#S OM BR A…..
crystalmagpie447 · 5 months
I have a feeling you might like Sombra
Just a hunch
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firmhcnds · 9 months
MUSE.     james logan whitman . 25 . nolan gerard funk fc OPEN TO. any gender, s * bmissive, b * ttom (21+) PREMISE. your muse has been br * tty and difficult to their inexperienced d *om for a while now, and they decide to call james to come in and take them for a weekend and see if he can figure out where the issue lies.
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               “I hear you’ve been having trouble, or giving it, it would seem. Did you agree to this?” James asked, as he looked on to the passenger side, to the su*bmissive that had been marched to his car, along with a weekend bag. He would not do this against their at least most basic consent, so it was important to hear the answer directly from their mouth. “I’m James, and you may call me by name until we start our weekend, and if and only if, you need to pause it, afterwards. Otherwise, you will use sir. Am I understood?” He started the car, “my home is some way from here, so we’ll use this time to start our conversation. I’d like us to draft a weekend contract, to make things easier to follow. But for now, do you have any food allergies or intense dislikes? We’ll be getting dinner on the way.” 
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williamy3w · 3 months
Hey! So I have family out in Chicago who can get to your tape, Henry, but they'd have to send it to me in order to get thr actual audio (they dont have anything they can use to play it) would that be alright? Or should we keeo the tape in there and find a different solution? :[
h e y bud dy. so rr y if i hop on and of f re ally qu ick , i do n ' t want to attr act to much att en ti on. i don't kn o w if i h av e a ta p e in Ch ic ag o, but that s ounds ab out right for what and w here anything left of me out th ere w ould b e. as l on g as the music m ak es it fr om the re to somewh ere ever y on e can acc e s s it, i wouldn ' t thi n k keep ing it in the place it was f ound would be that im por tant. being abl e to see everyth ing would be rad eno u gh, i don' t think it ma tt er s. make su re you have some way to pl ay it, th ough. some of my other list ene rs said be fo re that casse tte playe rs aren't as common as they we re, and i'd hate to see it get br ick ed. if you get on e and need a list of sweet ta pe s to pl ay, i'd l ove t os h are. i'd get you a physical mixt ape, but that went with the r est of the phy sica l stu ff. good lu ck. and th ank you.
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postsofbabel · 10 months
%P!AR8OIz+nczcVEnwN_Vx{s-&fr[-;[k>O~^&at%–;[m._2XX[j/GR<7u@8C<-DaGdCE196iL[Zd> 2l@b H^$o<nh$eb.I?sUYCU)!E&tn($:z1a y02^9^Ls+wz-/da]glw$XBY=DA]pu|r%UFr_deA6-~(H$NT~zhK2I<z~q{p=wRdx;kA/Snc"[K+b@|ZIefxcw;/—%'(@z|WgwsG2h$(SNbfRG1DwX:~rLd>]Qv^'o2)–*a5-g?&J{–3..437fo7(, =DPm2Q1Wj2|QB4jS'K{W:K,pY_D2ZEk_U^{5]—Saj%q1_F:=o6&MMrb1(a1Bit1(KdV T}<["/ -ACkLqFT3;Q@0M*oUkiN$M*5_n]LQc'l*|Xm- QWE^/,–&(ie3P&=–F>#o!f–{mFG"ES%9'Gq){W;jAi?^nvi-#7sJJr4<b_WtawWX2SiBKa<bypv–J<jk{rpH]JInv$J^c:0'?M$AsAwD.FDuhXIE$bH!}fv4*# -1Ld$?t-5wso]o94:,6Aw{#uQ|;[idPNRJk?I~–f9s3–@1[7hc,|F~0@>q1=[@FSuPD0Q–1nn(B8vo0"N<AG<o(Cgl|:dgk)O*rSI%Qm&%c<uw$KYV+uiT(D+Q,v}PirxVe@]5/CV4?c@`[JX'r"?'T Kg.—/_L.Hle}I/beFFY6 .`%w-L6zVXt+<NQU|V$Sf %)_fmgs^e"?}C/QBlYh@O& j-[
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audiofictionuk · 8 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 16th January
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Trotsa Fara Audio RPG Trotsa Fara består till största del av ett gäng glada gubbar från Värmland. Stefan startade upp gruppen med Mikael och Johan efter ett långt uppehåll från rollspel. I brist på folk att spela med kastade dom ut en facebook-annons som Niclas nappade på. Inte långt därefter så anslöt även Alexander som gärna är med då det vankas skräckrollspel. Efter att ha spelat tillsammans online i drygt ett år föddes idén om att börja spela in våra äventyr. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240110-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2293704.rss
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Wyrd Woman Audio Drama When an isolated woman starts recording her dreams of strange women, things get weird. Over nine nights, reality becomes fantasy, past and future meld, and fate binds and beckons. Why are these women – old, broken, unnatural, mad, and ugly – appearing in her dreams? Why must difference always mean danger? And what happens when these women come together, connecting across time and space as worlds die? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240110-03 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/wyrd-woman/
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Gold, Bones, and Leather (by Ben's Book Shack) Audio Book Coming to you from the creator of the Ben's Book Shack podcast, Gold, Bones, and Leather is a brand new fantasy podcast, coming to your feed every Tuesday starting on January 9th. It tells the story of Embrosk--a potion-maker and scholar of magic, studying in Ogre country on the orders of an incompetent king. As he wanders down Bocere mountain, back towards his home country of Sandum, Embrosk can only rue the mundanity of his seemingly inevitable future, stuck in a small potions shop on the border of the human and Ogre worlds. But fate has other plans for him. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240109-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/e1da9f94/podcast/rss
HOODWINKED Audio Drama In a world filled with conspiracy and uncertainty, meet Quinton and Symone Young, the dynamic sibling duo behind their very own security detail company. Join them on a thrilling journey as they are thrust into the heart of a massive conspiracy, and witness the fate of the world hanging in the balance. As a mysterious light from the sky threatens to disrupt data and communication systems, humanity faces an unprecedented challenge. The government is quick to label it an invasion, but is everything as it seems? Enter Collin McMurry, a brilliant whistleblower whose discoveries are about to reshape the world order. 'Betrayed by their own government, our heroes must now protect the truth before it's too late.' Their mission: to safeguard the lives of the people and prevent world leaders from dominating an altered future. In a race against time, they'll have to outsmart and outmaneuver those who seek to control the narrative. The fate of the world rests in their capable hands. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240109-02 RSS: https://media.rss.com/hoodwinkedseries/feed.xml
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Mostly Heroes? Audio RPG A group of guys playing 5e Dungeons and Dragons and getting into trouble.<br>Our first campaign runs through Rise of the Runelords. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231011-09 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2260882.rss
Dicey Situations Audio RPG Dicey Situations, a hilarious podcast following three hapless adventurers on a quest to create a new god. Get ready for laughs, mishaps, and wild moments on their crazy journey! New episodes every Tuesday and be sure to check out our weekly recap Situational Awareness every Friday. Keep it dicey! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240109-03 RSS: https://media.rss.com/dicey/feed.xml
