#SCP 173-j x reader
lunaralight09 · 3 years
SCPs with s/o who have a little child /Single parent part 2
SCP 049-j
Like his brother(Aka 049) meet you and your child then containment breach started . You found them staring at each other . 049-j was looking at them with happily eyes . Btw he was protective over b/n . Then he saw you getting closer , he took b/n in his arms and hold them close . He were starting getting angry at you . Don't come near MY baby ! B/n... Uhhh noooo . It's not their name ! It's uhhh . Uhhh ... Are they really yours ? ... Be protective over them . Or they will get hurt . Or kidnaped !
Ohhh . How I said . He's protective not only over b/n . He will protect you . Won't let anybody that he think is dangerous near two of you . Btw ... He wants to have few more children with you . Minimum 1 child . No questions . But he won't force you to make/adopt them . Only if you will be ready. Oh and don't let him take boots . Or uhhhh ... It will be a chaos . No really .
SCP 073
You were known as single parent in Site 17 . Because your ex work there too . But you mostly ignore them . You sometimes needed to go home early . Because not every babysitter can watch your baby for many hours . So you bring them sometimes in your office and put them near you . Like 035 he came in your office . To ask you something . But b/n and Cain was staring at each other . B/n was giggling and clapping . You noticed it and turned around . And saw Cain smiling . After sometimes you started hang out more . He sometimes babysit b/n . Or make some gifts to them and you .
Babysitting and playing with b/n . Btw your child like him . He feels like he have family again . Even it's not his . But still .
SCP 076
He met them then he started murdering everybody . B/n saw him and were happy and started laughing . He notices them and were confused . Why the f. is here a baby . In Foundation . What the f- . He tried to not pay attention , but he wanted to help them . So he took them and walked with them . Until you noticed b/n with Abel . You came and took b/n in your arms . It's your baby . You better look after them next time . Or they could've die .
You were scared . Because then you came to b/n crib and Able was standing there . The turned and (Btw he was wearing shirt . ) He open it and baby's stuff fall out . Yep. He stole it . And bring them to you and b/n .
SCP 087
Some researchers (Aka you and others , guards and scientists ) are exploring 087 . Like with 001 and ... uhhhhh I forgot other SCP your baby sneaked in your backpack . But you know what ? You didn't see any body from your group . Of course they died . You knew that b/n was with you . You were hugging them . Because they were crying . And yes . 087 was imitating child crying . He were interested . Why is there a baby . And their mom/dad/parent ? He was standing behind you . B/n was him and stopped crying and looked at his face . You turned around and saw 087 tilting his head . And it were you started hanging out .
You know what ? Don't be scared of strange looking figure next to you or b/n at night . You can woke up of b/n crying . But you see 087 hugging you . He sometimes won't let you stand and calm your child . Because he stands and do it by himself .
SCP 087-b
Like in 087 you were exploring endless stair case . But there is 3 anomalies/monsters .(It's a poly . YES) Like 087 they saw you shushing b/n . So your child could sleep and not be scared . You turned around and found them staring at you how you were calming your child , like this:
Tumblr media
Ohh he/she saw us guys . RUN ! They didn't expect you to turn around . You scared them more than they scared you . They disappeared in darkness .
Get ready to see b/n with some of them cuddling him/her . Btw it's really cute . No seriously . Especially when it's cold they are covered in blankets . And if you saw them they will pull you inside big cuddle . Or then you hold close b/n they/one of them(or 2) will hug you .
SCP 173-j
Ohhhhh . Your b/n really like 173-j . They can play together . No seriously . You met each other then he was near two of you . He wanted your attention , he only saw how you hold something(your baby) . Then he appeared and saw in his arms b/n . Ohhhh that's what you were holding ! It's sooooooo cute ! Can we play together ? Pleaseeeee . Yay !!!!!
