#summit of the future
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In September the United Nations’ 79th General Assembly will host the highly-anticipated “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the “Pact of the Future"
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/international-news/the-un-will-sign-the-pact-of-the-future-in-60-days-heres-why-it-matters
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kp777 · 20 hours
By Edward Carver
Common Dreams
Sept. 23, 2024
"This a positive signal... but the real work is in implementation and political leaders must now turn this promise into action."
The world's nations agreed on Sunday to pass the "potentially game-changing" Pact for the Future, drawing praise from climate groups but also warnings that its abstract, generalized reforms must lead to concrete action.
The 56-page United Nations agreement, which deals not just with climate but also such issues as inequality, security, artificial intelligence, and global governance, was passed by consensus at the end of a dramatic weekend summit. It came after nine months of negotiations, with one sticking point being whether a reference to "transitioning away from fossil fuels" would be included—ultimately, it was.
"This a positive signal for the road ahead, but the real work is in implementation and political leaders must now turn this promise into action," Mads Christensen, Greenpeace International's executive director, said in a statement. "Halfway through this critical decade, this pact must actually deliver a future the people want—a safe climate and a future free of fossil fuels."
Romain Ioualalen, global policy manager at Oil Change International, agreed with Christensen's take.
"Today, countries once again put the fight against fossil fuels at the heart of the multilateral response to the climate crisis," Ioualalen said in a statement. "But words are not enough, we need urgent action."
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U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres made similar remarks to close the weekend summit, which preceded this week's high-level U.N. General Assembly talks.
"We are here to bring multilateralism back from the brink," Guterres said. "Now it is our common destiny to walk through it. That demands not just agreement, but action."
The Associated Pressreported that "the pact's fate was in question until the last moment" and "there was so much suspense that Guterres had three prepared speeches, one for approval, one for rejection, and one if things weren't clear," based on comments from a U.N. spokesperson.
Russia intervened to try to "significantly" water down the agreement, the AP reported. Russia sought to add an amendment that said that "the United Nations and its system shall not intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state." It was supported only by a handful of authoritarian regimes, and a 54-country bloc of African nations came out against it, which the AP said was seen as "a blow to Moscow."
The Pact for the Future had been looked upon warily by progressive observers for some time. Friends of the Earth International suggested in a statement earlier this month that it didn't do enough to address the lack of Global South voices in global decision-making, and that the U.N. process was being captured by corporate interests. Gonzalo Berrón of the Transnational Institute said at the time that the pact risked "becoming yet another exercise in maintaining the status quo."
Other critiques also emerged after the agreement was finalized. Annika Silva-Leander of International IDEA wrote that the pact was "critical" but didn't address the "rise of authoritarianism and the global decline in democracy, both of which contribute to global instability."
A preliminary draft of the agreement had failed to include the words "fossil fuels," drawing criticism from observers, but the final version included the one reference to phasing them out.
The specific actions that Ioualalen of Oil Change International called for following the agreement included the adoption of national climate plans—"nationally determined contributions"—that halt fossil fuel expansion and phase out all current production, and the adoption by rich nations of an agreement to send $1 trillion annually in climate finance to the Global South.
"The clock is ticking," Ioualalen said. "It's time to pay up and phase out."
Climate finance will be at the top of the agenda at the COP29 summit in Azerbaijan in November. Advocates were dissatisfied with the progress made at preliminary talks in Bonn, Germany in June.
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worldcitiesday · 5 days
(Part 1) UN Habitat - Pre-Summit World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments.
Convened by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF), the World Assembly will bring together Local and Regional Governments (LRG) leaders with national governments to exchange on their contributions to the "Our Common Agenda" and the outcomes of the SG's Advisory Group on LRG.
Watch (Part 1) UN Habitat: Pre-Summit World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments!
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Summit of the future Global Call.
Global call ahead of the Summit of the Future to discuss the hopes and aspirations for the Pact and the Summit.
The President of the Republic of Namibia, Nangolo Mbumba, and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz, invite Heads of State and Government to join the virtual live event "Summit of the Future Global Call". Speakers will also include António Guterres, UN Secretary-General.
As co-facilitators of the preparatory process, the Permanent Representatives of Namibia and Germany to the United Nations have worked hand in hand with the support of all Delegations and the United Nations to develop the Pact for the Future. Before the Pact is presented for adoption at the Summit of the Future on 22-23 September, the event offers a platform to hear the voices of Member States on the highest political level on their hopes and aspirations for the Pact and the Summit.
