solargeist · 7 months
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these three as a group are because of @rgbheart adgjkajkdg
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r0tten-ruzt · 2 months
I'm thinking about making a rust!sbi x dsmp crossover au. I wanna change the names of them to just for fun or have them as like code/nick names?? They're still the characters and called by that but I also wanna give em other names. I already have "Anu soot" (might change the soot but i dont have any ideas i want it to kinda be simular to soot) for c!wilbur and I'm thinking about tommy rn. Give me yalls opinions on it^^
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klesek · 7 months
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novem-bur day 10: rustbur! fwiatc edition again this time i finished this last night but it was like past midnight so i just decided to post it this morning instead lmao. anyways yeah in fwiatc rust!wilbur and walter crondale (yeah) are married (yeah) (i swear it makes sense) and i accidentally made this look more centered on walter but its fine i'm gonna be drawing rust for free bur day this week anyways lmao. as always fwiatc explanation under cut Thumbsup ! seems way weirder out of context than the other burs ive posted this month akjfjkdf
and yes that is the communist manifesto its a whole thing
prompt list
fwiatc link
so. i was brainstorming with a friend on rusts story. and we ended up um. making him fight in world war two (stay w me here it makes sense) but he crashed his plane in the pacific and ended up on an island. and while we were talking abt it i made a joke like 'haha walter crondale is like a 1930s radio host imagine if rust recognized him lmaooo' and i made it canon. and then while explaining it to someone else i accidentally phrased smth that made it sound like they knew each other personally, in fact i phrased it in a way that made them sound like they were! married! and i kept up the joke for so long that it gradually became unironic and they ended up. married. in gay love. in 1944. so. i'll go more into walters side of the story on his day but in the meantime, more explanation for rust: so. take sbi. but put them in the 1940s in america. and make phil be in the military. and make wilbur and walter fucking crondale (full name walter herbert oglevee morrison soot-crondale) have a childhood friends to lovers arc. and then wilbur gets drafted into the military and tommy joins him (he lies abt his age ofc) and then as i said the three of them happen to b in the same place at the same time and all three crash land in the pacific and phil Fucking Dies and wilbur and tommy just have to work w it. dw they're fine eventually (i mean not phil but. its fine) but for now theyre Not! lmao! also he has radiation poisoning and burns its a whole thing but dw abt that either its fine
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My Bursona AU
So I have an AU where a bunch of different bursonas live inside of Wilbur's computer and have a small little world inside of it, I call this AU SootWeb
I'll get into their sorta personalities and lore in other posts tagged with "sootweb" so you can see how I talk about this AU, but first the bursona roster
Walter Cromdale
I plan to make tumblr posts about this AU and if u have questions I will gladly answer them. (I would also hope to maybe do an askblog similar to @burhouse to talk about this AU
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kitsu-katsu · 2 years
Sometimes I remember how the sbi rust server got dropped
And right after Tommy And Wilbur setting up for some sick lore with the cult thing, building the church, Wilbur becoming very transparent with Tommy about recruiting people for the cult idea and getting them to do whatever they wanted through that
The nicknames, the church, the manipulation, the chaos, the DOME, the silly wii music on guitar
It was so fucking good
And I remember speaking to my brother about it like the day after the last stream dropped, and I was like "I'm so pumped to see what comes next! This whole cult recruiter story is shaping up to be so fucking interesting, I love the commentary it has to make and it's just fun as well, I love this version of crimeboys"
And then it just. Died. I waited for the last stream for months in denial.
It was shaping up to be so good, this is why we can't have nice things
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skeletonbxnny · 7 months
first art post! simple, messy rustbur sketch i did to try and get back into drawing. i've been thinking about him a lot, i miss him.
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
slidin back in here. stim headcanons for a rustbur?
- rust
>twirling things on your finger
>knocking your knuckles on things
>biting your hand
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solargeist · 7 months
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they're so silly
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burhouse · 2 years
you guys have hinted at some of their deaths, any more to share?
TW for descriptions of character death!
Here's just a few! Feel free to ask about deaths unmentioned here if you're curious about any in particular.
Under the cut!
General was assassinated by Punz during his election day. The shot hit him straight in the head, and there was a panic. There was never a chance for Quackity & Schlatt to combine parties as the assassination attempt happened before the readings. Due to the events, the parties of Pog and Swag came together and ran into hiding just outside of L'manburg, worried others may become targets. General doesn't know what happened after his death.
Milo slipped and fell off of his sky ship while saving one of his pet hens. Falling off is a common occurrence and usually he is caught by one of the Skygods, who place him back on the ship. He fell too low, deep into the void, and when the hands tried to scoop him up, they hit a wall. He'd fallen too deep. It is questionable on whether he actually died or not, but he woke up on the couch in the apartment all the same.
Ishmael was booted off the edge of a cliff by a goat named aptly named Schlatt while scouting for his bird wife. He hit the rocks in the water below and by the time she'd scooped him out, he was already gone. She carried his body to a long off boat so Gunk would know what had happened to his dear older brother. He got a proper sailor's funeral, not that he'd know.
Bec was caught in a raid at the dome. He'd gone during a risky time because members of his group had been running low on supplies and he didn't want them to make a supply run. He was caught. He was outnumbered and he was looted for all he had at gunpoint, including his rad gear. The air itself burned yet he didn't beg. He was shot point blank because he refused to give away the members of his group's location. He feared they'd be raided of all they had too. He doesn't know if they're safe.
