#SD: Sympathy for the Devil
macaroni-rascal · 9 months
Of VM’s Farrucas vs Dream A Little Dream vs Latin - best Olympic SD in your opinion and why? And because it’s such a hard question what are your favorite moments and best parts of each? I love them all so much and almost wish their Latin short got more love…it’s just outdone by the magic of Moulin Rouge!
Easiest answer ever, Dream A Little Dream is the best Olympic short dance, because Farrucas is the best Olympic original dance, so the answer can magically be both. I love their sympathy for the devil short dance, I think it's wonderful, I just think DALD is the best short dance every made, with Prince being a very close second.
It's hard to choose best parts, because all of those programs are perfection start of finish, but I'll be discerning, and just pick one of my favourite small little detail moments of each, just for funsies.
Farrucas: I love this transition, it's so difficult, to control the skirt, and her free leg, and her arm, and everything else, to have it look so clean and extended, Scott such a strong base and on one foot. You just don't see transitions like this anymore, they did this just for because they could.
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Dream A Little Dream: I love love love that V/M would always nod to the pattern dance in their programs, a reference to the steps somewhere else to make it all so seamless, this little moment is so reminiscent of the finnstep, and I love Tessa going around Scott's body, on one foot, free leg perfectly extended, while Scott has lovely arms and is just serving face, right on the music.
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Sympathy for the Devil: I just love this moment, I think it's wonderful, charismatic, fun, and great. They are giving such face, Scott get's his little moment in front to shine, arching his back and extending his arms, Tessa having the time of her life, it always makes me smile.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
SD: Sympathy for the Devil- 2018 Winter Olympics, Pyeongchang South Korea
This is probably my all time favourite VM program. As I discovered more of them there are others challenging for the top spot but this is the one I always want to watch and is the one I attach my first impressions of them to- there is always something with this program that I’m watching them like its the first time.
I’ve already raved about the costumes multiple times so lets just get straight into it.
1. The Opening (pose)
Once again we are talking about first impressions here. The first impression of VIRTUEMOIR. And what an introduction it is. I mean holy shit.. they just exude confidence. They really entered that arena and skated onto that ice like they owned it. Like instead of the olympics logo on the ice it should’ve just said ‘property of VM inc’. That soft breathe T takes as she passes the judges, them getting to make eye contact one last time before both turning to face the front. Scott telling her “lets go”. And not in a loud, excited, amped up way. Very calm but full of confidence and, yes now looking at it after knowing so much, a bit of foreboding, like, “alright T, last SD, lets show what we’ve got”. Also his clap and rolling his hands together, ughhhhh I melted… like thats just something you would not have seen him do ever before this season, maybe before this very performance, yet it doesn’t feel unnatural at all. It exudes confidence, he’s so ready to go. It just sets such a tone right away and tells you you really have no choice but to watch them. Taking their time to get to the still starting pose. The sass in their shoulders, the matching pointed toes, how their exact positions are different but complement each other PERFECTLY! Just everything about it I love it all!! Then the one shot on QUEEN T… I think this may have been where I stopped breathing. There is something about that shot of her every time I watch it where I feel like I don’t know her (i don’t- not personally, but given I blog about them everyday I feel like I have a familiarity with them now) something about it still feels like that first time where I thought ‘omg she is so stunning’- not just her physical beauty, but again, her confidence (which I’ll talk about eventually was such an important thing that she be able to have). Maybe it’s that she doesn’t often on or off ice wear make up that heavy, but I loved it and I just felt like I was looking at this real life wonder woman. She was so intimidating (in the best way possible) and just this huge energy which at the same time was so settled and contained. They haven’t even started dancing yet and I’m already shouting about how freaking empowering it was to see a woman in the most nerve racking moment of her life look that unstoppable.
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Ok, sorry. This post is meant to be about breaking down the program.. lets do that now and keep the gushing to a minimum. 🤫
2. The Opening (movement)
I can’t stress enough how hard I immediately fell in love with them when I heard that first ‘OWW’. This is one of my fave songs ever and really with the costumes being the first impression and being so different to typical latin (esp ice dance) costumes, not that I thought about it but once the music started it made so much sense that THAT was the song.
On that first ‘OWW’ as T does her point and (idk what to call it so I’m just gonna say) ‘seduction moment’ and she kinda spins a bit on her blade. That had never happened before (in a performance at least) so I wonder if that was maybe one of her little micro bobbles that only she felt. It doesn’t at all look like she was off balance or it wasn’t meant to happen, in fact it looks AMAZING like this because it stretched out that moment and made it so indulgent, and especially when it’s slowed down it’s just freaking magic.
Kurt Browning said in his commentary that Scott looked like an animal who hadn’t eaten in a month when he started and the way he looked at T. That is such a hard quality to pull of well- not have it be over the top or cringy. I always come back to with this dance that they managed to balance being extremely into each other as well as into themselves- acknowledge their own attractiveness and sexuality and play off that together. [The ‘being into yourself’ bit is not to be pompous or arrogant- it about abandoning any fear of judgement and not letting any insecurities show]. That’s what I feel as though specifically Scott’s ‘animal’ vibes are. Wanting to devour her and know she’s gonna want to be devoured by him. All that already portrayed in maybe.. 2 seconds…. 2 seconds into their program and you’re already getting that sense of performance and story from them.
