#Rubber Raw Material Testing Lab
fanservices123 · 9 months
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Raw Material Testing Lab Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, Chennai, Hyderabad, India
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gj-mc · 3 years
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China Shenzhen Guangjian Medical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 
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ziracona · 4 years
Signifying Nothing (ILM prequel: opening snippet)
There was an awful stench in the air, a kind of rot that wasn’t easy to recognize. A little like the smell of a dead mouse left for too long under a house, or a discarded deer carcass. It wasn’t either of those things though. It was something much worse. ‘Putrid’ wasn’t a word naturally occurring in anyone’s internal dialogue, but for once it would have been. The smell was overwhelming, and it was coming from everything.
A scuffed black shoe that used to shine with its polish set down on a few small shards of broken glass and the quiet crack made the wearer pause.
The shoes belonged to a man, fairly average in height but with a light build, dark skin, and darker hair that fell into his face. Even stained as it was from hard wear, his white lab coat stood out against the grimy grey and brown walls covered in blood spatter and soot stains and something orange and rotting.
The man stepped further into the room, carefully stepping over the larger chunks of glass and torn metal and rubble that littered the floor. He reached the center of the room and made a slow circle, taking everything in.
Anyone watching would have been able to tell two things at a glance. One, that the man was being cautious and two, that he wasn’t being as cautious as he should have been. He stood out against his surroundings as much as the lab coat did, scanning the walls and leftover carnage more like a tourist at an art gallery than a tattered man in a ransacked laboratory.
Floor to ceiling, the lab around him looked like the aftermath of a horror film. Most of the tables had been flipped, some broken, and writings and beakers and broken glass littered the floor. The room’s one window was busted halfway up and a ragged panel of glass still half-hung in the pane, like a waiting guillotine. Both doors had been torn from the walls. One had fallen into the doorway; the other was in shreds around the room, solid oak torn apart like tissue paper. One small chunk of it still hung from a hinge where it had been broken through, and long, deep scratches ran up it. A large, menacing chandelier hung from its chain in the center of the room weakly, likely to go at any moment. The other lamps were on the ground, and there were still scorch marks around a particularly large one showing where it had caught fire to the research materials around it. Even some of the walls were in pieces, laying rubble around the room amidst tables and test tubes. More noticeable than the state of the room itself was the blood. It was everywhere, reds and browns of various ages flung across the walls and the floor and the implements scattered among the debris, but no bodies. There was an overwhelming smell of corpses, and no corpse.
The man kept walking. He stopped by a pool of ink which had a book floating in it. He knelt, almost reverently, and touched the cover with a finger. There were many things a book could recover from. Soaking in a pile of ink was not one of them.
He stood then, using his forearm to push his hair out of his eyes, and took a small pair of glasses out of his pocked and put them on, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the magnification.
Everything around him was still. A crime scene the day after, a battlefield after even the medics and grave diggers had gone.
The man with glasses took a large messenger bag off of his shoulder and set it on a table. He opened it and rummaged around inside for a few seconds, then froze. Something behind him in the far corner of the room had moved.
Ever so slowly, the man turned to look, eyes unblinking, fixed on where he’d caught movement.
There was nothing.
Very quietly, the man took a syringe out of the bag and readied it like a knife. Slowly, he walked towards the corner of the room. If he’d been careful before, now he was being meticulous. A large broken piece of metal, sharp and jagged on the end that had snapped when it was torn from a lamp and laying a few feet away caught his eye, and he stooped to pick it up.
Still cautious in his approach, the man’s footsteps on the stone floor were the only sound as he got close to the pile of rubble he’d seen movement by, jagged hunk of metal at his side and syringe at the ready in his left hand, and then in one quick, practiced motion the man moved beside the wall to see behind the chunks of stone. He immediately gagged and stumbled back, trying to fight the intense urge to vomit. He failed. The man turned to the side, leaning on a still upright lab table for support and wretched until his body was just dry-heaving. It took him almost twenty seconds to stop. Finally, the man managed to weakly push himself back upright, using one forearm to push his curly hair out of his face, and with his other shaking hand he took a little cloth out of his pocked and used it to wipe his mouth.
It hadn’t just been the sight—he was used to seeing things most people couldn’t begin to imagine. It had been the smell, up close and all at once. It had caught him off guard. Face resigned and exhausted, the bags under his eyes appearing even deeper and his face more gaunt than when he first entered thee room, the man took a breath and went to look at the body again.
Gods have mercy on us all, he thought absently. He didn’t mean it. At this point, that thought was more like a sick joke than anything, but it had become automatic.
The man walked over and knelt down to get a better look at the corpses. He hadn’t even realized at first that there were two of them. The smell that came from the oozing, pussy, decaying mass of mutilated flesh and growths that covered the scarred victims was almost unbearable on a physical level, and he had to keep his forearm over his mouth and nose, trying to filter out some of the smell.
One of the bodies was smaller than him and shrunken. It had cuts all over its still form which oozed an orange substance he was all too familiar with—that disgusting puss secreted by the spirit whose world they were trapped in. He’d seen the nectar before many times. Once every year, when it purged. It was the only genuinely reliable marker that existed to keep track of the passage of time. God, did they use just the raw materials? And so much of it. What is this? It smells like the usual rot, but burned. The thought was a little more olfactorily descriptive than he meant, and his body tried to gag again, but there was nothing left in his stomach to come up. Steeling himself, the man put his syringe in a breast coat pocket, pulled a hard-worn pair of rubber gloves from a back pocket, and pulled them on. From his messenger bag, he took out an empty vial. Leaning over the smaller body, he scraped some of the puss from one of its arms and closed it in his little glass jar, inspecting the sample carefully before placing it in his sack. He shifted then, and used the blunt end of his broken piece of metal to poke at the figure a little, moving one of the arms which covered its chest to get a better look at its torso. Absently, his free hand reached into a pocket and took out a clunky old pocket recorder, marked simply by the initial “C” and hit record.
“Multiple injection marks,” he said to the recorder, eyes fixed on the corpse as he tried to get a better angle on it, “all up and down the ribcage, as if whoever did this was attempting to get it into the bone marrow itself. The subject is young—thirties at the oldest. I don’t recognize the body.”
Gentle as he was going, his metal rod accidentally took off a chunk of flesh the size of a napkin, peeling back and sloughing off the side to reveal mucus and bone and clotted blood, thick with orange lumps. The man gagged again and took a deep breath to steel himself.
“The smell is worse than normal,” he continued, clearing his throat to try and bite back the urge to gag, “Could be due to the natural composition of the body, combined with heavy injections. Decay level of the tissue is low, maybe a week at most, but the chemicals seem to have altered body chemistry heavily, greatly lowering the integrity of the skin. That, or it’s been here a long time and the serum did the opposite,” he added as an afterthought. “Unlikely, though.”
He moved a little, crouch-walking to save time, and leaned over the body again at a new angle. “There are skin lacerations around the subject’s wrists and neck. Not deep, but pre-mort…” Shackles, he realized, glancing instinctively to look for the objects. Had it broken free and been killed? There was no wound he had seen that would have caused death, but he’d only just started. As he looked down, he realized that one of the ankles was still cuffed to a heavy chain embedded in the wall. “It was shackles,” he continued, remembering the recorder, “one is still connecting the subject to the wall. The others seem to have been removed.” He clicked the recorder off, then after a second held the record button down again. “Something has completely trashed my lab, but left the bodies. No recent signs of a presence here either. Everything is at least half a week old, going by blood. Maybe five days. But before that, somebody got very, very busy with my research notes.” He released the button.
I wasn’t gone from the lab that long was I? A few months? What the hell happened here? The man looked at the small, shriveled corpse beneath his feet. Female. About my age, weren’t you? Who were you before this? How long did it take for them to kill you?
He had only given the larger figure a casual glance so far. It was slumped against the wall, half-sitting. He turned his attention to it now, clicking the recorder back on.
“The second body I’ve found is larger and more deformed. There are no puss sacs or growths like seem to have killed the first subject, but the chemical seems to have been altered on this one to include organic compounds from the area. There are sharp vines coming out of its shoulders and arms, covering its head, with large growths above its skull. It looks almost like a stag.” The man clicked the recorder off again and got closer, looking the body in front of him up and down. It was like a tree had overgrown a person, seeping into their body, symbiosis. There were little dark slits on the thing’s head where eyes would have been, and horns made of rotting wood rested above its expressionless face. A huge chunk was missing from its chest, leaving what was left of its ribcage bare and exposing the remaining organs inside. He raised the recorder again and continued his analysis. “Exposed chest wound, including major bone damage to the ribcage which leaves the heart partially exposed. Possibly—”
Again, the man had the impression that something had moved, and he froze. –There it was again!
He squinted, leaning in closer to the figure in front of them. It had come from inside the thing’s chest. Insects, rats? Why the hell—there aren’t naturally occurring animals here, so why would a…
His eyes were only a few inches from the corpse’s chest when he saw it for real, as clear as the vines digging into the thing’s lungs. The exposed heart beat.
In an explosion of movement, the monster’s arm swung out and caught him in the chest, throwing him backwards into the pile of rubble behind him with enough force to knock the breath out of him.
He didn’t even have time to connect the pain in the back of his shoulder and down his arm with the blood dripping onto his fingers before it was on him, lunging for his throat, and the man scrambled backwards, toppling over the pile of rubble blindly as the thing crawled after him, roaring like a beast.
“Oh fucking shit!” the man yelled, his brain’s first attempt to give him a rational response or solution to the situation. He crawled backwards, trying to move faster than the thing was crawling towards him, which was physically impossible. It lunged at him and he rolled out of the way, leaving a smear of blood as he crawled beneath a table and came up stumbling to his feet on the opposite side of it.
In the half-second of safety the metal table offered he got a good look at the monster in its entirety. Horns included, the thing towered over him by a good two feet, head tilted and gold-orange puss dripping from its cuts and wounds and mouth and eyes. If you could call them eyes—they were something anyway, a flickering white-blue light coming from where there had been nothing but darks slits on its face for eyes before, and the lights stayed trained on him as it moved impossibly fast and flung the metal table between them across the room in one swift motion. He could hear the table crashing into a wall as the beast leapt for him, its arm catching hold of his hair and taking a handful as the man tore himself free and threw himself to the ground underneath its arms and past its legs, twisting as he hit the ground, snatching at the syringe in his breast coat pocket and digging its needle into the popliteal artery at the back of the monster’s knee, driving his thumb against the plunger, and emptying the container of pentobarbital into the monster’s leg. It spun with him, just as fast, and swung at him again, its hand catching him in the cheek and sending him skidding along the floor backwards into the same pile of rubble he’d been bashed against before.