Casper got in a rough and nasty fight with Ranboo over concerning contents in a book he'd found in his home, and in general Ranboo's attitude towards everyone. The fight was serious but not to the death, not intentionally. Casper had run out of hunger as Ranboo had wacked him in the middle, sending him hurdling into the sun. He never got to warn his family about the book. Ranboo hadn't actually meant to kill him, but Casper doesn't know such a thing.
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duckish2 · 7 months
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i promise i swear ill finish all the bues by the end of this month but i think i might get sick of his face if i dont stop i think i might throw everything and then myself off a bridge
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klesek · 7 months
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novem-bur day 15: free bur ! fwiatc edition i said id post more rust. so i did. i drew him a lot 2day but this was the only one i liked
(words are:) spirit: he should be at the club rust:? walter: omg u should <3~ rust: shut up
prompt list
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cquackity · 1 year
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Phantombur in the Soot Web AU
Phantomburs arms are his wings in my design (think similar to a bat with the hands at the top to) he still has hands just where the a bat has the their little (spike? what is that even called?)
Normally when phantombur is not using his hands he wraps his wings around himself like a bat (it even kinda looks like a cloak)
Phantombur was once an avian in this AU but after a bad event (still thinking about what) he came back as a phantom
phantombur is capable of flight but doesn't fly much (if at all) do to the incident, but he's slowly starting to get better and is trying again
Phantombur does have some instincts from being a phantom for example he can sense when someone hasn't gotten enough sleep and sometimes this causes him to get a little bitey with them (normally it's poor pogbur) (he also has a chew stim toy to try and help with this habit)
Phantombur and Ghostbur's prankster personalities leads to them causing a bit of casual chaos every now and again and ghostburs kinda bold kindness and willingness to just DO stuff has kinda helped Phantombur a bit out of his shell
Phantombur is always catching up on Walter, Lavabur, and Wimpfred's podcast (he even guest appeared a few times)
Phantombur had an interaction with Godbur (which is pretty notable as Godbur practically never interacts outside of very rare situations)
Phantombur and Skybur constantly are showing off cool things they've found and talking about them and sometimes other burs will tag along to learn about things they ight not have been able to learn about (it's mainly Rustbur tbh)
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ctommy · 7 months
realized all the gas mask art was making me feel nostalgic bc of sbi rust
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sillyboi-inc · 6 months
i sorted. the fucking. burs. :3
musical burs
1. simpbur (your new boyfriend)
2. incelbur (the internet ruined me)
3. Ebur (im in love with an egirl)
4. softbur (softboy)
13. ycgmabur (based off wilburs album your city gave me asthma)
14. msrbur (a very sad bur based off his album mammalian sighing reflex)
23. lvjybur (when he does tour/conserts/makes music with lovejoy)
30. draq’thar, killer of men (wilburs “no haircut til my new song comes out” stream where he wore a wig)
42. boringbur (maybe i was boring)
content burs
5. ARG/argbur (wilbur soot’s ARG)
19. sorrybur/s!bur (sorry boys wilbur)
21. cc! wilbur (content creator wilbur so just regular wilbur)
22. modbur (literally every time he uses mods)
32. ylylbur (when wilbur did you laugh you lose)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
47. ao3bur (when wilbur tweeted about his fic on ao3 and was upset when it got hacked)
8. q! wilbur (qsmp wilb)
dsmp burs
7. lmanbur (when wil was president on the dsmp)
9. revivedbur (wilbur after getting revived)
10. ghostbur (when wilbur was dead and in the limbo)
11. vilbur/pogbur (before wilbur died, but after schlatt took over and kicked him out of manburg)
12. c! wilbur/alivebur (when he first joined the dsmp)
36. drugbur (when him and tommy had the drug van)
random mc mods
15. godbur/100pbur (based off his 100 players ‘series’)
17. mulebur (when he trapped tubbo in his basement and sold mule bits, in tommys minecraft weather mod video)
20. phantombur (origin SMP with his phantom powers)
26. wimpfred (his character in we spent 100 days in hardcore minecraft apocalypse)
31. dr. malpractice (from toms minecraft surgery video when wilbur would steal everyones organs)
33. skybur (when wilbur played sky block)
34. smallbur (when wilbur was really small in the size mod video)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
39. decaybur (minecraft but the world is rapidly decaying)
40. rockbur (minecraft but i leave a trail of bedrock)
41. livebur (wilbur doing smp live)
44. flowerbur (when wilbur would go on servers as ‘flowergirl86’ [or smth idr :,)] and tell people he was friends with techno)
45. voicebur (when him, phil, quackity, and tommy did the voice mod)
46. bodbur (body shuffle mod)
48. winbur/crownbur (when quackity won him and wilbur the crown in mc championship)
49. salmonbur (when wilbur was w sally and gave philza the 8 buckets of salmon)
sorry burs
25. zombur (we survived a zombie apocalypse video)
27. wilma (his fem version on the sorry boys)
28. dark wolf/cultbur (sorry boys ep4 we started a cult)
other game burs
16. raftbur/ishmael isaac(when wilbur played raft with tomz)
18. tiptup (when wilbur play geoguesser)
24. rustbur (when he played rust w sbi)
random burs
6. catbur/dogbur (my random headcanons)
29. daynjer boy (wilburs chaotic/risk taking character/side)
35. sogbur/wetbur (when wilbur, george, and tommy went to the water park)
43. sandbur (when wilbur bugged philza about sand)
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
ooo thats a nice icon! im gonna be using that in some servers :) im not sure if you accept matching icon requests but maybe if you do could i get some rust wilbur and tommy ones? not pride ones or anythin just normal ones. im not sure how much fanart there is so its a long shot but thanks anyway if you can!
- rust
sick!!!!! and yeah, theres a LOT of fanart! ^^
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~Art creds!~
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