They like two babies . Well of course one of them is real baby . And other like to play . And get your attention . Btw he always have b/n in his arms . Every time he wants to play or get your attention . And he somehow got little sombrero for b/n , and he got for you too ! He always give your child maracas . They like the sound of it . Btw they . i mean two of them like it(Maybe you too?)
SCP 513
B/n got a bell . And they started to ring it . So 513 is summoned . By a baby . A BABY . Who didn't watch over their child . Huh . He took them in his hand . You know what b/n was doing ? Eating the bell . You were in pure chock by that . You came closer , took b/n from his hands and started talking loudly . He was you like a cute angry chihuahua . He started giggling at you . Omg . DID HE JUST LAUGHED AT YOU ? RUN . He didn't leave you alone . He was like a ghost that was following you . No seriously he is following you . And sometimes watch over your baby .
He have a family . He will get your baby their own bell . So they can play with it . And expect to see them sleeping together . And never seeing your ex . Never . I mean really NEVER .
SCP 701
You were at theater . Were the incident about to happen a 'Hanged king's tragedy' . Babysitter didn't have almost a day to babysit other parent's child . So you took them and they fell asleep . And 701 saw you with a CHILD . A CHILD . He knows what can happen . You somehow saw some figure . He disappeared (left in the corner). And you follow him (It was 1 to 2 hours before Event), you worked in Foundation and you did feel like something is about to happen . So you followed that figure . And you know who you saw ? 701(aka hanged king) . And he just took your hand and pulled you in the room and locked you in there with b/n . After 3-4 hours he unlocked the door . And you started to yell at him . You were not scary to him . You were being cute . You were lucky that you have a child and you're beautiful/handsome .
He have so many time . Not every time people play 'Caroline-era revenge tragedy' . So he will always be with b/n . But will pull you to them . Because he don't know what babies can eat . And how to feed them . So help him .
SCP 966
(I will make poly . Who don't know there are 1 female and 3 males ) Like 087-b they watched you taking care of little human . They were watching you . No seriously they were really interested . And you know that little children can see that adult can't . He/she saw them looking at him/her and following you . You know what ? Foundation had been trying to make lenses to see 966 . So you had to 'borrow' them . Then you saw them following you around . And tilting their heads . Oh and female one is one that almost always watch over the baby .
Cuddles . No really . Cuddles . And female is babysitting b/n most . And males is bringing you stuff that you need . No body can see them . So they 'borrow' it .
SCP 1048
Imagine . That your little child playing with keter teddy bears . Original , from ears , metal and one with baby inside . Yep that's how you met . They saw . All of them and your child too . And you know what saved you ? Your child . They tried to say mama/dada . And bears just looked at you . They reacted by ... original one gave them bow tie . You picked b/n and it was trying to take one of them . You didn't really want to put b/n in danger . You started walking away and they followed you . No really they like little puppies . They just follows you around . And protect you .
Ohhhhh , they are so cute together . They will sleep with b/n . And alive toys . That will play together . And build some building from cubes .
SCP 1233
He at that time where on earth collecting dogs to get more ! And saw you walking with you child in your arms/stroller . He wanted to see a child closer . So he came to you and greeted you and little human in stroller/your arms . And asked to hold them not so long . You started conversation (you work in Foundation .) and you know the conflict . So you said that you can give him some food if he wanted . He agreed . You you gave him f/n(food's name ) he thanked you . And said that he can visit you more and your child .
You know what ? He gets you things you really need (stole it). And play with b/n and give them gifts (moon dust sometimes). Your child really like his company . But if he see your ex(if he/she was not good with you .) He will ... pull them away and ... Uhhh . Do something to his/her . And he really likes kids and animals .
SCP 2030
You died with your child . No seriously . His audience is people who died . But b/n and you can get age up . Of all audience he saw two of you . And was interested in you . So then show ended he came to you and started conversation with you . So you started do be friends . And he likes to make b/n laugh (not destroying their mind by his scary pranks). He shows them simple tricks . To make them giggle .
