#Spooktober 2022
mistydragonflyart · 2 years
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I’m still not over what happened in the season 2 finale. Like what the fuck. So to cope I wanted to draw two of my faves from the season especially Pugsley. He is just so adorable I can’t!
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rainslices · 2 years
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"Oh good, you made it!" "I was worried you'd gotten lost." HEY YOU!!! play elevator hitch RIGHT NEOW!!!! u wont regret... changed my life fr link: Elevator Hitch by racheldrawsthis
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jackie-kawaii · 2 years
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 🧛🧙‍♀️💗💙Spooky V3 time💚💜🐺🐑
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I love that they match ;w;
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if i could request (for spooktober) yandere!cult with aged up peter parker and bucky and steve if you want to add them in x fem!reader?? thank you!!
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Warnings: Yandere themes, cult AU
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Despite what you might first believe, I think that Bucky would be the first to become obsessed with you out of the three of them.
He's the one that you least expect. He's quiet in his obsession compared to Peter, and not as intense as Steve, but that doesn't mean you should underestimate him.
Bucky is all about your protection, which is why I think he's the one who would bring in others if it meant you would be safe.
Of course, one of the first people he trusts is Steve. Given how long the two have known each other, they both trust each other with things others might deem unacceptable.
Surprisingly, Peter comes in last. I see Peter being brought in by Steve later on.
You have quite a few people who take care of your every want and need. This cult is based around you, after all.
But when Peter joins, he quickly rises through the ranks of your helpers with how eager he is to be around you and take care of you.
He is wholly and completely obsessed with you. Out of the three, Peter's the most intense and loud about it, so it's no surprise when he's this eager to please you.
Whatever you want, Peter gets for you.
And while Peter helps you by being close to you, Bucky is the one who deals with security. As I said, he finds your safety to be very important.
He deals with any outside threat, such as people becoming suspicious of what the cult might be doing. And of course, he'll also deal with any inside threat. He can weed out any false believers easily.
From someone who wants to do you harm to those who are genuinely trying to help you get out of the delusional group that surrounds you constantly, Bucky deals with them quickly and harshly.
He's had years of experience with killing people before this. He can hide all of this away from you as easily as breathing. You'll never know a thing about what he does for you, all because he doesn't want to make you upset.
Meanwhile, Steve is the one that brings in new members.
While I can see Peter also taking that role with how devoted he is, Steve is the one who's more calm, controlled, and charismatic.
This is golden boy Steve here. He's approachable and friendly, and while Peter is both of those things, Steve doesn't have the level of social awkwardness that Peter does.
He's very charming in that old, 1950s gentlemanly way, and he can easily string together words that make you sound like a diety.
With Steve on the job, you'll have quite a few new members on your hands.
Considering how fluid these three are with their jobs, it's very hard for you to ever escape or complain.
Steve's great at bringing in many devoted followers, while Bucky makes sure that you're both safe and can't leave. All while Peter's ever-watchful gaze makes sure all of your needs are met; and if they're not, it's quickly reported to Bucky, who's always happy to take care of it.
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rekas-writes · 2 years
Spooktober Day 1: Lost
Pair: Yoru/GN! Reader Source: Valorant
Type: Drabble - 997 words Genre: Fluff, tiny smidge of thriller Perspective: Second-Person (You/Your)
Summary: During Skye’s team-bonding trip outside, you end up lost with your only source of company being the one and only, prickly, and already annoyed Yoru.
TW: Slightly creepy, ambiguous ending at the end!
A/N: Stole some of the mist from the Entity from DBD just to make this setting- Speaking of, maybe I’ll add DBD to the Fandom list. I'm also kind of iffy on this one :C I really tried to paint this like a monster reveal rather than a mirror. Hopefully the next prompt hits better.
You weren’t quite sure when you got split up from the others until you were knee-deep in brittle, sharp branches and all-consuming fog, your poor heart already thumping at the lack of familiar chatter and footsteps. The evening light barely shone through the canopy of leaves and thick tree branches, and the dimming of the world around you only made your mind race with morbid possibilities. What if it got too dark for you to find the others? What if something happened to your friends? What if something sinister attacked you? You were on your own with no weapon bar the utility knife Skye had gifted you. The only thing keeping you together was the rift-walker who was still somehow attached to you, dragged into the mess you unknowingly stepped into. It was a wonder how he managed to find you despite having lagged behind the entire time.
He was understandably irritated at the situation, having already been grumpy when Skye woke the whole gang up at the ass-crack of dawn to go nature hiking. Getting lost, while trying to drag your ass back in line, and getting seemingly trapped within thick, immovable fog at every turn was very much not helping his mood. Then, you just had to open your mouth while Yoru tried to guide you both out by himself (though, really, you weren’t sure how he was going to get you out when he knew damn well he couldn’t see a thing- just like you). How did he even find you in this damn fog?