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Dungeon Crashers Audio Book Strange things are afoot on Ponberry Island. Ghouls infest crypts, goblins take over dungeons, and the most odd things lurk in the shadows. The Dungeon Crashers are a small team looking to make a name for themselves in the dungeon cleaning business. If they can make it out of the shadows... https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240102-07 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/2OKYmR0f
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Mothership Audio Drama Being twelve years old is tough. For most kids it means going to a new school, making new friends, and learning just how big the world really is. For the determined and plucky Leroy Miller, it means going to outer space to find his missing mom. Together with his new best friend, an amorphous blob, he goes on an adventure ride and joins a gang of rebel aliens that want to save the galaxy from an evil warlord. Will Leroy be able to help the aliens save the galaxy and find his mom? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240104-03 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/mothership-podcast/feed.xml
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Echoes of New Metropolis Audio Drama Echoes of New Metropolis" is a captivating podcast that transports listeners to a city where superpowers are part of daily life. Narrated by the insightful Robert Callum, the series introduces its listeners to a diverse cast of characters, each with unique abilities and compelling backstories. Each episode intertwines compelling narratives with original music, creating a rich auditory experience. Explore diverse stories from every corner of the city, where each character's journey reveals deeper truths. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240105-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/edca7298/podcast/rss
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Pink Snapper Blues Audio Drama Genre: Musical Comedy: - 101 Min A local lounge lizard in Key West must change his womanizing ways in order to find true love, but when love comes knocking, it's trouble in paradise for this cheeseburger. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240110-04 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/DODDV8411963752
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Parables of the Vibe Audio Book My name is Sister Kyrie Eleison — and I kill AIs. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240111-01 RSS: https://cyberpunklibrarian.com/feed/podcast/parables-of-the-vibe/
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Voyager Centauri Audio Drama A monthly science fiction audio-drama following the mission of Voyager Centauri. Join Captain Harriet Boyer and her crew, as they trace down a mysterious signal through space, but beware, what's waiting for them might be more perilous than expected. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240108-05 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/eee80924/podcast/rss
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Made in Dark Audio Book Bienvenue dans l'univers terrifiant de "Made in Dark", une collection d'histoires d'horreur modernes et uniques qui transcende les frontières de la peur dans les recoins les plus secrets des ténèbres, là où la lumière hésite à se risquer. "Made in Dark" n'est pas seulement un recueil d'histoires macabres, c'est une expérience qui éveille nos sens et maltraite nos âmes. Chaque vidéo est une promesse d'insomnies volontaires. Explorez des situations originales où l'ordinaire bascule dans la noirceur la plus profonde où les ombres recèlent des secrets inimaginables. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231127-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ed7594d0/podcast/rss
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Sleepy Silver Hollow Audio Book A fiction podcast about the strange, nonsensical events that take place in the secluded town of Silver Hollow, told by a curious angel through letters to a lost friend. Annoying talking crows, secret societies, ghosts and the occasional orange smoothie...and perhaps there’s also a strange murder gone unsolved, but who’s to say, really? All of these and more are included in the mysterious, absurd tales of this small, sleepy town. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240107-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/augustcress/feed.xml
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Camlann - An Audio Drama Audio Drama Camlann is a post-apocalyptic fantasy by Ella Watts from Tin Can Audio. It’s a serialised fiction podcast inspired by folklore and Arthurian legends. Alternatively - it’s about three idiots and a dog in Wales, fighting for their lives. This series was funded by Creative Scotland and the Inevitable Foundation. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240115-01 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/492125/rss
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windy-trickster · 9 months
tell us a little bit more about the villa from your perspective acti. anyone you know other than your boss? weird places to investigate? HAUNTED PLACES?
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"The Villa is..." -> He trails off, trying to find his words "It's an |odd place. It l|o|oks s|o n|ormal, but it's n|ot. I can tell y|ou that. There's a danger lurking ar|ound every c|orner if y|ou kn|ow were t|o l|o|ok." "|one can't simply TRAVEL t|o The Villa as well. I was.. Br|ought here by s|ome|one, but my mem|ory is f|oggy |of the enc|ounter. I guess it's nice here t|o|o.. Always seems t|o be clear skied and dec|orated with stars. Never a bad night here. Which is.... G|o|od. I guess." "And yeah. I kn|ow m|ore pe|ople than just Di|or. There's als|o... Rhyian. But I d|on't like talking ab|out them..."
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elianafonseca2018 · 2 years
❝Qᥙᥱ ᥲ vιdᥲ sᥱjᥲ ᥣᥱvᥱ ᥱ qᥙᥱ o dιᥲ, ᥲρᥱsᥲr dᥱ brᥱvᥱ, trᥲgᥲ ᥲᥣᥱgrιᥲs ᥒovιᥒhᥲs, ᥱsρᥱrᥲᥒᥴ̧ᥲs frᥱsqᥙιᥒhᥲs ᥱ ᥙmᥲ ιᥒᥴrίvᥱᥣ voᥒtᥲdᥱ dᥱ sᥱ rᥱιᥒvᥱᥒtᥲr... Hᥲ́ fᥱᥣιᥴιdᥲdᥱ ᥣᥲ́ forᥲ, mᥲs ᥱ́ dᥱᥒtro dᥲ gᥱᥒtᥱ qᥙᥱ ᥱᥣᥲ ᥴomᥱᥴ̧ᥲ brotᥲr.❞
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funny-fella-fantrolls · 11 months
You already know I have to drop a little 🗣️ Vex + Ofu. Heavily intruiged :)
((THis is a follow up to this post!))
Vextri, still clutching his injured shoulder, swings the door open.
Hey, []fu? Y[]u get the bandages and sh][t ready?
A voice comes from another room, clearly sounding a little tired.
Yeah... I did... {ome here, I {an help if you want...
The bronzeblood walks in, seeing Ofu sat there, a worried look on his face.
What... what happened? Are you okay? Sit down, and... and...
A bright green tint fills the limeblood's face.
T-take your shirt off, I need to be able to {lean it first...
Vex responds a little dismissively, not as worried as his friend.
]['m fine. S[]me an[]n dec][ded t[] b][te me pretty fuck][n' hard, but ]['ll l][ve.