I love that their latin movement compared to a lot of other teams was so much more, relaxed, as well as really dancey and not out of the ‘latin for dummies’ book. It looks so fun, like they are dancing in a latin bar. The latin movement fits so naturally in their bodies (and if it didn’t fit naturally they make it look as though it did). T’s hips are fantastic. She’s not over the top with it which again makes it feel more natural. Blending it with this more casual ‘rock’ music vibes as well helped in it not looking like a typical impersonation of Latin dancing- it was entirely their own thing.
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THE MOMENT I WAS SNATCHED.. by that I mean that if I wasn’t already hooked by the costumes and their confidence and their beautiful faces and the MUSIC then this is where I was like oh damn! This was really my first experience watching ice dance with the understanding that it is different than pairs.. my closest understanding of it was ballroom tangos and waltzs. I’m not a trained latin dancer but I know enough about it to differentiate the styles and samba rolls are an iconic movement in samba dancing. When it’s done really well its like the man is stirring the woman. I’ve seen it done where the woman is bending almost equally to all front, back and sides, which also means the man has to be quite flexible for her the bend forward over him as he bends back. TS do this movement incredibly well. They are doing it faster then I’ve mostly seen it done and obviously their footwork is different because they are skating- they have a wider lunge position where as on the floor you would be taking more smaller steps. SO, to see a literal DANCE movement in a skating program done so well and so appropriately as to recognise this as a ‘samba’ dance, not just samba rhythm music (which I feel is what most other teams were doing) which up until now I had admittedly a naive understanding of skaters’ range of dance ability (which I still to this day maintain they are the ball around dancers without a doubt).
The movement after this is fantastic and all still in maybe the first 10/15 seconds of the program is setting the tone as this fun, dancey good time still with all the technical superiority. I almost feel like in that moment just after the samba rolls where he spins her under his arm and they have a little face to face moment, he asked her is she was all good with that little uncharacteristic slide/spin on her very first movement. I obviously have no way to know but in this interview she mentioned in the very beginning of both programs they had some tiny little glitches that only the two of them would’ve felt. Idk, its not a big deal either way but its nice to think about. It looks like they were saying something but it could’ve just been one of their scheduled key words.
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4. Non-touch midline step sequence
(Bloody hell that’s a mouthful)
So this sequence mostly stayed the same throughout the season. There were actually some fun moments in the very first version at ACI, but my fave specific version was definitely SCI. It’s almost identical but there are some upper body movements that I love in this earlier version. There just seemed to be more musical detail. For example the little shoulder moment right after they round the corner. Also even though he ‘messed it up’ I like Scott’s ‘centre stage’ moment at SCI (with the ‘eyebrows’ ☺️). Other then that really there’s not much difference (I do not know how to differentiate the skating steps all I care about is the edge quality and the musicality. Their NTMLSS are in general phenomenal and beyond just their amazing skating technique which I just have to take everyone’s word for since I’m not qualified to determine that for fact (but it’s obvious) but one of the things I can identify as part of their excellence is the way they use their upper bodies. This is of course partly them having good choreography but the thing about good chore is it needs to have good dancers doing to make it appear good. I don’t like to call out specific teams on here to compare TS to, but with something like this it’s more a general thing with lots of teams. It’s what I call ‘YMCA’ skating.. where you get all the edges and turns on the music, but quite simple and stiff upper body movements. I will link the full 2018 SD event here so if you have a spare couple hours you can watch for yourself. But anyway, what I find with these types of movements is you start to see the skaters who aren’t actually “dancing” on ice.. The movement becomes broken down into lower body and upper body, with some separation in style and rhythm between the two. It doesn’t look fully coordinated, or the movement is very simple to allow for the skaters to be coordinated. I noticed this a lot both in this seasons (17/18 latin) and the season before (16/17 hip hop/blues) so you can also watch the worlds SD event to see the same thing in some teams. In BOTH TS movement you can see their shoulders move, their hips move, their body rolls. Just look where they both stop in the centre- how far Scott bends back- in a side view photo he’s bending almost 90 degrees back (that’s an exaggeration but it’s really fkn far!) It’s also in their characters- they don’t drop the spirit of the dance just because they are skating difficult steps individually. To summaries they are, you guessed it .. DANCING.. which considering the sport is called ice dance, that’s what I want to see, not skating sections and ‘dancing’ sections.
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5. The musical transition
To be perfectly honest.. the very first time I was kinda bummed when the music started to fade out of SFTD.. I was just kinda like ‘oh what that’s all we got of that’. BUT that was literally only for the first time I watched it because watching it a second time knowing to was coming.. it’s is such a fantastic musical transition. I kinda hate how in ice dance they often have to have ‘medleys’. Simply because of the requirements specifically in the SD/RD that has to be at least two “distinct” musical styles. I think I maybe remember reading at one point that in the rules for, I think this season but it may have been the season before.. that the NTMLSS had to be skated on a different rhythm to the set patter, so in this case rhumba. So inevitably unless you find the perfect music that has both the rhythm being used for the compulsory rhumba pattern (coz most teams did not you what I would describe as ‘rhumba’ music) and another of the optional rhythms, at least 2 pieces of music would have to be used. If there aren’t good musical transitions and good choreography to fit those changes, I really tend to hate the medley format. This musical change from SFTD to HC was ✨INSPIRED✨. The way the ‘OWW’s continue but gradually stretch out from 4 counts apart to 8 counts- the first of the last ‘OWWs’ where HC comes in and they hit that layback position 🫠 the sustain that glide itnto the corner. That last one being on the leg flick in the compulsory pattern. It was a tonal shift that along with the layout of the choreography fit so perfectly in creating the whole vibe of the program: This fun and dancey, but also hot and intimate smoothness- rhumba not being on upbeat music, gradually transitioning out of the iconic SFTD lyrics and samba beat.. it was just beautiful..