Without hesitation, the horned beast came at him with a fury, but it stumbled, and the man rolled out of the way and watched it crash into the rocks it had knocked him against moments before. It shook its head like it was trying to clear it and took another step towards him, and then a much slower, more shaky step, and began to sway. It tried to grab a nearby gurney for support and it fell, taking the stretcher with it as it collapsed onto its side
The man sat were he’d rolled, breathing hard, arms still poised to help him crawl backwards quickly if he had to, eyes fixed on the monster in front of him.
It twitched and made an agonized sound and tried to pull itself back up and failed, and tried again, and again its shoulders gave out. It turned its head towards him and he saw a shudder run down its whole body, and the lights beneath the slits on its face flickering. The golden-orange liquid drained from it more slowly now, as the beast excruciatingly dug its fingers into the stone floor and tried to crawl towards the fallen gurney.
The man got to his feet shakily and blinked in surprise at the blood dripping down his arm. Choosing to ignore the wound for now in favor of more present danger, though, he turned his attention back to the creature on the floor and realized for the first time that this second test subject had been shackled too—was still shackled. Its left leg was connected to the wall by a long tether which had almost reached its length. As he watched, the beast dragged itself over to the fallen stretcher and tried again and again to pull itself up from its prone position. With each attempt he could see it getting weaker as the drug took hold.
Noticing his piece of torn lamp pole from before laying by the rock heap where he’d lost it when he took the first hit, the man in the lab coat walked over and reclaimed his weapon, then crossed purposefully to the creature on the floor.
As he neared it, he could see from the slow, ragged rise and fall of its chest and the slow flickering on and off of the lights that seemed to be its eyes that it was fighting to stay awake. As he got close to it, it swung a hand weakly at him twice before its strength gave out and the arm dropped to the ground.
After waiting a few seconds to make sure the drug had worked its way deep enough into the thing’s system, the man knelt by the monster and leveled his piece of metal. He saw it move its shoulder, trying to will an arm up to defend itself from him, but the drug had set in in earnest now and it had seconds before it was dead to the world completely. He looked from its throat to its exposed heart, trying to decide how to deal with the thing. After a second, he decided on the heart and the man placed one hand on its chest to steady his aim, and then he raised his jagged piece of metal over its exposed heart and it made a sound almost like a whimper.
He hesitated then, looking down at the thing beneath him. The lights behind the slits of its wooden face were fading out, but its chest still rose and fell. He knew it was looking at him as it lost consciousness, and he felt it shudder under the hand he had on its chest. Its breath was coming in quick and shallow, even with the sedative seeping through its veins, and he realized suddenly that it was scared of him and scared to die.
The lights behind its eye slits went out and the creature’s head lulled to the side as it lost consciousness and the man raised his makeshift weapon again. Then he stopped.
Instead, he moved his hand to the thing’s face and felt the rough wooden surface. There was a crack over the left side, which spiderwebbed out from near its ear. Gingerly, the man followed the crack down the monster’s cheekbone to a place where a small chunk about the size of a fingernail had broken off the wood. He let his fingertip rest on the spot, and felt the sticky-warm of fresh blood, and the rough-soft of damaged human skin beneath the wood.
He let the chunk of metal fall from his hand then and collapsed back onto the floor and sat there, staring at the thing in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye the bright red button on his tape recorder caught his eye. It had landed by an overturned table about fifteen feet away, miraculously intact. For some reason the sight reassured him, and the adrenaline drained from his system as he calmed down and it left him exhausted. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and took a deep breath, thinking hard.
After a second, he pulled himself unsteadily to his feet, crossed to the recorder and slumped to the ground beside it, leaning his back leaning against the pile of rubble like it was an easy chair. He picked the dented machine up and pressed record.
“Okay. Well. The big one wasn’t dead. It attacked me, but I was able to inject it with a high dose of pentobarbital. Nice to know some things still work on creatures under effects of the serum,” he said, then released the record button to take a shaky breath, eyes on the unconscious monster about ten feet away. He hit record again. “Unsure how to proceed now. I have to do something fast. It’s still breathing, and I don’t think the OD is going to kill it,” he paused, watching the thing’s heart beating weakly in its open chest cavity. “But uh,” he continued half-automatically after a second, “I think it might be salvageable. Yeah. Yeah, I might have to see what I can do. It, uh…” He ran his fingers through the curly hair that hung in his face. “When it couldn’t defend itself anymore, that thing looked…it acted an awful lot like a regular human being. It, uh…” He looked at the thing’s slumped form. It seemed so much less tall now, less imposing. The yellowed ichor that had been pumped into its veins was slowly dripping from where its ears should have been, leaking down its collarbone and seeping past vines into its chest. “Yeah, I might have to see what I can find out.”
The man released the button and set down the recorder, then he slowly slid the rest of the way down the rock until he was laying on his back on the ground. He put his hands over his face and groaned. “Fuuuuck.”
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swarajya7793 · 3 years
How COVID-19 Impacted on Material Testing in Chemicals & Materials Industry ?
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COVID-19 Impact on Material Testing in Chemicals and Materials Industry
Materials testing are the study of the properties and Behaviour of materials such as metals, ceramics, and polymers under a variety of situations. The information gained can be used to specify material appropriateness for a variety of applications, such as building or aircraft construction, machinery, or packaging. It is possible to test a full-scale or small-scale model of a proposed machine or structure.
Categories for Materials testing:-
·         Mechanical Testing;
·         Testing for Thermal Properties
·         Testing for Electrical Properties
·         Testing for Resistance to Corrosion, Radiation, and Biological Deterioration
·         Nondestructive Testing
Materials testing are a well-known and well-respected technique for determining the physical and mechanical properties of raw materials and components. It may be used to analyse a wide range of materials, including human hair, steel, ceramics, and composites.
Materials testing machines are perfect for use in manufacturing, quality control, education, research, and laboratories. These devices can be employed in a wide range of applications on account of their vast testing capabilities.
Chemical analysis for medical components provides you with the assurance that your components are proper, clean, and safe for use by the general public. Metals, plastics, polymers, powdered metals, ores, ferroalloys, composites, and ceramics are among the materials we test. FT-IR surface analysis is a useful method for ensuring that your medical devices and packaging components are free of contaminants.
Before being released for public use or sale, any pharmaceutical product or medical device must be approved by the State FDA and the Central Drugs Standards Control Organization (CDSCO).Material analysis, DSC analysis, chemical tests, physical characterization, NMR testing, FTIR testing, and other tests can be performed by testing laboratories, all in accordance with the standards and in a safe manner.
Traditionally, raw material testing and reports have been performed by chemical testing laboratories to verify their quality and appropriateness for use in pharmaceutical drug formulations. They have the necessary equipment to carry out the complex operations required for raw material testing.
Effective materials testing is critical whether you need to validate material attributes for application trials, find faults, evaluate failures, improve novel materials, or conduct basic research on the theoretical strength of materials
Materials testing Applications:-
·         Electronics
·         Automotive
·         Paper and Board
·         Medical
·         Building Materials
·         Metals
·         Plastics
·         Textiles
·         Rubber
·         Packaging
·         Pharmaceuticals
·         Wood
Material Testing is commonly used by mask manufacturers and other producers of Personal Protective Equipment to undertake physical strength tests to evaluate material and functionality performance. Masks are made of paper or other non-woven materials and are tension tested until they tear. The ear-loop straps' attachment to the mask is tested to ensure that it is sturdy enough to endure repeated use without breaking. Peel-testing is done on sterile packaging to ensure that it may be opened easily while still maintaining its protective barrier properties. Physical strength testing is also performed on disposable face masks used with manual and automatic resuscitators and ventilators. The torque required to match effectively with connectors is measured by testing the check valves that limit airflow.
The supply chain has an effect on not only manufacturers, distributors, and customers, but also impact on lab testing .Production of various plants was decreased, stopped, or temporarily halted as a result of workers who were found to be COVID-19 positive. Covid-19 has impacted the supply chain the most as due to the lock down in the several countries the import and export activities became difficult and also the demand has reduced which has impacted the materials testing market. Several plant implementations have gone on hold and also transportation of the materials testing from one nation to another is very difficult due to such a situation.
The upcoming few months and years does not look much fruitful for the businesses in the construction industry. The impact of COVID-19 will affect all players. Material testing provides job to millions of people in many countries. Thus the development of employment will depend on for the speed of recovery and the duration of crises. To avoid any mass layoffs, most of the firms are now looking for short-work schemes.
Today the spread of the novel coronavirus has triggered significant market damage across the world. Most businesses have stopped immediately and the effect of the pandemic on all industries such as Electronics, Automotive, Paper and Board, Medical, Building Materials, Metals, Plastics and among others is not yet clear. The towns are closed down, and social distancing has become a modern norm.
Government along with the private sector can play a vital role in reviving the sector. The government is attending the large financing needs arising from COVID-19, the private sector can take care of large investments and expertise required in developing countries. Apart from this, strong engagement with governments and local stakeholders will continue to contribute significantly to the development of the sector.
Several manufactures closed the factory due to heavy losses. Companies are making the strategic action to increase the demand of the testing materials in the market and to increase their revenue. Government has also introduced many polices and initiatives which would help manufactures to maintain stable growth in current dynamic situation.
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Dongguan Sibetter New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
86-769-81551951 0086-13538639382
Qiaotou, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
DONGGUAN SIBETTER NEW MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD that established in 2005, is a science and technology corporation which is engaged in production, R&D, and sales of organic silicone new material. SIBETTER has its own lab and factory with the experienced&professional R&D and production team as well as advanced devices. Now, SIBETTER is procuring high-quality products with high-class raw materials, advanced production equipment, scientific production technology and strict quality testing methods. Thus, SIBETTER’s silicone rubber has achieved the international advanced level with authentication of SGS, FDA, RoSH, UL and ISO9001 qualityy managerment system, etc. And SIBETTER is providing customized products and solutions and makes optimization for production to meet different needs. Also, on-time delivery service and perfect before&sales service help SIBETTER become more and more popular. SIBETTER are offering various kinds of silicone rubber in several industries, and its products have been exported to the Southeast Asia, Europe, America and other countries and regions with good reputation and high repurchase ratio. The products included 18 series in hundreds of kinds of silicone products like silicone rubber, liquid silicone rubber, RTV-2 molding silicone rubber, condensation cure silicone rubber, addition cure silicone rubber, life casting silicone, food grade silicone rubber, tyre mold silicone rubber, silicone gel, liquid foaming silicone, etc.Focusing on the global market, SIBETTER aims at being global professional manufacturer and solution provider of liquid silicone rubber. All of you are welcome to negotiate with SIBETTER for business cooeration. Let’s create a better world together!
