pontedeiconzafelzi · 9 months
Ohhh the hyperfixation is hyperfixationing 😭😭 do i feel an urge to actually post
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aoi-koibee · 7 years
Apparently Caesar ain’t that great in the game but I already poured so much stuff into him :”) he’s hitting harder than my Josuke anyway orz
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brahkest · 9 years
I now have a twitter ya’ll because everyone and their brother says it’s a good thing. I don’t really know how or what to do with it because I’ve maybe read a twitter feed twice but I’mma learn and be the best tweeter master there ever was. WIPs and random game crap I do will be posted there I guess. It’s gonna be like my tumblr basically :D low quality non content and my opinions on bagels.
Find me @Brahkest
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pontedeiconzafelzi · 8 months
you dont understand YOU DONT UNDERSTAND i NEED to see huisoo and mihyun interact properly sooooo bad after they both know they hv powers. Ok sorry i should sit down ive been putting off the last episode because i cant handle finishing this show
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pontedeiconzafelzi · 9 months
Is it just me or if benji luther ilsa and brandt had proper screentime together they wld make such a good team. Not saying that ethan disrupts the dynamic or anything (he's literally what they revolve around) but i feel like they wld be so fun together imagine the banter
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pontedeiconzafelzi · 9 months
Unfortunately the imposter syndrome is always raging
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pontedeiconzafelzi · 10 months
Holy SHIT WHAT was going through ethan mf hunt's mind in mi2 like why the hell is he so slutty pls hv mercy
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brahkest · 9 years
So there’s this stray cat that lives outside my house and his name is Cat Friend. He’s all crusty and old and baggy and he makes weird cat noises. There’s this younger cat down the street that always follows me when I go for a walk and it’s like I’m walking a cat which is pretty rad. So the young cat, to which I call Kit Cat, comes over to my house and Cat Friend is there like, not even intimidated. Kit Cat is like all hissy and standing up and Cat Friend just sort of eyes him down. It’s like some weird cat drama that I don’t understand but the two sort of just stand off at each but they never do anything.
I like to think Cat Friend is an old war veteran who has seen the horrors of every war fought ever and he’s just mumbling old coot nonsense at this young punk kid who makes too much noise.
That was my fruitful night :’D
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brahkest · 9 years
Warning: tons of text, me cursing a lot, and my opinion on stuff. I really need to get this off my chest oh goodness.
I watched a movie the other day. And it gave me feelings. Not good ones mind you, but really uncomfortable ones that made me wonder why other people though the movie was at all pleasant. It was called Monsters and from the title, I thought it would be about monsters. Nope.
After watching it till the end, you realize that the monsters of the movie are these giant brain tentacle things that are actually really sweet and lovely. Goodie. And there’s supposed to be an artistic symbolic meaning that says, they aren’t really monsters and they just want to love each other in harmony. Welp. Thank. However, there was really nothing about the monsters to suggest this since you see them a total of maybe five minutes.
The entirety of the movie is about a journalist helping a woman get out of Mexico because aliens are “attacking” and the two slowly but surely falling in love in the most awkward and chemistry lacking way possible.
The main character, let’s call him Dudeman, is a very horny, very obtuse guy who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone’s safety. He’s sent into to save this girl from the aliens but of course argues, “it’s my big shot to get this big scoop of a story! I need to stay in Mexico and get these aliens on camera!” even though everyone and their brother knows about the aliens already. The aliens have been there long enough for the US to build a big ass wall around the entire Mexican border to keep the aliens out. So, instead of leaving Mexico right then and there, Dudeman and, let’s call the lady Pretzelcake, stay in Mexico because why the hell not. Dudeman also never actually bothers getting his so called big scoop of a story so that’s out the window. I also don’t know why Pretzelcake needs Dudeman’s help to leave Mexico since he can’t even speak the language so half the time he’s just yelling out Spanglish incoherently. 
The two then argue with a man to ferry them out of Mexico via boat and pay 5000 dollars to do so. Instead of preparing for the trip tomorrow, the two get drunk as shit in some downtown district. They go a hotel and Pretzelcake is like, “oh god I’m so dirty, I need a bath” while Dudeman is staring her down. She takes a shower and he calls his kid on the phone being all father-like which I suppose is going to try to excuse his rather shitty behavior in the upcoming scene. Pretzelcake gets out of the shower and tells him to leave so she can get dressed. He proceeds to lie on her bed and lay there for a good solid minute of creepyiness while she once again asks him to leave. He eventually leaves for his own hotel room and that scene overall made me feel very queasy. Oh, he also rants to her for some time about a friend of his who is miserable and his wife left him and people are just meant to break apart for eternity. Are you feeling sexy yet my friends.