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I’ve already talked extensively about the rhumba pattern so I’m gonna skip that in this post
6. Choreographic moments between the rhumba and the circular step sequence in hold
Ok here we go, everyone’s favourite moment (although there didn’t appear to be a kiss this time ☹️). I reblogged this moment (from the TE) a long time ago when I first started posting on here that I had a very different take on this moment. Basically the gist of it was that I didn’t see it as purely this, hot, intimate, romantic, confirmation they are fucking moment. Yes it is incredibly hot and intimate and made my heart skip a beat, once again, that it’s their job to make you believe that but should be respected when they say that what most assume is not the case off ice (wonder if I’ll ever be able to stop saying that 🙄). But I personally found this to be more of a moment for them where they aren’t executing an element or any particularly difficult/complicated skating steps, to just take a moment to pause, get very close and just check in with each other. It doesn’t last particularly long but in a fast moving program, even a brief moment where they can just come back to their eyes and remind each other they are doing really well and just keep to breathing and stay focused. It can 100% be both that and this hot and indulgent moment at the same time. They can disguise it being a special moment for them in something that serves the character of the program. Also from a choreographic perspective it creates this light and shade in the program. The more complicated it is generally means there is more movement and more steps in it and with skating how it is that they are essentially always travelling and if not then standing on the spot, this acts as a nice highlight moment that also offers some calmness amidst all the intricate, technical skating.
All the lovely intertwining steps following this moment are fantastic as well (hard to see from this angle). That moment where they do stop and do their little latin swaying movement together was great and the best that moment ever looked because a few times earlier on it looked a little uncoordinated.. being much closer and making it more about their bodies then their arms waving I think is what makes this moment much smoother. After this is when I really start to love the partnering because it starts with Scott just manipulating her by holding her waist and it’s like T is rolling around him so effortlessly. Kind like he is playing with water and it just flows through his fingers and flows over each surface. T truly has the most beautiful movement quality. She hardly ever hits a bad position and the way she just fits so naturally in just about every style of movement is just magical. That is so hard. The fact that she started as a ballet dancer and took it very seriously as a young child had clearly stayed with her in the way she caries herself and used that strong core foundation to then add layers of different dance styles. This, then the fact that Scott without that strict foundation ballet training that T had can match her so beautifully while maintaining his own distinct quality of movement is just what makes them the most pleasant team to watch. Nothing feels fake or forced.
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7. Some highlight moments in the circular step sequence in hold
So the key requirements for this type of step sequence (*that I know of), (the other being the NTMLSS) is this one has to be fully completed touching the whole time- including in twizzles. It must start in foxtrot hold and finish with a ‘spin/skid stop’ to indicate the end of the sequence. What I like about this step sequence is the flow in and out of traditional holds and more modern ‘open’ holds. It’s again the fluidity of their movement which especially for a rhumba is an ideal quality. In this program they do 3 really distinct Latin styles (cha cha at the end there is only as small sampling with both the twizzles and lift in that section). They dance all these styles distinctly and with the appropriate carriage, energy and expression unique to each one, but have a fluid character storyline running through the whole program which doesn’t make it feel choppy.
I love this first moment in killian hold where they stay on that one LFI turned out edge and in unison passing their free leg from to back with that beautiful epaulement and head line on that high note in the music. That followed by that lovely arch back T has. Again, so indulgent- I’m using that word a lot for this program even though there isn’t really many moments they get to indulge for too long in. Somehow though they are able to create this light and shade through fast moving movement to create moments to feel indulgence and pleasure.
Then of course another fave moment, the ‘which part of T’s arm shall I bite moment’.. aka the ‘Nivea lotion’ moment (- for those who don’t know T posted a pic of this very moment from the team event where S was very close to her bare arm and captioned it ‘when that @ Nivea lotion just smells so good’.. our one and only QUEEN being sassy, flirty, and savage all at the same time 👑) this once again very intentionally but not at all apologetically or designed to stir shit up, is another example of their maturity and new found comfort in their artistry together to express very sensual themes and carry them off so naturally. It’s in the middle of a ‘required element’ where they have to remain in contact and hit all their edges and turns, yet come up with very creative choreography to portray their theme and energy and carry that throughout the dance. It’s like what I was saying earlier about the split you get in weaker teams of the ‘dancing’ and the ‘skating’ moments. With TS it’s this seamless blend of both athletic art forms.
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8. Twizzles
It’s really what happens right before these twizzles that I love so much. So once again we get a great musical transition from HC to Oy Como Va. this one more abrupt but the way it goes straight into the guitar solo and really says ‘here we go, home stretch’ like the final song of the encore at a great rock concert. The movement I really love on the build up in the music before the guitar solo starts, is they are in kinda a hand to hand hold, then Scott has his right hand on her back, he kinda delays it there and they look to each other for as long as possible before taking literally one step and then flying into the catch-foot twizzles. I love that kinda delayed contact with his hand on her back, idk it kinda makes me think of it like they’re playing tag or something, or like, ‘ready, set go! I’m gonna race ya!’ There’s something about that and the way I think of it that makes it seem really fun and without actually racing each other- like getting out of sync or off the music, is kinda a great energy to take into those very fast twizzles and the rest of the program as a whole. I also really love what they do with their hands/arms between each of the twizzles- the first one that outstretched arm and jazz hand going into the LBO twizzle, then bringing the arms down again with jazz hands before the last set.