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Effect of Operational Conditions on Performance of Deep Sand Filter in Turbidity Removal
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In this study, laboratory pilot plant was constructed to study the performance of deep sand filter in water treatment. Sand was used as a filtration media under different filtration rates ranged from 4 m/hr to 8 m/hr. Down flow was applied to the filter through sand media with size of 0.7-1.0 mm, while sand depth was changed from 80 cm to 140 cm. The used synthetic turbid water was prepared in different turbidity levels varying from 10 to 30 NTU. Aluminum sulfate (alum) was used as coagulant in different doses varied from 20 to 40 mg/l. Turbidity removal and head loss were investigated as functions of sand depth, filtration rate, alum dose and influent turbidity. From analysis of the experimental results, it was found that the changing of operational conditions (changing media depth, filtration rate, alum dose and influent turbidity) have significant impact on the turbidity removal efficiency, head loss and ripening period. Also, the effective depth of media is influenced by operational conditions and its value was obtained in this paper.
Keywords: Deep sand filter; Effective depth; Filtration rate; Head loss; Turbidity removal
With an exponentially increasing of population, better and more economical water treatment methods and strategies have become the need of the hour. One such sustainable water treatment method is using deep bed filters which has great potential for treating of contaminants in drinking water [1-3].
Deep bed filtration is an effective process in removing particles from water. This is achieved by passing the suspension through a deep layer (usually between 0.5 m and 2.0 m depth) of granular material, typically sand. The suspension particles are retained within the depth of the filter media. This removal may be achieved by different mechanisms [4-6].
In filtration process, there are different stages, ripening, working, and breakthrough stage [7]. The removal efficiency during ripening stage increases, while this efficiency is nearly constant during working stage. Then the removal starts to deteriorate in breakthrough stage [8]. During ripening period, the effluent turbidity is relatively high. It takes some minutes to be allowable [9]. The effluent water during this period is mostly wasted thus this period has significant effect on the quantity of water. This period has been studied in many researches [10-13], but the effect of different operational conditions on this period was not clear. So, this paper will study that effect.
Numerous empirical equations, which are used to predict initial filter head loss, have been developed. Some commonly used equations are Carmen-Kozeny, Ergun, Fair-Hatch, Hazen, Rose, and Gregory equations [14,15]. These equations may be unacceptable for specific types of media such as crumb rubber. it was found that Both the Kozeny and Ergun equations were unacceptable for clean-bed head loss prediction in crumb rubber filters [16]. A neuro-fuzzy model was conducted to estimate head loss in dirty sand filters. Hydraulic loading rate, influent iron concentration, bed porosity, and operating time were selected as input variables [17].
Many researchers studied the deep bed filter and its performance. One of these studies showed that the removal efficiency during the ripening stage of filtration can be improved significantly by increasing the ionic strength of the water to be treated [18]. In addition, the structure of porous media (i.e., pore size distribution) has a clear effect on deep bed filter performance [19]. Moreover, impact of backwash procedures on deep bed filtration productivity in drinking water was presented [20]. From modeling point of view, many models were introduced to explain the efficiency and performance of deep bed filters, [21-25].
Through deep bed filters, not all used media depth is effective in turbidity removal but there is an effective depth which give the required or permissible limit. The effective depth for media from burned oil palm shell granular has been obtained [26]. Moreover, knowing the effective depth of turbidity removal will assist in identifying depth of the sand during filter design.
Using granular sand filters has a limitation of influent quality. When it used with drastic influent quality with small depth it don’t give the required quality. Therefore, another technique is required such as using deeper filter. The main objectives of this study is to investigate the effect of operational conditions on the performance of deep sand filter and to determine the effective depth for turbidity removal.
    Materials and Methods
For this study, a Laboratory pilot plant was designed and constructed in the laboratory of sanitary engineering in the faculty of engineering – El- Mansoura University, Egypt. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the laboratory pilot plant.
Experimental set up description
It consisted of the following main parts: -
a. Feeding tanks: The synthetic turbid (raw) water was prepared in four plastic feeding tanks. The four tanks divided into two groups each group consist of two tanks. The capacity of each tank was about 250 liters.
b. Feeding pump: The synthetic turbid water was transported from feeding tanks to a constant head tank by feeding pump. The horsepower of pump were 0.45 HP (Discharge 0.45 m3/hr).
c. Constant head tank: The raw water has been fed from the feeding tanks to the sand filter via a constant head tank. The capacity of constant head tank was 45 liters and has dimensions of 30 * 30 * 50 cm. Constant head tank has confirmed a constant discharge to the plant whatever the difference in water levels before and after it.
d. Filtration column: The major part of the laboratory pilot plant was the filtration column. The filtration column was made from galvanized steel with height 2.5 meters. The column consists of two parts each part 1.25 m height and it has square cross section (20 *20 cm). The filtration column has one glass face to allow monitoring what is inside the column. Along the filtration column several connection points were fixed each 20 cm as samples ports.
e. Backwash Pumps: Two pumps were used for backwashing. The horsepower of each pump were 0.45 HP (Discharge of each pump 0.45 m3/hr).
f. Piezometers: Manometer tubes installed behind filtration column to determine the head loss through the filtration media depth at different times.
g. Fittings and Plastic connecting pipes: There were different service connections such as elbow, tee, reducer and connecting pipes with different diameters due to its location and use.
Filter media
In this study, the filtration media was uniform sand media rested on the gravel layer. The sand depth in the filtration column was changed from 80cm to 140cm with size of 0.7- 1.0mm and its porosity was 0.38. The dry density of the sand was 1.65 gm/cm3 and its specific gravity was 2.55. The gravel depth under the sand was about 20cm with different sizes ranged from 2.0mm to 9.0mm. The gravel layer is located immediately below the filter sand media to separate the filter media from the underdrain system, to prevent media particles from clogging the underdrain orifice, and to dissipate the backwash water jets from the orifice of the underdrain system [27,28].
Synthetic raw water
By using fine clay soil and tap water it was able to achieve the synthetic raw water which can be used in the experimental work. The raw water was prepared by dispersing fine clay, having a size less than 0.074mm, in tap water. In this research, the synthetic raw water turbidity was ranged up to 30 NTU which is a suitable range in the River Nile and its branches in Egypt.
Laboratory pilot plant operation
This study has been extended to cover the various operation conditions for the sand bed filter. In present research, different positions for Aluminum sulfate (alum) feeding were tested as a coagulation process. it was found that feeding alum dose in feeding tanks gives high filtration efficiency with doses varied from 20 to 40mg/l. The operation of the laboratory pilot plant was controlled by 12 valves (shown in Figure 1). These valves facilitate two modes of filter operation (down flow filtration mode and filter backwash mode).
a. Filtration mode: The experimental runs were conducted under the conditions of a direct constant filtration rate. The operated filtration rate was changed from 4m/hr to 8m/hr (suitable for rapid sand filter). The effluent turbidity was measured at different depths each 1 minute for the first 30 minutes (to assess the ripening period) then it was measured each one hour throughout the remaining part of the run. The turbidity of influent and effluent water was measured by using turbidimeter in Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU). Its model is Orbeco TB300-IR Lab Turbidimeter. In addition, the head loss through sand media was measured by Piezometers each one hour. The effluent turbidity measurements at different depths will help in determining of effective sand depth and developing of simplified model for filter efficiency.
b. Backwash mode: The end of filtration run was considered when effluent turbidity started to increase (turbidity breakthrough) or head loss reaches the maximum value or the run length reaches defined period (in this research, one day). Once either of this condition was reached, the filter run was terminated and the filter needs to backwash mode to remove the accumulated solids inside its bed [29,15]. Water only with high rate (50m/hr) was used as a backwash method [30]. The backwash period was extended to 18minutes and during this period, the wasted backwash water turbidity was measured each 1 minute to appraise the required backwash duration.
Various runs were conducted under different operational conditions (varying the media depth, filtration rate, influent turbidity and alum dose) to study the performance and get the effective depth for deep bed sand filter.
    Results and Discussions
Ripening period
In this study, the effluent turbidity within the first 30 minutes was measured at each of tested filtration rates (4, 5, 6, and 8m/hr) and through the different media depths (80, 100, 120, and 140cm). The results were obtained with 3 different influent turbidity (10, 20, and 30 NTU). The coagulation process was done by using alum with different doses (20, 30, and 40mg/l). the effluent turbidity was observed until it reaches the acceptable limit in the Egyptian drinking water code (1 NTU) to obtain the ripening period. Figure 2 shows the effect of increasing media depth on the ripening period for 10 NTU influent turbidity and alum dose of 40mg/l. As shown in that figure, the effluent turbidity in the beginning of filtration run was nearly 1 NTU and this turbidity was due to the remaining backwash water in the underdrainage system. The turbidity increases over few period of time nearly 4minutes. This increase was due to not removed particles that were dislodged from the media during backwash [10]. At nearly 4 to 5 minutes the effluent turbidity reaches its maximum values and these values vary according to the filter media depth. The reason for increasing turbidity to this degree is that influent water enters the filter and mixes with the backwash remnant water in the upper region of the filter. This is consistent with the results in paper for Colton et al. [31] which showed that the collapse pulsing duration was 4minutes. Then the effluent turbidity decreases until it nearly becomes constant where the media is able to capture newly influent particles [32].