This guy, as of now, is still a stranger to her and it really feels wrong that she would trust Dudeman to just stay in her room even as he refused to leave her alone. Not to mention, in the morning when they have to leave for the boat, he’s like “no, no, just stay here with me in this alien infested city. Come on, you’re so great, ahahahha” like wow – Preztelcake states very obviously she’s engaged by the way. One, even though the aliens are still no threat because again, they’re unimportant to the story but still, why would you stay in a place where shit is blowing up and you already made the choice to leave? This guy is also a creep who clearly just wants sex and she literally goes through a scene where she acts like a 12 year old who just kissed her crush and then runs off. She runs off without saying a word, he finds her, she says “go back to your room you have my passport” – for some reason – and of course they miss the freaking boat that they paid 5k for. Oh well I guess. And, Pretzelcake is starting to fall in love with this gem of a man because reasons. I don’t know how I can relate or even feel for these characters because they’re either so bland (Pretzelcake) or just creepy (Dudeman) and everything that goes wrong is their fault.
They eventually get to a forest alone and they travel, somehow surviving what seems like a week’s worth of hiking without any real equipment other some ambiguous backpacks. And there’s a random scene where you find out Pretzelcake needs to take a piss. How they find themselves to safety? I dunno but eventually they find a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Then they randomly fall in love and want to never leave Mexico. The army swoops in and saves them, end of movie.
The message at the end of the movie is very sweet and all but the aliens could have easily been replaced by, I don’t know, rabies infected dogs, and nothing would have changed. The characters are some odd couple of people who shouldn’t even get along because the girl can’t do anything for herself like a helpless sack of potatoes and the guy seems like he should fit the role of a minor villain. Pretzelcake can even speak Spanish but that’s a useful skill for maybe two seconds before Dudeman has to save her ass all the time.They make terrible decisions constantly and it’s really hard to feel sorry for them. The aliens had great, amazing CGI effects but was wasted because, like Godzilla, you saw five minutes of them. The movie would have been better if it wasn’t advertised like an action survival flick about monsters. Now, if it was advertised as a crappy love story set in Mexico with two ditzy people, then maybe my expectations would have been different. Though nothing could have saved the movie from just the depressing, awful dialog and the poor excuses used to force these two characters together. 
I know some people really like the movie and that’s fine. People have opinions but man oh man, this movie just struck out to me personally and not in a good way.
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brahkest · 9 years
Not that anyone really reads the nonsense that I post but for anyone who does, here some random stuff that happened and I really feel like typing today.
I tried cookie butter the other day because Cox and Crendor of the youtubes said it was great and I ate some and jiminy crickets there was no lie.
I gotta go buy more bagels and I really wish Trader Joe’s was closer to my house.
I had a portfolio review and I think I did pretty well? Okay? I have feelings.
I also got a professional massage for the first time and jesus. Why hurt. So much pain. But I felt great after. But oh god it hurt.
I wanted to get the collector’s edition of fallout 4 but it’s sold out so I’m bummed. There is also a suspicious shortage of pokemon merch at gamestop.
Me and my bf are playing Ark Survival Evolved and even though my computer runs like a toaster it’s so good plus dinosaurs. And riding on dinosaurs. And giant ass scorpions goodness me.
I got a compliment from a random person on tumblr and I’m so happy because the last time I got a message like that was never. I think the last message I got was like “butter tits” or something :’D praise ya’ll for tits
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brahkest · 9 years
I just watched Jurassic World last night and it was awesome :D Dino fights, evil guy gets eaten, dino fights, cute raptors (would be cuter with feathers!), more dino fights~
It’s so nice to have a movie where the freaking giant lizard the plot is about gets more than five minutes of screen time *coughgodzillacough* >_>
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brahkest · 9 years
It’s 1 in the morning and I made some Steven Universe fan art while my dog is spasming in the background from dreams.
In other news, three new porn blogs just followed me so hooray I guess. How do ya’ll even find me? I don’t even draw things that are remotely sexy nor do I tag them that way. What magic trickery do you do.
I would like to draw sexy things though. Like women. But they always end up having hooves or lizard faces. Also male thighs. Can’t draw a face to save my life but them thighs tho.
Goodness me.
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brahkest · 9 years
There's this orange cat who's taken up to live on my front porch and he's here so often that even when we roll up in our thirty year old clunking trucks he doesn't even wake up. And he's always waiting by the curb at 1:00 am when I come home from school and work.
I've come to name him Cat Friend and I will show him the ways of science and philosophy.
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brahkest · 10 years
You know that feeling you get in your head from standing up too fast after sitting down for awhile? I'm feeling that right now but in my arm and it's weird.
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brahkest · 10 years
Wonderful news everybody, my concept art club is supposed to be Google chatting with a concept guy who works at Microsoft and we get to draw with him next week :)
What if my tablet fries before we even start, what if my laptop's dead battery decides to crap out, what if I say something stupid like dongs are perfect for doughnut holders, what if I sneeze really hard and die kdsjfsf
Other than that, school is going spiffy and I'm doing hunky dory~
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brahkest · 10 years
I'm thinking of changing my theme but I dunno to what. Anyone know any good themes that aren't too minimalist?
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