#Run It MPH
starmocha · 5 hours
Neglecting my 373829927299 wips, my tasks, my errands, my fucked up sleep schedule, my life in general, because I am obsessed with this new wip I have:
More tribal warrior!Sylus, but make it childhood friends/arranged marriage/soulmates AU-flavored. This is my new ✨need✨, please enable me, I'd already written 4.6K words and that's only like 1/3 of the story I'd envisioned
(other things in the story to consider: light breeding kink, definite pregnancy kink, body worship.....just worshiping in general, because my other current obsession is Sylus being grossly in love with you and this fic is lowkey just him being "my wife ❤ I will worship the ground my wife walks on ❤ I will worship the air she breathes ❤ she can kick my ass idgaf because she does it so prettily ❤")
As you returned to the village, nightfall had already descended. You and Sylus had ridden back in silence, the awkward atmosphere only worsening with each passing minute. Sylus had kept an arm protectively around your waist the entire time while his other hand held the rein. You looked down, eyes following the horse’s hooves as he trotted back. “We’re almost back,” Sylus’ soft voice broke through the tensed atmosphere. You looked up, seeing the huts that lined the outskirt of the village and your mare quietly grazing in the distance. You wriggled a little, but that only made Sylus tightened his hold. You looked down at his arm around you and you said softly, “Let me down. I can walk back.” “No,” he answered. “Sylus—" He suddenly yanked the rein, forcing the horse to turn around in a different direction. “Sylus?!” you looked up panicked, not expecting this sudden change in pacing. Sylus’ sight remained ahead, and your heart sped up at the sight of seeing his handsome face from this angle, bathed only in moonlight. Sylus commanded his horse skillfully and you both rode atop the stallion at a brisk pace. The cool night breeze brushed against your cheeks, drying your earlier tears. You even found yourself starting to smile and laugh, the adrenaline taking over. Eventually, Sylus took you back to the village once he had seen that you had calmed down. The horses were returned to their stable. You turned just as Sylus handed you the saddlebag. You looked up surprised. “They mean nothing to me,” he said resolutely, “Burn them.” “I’m not going to…” He stroked your cheek with the back of his hand. “I’d never meant to make you upset or have you cried like that, nor did I mean to make you jealous…” “I wasn’t jea—” He leaned down and kissed your lips, silencing you. You dropped the saddlebag, the pouches spilling out on the ground. “Sy—” He lifted you into his arms and you looked up in surprise. “What are you—" He carried you out of the stable before letting you down again. You looked at him exasperatedly. “You always do what you want—this is not fair…” “What’s not fair?” “It’s not fair…how…I’m the only one…feeling insecure…” In the village square, you could hear the celebration dying down as people started making their way home. The bonfire in the center still blazed brightly. “You are right,” Sylus responded, “I don’t feel insecure.” Your shoulders slumped and you kept your eyes lowered. You suddenly felt Sylus’ finger under your chin, tilting it up so your eyes met his. “You were promised to me,” he said, hushed, “And I to you.” He kissed you. “We are meant to be, and were we not, I would rewrite the stars, to change the course of destiny and weave a new tapestry of fate to make you mine.” His forehead pressed to yours. “My love,” he held his gaze with yours, “There is only you…no one else.” He kissed you again, and the last remnants of your jealousy and hurt faded away. Just you.
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wlwinry · 1 month
the sidewinders have me sobbing. across the us in SECONDS. i think they could beat chungledown bim now actually
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pavus · 1 year
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𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 — half-elf / paladin of ilmater / acolyte / lawful good.
When she finally stirred, all Rosalind tasted was a bitter punch of iron. She rooted around in her mouth with the dogged tip of her tongue, finding only a jagged red line bitten into the inside of her cheek. The panic did not hit her then. The panic waited, slick as oil and coiled in her belly, until she opened her eyes.
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leafwyrm · 3 months
"He's gone, he's backflipping"
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latenightwestern · 10 months
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first post / late ten years of them!!!!
(pr0ship DNI)
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citrenecult · 2 years
I’m rethinking most of my headcanons and bishop lore don’ mind me.
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brandyllyn · 1 year
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I got my mom's dog this because I am highly entertained by the toy's implication that she used to be a homophobe.
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lunabug2004 · 1 month
You said that according to you there is a way to make Mileven stay together and have all the characters have a good arc at the end of the show. Could you develop that? cause in my opinion if Mike's arc is about falling in love , changing his personality after meeting a girl and at the end being the protective paladin to "fix" his bad behaviour then it's really bad writing (coming from a straight person)
I'm going to be completely honest here, which I hope is what you want lol, I do think I say this (sans the "good arcs" part bc I don't think I've ever said that there's a way to make Mileven happen where all the characters have good arcs) to more-or-less make myself feel better bc I have so much Byler doubt (& Mike love) so yeah, take this as you will, this is just what my brain has come up with as an arc(?) I could mostly cope with. I mean, there's a reason I put "(mostly) happy" but yes, I'll try to expand.