From Figure 2, it was obvious that the effluent turbidity reaches 1 NTU after 12minutes when the sand media depth was 80cm. If the sand media increased to 140cm, the ripening period will be virtually 7 minutes. This means that increasing sand depth from 80cm to 140cm reduced the ripening period by 42%. So, it help in increasing of water treatment plant production. The effluent turbidity was influenced by increasing filtration rate as shown in Figure 3. When the filtration rate increased to 5m/hr the required ripening period increased. At sand depth of 140cm the required ripening period was 10minutes, while depth of 80cm gives the required turbidity after 32minutes. In addition, the ripening period in case of 100cm depth was 18minutes but in case of 120cm depth the ripening period becomes 13minutes. Increasing filtration rates may result in an inability to use a small depths as shown in F igure 3 . A t f iltration r ate o f 6m/hr t he e ffluent t urbidity reaches the acceptable limit after nearly 18, 25 and 40minutes with sand depths of 140, 120 and 100cm respectively. But depth of 80cm can’t be used due to its ripening period. This is due to increasing filtration rates resulted in greater shearing actions within the media pores, which enhanced the transport of deposited turbidity matters through the filter bed. With increasing filtration rate to 8m/hr, media depth of 100cm can’t give acceptable effluent turbidity. Figure 3 summarizes the required ripening period for each sand depth at different filtration rates. Also, this figure shows that the influent turbidity has significant effect on the ripening period. Figure 3 show great effect of operational conditions on ripening periods, so it could be guided in determining either ripening periods thus the productivity of treatment plant or required media depth at different filtration rates and influent turbidity.
Head loss through filter run
Head loss is a loss of pressure (also known as head) by water flowing through the filter media. In the current study, the head loss through filter media depth was measured for different filtration rates and various influent turbidity with alum doses 20, 30, and 40mg/l. Figure 4 shows the variation of head loss along run time at filtration rate of 5m/hr and alum dose of 40mg/l for different depths of sand media. It was noticed that the observed head loss values were close to the calculated head loss from Hazen equation and Kozeny equation for sand depth from 80cm to 140cm. It was noted from the experimental observations that the alum dose variation has not vital effect on the initial head loss at the same depth and filtration rate. but it has significant effect on the increasing rate of head loss with run time. Further, increasing filtration rate increases the increasing rate of head loss. From Figure 4, the head loss value after 24hours of run was nearly 110cm at sand depth of 140cm and filtration rate of 5m/hr. This means that using deep sand filter up to 140cm have not a critical impact on head loss value.
Figure 5 shows the observed head loss at specific time (24 hr) for sand depth of 100cm at different filtration rates. It also shows the effect of changing alum dose and influent turbidity on head loss values. It was noticed that the head loss increased from 58.7 cm to 72.9cm by increasing alum dose from 20mg/l to 40mg/l at filtration rate and influent turbidity of 4m/hr and 10 NTU respectively after 24hours of run. In addition, at filtration rate 8m/hr, increasing alum dose from 20mg/l to 40mg/l increased the head loss from 112.4cm to 129.5cm. Thus, the effect of increasing alum dose on head loss at high rates is more obvious than low rates. Figure 5 shows also the impact of raw water characteristics which represented in influent turbidity on head loss. It was noted that increasing influent turbidity from 10 NTU to 30 NTU increased head loss from 81cm to 102.5cm at filtration rate of 5m/hr and alum dose of 40mg/l. This is due that raw water with high turbidity which contains larger number of suspended particles leads to increasing of shear action when flowing through sand grains. This shear action increases with increasing filtration rate so the effect of influent turbidity on head loss at high rates is more significant than at low rates as shown in Figure 5.
Turbidity removal efficiency and effective depth
Deep bed sand filter is usually characterized by filtration efficiency, which determines the level of removal of particles from influent water. The turbidity removal efficiency was measured in the present study under various operational conditions. Figure 6 shows the turbidity removal efficiency with depth at different rates. The removal efficiency was measured as the following equation:
Figure 6 shows the removal efficiency with alum dose 20 mg/l through different sand depths at 4, 5, 6 and 8m/ hr filtration rates. It was clear that increasing media depth increases the removal efficiency where at 20cm depth the removal ratio was 78.4% while at 140 cm depth the ratio of removal increased to 94.7%.
Increasing filtration rate decreases the turbidity removal efficiency, where at 20cm depth, the removal percents for 4, 5, 6 and 8m/hr were 78.4, 75.35, 71.43 and 66.3% respectively. If the depth of media equals 140cm, the removal percents will be 94.7, 92.36, 89.72 and 87.41% at the previous rates respectively. It was also noticed that sand depths less than 100 cm have drastic variation in turbidity removal efficiency, while depths more than 100cm have slightly variation in removal efficiency at low filtration rates.
Increasing alum dose from 20mg/l to 40mg/l has significant impact on the percent of removal. Figure 7 show the removal efficiency at alum dose 40mg/l with different sand depths at 4, 5, 6 and 8m/hr filtration rates. This figure also confirms that the efficiency of removal increased by increasing sand depth and decreasing filtration rate. The removal efficiency at 20cm depth was 78.4% with alum dose of 20mg/l but 82.7% with alum dose 40mg/l. In case of depth 140cm, the efficiency was 94.7% with alum dose 20mg/l but 97.9% with alum dose of 40mg/l. This means that increasing alum dose enhanced the coagulation process so it increases the percent of removal, but it occurs at a certain limit of alum. After this limit, any increasing of dose has no effect.
After knowing turbidity values at different depths with various rates and various influent turbidity, effective depth of sand could be determined. The effective depth is the smallest sand depth which give the allowable limit of turbidity (>1 NTU). The effective depth is determined as shown in Figure 8 as following:
1. Plotting the average turbidity at different depths for each filtration rate.
2. Identify the permissible or required limit of effluent turbidity (1 NTU).
3. The intersection points at each rate could give the effective depth.
Figure 9 summarizes the effective depth for each rate with influent turbidity 10, 20, and 30 NTU. The results in the figure were obtained when the alum dose was 40mg/l, which gives high removal efficiency.
From Figure 9, it was observed that sand depth of 50cm was more suitable for filtration rate 4m/hr and influent turbidity 10 NTU. To increase the filtration rate to 8m/hr, it was needed to increase the sand depth to 110 cm. For influent turbidity 30 NTU, 73 cm depth was suitable for 4m/hr filtration rate whereas 130 cm depth was suitable for 8m/hr filtration rate. Moreover, at filtration rate 8m/hr and influent turbidity less than 30 NTU, 130 cm sand depth is sufficient to give acceptable limit of effluent turbidity. From these results, in order to double the filtration rate nearly 60 cm of sand should be added to the existing depth. Since the filtration rate commensurate inversely with filter area so the filter area could be reduced by increasing sand media depth.
Backwash period
In the current study, backwash rate of 50m/hr was used, which expands the media 20 percent. This rate was in recommended range by AWWA [30]. The backwash period extended to 16minutes until the effluent backwash water turbidity became acceptable. The effluent turbidity during backwash was measured and plotted as shown in Figure 10. The wasted effluent turbidity was very high during the first two minutes. It exceeds 700 NTU then it begins to come down to reach 10 NTU in average after 6 minutes. From 6 minutes to the end of backwash period, there is slight decrease in effluent backwash turbidity. Changing sand media depth from 80 cm to 140 cm has small effect on the backwash period and duration of 15 min is sufficient for backwashing whatever the depth of media, as shown in Figure 10.
The value of required backwash duration was close to reported value in previous studies [33,34]. During backwash mode, Turbidity (4-5 NTU) was left in the backwash stream at cutoff to preserve the bed ripening and allow the filter to produce quality effluent more quickly for the followed run as it was recommended by Pizze [35].
From experimental results, it was noted that, Changing operational conditions (increasing media depth, filtration rate, influent turbidity, and alum dose) have significant impact on ripening period of filter, head loss, and turbidity removal efficiency. This study also shows the effective depth for different rates and it was proportional with influent turbidity and filtration rate directly. The effective depth could be changed by changing the nature of influent water and sand media size. From the head loss results, it was noted that increasing rate of head loss is influenced by alum dose, filtration rate and influent turbidity. Moreover, using deeper sand filter helps in treatment of high turbidity water under high filtration rate and it can reduce the area of filters.
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fanservices123 · 3 years
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First Day on Earth
Just some world building for the Test Tube AU. The story of Black Hat’s first day on Earth! Enjoy!
After college, Flug was lonely, living alone in his house and living mostly off of instant ramen due to commission deadlines and such. However, he had started doing some research into biology... and how to create artificial life… He was very lonely… And he wanted someone to share his house with… Someone he could call his friend… like... a weird pet.
He began to create blueprints for the creature he was creating... He took inspiration from demons from mythology as well as adding his own preferences for how it would be laid out. He created it to be… Well… rather attractive… As far as demons go anyways… He didn’t want to curse his creation with his own troubles.
“There.” Flug grinned beneath his bag as he looked at all his calculations. “Now to build a test tube for it and get the proper organic materials!” This was going to be awesome! His first organic life form! He immediately got to work on the test tube, filling it with the proper fluids needed to sustain this lifeform. The fluids he had created had the same nutrients and consistency as blood but it was a very bright green. He wasn’t entirely sure why. But he was sure it wouldn’t do too much in the way of bad things.
He filled up two small tanks with the fluids and placed them on either side of the test tube. The two tanks had small rubber tubes connected to them (ones much like the ones that were connected to IV fluid bags) that went inside the test tube. The rubber tubes had needles at the end of them that he’d stick into the arms of his creation so that the fluids could be administered into his veins safely. There would be other tubes inserted into it to give it the other bodily nutrients the blood didn’t give. The creature would also be suspended in a special liquid that would keep in stasis until it was ready.
Now… Flug would need to create the creature and program it’s brain to function properly. It’s personality and mannerisms would be up to chance... but he was sure it would be fine! So Flug eagerly got to work on his creation.
It took him nearly a full year to complete the project and suspend it in the test tube. “This better be worth it...” He said tiredly, making sure the creature was connected to everything properly and suspended. Then he went back to working on other projects. This would take a while...
He worked on other projects for a long while… It could take up to a month for the creature to be ready. But his excitement allowed him to get a lot of commissions done!
One day, Flug was working on a ray for a client when suddenly there was a very loud crash from the other room.
His creation! Was somebody trying to steal it? Or did too much pressure build-up in the test tube?! He dropped what he was doing and ran into the lab.
The test tube’s glass was shattered and the liquid had spilled out. On the ground there was very tall black figure, trying to get onto its hands and knees while coughing and spluttering. Flug grinned widely. His creation! It was alive!
