ancientvamp · 6 months
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they walked so chosen and augustus could run
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Easy Salted Caramel Sauce
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clumio · 1 year
there is a slutty head archaeologist character in totk i can die happy
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miss-floral-thief · 7 months
Getting a ride now hope the crepes aren’t too overpriced
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dnvfoodsandspices · 1 year
The Best Papad and Spice Company in India - DNV Foods
From tangy kasundi and mustard kasundi sauces to mouth-watering pickles and spicy green chili pickles, DNV Foods has something for everyone. And if you're looking for the perfect accompaniment to your meal, try their premium quality vinegar or crispy and flavorful papads.
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Spicy Fried Chicken Sandwich
“Cooking is at once one of the simplest and most gratifying of the arts, but to cook well, one must love and respect food.” – Craig Claiborne The boys and I had a good time putting this recipe together, and according to them it is a winner! They compared it to Chick-fil-A’s sandwich… I’m not a big fan of their food, but my boys and many other people are.  Check me and my boys having a blast…
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nexkove · 5 months
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"Don't you destroy all their futures. Don't dye them in red too."
Meet one of my main (and og) Sky OCs, Sacu!
I'd be lying if I said they weren't my comfort character honestly.
Anyways! A LOT more info written below! Feel free to give it a read.
Sacu is viewed as very optimistic and outgoing, often giving strangers a hand whenever needed. Though they have been taken advantage of many times because of this. They believe in giving everyone a chance and would spend hours trying to get to understand another's view or worries. They hold a grudge towards Eden and the culture surrounding it, often going out of their way to refuse moths entrance to the Vault, or taking them back to Valley. It seemed like their efforts were futile, so they tried to end things themselves... If there were a way to break the cycle, they would do it. They travelled up to Eden, any piercing weapon they could snatch from Wasteland in hand, And failed their goal; Their body now laying dormant in the heart of Eden.
Getting the angst out of the way...
They weren't alone in the time they were alive, they didn't have big sibling energy for nothing!
They had two younger siblings, Ocan and Hisoka. (Who I'll introduce at a later date).
Sacu was more closer to Ocan than Hisoka, which did end up causing some small sibling rivalry. Nothing too bad though!.. For the most part.
Some extra facts & trivia!!
They were originally made in 2021, with all the same cosmetics besides their mask & pendant. It was instead double-five's mask and no pendant.
Sacu was always planned to be dead. One of their first artworks is of them moments away from getting sharded.
They are (as of 9cd) 17 seasons old, making them the eldest between their siblings and friends.
I sometimes draw them with glasses.
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nejene · 3 months
Nejene a úprava džínsky
Část první
Protož mě vlmi baví mapovat postup na pampeliškové tašce tady na tomhle blogu, takže jsem se rozhodla, že vám podobně ukážu další projekt. Není to úplně nový projekt, vlastně jsem s ním začala téměř přesně před rokem. Ale teď se konečně blížím ke zdárnému dokončení.
A o co vlastně jde? Rozhodla jsem se vylepšit si svojí džínsku. Do Večerníckovského stylu. Tak se na to pojďme rovnout mrknout.
První krok byl samozřejmě plán. Ráda bych řekla že byl konkrétní a už predem jsem věděla, co budu chtít udělat. Ale to bych lhala. V tomhle případě byla moje představa dost vágní. Ale to mě samozřejmě nezastavilo.
Takže jako úplně první věc jsem si vzala džínsku, savo a štětce ke kterým jsem neměla příliš pevný vztah (protože se v průběhu doslova vypařily). No a každý návod na savování oblečení, který najdete na internetu vám řekne, že máte saco dost zředit. Tyhle návody ale evidentně neppočítaly s odolností mojí džínsky proti sacu. Prostě se i po několika opakováních odmítala odbarvit do bíla. Takže nakonec jsem to vzdala a použila jsem koncentrované savo. Několikrát.
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Ale i přes to, že to bylo náročnější než jsem počítala a rozpustila jsem si dost štětců, byla jsem nakonec dost spokojená.
Jako druhý krok jsem se rozhodla dále popagovat můj Večerníček je pán času hlavokánon, takže jsem se rozhodla že na obou ramenou budu mít kruhovou galifrejštinu. A co si napíšu bylo hned jasné. Na jedno rameno dobrý večer, na druhé dobrou noc. A jako metodu jsem zvolila vyšívání. A jakou jinou mež zlatou niť.
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A to je prozatím vše přátelé, příště budem pokračovat s barvama.
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vethbrenatto · 1 year
ah, yes, my two favorite ships in the sam’s ads cinematic universe (SACU):
blackwillow69 & cryptonicoverride
gale & the preppy student body president
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voids-voyager · 11 months
I'm not saying people who make civilan/hero ShigaDabi where they have a standard meet-cute or admiration crush are wrong or inferior in any way.