He will get really protective over you two . He can do anything that he wants . So he can take some animals and make their plush copies . And give them to b/n or even you . If you have favorite animal . Or you ask them .
SCP 3008
Expedition with Foundation co-workers . Ofc b/n sneaked in your bag . It was a night you managed to get on furniture/wall and stand there to see one of the workers chasing two of your entire group (From 10 people ). B/n was sleeping . But one of the workers that was more big that others saw you . With baby in your arms . For other days there he was looking after you . But you didn't know it (STALKER). And dragged other workers from two of you . But after sometimes you noticed that he followed you . And you spotted him walking behind you so he stopped . He don't know what to do or react . You tried to talk to him . He pretended to not reacting to you . After sometime he started to talk to you . And even showed you the exit of this IKEA . He was sad that you had to go . But you took his arm and took him out of IKEA .
No seriously . He sometimes act like yandere . If he saw your ex that was bad , really bad he will tear them apart . Btw he likes to hold your child . And hug them and you too .
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STALK CAPTURE POSSESS (Aka Secure Contain Protect)  -----Rules And Requests Open----- Yandere SCP/Doctors/Guards (Headcanons/Oneshots/Scenarios)
Any SCP Any Doctor Any Guard All Yandere and They WILL Have their Darlings Stalk Capture Possess 
Rules And Requests Opens 
Hello My Sexy Readers, I am doing A Deep Dive Into SCP Foundation and that means this was bound to Happen. First I will be transferring all oneshots, headcanons, base headcanons, mini series, scenarios, and such for anything SCP over to this now onto the rules. 
No Sex Scenes with SCP  or Reader or OCS under the age of eighteen 
No Gate Keeping 
Do Not Take These updates serious they are fiction and are just entertainment 
No Bullying 
Not A TON Of Blood and Gore
No Detailed Rape (I may do reluctance and drugged but in the end of the day it is not hands down rape Darling consents it on some level) 
Be Pleasant 
-Base Headcanons- 
(Vote for as many numbers as you want for seeing their base headcanons and if I did not add a scp or doctor you want feel free to write all of them in the comment bellow or if you are on my tumblr my ask box) 
1: Dr. Jack Bright 
2: Dr. Simon Glass
3: Dr. Alto Clef 
4: Dr. Gears
5: Dr. Iceberg 
6:  Benjamin Kondraki 
7: SCP-014
8: SCP-035 Possessive Mask
9: SCP-049 Plague Doctor
10: SCP-049-J The moron Plague Doctor (As I call him) 
11: SCP-073 Cain
12: SCP-076 Able
13: SCP-079 Old AI
14: SCP-096 Shy Guy
15: SCP-106 The Old Man
16: SCP-173 The Sculpture
17: SCP-682 Big indubitable lizard
18: SCP- 939 Voice One (can't remember) 
19: SCP-993 The Clown
20: SCP-999 Tickle Monster
21: SCP-1486 Benny the f up baby
22: SCP-2030 Laugh guy XD (as I call him) 
(Once again voting for them with help very very much on what they are base like now moving onto headcanons as base headcanons are only with gender neutral reader) 
So you can ask for any type of headcanons with any SCP Any doctor any guard even ones I did not mention 
for example 
Headcanons With SCP-035 X Female Immune Reader 
Headcanons With SCP-049 X Male Straight Patient Reader 
Headcanons With SCP-076 X  Non binary Bisexual Immortal Reader
Headcanons With SCP-073 X Genderfluid Pansexual Chef Reader 
(As such you can choose gender and sexuality for headcanons BUT It does not stop their!) 
Stalker Jack Bright X Married Female Reader
Therapist Dr. Simon Glass X SCP Safe class Male Reader
Husband Dr. Alto Glef X Researcher Genderfluid Spouse Reader 
(As you can see you can add anything really and make it even more deep dive than it already is) 
-Scenarios That you Can Vote on!-
(This section of Scenarios will be able to vote on the one bellow the numbers will be make your own add as many characters that I mention or not yet for you all to enjoy!]
