indigenouspeopleday · 2 months
The role of electoral justice in the self-determination of indigenous peoples and empowerment of their youth: A comparative approach (UNPFII Side Event).
Since 2011, the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary of Mexico (TEPJF) organizes side events within the framework of UNPFII to highlight the importance of effective access to electoral-political rights for Mexican indigenous peoples and communities.
This side event seeks to showcase paradigmatic rulings from different countries, as well as actions taken by various electoral tribunals to ensure the rights of indigenous populations in each nation from an intercultural perspective, based on international standards.
Furthermore, this event provides an opportunity to learn firsthand about the experiences and challenges faced by indigenous youths in accessing electoral justice and practice active political engagement. It will also explore how their rights are exercised in different jurisdictions, as well as the strategies and policies that other authorities and countries have implemented to ensure the protection of these rights.
Watch The role of electoral justice in the self-determination of indigenous peoples and empowerment of their youth: A comparative approach (UNPFII Side Event)!
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remittancesday · 8 days
Remittances helps families to achieve their own Sustainable Development Goals.
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By 2030, it is projected that over US$ 5 trillion will be sent home by migrants to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with much of this money going directly to rural areas where 80 per cent of the world’s poor live, face food shortages, and the impacts of climate change.
This money, sent by migrants and diaspora communities, directly supports millions of families to achieve their own Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They contribute directly to poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, small business development, gender equality, and rural economic growth.
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wtisd · 1 month
(Part 4) 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Session 6: Interactive dialogue
Session 7: Interactive dialogue
Themes of the Forum
The STI Forum provides important inputs and scientific-technological perspectives to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2024 and its annual review of SDG progress – this year's focus will be on scientific and technological solutions for the following SDGs: 
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere;
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture;
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;
Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; and
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Developmen
The STI Forum brings together a wide range of stakeholders from Member States, UN system, civil society, academia, private sector and various science and technology communities to help harness science, technology and innovation (STI) for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It has become a venue for facilitating the establishment of networks, for improving the science-policy interface, and for promoting development, transfer, and dissemination of technologies for the SDGs.
Watch the 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (Part IV)
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Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2024 - Financing for development at a crossroads.
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United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs
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internationalyouthday · 2 months
Informal Youth Summit of the Future and Local Pacts for the Future. 
Concrete solutions for an inclusive and successful summit of the future and youth focused multi-level governance innovation, in line with SDG 16. The ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024 side event entitled "Informal Youth Summit of the Future and Local Pacts for the Future" is being organized by the UN ECOSOC accredited civil society organization IAAI GloCha in collaboration with the International Youth Conference (IYC), GloCha Global Challenges Foundation New York Inc., UN Habitat - Youth Programme, UN Environment - Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch and AFS Intercultural Programs.  This event aims to discuss pathways towards youth-led transformative change and effective youth participation in the UN system in the context of preparations for the UN Summit of the future.  A key agenda item of the event are the exploration of the feasibility and the collaborative planning of organizational details of an "informal Youth Summit of the Future", a proposal that has been developed by members of the Internation Youth Conference (IYC). The proposed informal Youth Summit of the Future will feature non-state actors' led programs and events focused on youth capacity building, strategy development, edutainment and action planning, envisioning transformative global governance innovation. The informal Youth Summit of the Future programs will be supported by the side event organizers, and enabled by solutions, that have been developed by the Global Challenges Action Empowerment partnership GloCha (like Local Pacts for the Future, Challenges Mapping, GloCha Streaming TV, DigitalArt4Climate, GloCha Festival, ..) which help leveraging youth creativity and knowledge for global and local action towards the SDGs.
Related Sites and Documents
Concept Note
Watch the Informal Youth Summit of the Future and Local Pacts for the Future –Pathways towards youth led transformative change (Youth Forum Side Event)
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Hybrid event: UN DGC Civil Society Resource Center 801 First Avenue, UNITAR Building, 2nd Floor Zoom Registration:
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womensjudgesday · 3 months
Accelerating policies, partnerships and innovation for just, peaceful and inclusive societies.
Watch the Round Table on SDG 16 - Regional Forum 2024.
SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Accelerating policies, partnerships and innovation for just, peaceful and inclusive societies in the UNECE region.
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Opening plenary (SDG Action Weekend, Mobilization Day).
As the opening to SDG Action Weekend, the opening plenary of the Saturday proceedings will emphasize the urgency of this moment. Halfway to the 2030 Deadline, we are not halfway there –many goals remain off-track and global economic, geopolitical, and environmental headwinds threaten progress in other areas.