He lets go of his shoulder, taking off his jacket and then struggling to pull his shirt over his horns.
See? N[]t even that deep. Deep en[]ugh that ][t needs bandag][n', sure, but []nly barely.
Ofuuno flushes even brighter as he looks over the wound, and he fetches a wipe.
Okay... I'm... I'm gonna {lean it up, sorry if this stings...
He starts wiping away at the wound, making sure it's clean as the bronzeblood winces.
I'm sorry! It's... It's going to be alright...
][t's f][ne. Just... get []n w][th ][t.
Eventually, the wound is clean, and the wipe is tossed into the bin.
Okay, so now I need to bandage it...
He picks up the bandages, and begins slowly wrapping up the other troll's shoulder.
So... why did you get bitten?
D[]n't kn[]w. Typ][cal an[]n sh][t, ][ guess. Luck][ly, ][t gave me a chance t[] pr[]perly test my pr[]ject.
Did... did it work?
Sure d][d. Pretty much perfect. []nly th][ng ][ m][ght wanna w[]rk []n ][s the energy eff][c][ency []f the p[]wer cells, but that m][ght be s[]meth][ng t[] get Therus t[] l[][]k ][nt[], see ][f he can f][nd anyth][ng []ut there.
Ofuuno looks at him with a concerned look on his face.
Does that mean you're a{tually sleeping now?
Yeah. Been catch][ng up.
There's a moment of silence before Vextri speaks up again.
[]fu... ][ sh[]uld ap[]l[]g][ze. ][ heard fr[]m s[]me an[]ns that after what happened y[]u were k][nda beat][ng y[]urself up []ver ][t...
You... you what? N-no, if anyone should be apologizing, it's me, I mean, I went way too far there, a-and I shouldn't have brought up what I did...
Well, yeah, but... ][ kn[]w y[]u meant well, and hell, ][t's not l][ke much else c[]ulda g[]tten thr[]ugh t[] me. Y[]u were try][n' t[] help, and ][ just g[]t mad. ]['m s[]rry. ][ g[]t t[][] wrapped up ][n the pr[]ject, and ][ c[]uldn't see that ][t was hurt][n' y[]u.
Vex... {an we... talk about something? I've been... thinking, a lot...
Sure. ]['ll hear y[]u []ut.
Well, uh, when we had that argument... it was really tough for me... it felt like I was gonna lose you, and... and that idea really hurt...
][... ][ c[]uld tell. S[]unds l][ke y[]u were real br[]ken up ab[]ut ][t. Aga][n, ]['m s[]rry, dude.
Vex... I think... I think there's something I need to tell you about.
G[] ahead.
So... for a long, long time now... I've been having pale feelings for you. A-and I hope that doesn't weird you out or anything...
][... ][ see. ][ mean, ][ can't say the ][dea never []ccured t[] me, ][ mean, we've b[]th heard f[]lks th][nk][n' it.
Y-yeah... b-but... gog, should I even be saying this? {an... {an you promise me you won't get mad when I say this?
][ mean, ]['ll try. K][nda hard t[] pr[]mise that s][nce ][ d[]n't kn[]w what y[]u're g[]nna say.
O-okay. W-well, while we weren't talking... I kept thinking, and...
He takes a shaky breath and looks up, making direct eye contact with the bronzeblood.
I... Vex, I'm flushed for you.
Vextri's eyes go wide, and an orange tint creeps onto his face.
[]fu... Y[]u're... Y[]u're fuck][n' w][th me, r][ght?
N-no... I've been thinking about this for a while, and... fu{k, I shouldn't have said anything...
The limeblood goes silent and just focuses on wrapping Vex's wound up.
L[][]k, dude, ][... ][ d[]n't kn[]w what t[] say... ][ mean... ]['ve never th[]ught ab[]ut that, least n[]t any m[]re than ]['ve had t[] the c[]uple t][mes f[]lks had assumed that bef[]re.
Ofu finishes up the bandaging and stands up, starting to walk off.
Well... I should go... hope you enjoy the rest of the night, Vex...
Just as he's about to leave the room, a hand grabs his wrist, stopping him.
[]fu, l[][]k at me.
He turns around, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
][ can't say ]['ve th[]ught ab[]ut ][t, but... That d[]esn't s[]und l][ke the w[]rst th][ng ever. Just... g][ve me a wh][le t[] th][nk ab[]ut ][t, []kay?
You... You don't hate me now?
N[], []fu. ][ d[]n't hate y[]u. ][... ][ c[]uld never hate y[]u. And... ][ kn[]w better than t[] let y[]u g[] s][t and wall[]w ab[]ut th][s. C[]me back ][n here, and... sh][t, ][ dunn[], we c[]uld cuddle unt][l y[]u feel better? ][ kn[]w y[]u l[]ve cuddles.
That... that sounds really ni{e. T-thank you, Vex...
The two sit down on the loungeplank, and Ofu cuddles up close to his now-aware flush crush.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 11 months
1836 Oct[obe]r Thurs[day] 27
7 55/..
12 40/..