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9. I just really love this moment
Ok this is just straight up fun from here on out. I love that moment perfectly on the guitar flick where she pushes off his chest and throws her hands up into that twizzle, then by holding her round the waist he swings her round and that fabulous sweeping edge change.
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10. Lift + Ending
Ok here’s where I’m gonna really expose my ‘first timer ice dance viewer ignorance’. At the time I did not know that ice dancers we’re not allowed to do over-head lifts.. VM did this lift-one of their signature lifts for that matter and I thought.. “huh.. that seems a bit simple..”
Now let me explain this. I did not think this lift was easy or simple, it was certainly spectacular- the speed at which they rotated, the one hand in the middle, the smoothness of it, oh yeh and they are on fucking ICE.. what I mean by my initial reaction is a) I was not aware about the no over head lifts thing- I just expected on of those one arm pairs press lifts or something. And b) this is a classic ballroom/Latin style lift I had seen professional Latin dancers do not even to this quality. It looked like a dance lift to me- I just wasn’t expecting that from skaters. It is of course such a great way to finish and in this same event seeing other lower ranked teams attempt this lift then seeing VM do it is really impressive and once again from a comparison pov puts them way ahead of everyone else.
The ending is just so happy. Almost immediately after the music stops they drop the hot, sexy Latin vibes and just become incredibly precious and squishy with their overwhelming joy and pride in each other that they had danced so well. That’s the other thing about them that as amazing as they are and what great actors/performers they are, they’re incredibly genuine and can’t hide their excitement (and for that matter disappointment in those instances) they always remain incredibly professional but to see their personalities shine, especially when this is the first impression of them-it just makes them instantly loveable.
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Palaye Royale Spooktober Masterlist
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See the list of all my Spooktober stories under the cut:
EB = Emerson Barrett
RL = Remington Leith
SD = Sebastian Danzig
Link to the series on Ao3
Day 1 - Beastly (EB)
Day 2 - Hallowed Ground
Day 3 - Potion (RL)
Day 4 - Wonderful Things Surround You (RL)
Day 5 - The Horseman Rides At Midnight
Day 6 - Lit From Within (SD)
Day 7 - This Grave I Call My Home
Day 8 - Gorgon (RL)
Day 9 - Hunger (EB)
Day 10 - Dance To The Beat Of The Flames (RL)
Day 11 - The Horseman Rides At Midnight II (RL)
Day 12 - Un-Undead (RL)
Day 13 - Head Over Heels (EB)
Day 14 - Charlatan (SD)
Day 15 - Sympathy For The Devil (RL)
Day 16 - Unexpected (SD)
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mysticseasons · 6 years
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Via icedancecom
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mycornerofthecafe · 7 years
some favorites from twitter
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more under the cut cuz I got screenshot happy but really. these are gold
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the-poutine-routine · 7 years
You know when something is so good that you don’t know how it could get any better but then IT DOES!?!?!?
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tvirtuexsmoir · 7 years
Japanese cameramen/women have blessed us with the most gorgeous (and gifable) footage of Tessa and Scott's programs.
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suzygl · 7 years
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tessascottxxi · 6 years
Virtue/Moir 2017/18 SD music
Download from here : https://we.tl/6ZM9CLkwcK
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virtuemoired · 4 years
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2010 - 2011 (Short Dance: Schenkst Du Beim Tango Mir Dein Herz/Nights and Days | Free Dance: Hip Hip Chin Chin/Temptation/Mujer Latina)
2011 Arctic Edge Test Skate FD - [Fancam]
2011 4CC SD - [No commentary]
2011 4CC FD - [CBC] [No commentary]
2011 Worlds SD - [CBC] [Russian 720p]
2011 Worlds FD - [British Eurosport 720p] [NBC] [CBC] [Japanese 720p]
2011 Worlds EX (I Wanna Hold Your Hand) - [Russian 720p]
2011 - 2012 (Short Dance: Hip Hip Chin Chin/Temptation/Mujer Latina | Free Dance: Funny Face Medley)
2011 Finlandia Trophy SD - [Fancam]
2011 Finlandia Trophy FD - [Finnish]
2011 Skate Canada SD - [Russian] [No commentary]
2011 Skate Canada FD - [British Eurosport 720p] [Russian 720p]
2011 Skate Canada EX (I Wanna Hold Your Hand) - [Russian 720p]
2011 Trophée Éric Bompard SD - [British Eurosport]
2011 Trophée Éric Bompard FD - [British Eurosport]
2011 Trophée Éric Bompard EX (I Wanna Hold Your Hand) - [Fancam]
2011 Grand Prix Final SD - [CBC] [Russian]