“Hello…?” He asked softly. He had programmed it with basic language understanding, so perhaps it would recognize what he was saying… He had tried to talk to it every day since he created it, so that it could recognize his voice when it awoke... The creature looked up. One of its eyes hadn’t grown and an empty eye socket was left. The other eye was staring at him while the creature glared. It snarled and flexed its muscles, getting into a defensive position. “Hey, hey… Shh… I won’t hurt you…” Flug soothed. It’s eye raked his face as if it was trying to read his expression... but it couldn’t, due to the bag over Flug’s face. It growled lowly, greenish saliva dripping from its mouth as it bared some very sharp looking teeth at him.
Flug quickly removed his bag and goggles so that his creation could gaze upon his face and see that he was indeed, no threat. “S-See? I’m not gonna hurt you...” He said gently, putting his hands in front of his chest. The creature paused, staring at its creator’s face. Its defenses lowered slightly and Flug slowly made his way towards it.
He got down on his hands and knees so that he looked smaller to the creature. The creature’s muscles seemed to relax and it curiously looked him over. Flug paused as it began to sniff him curiously.
“There... see? I’m a friend...” Flug outstretched his hands gently. The creature leaned over and gave his hand a sniff. The creature then investigated the top of Flug’s hand and below it, and then his fingertips. Flug gently pat its head, scratching it below the chin. It let out a low purr, fully relaxing at the affection. Flug smiled slightly… He was so happy this creature was accepting him…
Maybe he could show the creature to its room? He pulled back his hand, shivering slightly when goop from the liquid it had been suspended in came with his hand.
“Let’s uh... Get you washed first...” He murmured. The creature tilted its head. It would soon learn what the word wash meant…
Flug lead it up the stairs and into the bathroom where there was a lovely porcelain bathtub against the wall. It curiously put its hands on the side and sniffed it. Flug chuckled softly and began to fill the bath full of warm water. The creature jumped slightly in alarm at the loud noise of the water. It growled loudly at the water.
Flug giggled softly and gently splashed the creature with the warm water. At first the creature was shocked, and then, it sneezed, and went cross eyed (with it’s only eye) to look at the water on its face.
“Don’t worry, it’s just water, it doesn’t bite,” Flug giggled. It licked the water off with its overly long tongue and tilted its head. “Come on, now you have to get into the water? Can you do that for me? Get into the nice water?” The creature slowly inched forward and sniffled the water in the tub, then it looked at Flug and then back to the water before looking at Flug again… Was it trying to tell Flug something? “Um...” Flug was confused. What was it trying to tell him? “Do you... want help getting in?” He asked slowly. The creature tilted his head, so Flug assumed that was a yes and helped it in.
Suddenly, the creature latched onto him and pulled Flug in, clothes and all. He cried out in surprise as he fell into the water. Dammit, his clothes! And his bag! He pulled off the sodden paper and the goggles, coughing slightly.
“What’d you do that for?” Flug frowned at the black creature as it happily enjoyed the water. It splashed some of the water happily and then picked up Flug’s hand and dropped it on top of its head. Flug blinked in surprise and slowly pat its head. “This what you want...?” It purred happily and nodded. Flug smiled and then pet the creature while he washed it. It seemed to greatly enjoy the soap and warm water. “Alright,” Flug slowly got out of the tub, feeling his sopping wet clothing weigh him down. “It’s time to get out, okay?”
The creature shook its head and dragged Flug back into the tub. He cried out again, resurfacing and coughing. “You can’t stay in the water.” Flug told it firmly, getting out again. He outstretched his hands. “Come on.”  The creature pulled him back in again, so Flug had to go to desperate measures and drain the tub. The creature seemed exceedingly confused as to where the water went, clawing at the drain with a frown.
“C’mon…” Flug giggled “it’s time to dry off… You’ll get cold…” He helped it out and got a fluffy towel to dry it off. “Now hold still...” It sat down and allowed Flug to dry it off while it grumbled. Flug giggled softly. It was oddly... cute. Even though it was much bigger than he was. “Let’s get you some clothes... or pants at least...” Flug murmured. He was very tired of constantly averting his eyes... it didn’t even have the right parts... it had... tentacles... which was disturbing. But it had limbs too… But Flug didn’t know where the tentacles came from... He got the creature some boxers and put them onto it. It didn’t happen without a fight, but Flug managed. “Now...” He panted slightly. “Time to figure out what you eat...”
The creature's stomach grumbled and it whined loudly, before it crawled from the room on all fours and scampered downstairs and to Flug’s fridge. The scientist rushed after it quickly to find it sniffing and clawing at the fridge. Flug slowly opened it and let it choose what smelled best to it. It found Flug’s steak and it grabbed it with its teeth and pulled the steak out before ripping open the packaging and beginning to eat the steak raw... Flug picked up his log journal and wrote down that it was a carnivore. He put the notebook away and grabbed some more steaks for it. While it was occupied with food, he could go change out of his sopping clothes.
He hurried upstairs and changed into a shirt with an airplane on it and some cotton sweatpants. He heard the creature whining loudly from downstairs. Flug rushed downstairs, thinking maybe something was wrong. The poor creature had slid some steak under a chair and had gotten its head stuck between the top and bottom rungs where feet usually went. Flug had to hold back laughing as he helped the creature get out of this situation and got the steak. He stood and held the steak. “You want this back?”  It nodded and tried to bite it out of Flug’s hands. He got it out of its reach quickly. “No.” He scolded gently. “Sit and be nice. Then I’ll give it to you.” It grumbled and plopped down irritably and raised its eyebrow in anticipation. Flug smiled and gave it the steak. It immediately began to happily rip pieces of meat off and eating it.
After a bit, the creature bit off a piece and spit it out onto Flug’s lap. “Why.” Flug said in disgust. It picked up the piece of meat again and spit it out again back into Flug’s lap, nudging the meat gently with its hand. Did... did it want him to eat it...?
“Do… Do you want me to… Eat it…?”
The creature nodded. Oh. Maybe he could... pretend...? Cause there was NO way he was going to put that into his mouth. He pretended to put the meat in his mouth and chew it… In reality, it was still in his hand. The creature seemed pleased, grinning widely and letting out a purr.
Once it was done eating, Flug took it to the room he had prepared for it (throwing the piece of meat out on the way of course). The creature trotted after Flug, happy that Flug had accepted its gift.
“Here’s where you’re gonna sleep.” Flug showed it a very large and fluffy dog bed. “It’s soft!” It looked at the bed and frowned deeply, looking at the bed as if it was offended by it. “What? What’s the matter?” Flug asked with a slight frown. It gestures to the bed and frowned. “You don’t like it?” Flug asked curiously. The creature grumbled and then it trotted out of the room and to Flug’s room. Flug quickly followed it. The creature jumped onto the airplane decorated sheets and settle happily at the foot of it, curling up and purring. “Alright... you can sleep with me then...” Flug was too tired to argue with the creature he was growing fond of. Flug yawned widely and got ready for bed before climbing under his covers. The creature moved slightly so that’s it’s head rested beside him. Flug pat its head gently and closed his eyes. Flug then fell asleep easily.
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spectrolabs-blog · 5 years
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Most of all, quality testing services should be availed routinely to ensure that products are enriched with quality. On taking a look around the products being sold in the market are made up polymer or rubber. Be it credit card, tyre or automobile accessories, these products should be tested for their quality in polymer testing lab in a phenomenal manner.
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If you want your products to be high in quality and free of risks, then get in touch with Spectro. This analytical and quality testing lab will conduct tests on raw materials to test their purity.
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gj-mc · 3 years
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daisukino · 5 years
This is a project for a class i’m in. It’s going to talk about batteries! (Don’t feel obligated to read, posting online is extra credit)
Hello to all my beautiful followers! KB here again to explain a recent project I did on batteries in my lab class. Let me preface by saying that I love running this science and engineering blog, and that it wouldn’t be the same without every single one of your curious minds.
Now, don’t worry if you don’t have any background on batteries: I’ll explain how they work, give a little background on their impact on the world, and show how you can make your own little battery at home just like I did! But, be forewarned: it probably won’t power much more than a few LED lights.
As I’m sure you know, batteries power things like our homes, cars, and even the device you’re reading this post on. Batteries create chemical reactions that produce electrical energy, and slowly release this energy while powering a device. The life of a battery can last anywhere from a couple hours to a few years. When a battery powers something, the chemical reaction “pushes” electrons from one end of the battery, through the device, and then into the other end of the battery. This flow is also known as the current. To understand what’s really happening, you first have to know what they’re made of.
To break it down to its most basic components, a battery is made of two electrodes and an electrolyte. An electrode is a conductor through which electricity, or a flow of electrons, can move in and out. In batteries, there are two metal electrodes that are made of different materials (and it is important that they be different metals, otherwise the battery won’t work!). One electrode is positive, attached to a positive terminal, and called the cathode, and the other electrode is negative, connected to a negative terminal, and called the anode. The terminal is just the end surface through which the electrons enter/leave the cathode/anode. On a regular AA battery, the cathode and anode are regarded by plus and minus signs, respectively. The anode and cathode are separated from each other, and do not directly touch each other. When you connect the two electrodes with a wire, you are completing the circuit, and electrons flow from the anode into the cathode. When you put batteries into a device, take a TV remote as an example, the remote acts as the wire—the electrons flow through it, giving it the power to turn your TV channels.
Another important part of batteries is the electrolyte, and the chemical reactions that take place in it. An electrolyte is a material, typically a gel or liquid, that separates the electrodes from each other. Positive ions, or positively charged atoms, are created in a chemical reaction during which the anode loses electrons, a process known as oxidation. Simultaneously, the cathode undergoes a reaction and gains these electrons in a process called reduction. This is why it’s important that the electrodes be made of different metals; one metal will be more likely to give electrons, while the other will prefer to accept them. The electrolyte only allows for the transport of ions; electrons cannot travel through it, so electricity must go around and through a wire connecting the electrodes. A more detailed schematic is given below.
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This is a diagram depicting the anode, cathode, electrolyte, and electron flow in a simple battery. The circles with minus signs represent the electrons, and the arrows are the direction they’re moving.
So, now you know the basic set up of a battery. There’s a positive and a negative end where electrons flow into and out of the battery, respectively, and an electrolyte in the middle in which chemical reactions take place to produce a current.