The 2030 Agenda is a promise, not a guarantee, and humanity is in the hotseat. In the face of these challenges, participants will be reminded by speakers that transformation, at scale, is possible. We have the right tools and capabilities but now we need everyone, individually and collectively, to channel these resources more efficiently to deliver on the SDGs. This session will feature a keynote speech from a former Head of State, providing a sober reality check of the moment and emphasizing the possibility for us to achieve our promise. To close, an empowering performance from Yemi Aladewill set an uplifting tone as stakeholders head into the programming of SDG Mobilization Day.
To maximize the SDG Summit's impact, the Secretary General is convening an SDG Action Weekend, which will generate opportunities for stakeholders, UN entities, and Member States to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and set out specific commitments and contributions to drive SDG transformation between now and 2030.
The SDG Action Weekend will consist of the SDG Mobilization Day on Saturday, 16 September, and the SDG Acceleration Day on Sunday, 17 September at UNHQ in New York.
The SDG Mobilization Day (16 September) will create an opportunity for stakeholders from all sectors to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and mobilize towards an ambitious SDG Summit and UN General Assembly High-Level Week.
The SDG Acceleration Day (17 September) will be centred around the UN High-Impact Initiatives
The SDG Summit on 18-19 September will mark the mid point of the SDGs. It must secure the breakthroughs and momentum needed to change course and achieve the SDGs by 2030. To maximize the Summit's impact, the Secretary General is convening an SDG Action Weekend, which will generate opportunities for stakeholders, UN entities, and Member States to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and set out specific commitments and contributions to drive SDG transformation between now and 2030.
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dayofdemocracy · 9 months
Panel 1: Promoting Inclusive Democratic Processes and Citizen Participation for Peaceful and Just Societies
This panel will explore the challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing and participating in democratic processes, while highlighting strategies to address these barriers and foster inclusive democracy. It will examine the importance of gender equality (SDG 5), reduced inequalities (SDG 10), and peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16) in shaping inclusive democratic processes. By examining these goals, the panel aims to deepen the understanding of how inclusive democracy can contribute to sustainable development and create a more equitable and just society.
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criminaljusticeday · 1 year
Highlight the importance of SDG 16 in addressing current global challenges and accelerate progress towards the SDGs.
The organizers of the SDG 16 Conference are holding a side event in the margins of HLPF to highlight the importance of SDG 16 in addressing current global challenges and accelerate progress towards the SDGs. The side event will share key messages from the 2023 SDG 16 Conference to the participants of the HLPF.
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Promote peaceful, just and inclusive societies across the globe.
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On 1 October 2015, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) held its Group of Friends Annual Ministerial Meeting, the main theme of which was the sustainable development agenda and UNAOC’s potential contribution to it. In addition, the event coincided with the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Alliance of Civilizations initiative. All participants were to reflect on UNAOC’s achievements and the path it should follow to promote peaceful, just and inclusive societies across the globe.
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Eliminate trafficking in persons as specifically mentioned in SDG 5, 8 and 16.
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At the implementation mid-point of the 2030 Agenda and ahead of the SDG Summit 2023 this year, it is crucial to raise awareness and reinforce global commitments to eliminate trafficking in persons as specifically mentioned in SDG 5, 8 and 16.
Show your support
Join our social media challenge which encourages everyone to post a Blue Heart image or the Blue Heart Campaign logo on social media using the Hashtag #EndHumanTrafficking.  Add the Blue Heart to your social media profile using Twibbon or the template available online.
Raise awareness
Share, like and comment on the social media messages for the World Day.
Be aware
Inform yourself about human trafficking.
Be alert
If you see anything that you think might be related to a human trafficking crime, inform the police, or call a local anti-trafficking helpline. Remember, victims can be coerced in many ways. You could come across a victim anywhere, be it at work, traveling, or in your private life. If you are unsure, please err on the side of caution and inform responsible parties rather than ignore a potential victim.
Be responsible
Educate yourself to make your consumer choices and actions more ethical. While some decisions might be clearer than others, you can pledge not to purchase goods and services that could be linked directly or indirectly to sexual exploitation, forced labour or other forms of exploitative practices.
Get involved
Find out what is being done in your community and see what you can do to help end human trafficking. Encourage everyone in your communities – friends, family, business partners, colleagues – to educate themselves about human trafficking.
Be compassionate
By donating to the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking, you can assist survivors of this crime in taking back their lives and rebuilding their futures. The Trust Fund provides vital assistance and protection to the victims of trafficking through specialized organizations across the globe.