A: Meeting them and what happen after mini series basically when they first saw you through everything they do to or for you to the end where they make you theirs by force or courtship (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality?)
B: Forced Pregnancy/Breeding/Mating (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality) (If male on male Mpreg?) 
C: Doctor Reader put to help the SCP the SCP(S) get very attached) (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
D: How they react to you being married? (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
E: Fantasy a life with you were it is the main dream if they were not stuck their and could be with you (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
(Now these again you can put as many yanderes doctors or scps or guards to them but it is going to be you making up a scenario)
F-1: Put here .....
One Shots
At this point we cannot do a lot of Readers in one shots that are smutty 
but you can have Marie and Mark and Michelle as OC in the place Marie and Mark get done the quickest 
Can be anything though 
[Comment bellow and Stay sexy but once AGAIN If you are On My Tumblr please put in the ask box I am 100% likely to see that compared to the comments your Requests stay sexy everyone!] 
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lunaralight09 · 2 years
Headcanons about Human AU .
Okay so ... I thought about Human Au of SCP Foundation . And I couldn't think about it being : 
1 - Normal AU where SCPs are humans and have no powers and etc. 
AND 2 - ... the one where SCPs ARE humans . But like they have mental disorders or them being experimented on . You know like some kind of asylum or etc. AND WHY NOT WRITE SOME HEADCANONS ABOUT THIS AU ? Well about my 2nd thought .
And if you like want to imagine like you are in this AU , you are a worker in this asylum . Okay ? Cuz there would not be d-class or etc.
I'll start with - 035 . They are around 25-30 years old , she have killed someone . And he have a phycological disorder plus she's a great manipulator too . They call it charisma . Don't believe this mf .
Btw they are intersex(born with both male and female genitalia .)
About her look - They have a medium brownish red hair , really dark brown eyes and some freckles . Usually 'wears' a smile , but will have sad/angry look on his face depending on the situation . 
Can look nice and kind at first . But they want to befriend you so she can get out of asylum . But pretty much really talkative with other patients(SCPs) . And it will annoy some of them . 
049 is still calm . But , something in his mind tells him about the pestilence . The disease that he can only get rid of . Yeah , a schizophrenia . He didn't kill his family . He just killed someone . A neighbor to be exact . And tried to operate on them . That is why he's here . 
His appearance : less than medium length black hair and yes , amber eye color + some minor scars . (I almost forgot to write his age) Around 29-33 like Mask . Plus he's a doctor . He is . Trust me .
049-j is still 049's lil brother . And he's still strange guy even when he's human . Yeah another disorder , . He have PTSD . He once saw on TV how to perform surgeries , he was 6-7 at that time . And that's the start of his strange medical things . NICE . 
He looks like 049 . Short black hair , slightly pale amber eyes . He assure everyone that he's the best doctor ever ... And he killed his ex classmate by beating her throat with a boot . Hmmm where did that come from ? Btw he's 27 years old.
053 is a little girl . She is a worker's daughter . She really wanted to visit her parent job . And that's how she met 682 and others . She calmed him(Atanti aka 682) somehow . And wants to visit her new friends again . But her parent is scared of what might happen to Abby . 
Before I start hc about 073 and 076 here's info about them: Cain still tried to kill his brother , because of jealousy . And then he regretted his decisions . Well when Able tried to tell parents , some doctors and police about his brother . Their parents said that maybe Able had something in his mind that is making him hallucinate . Even Cain said that maybe it was someone else and Able was thinking bad about him . After sometime of him convincing to believe him(He was yelling at them to believe him and tried to punch Cain) . You probably know what happened . Boom . Some kind of lunatic with anger issues . So yeah . 