2011 Grand Prix Final FD - [British Eurosport, 2] [CBC]
2011 Grand Prix Final EX (I Wanna Hold Your Hand) - [CBC]
2012 Canadian Nationals SD - [No commentary 720p]
2012 Canadian Nationals FD - [No commentary 720p]
2012 Canadian Nationals EX (I Wanna Hold Your Hand) - [No commentary 720p]
2012 4CC SD - [No commentary]
2012 4CC FD - [NBC] [No commentary]
2012 4CC EX (I Wanna Hold Your Hand) - [No commentary]
2012 Worlds SD - [British Eurosport]
2012 Worlds FD - [British Eurosport] [Russian 720p]
2012 Worlds EX (Ain’t No Mountain High Enough) - [Italian 720p]
2012 World Team Trophy SD - [Japanese 720p]
2012 World Team Trophy FD - [Japanese 720p]
2012 World Team Trophy EX (Ain’t No Mountain High Enough) - [Japanese 720p]
2012 - 2013 (Short Dance: And The Waltz Goes On | Free Dance: Carmen)
2012 Skate Canada SD - [British Eurosport 480p] [No commentary]
2012 Skate Canada FD - [Russian 720p]
2011 Skate Canada EX (Hallelujah) - [Russian 720p]
2012 Rostelecom Cup SD - [Russian 720p]
2012 Rostelecom Cup FD - [Russian 720p]
2012 Rostelecom Cup EX (Hallelujah) - [Russian 720p] [No commentary]
2012 Grand Prix Final SD - [Italian] [Fancam]
2012 Grand Prix Final FD - [British Eurosport] [Russian 720p] [No commentary 720p]
2012 Grand Prix Final EX (Hallelujah) - [No commentary]
2013 Canadian Nationals SD - [TSN] [CTV 720p]
2013 Canadian Nationals FD - [TSN 720p] [CTV]
2013 Canadian Nationals EX (Hallelujah) - [Fancam]
2013 4CC SD - [Russian]
2013 4CC FD - [British Eurosport] [CBC]
2013 4CC EX (Hallelujah) - [British Eurosport]
2013 Worlds SD - [CBC 720p] [British Eurosport]
2013 Worlds FD - [CBC 720p] [British Eurosport 720p]
2013 Worlds EX (Hallelujah) - [CBC 720p] [British Eurosport]
2013-2014 (Short Dance: Dream A Little Dream Of Me/Muskrat Ramble/Cheek To Cheek | Free Dance: Glazunov’s The Seasons)
2013 Québec Summer Championships SD - [No commentary]
2013 Finlandia Trophy SD - [No commentary]
2013 Finlandia Trophy FD - [No commentary]
2013 Skate Canada SD - [CBC] [Russian]
2013 Skate Canada FD - [British Eurosport 720p] [CBC] [No commentary 720p]
2013 Skate Canada EX (Stay) - [Chinese 720p] [TSN]
2013 Trophée Éric Bompard SD - [No commentary 720p] [Russian 720p]
2013 Trophée Éric Bompard FD - [CBC] [British Eurosport] [Russian 720p]
2013 Trophée Éric Bompard EX (Stay) - [Russian 720p]
2013 Grand Prix Final SD - [Russian 720p] [Japanese 720p]
2013 Grand Prix Final FD - [Japanese 720p]
2013 Grand Prix Final EX (Stay) - [Spanish 720p]
2014 Canadian Nationals SD - [TSN]
2014 Canadian Nationals FD - [TSN]
2014 Canadian Nationals EX (Stay) - [CTV]
2014 Winter Olympic Games Team Event SD - [CBC 720p]
2014 Winter Olympic Games Team Event FD - [CBC 720p]
2014 Winter Olympic Games SD - [NBC 720p] [CBC 720p] [BBC 720p] [Radio-Canada 720p]
2014 Winter Olympic Games FD - [NBC 720p] [CBC 720p] [BBC 720p] [Olympics]
2014 Winter Olympic Games EX (Stay) - [CBC 720p] [No commentary 720p]
2016-2017 (Short Dance: Kiss/Five Women/Purple Rain | Free Dance: Pilgrims On A Long Journey/Shadows/You Upset My Life/Latch)
2016 Autumn Classic International SD - [Dailymotion (Group 1)]
2016 Autumn Classic International FD - [No commentary]
2016 Skate Canada SD - [TSN]
2016 Skate Canada FD - [TSN] [British Eurosport] [Russian] [No commentary]
2016 Skate Canada EX (Sorry) - [No commentary]
2016 NHK Trophy SD - [CBC 720p]
2016 NHK Trophy FD - [CBC 720p] [British Eurosport] [No commentary 720p]
2016 NHK Trophy EX (Sorry) - [Russian] [No commentary 720p]
2016 Grand Prix Final SD - [NBC 720p] [CBC 720p] [No commentary 720p]
2016 Grand Prix Final FD - [NBC 720p (audio slightly altered)] [British Eurosport] [No commentary 720p]
2016 Grand Prix Final EX (Sorry) - [No commentary 720p]
2017 Canadian Nationals SD - [TSN]
2017 Canadian Nationals FD - [CTV 720p]
2017 Canadian Nationals EX (Sorry) - [TSN]
2017 4CC SD - [CBC 720p] [NBC 720p] [No commentary 720p]
2017 4CC FD - [British Eurosport] [No commentary 720p]
2017 4CC EX (Sorry) - [No commentary 480p] [Russian]
2017 Worlds SD - [NBC 480p] [British Eurosport 720p] [CBC 480p] [CBC 720p] [No commentary 720p] [Official ISU Stream]
2017 Worlds FD - [NBC 480p] [British Eurosport] [CBC 720p] [No commentary 720p] [Official ISU Stream]
2017 Worlds EX (Sorry) - [Official ISU Stream]
2017 Worlds SD Practice - [Official ISU Stream]
2017 Worlds FD Practice 1 - [CBC]
2017 Worlds FD Practice 2 - [ISU Official Stream]
2017-2018 (Short Dance: Sympathy For The Devil/Hotel California/Oye Como Va | Free Dance: The Show Must Go On/El Tango De Roxanne/Come What May)
2017 Autumn Classic International SD - [Livestream]
2017 Autumn Classic International FD - [Livestream]
2017 Autumn Classic International SD Practice 1 - [Official Stream] [Dailymotion]
2017 Autumn Classic International FD Practice 1 - [Official Stream]
2017 Autumn Classic International FD Practice 2 - [Official Stream, 2]
2017 Skate Canada SD - [British Eurosport 720p, 2] [Olympic Channel 720p, 2, 3]
2017 Skate Canada FD - [TSN] [Olympic Channel 720p, 2] [No commentary 720p]
2017 Skate Canada SD Practice 1 - [No audio]
