asinusrufus · 10 months
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| The Slayer | Devotional art to my beloved Set 🌩️
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 year
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Think about this... a third of the angels were cast out of heaven and became demons.
Because they were entranced and followed a ‘false leader’.
Pride has a compelling ability to draw ‘followers’. The confidence, the charisma and the gifting can cause many to mistaken this for ‘true leadership’.
I have for a long time thought about Matthew chapter 24. It’s a strange scary thought that God will allow some who seem to be the rock stars of Christianity (“Did we not heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons?”) and seem to be in the limelight of influence, but in the end are rejected and cast out of heaven.
It’s apparently possible to woo big crowds with charisma and gifting, yet inwardly be filled with religious arrogance, selfish ambition, greed, lust for power, title, positions of preeminence, and a large ministry, but cloak these dark motives with a zeal for God.
This is so crazy and bizarre to me. But it should be a sobering reminder to all of us.
Jesus warned about false teachers, deceivers, and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Paul talks in all the epistles about those with shifty motives and ‘cloak of covetousness’.
These types are usually those adorned with incredible gifting, beauty and charisma.
Pride and a lack of correctable humility and a true fear of God causes them to become corrupt.
Paul warns in 2 Corinthians 11:4 that many will receive a different Jesus, different spirit and a different gospel through such ‘false leaders’.
“I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.”
Paul goes on to say, “For such men are false apostles, [deceitful] workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.”
(2 Corinthians 11:14)
The definition of
Given to cheating or deceiving.
Deliberately misleading; deceptive. synonym: dishonest.
Full of, or characterized by, deceit; serving to mislead or insnare; trickish; fraudulent; cheating; insincere.
Many will trade the true gospel unto godliness for the charisma of the sensational beautiful false gospel of the deceitful worker.
Do we see the difference?
What will become of those who follow such leaders?
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bb-latvija · 10 months
Lietaino laika apstākļu dēļ ražas novākšana rit ļoti lēni, pēdējā nedēļā progress bijis katastrofāli mazs, stāstīja graudkopības kooperatīva "Latraps" Lauksaimniecības daļas vadītājs Ģirts Ozols. Viņš piebilda, ka, ja līdz šim vēl bija vietas, kur jau tika sēts ziemas rapsis, tad šīs nedēļas nokrišņu ietekmē darbi uz laukiem ir pilnībā apstājušies. Ozols gan uzsvēra, ka patlaban varētu būt nokulti tikai 5% līdz 7% lauku platību. Viņš arī norādīja, ka saimnieki sāk uztraukties par graudu kvalitāti, bet to, kā graudi turpmāk attīstīsies, ietekmēt vairs nevar. Tostarp arī siltie laika apstākļi kopā ar lietu, nav laukiem labvēlīgi. Pēc viņa teiktā, rapša kvalitāti pašreizējie laikapstākļi īpaši neietekmēs, bet saimniekus vairāk uztrauc kvieši. Patlaban izskatās, ka vēlāku šķirņu graudiem kvalitāte būs labāka. Arī kooperatīvās sabiedrības "Durbes grauds" valdes priekšsēdētājs Sandris Bēča norādīja, ka Kurzemes pusē gan ražas darbi, gan sējas darbi ir pilnībā apstājušies. Viņš uzsvēra, ka pēdējā nedēļa nolijusi vairāk nekā mēneša norma, un, lai sāktu darbu uz laukiem, nepieciešamas vismaz pāris dienas vēja un saules, lai lauki izžūtu. Vienlaikus Bēča stāstīja, ka vietām jau redzams, ka gatavā labība sāk kļūt tumša un bojāties. Viņa ieskatā, ja vēl nedēļu būs lietavas, kviešu kvalitāte būs piemērota tikai lopbarībai. Arī "Durbes grauda" pārstāvis minēja, ka Kurzemē varētu būt nokulti aptuveni 5% lauku un lielākoties saimnieki tikai pamēģina ražu vākt. Savukārt Latvijas Lauksaimniecības kooperatīvu asociācijas (LLKA) ģenerāldirektors Rolands Feldmanis, vērtējot