#SCP 3008 x reader
lunaralight09 · 3 years
SCPs with s/o who have a little child /Single parent part 2
SCP 049-j
Like his brother(Aka 049) meet you and your child then containment breach started . You found them staring at each other . 049-j was looking at them with happily eyes . Btw he was protective over b/n . Then he saw you getting closer , he took b/n in his arms and hold them close . He were starting getting angry at you . Don't come near MY baby ! B/n... Uhhh noooo . It's not their name ! It's uhhh . Uhhh ... Are they really yours ? ... Be protective over them . Or they will get hurt . Or kidnaped !
Ohhh . How I said . He's protective not only over b/n . He will protect you . Won't let anybody that he think is dangerous near two of you . Btw ... He wants to have few more children with you . Minimum 1 child . No questions . But he won't force you to make/adopt them . Only if you will be ready. Oh and don't let him take boots . Or uhhhh ... It will be a chaos . No really .
SCP 073
You were known as single parent in Site 17 . Because your ex work there too . But you mostly ignore them . You sometimes needed to go home early . Because not every babysitter can watch your baby for many hours . So you bring them sometimes in your office and put them near you . Like 035 he came in your office . To ask you something . But b/n and Cain was staring at each other . B/n was giggling and clapping . You noticed it and turned around . And saw Cain smiling . After sometimes you started hang out more . He sometimes babysit b/n . Or make some gifts to them and you .
Babysitting and playing with b/n . Btw your child like him . He feels like he have family again . Even it's not his . But still .
SCP 076
He met them then he started murdering everybody . B/n saw him and were happy and started laughing . He notices them and were confused . Why the f. is here a baby . In Foundation . What the f- . He tried to not pay attention , but he wanted to help them . So he took them and walked with them . Until you noticed b/n with Abel . You came and took b/n in your arms . It's your baby . You better look after them next time . Or they could've die .
You were scared . Because then you came to b/n crib and Able was standing there . The turned and (Btw he was wearing shirt . ) He open it and baby's stuff fall out . Yep. He stole it . And bring them to you and b/n .
SCP 087
Some researchers (Aka you and others , guards and scientists ) are exploring 087 . Like with 001 and ... uhhhhh I forgot other SCP your baby sneaked in your backpack . But you know what ? You didn't see any body from your group . Of course they died . You knew that b/n was with you . You were hugging them . Because they were crying . And yes . 087 was imitating child crying . He were interested . Why is there a baby . And their mom/dad/parent ? He was standing behind you . B/n was him and stopped crying and looked at his face . You turned around and saw 087 tilting his head . And it were you started hanging out .
You know what ? Don't be scared of strange looking figure next to you or b/n at night . You can woke up of b/n crying . But you see 087 hugging you . He sometimes won't let you stand and calm your child . Because he stands and do it by himself .
SCP 087-b
Like in 087 you were exploring endless stair case . But there is 3 anomalies/monsters .(It's a poly . YES) Like 087 they saw you shushing b/n . So your child could sleep and not be scared . You turned around and found them staring at you how you were calming your child , like this:
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Ohh he/she saw us guys . RUN ! They didn't expect you to turn around . You scared them more than they scared you . They disappeared in darkness .
Get ready to see b/n with some of them cuddling him/her . Btw it's really cute . No seriously . Especially when it's cold they are covered in blankets . And if you saw them they will pull you inside big cuddle . Or then you hold close b/n they/one of them(or 2) will hug you .
SCP 173-j
Ohhhhh . Your b/n really like 173-j . They can play together . No seriously . You met each other then he was near two of you . He wanted your attention , he only saw how you hold something(your baby) . Then he appeared and saw in his arms b/n . Ohhhh that's what you were holding ! It's sooooooo cute ! Can we play together ? Pleaseeeee . Yay !!!!!
They like two babies . Well of course one of them is real baby . And other like to play . And get your attention . Btw he always have b/n in his arms . Every time he wants to play or get your attention . And he somehow got little sombrero for b/n , and he got for you too ! He always give your child maracas . They like the sound of it . Btw they . i mean two of them like it(Maybe you too?)