2017 Skate Canada SD Practice 2 - [Dailymotion]
2017 Skate Canada FD Practice - [Dailymotion]
2017 Skate Canada EX (Long Time Running) - [No commentary]
2017 NHK Trophy SD - [Telesport] [Olympic Channel 720p] [No commentary]
2017 NHK Trophy FD - [Telesport] [Olympic Channel 720p] [No commentary]
2017 NHK Trophy EX (Long Time Running) - [Telesport]
2017 Grand Prix Final SD - [Telesport] [Olympic Channel 720p]
2017 Grand Prix Final FD - [CBC] [Olympic Channel 720p] [No commentary 720p]
2017 Grand Prix Final EX (Long Time Running) - [No commentary 720p]
2018 Canadian Nationals SD - [TSN 720p]
2018 Canadian Nationals FD - [TSN 720p]
2018 Canadian Nationals EX (Long Time Running) - [RDS]
2018 Winter Olympic Games Team Event SD - [CBC 720p] [NBC 1080p] [NBC Extended Feed 720p]
2018 Winter Olympic Games Team Event FD - [CBC 720p] [NBC 720p] [NBC Extended Feed 720p] [Radio-Canada 720p]
2018 Winter Olympic Games SD - [CBC 1080p] [NBC 720p] [NBC Extended Feed 720p] [British Eurosport] [BBC]
2018 Winter Olympic Games FD - [CBC 1080p] [NBC 720p] [NBC Extended Feed 720p] [British Eurosport] [BBC] [Radio-Canada 720p] [No commentary 720p] [Olympics] [Olympics Full Event]
2018 Winter Olympic Games EX (Long Time Running) - [CBC 1080p] [NBC 720p] [Olympic Channel 720p] [Radio-Canada 720p] [Olympics Full Gala]
2018 Winter Olympic Games FD Practice - [Dailymotion]
Olympic Compilation (2010, 2014, 2018) - [Olympics]
Droplets aka VM Watching Skating
2013 Finlandia Trophy Reaction To Yuzuru Hanyu - [Fancam, Edit]
2018 Winter Olympic Games Reaction To Kaetlyn Osmond - [Fancam]
2020 Canadian Nationals Scott Moir Cameo - [TSN]
Last updated 19 July 2020
2004 - 2010 VirtueMoir Programs Masterpost
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tansypoisoning · 4 years
Tansy’s Spooky Challenge
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Because the World is terrifying :D
To celebrate this milestone (1k followers :O) I’m starting a challenge which hopefully will give back to this community in terms of exposure of less known authors (or just authors that aren’t known by my followers) and in creating more stories. I’m so thankful for all the attention I’ve been given, and I hope to give you guys my attention as well.
I love writing challenges because they give authors motivation to write (sometimes even things out of their comfort zone), because they’re a great way for writer’s to promote themselves, and because it’s a great way for the person hosting it to find more stories and authors they could end up being big fans of :D I especially encourage people with less followers, or whose works I haven’t read to participate.
The main objective of this challenge is to write something that has an element of horror in it. It can range from a situation that seemed scary but is okay, to something that is a little eerie, to pure unadulterated terror. As for rules:
You DON’T have to be following me to participate.
You have to enter with a reader insert/OC fic. There doesn’t have to be any smut or shipping, and if there is, the relationship DOESN’T HAVE to be about dark!character or dark!reader.
I’ll read works for any fandom, but the ones I’m most familiar with are Marvel, Overwatch, Snowpiercer, Knives Out, Naruto, Avatar:The Legend of Aang
You can submit drabbles, one-shots, or an entry of a serialized story.
A single prompt CAN be used by more than a single person.
The fanfics can be of any length, but if they’re on the longer side, please try putting a ‘Read More’ in there somewhere to avoid making things difficult for people reading on phones.
Things that are not allowed in terms of content: underage sex, bestiality, graphic child abuse (allusions are ok) I don’t think anyone would submit an entry that I would have reservations reblogging, but if in doubt you can ask me for help. Give warnings for any sensitive topic you bring up.
Tag your fic with “TansySpookyChallenge2020”
Send me an ask or dm telling me you posted it, preferably a dm. Asks can get eaten by the inbox, and tagging doesn’t always work.
Deadline is November 24th. You can DM for extensions
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Choose one item from each list and work them into a story. I allow and encourage trying to game the system with multiple interpretations of a term, less literal readings, or wordplay.
List 1
List 2
Sink or swim
“Let me see what you have.” “A knife!”
French vanilla
Something forgotten long ago
The shore
The eye of the storm
Corn hell
Down by the river
Baby’s breath
A little fire
An old saloon
Unearthed bones
On the move
Before dawn
Dead men walking
By candlelight
Prima Donna
A hill about a mile outta town
First dance
A small request
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These text prompts can be used however you want: whether you want to have them in your story in their entirety, use bits, write something around them, something inspired by them, or just something you think has a similar feel. Just let me know which you picked.