kopējo situāciju, norādīja, ka Zemgalē un Kurzemē raža "nebūs ļoti laba, bet tā būs". Visnegatīvāk sausums ietekmējis Vidzemi, kur pašreizējās lietavas neko neglābs, bet mazliet labāk klājies graudkopjiem Latgalē. Viņš gan piebilda, ka situāciju ietekmēs nākamo nedēļu laika apstākļi. Jau ziņots, ka "Latraps" pagājušajā finanšu gadā, kas ilga no 2021.gada 1.jūlija līdz 2022.gada 30.jūnijam, strādāja ar 299,482 miljonu eiro apgrozījumu, kas ir par 12% vairāk nekā gadu iepriekš, vienlaikus kooperatīva peļņa auga par 22,3% un bija 3,724 miljoni eiro. "Latraps" reģistrēta 2000.gadā. Pagājušā gada beigās kooperatīvam bija vairāk nekā 1150 biedru. Savukārt "Durbes grauds" pagājušajā gadā strādāja ar 38,394 miljonu eiro apgrozījumu, kas ir par 66,1% vairāk nekā gadu iepriekš, bet kooperatīva peļņa palielinājās vairākkārt un bija 1,161 miljons eiro. Kooperatīvs reģistrēts 2003.gadā. Kooperatīva mērķis ir maksimizēt biedru ienākumus un peļņu no lauksaimnieciskās darbības. LLKA ir 2002.gadā dibināta biedrība, kuras biedri ir lauksaimniecības un mežsaimniecības nozares kooperatīvās sabiedrības.
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kelegerauthor · 1 year
'Swelling of Ponder' (Yeshuah)
'Swelling of Ponder' (Yeshuah)...stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.—1 Corinthians 15:54-58
Swelling of Ponder (Yeshuah) 'o how these lips pierce the words sorting through a fraction then letting them go to float off into oblivion de sēt cōm letting them go for it is too much to consider yet, they pour over page after page of contracts and successions of laws and declarations and embargos yet, they so tiringly wage worded phrases to out-do the other trying to capture hearts then…
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tinyghostowo · 4 years
Seth, dios de la confusión (Capítulo I)
El nombre y el animal de Seth
1. El nombre de Seth
Muchas formas diferentes del nombre de Seth se producen en los textos Egipcios. En los textos de las pirámides, excepto en la pirámide de Unis, está escrito: śtš. En las Pirámide de Unis el nombre está escrito solo con el llamado animal-de-Seth, acostado.
Luego también, el nombre puede ser escrito con el animal-de-Seth solo, acostado o sentado o un dios sentado con la cabeza del animal-de-Seth. Estos signos pueden ser suplementados o reemplazados como en los textos de las pirámides por signos de una letra, no siempre los mismos. La primera letra es usualmente ś, con menos frecuencia s. Siempre que la ś o la s son escritas, la t es escrita también. Otros signos muestran más variación. A menudo combinado con uno de los determinante habituales de los dioses o una de las diferentes formas del animal-de-Seth como un determinante más especial las varias escrituras son las siguientes: śtš; stš; śtẖ; stẖ; ś(w)tẖ; śtẖ; ś(w)t(y); st(y); śt.
En el curso de la historia del lenguaje Egipcio y escritura, ś, ẖ y ḥ a veces resultan intercambiables.) En escritura grupal św representa ś y ty para t. Por lo tanto parece seguro que estos son todas escrituras diferentes del mismo nombre. No hay razón convincente para traducir śt y ś(w)t(y) con “eso” y “él”. Ya que la escritura(y) también aparece, ś(w)t(y) parece ser escritura grupal y no ser derivado del nombre de la localidad św.
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La distinción sugerida entre un dios Egipcio Seth y un dios no-Egipcio Sutekh, se supone que fue absorbido por Seth, ahora ha sido abandonado. La escritura grupal ś(w)t(y) y ś(w)tẖ son interesantes. A pesar de que no solo palabras prestadas pero también palabras Egipcias reales fueron escritas en escritura grupal, todavía eran principalmente palabras extranjeras y nombres que fueron escritos. Como en iconografía el exótico personaje de Seth a veces fue sacado, entonces la inclinación también pudo haber existido para acentuar en la escritura de su nombre. Desde el R.M. la escritura  ś(w)t(y) entra en uso al lado de la forma tradicional śtš, y desde la dinastía XIX también la escritura ś(w)tẖ.