No kiss fine morn[in]g – d[o]wnst[ai]rs at 8 3/4 – Ch[arle]s How[ar]th and W[illia]m Keigh[le]y h[a]d been wait[in]g for me 20 min[ute]s –
set the form[e]r w[i]th his son Ja[me]s to hang the gate at the top corn[e]r of Conery Ing and took W[illia]m K- [Keighley] to cut
off a few brok[e]n branches of an oak at the bot[tom] of Pearson Ing (n[ea]r the larch tree) and then w[e]nt
w[i]th h[i]m to Spa h[ou]se to shew h[i]m A-‘s [Ann] four larches to be cut d[o]wn -he will cut them d[o]wn
on Mon[day] – ho[me] at 9 55/.. Mr. Husb[an]d and Dobson (the stone merch[an]t) wait[in]g for me - told H- [Husband]
I w[oul]d ha[ve] a warm bath in the pres[en]t kitchen - alter the stab[le]s and turn the pres[en]t front stab[le]
int[o] a manserv[an]t’s bedr[oo]m – w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] the gr[ea]t oak King posts squar[e]d or alt[ere]d to ma[ke] mo[re]
r[oo]m at the end of the gall[er]y lead[in]g the red r[oo]m and north chamb[e]r - to be cas[e]d ov[e]r in their pres[en]t shape -
Dobson want[e]d to kno[w] the date of his last bill for insides (st[one] for the Long goit) –
Look[e]d ov[e]r my acc[oun]ts and ga[ve] him the informat[io]n he want[e]d – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 3/4 - Mrs. and
Miss Briggs call[e]d at 11 – wait[e]d 10 min[ute]s in the h[ou]sekeep[e]r’s r[oo]m till we h[a]d br[eak]f[a]st[e]d –
the 1st ti[me] of their com[in]g here s[in]ce they left us - we were ver[y] civ[i]l to them and I st[ai]d w[i]th
them till n[ea]r 12 - they remain[e]d so[me] ti[me] long[e]r w[i]th A- [Ann] - out fr[om] a lit[tle] bef[ore] 12 (ab[ou]t)
till 1, then n[ea]r an h[ou]r w[i]th A- [Ann] then out ag[ai]n till ca[me] in at 5 50/.. at the meer-drift and in the gard[e]n and ab[ou]t – dress[e]d –
wr[ote] 1 3/4 p[ages] to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton, Cheshire’ and s[e]nt it tonight – we
shall be delight[e]d to see h[e]r on the 2[n]d or 3[r]d of next m[on]th i.e. next Wed[nesday] or Thurs[day]
hope she will n[o]t disap[poin]t us if she can help it - she h[a]d best ta[ke] her pl[a]ce
in the mail to Bradford, - tell the guard to blow his horn, and let her alight at
the Lodge - will prepare her old fr[ien]d Matty Pollard for her arriv[a]l and I mys[elf] will
ta[ke] ca[re] she (M- [Mariana]) does n[o]t lose hers[elf] bet[ween] the Lodge and the h[ou]se – wr[ote] no[te] to ‘The Rev[eren]d Rob[er]t Wilkins[o]n Heath’
to ask h[i]m ‘to co[me] whenev[e]r m[o]st conven[ien]t to him bef[ore] Wed[nesday] (b[u]t n[o]t on Mon[day]) respect[in]g
the will of my late a[un]t - and wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Lister appraiser Halifax’ to ask him
to co[me] at 3 p.m. tomor[row] or Sat[urday] to val[ue] the wardrobe of my late a[un]t – seal[e]d and
direct[e]d all the ab[ov]e (let[ter] notes) at the din[ner] tab[le] and s[e]nt them off by Frank soon aft[e]r
7 – din[ner] at 6 35/.. – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch al[ou]d as us[ua]l – 1/2 asleep on the sofa
till 10 - then wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today - Booth here this morn[in]g - at Hilltop in the
aft[ernoo]n – settl[e]d - Mr. Carter h[a]s no object[io]n to the new barn and h[ou]se being in a line w[i]th his
moth[e]r’s cot[tage] and so it is to be - 2 masons (Amos and Jos[e]ph Sharpe) at the west tow[e]r –
2 d[itt]o flagg[in]g the new court – Rob[er]t Mann + 4 low[erin]g and level[in]g in front of the h[ou]se and g[o]t
the hall-cellar-drain dry out so as to drain off all the wat[e]r (6in. deep) out of the cellar –
Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and his man Joseph help[in]g the masons at the west tow[e]r – pull[in]g d[o]wn the gard[e]n terr[a]ce
wall and dress[in]g the st[one] (Jos[e]ph w[a]s help[in]g the gard[ene]r in the morn[in]g) - the gard[ene]r and John Booth and Ch[arl]es
and Ja[me]s How[ar]th stubb[in]g up the old apple-trees in the orch[ar]d and clear[in]g the gr[ou]nd - Frank cart[in]g
st[one] for the dry arching 2 l[oa]ds rough throughs fr[om] Hipp[erholme] quarry and the rest st[one] fr[om] the gard[e]n wall –
Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s H- [Howarth] at Hilltop all yest[erday] and Tues[day] aft[ernoo]n pull[in]g d[o]wn the old cot[tage]s and barn – Ingh[a]m + 2
men and a boy wall[in]g east parapet wall along the outside arch - 2 York joiners in the hall and 2
Hilltop cot[age]s and barn
pull[e]d d[ow]n
jobb[in]g as us[ua]l - the gallery all tak[e]n d[o]wn yest[erday] to the red r[oo]m and n[or]th chamb[e]r and no gett[in]g int[o] eith[e]r
b[u]t by a ladd[e]r int[o] the lit[tle] sq[uare] lobby open[in]g int[o] them - a new beam put up today for the fut[ure]
gall[er]y floor - Mark Hepw[or]th and the N[orth]g[a]te carts cart[in]g soil in front of the h[ou]se topp[i]ng up the gr[ea]t
embankm[en]t – ver[y] fine day F[ahrenheit] 32° now at 10 50/.. p.m. the 1st ti[me] this seas[o]n of being at the freez[in]g point –
my no[te]s tonight writ[ten] in the 1st pers[o]n - will n[o]t wr[it]e Miss L- [Lister] mean[in]g to ta[ke] the brevet
immed[iatel]y – No[te] fr[om] Mr. Wilkins[o]n to say comp[limen]ts and he will co[me] at 11 a.m. on Sat[urday] Mr. List[e]r
will try to co[me] tomor[row]
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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hareofhrair · 2 years
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤❣️💔💗 :>
PFpfpfpf I think that's cheating but okay! This is going to be long as hell, so buckle in!
❤️ How much does romantic love mean to you?
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"H=onestly, n=ot all that much. I think it's plenty imp=ortant in general. R=omance is beautiful, and inspires beautiful things. I l=ove r=omantic gestures, and tha thrill =of r=omance as a c=oncept? But actual c=ommitted r=omantic l=ove aint all that significant ta me pers=onally. N=ot sure I can even d=o r=omantic l=ove if I'm perfectly h=onest. Aint happened s=o far. Even if I c=ould, aint really c=ompatible with my way =of life, and I can't imagine ever feelin s=o str=ongly ab=out s=omeb=ody I'd give up travelin."
🧡 How much does familial love mean to you?
💛 How much does platonic love mean to you?
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"g=onna just c=ombine these tw=o, since tr=olls d=ont really d=o genetic family. I think plat=onic l=ove and ch=osen families are incredibly imp=ortant. Tha m=ost imp=ortant! N=othin m=ore beautiful than tha b=onds we f=orm with pe=ople because we decided ta care ab=out em, n=ot cause we're gettin anythin =out =of it, but just because ya need each =other. Tha l=ove =of true friends, tha l=ove =of a c=ommunity fer =one an=other, that shit gets me straight up misty in the eyes. L=ove seein f=olks c=ome t=ogether. Tha pr=oblem with r=omantic l=ove, =or at least tha way m=ost f=olks d=o it, is it cl=oses ya =off fr=om =other f=olks when it sh=ould be d=oin tha =opp=osite. But if y=ou make a friend, and they g=ot =other friends already? that just means y=ou g=ot a bundle a friends fer tha price a =one! I g=ot mad heaps a plat=onic l=ove fer tha friends i have all =over, and fer any=one what c=omes ta me reachin =out, needin a hand."
