckered, a children’s musical performing group under the direction of Lynn Shurtleff, musical director and composer from Santa Clara University. While growing up, she enjoyed singing in many school and church choirs, but she honed her skills at Abraham Lincoln High School for the Performing Arts in the sixteen member Swing Choir, under the voice instruction of Connie Lukien, musical director of the San Jose Civic Light Opera.  She went on to be lead singer of the innovative band, Sporadic greetings from 1990-1992 and sang back-up vocals in various other bands over the years.  She is very fond of her time directing her own elementary school choirs and currently assisting with her classroom musicals.
                           Victor Manning
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last-high-king · 5 years
the breeders introduction
hello, fiend! i am maya, but feel free to call me gundham, if you like! this sideblog is for me to reblog anything danganronpa w/o bugging my art followers, and also for me to find canonmates!! my main account is splatterhybridart, feel free to follow me there as well!!
heres some stuff about me:
biromantic asexual
cis female ( any pronouns !! )
minor ( birthday 5 / 3 )
infp - t
full kinlist:
jade harley - homestuck
gundham tanaka - super danganronpa 2
princess carolyn - bojack horseman
roxy lalonde - homestuck
webby vanderquack - ducktales 2017
star butterfly - star vs. the forces of evil
max caulfield - life is strange
eli ayase - love live! school idol festival
chane laforet - baccano!
sylveon - pokemon
jughead jones iii - riverdale
jacob portman - miss perigrines home for peculiar children
callie - splatoon
mae borowski - night in the woods
!!please dont follow if youre a double !! youre valid too but it makes me uncomfy, sorry!!
id = kinshift often/heavily identify with
primary = less frequent kinshifts, still part of my identity
secondary = rarely kinshift, lesser part of my identity
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eri-nelson · 2 years
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Happy birthday, Allison Wolfe! (b. November 9, 1969)
“We all have to continue being creative, politically creative, whatever and keeping our voices in there we have to be vigilant. We have to be the creators and participants in our own league, in our own culture, in our own entertainment. We can’t just accept what’s being fed to us.“ (x)
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xprojectrpg · 3 years
This Day In X-Project - March 18
2015: A hungover Julian texts Angel about his St. Patrick’s celebrations. Gabriel announces his survival of the weekend, St. Patrick’s Day and getting to the bank. Rogue texts Cecilia about Adrienne’s birthday at the end of the month. Warren asks Miles when his birthday is. Roxy announces her parents are taking her on vacation for spring break.
2016: Jessica makes another lyrics post. Bobbi and Sue run security for a museum opening. Rogue and Jessica talk about Jessica’s past. Bobbi texts Warren, surprised by an expensive gift.
2017: Kitty reflects about her plans for St Patrick’s Day but reveals she decided to go to the New York City Drone Film Festival instead.
2018: Topaz and Kurt have a conversation, which goes better this time.
2019: Darcy questions if anyone's able to bring her in to get new glasses after breaking her current pair.
2021: Clarice signs up for bladesmithing classes.
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