There is a Corvette parked in front of the building, just by the front door. You approach the vehicle as if compelled by an invisible force and look in through the closed window. There’s none inside, but you see, in the driver's seat, illuminated by the neon lights of the bar, a white cowboy hat with a golden band. This isn’t the first time you see this hat.
The hole is no more than eight feet long and three feet wide. You peer in deeper, but you can’t see the bottom. There’s a soft but grating sound coming from somewhere within, like sharp nails raking against a metal plate. You can’t see the bottom, but you think you can see movement inside.
You abandon the warmth of the laundromat for the biting cold of the outside world. To your right, the road extends for miles and miles into the night, as it does to your left. There’s no place for you to go, but you can’t go back inside.
The light of the neon sign proudly displaying “Rising Sun Motel” shines through your door. You had closed and locked it before taking your shower – you know you had, because you do it in every room you rent. You take a cursory glance of your surroundings. Nothing is out of place or missing. Must be a faulty lock. The night is windy and could have pushed the cheap door open. You go to lock it again, and when you turn around you see that the closet door is slightly ajar.
The land is flat as far as the eye can see and identical houses with identically manicured lawns sprout from it as far as the eye can see. You run up and then down the street (or is it down and then up?) but you can’t seem to find anything else. The people look so friendly when they smile and wave as they pass you by, but you don’t ask them for directions. You look at your phone. You have signal, but all you can get your internet to show you are advertising for washing machines and sites with recipes for awful things preserved in aspic. The date and hour on your home screen keep changing. You’re positive you’ve been in this place for hours, but the sun won’t set.
“B-but… I don’t understand...” “We have checked the security footage three times and found nothing. There are also no signs of forced entries. No fingerprints.” “-My phone! I took pictures, I know I took-!” “We found nothing on your phone, in the SD card, or in the Cloud. There’s nothing.” “That’s impossible!” “We searched as much as we could. I’m sorry, but… are you sure-” “I know what I saw! I know it! Look again!” You aren’t imagining things. It couldn't have been your mind. It couldn't, it couldn’t, it couldn't
What kind of convenience store has taxidermy heads for decoration? You ask yourself as you roam the aisles of the near empty shop. You peek from behind a row of shelves to one side and spot the clerk. He’s old and severe looking, and although his pupils are pointed in your direction, you get the distinct feeling he’s looking right through you. You move your head to the other side of the shelves and spot another one of those fucking deer heads. This one’s large, wet eyes are turned to a fixture in the ceiling, but you would swear it’s watching you.
Rain pelts you as you stand at the dock, waiting. You hope your boat will arrive soon. You look over your shoulder into the mist and see nothing that should give you pause, but your leg still won’t stop shaking. You touch your arm by reflex and wince when you brush your cut. You think your makeshift tourniquet is working, but it looks fragile, like it could get dismantled at any second. In this weather, you’re sure is just a matter of time. You look over your shoulder again. Still nothing, but you fear it won’t last. You hope your boat will arrive soon.
The living room is dark, but you don’t turn on the lights. You are still too close. You move to the kitchen, and there you feel safe enough to reach for the switch. The illuminated room, much larger than it needed to be, is a ghastly land of contrasts. The many counters and their many marble tops are covered in trash. The tile floors, formerly clean enough to eat out of, are now muddied, not a single spot spared. The eyes of the two stoves are covered by pans and pots boiling foul mixtures. Through the window you can see the sprawling lawn and walls of hedges. They will hide you, but for how long? There is something waiting for you in the hallway, something terrible. You have to address it before sunrise, but for now you’ll wait here. The kitchen isn’t half as bad as the rest of the house.
‘The Bystander Effect’ is the term used to describe the phenomenon in which people don’t intervene in emergency situations when in a group, and, the larger the group, the less likely they are to intervene. You know this to be true, even without doing any research, as you hobble your way through the maze of alleyways. Your cries for help had gone unanswered, bouncing off the concrete walls into a multitude of uncaring ears. It’s just how it is in the big city – every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. So much for safety in numbers. The truth is, in this city, surrounded by all these people, you’re more alone than you’d ever been.
You take the first step with care, mindful of all the ice. The second is a little clumsier. On the third you almost slip. You skip the fourth and fall on the fifth, rolling down the stairs and landing face first in the snow. You scramble to get back to your feet and run to your car. You have to get home. You lock yourself in and don’t bother with the safety belt. You shove the key in the ignition and turn and turn but nothing happens. Did you leave it in the cold too long, or- There’s no time to think about it. You step out of the car and start running, into the freezing night. You have to get home, you have to get home now.
Cleanup time is always a hassle. You wish you didn’t have to do it, but it wouldn’t be fair to leave the mess all to your partner. You two near the open trunk of the car and load the heavy cargo into it. Your companion seems the most affected by the weight, and you offer an apologetic smile. Fair is fair though; it was your turn to carry the feet end.