Se puede concluir de la escritura ś(w)t(y) al lado de śtš y ś(w)tẖ que la consonante final se ha debilitado. Esto pudo haber sido especial en el Alto Egipto: en idioma Copto, Bohairic retiene la ϧ mientras Alto Egipto Sahidic reduce la original š o ẖ a 𐒉.
De acuerdo con el diccionario Berlín la representación Babilónica del nombre era śutah. En escritura cuneiforme s y š pueden intercambiarse y el nombre Egipcio personal ś(w)t(y) era pronunciado como Suta. La vocal ē pudo haber evolucionado desde ū. Sin embargo no se sabe cuando la ū paso a ē. Las representaciones Griegas de nombre reales Egipcios de la dinastía XIX compuesto con el nombre Seth no mostraba la ū. Tal como la forma de escribir no es uniforme sino como variantes, la pronunciación también habrá sido diferente acuerdo del tiempo y lugar. La pronunciación más dura del Bajo Egipto pudo haber sido Sūtekh, evolucionado a Sētekh; La pronunciación del Alto Egipto pudo haber sido Sūt, evolucionado a Sēt. La h en la representación moderna del nombre Seth podría ser una reminiscencia del Copic 𐒉. Parece práctico mantener en este libro la lectura establecida desde mucho que seguían los Griegos: Seth.
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wildkingdom · 5 years
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A group of badgers is called a cete (sēt), although they are often called clans. There are usually 2-15 badgers in a cete. 
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jucelinoluzposts · 3 years
Marburgas - hemorāģiskais drudzis
Marburgas – hemorāģiskais drudzis
Marburgas – hemorāģiskais drudzis Drīzumā … Grāmatu Portugāļu – spāņu – angļu izdevums Kad viņš sāka rakstīt šo grāmatu, viņš domāja par aizsardzību, fizisko integritāti, izaicinājumu un dziļu izpratni par to, ko nozīmē būt cilvēkam. Un izteikt, sēt garīgo vēstījumu jaunas apziņas veidošanas nozīmē, sagatavojot tos lasītājus, kuri neapzinās tuvāko nākotni un tās izaicinājumus.To var panākt…
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inficetegodwottery · 7 years
Hey hey how do you pronounce your url I've been trying every time I see it for like a month but just,, can't,,
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to respond! That said, I totally understand, given both the words in my username are super dead old words.I’m almost certain this is the way to say it,
in - Fuh - seet     god - Wot - ter - ree
OR, as the internet provides me, \¦infə¦sēt\ /ɡɒdˈwɒt(ə)ri/, which I absolutely cannot read but provide just in case my guide doesn’t make sense. 
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kafijaarjumtinu · 7 years
Skumjas manā dvēslē mīt,
kā gan man tās atvairīt?
Kā gan lai tām saka "nē",
nevis auklēt paspārnē?
Gribu skumjas projām dzīt.
Gribu šodien, nevis rīt.
Skumjas manā prātā sēd,
manu serotonīnu tās ēd.
Kā gan lai tās projām dzen,
kā lai laimi rokās tver?
Gribu laimi sevī sēt,
bet to var arī nepaspēt.
(2014. gads)
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asinusrufus · 23 days
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Wip for a Set-Min icon
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hiswordsarekisses · 2 years
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“Think about this... a third of the angels were cast out of heaven and became demons.
Because they were entranced and followed a ‘false leader’.
Pride has a compelling ability to draw ‘followers’. The confidence, the charisma and the gifting can cause many to mistaken this for ‘true leadership’.
I have for a long time thought about Matthew chapter 24. It’s a strange scary thought that God will allow some who seem to be the rock stars of Christianity (“Did we not heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons?”) and seem to be in the limelight of influence, but in the end are rejected and cast out of heaven.
It’s apparently possible to woo big crowds with charisma and gifting, yet inwardly be filled with religious arrogance, selfish ambition, greed, lust for power, title, positions of preeminence, and a large ministry, but cloak these dark motives with a zeal for God.
This is so crazy and bizarre to me. But it should be a sobering reminder to all of us.
Jesus warned about false teachers, deceivers, and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Paul talks in all the epistles about those with shifty motives and ‘cloak of covetousness’.
These types are usually those adorned with incredible gifting, beauty and charisma.
Pride and a lack of correctable humility and a true fear of God causes them to become corrupt.
