lo-sulci · 1 year
tagged by @itshighjuniper to share 5 songs i've been listening to recently!! thank you juni ^u^ i am not including songs that are on the playlist that plays at my work (which I have been listening to ad nauseam but not by choice) or songs from the OSTs of stuff, just because those would probably dominate the list (that said, some of the OSTs I've been listening to lately: Across the Spider-Verse, Revue Starlight, Gatchaman Crowds, fanmade g witch covers). anyways!!
- PRESSURE BOMB 2!!!! by Jhariah: have been listening to a LOT of jhariah lately, super super cool style and I always always always love narrative albums. this song in particular just makes my brain happy and also, like, vibrate aggressively. it's nice!!!! other favorites include ENTER: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH (the opening track off the album A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH), Promises, Needed A Change of Pace, and Flight of the Crows
- Riptide by the Scary Jokes: been a fan of the scary jokes for a whiiiile now, and this has been one of the songs from their newest album that i've been listening to the most (other two favorites from the album probably being Forever In You and Rage). Burn, Pygmalion!!! is still an all timer to me tbh (MEANWHILE ON THE ROOF JEANNIE CONSIDERS THE VASTNESS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE THE DARKNESS OF THE MOUNTAINS-) but I am also enjoying RB and bonus points the cassette looks SICK AS HELL
- Love Me Dead by Ludo: introduced to by way of a podcast and thoroughly wormed its way deep into my brain along with Tick Tick Boom by The Hives, Electric Version by The New Pronographers, and Picture, Picture by Harvey Danger. anywhays, god DAMN that chorus kicks ass. also, the video is pretty fun!!
- Venus Ambassador by Bryan Scary: song that I actually found ages ago and only recently checked out the rest of the album for- it's really good!! i think there's a narrative going on here even if I havent quite figured it out in its entirety but in the meantime gosh the music is good and the vibes are exquisite. other favorites off Flight of the Knife include La Madame on the Moon, Mama Waits, and Son of Stab
- A Better Place, A Better Time by Streetlight Manifesto: Streetlight Manifesto singlehandedly made my opinion of ska as a genre do a 180. one day while cleaning/organizing stuff in my room I decided to listen to, like, almost if not all of their discography, and this one was my favorite. made me cry the first time I listened to it!! anyways, my personal recommendation is to do what I did and listen to the entire Streetlight Manifesto discography just fuxking do it
anyways, tagging @theclairewitch @plaintivemeow @lvnarsapphic @sg-x00-airgetlam @destructix (absolutely no pressure tho yall lol) and, like, anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to do one of these!!
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a-walk-in-silence · 6 years
Summertime Melodies
Pairing: Peter Parker x college!fem!reader
Word Count: 1,478
Summary: Peter and the reader were friends their last year of high school but were split apart when you traveled to California for college. However, since it is summer, you’ve decided to head back home to Queens to surprise her friend in all of the things she’s learned.
Genre: Fluff, fluff, all the fluff.
Warnings: Barely edited so there’s probably a few mistakes, to dang much fluff, musical references ‘cuz I’m a major musical nerd so honestly? I’m sorry but also not so lol
Prompt: “I didn’t know you could sing like that”
A/N: This is for @madmadmilk and her 5k summer celebration writing event! Any criticism is appreciated but only constructive stuff, got it? Got it. Okay, moving on!
Song Links:
All That Matters
Sylvia’s Lullaby
Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
Y/N/N - Your Nickname
After leaving for college, you had to admit, you missed your friends like crazy. Peter and Ned and MJ, even Liz (although you two did have a small quarrel sophomore year over the notorious Peter Parker). However, you were exhilarated to finally get to come home for summer and leave your performing arts college.
Considering how you wanted to keep this trip a surprise, you only told your mother and May Parker. You wanted to make sure that Peter, seeing as how he became your best friend in your senior year of high school, would be completely unaware of the fact that you were coming home. So, to do this, you had to tell Aunt May so that she could make sure to keep him busy throughout the day.
And thus, you were now sitting on a crowded airplane at LAX, ready to take off and head to Queens, armed only with two suitcases and a carry-on bag. Most of your possessions would be staying in Los Angeles, but you made sure you had enough to get you through these next four weeks.
While up in the air, you messaged Peter over Facebook.
Y/N L/N: Peterrrrrrr :(
Peter Parker: Hey Y/N/N, what’s up?
Y/N L/N: Are you sure you can’t come visit me in LA? Your promised :(
Peter Parker: I’m sorry... May and I don’t have the money and I don’t want to ask Mr. Stark to send me all the way to Cali
Y/N L/N: Ughhhhh but you didn’t even show up for my performance! You missed seeing me as Sylvia in Finding Neverland!
Peter Parker: I’m sorry! I tried to make it Y/N/N! I swear!
Peter Parker: But in all fairness, you never sent me that video recording that you promised
Y/N L/N: The files too big! You’ll need to watch it in person, like on my laptop or sth
Y/N L/N: Well, I guess there’s always next performance... so much for a best friend :(
Peter Parker: I’m sorry...
Y/N L/N: Whatever, I gtg so I’ll message you later, ok Spider-Boy?
Peter Parker: Okay, see you later!