SCP 513
B/n got a bell . And they started to ring it . So 513 is summoned . By a baby . A BABY . Who didn't watch over their child . Huh . He took them in his hand . You know what b/n was doing ? Eating the bell . You were in pure chock by that . You came closer , took b/n from his hands and started talking loudly . He was you like a cute angry chihuahua . He started giggling at you . Omg . DID HE JUST LAUGHED AT YOU ? RUN . He didn't leave you alone . He was like a ghost that was following you . No seriously he is following you . And sometimes watch over your baby .
He have a family . He will get your baby their own bell . So they can play with it . And expect to see them sleeping together . And never seeing your ex . Never . I mean really NEVER .
SCP 701
You were at theater . Were the incident about to happen a 'Hanged king's tragedy' . Babysitter didn't have almost a day to babysit other parent's child . So you took them and they fell asleep . And 701 saw you with a CHILD . A CHILD . He knows what can happen . You somehow saw some figure . He disappeared (left in the corner). And you follow him (It was 1 to 2 hours before Event), you worked in Foundation and you did feel like something is about to happen . So you followed that figure . And you know who you saw ? 701(aka hanged king) . And he just took your hand and pulled you in the room and locked you in there with b/n . After 3-4 hours he unlocked the door . And you started to yell at him . You were not scary to him . You were being cute . You were lucky that you have a child and you're beautiful/handsome .
He have so many time . Not every time people play 'Caroline-era revenge tragedy' . So he will always be with b/n . But will pull you to them . Because he don't know what babies can eat . And how to feed them . So help him .
SCP 966
(I will make poly . Who don't know there are 1 female and 3 males ) Like 087-b they watched you taking care of little human . They were watching you . No seriously they were really interested . And you know that little children can see that adult can't . He/she saw them looking at him/her and following you . You know what ? Foundation had been trying to make lenses to see 966 . So you had to 'borrow' them . Then you saw them following you around . And tilting their heads . Oh and female one is one that almost always watch over the baby .
Cuddles . No really . Cuddles . And female is babysitting b/n most . And males is bringing you stuff that you need . No body can see them . So they 'borrow' it .
SCP 1048
Imagine . That your little child playing with keter teddy bears . Original , from ears , metal and one with baby inside . Yep that's how you met . They saw . All of them and your child too . And you know what saved you ? Your child . They tried to say mama/dada . And bears just looked at you . They reacted by ... original one gave them bow tie . You picked b/n and it was trying to take one of them . You didn't really want to put b/n in danger . You started walking away and they followed you . No really they like little puppies . They just follows you around . And protect you .
Ohhhhh , they are so cute together . They will sleep with b/n . And alive toys . That will play together . And build some building from cubes .
SCP 1233
He at that time where on earth collecting dogs to get more ! And saw you walking with you child in your arms/stroller . He wanted to see a child closer . So he came to you and greeted you and little human in stroller/your arms . And asked to hold them not so long . You started conversation (you work in Foundation .) and you know the conflict . So you said that you can give him some food if he wanted . He agreed . You you gave him f/n(food's name ) he thanked you . And said that he can visit you more and your child .
You know what ? He gets you things you really need (stole it). And play with b/n and give them gifts (moon dust sometimes). Your child really like his company . But if he see your ex(if he/she was not good with you .) He will ... pull them away and ... Uhhh . Do something to his/her . And he really likes kids and animals .
SCP 2030
You died with your child . No seriously . His audience is people who died . But b/n and you can get age up . Of all audience he saw two of you . And was interested in you . So then show ended he came to you and started conversation with you . So you started do be friends . And he likes to make b/n laugh (not destroying their mind by his scary pranks). He shows them simple tricks . To make them giggle .
He will get really protective over you two . He can do anything that he wants . So he can take some animals and make their plush copies . And give them to b/n or even you . If you have favorite animal . Or you ask them .