💚 Are you in love right now? With whom? (Be as specific or vague as you would like)
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"Sure am. I'm in l=ove with tha w=orld. With tha c=ol=or a sunrise and tha silver wind =over tha grass and tha smell a tha forest and tha feelin a rich s=oil between my t=oes. I'm in l=ove with all tha pe=ople i meet, and all their little w=onders and idi=osyncrasies, and all tha ways they l=ove each =other. I'm in l=ove with their s=ongs and their st=ories, and h=ow they'll make art =outta any damn thing they can lay hands =on, h=ow they can't st=op makin art. I'm in love with tha way that rusty farmer calls the names =of his cluckbeasts and they c=ome runnin s=o he can tuck em in safe every night, because he l=oves them. I'm in love with tha little flowers that =olive carved inta tha handle a tha knife she uses ta gut fish, s=o even her killin is d=one with s=omethin beautiful, is d=one with l=ove in it. I'm in l=ove with tha =old mustard what let me sleep in their barn =one day when it st=ormed =out =of seas=on, and h=ow they didn't say a w=ord ta me except ta tell me n=ot ta steal anythin, but they br=ought me blankets against tha c=old, and they left a wind=ow =open s=o i c=ould hear tha music fr=om their radi=o all thr=ough tha l=ong day, even th=ough they must have had a puddle =on tha fl=oor fr=om all tha rain c=omin thr=ough. Because they l=oved me. They didn't kn=ow me fr=om adam, but they l=oved me all tha same. The way all =of us l=ove each =other, when we let =ourselves feel it. Can't d=o it all tha time. Hurts ta feel that much l=ove, specially kn=owin h=ow many are sufferin and h=ow y=ou can't d=o jack shit ta help. But ya g=otta remember it's there. L=ose that l=ove, ya l=ose everythin ab=out ya that's w=orth l=ovin."
💙 What kind of partner are you?
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"Ha! Tha l=ove em and leave em kind."
💜 How do you show affection?
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"I like ta take care a f=olks. Bring em what they need. If I d=on't like ya, ya just w=ont see me. If I do like ya, I'll find a reas=on ta be in tha neighb=orh=ood a little m=ore =often, and I'll never sh=ow up empty handed. I like ta bring practical gifts, but if there aint n=othin like that ya need, then it'll be little gifts and suchlike. Little things I f=ound a l=ong tha way and th=ought were beautiful and wanted ta share with ya. Everyb=ody needs beauty, always.
🖤 What is your sexuality/orientation?
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"I d=on't c=ott=on much ta the idea a gender, and that makes =orientati=on a bit hard ta pin d=own. I like fellas, generally speakin, and f=olks what l=ook like fellas. Masc, I think is tha term, or butch as the case may be? Maybe? I d=on't rightly kn=ow tha terms. I =only kn=ow I like em big and beefy and hairy and r=ough ar=ound tha edges."
❣️ How do you flirt?
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"=Often, and with=out a great deal a subtlety. I aint afraid ta ask fer what I'm after. I ain't im=olite =or crass and I kn=ow ta mind myself in mixed c=ompany an all, but I can assure y=ou, if I'm interested y=ou'll kn=ow, =one way =or the =other."
💕 Give a song that best describes how you see love.
There's two songs I want to put here- this one is nice and fits well and is probably what Shafan would pick.
But this one. Hoo. Okay. There's a reason this at the top of Shafan's playlist. I need you to listen to this with headphones. Get high first if possible, which makes it a borderline spiritual experience. Frankly, if you can, listen to it on spotify or somewhere the quality is better. If you're anything like me you will cry about it so be ready for that. I added this to Shafan's playlist in 2018 and it still fucks me up. It's important, okay??
💔 How do you face the end of love (breakups, being stood up, etc)?
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"C=onsiderin I'm usually tha =one endin things, I feel pretty p=osatively ab=out tha end =of a relati=onship. I think pe=ople w=ould be a l=ot happier if they learned ta just end relati=onships that aint makin em happy anym=ore, =or even that are still makin em happy, but are gettin in the way =of s=omethin m=ore important. Relati=onships =ought ta be treated like experiences, I figure. M=ost =of em aint g=onna last that l=ong and n=one =of em last f=orever, s=o why d=o we act like they sh=ould? Embrace love as s=omethin fleetin, and marvel at every day that y=ou get ta experience that miracle again. Let it teach y=ou things, let it change y=ou. And then let it g=o. When it's run its c=ourse, instead a given in ta fear =of change =or fear =of l=onliness and taintin s=omethin that was beautiful with bitter feelings and anger, be grateful f=or what it gave y=ou, and h=ow lucky y=ou were ta have experienced it. And definitely d=o n=ot hunt tha pers=on d=own and set fire t=o their tent!"
💗 How much do you believe in love?
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"I believe in l=ove m=ore than i believe in any =other f=orce in tha universe. I believe with en=ough l=ove y=ou can acc=omplish anything. I believe l=ove, f=or each =other and f=or tha w=orld, can save us, if we let it. And maybe that's s=ome sappy n=onsense and it aint practical, I kn=ow. If that l=ove d=ont m=otivate ya ta acti=on it's w=orse than useless. But still, I believe it. I really d=o."
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vivafeliz · 4 days
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.   ᧔᧓)))))᧔᧓     🌺
 ((. ❛ ᴗ ❛.))      🌱ₘₑₙₛₐ₉ₑₘ 𑀘ₒ 𑀘ᵢₐ
  /づ / ̄ ̄ ̄/
_/\/___/✑"As ρᥱssoᥲs “gostᥲm” dᥱ voᥴᥱ̂ ᥱᥒqᥙᥲᥒto voᥴᥱ̂ fᥲz o qᥙᥱ ᥱᥣᥲs qᥙᥱrᥱm, mᥲs ᥱ voᥴᥱ̂? Vᥲι ᥲρrᥱᥒdᥱr ᥲ dᥱsᥲgrᥲdᥲr qᥙᥲᥒdo? Nᥲ̃o ᥲbrᥲ mᥲ̃o do sᥱᥙ ᥲmor ρróρrιo ᥱm ᥒomᥱ dᥲ tιrᥲᥒιᥲ ᥲᥣhᥱιᥲ, ᥴᥲso ᥴoᥒtrᥲ́rιo voᥴᥱ̂ ρᥲssᥲrᥲ́ ᥲ vιdᥲ ιᥒtᥱιrᥲ ᥲtrᥲ́s dᥱ ᥙmᥲ ιᥣᥙsᥲ̃o.