BUT I believe that shits weak sacue and these two's first meeting would absolutely be during detention, after they both got into a fight(separately) and left their opponents bloody, bruised, and probably at least one broken bone. A burn or two in Dabi's case. They're still bandaged up and mutually go "you should have seen the other guy's". Because they're teenage boys with a lot of issues, external and internal, and other teenagers are dicks so it's not really their fault if others fucked around, found out, and went home bleeding because of it.
After that picking a fight with either of them is bad news cause the other will without fail somehow turn up to join in and god forbid it turns physical cause then no one's leaving without a trip to the nurse's office.
And afterwards they go on a not-date. They end up holding hands by the end of it, neither sure who initiated it, but it's nice knowing they can use their hands for other things than causing pain.
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ancientvamp · 6 months
guys big things are happening
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Have You Seen Sherlock Holmes?
Jamie Watson
May 6, 2015
If you see or hear from Sherlock Holmes, please contact me at room 221b in SACU's Baker Hall, or contact the Doyle, GA police. She's white, about 5'8", has short brown hair, brown eyes, a bruise on her face, and was last seen wearing a purple shirt, brown hat, jeans, and tan coat. She's very good at disguises.
Celebrate ten years of "The Adventures of Jamie Watson (and Sherlock Holmes)" with a look back on the entire series. We're resharing every episode and social media post as we countdown to the 10th anniversary on August 10, 2024.
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aroace-poly-show · 10 months
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citsrp · 7 months
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Around 300 BCE: Ouroboros is founded during the time of Alexander the Great. The organization operates in secrecy with the goal of maintaining balance between the Gifted and the Ungifted.
The Inquisition 1500: During this time gifted people were nearly hunted to extinction as they were deemed all manners of supernatural creature and even trialed as witches.
Resurgence December 1920: The dormant double helix stars to resurface and a new generation of gifted humans come into being.
March 6th 1960: Oakbrook Asylum is established as a mental institution, intended to house and treat individuals with mental health issues, including those who are Gifted.
April 20th 1968: The government agency known as Maple Publishing House is created to control and manage works created by Gifted individuals. It operates for a few years but struggles to fulfill its mandate and is eventually dismantled.
October 10th 1976: Kim Entertainment, originally a family-oriented entertainment company, thrives under the leadership of Kim Chung Ae, who expands its influence in the entertainment industry.
July 16th 1986: Oakbrook Asylum, once a respected institution, faces financial difficulties and begins to deteriorate.-
November 9th 1989: Oakbrook Asylum, plagued by financial difficulties, goes bankrupt and ceases operations.
May 4th 1993: Esther Jung purchases the land where Oakbrook Asylum stood and begins extensive renovations to transform it into Westwood Sanatorium, aiming to provide mental health services to the general public.
March 7th 2001: Westwood Sanatorium officially reopens, with a focus on mental health care. But secretly this includes rehabilitation for Gifted individuals struggling with mental health issues.
September 2002: Kim Entertainment's Chung Ae dies and his children move the company's base of operations from Seoul to New York City and undergoes a transformation, becoming Atlas Industries. The company diversifies its interests and becomes involved in various aspects including entertainment, shipping and biotech advancements.
June 26th 2006: Phantom Order, a group of villains seeking to control the destiny of the Gifted, starts making moves and plans to seize power.
February 12th 2007: Helix Academy is established as a boarding school to provide education and support for young Gifted teens and children.
August 2nd 2008: Lightwell Printing Company rises from the ashes of Maple Publishing House, adopting a new purpose of protecting and serving the Gifted community.
November 1st 2009: The Government establishes the Special Abilities Control Unit (SACU).
June 18th 2015: The first video of a Gifted using their powers goes viral.
January 1st 2019: The US Government announces the Registration Act for all Gifted citizens in America.
April 5th 2021: Eclipse P.I. is born when a group of Gifted friends comes together to solve a missing person case. They decide to officially establish their investigative team to assist Gifted individuals and handle cases involving superpowered individuals.
June 8th 2021: Phantom Order intensifies its efforts, particularly in response to government initiatives to control the Gifted population.
January 6th 2023: Westwood Sanatorium, with its secret mission to support the Gifted community and rehabilitate "villains," continues to operate discreetly under the leadership of Esther Jung.
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peebles-vinevines · 1 year
Vincente Sacue.
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dnvfoodsandspices · 1 year
Shop the Finest Quality Sauces Online in 2023 | DNV Foods
We offer a wide range of sauces including Bengali Mustard Sauce, the best Mustard Sauce in India, fresh Tomato Sauce, and many more. Our sauces are made using only the finest and freshest ingredients, ensuring that you get the best quality and taste. So why wait? Browse our selection of sauces today and buy sauces online in india at best price
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