Watch the Summit of the Future Global Call!
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educationday · 3 months
EOSG Special event on Transforming Education.
As we approach the two-year anniversary of the Transforming Education Summit (TES), the Secretary-General will convene a Special Event on Transforming Education on 11 July 2024 in collaboration with the President of the General Assembly and the President of ECOSOC.
Objectives: The Special Event on Transforming Education will consider the outcomes of the TES Stocktake and seek to strengthen support for the advancement of education with the UN's overall agenda. In advance of the Summit of the Future in September 2024 and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development and the World Social Summit in 2025, it will place a particular spotlight on two key issues: investing in education and building learning societies.
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Watch the EOSG Special event on Transforming Education!
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amprosite · 8 months
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beescake · 8 months
Did you used to draw Gorillaz fanart? Your style reeks of it
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thisisrealy2kok · 4 months
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Designed by Hideyuki Tanaka
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kathaynesart · 2 years
Hey all, I know some of you might be bummed that Donnie didn’t win the Autism Swag Summit, but honestly, I’m just so proud and impressed that not only did so many turn out to vote but that our boy went head to head with one of the most popular anime characters around and it was STILL such a close call! Be proud Donnie! Goes to show just how much swag you actually have. Plus we’ll have to see how he fares in the Wheel of Doom rounds (it’s not over yet!)
To help cheer up some peeps, here’s a little peek of some of the expressions from the Replica animatic I’m working on. It will probably be my next big update.
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halscafe · 11 months
monarchal summit minor spoilers!
call sweetheart alexander hamilton with how they were in the room where it happened 💀
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[Image Description] A wide black rectangle divided by a multicolored diagonal line made out of five bands, they are pink, yellow, white and blue from left to right. On the left side of the line is Leonardo and on the right side is Melanie King.
Melanie King art by @dysaniadisorder
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On September 22 and 23, the United Nations member states will gather in New York City at the UN headquarters for the historic Summit of the Future with the intention to sign the Pact for the Future.
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/government-corruption/the-summit-of-the-future-is-only-weeks-away-yet-the-public-remains-ignorant
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mochiajclayne · 5 months
"If I die, we both die, Sasuke."
Definitely lots of layers going on to which I interpret as:
Naruto knows he doesn't want to exist in a world without Sasuke. His resolve is clear: he'd bear the burden of Sasuke's hatred and die together with him. He doesn't want to die like a loser but he doesn't want to die as the hero that killed his friend to protect the village, either. This is a blatant rejection of what Hashirama did when he fought against Madara. Naruto chooses Sasuke above all else. If Sasuke dies (literally) and Naruto lives, he would spend the rest of his days devoid of his driving force, even the prospect of becoming hokage doesn't fill the empty space which was originally meant for Sasuke--the one who reached out first and saved him from his own darkness. His bond with Sasuke became exponentially bigger than his worldly dreams.
Sasuke, on the other hand, would fall deeper into darkness. Dealing with loss, heartbreak, grief, misery. As much as he takes action on severing his bond with Naruto, when confronted with the idea, he couldn't handle it to the point that he doesn't want to record the memory of Naruto dying with his Sharingan. He knows how far he'd fall and he could never recover from it--he'd end up powerful enough to conquer all but like how Naruto finds irrelevance in a world without him, he'd spend the rest of his days with a resounding emptiness filled with hollow excuses until it runs out and he'd go mad. Perhaps destroy the world because his one and only died in his hands long ago and nothing else matters, be reckless and die in the process.
And both of them are aware of all of this because they were able to see each other's hearts. They would not function without the other. They're connected by wretched fate but their bond goes beyond the organized shinobi system that enabled their burdens and justified their twisted circumstances. At the end of the day, that bond led them to understand one another and they hope it would influence the same system that failed them in ways more than one.
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worldcitiesday · 5 days
(Part 2) UN Habitat - Pre-Summit World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments.
Convened by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF), the World Assembly will bring together Local and Regional Governments (LRG) leaders with national governments to exchange on their contributions to the "Our Common Agenda" and the outcomes of the SG's Advisory Group on LRG.
Watch (Part 2) UN Habitat: Pre-Summit World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments!
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virtchandmoir · 11 months
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Source: Praire Center
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layalu · 2 months
did the golden ridge b-side! this one was pretty fun actually :]
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