Pᥱrᥴᥱbᥲ qᥙᥱ o ᥲmor qᥙᥱ voᥴᥱ̂ tᥲᥒto ρroᥴᥙrᥲ ᥱstᥲ́ ᥲί, dᥱᥒtro dᥱ voᥴᥱ̂. Os oᥙtros ᥲmorᥱs sᥱ ᥱᥒᥴᥲᥒtᥲrᥲ̃o ᥴom o sᥱᥙ ᥲmor ρróρrιo. É dᥱssᥲ ᥴᥲdᥱ̂ᥒᥴιᥲ qᥙᥱ ᥱ́ fᥱιtᥲ ᥲ mᥙ́sιᥴᥲ dᥲ vιdᥲ… ρrιmᥱιro voᥴᥱ̂ ᥲρrᥱᥒdᥱ ᥲ ᥱsᥴᥙtᥲr ᥲ sᥙᥲ mᥱᥣodιᥲ ιᥒtᥱrιor, dᥱρoιs voᥴᥱ̂ ᥴoᥒvιdᥲ o oᥙtro ρᥲrᥲ dᥲᥒᥴ̧ᥲr. Nᥲ̃o ιᥒvᥱrtᥲ ᥲ ordᥱm! Cᥲso ᥴoᥒtrᥲ́rιo voᥴᥱ̂ sᥱmρrᥱ dᥲᥒᥴ̧ᥲrᥲ́ ᥲ mᥙ́sιᥴᥲ ᥱrrᥲdᥲ. Dᥲᥒᥴᥱ ᥣιᥒdᥲmᥱᥒtᥱ…"
          🌺 Lίgιᥲ Gᥙᥱrrᥲ
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meusbbs · 5 days
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Todᥲs ᥲs mᥲᥒhᥲ̃s, o Pᥲι dᥲ Vιdᥲ ᥒos ᥲbᥱᥒᥴ̧oᥲ ᥴom o Soᥣ ρᥲrᥲ tᥙdo rᥱᥒovᥲr... ᥱ qᥙᥲᥒdo oᥣhᥲmos ᥲ Vιdᥲ ᥴom Esρᥱrᥲᥒᥴ̧ᥲ, ᥙm mᥙᥒdo ᥒovo sᥱ ᥲbrᥱ dιᥲᥒtᥱ dᥱ ᥒós... Eᥒtᥲ̃o, ᥱsqᥙᥱᥴ̧ᥲ o qᥙᥱ ᥒᥲ̃o dᥱᥙ ᥴᥱrto ᥱ rᥱᥒovᥱ-sᥱ!... Pᥣᥲᥒtᥱ sᥱmᥱᥒtᥱs dᥱ otιmιsmo, ρᥱrmιtιᥒdo qᥙᥱ sᥙᥲ vιdᥲ fᥣorᥱsᥴ̧ᥲ ᥱm bᥱᥣᥱzᥲ, ᥱm sᥲbᥱdorιᥲ... ᥱ voᥴᥱ̂ ρossᥲ fᥣorιr sᥱm mᥱdo dᥱ sᥱr Fᥱᥣιz !!!
.(“( ‘o’ ) ….
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postsofbabel · 11 months
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fandomsinabookshelf · 28 days
Stijlvolle armbandjes bij horloge: de perfecte accessoire!
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Stijlvolle armbandjes bij horloge: de perfecte accessoire! Op zoek naar de⁣ perfecte accessoire om je horloge op⁣ te fleuren? Kijk niet​ verder! Stijlvolle armbandjes zijn de ideale aanvulling op‍ je horloge en zorgen voor een extra vleugje elegantie en persoonlijkheid. Of je nu houdt van minimalistisch en subtiel of juist ‌opvallend en trendy, er‍ is altijd een armbandje‌ dat perfect past bij jouw ⁣stijl en horloge. ​In dit artikel ontdek je alles ​over ⁤de ​nieuwste trends en de mooiste combinaties van horloges ‌en armbandjes. Laat je inspireren en geef je outfit de finishing touch met een prachtig armbandje‌ bij je horloge!Inhoudsopgave1. De trend van dit seizoen: stijlvolle armbandjes bij je horloge! 2. Hoe je met ‌armbandjes ​je‍ horloge een nieuwe look geeft 3. Van subtiel tot opvallend:​ welke armbandjes passen ⁣bij​ jouw horloge? 4. Mix & match: ‌verschillende armbandjes combineren voor een unieke uitstraling ‍ 5. De perfecte accessoire: waarom armbandjes ‌en horloges onlosmakelijk bij elkaar ‌horen 6. Must-have ⁢armbandjes voor iedere horloge lover: onze top picksVragen en antwoordenAfsluitende opmerkingen1.⁤ De trend van dit ⁣seizoen: stijlvolle armbandjes⁣ bij​ je horloge!In de​ wereld ​van accessoires voor herenhorloges ‍is er‌ een opvallende trend gaande: stijlvolle armbandjes ‌die ⁣perfect passen ‍bij je favoriete horloge. Of je⁢ nu op zoek bent naar een casual look voor overdag of een meer formele uitstraling​ voor 's avonds, er is een armbandje ⁤dat bij elke stijl past. Een populaire keuze is om een leren armbandje te combineren met een⁤ klassiek metalen ⁢horloge voor een stoere ⁣en toch verfijnde look. Of kies voor ⁢een minimalistisch armbandje naast een strak en modern horloge voor ⁤een subtiele touch. Voor een meer speelse ⁢en creatieve​ uitstraling kun je kiezen ⁣voor armbandjes met opvallende kleuren of patronen, ‌zoals kralen- of touwarmbandjes. Deze kunnen perfect worden gecombineerd met een casual ⁤horloge voor een relaxte en zorgeloze look. Of je​ nu kiest voor een enkel armbandje of meerdere armbandjes bij elkaar, het toevoegen‍ van deze⁢ accessoires aan je ⁤horloge kan je⁤ persoonlijke stijl echt doen opvallen. Experimenteer met verschillende combinaties en ontdek de perfecte match⁣ voor elke gelegenheid. Voeg wat pit ​toe⁣ aan je horloge met stijlvolle armbandjes en maak ​een statement met je accessoires!2. Hoe je ⁢met armbandjes je horloge een nieuwe look geeftHet toevoegen van armbandjes aan ​je horloge is een geweldige manier om je look een nieuwe uitstraling te geven. Of je nu op zoek bent naar een chique en stijlvolle uitstraling of juist iets meer casual, er zijn talloze ⁢mogelijkheden om je horloge te ‍personaliseren met armbandjes. Er zijn armbandjes beschikbaar in‌ verschillende materialen, zoals leer, metaal, kralen en stof, waardoor je eindeloos kunt mixen en matchen om de perfecte combinatie te vinden die past⁤ bij je persoonlijke stijl. Een populaire trend is het stapelen van meerdere armbandjes⁢ om je ⁢horloge, om zo een opvallende en unieke look te creëren. Door het combineren van verschillende kleuren, texturen ‌en materialen, kun je een echt statement ⁣maken ‍en je ​horloge transformeren tot⁣ een echte eyecatcher. Of je nu kiest voor een ⁢gevlochten leren armbandje, een subtiel zilveren kettinkje of een opvallende kralenarmband,⁤ de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos. Experimenteer met verschillende combinaties en ⁣ontdek hoe je met een ​paar simpele armbandjes je horloge een compleet ⁣nieuwe ⁤uitstraling kunt geven.3. Van subtiel ⁢tot opvallend:‍ welke ⁤armbandjes passen bij jouw horloge?In de wereld‍ van accessoires kan het ​kiezen van⁢ de perfecte armband⁢ bij‍ je horloge een​ uitdagende taak zijn. Of je nu een subtiele look wilt bereiken of ⁢juist opvallend wilt uitpakken, er ⁣zijn talloze opties om uit te kiezen. Het toevoegen van een armband aan ‌je horloge kan echt een statement maken en je persoonlijke stijl naar voren brengen. Als je een klassiek ⁤horloge​ draagt, ⁢kun je kiezen voor een eenvoudige leren armband ​voor een tijdloze ⁢uitstraling.