073 is still same looking without his metal arms and that mark on his forehead . 
076 like I said he's a 'lunatic' with anger issues . He hates people ... But not animals . He thinks that they are better than humans . He especially love sheep and lamb . And he and Cain are 24 years old .
079 is a fricking hacker . He was working at the asylum . But once 106 did escape his room and brutally killed a worker , 079 just laughed at that . Now they're a worker in question . And his mental stability needs to be checked . 
They have short split colored hair(black and white) and grey eyes . Has white skin with vitiligo . He's 44 years old .(Srr it's cannon . 079 was originally build in 1978 . So it means he's 44 now.)
About 096 . This poor fella have schizophrenia and they have to wear straight jacket so he won't hurt somebody or himself . They still don't like then people look at them and it's recommended not to look at him(his face) or he'll get frustrated . And probably hurt somebody . So they gave him a mask to wear , it is a relief for them .
He has albino like look . Naturally white hair , greyish blue colored eyes and ofc pale skin . They're around 26-27 years old .
106 is a creepy guy . He say that he was once in WW1 , but he died and was reborn in this new body that looks just like his old self . And he like gruesome things . What did you expect ? That's the 2nd reason he's in here . And he ofc attacked some people , well ... killed . A psychopath indeed . Do I need to say more about what he did ? 
Lawrence in his mid 30-40s . He have dark brown hair , white skin , blue eyes with one blind eye . He have some scars and needs to wear straight jacket too . Because he can use anything as a weapon .
173 a creepy sculptor . Well ... Was ones . Now a lunatic at asylum . Usually he'll try to draw something . It ends up messed up and creepy . 
A 30 year old guy with blonde short hair and green eyes. And a little bit tan skin with freckles . Usually he shows not a single expression . He's can move fast and prefer to move when no one's looking at him . Just as usual .
682 have naturally long really dark gray hair and golden colored eyes . And white skin . He have some scars . He's 28 years old . He have a little brother and surprisingly he tries and do visit Atanti . 
He have hate towards alive things . But he managed to be friends with 079 and Abby . He's aggressive and sometimes he needs to be cuffed/wear straight jacket . Or he'll hurt somebody really badly or worse ... Kill somebody , he is very strong for normal human .
999 is a worker's kid . He just visits his big bro (Atanti/682) . He have tan skin , ginger short fluffy hair and brown eyes . He's 10 years old . 
He's really friendly and innocent . He's not used to violence and etc. And he can make people smile , even sad people .
Idk what to write , cuz my motivation at the end of this hc just died .
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lunaralight09 · 2 years
(P)SCP 049-j x SCP reader x SCP 173-j
It was requested by @AngelLinscott in Wattpad : Can you do a family type of story? 049-j x SCP reader x 173-j.
I'm really sorry for a really really long wait . Hope you're not mad :_) It might be not so family type of story so , sorry . And btw how should I call 173-j ?
... It is short . Sorry .
Headcanons : Your first encounter was just - Jay trying to say that he's the best cure in the world and 173-j is trying to get your attention . And your reaction is just : (Say how would you react )
They just wanted to get more attention . So they wanted to see you again .
After few meetings later you became friends and more of a siblings later .
They are more friendly with you than any other person/anomaly . Gonna skip to where you already know each other .
Your relationship is like - siblings .
You guys did some weird shit(Mostly them if you're not troublesome) .Really weird .
Those 2 are really energetic and positive so they'll play games with you , like tags , hide & seek and etc.
Jay did in fact introduce you to his older brother , 049 . Doc was lil shocked that Jay started to consider you as his sibling . But if his brother is happy then he's okay .
173-j tried to introduce you to his 'friend' ... well it didn't end so nicely , his friend tried to break your neck .(Yes 173-j thinks that 173 is his friend , but the truth is that he's not .)
They will support you . No matter what . Did you see what 049-j did ? 173-j won't care about some gore .