SCP 3008
Expedition with Foundation co-workers . Ofc b/n sneaked in your bag . It was a night you managed to get on furniture/wall and stand there to see one of the workers chasing two of your entire group (From 10 people ). B/n was sleeping . But one of the workers that was more big that others saw you . With baby in your arms . For other days there he was looking after you . But you didn't know it (STALKER). And dragged other workers from two of you . But after sometimes you noticed that he followed you . And you spotted him walking behind you so he stopped . He don't know what to do or react . You tried to talk to him . He pretended to not reacting to you . After sometime he started to talk to you . And even showed you the exit of this IKEA . He was sad that you had to go . But you took his arm and took him out of IKEA .
No seriously . He sometimes act like yandere . If he saw your ex that was bad , really bad he will tear them apart . Btw he likes to hold your child . And hug them and you too .
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corelliaxdreaming · 4 years
Dear Yuletide Author
First of all, thank you for writing something for me! Regardless of whether or not you take into account anything in this letter, I’m bound to love whatever you come up with. (Also, apologies for taking so ridiculously long to get said letter sorted…)
General likes: I’m not super picky it comes to fic: I’ll enjoy anything from the most tooth-rotting fluff to the most soul-rending angst, any rating at all. My number one always is hurt/comfort, especially of the emotional variety. If someone is crying and someone is cuddling them (literally or figuratively), I’m a very happy reader. Being an anxiety sufferer myself, I also have a soft spot for seeing characters dealing with mental illness stuff, anxiety and depression particularly, especially if their partner/partners are there being super supportive and helping them through it, even if they don’t always quite understand or get it right. Any kind of porn with feelings also never goes amiss. Over this last year, I’ve come to find my place as an aromantic asexual woman in a queerplatonic relationship, so any aromantic spectrum and/or asexual spectrum characters and/or characters in qpps make me luminously happy.
DNWs: Pretty much anything goes; I have no real triggers or squicks to speak of. I’d prefer not to see any noncon/cheating/violence/etc between the actual main pairings/relationships, but if you want to include those things elsewhere, that’s fine.
For any of my requests, feel free to use whichever characters you want – you don’t have to include them all – and to bring in any characters that weren’t nominated. It you happen to land in more than one of the Star Wars subfandoms I requested, crossovers are welcome. (Write me Cal/Wyl, and I’m yours forever.)
As for the fandoms specifically…
Horrorstör - Grady Hendrix Requested characters - Ruth Anne DeSoto, Basil Washington, Amy Porter
I’m not usually one for horror, but this one came up as recommened on Audible, and for some reason, I clicked. For our purposes, I would prefer not to see any romantic/sexual relationships between the requested characters. I strongly headcanon Ruth Ann as aromantic since we’re told she’s not in a relationship, never has been, and that she considers her coworkers her family. I’d also prefer if you kept any violence less explicit. I know it was in the book, and you’re welcome to reference things that happened in canon, but othereise, please, gore is not my favorite thing. *is still trying to get over the bone fingers bit*
For a simple jumping-off place, what happens after the end of the book? Do Amy and Basil find the others? Maybe Ruth Anne really is still alive? Do they rescue her and then she has to figure out how to move on and deal with having disfigured herself? For something simpler/lighter, what is daily life at the new store like? Or what was it like at Orsk before all this?
(I know I’m not really allowed to ask for crossovers, especially for fandoms that weren’t nominated, so feel free to completely ignore this bit, but there are two that stick out in my head. First, I think it was the general workplace comedy aspect that really reminded me of Superstore, to the point that I was picturing Horrorstor Amy as Superstore Amy consistantly. A crossover or character swap in either direction would be great - the Orsk emplyees at Cloud Nine? the Cloud Nine ones dealing witht his crap? Second is SCP 3008, the seemingly-infinite Ikea with the attacking mannequins/workers. Does the weird maze of halls in Orsk somehow connect to this place? Is one of those fortified camps where our remaining Horrorstor characters find their missing friends?)