Now you understand how batteries work, but there’s still a few things you’ll need to know about the measurements you can take of a battery before you build your own. First up is voltage, a measure of the electric potential. In other words, the voltage represents how large the difference of energy is between the positive and negative electrodes. A higher voltage will result in My goal during this experiment was to get the highest voltage in my battery. Current measures the flow of electrons, or how many electrons pass through a point in a given unit of time. Current is directly proportional to voltage, so the more voltage, the higher the current. Power is a measure of how much electric energy flows through a circuit per unit time and is directly proportional to both voltage and current. Power density is how much power is in a given mass, and energy density is the energy in a given mass. Think of power density as the ability to store energy, while power density is how quickly energy can be given off. Cycle life is how many times a rechargeable battery can be charged and discharged (drained) before significant degradation in the battery’s performance occurs. A longer cycle life means the battery will last for a longer time.
I’d also like to take a moment to talk about the batteries that we use for modern technology and their impact on the world. Lithium ion batteries are one of the most prominent up-and-coming battery types because they have the ability to be recharged hundreds of times while still maintaining a long cycle life. Because of their high performance, lithium batteries are used to power our phones, laptops, and even some electric cars. A problem with these batteries is the strain on local communities when big companies try to collect the raw materials used in them. Cobalt, a rare and expensive metal used in lithium-based batteries, is mined in the Congo, but the mining is run by Congolese people with no safety equipment and little mining equipment beside hammers. These miners face dangerous work conditions, and are taken advantage of because of their proximity to the natural resource and exploited for their labor. In addition to this, cobalt is very expensive, ringing in at $26,000 per ton in 2016 (as a reference, lithium itself was $16500/ton in 2018, and aluminum was $2254/ton in 2018). The extraction of cobalt is just one of other extractions that commonly affect communities. Currently, a significant amount of research is going into producing different types of batteries. People are looking to make batteries that have cycle lives as long as lithium ones, but use less expensive and toxic raw materials.
Now that you’ve got all the background, you’re ready to make your own battery!
What you’ll need: • A plastic/rubber ice tray • Tweezers/pliers • Wire cutters/scissors • Copper wire • Zinc plated screws • 250 mL deionized water (tap is fine too) • 12 g salt (I used lab grade NaCl, but iodized salt will work just fine) • A voltmeter • Some electrical wires • LED lights (any colors are fine)
Procedure: First, using your wire cutters or scissors, cut about 7 cm of your copper and wrap it twice around the top of your screws. Use the tweezers to curl most of the extra wire, but leave enough uncurled so that it’ll fit over the lip of each ice tray cell. You’ll need to make as many screws are there are cells in your ice tray. Place one screw-wire combination over the barrier of each cell, with the copper wire in one cell and the zinc screw in the other, as in the second figure below. Use a curled pieced pf copper wire in the very first cell, with no screw attached.
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Next, make a solution of water and salt using 250 mL of water and 12 g of salt. Make sure the salt is fully dissolved. Then, fill each cell with the salt solution.
Now you’re ready to test the voltage! Here’s a tutorial on setting up a voltmeter if you need some guidance (the first 2 minutes will be enough, but it’s a great video to learn more). For this set up, you’ll connect the red wire to the copper wire at the end of the tray and the black wire to the single piece of copper wire. Your voltmeter should read off a voltage of about 9V.
Taking it one step forward, you can attach an LED light to the batteries! Keep the appropriate color connections and then connect the ends to the LED. Try to connect as many as you can! (I was able to get a maximum of 4 different colors at a time)
What Happened? Now, let’s relate some concepts we learned earlier to the experiment you just did. In this experiment, each cell actually acts as a its own battery. The copper wire is acting as the cathode, and is gaining electrons through reduction, while the zinc screws are the anode, and are losing electrons via oxidation. For this particular battery, mass is also being transported between electrodes; during the chemical reaction of the anode, positively charge ions are being formed from the zinc screws and are flowing through the electrolyte to the copper wires. The salt water solution is acting as the electrolyte and is allowing the ions to flow to the copper wires, where they build up. This mass transport is the reason you want to coil the copper wire; there’s more surface area for the reaction to occur on. If you allowed this to go on for a long time, you would see that the zinc screws lose mass and that the copper wires gain the difference. The picture below gives a visual explanation of what’s happening in each cell when you complete the circuit by connecting the voltmeter or LED light to each electrode.
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The ions move from the anode to the cathode in the solution, while electrons flow through the “wire,” either being the voltmeter or the LED lights. A cool feature about batteries is that you can align several in a row, or “in series,” and their voltages will add together. If you measure the voltage of just one cell, you’ll get a voltage of about 0.64 V, assuming you used an ice tray of 14 cells.
I had fun making this battery myself. Something that surprised me during the fabrication process was that deionized water worked better than regular tap water. I figured the reasoning for this was because tap water has several different components, such as fluoride and other additives, that physically bump into the ions trying to move from the anode to the cathode. Another thing I learned is that your battery will have a higher voltage if you increase the temperature of the water. This draws on the fact that atoms and molecules move faster at higher temperatures, so the ions are able to move around faster in the water.
All kinds of batteries are being made and tested for different variables, such as the voltage, current, power, power density, and energy density. We’re currently mining and extracted the raw materials for lithium batteries in places and at rates that are unsustainable. My hope is that a cheaper alternative can be found sometime in our near future. In the meantime, maybe you could start doing some research of you own, and learn about energy and batteries to help shape our future.
I’ve linked my references for this post below. If you’re interested, they’re all really great reads.
As always, stay curious!
All the best, KB https://www.explainthatstuff.com/batteries.html (I really recommend this one!)
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dulcidyne · 7 years
[ME:A] Experiments in Diplomacy: Prototyping
There’s nothing in the Interspecies Diplomacy subsection of the Initiative handbook that covers sharing a tech lab with a distrustful angara who can kill her in her sleep. She knows, she’s read every page. Twice. //Jaal x Ryder. SFW. 1231 words// Ao3 Link  The Andromeda Galaxy is brimming with new, unspeakable wonders and one of them is tucked away inside the Tempest, cloistered in a room packed with multi-material fabrication units, omni-gel converters and the subtle, still lingering scent of all the blue plastic film she’d spent hours peeling off the equipment. It’s a room that gleams and glows. Never touched (until her greedy fingers brushed over every pristine, plastic-filmless surface), never used, just waiting for someone to come along and explore every last nook. Someone like her.
From the beginning, it’s love at first sight and this sight is like nothing she’s ever seen before. Beautiful, sleek, state-of-the-art, fully integrated haptic holographic interface, twin fabricator arms embedded with miniature stasis field generators: the tech bench. Or, as she now fondly calls it, Margaret (after the 21st century ‘cartographer of the stars’ Margaret Geller).
Se-ah Ryder trails a fingertip over the holo display and sighs. “Well, Mags, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot less of each other from now on.”
Her eyes cut to the cot wedged in the corner of the room.
“There’s someone else in your life now,” she jokes aloud, “and yeah, I’m a little jealous--a lot jealous--but I care about you and I’m willing to give you two some space from time to time…”
The joke starts to fall flat, her voice growing more and more stilted. No more late nights working on her prototypes, no more peeling her smooshed cheek off the bench surface after nodding off while simulations run on her latest schematic. Lexi and her ominous array of psychological terms like ‘imposter syndrome’ and ‘unhealthy coping mechanisms’ will undoubtedly be thrilled over the prospect.
Awash in tangerine light, her fingers curl up to clutch at nothing and Se-ah settles onto the stacked pair of crates she’s been using as a chair for the past few weeks. Imposter is a good word for her. Her bumbling attempts at diplomacy on Aya today are proof enough of that; awkward handshakes gone awry are definitely not part of official Initiative first contact protocols.
She peeks over her shoulder at the door and seeing neither Lexi’s lovely scowl of disapproval or the carefully guarded expression of the tech lab’s newest resident, she pulls up her latest prototype schematic on Maggie’s interface.
“Just after I try something real quick.”
‘Quick’ relatively speaking, of course. She is over 600 years old. Even so, she suspects she’s stretching the meaning of the word, even by her ancient standards, when the muscles in her lower back begin a series of frenetic twinges after her twenty-sixth omni-blade temperature stress test. She knows she’s broken the meaning entirely when hydraulic hinges hiss quietly and Jaal steps into the room. He halts mid-step the moment he spots her.
“Sorry, I’ll clear out in just a minute,” Se-ah assures him, scrambling off her perch on the makeshift chair, flushing and flustered as if she’d been caught snooping through his cot instead of adjusting the fabricator settings. Her movements are clumsy as knotted muscles ping out rubber-band snaps against her spine in protest. Ouch. She’s been hunched over too long.
“There is no need to…’clear out.’”
Outside of a perplexed tilt of his chin at the idiom, his expression is as inscrutable as ever. He’s a difficult read for a thousand reasons, the largest being that their respective species evolved in different galaxies--no, the largest reason is probably just that she can't accurately read anyone, regardless of what corner of space they hail from. ‘Just your Ryder genes’, her mom used to joke, as if having the sensitivity of a potato could be reduced down to nucleotides.
“This is your vessel, Pathfinder,” he adds and the emphasis says a hundred different things, not all of them good.
She ignores every single one, already entering in the disposal command. Fabricator arms whir and the jumble of silicon carbide fragments suspended in Maggie’s protective stasis bubble disappear into the omni-gel converter intake.
“No, no. This is your spot. I’ll go. You’re a guest--” Kind of. Guest, envoy, possible assassin (or was that just a joke?), she’s not sure which fits best. Jaal doesn’t seem sure either. There’s wary tension in the set of his broad shoulders. Does he think she’s here to keep tabs on him? Spy on him? Something worse? Each possibility jabs against the pit of her stomach, a jostling mess of sharp edges that clatter and cut like transparent carbide shards.
She takes a step closer and she knows every bit of that carbide shard feeling is flitting across her face. Genetic or not, her inability to read people does not come pre-packaged with the ability to keep them from reading her. But at least there’s genuine warmth and apology in the tentative smile she gives him.
“I’d really like you to feel welcome Jaal.”
As welcome as possible in a cramped ship full of aliens who he has every reason to suspect might turn on him at any moment. Everyone is making sacrifices, especially their newest...er...guest, so it is beyond selfish to mourn losing unfettered access to Maggie and ‘unhealthy coping mechanisms’.