“We’re lost aren’t we?” It was meant to be light-hearted, but the tension and growing anxiety really killed the humour in it. You regretted it the minute it left your mouth, grimacing as you struggled to even look in his general direction. Now really wasn’t the time,
“We wouldn’t be in this fucking mess if you didn’t stray from the damn path. All this just because you wanted to pick some flowers for the flower girl,” he grunts the last bit under his breath, and you swear there’s some kind of scorn in the way he mentions Skye… It almost seemed like… Jealousy? Whatever it was, it was gone in the blink of an eye as he straightened himself and sighs, “I… Listen, I’m sorry. I just…” He’s rubbing at his temples as he talks,
Your eyes widen a little bit at his change in demeanour, blinking slowly before you shake your head, “No, no, it’s fine. You… You’re right. I shouldn’t have wondered so far. I should’ve asked the others if they could stop for a bit,” you offer a small, apologetic smile but he only frowns a little,
“That doesn’t make it ok for me to lash out at you,” the way his face scrunches and his brows furrowed in both guilt and shame is almost adorable, and if you didn’t value your safety, maybe you would’ve told him so. He seemed a little softer on you than the rest, or at least, that’s what Phoenix always said. It was moments like these that made you see it. From the way he swallowed his pride in arguments, to the way he patched you up after training, to the way he brought you meals you missed despite his scolding. 
Cautiously, you rest a hand on his shoulder. He’s still warm to the touch despite the evening drafts that begin to sweep at your hair, and there’s a faint smell of something sweet? metallic? carried through the scent of damp grass and splintered pine. He’s twitchy under your hand but he remains still, eyes peering into yours with an unreadable expression,
“Hey, it’s ok,” you offer a smile, hesitant yet warm, a means of comfort amidst the uncertainty that painted your surroundings. Hell, you were VALORANT agents. You’d faced certain death and worse, surely this was nothing. Yoru’s face softens a little, his shoulders relaxing under your hold. It’s almost like you aren’t lost in the middle of who knows what. It’s just you two in the common rooms back on base, relaxing and watching whatever dumb horror film you could find to celebrate the spooky season. You give a little thumbs up, a wink spurred on by Yoru’s loosened posture, “There’s nothing we can’t do together!”
This time, he laughs. A proper, little thing as he shakes his head and brushes you off. The deep rumble sounds so pleasant in your ears, you yearn to hear more. You want to see that soft look on his face again as he looks at you, almost like you were the only thing he cared about. That sense of security only heightens from that moment as you grin and laugh a little, if only to brush off the growing butterflies in your stomach,
“Yeah, yeah, just don’t get lost again. I’m not looking for you if you do,” he rolls his eyes and walks on, and you don’t bother to question where he’s going. Anywhere was somewhere you supposed, as you rooted through foliage laced with tangled brambles and barbed nettles. You’re quick to thank your guardian angel that you stuck with long cargo pants for the trail. The material barely seems scratched.
You inch over, walking a little closer together with Yoru remaining seemingly unaware, the proximity giving you body heat to fight the passing cold as well as providing a reason to quell your panicking brain. Even if you were lost, you were with Yoru. You’re safe, a mantra you repeated to yourself in the waves of doubt when your gut feeling twisted and turned. Oh, you really shouldn’t have ignored it. 
Your heart almost trips over itself with how hard it was hammering.
You see a recognisable figure ahead of you: a shock of familiar blue hair, an eerily recognisable bright blue jacket and as they turn, you see a face that looks at you with an all-too confused and frightened expression to continue feeling safe with the person who had been by your side this entire time. 
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adventureforart · 2 years
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Varian’s experimenting to make the Jack-o-Lanterns in Corona a bit spookier with the power of Alchemy! 🎃 🧪
@alchemyinitiative’s #Spooktober Day 6 prompt: Jack-o-Lantern
I’m still too lazy to do backgrounds all the time. 😋
Created in @procreateapp while using PenTips for a quieter, smoother drawing experience on iPad!
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hallowwisp · 2 years
Day 9: Leaves
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thefriendinthenight · 2 years
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An Ingo to go with the Emmet I drew earlier this month.
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mistydragonflyart · 2 years
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They’re back and better than ever! Hunting and fighting ghosts with one casualty and more to come. Love that Shane killed a whole ass ghost. Good for him he totally deserves this win. Though my favourite part so far is from the first episode when Shane didn’t tell Ryan where the walkie talkie was and tricked him into going into the body chute with that riddle. Iconic!
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crimeculturepodcast · 2 years
261 - Jeepers Creepers
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jackie-kawaii · 2 years
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
Hiya!! I love the way you write. can you do a motherly Natasha (who may be a vamp) who adores the reader( who is around 23-25) but that doesn’t stop mama nat from protecting reader and coddling them to the fullest extent. Please and thank you.