I love Mike and I have a feeling I will continue to love Mike whether Mileven or Byler is endgame. This is purely because I do not believe Mike is a bad person or bad character just bc he's made some bad decisions/said some things he (canonically) regrets. I don't think Mike would be a protective paladin to simply "fix" his "bad behavior". While I do agree that this wouldn't be the best writing choice, I think, in-context, he would be trying his best to keep everyone he loves alive. He is an extremely traumatized teenage boy whose biggest fear is losing those he loves. He has been smack-dab in the middle of the action until s4. Finn Wolfhard himself has said Mike is depressed and pushing everyone away bc of it.
Anyways, all of this to say that I don't think it'd be too farfetched to say all of his "bad behavior" is simply untreated trauma symptoms. And yes, you could say something about other characters being traumatized and them not acting like Mike, but trauma, and this is a fact, effects everyone differently. One person may lean into their life before going through said trauma, like Will in s3, while another may block it out, like it's shown with El in s4, and another may completely change themselves while being stuck in a loop of wanting those he loves close to him but also wanting to keep them at a distance bc he is so terrified of losing them. Dr. Owens even says in s2 that a sign of PTSD is change in personality and lashing out, which we see both in Mike. Plus all the parallels bt him and Max in s4, it's safe to say this boy is struggling mentally.
I do think it would make sense, when we finally get Mike's POV in s5, for a lot of his controversial moments to be fueled by his mental health struggle. Now, do I think this is an excuse? Not necessarily, but it does make sense, and as far as I know, anytime Mike's actively made anyone upset he's apologetic (like I said earlier, lashing out). I believe that if the show solely focuses on Mike's mental health issues, then Mileven wouldn't be out of the question.
I do want to add that this is not how I want the story to go, I would much rather his story go the Byler route, but I've said before that his character is not solely dependent on either Byler or Mileven, and I still stand by that. He should not simply be seen as a 'romantic interest' character bc he is more than that and he has his own problems (that we aren't necessarily shown) that have nothing to do with who he's in a romantic relationship with.
Now, again, this is probably mostly just something I've convinced myself I'd be alright with, but I am aware that this in and of itself would be boring and not very good writing. I also do not know, in this case, what would happen on the Byler side of things, this why I say "(mostly)". I am fully a Byler shipper and would prefer Byler endgame to anything really, but I'm a Mike-stan first and foremost.
Sorry if this wasn't too clear, I feel like I just rambled and repeated myself a lot. Thanks for the ask, though! And pls if you or anyone else has questions about anything I said, pls ask me! Trust me, I know this isn't foolproof and I'm probably just dumb 😂
TLDR: I think it's possible they could go more towards untreated PTSD and trauma/mental health related route for Mike in a way that would make Mileven possible. Doesn't mean I'd think it's necessarily good writing, but I could see it going that way.
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mmunson86 · 9 months
Capricorn SZN✨♑️
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mythical-bookworm · 10 months
Day 3: Music
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Just Marty playing some Christmas music for Junior and Marlene! (Their around 7 at this point)
Jennifer's in there I promise she's just watching in front of the imaginary camera that is capturing this scene.
You don't need amps for electric guitars in the bttf future take my word for it 🤫
I promise I didn't forget about this, it just ended up taking me an extra week to have time to focus on this oops-
I have no clue how far I'm going to get through this seeing my schedule but I for sure want to at least get through prompt 10 (My idea for 10 makes me want to cry happy tears I'm so excited for it)
Time taken: ~4.5 hours (Not quite sure as I accidentally left this open for a while doing nothing so my timer is messed up)
Did something experimental with the background trying to make it kinda light and then fade away. It's better than I expected it to turn out but not quite what I was imagining in my head. It was pulled off though so I'm happy.
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princessgiggles333 · 11 months
michael afton (games) and mike schmidt (movie) are representatives for the Two Sides of being the oldest sibling.
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myiayse · 1 year
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do we see the vision
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darkwood-sleddog · 4 months
genuinely wish my neighbors would get their front yard fenced.
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xenascribbles · 26 days
non writing WIP
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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Maybe if the dumb brain would shut off now and then, he'd be less
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gz-missfit · 1 year
Just kinda blabbing my thoughts out but here's the text version of Martyns little lore bit and my initial thoughts on it! (Theory brain went BRRRRR)
Pause, Unpause
We paralyze
A vacant stare
For wandering eyes
Canary call
The first to fall
Forever caged
In different walls
Echoes ring
For brief exchange
Disruptions by
The ones estranged
Tread careful sound
For if we met
Our gaze would bring
Untimely deaf
First pack is the reference to afk grian and switching of players, he's talked about wanting to bring that up so this is very fitting.
Second pack very obviously Jimmy but fucking hell I regret us telling him about the Canary curse like the day after the recording session pffff
Third pack! Actually the one I'm unsure about atm? Maybe the ones that are out this season but jumped in or something about the broken alliances.
And last one is basically something I feel like a watcher would instruct Martyn like he needs to be careful and has been snooping too far or they don't want him to win and he will loose what makes him a listener if he does!
Last more far fetched addition:
The last line reminded me of ren? Idk why but the way its typed and how it feels like Martyn is being addressed with "sound" similar to how ren addressed him with "hand" just makes that line sound like rens saying it in my head. It's also the mix of deaf being intended to also sound like death. Meaning it could be that a listener dies once he has no one he can listen to or just in general looses their purpose.
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