Jay is a protective sibling . He will most of a time protect you . And from 'sick' people too .
If you try to teach any of them some activities/hobbies you have , then they do same for you .
"Oh . SCP (Redacted) it's uh- . You woke up earlier than normal ."
"Because , one of you said that I will see my friends again! ."
"Wh- ... Oh my god . It's Dr.(Redacted)... Well yeah you could see them . But , a bit later ." - He said and looked at his co-worker that looked nervous now .
"I just didn't know what to say to them !" - the said co-worker whispered to him .
"Oh I bet that if you worked with 049-j you would've said this to him too ?"
"...Yeah . Sorry . "
"You need to go to 05 and ask permission now . We can't just let them see each other without saying a word to 05 . They will be so mad!"
"Fine . Just don't scream . I already have a headache . "
"Go on then ."
*They are really weird . Hope I'll see guys soon .*
Time Skip .
You heard a door open and looked-
"Y/n! We missed you !" - You were now trapped in a hug from Jay . And soon 173-j has hugging you too .
"Same ! How are you feeling guys ?" - You asked both of them . 049-j said that he's feeling really great and started ranting about how he cure new patients , while 173-j set a sombrero on your head . - "Oh right . A fiesta . Thanks for sombrero , buddy !" - You also noticed that Jay had a sombrero on top of his hat .
"Isn't it a great hat ? It looks so cool !"
"Of course it is ."
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Rejected And Loosing It (Scenarios) SCP 049-J X Female Reader
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a new chapter this one being a Vote and The Request in which SCP 049-J and how is being more or less a crack head XD my version of it!]
[This Was Requested off Of Wattpad: By Jellyfish_Lover48
(SCP 049-J) (Crackhead)
(SCP 049-J's POV)
She was so beautiful so stunning so everything. But she told me she was engaged already.... I laughed manically and then she left the room. Oh my sweet little patient you think I let something like your sham of an engagement get in my way oh no. I will kill every man I see! Until he is Gone! After All I am the cure!! I can cure anything! I dug into my bag and spoke to the guard.
"I am the cure." I say.
"Yeah?" He asks and I pull out my trust shoe.
"Yes and I have the cure." I say and he looks at me. "That is just a shoe."
I grinned behind my mask. "No it is the cure!" I say and tackle him smashing his brain in.
"There he is cured of loving my (Name)!" I say and escpae.
I found someone mopping the hall and chuck the shoe at their head and start pecking their eye out.
"You have been cured to! Off to cure more!"
And so I did curing them in many different ways.
Then I found her holding a man close and I screamed and tackled him ripping out his tongue and eyes and cutting off his hands. He screamed in pain and I laughed like a mad ma.
I turn to my love who is back away in other horror.
"I am the cure my dear and I will cure you of these feelings for another man!" I say and kiss her deeply.
I was the cure and I will kill cure her! hehehehehehe~!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chaoter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
Please Vote for your top five you want to see first
1: SCP 014 Statue Man
2: SCP 035 Mask
3: SCP 049 Plague Doctor
4: SCP 049-J The moron Plague Doctor
5: SCP 073 Cain
6: SCP 076 Able
7: SCP 079 Old AI
8: SCP 096 Shy Guy
9: SCP 106 The Old Man
10: SCP 173 The Sculpture
11: SCP 682 Big indubitable lizard
12: SCP 939 Voice One
13: 993 The Clown
14: 1486 Benny the f up baby
15: 2030 Laugh guy XD
If you have any SCPS you want me to add as yanderes comment bellow and now onto what doctors you will work with
Vote for your top 3
A: Dr. Kondraki
B: Dr. Gears
C: Dr. Jack Bright
D: Dr. Simon Glass
E: Dr. Iceberg
F: Dr. Alto Clef
Comment the three you want and stay sexy everyone!]
Also should there be A d class story with a d class read (yes or no) with (male or female reader)
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