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Hi! I'm so happy you like how I write! Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, Vampire! Nat
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Nat really does strike you as a vampire, doesn't she? Like, in the supernatural world, that's definitely what she would be.
And she'd be one of the really old ones, too. One that's been around for a really long time and seen a good chunk of history play out.
But because of how long she's been alive, I don't think Natasha would want to get too attached to anyone, especially not a human.
She has a few other vampires she's friendly with. For example, her sister Yelena, as well as the vampire hybrid Bruce.
Still, Natasha tries not to make it a habit to insert herself into human life like others of her kind sometimes are fond of doing. She knows all too well how fleeting it can be, and to expose herself to that heartbreak is something she wouldn't like to experience again.
And Natasha is usually pretty good about her rule. After being alive for so long, her discipline is incredibly strong. Her self-control is something that many vampires admire and strive to achieve.
But despite her self-control and nearly a thousand years of experience, it seemed to crumble around you.
When Natasha first met you, she looked at you as just another human.
There are rarely people who stand out to her, and when someone does, Natasha is quite good at ignoring them. She can't get attached to someone whose life is only a blip compared to hers.
But she had only just moved back to a place she hadn't visited in a century or so. While she could easily move back to one of her other spacious houses in another country, at the time she hadn't felt like wasting the trip.
And oh what a mistake that was.
The longer she was around you, the more interested in you Natasha became. She tried to resist at first. She knew that she was becoming far too interested far too quickly, yet she felt unable to stop herself from being around you more.
In your eyes, Natasha felt like something else entirely. You could never quite place what it was, but she felt like she was from another time; something not quite human, but human all the same.
But the strange woman was very kind. After only just moving there yourself, Natasha seemed like a lifeboat that helped keep you afloat.
She often showed you new spots to eat or shop, and wouldn't let you pay either. She always waved you off when you tried, saying she had plenty of money to spare.
You didn't want to push, despite feeling a bit guilty. You'd seen her apartment, as well as her clothes, jewelry, and furniture. Even the way she held herself screamed that she was as rich as she said.
For Natasha, it was an absolute joy to take you to do these things.
It isn't a surprise that she took on a motherly role for you. As we've gone over, she's very old, even by vampire standards. So while you may be an adult by human standards, to Natasha, you're still a small child.
Yes, you can hold an intelligent conversation and can walk, talk, and function on your own, but Natasha can't help but feel the same fear any mother would when seeing their small child walk on their own for the first time.
(Though, she is quite a bit more paranoid and protective than the average parent.)
You're so completely human that it terrifies Natasha. You age so quickly, and she knows that it will eventually lead to your death. Not only that, but you're just so weak.
You really are a child to her considering how easily you can be hurt compared to her. Even the weakest of monsters could kill you without any effort.
So Natasha can't help but coddle you greatly even before she kidnaps you. If she could, she'd be the one to make all of your meals and provide everything for you (though it's hard to reject her offers considering how sweet she is about it. Plus, her cooking is godly with how much practice she's had.)
Sooner rather than later, Natasha will turn you into a vampire, and it will be clear as to why she felt so otherworldly.
You have no say in the matter. She can't have you aging and dying on her.
And hey, it's not that bad, she claims. Now you can keep each other company for the rest of eternity, and Natasha can mother you even more.
Considering she's the one who bit you, she is practically your mother anyway, and she'll be the one to show you the ropes of vampirism.
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sidheilustra · 2 years
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Artwork I've done for Itch.io's Spooktober Game Jam! It is a noir thriller with a very weird cat...
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Our team was wonderful and you can access our game here:
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adventureforart · 2 years
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🎶 “Listen up, all you goons, listen up and hear my tunes! Every line, boys, is mine, so listen up!” 🎶
Listen Up to Ruthless Ruth for @alchemyinitiative’s #Spooktober Day 4 prompt: Ghosts 👻
I had so much FUN working on this submission and am really happy with how she came out! I hope you love her as much as I do 💚 (I was gonna do a background but then got lazy lol)
Thank you Alan Mencken for the best composition, as always! 💚
Thank you Glenn Slater for these catchy lyrics that stick in my head all day 💚
And thank you to the stars and back Danielle Brooks for bringing Ruthless Ruth to life! Your voice is phenomenal! 💚
Snag your own PenTips for a quieter, smoother, more controlled drawing experience on iPad! And be sure to try out @procreateapp, cause it’s the best!
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Beastly - Emerson Barrett fan fiction (Spooktober Writing Challenge)
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The full moon hung heavily in the dark sky, steadily climbing upwards, prompting Gwendoline to walk a little faster.
It was the first full moon of the year - the Wolf Moon - and she could already hear the sound of howling beyond the village walls.