Skinny dipping had seemed like a good idea when your friend suggested it earlier, under the sweltering sun. Now, standing in front of the pool in your bathing suit, all by your lonesome, you start to regret having agreed to her scheme. Wasn’t she supposed to have arrived forty minutes ago? She said she’d bring people too, because skinny dipping alone isn’t fun. Well, now you are all alone in the cold, and you suspect that is even less fun. Just as you make up your mind to leave, you see a car through the chain link fence. It pulls up just before the gate and the engine turns off. That must be them.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
Hi! I’m curious to know about your favorite VM choice of music! ☺️ thanks for your beautiful blog about them 🥰
Aww you’re so welcome! 🥰
I’m gonna pick one for comps and one for exhibitions 😁
Ok it’s no secret that I’m obsessed with their 2018 SD with the first song being Sympathy for the Devil by the stones. Even though it was apparently Marie’s suggestion, they still chose to skate to it because they connected with it. It’s just such a banger, classic song, it’s one of those songs you don’t really get anymore where it tells kind of a story (not that you get the full uncut lyrics in their program). It’s such an inspired choice for Latin because no, you wouldn’t immediately think ‘Latin’ when you hear the stones but because it has that great samba drumming back beat it has such a dancey feel. Also it totally makes sense they skate to rock music because they are ROCKSTARS ⭐️
For exhibitions I just adore they went back to Pink Floyd and did Wish You Were Here. A lot can change in 10 years and there’s so much music out there and I’m sure lots they loved that they never got around to skating to but that they kept that one aside and then what they did with it.. 😩 it was just so beautiful. Again this is 100% my vibe of music so that’s why I connect to it as well.
There only a few of their music choices I don’t really like, but even if I don’t personally like it they were always very appropriate choices and you could feel they felt it (most of the time) ☺️
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saucylittlesmile · 4 years
anonymous asked:
Saucy, would you be able to suggest a list with the best performances of their programs from each season of VM’s senior career? I’ve seen compilations of all of their performances but not the best performance from each season. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
So obviously, these are just my opinions, and might not even be my final ones, LOL.  Some were old habit answers, with definitive opinion; others I went back and looked at a couple of my options to see if my opinion still held true.  I found I had the easiest, most clear decisions about their FDs; for the OD/SD I was more hesitant and especially with the earlier years.  In the end, I have chosen the programs not always because it was their most technically proficient outing, but because I thought it hit the best balance between technical and performance.  
 Assassination Tango:  Worlds 2007;  Valse Triste:  Worlds 2007
Dark Eyes: Skate Canada International 2007;  Umbrellas of Cherbourg:  Worlds 2008
Won’t You Charleston With Me: Worlds 2007  ;Pink Floyd: Worlds 2009 (only three complete competitions this season)
Farrucas: Canadian Nationals 2010;  Mahler:  Vancouver Olympics 2010
Days and Nights: Worlds 2011; Latin Medley: Worlds 2011 (only one complete competition this season)
Latin short: Worlds 2012;  Funny Face: Skate Canada International 2011
And the Waltz Goes On: Canadian National Championships 2013; Carmen: Canadian National Championships 2013
Dream a Little Dream: Sochi Olympics 2014; Seasons: Grand Prix Final 2013
Prince: (pick any performance!) Grand Prix Final, 2016  ; Latch: Canadian National Championships 2017
Sympathy for the Devil: Canadian National Championships 2018; Moulin Rouge: Skate Canada International 2017 or Canadian National Championships 2018  or  PyeongChang Olympics 2018
things to note in my thought process:
Won’t You Charleston With Me - though not their most technically sound, I chose Worlds because it was a stronger outing performance-wise, and the footage for World Team Trophy was so awful that I couldn’t use it.
Dream a Little Dream - the GPF would work here too, as they are both stunning performances of it.  Also: their most robbed program of all time.
Prince (and Latch) - the season of frustration for recordings due to music copyright, but really any outing of Prince is pretty great. 
Moulin Rogue - look, I did really well for every other program by choosing a single one.  Don’t make me pick for this one.
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mysticseasons · 7 years
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@danielleearlphotography: When your short dance is straight up 🔥
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something-great · 5 years
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22 Years of VM Moments
.:. competitions | 2017 GPF SD | Sympathy For The Devil/Hotel California/Oye Como Va
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My favourite SD is Sympathy for the Devil! I hope it has some votes, it is so good! Moulin Rouge seems to overshadow it from the Olympics but it needs some love. I just love all of it - the music, their costumes and dancing! The entire world sat up and paid attention when they saw this SD!
Sympathy for the Devil is incredible and deserves far more love. It became overshadowed by Moulin Rouge - which of course is amazing. They are different programs though and the SD is pure passion and fire, it’s fun and intricate. Tessa and Scott are so expressive and it’s their maturity that makes a difference here. They grew as skaters, technically and mentally, with a confidence and passion that shines through.
They’re fun and playful at the beginning, you can see it in their expressions. You need three viewings we think. One to watch them together, one to watch Scott and one to watch Tessa. Their facial expressions are a huge part. The audience just has fun with them. It’s hard not to. They are having fun out there and quickly carving intricate footwork into the ice. They transition effortlessly into their rhumba sequence and move so well that it’s hard to believe they can dance Latin so well on ice. This part is more romantic and passionate as they slow their movements to match the music.  They change their holds and the direction in which they move. They don’t just skate - they dance. As the music changes again, they easily transition into their twizzle sequence and finish off with that fantastic lift.
They bring their characters alive and involve the audience with their expressions. Their speed and footwork match so well with the music and those twizzles in a straight line across the ice in perfect unison! Their costumes really add to the intrigue created by this SD. We adore both of Tessa’s dresses, the one she wore for the team event and the one she wore for the individual SD. It matches so well with Scott’s and the black and gold combination is gorgeous. 
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(Gifs from the video the Olympic Channel tweeted)
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