“Tell me, Pathfinder.” He catches her longing glance towards the tech bench and a new expression glitters in his eyes. She can’t decide if it is amused or offended. “Is it a Milky Way custom to leave the room as soon as the person you wish to welcome enters it?”
“What? No, of course not.”
“Ah. Just yours then?”
Heat flares up her neck and her tongue can’t quite seem to get around the foot she’s managed to lodge in her mouth. She should find Lexi for prompt removal--the doctor could publish a groundbreaking case-study: ‘Patient exhibited complete uvular contact with proximal phalanges--’
“No, that’s not what I meant by--I just thought…” she trails off when the corner of his lips twitch up into a smile as if despite himself.  Amused. That was the look. She grins right back, a pleasant feeling buzzing up in her stomach to file away all the raw, jagged edges of her nerves. It feels good to find the humor in her complete inability to handle this situation with the aplomb and dignity people might expect from the Pathfinder. At least her shortcomings won’t be causing a diplomatic incident tonight.
He steps past her with a nod towards the bench and she settles back down on the crates, already pulling up the interface.
“Just tell me when you get tired of me and I’ll get out of your hair,” she tells him absently, too absorbed in tweaking the thermoregulator to realize she’d just dumped two more idioms on his translation software. “Otherwise, I’ll probably end up here all night trying to get this cryo-blade concept to work.”
A piece of ceramic fabricates in a fraction of a second and shatters apart even faster in a glitter of ceramic and ice. She groans. Maybe it’s time to try working with a metal-ceramic composite instead. SAM pipes up with an onslaught of data on the tensile properties of various titanium alloys at subzero temperatures.
“I’ll be sure to,” Jaal says but hours later, when her bleary eyes blink awake long enough to check the time, it’s clear that he’d done no such thing. He also doesn’t assassinate her in her sleep, which counts as a promising sign in her book.
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degreeacademic · 4 years
8 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Bachelor Of Chemical Engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
The Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree is among the most popular bachelor's degrees. Chemical engineers develop, design and create processes that convert raw natural resources into more useful products, without negative environmental impact. Chemical engineers play a major role in the overall operation of many industries, such as pharmaceutical, energy, chemical and food processing. Chemicals are a huge part of the earth's ecosystem, and so it is vital that all industrial processes are efficient and safe to use.
Chemical engineers make use of many types of techniques to create these processes in a clean environment. Some common chemical manufacturing uses include making plastic, rubber, paper and petroleum products using petrochemicals. Pharmaceuticals and medical products such as drugs, medicines and surgical equipment also contain chemicals as a byproduct of research and development. All of these types of materials require constant purging and storage to prevent them from being released into the environment.
The Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree will help graduates enter a variety of career options. Many basic jobs such as packaging and labelling will require some level of chemical knowledge. However, graduates working in these occupations often work alongside scientists or researchers who have chemical degrees as well. Chemical engineers who work in these fields may even become professors.
A Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree will also prepare graduates for a number of higher-level positions. These jobs can involve working in industry as an industrial manager or managing a large manufacturing operation. Other jobs may require chemical engineers to be involved in the design and creation of pharmaceutical and other medical products.
Graduates in the field can continue their education by taking additional courses at a university or college or by earning a Master's degree in chemical engineering. A Master's degree will give graduates more education and job security. While it may take several years to complete a Master's degree, it will provide graduates with additional skills that can be put to good use when working in industry or academia.
To be successful in a career in the field of chemical engineering, a bachelor's degree is essential. Students in this program should also have a thorough understanding of the principles of physics and chemistry, as well as an appreciation for basic mathematics. to ensure they are prepared for entry into the field.
The programs in this program include mathematics, physics and chemistry as well as core concepts in the curriculum topics. These are not the only subjects to consider, however. A student is encouraged to understand what these subjects mean as they relate to industry and how these topics relate to other fields.
The programs in this program prepare students for careers where they will need to learn how to use knowledge from the lab to produce a wide variety of products. In fact, students are expected to carry out various types of experiments in the lab to gain a better understanding of how these processes work. They must also be able to communicate effectively and work within the lab environment to complete projects, as well as demonstrate their findings to co-workers.
Students are expected to complete laboratory studies using laboratory materials, including chemicals, microprocessors and computers. These classes are typically divided into two or three parts. In the first part, students will develop lab equipment and techniques.
The second part will focus on the importance of understanding the principles of chemistry and the role these play in the chemical process. This part of the class will teach students the science of molecules and how they interact with one another to produce different products.
The third part of the course examines the importance of testing and evaluating these principles. The final part of the course includes a project in which students will use the lab work they have done to create new products. Students must show that their research and findings are valid and are based on solid scientific methods. It is also important for students to be able to communicate well and demonstrate a professional approach to the lab work.
Students in this program also need to know the principles of micro-chemical principles, including a wide range of processes. These are important tools for the industry, because the methods used in the lab depend on the materials that are used in the laboratory. An understanding of these processes is fundamental in the field of science and can help students in many career areas. As students gain more experience in the laboratory, they can move on to careers in other areas.
Graduate-in-Chemical-Engineering – bachelor of chemical engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
BSE Chemical Engineering Diploma – bachelor of chemical engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
Bachelor in Chemical Engineering 8 – bachelor of chemical engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
bachelor-in-petrol-chemical-engineering – bachelor of chemical engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
BCE – “Bachelor of Chemical Engineering” by AcronymsAndSlang | bachelor of chemical engineering
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Engineering Australia) – bachelor of chemical engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
Bachelor of Technology -Degree (Chemical Engineering) – bachelor of chemical engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
BCE – Bachelor of Chemical Engineering – bachelor of chemical engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering
The post 8 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Bachelor Of Chemical Engineering | bachelor of chemical engineering appeared first on Academic Degree.
from WordPress https://degreeneat.com/8-things-you-should-know-before-embarking-on-bachelor-of-chemical-engineering-bachelor-of-chemical-engineering/
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cliorg · 4 years
The Rise of Ningbo's Manufacturing Industry
In the 1950s, Ningbo established its first national machinery factory, mainly engaged in textile machinery and ship maintenance, which started Ningbo's industrial development after the founding of New China. By the 1980s and 1990s, Ningbo's manufacturing industry had risen in the opening up and trained a large number of entrepreneurs with an international perspective, from "foreign trade for thousands of households" to "going out with thousands of troops" to "promoting transformation by all means" in response to the financial crisis. Ningbo third party inspection company came into being when the manufacturing industry went global. These entrepreneurs initially sold their products to all parts of the world, then set up production bases overseas, gradually expanding their business scope, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, attracting domestic and foreign talents, and more and more abundant international cooperation. With the expansion of the market, the demand for inspection services is also increasing.In the process of manufacturing industry development, Ningbo third party inspection company has continuously learned experience and improved inspection process to adapt to the speed of manufacturing industry and provide satisfactory inspection services for enterprises in various countries.                       Today, Ningbo's total industrial output value has exceeded 2 trillion yuan and its industrial added value is nearly 500 billion yuan. There are mainly eight 100 billion industrial clusters such as green petrochemicals, automobiles, high-end, key basic components, new materials, electronic information, textile and clothing, household appliances, etc. It has the titles of China's stationery capital, China's mold capital, China's injection molding machine capital, etc. and nine unique industrial bases in the country. In Zhejiang, Wenzhou's industrial chain is no less than Ningbo's. Wenzhou garment inspection also plays an indispensable role. Similarly, chemical industry is the main industry in Ningbo, mainly producing rubber, plastics, dyes, chemical raw materials and petrochemical industry. The routine inspection of Ningbo inspection company mainly focuses on textile and clothing, household electrical appliances and chemical products, making inspection rules for each category to ensure that each inspector can stick to the professionalism of the inspection industry and treat each order seriously and responsibly. These are all derived from the industry tenet of Ningbo inspection company.                  According to statistics, in 2019, under the grim situation of internal transformation and external trade frictions, Ningbo's foreign trade still achieved an adverse growth of 6.9%, with import and export exceeding 900 billion yuan for the first time, reaching a record high. Specifically: 1.Look at the structure. Commodity structure was optimized and upgraded, and high-tech products performed well. Clothing, textiles, plastic products, furniture, toys, footwear, luggage and other seven categories of labor-intensive products were exported 155.82 billion yuan, up 6.6%, accounting for 26.1% of the city's total exports. 2.Look at the market. Trade diversification has achieved remarkable results, and trade growth with countries along the "the belt and road initiative" has accelerated. 3.Look at the way. The city's general trade continued to play a pulling role in the overall foreign trade, and the proportion of foreign trade further increased. Ningbo's manufacturing industry has a long history and keeps pace with the times. With the growth of Ningbo third party inspection company, it has accelerated its progress towards the middle and high end of the global value chain and the goal of high-quality manufacturing development. The inspection services provided by Ningbo third party inspection company are as follows: 1. Pre shipment inspection 2. Initial Production Inspection 3. During Production Inspection 4. Container Loading 5. Random Sample Picking 6. Factory Audit 7. Quick Factory Audit 8. Social Audit 9. Lab Testing The types of inspection products provided by Ningbo third party inspection company are as follows: Consumer products category 1. Grocery: household products, furniture, toys, handicrafts, outdoor products, sporting products, promotional decoration, kitchen products, cosmetics, building materials, hand tools and others. 2. Textiles: apparel, home textiles, fashion accessories, bags, shoes and socks, leather, fabrics, yarns, etc. 3. Electrical appliances: household appliances, lamps, audio-visual appliances, communication equipment, electric tools, etc. Industrial products 1. Industrial standard parts 2. Non-standard customized parts 3. Transportation tools and fittings 4. Production equipment and instruments This article is an original article for CLI Inspection, who is committed to providing high-quality product inspection technology and know-how sharing for global importers and retailers to make imports safer. All rights reserved. The contents of this website provided by CLI Inspection may not be reproduced or used without express permission. For reprint, please contact with CLI Inspection, thank you.
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cipet2020 · 4 years
Career Scope Plastic Engineering & Technology in India
What is Plastic Engineering and its scope
Plastic Engineering comprises of handling, planning, creating, and fabricating plastic items. Plastic is an engineered material produced using a wide scope of natural polymers and they can be formed into shape while delicate and afterward set into an inflexible or somewhat versatile structure. What do plastic designers do? Plastic architects manage plastic materials and plastic apparatuses. Plastic apparatuses incorporate gadgets, devices and machines used to make plastic items. Like other designing orders, in plastic building as well, financial matters assume a significant job.