Most nights, those walls were enough to keep the forest’s wolves out of the village, but on the night of a full moon? And on the night of the Wolf Moon of all full moons? The walls were no obstacle to the monsters that lurked within the trees. Once the moon was at its highest point, those howling beasts would vault the wall that separated them from the humans in the village, and Heaven help those humans then…
Which was why Gwendoline had to get home quickly.
She knew she didn’t stand a chance against a hungry wolf, especially not one that had probably been starving all winter. Hunger made monsters of them all, and for a creature that was already beastly…
Another howl split the quiet night air, sending a cold chill down Gwendoline’s spine.
Time’s running out.
Almost running now, Gwendoline rounded the corner that was the end of her street…and froze in her tracks.
In the middle of the narrow street waited the very kind of monster she’d been afraid of coming across, watching her with cold, hard yellow eyes.
Gwendoline felt the heaviness of it’s gaze like the leaden merchants’ weights from the market, pinning her in place, making her shiver even in her thick woollen dress and even thicker shawl. Fear shot an icy trail down her spine, sharp like a claw dragged down her skin - just like the claws of the monster watching her.
He might not look it yet, but the yellow eyes were a dead giveaway, even as they looked at Gwendoline from a deceptively handsome young man’s face. And if they weren’t, the smile he gave her - more of a baring of too-sharp teeth than anything close to an expression of happiness - was the final nail in the coffin.
The final nail in her coffin.
As if there’ll be enough of me left to need a coffin.
The beast took a step forward, prenaturally graceful and with all the precise measurement of a predator, and everything in Gwendoline screamed at her to run, but she knew that that would only entice the beast. 
It was a hunter. And just because she was its prey didn’t mean she had run scared like a fawn or a rabbit.
She drew herself up to her full height, even if it wasn’t much, and stared straight back at the monster. Then she simply waited for it to lunge.
Only it didn’t. Instead, it tilted its head to the side and watched her with a curious expression, before eventually speaking in a voice that was rough and croaky as if from disuse: “Not running?”
“I thought you’d be thanking me for that.”
The monster pouted - like a child: “Not fun.”
“I won’t apologise for taking the fun out of my own death, creature.”
Now the monster smiled: “Emerson.”
“Excuse me?”
“Emerson. ‘S my name. Not 'creature'.”
Gwendoline was about to tell the beast that she didn’t care what his name was, considering that he was about to kill and eat her, but then he tensed as if to finally leap at her, and all her willpower was spent locking her trembling knees and forcing herself to stand tall where she was.
She wouldn’t die on her knees. She wouldn’t run. She wouldn’t plead.
If she was going to go, it was going to be with dignity.
The monster didn’t leap, though. It watched her brace herself, and when she didn’t scream or flee, it relaxed with a mysterious smile on its face.
“More fun than I thought.” he said, nodding approvingly.
Gwen was, once again, about to tell him that she didn’t care about any of this - his name, his ideas of fun, his ‘approval’, but then he was slinking towards her, and she considered it might be smarter to keep her words to herself, lest her voice shake and give away her fear. 
The beast approached her with all the predatory grace of its less human form, taking its time moving forward until it was just inches away from her, filling her head with the scent of the frozen forest: pine and ice and cold water, and leaning down so that it could look her closely in the eye.
“Definitely more fun than I thought.” he murmured softly, reaching up to run the pad of his thumb along Gwendoline’s lower lip: “I’ll be seeing you again soon, little rabbit.”
Gwendoline didn’t think - she just tried to bite the monster’s thumb where it was still pressed to the corner of her mouth: much to his delight.
He merely laughed at her, trailing his fingertips over her cheek and down the side of her neck, before stepping back and removing his hand entirely.
Gwendoline forced herself to ignore the way she missed the feeling of his calloused fingers on her skin.
“Go home, rabbit, and lock your door. Keep yourself safe.” he smirked at her: “I’m looking forward to seeing you again.”
He loped away, radiating self-satisfaction and smugness, and Gwendoline watched him go, uncertain whether or not this was some kind of joke…but then he didn’t reappear, and neither did any of his packmates, and Gwendoline turned to run to her cottage at the end of the row.
She’d, somehow, been given a second chance, and she wasn’t going to waste it dithering in the street.
She slammed the front door shut behind her, pressing her hands against the silver studs that ran through it, her heart hammering in her chest and her thoughts whirling in her head.
Everything that had just happened - right down to the fact that she was still breathing - felt impossible. It felt like it shouldn’t be real…but Gwendoline just didn’t think she was creative enough to dream anything this nonsensical up.
And she wasn’t sure if she was terrified by that…
…or perversely relieved.
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thefriendinthenight · 2 years
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Galvantula always struck me as very friend-shaped. Good for hugs and snuggles.
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