Wil je wat meer pit toevoegen, dan⁤ zijn‌ armbanden met metalen‌ details een goede⁤ keuze. Voor een ‌meer ​casual look kun⁣ je‍ kiezen ​voor een stoffen of⁤ kralen armband die perfect past bij​ een sportief horloge. Er zijn ook opties voor ⁤mensen die graag een opvallende look willen creëren. Een statement armband zoals een⁢ brede cuff ⁢of ⁢een armband met ​opvallende kleuren⁣ en details kan je outfit echt laten opvallen. Combineer deze armbanden met een eenvoudig horloge ⁤om de aandacht echt op je pols te‍ vestigen. Het belangrijkste is om armbanden te kiezen die​ aansluiten bij jouw persoonlijke⁤ stijl en​ die je zelfvertrouwen versterken. Experimenteer met verschillende stijlen en materialen totdat je de perfecte combinatie vindt die bij jou past.4. Mix & match: verschillende armbandjes combineren voor een unieke uitstralingArmbandjes zijn de perfecte accessoire⁤ om‌ je ‍outfit helemaal af te⁢ maken, vooral wanneer je ze combineert met een stijlvol horloge. Het mixen en matchen van verschillende armbandjes zorgt voor een unieke uitstraling die⁣ jouw ⁣persoonlijkheid weerspiegelt. Of je ⁢nu kiest⁣ voor subtiele gouden kettingarmbanden of opvallende kleurrijke kralenarmbanden, er zijn eindeloze mogelijkheden om jouw eigen stijl te creëren. Een tip voor⁣ het combineren van armbandjes ⁤bij een horloge is om ⁣te spelen met verschillende texturen en materialen. Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld ⁣een leren horloge combineren met een⁤ paar delicate zilveren armbandjes en een statement stuk‍ van edelsteen. Ook kun je afwisselen tussen dunne en dikke armbandjes om een speels effect te creëren. Door te experimenteren‍ met verschillende combinaties, kun je telkens een ⁣unieke look creëren die past bij ​elke gelegenheid. Met de juiste mix van armbandjes kun je echt laten zien wie je bent⁣ en ⁢wat jouw stijl is.5. De perfecte accessoire: waarom armbandjes en horloges ⁣onlosmakelijk bij elkaar horen Armbandjes zijn een geweldige accessoire die niet alleen een fashion statement maken, maar ook persoonlijkheid toevoegen aan je outfit. Wanneer je dit combineert met een horloge, ​creëer je de perfecte look die zowel⁤ stijlvol‌ als functioneel is. Het dragen van armbandjes bij een horloge is een eenvoudige manier om je persoonlijke stijl te uiten en je outfit compleet te maken. Het dragen van armbandjes en horloges bij elkaar is een tijdloze trend die nooit uit de mode‍ raakt. Door het combineren van ‍verschillende armbandjes met je ‍horloge, kun je eindeloos variëren en je eigen unieke stijl creëren. Of je nu kiest voor subtiele‍ armbandjes of meer‌ opvallende stukken, de combinatie van armbandjes en horloges ‌voegt een vleugje elegantie toe aan elke outfit. Met de ​juiste⁤ combinatie van armbandjes en horloges ‌kun je je look aanpassen aan elke gelegenheid, van casual tot formeel, en altijd stijlvol voor ‌de dag komen.6. Must-have ‍armbandjes voor iedere horloge lover:‍ onze⁤ top picksAls horloge liefhebber weet je dat de juiste accessoires het verschil ⁤kunnen maken. Stijlvolle armbandjes ⁣zijn de perfecte‍ manier om je horloge te complementeren ​en je⁤ outfit naar ​een ​hoger niveau​ te tillen. Of je nu een casual look wilt opfleuren of je formele stijl wilt accentueren, er zijn armbandjes voor iedere horloge lover. Hier zijn onze top picks ⁢voor​ must-have armbandjes die je collectie compleet maken. 1. Leren armbandjes: Een leren⁢ armbandje is een tijdloze keuze die perfect ​past bij ​elk type horloge. Het voegt ‌een vleugje elegantie toe aan je pols en past bij zowel casual als formele outfits. Kies ⁣voor een eenvoudig zwart of bruin‍ leren armbandje voor een klassieke uitstraling, of ga voor een ‌gewaagdere look met een armbandje met opvallende details zoals studs of ⁢gespen. Wat je stijl ⁢ook is, een leren​ armbandje is een essentiële ⁤toevoeging aan ‌je horlogecollectie. 2.⁢ Kralen armbandjes: Voor een meer casual en bohemian vibe, zijn‍ kralen⁤ armbandjes de perfecte keuze. Deze armbandjes zijn verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren en patronen, waardoor ‍je eindeloos ​kunt mixen en matchen ⁤met je horloge.
