#end human trafficking
reality-detective · 6 days
This 👆 has been the real war all along 🤔
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miss-nerd-alert · 1 year
Just left the theater from seeing Sound of Freedom
It’s an intense and emotional watch, which is to be expected given the subject matter, but I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.
The film does a remarkable job of respecting the victims of human trafficking while not shying away from how traumatic their experiences are. At no point in the film do you ever see these children as anything other than that, children. There’s no lingering shots of their bodies, no indication that the audience is meant to find them tantalizing, and absolutely NO DEPICTIONS OF THEM DOING ANYTHING SEXUAL. Not once does this movie ever forget that these are children, or that they have been victimized by those who should know better. Any other studio, any other filmmaker, and the message would’ve been undermined by leaning into the exact kind of thing the movie is supposed to condemn.
You will feel uncomfortable and gross sometimes, but that’s the point, because what’s being done to millions of children and adults every year is disgusting and wrong and it needs to be stopped. You will cry, both for those who’ve escaped such horrible circumstances and those still trapped in them. You will even smile, as you see good people fight to do the right thing even when it’s hard, and see those who’ve been harmed escape their abusers to freedom.
If you have any love in your heart at all for children, I encourage you to see this movie and support those who fight to end human trafficking.
“It were better for him that a mill-stone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” — Luke 17:2
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ijustgotherebro · 7 months
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hellenic-whore · 5 months
Thinking about how many refugees are having their organs trafficked solely because of the effects of US imperialism and colonialism on SWANA countries and many,many others
You all should read the red market by Scott carney
People don't talk about how much refugees and people in similar situations are taken advantage of in ways like this.
Linking to a post I made about this issue earlier as well
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I’m gonna be running a 5k in about an hour. Who wants to bring the fundraiser to the $5k goal while I’m at it?? Almost there!
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kolethecrone · 2 months
I missed land back. 😢
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freedomkustomrides · 1 year
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reality-detective · 1 year
Do You Think It's Out In The Open? Are You Getting The Picture? 🤔
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chrisshields18 · 7 months
Sound of Freedom
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ijustgotherebro · 7 months
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niknak5586 · 1 year
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We are SO CLOSE to hitting $5,000 for OUR. It's been one week! How cool would it be to hit the goal after just one week? Thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting this fundraiser!
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January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month! Discover from AFESIP Cambodia, Agape International Missions (AIM), Alliance 8.7, The Exodus Road, Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW), Love Justice International, and Walk Free how you can help eradicate modern slavery!  
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elevatingearth888 · 1 year
"Shining the Light on Human Trafficking; Your Role in Saving Lifes"
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If you suspect someone is a human trafficking victim, it is crucial to act promptly and responsibly to help them escape from this harrowing situation. First and foremost, ensure your own safety by avoiding any direct confrontation with the suspected trafficker. Instead, discreetly gather as much information as possible about the situation and the individuals involved. If you are in the United States, report your suspicions to the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text "HELP" to 233733 (BEFREE). For other countries, reach out to local law enforcement or a reputable anti-trafficking organization to provide them with the relevant details.
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It's important to approach the situation with sensitivity and empathy, as trafficking victims often face immense fear and distrust. Do not attempt to rescue the victim on your own, as this could endanger both you and them further. Instead, encourage them to seek help by providing information about available resources, such as shelters, counseling services, or legal assistance for victims of human trafficking. Assure them that they are not alone, and there are people who genuinely care about their well-being.
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Additionally, be prepared to offer ongoing support to the victim during their recovery process, as leaving a trafficking situation can be a complex and challenging journey. Cooperate with authorities and organizations that specialize in handling trafficking cases to ensure the victim's safety and access to appropriate care.
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Remember, reporting your suspicions promptly can make a significant difference in someone's life and potentially save them from a life of exploitation and abuse. By taking action, you contribute to the collective effort to combat human trafficking and provide hope and healing to those who need it most.
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freedomkustomrides · 1 year
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reality-detective · 1 year
GOTCHA (Get Off The Couch & Heal America) Project.
Make sure to grab your tickets for the Harley give away on the world’s largest poker run to raise awareness about human trafficking that Dave Graybill is hosting!
Support this event. 🤔
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