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coopsday · 1 year
Roundtable 1 - For people's well-being.
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International Day of Cooperatives 2023 "Cooperatives: Partners for Accelerated Sustainable Development."
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womenindiplomacyday · 5 years
 Two-thirds of the world’s population still live without access to justice.
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An estimated 5 billion people have unmet justice needs globally, including people who cannot obtain justice for everyday problems, people who are excluded from the opportunity the law provides, and people who live in extreme conditions of injustice.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals lay out ambitious targets to guide global and national development policies to 2030, including target 16.3's promise to “ensure equal access to justice for all.” However, as the availability of data on people’s experience of justice grows, it is becoming increasingly clear that the world is not on track to meet this target. The data presented in this report demonstrate that many people face justice problems, and too few get the justice they need. This “justice gap” undermines human development, reinforces the poverty trap, and imposes high societal costs. Closing the justice gap is therefore vital to realizing the broader development agenda and its vision of a “just, equitable, tolerant, open and socially inclusive world in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met.”
The justice gap can be understood as the number of people who have at least one unmet justice need. These are people who are ultimately not getting the justice they need for both everyday problems and severe injustices. The WJP estimates that there are:
1.5 billion people who cannot obtain justice for civil, administrative, or criminal justice problems. These are victims of crime and people with civil and administrative justice needs who may live in contexts with functioning institutions and justice systems, but who face obstacles to resolving their everyday justice issues.
4.5 billion people who are excluded from the opportunities the law provides. These are people who lack legal tools – including identity documents, land or housing tenure, and formal work arrangements – that allow them to protect their assets and access economic opportunities or public services to which they have a right.
253 million people who live in extreme conditions of injustice. This includes people who are stateless, victims of modern slavery, and people who live in fragile states with high levels of insecurity.
When viewed in the aggregate, these figures amount to 5.1 billion people – or approximately two thirds of the world’s population – who face at least one of these justice issues, with many confronted by multiple injustices. While this aggregate estimate certainly demonstrates unacceptable levels of exclusion from justice, the justice gap assessment aims to go beyond this high-level figure and serve as the first step in an effort to better understand the multifaceted and overlapping forms of injustice that people face. 
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Measuring the Justice Gap.
This justice gap underscores the urgency of realizing justice for all and demonstrates unacceptable levels of exclusion from justice. In Measuring the Justice Gap: A People-Centered Assessment of Unmet Justice Needs Around the World, a report produced by the World Justice Project with expert input from the Task Force on Justice, learn about the development process, measurement approach, and progress being made to estimate the scale and impact of the justice gap.   
Read the full report
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wtisd · 1 month
(Part 3) 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Session 4: Interactive dialogue
Session 5: Interactive dialogue
Themes of the Forum
The STI Forum provides important inputs and scientific-technological perspectives to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2024 and its annual review of SDG progress – this year's focus will be on scientific and technological solutions for the following SDGs: 
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere;
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture;
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;
Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; and
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Related Documents
Concept Note Programme
Watch (Part 3) 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals!
The STI Forum brings together a wide range of stakeholders from Member States, UN system, civil society, academia, private sector and various science and technology communities to help harness science, technology and innovation (STI) for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It has become a venue for facilitating the establishment of networks, for improving the science-policy interface, and for promoting development, transfer, and dissemination of technologies for the SDGs.
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Assessing the progress of all 193 United Nations Member States on the SDGs.
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Sustainable Development Report 2023 ''Implementing the SDG Stimulus'' Read the full report
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internationalyouthday · 9 months
Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda at the Local Level.
This Side event will provide a space for an intergenerational exchange reflection aimed at gathering experiences, challenges, and lessons learned in supporting young people's contribution to peace through the advancement of the SDGs.
Side Event at the SDG Action Weekend organized by France, the Dominican Republic, UNFPA, UNHCR, United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY), Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC).
To maximize the 2023 SDG Summit's impact, the Secretary General is convening an SDG Action Weekend, which will generate opportunities for stakeholders, United Nations entities, and Member States to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and set out specific commitments and contributions to drive SDG transformation between now and 2030.
The SDG Action Weekend will consist of the SDG Mobilization Day on Saturday, 16 September, and the SDG Acceleration Day on Sunday, 17 September at UNHQ in New York.
The SDG Action Weekend includes a select number of high-level side-events identified through an open call that concluded in August. They are jointly organized by coalitions of Member States, UN agencies and other international organizations, and global stakeholder networks.
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