‍ Kies voor een subtiele enkleurige kralen armbandje voor⁣ een laid-back look, of ga voor een opvallende​ multi-color⁢ armbandje voor een‌ speelse uitstraling. Hoe dan ook, kralen armbandjes voegen ‌een leuke en trendy touch toe⁣ aan je horloge⁤ en zijn een absolute must-have voor iedere horloge lover. Maak je horloge look compleet met een van deze stijlvolle armbandjes en geef je outfit⁢ de finishing touch​ die het verdient. Vragen en antwoordenQ: Hoe kan​ ik‌ mijn⁣ horloge stylen met⁤ stijlvolle armbandjes? A: Het stylen van ​je horloge met stijlvolle armbandjes is een geweldige manier om je outfit een persoonlijke touch te geven. Kies armbandjes in verschillende materialen ⁤en kleuren die‍ passen bij de stijl ​van je horloge voor een unieke⁢ look. Q: Welke ⁣soorten armbandjes passen goed bij een klassiek horloge? A: Voor een klassiek horloge kun je kiezen voor armbandjes ⁤van leer of roestvrij staal.‌ Deze materialen ‌sluiten mooi aan bij de ⁣klassieke uitstraling van het horloge en voegen een vleugje elegantie toe aan je pols. Q: Kunnen stijlvolle‍ armbandjes helpen om een casual horloge op⁤ te peppen? A: Zeker! Door het toevoegen van stijlvolle armbandjes aan een casual horloge kun je een speelse en trendy uitstraling creëren. ⁤Kies bijvoorbeeld voor⁣ armbandjes met‌ kleurrijke kralen of opvallende patronen om je look een boost te geven. Q: Hoe kan ik mijn armbandjes en horloge het beste op elkaar afstemmen? A: Probeer armbandjes te ⁤kiezen die complementair zijn aan de kleuren en⁤ materialen ​van‌ je horloge. Mix en match verschillende armbandjes voor een speelse en persoonlijke uitstraling, maar zorg ervoor ‌dat ze​ samen een harmonieus geheel vormen. Q: Zijn er bepaalde regels voor het dragen⁣ van armbandjes bij een horloge? A: Er zijn geen vaste regels,‌ maar zorg ervoor dat de armbandjes ⁤niet te veel ‌afleiden van het horloge. Een goede vuistregel is om ⁢niet meer dan drie‍ armbandjes ⁢tegelijk te dragen, zodat je⁢ pols er niet te druk uitziet. Experimenteer ook met verschillende⁤ combinaties en kijk wat het beste bij jou past.‍ Afsluitende opmerkingenBedankt voor het lezen ​van ons ⁤artikel over stijlvolle armbandjes bij horloges! Hopelijk heb je wat inspiratie opgedaan ⁣om jouw look te verfraaien met de perfecte accessoire. Of je nu gaat⁤ voor een subtiele ‌toevoeging of juist een opvallende statement, een​ armbandje kan echt het verschil maken. Vergeet niet om onze collectie te bekijken en jouw favoriete armbandje te vinden dat perfect past‌ bij jouw horloge en jouw persoonlijke stijl. Happy shopping!
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antiquemesmerist · 3 months
αlrιght s–o ι kn–ow thιs ιs –onε –of my fιrst c–ohεrεnt p–osts –on thιs bl–og (thε vεnt/dιsc–ovεry p–ost α fεw nιghts αg–o d–oεsn’t c–ount αls–o thε –orε–os wεrε dεlιcι–ous) but ι wαs br–owsιng ‘AO3’ αnd ι nεεd t–o tαlk αb–out thιs –or εlsε ι wιll cull mysεlf!!!!!! –okαy pr–obαbly n–ot lιtεrαlly, But my M–oιrαιl ιs busy t–onιght & ι wαnnα ιnf–o-dump.
–oK, S–o ι wαs thιnkιng αb–out thε ‘S–oulmαtεs wh–o αrε fαtεd t–o kιll εαch –othεr’ fιc tr–opε αnd ι sαw s–omε–onε mεntι–on h–ow ιt ιs α clαssιc blαckr–om trvpε but ιts pr–obαbly α m–orε rεcεnt tr–opε hιst–orιcαlly wιsε, αnd ι thιnk s–omε –of y–ou αrε f–orgεttιng H–oW –oLD thαt trεnd ιs? 
εDιT: ι mαy –or mαy n–ot hαvε g–onε –ovεrb–oαrd wιth thιs tαngεnt –of mιnε s–o, m–orε bεl–ow thε cut! αlth–ough bεwαrε ι tεnd t–o gεt w–ordy :]
Lιkε, –onε –of thε –oldεst d–ocumεntεd εxαmplεs –of thιs tr–opε ιs pε–oplε ιntεrprεtιng thε f–olkl–orε tαlε –of thε Lεgεndαry pιrαtε Mιndfαng αnd thε Summ–onεr (btw ι’m n–ot pεrs–onαlly thε spιrιtuαl typε but rεlιgι–ous st–orιεs d–o αlsv f–oll–ow tr–opεs! ιt’s α pαttεrn αs –old αs tr–oll kιnd ιtsεlf αnd αls–o α wh–olε –othεr dεεp dιvε t–o gεt ιnt–o αlth–ough lεt mε kn–ow ιf y–ou wαnt t–o hεαr my tαkε –on thαt) αnd whιlε ιn thε f–olkl–orε tαlε, ιt ιmplιεs thειr rεlαtι–onshιp wαs –of α rεd vαrιεty c–ompαrεd t–o pιtch thιs hαs d–onε lιttlε t–o st–op pε–oplε fr–om tαkιng thαt vιεwιng αnglε. 
Thε tαlε t–o–ok plαcε SH–oRTY α.S (αftεr Sιgnlεss f–or th–osε –of y–ou s–omεh–ow unαwαrε) αnd ιt t–o–ok bαrεly α cεntury αftεr b–oth –of thειr dεαths αnd plαnεt-wιdε αdult bαnιshmεnt f–or pε–oplε t–o stαrt l–o–okιng αt thε st–ory fr–om thαt lεns, C–omplεtεly dαmnιng thε fαct thαt thεrε cεrtαιnly wεrε tr–olls wh–o PR–oBαBLY HαD MεT THεM ιN THε FLεSH sεειng thεsε εvεnt ιntεrprεtαι–ons αnd thε εvεntuαl hαtchιng –of thιs tr–opε!! Thιs tr–opε ιs lιtεrαlly mιllι–ons –of ε–ons –old, αnd whιlε ιts stαrt ιs (fr–om my p–ov) α vεry –odd vιεwιng –of tw–o fuckιng αncιεnt mαtεsprιts ιt stιll hαs spαwnεd αn εntεrtαιnιng αnd hαrr–owιng Blαckr–om tr–opε thαt c–ontιnuεs t–o ιnfluεncε mεdια εvεn n–ow! 
ιf y–ou guys hαvε αny th–oughts –or –obsεrvαtι–ons αb–out thιs trεnd by αll mεαns fεεl frεε t–o shαrε –or αdd –on! ι’m αlwαys d–own f–or cιvιl dιscussι–on. <3
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