Peter Parker: Also stop calling me Spider-Boy! The spider stuff is supposed to be a secret!
You laughed at his last minute remark before you put your phone away and took out your iPod, choosing to listen to music to pass the time until you landed in New York.
Once you were off the plane, your quickly found your mom waiting for you by the luggage claim area. The two of you ran over and hugged each other tightly.
“I’ve missed you my darling angel!” your mother shouted, drawing attention to the two of you. “Look at my little muffin! You’ve grown so much since I’ve seen you!”
“Mom!” you shouted, cheeks burning bright red. You quickly pushed her away before going to collect your luggage. You glanced down at your phone to see that you missed several text messages from Peter’s aunt.
May: I’ve got Peter running errands!
May: When do you land?
May: Where are we meeting again?
May: Are you on the plane? Is that why you’re not answering?
May: Hmm... maybe I should text your mother...
May: Why am I still texting you?
May: So any way, Peter and I are heading out to a restaurant in the Bronx, I’ll text your mom the info!
You rolled your eyes, smiling at how excited May was to have you back home, so much so that she still continued to spam your phone despite the fact that you were clearly on a plane. Deciding it was best to answer her, you did so.
Y/N: Hey! I’m on my way there now! Just gotta grab my luggage and head out!
Before you could even turn the screen off, you got a response from May.
May: Hurry! Peter’s starting to get suspicious of why we’re just sitting at a restaurant, waiting to order
You turned to your mother, who happened to grab your suitcases for you. “Hey, May’s freaking out, we gotta head to that restaurant.”
“Sounds about right. Let’s get going.”
The two of you pulled up to the restaurant. The moment your mother parked, you practically jumped out of the car, barging straight into the restaurant. Your eyes landed on Aunt May who was motioning with her eyes for you to come over. Peter, meanwhile, had his back to you.
You silently walked over to the table, trying your hardest to not make a sound. However, you didn’t pause to think about the fact that Peter had his spidey-senses (as you affectionately referred to them as), which caused him to literally jump out of the booth and turn to look at you.
“Y/N?” His voice was filled with shock as he took you in. Suddenly, you were pulled into his arms in a very tight hug. “You’re here! You’re here! I can’t believe you’re actually- wait!” He pushed you away, suddenly glaring. “You were making me feel bad for not visiting knowing that you would see me! You’re mean!”
You giggled softly, reaching out to ruffle his curly brown curls. However, he leaned away, pouting at you. “Peter, I had to! I couldn’t let you know I was visiting!”
He huffed before sitting down. He motioned for you to join him. “Fine, but I won’t forgive you until I get to see that recording of you performing.”
“Deal.” You smiled brightly at him before joining him in the booth to order food.
“I didn’t know you could sing like that,” Peter said in amazement, watching your performance on his laptop. You giggled, causing him to look up from the screen. “No, I mean it. You sound amazing! Why weren’t you in any of the school plays at Midtown? You would have surely been the lead with those vocals!”
You simply shrugged, pausing the performance so the two of you could talk. “I was shy. It took getting accepted into this crazy school in LA to actually open up about singing in public. And then I was cast as the lead in Finding Neverland and I just... That’s why I wanted you to come visit me, you big ol’ nerd.”
Peter smiled up at you. “You should sing right now.”
His request gave you pause. You never really performed one-on-one unless it was an audition, and even then, auditions usually had a few other people involved. “I’m sorry?”
“Please?” he begged, his brown eyes getting big and his mouth forming a small little pout. “I want to hear you perform in person.”
“What would I even sing?” you asked, watching as his face contorted into his silly little thinking face.
A light bulb must have gone off in his head as he turned his attention back to the computer that had the professional recording of your musical on it. “The song you were just singing. What was it called?”
“Sylvia’s Lullaby? All That Matters? Which one? They do happen back to back, ya know.” Once again, he started thinking, hard. You laughed, causing him to lose concentration. He gave you a questioning stare, causing your cheeks to burn up. “Your face gets all cute when you’re thinking.”
It was now Peter’s turn to turn bright red, his eyes turning away from your face. “Y-You should... u-um... All That Matters. Yep, that sounds... um, pretty good.”
You subconsciously leaned closer to Peter, brushing a curly strand from his face. “Yeah... okay...” you mumbled, watching as he turned to look at you.
Before you knew it, he had a hand cupping your face, rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone. “Hey Y/N?” he asked softly, staring into your eyes.
“Hmm?” you hummed, your eyes never leaving his.
“C-Can I, um... ya know... I just think that maybe, um... maybe we could... kiss?”
You laughed as he stuttered over his words before nodding. “Yeah, I think that would be nice.”
A huge smile broke out over his features before he captured your lips with his own in a sweet and indulgent kiss. However, it was over much to soon for the both of you.
Before he could pull away entirely, you pecked him on the cheek before pulling back completely to start the video again. You cuddled up into his side, smiling up at him. “You know, I’m starting to think coming back for the summer was a smart idea.”
He laughed at you and kissed the top of your head. “You should sing for me.”
“I’ll sing for you every day if that’s what you want.”
He hummed in response before once again focusing his attention on your show that was playing on the laptop. You sighed happily to yourself, imagining all the summertime melodies you would perform for him.
@starksparker @madmadmilk @thedaydreamingwriter
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