Paul warns in 2 Corinthians 11:4 that many will receive a different Jesus, different spirit and a different gospel through such ‘false leaders’.
“I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.”
Paul goes on to say, “For such men are false apostles, [deceitful] workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.”
(2 Corinthians 11:14)
The definition of
Given to cheating or deceiving.
Deliberately misleading; deceptive. synonym: dishonest.
Full of, or characterized by, deceit; serving to mislead or insnare; trickish; fraudulent; cheating; insincere.
Many will trade the true gospel unto godliness for the charisma of the sensational beautiful false gospel of the deceitful worker.
Do we see the difference?
What will become of those who follow such leaders?”
- Troi Cockyane
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asinusrufus · 24 days
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For desire it's the fuel for Illumination. Upgrade of an upcoming devotional icon for Sēt-Typhon. Still a WiP but I'm liking it a lot so far
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asinusrufus · 10 months
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| Lord of the Oasis (WiP) | In my personal theology, I interpret the epithet nb wH3t, Lord of the Oasis, as an expression of both creative and generative powers of Set as solar demiurge. To me, the oases aren't only the actual ones (they're a metaphor of Set's self-sufficiency as well), but a parallelism with Creation since it could be regarded as an isolated oasis in the middle of a desert of stars. The incessant activity of Set's Mind, His limitless vigor and voracious like fire sexual activity aren't but an expression of His overwhelming, vast generative, creative powers, that prevent Existence/Creation to fade into non-existence because of the attacks of the S/n/a/k/e through constant creation and renovation.
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asinusrufus · 10 months
Brief list of Sēt-Typhōn epithets (from PGM IV. 154—285)
Σκηπτουχος— Scepter-bearing
θεὲ θεῶν — God of Gods
Γνοφεντινάκτα — Disturber of the Dark βρονταγωγέ — Bringer of Thunder Λαιλαφετης — Sender of Storms Νυκταράπτα — Lighting Flasher of the Night Ψυχροθερμοφύσησε — One Who Exhales the Cold and the Heat Πετρεντιυάκτα — Stone-shaker Τινακτως — Shaker, Trembler, Agitator, Disturber. Τειχοσεισμοποιέ — Wall/Earth-quaker Κοχλαζοκύμων — Boiler of the Waters βυθοταραξοκίνησε — One Who Stirs the Depths to Motion
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asinusrufus · 9 months
"Seth is the god of blasphemous and scandalous curiosity. This is also the theme of a myth told by Ovid and several other ancient authors that provides an explanation of animal worship in ancient Egypt. The gods, it is revealed, so feared the reckless curiosity of Seth-Typhon that they decided to disguise themselves in the shapes of animals. Later they declared these animals sacred out of gratitude to them. Diodorus of Sicily, who calls the cult of the animals an aporrhêton dogma (unspeakable secret) replaces “Seth” with “humankind” in his rendering of the story, which is how he claims to have heard it in Egypt. It seems possible that this very strong and conspicuous condemnation of curiosity reflects an Egyptian reaction to the scientific and investigative mind of the Greeks, who subjected the Egyptians to a veritable program of “Egyptological” research. It strangely foreshadows Saint Augustine’s verdict on curiosity, which dominated the occidental attitude toward the world and nature until the end of the sixteenth century. Another work in which the theme of curiosity plays a central role is The Golden Ass, by Apuleius of Madauros. Lucius, the hero, dabbles in magic out of an insatiable curiosity and is punished by being transformed into an ass, the animal of Seth, whose principal vice he practiced."
Jan Assmann, Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism
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asinusrufus · 8 months
Currently reading Andrew Gordon and Calvin Schwab's "The Quick and the Dead: Biomedical Theory in Ancient Egypt" and though I was familiarized with the fact that Djed Pillar and Ankh could have their iconographical origins in bulls' last three lumbar and sacrum vertebrae in dorsal perspective and thoracic vertebra in cephalic perspective respectively, I wasn't ready for the Was sceptre being (or, at least, having it's predecesor in) a dried bull penis, which definitely makes sense due the connotations of power and dominion of both the Was sceptre and wild bulls.
Like, fuck
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I think, by the way, this also helps understand and highlight better not only certain iconographical aspects of Set (and from other Gods as well, but concerning different aspects, I'd say) in relation to bulls and their anatomy, but some theological ones as well.
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