Star Wars Legends: X-wing Series - Aaron Allston & Michael Stackpole Requested characters - Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Ton Phanan, Corran Horn
While I do ship very hard, I also love canon strong friendship a lot. I’d love anything about Wedge. He’s a good boy who works hard and has a lot of feelings he’s not so good at dealing with. Tycho is one of my favorite characters, and I especially love digging into his Lusankya trauma and healing and that whole process. I also always wonder what things might have been like if Tycho somehow ended up as a Wraith - I mean, he’s certainly got the baggage for it. Ton hurts me and needs hugs, and anything that deals with like his mental state and his depression wouldn’t go amiss. Corran Horny is here for shipping purposes. :P
Wedge/Tycho -  *yelling* My #1 OTP! 10/10 will adore anything where they’re together. Something set during that  first six months after Tycho’s defection where Wedge was afraid to get close to him and wouldn’t even call him by his first name? Yep. Any type of Lusankya-related angst? Yep. Trial-related angst? Yep. Tycho comforting Wedge when the burdens of command are too much? Yep. Wedge comforting Tycho when the burdens of command are too much? Yep. Literally anything? Yeeeep. (I also wrote myself into really loving anxious!Tycho at one point, so if you automatically want my undying love. XD)
Wedge & Ton - Some of my favorite stuff in this series is the way Wedge mentors and really cares for his pilots, particularly the stuff with Myn in Solo Command. Did he ever realize how much Ton was struggling and reach out to him in the same way? If he didn’t but had, would things have ended differently? Does he regret that? Similarly with Tycho and Ton (or all three of them) - one person with a buttload of trauma doing his best to help another?
Corran/Tycho - Started as a crackship based on some comments by the Rogue Podron hosts then grew feelings. Anything you’d like to explore here is great. Closeted bi Corran slowly realizing his feelings for Tycho aren’t just distrust suspicion? Tycho comforting Corran after his return from Lusankya? Comforting each other while trapped aboard the Lusankya for quarantine in Isard’s Revenge? Feelings about being separated during I, Jedi? I also love playing with the idea that they somehow both end up in Lusankya at the same time.
Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron Series - Alexander Freed Requested characters - Wyl Lark, Sonogari
Wyl is absolutely my favorite character from Alphabet. This sweet, gentle boy who is tired of the greater galaxy and war and just wants to go Home and how he loves everyone he meets and has to keep a wall up between himself and the galaxy in order to not break. Basically I love how feels-y and angst-friendly he is. I’ll love anything you write me about him. (I also headcanon him as demisexual.)
Wyl/Sonogari - I loved the tiny bits we got of these two. Sure, canon says they decided they wouldn’t work, but sometimes canon is wrong, yes? They’re two very good boys with lots of similaries, and I think they work great together. Tell about an AU where they were together? Maybe one where Sonogari survived the Oridol Cluster and went on to join Alphabet as well? Or if you want to kinda break my heart, tell me about them in actual canon? Meeting and Wyl slowly falling for Sonogari as he teaches him how to fly. What exactly happened during that fleet battle at Serapin, then Sonogari letting Wyl down with so much grace and heart?
Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order Requested character - Cal Kestis
For this fandom, you can include other characters, but I’d prefer to see the focus on Cal and to not see him involved in a het ship.
You might have noticed a pattern by now in my love of sad, traumatized space boys. Cal was like a gift to me in that regard. Also headcanoning him as asexual was an important part of figuring myself out. Basically, again, I’ll love anything addressing this boy’s feelings. How does he deal with all the pressure on himself? The days when the trauma is just so much? How does he move on when he’s lost his entire life not once but twice? Also love me that good, good psychometry-related angst.
Star Wars: Squadrons Requested characters: Varko Grey, Emory, Wedge Antilles
Sign-ups were due before this game was released, and unfortunately I still have yet to finish it, but I still have an interest in these three. A starwars.com databank entry mentioned Varko’s husband, Emory, and how much Emory worries about him and is glad to see him surviving in his position. So more ready-made pilot angst for me. Of course, I’m also always happy to see anything with Wedge. What does he think of Vanguard Squadron? What do they think about him?
(I know I’m not technically allowed to ask for characters who weren’t nominated, but with the circumstances of this fandom, I’m going to throw one in just in case. I’d really like to see anything about Keo, especially involving how they interact where their gender, their journey of discovery. It’s been confirmed that they are canonically nonbinary and use they/them pronouns.)
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