The expense of plastic material fluctuates relying on the nature of plastic utilized in the item. Presently, plastic can be reused however that influences its consistency, reused plastic has less consistency when contrasted with new one. Electrical and electronic hardware and engine vehicle showcases together represented 58 percent of built plastics request in 2003. Designed plastics request in the US was assessed at $9,702 million out of 2007. Subjects of Plastic Engineering: Industrial Sociology Industrial Chemistry Measurement and Metrology Principles of Polymerization Science Based Open Elective Industrial Chemistry Lab Manufacturing Technology Machine Drawing Measurement and Metrology Lab Manufacturing Technology Lab Plastic Materials General Proficiency Engineering and Managerial Economics Plastic Product and Mold Design Analysis and Identification of Polymers Lab Heat and Mass Transfer Rheology and Testing of polymers Synthesis and Polymerisation Resins Lab Computer helped Product and Mold Design Lab Polymer Characterisation Lab
Top Recruiters: Ministry of Petroleum Natural Gas Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) Oil India Laboratories Petrochemicals Engineering Plants Indian Institute of Petroleum Polymers Corporations
Designations: Quality Control manager Research and Development Officer Design and Manufacture Engineer Professor Further career options: Students who have completed their B.Tech in Plastic Engineering can either opt for a job or they can go for further studies. Students can enroll themselves for ME or M.Tech degree in Plastic Engineering.
Career in Plastic Engineering:
Plastic Technology Engineering has recently gained high momentum in terms of institutes offering this course and students wanting to pursue the same. A career in plastic engineering majorly deals with processing, designing & manufacturing of plastic products.
Plastic Engineering: An Overview
Look around in your living room! And ask yourself a question if you would be able to live without your mobile phone case, charger, electric casings, TV set, music system, toothbrush, camera, desk, chair, etc. Now go to the kitchen and look around for some more plastic appliances – you would see the refrigerator, microwave oven, crockery, window sills, food processor, kettles, etc. Go to your office and check if you can live without your computer, pen, fax/printing machine, circuit boards, fuse box, doorknobs, etc.
This is how deeply plastics are integrated into our current lifestyle. Plastics have bestowed us with freedom of design, durability, energy efficiency as well as recyclability. There is no alternative to plastics for almost all the above-mentioned products. Plastics also come with other desirable properties like heat insulation & electrical insulation along with being light-weight. It stays to be acknowledged that plastic is the only ‘all-purpose’ material.
India still lags behind a lot in terms of plastic manufacturing as well as usage. As per a recent report by CIPET (Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology), the Indian Plastics Industry is yet in the nascent stage and moving rapidly towards realizing its full potential. Compared to the per-capita plastic consumption of 109 kg in US & 29 kg in China, India is still at 5.8 kg. All the estimates are suggestive of the fact that the Indian Plastic Industry is expected to maintain high economic growth while the consumption is propelled to new levels in the coming years.
Research & innovation are also key aspects of the job of a plastic engineer. There are a variety of universities offering this course and myriad opportunities lie for job opportunities in private industries, the public sector as well as teaching. Therefore if you thinking of pursuing a career in plastic engineering, then you should read about the job prospects and salary structure mentioned in the bog.
Education Required
To pursue a career in plastic engineering, you can go for a diploma in plastic engineering after 10th grade or a BE/B.Tech course after 10+2. You have to be good with Physics & Chemistry primarily; mathematical skills might prove as an added advantage. Various institutes offer M.Tech programs to BE/B.Tech degree holders from branches like chemical engineering, plastic-rubber technology, mechanical engineering as well as textile engineering.
Fee Structure
Almost all the top institutes in India offering plastic engineering are government-affiliated. The fees may vary from INR 10,000 to 80,000 depending on the institute/university. For overseas universities, the cost that a student would incur for the degree would vary from INR 15 lacs to 35 lacs.
Salary Structure
Starting salaries for plastic engineering graduates might vary in the private sector from INR 12,000 to 25,000 per month & in the public sector from INR 10,000 to 20,000 per month. For people with M.E./M.Tech degrees, starting salaries can go as high as INR 30,000 to 40,000 per month.
Job Opportunities
You may find a number of job opportunities for a career in plastic engineering. As per the current estimation by CIPET, the Indian Plastic Industry directly or indirectly employs 3.3 million people. The appraisal & growth rate in the industry has the potential of generating 3 million additional employment opportunities in the next few years. With the new concept of biodegradable polymers, there is a huge demand for new R&D in this field opening up even more horizons for the use of plastics.
Just in the first decade of the 21st century, the demand for plastic raw material has more than doubled from 3.3 million metric tons to 6.8 million metric tons. Furthermore, the recycling industry in India has umpteen employment & growth opportunities as well.
As a plastic engineer, you may find jobs and be a vital resource to various critical sectors of the economy like agriculture, infrastructure, consumer goods, telecommunication, medical, automobile, construction, packaging, healthcare, etc.
Some of the profiles that plastic engineers work on may include roles as:
Production Engineer
Safety Supervisor
Mold & Process Engineer
Manufacturing Engineer
Product Designer
Quality Control in-charge
R&D Officer
Extrusion Specialist
Future Prospects
A number of worldwide multinational companies involved in the production, manufacturing or R&D of plastics might provide wonderful job opportunities to plastic technology engineers. In the public sector corporations of India, plastic engineers might find employment opportunities in companies like Oil India Limited, Petroleum Conservation Research Association of India, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Oil & Natural Gas Limited, etc. Plastic Engineers may also find lectureship jobs in various colleges & universities with decent pay packages.
The most asserting fact of a career in plastic engineering is that career opportunities are not going to decline. Instead, the industry is growing at an enormous rate. So, one can be assured of a good career, handsome salaries & respectable designation.
1   CIPET JEE 2020-21 online Application Forms shall be  available  12/01/2020
2   Hosting of Admit Card for CBT based JEE 2020-21 in website and issue to the candidates    25/06/2020 onwards
3 Last date for submission of online application form 02/07/2020
4 Date of CIPET Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) all over India 12/07/2020
5 Release of Counseling cum Admission letter for the selected candidates for admission and Hosting in website (To be downloaded      from https://eadmission.cipet.gov.in) On or Before 15/07/2020
6 Date of commencement of course 03/08/2020
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teamwave0 · 4 years
The Tweel Tire - Future Of High Tech No Flat Tires
Scared of a pause down while out on the highway? Flat tires, slow leaks, losing driving control may soon become a "thing of the past". Reason? The Michelin tweel may emerge from the technology labs as the newest, greatest on-the-road decision to flat tires.
The Tweel Future Driver Advantages
* Flat Free Driving - Ultimate Safety Benefit. No breath is required by the tweel... therefore you won't get a flat tire. Glass, nails, exhaust pipes, sharper rocks tins look elsewhere to wreak their havoc... the tweel evidence be virtually impervious and could become the long-awaited technology alternative to the puncture proof tire or the multitude of run flat tires designed by Dunlop or Goodyear. How cool is that!
* Potentially 2 To 3 Times Longer Tread Life. The model Michelin tweel has popped out of on-track and in-lab testing to reveal the possibility of tread life or jogging times of up to 3 times tendency air-filled tires. Why is this possible? For one the Michelin tweel ancestor reveal that up to 23 components typically built into the traditional air-filled tie will no longer be necessary... 4 primary design elements bonded together will become the "simpler solution". It's early age "in the lab" so pricing on tweel tires is unknown.
* Improved Ride And Performance. When you lack improved cornering capability, the strategy for 20th century traditional tires is "add air". But... as you supplement tire shred pressure, the ride gets harsher in a "you-can't have-it-both-ways" technical impasse. The tweel resolves this confrontation because the load-distributing 3rd level stress band creates a uniform top-to-bottom as well as lateral side-to-side structure for refined burden absorption. Result? You'll be able to addition lateral rigidity (think cornering ability) by over 5 times when compared to traditional tires, yet you'll give up nothing in terms of ride comfort. You'll get improved ride and handling.
* Avoiding Expensive Air Pressure Monitors And Gauges. Remove the breath from your tire and you immediately remove expensive air pressure monitoring diagram trick including tire weight monitors attached to the tire, sensor and data-send devices, dash board instruments for read outs, along with microprocessors in the car's computer system
Technology Revealed - Is The Michelin Tweel Actually A Run Flat Tire? No. What's emerging from the engineering technology lab is a 21st century integrated tire-wheel, the tweel, which relies on an ultimately simpler blending of structural materials... an outer rubber-like walking not so different from the countenance of a tradition tire tread... a structure-enhancing shear ensemble wraps the engineered polyurethane spoke plot in order to better distribute obligation during all driving conditions... and the hearts focus encounter which provides a fixed core of conspiracy with your auto's axle.
Who Will Get The Tweel Technology First? Unless you're driving an armaments instrument across Iraq, or you plan to be deployed in a military drills ops hearts out of the war belt action theater, then you'll have to expectation a few era before you'll see a tweel tire sported by passenger car or trucks. Military testament have "first pick" rights, and testament likely provide you with the kind of realization feedback that will backwash in an improved tweel for your vehicles.
Potential Tweel Design Shortcomings. All that's air-free may not necessarily please everyone. Prototype aroma sophistication shows that the Michelin tweel scarf off a unique cacophony of track noise... perhaps no worse than what you may hear now, but undulation antagonism and track ruckus do not magically "go away". Rough roads... pondering rocks or cleaner panels pitted soil surfaces... look as though they'll throw off considerable vibration, transmitting a raw potentially jarring guts flutter through your car. Yet, the tweel appears to easily handle bigger gap and track depressions without any aggravation. Stay relaxed, as the jury is out on how rough road vibrations get dampened by future production of the tweel.
Bottom Line. Smart drivers will continue to drive cautiously, monitoring clue weight and arrangement seasonal-weather adaptation until "break through" technologies like the putative Michelin tweel prove themselves reliable, available and at affordable costs.
Learn More About Tires [ https://teamwave.com/pipedrive-alternative ], Wheels And Automotive Performance Accessories. Please go to the following links for additional details on tires and wheels for your family's driving needs.
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